Re: [perl6/specs] a7cfe0: [S32] backtraces overhaul

2011-08-24 Thread Mark J. Reed
  That kind of consistency is not much better than inconsistency in terms of
usability, IMO.  I'd much prefer a purely lexical convention that doesn't
rely on how you assign parts of speech or define a single word that has a
hyphen in it.

Given that we allow hyphens in identifiers, I'd personally like to see them
used everywhere, for all identifiers defined at the p6 level.  Lower-level
names that are just called from p6 are of course another matter.

I could also see substituting underscores for hypens in all-caps names for
ease of typing (at least, that'd be easier on US keyboards).

On Tuesday, August 23, 2011, Parrot Raiser wrote:
 S19 uses hyphens for all of perl6's long-form command-line flags.

 Command-line flags and methods are separate sets. Hyphens would be the
 norm for flags.

 In S28, we find $*EXECUTABLE_NAME and %*META-ARGS listed
 within 10 lines of each other.

 S32-setting-library_IO.pod and S32-setting-library_Numeric.pod each have
 public multi-word method names with hyphens.

 In both cases, hyphens are linking qualifying adjectives to nouns,
 while hyphens separate distinct words.  One could argue that is not

 On 8/23/11, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 05:36:27PM +0200, Damian Conway wrote:
 And I'd like there to be a more consistent approach than that
 (though I don't really care what it actually is).

 +1 to consistency.


Mark J. Reed

Re: [perl6/specs] a7cfe0: [S32] backtraces overhaul

2011-08-23 Thread Mark J. Reed
I always think of the questions game in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
(Lenzmoritz and Damienstern?) instead of Whose Line?.
15-love, Conway!

On Tuesday, August 23, 2011, wrote:
 No... LOL

 I was making reference to another Whose Line game, (as Damian was with the
all questions thing)... And the hyphen thing. :)

 Philippe R. Beauchamp
 Secure Channel | Bell Business Markets
 Associate Director - Application Services
 Phone:   613-781-8953

 - Original Message -
 From: Richard Hainsworth []
 Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 06:28 AM
 Subject: Re: [perl6/specs] a7cfe0: [S32] backtraces overhaul

 If you're asking for an explanation of the humour, then it's easy. There
 is no word play or a significant reference to a program only available
 to a special audience.

 Seems to me that when Damian got to the end of his email he noticed that
 each sentence ended in a '?'

 That's not usual. Most emails contain assertions and questions.

 The humour is really when he appended a ? to his own name. Was he
 really questioning what he was called?


 On 08/23/2011 02:19 PM, wrote:
 Help us always-explains-the-joke-man!!...

 Philippe R. Beauchamp
 Secure Channel | Bell Business Markets
 Associate Director - Application Services
 Phone:   613-781-8953

 - Original Message -
 From: Moritz Lenz []
 Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 04:56 AM
 Subject: Re: [perl6/specs] a7cfe0: [S32] backtraces overhaul

 Am 23.08.2011 10:46, schrieb Damian Conway:
 It's a trivial point, but why hidden_from_backtrace instead of
 hidden-from-backtrace? Especially given that the associated
 method is is-hidden, not is_hidden?
 The current stance seems to be that low-level things are spelled with
 underscores, while we reserve the minus character for user-space code.
 Try grepping the specs for identifiers of built-ins that have a minus in
 it -- I didn't find any in a quick search.

 And why is this entire message written in questions?
 Is it? I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean.

 maybe it's a charset problem on your machine, or something.


Mark J. Reed

Re: Encapsulating the contents of container types

2011-08-21 Thread Mark J. Reed
The whole point of objects is to encapsulate state, accepting messages
which operate and report on that state.  Making a new object every
time the state changes sort of defeats the purpose; I certainly
wouldn't call it object orientation done right.

Total immutability is very powerful, but it's not the way Perl 6 is
designed, and would represent a radical departure in that design.

However, I do think that we need selective immutability.  I firmly
agree in principle that readonly all the way down should just work,
without the programmer having to jump through hoops to make defensive
copies. Of course, the plumbing to make that happen strikes me as
likely to be complex and therefore fragile.

On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 12:00 AM, Darren Duncan wrote:
 Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

 On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 04:41:08PM -0700, Darren Duncan wrote:

 I believe the general solution to this problem is to make all
 objects immutable, with the only exception being explicit
 references, and so mutating an object isn't an option; rather you
 have to derive a new object.

 Values of all types should be immutable, even if that type is
 Array or whatever, and only Variables should be mutable.

 To make sure I understand correctly, you're essentially
 saying that @a.push(3) should not modify @a directly -- someone
 would have to write something like

     @a = @a.push(3)  # or @a .= push(3)

 And to do a shift, one would have to do something like
   ($value, @a) = @a;
 since @a.shift would be unable to mutate the array.  (I'm not exactly sure
 what pop would look like.)

 Is that correct?

 Yes, that's what I'm saying.

 And we've already been making moves in that direction.

 As I recall, regular expression substitutions were already changed to work
 that way, returning the modified string rather than modifying the argument,
 so there is precedent.

 Moreover, thanks to meta-operators, one can typically get a mutating variant
 of any otherwise non-mutating operator very tersely with just a single added
 = character.

 This aids learnability as there's a relatively simple mnemonic, where nearly
 any given operator foo is non-mutating, but by adding an = to it you get a
 mutating variant, so people can look for the = to know if it would mutate.
 The comparison ops are the rare exception to the rule.

 -- Darren Duncan

Mark J. Reed

Recursive lazy lists?

2011-07-30 Thread Mark J. Reed
Sorry if this has come up before and I missed it, but I just came across
this Haskell function to convert from Gray code back to normal binary (as
lists of 1s and 0s; full code at

gray2bin [] = []
gray2bin (x:xs) = bin
  where bin = x : zipWith
xor2 xs bin

Notice how the definition of 'bin' is recursive.  Does Perl6's variety of
laziness support this sort of definition?
It's not an infinite list; zipWith stops zipping as soon as either list is
empty.  But the self-reference in the definition means it still has to be
computed lazily.

Mark J. Reed

Re: Recursive lazy lists?

2011-07-30 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 6:02 PM, Bruce Gray wrote:

 Yes, Perl 6 does support laziness in this sort of definition, via run-time

Very cool. Thanks!

 Here is a quick conversion of the Haskell solution into Perl 6; its output
 (when run in Rakudo) exactly matches the output of my iterative Perl 6

 our multi sub infix:xor2 ( $x, $y ) { ( $x + $y ) % 2 };

Why did you need to define this yourself instead of just using +^ ?

Mark J. Reed

Re: exponentiation of Duration's

2010-11-17 Thread Mark J. Reed
I'm not convinced that the type system shouldn't be helping with
dimensional analysis, but at least it shouldn't hurt.  By all means,
let the programmer raise a Duration to a power - but the type of the
result should not also be Duration.  In the absence of automatic
dimension tracking, just return a plain number.

On Wednesday, November 17, 2010, Moritz Lenz wrote:
 Am 17.11.2010 14:02, schrieb Oha:

 On 11/17/2010 01:46 PM, Moritz Lenz wrote:

 Just as a data point, in physics duration squared does exist.

 On the other hand, i can see why an Instant can't be used as a linear
 value: it does not have a clear origin (or zero value).

 That's correct, and the reason that nobody argued for changing Instant so far.

 Therefore the multiplication of two Instant may results in different
 results based on where you place the zero, unless you first convert
 the Instant in a Duration (e.g. seconds since 1 jan 1970)

 Right. And therefore having to do the conversion explicitly is a good thing 
 -- you immediately see which epoch was used.


Mark J. Reed

Re: base-4 literals

2010-11-16 Thread Mark J. Reed
 : Darren ():
 : While I haven't seen any prior art on this, I'm thinking that it would be
 : nice for a sense of completeness or parity to have an 0a syntax specific 
 : base-4 that complements the 4 that we have now for bases 2,8,16,10.
 : You're joking, right?
 : No, its a serious idea, just not so conventional. -- Darren Duncan

 The lack of base 4 numbers in Real Life seems to me to justify the
 convention.  Do you have a use case?

My reaction parallels that of Carl and Larry.  Isn't the :4222
syntax sufficient? Unless you're manipulating a lot of bitstreams in
pairwise increments, I don't see the point.  Orthogonality for its own
sake is not very Perlish...

Mark J. Reed

Re: Ruby Fibers (was: threads?)

2010-11-07 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 10:22 AM, B. Estrade wrote:
 Pardon my ignorance, but are continuations the same thing as
 co-routines, or is it more primitive than that?

Continuations are not the same thing as coroutines, although they can
be used to implement coroutines - in fact, continuations can be used
to implement any sort of flow control whatsoever, because they are a
way of generalizing flow control.  Goto's, function calls, coroutines,
setjmp/longjmp, loops, exception throwing and catching - these and
more can all be regarded as special cases of continuation

A continuation is just a snapshot of a point in a program's run, which
can then be 'called' later to return control to that point.  The
entire execution context is preserved, so you can call the same
continuation multiple times, re-enter a function that has already
returned, etc.   But state changes are not undone, so the program can
still behave differently after the continuation is called.

Mark J. Reed

Re: Ruby Fibers (was: threads?)

2010-10-15 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 7:42 AM, Leon Timmermans wrote:
 Continuations and fibers are incredibly useful and should be easy to
 implement on parrot/rakudo but they aren't really concurrency. They're
 a solution to a different problem.

I would argue that concurrency isn't a problem to solve; it's one form
of solution to the problem of maximizing efficiency.
Continuations/fibers and asynchronous event loops are  different
solutions to the same problem.

Mark J. Reed

Re: not using get/set (was Re: [perl6/specs] 4d77c0: ...)

2010-09-29 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 8:44 PM, Darren Duncan wrote:
 I would argue that naming accessors get/set is a bad idea, set in
 particular, because set would easily evoke thoughts of having something to
 do with set collection types and values.

That's a valid point . . .

 But regardless of whatever else you do, set for this purpose has got to

That's a much stronger statement, and I can't say I agree.  The verb
set is so common in this context that it's practically de rigeur.
Java, JavaScript, Lisp, Python, POSIX, all have get/set pairs
(getFoo/setFoo, getf/setf, __getattr__/__setattr__, getenv/setenv).
Other languages use set in this way without a corresponding get (csh,
VB, Postscript).  Attribute accessors in general are very commonly
called getters and setters, no matter what the actual name or syntax
happens to be.

You can certainly argue that set is confusing because of the data
type, but I don't think you can make a convincing case that it's so
bad it needs to be rejected out of hand.  There's too much evidence to
the contrary.

But it's not universal, and there are alternatives.   Of the ones you
mentioned, I would also probably pick update in the general case.
But if we're talking about implementing attribute assignments,
assign might be more logical.

Of alternatives you didn't mention, I like put - as pithy as get
and set, with plenty of corresponding history (SmallTalk, POSIX,

Mark J. Reed

Re: Smart match isn't on Bool

2010-08-02 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 6:02 PM, Jonathan Worthington wrote:
 No, given-when is smart-matching. The RHS of a smart-match decides what
 happens. If you do True ~~ 1 then that's 1.ACCEPTS(True) which is going to
 do +True and thus match.

OK, but what about 0 ~~ True?  That's what started this thread,
extricated from the complicating trappings of given/when.  Right now,
(anything ~~ True) is true, and IMHO that's a misfeature; it's at
least surprising.  I'd expect (anything ~~ True) to be synonymous with
?(anything): true only if the LHS boolifies to true. By the same
token, (anything ~~ False) would be synonymous with !?(anything).

I don't think the capability to use an arbitrary
block/sub/method/boolean as a when condition should trump the
intuitiveness of smartmatching.   Instead of overloading the
smartmatch, I think we need a different way of specifying a condition
that isn't meant to be compared to the topic, and so doesn't invoke
smartmatching at all: it's just evaluated in Boolean context as-is.  I
like the suggestion of whenever for that; it has the no matter
what sense that goes with ignoring the topic.


Mark J. Reed

Array membership test?

2010-07-29 Thread Mark J. Reed
Possibly a FAQ, but is there a simple way of asking if an item is
contained in an array?  I know of $x ~~ any(@array) and @array.grep({
$_ ~~ $x}), but those both seem a bit complicated for a conceptually
simple test, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something.  In other
langs there's a keyword [item in array] or specific method
[array.include? item] or function [in_array($item, $array)]...

Mark J. Reed

Re: Array membership test?

2010-07-29 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 7:52 PM, Jonathan Worthington wrote:
 Note that grep doesn't have to take a closure, but can also take just the
 value you're looking for...

 my @x = 1,2,3; say ?...@x.grep(2); say ?...@x.grep(4);

Hm.  could have sworn I'd tried that and it didn't work.

 Though more efficient would be:

 my @x = 1,2,3; say ?...@x.first(2); say ?...@x.first(4);

Ah, perfect.  Thanks!

 I still prefer the junction way though. :-)

I love junctions, but it feels like overkill to use them for this. :)

Mark J. Reed

Re: Suggested magic for a .. b

2010-07-28 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Wednesday, July 28, 2010, Jon Lang wrote:
 Keep it simple, folks!  There are enough corner cases in Perl 6 as
 things stand; we don't need to be introducing more of them if we can
 help it.

Can I get an Amen?  Amen!

Mark J. Reed

Re: Suggested magic for a .. b

2010-07-28 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Chris Fields wrote:
 On Jul 28, 2010, at 1:27 PM, Mark J. Reed wrote:
 Can I get an Amen?  Amen!
 Mark J. Reed

 +1.  I'm agnostic ;

Militant?  :)  ( )

Nothing inherently religious about amen (or me), but I'll accept
+1 as synonymous.   :)

Mark J. Reed

Re: series operator issues

2010-07-23 Thread Mark J. Reed
If we expected Perl6 to be able to recognize these series and continue
them based on nothing but the first few elements, that would be a
dwimmy OEIS.  (And an OEIS module that did that by consulting the real
OEIS would be cool, outside of core.)  But that's not what this is
about.  This is just wanting to be able to write the ones that have
simple mathematical expressions (closed or not) using simple Perl 6
expressions with the series operator.

On Friday, July 23, 2010, Brandon S Allbery KF8NH wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 On 7/22/10 11:18 , Jon Lang wrote:
 Second, I'm trying to think of a simple and intuitive way to write up
 a series expression for:

    triangle numbers: 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, etc.
    square numbers: 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, etc.
    factorials: 1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, etc.

 I don't think anyone seriously expects the series operator to be a dwimmy 
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Darwin)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Mark J. Reed

Re: Radix (base) conversion

2010-07-23 Thread Mark J. Reed
No, 42/13 is 42 over 13, which is 3 + 3/13.  Let's not confuse
fractions and bases, please.

:13(42) means 54.  That much is straightforward.

:13(6*9) is less obvious, but seems to mean (1) multiply 6*9,  (2)
convert the resulting number to a (decimal) string; (3) interpret that
string in base 13.  Hence :13(54) or decimal 69.

Either way, AIUI, the radix is only used to control the interpretation
of the literal.  The result is just a number, which doesn't know
that it was entered in base 13.  It's just a value, without any
inherent notion of a particular radix.

Or at least I thought that was the case, but in current Rakudo I
notice that :13(54) is a Num while 69 is an Int.

Mark J. Reed

Re: Suggested magic for a .. b

2010-07-21 Thread Mark J. Reed
Ok, I find that surprising (and counter to current Rakudo behavior),
but thanks for the correction, and sorry about the misinformation.

On Wednesday, July 21, 2010, Larry Wall wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 11:53:27PM -0400, Mark J. Reed wrote:
 : In particular, consider that pi ~~ 0..4 is true,
 :  because pi is within the range; but pi ~~ 0...4 is false, because pi
 : is not one of the generated elements.

 Small point here, it's not because pi is fractional: 3 ~~ 0...4 is
 also false because 3 !eqv (0,1,2,3,4).  There is no implicit any()
 on a smartmatch list pattern as there is in Perl 5.  In Perl 6 the
 pattern 0..4 may only match a list with the same 5 elements in the
 same order.


Mark J. Reed

Re: Suggested magic for a .. b

2010-07-21 Thread Mark J. Reed
Strike the counter to current Rakudo behavior bit; Rakudo is
behaving as specified in this instance.  I must have been

On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 7:33 AM, Mark J. Reed wrote:
 Ok, I find that surprising (and counter to current Rakudo behavior),
 but thanks for the correction, and sorry about the misinformation.

 On Wednesday, July 21, 2010, Larry Wall wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 11:53:27PM -0400, Mark J. Reed wrote:
 : In particular, consider that pi ~~ 0..4 is true,
 :  because pi is within the range; but pi ~~ 0...4 is false, because pi
 : is not one of the generated elements.

 Small point here, it's not because pi is fractional: 3 ~~ 0...4 is
 also false because 3 !eqv (0,1,2,3,4).  There is no implicit any()
 on a smartmatch list pattern as there is in Perl 5.  In Perl 6 the
 pattern 0..4 may only match a list with the same 5 elements in the
 same order.


 Mark J. Reed

Mark J. Reed

Re: Suggested magic for a .. b

2010-07-21 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 3:55 PM, Darren Duncan wrote:
 Larry Wall wrote:

 On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 11:53:27PM -0400, Mark J. Reed wrote:
 : In particular, consider that pi ~~ 0..4 is true,
 :  because pi is within the range; but pi ~~ 0...4 is false, because pi
 : is not one of the generated elements.

 Small point here, it's not because pi is fractional: 3 ~~ 0...4 is
 also false because 3 !eqv (0,1,2,3,4).  There is no implicit any()
 on a smartmatch list pattern as there is in Perl 5.  In Perl 6 the
 pattern 0..4 may only match a list with the same 5 elements in the
 same order.

 For some reason I thought smart match in Perl 6, when presented with some
 collection on the right-hand side, would test if the value on the left-hand
 side was contained in the collection.

That was my thought as well.

 Similarly, since a range represents a set of all values between 2 endpoints,
 I might have thought this would be reasonable:

  3 ~~ 1..5  # TRUE

AIUI, that is indeed correct.  Ranges smartmatch by testing for
inclusion in the range.  But collections don't smartmatch by testing
for inclusion in the collection.  Which was probably the subject of a
thread I missed somewhere...

For series, I think the canonical solution is to use any().

Mark J. Reed

Re: r31776 -[S32/Temporal] Make DateTime immutable.

2010-07-20 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 5:51 PM, wrote:
 +CDateTime objects are immutables.

I think just the adjective works better here (are immutable)... but
more to the point:

 +A CDateTime can also be created by modifying an existing object:

It's mildly confusing to say they're immutable and then turn around
and talk about modifying them.   How about just saying that A new
CDateTime can also be based on an existing CDateTime object: ?

Mark J. Reed

Re: r31777 -[S32/Temporal] Reverted DateTime back to being mutable. I think we ought to make a big change like this only after reaching some kind of consensus to do so, not least because I just impl

2010-07-20 Thread Mark J. Reed
 @@ -246,8 +268,6 @@
     $d + 3                      #'2010-12-27')
     3  + $d                     #'2010-12-27')

 -As temporal objects are immutable, += -= ... do not work.
  =head1 Additions

  Please post errors and feedback to Cperl6-language. If you are making

Mark J. Reed

Re: Suggested magic for a .. b

2010-07-20 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 12:04 AM, Jon Lang wrote:
 Mark J. Reed wrote:
 Perhaps the syllabic kana could be the integer analogs, and what you
 get when you iterate over the range using ..., while the modifier kana
 would not be generated by the series  ア ... ヴ but would be considered
 in the range  ア .. ヴ?  I wouldn't object to such script-specific
 behavior, though perhaps it doesn't belong in core.

 As I understand it, it wouldn't need to be script-specific behavior;
 just behavior that's aware of Unicode properties.

That wouldn't help in this case.  For example, U+30A1 KATAKANA SMALL
LETTER A - the small modifier variety of letter under discussion -
is not a modifier in the Unicode sense.  It has exactly the same
properties as U+30A2 KATAKANA LETTER A, an actual syllable:


So without script-specific special-case code, there's no way to
distinguish them.  As Aaron said, they're treated like lowercase, but
that's not an accurate representation of how they're used in actual
text, or of the common idea of what constitutes the set of kana.

Mark J. Reed

Re: r31696 -[S32/Temporal] Permit day-of-month on Dates.

2010-07-15 Thread Mark J. Reed
By analogy, I'd say week-of-year should work as well.

On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 8:18 AM, wrote:
 Author: Kodi
 Date: 2010-07-15 14:18:15 +0200 (Thu, 15 Jul 2010)
 New Revision: 31696

 [S32/Temporal] Permit day-of-month on Dates.

 Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/Temporal.pod
 --- docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/Temporal.pod    2010-07-15 12:12:31 
 UTC (rev 31695)
 +++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/Temporal.pod    2010-07-15 12:18:15 
 UTC (rev 31696)
 @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@

     Created: 19 Mar 2009

 -    Last Modified: 14 Jul 2010
 -    Version: 13
 +    Last Modified: 15 Jul 2010
 +    Version: 14

  The document is a draft.

 @@ -246,6 +246,7 @@
 +    day-of-month

Mark J. Reed

Re: r31696 -[S32/Temporal] Permit day-of-month on Dates.

2010-07-15 Thread Mark J. Reed
 I was just proposing an alias for week it that clarifies what it is
the week *of*.  The rest of what you ask is already established in

1.  week returns the week number in the ISO 8601 week calendar.  You
can find the spec by Googling, but in summary:
   a. weeks begin on Monday
   b. weeks are numbered 1 to 52 or 53
   c. week 1 is the first week containing at least four days of the
new calendar year

2. week-year returns the year number, based on boundaries defined by
the above principle.  For instance, week 1 of this year began on
January 4th, 2010, so on January 3rd, 2010, week-year would still
return 2009.

These are the same values returned by the %V and %G strftime(3)
conversion specifications, e.g. date +%GW%V on Unixlike systems.

 By analogy, I'd say week-of-year should work as well.

 Oof, is there a generally accepted for numbering weeks within a year?
 A month's boundaries' always coincides with a day's boundary, but a
 year only occasionally begins/ends on a week boundary. Come to think
 of it, there isn't even consensus on what day of the week constitutes
 a week start, even if Perl 6 has chosen a convention.

 On the other hand, I won't complain about a week-of-year with a good
 definition of how it handles weeks 0/1, 52/53. End user can choose to
 use it or not. And I'm not too anxious to open up the whole calendar
 choice can of worms.

Mark J. Reed

Re: r31696 -[S32/Temporal] Permit day-of-month on Dates.

2010-07-15 Thread Mark J. Reed
More importantly, it's already in the spec!  All I proposed was an
alias to an existing attribute name.  If it gets dropped out of core,
that's fine, too.  But I'd like to see the longer name available, in
whatever module it shows up in...

On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 5:36 PM, yary wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 2:13 PM, Brandon S Allbery KF8NH wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 On 7/15/10 12:21 , Mark J. Reed wrote:
 By analogy, I'd say week-of-year should work as well.

 Wasn't the week stuff punted to a non-core module because there are too many
 differences in how it's handled (week starts on Sunday in the US and Israel
 and Monday elsewhere, differing notions of what first week of the year
 means, etc.)

 I had the same thought but as Mark pointed out, there is an ISO
 standard for numbering weeks within a year, which is also implemented
 by Unix-y systems. So that portion is defensible.


Mark J. Reed

Re: The obligation of free stuff: Google Storage

2010-06-10 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Thursday, June 10, 2010, Leon Timmermans wrote:
 I agree it should be similar to normal FS interactoin to make matters
 as intuitive as possible, but I horrified by the idea of overloading
 open() that way

But open is already overloaded in p5, with pipes etc.  We don't want
to repeat the mistakes of the past, and the fact that open(FH, $foo)
could run an arbitrary shell command was arguably a mistake, but
transparent access to storage where possible  is the way to go.

We can provide a way to limit the behavior when you want - a pragma,
option to open(), or just sticking file:// in front of a value to
force its interpretation as a plain pathname - but even then, who
knows what Fuse filesystem might be mounted and doing strange things
with your innocuous-looking file access?  I'd rather have that
flexibility directly supported in the language.

Of course, different types of storage have different features; there's
no completely unified interface.  But to the extent that a cloud disk
system or document database functions as a collection of data blobs
accessed by a pathlike key, enabling the standard filesystem access
pattern for it (in addition to whatever specific functionality it
needs) makes sense, IMHO.


Mark J. Reed

Re: r30742 -[Spec] :() is now always signature. Use foofix:[...] as the general op form

2010-05-21 Thread Mark J. Reed

 Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S03-operators.pod


--- docs/Perl6/Spec/S03-operators.pod   2010-05-21 06:55:13 UTC (rev 30741)

+++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S03-operators.pod   2010-05-21 07:15:36 UTC (rev 30742)

@@ -2540,7 +2540,7 @@

=item *

 C -  becomes C., like the rest of the world uses.  There is

-a pseudo C postfix:('-')  operator that produces a compile-time

+a pseudo C postfix:['-']  operator that produces a compile-time

error reminding Perl 5 users to use dot instead.  (The pointy block

use of C -  in Perl 5 requires preceding whitespace when the arrow


Shouldn't that read in Perl 6?

Mark J. Reed

Re: Proposal for a new Temporal time-measurement paradigm

2010-04-24 Thread Mark J. Reed
Absolutely ridiculous.  The Gregorian calendar is in universal use for
civil purposes and definitely belongs in the core.

On Saturday, April 24, 2010, Darren Duncan wrote:
 I want to clarify that I currently believe that the Perl 6 core should only 
 include temporal roles and *no* temporal classes.  So the Perl 6 core could 
 provide, say, 3 roles, Instant, Duration, and Calendar (or use some other 
 name for the last one).  It would also provide now(), sleep(), and calendar() 
 routines that have signatures of Instant, Duration, and Calendar, 
 respectively, without necessarily being more specific.

 And so, what now() returns would then be entirely implementation-defined; all 
 Perl 6 guarantees is that now() would return some object that does Instant 
 but not what class that object is nor what any of its capabilities are.  Each 
 Perl 6 implementation would be responsible for bundling at least one non-core 
 module of its own choice that provides a class for each of the 3 core roles, 
 such that now() can return something on that system.  Or alternately, now() 
 doesn't actually have to work at all, say if this Perl is to run say on some 
 embedded system all of whose programs don't need a clock, in which case no 
 implementing classes are bundled.

 The Calendar role would be the role composed by values that you get from 
 introspecting the return value of now() so that you know in a more generic 
 sense what that Instant-doing object is capable of.  You could consult 
 calendar() to introspect what classes now() and sleep() use and know about 
 how to interpret them.

 All details specific to any calendar, including Gregorian, including concepts 
 like seconds or hours or days, should be left out of the core and be provided 
 by separate modules.  Said modules can be self-contained, just say using 
 Perl's ordinary numeric and string types for internal representation, and 
 Perl's single core now() routine they can use to determine the current 
 datetime, and the module can introspect its result or calendar() and figure 
 out how to map that to the internal representation or API it wants to use, as 
 well as figure out the proper way to invoke sleep().

 -- Darren Duncan

 Darren Duncan wrote:

 Jon Lang wrote:

 We _should_ define a default calendar, which is the one that Perl
 uses when returning values from now(), etc.  That is, Perl 6.0.0
 should define the Instant and Duration roles as you outlined above,
 plus a set of classes that implement those roles according to the
 Gregorian calendar system.  If you want to replace that with another
 calendar system in your implementation of Perl, the language already
 has the means of allowing you to do so (e.g., replacing now with a
 variant that returns a different type of Instant).

 I am more on the fence in regards to default implementations of the roles.

 But I think that all the messy details of particular calendars, such as 
 Gregorian leap seconds and timezones etc, should not be bundled with Perl, 
 and be separate, where users can upgrade them separately independent of Perl 
 as the measurements and political declarations come in.

 I still suggest just letting Perl itself be minimalist as far as providing 
 classes go, just say have a class representing a Unix et al timestamp that 
 directly corresponds to the implementation's time system, which differs per 
 OS, plus a means for a program to ask what the current OS's calendar is, and 
 then let separately distributed DateTime et al modules examine this and take 
 care of all the mapping.

 For example, Perl 6 should include the analogy of Perl 5's time but not an 
 analogy to gmtime or localtime; implementing the latter should be left 
 exclusively to separate modules.

 This fits in with a Perl philosophy of mainly sticking to being grammar and 
 letting CPAN/etc be the language, especially where complexity comes in.

 It also means that temporal modules can be bundled with Perl, but that is a 
 choice made by the Perl packagers, not the Perl core, same as deciding what 
 templating or networking or database or whatever modules to bundle.

Mark J. Reed

Re: r30425 - docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library

2010-04-21 Thread Mark J. Reed
Ok, so no fixed epoch, and arithmetic on Dates operates in integral days.

It would be handy to have some predefined constants for some common epochs,
like JD, MJD, JD, etc.  Those don't necessarily need to be in core for
6.0.0, though.  Maybe  a separate Date::Epochs module?  Examples:

const $JD0=, 11, 25) ; # or,1,1) ?
const $MJD0 = $JD0 + 2_400_000;
const $RD0   =,12,31);

(Those are assuming a continuous numeric range for years, with 0 = 1 BCE, -1
= 2 BCE, etc. Haven't double-checked the spec, but IIRC that's how it's

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 4:54 AM, wrote:

 Author: moritz
 Date: 2010-04-21 10:54:00 +0200 (Wed, 21 Apr 2010)
 New Revision: 30425

 [S32::Temporal] remove .daycount method - use $date - $start_of_epoch to
 obtain a day count starting from a fix epoch

Mark J. Reed

Re: Methodicals: A better way to monkey type

2010-04-21 Thread Mark J. Reed
.  First, it is possible to treat methodicals as ordinary
   (monkey typing under the hood), but with generated names; the true name
   bound to the program name only within the correct scope.  If possible,
   methods should be treated as anonymous, accessible only though an
   object.  Care must be taken to prevent incorrect exposure of private
  fields and
   Alternatively, a methodical can be desugared to a multi sub with the
   as the methodical itself, changing statically named method calls into
  calls to
   the methodical.  This gives reflection invisibility and privacy for
   may require more work to get the multi call semantics exactly right.
   Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)

Mark J. Reed

Re: Proposal for a new Temporal time-measurement paradigm

2010-04-21 Thread Mark J. Reed
I recommend not to open this up for 6.0.0 core.  Calendar conversion
is easy to do in a module, and the Date class has an absolute day
count, which is really all you need everything for an intermediate
representation.   It wouldn't be hard to port Calendrica, for

Also, the difference between the secular and religious calendars in
Russia is not fixed.  It's currently 13 days, but only since 1900,
before which it was 12 days, and after 2100 it will be 14 days.
Calendar conversion can be tricky - which is another reason to leave
it out of core.  IMO.

On Wednesday, April 21, 2010, Matthew wrote:
 I whole-heartedly agree that we need to make a system independent of any sort 
 of time measurement system. I think the conclusion reached on IRC was that 
 most of the world uses or is at least familiar with the Gregorian system.

 Now, I can't help but think how we would define an Instant. The best 
 (reasonable) choice is something like TAI or Unix Epoch (I could argue that 
 seconds are not independent, but don't trust me; I'd suggest tapping into the 
 cosmic timeline :) ). I also hope there aren't going to be any leap Instants. 
 (the filter should take care of leaping, after all the calendar has an issue 
 with leaping.)

 If there isn't a standard defining how many seconds are in a year (i.e. as 
 defined by TAI or the metric system or some other international standard), I 
 propose it'd be about 365.25 Gregorian days (although I'd much prefer an 
 international standard to my Indo-European ways :) ).

 Overall, I think you have a great idea. As long as the filters are 
 implemented simply, I think it will prove to be the best option.

 Don't Panic!

Mark J. Reed

Re: r30398 - docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library

2010-04-20 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 10:59 AM, Dave Rolsky wrote:

 I'd _really_ like to see this be based on Rata Die, which is January 1,
 0001. See

To be clear, that's specifically January 1, 1 CE in the retrojected
Gregorian calendar, which is the same day as January 1, 3 CE in the
retrojected Julian calendar; noon UTC began Julian Day 1,721,426.

You could also use the JD directly, but there's a subtle design decision
lurking there. The JD is tied to UTC, and refers to a specific 24-hour
period that is the same across the planet: JD 2,455,307 began 4 hours and 45
minutes ago as I write this, and will be over in 19 hours and 15 minutes,
and that is a universal fact no matter whether it's currently Tuesday the
20th or already Wednesday the 21st where you are.   An RD, in contrast, is
not tied to a specific time zone, but is simply a numerical way to represent
exactly the same concept as the date: whatever the Gregorian date April 20,
2010 means, RD 733,882 means the same thing.  So on some parts of the
planet its RD 733,882 and in others it's already RD 733,883.

The RD is thus a better fit for the Date class, which is a representation of
an abstract date, unanchored in spacetime.  An integral JD number may be
used to fit the same bill, but opens the possibility of confusion with the
more typical anchored JD values (which might even be available from DateTime

The difference between them, or with any other epoch choice, is mostly just
a matter of a constant which can be added or subtracted as needed, and to
the degree that's true this is just bikeshed painting.   But the part that
isn't is important:

I don't want to dilute what I see as the primary benefit of a Date object
over a DateTime object that simply has its time fields zeroed, which is
flexibility.  The latter is still by implication tied to a specific swath of
spacetime (e.g. midnight to midnight in some time zone), whereas the former
is free to refer to whatever the human date designation can.

Mark J. Reed

r30398 - docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library

2010-04-16 Thread Mark J. Reed
I would only add that I think the DateTime constructor should accept a
Date object:

my $bday = new, 5, 5);
my $specifically =$bday), :hour(20), :minute(47));

or at least, Date should have a method that returns it's value as
pairs suitable for passing to

On Friday, April 16, 2010, wrote:
 Author: moritz
 Date: 2010-04-16 22:40:37 +0200 (Fri, 16 Apr 2010)
 New Revision: 30398

 [S32/Temporal] spec Date type

 This is heavily inspired by Date::Simple on CPAN, and mostly implemented
 at as an external module, that currently works
 fine with Rakudo (but is really compiler agnostic).

 Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/Temporal.pod
 --- docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/Temporal.pod    2010-04-16 15:47:23 
 UTC (rev 30397)
 +++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/Temporal.pod    2010-04-16 20:40:37 
 UTC (rev 30398)
 @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@

      Carl Mäsak
      Martin Berends
 +    Moritz Lenz
      (and others named in FOOTNOTE at bottom)

  =head1 VERSION
 @@ -74,6 +75,11 @@
  This has the same effect as doing'day'); see
  'Set methods' below.

 +Or if you want to extract the date as a CDate object (see below),
 +you can use simple type coercion:
 +    my $today = $datetime.Date;
  General dates can be specified through the Cnew constructor:

      my $moonlanding = :year(1969), :month(7), :day(16),
 @@ -195,6 +201,62 @@
  Monday of the week in which it occurs, and the time components are all
  set to 0.

 +=head1 Date
 +CDate objects represent a day without a time component, and allow easier
 +manipulation by assuming that integers always mean days.
 +Days, Months and days of week are 1-based.
 +=head2 Constructors
 +;               # today's date
 +'2010-12-24');     # -MM-DD format
 +, :month(12), :day(24));
 +, 12, 24);
 +The constructors die with a helpful error message if month or day are out of
 +=head2 Accessors
 +The following accessors are pretty obvious, and are defined by example only.
 +See the test suite for more formal definitions.
 +    my $d ='2010-12-24');
 +    $d.year             # 2010
 +    $d.month            # 12
 +    $              # 24
 +    $      # 5     # Friday
 +    $     # Bool::False
 +    $d.days-in-month    # 31
 +    $d.Str              # '2010-12-24'
 +=head2 Arithmetics
 +    $d.succ                     #'2010-12-25')
 +    $d.pred                     #'2010-12-23')
 +    $d -'1984-03-02') # 9793      # (difference in days)
 +    $d - 42                     #'2010-11-12')
 +    $d + 3                      #'2010-12-27')
 +    3  + $d                     #'2010-12-27')
 +=head2 Semi-internal methods
 +[This section is severely conjectural]
 +For efficient implementation of arithmetics on CDate objects, two more
 +methods are exposed:
 +    $d.daycount
 + $daycount)
 +The Cdaycount method returns the difference of number of days between the
 +current object and an arbitrary start of epoch. This epoch is arbitrary and
 +implementation dependent, and is even allowed to change between invocations 
 +the same program. The Cnew-from-daycount constructor creates a new CDate
 +object with a given daycount.
  =head1 Additions

  Please post errors and feedback to Cperl6-language. If you are making

Mark J. Reed

Re: r30398 - docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library

2010-04-16 Thread Mark J. Reed

On Friday, April 16, 2010, Mark J. Reed wrote:
 or at least, Date should have a method that returns it's value as
 pairs suitable for passing to

Obviously that should be its value.  Thank you, iPhone, for thinking
you know better than I how to punctuate. :)

Mark J. Reed

Re: Temporal.pod truncate

2010-04-13 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 12:35 PM, John Williams wrote:

 Asking for the latest prior Sunday or any other weekday is a useful
 function, but it doesn't really have anything to do with 'truncation'.

 Asking for the first of the month is truncating to an even more arbitrary
 interval than a seven-day period, but we still call it truncation somehow.\

The size of the unit (and that size's variability) wasn't my point; it's
that the unit is part of the fundamental identity of the date. A date is not
a day; it's a particular name for a day.  So when you truncate it, what you
are removing precision from is the name.  If the end result doesn't look
like part of the name, it's not truncation.  IMESHO, of course.

The only reason you can truncate to the week in the proposed DateTime is
because it includes support for the ISO week-based calendar, in additiion to
the Gregorian.  So just as you can truncate the Gregorian date April 13,
2010 to April 2010 or to 2010,  you can truncate the ISO 8601 date
2010W15-2 to 2010W15 or to 2010.  In each case the result of the
truncation is the first day of the named period, which in the case of the
ISO week calendar happens to be a Monday, but the truncation actually
represents the whole period - just as truncating a real number to an integer
yields a value that logically represents the entire half-open range from
that integer to the next.

You can imagine objects representing dates using other calendar systems.
 Today's Julian date March 31, 2010 could be truncated to March 2010 or
to 2010; the Mayan long count could be truncated to unial or tun 12.19.17 or katun 12.19 or baktun 12.  But unless I'm
using a date object that has a baktun property, I wouldn't expect to be
able to truncate to the baktun.

The trouble with asking for the prior sunday, is that on sunday an
 implementation of the prior() function will return a date 7 days prior to
 today, while an implementation of the truncate() function will return

True; that's why the Calendrica function is called kday-on-or-before
instead of prior-kday - or actually, it may have both of those, with the
difference you indicated.  It's all about choosing the right name.  :)

Whatever you call it, it's a valuable function, I'm just arguing that it's
not truncation unless you're talking about a calendar where you number
Sunday-based weeks from a given epoch.

Mark J. Reed

Re: A new era for Temporal

2010-04-12 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 9:47 PM, Dave Rolsky wrote:

 On Sun, 11 Apr 2010, Moritz Lenz wrote:

  I've planned to add such a module to the Perl 6 spec, but some comments
 on #perl6 suggested it should be kept out of core to prevent bloat.
 Still if the overall opinion is that Perl 6 should have such a module
 out of the box, I'll be happy to spec it.

 I think that having a standard, minimal API for this defined in core as a
 Date role would be ideal.

Agreed.  In fact, I'd like to see DateTime be defined explicitly as a
superset (subrole) of Date, with a method for extracting just the Date
portion built in to DateTime.

Mark J. Reed

Re: A new era for Temporal

2010-04-12 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 6:38 AM, Mark J. Reed wrote:

 I think that having a standard, minimal API for this defined in core as a
 Date role would be ideal.

 Agreed.  In fact, I'd like to see DateTime be defined explicitly as a
 superset (subrole) of Date, with a method for extracting just the Date
 portion built in to DateTime.

Er, I meant that to read (subrole?).  Not sure that inheritance is the way
to go here, but I do think that logically a DateTime should be built on top
of a Date, rather than having Date be a whittled-down DateTime with
too-different an API.

Mark J. Reed

Re: r30370 - docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library

2010-04-12 Thread Mark J. Reed
How are quarters defined?  Where do(es) the extra day(s) go?

On Monday, April 12, 2010, wrote:
 Author: masak
 Date: 2010-04-12 15:12:54 +0200 (Mon, 12 Apr 2010)
 New Revision: 30370

 [S32/Temporal] replaced underscores with dashes in method names

 Also decided to go with 'timezone' rather than 'time_zone' or 'time-zone',
 for a flurry of reasons. Saves a character; looks more like the rest of the
 attributes; looks more like DateTime::TimeZone; emphasizes that it's one
 concept and not two; it was already partly that way by mistake. ;-)

 Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/Temporal.pod
 --- docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/Temporal.pod    2010-04-12 13:00:38 
 UTC (rev 30369)
 +++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/Temporal.pod    2010-04-12 13:12:54 
 UTC (rev 30370)
 @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
  calendar and someone's clock. You can create a CDateTime object from
  the CInstant returned by the Ctime function:

 -    my $now = DateTime.from_epoch(time);
 +    my $now = DateTime.from-epoch(time);

  This is such a common use case, that there's a
  constructor that does this for you:
 @@ -114,30 +114,30 @@

  There are methods Cyear, Cmonth, Cday, Chour, Cminute, and
  Csecond, giving you the corresponding values of the CDateTime
 -object. The Cday method also has the synonym Cday_of_month.
 +object. The Cday method also has the synonym Cday-of-month.

  The method Cweek returns two values, the Iweek year and Iweek number.
 -(These are also available through the methods Cweek_year and 
 +(These are also available through the methods Cweek-year and 
  respectively.) The first week of the year is defined by ISO as the one which
  contains the fourth day of January. Thus, dates early in January often end
  up in the last week of the prior year, and similarly, the final few days of
  December may be placed in the first week of the next year.

 -There's a Cday_of_week method, which returns the day of the week as a
 +There's a Cday-of-week method, which returns the day of the week as a
  number 1..7, with 1 being Monday and 7 being Sunday.

 -The Cweekday_of_month method returns a number 1..5 indicating the
 +The Cweekday-of-month method returns a number 1..5 indicating the
  number of times a particular weekday has occurred so far during that
  month, the day itself included. For example, June 9, 2003 is the second
  Monday of the month, and so this method returns 2 for that day.

  The Cquarter method returns the quarter of the year, a value between 1
 -and 4. The Cday_of_quarter method returns the day of the quarter.
 +and 4. The Cday-of-quarter method returns the day of the quarter.

 -The Cday_of_year method returns the day of the year, a value between 1
 +The Cday-of-year method returns the day of the year, a value between 1
  and 366.

 -The method Cwhole_second returns the second truncated to an integer.
 +The method Cwhole-second returns the second truncated to an integer.

  The following methods work as a sort of formatting methods:

 @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
  The single argument of each of those methods is optional, but the above
  shows the defaults: C'-' for dates and C':' for times.

 -The Ctime_zone method returns the CDateTime::TimeZone object for the
 +The Ctimezone method returns the CDateTime::TimeZone object for the
  CDateTime object. The method Coffset returns the offset from UTC, in
  seconds, of the CDateTime object according to the time zone.

 @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@

  The same methods exists for all the values you can set in the
  constructor: Cyear, Cmonth, Cday, Chour, Cminute, Csecond,
 -Ctime_zone and Cformatter.  Also, there's a Cset method, which
 +Ctimezone and Cformatter.  Also, there's a Cset method, which
  accepts all of these as named arguments, allowing several values to be
  set at once:

 @@ -175,12 +175,12 @@
  values, and an exception is thrown if the result isn't a sensible date
  and time.

 -If you use the Ctime_zone public accessor to adjust the time zone, the
 +If you use the Ctimezone public accessor to adjust the time zone, the
  local time zone is adjusted accordingly:

      my $dt ='2005-02-01T15:00:00+0900');
      say $dt.hour;     # 15
 -    $dt.time_zone = '+0600';
 +    $dt.timezone = '+0600';
      say $dt.hour;     # 12

  The Ctruncate method allows you to clear a number of time values

Mark J. Reed

Re: a more useful srand (was Re: r30369 - docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library)

2010-04-12 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 12:59 PM, Dave Whipp wrote:

 2a. If I spawn two threads (implicitly or explicitly), how do their RNGs
 interact? I.e. are Crand and Cpick thread-safe?

I've noticed that this is a potentially-surprising source of lock contention
in Java - all threads share common RNG state, access to which is therefore
protected by locks, so if you have multiple threads generating random
numbers, things slow down tremendously.  An easy way to get a per-thread RNG
would be very handy.

I think that all that is needed is to permit some sort of declaration/pragma
 that creates a dynamic scope for an srand: e.g. temp srand { ... };

That seems like a reasonable solution.

Mark J. Reed

Re: underscores vs hyphens (was Re: A new era for Temporal)

2010-04-11 Thread Mark J. Reed
Egad, no to the equivalence.  We'd be back in
case-insensitive-language land, only without the benefit of even that
dubious tradition.

And at least for me, the beef with mixing hyphens and underscores is
not that the great unwashed masses can't handle it, but that there
will inevitably be cases where even the elite rocket surgeons in their
ivory control towers can't agree on which is correct.  It's less
too subtle for JAPH and more too subtle for consensus even among
the cognoscenti..  The edge cases would be back to rote memorization.

On Sunday, April 11, 2010, John Siracusa wrote:
 On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 10:54 AM, Damian Conway wrote:
 Hyphen/underscore equivalence would allow those (apparently elite few) who
 can correctly use a hyphen to correctly use the hyphen

 That's about the only advantage of this scheme that I can think of.
 The disadvantages, which affect everyone, are many and bigger:
 search/replace headaches, novice confusion, adding to Perl's syntax
 infamy, etc.

 (Besides, I'm sure you can Acme::-up something that implements this
 scheme in Perl 6 for your own devious purposes anyway… ;)


Mark J. Reed

Re: underscores vs hyphens (was Re: A new era for Temporal)

2010-04-11 Thread Mark J. Reed
Egad, no to the equivalence.  We'd be back in
case-insensitive-language land, only without the benefit of even that
dubious tradition.

And at least for me, the beef with mixing hyphens and underscores is
not that the great unwashed masses can't handle it, but that there
will inevitably be cases where even the elite rocket surgeons in their
ivory control towers can't agree on which is correct.  It's less
too subtle for JAPH and more too subtle for consensus even among
the cognoscenti..  The edge cases would be back to rote memorization.

On Sunday, April 11, 2010, John Siracusa wrote:
 On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 10:54 AM, Damian Conway wrote:
 Hyphen/underscore equivalence would allow those (apparently elite few) who
 can correctly use a hyphen to correctly use the hyphen

 That's about the only advantage of this scheme that I can think of.
 The disadvantages, which affect everyone, are many and bigger:
 search/replace headaches, novice confusion, adding to Perl's syntax
 infamy, etc.

 (Besides, I'm sure you can Acme::-up something that implements this
 scheme in Perl 6 for your own devious purposes anyway… ;)


Mark J. Reed

Re: underscores vs hyphens (was Re: A new era for Temporal)

2010-04-10 Thread Mark J. Reed
I'd much rather see a single consistent style throughout the setting
than backwards compatibility with p5 naming conventions.

If Temporal is the first setting module to use multiword identifiers,
I vote for hyphens.  They're easier on the fingers and the eyes;
underscores have always felt like an ugly compromise to make the
compiler's job easier.

On Saturday, April 10, 2010, Carl Mäsak wrote:
 John ():
 Forgive me if this is a question the reveals how poorly I've been
 following Perl 6 development, but what's the deal with some methods
 using hyphen-separated words (e.g., day-of-week) while others use
 normal Perl method names (e.g., set_second)?

 I'd just like to point out that the current Temporal spec only does
 methods with underscores, including Cday_of_week.

 This goes against my personal preferences; I greatly prefer dashes in
 almost all of the code I write. But I acknowledge that most of the
 programmers out there seem to expect underscores -- and also, the aim
 was to produce a small delta from CPAN's DateTime and not change
 around things ad lib.

 // Carl

Mark J. Reed

Re: underscores vs hyphens (was Re: A new era for Temporal)

2010-04-10 Thread Mark J. Reed
In English, hyphens normally indicate an extra level of reification, where
e.g. what is normally a phrase is used in a context that requires a single
word: The miller gave us the run of the mill. vs. It was a
run-of-the-mill event.

As such, examples like day?of?week are somewhat infelicitous, as they
could go either way depending on context.  In fact, I'd be tempted to go
with the punctuation-free weekday, despite spoiling the nice parallelism
with day?of?month, year, etc.  (Perhaps a generic day_of() that takes a
keyword argument would be a useful addition?)

But that's going off the track (or off-track).  Programming statements do
not, in general, read like English, and as such, trying to apply English
punctuation rules will at best yield ambiguous results.

On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 5:25 PM, Damian Conway wrote:

 Personally, I'd prefer to see the English conventions carried over to
 the use of general use of hyphen and underscore in identifiers in
 the core (and everywhere else).

 By that, I mean that, in English, the hyphen is notionally a
 higher precedence word-separator than the space
 (or than its intra-identifier stand-in: the underscore).

 For example: there's an important difference between:




 The former initiates the detonator phase for the main sequence;
 the latter initiates the main phase of the sequence detonator.

 More simply, there's a difference between:




 The first is setting a difference; the second is computing a

 The rule I intend to use and recommend when employing this new
 identifier character in multiword names is that you should place an
 underscore between ordinary unrelated words, and a hyphen only
 between a word and some modifier that applies specifically to that word.

 Which, if applied to Temporal, would lead to:

my $now = DateTime.from_epoch(time);

The Cday method also has the synonym Cday-of-month.

(These are also available through the methods Cweek-year and
Cweek-number, respectively.)

There's a Cday-of-week method,

The Cweekday-of-month method returns a number 1..5

The Cday-of-quarter method returns the day of the quarter.

The Cday-of-year method returns the day of the year,

The method Cwhole-second returns the second truncated to an integer.

The Ctime-zone method returns the CDateTime::TimeZone object

 (i.e. only C.from_epoch() actually uses underscore).

 Oh, and the optional C:timezone argument to should probably
 become C:time-zone for consistency with the C.time-zone() method
 (or, preferably, we should jut bite the bullet and go with Ctimezone


Mark J. Reed

Re: underscores vs hyphens (was Re: A new era for Temporal)

2010-04-10 Thread Mark J. Reed
Agreed.  Perl borrows vocabulary almost exclusively from English, but it is
not English, and its conventions are not those of English.  (And the
conventions around hyphens that people are citing are quite specifically
those of standard written English; other writing systems, even those using
the same alphabet and mostly the same punctuation, have different rules).

I would personally like to see hyphens used as the standard word separator,
with underscores available for exceptions - say, naming a Perl interface
method exactly the same as the underlying C function it provides access to.
 I'd be less happy with underscores everywhere, but either of those
solutions is better (IMESHO) than mixing hyphens and underscores, which
should be avoided even within an API, never mind a single identifier.

On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 8:55 PM, John Siracusa wrote:

 On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 8:23 PM, Daniel Ruoso wrote:
  Em Sáb, 2010-04-10 às 19:53 -0400, John Siracusa escreveu:
  I'm having trouble imaging any convention that involves mixing word
  separators being successful.
  But the convention Damian is proposing is simply use underscores.
  Basically camelCase and with_underscores are conventions on how to
  circunvent the fact that we can't use spaces in our identifiers. What
  is proposed here is that the p5 convention should be preserved.
  The hyphen is *not* a space, so it doesn't even get into the discussion
  of this convention. The basic difference is that when a programmer with
  sufficient communication skills have a composed word (i.e.: week-day),
  he will have the ability to use the hyphen instead of either supress it
  or use an underscore...

 These nuances are exactly what will be lost on people who see classes
 that use both underscores and hyphens in their method names.


Mark J. Reed

Re: Unchecked versions of the setters (Re: Temporal.pod truncate)

2010-04-09 Thread Mark J. Reed
The date still corresponds to an actual day.  If I set it to Feb 31, I
should get back Mar 2 or 3 depending on the year.  While I'm having
trouble thinking of a good specific example, it's a capability I've
taken advantage of many times, in holiday calculations, calendar
conversions, and such.  I believe it's Python's datetime module that
has unchecked_* methods for the purpose.

Maybe in p6 the setters could do the correction if the exception is resumed?

On Friday, April 9, 2010, Carl Mäsak wrote:
 Mark ():
 I do think that an unchecked version of the setters is called for, one
 that silently converts out-of-range values rather than throwing an
 exception.  That's not an easy thing to implement outside of the library
 without duplicating all the range-checking code.

 Hm, true (it's not an easy thing to implement setting of out-of-range
 values outside of the library). But what would it be used for? What's
 the advantage of having a date corresponding to no actual day?

 What I have been considering is something along the lines of
 DateTime.is_valid('2010-02-29'), that returns whether constructing
 such a DateTime would be legal (in the sense of 'no exceptions
 thrown'). It feels comforting to always leave a way for the API
 consumer to find things out without resorting to CATCHing exceptions.

 // Carl

Mark J. Reed

Re: Unchecked versions of the setters (Re: Temporal.pod truncate)

2010-04-09 Thread Mark J. Reed
Especially since we're not ignoring leap seconds; in UTC, 30 days is
not always 30*86400 atomic seconds.  Other units are more obviously
variable-length, but you have to be careful.  If you increment one
month at a time with autocorrect, 4 months from Jan 31 gets you Jun 2
or 3 instead of May 31.

On Friday, April 9, 2010, Mark Biggar wrote:
 On 4/9/2010 4:53 AM, Moritz Lenz wrote:

 Am 09.04.2010 13:34, schrieb Mark J. Reed:

 The date still corresponds to an actual day. If I set it to Feb 31, I
 should get back Mar 2 or 3 depending on the year. While I'm having
 trouble thinking of a good specific example, it's a capability I've
 taken advantage of many times, in holiday calculations, calendar
 conversions, and such. I believe it's Python's datetime module that
 has unchecked_* methods for the purpose.

 Maybe in p6 the setters could do the correction if the exception is

 Too much magic. Sounds to me like you want a named parameter for a
 setter, like :force or :unchecked or so.

 Anyway, I'm not sure such a feature needs to be in the core, at least
 not in 6.0.0.

 Unless forming a duration based on various units is really simple, un-checked 
 setters makes generating new Instants from one ones simpler.  It is very 
 useful to be able to implement the operators tomorrow, yesterday, 
 thirty_days_from_now, twelve_hours_ago, etc, just by incrementing through the 
 appropriate setter, especially in one-liners.


Mark J. Reed

Re: Temporal.pod truncate

2010-04-08 Thread Mark J. Reed
I think that :toweek should stay as-is; it truncates to whatever the .week
method returns, and that's Monday-based. It would be too inconsistent for it
to do anything else.   Asking for the latest prior Sunday or any other
weekday is a useful function, but it doesn't really have anything to do with

I do think that an unchecked version of the setters is called for, one
that silently converts out-of-range values rather than throwing an
exception.  That's not an easy thing to implement outside of the library
without duplicating all the range-checking code.

On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 6:09 PM, Carl Mäsak wrote:

 John ():
  Small feature request:
   $dt.truncate( :toweek );
  is somewhat ambiguous, since some people start their week on Sunday,
  the module truncates to Monday.
  Would you consider a less ambiguous week truncation?
   $dt.truncate( :tosunday );
   $dt.truncate( :tomonday );
 I had the same thought, actually. I see both pros and cons.

 Among the pros: we'll cater to both the Sunday-starters and
 Monday-starters out there, just as you say.

 Among the cons: we lose the nice symmetry wherein :today clears all
 values smaller than days, :toyear clears all values smaller than
 years, etc. :tomonday is still pretty straightforward, but it's a
 subtle category error.

 Apart from that, I wouldn't mind making the change. Though maybe we
 should take a step backward and just remove :toweek altogether on
 the grounds that it doesn't belong, and is more confusing than useful.

 // Carl

Mark J. Reed

Re: A new era for Temporal

2010-04-08 Thread Mark J. Reed
This looks much better.  Thank you.  When can we expect to see the new
version implemented in Rakudo?  Need any help on that front?

On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 5:52 PM, Carl Mäsak wrote:

 We (mberends and masak) just pushed a commit to S32::Temporal which
 completely replaces what we had before. The changes are rooted in
 hours of discussion on #perl6, and we feel rather more confident with
 what we have now than with what we had before.

 That said, discussion is very welcome.

 I do want to explicitly credit Dave Rolsky, whose work on the DateTime
 family of modules on CPAN has informed much of the current spec,
 sometimes to the point of verbatim copying.

 The change that just went in is complete in itself, but we still
 expect to add the following details to it:

 * DateTime::TimeZone
 * The methods strftime and strptime
 * DateTime::Duration
 * ops: $dt + $dur, $dt - $dur, $dt - $dt

 Expect these in the next few days or so.

 // Carl

Mark J. Reed

Re: r30293 - docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library

2010-04-03 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 2:18 PM, wrote:

 [P6 Spec] completely changed S32::Temporal

What motivated these changes?

 +Time is just a jumbled iTem.


 +=item * 12hour

 +=item * 24hour

I don't like using strings for these.  Feels like they should be symbols,
but they they can't start with digits. Maybe ampm for 12-hour and iso
for 24-hour?

 (i.e. if $*CALENDAR is 'Gregorian' $*TODAY should be something like
 '12-31-10', depending on how things are formatted)

What determines how things should be formatted?  Using strings in code to
construct dates is bad - see AppleScript.  I'd much rather see you have to
specify  :year(), :month(), and :day().

+=item * Julian (the predecessor of Gregorian. NOT the astronomical Julian

That's an awfully loud caveat, especially since it's incorrect.  The
astronomical Julian year is the mean year of the  predecessor of the
Gregorian calendar.  Since they're the same thing, confusing them is not
really a concern.

(Astronomers use the Julian calendar because a Julian century is a whole
number of days, whereas in the Gregorian calendar you have to get to 400
years before you have a repeatable whole-day cycle).

Regex interpolation

2010-03-29 Thread Mark J. Reed
Is there not a way to run arbitrary code and interpolate the result as
a literal string (instead of a Regex)?

 I assume that {...} is intended to be where you hook in
semantics/actions mid-parse, but it seems a bit counter-intuitive that
the same syntax interpolates in double-quote context but not regexes.

Question Inspired by this Rakudo patch:
On Monday, March 29, 2010, Bruce Keeler wrote:
 # New Ticket Created by  Bruce Keeler
 # Please include the string:  [perl #73862]
 # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.
 # URL: 

 The attached patch adds support for variable and block-result
 interpolation into regexes.

 It does so by means of a new PAST::Regex node pasttype 'interpolator'.
 The following syntaxes are supported by this patch:

     / $var /  -- Interpolates as literal string, unless it's a Regex object
     / @foo / -- Interpolated as ||-style alternations of literal strings
 or Regex objects
     / $var / -- compiled into a Regex (unless it's already one), then
     / @foo / -- A list of ||-style alternations of things to be
 compiled into Regexes (unless they already are)
     / { ... } / -- Result of capture is interpolated as a Regex,
 compiling if necessary
     / ?{ ... } / -- Unchanged
     / { ... } / -- Capture is merely executed, but not interpolated.

Mark J. Reed

Re: Where's the release announcement?

2010-03-19 Thread Mark J. Reed
Is Copenhagen Rakudo #27?  It's not mentioned on

On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 9:03 AM, Will Coleda wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 4:00 AM, Darren Duncan 
 Richard Hainsworth wrote:

 Is there a glitch in the mail list system for p6l? I got the Copenhagen
 release announcement on the parrot developers list but not on p6l.

 Maybe there aren't Parrot release announcements on p6l because they aren't
 as directly relevant as say on p6c.  In some ways, having Parrot release
 announcements on p6l is about as relevant as having Perl 5 release
 announcements on mailing lists for individual Perl modules, or DBI release
 announcements on the DBIx-Class list, say. -- Darren Duncan

 Darren -

 FYI, Copenhagen was a Rakudo release, not a parrot release.


 Will Coke Coleda

Mark J. Reed

Re: numerics, roles, and naming

2010-03-15 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 11:26 PM, Doug McNutt wrote:
 Anything that can be made into a list is discrete.

Not quite, since you can create lists whose members belong to
continuous sets, e.g. real numbers.   Anything that naturally forms a
list, maybe.

 The other option is a function in the sense of the calculus that truly has an 
 infinite number of values.

The set of integers is both discrete and infinite.  Likewise rationals
and all the other countable sets.

The main thing that discrete sets have that continuous sets don't is
the ability to map them exactly onto a sequence.  Given an integer,
there's a single next integer; given a real number, there's
infinitely many - and infinitely many more real numbers in between the
start number and whichever next you choose.

 Perhaps the term atomic could be discreetly considered in place of discrete.

In CSland, I suspect atomic is too strongly associated with
operations to be applied to a data type that has nothing to do with
multithreading or transactional integrity.

Mark J. Reed

Re: Functional-style pattern matching

2010-03-10 Thread Mark J. Reed
Does the unpacking participate in dispatch?  If a Hash comes in as $t
with no 'left' key, will it fail to match?

On Tuesday, March 9, 2010, Little Walker wrote:
 Which is pretty powerful, really.

 Absolutely - I think you're referring to the 'type subset' stuff which
 is great.

 This is where Perl 6 is not the same as functional
 languages, since it's got an imperative OO element as well.

 True, there can be friction between the functional style and OO, but
 look at how Scala manages it with case classes.  When you look at the
 implementation, really it boils down to syntactic sugar but then so do
 many of the cool new features in Perl 6!

 I bring this up because when thinking of what will be possible with
 lazy evaluation, junctions, named parameter shorthand, closures, etc.,
 etc., somehow pattern matching screams out at me.  It can be concise,
 expressive and unambiguous, and very complementary to Perl 6's
 existing feature set.  I know a lot of work went into bringing
 functional and OO together to make Scala happen, so certainly there
 may be impracticalities in just 'adding pattern matching'.

 Scala case classes: or

Mark J. Reed

Re: Functional-style pattern matching

2010-03-10 Thread Mark J. Reed
Oh, wow.  I was just asking about the spec; didn't know this stuff
already worked.  Rakudos to the team! :)

On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 9:18 AM, Carl Mäsak wrote:
 Mark ():
 Does the unpacking participate in dispatch?  If a Hash comes in as $t
 with no 'left' key, will it fail to match?


 $ perl6 -e 'sub foo(%h($left)) { say $left }; foo({ left = OH HAI })'

 $ perl6 -e 'sub foo(%h($left)) {}; foo({ no = left key })'
 Not enough positional parameters passed; got 0 but expected 1

 The error message is perhaps slightly LTA, but at least Rakudo
 (correctly) fails to match.

 // Carl

Mark J. Reed

Re: r29976 - docs/Perl6/Spec

2010-03-09 Thread Mark J. Reed
I think of p6 as more like the Ada of the 21st century.  Whether it
was a success or not depends on whom you ask, but it had similar
criticisms and delays.  And was commissioned to be the US federal
govt's answer to Algol 68.  Which may not have been a big hit, but it
had a profound effect on language design, so failure may be
overstating it.

On Tuesday, March 9, 2010, Timothy S. Nelson wrote:
 On Mon, 8 Mar 2010, Carl Mäsak wrote:

 Meanwhile, the uncanny similarities between Perl 6 and Algol 68
 continue to strike me: (]):
 ] ALGOL 68 [...] was conceived as a successor to the ALGOL 60 programming
 ] language, designed with the goal of a much wider scope of application and 
 ] rigorously defined syntax and semantics.

         Algol 68 is notorious as a failure.  Let's hope things are different 


 | Name: Tim Nelson                 | Because the Creator is,        |
 | E-mail:    | I am                           |

 Version 3.12
 GCS d+++ s+: a- C++$ U+++$ P+++$ L+++ E- W+ N+ w--- V- PE(+) Y+++ PGP-+++ 
 R(+) !tv b++ DI D G+ e++ h! y-

Mark J. Reed

Re: r29976 - docs/Perl6/Spec

2010-03-08 Thread Mark J. Reed
I imagine Brandon was more referring to pass-by-reference, which was
introduced into procedural HLLs by Algol-68.

On Monday, March 8, 2010, Carl Mäsak wrote:
 commitbot (), Brandon ():
 +    has $!age is ref;   # BUILD will automatically use ref binding, not 

 Perl6 isn't done until it has reinvented Algol 68?

 Unaware of what Algol 68 represents in programming language history, I
 perused Wikipedia's article on Algol 68: (]):
 ] ALGOL 68 has been criticized, [...] for abandoning the simplicity of
 ] ALGOL 60 [and instead] becoming a vehicle for complex or overly
 ] general ideas, and doing little to make the compiler writer's task easy,
 ] [...]

 I wish I knew how to follow up that with something witty, but it would
 seem the quote more than speaks for itself.

 But instead of fruitlessly agreeing or disagreeing with a value
 judgement, let me try to summarize the discussion on-channel that led
 up to this particular spec change.

 When you initialize an Int attribute with an Int, you get that Int put
 inside the attribute container.

 $ perl6 -e 'class A { has Int $.foo }; say'42

 Similarly, when you initialize a Hash attribute with a Hash, you get
 that Hash put inside the attribute container.

 $ perl6 -e 'class A { has }; say = 42)).foo.perl'
 {bar = 42}

 $ perl6 -e 'class A { has }; say{bar = 42}).foo.perl'
 {bar = 42}

 *However*, according to the way the old spec did things, and according
 to current Rakudo alpha and Rakudo master, when you initialize an
 Array attribute with an Array, you get that Array put inside *another*
 Array inside the attribute container.

 $ perl6 -e 'class A { has }; say[1,2,3]).foo.perl'
 [[1, 2, 3]]

 (The reason for this has to do with attribute initialization having
 ordinary assignment semantics, meaning that internally it translates
 to something like `...@!foo = [1, 2, 3];`, which would indeed place the
 [1, 2, 3] array as the first element in @!foo rather than make that
 the whole array. Hashes don't suffer from this problem because `%!foo
 = { bar = 42};` does the right thing and assigns the hash to %!foo.)

 The discussion, starting at [1] and continuing at [2] and [3], mostly
 consisted of me repeating the same question until the above
 unintuitive quirk went away. It should now just create one layer of
 Array upon initialization.


 I'm not sure what exactly the repercussions of doing attribute
 initialization with 'is ref' are apart from that. Brandon, if your
 oblique reference to Algol 68 meant something more than what I
 uncovered above, feel free to enrich the discussion by sharing what
 you know about the possible consequences of spec'ing things this way.

 Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go back to doing little to make the
 compiler writers' task easy. :-P

 // Carl

Mark J. Reed

Re: continuation markers for long literals (was Re: r29931 - docs/Perl6/Spec)

2010-03-03 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 6:26 PM, Darren Duncan wrote:
 Mark J. Reed wrote:

 Doesn't unspace work for this?

 It would seem that S02 says otherwise:

    Although we say that the unspace hides the whitespace from the parser, it
 does not hide whitespace from the lexer.  As a result, unspace is not
 allowed within a token.

D'oh, indeed.  Never mind.

On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 7:00 PM, Damian Conway wrote:
 At 80-columns, you can represent integers up to ninety-nine
 quinvigintillion, [...]

Assuming the short scale.  On the long scale, that's ninety-nine
tredecillion, nine hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred
ninety-nine duodecillion, etc. :)

 there's always some variation on:

    my $debt = +(
      ~ 567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678
      ~ 901234567890123456789012345678901

Serviceable, but feels a bit hackish.  Reminds me of faking P5 qw in
PHP by using split(' ', 'words like this').  But with a reasonably
intelligent compiler, as you say, at least it still compiles to a

I note that Rakudo alpha turns the above into Inf, which seems apropos. :)

Mark J. Reed

Re: Temporal seems a bit wibbly-wobbly

2010-02-23 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 6:50 PM, Daniel Ruoso wrote:
 So why have the duration TAI-based?

 Simply because TAI is supposedly immutable as a scale, so it's predictable.
 Gregorian time is not immutable and timezone definitions are not anyhow

OK, this seems to be a point of confusion.  TAI *is defined in terms
of the Gregorian calendar*.It is not just a sequence of anonymous
seconds ticking off at the rate specified by SI.   TAI specifies a
name for each second, not just the amount of time between them.  And
that name is a date/time using the Gregorian calendar.  If you like,
you can convert it to a Julian Date, but that's a one-to-one mapping.
You're still going to get a value that's wrong for civil purposes -
that is, currently 34 seconds fast compared to an NTP-synchronized

If Perl's internal idea of time is just a count of atomic seconds,
great.  That, however, is not TAI.  UTC and TAI and the proposed
leap-second-free UTC-replacement TI all tick at the same rate and at
the same time, and you can devise any number of time scales that do
likewise, differing only in the labels.

Mark J. Reed

Re: Temporal seems a bit wibbly-wobbly

2010-02-22 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Daniel Ruoso wrote:
 Em Dom, 2010-02-21 às 21:28 -0800, Larry Wall escreveu:
 On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 10:39:20AM -0500, Mark J. Reed wrote:
 : I just want to know what Perl 6 time zero is.
 Well, there's no such thing as time 0 in Perl 6, in the sense that
 Instant is more-or-less opaque.

 I'd just like to add that Instant is not more-or-less opaque. It is
 entirely opaque.

Not according to S0, which says that an Instant will numify to the
number of TAI seconds since the TAI epoch.  That's not opaque.

And since it apparently wasn't clear, all I'm asking for is what the
TAI epoch is.  Again, I *assume* it's January 1, 1958 at midnight
UT2, at which point TAI was synchronized to have exactly that same
value, but it's not stated as such in the spec, and there are other
reasonable values (onset of UTC in 1972; switch to modern relativistic
corrections to the measured SI seconds in 1977).

 The point is... asking for the amount of seconds since 01/01/1970
 requires you to convert that date, in a particular timezone in a
 particular calendar (gregorian) to an instant, then ask for the amount
 of seconds elapsed from that instant to the current instant (and that
 will return you a Duration object (which conceptually only know about
 TAI), which in turn can be converted (provided a timezone and a
 calendar) to a Gregorian::Duration.

Two different problems.  The TAI epoch is defined as a point on the
TAI scale, and the number of TAI seconds since that point is always
well-defined.   When asking for epoch-based time, you're not starting
with a Gregorian DateTime and trying to convert it.

But even if you did do such a conversion, as long as you assume that
the input date is UTC, the conversion to TAI is well-defined, too.
(And if you don't make that assumption, then you're opening a large
can of worms; see
e.g. ).

The problem really comes in with the fact that POSIX systems ignore
leap seconds, and literally cannot distinguish them in any way from
their adjacent non-leap neighbor. So you wind up with the fact that an
arbitrary set of 24 (so far) POSIX time_t integer values actually
cover a 2-second span of time instead of a 1-second span, with no way
to identify which values those are without a lookup table, and no way
to predict ahead of time which future values will be likewise

Mark J. Reed

Re: Temporal seems a bit wibbly-wobbly

2010-02-22 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Mark J. Reed wrote:
 Not according to S0, which says that an Instant will numify to the

 number of TAI seconds since the TAI epoch.  That's not opaque.

Mark J. Reed

Re: Temporal seems a bit wibbly-wobbly

2010-02-22 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 4:38 PM, Daniel Ruoso wrote:
 And my point is precisely that the spec doesn't define it because it is
 implementation and architecture dependant.

And what's the point of making it so?  If you require arithmetic
results in TAI seconds, I don't see the benefit of not specifying the
epoch, since conversion to and from the epoch would be a simple
addition or subtraction -  much less expensive than converting from
the internal TAI representation to civil time or back.

 The point is that you shouldn't use a number alone to represent an

But why not?  An instant is just a point on the number line (of the
coordinate time in question, which we've established as TAI).  A
number is an eminently reasonable representation of a point in
one-dimensional space.  But only if you have a well-defined origin.

 Note that not even the TAI coordination happens in terms of number of
 seconds since X, but rather happens in terms of Gregorian or Julian

Exactly. See below.

 The biggest difference proposed by the use of TAI is that when you ask
 for the number of seconds between 2008-12-31T23:59:59+ and
 2009-01-01T00:00:00+ you'll get 2 because of the leap second.

But that's not true unless those two strings are given in UTC.  In
TAI, 2008-12-31T23:59:59Z was followed by 2009-01-01T00:00:00Z only
one second later.

That's because, as you say, TAI is not just a count of seconds - it is
a fully-specified date/time value, with year, month, day, hour,
minute, and second - and it doesn't match civil  clocks.

If the interface between Perl time and human time is going to be done
through UTC, then I don't see the point in specifying that it's TAI
behind the scenes.  Especially if you're not specifying the epoch.
The number of seconds between two points in time in UTC is exactly the
same as the number of seconds between two points in time in TAI, by
definition. Only the labels differ.  And if, as you imply above, the
labels will be UTC - which they pretty much have to be since that's
what humans use - then Perl6 is using UTC, not TAI.  It's just using
*real* UTC, not POSIX's broken idea of it that claims 24 seconds out
of the past 40 years never happened.

Mark J. Reed

Re: Temporal seems a bit wibbly-wobbly

2010-02-22 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 4:49 PM, Buddha Buck wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 4:38 PM, Daniel Ruoso wrote:
 The biggest difference proposed by the use of TAI is that when you ask
 for the number of seconds between 2008-12-31T23:59:59+ and
 2009-01-01T00:00:00+ you'll get 2 because of the leap second. But
 you don't need to know how many seconds there were in the TAI scale
 since the 1958 epoch to find that out, you just need to know when we had
 leap seconds.

 What do you mean?  The number of seconds between
 2008-12-31T23:59:59+ TAI and 2009-01-01T00:00:00+ TAI was 1
 because TAI doesn't have leap seconds.  UTC does, but TAI doesn't.


If Perl6 is thoroughly TAI, then any time you ask it what time it is
you'll get an answer that's 34 or more seconds fast compared to the
clock on the wall.  In exchange for this, you know that you can take
the number of minutes, hours, or days between two times and multiply
by a constant to get an accurate count of seconds between them.

If, instead, Perl6 uses UTC, then its time labels will agree with our
clocks.  But that means that some minutes, hours, and days will be a
second longer than the rest, so you can no longer do a simple
multiplication to convert to seconds.  (Unless you're looking for a
POSIX time stamp instead of the actual length of the interval.)

I submit that if the inputs and outputs of Temporal are UTC, then Perl
is using UTC, not TAI.  Is it TAI internally?  Well if it's
manipulating years, months, days, hours, and minutes as their TAI
values, then yes, but if it's just working with an absolute count of
atomic seconds, then there's no reason to say that it's TAI vs. UTC,
because at that level, they completely agree with each other.

Mark J. Reed

Re: Temporal seems a bit wibbly-wobbly

2010-02-20 Thread Mark J. Reed
I don't see the need for keeping UTC within a second of UT, either. I
also think the Gregorian correction is a little silly, but at least it
only rears its head 3 times in 400 years.

Still, that horse has sailed, right?  Perl 6 is using TAI, and the
burden of correcting for civil time is on the implementation. I wasn't
trying to re-raise the spectre of leap seconds.  I just want to know
what Perl 6 time zero is.

On Saturday, February 20, 2010, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
 (re subject:  does it go `Ding!' when there's Stuff?)

 On Feb 20, 2010, at 00:30 , Larry Wall wrote:

 but an astronomer?  But no, many millions of computers have to accommodate
 to the convenience of a very few people.  And most computers still don't
 know how to do even that accommodation, since POSIX time is blissfully
 unaware of leap seconds...

 Sorry, you pushed one of my hot buttons.  Grrr!  :)

 Not just yours; quite a few of us wish NTP would return to the demesne of mad 
 scientists and astronomers, to be replaced by a saner (i.e. non-leap-second) 
 version of SNTP.

 brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell]
 system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats]
 electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon university    KF8NH

Mark J. Reed

Temporal seems a bit wibbly-wobbly

2010-02-19 Thread Mark J. Reed
S02 says that if pressed, an Instant will numify into a count of
atomic seconds since the TAI epoch - but what is the TAI epoch?  TAI
is normally expressed in the same terms as civil time - year, month,
date, hour, minute, second, fraction of second, according to the
Gregorian calendar, or else as a Julian Day number.  As such, it
doesn't really have an epoch built into the concept.

(And S32 refers to TAI *as* an epoch, which is inaccurate.  An epoch
is a particular instant; TAI is a system of measuring time.)

Using Instants as numbers is discouraged, but I still believe the
epoch should be part of the spec. Once we're requiring atomic time,
having the actual numeric value match is just a matter of adding a
constant to whatever the natural choice might be on a given

As far as I can see, there are a few reasonable values; roll out the bike shed!

My first guess would be midnight on January 1st, 1958, which was when
the international atomic time standard was initialized (and
synchronized to universal time, specifically UT2), though it wasn't
called TAI until 1971.

1 Jan 1977 was when TAI started ticking at the current speed (before
that the atomic clock measurements were uncorrected for relativistic
effects due to the altitude of the clocks above sea level).

1 Jan 2000 is a nice round number and corresponds to the current epoch
used for astronomical calculations (though that's technically noon
Terrestrial Time, which was 11:59:27.816 TAI, and I think an exact
second in TAI makes more sense for an epoch.)

Before that point there wasn't an atomic time standard, but of course
you can continue to count atomic seconds backwards in time as far as
you like.  Since TAI moments are normally given using calendar dates,
you could use the epoch of the calendar, though you'll get a few more
digits in time values for the present.  But what is the epoch of our
calendar?   January 1st of the year 1?  Of the year 0 (a.k.a. 1 BC)?
Perhaps November 30th, 1 BC (which is the normalized result of asking
for day 0 of month 0 of year 0 when January is month 1)?  And
regardless of the above, is it that date in the Gregorian calendar we
now use, or the Julian calendar which was in effect (at least in Rome)
at the time?  Or the incorrectly-implemented variation on the Julian
calendar which was *really* in effect at that time?

TAI moments are sometimes given as Julian Days, so it might make sense
to use JD 0.0, though since that was noon UT on January 1st, 4713 BC
in the Julian calendar (November 24, 4714 BC in the Gregorian), you'll
even more digits.  Alternatively you could use  Modified Julian Day
0.0, which was midnight UT on November 17, 1858 (the epoch of VMS
system time).

I note that Rakudo currently uses the time_t value directly. I think 1
Jan 1970 is a poor choice of epoch for TAI time; having time values so
close to but not the same as time_t values would create undue

Mark J. Reed

Re: [perl #72914] [BUG] Rakudo doesn't treat ^$n at the end of an infix:... right

2010-02-18 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 7:32 PM, Carl Mäsak wrote:
  my @a = (4...^5); say @a.perl # should be 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4, according to 

That's 4 ... ^5, right?  If so, I don't see how you get that.  I'd
expect (4,0,1,2,3,4), without the countdown between 4 and 0.

Mark J. Reed

Re: r29618 - docs/Perl6/Spec

2010-02-02 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 12:51 PM, wrote:

  The methods in this role are:

  =head2 method get {...}

 -Returns the next item for that iteration. The grouping of elements
 -returned in each iteration is visible if this iterator is being used
 -to build a slice. While building a list, the items will be flattened.
 +Used to iterator over a flat list (the context supplied by a slurpy binding).

^^^ typo; should be Used to iterate.

 +Returns the next element from the iterator after flattening any leading 

 -When it runs out of items, it will fail with the CEMPTY exception.
 +When it runs out of elements, it will fail with the CEMPTY exception.
  As with most failures, it is generally returned without throwing it,
  unless the calling lexical scope requests it to be thrown via use fatal.

A few too many its with different antecedents there.  Might want to
toss in a noun or two.

Mark J. Reed

Re: Counting characters

2010-01-27 Thread Mark J. Reed
What does trans return in numeric (+) context?

On Wednesday, January 27, 2010, Carl Mäsak wrote:
 How is character counting done in Perl 6?

 In Perl 5, it is `scalar tr/CG//` if I want to count the number of Cs
 plus the number of Gs in a string.

 S05 describes tr/// in terms of the .trans function, a handsome but
 very different beast. Specifically, it doesn't seem to have a scalar
 context, with which one could count things.

Mark J. Reed

Re: Interactive Perl 6 shell

2009-12-29 Thread Mark J. Reed
With rakudo, just running perl6 with no arguments drops you into the RE_L.

On Tuesday, December 29, 2009, Shawn H Corey wrote:
 Juan Madrigal wrote:
 Does Perl6/Rakudo have an interactive perl shell like ruby does with irb?

 $ perl -ple '$_=eval'

 (In Windows: perl -ple $_=eval )

 Enter the command `exit` to end the session.

 Just my 0.0002 million dollars worth,

 Programming is as much about organization and communication
 as it is about coding.

 I like Perl; it's the only language where you can bless your

Mark J. Reed

Re: unusual invocants

2009-10-21 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 3:47 AM, Ovid wrote:
 I was asking the special case where:

 1. A class consumes two (or more) roles
 2. Each roles provides a method with an identical signature
 3. The methods are not equivalent and neither role can rely on the other's 

 With that, you have roles which cannot be composed. You must rewrite one (bad 
 if you don't own it), or omit

Rather than disallow the composition, I'd say that any class, role, or
object that does both roles must override the method in question.
Which takes us back to Jon's branch of the thread: it would be nice to
be able to declare such an override in a general way that will apply
to any such composition that doesn't otherwise override it locally.
But what should that declaration look like?

Mark J. Reed

Re: unusual invocants

2009-10-20 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 11:47 PM, Jon Lang wrote:
 Because a method is part of a role, and ought to abide by the same
 terms by which the role abides.  If Logging doesn't do Numeric, it
 shouldn't have any methods in it that won't work unless it does.

100% agreed.

So what the OP wants to do is declare a method that is available on
all those invocants - and only those invocatnts - which do all of
roles X, Y, and Z.  Granted, you can declare a new role XandYandZ that
does X, Y, and Z, and define the method there, but that won't work on
$foo unless you declare explicitly  '$foo does XandYandZ' .  The goal
is to have the method show up no matter how $foo comes to do all three

This is an interesting idea.  Currently, it doesn't work because
there's no place for such a method to live, so perhaps there could be
a way to declare a method space for arbitrary combinations of roles,
a sort of meta-role.  It's an odd duck, but it does sort of fall out
of the multiple-dispatch semantics, which already let you base
implementation chioce on arbitrary combinations of roles...

Mark J. Reed

Re: r28751 - docs/Perl6/Spec

2009-10-11 Thread Mark J. Reed
That's not grammatical; you've just created a run-on sentence.  Why not
leave it as a colon?

On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 4:55 AM, wrote:

 Author: jimmy
 Date: 2009-10-11 10:55:02 +0200 (Sun, 11 Oct 2009)
 New Revision: 28751

 [Spec/S02-bits.pod] changed colon to comma

 Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S02-bits.pod
 --- docs/Perl6/Spec/S02-bits.pod2009-10-11 07:21:58 UTC (rev 28750)
 +++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S02-bits.pod2009-10-11 08:55:02 UTC (rev 28751)
 @@ -247,7 +247,7 @@

 -But unspace is mainly about language extensibility: it lets you continue
 +But unspace is mainly about language extensibility, it lets you continue
  the line in any situation where a newline might confuse the parser,
  regardless of your currently installed parser.  (Unless, of course,
  you override the unspace rule itself...)
 @@ -593,7 +593,7 @@

 my Int $x = undef;# works

 -Variables with native types do not support undefinedness: it is an error
 +Variables with native types do not support undefinedness, it is an error
  to assign an undefined value to them:

 my int $y = undef;# dies

Mark J. Reed

Re: r28213 - docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library

2009-09-09 Thread Mark J. Reed
I think there's some confusion around the term epoch in this doc.
TAI is not an epoch, and neither is a time value measured in fixed
units from some starting point. The starting point is the epoch.   One
may speak of the UNIX epoch (January 1, 1970 at midnight GMT), but the
current time_t value is not an epoch or epoch value.

TAI doesn't really have a well-defined epoch.  You could make a case
for the logical starting point of the Gregorian calendar,
01-01-01T00:00:00 (or even 00-00-00T00:00:00, which maps to November
30, 2 BC in more conventional notation).  Or you could use the instant
that the original version of TAI went into effect
(1958-01-01T00:00:00), or the instant that the current
(relativistically-corrected for gravity) version went into effect
(1977-01-01T00:00:00).  The latter instant is itself used as the epoch
of some astronomical time scales (Barycentric Coordinate Time,
Geocentric Coordinate Time, and Terrestrial Time).  But whatever epoch
you choose to count your TAI seconds from, the value you wind up with
for any other instant is not itself an epoch.

I would change the doc to refer to TAI as a time scale, and also
avoid referring to the numerical value of an Instant as an epoch.

On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 8:33 AM, wrote:
 Author: ruoso
 Date: 2009-09-09 14:33:35 +0200 (Wed, 09 Sep 2009)
 New Revision: 28213

 [spec-S32-Temporal] uses Instant instead of Rat for the return of time(), 
 Allow base Duration type to work with TAI-seconds delegating to 
 Gregorian::Duration otherwise, Add some methods to Gregorian::DateTime to 
 make the distinction of Instant vs DateTime more evident

 Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/Temporal.pod
 --- docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/Temporal.pod    2009-09-09 06:46:34 
 UTC (rev 28212)
 +++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/Temporal.pod    2009-09-09 12:33:35 
 UTC (rev 28213)
 @@ -30,8 +30,10 @@
  repository under /docs/Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/Temporal.pod so edit 
 it there in
  the SVN repository if you would like to make changes.

 -=head1 Current Time
 +=head1 Roles

 +=head2 Instant
  The epoch used in Perl 6 to represent time instants is the
  International Atomic Time - TAI - which is independent of calendars,
  timezones as well as leap seconds. Of course Perl can't go beyond the
 @@ -39,12 +41,10 @@
  platform-specific transformation to give you the most precise value it
  can for the TAI.

 - our Rat sub time()
 + our Instant sub time()

  Returns a TAI epoch value for the current time.

 -=head1 Roles
  =head2 Calendar

  Every DateTime needs to follow the rules of a given calendar. The
 @@ -148,10 +148,11 @@
  for DateTime math. It is also very calendar-dependent, in a way that
  only a very fundamental data is seen here.

 -As with DateTime, to make the most common case easier, this type
 -delegates the constructor to Gregorian::Duration.
 +The base Duration object is only TAI-seconds aware, but if you use its
 +constructor with any other parameters it will delegate to
 +Gregorian::Duration in order to make the most common cases easier.

 -The following method is implemented by all Duration objects.
 +The following attribute is declared:


 @@ -226,6 +227,20 @@


 +The following methods provide additional information
 +=item week-of-year
 +=item day-of-week
 +=item week-of-month
 +=item year-of-week
  =head2 Gregorian::Duration

  The gregorian Duration declares the following attributes.

Mark J. Reed

Re: Perl 6 filename extensions (was Re: r28172 - docs/Perl6/Spec)

2009-09-02 Thread Mark J. Reed
I thought I recalled seeing that the new convention was .p6m, .p6l,
etc.  I guess that idea was abandoned?

Mark J. Reed

Re: Synopsis 02: Range objects

2009-08-27 Thread Mark J. Reed
Shouldn't it autopromote to Bignum at that point?

On 8/27/09, Michael Zedeler wrote:
 Karl Brodowsky wrote:
 Michael Zedeler schrieb:
 Well... maybe. How do you specify the intended precision, then? If I
 want the values from 1 to 2 with step size 0.01, I guess that writing

 1.00 .. 2.00

 won't be sufficient. Trying to work out the step size by looking at
 the precision of things that are double or floats doesn't really
 sound so feasible, since there are a lot of holes in the actual
 representation, so 1.0001 may become 1.0, yielding very different
 That is a general problem of floats.  We tend to write them in decimal
 notation, but internally they use a representation which is binary.
 And it is absolutely not obvious what the precision of 1.0001 might be.
 There could be a data type like LongDecimal in Ruby or BigDecimal
 in Java, that actually has a knowlegde of its precision and whose
 numbers are fractions with a power of 10 as the denominator.  But for
 floats I would only see the interval as reasonably clear.  Even a step
 of 1 is coming with some problems, because an increment of 1 does not
 have any effect on floating point numbers like 1.03e300 or so.
 Yes. Exactly my point. By the way, do we want to warn if someone writes

 1e300 .. 1e301 :by(1)

 given that the number implementation yields 1e300 + 1 == 1e300?



Sent from my mobile device

Mark J. Reed

Re: Synopsis 02: Range objects

2009-08-27 Thread Mark J. Reed
Given how easy chained relational ops make explicit range checking
with endpoints, e.g.

$a = $x = $b

Imd be perfectly happy with a Range smartmatching only the elements
that you get out of the RangeIterator.

On 8/27/09, smuj wrote:
 TSa wrote:

 David Green wrote:
 For certain discrete ordered types, like Int, both ways work out the
 same, and since Ints are the most common and most obvious use for
 Ranges, it's easy to overlook the confusion.  The case with strings is
 a good example: it really doesn't make sense that a value not produced
 by a range nevertheless lies between its endpoints.  Why not have a
 separate Interval type?

 I see no problem when a Range matches for values which are not produced
 by a RangeIterator. I expect 2.5 ~~ 1..5 to be true even though 2.5 is
 not in 1,2,3,4,5.

 I suspect that the double meaning of Ranges is going to confuse some
 people and bite others. If things stay as they are, I hope that the use
 of :by will be flagged as a syntax error if used in literal Range smart
 matching. Of course, that doesn't help the unsuspecting when variables
 are being used, ala 2.5 ~~ $myrange.

 (For the record, 2.5 ~~ '!'..5 is also true on my system, although I
 don't know why! I certainly wouldn't expect it though :)

 The same applies for 'aaa' ~~ 'aa'..'az'. I find this
 quite natural.

 Not sure if you're saying that's something you'd like or if you think
 that that's something already there. It doesn't match for me using
 recent(ish) Rakudo. Of course, that could just be me! :)

 I'd personally prefer it if Ranges just did lists, including when smart
 matching, but had an interval method or such like for explicit matching
 against the endpoints, e.g.

 2.5 ~~ interval(1..5)   # or
 2.5 ~~ $myrange.interval

 I'm new in town though, so I'll happily admit that I don't know the full
 implications of such a change. Having context-insensitive Ranges DWIM's
 better to me, but DWIMery, like beauty, is clearly in the eye of the
 beholder! :)


Sent from my mobile device

Mark J. Reed

Re: Synopsis 02: Range objects

2009-08-27 Thread Mark J. Reed
I think $a = $^x = $b is short enough, and lets you choose between 
and = on both ends and without having to remember how many dots each
maps to.

But I do like your list context for list behavior idea.  I would
support that happily.

On 8/27/09, Jon Lang wrote:
 smuj wrote:
 TSa wrote:


 David Green wrote:

 For certain discrete ordered types, like Int, both ways work out the
 same, and since Ints are the most common and most obvious use for
 it's easy to overlook the confusion.  The case with strings is a good
 example: it really doesn't make sense that a value not produced by a
 nevertheless lies between its endpoints.  Why not have a separate

 I see no problem when a Range matches for values which are not produced
 by a RangeIterator. I expect 2.5 ~~ 1..5 to be true even though 2.5 is
 not in 1,2,3,4,5.

 I suspect that the double meaning of Ranges is going to confuse some
 and bite others. If things stay as they are, I hope that the use of :by
 be flagged as a syntax error if used in literal Range smart matching. Of
 course, that doesn't help the unsuspecting when variables are being used,
 ala 2.5 ~~ $myrange.

 Another possibility is that literal Range smartmatching works as is in
 the absence of :by (that is, with a Range), but becomes a set
 membership test in its presence (i.e., with a RangeIterator).  Or not;
 see below.

 (For the record, 2.5 ~~ '!'..5 is also true on my system, although I don't
 know why! I certainly wouldn't expect it though :)

 One explanation would be that it's comparing the String 2.5 to the
 String-terminated Range !..5.  Since 2 falls between ! and
 5, so does 2.5.

 The same applies for 'aaa' ~~ 'aa'..'az'. I find this
 quite natural.

 Not sure if you're saying that's something you'd like or if you think that
 that's something already there. It doesn't match for me using recent(ish)
 Rakudo. Of course, that could just be me! :)

 I'd personally prefer it if Ranges just did lists, including when smart
 matching, but had an interval method or such like for explicit matching
 against the endpoints, e.g.

 2.5 ~~ interval(1..5)   # or
 2.5 ~~ $myrange.interval

 I don't like the Huffman encoding: does $x come after $a and before
 $b? is a common test, and so should be short.  I'd rather require you
 to force it into list context if your goal is to test for set
 membership.  In fact, that might be a clean way of handling its dual
 nature: in item context, it behaves as a Range object; in list
 context, it behaves as the RangeIterator.  So:

 2.5 ~~ 1..5 # true: equivalent to 2.5 ~~ 1 = $_ = 5.
 2.5 ~~ @(1..5) # false: equivalent to 2.5 ~~ (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

 Incidently, this first example is why I think that Range is intimately
 related to the various order-related operators, and in particular
 before and after: its most common use outside of generating sequential
 lists is to provide a shorthand for $min before $_ before $max and
 similar range-testing expressions.

 Jonathan Dataweaver Lang

Sent from my mobile device

Mark J. Reed

Re: Synopsis 02: Range objects

2009-08-25 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 5:58 PM, Jon wrote:
 Also, I want to second David Green's point: we're not talking Range
 and Interval here; we're talking Range and Series.

But a series refers to a more general concept than a discrete range.
 I still think Range and Interval fit better.

 using Complex for your endpoints should result in an error: Complex numbers
 don't have a viable definition of before or after, let alone between.

Slight overstatement, IMO. Sure, complex numbers don't form an ordered
field: given three numbers, z0, z1, and z2, you can't ask if z0  z1
or z0  z2, at least not without imposing some artificial ordering
rule. Even without defining an ordering, though, you can meaningfully
ask whether z0 lies within or outside  the rectangle formed by z1 and
z2, which is a viable (if nonlinear) definition of between. You can
only get a Boolean answer, but it's a valid question.

That's just nitpicking, though.  It's perfectly reasonable to fail()
if someone tries to construct a Range/Series/Interval out of Complex
numbers.  We can use a different class for complex rectangles if we
need them.

Mark J. Reed

Re: $*CWD and chdir()

2009-08-19 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 2:35 AM, Darren Duncan dar...@darrenduncan.netwrote:

 Having read all of this thread to date, I'll state a solution which should
 be elegant and which I'm not sure has been stated yet.

I think that's basically what we were suggesting above, except:

 (If Perl really must have the ability to change the non-virtual current
 working directory, such as because its going to spawn another non-Perl
 process, then this should use some separate mechanism to what all of Perl's
 own IO uses, and any such change would have no effect on any Perl $*CWD.)

I would propose that whenever Perl spawns a non-Perl process, that process
automatically executes a chdir() to the spawning thread's value of $*CWD.
 But this should be done without changing the parent process's external/OS
working directory.  In UNIX that's easy - fork(), then chdir(), then exec()
- but in Windows it may be trickier.

Mark J. Reed

Re: Filename literals

2009-08-19 Thread Mark J. Reed
 anyway... certainly we'll have to rely on
 IO::Filesystem::XXX, but I do think this is another area to defer to
 the OS's own type-determining functions rather than try to do it all
 internally.  What we should have, though, is a standard way to
 represent the types in Perl so that users know how to deal with them.
 I think roles are the obvious choice: if the OS tells you that a file
 is HTML, then $file would do IO::Datatype::HTML, which means in turn
 it would also do IO::Datatype::Plaintext, and so on.

 Of course, if the OS tells you you've got a file that does
 IO::Datatype::Illudium-phosdex, and you want to *do* something with
 it, you'll need a module that knows what to do with that kind of
 file.  Perl by itself knows only how to treat it as a string of raw
 bytes.  Well, or as plain text.  So you can treat your HTML file as
 plain text, or you can use HTML::Doc::Tree and treat it as something


Sent from my mobile device

Mark J. Reed

Re: r28017 - in docs/Perl6/Spec: . S32-setting-library

2009-08-18 Thread Mark J. Reed
 On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 11:04 AM, David wrote:
 On 2009-Aug-18, at 2:29 am, Carlin Bingham wrote:

 chdir provides functionality that would be quite convoluted to mimic
 through manually setting $*CWD, such as changing to a relative

 Maybe setting $*CWD just calls chdir() under the hood?  Same implementation,
 brand new shiny Perl-style interface!

If $*CWD is really a Path object and not a Str, then it should be easy
to use mutator methods to change to a relative directory and do other
chdir()ish things.  Say, concatenation works in terms of path
components, for instance:

$*CWD ~= $subdir;   # chdir($subdir)

With a method for getting the parent:

given $*CWD { $_ = $_.up ~ $sibling }   # chdir(../$sibling)

and so on.  My favorite kshism is cd old new which does a
search/replace on the current working directory; the bash equivalent
cd ${PWD/old/new} which is not quite as handy.  $*CWD could make
that simple, too.

Mark J. Reed

Re: $*CWD and chdir()

2009-08-18 Thread Mark J. Reed
It would be nice if the bikeshed had aluminum siding.  Er, I mean, if
chdir() changed *CWD and vice-versa, though I'm not sure offhand how
best to code that in idiomatic P6 to avoid the infinite recursion.

Anyway, at the very least, a readonly *CWD holding a cached idea of
the current dir is good.  Not having to call getcwd() is a definite
performance win.  And if it functions like the POSIX shell PWD in
terms of tracking symlinks and translating relative pathnames to match
the apparent cwd instead of the physical one, so much the better.

That is, in ksh/bash, if I do

mkdir -p foo/bar/baz
cd foo
ln -s bar/baz .
cd baz

Now getcwd() (via e.g. /bin/pwd) says I'm in .../foo/bar/baz.  But
$PWD (and the shell builtin pwd) says .../foo/baz.  And even
though the directory entry ..  is a link to .../foo/bar, if I do
cd .. I will be back in .../foo, because the shell translates it
into the equivalent of 'cd $(basename $PWD) '.

Of course, other programs don't apply this logic to their arguments,
which can lead to confusion when e.g. cd ..  cat myfile yields a
different result from cat ../myfile. But in general, this potential
confusion was deemed worth it for the added transparency and utility
of symbolic links.

So perhaps a similar distinction between $*CWD and getcwd() would be
useful in P6. It would cut way down on the not getting back what you
put in problem with assigning to $*CWD.  We could minimize that issue
even further by not allowing the assignment of relative pathnames,
only absolute ones (which of course can be constructed by simple ops
on the current value).

On 8/18/09, Carlin Bingham wrote:
 2009/8/18 David Green
 On 2009-Aug-18, at 3:27 am, Timothy S. Nelson wrote:

 On Tue, 18 Aug 2009, David Green wrote:

 or however that would work in P6.  It may have problems, but by definition
 they're the same problems as chdir() has.  What am I missing?

 chdir is a familar function with predictable behaviour.
 $*CWD, as a variable that magically changes to something other than
 what it was set to, is unfamiliar and unpredictable.

 Now there's nothing wrong with introducing new, unfamiliar
 functionality, if it provides a discernible benefit, but that doesn't
 seem to be the case here.


Sent from my mobile device

Mark J. Reed

Re: $*CWD and chdir()

2009-08-18 Thread Mark J. Reed
Er, that basename down there should be a dirname, for those
playing along at home.  Memo to self: do not type long screeds on

On 8/18/09, Mark J. Reed wrote:
 It would be nice if the bikeshed had aluminum siding.  Er, I mean, if
 chdir() changed *CWD and vice-versa, though I'm not sure offhand how
 best to code that in idiomatic P6 to avoid the infinite recursion.

 Anyway, at the very least, a readonly *CWD holding a cached idea of
 the current dir is good.  Not having to call getcwd() is a definite
 performance win.  And if it functions like the POSIX shell PWD in
 terms of tracking symlinks and translating relative pathnames to match
 the apparent cwd instead of the physical one, so much the better.

 That is, in ksh/bash, if I do

 mkdir -p foo/bar/baz
 cd foo
 ln -s bar/baz .
 cd baz

 Now getcwd() (via e.g. /bin/pwd) says I'm in .../foo/bar/baz.  But
 $PWD (and the shell builtin pwd) says .../foo/baz.  And even
 though the directory entry ..  is a link to .../foo/bar, if I do
 cd .. I will be back in .../foo, because the shell translates it
 into the equivalent of 'cd $(basename $PWD) '.

 Of course, other programs don't apply this logic to their arguments,
 which can lead to confusion when e.g. cd ..  cat myfile yields a
 different result from cat ../myfile. But in general, this potential
 confusion was deemed worth it for the added transparency and utility
 of symbolic links.

 So perhaps a similar distinction between $*CWD and getcwd() would be
 useful in P6. It would cut way down on the not getting back what you
 put in problem with assigning to $*CWD.  We could minimize that issue
 even further by not allowing the assignment of relative pathnames,
 only absolute ones (which of course can be constructed by simple ops
 on the current value).

 On 8/18/09, Carlin Bingham wrote:
 2009/8/18 David Green
 On 2009-Aug-18, at 3:27 am, Timothy S. Nelson wrote:

 On Tue, 18 Aug 2009, David Green wrote:

 or however that would work in P6.  It may have problems, but by
 they're the same problems as chdir() has.  What am I missing?

 chdir is a familar function with predictable behaviour.
 $*CWD, as a variable that magically changes to something other than
 what it was set to, is unfamiliar and unpredictable.

 Now there's nothing wrong with introducing new, unfamiliar
 functionality, if it provides a discernible benefit, but that doesn't
 seem to be the case here.


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 Mark J. Reed

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Mark J. Reed

Re: r28017 - in docs/Perl6/Spec: . S32-setting-library

2009-08-18 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 6:59 AM, Carlin wrote:
 2009/8/18 Timothy S. Nelson
 On Tue, 18 Aug 2009, Mark J. Reed wrote:

       It's not in the revised spec, but I think that, even though we've
 revived chdir, we should still have it so that changing $*CWD will do a
 chdir under the hood.

You're quoting the wrong person.  That wasn't me.

Mark J. Reed

Re: $*CWD and chdir()

2009-08-18 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Jan wrote:
 You think it's a bug that PWD=/etc doesn't change your working directory
 to /etc in bash?

 Please tell me you're joking.

It's not that unreasonable.  Given a variable that magically changes
depending on your working directory, having your working directory
change when you set that variable is eminently plausible.  Especially
since the cwd is completely under the shell's control.
And changing dirs by setting PWD wouldn't get you any capability you
don't have anyway via the cd builtin.

Notably, while many of the special shell parameters have documented
set behavior (setting RANDOM seeds the random number generator; many
special parameters are readonly; others lose their magic entirely when
unset), the behavior of setting PWD is not specified.  So a shell
could have PWD= do a cd() and even be within compliance.

 Here's another example of something that, if I understand you correctly, you
 find as unexpected behaviour:

 j...@krakas ~ USER=root

If that were going to work, it would presumably work like su(1):

j...@krakas ~  USER=root
j...@krakas ~ # _

But USER isn't even a shell-maintained variable.  It's set by login();
the shell just inherits it.  A better example would be UID - which is

Mark J. Reed

Re: $*CWD and chdir()

2009-08-18 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Timothy S. wrote:
        Ok, so suppose we only allowed direct assignment to absolute paths?

Is there an echo in here? :)

Mark J. Reed

Re: $*CWD and chdir()

2009-08-18 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 10:37 AM, Jan wrote:
 It's not that unreasonable.

 I disagree, and I think I've explained why, and perhaps we won't get much

I'm not claiming that it's a good idea for bash to adopt this
behavior, only that it's a reasonable expectation tohave upon
encountering the read behavior of $PWD.
Its not unlike, say, applying an UPDATE to a view in an RDBMS: it
seems like it should work.  It might not, for various reasons, but
it's not an unreasonable expectation. And in many versions of SQL it
does work for the simpler view/table relationships.

 But USER isn't even a shell-maintained variable.

 I'm not sure what you mean by a shell-maintained variable.

I mean, it's not a parameter that is ever set by the shell.  Unlike
PWD, RANDOM, LINENO, PPID, etc. which are set by the shell.

 As for $UID being read-only, that's a bashism. There's nothing inherent
 about $UID that makes it read-only.

Huh?  I thought UID was a bashism.  In my copies of ksh, it's not even
set - ATT ksh93 (version M 1993-12-28 s+ under UWIN, Version JM 93t+
 on Linux) and pdksh 5.2.14. .  If it's POSIX, it must be a a
relatively recent addition.

 In a POSIX shell, you get this:

 $ ksh --version
  version         sh (ATT Research) 1993-12-28 s+
 $ echo $UID $USER
 501 jani

Not here.

 bash in POSIX mode agrees:

What version of bash?  bash-3.2:

$ bash --posix
bash-3.2$ echo $UID
bash-3.2$ UID=500
bash: UID: readonly variable

Did you maybe export UID,  so it's being inherited by these subshells?

 Even Perl 5 lets me change it:

OK, you clearly exported UID.  It's not exported by default, so
$ENV{UID} in Perl should be unset.   Try your experiments without
exporting UID.

In any case, %ENV isn't readonly in Perl. But neither are the contents
of %ENV managed by Perl - just inherited from the parent process.
Mark J. Reed

Re: $*CWD and chdir()

2009-08-18 Thread Mark J. Reed
The OS-level chdir() and getcwd() are not thread-safe. The usual
advice is to ignore them completely in multithreaded programs, in
favor of absolute paths (or relative paths from a fixed location,
never calling chdir()).  This is part of the a reason that Apache2
recommends fastcgi for non-prefork MPMs (since the CGI spec requires
cgi scripts to start with getcwd() set to the directory containing
Since qqx has to fork a new process anyway, having it chdir(*CWD)
is not a big deal - as long as it's the child, not the parent, that
calls chdir().  But any process with multiple threads should generally
avoid calling chdir() ever.
  All of this is assuming that P6's chdir() just calls the OS routine,
of course.  It could be made fancier and handle the thread-stuff

On 8/18/09, Timothy S. Nelson wrote:
   Ok, here's a fairly significant point posted on IRC.

   TimToady wayland76: the point of using $*CWD would be (and would *have*
 be, given how context vars work) to give each thread its own working
 directory, independent of the process as a whole

   Now, given that chdir is an OS concept that applies to the process as
 a whole, rather than individual threads, but $*CWD is designed for
 threads, that pretty much means that it is a really bad idea to have $*CWD
 chdir() for us.

   Now, having said that, I think the idea of a per-thread CWD is a great
 idea, and I'd be in favour of using $*CWD over whatever getcwd retrns in
 as much as possible.  So I think it would be cool if all relative paths
 specified via p{} were relative to $*CWD, not getcwd().  So something like

   $*CWD = /home/username;
   $path = p{Music};
   say $path.canonpath();
   # prints /home/username/Music

   My question is, what else uses chdir/getcwd style paths?  I know

 qqx/$cmd @args[]/

   ...will pass its current dir to the child.  Maybe we could have Perl6
 do something like this pseudocode under the hood when someone does a qqx.

 olddir = getcwd();
 exec(qqx string here);

   That would mean that $*CWD would effectively act as a per-thread
 working directory.

   No doubt someone will write in and tell me how bad an idea this is.  I
 look forward to having my ignorance exposed :).

 | Name: Tim Nelson | Because the Creator is,|
 | E-mail:| I am   |

 Version 3.12
 GCS d+++ s+: a- C++$ U+++$ P+++$ L+++ E- W+ N+ w--- V-
 PE(+) Y+++ PGP-+++ R(+) !tv b++ DI D G+ e++ h! y-

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Mark J. Reed

Re: Filename literals

2009-08-14 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 3:35 PM, Darren wrote:

 Under Mac OS X, all drives, root or otherwise, are accessible under
 '/Volumes/drive-name/...', and Unix in general lets you mount drives
 anywhere.  I imagine Windows supports more ways of denoting drives than the
 drive letter.

Nope.  Have to use the drive letter.  But / is understood as a synonym
for \ by the Windows API.

Mark J. Reed

Fwd: Rukudo-Star = Rakudo-lite?

2009-08-10 Thread Mark J. Reed
Wrong reply button...

-- Forwarded message --
From: Mark J. Reed
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 07:36:52 -0400
Subject: Re: Rukudo-Star = Rakudo-lite?
To: Gabor Szabo

That has the same problem as lots of other themes - it puts a hard
limit on the number of releases before the One True Rakudo.
Maybe you could call it Zeno's Camel (project motto: halfway done!)
and have releases numbered 0.5, 0.75, 0.875, 0.9375,... :)

On 8/10/09, Gabor Szabo wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 2:02 AM, Patrick R.
 On Sun, Aug 09, 2009 at 04:35:42PM -0600, David Green wrote:
 On 2009-Aug-9, at 3:57 pm, Tim Bunce wrote:
 Perhaps it's worth asking what we might call the release after that
 Rakudo not-quite-so-lite?

 Rakudo ** (aka Rakudo Exponentiation)?  Though I think Patrick is
 optimistic that development will proceed exponentially enough that a
 single interim release will be enough to hold us over until Christmas.

 I'm not sure I'm quite THAT optimistic.  :-)  We may end up with
 multiple interim releases in the Rakudo Star series before we reach
 Christmas.  (And yes, they may even be *+1, *+2, etc.)

 In some ways I'm starting to think of Star (or whatever designation
 we end up using) as a label for a series of interim releases in the
 same sense that NASA used Gemini as the label for the program
 came between Mercury and Apollo.

 In other words, Star may really end up being a designation for a
 program of planned releases with certain major objectives that
 cumulatively lead up to the ultimate goal of a full Perl 6 release.

 The precise details are still a little ill-formed in my head at the
 moment, but as they come together (and are expressed in planning
 documents) I'll be blogging or writing about them appropriately.

 my bikeshed would go along the lines of



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Mark J. Reed

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Mark J. Reed

Re: Rukudo-Star = Rakudo-lite?

2009-08-10 Thread Mark J. Reed
Given the Japanese behind the name Rakudo, rakudone looks like a
question: Rakudo, right? Beats rakuod, though.

On 8/10/09, James Fuller wrote:
 how about


 then the final version could be called


 Jim Fuller

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Mark J. Reed

Re: Embedded comments: two proposed solutions to the comment-whole-lines problem

2009-08-10 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Jon wrote:
 I'd recommend '#='; but if that
 isn't already being used by pod, it should be reserved for use by pod
 (and it's visually heavy).

Commenting out lines that include pod will generate #= at the
beginning of a line, which is tantamount to the problem we're trying
to avoid.

 What other symbols are reasonably easy to type, are visually
 lightweight, and are unlikely to be found at the start of a line and
 immediately followed by an open bracket?  Hmm... how about '#.'?

Too visually lightweight, IMO  Almost disappears entirely in this font
next to the heavy #, making the third and fourth lines below easily

  #line comment
  #.line comment
  #(line comment)
  #.(inline comment)

Besides which, Perl 6 teaches us that $foo() and $foo.() are usually
interchangeable. :)

I still like the double-bracket idea. I don't much mind the extra
character; 5 characters total still beats the 7 of HTML/XML.

Mark J. Reed

Re: confusing list assignment tests

2009-07-28 Thread Mark J. Reed
My understanding is that the P6 way to do that is to return a Capture
containing the desired return values (which can lazily do things only
when accessed) in the appropriate slots.

On 7/28/09, Jon Lang wrote:
 Larry Wall wrote:
 Moritz Lenz wrote:
 : Either it's parsed as '@a[0] = (W, W)' (list assignment), then @a should
 : get both elements, and so should @z.

 Not according to S03, at least by one reading. �...@a[0] as a scalar
 container only wants one item, so it only takes the first item off
 the list, and the list assignment produces a warning on the second
 because it's discarded.  Since an assignment returns its left side,
 only one element is available to @z from @a[0].

 So, do we still have p5's 'want_array' (or whatever it was called)?
 That is, the predicate that tells the you whether the function is
 being called in item or list context?  I know that the generalized
 'want' function proved to be unworkable; but I'd expect p6 to at least
 be able to do everything that p5 can do; and that includes functions
 that are aware of whether they're being used as singular or plural.

 Jonathan Dataweaver Lang

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Mark J. Reed

Re: indentation with multiple languages

2009-07-25 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 5:03 AM, Moritz wrote:
 Presumably you want here-docs, which can be indented in Perl 6:

    perl 6 code
    perl 6 code
         output code
         output code

 The leading whitespace will be pruned from the string.

All of the leading whitespace, or only up to the amount on the first
line?   That's always been the problem with here-docs.  Rakudo doesn't
seem to support Q:to yet, so I can't test, but if I do this:

line 1
line 2
line 3

I would want line1 to be flush left, while line 2 is indented, and
line 3 indented more.

The solutions to do this in Perl5 are a bit hacky and fragile,
something like replacing the simple

print END;


(my $str = END) =~ s/^\s{4}//gms; print $str;

or similar, which is a lot of work just to get more-legibly-formatted
source code.

Mark J. Reed

Re: Huffman's Log: svndate r27485

2009-07-10 Thread Mark J. Reed
ln() for log(:base(e)) is fine.  ln() for log to any other base is
Just Plain Wrong.

The clash between 'log' for 'logarithm' and 'log' for 'write to log
file' is unfortunate, but since you have to define logging parameters
somewhere anyway, I'm OK with having to call that sort of log as a
method on a logger object instead of as a top-level sub.

All's fair if you predeclare, so you could use MMD to define log(Str)
as a shortcut for writing to the log, but that's going to surprise
folks who are used to log('1') returning 0.

On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 3:16 PM, wrote:
 +1 on using ln() instead of log()

 Also, systems I know of that implement both log() and ln() default
 ln() with base e, as perl6 does, log() uses base 10.

Mark J. Reed

Re: Huffman's Log: svndate r27485

2009-07-10 Thread Mark J. Reed
I'm all for not having any variety of log() in the default namespace.
Regardless, mathematical functions should follow mathematical norms.
Changing Perl tradition is one thing, but we have centuries, sometimes
millennia, of tradition to deal with in the mathematical realm.  It
should not be violated lightly.

On 7/10/09, Austin Hastings wrote:
 David Green wrote:
 It occurs to me that log is a pretty short name for a function I
 rarely use.  (In fact, I'm not sure I've ever used it in perl.)  On
 the other hand, I -- and a thousand or so CPAN modules -- are always
 logging stuff in that other popular computer sense.  (All right, that
 number isn't exactly the result of a rigourous study... I did find 57
 modules that mentioned logarithms.)

 The inertia of tradition weighs heavily here, but perhaps we could
 call it ln(). (If anyone asks, I'm prepared to say with a straight
 face that it stands for log (numeric).)  And/or log(), but with the
 :base arg mandatory -- then as long as your status logging doesn't
 have a :base, you can have both.

 Umm. At the risk of pointing out the obvious, P6 has redefined the
 syntax of regular expressions, converted bitwise negation into a
 stringification unary and a binary catenation operator, and torqued a
 bunch of other keywords and line noise^W^Woperator characters out of shape.

 Do we really give a rat's posterior about the historical legacy of a
 mathematical function that (statistically) never gets called?

 Like everything else mathematical, jam it into a Math:: class and clean
 up the default namespace. (FWIW: My perl scripts don't do logs, in
 EITHER sense of the word. I don't want to replace one bit of namespace
 clutter with another one. All you web guys can use the Apache::log
 method, or whatever.)


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Mark J. Reed

Fwd: Re-thinking file test operations

2009-07-10 Thread Mark J. Reed
My reply to the message Aaron sent directly to me by mistake...

-- Forwarded message --
From: Mark J. Reed
Date: Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 7:23 PM
Subject: Re: Re-thinking file test operations
To: Aaron Sherman

You replied just to me, you know.

 In re-thinking it, we don't need to do either. It's already built in:

  $str does Path;
  if $str.e {
   say($str exists);

Sure, but I was thinking that particular case might be common enough
to warrant something with a better Huffman encoding.

  I think stringish classes are common and useful enough to have
 special literal support available without having to customize the
 grammar.  Maybe there's a registry of prefixes that can be put in
 front of the opening quote, like p'' for a pathname, or maybe you
 have to use a q operator with a modifier.

 You've made contradictory statements, there.

No, I just wasn't clear.

  Either you want to change the
 grammar to add new quoting styles (then the argument ensues: is YOUR key
 type common enough to deserve a quoting semantic?) or you think that you
 shouldn't have to customize the grammar.

No, what I was talking about was changing the default grammar, but in
a general way, so that users who wanted their own literal syntax for
such things wouldn't have to customize the grammar themselves.  That
is, I'm arguing for a change in the design to avoid programmers having
to customize the grammar for this particular case.

 I'm in favor of NOT customizing the grammar, but at the same time, I readily
 admit that strings aren't always strings, and might have much more semantic
 baggage that it would be good to be able to associate with them easily.

Mark J. Reed

Mark J. Reed

Re: Re-thinking file test operations

2009-07-09 Thread Mark J. Reed
A few months ago (or maybe more) I proposed making pathnames their own
type, distinct from (or perhas a subclass of) strings, but easily
constructed from strings, maybe with an operator.  Having those 29
single-letter methods on such a class would not bug me as much as
having them on Str.

On 7/9/09, Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:
 * Moritz Lenz [2009-07-10 00:25]:
 stat($str, :e)   # let multi dispatch handle it for us

 This gets my vote.

 Aristotle Pagaltzis //

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Mark J. Reed

Re: XOR does not work that way.

2009-06-22 Thread Mark J. Reed
 On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 4:12 PM, wrote:
 I don't think natural language -- especially the abomination that is English
 -- is the best guide for understanding logical operations (why, yes, I *do*
 speak Lojban; how did you know?).

To which Jon Lang replied:
 You're aware that Perl was designed by a linguist, with an eye toward
 incorporating natural language concepts, right?

Let me make a small digression to expand upon what Jon said.

There's a reason natlangs don't work like loglangs: human thought
isn't based on logic.  Instead, logic is an artificial construct
which, while quite useful within its domain, is not necessarily
optimal for communicating with humans - not even when the other end of
the communication is a computer.  Computers are built around logic, of
course.  But while traditional programming was based on teaching
humans to think like the computer, the progression from machine code
to assembly to ever-higher-level languages has been about making the
computers accept programming languages with increasingly natural human
language features.  Perl has synonyms (TMTOWTDI), homonyms (context,
MMD), other sorts of ambiguity just like natlangs. (And no need to
pick on poor English especially; it's a perfectly cromulent language,
however suboptimal it might be from an auxlang or loglang

All of which is just by way of agreeing with Jon: formal logic is not
the primary motivator behind Perl's design. So while it should be
considered, it's not a knockout punch to say but logic doesn't work
that way.

Mark J. Reed

Amazing Perl 6

2009-05-30 Thread Mark J. Reed
Assuming you have the right key set in the Registry, you can enter hex
Unicode in Windows.   Hold down alt, press the + key on the numpad and
then type the hex code (using the main keyboard and/or the numpad),
then release alt.

On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 2:11 AM, John M. Dlugosz wrote:
 The same tradition has variations in Windows.  I recall the leading zero
 means ANSI code page.  I thought I recall a way to give more digits and
 specify Unicode, but I can't find it on Google.


 Timothy S. Nelson |Perl 6| wrote:

 On Fri, 29 May 2009, John M. Dlugosz wrote:

 Ah yes, on the PC historically you hold down the ALT key and type the
 code with the numpad keys.

    At least when I used it, this was a decimal, rather than hex number,
 and had to be preceded by a 0 (zero).

    So if anyone is still on eg. Windows 98, this may be the way to go :).

 | Name: Tim Nelson                 | Because the Creator is,        |
 | E-mail:    | I am                           |

 Version 3.12
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