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This is interesting - 


Looks like the R.eturn R.eceipts were implemented at, which means
when something from the list goes out anyone at, a r.eturn r.eceipt
is getting sent back out to the list. I'm not sure how it's implemented but
I'm thinking that it's not under control of the person it's getting sent
from. The reason I think this is because one person from sent me
something asking if we could get rid of them - the amusing part is they
probably don't know that their email also generates the return.


Just so you all know, we monitor the list and when we see these we try to
institute a rule in the email system that will block these types of emails,
as well as any spam that may get through. It does sometimes take a few turn
arounds to get it correct.


leon ...


p.s. the other reason I'm sending this is to see if the new rule works.


p.s.s - I think it works, I sent this the first time and didn't put the "."
after the r and it got blocked.


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