Re: [GENERAL] Matching uppercased russian words (\x0410-\x042F) in UTF8 database 8.4.13

2013-03-20 Thread Albe Laurenz
Alexander Farber wrote:
 I have prepared an SQL fiddle for my question:!11/8a494/4
 And also described it in more detail at
 Does anybody please know how to check for
 UTF8 range \x0410-\x042F in my code below?
 I've tried both
 new.word !~ '^[\x0410-\x042F]{2,}$'
 (fails with syntax error) and
 new.word !~ '^[\u0410-\u042F]{2,}$'
 (triggers even for correct words):

Strange, it works here (RHEL 6, x86_64, PostgreSQL 9.2.2,
encoding UTF8, collation and ctype de_DE.UTF8):

test= SELECT 'ПРОВЕРКА' ~ '^[\u0410-\u042F]{2,}$';
(1 row)

test= SELECT 'ABCDE' ~ '^[\u0410-\u042F]{2,}$';
(1 row)

 create table good_words (
 word varchar(64) primary key
 create or replace function keep_clean() returns trigger as $body$
 new.word := upper(new.word);
 /* next line does not compile? */
 IF new.word !~ '^[\x0410-\x042F]{2,}$' THEN
 RAISE EXCEPTION 'Not an uppercased Russian word in UTF8';
 IF new.word ~ '^[ЪЫЬ]' OR new.word ~ 'Ъ$' THEN
 return NULL;
 /* does not return NULL for 'ошибббка'? */
 IF new.word ~ '(.)\1\1' AND new.word NOT LIKE '%ШЕЕЕ%'
 return NULL;

This works for me as well:

test= SELECT 'ошибббка' ~ '(.)\1\1'
  AND 'ошибббка' NOT LIKE '%ШЕЕЕ%'
  AND 'ошибббка' NOT LIKE '%ЗМЕЕЕ%';
(1 row)

test= SELECT 'ошиббка' ~ '(.)\1\1'
  AND 'ошиббка' NOT LIKE '%ШЕЕЕ%'
  AND 'ошиббка' NOT LIKE '%ЗМЕЕЕ%';
(1 row)

 return new;
 $body$ language plpgsql;

What do you get for

SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(encoding),
FROM pg_database WHERE datname = current_database();

and for 

SHOW client_encoding;

Laurenz Albe

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[GENERAL] Npgsql Integrated Authentication Problem

2013-03-20 Thread ????

I have set up a windows domain trying to run Postgres client using SSPI. I've 
reached a point that I can use psql to login from my client machine without 
specifying username and password. But everytime I ran my .NET client program on 
a domain computer other than the database server itself, I got following error 
messages. And the program works without error on the database server itself. 
Any help is much appreciated! 


Message:FATAL: XX000: could not accept SSPI security context 
BaseMessage:could not accept SSPI security context 
Detail:The token supplied to the function is invalid 
TargetSite:Boolean MoveNext() 

My code is very simple: 

NpgsqlEventLog.Level = LogLevel.Debug; 
NpgsqlEventLog.LogName = NpgsqlEventLog.txt; 
NpgsqlConnectionStringBuilder pgsqlCSB = new NpgsqlConnectionStringBuilder(); 
pgsqlCSB.Database = test; 
pgsqlCSB.IntegratedSecurity = true; 
pgsqlCSB.Host = VM-WIN2008; 
pgsqlCSB.Port = 5432; 
NpgsqlConnection pgsqlConn = new NpgsqlConnection(pgsqlCSB.ConnectionString); 
DataTable dt = pgsqlConn.GetSchema(); 

More log message from NpgsqlEventLog.txt: 

3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering NpgsqlClosedState.Open() 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Attempt to connect to ''. 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Normal  Connected to: VM-WIN2008:5432. 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.WriteString() 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   String written: user. 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.WriteString() 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   String written: ylu. 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.WriteString() 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   String written: database. 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.WriteString() 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   String written: test. 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.WriteString() 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   String written: DateStyle. 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.WriteString() 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   String written: ISO. 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   AuthenticationRequest message received 
from server. 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.WriteBytes() 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Unable to find resource string 
Log_BytesWritten for class PGUtil 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   AuthenticationRequest message received 
from server. 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.WriteBytes() 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Unable to find resource string 
Log_BytesWritten for class PGUtil 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.ReadString() 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   String read: FATAL. 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.ReadString() 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   String read: XX000. 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.ReadString() 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   String read: could not accept SSPI 
security context. 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.ReadString() 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   String read: The token supplied to the 
function is invalid 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.ReadString() 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   String read: src\backend\libpq\auth.c. 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.ReadString() 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   String read: 1220. 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering 

[GENERAL] File Fragmentation

2013-03-20 Thread jg

I have a PostgreSQL database with 50 tables.
Every minute, sequentially, a batch load 10.000 rows of 250 bytes with a COPY.

After a day, i got a database with 50 tables with 1.440 set of 10.000 rows.
The tables are cleany and naturally clustered by the inserted timestamp.
Each table has data in a file with 1.440 fragments (each day)

Now, there is a partition rotation script, that suppress old tables when some 
size limit happens.
Let suppose, that this script runs and suppress only one table qith few days of 
data, then recreates a new empty one.

I got a disk freespace very fragmented, the space used by the rotated table.

Then some COPY inserts new data, the tables got new data in theirs files and 
continue to be fragmented.
The new tables begins to grows from the begining of the free space to and is 
more fragmented that ever.

But all the data are always clustered in the tables.

After few more rotated tables, all the tables are heavily fragmented and even 
if the data is clustered inside the file fragments are spread all over the 

After few days, I see IO wait grows and grows, even when the size of the 
database stabilises due to the rotation script.

I suspect the heavy fragmented files to the cause of the IO wait grows 
(PostgreSQL on WIndows).
How to cope with that ?
It seems I can not pregrow file in PostgreSQL.

I found a trick: if i created an empty table and i insert dummy data, then i 
insert good data, then i suppress dummy data, then i vacuum the table (but not 
a full vacuum) i got a large file with freespace at the begining of the file. 
If all the files were created with that tricks and larger than the maximum data 
COPYed, i will have no fragmented files.


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[GENERAL] Leaking disk space on FreeBSD servers

2013-03-20 Thread Dan Thomas
Hi Guys,

We're seeing a problem with some of our FreeBSD/PostgreSQL servers
leaking quite significant amounts of disk space:

 df -h /usr/local/pgsql/
Filesystem   SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on

 du -sh /usr/local/pgsql/

Stopping Postgres doesn't fix it, but rebooting does which points at the OS
rather than PG to me. However, the leak is only apparent in the dedicated
pgsql partition, and only on our database servers, so PostgreSQL seems to
at least be involved. The partition itself is a relatively standard UFS

 grep /usr/local/pgsql /etc/fstab
/dev/mfid1s1d   /usr/local/pgsqlufs   rw   2   2

 tunefs -p /usr/local/pgsql/
tunefs: POSIX.1e ACLs: (-a)disabled
tunefs: NFSv4 ACLs: (-N)   disabled
tunefs: MAC multilabel: (-l)   disabled
tunefs: soft updates: (-n) enabled
tunefs: gjournal: (-J) disabled
tunefs: trim: (-t) disabled
tunefs: maximum blocks per file in a cylinder group: (-e)  2048
tunefs: average file size: (-f)16384
tunefs: average number of files in a directory: (-s)   64
tunefs: minimum percentage of free space: (-m) 8%
tunefs: optimization preference: (-o)  time
tunefs: volume label: (-L)

LSOF isn't showing any open files:

 lsof +L /usr/local/pgsql/ | awk '{ print $8 }' | grep 0 | wc -l

We're not creating filesystem snapshots:

 find /usr/local/pgsql/ -flags snapshot

Not all of our servers are leaking space, it's only the more
recently-installed systems. Here's a quick breakdown of versions:

FreeBSD   PostgreSQL   Leaking?
8.0   8.4.4no
8.2   9.0.4no
8.3   9.1.4yes
8.3   9.2.3yes
9.1   9.2.3yes

Each of these servers is configured with a warm standby, so we've been
switching them over to the standby to reclaim the space (rebooting the
primary is too much downtime). The standby does *not* demonstrate this
problem while it's being used as a standby, but it starts leaking space
once it's been made the primary.

Initially I thought this might be related to WAL files, however the pg_xlog
dir is symlinked outside of the /usr/local/pgsql partition that is
demonstrating this problem:

 ll /usr/local/pgsql/data/pg_xlog
lrwxr-xr-x 25B Oct 19 10:48 pg_xlog - /usr/local/pglog/pg_xlog/

I've exhausted everything I can think of to try to solve this one. Has
anyone got any ideas on how to go about debugging this?



Re: [GENERAL] Leaking disk space on FreeBSD servers

2013-03-20 Thread Achilleas Mantzios
Did you do a detailed du during the supposed problem and after the reboot and 
make a diff of those
to fimd any invlolved files/dirs?
That said, i think you might consider posting on freebsd-[questions|stable] as 

On Τετ 20 Μαρ 2013 11:49:07 Dan Thomas wrote:

Hi Guys,

We're seeing a problem with some of our FreeBSD/PostgreSQL servers leaking 
quite significant amounts of disk space:

 df -h /usr/local/pgsql/
Filesystem   SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on

 du -sh /usr/local/pgsql/

Stopping Postgres doesn't fix it, but rebooting does which points at the OS 
rather than PG to me. However, the leak is only apparent in the dedicated pgsql 
partition, and only on our database servers, so PostgreSQL seems to at least be 
involved. The partition itself is a relatively standard UFS partition:

 grep /usr/local/pgsql /etc/fstab
/dev/mfid1s1d   /usr/local/pgsqlufs   rw   2   2

 tunefs -p /usr/local/pgsql/
tunefs: POSIX.1e ACLs: (-a)disabled
tunefs: NFSv4 ACLs: (-N)   disabled
tunefs: MAC multilabel: (-l)   disabled
tunefs: soft updates: (-n) enabled
tunefs: gjournal: (-J) disabled
tunefs: trim: (-t) disabled
tunefs: maximum blocks per file in a cylinder group: (-e)  2048
tunefs: average file size: (-f)16384
tunefs: average number of files in a directory: (-s)   64
tunefs: minimum percentage of free space: (-m) 8%
tunefs: optimization preference: (-o)  time
tunefs: volume label: (-L) 

LSOF isn't showing any open files:

 lsof +L /usr/local/pgsql/ | awk '{ print $8 }' | grep 0 | wc -l

We're not creating filesystem snapshots:

 find /usr/local/pgsql/ -flags snapshot

Not all of our servers are leaking space, it's only the more recently-installed 
systems. Here's a quick breakdown of versions:

FreeBSD   PostgreSQL   Leaking?
8.0   8.4.4no
8.2   9.0.4no
8.3   9.1.4yes
8.3   9.2.3yes
9.1   9.2.3yes

Each of these servers is configured with a warm standby, so we've been 
switching them over to the standby to reclaim the space (rebooting the primary 
is too much downtime). The standby does *not* demonstrate this problem while 
it's being used as a standby, but it starts leaking space once it's been made 
the primary.

Initially I thought this might be related to WAL files, however the pg_xlog dir 
is symlinked outside of the /usr/local/pgsql partition that is demonstrating 
this problem:

 ll /usr/local/pgsql/data/pg_xlog
lrwxr-xr-x 25B Oct 19 10:48 pg_xlog - /usr/local/pglog/pg_xlog/

I've exhausted everything I can think of to try to solve this one. Has anyone 
got any ideas on how to go about debugging this?



Achilleas Mantzios
Dynacom Tankers Mgmt

Re: [GENERAL] Leaking disk space on FreeBSD servers

2013-03-20 Thread Dan Thomas
 Did you do a detailed du during the supposed problem and after the reboot and 
 make a diff of those to fimd any invlolved files/dirs?

du doesn't show the space in question (du -s shows the actual usage on
disk, df is showing a much higher number), so I doubt this will show
anything up. However, next reboot I'll certainly do that.

 That said, i think you might consider posting on freebsd-[questions|stable] 
 as well.

Yes I think that might be a good plan :)


On 20 March 2013 12:30, Achilleas Mantzios wrote:
 Did you do a detailed du during the supposed problem and after the reboot
 and make a diff of those

 to fimd any invlolved files/dirs?

 That said, i think you might consider posting on freebsd-[questions|stable]
 as well.

 On Τετ 20 Μαρ 2013 11:49:07 Dan Thomas wrote:

 Hi Guys,

 We're seeing a problem with some of our FreeBSD/PostgreSQL servers leaking
 quite significant amounts of disk space:

  df -h /usr/local/pgsql/
 Filesystem   SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on

  du -sh /usr/local/pgsql/

 Stopping Postgres doesn't fix it, but rebooting does which points at the OS
 rather than PG to me. However, the leak is only apparent in the dedicated
 pgsql partition, and only on our database servers, so PostgreSQL seems to at
 least be involved. The partition itself is a relatively standard UFS

  grep /usr/local/pgsql /etc/fstab
 /dev/mfid1s1d   /usr/local/pgsqlufs   rw   2   2

  tunefs -p /usr/local/pgsql/
 tunefs: POSIX.1e ACLs: (-a)disabled
 tunefs: NFSv4 ACLs: (-N)   disabled
 tunefs: MAC multilabel: (-l)   disabled
 tunefs: soft updates: (-n) enabled
 tunefs: gjournal: (-J) disabled
 tunefs: trim: (-t) disabled
 tunefs: maximum blocks per file in a cylinder group: (-e)  2048
 tunefs: average file size: (-f)16384
 tunefs: average number of files in a directory: (-s)   64
 tunefs: minimum percentage of free space: (-m) 8%
 tunefs: optimization preference: (-o)  time
 tunefs: volume label: (-L)

 LSOF isn't showing any open files:

  lsof +L /usr/local/pgsql/ | awk '{ print $8 }' | grep 0 | wc -l

 We're not creating filesystem snapshots:

  find /usr/local/pgsql/ -flags snapshot

 Not all of our servers are leaking space, it's only the more
 recently-installed systems. Here's a quick breakdown of versions:

 FreeBSD   PostgreSQL   Leaking?
 8.0   8.4.4no
 8.2   9.0.4no
 8.3   9.1.4yes
 8.3   9.2.3yes
 9.1   9.2.3yes

 Each of these servers is configured with a warm standby, so we've been
 switching them over to the standby to reclaim the space (rebooting the
 primary is too much downtime). The standby does *not* demonstrate this
 problem while it's being used as a standby, but it starts leaking space once
 it's been made the primary.

 Initially I thought this might be related to WAL files, however the pg_xlog
 dir is symlinked outside of the /usr/local/pgsql partition that is
 demonstrating this problem:

  ll /usr/local/pgsql/data/pg_xlog
 lrwxr-xr-x 25B Oct 19 10:48 pg_xlog - /usr/local/pglog/pg_xlog/

 I've exhausted everything I can think of to try to solve this one. Has
 anyone got any ideas on how to go about debugging this?




 Achilleas Mantzios



 Dynacom Tankers Mgmt

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
To make changes to your subscription:

[GENERAL] Npgsql Integrated Authentication Problem

2013-03-20 Thread ylu123

I have set up a windows domain trying to run Postgres client using SSPI.
I've reached a point that I can use psql to login from my client machine
without specifying username and password. But everytime I ran my .NET client
program, I got following error messages. Any help is much appreciated!


Message:FATAL: XX000: could not accept SSPI security context
BaseMessage:could not accept SSPI security context
Detail:The token supplied to the function is invalid
TargetSite:Boolean MoveNext()

My code is very simple:

NpgsqlEventLog.Level = LogLevel.Debug;
NpgsqlEventLog.LogName = NpgsqlEventLog.txt;
NpgsqlConnectionStringBuilder pgsqlCSB = new
pgsqlCSB.Database = test;
pgsqlCSB.IntegratedSecurity = true;
pgsqlCSB.Host = VM-WIN2008;
pgsqlCSB.Port = 5432;
NpgsqlConnection pgsqlConn = new
DataTable dt = pgsqlConn.GetSchema();

More log message from NpgsqlEventLog.txt:

3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering NpgsqlClosedState.Open()
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Attempt to connect to ''.
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Normal  Connected to: VM-WIN2008:5432.
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.WriteString()
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   String written: user.
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.WriteString()
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   String written: ylu.
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.WriteString()
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   String written: database.
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.WriteString()
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   String written: test.
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.WriteString()
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   String written: DateStyle.
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.WriteString()
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   String written: ISO.
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   AuthenticationRequest message received 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.WriteBytes()
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Unable to find resource string
Log_BytesWritten for class PGUtil
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   AuthenticationRequest message received 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.WriteBytes()
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Unable to find resource string
Log_BytesWritten for class PGUtil
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.ReadString()
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   String read: FATAL.
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.ReadString()
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   String read: XX000.
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.ReadString()
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   String read: could not accept SSPI 
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.ReadString()
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   String read: The token supplied to the
function is invalid
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.ReadString()
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   String read: src\backend\libpq\auth.c.
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.ReadString()
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   String read: 1220.
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Entering PGUtil.ReadString()
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   Get NpgsqlEventLog.LogLevel
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   String read: pg_SSPI_error.
3/20/2013 10:31:38 AM   1316Debug   ErrorResponse message 

Re: [GENERAL] Leaking disk space on FreeBSD servers

2013-03-20 Thread Achilleas Mantzios
On Τετ 20 Μαρ 2013 12:47:39 Dan Thomas wrote:
  Did you do a detailed du during the supposed problem and after the reboot 
  and make a diff of those to fimd any invlolved files/dirs?
 du doesn't show the space in question (du -s shows the actual usage on
 disk, df is showing a much higher number), so I doubt this will show
 anything up. However, next reboot I'll certainly do that.

du (without -s)  shows the whole hierarchy, du -s behaves like du -d 0, 
so at this point diff the output of (plain) su is definitely somth worth doing.

  That said, i think you might consider posting on freebsd-[questions|stable] 
  as well.
 Yes I think that might be a good plan :)
 On 20 March 2013 12:30, Achilleas Mantzios 
  Did you do a detailed du during the supposed problem and after the reboot
  and make a diff of those
  to fimd any invlolved files/dirs?
  That said, i think you might consider posting on freebsd-[questions|stable]
  as well.
  On Τετ 20 Μαρ 2013 11:49:07 Dan Thomas wrote:
  Hi Guys,
  We're seeing a problem with some of our FreeBSD/PostgreSQL servers leaking
  quite significant amounts of disk space:
   df -h /usr/local/pgsql/
  Filesystem   SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
   du -sh /usr/local/pgsql/
  Stopping Postgres doesn't fix it, but rebooting does which points at the OS
  rather than PG to me. However, the leak is only apparent in the dedicated
  pgsql partition, and only on our database servers, so PostgreSQL seems to at
  least be involved. The partition itself is a relatively standard UFS
   grep /usr/local/pgsql /etc/fstab
  /dev/mfid1s1d   /usr/local/pgsqlufs   rw   2   2
   tunefs -p /usr/local/pgsql/
  tunefs: POSIX.1e ACLs: (-a)disabled
  tunefs: NFSv4 ACLs: (-N)   disabled
  tunefs: MAC multilabel: (-l)   disabled
  tunefs: soft updates: (-n) enabled
  tunefs: gjournal: (-J) disabled
  tunefs: trim: (-t) disabled
  tunefs: maximum blocks per file in a cylinder group: (-e)  2048
  tunefs: average file size: (-f)16384
  tunefs: average number of files in a directory: (-s)   64
  tunefs: minimum percentage of free space: (-m) 8%
  tunefs: optimization preference: (-o)  time
  tunefs: volume label: (-L)
  LSOF isn't showing any open files:
   lsof +L /usr/local/pgsql/ | awk '{ print $8 }' | grep 0 | wc -l
  We're not creating filesystem snapshots:
   find /usr/local/pgsql/ -flags snapshot
  Not all of our servers are leaking space, it's only the more
  recently-installed systems. Here's a quick breakdown of versions:
  FreeBSD   PostgreSQL   Leaking?
  8.0   8.4.4no
  8.2   9.0.4no
  8.3   9.1.4yes
  8.3   9.2.3yes
  9.1   9.2.3yes
  Each of these servers is configured with a warm standby, so we've been
  switching them over to the standby to reclaim the space (rebooting the
  primary is too much downtime). The standby does *not* demonstrate this
  problem while it's being used as a standby, but it starts leaking space once
  it's been made the primary.
  Initially I thought this might be related to WAL files, however the pg_xlog
  dir is symlinked outside of the /usr/local/pgsql partition that is
  demonstrating this problem:
   ll /usr/local/pgsql/data/pg_xlog
  lrwxr-xr-x 25B Oct 19 10:48 pg_xlog - /usr/local/pglog/pg_xlog/
  I've exhausted everything I can think of to try to solve this one. Has
  anyone got any ideas on how to go about debugging this?
  Achilleas Mantzios
  Dynacom Tankers Mgmt
Achilleas Mantzios
Dynacom Tankers Mgmt

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Re: [GENERAL] File Fragmentation

2013-03-20 Thread Vick Khera
On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 7:13 AM, jg wrote:

 Now, there is a partition rotation script, that suppress old tables when
 some size limit happens.
 Let suppose, that this script runs and suppress only one table qith few
 days of data, then recreates a new empty one.

It sounds like you are using partitioned tables. your partitions should be
divided up such that they help optimize your queries. that is, minimize the
number of partitions you need to scan for any given query.

That said, try to make is so that this cleanup script purges whole
partitions, not just deleting some rows.  That way new data will fill in
space without fragmentation.

Re: [GENERAL] File Fragmentation

2013-03-20 Thread jg

 It sounds like you are using partitioned tables. your partitions should be
 divided up such that they help optimize your queries. that is, minimize the
 number of partitions you need to scan for any given query.
 That said, try to make is so that this cleanup script purges whole
 partitions, not just deleting some rows.  That way new data will fill in
 space without fragmentation.
The rotated script, as explained, just drops tables and creates empty ones.

There are only COPY and SELECT in this database.

The problem seems that the IO pattern creates higly fragmented files.
I have some files with 1,440 fragments a day.


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Re: [GENERAL] Leaking disk space on FreeBSD servers

2013-03-20 Thread Vick Khera
On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 7:49 AM, Dan Thomas wrote:

 Not all of our servers are leaking space, it's only the more
 recently-installed systems. Here's a quick breakdown of versions:

FWIW, I do not observe this behavior. My database has very heavy write
load, and old data is purged after it is aged about 7 months, so I do get
lots of fragmentation. However, I do not have any disk space phantom loss.

How long does it take for you to accumulate this leak?  My first instinct
is that you have unlinked files still referenced by some application. That
is really the only way you get these discrepancies. lsof *should* have
showed them to you.  Try fstat in case there's some bug in lsof.

Also, your tunefs output seems to be not from FreeBSD 9.1. Specifically, it
is not emitting this line:

tunefs: soft update journaling: (-j)   disabled

It is a very useful option to turn on for large file systems. I can recover
a 6TB file system in about 5 seconds on a crash reboot with that on.

[root@d04]# ps axuw34214
pgsql 34214  0.0  0.5 5426964 154484  0- S28Feb13 1:30.66
/usr/local/bin/postgres -D /u/data/postgres
[root@d04]# df -h /u/data
Filesystem  SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
[root@d04]# du -sh /u/data
137G /u/data
[root@d04]# uname -a
FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE #1 r243808: Mon Dec  3
09:56:27 EST 2012
[root@d04]# uptime
 9:50AM  up 74 days, 17:36, 1 user, load averages: 0.21, 0.18, 0.17
[root@d04]# psql --version
psql (PostgreSQL) 9.2.3

Re: [GENERAL] File Fragmentation

2013-03-20 Thread Vick Khera
On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 9:53 AM, jg wrote:

 The rotated script, as explained, just drops tables and creates empty ones.

That doesn't make sense then, to have fragmentation if you are creating new
tables with fresh data copied into them.  The files should be pretty much
sequentially written.

O I see. You're using Windows. Maybe you need some OS with a better
file system that doesn't fragment like that?

Re: [GENERAL] Matching uppercased russian words (\x0410-\x042F) in UTF8 database 8.4.13

2013-03-20 Thread Albe Laurenz
Alexander Farber wrote:
 It seems to be better in 9.2.x?

Yes, as Tom has pointed out.
I didn't see that you were on 8.4 when I wrote my answer.

Laurenz Albe

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Re: [GENERAL] Matching uppercased russian words (\x0410-\x042F) in UTF8 database 8.4.13

2013-03-20 Thread Tom Lane
Alexander Farber writes:
 Thanks for trying! I am using CentOS 6.3
 It seems to be better in 9.2.x?

As stated upthread, 8.4 doesn't understand \u escapes.  You'd need to
put in the characters another way --- either literally, or using octal
escapes to spell out the UTF8 encoding.  I think it will work in 8.4
if you do, but not 100% sure.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] File Fragmentation

2013-03-20 Thread Adrian Klaver

On 03/20/2013 07:14 AM, Vick Khera wrote:

On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 9:53 AM, jg

The rotated script, as explained, just drops tables and creates
empty ones.

That doesn't make sense then, to have fragmentation if you are creating
new tables with fresh data copied into them.  The files should be pretty
much sequentially written.

I think the problem is here:

Every minute, sequentially, a batch load 10.000 rows of 250 bytes with 

After a day, i got a database with 50 tables with 1.440 set of 10.000 rows.

So if I am reading it right the table starts with 10,000 rows then 
10,000 rows are added each minute during the day.

O I see. You're using Windows. Maybe you need some OS with a
better file system that doesn't fragment like that?

Adrian Klaver

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Re: [GENERAL] File Fragmentation

2013-03-20 Thread jg

 That doesn't make sense then, to have fragmentation if you are creating new
 tables with fresh data copied into them.  The files should be pretty much
 sequentially written.
 O I see. You're using Windows. Maybe you need some OS with a better
 file system that doesn't fragment like that?

I know OS other than Windows will be better.

But, I think on any OS, I would have some trouble because the pattern of IO.

Each minute, each of the 50 tables has 10,000 new rows COPYed.

Normaly the filesystem try to keep the file (under the tables) continous with 
few fragment.
But the pattern is such, that it seems to me really difficult to prevent it.

Do you have any idea to mitigate the problem on Windows ?


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Re: [GENERAL] File Fragmentation

2013-03-20 Thread Thomas Kellerer

jg, 20.03.2013 12:13:

I suspect the heavy fragmented files to the cause of the IO wait
grows (PostgreSQL on WIndows).

How to cope with that?

I would first investigate that it's *really* the fragmentation.
As a database does a lot of random IO, fragmentation isn't such a big issue.

You could use e.g. contig[1] from SysInternals to de-fragment the data files 
and then check if that really improves performance.



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Re: [GENERAL] Leaking disk space on FreeBSD servers

2013-03-20 Thread Achilleas Mantzios
regarding journaling, there is the counter argument that you do not need to do 
the same job twice,
in the sense that we already spend a considerable amount of time retaining the 
WAL in postgresql,
no need to redo the same on FS level.
Crush-intensive systems (for lack of a better word) might benefit from FS 
journaling, but the
best option here is try and find the cause. FreeBSD systems are supposed to not 
that's why ppl use them in the first place.

On Τετ 20 Μαρ 2013 10:11:58 Vick Khera wrote:

On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 7:49 AM, Dan Thomas wrote:

Not all of our servers are leaking space, it's only the more recently-installed 
systems. Here's a quick breakdown of versions:

FWIW, I do not observe this behavior. My database has very heavy write load, 
and old data is purged after it is aged about 7 months, so I do get lots of 
fragmentation. However, I do not have any disk space phantom loss.

How long does it take for you to accumulate this leak?  My first instinct is 
that you have unlinked files still referenced by some application. That is 
really the only way you get these discrepancies. lsof *should* have showed them 
to you.  Try fstat in case there's some bug in lsof.

Also, your tunefs output seems to be not from FreeBSD 9.1. Specifically, it is 
not emitting this line:

tunefs: soft update journaling: (-j)   disabled

It is a very useful option to turn on for large file systems. I can recover a 
6TB file system in about 5 seconds on a crash reboot with that on.

[root@d04]# ps axuw34214
pgsql 34214  0.0  0.5 5426964 154484  0- S28Feb13 1:30.66 
/usr/local/bin/postgres -D /u/data/postgres
[root@d04]# df -h /u/data
Filesystem  SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
[root@d04]# du -sh /u/data
[root@d04]# uname -a
FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE #1 r243808: Mon Dec  3 
09:56:27 EST 2012  amd64
[root@d04]# uptime
 9:50AM  up 74 days, 17:36, 1 user, load averages: 0.21, 0.18, 0.17
[root@d04]# psql --version
psql (PostgreSQL) 9.2.3

Achilleas Mantzios
Dynacom Tankers Mgmt

Re: [GENERAL] Leaking disk space on FreeBSD servers

2013-03-20 Thread Vick Khera
On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 10:34 AM, Achilleas Mantzios wrote:

 regarding journaling, there is the counter argument that you do not need
 to do the same job twice,

 in the sense that we already spend a considerable amount of time retaining
 the WAL in postgresql,

 no need to redo the same on FS level.

There's a difference in the file system integrity and the DB integrity.  PG
will keep the DB integrity just fine without the file system journaling.
The journaling just makes recovery from crash that much faster.  ie,
running fsck on 6TB of disk storage takes a LONG time, sometimes hours, but
with the journal enabled, it takes a few seconds.

Re: [GENERAL] File Fragmentation

2013-03-20 Thread jg

I create a test cas on Linux:
postgres=# create table a (v int);
postgres=# create table b (v int);

Then a while(true) over the following script where 24577 and 24580 are the 
files of the tables a and b
psql test -c 'insert into a select generate_series(1,10,1);'
psql test -c 'insert into b select generate_series(1,10,1);'
psql test -c 'checkpoint;'
/usr/sbin/filefrag -v 24577 24580
ls -lh 24577 24580

After few minutes, I got 100 extend by files.

The file fragmentation happens on Windows and Linux, too.

I not sure that the Wait IO on Windows is related to file fragmentation.
I try to find a way to analyse the situation.


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Re: [GENERAL] Leaking disk space on FreeBSD servers

2013-03-20 Thread Achilleas Mantzios
Of course, but does it make sense for you to pay the ~ 5%/day performance 
penalty for the ~0.5%/year chance of having your system crush?
Unless your FreeBSD server is stuffed with exotic gamer hardware, i don't see 
the likehood of crush getting larger than that.

On Τετ 20 Μαρ 2013 10:39:58 Vick Khera wrote:

On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 10:34 AM, Achilleas Mantzios wrote:

regarding journaling, there is the counter argument that you do not need to do 
the same job twice, 
in the sense that we already spend a considerable amount of time retaining the 
WAL in postgresql,
no need to redo the same on FS level.

There's a difference in the file system integrity and the DB integrity.  PG 
will keep the DB integrity just fine without the file system journaling. The 
journaling just makes recovery from crash that much faster.  ie, running fsck 
on 6TB of disk storage takes a LONG time, sometimes hours, but with the journal 
enabled, it takes a few seconds.

Achilleas Mantzios
Dynacom Tankers Mgmt

Re: [GENERAL] Leaking disk space on FreeBSD servers

2013-03-20 Thread Dan Thomas
 How long does it take for you to accumulate this leak?

It grows at between 2 and 4 gigabytes per day on average. It seems to
be related to load on the database, as it grows slower over the
weekends when the servers are under less load. Here's a graph that
shows growth of one server (from reboot to about ~30gb difference)
over the last couple of weeks:

The flatter parts are the weekends, but otherwise it's reasonably constant.

 That is really the only way you get these discrepancies. lsof *should* have 
 showed them to you.
 Try fstat in case here's some bug in lsof.

After a bit of messing around with fstat and find (it doesn't make it
easy!) I've confirmed all the inodes fstat is reporting exist on disk,
which backs up lsof. I also confirmed both lsof and fstat were
detecting unlinked files by manually holding a file open and unlinking
it. Can't see much evidence that it's an open file.

 Also, your tunefs output seems to be not from FreeBSD 9.1

That example was from an 8.3 machine (it's the one I'm testing with as
it's got the biggest disk usage deficit). The 9.1 box has this:

tunefs: soft update journaling: (-j)   enabled

..but is still exhibiting this behaviour.

 FWIW, I do not observe this behaviour

We actually have another FreeBSD8.3/PG9.1 machine under different (but
similar) load that *doesn't* demonstrate this behaviour. There's
nothing obvious in the differences in usage patterns that we can see
(we're not using any exotic features or anything), but it certainly
suggests that it's *something* related to PG or our usage of it.

On 20 March 2013 14:11, Vick Khera wrote:

 On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 7:49 AM, Dan Thomas wrote:

 Not all of our servers are leaking space, it's only the more
 recently-installed systems. Here's a quick breakdown of versions:

 FWIW, I do not observe this behavior. My database has very heavy write load,
 and old data is purged after it is aged about 7 months, so I do get lots of
 fragmentation. However, I do not have any disk space phantom loss.

 How long does it take for you to accumulate this leak?  My first instinct
 is that you have unlinked files still referenced by some application. That
 is really the only way you get these discrepancies. lsof *should* have
 showed them to you.  Try fstat in case there's some bug in lsof.

 Also, your tunefs output seems to be not from FreeBSD 9.1. Specifically, it
 is not emitting this line:

 tunefs: soft update journaling: (-j)   disabled

 It is a very useful option to turn on for large file systems. I can recover
 a 6TB file system in about 5 seconds on a crash reboot with that on.

 [root@d04]# ps axuw34214
 pgsql 34214  0.0  0.5 5426964 154484  0- S28Feb13 1:30.66
 /usr/local/bin/postgres -D /u/data/postgres
 [root@d04]# df -h /u/data
 Filesystem  SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
 [root@d04]# du -sh /u/data
 137G /u/data
 [root@d04]# uname -a
 FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE #1 r243808: Mon Dec  3
 09:56:27 EST 2012  amd64
 [root@d04]# uptime
  9:50AM  up 74 days, 17:36, 1 user, load averages: 0.21, 0.18, 0.17
 [root@d04]# psql --version
 psql (PostgreSQL) 9.2.3

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Re: [GENERAL] Leaking disk space on FreeBSD servers

2013-03-20 Thread Achilleas Mantzios
On Ôåô 20 Ìáñ 2013 15:15:23 Dan Thomas wrote:

 We actually have another FreeBSD8.3/PG9.1 machine under different (but
 similar) load that *doesn't* demonstrate this behaviour. There's
 nothing obvious in the differences in usage patterns that we can see
 (we're not using any exotic features or anything), but it certainly
 suggests that it's *something* related to PG or our usage of it.

Any difference in the architecture of the two systems? (x86, amd64, etc..)
Any difference in the respective output of 
% pg_config

Achilleas Mantzios
Dynacom Tankers Mgmt

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Re: [GENERAL] File Fragmentation

2013-03-20 Thread jg

Atfer 30 minutes, on my Linux computer, with 2 files fill one after the other.

I got a fragmented files with many back step:

# /usr/sbin/filefrag -v 24586
Filesystem type is: ef53
File size of 24586 is 822231040 (200740 blocks, blocksize 4096)
 ext logical physical expected length flags
   0   0  22630402048
   12048  2271232  2265087   2048
   24096  2277376  2273279   2048
   36144  2289664  2279423   2048
   48192  2306048  2291711658
   58850  2306707  2306705   1390
   6   10240  2316288  2308096   2048
   7   12288  2308097  2318335102
   8   12390  2328576  2308198   1946
   9   14336  2336768  2330521   2048
  10   16384  2347008  2338815   4096
  11   20480  2357248  2351103   2048
  12   22528  2385920  2359295   4096
  13   26624  2416640  2390015   2048
  14   28672  2424832  2418687   4096
  15   32768  2439168  2428927   2048
  16   34816  2582528  2441215   2048
  17   36864  2940928  2584575   2048
  18   38912  3045376  2942975   2048
  19   40960  1845248  3047423   2048
  20   43008  1910784  1847295   2048
  21   45056  2017280  1912831   2048
  22   47104  2029568  2019327   2048
  23   49152  2146304  2031615   2048
  24   51200  2213888  2148351   2048
  25   53248  3096576  2215935   2048
  26   5529640960  3098623   2048
  27   573449011243007   2048
  28   59392   12492892159   2048
  29   61440   102400   126975   2048
  30   63488   161792   104447   2048
  31   65536   164609   163839680
  32   66216   243712   165288   1368
  33   67584   307200   245079   2048
  34   69632   372736   309247   2048
  35   71680   448512   374783   2048
  36   73728   495616   450559   2048
  37   75776   577536   497663   2048
  38   77824   649216   579583   2048
  39   79872   724992   651263   2048
  40   81920   757760   727039   2048
  41   83968   849920   759807   2048
  42   86016   909312   851967   2048
  43   88064   929792   911359   2048
  44   90112   972800   931839   2048
  45   92160   968704   974847604
  46   92764  1040384   969307   1444
  47   94208  1081344  1041827   2048
  48   96256  1134592  1083391   2048
  49   98304  1171456  1136639   2048
  50  100352  1165312  1173503   2048
  51  102400  1202176  1167359   2048
  52  104448  1234944  1204223   2048
  53  106496  1267712  1236991   2048
  54  108544  1298432  1269759   2048
  55  110592  1325056  1300479   2048
  56  112640  1372160  1327103   2048
  57  114688  1384448  1374207   2048
  58  116736  1433600  1386495   2048
  59  118784  1452032  1435647   2048
  60  120832  1499136  1454079   2048
  61  122880  1529856  1501183   2048
  62  124928  1560576  1531903   2048
  63  126976  1687552  1562623   2048
  64  129024  2125824  1689599   2048
  65  131072   534560  2127871   2048
  66  133120   544800   536607   2048
  67  135168  1056800   546847   2048
  68  137216  2629789  1058847   6144
  69  143360  2867200  2635932   2048
  70  145408  2887680  2869247   2048
  71  14745675776  2889727   2048
  72  149504  299008077823   2048
  73  151552  3014656  2992127   2048
  74  153600  3094528  3016703   2048
  75  155648  3117056  3096575   2048
  76  15769663488  3119103   2048
  77  159744   19046465535   2048
  78  161792   215040   192511   2048
  79  163840   284672   217087   2048
  80  165888   378880   286719   2048
  81  167936   419840   380927   2048
  82  169984   432128   421887   2048
  83  172032   501760   434175   2048
  84  174080   598016   503807   2048
  85  176128   659456   600063   2048
  86  178176   700416   661503   2048
  87  180224   772096   702463   2048
  88  182272   829440   774143   2048
  89  184320   864256   831487   2048
  90  186368   903168   866303   2048
  91  188416  1030144   905215   2048
  92  190464  1255424  1032191   2048
  93  192512  1431552  1257471   2048
  94  194560  1542144  1433599   2048
  95  196608  1732608  1544191   2048
  96  198656  1740800  1734655   2048
  97  200704  1787904  1742847 36 eof
24586: 98 extents found

You can see 3 back steps: position 26, 71, 76.
Just imagine, 50 files over few days, the files become heavely fragmented with 
many back steps.
So a sequential scan (logicaly from PostgreSQL point of view) is in fact random 
(filesystem point of view).


Le Mercredi 20 Mars 2013 15:47 CET, a écrit:


 I create a test cas on Linux:
 postgres=# create table a (v int);
 postgres=# create table b (v int);

 Then a while(true) over the following script where 24577 and 24580 are the 
 files of the tables a and b
 psql test -c 'insert into a select generate_series(1,10,1);'
 psql test -c 'insert into b select generate_series(1,10,1);'
 psql test -c 'checkpoint;'
 /usr/sbin/filefrag -v 24577 24580
 ls -lh 24577 24580

 After few minutes, I got 100 extend by files.

 The file fragmentation happens on Windows and Linux, too.

 I not sure that the Wait IO on Windows is related to file fragmentation.

Re: [GENERAL] Leaking disk space on FreeBSD servers

2013-03-20 Thread Dan Thomas
 Any difference in the architecture of the two systems? (x86, amd64, etc..)
 Any difference in the respective output of
 % pg_config

Alas, no. Both identical machines running identical versions of
FreeBSD and PG. pg_config on the two machines matches exactly.

On 20 March 2013 15:37, Achilleas Mantzios wrote:
 On Ôåô 20 Ìáñ 2013 15:15:23 Dan Thomas wrote:

 We actually have another FreeBSD8.3/PG9.1 machine under different (but
 similar) load that *doesn't* demonstrate this behaviour. There's
 nothing obvious in the differences in usage patterns that we can see
 (we're not using any exotic features or anything), but it certainly
 suggests that it's *something* related to PG or our usage of it.

 Any difference in the architecture of the two systems? (x86, amd64, etc..)
 Any difference in the respective output of
 % pg_config

 Achilleas Mantzios
 Dynacom Tankers Mgmt

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Re: [GENERAL] Leaking disk space on FreeBSD servers

2013-03-20 Thread Kevin Grittner
Dan Thomas wrote:

 We're seeing a problem with some of our FreeBSD/PostgreSQL
 servers leaking quite significant amounts of disk space:

 Stopping Postgres doesn't fix it, but rebooting does which points
 at the OS rather than PG to me. However, the leak is only
 apparent in the dedicated pgsql partition, and only on our
 database servers, so PostgreSQL seems to at least be involved.
 The partition itself is a relatively standard UFS partition:

I saw something once which *might* be related.  I don't recall the
OS of FS involved, but in an attempt to reduce the fragmentation of
files which started small and eventually grew large, a large
allocation of contiguous space was made on file creation, and that
space was not release as long as any page for the file remained in
the OS cache.  In the instance where I saw the problem, autovacuum
had been turned off and the instance was just coming up on the
point where wraparound prevention runs were about to be triggered. 
pg_clog was where most of the wasted space was.

No guarantees that this is the issue, but it sounded similar

Kevin Grittner
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [GENERAL] Leaking disk space on FreeBSD servers

2013-03-20 Thread Shaun Thomas

On 03/20/2013 01:25 PM, Kevin Grittner wrote:

I saw something once which *might* be related.  I don't recall the
OS of FS involved, but in an attempt to reduce the fragmentation of
files which started small and eventually grew large, a large
allocation of contiguous space was made on file creation, and that
space was not release as long as any page for the file remained in
the OS cache.

That was an optimization decision made for XFS in recent kernels, and 
the chunks it grabs are very, very large. We had to reduce the default 
allocation size to 1MB to disable the elastic allocation system. In the 
end, we regained about 50GB of phantom space after a re-mount, and 
it's stayed that way since.

But that's what du --apparent-size is for. :)

Shaun Thomas
OptionsHouse | 141 W. Jackson Blvd. | Suite 500 | Chicago IL, 60604


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[GENERAL] Can't terminate hung COPY

2013-03-20 Thread David Rees
PostgreSQL 8.4.16 on CentOS 5.9.

I've run into a situation where executing a \COPY from psql will hang
and at that point it's impossible to terminate the COPY command.

I've tried pg_cancel_backend and pg_terminalte_backend - even sending
the process itself a TERM signal.

Sending the process KILL works, but of course that restarts the entire
server which is far from ideal.

Any idea on how to cleanly terminal the offending process at this point?

Any idea on what may cause \COPY to hang and how to prevent it?



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[GENERAL] State of the art re: group default privileges

2013-03-20 Thread Michael Orlitzky
I'm running into this exact situation:

We really need to be able to have a group of developers who can create
things and modify each others' stuff[1]. Is it still more or less

The workaround that comes to mind is a script to enumerate all
developers and then set the defaults one at a time. This breaks
however when we add a new developer -- he can't access any of the
existing stuff.

[1] WITHOUT making them set their own permissions. For the sake of the
discussion, let's say they can't be trusted to get it right, or more
likely, don't feel like it.

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Re: [GENERAL] State of the art re: group default privileges

2013-03-20 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Michael Orlitzky wrote:
 I'm running into this exact situation:
 We really need to be able to have a group of developers who can create
 things and modify each others' stuff[1]. Is it still more or less
 The workaround that comes to mind is a script to enumerate all
 developers and then set the defaults one at a time. This breaks
 however when we add a new developer -- he can't access any of the
 existing stuff.

I don't understand.  Why doesn't alice do a set role dev_user before
creating the table?  Then, the table owner is dev_user, not alice, and
default privileges for dev_user apply.  In fact you needn't run ALTER
DEFAULT PRIVILEGES at all, because dev_user will be owner of the
objects, and both alice and bob have that role.

Álvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training  Services

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Re: [GENERAL] Can't terminate hung COPY

2013-03-20 Thread Martín Marqués
2013/3/20 David Rees
 PostgreSQL 8.4.16 on CentOS 5.9.

 I've run into a situation where executing a \COPY from psql will hang
 and at that point it's impossible to terminate the COPY command.

 I've tried pg_cancel_backend and pg_terminalte_backend - even sending
 the process itself a TERM signal.

 Sending the process KILL works, but of course that restarts the entire
 server which is far from ideal.

 Any idea on how to cleanly terminal the offending process at this point?

 Any idea on what may cause \COPY to hang and how to prevent it?

What happens if you use COPY ... FROM with the same data?

Are you sure the process hangs (strange thing is that you can't
terminate the backend)? Could it be that it looks like it hung, but
it's actually COPYing a huge chunk of data?

Martín Marqués
select 'martin.marques' || '@' || ''
DBA, Programador, Administrador

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Re: [GENERAL] State of the art re: group default privileges

2013-03-20 Thread Michael Orlitzky
On 03/20/2013 04:12 PM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
 Michael Orlitzky wrote:
 I'm running into this exact situation:

 We really need to be able to have a group of developers who can create
 things and modify each others' stuff[1]. Is it still more or less

 The workaround that comes to mind is a script to enumerate all
 developers and then set the defaults one at a time. This breaks
 however when we add a new developer -- he can't access any of the
 existing stuff.
 I don't understand.  Why doesn't alice do a set role dev_user before
 creating the table?  Then, the table owner is dev_user, not alice, and
 default privileges for dev_user apply.  In fact you needn't run ALTER
 DEFAULT PRIVILEGES at all, because dev_user will be owner of the
 objects, and both alice and bob have that role.

It comes down to a separation of concerns. These developers shouldn't
(and really, don't) know/care what the privileges should be. They don't
know that they're even in a group. Why should they?

As with filesystem permissions, the admin should be able to set this all
up (correctly) and forget about it.

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[GENERAL] Fast Shutdown (SIGINT) results in a CHECKPOINT...

2013-03-20 Thread Sean Chittenden
For a while now I've known that sending a SIGINT can trigger a CHECKPOINT, but 
I don't know if this is intentional or a bug. Logs from today:

 2013-03-20_18:21:43.27642 LOG:  received fast shutdown request
 2013-03-20_18:21:43.27645 LOG:  aborting any active transactions
 2013-03-20_18:21:43.27647 FATAL:  terminating connection due to administrator 
 2013-03-20_18:22:14.25763 FATAL:  the database system is shutting down
 2013-03-20_18:22:14.26401 LOG:  checkpoint starting: shutdown immediate
 2013-03-20_18:25:36.98507 LOG:  checkpoint complete: wrote 6403 buffers 
 (2.3%); 0 transaction log file(s) added, 0 removed, 5 recycled; write=41.450 
 s, sync=156.157 s, total=202.943 s; sync files=50, longest=29.057 s, 
 average=3.123 s

 2013-03-20_18:25:37.65570 FATAL:  the database system is shutting down
 2013-03-20_18:25:37.71735 LOG:  online backup mode canceled

And I believe this is where the db restarted:

 2013-03-20_18:25:37.71739 DETAIL:  backup_label was renamed to 
 2013-03-20_18:25:45.39001 LOG:  loaded library auto_explain
 2013-03-20_18:25:45.39647 LOG:  loaded library pg_stat_statements
 2013-03-20_18:26:04.67932 LOG:  could not create socket for statistics 
 collector: Protocol not supported
 2013-03-20_18:26:04.67939 LOG:  trying another address for the statistics 
 2013-03-20_18:26:05.01894 LOG:  connection received: host= 
 2013-03-20_18:26:05.01903 FATAL:  the database system is starting up
 2013-03-20_18:26:05.41153 LOG:  autovacuum launcher started
 2013-03-20_18:26:05.41160 LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections

Just shy of 5 minutes to do a fast shutdown/restart.

What I'm trying to determine is whether or not it's a bug for postmaster to 
CHECKPOINT during a fast shutdown or a documentation bug that a fast shutdown 
may cause a CHECKPOINT, which will delay the database being restarted.

I've run in to this before and in some scripts I run a CHECKPOINT before 
sending a SIGINT, which reduces the size of the CHECKPOINT, but doesn't 
necessarily eliminate it all of the time. In fact, I'm not sure it happens 100% 
of the time either, but today I was bit by this shutdown/startup delay and 
thought I'd inquire or submit a small doc patch. Thanks in advance. -sc

Sean Chittenden

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Re: [GENERAL] Can't terminate hung COPY

2013-03-20 Thread David Rees
On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 1:12 PM, Martín Marqués wrote:
 What happens if you use COPY ... FROM with the same data?

I will try that, but if you look at pg_stat_activity the full command
is a COPY table (columns), FROM STDIN.

 Are you sure the process hangs (strange thing is that you can't
 terminate the backend)? Could it be that it looks like it hung, but
 it's actually COPYing a huge chunk of data?

The file that psql is reading from is tiny - less than 3kB so that's
definitely not the issue...


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Re: [GENERAL] Fast Shutdown (SIGINT) results in a CHECKPOINT...

2013-03-20 Thread Peter Eisentraut
On 3/20/13 4:28 PM, Sean Chittenden wrote:
 For a while now I've known that sending a SIGINT can trigger a CHECKPOINT, 
 but I don't know if this is intentional or a bug.

It's intentional.  If you don't want that, use SIGQUIT.  That's how they
are different.

Of course, when using SIGQUIT, you will have to spend the time you saved
on the checkpoint for the recovery at startup.  So you have to put in
the time either way.

It is not unheard of that a shutdown can take minutes.  That's why the
-t option was added to pg_ctl some time ago.

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Re: [GENERAL] State of the art re: group default privileges

2013-03-20 Thread Rob Sargent

On 03/20/2013 02:24 PM, Michael Orlitzky wrote:

On 03/20/2013 04:12 PM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:

Michael Orlitzky wrote:

I'm running into this exact situation:

We really need to be able to have a group of developers who can create
things and modify each others' stuff[1]. Is it still more or less

The workaround that comes to mind is a script to enumerate all
developers and then set the defaults one at a time. This breaks
however when we add a new developer -- he can't access any of the
existing stuff.

I don't understand.  Why doesn't alice do a set role dev_user before
creating the table?  Then, the table owner is dev_user, not alice, and
default privileges for dev_user apply.  In fact you needn't run ALTER
DEFAULT PRIVILEGES at all, because dev_user will be owner of the
objects, and both alice and bob have that role.

It comes down to a separation of concerns. These developers shouldn't
(and really, don't) know/care what the privileges should be. They don't
know that they're even in a group. Why should they?

As with filesystem permissions, the admin should be able to set this all
up (correctly) and forget about it.

What's your process?  First I've heard of a group of dev's ignorant of 
permission _and_ trusted to change things in a db which affect others.

If they are in a group, can that not define the role and go from there 
with std permission layouts?

Are these mostly DDL changes?  Might want to look at migrations tools 
(MyBatis, flyway and others)

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Re: [GENERAL] Can't terminate hung COPY

2013-03-20 Thread David Rees
On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 12:37 PM, David Rees wrote:
 PostgreSQL 8.4.16 on CentOS 5.9.

 I've run into a situation where executing a \COPY from psql will hang
 and at that point it's impossible to terminate the COPY command.

Some additional notes:

Running psql on the same LAN for some reason works fine with the same
COPY file. On a remote network it hangs.

Tried against a PostgreSQL 9.2.3 server, same results.

The file that is being copied from is a single row - one of the
columns has decent number of \r\n in it, deleting all of either the \r
or the \n in the file allows the \COPY to succeed.

I'm trying to narrow it down to a simple test case...


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Re: [GENERAL] Can't terminate hung COPY

2013-03-20 Thread Tom Lane
David Rees writes:
 On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 12:37 PM, David Rees wrote:
 PostgreSQL 8.4.16 on CentOS 5.9.
 I've run into a situation where executing a \COPY from psql will hang
 and at that point it's impossible to terminate the COPY command.

 Some additional notes:

 Running psql on the same LAN for some reason works fine with the same
 COPY file. On a remote network it hangs.

That seems to point the finger at the network stack: what is probably
happening is it's failing to abort a recv() or send() when the process
receives a signal.  You might see if you can confirm that diagnosis,
perhaps by watching the backend process with strace, or by attaching to
it after the fact with gdb and seeing where the stack trace leads.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] State of the art re: group default privileges

2013-03-20 Thread Michael Orlitzky
On 03/20/2013 05:18 PM, Rob Sargent wrote:
 What's your process?  First I've heard of a group of dev's ignorant of 
 permission _and_ trusted to change things in a db which affect others.

It's a playground for a group of people. They want to be able to create
stuff, and then modify that stuff. No one has to see it. There are no
consequences to their being completely oblivious to the permissions and
ownership. It's not really an outlandish use case.

(rant ahead)

Windows servers, you can create a share for a bunch of, say, attorneys,
and let them throw WordPerfect documents in it. Any attorney can modify
any document. None of them need to be system administrators or
understand the implications of the permissions on newly-created files,
because the admin (you) has made sure that the share is e.g. not visible
to Everyone. This is done in every small business on Earth.

In Unix, we have the setgid bit. If you create an attorneys group, and
setgid the documents directory, then the same thing is achieved.
Newly-created documents are owned by the attorneys group and so any
attorney can modify it (if you set the umask properly). The permissions
are up to the system administrator, nobody else has to care.

MSSQL and Oracle both let you do the same thing with groups or roles or
whatever they're called. If you want your permissions to be as
restrictive as possible (i.e. correct), but not a huge pain in the ass,
then you need to be able to grant those restrictive-as-possible
permissions automatically.

Nobody would put up with you if you made them manually set the
permissions on every new file that they created. More importantly, if
you did, most of the permissions would be screwed up, because nobody but
you (our hypothetical admin) cares. They just want it to work. And chmod
777 makes it work, unless it already worked by default (my goal).

My use case is the same. I have a bunch of people who want it to just
work, and I'm the one who knows how the ownership and permissions should
be set. I should be able to make it work for them. It's like, the
canonical use case for user/group permission systems.

 If they are in a group, can that not define the role and go from there 
 with std permission layouts?

Not sure what you mean? They're all in the same role, but there's no way
to make sure that everyone in that role can access the objects that
other members create.

 Are these mostly DDL changes?  Might want to look at migrations tools 
 (MyBatis, flyway and others)

At the moment, everyone's just experimenting. Even with the proper
tooling, my blog app shouldn't have to handle the database permissions
table-by-table. I should be able to set up sensible defaults.

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Re: [GENERAL] State of the art re: group default privileges

2013-03-20 Thread Adrian Klaver

On 03/20/2013 03:26 PM, Michael Orlitzky wrote:

On 03/20/2013 05:18 PM, Rob Sargent wrote:

At the moment, everyone's just experimenting. Even with the proper
tooling, my blog app shouldn't have to handle the database permissions
table-by-table. I should be able to set up sensible defaults.

GRANT dev_user TO adrian;
GRANT dev_user TO ranger;

ALTER ROLE adrian IN DATABASE test set role=dev_user;

aklaver@panda:~ psql -d test -U adrian
Password for user adrian:
psql (9.0.12)
Type help for help.

test= SELECT current_user;
(1 row)

test= SELECT session_user;
(1 row)

test= CREATE TABLE adrian_tbl(id int);
test= \c - ranger
Password for user ranger:
You are now connected to database test as user ranger.
test= INSERT INTO adrian_tbl VALUES (1);

Adrian Klaver

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Re: [GENERAL] State of the art re: group default privileges

2013-03-20 Thread Michael Orlitzky
On 03/20/2013 06:40 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
 On 03/20/2013 03:26 PM, Michael Orlitzky wrote:
 On 03/20/2013 05:18 PM, Rob Sargent wrote:

 At the moment, everyone's just experimenting. Even with the proper
 tooling, my blog app shouldn't have to handle the database permissions
 table-by-table. I should be able to set up sensible defaults.

 GRANT dev_user TO adrian;
 GRANT dev_user TO ranger;
 ALTER ROLE adrian IN DATABASE test set role=dev_user;
 aklaver@panda:~ psql -d test -U adrian

Thanks, this is extremely close, but doesn't quite nail it: at the end,
what happens if you create a table as ranger? By default, adrian doesn't
have access to it. You could of course do,

  ALTER ROLE ranger IN DATABASE test set role=dev_user;

Now everything in the database will be owned by dev_user. But what
happens if we have 100 databases (this is realistic for us), and add a
new developer a year down the road? I have to not only add him to
dev_user, but look through each database, figure out which ones we've
used this trick on, and do,

  ALTER ROLE the_new_guy IN DATABASE foo set role=dev_user;

And I can already achieve this result with a pile of scripts. It just
feels half-assed. When I add someone to a group, they should inherit the
permissions of the group. More convenient, way safer.

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[GENERAL] How to join table to itself N times?

2013-03-20 Thread W. Matthew Wilson
I got this table right now:

select * from market_segment_dimension_values ;
| market_segment_dimension | value |
| geography| north |
| geography| south |
| industry type| retail|
| industry type| manufacturing |
| industry type| wholesale |
(5 rows)

The PK is (market_segment_dimension, value).

The dimension column refers to another table called

So, north and south are to values for the geography dimension.

In that data above, there are two dimensions.  But sometimes there could be
just one dimension, or maybe three, ... up to ten.

Now here's the part where I'm stumped.

I need to create a cartesian product of the dimensions.

I came up with this approach by hard-coding the different dimensions:

 with geog as (
select value
from market_segment_dimension_values
where market_segment_dimension = 'geography'),

industry_type as (
select value
from market_segment_dimension_values
where market_segment_dimension = 'industry type')

select geog.value as g,
industry_type.value as ind_type
from geog
cross join industry_type
|   g   |   ind_type|
| north | retail|
| north | manufacturing |
| north | wholesale |
| south | retail|
| south | manufacturing |
| south | wholesale |
(6 rows)

But that won't work if I add a new dimension (unless I update the query).
 For example, maybe I need to add a new dimension called, say, customer
size, which has values big and small.  A

I've got some nasty plan B solutions, but I want to know if there's some

There's a really elegant solution in python using itertools.product, like

 list(itertools.product(*[['north', 'south'], ['retail',
'manufacturing', 'wholesale']]))

[('north', 'retail'),
 ('north', 'manufacturing'),
 ('north', 'wholesale'),
 ('south', 'retail'),
 ('south', 'manufacturing'),
 ('south', 'wholesale')]

All advice is welcome.  Thanks in advance!


W. Matthew Wilson

Re: [GENERAL] State of the art re: group default privileges

2013-03-20 Thread Adrian Klaver

On 03/20/2013 04:11 PM, Michael Orlitzky wrote:

On 03/20/2013 06:40 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:

On 03/20/2013 03:26 PM, Michael Orlitzky wrote:

On 03/20/2013 05:18 PM, Rob Sargent wrote:

At the moment, everyone's just experimenting. Even with the proper
tooling, my blog app shouldn't have to handle the database permissions
table-by-table. I should be able to set up sensible defaults.

GRANT dev_user TO adrian;
GRANT dev_user TO ranger;

ALTER ROLE adrian IN DATABASE test set role=dev_user;

aklaver@panda:~ psql -d test -U adrian

Thanks, this is extremely close, but doesn't quite nail it: at the end,
what happens if you create a table as ranger? By default, adrian doesn't
have access to it. You could of course do,

   ALTER ROLE ranger IN DATABASE test set role=dev_user;

Now everything in the database will be owned by dev_user. But what
happens if we have 100 databases (this is realistic for us), and add a
new developer a year down the road? I have to not only add him to
dev_user, but look through each database, figure out which ones we've
used this trick on, and do,

Not sure why everything being owned by dev_user is a problem, you said 
the developers don't care about permissions or want to deal with them so 
why does it matter what role their objects get created as? As long as 
developer roles inherit dev_user they get common access to the objects.

Leave out the IN DATABASE and it will work for all databases in cluster.

   ALTER ROLE the_new_guy IN DATABASE foo set role=dev_user;

And I can already achieve this result with a pile of scripts. It just
feels half-assed. When I add someone to a group, they should inherit the
permissions of the group. More convenient, way safer.

Adrian Klaver

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[GENERAL] postgresql-9.1.2 - Linux

2013-03-20 Thread Arvind Sharma

I have installed the PG on Linux RHEL 6.3. With the DATA directory stored on a 
NAS Storage device which is NFS mounted on the main Linux disk.

What I am seeing is that after 40-60 minutes of PG running (in the product), 
the 'postgres' dumps core and PG Services stops.

Has anyone seen this before ?

Does storing the DATA on a NAS is a problem ?

Any suggestions pointers much appreciated.



Re: [GENERAL] How to join table to itself N times?

2013-03-20 Thread AI Rumman
On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 7:38 PM, W. Matthew Wilson wrote:

 I got this table right now:

 select * from market_segment_dimension_values ;
 | market_segment_dimension | value |
 | geography| north |
 | geography| south |
 | industry type| retail|
 | industry type| manufacturing |
 | industry type| wholesale |
 (5 rows)

 The PK is (market_segment_dimension, value).

 The dimension column refers to another table called

 So, north and south are to values for the geography dimension.

 In that data above, there are two dimensions.  But sometimes there could
 be just one dimension, or maybe three, ... up to ten.

 Now here's the part where I'm stumped.

 I need to create a cartesian product of the dimensions.

 I came up with this approach by hard-coding the different dimensions:

  with geog as (
 select value
 from market_segment_dimension_values
 where market_segment_dimension = 'geography'),

 industry_type as (
 select value
 from market_segment_dimension_values
 where market_segment_dimension = 'industry type')

 select geog.value as g,
 industry_type.value as ind_type
 from geog
 cross join industry_type
 |   g   |   ind_type|
 | north | retail|
 | north | manufacturing |
 | north | wholesale |
 | south | retail|
 | south | manufacturing |
 | south | wholesale |
 (6 rows)

 But that won't work if I add a new dimension (unless I update the query).
  For example, maybe I need to add a new dimension called, say, customer
 size, which has values big and small.  A

 I've got some nasty plan B solutions, but I want to know if there's some

 There's a really elegant solution in python using itertools.product, like

  list(itertools.product(*[['north', 'south'], ['retail',
 'manufacturing', 'wholesale']]))

 [('north', 'retail'),
  ('north', 'manufacturing'),
  ('north', 'wholesale'),
  ('south', 'retail'),
  ('south', 'manufacturing'),
  ('south', 'wholesale')]

 All advice is welcome.  Thanks in advance!


 W. Matthew Wilson

You may try:

Select a.value, b.value
from market_segment_dimension_values as a,
from market_segment_dimension_values as b
where a.market_segment_dimension  b.market_segment_dimension

-- AI

Re: [GENERAL] How to join table to itself N times?

2013-03-20 Thread Scott Marlowe
On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 5:38 PM, W. Matthew Wilson wrote:
 I got this table right now:

 select * from market_segment_dimension_values ;
 | market_segment_dimension | value |
 | geography| north |
 | geography| south |
 | industry type| retail|
 | industry type| manufacturing |
 | industry type| wholesale |
 (5 rows)

 The PK is (market_segment_dimension, value).

 The dimension column refers to another table called

 So, north and south are to values for the geography dimension.

 In that data above, there are two dimensions.  But sometimes there could be
 just one dimension, or maybe three, ... up to ten.

If the number of dimensions is not fixed, then you'll probably have to
write a plpgsql function to first interrogate the data set for how
many dimensions there are and then to build an n-dimension query.
While joining a variable number of tables may be problematic as you
won't have a fixed number of columns, using a union might give you
what you want with a fixed number of columns.

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Re: [GENERAL] postgresql-9.1.2 - Linux

2013-03-20 Thread John R Pierce

On 3/20/2013 5:29 PM, Arvind Sharma wrote:
I have installed the PG on Linux RHEL 6.3. With the DATA directory 
stored on a NAS Storage device which is NFS mounted on the main Linux 

What I am seeing is that after 40-60 minutes of PG running (in the 
product), the 'postgres' dumps core and PG Services stops.

it would be interesting to get a stack trace from that core dump

NFS is generally /NOT /recommended for database volumes.

john r pierce  37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast

Re: [GENERAL] How to join table to itself N times?

2013-03-20 Thread Paul Jungwirth
Wow, this is a fun puzzle. I'd love to be the first to solve it with
just SQL, but I don't have a solution yet. Here are some elements that
might be useful:

SELECT market_segment_dimension, array_agg(value)
FROM market_segment_dimension_values
GROUP BY market_segment_dimension;

the UNNEST function
the ROW function
window functions like row_number and nth_value
the crosstab function (requires installing an extension; this seems
like cheating if you ask me)

Good luck!

On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 7:14 PM, Scott Marlowe wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 5:38 PM, W. Matthew Wilson wrote:
 I got this table right now:

 select * from market_segment_dimension_values ;
 | market_segment_dimension | value |
 | geography| north |
 | geography| south |
 | industry type| retail|
 | industry type| manufacturing |
 | industry type| wholesale |
 (5 rows)

 The PK is (market_segment_dimension, value).

 The dimension column refers to another table called

 So, north and south are to values for the geography dimension.

 In that data above, there are two dimensions.  But sometimes there could be
 just one dimension, or maybe three, ... up to ten.

 If the number of dimensions is not fixed, then you'll probably have to
 write a plpgsql function to first interrogate the data set for how
 many dimensions there are and then to build an n-dimension query.
 While joining a variable number of tables may be problematic as you
 won't have a fixed number of columns, using a union might give you
 what you want with a fixed number of columns.

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Pulchritudo splendor veritatis.

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Re: [GENERAL] State of the art re: group default privileges

2013-03-20 Thread Michael Orlitzky
On 03/20/2013 08:05 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:

 Now everything in the database will be owned by dev_user. But what
 happens if we have 100 databases (this is realistic for us), and add a
 new developer a year down the road? I have to not only add him to
 dev_user, but look through each database, figure out which ones we've
 used this trick on, and do,
 Not sure why everything being owned by dev_user is a problem, you said 
 the developers don't care about permissions or want to deal with them so 
 why does it matter what role their objects get created as? As long as 
 developer roles inherit dev_user they get common access to the objects.

I must have misspoken; things being owned by dev_user is not a problem.

It's that, when we have 100 databases and I add a new developer, his
permissions don't really kick in automatically. I have to go back and
run a command on each database to which he should have access.

Since I'm going to script it, it doesn't really matter /which/ commands
I need to run. So it could be SET ROLE, or ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES, or
whatever else. But I shouldn't need to do any of it -- adding the user
to the developers group should make him a developer (in all databases
where that is meaningful), and that should be the end of it.

Imagine if, after adding yourself to the unix 'postgres' group, you had
to go around and run a command on every file belonging to the 'postgres'
group. And otherwise, you wouldn't be able to access those files. That
would be weird, right? No one would want to do it, right? I don't want
to do it in the database either =)

 Leave out the IN DATABASE and it will work for all databases in cluster.

This won't fly unfortunately. It's a shared host, and the developers
are a mixed bag of our employees, consultants, and the customer's employees.

I do appreciate the suggestions though, so don't interpret my pessimism
as lack of appreciation.

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Re: [GENERAL] How to join table to itself N times?

2013-03-20 Thread Paul Jungwirth
Okay, how about this (table names shortened):

create table m (d varchar(255) not null, v varchar(255) not null);
insert into m (d, v) values ('geography', 'north'), ('geography',
'south'), ('industry type', 'retail'), ('industry type',
'manufacturing'), ('industry type', 'wholesale');

WITH RECURSIVE t(combo, n) AS (
  WITH dims AS (SELECT DISTINCT d, row_number() OVER () AS n FROM m GROUP BY d)
  SELECT '{}'::text[], 1
  SELECT array_append(t2.combo::text[], m.v::text), t2.n+1
  FROM  t t2, dims
  WHERE m.d = dims.d AND dims.n = t2.n

Gives these results:

 combo | n
 {retail,north}| 3
 {manufacturing,north} | 3
 {wholesale,north} | 3
 {retail,south}| 3
 {manufacturing,south} | 3
 {wholesale,south} | 3
(6 rows)


On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 8:40 PM, Paul Jungwirth wrote:
 Wow, this is a fun puzzle. I'd love to be the first to solve it with
 just SQL, but I don't have a solution yet. Here are some elements that
 might be useful:

 SELECT market_segment_dimension, array_agg(value)
 FROM market_segment_dimension_values
 GROUP BY market_segment_dimension;

 the UNNEST function
 the ROW function
 window functions like row_number and nth_value
 the crosstab function (requires installing an extension; this seems
 like cheating if you ask me)

 Good luck!

 On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 7:14 PM, Scott Marlowe 
 On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 5:38 PM, W. Matthew Wilson wrote:
 I got this table right now:

 select * from market_segment_dimension_values ;
 | market_segment_dimension | value |
 | geography| north |
 | geography| south |
 | industry type| retail|
 | industry type| manufacturing |
 | industry type| wholesale |
 (5 rows)

 The PK is (market_segment_dimension, value).

 The dimension column refers to another table called

 So, north and south are to values for the geography dimension.

 In that data above, there are two dimensions.  But sometimes there could be
 just one dimension, or maybe three, ... up to ten.

 If the number of dimensions is not fixed, then you'll probably have to
 write a plpgsql function to first interrogate the data set for how
 many dimensions there are and then to build an n-dimension query.
 While joining a variable number of tables may be problematic as you
 won't have a fixed number of columns, using a union might give you
 what you want with a fixed number of columns.

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 Pulchritudo splendor veritatis.

Pulchritudo splendor veritatis.

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Re: [GENERAL] [HACKERS] Trust intermediate CA for client certificates

2013-03-20 Thread Craig Ringer

Hash: SHA1

On 03/19/2013 09:46 PM, Stephen Frost wrote:
 * Craig Ringer ( wrote:
 As far as I'm concerned that's the immediate problem fixed. It may be
 worth adding a warning on startup if we find non-self-signed certs in
 root.crt too, something like 'WARNING: Intermediate certificate found in
 root.crt. This does not do what you expect and your configuration may be
 insecure; see the Client Certificates chapter in the documentation.'

 I'm not sure that I follow this logic, unless you're proposing that
 intermediate CAs only be allowed to be picked up from system-wide
 configuration? That strikes me as overly constrained as I imagine there
 are valid configurations today which have intermediate CAs listed, with
 the intention that they be available for PG to build the chain from a
 client cert that is presented back up to the root. Now, the client
 might be able to provide such an intermediate CA cert too (one of the
 fun things about SSL is that the client can send any 'missing' certs to
 the server, if it has them available..), but it also might not.

Drat, you're quite right. I've always included the full certificate
chain in client certs but it's in no way required.

I guess that pretty much means mainaining the status quo and documenting
it better.

- -- 
 Craig Ringer
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training  Services
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