Re: [GENERAL] Hardware requirements for a PostGIS server

2015-02-10 Thread Bill Moran

Responses in-line:

On Tue, 10 Feb 2015 19:52:41 -0500
Mathieu Basille wrote:
 I am posting here a question that I initially asked on the PostGIS list 
 [1], where I was advised to try here too (I will keep both lists updated 
 about the developments on this issue).
 I am currently planning to set up a PostgreSQL + PostGIS instance for my 
 lab. Turns out I believe this would be useful for the whole center, so that 
 I'm now considering setting up the server for everyone?if interest is 
 shared of course. At the moment, I am however struggling with what would be 
 required in terms of hardware, and of course, the cost will depend on 
 that?at the end of the day, it's really a matter of money well spent. I 
 have then a series of questions/remarks, and I would welcome any feedback 
 from people with existing experience on setting up a multi-user PostGIS 
 server. I'm insisting on the PostGIS aspect, since the most heavy requests 
 will be GIS requests (intersections, spatial queries, etc.). However, 
 people with similar PostgreSQL setup may have very relevant comments about 
 their own configuration.
 * My own experience about servers is rather limited: I used PostGIS quite a 
 bit, but only on a desktop, with only 2 users. The desktop was quite good 
 (quad-core Xeon, 12 Go RAM, 500 GB hd), running Debian, and we never had 
 any performance issue (although some queries were rather long, but still 
 * The use case I'm envisioning would be (at least in the foreseeable future):
 - About 10 faculty users (which means potentially a little bit more 
 students using it); I would have hard time considering more than 4 
 concurrent users;
 - Data would primarily involve a lot (hundreds/thousands) of high 
 resolution (spatial and temporal) raster and vector maps, possibly over 
 large areas (Florida / USA / continental), as well as potentially millions 
 of GPS records (animals individually monitored);
 - Queries will primarily involve retrieving points/maps over given 
 areas/time, as well as intersecting points over environmental layers [from 
 what I understand, a lot of I/O, with many intermediary tables involved]; 
 other use cases will involve working with steps, i.e. the straight line 
 segment connecting two successive locations, and intersecting them with 
 environmental layers;
 * I couldn't find comprehensive or detailed guidelines on-line about 
 hardware, but from what I could see, it seems that memory wouldn't be the 
 main issue, but the number of cores would be (one core per database 
 connection if I'm not mistaken). At the same time, we want to make sure 
 that the experience is smooth for everyone... I was advised on the PostGIS 
 list to give a look at pgpool (however, UNIX only).

# of cores helps in parallel processing. But 4 simultaneous users doesn't
particularly mean 4 simultaneous queries. How much time do your users
spend running queries vs. idling? If you don't expect more than 4
concurrent users, I would think you'll be fine with a single quad-core
CPU. I would get the fastest CPU available, though, as it will make
number crunching go faster.

I can't see any reason why you'd want/need pgpool. pgpool is generally
useful when you have a LOT of simultaneous connections, and you're only
estimating 4. Additionally, pgpool is fairly easy to add on later if you
need it ... so my recommendation would be not to worry about it just yet.

 * Does anyone have worked with a server running the DB engine, while the DB 
 itself was stored on another box/server? That would likely be the case here 
 since we already have a dedicated box for file storage. Along these lines, 
 does the system of the file storage box matter (Linux vs. MS)?

Yes. If you have a lot data that will need to be crunched, I would consider
getting SSDs directly attached to the computer running Postgres. Anything
you put between RAM and your disks that slows down transfers is going to
hurt performance. However, since you haven't made an estimate of the physical
size of the data, I can't comment on whether sufficient SSD storage is cost
effective or not. 

If you can't get DAS storage, you can make up for some of the performance
hit by getting lots of RAM. Part of the effectiveness of the RAM is dependent
on the OS and it's storage drivers, though, and I have no experience with
how well Windows does that ... and since you didn't mention which file
storage technology you're using, I can't comment on that either. SAN and
NAS storage vary wildly from brand to brand on their performance
characteristics, so it's difficult to say unless you can find someone who
has tried the exact hardware you're liable to be using. If performance is
important, I highly recommend DAS, and furthermore SSDs if you can afford

 * We may also use the server as a workstation to streamline PostGIS 
 processing with further R analyses/modeling (or even use R from within the 
 database using PL/R). 

Re: [GENERAL] Improving performance of merging data between tables

2015-02-10 Thread Pawel Veselov
Sorry, it took me a while to respond, but I re-factored all of this process
to suggestions.

On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 7:49 PM, Maxim Boguk wrote:

 On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 8:49 PM, Pawel Veselov

 PS: your setup look pretty complicated and hard to analyze without seeing
 all involved table structures, transaction/query flow, and (especially)
 involved procedures source code.

 Sure :) At this point, I've put together the bulk merge code as well. I
 can't quite see much of a difference, actually, but it's hard to trust the
 execution times, as on the same amount of data they vary from, say, 0.5s to
 2s, and the sample data is not stepping on any other locks. In general, I'm
 afraid all those left joins and multiple scans, even over small amount of
 data, is nullifying any positive effect.

 Now some ideas to check.
 The high CPU usage usually isn't related to locking, but related to seq
 scan or wrong plans or simple inefficient pl/pgsql code, locked processes
 usually doesn't use too much cpu.

 1)on the test database perform  select pg_stat_reset(); then perform full
 round of merges, then check
 select * from pg_stat_user_tables where seq_scan0 order by seq_tup_read;
 and if you find a lot of seq_scan and seq_tuple_reads on the particular
 table try find where they coming from (it could be reason for high CPU

 2)enable track_functions in postgresql.conf and perform the same sequence
 (select pg_stat_reset() + full round of merges
 ) then check
 select * FROM pg_stat_user_functions order by self_time desc;
 and check which function using the most time.

These are good pointers, if the new process is having the same sort of
problems, this will come in handy on figuring out where they are coming
from, thank you.

 3)old/lost prepared transactions can have deadly effect on the database
 performance at whole. So check select * from pg_prepared_xact(); and verify
 that you don't have a hours (or weeks) old prepared xact lying around.

If there are lost prepared transactions, they will lock up a particular
instance from being able to write into its table data, so it will just
stall the node. But does happen, and we have an application mechanism to
find and delete those.

 PS: btw I still don't fully understood relation between the:
 - merges data into its own node tables (using merge_xxx PL/pgSQL functions)
 and provided code for the public.merge_all02-9A-46-8B-C1-DD and
 As I see
 public.merge_all02-9A-46-8B-C1-DD calling PUBLIC.merge_agrio, and the
 PUBLIC.merge_agrio updates a global table R_AGRIO (but not the own node

It's a bit irrelevant at this point, but. merge_all02-9A-46-8B-C1-DD()
function will take all data for 02-9A-46-8B-C1-DD node and move it into the
master table. There is an analogous merge_02-9A-46-8B-C1-DD() function that
takes data from application, and writes it into the tables for
02-9A-46-8B-C1-DD node. The process of moving data node tables-main tables
and application-node tables is nearly identical, hence I only provided the
body once. The big difference, is when merging into master, there is a lot
more data to look through, as node tables only contain data that has not
yet been merged into the master yet.

 I think the best implementation of such task is asynchronous processing of
 this changes via background process. An application only inserts events
 into queue table (it lockless process), and some background process read
 these data from queue table and merge it into main table (again lockless
 because it single thread so no concurrent writes), and then delete the
 merged data from queue table.

Well, that was a really good suggestion, thank you. Some weeks later I've
put it together. This hasn't hit production yet, so I'm yet to see the
overall improvement effect. Along with turning it into a queue, I've added
provisions to try to combine as much data as possible before writing it out
into the databse tables, and merged all of the satellite tables with the
main data.

Before, I had:
  r_brk_xxx (multiple entries reference rows in r_agrio)

Now, I have:

All the data that was in the r_brk_xxx tables is now in columns of the
r_agrio* tables. To get around the fact that there are potentially multiple
BRK records for each AGR record, the data is now stored as JSON object. The
primary key used for the BRK tables is turned into a string that serves as
a key in a top level JSON object. This should help me tremendously on the
side that needs to read that data, as I had to join or left join the BRK

Splitting this into 3 tables may come back and bite me in back, since it's
two more inserts and corresponding look ups, but it seriously helps me on
the reading side of things.

The code that aggregates the JSON data is still done in PL/PGSQL, which is
probably a bad idea, considering that PL doesn't have good ways of

Re: [GENERAL] Hardware requirements for a PostGIS server

2015-02-10 Thread Paul Jungwirth

I am currently planning to set up a PostgreSQL + PostGIS instance for my
lab. Turns out I believe this would be useful for the whole center, so
that I'm now considering setting up the server for everyone—if interest
is shared of course. At the moment, I am however struggling with what
would be required in terms of hardware

Just for perspective, here are the specs required to run a Nominatim 
server, which uses PostGIS to do geocoding on OpenStreetMap data:

Of course maybe your users have more detailed data, but at least that 
link will give you something to think about.

Good luck!


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Re: [GENERAL] Hardware requirements for a PostGIS server

2015-02-10 Thread Gavin Flower

On 11/02/15 13:52, Mathieu Basille wrote:

Dear PostgreSQL users,

I am posting here a question that I initially asked on the PostGIS 
list [1], where I was advised to try here too (I will keep both lists 
updated about the developments on this issue).

I am currently planning to set up a PostgreSQL + PostGIS instance for 
my lab. Turns out I believe this would be useful for the whole center, 
so that I'm now considering setting up the server for everyone—if 
interest is shared of course. At the moment, I am however struggling 
with what would be required in terms of hardware, and of course, the 
cost will depend on that—at the end of the day, it's really a matter 
of money well spent. I have then a series of questions/remarks, and I 
would welcome any feedback from people with existing experience on 
setting up a multi-user PostGIS server. I'm insisting on the PostGIS 
aspect, since the most heavy requests will be GIS requests 
(intersections, spatial queries, etc.). However, people with similar 
PostgreSQL setup may have very relevant comments about their own 

* My own experience about servers is rather limited: I used PostGIS 
quite a bit, but only on a desktop, with only 2 users. The desktop was 
quite good (quad-core Xeon, 12 Go RAM, 500 GB hd), running Debian, and 
we never had any performance issue (although some queries were rather 
long, but still acceptable).

* The use case I'm envisioning would be (at least in the foreseeable 
- About 10 faculty users (which means potentially a little bit more 
students using it); I would have hard time considering more than 4 
concurrent users;
- Data would primarily involve a lot (hundreds/thousands) of high 
resolution (spatial and temporal) raster and vector maps, possibly 
over large areas (Florida / USA / continental), as well as potentially 
millions of GPS records (animals individually monitored);
- Queries will primarily involve retrieving points/maps over given 
areas/time, as well as intersecting points over environmental layers 
[from what I understand, a lot of I/O, with many intermediary tables 
involved]; other use cases will involve working with steps, i.e. the 
straight line segment connecting two successive locations, and 
intersecting them with environmental layers;

* I couldn't find comprehensive or detailed guidelines on-line about 
hardware, but from what I could see, it seems that memory wouldn't be 
the main issue, but the number of cores would be (one core per 
database connection if I'm not mistaken). At the same time, we want to 
make sure that the experience is smooth for everyone... I was advised 
on the PostGIS list to give a look at pgpool (however, UNIX only).

* Is there a difference in terms of possibilities, performance and 
usability between a Linux-based and a MS-based server (from the user 
perspective)? My center is unfortunately MS-centered, and existing 
equipment runs with MS systems... It would thus be easier for them to 
set up a MS-based server. Does it change anything for the user? (I 
insist on the user perspective, since I and others will not admin the 
system, but only use it)

* Does anyone have worked with a server running the DB engine, while 
the DB itself was stored on another box/server? That would likely be 
the case here since we already have a dedicated box for file storage. 
Along these lines, does the system of the file storage box matter 
(Linux vs. MS)?

* We may also use the server as a workstation to streamline PostGIS 
processing with further R analyses/modeling (or even use R from within 
the database using PL/R). Again, does anyone have experience doing it? 
Is a single workstation the recommended way to work with such 
workflow? Or would it be better (but more costly) to have one server 
dedicated to PostGIS and another one, with different specs, dedicated 
to analyses (R)?

I realize my questions and comments may be a confusing, likely because 
of the lack of experience about these issues on my side. I really 
welcome any feedback of people working with PostgreSQL servers (+ 
PostGIS ideally!) in a small unit, or any similar setting that could 
be informative!

In advance, thank you very much!

Mathieu Basille.

[1] Start of the thread here:

When I looked at tuning options for PostgreSQL, I found that there were 
limitations mentioned for Microsoft O/S's.

I get the general impression from my reading from multiple sources over 
the years, that if you are serious about performance on a server, then 
you should prefer Linux to Microsoft.  Note that most servers run Linux, 
and that over 95% of the top 500 super computers runs Linux - which is 
rather telling about the perception of Microsoft's performance.


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Re: [GENERAL] Cluster seems broken after pg_basebackup

2015-02-10 Thread Guillaume Drolet
Adrian, in response to your question:

 2015-02-06 07:11:38 EST FATAL:  le rôle « 208375PT$ » n'existe pas

So where is role 208375PT$ supposed to come from?

I found that when I stop/start/restart pgsql through the services.msc
application in Windows, this message is issued in the log file. This makes
sense since the account I use to start the services.msc application is my
admin account, 208375PT\Admlocal.

If I use instead the command line with pg_ctl restart -U postgres, I
don't get this message in the log file.

2015-02-06 11:28 GMT-05:00 Adrian Klaver

 On 02/06/2015 05:03 AM, Guillaume Drolet wrote:


 Yesterday I ran a pg_basebackup of my cluster. Since it has completed,
 my cluster doesn't work properly. I tried restarting the computer (or
 service) a few times but I always get the same messages in my logs (it's
 in French. If someone is willing to help me I can try to translate the
 logs. Just ask):

 Enter Google Translate:)

 First some questions:

 1) What Postgres version?

 2) What OS(s)? I am assuming Windows from the log info below, but we all
 know what assuming gets you.

 3) Where were you backing up from and to?

 4) Which cluster does not start, the master or the child you created with

 2015-02-06 07:11:38 EST LOG:  le système de bases de données a été
 interrompu ; dernier lancement connu à 2015-02-06 07:05:05 EST
 2015-02-06 07:11:38 EST LOG:  le système de bases de données n'a pas été
 arrêté proprement ; restauration
  automatique en cours
 2015-02-06 07:11:38 EST LOG:  record with zero length at 24B/2C000160
 2015-02-06 07:11:38 EST LOG:  la ré-exécution n'est pas nécessaire
 2015-02-06 07:11:38 EST LOG:  le système de bases de données est prêt
 pour accepter les connexions
 2015-02-06 07:11:38 EST LOG:  lancement du processus autovacuum
 2015-02-06 07:11:38 EST FATAL:  le rôle « 208375PT$ » n'existe pas

 So where is role 208375PT$ supposed to come from?

 Then if I start pgAdmin I get a series of pop-ups I have to click OK to
 to continue:

 An error has ocurred: Column not found in pgSet: datlastsysoid
 An error has ocurred: Column not found in pgSet: datlastsysoid
 An error has ocurred: Column not found in pgSet: oid
 An error has ocurred: Column not found in pgSet: encoding
 An error has ocurred: Column not found in pgSet: Connection to database

 Not sure about that this, someone more versed in pgAdmin will have to

 And after that, I went back to the log file and there's new information

 2015-02-06 07:51:05 EST LOG:  processus serveur (PID 184) a été arrêté
 par l'exception 0x8004
 2015-02-06 07:51:05 EST DÉTAIL:  Le processus qui a échoué exécutait :
 SELECT version();
 2015-02-06 07:51:05 EST ASTUCE :  Voir le fichier d'en-tête C «
 ntstatus.h » pour une description de la valeur

 Well according to here:


 {EXCEPTION} Single Step A single step or trace operation has just been

 A developer is going to have explain what that means.

  2015-02-06 07:51:05 EST LOG:  arrêt des autres processus serveur actifs
 2015-02-06 07:51:05 EST ATTENTION:  arrêt de la connexion à cause de
 l'arrêt brutal d'un autre processus serveur
 2015-02-06 07:51:05 EST DÉTAIL:  Le postmaster a commandé à ce processus
 serveur d'annuler la transaction
  courante et de quitter car un autre processus serveur a quitté
  et qu'il existe probablement de la mémoire partagée corrompue.
 2015-02-06 07:51:05 EST ASTUCE :  Dans un moment, vous devriez être
 capable de vous reconnecter à la base de
  données et de relancer votre commande.
 2015-02-06 07:51:05 EST LOG:  processus d'archivage (PID 692) quitte
 avec le code de sortie 1
 2015-02-06 07:51:05 EST LOG:  tous les processus serveur se sont
 arrêtés, réinitialisation
 2015-02-06 07:51:15 EST FATAL:  le bloc de mémoire partagé pré-existant
 est toujours en cours d'utilisation
 2015-02-06 07:51:15 EST ASTUCE :  Vérifier s'il n'y a pas de vieux
 processus serveur en cours d'exécution. Si c'est le
  cas, fermez-les.

 I was about to try restarting postgresql using the base backup I made
 yesterday but since this means I'll have to copy my database again (700
 GB takes a while...) I am looking for a better solution from more
 experienced people.

 My suspicion is you copied at least partly over a running server.

 Thanks a lot for helping! Guillaume

 Adrian Klaver

Re: [GENERAL] Logical Decoding Callbacks

2015-02-10 Thread Andres Freund

On 2015-02-09 16:52:59 -0800, Xavier Stevens wrote:
 I'm trying to write a logical decoding plugin and I'm seeing some
 interesting behavior around the startup callback. When I use psql and the
 built-in SQL functions (like pg_logical_slot_peek_changes) to use my module
 I see the startup_cb get called. I have written my own streaming
 replication client and for some reason when I use my client the startup_cb
 does not get called, but I can still see the changes just fine. The reason
 why the startup_cb is particularly important in my case, is I'm trying to
 set two dynamic OIDs for PostGIS geometry and geography types. I've tried
 setting them both as globals and as part of the output_plugin_private data.
 Any idea what's wrong here? Did I miss something in the streaming
 replication documentation?

Hm, that's odd. The startup callback should (and is, I used it just a
couple hours ago) definitely be called when using the streaming
replication protocol. You're saying that the callback is not called when

Can you reproduce the problem with test_decoding? Because that'd
actually crash if no startup callback were registered...

Can you show your code/a testcase?


Andres Freund

 Andres Freund
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training  Services

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Re: [GENERAL] Logical Decoding Callbacks

2015-02-10 Thread Andres Freund
On 2015-02-10 11:01:08 +0900, Michael Paquier wrote:
 Just in case, I have just done a quick test with pg_recvlogical on
 latest HEAD of REL9_4_STABLE and the startup_cb gets called:
 DEBUG:  received replication command: IDENTIFY_SYSTEM
 DEBUG:  received replication command: START_REPLICATION SLOT slot LOGICAL 
 LOG:  called startup_cb_wrapper
 Note that on 9.5 (master HEAD at c619c23) I am seeing an assertion
 failure. What is the server version you are using? I would imagine 9.4
 but let's be sure.

Uh, which plugin and what assertion? What's the backtrace?


Andres Freund

 Andres Freund
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training  Services

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[GENERAL] Performance slowing down when doing same UPDATE many times

2015-02-10 Thread Jan Strube

we recently found a bug in one of our applications which was doing exactly the 
same UPDATE operation a few thousand times inside a transaction. This caused 
the UPDATEs to become slower and slower from some milliseconds to some seconds. 
We already fixed the application but I am wondering if this might be a 
PostgreSQL bug, too.

Here is a simple test case that performs and benchmarks 100,000 UPDATEs 
(benchmarking only every 10,000th to reduce output):


CREATE TEMP TABLE test (id integer PRIMARY KEY, flag boolean DEFAULT false);

INSERT INTO test (id) SELECT generate_series(1, 10);

DO $$


  s timestamp;

  e timestamp;


  FOR i IN 1..10 LOOP

    SELECT clock_timestamp() INTO s;

    UPDATE test SET flag = true WHERE id = 12345;

    SELECT clock_timestamp() INTO e;

    IF i%1 = 0 THEN

  RAISE NOTICE '%', e-s;

    END IF;


END $$;


The output looks like this:

NOTICE:  00:00:00.000525

NOTICE:  00:00:00.000992

NOTICE:  00:00:00.001404

NOTICE:  00:00:00.001936

NOTICE:  00:00:00.002374

NOTICE:  00:00:00.002925

NOTICE:  00:00:00.003525

NOTICE:  00:00:00.004015

NOTICE:  00:00:00.00453

NOTICE:  00:00:00.004976

The problem only occurs inside a transaction and if the same dataset is 
updated. I´m using PostgreSQL 9.1.15.



Re: [GENERAL] Command to reset entire PgSQL cluster?

2015-02-10 Thread Bill Moran
On Tue, 10 Feb 2015 13:02:05 -0600
Felipe Gasper wrote:

 On 2/10/15 12:57 PM, David G Johnston wrote:
  Felipe Gasper wrote
  Is there a quick way to reset a PgSQL cluster to its pristine
  state--i.e., to what initdb gives but preserving configuration
  Not that I am aware of.
  If you describe your use-case then meaningful suggestions could be offered.
 We have a lot of code that tests interaction with a PgSQL cluster on the 
 same server that has a live production cluster. To keep the testing 
 environment separate from production, we create a PgSQL cluster in a 
 temp directory then run tests against that.
 This, as you can imagine, is pretty expensive to set up each time ? 
 initdb is not fast! It would be nice if we could just create a single 
 test PgSQL cluster then wipe it clean at the end of each test.

Without more details, I can't be sure that this will work for you, but
it seems like you should be able to simply drop/create the database
that the tests use to rebuild the environment, since most things
associated with a test environment will be destroyed when the
database is dropped. There are some exceptions, such as roles and
users, but I wouldn't think you would need to wipe/recreate those.

In any event, don't know if that suggestion will help, but it's
what was successful for me.

Bill Moran

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Re: [GENERAL] Logical Decoding Callbacks

2015-02-10 Thread Xavier Stevens
Sorry to raise the issue on startup_cb. I added a whole bunch of logging
statements and I was only running the section of code I wanted when the
startup callback had options.

This now gets me to the next issue I encounter. In my output plugin, I'm
trying to use the SPI interface to query about PostGIS OIDs in the startup
callback. Just calling SPI_connect() seems to be causing a segfault.

This is the last thing I see in the logs before the segfault occurs:

On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 4:18 AM, Michael Paquier

 On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 5:59 PM, Andres Freund
  On 2015-02-10 11:01:08 +0900, Michael Paquier wrote:
  Just in case, I have just done a quick test with pg_recvlogical on
  latest HEAD of REL9_4_STABLE and the startup_cb gets called:
  DEBUG:  received replication command: IDENTIFY_SYSTEM
  DEBUG:  received replication command: START_REPLICATION SLOT slot
  LOG:  called startup_cb_wrapper
  Note that on 9.5 (master HEAD at c619c23) I am seeing an assertion
  failure. What is the server version you are using? I would imagine 9.4
  but let's be sure.
  Uh, which plugin and what assertion? What's the backtrace?

 I am raising that on a new thread on -hackers, that's not related to the
 report here. Thanks for reminding.

Re: [GENERAL] Command to reset entire PgSQL cluster?

2015-02-10 Thread Felipe Gasper

On 2/10/15 12:57 PM, David G Johnston wrote:

Felipe Gasper wrote

Is there a quick way to reset a PgSQL cluster to its pristine
state--i.e., to what initdb gives but preserving configuration

Not that I am aware of.

If you describe your use-case then meaningful suggestions could be offered.

We have a lot of code that tests interaction with a PgSQL cluster on the 
same server that has a live production cluster. To keep the testing 
environment separate from production, we create a PgSQL cluster in a 
temp directory then run tests against that.

This, as you can imagine, is pretty expensive to set up each time … 
initdb is not fast! It would be nice if we could just create a single 
test PgSQL cluster then wipe it clean at the end of each test.


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[GENERAL] Command to reset entire PgSQL cluster?

2015-02-10 Thread Felipe Gasper


	Is there a quick way to reset a PgSQL cluster to its pristine 
state--i.e., to what initdb gives but preserving configuration 

Thank you!


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Re: [GENERAL] Command to reset entire PgSQL cluster?

2015-02-10 Thread Adrian Klaver

On 02/10/2015 10:49 AM, Felipe Gasper wrote:


 Is there a quick way to reset a PgSQL cluster to its pristine
state--i.e., to what initdb gives but preserving configuration

Something like:

cp -r /pgdata to pgdata_bak/ at initial state.

When you want to reset cp -r pgdata_bak/ pgdata/

 Thank you!


Adrian Klaver

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Re: [GENERAL] Command to reset entire PgSQL cluster?

2015-02-10 Thread John R Pierce

On 2/10/2015 11:02 AM, Felipe Gasper wrote:

On 2/10/15 12:57 PM, David G Johnston wrote:

Felipe Gasper wrote

Is there a quick way to reset a PgSQL cluster to its pristine
state--i.e., to what initdb gives but preserving configuration

Not that I am aware of.

If you describe your use-case then meaningful suggestions could be 

We have a lot of code that tests interaction with a PgSQL cluster on 
the same server that has a live production cluster. To keep the 
testing environment separate from production, we create a PgSQL 
cluster in a temp directory then run tests against that.

This, as you can imagine, is pretty expensive to set up each time … 
initdb is not fast! It would be nice if we could just create a single 
test PgSQL cluster then wipe it clean at the end of each test. 

use a file system, like zfs, that supports snapshots.initdb the 
first time, configure your system, then snapshot it. each successive 
time, stop postgres, revert the snapshot, restart postgres.

john r pierce  37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast

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Re: [GENERAL] Command to reset entire PgSQL cluster?

2015-02-10 Thread David G Johnston
Felipe Gasper wrote
 Is there a quick way to reset a PgSQL cluster to its pristine 
 state--i.e., to what initdb gives but preserving configuration 

Not that I am aware of.

If you describe your use-case then meaningful suggestions could be offered.

David J.

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Re: [GENERAL] Command to reset entire PgSQL cluster?

2015-02-10 Thread John R Pierce

On 2/10/2015 10:49 AM, Felipe Gasper wrote:
Is there a quick way to reset a PgSQL cluster to its pristine 
state--i.e., to what initdb gives but preserving configuration 

backup the .conf file(s), initdb, restore the .conf files.

john r pierce  37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast

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Re: [GENERAL] Command to reset entire PgSQL cluster?

2015-02-10 Thread Raymond O'Donnell
On 10/02/2015 19:02, Felipe Gasper wrote:
 On 2/10/15 12:57 PM, David G Johnston wrote:
 Felipe Gasper wrote
 Is there a quick way to reset a PgSQL cluster to its pristine
 state--i.e., to what initdb gives but preserving configuration

 Not that I am aware of.

 If you describe your use-case then meaningful suggestions could be

 We have a lot of code that tests interaction with a PgSQL cluster on the
 same server that has a live production cluster. To keep the testing
 environment separate from production, we create a PgSQL cluster in a
 temp directory then run tests against that.
 This, as you can imagine, is pretty expensive to set up each time …
 initdb is not fast! It would be nice if we could just create a single
 test PgSQL cluster then wipe it clean at the end of each test.

How about this? -

- Create your new, pristine cluster.
- Stop the PG server.
- Make a filesystem copy of the data directory to somewhere else.
- Restart the server.

Then, when you want to restore the cluster to its pristine state, you
could just stop the server, delete the data directory, restore it from
the copy made above, then restart the server. You'd need to make sure
that permissions were correct.

Mind you, I've never found initdb particularly slow...


Raymond O'Donnell :: Galway :: Ireland

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Re: [GENERAL] Stability of JSON textual representation

2015-02-10 Thread Merlin Moncure
On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 3:07 AM, David Evans wrote:
 On 9 February 2015 at 03:57, Gavin Flower

  Would using jsonb be more consistent?

 Yes, casting to jsonb seems produce consistent output:

 # SELECT array_to_json(array[1, 2, 3])::jsonb, json_build_array(1, 2,
  array_to_json | json_build_array
  [1, 2, 3] | [1, 2, 3]

 That makes sense I suppose, given that only the structure in preserved in
 the jsonb representation.

This is not really due to whitespace/'structure only' preservation
aspects of json and jsonb, respectively.  What is happening here is
that the various functions that render json from text are non
consistent in terms of spacing.  Personally, I greatly prefer the
xxx_to_json functions because they don't insert spurious whitespace
making for more compact documents; putting in spaces for aesthetic
purposes is the job for a prettifier.


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Re: [GENERAL] Logical Decoding Callbacks

2015-02-10 Thread Andres Freund
On 2015-02-10 10:33:41 -0800, Xavier Stevens wrote:
 Sorry to raise the issue on startup_cb. I added a whole bunch of logging
 statements and I was only running the section of code I wanted when the
 startup callback had options.


Just to make sure: You can pass options via replication protocol too.

 This now gets me to the next issue I encounter. In my output plugin, I'm
 trying to use the SPI interface to query about PostGIS OIDs in the startup
 callback. Just calling SPI_connect() seems to be causing a segfault.

 This is the last thing I see in the logs before the segfault occurs:

The problem likely is that in the startup callback you're neither
guaranteed to be in a transaction, nor to have a snapshot set up.

It'd generally be easier to analyze such problems if you provide a
backtrace (e.g. by enabling core files). Another generally very
adviseable thing to do when developing code running in the backend is to
enable assertions (you may already do that...).

You can lookup types much easier than that btw. C.f. TypenameGetTypid(typname)

But note that both that and what you do would possibly fail if there's
more than one geometry type around. You could either hardcode postgis'
schema name and use
namespaceId = LookupExplicitNamespace(schemaname, false);
typoid = GetSysCacheOid2(TYPENAMENSP, PointerGetDatum(typname), 
if (typoid == InvalidOid)
   elog(ERROR, cache lookup failed for type %u, typoid);

or be a bit more complex and lookup the postgis' extension's schema
pg_extension.extnamespace first.

Anyway, to run full queries in the startup callback you're going to have
to do something like:

if (!IsTransactionState())
tx_started = true;

/* do your stuff */

if (tx_started)

Note that the begin, change, commit callbacks *do* run with a
transaction and snapshot setup. But you can't run general SQL queries -
only catalog tables (or tables marked as such) are accessible.


Andres Freund

 Andres Freund
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training  Services

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Re: [ADMIN] [GENERAL] Change postgresql encoding

2015-02-10 Thread Oliver
Thanks, problem was mine, all is ok now, thanks.
I were putting es_ES@iso885915 or es_ES@latin9 and it wasn't working ..
Solution was using es_ES.iso885915@euro for collation and ctype (and latin9
for encoding).
Thanks to all!


2015-02-10 23:26 GMT+00:00 Jeremiah Ocasio

 Hello Adrian,

 Not sure if this is what your looking for insofar as a solution but have
 you taken a look at this page from the documentation.

 On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 12:11 AM, Oliver wrote:

 2015-02-09 7:52 GMT+00:00 Oliver

 2015-02-08 20:44 GMT+00:00 Adrian Klaver

 On 02/08/2015 11:20 AM, Oliver wrote:

 I have a new postgresql installation done, it has utf-8 encoding.
 I have to make a Oracle database migration and it has ISO8859-15
 encoding, should I change postgresql encoding to same Oracle encoding
 with utf-8 it should go well?
 If I want change postgresql encoding, I have understood that I should
 reinstall postgresql (I do installation from rpm official binary files
 for red hat), someone knows say me if when you install software it asks
 you for choosing encoding or it puts it from what you have in the
 system? (I did installation from many time ago and I don't remember
 Thanks beforehand.

 What version of Postgres?


 What version of RedHat?

 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5

 P.D.: I've tried change encoding to a new postgresql database to
 but it gives me error for having utf-8.

 What was the command you gave?


 What was the exact error message?

 regional configuration name not valid es_ES.latin9
 SQL state: 42809

 I've tried es_ES.iso8859-15 and same error.
 I'm using pgadmin III 1.18.1 for running querys. When I run SHOW
 client_encoding; it shows UNICODE.


 Thanks beforehand.

 Adrian Klaver

 If I set encoding to latin9, lc_collate and lc_ctype to 'C', database is
 created correctly, but I'm not sure if it is ok :-? I want have database
 with iso8859-15 encoding.
 My system has, when I run 'locale', the next:


 Thanks beforehand.

 Jeremiah Ocasio

 1200 Westlake Ave N, Suite 604
 Seattle, WA 98109
 Tel: 855-247-5231
 Fax: 206-400-2712

 This electronic mail communication is intended only for the individual or
 entity to which it is addressed and contains privileged and confidential
 information. If you receive this communication in error, please advise us
 by return e-mail or call us immediately at 855-247-5231 and delete this
 communication and all copies and attachments. Any dissemination,
 distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited.

 IRS Circular 230 disclosure: To ensure compliance with requirements
 imposed by the IRS and other taxing authorities, we inform you that any tax
 advice contained in this communication (including any attachments) is not
 intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i)
 avoiding penalties that may be imposed on any taxpayer or (ii) promoting,
 marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter
 addressed herein.

Re: [GENERAL] EXCLUDE constraint with not equals

2015-02-10 Thread Kai Groner
Hi Thomas,

The partial unique index would prevent multiple person records with the
same email.  I want to allow that as long as they agree on the value of


On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 2:14 AM, Thomas Kellerer wrote:

 Kai Groner schrieb am 10.02.2015 um 01:38:
  Given the following table, I would like to ensure that all the rows for
 an email that have a user defined map to the same user.
  CREATE TABLE person (
user TEXT,
  What I think I'm looking for is something like this:
  CREATE TABLE person (
user TEXT,
EXCLUDE (email WITH =, user WITH )
  WHERE (user IS NOT NULL));
  The not equals comparison isn't supported, but it would be useful here.
  Is there another way to do this, short of creating a separate table that
 associates email and user?

 A partial unique index on (user, email) should do:

create unique index on person (email, user)
where user is not null;


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Re: [GENERAL] Logical Decoding Callbacks

2015-02-10 Thread Michael Paquier
On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 5:59 PM, Andres Freund
 On 2015-02-10 11:01:08 +0900, Michael Paquier wrote:
 Just in case, I have just done a quick test with pg_recvlogical on
 latest HEAD of REL9_4_STABLE and the startup_cb gets called:
 DEBUG:  received replication command: IDENTIFY_SYSTEM
 DEBUG:  received replication command: START_REPLICATION SLOT slot
 LOG:  called startup_cb_wrapper
 Note that on 9.5 (master HEAD at c619c23) I am seeing an assertion
 failure. What is the server version you are using? I would imagine 9.4
 but let's be sure.

 Uh, which plugin and what assertion? What's the backtrace?

I am raising that on a new thread on -hackers, that's not related to the
report here. Thanks for reminding.

Re: [ADMIN] [GENERAL] Change postgresql encoding

2015-02-10 Thread Jeremiah Ocasio
Hello Adrian,

Not sure if this is what your looking for insofar as a solution but have
you taken a look at this page from the documentation.

On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 12:11 AM, Oliver wrote:

 2015-02-09 7:52 GMT+00:00 Oliver

 2015-02-08 20:44 GMT+00:00 Adrian Klaver

 On 02/08/2015 11:20 AM, Oliver wrote:

 I have a new postgresql installation done, it has utf-8 encoding.
 I have to make a Oracle database migration and it has ISO8859-15
 encoding, should I change postgresql encoding to same Oracle encoding or
 with utf-8 it should go well?
 If I want change postgresql encoding, I have understood that I should
 reinstall postgresql (I do installation from rpm official binary files
 for red hat), someone knows say me if when you install software it asks
 you for choosing encoding or it puts it from what you have in the
 system? (I did installation from many time ago and I don't remember it).
 Thanks beforehand.

 What version of Postgres?


 What version of RedHat?

 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5

 P.D.: I've tried change encoding to a new postgresql database to latin9,
 but it gives me error for having utf-8.

 What was the command you gave?


 What was the exact error message?

 regional configuration name not valid es_ES.latin9
 SQL state: 42809

 I've tried es_ES.iso8859-15 and same error.
 I'm using pgadmin III 1.18.1 for running querys. When I run SHOW
 client_encoding; it shows UNICODE.


 Thanks beforehand.

 Adrian Klaver

 If I set encoding to latin9, lc_collate and lc_ctype to 'C', database is
 created correctly, but I'm not sure if it is ok :-? I want have database
 with iso8859-15 encoding.
 My system has, when I run 'locale', the next:


 Thanks beforehand.

Jeremiah Ocasio

1200 Westlake Ave N, Suite 604
Seattle, WA 98109
Tel: 855-247-5231
Fax: 206-400-2712

This electronic mail communication is intended only for the individual or
entity to which it is addressed and contains privileged and confidential
information. If you receive this communication in error, please advise us
by return e-mail or call us immediately at 855-247-5231 and delete this
communication and all copies and attachments. Any dissemination,
distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited.

IRS Circular 230 disclosure: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed
by the IRS and other taxing authorities, we inform you that any tax advice
contained in this communication (including any attachments) is not intended
or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding
penalties that may be imposed on any taxpayer or (ii) promoting, marketing
or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein.

Re: [GENERAL] Logical Decoding Callbacks

2015-02-10 Thread Xavier Stevens
There was no reason I needed to run full statements in this case. I just
didn't know I could get the type ids like that.

Thanks for all of your help Andres!

On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 1:23 PM, Andres Freund

 On 2015-02-10 10:33:41 -0800, Xavier Stevens wrote:
  Sorry to raise the issue on startup_cb. I added a whole bunch of logging
  statements and I was only running the section of code I wanted when the
  startup callback had options.


 Just to make sure: You can pass options via replication protocol too.

  This now gets me to the next issue I encounter. In my output plugin, I'm
  trying to use the SPI interface to query about PostGIS OIDs in the
  callback. Just calling SPI_connect() seems to be causing a segfault.

  This is the last thing I see in the logs before the segfault occurs:

 The problem likely is that in the startup callback you're neither
 guaranteed to be in a transaction, nor to have a snapshot set up.

 It'd generally be easier to analyze such problems if you provide a
 backtrace (e.g. by enabling core files). Another generally very
 adviseable thing to do when developing code running in the backend is to
 enable assertions (you may already do that...).

 You can lookup types much easier than that btw. C.f.

 But note that both that and what you do would possibly fail if there's
 more than one geometry type around. You could either hardcode postgis'
 schema name and use
 namespaceId = LookupExplicitNamespace(schemaname, false);
 typoid = GetSysCacheOid2(TYPENAMENSP, PointerGetDatum(typname),
 if (typoid == InvalidOid)
elog(ERROR, cache lookup failed for type %u, typoid);

 or be a bit more complex and lookup the postgis' extension's schema
 pg_extension.extnamespace first.

 Anyway, to run full queries in the startup callback you're going to have
 to do something like:

 if (!IsTransactionState())
 tx_started = true;

 /* do your stuff */

 if (tx_started)

 Note that the begin, change, commit callbacks *do* run with a
 transaction and snapshot setup. But you can't run general SQL queries -
 only catalog tables (or tables marked as such) are accessible.


 Andres Freund

  Andres Freund
  PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training  Services

[GENERAL] Hardware requirements for a PostGIS server

2015-02-10 Thread Mathieu Basille

Dear PostgreSQL users,

I am posting here a question that I initially asked on the PostGIS list 
[1], where I was advised to try here too (I will keep both lists updated 
about the developments on this issue).

I am currently planning to set up a PostgreSQL + PostGIS instance for my 
lab. Turns out I believe this would be useful for the whole center, so that 
I'm now considering setting up the server for everyone—if interest is 
shared of course. At the moment, I am however struggling with what would be 
required in terms of hardware, and of course, the cost will depend on 
that—at the end of the day, it's really a matter of money well spent. I 
have then a series of questions/remarks, and I would welcome any feedback 
from people with existing experience on setting up a multi-user PostGIS 
server. I'm insisting on the PostGIS aspect, since the most heavy requests 
will be GIS requests (intersections, spatial queries, etc.). However, 
people with similar PostgreSQL setup may have very relevant comments about 
their own configuration.

* My own experience about servers is rather limited: I used PostGIS quite a 
bit, but only on a desktop, with only 2 users. The desktop was quite good 
(quad-core Xeon, 12 Go RAM, 500 GB hd), running Debian, and we never had 
any performance issue (although some queries were rather long, but still 

* The use case I'm envisioning would be (at least in the foreseeable future):
- About 10 faculty users (which means potentially a little bit more 
students using it); I would have hard time considering more than 4 
concurrent users;
- Data would primarily involve a lot (hundreds/thousands) of high 
resolution (spatial and temporal) raster and vector maps, possibly over 
large areas (Florida / USA / continental), as well as potentially millions 
of GPS records (animals individually monitored);
- Queries will primarily involve retrieving points/maps over given 
areas/time, as well as intersecting points over environmental layers [from 
what I understand, a lot of I/O, with many intermediary tables involved]; 
other use cases will involve working with steps, i.e. the straight line 
segment connecting two successive locations, and intersecting them with 
environmental layers;

* I couldn't find comprehensive or detailed guidelines on-line about 
hardware, but from what I could see, it seems that memory wouldn't be the 
main issue, but the number of cores would be (one core per database 
connection if I'm not mistaken). At the same time, we want to make sure 
that the experience is smooth for everyone... I was advised on the PostGIS 
list to give a look at pgpool (however, UNIX only).

* Is there a difference in terms of possibilities, performance and 
usability between a Linux-based and a MS-based server (from the user 
perspective)? My center is unfortunately MS-centered, and existing 
equipment runs with MS systems... It would thus be easier for them to set 
up a MS-based server. Does it change anything for the user? (I insist on 
the user perspective, since I and others will not admin the system, but 
only use it)

* Does anyone have worked with a server running the DB engine, while the DB 
itself was stored on another box/server? That would likely be the case here 
since we already have a dedicated box for file storage. Along these lines, 
does the system of the file storage box matter (Linux vs. MS)?

* We may also use the server as a workstation to streamline PostGIS 
processing with further R analyses/modeling (or even use R from within the 
database using PL/R). Again, does anyone have experience doing it? Is a 
single workstation the recommended way to work with such workflow? Or would 
it be better (but more costly) to have one server dedicated to PostGIS and 
another one, with different specs, dedicated to analyses (R)?

I realize my questions and comments may be a confusing, likely because of 
the lack of experience about these issues on my side. I really welcome any 
feedback of people working with PostgreSQL servers (+ PostGIS ideally!) in 
a small unit, or any similar setting that could be informative!

In advance, thank you very much!

Mathieu Basille.

[1] Start of the thread here:


~$ whoami
Mathieu Basille

~$ locate --details
University of Florida \\
Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center
(+1) 954-577-6314

~$ fortune
« Le tout est de tout dire, et je manque de mots
Et je manque de temps, et je manque d'audace. »
  -- Paul Éluard

postgis-users mailing list

~$ whoami
Mathieu Basille

~$ locate --details
University of Florida \\
Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center
(+1) 954-577-6314

~$ fortune
« Le tout est de tout dire, et je