Re: [GENERAL] Russian Language Spam

2011-08-08 Thread John R Pierce

On 08/07/11 4:06 PM, Noel Cosgrave wrote:

Can someone please cancel the taxation/legal spam? None of the
Russian-language posts I've read here recently have anything whatsoever
to do with Postgresql.

I haven't seen any russian here?

john r pierceN 37, W 122
santa cruz ca mid-left coast

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Re: [GENERAL] postgres table have a large number of relpages and occupied a big memory size

2011-08-08 Thread Vivekkumar Pandey
Hi ,

  I have version of PostgreSQL as given below:---

 PostgreSQL 8.1.2 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC)
3.3.3 (SuSE Linux)

And it does't have any n_dead_tup columns in pg_stat_all_tables like this:

mydb=# \d pg_stat_all_tables
View pg_catalog.pg_stat_all_tables
Column |  Type  | Modifiers
 relid | oid|
 schemaname| name   |
 relname   | name   |
 seq_scan  | bigint |
 seq_tup_read  | bigint |
 idx_scan  | bigint |
 idx_tup_fetch | bigint |
 n_tup_ins | bigint |
 n_tup_upd | bigint |
 n_tup_del | bigint |

In what situations table creates a new row instead of using deleted
marked tuples that's why size of table increases abnormally.

On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 12:12 AM, Jaime Casanova wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 5:26 AM, Tomas Vondra wrote:
 On 5 Srpen 2011, 10:52, Vivekkumar Pandey wrote:

 Also suggest the Query that can view the dead tuples in the table.

 You can't see the dead tuples with a query - that's why they're called

 you can see an estimate of how many dead tuples are looking at the
 n_dead_tup in pg_stat_all_tables

 Jaime Casanova
 Professional PostgreSQL: Soporte 24x7 y capacitación



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Re: [GENERAL] Granting Privileges in Postgres

2011-08-08 Thread Guillaume Lelarge
On Mon, 2011-08-08 at 10:28 +0530, Adarsh Sharma wrote:
 Dear all,
 Today I researched on giving privileges in Postgres databases. I have 4 
 databases and near about 150 tables, 50-60 sequences and also some views 
 in it.
 I want to give privileges to a new user in all these objects. I created 
 a function for that but don't know how to give privileges on all objects 
 all at once.
 **Function for granting all privileges on all tables in 
 postgres database**
 Step 1 : Create a new user with password
 create user abc with password 'as123';
 Step 2 :
 create function grant_all(a text) returns void as $$
 name text;
 user_name alias for $1;
 for name in select table_name from information_schema.tables where 
 table_schema = 'public' loop
 execute 'grant all on table ' || name || ' to ' ||  user_name ;
 end loop;
 $$ language plpgsql;
 Step 3 :
 select grant_all('abc');
 Step 4 :
 This will grant on tables only but Do I need to manually issue grant 
 commands on all objects.
 I want to issue it all at once.

You just need to add the other GRANT ALL ON object type object name
to user name in your function.


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Re: [GENERAL] Granting Privileges in Postgres

2011-08-08 Thread Adarsh Sharma

Guillaume Lelarge wrote:

On Mon, 2011-08-08 at 10:28 +0530, Adarsh Sharma wrote:

Dear all,

Today I researched on giving privileges in Postgres databases. I have 4 
databases and near about 150 tables, 50-60 sequences and also some views 
in it.

I want to give privileges to a new user in all these objects. I created 
a function for that but don't know how to give privileges on all objects 
all at once.

**Function for granting all privileges on all tables in 
postgres database**

Step 1 : Create a new user with password

create user abc with password 'as123';

Step 2 :

create function grant_all(a text) returns void as $$


name text;
user_name alias for $1;


for name in select table_name from information_schema.tables where 
table_schema = 'public' loop

execute 'grant all on table ' || name || ' to ' ||  user_name ;

end loop;


$$ language plpgsql;

Step 3 :

select grant_all('abc');

Step 4 :


This will grant on tables only but Do I need to manually issue grant 
commands on all objects.

I want to issue it all at once.

You just need to add the other GRANT ALL ON object type object name
to user name in your function.

But how it picks all view  sequence names one by one, I iterate in my 
loop each table name .

Manually the command is :

grant all on sequence_name to user_name;



Re: [GENERAL] Re: [TESTERS] FREE hosting platforms with PostgreSQL, Java SDK, Tomcat, ecc.?

2011-08-08 Thread Achilleas Mantzios
Just a thought,
why don't you deploy your setup in your home computer,
and make it accesible from the inet via your home router?

Just make a software raid, get a nice UPS unit, try to harden your OS a little 
bit, and run your apps there.
It could prove a nice free alternative until anything that looks like a free 
HAAS/PAAS shows up.

I know it sounds old fashioned, now in the days of the cloud frenzy, but there 
must be some
value in doing all this by yourself, even if it goes against the trends.

Στις Sunday 07 August 2011 17:50:44 ο/η Fernando Pianegiani έγραψε:
 On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 4:22 PM, David Johnston wrote:
   this is very difficult, but it is exactly what I am doing in environments
  different from this one. Even if this risks to be considered (not so
  positively) as a request of charity... :-)
  At that point, unless you have confidentiality requirements, why not just
  tell everyone what it is you are working on and see if anyone responds
  favorably?  It woul normally be deemed off-topic but at this point one more
  non-Postgresql post isn't going to make a big difference on this thread.
  Fundraising for a cause is quite a bit different than asking for a personal
  gift and it sound like your request falls into the former category.
 Dear David, thank you for your post. I have not posted exactly a
 non-PostgreSQL post, in fact I asked for information about possible services
 of free hosting platforms with PostgreSQL installed. I repeat that I didn't
 ask for a hosting platform but for information about possible inherent free
 The item of research focuses on the remote detection of events of health
 hazard, like in particular the cardiac atrial fibrillation, by wireless
 sensors installed on the body of the patient and a phone that forwards the
 data towards the hosting. If somebody can be interested I pray him to ask me
 for more information writing just to my email address. Thanks a lot!
  David J.

Achilleas Mantzios

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Re: [GENERAL] Granting Privileges in Postgres

2011-08-08 Thread Guillaume Lelarge
On Mon, 2011-08-08 at 11:42 +0530, Adarsh Sharma wrote:
 Guillaume Lelarge wrote:
  On Mon, 2011-08-08 at 10:28 +0530, Adarsh Sharma wrote:

  Dear all,
  Today I researched on giving privileges in Postgres databases. I have 4 
  databases and near about 150 tables, 50-60 sequences and also some views 
  in it.
  I want to give privileges to a new user in all these objects. I created 
  a function for that but don't know how to give privileges on all objects 
  all at once.
  **Function for granting all privileges on all tables in 
  postgres database**
  Step 1 : Create a new user with password
  create user abc with password 'as123';
  Step 2 :
  create function grant_all(a text) returns void as $$
  name text;
  user_name alias for $1;
  for name in select table_name from information_schema.tables where 
  table_schema = 'public' loop
  execute 'grant all on table ' || name || ' to ' ||  user_name ;
  end loop;
  $$ language plpgsql;
  Step 3 :
  select grant_all('abc');
  Step 4 :
  This will grant on tables only but Do I need to manually issue grant 
  commands on all objects.
  I want to issue it all at once.
 You just need to add the other GRANT ALL ON object type object name
 to user name in your function.

 But how it picks all view  sequence names one by one, I iterate in my 
 loop each table name .
 Manually the command is :
 grant all on sequence_name to user_name;

For sequences, you need to look at information_schema.sequences. For
others, well, it depends on what objects you'll have in your database.


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Re: [GENERAL] Query with rightmost function does not use index

2011-08-08 Thread - -

Here are the EXPLAIN ANALYZE outputs:

explain analyze select * from filter_item where filter_hash = MD5('');

 Seq Scan on filter_item  (cost=0.00..424644.96 rows=86108 width=49) (actual 
time=8177.807..12421.921 rows=77 loops=1)
   Filter: ((filter_hash)::text = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'::text)
 Total runtime: 12421.959 ms
(3 rows)

explain analyze select * from filter_item where filter_hash = 

 Bitmap Heap Scan on filter_item  (cost=77.92..6609.02 rows=3534 width=49) 
(actual time=0.055..0.100 rows=77 loops=1)
   Recheck Cond: (filter_hash = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'::bpchar)
   -  Bitmap Index Scan on filter_item__filter_hash  (cost=0.00..77.04 
rows=3534 width=0) (actual time=0.049..0.049 rows=77 loops=1)
 Index Cond: (filter_hash = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'::bpchar)
 Total runtime: 0.130 ms
(5 rows)

[GENERAL] Backup Restore a database in PostgreSQL

2011-08-08 Thread Siva Palanisamy
Hi All,

I am also a newbie here! I need to backup a database and restore it into the 
target machine where the database may already present or might not. If it 
exists, I want the restore command to overwrite, otherwise, just create a new 

I tried using the commands:
(1) BACKUP: pg_dump -h localhost -U username db  dump_file.out;
RESTORE: pg_dump -h localhost -U username db  dump_file.out;
pg_dump -h localhost -U username -Ft db  dump_file.tar;
pg_restore -h localhost -U username -d db dump_file.tar;

Backup worked perfect in the above 2 scenarios whereas restore didn't yield 
the exact results. For testing it, I took the back-up and intentionally deleted 
few records in a table. I then restored the database in the same machine where 
the database exists. I expected the deleted records to come back as I was 
restoring the one which has the complete data. It didn't yield proper results. 
And I wonder why..

I believe I might be doing something marginally wrong. I would appreciate if 
any geek over here to guide me the restore command properly.

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [GENERAL] Backup Restore a database in PostgreSQL

2011-08-08 Thread John R Pierce

On 08/08/11 1:01 AM, Siva Palanisamy wrote:

Hi All,

I am also a newbie here! I need to backup a database and restore it 
into the target machine where the database may already present or 
might not. If it exists, I want the restore command to overwrite, 
otherwise, just create a new one.

I tried using the commands:

(1) BACKUP: pg_dump -h localhost -U username db  dump_file.out;

RESTORE: pg_dump -h localhost -U username db  dump_file.out;


pg_dump -h localhost -U username -Ft db  dump_file.tar;


pg_restore -h localhost -U username -d db dump_file.tar;

Backup worked perfect in the above 2 scenarios whereas restore 
didn't yield the exact results. For testing it, I took the back-up and 
intentionally deleted few records in a table. I then restored the 
database in the same machine where the database exists. I expected the 
deleted records to come back as I was restoring the one which has the 
complete data. It didn't yield proper results. And I wonder why..

I believe I might be doing something marginally wrong. I would 
appreciate if any geek over here to guide me the restore command 

specify -c on the pg_restore, and it will drop the database objects and 
recreate them

pg_dump -Fc -h localhost -U user -f dbname

pg_restore -c -h localhost -U user -d dbname

john r pierceN 37, W 122
santa cruz ca mid-left coast

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Re: [GENERAL] Backup Restore a database in PostgreSQL

2011-08-08 Thread Siva Palanisamy
Hi John,

Thanks a lot for your reply. As usual Backup worked perfectly. When I tried 
restore using the command you provided, I got the below list of errors! Please 
help me out on this.

pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error while PROCESSING TOC:
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 14; 1255 16384 FUNCTION 
plpgsql_call_handler() postgres
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  must be owner of 
function public.plpgsql_call_handler
Command was: DROP FUNCTION public.plpgsql_call_handler();
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 276; 2612 16387 PROCEDURAL 
LANGUAGE plpgsql
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  must be superuser 
to drop procedural language
Command was: DROP PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE plpgsql;
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 5; 2615 2200 SCHEMA public 
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  must be owner of 
schema public
Command was: DROP SCHEMA public;
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  schema public 
already exists
Command was: CREATE SCHEMA public;
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 1566; 0 0 COMMENT SCHEMA 
public postgres
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  must be owner of 
schema public
Command was: COMMENT ON SCHEMA public IS 'Standard public schema';
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 276; 2612 16387 PROCEDURAL 
LANGUAGE plpgsql
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  must be superuser 
to create procedural language
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 14; 1255 16384 FUNCTION 
plpgsql_call_handler() postgres
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  permission denied 
for language c
Command was: CREATE FUNCTION plpgsql_call_handler() RETURNS language_handler
AS '$libdir/plpgsql', 'plpgsql_call_handler'
pg_restore: WARNING:  no privileges could be revoked
pg_restore: WARNING:  no privileges could be revoked
pg_restore: WARNING:  no privileges were granted
pg_restore: WARNING:  no privileges were granted
WARNING: errors ignored on restore: 7

Thanks and Regards,

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of John R Pierce
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2011 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Backup  Restore a database in PostgreSQL

On 08/08/11 1:01 AM, Siva Palanisamy wrote:

 Hi All,

 I am also a newbie here! I need to backup a database and restore it
 into the target machine where the database may already present or
 might not. If it exists, I want the restore command to overwrite,
 otherwise, just create a new one.

 I tried using the commands:

 (1) BACKUP: pg_dump -h localhost -U username db  dump_file.out;

 RESTORE: pg_dump -h localhost -U username db  dump_file.out;

 (2) BACKUP:

 pg_dump -h localhost -U username -Ft db  dump_file.tar;


 pg_restore -h localhost -U username -d db dump_file.tar;

 Backup worked perfect in the above 2 scenarios whereas restore
 didn't yield the exact results. For testing it, I took the back-up and
 intentionally deleted few records in a table. I then restored the
 database in the same machine where the database exists. I expected the
 deleted records to come back as I was restoring the one which has the
 complete data. It didn't yield proper results. And I wonder why..

 I believe I might be doing something marginally wrong. I would
 appreciate if any geek over here to guide me the restore command

specify -c on the pg_restore, and it will drop the database objects and
recreate them

pg_dump -Fc -h localhost -U user -f dbname

pg_restore -c -h localhost -U user -d dbname

john r pierceN 37, W 122
santa cruz ca mid-left coast

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attachments please check 

Re: [GENERAL] postgres table have a large number of relpages and occupied a big memory size

2011-08-08 Thread Tomas Vondra
On 8 Srpen 2011, 8:02, Vivekkumar Pandey wrote:
 Hi ,

   I have version of PostgreSQL as given below:---

  PostgreSQL 8.1.2 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC)
 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux)

 And it does't have any n_dead_tup columns in pg_stat_all_tables like this:

That's because this column was added in 8.3.

BTW you're using a way too old version. It's not just that 8.1 is
unsupported, but the last minor subversion in this branch is 8.1.23. There
were numerous bugfixes since 8.1.2, so you should upgrade at least to this
version (and plan to upgrade to something more fresh).

 In what situations table creates a new row instead of using deleted
 marked tuples that's why size of table increases abnormally.

Whenever a row is modified - that means insert, update or delete. That's
how PostgreSQL MVCC works. This wasted space needs to be reclaimed, which
is exactly what (auto)vacuum does.

PS: With HOT this is not exactly true, but HOT is not available in 8.1
anyway. Another reason to upgrade to a more recent version.


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Re: [GENERAL] Filling null values

2011-08-08 Thread Ben Carbery
Hmm, no-one seemed to mention the obvious - a pl/pgsql function, either
triggered or run manually depending if you want to update on insert/update
or on demand.

On 7 August 2011 16:05, Sim Zacks wrote:

 On 08/05/2011 07:32 PM, jeffrey wrote:

 I have a table that looks like this:

 homeidcity  date measurement  pre/post
 123   san francisco  1/2/2003 1458 pre
 123   san francisco  NULL  1932 post
 124   los angeles2/4/2005  938   pre
 124   NULLNULL   266   pre
 124   los angeles7/4/2006  777   post

 I'd like to write a query so that I get the following result:

 homeidcity  date measurement  pre/post
 123   san francisco  1/2/2003 1458 pre
 123   san francisco  1/2/2003  1932post
 124   los angeles2/4/2005  938   pre
 124   los angeles2/4/2005   266  pre
 124   los angeles7/4/2006  777   post

 If a city or date is null, then it will fill from other not null
 values with the same homeid.  If given the choice, it will
 preferentially fill from a row where homeid AND pre/post match.  But
 if that doesn't match, then it will still fill from the same homeid.

 Does anyone have ideas for this?


Re: [GENERAL] Backup Restore a database in PostgreSQL

2011-08-08 Thread Amitabh Kant
Hi Siva

Not sure if it would help, but try passing -O in your pg_restore command.


On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 2:04 PM, Siva Palanisamy wrote:

 Hi John,

 Thanks a lot for your reply. As usual Backup worked perfectly. When I tried
 restore using the command you provided, I got the below list of errors!
 Please help me out on this.

 pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error while PROCESSING TOC:
 pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 14; 1255 16384 FUNCTION
 plpgsql_call_handler() postgres
 pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  must be owner
 of function public.plpgsql_call_handler
Command was: DROP FUNCTION public.plpgsql_call_handler();
 pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 276; 2612 16387 PROCEDURAL
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
 pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  must be
 superuser to drop procedural language
Command was: DROP PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE plpgsql;
 pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 5; 2615 2200 SCHEMA public
 pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  must be owner
 of schema public
Command was: DROP SCHEMA public;
 pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  schema
 public already exists
Command was: CREATE SCHEMA public;
 pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 1566; 0 0 COMMENT SCHEMA
 public postgres
 pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  must be owner
 of schema public
Command was: COMMENT ON SCHEMA public IS 'Standard public schema';
 pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 276; 2612 16387 PROCEDURAL
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
 pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  must be
 superuser to create procedural language
 pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 14; 1255 16384 FUNCTION
 plpgsql_call_handler() postgres
 pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  permission
 denied for language c
Command was: CREATE FUNCTION plpgsql_call_handler() RETURNS
AS '$libdir/plpgsql', 'plpgsql_call_handler'
 pg_restore: WARNING:  no privileges could be revoked
 pg_restore: WARNING:  no privileges could be revoked
 pg_restore: WARNING:  no privileges were granted
 pg_restore: WARNING:  no privileges were granted
 WARNING: errors ignored on restore: 7

 Thanks and Regards,

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of John R Pierce
 Sent: Monday, August 08, 2011 1:45 PM
 Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Backup  Restore a database in PostgreSQL

 On 08/08/11 1:01 AM, Siva Palanisamy wrote:
  Hi All,
  I am also a newbie here! I need to backup a database and restore it
  into the target machine where the database may already present or
  might not. If it exists, I want the restore command to overwrite,
  otherwise, just create a new one.
  I tried using the commands:
  (1) BACKUP: pg_dump -h localhost -U username db  dump_file.out;
  RESTORE: pg_dump -h localhost -U username db  dump_file.out;
  (2) BACKUP:
  pg_dump -h localhost -U username -Ft db  dump_file.tar;
  pg_restore -h localhost -U username -d db dump_file.tar;
  Backup worked perfect in the above 2 scenarios whereas restore
  didn't yield the exact results. For testing it, I took the back-up and
  intentionally deleted few records in a table. I then restored the
  database in the same machine where the database exists. I expected the
  deleted records to come back as I was restoring the one which has the
  complete data. It didn't yield proper results. And I wonder why..
  I believe I might be doing something marginally wrong. I would
  appreciate if any geek over here to guide me the restore command

 specify -c on the pg_restore, and it will drop the database objects and
 recreate them

 pg_dump -Fc -h localhost -U user -f dbname

 pg_restore -c -h localhost -U user -d dbname

 john r pierceN 37, W 122
 santa cruz ca mid-left coast

 Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
 To make changes to your subscription:



 The contents of this e-mail and any attachment(s) are confidential and
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 It shall not attach any liability on the originator or HCL or its
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 the opinions of HCL or its affiliates.
 Any form of reproduction, dissemination, copying, disclosure, modification,
 distribution and / or publication of

Re: [GENERAL] Backup Restore a database in PostgreSQL

2011-08-08 Thread Siva Palanisamy
Hi Amitabh,

I just added the -O option in the middle as detailed below.

pg_restore -c -O -h localhost -U username -d db;

However, I get the same list of errors as below. The weird thing is, it appears 
to be working fine. I could not able to comprehend the error list! I don't have 
any clue about it!
For your information, I don't think am running using the superuser account! But 
just seem like a normal user account.. Could this lead to few issues on 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and Regards,

From: Amitabh Kant []
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2011 2:42 PM
To: Siva Palanisamy
Cc: John R Pierce;
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Backup  Restore a database in PostgreSQL

Hi Siva

Not sure if it would help, but try passing -O in your pg_restore command.

On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 2:04 PM, Siva Palanisamy wrote:
Hi John,

Thanks a lot for your reply. As usual Backup worked perfectly. When I tried 
restore using the command you provided, I got the below list of errors! Please 
help me out on this.

pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error while PROCESSING TOC:
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 14; 1255 16384 FUNCTION 
plpgsql_call_handler() postgres
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  must be owner of 
function public.plpgsql_call_handler
   Command was: DROP FUNCTION public.plpgsql_call_handler();
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 276; 2612 16387 PROCEDURAL 
LANGUAGE plpgsql
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  must be superuser 
to drop procedural language
   Command was: DROP PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE plpgsql;
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 5; 2615 2200 SCHEMA public 
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  must be owner of 
schema public
   Command was: DROP SCHEMA public;
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  schema public 
already exists
   Command was: CREATE SCHEMA public;
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 1566; 0 0 COMMENT SCHEMA 
public postgres
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  must be owner of 
schema public
   Command was: COMMENT ON SCHEMA public IS 'Standard public schema';
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 276; 2612 16387 PROCEDURAL 
LANGUAGE plpgsql
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  must be superuser 
to create procedural language
   Command was: CREATE PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE plpgsql;
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 14; 1255 16384 FUNCTION 
plpgsql_call_handler() postgres
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  permission denied 
for language c
   Command was: CREATE FUNCTION plpgsql_call_handler() RETURNS language_handler
   AS '$libdir/plpgsql', 'plpgsql_call_handler'
pg_restore: WARNING:  no privileges could be revoked
pg_restore: WARNING:  no privileges could be revoked
pg_restore: WARNING:  no privileges were granted
pg_restore: WARNING:  no privileges were granted
WARNING: errors ignored on restore: 7

Thanks and Regards,

-Original Message-
 On Behalf Of John R Pierce
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2011 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Backup  Restore a database in PostgreSQL

On 08/08/11 1:01 AM, Siva Palanisamy wrote:

 Hi All,

 I am also a newbie here! I need to backup a database and restore it
 into the target machine where the database may already present or
 might not. If it exists, I want the restore command to overwrite,
 otherwise, just create a new one.

 I tried using the commands:

 (1) BACKUP: pg_dump -h localhost -U username db  dump_file.out;

 RESTORE: pg_dump -h localhost -U username db  dump_file.out;

 (2) BACKUP:

 pg_dump -h localhost -U username -Ft db  dump_file.tar;


 pg_restore -h localhost -U username -d db dump_file.tar;

 Backup worked perfect in the above 2 scenarios whereas restore
 didn't yield the exact results. For testing it, I took the back-up and
 intentionally deleted few records in a table. I then restored the
 database in the same machine where the database exists. I expected the
 deleted records to come back as I was restoring the one which has the
 complete data. It didn't yield proper results. And I wonder why..

 I believe I might be doing something marginally wrong. I would
 appreciate if any geek over here to guide me the restore command

specify -c on the pg_restore, and it will drop the database objects and
recreate them

pg_dump -Fc -h localhost -U user -f dumpfile.pg dbname

pg_restore -c -h localhost -U user -d dbname dumpfile.pg


Re: [GENERAL] Filling null values

2011-08-08 Thread Thomas Markus


try this. If your table name is mytable:

, coalesce(, (select from mytable b where 
b.homeid=a.homeid and is not null order by b.prepost=a.prepost 
desc limit 1) ) as date

, a.measurement
, a.prepost
mytable a


Am 05.08.2011 18:32, schrieb jeffrey:

I have a table that looks like this:

homeidcity  date measurement  pre/post
123   san francisco  1/2/2003 1458 pre
123   san francisco  NULL  1932 post
124   los angeles2/4/2005  938   pre
124   NULLNULL   266   pre
124   los angeles7/4/2006  777   post

I'd like to write a query so that I get the following result:

homeidcity  date measurement  pre/post
123   san francisco  1/2/2003 1458 pre
123   san francisco  1/2/2003  1932post
124   los angeles2/4/2005  938   pre
124   los angeles2/4/2005   266  pre
124   los angeles7/4/2006  777   post

If a city or date is null, then it will fill from other not null
values with the same homeid.  If given the choice, it will
preferentially fill from a row where homeid AND pre/post match.  But
if that doesn't match, then it will still fill from the same homeid.

Does anyone have ideas for this?


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[GENERAL] How to get to know the current user account is superuser or not?

2011-08-08 Thread Siva Palanisamy
Hi All,

I was provided with a user account to access postgresql. I want to process some 
high-level operations that might need a superuser/admin privileged access. How 
to get to know the user account I was provided having what kind of privileges? 
It looks like I don't have super user account! And I want to confirm this at 
the earliest.

Thanks and Regards,


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Re: [GENERAL] How to get to know the current user account is superuser or not?

2011-08-08 Thread Simon Riggs
On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 10:36 AM, Siva Palanisamy wrote:

 I was provided with a user account to access postgresql. I want to process
 some high-level operations that might need a superuser/admin privileged
 access. How to get to know the user account I was provided having what kind
 of privileges? It looks like I don’t have super user account! And I want to
 confirm this at the earliest.

The best thing is to spend a few minutes reading the section on
Functions, which details more than 2000 functions designed to help you
with this question and many others.

 Simon Riggs
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training  Services

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Re: [GENERAL] Backup Restore a database in PostgreSQL

2011-08-08 Thread Greg Williamson
Siva --

 Thanks a lot for your reply. As usual Backup worked perfectly. When I tried 
 restore using the command you provided, I got the below list of errors! 
 Please help me  out on this.
 pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error while PROCESSING TOC:
 pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 14; 1255 16384 FUNCTION 
 plpgsql_call_handler() postgres
 pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  must be owner of 
 function public.plpgsql_call_handler
     Command was: DROP FUNCTION public.plpgsql_call_handler();

Clue #1 -- you are not running as the correct user for the restore into this 

 pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 276; 2612 16387 PROCEDURAL 
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
 pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  must be 
 superuser to drop procedural language
     Command was: DROP PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Clue #2!

So you need to change to being the postgres user that created the database, 
which presumably has the proper permissions to drop these various entities.

snipped redundant error messages?


Greg Williamson

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Re: [GENERAL] How to get to know the current user account is superuser or not?

2011-08-08 Thread Achilleas Mantzios
Στις Monday 08 August 2011 12:36:44 ο/η Siva Palanisamy έγραψε:
 Hi All,
 I was provided with a user account to access postgresql. I want to process 
 some high-level operations that might need a superuser/admin privileged 
 access. How to get to know the user account I was provided having what kind 
 of privileges? It looks like I don't have super user account! And I want to 
 confirm this at the earliest.

SELECT * from pg_user;

 Thanks and Regards,
 The contents of this e-mail and any attachment(s) are confidential and 
 intended for the named recipient(s) only.
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 opinions of HCL or its affiliates.
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 this message without the prior written consent of the author of this e-mail 
 is strictly prohibited. If you have
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 immediately. Before opening any mail and
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Achilleas Mantzios

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Re: [GENERAL] How to get to know the current user account is superuser or not?

2011-08-08 Thread Siva Palanisamy
Hi Achilleas,

Thanks a lot for your reply. I got what I wanted now! I knew this question was 
very basic but I am completely new to PostgreSQL..!!

Thanks and Regards,

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Achilleas Mantzios
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2011 4:01 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] How to get to know the current user account is superuser 
or not?

Στις Monday 08 August 2011 12:36:44 ο/η Siva Palanisamy έγραψε:
 Hi All,
 I was provided with a user account to access postgresql. I want to process 
 some high-level operations that might need a superuser/admin privileged 
 access. How to get to know the user account I was provided having what kind 
 of privileges? It looks like I don't have super user account! And I want to 
 confirm this at the earliest.

SELECT * from pg_user;

 Thanks and Regards,
 The contents of this e-mail and any attachment(s) are confidential and 
 intended for the named recipient(s) only.
 It shall not attach any liability on the originator or HCL or its affiliates. 
 Any views or opinions presented in
 this email are solely those of the author and may not necessarily reflect the 
 opinions of HCL or its affiliates.
 Any form of reproduction, dissemination, copying, disclosure, modification, 
 distribution and / or publication of
 this message without the prior written consent of the author of this e-mail 
 is strictly prohibited. If you have
 received this email in error please delete it and notify the sender 
 immediately. Before opening any mail and
 attachments please check them for viruses and defect.

Achilleas Mantzios

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Re: [GENERAL] How to get to know the current user account is superuser or not?

2011-08-08 Thread David Johnston

Hi All,


I was provided with a user account to access postgresql. I want to process
some high-level operations that might need a superuser/admin privileged
access. How to get to know the user account I was provided having what kind
of privileges? It looks like I don't have super user account! And I want to
confirm this at the earliest.


Thanks and Regards,



Ask the person who setup your user.



Re: [GENERAL] Query with rightmost function does not use index

2011-08-08 Thread David Johnston
[] On Behalf Of - -
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2011 3:40 AM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Query with rightmost function does not use index


Here are the EXPLAIN ANALYZE outputs:

explain analyze select * from filter_item where filter_hash = MD5('');


 Seq Scan on filter_item  (cost=0.00..424644.96 rows=86108 width=49) (ac
tual time=8177.807..12421.921 rows=77 loops=1)
   Filter: ((filter_hash)::text = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'::text)
 Total runtime: 12421.959 ms
(3 rows)

explain analyze select * from filter_item where filter_hash =


 Bitmap Heap Scan on filter_item  (cost=77.92..6609.02 rows=3534 width=49)
(actual time=0.055..0.100 rows=77 loops=1)
   Recheck Cond: (filter_hash = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'::bpchar)
   -  Bitmap Index Scan on filter_item__filter_hash  (cost=0.00..77.04
rows=3534 width=0) (actual time=0.049..0.049 rows=77 loops=1)
 Index Cond: (filter_hash =
 Total runtime: 0.130 ms
(5 rows)



The filter_hash index uses a character(n) data type - the ::bpchar. The
second query is of unknown type and thus is converted to character and
then used in the index.  The first query use a function that outputs a
text.  Since the output type is known the left-side of the equals is
casted to that known type.  Since the index is one the character version
of the filter_hash but the comparison requires a text version the index
cannot be used.  You would need to manually cast the result of the md5
function call to character in order to get the index usage; or convert the
filter_hash column to text, the latter option probably being preferred.


It is not a bug, in cases of uncertainty the types of the value and the
indexed field must be the same, but it could possibly be more user-friendly.


I'll leave it to other to comment on whether this is different in more
recent versions.  Text-character are binary compatible and so it is not be
unreasonable to assume, like you did, that indexes of one should be usable
by the other.


David J.




Re: [GENERAL] Backup Restore a database in PostgreSQL

2011-08-08 Thread Albe Laurenz
Siva Palanisamy wrote:
 However, I get the same list of errors as below. The weird thing is,
it appears to be working fine. I
 could not able to comprehend the error list! I don't have any clue
about it!

 For your information, I don't think am running using the superuser
account! But just seem like a
 normal user account.. Could this lead to few issues on privileges?

The messages you get are to be expected if you try to restore a database
without the necessary permissions.

It worked for the objects that the user owns.

If you want to backup just a few tables or a certain schema in the
use the -t or -n flags.
If you want to backup the whole database, make sure you have appropriate
permissions when you restore.

Laurenz Albe

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Re: [GENERAL] Russian Language Spam

2011-08-08 Thread Martin Gainty

they come from b*yo(@n!.com so purchasing one of their domains and you'll get 
Russian Brides for sale preconfigured for that site!
August is black August month for Russia..all bad things that could happen have 
happened to Russia in the month of August.

Validimir is up to his old tricks.
Martin Gainty 
Trust ...but verify..Ronald Reagan

 Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2011 23:00:53 -0700
 Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Russian Language Spam
 On 08/07/11 4:06 PM, Noel Cosgrave wrote:
  Can someone please cancel the taxation/legal spam? None of the
  Russian-language posts I've read here recently have anything whatsoever
  to do with Postgresql.
 I haven't seen any russian here?
 john r pierceN 37, W 122
 santa cruz ca mid-left coast
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Re: [GENERAL] Query with rightmost function does not use index

2011-08-08 Thread Andres Freund

On Monday, August 08, 2011 15:40:20 - - wrote:
 explain analyze select * from filter_item where filter_hash = MD5('');
 --- Seq Scan on filter_item 
 (cost=0.00..424644.96 rows=86108 width=49) (actual time=8177.807..12421.921
 rows=77 loops=1) Filter: ((filter_hash)::text =
 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'::text) Total runtime: 12421.959 ms
 (3 rows)
 explain analyze select * from filter_item where filter_hash =
 -- Bitmap Heap Scan
 on filter_item  (cost=77.92..6609.02 rows=3534 width=49) (actual
 time=0.055..0.100 rows=77 loops=1) Recheck Cond: (filter_hash =
 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'::bpchar) -  Bitmap Index Scan on
 filter_item__filter_hash  (cost=0.00..77.04 rows=3534 width=0) (actual
 time=0.049..0.049 rows=77 loops=1) Index Cond: (filter_hash =
 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'::bpchar) Total runtime: 0.130 ms
 (5 rows)
The problem is that your filter_hash columns seems to be of type char(n). Thats 
not directly compatible with text (which is the type returned by the md5 
So either change the column type or cast the return type of md5 to char(n).

I do have to admit that this is somewhat strange.



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[GENERAL] Problem with planner

2011-08-08 Thread hubert depesz lubaczewski
we have 8.3.11 installation on client site, with table, which looks like

$ \d objects
  Table public.objects
 Column  |   Type   |   
 state   | text | 
 ending_tsz  | timestamp with time zone | default (now() + '4 
objects_stat_user_id_creation_tsz btree (state, user_id, creation_tsz)
objects_ending_tsz_active btree (ending_tsz) WHERE state = 'active'::text
objects_ending_tsz_idx btree (ending_tsz)

and we have a query:
select count(*) from objects where state='active'::text and ending_tsz = ( 
select now() - '1 day'::interval );

Normally this query has been getting plan, using
objects_ending_tsz_active, which is sane and fast.

But today, without any sensible reason, it switched to:

 Aggregate  (cost=6719810.62..6719810.63 rows=1 width=0)
 -  Result  (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=0)
   -  Bitmap Heap Scan on objects  (cost=1289719.58..6711422.56 rows=3355219 
 Recheck Cond: ((state = 'active'::text) AND (ending_tsz = $0))
 -  BitmapAnd  (cost=1289719.58..1289719.58 rows=3355219 width=0)
   -  Bitmap Index Scan on objects_stat_user_id_creation_tsz  
(cost=0.00..334318.95 rows=10065657 width=0)
 Index Cond: (state = 'active'::text)
   -  Bitmap Index Scan on objects_ending_tsz_idx  
(cost=0.00..953722.77 rows=24986738 width=0)
 Index Cond: (ending_tsz = $0)
(10 rows)

running analyze objects 2 times in a row fixed the issue, but hour later
- the problem came back.

what can be wrong?

Best regards,


The best thing about modern society is how easy it is to avoid contact with it.

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[GENERAL] JDBC driver throwing error while connecting to the slave server for partitioned table

2011-08-08 Thread sameera vhora
 We are facing below issue after creating slony replication of
partitioning table in edb server 8.3.

 This issue persist only on slave one not the primary one.

 Below logs we found in tomcats.

 Error in postgresql driver initialization:
 com.edb.util.PSQLException: The connection attempt failed.
 at com.edb.core.ConnectionFactory.openConnection(
 at com.edb.jdbc3.Jdbc3Connection.init(
 at com.edb.Driver.makeConnection(
 at com.edb.Driver.connect(
 at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(

 Pls help us.

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Re: [GENERAL] Problem with planner

2011-08-08 Thread Tom Lane
hubert depesz lubaczewski writes:
 and we have a query:
 select count(*) from objects where state='active'::text and ending_tsz = ( 
 select now() - '1 day'::interval );

Try getting rid of the sub-select.  There might have been a reason to do
it like that ten years ago, but these days it's a guaranteed

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] Problem with planner

2011-08-08 Thread hubert depesz lubaczewski
On Mon, Aug 08, 2011 at 12:51:40PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
 hubert depesz lubaczewski writes:
  and we have a query:
  select count(*) from objects where state='active'::text and ending_tsz = ( 
  select now() - '1 day'::interval );
 Try getting rid of the sub-select.  There might have been a reason to do
 it like that ten years ago, but these days it's a guaranteed

looks like even worse plan:

 Aggregate  (cost=9168023.89..9168023.90 rows=1 width=0)
   -  Bitmap Heap Scan on objects  (cost=336429.41..9147670.19 rows=8141478 
 Recheck Cond: (state = 'active'::text)
 Filter: (ending_tsz = (now() - '1 day'::interval))
 -  Bitmap Index Scan on objects_stat_user_id_creation_tsz  
(cost=0.00..334394.04 rows=10064868 width=0)
   Index Cond: (state = 'active'::text)
(6 rows)

Best regards,


The best thing about modern society is how easy it is to avoid contact with it.

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Re: [GENERAL] table / query as a prameter for PL/pgSQL function

2011-08-08 Thread Merlin Moncure
2011/8/7 Ondrej Ivanič

 It is possible to pass query result (or cursor?) as function
 parameter? I need a function which emits zero or more rows per input
 row (map function from mapreduce paradigm). Function returns record
 (or array): (value1, value2, value3)
 I've tried the following:

 1) create or replace function test (r record) returns setof record as $$ ...
 Doesn't work: PL/pgSQL functions cannot accept type record

 2) pass query as text parameter and open no scroll cursor inside the function
 It works but it's ugly.

 3) hardcode the query inside function
 Similar to (2) and looks better but I need several functions with
 different queries inside:
 for r in (query) loop
 end loop;

 4) use function in select clause:
 select my_map_func(col1, col2, col3, col4) from ... -- the rest of the query
 In this case I wasn't able figure out how to access record members
 returned by the function:

 select ?, ?, ?, count(*) from (
   select my_map_func(col1, col2, col3, col4) as map_func_result from ...
 ) as map
 group by 1, 2, 3

 The '?' should be something like map.map_func_result.value1 (both
 map.value1 and map_func_result.value1 doesn't not work). If function
 returns array then I can access value1 by using map_func_result[1]

 Is there a better way how to solve this? I'm kind of satisfied with 4
 (maybe 3) but it is little bit cumbersome

You have a few of different methods for passing sets between functions.
1) refcursor as David noted.  reasonably fast. however, I find the
'FETCH' mechanic a little inflexible.
2) stage data to TABLE/TEMP TABLE; extremely flexible, but can be a
headache because a non temp table can get thrashed pretty hard a and a
'TEMP' can cause severe function plan invalidation issues if you're
not careful
3) arrays of composites -- the most flexible and very fast for *small*
amounts of records (say less than 10,000):

#3 is my favorite method unless the data being passed is very large.
Here is an example of it in use:

CREATE TYPE foo_t as (a int, b text);

CREATE FUNCTION do_foos(_foos foo_t[]) returns VOID AS
  f foo_t;
  FOR f in SELECT * FROM UNNEST(_foos)
RAISE NOTICE '% %', f.a, f.b;

postgres=# SELECT do_foos(ARRAY(SELECT (a,b)::foo_t FROM get_foos()));
NOTICE:  1 abc
NOTICE:  2 def

(1 row)

Also, if you are deploying vs 9.1, be sure to check out Pavel's
for-in-array which is better method to do the unnest() which expands
the array.


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Re: [GENERAL] Problem with planner

2011-08-08 Thread pasman pasmański
Try to change index: objects_endings_tsz_active(state,endings_tsz)
where state='active'.

2011/8/8, hubert depesz lubaczewski
 we have 8.3.11 installation on client site, with table, which looks like

 $ \d objects
   Table public.objects
  Column  |   Type   |
  state   | text |
  ending_tsz  | timestamp with time zone | default (now() + '4
 objects_stat_user_id_creation_tsz btree (state, user_id, creation_tsz)
 objects_ending_tsz_active btree (ending_tsz) WHERE state =
 objects_ending_tsz_idx btree (ending_tsz)

 and we have a query:
 select count(*) from objects where state='active'::text and ending_tsz = (
 select now() - '1 day'::interval );

 Normally this query has been getting plan, using
 objects_ending_tsz_active, which is sane and fast.

 But today, without any sensible reason, it switched to:


  Aggregate  (cost=6719810.62..6719810.63 rows=1 width=0)
  -  Result  (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=0)
-  Bitmap Heap Scan on objects  (cost=1289719.58..6711422.56
 rows=3355219 width=0)
  Recheck Cond: ((state = 'active'::text) AND (ending_tsz = $0))
  -  BitmapAnd  (cost=1289719.58..1289719.58 rows=3355219 width=0)
-  Bitmap Index Scan on objects_stat_user_id_creation_tsz
 (cost=0.00..334318.95 rows=10065657 width=0)
  Index Cond: (state = 'active'::text)
-  Bitmap Index Scan on objects_ending_tsz_idx
 (cost=0.00..953722.77 rows=24986738 width=0)
  Index Cond: (ending_tsz = $0)
 (10 rows)

 running analyze objects 2 times in a row fixed the issue, but hour later
 - the problem came back.

 what can be wrong?

 Best regards,


 The best thing about modern society is how easy it is to avoid contact with

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[GENERAL] Update with ORDER BY and LIMIT

2011-08-08 Thread Paul M Foster
Two tables:

1) cust (one record each customer)
a) lpmtdt (date = last payment date)
b) lpmtamt (numeric = last payment amount)
c) custno (varchar(6) = customer string)
2) cashh (one record each income/cash transaction)
a) custno (varchar(6) = customer string)
b) rcptamt (numeric = amount of receipt)
c) rcptdt (date = date of receipt)

For whatever reason, the cust.lpmtamt and cust.lpmtdt are sometimes
lacking values and shouldn't be. I want to update the customer table to
update these values from the cashh table. I don't want to use an
internal function. The PG version is 8.X.

I can get the proper updating record with:

SELECT rcptamt, rcptdt FROM cashh WHERE custno = 'COL1' ORDER BY rcptdt

(This gives me the latest cash receipt for this customer.)
But I can't seem to merge this with an UPDATE cust ... query so the
update happens in one step.

Any help?


Paul M. Foster

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Re: [GENERAL] Update with ORDER BY and LIMIT

2011-08-08 Thread David Johnston
For whatever reason, the cust.lpmtamt and cust.lpmtdt are sometimes lacking
values and shouldn't be. I want to update the customer table to update these
values from the cashh table. I don't want to use an internal function. The
PG version is 8.X.


No such version.  All PostgreSQL released versions use the numbers 0-9 and
periods only; no letters.

The general form for an UPDATE is:

UPDATE table
SET field = table2.field
FROM table2
WHERE table.field = table2.field;


UPDATE customer
SET lpmtdt = rcpt.rcptdt, lpmtamt = rcpt.rcptamt
FROM (SELECT custno, rcptdt, rcptamt FROM cashh WHERE ... ORDER BY ... LIMIT
1) rcpt
WHERE customer.custno = rcpt.custno AND customer.lptmdt IS NULL OR
customer.lpmtamt IS NULL


You WILL need to work on the sub-query if you hope to be able to do more
than 1 customer at a time.  In particular the use of WINDOW is very handy in
solving this particular but your non-existent version of PostgreSQL may not
have them available since they were introduced during the 8 series of
releases.  However, you can still write the sub-query to give you the
necessary lookup table but going a couple of levels deeper with sub-queries.

David J.

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[GENERAL] upgrade from 8.3 to 8.4

2011-08-08 Thread Claire Chang
I am going to upgrade our PostgresSQL server from 8.3 to 8.4. Is there any 
application code change required? I did some google searches and can't find any.

Re: [GENERAL] upgrade from 8.3 to 8.4

2011-08-08 Thread David Johnston
Your question is impossible to answer. 


Look here (and in the release docs for the point releases): and then ask more
specific questions if you are still concerned.


Google is a good tool if you know how to write a good query (did you try
postgresql 8.4 release notes) but you are also advised to browse the
PostgreSQL site (namely the section on the homepage that provides links to
the notes for the most recent four releases).


It is also recommended that you TEST your application against the new
database version in a non-production environment.


And the implicit question of whether it is worth the effort to upgrade to
8.4 (or higher.) also cannot be answered by someone who has never seen your


Backward compatibility is not guaranteed between versions BUT it is not
always that case that you are actually using the things that break.


David J.



[] On Behalf Of Claire Chang
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2011 7:12 PM
Subject: [GENERAL] upgrade from 8.3 to 8.4


I am going to upgrade our PostgresSQL server from 8.3 to 8.4. Is there any
application code change required? I did some google searches and can't find





Re: [GENERAL] Update with ORDER BY and LIMIT

2011-08-08 Thread Paul M Foster
On Mon, Aug 08, 2011 at 05:34:14PM -0400, David Johnston wrote:

 For whatever reason, the cust.lpmtamt and cust.lpmtdt are sometimes lacking
 values and shouldn't be. I want to update the customer table to update these
 values from the cashh table. I don't want to use an internal function. The
 PG version is 8.X.
 No such version.  All PostgreSQL released versions use the numbers 0-9 and
 periods only; no letters.

8.X in this context means 8 point something, but I can't recall which
something. Could be 8.2, 8.3 or 8.4. Thus, in effect, asking those
replying to restrict themselves to 8 series features, as opposed to 9
series features.

 The general form for an UPDATE is:
 UPDATE table
 SET field = table2.field
 FROM table2
 WHERE table.field = table2.field;
 UPDATE customer
 SET lpmtdt = rcpt.rcptdt, lpmtamt = rcpt.rcptamt
 FROM (SELECT custno, rcptdt, rcptamt FROM cashh WHERE ... ORDER BY ... LIMIT
 1) rcpt
 WHERE customer.custno = rcpt.custno AND customer.lptmdt IS NULL OR
 customer.lpmtamt IS NULL

Works well enough as a starting point. Thanks.


Paul M. Foster

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Re: [GENERAL] upgrade from 8.3 to 8.4

2011-08-08 Thread John R Pierce

On 08/08/11 4:11 PM, Claire Chang wrote:
I am going to upgrade our PostgresSQL server from 8.3 to 8.4. Is there 
any application code change required? I did some google searches and 
can't find any.

to what David already said, I will add this observation...

8.4 is pickier about implied type conversions...  if you have code that 
assumes it can mix types like text and numeric operations, it may 
require adding some explicit type casting, or it will throw errors.   
thats the only major thing I've seen that impacts applications.

I assume you know that you need to do a pg_dumpall of your 8.3 data then 
load it onto your new 8.4 database cluster, right?

john r pierceN 37, W 122
santa cruz ca mid-left coast

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Re: [GENERAL] Update with ORDER BY and LIMIT

2011-08-08 Thread David Johnston

 8.X in this context means 8 point something, but I can't recall which
 something. Could be 8.2, 8.3 or 8.4. Thus, in effect, asking those
 replying to restrict themselves to 8 series features, as opposed to 9
 series features.

There are a lot of features added between 8.0 and 8.4;  WITH and WINDOW being 
two major ones, that just saying 8 is not helpful.  In the future please take 
the time to issue a SELECT pg_version() before asking others to take time to 
help.  It is for your own benefit and makes it easier for those wanting to help 
to give useful advice.

David J.

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Re: [GENERAL] table / query as a prameter for PL/pgSQL function

2011-08-08 Thread Ondrej Ivanič

2011/8/9 Merlin Moncure
 You have a few of different methods for passing sets between functions.

I do not want to pass data between functions. The ideal solution
should look like this:
select * from my_map_func(select query)

 1) refcursor as David noted.  reasonably fast. however, I find the
 'FETCH' mechanic a little inflexible.

I've came across this but manual example wasn't (isn't) clear to me:
CREATE TABLE test (col text);
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('123');

CREATE FUNCTION reffunc(refcursor) RETURNS refcursor AS '
' LANGUAGE plpgsql;

SELECT reffunc('funccursor');
FETCH ALL IN funccursor;

What is the funccursor?

Anyway, I will try to use something like this
CREATE FUNCTION my_map_func(refcursor) returns setof text[] as $$
$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

SELECT * FROM my_map_func(my_cursor);

I'll keep you posted.

 2) stage data to TABLE/TEMP TABLE; extremely flexible, but can be a
 headache because a non temp table can get thrashed pretty hard a and a
 'TEMP' can cause severe function plan invalidation issues if you're
 not careful

I'm not familiar with this issue (function plan invalidation issues).
Could you please provide more details/links about it?

 3) arrays of composites -- the most flexible and very fast for *small*
 amounts of records (say less than 10,000):

My data set is huge: between 1 and 5 mil rows and avg row size is 100
- 400 bytes

Ondrej Ivanic

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