Two Quick Things

2001-09-30 Thread Bryan C . Warnock

1) As a wonderful example of Warnock's Dilemma, I asked for some temporary 
volunteers to do the Perl 6 summaries while I was otherwise occupied.  Your 
patience is commendable - no one offered.  So I'll resume with next week's 
summary, but I'm afraid I won't be backfilling.

2) Apocalypse and Exegesis 3 were expected five weeks ago.  Where are we now?

Bryan C. Warnock

Perl 6 summaries

2001-09-16 Thread Bryan C . Warnock

Duty calls.  Can someone pick up the summary for this and the next couple of 
weeks?  Email Simon for details.  Thanks,

Bryan C. Warnock

Perl 6 summaries?

2001-08-08 Thread Bryan C . Warnock

I know Simon's on the road.  I know Simon's connection is sporadic.  I don't 
know what Simon is actually checking.  Maybe news.  Dunno.  Mumkin he's 
ignoring me?  I'm thinking he's just busy, busy, busy, because well, 
Simon is usually busy, busy, busy.  Warnock's Dilemma strikes again

Anyway, I can't seem to get to Simon.  I can't seem to post to perl6-digest. 
 I can't even seem to get help from perl6-digest.  Yes, I'm using the 
netthink address, and not  (I'm sending and receiving mail 
elsewhere, and the last I checked, I'm subscribed under *two* addresses.  
I've received no response for my post, or my query.  If you have, can you 
let me know?)

Believe it or not, I really *am* still doing the Perl 6 summaries.  Well, 
physically, I'm still doing them.  I haven't been told to stop yet, so I 
keep plugging away.   I know it's been 5+ weeks since a Perl 6 digest has 
hit the streets, and there have been Perl 5 digests during that time, so 
where is 6?

I don't know.  But I do spool them off my home account.
There are two out there since the last one that I've seen come across, or 
get posted elsewhere.

Of course, this is probably an impractical posting - if folks wanted the 
summary, why would they be subscribed to an actual list?  But if you are, 
there you go.  And Simon, if you're out there, I'm looking for you.

(Or did I miss something?)

Bryan C. Warnock

Re: Perl, the new generation

2001-05-16 Thread Bryan C . Warnock

On Wednesday 16 May 2001 15:32, Nathan Torkington wrote:
 Bryan C. Warnock writes:
  I think the biggest fear isn't that Perl is going to grow out of its
  niche, but that it's going to outgrow it.  It's great that Perl has been
  able to expand to be so many things to so many people, but not at the
  expense of forgetting its roots - of the whole Right Tool / Right Job
  that it came from.

 In that case, how exactly has it forgotten its roots?  I mean, in what
 way is it not as useful as it was before?


Sorry.  I didn't mean to imply that it had, only that it seems the largest 
fears center around that it will.

Certainly, we are doing our best to keep Perl Perl.  But in the process of 
overruning enemy camps, are we leaving our own camp unguarded?

One of the nice things about early Perl 5 (I'm sorry - I was crawling 
through mud for most of Perl 4) is that Perl was an additive language.  You 
had simple concepts to accomplish simple tasks.  As the tasks got more 
complex, you could add more complex concepts onto your simple knowledge base 
to accomplish them.

Of course, when writing RFCs, no one (except for Keep Perl Perl) really 
addressed what is right with Perl, or Why Things Were Good.  People 
addressed ways that Perl *could* be improved, with the hopes that Larry 
would be able to differentiate between 'what would make a better language', 
and 'what would make Perl better'.  Those are two orthogonal concepts, when 
you think about it.

So, in reading the RFCs, and in discussions centered around make a better 
language, Perl - at least, the old, simple Perl - has seemingly become a 
subtractive language.  (Everything's an object, use warnings and strict by 
default, etc, etc)  Perl would have a much higher barrier to entry for what 
used to be a simple task.  What previously required the bare minimum of Perl 
knowledge to do, would now require more complex conceptual issues, if only 
to determine what extraneous features can be removed or hidden, and how to 
do that.

Bryan C. Warnock

Meta-help on development of perl

2001-03-09 Thread Bryan C . Warnock

So sad.

Does anyone have any advice/warstories on meshing the perl 
development/maintenance you do with your company attempting to levy a broad 
creation and property rights agreement on you?

Replies off-list are welcome, as this is arguably off-topic.

If you've only got "Find a new company" as a suggestion, withhold your 
email - I'm considering it.


Bryan C. Warnock

(To be fair, this is currently in the "working" stage, so please hold 
judgement in reserve.)

Re: Not revisiting the RFC process (was: RFC 362...)

2001-02-22 Thread Bryan C . Warnock

On Thursday 22 February 2001 17:12, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 PDDs are for internals pretty much exclusively. If it doesn't involve the 
 implementation or design of the low-level guts of perl, it doesn't belong 
 in a PDD. Which isn't to say it has to all be C and bit-level things--the 
 parser wedges that can be written in perl would be specified in perl, of 
 Some random stranger should be able to take all the 'standard' PDDs 
 (however they're marked) and build a perl interpreter/compiler. That's 
 plan, at least.

I still think it's possible (and desirable) to have PDD that handles 
language issues.  We should certainly scope out beforehand exactly what the 
semantics of construct foo should be, even if it's just a BNC description 
and a quick explanation of how it behaves in void, scalar, and list context.
A lot of times this doesn't necessarily condense to the necessary bit 
twiddles.  Much of what Larry delivers, I imagine, will be of this scope.
A PDD like this a) provides an upfront idea of what the internals guys are 
supposed to produce.  ("I didn't know that foo could take a block") and b) 
provide a jumpstart to the perl6 deliverable documentation.

I think this is what Nathan was labelling a PLD, but I said in my other 
thread, I think a single vehicle can (and should) handle them both.

Then again, you may be considering that as internals anyway.

Many of the meta- items that will be Informational probably won't be 
internally-oriented, either, but I don't think that should stop us from 
documenting them.  IMO, the decision is how deliberate the segregation of 
the different areas.  Internals, language, and meta PDDs, while curently in 
a single PDD bucket, are sub-classed as such.  This allows both a 
comprehensive list (of PDD 0 - PDD X) as well as secondary collation by 
groups.  We could just as easily create PDDs, PLDs,  PMDs, as well, but 
it's harder to handle a comprehensive list that way.  You either have 
independent numbering schemes, which could lead to confusion, or a single 
numbering scheme, which begs the question of why seperate them in the first 

Bryan C. Warnock

Re: State of PDD 0

2001-02-21 Thread Bryan C . Warnock

On Tuesday 20 February 2001 21:45, Adam Turoff wrote:
 PDDs, like the RFCs that preceded them, will need to serve multiple
 purposes.  One of them will be to catalog (and *name*) ideas that
 keep coming up, including the bad ideas (like the |||= operator)
 that we're tired of discussing.  I don't think anyone expects each
 of N PDDs to get us 1/Nth closer to Perl6.

Except it may be possible to keep the RFC structure for the "we're NOT" 
historical section.  I would much rather have a clean section on "This Is 
Perl" than to wade through N + X documents just to glean the N clues that 
I'm after.

 Some PDDs, especially Informational and possibly Experimental,
 might need to precede knowledgeable discussion.  If so, then
 Standards-track need to have the requirement that they summarize
 some amount of discussion on the list(s), and that requirement is
 enforcable (i.e., no PDDs out of left field).  

Well, we could move to a sponsorship-type model.  Since you need a WG Chair 
to move it past proposal stage, simply make that a requirement for that 
stage too.   In order to submit a Standards-track Proposal, you need a WG 
Chair, etc, to sponsor it.

That would also allow several people to put together differing proposals 
for the times that we don't have prior discussion.  Dan, for instance, 
could call for proposals for locality handling, and several folks could 
write their own comprehensive (ie, no hand-waving "and {poof} magic 
happens") PDD of how to implement it.  Only one need be accepted, the 
others can be archived with all the other Proposals for historical purposes 
- that was the whole point in not numbering Proposals in the first place.
But that seems to be merging again with the RFC process - so maybe not.

Of course, if we put too much structure in place, no one will use it, and 
we'll either see more non-experimental Experimental PDDs, or no PDDs at all.

 That's a good idea, but I'm not entirely convinced that it's the
 only one, the fairest one or the most practical one.

I'm all ears.  Er... eyes.

Bryan C. Warnock

Re: RFC 362 - revisiting the RFC process (was Warnings, strict, and CPAN)

2001-02-20 Thread Bryan C . Warnock

On Tuesday 20 February 2001 16:51, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 Honestly, the PDDs are for the stuff that was implemented, not the stuff 
 that was decided. Or, more clearly, PDDs describe the implementation or 
 proposed implementation at the internals level. RFCs are for 

It should sort of do both.  Okay, maybe arbitrary language decisions 
needn't be P?Dd, but there should be some documented consensus, even for a 
language feature, of what is (or will be), if only to give the developers a 
clear target to shoot for.

 We should have PDDs on garbage collection and memory allocation (I know, 
 know--I'm working on it! :). We should not have PDDs on, say, currying.

Well, a well-designed spec on currying language would certainly help with 
development of the internals to handle currying.  It would also provide a 
nice starting point for the currying documentation. 

Lest the architect say, "Build me a house", and then complain that we don't 
match the plans he never gave us.

Bryan C. Warnock

Re: State of PDD 0

2001-02-20 Thread Bryan C . Warnock

On Tuesday 20 February 2001 18:17, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 Ultimately, I think we're going to need at least three different
 types of documentation:
   * internals design documents (PDDs)
   * language design documents (PLDs?)
   * change requests, once we've got something to change (PCRs)
 That works. I rather like it, and I expect once we get a working perl 6, 
 probably won't need to freeze things either--worst case we mark a 
 document irrelevant or something of the sort.

Well, there's also Meta stuff for discussion that we should probably 
document as well.  As much as I disliked RFC, I also disliked PDD, as it 
'sounds' internal.  But do we create a new category for every new area we 
attempt to document, or do we change the name to reflect something more 
generic?  (The PDD has a Class field to distinguish between internals, 
meta, and language already.)

If we go with mulitple documents, is the numbering scheme concurrent?

I'm also thinking heavily about change requests, and whether they should be 
separate, or a stage beyond Standard.  Pros and cons welcome.

Bryan C. Warnock

Re: This week on the perl6 mailing lists

2001-02-15 Thread Bryan C . Warnock

On Tuesday 13 February 2001 21:32, Nathan Torkington wrote:
 David L. Nicol writes:
  Is there a budget?  Apprenticeship makes all kinds of sense when
  there is actually a money flow into the guild; the carrot of eventual
  credentials is too weak for me and many lesser poetasters.  
  Could O'Reilly and Microsoft divert some funds to actually paying people
  for helping out?  That would change the ball game something massive
 I can't speak the final word for O'Reilly, but I can say that we're
 already paying Larry's salary and have basically told him that
 his most important job is Perl6.  Until that shows fruit, we'd be
 very unlikely to tip more money in the way of perl6.
 Good luck getting blood from a ston^W^W^W^W money from Microsoft :-)

Particularly after this:

Bryan C. Warnock


2001-02-09 Thread Bryan C . Warnock

Self-referencing definitions - it's a bit like time travel.
This was originally submitted back in December, but I never saw it show up, 
and didn't see it in the archives, so I'm going to throw it to the meta 
list for hacking before there are a slew of PDDs floating around.

(I'm withholding the attachment, which is a skeleton PDD.)

=head1 TITLE

Perl Design Documents

=head1 VERSION

=head2 CURRENT

Maintainer: Bryan C. Warnock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Class: Meta
PDD Number: TBD
Version: 2
Status: Proposed
Last Modified: 9 February 2001
PDD Format: 0
Language: English

=head2 HISTORY

v1 created on 7 Dec 2000 by BCWarnock [EMAIL PROTECTED]

=head1 CHANGES

Merged Ipddfield.txt attachment.  Reproposed.


This document defines a standard format for documenting Perl
development decisions - the how and why of Perl internals, as well as
the surrounding ethos and culture of the development community.  This
document identifies Perl Design Document Format 1.


One of the shortcomings of most long-term development and maintenance
efforts - and Perl has been no exception - is the lack of readily
available documentation describing the rationale behind many of the
implementation decisions.  News archives and mailing archives are
becoming increasingly difficult to find random information in,
particularly with the myriad lists that Perl 6 begot.

Although there will always be decisions which are obvious due to a lack
of alternatives, many design decisions may have multiple technically
feasible solutions.  Why X instead of Y?  Why this instead of that?  Is
the decision based on an obscure bit of technical arcana?  Is the
decision based on Perl culture, which itself is a product of many of
the undocumented decisions made before?  Or is the decision truly a
toss-up, with a solution picked pseudo-randomly?

A Perl Design Document (PDD) is a readily available record of the Perl
community's thought process in regards to a specific structure related
to Perl development.  As such, it serves three major purposes.

=over 4

=item 1

A clear indication of the direction of current development.  A PDD
provides a road map from abstraction to implementation of an idea.

=item 2

An historical record of the rationale behind the decision.  A PDD
provides context to future developers, who may not have been familiar
with the original discussion, but are currently involved with the
resultant implementation.

=item 3

An historical technical and cultural perspective for future development
work.  Re-implementation or even tangential tasks need only address what
has changed since the original PDD.


It is not a vehicle for brainstorming or creating a wish-list.  PDDs
are reserved for a concrete snapshot of what Bis, and what Bwill


All newly created PDDs will adhere to the PDD standard current as of
the time of proposal.  In the absence of an accepted standard, the PDD
will be written in the last generally accepted format, and will
indicate the SIPDD Format as 0.  (See LVERSION|"VERSION:".) 

All existing PDDs will adhere to the PDD standard current as of the
time of resubmission.  Existing PDDs need not be modified and
resubmitted Bsolely for the purpose of adhering to a PDD format

=head2 FORMAT

All PDDs will be written in POD parseable by the current stable release
of Perl.  Although XML is a viable solution and has its vocal
supporters within the Perl community, POD is still the traditional
documentation language for All Things Perl, and PDDs have yet to reach
the level of complexity that requires some of XML's more powerful
capabilities, particularly at a trade-off to the legibility of POD's

All PDDs will be written in English.  British, American, or Other is
the choice of the author.  Translation to other languages, like all
Perl documentation, is encouraged.  (See SL"PDD TRANSLATIONS".)

All PDDs will contain the following information:

=over 4

=item TITLE:

A short, general description of a specific area within Perl.  For
instance, "Sorting" vice "Sorting with a Heap Sort".  

PDDs should be limited to a specific area of Perl - in the above case,
sorting - but should be broad enough to include the reasons for and
against any specific implementation that may be discussed.  Historical
perspectives can be contrasted and compared through archived versions
of a PDD, vice multiple searches through archived versions of In
number of PDDs.

=item VERSION:

Contains current and selected historical metadata on the PDD itself.

=over 4

=item CURRENT:

Contains the following information, current as of the date of

=over 4

=item Maintainer

Required.  The name and current email address for the POC of the PDD. 
This is to whom questions, comments, and patches are generally

=item Class

Required.  The area of Perl the PDD covers.  This allows related PDDs

Re: Art Of Unix Programming on Perl

2001-02-09 Thread Bryan C . Warnock

On Friday 09 February 2001 14:06, Simon Cozens wrote:
 I'm not sure "stagnant" is the best choice of word to describe that.

It used to be that feeping creaturism was the scourge - folks clamoring for 
a little stability in their tools and products.  Now it seems what was once 
"stability" is now "stagnatation."  

Microsoft's PR department just earned their paychecks.  More, more, more 
useless things.....
Bryan C. Warnock

Re: Critique available

2000-11-02 Thread Bryan C. Warnock

- Original Message - 
From: "Nathan Torkington" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Not only is it wrong, it's also hurting our chances.  When an article
 in is so overwhelmingly negative about the work so far, do
 you think that stirs confidence in what we're doing?  Do you think
 that people will read the article and think "yeah, I want to write
 code for *that* project".  Will they think "I'm looking forward to
 perl6!"  No, of course they won't.  They'll think "it's a typical Perl

That may be understating the case.  I'm currently working
on (with?) a product that relies heavily on perl (5.005), 
both as a support language and an embedded language.

It's not a perfect fit, but it was the best fit at the time.

With mixed messages about 5.6, an ultimate migration to 6 
which may scare away extended development with perl 5.8,
and a indefinite development period on 6 itself, how
many people are going to start hedging their bets and
investigating other non-perl solutions to their problems?

Perl 6, if the general direction of the RFCs hold true,
will be a much better fit for this company and their 
product.  Can they wait?  *Will* they wait?  I know
they've already started some migration to Java and Python.

I'm all for the truth - nothing worse than a room full of
"our shit don't stink" marketers - but let's not scare folks
away, either.

Re: Update on the RFC Process

2000-10-03 Thread Bryan C . Warnock

On Tue, 03 Oct 2000, Simon Cozens wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 03, 2000 at 04:06:00PM +0100, Piers Cawley wrote:
  Personally I'm betting that the volume we've seen on -language will
  pale into tiny insignificance compared to the volume on -internals
  once Larry has made his announcement.
 I doubt it; I think we've a lot of people who want to talk about how
 Perl should be. I don't think we'll have *that* many people when it
 comes to actually trying to implement those ideas.

Particularly since -internals will... er, should be focused on one
direction, vice the pell-mell that -language has been.  Discussions
will also require some deeper supporting arguments - something more
than "It'll be cool" or "I want it that way" - which should also help
reduce traffic.  (Other than requests for more information or
explanation, which, I sincerely hope, will be tolerated and answered,
as opposed to ignored or flamed.  Hint hint.)

Bryan C. Warnock

Re: The Future - grim.

2000-09-14 Thread Bryan C . Warnock

On Thu, 14 Sep 2000, Steve Fink wrote:
 Alan Burlison wrote:
  Having done so I have been very happy to see the wide consensus
  that seems to be appearing.
 Huh? I'd say quite the opposite. I expected more. There are many, many
 people who use perl. Anybody who uses anything will come up with ways to
 improve it (though many improvements aren't.) 


 The noise in discussions is harder. I don't mind it much, though,
 since I scan the author names and skip discussions that aren't
 inherently interesting and don't contain people I recognize and

You'd be happier if more people (more unknowns, as it were, as most of
the established community is here already) had more things to say, but
you'll filter out discussions by people you don't recognize?

(I understood your point. This was just an interesting way of
presenting it.) 

Bryan C. Warnock