Re: Lessons to learn from ithreads (was: threads?)

2010-12-05 Thread Joshua ben Jore
On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 3:46 PM, Tim Bunce wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 03:42:00PM +0200, Leon Timmermans wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 12:32 AM, Ben Goldberg 
  If thread-unsafe subroutines are called, then something like ithreads
  might be used.

 For the love of $DEITY, let's please not repeat ithreads!

 It's worth remembering that ithreads are far superior to the older
 5005threads model, where multiple threads ran with an interpreter.

 It's also worth remembering that real O/S level threads are needed to
 work asynchronously with third-party libraries that would block.
 Database client libraries that don't offer async support are an
 obvious example.

I'm showing up only because I happened to check my Perl 6 inbox. For
various work related reasons, I'd peeked my head into a couple other
language VMs threading implementations. Seems relevant to mention more

- green threads
- single actual process
- scheduling handled by switching to something else after N
opcodes are dispatched
- system() and other blocking system calls are implemented as
non-blocking alternatives
- C extensions must also use non-blocking code and be written
to call back to the scheduling core
- able to share data easily without onerous user-level
synchronization because there's really no such thing as being

ruby-1.9 + python:
- real threads
- global interpreter lock over the core so they're not CPU concurrent
- don't have the story for C extensions
- able to share data easily without onerous user-level
synchronization because there's really no such thing as being

- Java
- real threads
- fully concurrent
- mostly can't use C extensions
- able to share data easily without onerous user-level
synchronization because ... ? Java magic?

Those implementations all do very well for tasks where actual CPU
concurrency isn't needed. A common sweet spot are web services and
other things that divide time over IO waiting. They also do well by
not having to instantiate separable VMs per thread. They also don't
require the user (as in Perl 5) to carefully mark their data as shared
because by default everything is shared (but then they don't have
actual concurrency either).

They do poorly when expected to take advantage of multiple cores. When
using this kind of concurrent software for web services, I've
compensated by just running enough processes to keep my CPUs busy. I
got the advantage of having something that behaved like threads but
was extremely easy to work with. This is very unlike my experience
with Perl 5 threads which I still fear to work with (mostly because I
worry of dangling pointers from difficult to spot miscellaneous magic

Our own threading story could use tricks from the above and include
more than just what you've mentioned.


Re: IO Multiplexing

2010-11-13 Thread Ben Goldberg
On Nov 12, 2:21 pm, (Stefan O'Rear) wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 05:47:46PM -0800, Ben Goldberg wrote:
  I would like to know, is perl6 going to have something like select
  (with arguments created by fileno/vec), or something like IO::Select
  (with which the user doesn't need to know about the implementation,
  which happens to be done with fileno/vec/select), or only an event

 I will be unhappy if Perl 6 doesn't provide all three.  However, the
 spec in question doesn't really exist.  The IO synopsis is garbage
 and should be deleted and rewritten from scratch by someone who knows
 what they're talking about.

  I would recommend that there NOT be any sort of fileno exposed to the
  user, unless he goes out of the way to get it -- any function (in
  particular, posix functions) should simply take a perl filehandle, and
  that function in turn would pull out the fileno (or fail
  appropriately, if the filehandle doesn't have a fileno).  If users
  want to know if filehandles correspond to the same underlying file,
  then there could be a method -- perhaps $fh.uses_same_desciptor($fh2),
  or somesuch.

 This goes without saying.  One caveat - it should be possible to pass
 integer file descriptors.

For functions in the posix module, sure; but for everywhere else, if
user wants to pass integer file descriptors to a function which is
an IO object, maybe not.  But it should be easy (maybe even trivial)
to create a new IO object from an integer file descriptor.

  If there's a select() builtin (and I'd much rather that there not be
  -- it should be hidden away in a class, like perl5's IO::Select), I'd
  very much hope that it would take and return Sets of filehandles, not
  vec packed strings.  I'd prefer there not be one[**]

 Absolutely not.  TIMTOWDI.  There will be a select() function (in
 the POSIX module, not the default namespace!), and it will take
 parameters as close as possible to POSIX.1's definition.  Perl without
 system calls is not Perl.

 I'm totally fine with discouraging casual use, though, which is why
 it shouldn't be in the default namespace.

+1 :)

  If there's something like perl5's IO::Select, it should be able to
  just work regardless of whether the perl filehandles are sockets,
  regular files, or user-created pure-perl filehandles (which might
  never block, or which might use one or more normal filehandles
  internally, which in turn might potentially block).  This is what I'd

 That is a good doctoral thesis topic.

Require that IO objects provide a uniform interface by means of which
multiplexer object can determine blockability.

Any user-defined IO handle which doesn't wait on external events will
block, and it can say so.

A user defined IO handle which waits on a built in IO handle can say
handle it will need to wait upon, and what operation it will need to
wait for.

A user defined IO handle which waits for a signal can say what signal
is waiting for.

A user defined IO handle which waits for a condition variable can say
variable it's waiting on, and what kind of state change it's looking

Given the complexity of looking for other things (in particular, IPC
doesn't use streams), the simple solution is to require that they
write a
class for it, and have that class (internally) create a kernel thread
will block on the desired IPC, and write a byte to a pipe... this
the perl level IO handle to say to the multiplexer that it's waiting
the read end of that pipe.  This is roughly the same technique that we
would use to safely detect signals.

  Lastly, if perl6 has an efficient enough built-in event loop, and
  sufficiently lightweight coroutines (or maybe I should say fibers?),
  then we might not need to have any kind of explicit multiplexing.

 TIMTOWDI.  Perl without system calls is not Perl.

Yeah, but if it's more efficient to not directly use those
system calls, then what's the point of having them?

  For example, any time user code does a read operation on a handle that
  isn't (from the user code's point of view) in nonblocking mode, the
  filehandle implementation would tell the the event loop to yield to it
  when the handle becomes readable, then it would yield to the event
  loop, then (once it gets back control) read from the handle.[*]

 This is why S16 is junk - too much blue-sky thinking, not enough
 pragmatism and practical experience.

S16 has almost nothing in it about actual IO (it does talk about how
STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR, and ARGV will be replaced with $*IN, $*OUT,
$*ERR, and $*ARGFILES, and how they will be dynamically overrideable).

Did you mean to say S32::IO?

While S32::IO describes what methods and roles IO objects will have/
the only thing it says about multiplexing is that both of perl5's
operators will disappear.

It's fairly obvious that select() / select(EXPR) will be replaced with
dynamically overrideable

IO Multiplexing

2010-11-12 Thread Ben Goldberg
I would like to know, is perl6 going to have something like select
(with arguments created by fileno/vec), or something like IO::Select
(with which the user doesn't need to know about the implementation,
which happens to be done with fileno/vec/select), or only an event

I would recommend that there NOT be any sort of fileno exposed to the
user, unless he goes out of the way to get it -- any function (in
particular, posix functions) should simply take a perl filehandle, and
that function in turn would pull out the fileno (or fail
appropriately, if the filehandle doesn't have a fileno).  If users
want to know if filehandles correspond to the same underlying file,
then there could be a method -- perhaps $fh.uses_same_desciptor($fh2),
or somesuch.

If there's a select() builtin (and I'd much rather that there not be
-- it should be hidden away in a class, like perl5's IO::Select), I'd
very much hope that it would take and return Sets of filehandles, not
vec packed strings.  I'd prefer there not be one[**]

If there's something like perl5's IO::Select, it should be able to
just work regardless of whether the perl filehandles are sockets,
regular files, or user-created pure-perl filehandles (which might
never block, or which might use one or more normal filehandles
internally, which in turn might potentially block).  This is what I'd

Lastly, if perl6 has an efficient enough built-in event loop, and
sufficiently lightweight coroutines (or maybe I should say fibers?),
then we might not need to have any kind of explicit multiplexing.

For example, any time user code does a read operation on a handle that
isn't (from the user code's point of view) in nonblocking mode, the
filehandle implementation would tell the the event loop to yield to it
when the handle becomes readable, then it would yield to the event
loop, then (once it gets back control) read from the handle.[*]

This provides lots of convenience, but it would resemble Java IO
before the NIO -- except with one fiber per handle instead of one
thread per handle.  Coroutines/green threads/fibers are much lighter
weight than real threads, but often aren't as fast as a well-written
select() loop specially written for the user's task.

Thus, I'd hope for perl6 to have an IO::Select, and automatically-
yielding [*] blocking IO, and not have a select() builtin.  [**]

[*] This is a simplification:
A) If a user explicitly marks a filehandle as not yielding to other
coroutines, it would do a blocking read (or whatever) instead of going
through the event loop rigmarole.
B) If perl6 was compiled with an asynchronous IO library (or is on
windows and is not using stdio and has (Read|Write)FileEX support),
then it might start the Async IO operation, tell the event loop to
wake it when the operation completes, then yield to the event loop.
C) Depending on circumstances, it *may* be more efficient to have the
event loop itself do the reading or other IO itself, and schedule the
fibers for which the IO was done, than to have the fibers do the IO.
TMTOWTDI.  This would be especially important if perl is compiled with
async IO -- the event loop might first wait for the fds to be readable/
etc, *then* start the async IO for those fds, then schedule the fibers
for which the performed IO has completed, thus minimizing the number
of outstanding async io operations.

[**] The main reason I'd prefer that perl6 not have a select() builtin
is that every time it's called perl would need to convert user-level
Sets of filehandles into the underlying implementations' versions of
them (fd_sets on unixy, fd_sets and/or an event queue handle on
windows), and then back to perl Set objects, and free up the
implementation version of the filehandle set... this is inefficient.

A well written IO::Select-like object could create (potentially empty)
versions of the OS's set of filehandles when it's created, add to that
set as needed, and NOT destroy that implementation-specific set until
the IO::Select object itself is destroyed.  Perl5's IO::Select does
this with the packed bitsets that it creates to pas to select.  It
could do improve it's efficiency by using fd_sets instead of
bitstrings, and not use the perl select(), but the C select(2)

Better still would be epoll.  In this case, avoiding repeated setup
makes an object multiplexer model enormously more efficient than
something like select().

Similarly, on windows, if we WSAEventSelect or WSAAsyncSelect to
create readability/ writability/ etc events for IO operations we want
to wait on, and [WSA]WaitForMultipleEvents as the blocking operation,
then having an object multiplexer (which keeps events between one call
to the next) is far better than a simple subroutine (which needs to
cancel those events after it blocks and before it returns).

Re: Tweaking junctions

2010-10-25 Thread Ben Goldberg
On Oct 22, 6:41 pm, (Damian Conway) wrote:
 Dave Whipp wrote:
  When this issue has been raised in the past, the response has been that
  junctions are not really intended to be useful outside of the narrow purpose
  for which they were introduced.

 Hmm. There are intentions, and then there are intentions. I know
 what I intended when I invented the original idea, and it wasn't just the 
 purpose for which they were added to Perl 6. :-)

  Problem 2 could be solved by defining a new (and public!)
  C.eigenstates method in the Junction class. [...]

  I think that you're proposed solution is a bit too specific:

 That's because I didn't explain Part B of my nefarious plan! namely
 that, if you'd only give me proper eigenstates, I'd give you an even
 nicer alternative.

 I actually think that the meta doesn't belong on the operator at all
 (though I have no problem with that idea in itself).

 Instead, I think the meta should be placed on the data (which, of
 course, is what any(), all(), one(), and none() already do).

 So I'm going to go on to propose that we create a fifth class of
 Junction: the transjunction, with corresponding keyword Cevery.

I'm probably missing something, but wouldn't it have been easier to
write that module by using eval STRING to create all of those infix

Start with a list of the names of the operators, generate a string
containing all four argument variations for each operator, then eval

Lazy Strings and Regexes

2010-10-25 Thread Ben Goldberg
I know that perl6 has / will have lazy strings, since (in
S32::Containers) the List role defines a cat method, which returns a
Cat object, which does the Str interface, but generates the string

First, are Cat objects documented anywhere else?

Secondly, if a regular expression match is done on a lazy string, is
that lazy string turned into a normal string?

If we can efficiently match against a lazy string, and if this doesn't
turn the lazy string into a (large) normal string, then the best way
to process a file might be something similar to:
   my $fh = open ... err die;
   my $contents = cat($fh.lines);
, followed by matching on $contents.

Better still would be to provide a way for filehandles to be directly
asked to produce a lazy Str which reflects the file.


2010-10-12 Thread Ben Goldberg
Has there been any decision yet over what model(s) of threads perl6
will support?

Will they be POSIX-like? ithread-like? green-thread-like?

It is my hope that more than one model will be supported... something
that would allow the most lightweight threads possible to be used
where possible, and ithread-like behavior for backwards compatibility,
and perhaps something in-between where the lightest threads won't
work, but ithreads are too slow.

If perl6 can statically (at compile time) analyse subroutines and
methods and determine if they're reentrant, then it could
automatically use the lightest weight threads when it knows that the
entry sub won't have side effects or alter global data.

If an otherwise-reentrant subroutine calls other subs which have been
labelled by their authors as thread-safe, then that top subroutine can
also be assumed to be thread-safe.  This would be when the
intermediate weight threads might be used.

If thread-unsafe subroutines are called, then something like ithreads
might be used.

To allow the programmer to force perl6 to use lighter threads than it
would choose by static analysis, he should be able to declare methods,
subs, and blocks to be reentrant or threads safe, even if they don't
look that way to the compiler.  Of course, he would be doing so at his
own risk, but he should be allowed to do it (maybe with a warning).

Re: cb8c84: [S06] s/tail-recursion/recursion/

2010-10-12 Thread Ben
On Oct 6, 1:28 pm, wrote:
 Branch: refs/heads/master

 Commit: cb8c8487fa0ab7156fecffdc8a52bf75d4290c1b
 Author: Carl Masak
 Date:   2010-10-06 (Wed, 06 Oct 2010)

 Changed paths:
   M S06-routines.pod

 Log Message:
 [S06] s/tail-recursion/recursion/

 Because you can use ?ROUTINE calls in a non-tail position (and execution
 still carries on afterwards), it's really just normal recursion.

Shouldn't that also apply to ?BLOCK, too?

Re: unusual invocants

2009-10-22 Thread Ben Morrow
Quoth (TSa (Thomas =?utf-8?q?Sandla=C3=9F?=)):
 Here is a direct syntax for the freeze feature of the paper:
   class C does T1 does T2
   freeze T1::x for foo;
   freeze T2::x for bar;
   method x {...} # for all other methods
 The implementation is strait forward: on entry to foo and bar
 the dispatch table of the invocant is temporarily patched to
 contain the right x. After the call the original is restored.

Isn't this just sugar for something like

class C does T1 does T2
method foo {
my $tmp = self but role { 
method x { return self.T1::x }
return $;

method x { ... }

(Excuse me if I have any syntactic details wrong.)

The most important detail here is that the *class* gets to pick which
imported methods need to be wrapped. Most of the time you want a method
x in the class to be called from a method foo in the role: that's the

What this doesn't fix is that some other code (outside the class) will
be expecting C::x to have T1::x semantics, and some will be expecting it
to have T2::x semantics. If these are contradictory, there is no way to
write an x which works. That's where the 'hats' idea comes in, so you
could write something like

class C does T1 does T2
method T1::x { ... }
method T2::x { ... }

and have callers that thought they were getting a T1 call the
appropriate override. However, there's still a problem with callers that
know they have a C: which method do they get?

AFAICS the only real solution to this is something like COM, where you
say 'I would like to talk to this object as though it were a T1 now'.
Might it be possible to use the type system to make this less painful
than it usually is?


Re: Embedded comments: two proposed solutions to the comment-whole-lines problem

2009-08-11 Thread Ben Morrow
Quoth (Mark J. Reed):
 I still like the double-bracket idea. I don't much mind the extra
 character; 5 characters total still beats the 7 of HTML/XML.

I much prefer double-bracket to double-#: double-# gets caught out when
you do s/^/# on code which already includes line-starting # comments.

However, I would much rather see a general syntax like

(# ... )
{# ... }
[# ... ]

with no whitespace allowed between the opening bracket and the #: this
doesn't seem to conflict with anything. Allowing # ...  in rules would
also be nice.


Re: Clarification of S04 closure traits

2009-08-11 Thread Ben Morrow
Sorry for the delay in replying, but I was busy with other things and I
wanted to give other people a chance to reply. Since noone has, might it
be possible to get the attached patches committed? I'm not familiar with
the protocol for such things so, again, I'm sorry if I've got it wrong.


--- S04-control.pod.orig	2009-08-11 08:43:36.0 +0100
+++ S04-control.pod	2009-08-11 09:03:42.0 +0100
@@ -1232,6 +1232,21 @@
 before CBEGIN, CCHECK, or CINIT, since those are done at compile or
 process initialization time).
+If an exception is thrown through a block without a CCATCH block, the
+CLEAVE, CUNDO and CPOST blocks will be run at that point, with
+C$! set to the in-flight exception.  If there is no in-flight
+exception when these blocks are run, C$! will be Cundef.  The last
+exception caught in the outer block is available as C OUTER::$! ,
+as usual. 
+An exception thrown from an CENTER block will abort the CENTER
+queue, but one thrown from a CLEAVE block will not.  The exceptions
+thrown by failing CPRE and CPOST blocks cannot be caught by a
+CCATCH in the same block, which implies that CPOST blocks are not
+run if a CPRE block fails.  If a CPOST fails while an exception is in
+flight the CPOST failure doesn't replace C$! but goes straight into
 For blocks such as CKEEP and CPOST that are run when exiting a
 scope normally, the return value (if any) from that scope is available
 as the current topic.  (It is presented as a CCapture object.)
Index: S04-closure-traits/enter-leave.t
--- S04-closure-traits/enter-leave.t	(revision 27955)
+++ S04-closure-traits/enter-leave.t	(working copy)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 use Test;
-plan 11;
+plan 19;
 # LS04/Closure traits/ENTER at every block entry time
 # LS04/Closure traits/LEAVE at every block exit time
@@ -92,4 +92,92 @@
 }), 1, 'leave triggers LEAVE {}';
+my $str;
+try {
+ENTER { $str ~= '(' }
+LEAVE { $str ~= ')' }
+$str ~= 'x';
+die 'foo';
+is $str, '(x)', 'die calls LEAVE blocks';
+my $str;
+try {
+LEAVE { $str ~= $! // 'undef' }
+die 'foo';
+is $str, 'foo', '$! set in LEAVE if exception thrown';
+my $str;
+LEAVE { $str ~= (defined $! ? 'yes' : 'no') }
+try { die 'foo' }
+$str ~= (defined $! ? 'aye' : 'nay');
+is $str, 'ayeno', '$! not set in LEAVE if exception not thrown';
+my $str;
+try {
+$str ~= '(';
+try {
+ENTER { die 'foo' }
+$str ~= 'x';
+$str ~= ')';
+is $str, '()', 'die in ENTER caught by try';
+my $str;
+try {
+$str ~= '(';
+try {
+LEAVE { die 'foo' }
+$str ~= 'x';
+$str ~= ')';
+is $str, '(x)', 'die in LEAVE caught by try';
+my $str;
+try {
+$str ~= '(';
+try {
+ENTER { $str ~= '['; die 'foo' }
+LEAVE { $str ~= ']' }
+$str ~= 'x';
+$str ~= ')';
+is $str, '([])', 'die in ENTER calls LEAVE';
+my $str;
+try {
+ENTER { $str ~= '1'; die 'foo' }
+ENTER { $str ~= '2' }
+is $str, '1', 'die aborts ENTER queue';
+my $str;
+try {
+LEAVE { $str ~= '1' }
+LEAVE { $str ~= '2'; die 'foo' }
+is $str, '21', 'die doesn\'t abort LEAVE queue';
 # vim: ft=perl6
Index: S04-closure-traits/pre-post.t
--- S04-closure-traits/pre-post.t	(revision 27955)
+++ S04-closure-traits/pre-post.t	(working copy)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 # TODO: 
 #  * Multiple inheritance + PRE/POST blocks
-plan 18;
+plan 25;
 sub foo(Num $i) {
 PRE {
@@ -125,4 +125,82 @@
 lives_ok { $pt.test(2) }, 'POST receives return value as $_ (succeess)';
 dies_ok  { $pt.test(1) }, 'POST receives return value as $_ (failure)';
+my $str;
+PRE  { $str ~= '('; 1 }
+POST { $str ~= ')'; 1 }
+$str ~= 'x';
+is $str, '(x)', 'PRE and POST run on ordinary blocks';
+my $str;
+POST  { $str ~= ')'; 1 }
+LEAVE { $str ~= ']' }
+ENTER { $str ~= '[' }
+PRE   { $str ~= '('; 1 }
+$str ~= 'x';
+is $str, '([x])', 'PRE/POST run outside ENTER/LEAVE';
+my $str;
+try {
+PRE { $str ~= '('; 0 }
+PRE { $str ~= '*'; 1 }
+ENTER   { $str ~= '[' }
+$str ~= 'x';
+LEAVE   { $str ~= ']' }
+POST{ $str ~= ')'; 1 }
+is $str, '(', 'failing PRE runs nothing else';
+my $str;
+try {
+POST  { $str ~= 'x'; 0 }
+LEAVE { $str ~= 'y' }
+POST  { $str ~= 'z'; 1

Re: Embedded comments: two proposed solutions to the comment-whole-lines problem

2009-08-11 Thread Ben Morrow
At  6PM +0200 on 11/08/09 you (Moritz Lenz) wrote:
 Ben Morrow wrote:
  However, I would much rather see a general syntax like
  (# ... )
  {# ... }
  [# ... ]
  with no whitespace allowed between the opening bracket and the #: this
  doesn't seem to conflict with anything. Allowing # ...  in rules would
  also be nice.
 That severely violates the principle of least surprise. To me [#...]
 looks like an array ref which contains a comment, which is *not* what
 you propose (I think).

No, it wasn't. The idea was modelled after TT2's [%# ... %] syntax, and
other languages that mark comments just inside the delimiters.

 It also feels like a step backwards. In Perl 6 we try to make things
 clear from the beginning, not only from the second char on. Regex
 modifiers at the, anybody? or (?#...) as comments in regexes in Perl 5?
 In all other cases of quote like constructs are the semantics are
 explicit first (think of Q, qx, m, , «), the delimiter comes later.
 Changing that all of a sudden seems very unintuitive and wrong.

This appears to be leading to a :comment modifier on quotables, with
some suitable shortcut. Perhaps 'q#'? Or are we not allowed mixed alpha
and symbols? 


(I really want to suggest £, just to teach USAnians '#' isn't called
'pound'... :) )

Re: Clarification of S04 closure traits

2009-07-28 Thread Ben Morrow

Moritz Lenz wrote:

Ben Morrow wrote:

- Presumably when an exception is thrown through a block, the LEAVE and
  POST queues are called (in that order).

POST was inspired from the Design By Contract department, and are meant
to execute assertions on the result. If you leave a block through an
exception you don't have a result, so I don't think running a POST block
makes sense.

OK, if POST is only for asserting on the return value that would make 
sense. But I thought POST was also supposed to be able to assert that 
global state had been left as it should, in which case it should be run 
even on exceptional exit? I'm not sure how any given POST block is 
supposed to distinguish between an ordinary undef return and an 
exception, though, to avoid checking the return value. Some sort of 
guarantee that $! is undef in a POST block unless an exception is 
currently being thrown might be helpful, but I'm not sure how that 
interacts with the Perl 6 exception model as a whole.

I'm not sure about running LEAVE blocks either, because that's what
CATCH blocks are for.

LEAVE blocks I am certain *should* be run, no matter how the block is 
exitted (well, unless a PRE fails: see below). They are equivalent to 
'finally' blocks in other languages, and AIUI they are for cleanup: 
closing files, tearing down database connections and the like.

What if a PRE block fails: is
  the POST queue on the same block called? (Do you have to satisfy your
  post-conditions even if your pre-conditions failed?)

I'd say that if a PRE block fails, nothing else is run (neither LEAVE
nor POST nor ...)

I agree that none of ENTER, LEAVE or the main body of the block should 
be run. However, if a POST block is asserting, say, that a global holds 
a valid value, shouldn't that still be checked even if your 
preconditions failed? I admit I haven't read much about DBC.

- If a POST block is called as a result of a thrown exception, and it
  fails, which exception 'wins'?

Question obsoleted by previous answer ;-)

...maybe :).

- Can a try block catch an exception thrown from its own ENTER or LEAVE


OK. What about PRE/POST? It seems wrong somehow to be able to catch 
failure of your own pre-/post-conditions: they are meant for the caller 
to catch. Does that seem right?


Clarification of S04 closure traits

2009-07-26 Thread Ben Morrow
I'm iworking on a patch for Perl 5 that implements the Perl 6 closure
traits (ENTER/LEAVE/...) as special blocks. There are several details
that aren't clear to me from either S04 or the spec tests; I apologize
if these have been discussed before, as I haven't been following p6l.
I'm also not subscribed, so if people could keep me in the CC that would
be appreciated.

- Presumably when an exception is thrown through a block, the LEAVE and
  POST queues are called (in that order). What if a PRE block fails: is
  the POST queue on the same block called? (Do you have to satisfy your
  post-conditions even if your pre-conditions failed?)

- If a POST block is called as a result of a thrown exception, and it
  fails, which exception 'wins'?

- Presumably if an ENTER block dies, the rest of that ENTER queue is
  abandoned. Does that also apply to the LEAVE queue? What should

LEAVE { say leave1 }
LEAVE { say leave2; die foo; }

  print? Similarly POST: once one post-condition has failed, are
  subsequent post-conditions checked?

- Can a try block catch an exception thrown from its own ENTER or LEAVE
  queue? For example in this case:

try {

try {
ENTER { die foo }
CATCH { default { say caught inside } }

CATCH { default { say caught outside } }

  which CATCH block gets the exception? What about PRE/POST: can you
  CATCH failure of your own pre-/post-conditions?

- Does it make any difference in any of the above if 'die' is replaced
  by 'exit'?


Re: [RFC] CPAN6 requirements analysis

2009-05-29 Thread Ben Bennett
On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 10:02:20PM +1000, Timothy S. Nelson wrote:
 On Fri, 29 May 2009, Mark Overmeer wrote:
 IMO, that discussion should go in the direction of additional services:
 the CPAN archive distributes what authors publish.  The install tools
 ( make that code fit in specific operating
 systems. As a service, other people can publish the results of their
 specific module installation via package-managers to the world, such
 that those people can use they platform native software management
 tools.  Just like is an independent additional service
 on the CPAN archive.

   Are you arguing here for eg. a yum/apt/whatever repository on Pause6?

I believe he is arguing that whatever we end up doing needs to make it
easy for an external package-manager to find out what files
is going to install, and where, and what the dependencies were (both
Perl and system libraries).  So that the various distributions can
make native packages from perl packages automatically (or at least as
close to automatically as possible, it gets a little uglier when
external libraries are involved).

So if there is program foo that is written in Perl that Fedora wants to
distribute, they want to be able to list the dependencies when they
make the package for foo.  If foo requires a few packages, then they
just want to say that and then when foo is installed, pull in those
packages and any that those depend on, including any non-perl ones
that are needed by the perl packages.


Re: Fatal/autodie exception hierarchies for Perl 5

2008-06-08 Thread Joshua ben Jore
On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 7:31 PM, Paul Fenwick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Currently, when testing exceptions from autodie, we can use:

given ($@) {
when (undef)   { say No errors here }
when ('open')  { say Open died }
when (':file') { say Some sort of file error }
when (':io')   { say Some other error }
when (':CORE') { say Some other CORE error }
when (':USER') { say A non-CORE error }
when (':all')  { say Any autodie exception at all. }
default{ say Not an autodie exception. }

If you're going to write that into some documentation, I wish you'd
make default say that it's exception suicide.

given( my $_ = $@ ) {
default { say '$@ committed suicide' }

Semi-recently at work I found that a few buggy exception objects in
the global $@ were clearing themselves out of $@ as a side effect of
examining them for truth. It's quite annoying and mysterious when it


Re: Smooth or Chunky?

2007-01-24 Thread Ben Morrow

Quoth [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Larry Wall):
 I should also mention I did (briefly) consider the null reduce
 [] zip(1,2;3,4)
 to mean slap [] around each element, but it runs into ambiguity with
 the existing [] form indicating an empty list.

Would using [[]] instead work? This is (at least to me) nicely visually
indicative of 'build a list of lists'. It is a little punctuation-heavy,
of course; though we could always allow \x{27E6}\x{27E7} as an
alternative :).


   Although few may originate a policy, we are all able to judge it.
   Pericles of Athens, c.430 B.C.

Re: renaming grep to where

2006-09-20 Thread Ben Morrow

 On Tue, Sep 19, 2006 at 04:38:38PM +0200, Thomas Wittek wrote:
  Jonathan Lang schrieb:
   IMHO, syntax should be left alone until a compelling reason to change
   it is found.  While I think it would be nice to have a more intuitive
   name for grep
  What would be the disadvantage of renaming it to a more intuitive name?
  I can only see advantages.
 Lost culture perhaps.  There's a long strong tradition of the term
 grep in perl and it would be a shame to toss that away without some
 serious thought.

I would second that strongly. Perl6 is already different enough from
Perl5 for good reasons; making it different for bad reasons seems to me
a really bad idea.

If this sort of change is on the cards, then for consistency a serious
effort should be made to remove *all* Unixisms from Perl (unlink, flock,
fork, and all the signal stuff spring to mind; a case could be made for
the filetest ops as well). I think that that level of culture- and
history-loss would be a real shame; I can see however that others may
think it more important to make Perl more platform-agnostic in
character as well as in implementation.


'Deserve [death]? I daresay he did. Many live that deserve death. And some die
that deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal
out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.'

Re: === and array-refs

2006-08-17 Thread Ben Morrow

Quoth [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark J. Reed):
 On 8/17/06, David Green [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  $a=[1, 2, [EMAIL PROTECTED];
  $c=[1, 2, [EMAIL PROTECTED];
  $d=[1, 2, [EMAIL PROTECTED];
  So $a, $c, and $d may all have the same *value*
  (or snapshot, when evaluated all the way down
  through nesting and references), i.e. they might
  be eqv, but only $a and $c are === because they
  have the same contents [unevaluated contents]
  and $d doesn't.
 In this case, it seems like [===] @$a, @$c would do what you want,
 yes?  It would return true, while [===] @$a,@$d would return false...

 In the general case - well, I think the thread demonstrates that it's
 hard to define a general case for what you want to do.   Based on your
 example, I assumed you wanted one-level dereferencing, regardless of
 the contents. But it sounds like what you want is infinite
 dereferencing as long as the referent is anonymous,  and no
 dereferencing if the referent is a named variable?

Surely that's a meaningless distinction? A named variable can become
anonymous if its name goes out of scope; an anon can be bound to a name.

Just to make sure I've got all this straight:

=:= compares names
=== compares containers
eqv compares values

So given an array @W, 

my @X := @W;# @X =:= @W
my @Y =  @W;# @Y === @W but @Y !=:= @W
my @Z =  @W.clone;  # @Z eqv @W but @Z !=== @W

? This seems like a useful set of distinctions to me...



  The cosmos, at best, is like a rubbish heap scattered at random.