[GENERAL] Interval ordering

2012-01-29 Thread Adam Rich

I have a table with a list of times.  When the user provides my application
with a

desired time, I want to show them the 5 times from the table that are
closest to their

input.  I expected to do this using abs() like such:


select mytime from mytable order by abs(usertime-mytime) asc limit 5;


However, the difference between times is an interval, and there appears to
be no

absolute value operator for those.  My next thought was to convert the

into integer like such:


select mytime from mytable order by abs((usertime-mytime) / interval '1
minute') asc limit 5;


However. there is no operator for interval division either.  The best
solution I've come up

with is to use a case statement.


select mytime from mytable

order by case when (usertime-mytime)  interval '0' 

then (mytime-usertime)

else (usertime-mytime) end asc limit 5;


Is this ugly query really necessary for postgres?




Re: [GENERAL] Interval ordering

2012-01-29 Thread Adam Rich
 How about something like:
 test(5432)aklaver=SELECT ts_fld2,now()-ts_fld2 from timestamp_test order
  now()-ts_fld2 limit 5;

Thanks Adrian,
Let me explain the problem better.  Say my table has 24 entries, one for
hour, midnight through 11 pm.  If the user enters 6:30 PM, I want to give
the closest times in proximity - both before AND after - to their input...
so in this 
case, I'd return 5:00 PM, 6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, etc.

I believe your solution only provides the closest times BEFORE and not

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Re: [GENERAL] Interval ordering

2012-01-29 Thread Adam Rich
 try this:
 select mytime from mytable order by abs(extract(epoch from
 (usertime-mytime))) asc limit 5;

 SELECT ts_fld2,abs(extract(epoch from '2011-03-25 
 14:15:25-07'::timestamptz)-extract(epoch from ts_fld2)) from timestamp_test 
 by abs(extract(epoch from '2011-03-25 
 from ts_fld2)) limit 5;

Thanks to Ondrej and Adrian, who both provided working solutions using 

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[GENERAL] calling a function over several rows

2009-11-16 Thread Adam Rich

There is an existing function which takes an integer and returns a 
record.  I need to call this function with every integer in a table.  Is 
there a simple shortcut for doing this?

I'm looking for something like:

select f.*
from function(t.value) f, table t


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Re: [GENERAL] calling a function over several rows

2009-11-16 Thread Adam Rich

Merlin Moncure wrote:

On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 1:02 AM, Adam Rich ada...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

There is an existing function which takes an integer and returns a record.
 I need to call this function with every integer in a table.  Is there a
simple shortcut for doing this?

I'm looking for something like:

select f.*
from function(t.value) f, table t

select (f).* from (select function(t.value) as f from table t) q;


Thanks, that's perfect, and much faster than the one I came up with in 
the interim:

select (f(t.value)).* from table t;

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[GENERAL] Preventing database listing?

2009-10-21 Thread Adam Rich

This seems like a simple question that would have come up, but I'm not 
able to find an answer in google, PG docs, or PG mailing list archives.

How do I prevent a user from being able to list all databases in my 
cluster?  I want to restrict them to seeing just the databases they have 
connect rights to.


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[GENERAL] Understanding sort's memory/disk usage

2009-09-27 Thread Adam Rich

Please reference these explain plans.  This is Pg 8.4.1


First, could somebody explain what is leading the first query to choose 
a different plan that's much slower?  In the first plan only, this 
expression is in the select  group by:

s.store_num || ' - ' || s.title

These are both non-null varchar fields.  Both have a unique index.

Second, why would it choose to sort on disk for what appears to be ~32MB 
of data, when my work_mem and temp_buffers are both 64 MB each?

If I increase work_mem and temp_buffers to 128 MB, I get a faster plan:


But it's only reporting 92kb of memory used? Why don't I see numbers 
between 64 MB and 128 MB for both the on-disk and in-memory plans?


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Re: [GENERAL] More straight forward method to convert seconds::bigint to interval

2009-09-23 Thread Adam Rich

Shane R. Spencer wrote:

I work in VoIP.  HMS (Hour/Minute/Second) format appears to be the rule
when working with call time totals.  I admit it makes some reports
easier to read.

The method I used to convert a int/bigint to HMS (or the standard
representation of an interval type) is as follows:

select (123456.789::varchar(24) || ' seconds')::interval as HMS;

Is there a less string oriented method of converting seconds as an int
to an interval?

- Shane

I think this is cleaner/faster:

select interval '1 second' * 123456.789 as HMS;



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Re: [GENERAL] Multiple counts on criteria - Approach to a problem

2009-09-17 Thread Adam Rich

Neil Saunders wrote:

Hi all,

I maintain an online property rental application. The main focus of the 
UI is the search engine, which I'd now like to improve by allowing 
filtering of the search results shown on some criteria, but provide a 
count of the number of properties that meet that criteria.


...and so on. My question is simple - What's the best way to implement 
this - Do I literally have to execute a count for the WHERE criteria 
with the filter criteria tagged on, or is there some clever trick that 
I'm not aware of? I'd rather not count in the application as I'd like to 
plan for the day we have up to 100k properties (

Any suggestions gratefully received!

Here's the structure you want:

sum(case bedrooms when 1 then 1 else 0 end) as br1,
sum(case bedrooms when 2 then 1 else 0 end) as br2,
sum(case bedrooms when 3 then 1 else 0 end) as br3,
sum(case has_bbq when 1 then 1 else 0 end) as bbq,
sum(case has_pool when 1 then 1 else 0 end) as pool
from properties

in other words, you can put the criteria inside a case statement that 
returns a 0 or 1, and use sum() over that case to count the rows that 
returned a 1.


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Re: [GENERAL] Audit Trigger puzzler

2009-09-03 Thread Adam Rich

David Kerr wrote:

On Wed, Sep 02, 2009 at 11:44:20PM -0500, Adam Rich wrote:
- In Oracle, the way we handle audit triggers is by using Package 
- Variables.  We emulate some of that functionality in postgresql by 
- adding a custom variable to the configuration file:
- custom_variable_classes = 'mysess'
- In your trigger, you could check that this variable was unset, and fall 
- back to the database user.

Thanks! that does seem slick, but will it work with connection pooling?


I don't see why it wouldn't work, as long as you set reset_query_list 
properly, and set the session variable the the logged in user whenever 
you grab a connection from the pool.

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Re: [GENERAL] auto-increment in a view

2009-09-03 Thread Adam Rich

Willy-Bas Loos wrote:


I'm trying to figure out to generate a auto-increment column in a view.
There is no physical column to base it on, the view contains a group
by clause, which renders that impossible.
In a normal query i can create a sequence for that purpouse and drop
it afterwards, but apart form it being ugly, it's impossible in a

Another possibility is to crate a function and call that function from the view.
It works, but the function is not transparent, like the view is.
Meaning: the function will execute the whole query, gather the
results, and when i only need a subset, it will just forget about the

Isnt't there a decent way to add an incrementing value to a view?



Sounds like you need ROWNUM which is easy to do with windowing 
functions in 8.4, but on 8.3 you'll need a hack like this:


Then you could define your view as:

create or replace view testview as
select rownum(), value from test group by value;

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[GENERAL] New server disk setup?

2009-09-03 Thread Adam Rich

I'm building a new server on RHEL 5.3 and was wondering if there was an 
optimized build guide published somewhere with guidelines on disk 
partitioning, filesystems, etc?  For example, do you recommend putting 
the data on an ext2 partition mounted noatime, and the logs on ext3? Or 
should I just use XFS for the whole thing?

Are there any other brand-new server choices to consider now?

I did find some discussions in the mailing archives around filesystems, 
but there was mostly conflicting information.  And I realize that a lot 
of the drawbacks that were considerations in the past may have been 
resolved by now.

It would be great if one could view the developer-recommended 
configuration for a particular operating system on the postgresql.org 
website.  I found a few guides on the wiki, but they are either 3+ years 
old, or they don't focus on server-setup as a whole.


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Re: [GENERAL] Audit Trigger puzzler

2009-09-02 Thread Adam Rich

 Most of the time, my application will set the edited_by field to
 reflect an application username (i.e., the application logs into the
 database as a database user, and that's not going to be the
 application user) So I log into my application as Dave, but the
 application connects to the database as dbuser.

 If the app doesn't specifically send an edited_by value in it's
 update, then I want to default that value to the database user.

 This would also be good for auditing any manual data changes that
 could happen at the psql level.

In Oracle, the way we handle audit triggers is by using Package 
Variables.  We emulate some of that functionality in postgresql by 
adding a custom variable to the configuration file:

custom_variable_classes = 'mysess'

Then, whenever a user logs into the application, my login procedure 
calls this function:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION begin_sess(staffid character varying)
PERFORM set_config('mysess.curr_user', coalesce(staffid,''), false);

This makes the current application user automatically available to every 
  function, including triggers.  Then, in your triggers, you can do 

curr_user   staff.staff_id%TYPE;
SELECT current_setting('mysess.curr_user') INTO curr_user;

In your trigger, you could check that this variable was unset, and fall 
back to the database user.


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Re: R: [GENERAL] Field's position in Table

2009-08-24 Thread Adam Rich

From: vinny vi...@xs4all.nl
Subject: Re: R: [GENERAL] Field's position in Table
To: Sam Mason s...@samason.me.uk
Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 2:38 PM

On Thu, 2009-08-20 at 12:16 +0100, Sam Mason wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 11:24:49AM +0200, vinny wrote:
  I can't really think of any real reason to put the field at a
  particular position, applications don't reallty care about the order
  of fields.
 Because it's very convenient for ad-hoc queries!  PG currently assumes
 that the column order is the same as when it was created but there are
 (unimplemented) suggestions about how to fix this.  See for example:
   Sam  http://samason.me.uk/

But how is it convenient exactly, is it just a timesaver so you can
SELECT * instead of having to type SELECT firstname, lastname, email?

For me, saying all new fields must go at the end of the table is like saying 
all new functions must go at the end of your C source file.  Not that it makes 
*any* difference to the end user, or other applications using your libraries, 
but as developers we tend to be more organized than the general public.  Most 
programmers habitually organize their source code to keep related functions 
together.  It seems sloppy to have 10 memory-related functions together in the 
source, and then an 11th hidden 6 pages down in the middle of file-related 
functions.  And if you're writing OO code in C++ or Java, you even group 
private variables and methods separately from public ones.  Most of the people 
who advocate tacking new fields at the end of a table would never dream of 
following this convention for source code.  
So when I'm working in PgAdmin, I like to see my primary  foreign keys listed 
first, then data fields in logical groupings, and finally the standard footer 
fields we add to all tables like create  update by/date.  Whenever I'm 
developing and need to reference a table definition, (or do a select * in 
pgAdmin for sample data) I lose productivity having to scan through all the 
fields repeatedly instead of seeing at a glance the fields I want because I 
know where they *should* be in the listing.  Sometimes I have to scan through 
the fields several times before I finally see the one I want, because it was in 
the middle of unrelated items.   I *never* code my applications to depend on 
field order; I'm referring to development convenience only.
(Just my two cents, YMMV, etc)

Re: [GENERAL] how to return field based on field= NULL or not

2009-08-23 Thread Adam Rich

Juan Backson wrote:


In my table, I have fieldA and fieldB.  At any point in time, only one 
of these fields can have data in it.  The other is NULL.

Instead of select fieldA, fieldB from table, I want it to return 
either fieldA or fieldB depends on whether it is NULL or not.

The reason is because I want to use select 
array_to_string(array_accum(field A or field B) ,',') from table.

Is it possible to do it that way?


The two main ways of doing this are COALESCE(fieldA, fieldB)


and CASE WHEN fieldA IS NULL THEN fieldB ELSE fieldA END;


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2009-08-18 Thread Adam Rich

See this PHP page:


Andre Lopes wrote:


I'm developing a function with some checks, for example... to check if 
the e-mail is valid or not.

If the e-mail is not valid I put a line with RAISE NOTICE 'E-mail not 

I need to know if it is possible to show this RAISE NOTICE when I run 
this function from PHP.

Best Regards,

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Re: [GENERAL] Overhead of union versus union all

2009-07-09 Thread Adam Rich

Tim Keitt wrote:

I am combining query results that I know are disjoint. I'm wondering
how much overhead there is in calling union versus union all. (Just
curious really; I can't see a reason not to use union all.) (cc me
please; not subscribed...)


I think you can test this one yourself pretty easily.  Just run the two 
queries with explain analyze.  Union All should run in about the sum 
of the separate queries.  Plain Union will always be slower, because it 
takes the same results from union all and runs them through an extra 
sort/distinct or hash step.  In my tests, on a query with 600,000 rows, 
the Plain Union took about 3x as long to complete.

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[GENERAL] Date math

2009-06-27 Thread Adam Rich

I have a table with a DATE field birth_date.  The data obviously 
contains various dates in the past, such as 07/04/1970.  In my query, I 
need to retrieve the person's next birthday.  In other words, for the 
example date 07/04/1970, the query should return 07/04/2009 for the 
current week, but after this July 4th, it would return 07/04/2010. 
Ultimately, I need to find people with next birthdays within a certain 

The best I've come up with so far is:

select case
when to_char(birth_date, 'MMDD') = to_char(current_date, 'MMDD') then 
(to_char(birth_date, 'MM/DD/')||date_part('year', now())+1)::date
else (to_char(birth_date, 'MM/DD/')||to_char(current_date,''))::date 
end as next_birthday

from people inner join openings on people.id=openings.id
where case
when to_char(birth_date, 'MMDD') = to_char(current_date, 'MMDD') then 
(to_char(birth_date, 'MM/DD/')||date_part('year', now())+1)::date
else (to_char(birth_date, 'MM/DD/')||to_char(current_date,''))::date 
end between openings.item_date - interval '1 month'

and openings.item_date + interval '1 month'

This seems to work for most cases, but fails for Feb 29 birthdates. And
converting dates to strings and back again seems like a hack... Is there 
a better way?  (I prefer to treat 02/29 as 03/01 for non-leap years)

Is there a way to add just enough years to birth_date to bring the 
result into the future?


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Re: Fwd: [GENERAL] Date math

2009-06-27 Thread Adam Rich

Guy Flaherty wrote:
On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Adam Rich ada...@sbcglobal.net 
mailto:ada...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

I have a table with a DATE field birth_date.  The data obviously
contains various dates in the past, such as 07/04/1970.  In my
query, I need to retrieve the person's next birthday.  In other
words, for the example date 07/04/1970, the query should return
07/04/2009 for the current week, but after this July 4th, it would
return 07/04/2010. Ultimately, I need to find people with next
birthdays within a certain range.

You could use the extract() function to calculate the day of year of the 
person's birthdate and then check if this number is within today's day 
of year and range of days you want to check for, for example, today's 
day of year + 30 days to be within a month. That way you don't need to 
worry about years at all. You may need to double check this will work on 
the leap years though!

Thanks! that's even better than what I just came up with:

birth_date + ((interval '1 year') * ceil(EXTRACT(DAYS FROM (now() - 

And I like the Day of year solution because (I think) I can use a 
functional index on that value.

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Re: [GENERAL] Question on Foreign Key Structure/Design

2009-05-24 Thread Adam Rich

APseudoUtopia wrote:

Hey list,

I have a table with user IDs, among other information. I also have a
table of comments that users can place on a page.


CREATE TABLE comments (

I'm new to the use of foreign keys and this is the first design I've
created with them being implemented. I have a couple questions on the

1. Do I need NOT NULL in the comments(userid) column? users(id) is
automatically NOT NULL due to the primary key, but I'm not sure if
comments(userid) needs NOT NULL as well, or if the foreign key will
automatically transfer that property over.

If comments must always be associated with a user, you should add the
NOT NULL, to enforce that.  You probably also want an index on that column.

2. I do not want to get rid of any comments, even if the user is
deleted (on the application level, I'd display something like
UnknownUser or UnknownUser#1234). Right now, I just have it ON DELETE
RESTRICT, but that obviously prevents any users who have commented
from being deleted. How do the more-experienced database admins
suggest I do in this case? Should I set a DEFAULT of 0 on the
comments, then use ON DELETE SET DEFAULT? Then, on the application
level when 0 is found, it displays UknownUser? Or, should I just
remove the foreign key completely, and on the application level if the
JOIN for the username returns empty/NULL, display UknownUser#1234?

You can't have an ID of 0 with a foreign key in place, unless there is
a user with that ID.  But rather than use 0, you should use NULL for
that (NULL means unknown whereas 0 should always have meaning).  The 
foreign key will still accept NULL.  When you add the foreign key, use 
the ON DELETE SET NULL clause for this purpose (instead of RESTRICT). 
 Otherwise, the table structure you list above looks fine.

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Re: [GENERAL] limit-offset different result sets with same query

2009-05-08 Thread Adam Rich

Emanuel Calvo Franco wrote:

 Executing 'select * from datos limit 1 offset 15' two times i 
have different

 result sets.
 When  i execute 'explain analyze verbose query' i see that (as
 expected) the seq scan
 is occurring.

 That's correct? Is logical that if the scan is sequential in the
 physical table returns differents

 I test it on 8.4 beta1 and 8.3.5 and 8.3.7 with the same results.

 Thanks in advance.

LIMIT and OFFSET are stable only when you have ORDER BY on unique
values.  Without that, the database is free to return the rows in
whatever order it deems best, which gives unpredictable results when
combined with LIMIT/OFFSET.


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Re: [GENERAL] UPDATE... FROM - will ORDER BY not respected?

2009-04-28 Thread Adam Rich

Carlo Stonebanks wrote:

(FOR PG VERSION 8.3.6 running on Windows 2003 Server x64)

We have a function that assigns unique ID's (to use as row identifiers) 
to a table via an UPDATE using nextval(). This table is imported from 
another source, and there is a sequencing field to let the query know 
in which order to assign the row identifiers. (Please do not confuse the 
sequencing field with a sequence value from nextval())

The UPDATE command gets the order of the rows to update using a FROM 
clause, which in turn reads from a sub-query to get the rows in the 
order of seq.

The problem is that the UPDATE is NOT behaving as if it is receiving the 
sequence identifiers in the order specified. In fact, it appears it is 
returned in REVERSE order (assigning id's in reverse order based on the 
values in seq)

Here is the essence of the query (further below you will find the full 
DDL code of the function).

UPDATE impt_table
SET id = nextval(''id_seq'')
 (SELECT seq
 FROM impt_table
 ) AS empty_ids
 impt_table.seq = empty_ids.seq
 AND impt_table.id IS NULL;

Was I wrong in assuming that the UPDATE would respect the order of rows 
coming out of the sub-clause? Is there a better way to do this?

Thanks, Carlo

I think the ORDER BY is free to update the rows in any order it needs
to.  The key is to put the sequence further down.  How about this?

 UPDATE impt_table
 SET id = newid
  SELECT seq, nextval('id_seq') as newid
  FROM impt_table
  ORDER BY seq
  ) AS pre_empty_ids ) as empty_ids
  impt_table.seq = empty_ids.seq
  AND impt_table.id IS NULL;

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Re: [GENERAL] UPDATE... FROM - will ORDER BY not respected?

2009-04-28 Thread Adam Rich

Carlo Stonebanks wrote:

I think the ORDER BY is free to update the rows in any order it needs
to.  The key is to put the sequence further down.  How about this?

Adam - thanks. Unless I hear otherwise I will assume that you mean the 
UPDATE is free to update the rows in any way it wants - irregardless of 
how whether the data return in the FROM clause is ordered.

Whoops - you're right, that's what I meant.  Even though one of the
tables is sorted, when it joins the two tables, the planner might decide
it's cheaper to update impt_table by iteratively looking up values from
the sorted table that match the (unordered) rows from impt_table, or
by hashing the keys which I think also results in unsorted updates.
You can use explain to see the details.


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Re: [GENERAL] After Upgrade from 8.2.6 to 8.3.6: function to_timestamp does not exist

2009-03-05 Thread Adam Rich
  OK, so you want to see if a timestamp is greater than now()?  Why not
  just compare them?
  where a.from_datetime = now()
 No, not the whole timestamp. I dont want to check the time.
 So I had to truncate the datetime with:
 date_trunc('day', a.from_datetime) = date_trunc('day', NOW())

If you're going to truncate the NOW(), just go with CURRENT_DATE instead.

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Re: [GENERAL] After Upgrade from 8.2.6 to 8.3.6: function to_timestamp does not exist

2009-03-05 Thread Adam Rich
  This query makes little sense.  Why are you trying to convert a
  timestamp to a timestamp?  Is this a bizarre substitute for
 The from_datetime column is of type timestamp but I want to check
 only the date, not the time.
 In this example I want to retrieve all records whose from_datetime is
 e.g. = 2009/05/06 (Now()) so I'd like to get results with a
 from_datetime like e.g.
 - 2009/05/06 00:05:00
 - 2009/05/06 23:30:00
 - 2009/05/07 10:15:00

I use something like this:

Where from_datetime::date = current_date
Where date_trunc('day', from_datetime) = current_date

(current_date is like now() except it's a date instead of timestamp)

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Re: [GENERAL] Query question

2009-02-24 Thread Adam Rich

 -Original Message-
 From: pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org [mailto:pgsql-general-
 ow...@postgresql.org] On Behalf Of Sharma, Sid
 Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 12:47 PM
 To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
 Subject: [GENERAL] Query question
 I am new to Postgres and am trying to write a query like the one below
 (without any luck)
 SELECT col_speed, col_time, (col_speed / col_time) AS distance
 FROM speed_ratings
 HAVING distance  ?
 ORDER BY distance
 In other words, I want to filter on a calculated column. But I get an
 error that column distance is not defined
 column distance does not exist at character 272
 Interestingly if I remove the filter (HAVING distance  ?), the query
 works. So I can sort on distance but not filter.
 I have tried substituting the HAVING clause with a WHERE clause as well
 with no luck.
 I have also added a GROUP BY clause with the HAVING as well with no
 Any ideas?

You were on the right track, unfortunately the rules are not very 
Consistent regarding when aliases can or cannot be used.  In this case,
WHERE and HAVING cannot use an alias, but ORDER BY and most others 
require it.  Also, HAVING is applied to aggregate functions (like
min/max/average)  Try your query in this form:

SELECT col_speed, col_time, (col_speed / col_time) AS distance
FROM speed_ratings
WHERE (col_speed / col_time)  ?

If you want to use GROUP BY / HAVING, you need to use another field
to group the results by, as well as the aggregate function.  for 
example, if you had a type_id field and wanted the maximum 
distance travelled per type:

SELECT type_id, MAX(col_speed / col_time) AS max_distance
FROM speed_ratings
GROUP BY type_id
HAVING MAX(col_speed / col_time)  ?

Finally, if you really want distance, I assume you mean speed * time,
not speed/time.

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Re: [GENERAL] trying to make sense of deadlocks

2009-02-09 Thread Adam Rich
 -Original Message-
 From: pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org [mailto:pgsql-general-
 ow...@postgresql.org] On Behalf Of Richard Yen
 Sent: Monday, February 09, 2009 4:18 PM
 To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
 Subject: [GENERAL] trying to make sense of deadlocks
 I'm trying to make sense of a situation I ran into this morning.
 Apparently, there were numerous deadlocks (approx. 75 in a 30-min
 period) while procs were trying to write to a table (16634, account)
 in my database.
 Just to give you a sense of what's going on, process 22583 tried to do
 an insert, followed by an update, and the insert took 225925.724 ms:
 Might someone be able to help me make more sense of this?

The two processes that are conflicting, can you list everything they do
since the beginning of the transaction until the deadlock?  

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Re: [GENERAL] Strange limit and offset behaviour....

2009-02-07 Thread Adam Rich
 I have the following sql:
 SELECT * from table order by dato asc limit 20 offset 0
 This gives me different rows than the 20 first rows when running the
 following sql:
 SELECT * from table order by dato asc
 Shouldn't the 20 first rows in the second sql statment be the same 20
 rows that is returned in the first statement
 or am I missing something?

Not necessarily.  In your example query, if dato was not a unique
column, and there were some duplicates, the top 20 values is not
a defined set.  Adding the offset clause might cause a different
query plan, resulting in a different ordering of the duplicate values.

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Re: [GENERAL] field with Password

2009-02-04 Thread Adam Rich
  I would like to create a new table where one of the field would be a
  user password. Is there any data type for supporting this
  functionality? Something like Password DataType. I've taken a look
  the available data types in PgAdmin Application and there is nothing
  similar to this.
  most commonly, passwords are stored as hashes, such as md5,  rather
  than plaintext.'text' would be as suitable for this as anything,
  or bytea, if you want to store the hashes in binary.
 Thanks for your answers. Sorry for the questions but I'm new to Postgre
 The problem with a plain text password is that a user can see it by
 looking at the user table.
 Both suggest to use MD5. How can i use it? Any link, example about this
 would be very appreciated.

Insert new users like this:

insert into myusers (usernm, passwd) values ($user, MD5($pass));

So the paintext password is not stored.  But you should still restrict
access to this table.  Revoke rights to regular users.  

When a user logs in, check for their access like this:

select * from myusers where usernm=$user and passwd=MD5($pass);

The hash of a particular password is always the same.

To make this scheme more secure, you should add a salt before hashing.
(You can find how to do this via google).

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Re: [GENERAL] ramblings about password exposure (WAS: field with Password)

2009-02-04 Thread Adam Rich
 On Wed, Feb 04, 2009 at 09:34:56AM -0500, Raymond C. Rodgers wrote:
  You don't need to depend on an external library for this
  it's built right into Postgres. Personally, in my own apps I write in
  PHP, I  use a combination of sha1 and md5 to hash user passwords,
  without depending on Postgres to do the hashing, but the effect is
  basically the same.
 Doing the hashing outside PG would reduce the chance of the password
 being exposed, either accidentally by, say, turning on statement
 logging, or maliciously.  A general rule with passwords is to throw
 any copy of a plain text password as quickly as possible, sending the
 password over to another process would go against this.

Agreed.  Another benefit of this is the hashing support in PHP is more
flexible.  I personally use the hash() function to get a SHA-256 hash
instead of the weaker sha1 or md5.

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Re: [GENERAL] Pet Peeves

2009-02-01 Thread Adam Rich
 On Saturday 31 January 2009 8:47:28 pm Adam Rich wrote:
  On Thu, 29 Jan 2009 13:16:17 +
  Gregory Stark stark(at)enterprisedb(dot)com wrote:
   So, what do people say? Is Postgres perfect in your world or does
   do some things which rub you the wrong way?
  I see all the major ones have already been mentioned, so here's some
  minor ones.
  - lack of system-level and DDL triggers
  - inability to limit triggers to certain columns
  - inability to know the DML operation causing a trigger
 Data type text; a string of INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE telling for
 operation the trigger was fired.
 This is also available in plpythonu, I don't know about the other PL's.

Thanks, I knew this was available for python  perl PLs, I wasn't aware
it was I plpgsql too.  Still, it would be nice to have something akin to
oracle's   IF(UPDATING('col_name')) THEN

  - date_part/extract returning floats instead of integer
 Maybe this what you are looking for ?:
 Note:  When timestamp values are stored as double precision floating-
 numbers (currently the default), the effective limit of precision might
 be less
 than 6. timestamp values are stored as seconds before or after midnight
 2000-01-01. Microsecond precision is achieved for dates within a few
 years of
 2000-01-01, but the precision degrades for dates further away. When
 values are stored as eight-byte integers (a compile-time option),
 precision is available over the full range of values. However eight-
 integer timestamps have a more limited range of dates than shown above:
 4713 BC up to 294276 AD. The same compile-time option also determines
 time and interval values are stored as floating-point or eight-byte
 In the floating-point case, large interval values degrade in precision
 as the
 size of the interval increases.

Nope, I mean if you use date_part to extract a piece of a date, you 
get a float instead of an integer.  It trips me up everytime I try 
something like this:

select * from table 
where (weekmask  (1  date_part('DOW', $1)))  0

To my surprise, the  operator fails because it requires an integer
argument, but date_part provides only a double floating point.

I realize this is documented as intended behavior, but why?  Is there
any scenario where DOW (or day, year, hour, or *any* field really)
would be returning a fractional number?  

  - parts of the SQL statement (e.g. 'for update of') requiring table
  aliases when present instead of table names.
  - lack of queryable high-water marks useful for tuning
  - lack of an auto-tuner, for that matter.
  - inability to log (e.g. long-running queries) to a table
  - lack of custom session-level variables (without editing
  - lack of autonomous transactions
 Adrian Klaver

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Re: [GENERAL] Pet Peeves

2009-01-31 Thread Adam Rich
On Thu, 29 Jan 2009 13:16:17 +
Gregory Stark stark(at)enterprisedb(dot)com wrote:

 So, what do people say? Is Postgres perfect in your world or does it 
 do some things which rub you the wrong way?

I see all the major ones have already been mentioned, so here's some
minor ones.

- lack of system-level and DDL triggers
- inability to limit triggers to certain columns
- inability to know the DML operation causing a trigger
- date_part/extract returning floats instead of integer
- parts of the SQL statement (e.g. 'for update of') requiring table 
aliases when present instead of table names.
- lack of queryable high-water marks useful for tuning
- lack of an auto-tuner, for that matter.
- inability to log (e.g. long-running queries) to a table
- lack of custom session-level variables (without editing postgresql.conf)
- lack of autonomous transactions

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Re: [GENERAL] Indexing columns with low cardinality: persistent bitmap indexes?

2009-01-12 Thread Adam Rich
  I have a column with a small number of distinct values, indexing this
  with a standard BTree is useless. How do I  can index this column
  efficiently? I searched and it seems that pg doesn't support the
creation of
  persistent bitmap indexes... Is that feature planned in next releases of

 You have a few options based on your access patterns.  If you tend to
 access just one of these an get them all at once, then either clusting
 on this value, or partitioning your table will help.

How will clustering benefit this pattern?  Won't a full table scan be
regardless of the table being clustered?  And I thought the point of
was the organize the table by some indexed key, requiring fewer seeks and 
increasing the likelihood of the pages being in the cache   if the index
is never used in this case ( low cardinality ) would it still help?

 If you access your data using these values and other column values at
 the same time, then partial or multi-column indexes might help.

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Re: [GENERAL] How to use index in strpos function

2008-12-30 Thread Adam Rich

 -Original Message-
 From: pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org [mailto:pgsql-general-
 ow...@postgresql.org] On Behalf Of Tuan Hoang Anh
 Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 10:49 PM
 To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
 Subject: [GENERAL] How to use index in strpos function
 I have table command
 And one index
 CREATE INDEX command_command
   ON command
   USING btree(upper(command));
 And have a query use it
 explain select * from command where strpos('APCTPN1.EXE PN1',
 UPPER(command))  0 AND UPPER(command)  ''
 Seq Scan on command  (cost=1.00..10015.26 rows=92
   Filter: ((upper((command)::text)  ''::text) AND
 (strpos('APCTPN1.EXE PN1'::text, upper((command)::text))  0))
 This command is called a lot, so i want to use index in it. How to use
 index on this command

Is the first argument to strops always the same ('APCTPN1.EXE PN1') ?
if so, you can create an index like this:

 CREATE INDEX strpos_command
   ON command
   USING (strpos('APCTPN1.EXE PN1', UPPER(command.command)))

However, if the argument is different for each query, then you will
not be able to utilize an functional index for this type of query.

If you mean to query for starts with you can rewrite your query as:

select * from command 
where UPPER(command.command) LIKE 'APCTPN1.EXE PN1%' 

However, if you mean to query for contains substring then a regular
index or functional index will not help.  A full-text index might help,
but it is more complex to setup and use.  The documentation for that
is here:  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/interactive/textsearch.html

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Re: [GENERAL] Ordering returned rows according to a list

2008-12-22 Thread Adam Rich
 Hi all,
 I'd like to make a single query that returns a number of rows using a
 'WHERE id IN (list-of-ids)' condition, but I'd like the rows to be
 returned in the order in which the ids are given in the list.
 Is this possible?

Depending on how many IDs you have in your list, you can accomplish this
with a CASE statement:

WHERE id IN (6, 9, 3)
WHEN 6 then 1
WHEN 9 then 2
WHEN 3 then 3 END

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Re: [GENERAL] View vs Constantly Updated Table

2008-12-15 Thread Adam Rich
 if i have a column that is a calculation, say a bank balance - sum
 of all the debits and credits...is it more efficient to make a view
 that executes the underlying calc query doing the math, or to create a
 table that has a column called balance that is updated for each
 so in the end select balance from view or select balance from table
 What are the pros cons ?

How often are you using the bank balance value?  If you're updating it
for every transaction, you would be doing a lot of work computing values
that may rarely if ever get used.  That's an argument for the view
route, since the computation only happens when necessary.

The opposite argument, is how long does the computation take, and how
quickly do you need it? The pre-computed value would obviously be much
faster than waiting for it to be computed on the fly.

Other things to keep in mind... you might want to make the balance
calculation a separate function rather than building it into the table,
unless it's used on *every* query.  Also, if you would be taking any 
action with the value returned by the balance calculation, remember to
lock any tables necessary to ensure the balance doesn't change between
the time you compute it and the time you act on it.

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Re: [GENERAL] Multi-table CHECK constraint

2008-12-10 Thread Adam Rich
 On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 05:58:08PM -0600, Jason Long wrote:
  I need to add some complex constraints at the DB.
  For example.
  Do not allow a line item of inventory to be changed if it does not
  result in the same number of joints originally shipped.
  These will involve several tables.
  What is the best approach for this?

 You might want to talk to people who have done bookkeeping
 applications for PostgreSQL, or possibly even buy one of the
 proprietary PostgreSQL-based systems for it, as this stuff can be
 fiendishly tricky to get right.

As a developer of just such a bookkeeping application, here's (IMHO) 
the best way to handle this:  Wrap the dependent operations into one
stored procedure, grant rights to that procedure and not to the
underlying tables.  If an operation (such as shipping product) 
requires multiple database queries and updates, wrapped in a 
transaction, don't place your trust in every user and/or application
to do that properly.

In your example, don't give the user or application UPDATE permission 
to the raw inventory or product tables, that's just asking for trouble.  
Instead, create a ship_product() procedure that takes all the steps
required.  (You'll also need others, adding inventory for example)

There are many, many benefits to reap once you've made the commitment
to doing this.  More re-usable code, a stable API, atomic operations,
faster transactions, less traffic over the wire, etc etc.

I would still add critical constraints and triggers as a failsafe so
an admin with rights can't accidentally introduce bad data to the
system, but there's just no substitute for proper encapsulation.
Plus, sometimes it's expensive or impossible to verify after the fact 
(in a constraint trigger) whether the transaction was valid, but 
just wrapping the stuff in a stored procedure is much simpler.

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2008-12-08 Thread Adam Rich

  When we get windowing functions, a lot of this pain will go away :)
 Yes! Hope it won't be too long now. The patch seems to behave like it
 now :)
 Hopefully we'll see it commited for 8.4.
 Though this does not look too much cleaner at least it's standard SQL:
 A preview for Madi:
 SELECT foo,bar
 FROM (SELECT foo,bar,
   FROM table
 ) AS t
 WHERE pos = 1
 ORDER BY bar;
 Probably easier to understand what's going on in this one.

Is Oracle's FIRST_VALUE function not a SQL standard?   The way I would 
do this in Oracle looks like:

FROM table


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Re: [GENERAL] why hash on the primary key?

2008-11-28 Thread Adam Rich
 I'm seeing a lot of plans in my database that look like this:
 It seems very strange for the planner to decide to build an in-memory
 hash table on a column that is already indexed (the primary key, no
 less!).  But this is happening A LOT - I often see plans where a
 majority of the joins are executed this way (and they're not all
 self-joins either...).  It seems like the planner is concluding that
 it's going to need most or all of the pages in the table anyway, and
 that building a hash table as it goes is quicker than reading the
 index pages in from disk.  On a simple query like the above, setting
 enable_seqscan to off or random_page_cost to 1 generates the expected
 Experimentation shows this is actually about 25% faster.  But, this is
 kind of a blunt instrument, and my attempts to fiddle with various
 parameters have not been real succesful in generating better plans for
 more complicated examples.
 Any suggestions/explanations?

Could you send the output of these two queries using explain analyze
instead of plain explain?

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Re: [GENERAL] date range query help

2008-11-19 Thread Adam Rich
 Now user Ben has passed his mobile to user Josh and we issued Josh his
 mobile on 2008-10-15.
 1. Is it possible for me to write a query that will have the fields
 that will use call.datetime and lookup the date range from
 mobile_custodian.issue_date and mobile_custodian.return_date to
 identify the right user for each call?
 2.  Do I need to change the issue_date  return_date fields to
 timestamp to perform the above?

No, a date will work fine.  Try this:

select call.call_id,
from call, mobile_custodian
where call.mobile_no = mobile_custodian.mobile_no
and call.datetime between mobile_custodian.issue_date
and mobile_custodian.return_date

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Re: [SQL] [GENERAL] date range query help

2008-11-19 Thread Adam Rich
  sorry I get nothing :(
  Of course not. None of the dates you gave in the example overlap.
 But it should still have the 1st entry with the name Ben?  Am I
 missing something?

Ben's issue dates are in the year 2008.  The first call entry is
in the year 2007.   There are no custodians with a matching issue

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[GENERAL] time math - Bug or expected behavior?

2008-08-26 Thread Adam Rich
I traced a bug in our application down to this basic operation:

set timezone to 'US/Eastern';

select '11/02/2008'::timestamptz, '12:10'::time,
'11/02/2008'::timestamptz + '12:10'::time;

I have a date and a time stored separately and I want to combine them,
and use them in some timezone-aware calculations.  When I add the time
12:10 to the date 11/2/08, I expect the timestamp 11/2/08 12:10 but
instead, I get 11/2/08 11:10.  

It's probably not coincidence that daylight saving time rolls back one hour
on the morning of 11/2.  Still, I would have expected the above behavior 
when adding an interval to a timestamp, but not a time.  Is the time being 
cast to an interval before the add?  Is there a better way to combine a 
date with a time and get a timestamptz ?  (the values are stored in the 
database, and are not literals as in my example)

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Re: [GENERAL] index speed and failed expectations?

2008-08-04 Thread Adam Rich
 This query from the console:
 select * from stats order by start_time;
 takes 8 seconds before starting its output. Am I wrong in assuming that
 the index on start_time should make ORDER BY orders of magnitude
 Or is this already fast enough? Or should I max up some memory (buffer)
 setting to achieve greater speeds? Not that the speed is crucial, just

Postgresql won't use the index for queries like this.  Due to the
MVCC implementation, the index does not contain all necessary information
and would therefore be slower than using the table data alone.

(What postgresql lacks is a first_row/all_rows hint like oracle)

However, if you limit the number of rows enough, you might force it
to use an index:

select * from stats order by start_time limit 1000;

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Re: [GENERAL] a SQL query question

2008-07-28 Thread Adam Rich
 Hi, I have a table of the form
 aid  pid  nmol
 - ---  ---  
 123   34
 245   3445
 323   100
 478   12
 545   14
 645   200
 7null null
 In general, aid is unique, pid and nmol are non-unique.
 What I'm trying to do is to select those rows where pid is not null,
 grouped by pid. So I'd get the following
  From within each group I'd like to select the row that has the
 maximum value of nmol. So I'd end up with
 aid  pid  nmol
 - ---  ---  
 323   100
 245   3445
 478   12
 I can easily do the first step, but am struggling to make the SQL for
 the second step. Any pointers would be appreciated

Normally this is a difficult sort of thing to do, but it's made easier
by a unique feature of Postgresql.  Please try the following:

SELECT DISTINCT ON (pid) aid, pid, nmol
FROM tbl

More information can be found here:

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Re: [GENERAL] Optimizing a like-cause

2008-07-22 Thread Adam Rich
 I'm developing a autocomplete Feature using php and PostgreSQL 8.3.
 To fill the autocomplete box I use the following SQL Statement:
 select * from _table_ where upper( _field_ ) like '%STRING%';
 This SQL Statement takes 900 ms on a Table with 300.000 entries.
 What can I do to speed up the Statement? What Index can I set?

The open-ended search is what's killing you.  Can you change your
query to be like this?

select * from _table_ where  _field_  like 'STRING%';

That allows the database to use an index.  You'll still have to 
either store the data already in upper-case format, or use a 
functional index on upper(field).


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Re: [GENERAL] Need help with constraint to prevent overlaps

2008-07-11 Thread Adam Rich
 I'm building a shift-scheduling app.  I want to make a constraint in my
 database that prevents one human from being assigned to work two
 different jobs at the same time.
 In other words, if I schedule John Doe to mop bathrooms from 10 AM
 4 PM, some other manager will not be able to schedule John Doe for a 1
 PM meeting.
 How can I do this with constraints?  Would I need to write a trigger
 that does some 'select ... between ...' work?

We do a lot of scheduling work, and the way we handle this is with
a stored procedure.  The only way to add something to the schedule is
by calling the stored procedure.  The procedure queries the existing
schedule first, using the OVERLAPS function listed here:


The overlaps is very easy and simple to use.  If any conflicts are
found, we can return information about what's overlapping to the

You'll have to do some locking as well, so you don't create a race
condition between when you check for a conflict and when you commit
the new schedule item.

(You could probably put the logic into a trigger too, but that would
just be throwing away the insert or raising an exception, whereas 
with the stored procedure, we're returning an actual rowset of 
details regarding the overlapping schedule item).

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Re: [GENERAL] Complicated GROUP BY

2008-07-11 Thread Adam Rich
 Dear All,
 I have the following problem with grouping: I want to know the maximum
 in a group as well as the maximal element. Example:
 I have a table products_providers:
 product  |  provider  |  criteria_1  |  criteria_2
 I have a number of products, each of them from a several providers.
 Each product is described by two numeric values. I can easily select
 the best value for each product by a given criteria, like:
 select product, max(criteria_1) from products_providers group by
 but I need to know the best-scoring provider as well.
 Result I need should look like:
 product  |  best_provider_1  | best_criteria_1  |  best_provider_2  |
 If it counts results may be split into two tables: one for the first
 and the other for the second criteria
 Can you help me with a painless solution?

Is something like this what you're after?

select * from products_proivders 
order by criteria_1 desc limit 1

You can get the best providers for both criteria using union like this:

select * from (
select 'best_criteria_1' as name, product, provider, criteria_1, criteria_2
from products_proivders order by criteria_1 desc limit 1 ) x
select * from (
select 'best_criteria_2' as name, product, provider, criteria_1, criteria_2
from products_proivders order by criteria_2 desc limit 1 ) y

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Re: [GENERAL] Advice Wanted on Selecting Multi-row Data Requests in 10-Row Blocks

2008-06-27 Thread Adam Rich

 What I want to do is present the results of a query in a web page, but
 only 10 rows at a time. My PostgreSQL table has millions of records and
 if I don't add a LIMIT 10 to the SQL selection, the request can take
 long. The worst case scenario is when the user requests all records
 without adding filtering conditions (e.g. SELECT * FROM MyTable;)  That
 can take 10-15 minutes, which won't work on a web application.
 What I'm wondering is how in PostgreSQL do you select only the first 10
 records from a selection, then the next 10, then the next, and possibly
 go back to a previous 10? Or do you do the full selection into a
 temporary table once, adding a row number to the columns and then
 performing sub-selects on that temporary table using the row id? Or do
 you run the query with Limit 10 set and then run another copy with no
 limit into a temporary table while you let the user gaze thoughtfully
 the first ten records?
 I know how to get records form the database into a web page, and I know
 how to sense user actions (PageDown, PageUp, etc.) so I'm basically
 looking for techniques to extract the data quickly.

In addition to LIMIT, Postgresql has an OFFSET clause:


So if you want to show the records in pages of 10, your queries would
look like this:


The offset clause tells postgresql how many rows to skip.  Note that
you always need an order by clause in there as well to get meaningful

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Re: [GENERAL] query planner weirdness?

2008-06-27 Thread Adam Rich

 Bob Duffey [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I'm seeing some query plans that I'm not expecting.  The table in
  is reasonably big (130,000,000 rows).  The table has a primary key,
  by one field (ID, of type bigint).  Thus, I would expect the
  query to simply scan through the table using the primary key:
  select * from T order by ID
 This is not wrong, or at least not obviously wrong.  A full-table
 indexscan is often slower than seqscan-and-sort.  If the particular
 case is wrong for you, you need to look at adjusting the planner's
 cost parameters to match your environment.  But you didn't provide any
 evidence that the chosen plan is actually worse than the alternative

I think I understand what Bob's getting at when he mentions blocking.  
The seqscan-and-sort would return the last record faster, but the 
indexscan returns the first record faster.  If you're iterating
through the records via a cursor, the indexscan behavior would be
more desirable.  You could get the initial rows back without waiting
for all 130 million to be fetched and sorted. 

In oracle, there is a first-rows vs. all-rows query hint for this sort
of thing.  

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Re: [GENERAL] compiling, performance of PostGreSQL 8.3 on 64-bit processors

2008-06-26 Thread Adam Rich

 1.  I have heard of problems arising from compiling PostGreSQL (8.3) on
 processors.  What sort of problems am I likely to encounter and how
 should I fix
 them?  We are will run Linux Redhat 5 on a Dell PE2950 III Quad Core
 Xeon E54
 2.33 GHz, and a Dell PE2950 III Quad Core Xeon L5335 2.0 GHz.
 2.  Are there performance problems running PostGreSQL 8.3 on a 64-bit

I have a few more questions on the 64-bit topic.  Is there any benefit
to running a 32-bit OS (rhel 5 in this case) on a server with more than
4 GB of memory?  In other words, can the OS-level cache take advantage
of more than 4 GB of memory?  Can a process (such as PG backend) use
more than 4 GB of shared memory on a 32-bit OS?  Or is the 4 GB memory
point the place where you normally transition to a 64-bit OS?

For people with experience running postgresql on systems with 16+ GB
of memory, what parameter settings have you found to be effective?
(This would be a large database that's mostly read-only that we'd
like to fit completely in memory)

Is it possible to backup (pg_dump) from a 32-bit OS to a 64-bit OS,
or is a plain SQL dump necessary?

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Re: [GENERAL] what are rules for?

2008-06-23 Thread Adam Rich
 Can you describe, or point me to somewhere which describes, all the
 things you can do with a rule that you can't do with a trigger?  The
 only examples of rules in the manual are (1) logging, which I've just
 been told is much better done with a trigger, and (2) making update,
 insert, and delete work for a view, which is the only way to do it
 because views are not allowed to have update, insert, or delete
 triggers.  However, as I have learned in several recent threads, this
 use of rules is fraught with difficulties, especially when the view
 has more than one table, and it seems that it would be much easier if
 triggers were just allowed on views.  What is the real purpose of the
 rule system?

You can read more about rules here:


The documentation calls rules a query rewrite system, which helped
me understand their use.  Whereas triggers are called once per row
modified, rules can modify or replace the actual query tree being
executed.  There are some fine examples here:


Rules can be used to change a SELECT statement in-flight.  This is
actually how views are implemented in postgresql.

One interesting example is having rules and triggers watching for
deletes or updates on a table.  If many rows are modified, rules
can be faster.  Take this statement:

DELETE FROM mydata WHERE idval BETWEEN 1 and 2;

Say this statement deletes 10,000 rows.  The delete trigger would
get called 10,000 times whereas the rule is essentially executed
once, since it can share the WHERE clause of the user's query.

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Re: [GENERAL] hopefully a brain teaser, can't quite figure out query

2008-06-07 Thread Adam Rich
 -Original Message-
 The small table is a listing of county fips codes, their name, and the
 geometry for the county.  Each fips is only listed once. The big table
 is multiple emissions for each county, the parameter for the emission,
 and the source code for the emission (scc).  Each county in big tbale
 has many entries, variable number of pollutant types, variable number
 of scc's.
 SELECT small.fips, small.name, sum(big.value)
 FROM small, big
 small.fips in (
   SELECT fips from big
   WHERE ((pollutant='co') AND
 (scc LIKE '21%') OR (scc LIKE '2301%') OR (scc LIKE '280100%')
   HAVING SUM(value  2000)
 GROUP BY small.fips, small.name;
 This is the query that isn't returning yet.
 If anyone has any questions, comments, or any suggestions at all, I'll
 do my best to respond ASAP.

This sounds like what you want:

SELECT small.fips, small.name, sum(big.value) as big_sum
FROM small
INNER JOIN big on small.fips = big.fips
WHERE pollutant = 'co'
AND (scc LIKE '21%' OR scc LIKE '2301%' OR scc LIKE '280100%')
GROUP BY small.fips, small.name

However, I'm not sure I understand this part:

 I would return the 123 fips ONLY if the value provided was less 
 than the sum of the values for all scc's (500+550+1500+50 = 2600), 
 as well as the sum for those values.

Can you clarify?

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2008-06-07 Thread Adam Rich
 -Original Message-
 Hi all,
 I have been using IN clause almost exclusively until recently I tried
 to use EXISTS and gained significant performance increase without
 changing/creating any indexes:
 SELECT ... FROM a WHERE a.ref IN (SELECT b.id WHERE ...)
 Performance is at least few times better when EXISTS is used. Is it
 just PostgreSQL specific?

IN should produce a different query plan than EXISTS. (You can run
explain analyze on your queries, to see the different plans).  
Which one is faster depends on your data, and on your server.  Also,
what's faster on one dbms my be different than another.  I've found
that postgresql is usually slower than other databases for IN () 
queries, but handles EXISTS and inner joins (a third way of writing
your queries above) quite quickly.

SELECT a.foo
INNER JOIN b on a.ref=b.id

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Re: [GENERAL] Multiple result sets

2008-06-01 Thread Adam Rich

 I need that 5 queries, fired from the same ajax request to a web
 python application, see the same database snapshot. The driver is
 Since postgresql 8.2 functions can't return multiple result sets what
 would be the best aproach?

You want to set your transaction isolation to Serializable.
Then execute your 5 queries via the same connection, and the same

You can do that with this command:


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Re: [GENERAL] Multiple result sets

2008-06-01 Thread Adam Rich

  I need that 5 queries, fired from the same ajax request to a web
  python application, see the same database snapshot. The driver is
  Since postgresql 8.2 functions can't return multiple result sets
  what would be the best aproach?
  You want to set your transaction isolation to Serializable.
  Then execute your 5 queries via the same connection, and the same
  You can do that with this command:
 I'm not sure i got it. You mean like this?:
 import psycopg2 as db
 dsn = 'host=localhost dbname=dbname user=user password=passwd'
 connection = db.connect(dsn)
 cursor = connection.cursor()
 rs1 = cursor.execute(query_1, (param1,))
 rs2 = cursor.execute(query_2, (param2,))
 I tested it and it raises no exception. I just don't understand if a
 transaction persists between execute() calls.

I am not familiar with the python library, but that looks correct to me.
You can always test it by adding a sleep between your two queries and
modifying the database from a console connection during the sleep.

Note that I'm assuming your 5 queries are all read-only selects. 
If you're modifying data during your queries, and another concurrent
database connection modifies the same data during your transaction,
the later modifications will fail under serializable isolation.

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Re: [GENERAL] Multiple result sets

2008-06-01 Thread Adam Rich

  I am not familiar with the python library, but that looks correct
  to me. You can always test it by adding a sleep between your two
  queries and modifying the database from a console connection
  during the sleep.
  Note that I'm assuming your 5 queries are all read-only selects.
  If you're modifying data during your queries, and another
  concurrent database connection modifies the same data during your
  transaction, the later modifications will fail under serializable
 Which one will fail? the second query or the serializable
 My understanding was that the serializable transaction will fail.

Yes, serializable transactions fail if they attempt to modify data
which has changed since the beginning of the transaction.  If the
OP's ajax call kicks off 5 queries in a serializable transaction,
there is the potential for failure if two ajax calls initiate 
simultaneous serializable  transactions modifying data.

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Re: [GENERAL] The optimizer is too smart for me - How can I trick it?

2008-05-30 Thread Adam Rich

 I've implemented Depesz's running total function
 one-query/) in my DB, which works great.
 Now what I want to do is get the running total for a certain statement
 then do a subselect on that result so to get a non-zero start on a
 Instead, the optimizer sees what I'm trying to do, moves the where
 inside the subquery and my output becomes
 What can I do to tell the optimizer to keep its hands off my query or
 least get it to not optimize?

I think if you add a LIMIT/OFFSET clause to your subquery, the planner
will leave it alone.

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Re: [GENERAL] Finding records that are not there

2008-05-22 Thread Adam Rich

 I have two tables that have identical index fields, maplot and
 unitno, (both indexes span two columns) and I want to find all the
 records in the commcost table that don't have a corresponding record
 in the bldg file.
 The SQL I've tried is:
 select commcost.maplot, commcost.unitno from commcost
 where not exists(select 1 from commcost, bldg
 where commcost.maplot = bldg.maplot and
 commcost.unitno = bldg.unitno)
 order by commcost.maplot
 It returns no records although I know that there are records in
 commcost which do not match keys with records from bldg.

You shouldn't put commcost in your inner select, since it's 
already in your outer select.

Or try this, it's probably faster:

Select commcost.maplot, commcost.unitno from commcost c
left join bldg b on c.maplot = b.maplot and c.unitno = b.unitno
where b.unitno is null

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Re: [GENERAL] Results of stored procedures in WHERE clause

2008-05-22 Thread Adam Rich

 I need to be able to do queries that restrict my result set to items
 belonging to a specified site and ignore all nodes that belong to
 different sites.  To determine the ID of the site an item belongs to I
 wrote a stored procedure:
 This returns the ID of the root node for non-root nodes, the node's
 own ID for root-nodes and NULL for invalid IDs.
 I'm writing a query to do document searching (the version given is
 simplified to the problem in hand).
 SELECT cms_v_items.* ,
 getroot (cms_v_items.itm_id) AS itm_root
 FROM cms_v_items
 WHERE itm_root = ?;
 I was hoping this query would return a set of items that had the same
 root node.  Instead it throws an error, column itm_root does not
 I'm obviously doing something wrong here, but what?

I don't think you can reference an alias in the where clause.
You'll have to repeat it, like this:

SELECT cms_v_items.* ,
getroot (cms_v_items.itm_id) AS itm_root
FROM cms_v_items
WHERE getroot (cms_v_items.itm_id) = ?;

Don't worry, I think with the function marked STABLE, postgresql is 
smart enough not to call it twice.  I think you could further
optimize your function doing something like this:

SELECT cms_v_items.* ,
getroot (cms_v_items.itm_parent) AS itm_root
FROM cms_v_items
WHERE (itm_parent  = ?
OR getroot (cms_v_items.itm_parent) = ?;

This will save one loop.  

Keep in mind, both queries will perform the getroot() function call
for every single row in cms_v_items.  You may want to experiment 
with a function that takes the root ID as a parameter and returns
an array or a rowset, of just the items beneath that root.  Then
you'd use that function in your query by joining to the results
or using = ANY.  This might be faster:

SELECT * from 
FROM cms_v_items
WHERE itm_id = ANY(item_in_root(?));

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Re: [GENERAL] Conditional on Select List

2008-05-13 Thread Adam Rich
 Is it possible to do this?
 SELECT IF(COUNT(colname)  0, TRUE, FALSE) AS colname FROM table;
 What I want is to return a boolean, but when I tried SELECT
 COUNT(colname)::BOOLEAN FROM table; it says it cannot cast bigint to

How about this?  Logic
al expresses are already returned as Boolean.

Select COUNT(colname)  0 AS colname FROM table

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Re: [GENERAL] Unable to add a new column to a table named in (look like a bug ...)

2008-04-17 Thread Adam Rich
 Could you just have a look to the output below?  I try to add a column
 to a
 table named in (I know in is a reserved keyword but the table
 exists and
 I cannot change it).  Postgresql complains that the column already
 exist but
 it didn't.  Am I doing something wrong ?

Try:  ALTER TABLE in add column INDESCS VARCHAR[];

(note the double quotes and lower-case in)

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Re: [GENERAL] Unable to add a new column to a table named in (look like a bug ...)

2008-04-17 Thread Adam Rich
   It worked Thanks!! But there is definitly something wrong with the
 message I got (right?):
 reference=# alter table IN add column INDESCS VARCHAR[];
 ERROR:  column indescs of relation IN already exists

I don't know, what do you see when you \d IN ?

When you use double-quotes, capitalization is significant,
So in and IN and In are all different tables.  This error
message means you already have an upper-case IN table and it
already has a column INDESCS.

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Re: [GENERAL] SQL injection, php and queueing multiple statement

2008-04-11 Thread Adam Rich
 Is there a switch (php side or pg side) to avoid things like:
 pg_query(select id from table1 where a=$i);
 into becoming
 pg_query(select id from table1 where a=1 and 1=1; do something
 nasty; -- );

Ideally, you'd use this:

pg_query_params('select id from table1 where a=$1', array($i));


Alternately, you can do this:

$i = pg_escape_string($i);
pg_query( select id from table1 where a='$i' );

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Re: [GENERAL] Secure where in(a,b,c) clause.

2008-04-03 Thread Adam Rich

 I hope this isn't a FAQ, but does anyone have any
 suggestions as to
 how to make a query that selects using:
  where in(comma delimited list)
 secure from an sql injection point of view?
 As the length of the comma delimited list is highly
 variable I don't
 think I can use a prepared query to increase

Prepared query, no.. but you can still use parameter
binding.  Determine how many parameters you need, and
create a query like this:

where in ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)

and then bind each of those parameters.  This works
well enough for small numbesr of parameters.  Somebody
else will have to answer if there's a better way for
larger quantities.

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Re: [GENERAL] Serial Data Type

2008-04-02 Thread Adam Rich

 I have just created a table using SELECT INTO however the PK was
 supposed to be a serial. It is now an integer. To make it a serial I
 just create the seq and set the default to be the nextval() of that
 sequence right? is there anything else I need to do? 

You'll want to do this:

ALTER SEQUENCE table_col_id_seq OWNED BY table.col_id;


 It'll maintain the
 transactional safety of a serial created default, right? I.e., it'll
 not rollback seq values on a transaction abortion will it?


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Re: [GENERAL] Update Join ?

2008-04-01 Thread Adam Rich
 Does Postgres allow updates based on the context of a sub-query,
something like the sample below ?


Update real_tab 
set real_tab.data_desc = temp_tab.data_desc
From temp_tab
Where real_tab.keyID = temp_tab.keyID

(don't repeat your updated table in the from list unless you
Mean to self-join)


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Re: [GENERAL] Need help on how to backup a table

2008-03-28 Thread Adam Rich
  Hi all,
   I am trying to backup a large table with about 6 million rows. I want
 export the data from the table and be able to import it into another
 on a different database server (from pgsql 8.1 to 8.2). I need to
 export the
 data through SQL query 'cause I want to do a gradual backup.
   Does pgsql have a facility for this?
   Thanks in advance for your reply.

Here's an easy solution:

psql -c COPY command here dbname | ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] dd

You can run this from your local server, and immediately pipe it over
a secure shell to the other server, and write it to a file there.
The /path/ you specify is local to the remote server.

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Re: [GENERAL] SQL question

2008-03-28 Thread Adam Rich
 I have a table that has 3 date columns :
 create table xyz (
 xyz_id integer,
 date1   timestamp,
 date2   timestamp,
 date3   timestamp
 I want to select in a query the xyz_id and the max date column for
 each row
 something like :
 create table temp2 as select xyz_id (max date?) where ...

Is this what you want?

Select xyz_id, greatest(date1,date2,date3) from xyz where...


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Re: [GENERAL] Survey: renaming/removing script binaries (createdb, createuser...)

2008-03-27 Thread Adam Rich
  Oh, then there should have been some options in the survey along the
  lines of things are fine how they are.
 Oh, a bit of answer-forcing wasn't beneath him.

Ummm... Isn't that what Option A is about ?  

1) What type of names do you prefer?
a) old notation - createdb, createuser ...
b) new one with pg_ prefix - pg_createdb, pg_creteuser ...
c) new one with pg prefix - pgcreatedb, pgcreateuser ...
d) remove them - psql is the solution
e) remove them - pgadmin is the solution

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Re: [GENERAL] Survey: renaming/removing script binaries (createdb, createuser...)

2008-03-26 Thread Adam Rich
 Please let us know your meaning,
   thanks Zdenek Kotala

1. c
2. a
3. other = pginitdb, to be consistent with pgcreatedb,etc
4. a

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Re: [GENERAL] casting from integer to boolean

2008-03-26 Thread Adam Rich
 Thanks Richard.  Is there a way to do it without changing the INSERT
 command?  As I mentioned, there are many more columns of different
 types, so finding and replacing the VALUES would be very difficult.

Can you import the data into a holding table (with columns defined
as integer) first, and then use a SQL statement to insert from there
into the final destination table (casting in the process) ?

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Re: [GENERAL] How to sort strings containing a dot?

2008-03-25 Thread Adam Rich
 By the way, I have just inserted a duplicate. Then I have run the
 select statement with distinct and I got an error.
 How one can solve this?

Does this work?

select distinct name 
from (  select name from t order by replace(name, '.', 'a')) as t2

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Re: [GENERAL] MySQL to Postgres question

2008-03-22 Thread Adam Rich
 The short answer is that Adam's statement is wrong, or at least

Sorry Tom, I wasn't trying to do either.  Joshua Drake (who I understand
to be a reliable source of postgresql information) said that applying
a sequence to a column after creation created issues, versus using the
serial type which did not.  That seemed misleading to me, since it's
*exactly* what pg_dump does in 8.3.  All I did was point that out, 
which I'd hardly call complaining and definitely not wrong.  

My point was that there was nothing special about serial in 8.3
Nothing misleading about that either.

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Re: [GENERAL] MySQL to Postgres question

2008-03-21 Thread Adam Rich
  I am not sure about 8.3 but certainly earlier releases of PostgreSQL
  would have specific dependency issues when a sequence was applied to
  a column after the fact, versus using the serial or bigserial

I'd like to point out that using pg_dump does in fact apply sequences
to columns after the fact. (at least in 8.3)  Columns lose their serial
designation after each backup/restore (and therefore during version

mydb=# create table foo(id serial, bar varchar);

NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence foo_id_seq for serial
column foo.id

Then, pg_dump produces:

-bash-3.00$ pg_dump -s --table=foo mydb

id integer NOT NULL,
bar character varying


ALTER SEQUENCE foo_id_seq OWNED BY foo.id;
ALTER TABLE foo ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('foo_id_seq'::regclass);

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Re: [GENERAL] 8.3.0 upgrade

2008-03-21 Thread Adam Rich
 Pick your OS/Arch from this list, and click to it:
 Then click to C at the top, and download the compat package.

I clicked on my OS (RHEL/CentOS 4 - x86) Then on C as you said,
But the RPM list still only contains the compat-postgresql-libs-3-2
package, when I'm looking for compat-postgresql-libs-4-2

Any other ideas?

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Re: [GENERAL] 8.3.0 upgrade

2008-03-21 Thread Adam Rich
 No, you need compat-3, not compat-4. For example:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# yum install php-pgsql snip
 -- Processing Dependency: libpq.so.3 for package: php-pgsql

I have applications that depend on libpq.so.4

Where do I get that, if not compat-postgresql-libs-4-2 ??

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[GENERAL] 8.3.0 upgrade

2008-03-17 Thread Adam Rich
I just finished upgrading my production DB to 8.3.0.  Everything went 
smoothly, but I thought of a few questions.

After the upgrade, while restoring my backup to the new version, 
I got this error message:

ERROR:  role postgres already exists

I assume this is nothing to be concerned about.  But is there something
I could have done to avoid this error?  (I think I followed the upgrade
instructions to the letter).  Is there any scenario where the postgres
role wouldn't exist? (should pg_dumpall exclude it?)

Moving on...  In step 6 of the upgrade instructions, it says:

Restore your previous pg_hba.conf and any postgresql.conf modifications.

Perhaps this should also mention pg_ident.conf since I restored the
two mentioned files, but still couldn't connect.  The third completely 
escaped my mind until I ran a diff on the old  new data directories.

Next, one of my apps failed because of a dependency on libpq.so.4.
During previous upgrades, I remedied that by installing this package:


But it seems under the 8.3.0 binary downloads, this package is no longer
available.  The only compat package is compat-postgresql-libs-3
which of course includes only libpq.so.3 so I had to browse older
releases to find the missing version which I thought seemed a little odd.  
Am I missing something?

Finally, regarding the new HOT feature.  The release notes say that
benefits are realized if no changes are made to indexed columns.
If my updates include *all columns* (the SQL is generated dynamically)
but the new value matches the old value for all *indexed* columns, 
do I still reap the benefits of HOT?  



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Re: [GENERAL] 8.3.0 upgrade

2008-03-17 Thread Adam Rich

Thanks to Pavan for the answer regarding HOT.  Does anybody have an
answer regarding the postgres role or compat lib ?

 * From: Adam Rich adam(dot)r(at)sbcglobal(dot)net
 * To: pgsql-general(at)postgresql(dot)org
 * Subject: 8.3.0 upgrade
 * Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 02:13:55 -0500
 I just finished upgrading my production DB to 8.3.0.  Everything went 
 smoothly, but I thought of a few questions.
 After the upgrade, while restoring my backup to the new version, 
 I got this error message:
 ERROR:  role postgres already exists
 I assume this is nothing to be concerned about.  But is there something
 I could have done to avoid this error?  (I think I followed the upgrade
 instructions to the letter).  Is there any scenario where the postgres
 role wouldn't exist? (should pg_dumpall exclude it?)
 Moving on...  In step 6 of the upgrade instructions, it says:
 Restore your previous pg_hba.conf and any postgresql.conf modifications.
 Perhaps this should also mention pg_ident.conf since I restored the
 two mentioned files, but still couldn't connect.  The third completely 
 escaped my mind until I ran a diff on the old  new data directories.
 Next, one of my apps failed because of a dependency on libpq.so.4.
 During previous upgrades, I remedied that by installing this package:
 But it seems under the 8.3.0 binary downloads, this package is no longer
 available.  The only compat package is compat-postgresql-libs-3
 which of course includes only libpq.so.3 so I had to browse older
 releases to find the missing version which I thought seemed a little odd.

 Am I missing something?
 Finally, regarding the new HOT feature.  The release notes say that
 benefits are realized if no changes are made to indexed columns.
 If my updates include *all columns* (the SQL is generated dynamically)
 but the new value matches the old value for all *indexed* columns, 
 do I still reap the benefits of HOT?  

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Re: [GENERAL] Column Statistics - How to dertermine for whole database

2008-03-12 Thread Adam Rich
 Is there a query to pg_catalog tables to find out which table/column
 the stat level not at default in 1 sweep?

Try this:

select c.relname, a.attname, attstattarget
from pg_catalog.pg_attribute a, pg_catalog.pg_class c,
pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
where a.attrelid = c.oid and c.relnamespace=n.oid
and n.nspname = 'public' and a.attnum  0

The value -1 means to use the default (set in postgreql.conf)

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Re: [GENERAL] How to convert postgres timestamp to date: yyyy-mm-dd

2008-03-11 Thread Adam Rich
 I need to convert postgres timestamp to date format -mm-dd in a
 sql statement.
 pt.created_date below is timestamp format
 i.e ... WHERE pt.created_date =  '2008-01-21'
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Try this:

WHERE pt.created_date = '2008-01-21'::date

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Re: [GENERAL] Efficiently storing a directed graph

2008-03-01 Thread Adam Rich
 I'm not married to using SQL: are there other efficient solutions to
 store directed graphs? Could I hack something up in Perl or Ruby and
 then serialize my in-memory graph to a file (for efficient

As far as a perl solution, I would suggest posting your problem on

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] Confused about CASE

2008-02-29 Thread Adam Rich
 I wanted to use the following statement to translate the relkind
 column to a
 more descriptive value:
 select c.relname
   when c.relkind in ('t','r') then 'table'
   when c.relkind = 'i' then 'index'
   when c.relkind = 'S' then 'sequence'
   when c.relkind = 'v' then 'view'
   else c.relkind
 end as mykind
 from pg_class c
 The idea is that for anything else than 't', 'r', 'i', 'S' or 'v' it
 simply return the value of relkind. In the other cases I want my
 But for some reason this returns the value of relkind for all rows.
 When I
 remove the else c.relkind part, it works as expected.

I agree, this seems confusing.  I found a section of the doc that caught my

The data types of all the result expressions must be convertible to a
single output type.

Which led me to try this, which works:

select c.relname,
  when c.relkind in ('t','r') then 'table'
  when c.relkind = 'i' then 'index'
  when c.relkind = 'S' then 'sequence'
  when c.relkind = 'v' then 'view'
  else c.relkind::text
end as mykind
from pg_class c

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] Confused about CASE

2008-02-29 Thread Adam Rich
 The data types of all the result expressions must be convertible to a
 single output type.

The type of the field pg_class.relkind appears to be char which is
described in the notes as:

The type char (note the quotes) is different from char(1) in that it 
only uses one byte of storage. It is internally used in the system catalogs 
as a poor-man's enumeration type.


But one would expect char to be convertible to text for the purposes
of CASE.  Both implicit and explicit cast to text seems to work fine.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] no-arg cluster and locks ...

2008-02-24 Thread Adam Rich
 Can you provide more details?  pg_locks, pg_stat_activity, the deadlock
 (Hmm, it would be helpful if the deadlock checker were to save the
 pg_locks contents and perhaps pg_stat_activity in a file, whenever a
 deadlock is detected.)

Great idea!  As somebody who's spent hours tracking down deadlocks 
recently, I'd love to have a configurable deadlocks.log file capability.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] the feasibility of sending email from stored procedure in Postgres

2008-02-15 Thread Adam Rich

 I would instead queue messages (or suitable information about them) in
 a table, and have a process outside PostgreSQL periodically poll for them

Why poll when you can wait?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] Storing images as BYTEA or large objects

2008-02-12 Thread Adam Rich
  I have two options for storing this data: As BYTEA or as large objects. 

Is it true that if you update a row containing a large BYTEA value, (even if
you're not updating the BYTEA field itself, just another field), it requires

the entire BYTEA value to be copied to a new row (because of MVCC) ?  Or is
this not true because of TOAST?

If true, would this have an impact on the buffer cache and/or checkpoints ?
(You could always separate out the BYTEA values to their own table by 
themselves to avoid this drawback)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] help optimizing query

2008-02-09 Thread Adam Rich
 It seems to do the job, but how good is it in the long run? Any way I
 could tweak it?

I think this form will work the best:

SELECT u.login, MAX(s.stop_time) AS last_use_time
FROM users u, stats s
WHERE u.id=s.user_id
AND u.status='3' AND u.next_plan_id IS NULL
GROUP BY u.login
HAVING MAX(s.stop_time)  (now() - interval '1 month')
ORDER BY last_use_time;

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[GENERAL] Subquery Factoring ?

2008-02-07 Thread Adam Rich
Are there any plans to support materialized subquery / factoring (sql-99
in Postgresql?  I am spoiled with this feature in oracle, and find myself 
wishing I had it in postgresql more and more.  It *seems* to an outsider 
like a relatively easy addition.

I searched the archives but only found a brief mention of a
patch from last winter.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] Subquery Factoring ?

2008-02-07 Thread Adam Rich

 Are you using it just to avoid retyping a complex subquery? Or do you
 that the feature will reduce the execution time by avoiding re-
 executing the
 subquery for each call site in the query?

The only situation where I rely on this currently is when my main/outer 
query references or executes an expensive subquery multiple times.  
The main goal is to speed the whole thing up by only executing the 
subquery once, but making the query shorter and easier to read is 
a nice side effect.

 How disappointing would it be if the WITH clause acted as an
 barrier, preventing WHERE clauses from being pushed down and
 potentially using indexes?

Do you mean that WHERE clauses in the main/outer query are not used to
optimize the subquery?  This would be a great feature down the road,
but I would be quite happy without it.  

 Or if the query ended up not needing the data in the WITH
 subquery but the query had to execute it anyways?

Hmmm...  I would expect the query be executed once, regardless.  
Indeed, I would think that executing it more than once would produce
strange results.  I'm counting on all references to the subquery to
contain the same data.

 Another way of looking at this question is: if you called some volatile
 function from the subquery such as one which printed diagnostic
 messages or
 accessed some remote service, how many times would you expect it to be
 Would you expect the feature to guarantee that the function would only
 called once or would it be ok if it were called 0 times if the subquery
 was never needed or many times if the optimizer thought that would be

I would expect it to be called exactly once.  

I think that logically, I expect WITH to work as shorthand for creating
a temporary table, filling it with my subquery, and then executing the
rest of the main/outer query.  (As opposed to creating a temporary view)


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] Oracle Analytical Functions

2008-01-31 Thread Adam Rich
  I'm trying to replicate the use of Oracle's 'lag' and 'over
  partition by' analytical functions in my query.  I have a table
  (all_client_times) such as:
  and I would like to create a new view that takes the first table and
  calculates the time difference in minutes between each row so that
  the result is something like:

I thought of a another way of doing this.  In my tests, it's a little
faster, too.

DROP SEQUENCE if exists seq1;
DROP SEQUENCE if exists seq2;

select a.client_id, b.datetime, a.datetime as previousTime, (b.datetime -
a.datetime) as difftime from
(select nextval('seq1') as s, client_id, datetime from all_client_times
order by client_id, datetime OFFSET 0) as a
inner join
(select nextval('seq2') as s, client_id, datetime from all_client_times
order by client_id, datetime OFFSET 0) as b
on a.s=(b.s-1) where a.client_id=b.client_id

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] Oracle Analytical Functions

2008-01-31 Thread Adam Rich
Hi Willem,

 for some reason the order by's aren't working.

Could you provide more details?  Do you get a specific error message?

 only returning 658 rows instead of the 750K.

You should not expect the same row count in both source table and
result set.  Even in your example -- you provided 8 source rows, and
4 result rows.  You can determine the correct number of results via
the number of records, related to client_ids having two or more records 
in all_client_times, minus one.  It may be true that you have 750k
records but only 658 rows that satisfy this requirement.

What do you get for this query?

select count(*) from ( select client_id, count(*) as rows 
from all_client_times group by client_id having count(*)  1 ) as x


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] Oracle Analytical Functions

2008-01-31 Thread Adam Rich

Ah, ok.  I see what's happening.  The data is retrieved from the tables,
and the sequence values are added, PRIOR to the order by, so that after
the order by, they are no longer sorted.  (The same thing can happen
in Oracle with ROWNUM).

You can go the sorted view route, or just an inline view, like this:

select a.client_id, b.arbnum, a.arbnum as previousarbnum, (b.arbnum -
a.arbnum) as diffarbnum from
(select nextval('seq1') as s, * from (select client_id, arbnum from arb_test
order by client_id, arbnum OFFSET 0) as y OFFSET 0) as a 
inner join (select nextval('seq2') as s, * from (select client_id, arbnum
from arb_test order by client_id, arbnum OFFSET 0)as z OFFSET 0) as b 
on a.s=(b.s-1) where a.client_id=b.client_id;

 -Original Message-
 From: Willem Buitendyk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 2:48 PM
 To: Adam Rich
 Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
 Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Oracle Analytical Functions
 Here is a little test example.  It seems that the second order by
 condition is not working - in this case datetime.
 create table arb_test (
 client_id integer,
 arbnum integer);
 insert into arb_test values (2,1);
 insert into arb_test values (2,33);
 insert into arb_test values (2,6);
 insert into arb_test values (2,76);
 insert into arb_test values (2,111);
 insert into arb_test values (2,10);
 insert into arb_test values (2,55);
 insert into arb_test values (7,12);
 insert into arb_test values (7,6);
 insert into arb_test values (7,144);
 insert into arb_test values (7,63);
 insert into arb_test values (7,87);
 insert into arb_test values (7,24);
 insert into arb_test values (7,22);
 insert into arb_test values (1,14);
 insert into arb_test values (1,23);
 insert into arb_test values (1,67);
 insert into arb_test values (1,90);
 insert into arb_test values (1,2);
 insert into arb_test values (1,5);
 insert into arb_test values (5,8);
 insert into arb_test values (5,42);
 insert into arb_test values (5,77);
 insert into arb_test values (5,9);
 insert into arb_test values (5,89);
 insert into arb_test values (5,23);
 insert into arb_test values (5,11);
 DROP SEQUENCE if exists seq1;
 DROP SEQUENCE if exists seq2;
 select a.client_id, b.arbnum, a.arbnum as previousarbnum, (b.arbnum -
 a.arbnum) as diffarbnum from
 (select nextval('seq1') as s, client_id, arbnum from arb_test
 order by client_id, arbnum OFFSET 0) as a
 inner join
 (select nextval('seq2') as s, client_id, arbnum from arb_test
 order by client_id, arbnum OFFSET 0) as b
 on a.s=(b.s-1) where a.client_id=b.client_id;
 --create or replace view arb_view as select * from arb_test order by
 client_id, arbnum;
 Here are the results:
  client_id | arbnum | previousarbnum | diffarbnum
  1 | 23 | 14 |  9
  1 | 67 | 23 | 44
  1 | 90 | 67 | 23
  1 |  2 | 90 |-88
  1 |  5 |  2 |  3
  2 | 33 |  1 | 32
  2 |  6 | 33 |-27
  2 | 76 |  6 | 70
  2 |111 | 76 | 35
  2 | 10 |111 |   -101
  2 | 55 | 10 | 45
  5 | 42 |  8 | 34
  5 | 77 | 42 | 35
  5 |  9 | 77 |-68
  5 | 89 |  9 | 80
  5 | 23 | 89 |-66
  5 | 11 | 23 |-12
  7 |  6 | 12 | -6
  7 |144 |  6 |138
  7 | 63 |144 |-81
  7 | 87 | 63 | 24
  7 | 24 | 87 |-63
 When I used a sorted view:
 create or replace view arb_view as select * from arb_test order by
 client_id, arbnum;
 and redid it the results are:
  client_id | arbnum | previousarbnum | diffarbnum
  1 |  5 |  2 |  3
  1 | 14 |  5 |  9
  1 | 23 | 14 |  9
  1 | 67 | 23 | 44
  1 | 90 | 67 | 23
  2 |  6 |  1 |  5
  2 | 10 |  6 |  4
  2 | 33 | 10 | 23
  2 | 55 | 33 | 22
  2 | 76 | 55 | 21
  2 |111 | 76 | 35
  5 |  9 |  8 |  1
  5 | 11 |  9 |  2
  5 | 23 | 11 | 12

Re: [GENERAL] Dump schema without the functions

2008-01-31 Thread Adam Rich
 how can I dump a schema with all tables, but without the functions? Is
 there a way to do it, or do I have to manually drop the functions
 later when having used the pg_restore?

You can edit the data between dump and restore, to comment out the
function references. Or, you can use the -L argument with pg_restore
to provide a list of the specific items you want to restore.

For example:

pg_dump -Fc mydb  db.dump
pg_restore -l db.dump | grep -v FUNCTION  db.nofunc.dump
pg_restore -d newdb db.nofunc.dump

(assuming the word FUNCTION doesn't appear elsewhere in your schema 
object names.  If it does, you might try appending the schema, such as 
grep -v FUNCTION public)


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] Oracle Analytical Functions

2008-01-30 Thread Adam Rich
 and I would like to create a new view that takes the first table and
 calculates the time difference in minutes between each row so that the
 result is something like:
 client_id,datetime, previousTime, difftime
 122,2007-05-01 12:01:00, 2007-05-01 12:00:00, 1
 455,2007-05-01 12:03:00, 2007-05-01 12:02:00, 1
 455,2007-05-01 12:08:00, 2007-05-01 12:03:00, 5
 299,2007-05-01 12:34:00, 2007-05-01 12:10:00, 24

 Any idea how I could replicate this in SQL from PG.  Would this be an
 easy thing to do in Pl/pgSQL?  If so could anyone give any directions
 as to where to start?

You can create a set-returning function, that cursors over the table,
like this:

OUT client_id INT, 
OUT datetime timestamp, 
OUT previousTime timestamp, 
OUT difftime interval)
thisrow RECORD;
last_client_id INT;
last_datetime timestamp;

FOR thisrow IN SELECT * FROM all_client_times ORDER BY client_id,
datetime LOOP
IF thisrow.client_id = last_client_id THEN
client_id := thisrow.datetime;
datetime := thisrow.datetime;
previousTime := last_datetime;
difftime = datetime-previousTime;
last_client_id := thisrow.client_id;
last_datetime := thisrow.datetime;

$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

select * from lagfunc() limit 10;
select * from lagfunc() where client_id = 455;

Here I used an interval, but you get the idea.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] Oracle Analytical Functions

2008-01-30 Thread Adam Rich
 I tried this function but it keeps returning an error such as:
 ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: 2007-05-05 00:34:08
 SQL state: 22P02
 Context: PL/pgSQL function lagfunc line 10 at assignment

Whoops, this line:

  client_id := thisrow.datetime;

Should be:

client_id := thisrow.client_id;

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] Getting the count(*) from two tables and two date ranges in same query

2008-01-28 Thread Adam Rich
 Resulting in 4 columns in the ResultSet like:

 count(*)_from_table2_between_fromdate1_and_todate1  = X
 count(*)_from_table2_between_fromdate2_and_todate2  = Y
 count(*)_from_table3_between_fromdate1_and_todate1 = Z
 count(*)_from_table3_between_fromdate2_and_todate2  = V

 Is this possible?

Select t1.id,
sum(case when t2.date between d1 and d2 then 1 else 0 end) as sum1,
sum(case when t3.date between d1 and d2 then 1 else 0 end) as sum2
from t1, t2, t3
where t1.id=t2.id and t2.id = t3.id
group by t1.id

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] Simple row serialization?

2008-01-26 Thread Adam Rich
 I'd like to implement some simple data logging via triggers on a small
 number of infrequently updated tables and I'm wondering if there are
 some helpful functions, plugins or idioms that would serialize a row

If you're familiar with perl, you can try PL/Perl.


Here's an example (untested).  If you're using quotes and colons as delimeters,
you may also need to escape those in your data.

my ($old_serialized, $new_serialized);

foreach my $col (keys %{$_TD-{old}}) {
$old_serialized .= ' . $col .':' . $_TD-{old}{$col} . ',;
foreach my $col (keys %{$_TD-{new}}) {
$new_serialized .= ' . $col .':' . $_TD-{new}{$col} . ',;

my $qry = spi_prepare('insert into log_tbl values ($1,$2)', VARCHAR, 
spi_exec_prepared($qry, $old_serialized, $new_serialized);

$$ LANGUAGE plperl;

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


[GENERAL] altering foreign keys

2008-01-22 Thread Adam Rich
In my database, I have a core table that nearly all other tables
key against.  Now I need to adjust all of those foreign keys to
add a on update cascade action.  Is there a way to alter the 
existing keys? (it didn't jump out at me in the manual)

If not, is there a serious issue preventing this feature?

If I have to drop and re-create all of the foreign keys, is it
possible to wrap the whole operation in a transaction without
risking invalid inserts in the referring tables? (I come from
an Oracle background, where DDL causes an implicit commit)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] altering foreign keys

2008-01-22 Thread Adam Rich
 In my database, I have a core table that nearly all other tables
 key against.  Now I need to adjust all of those foreign keys to
 add a on update cascade action.  Is there a way to alter the
 existing keys? (it didn't jump out at me in the manual)

Would it be possible to modify confupdtype in pg_constraint ?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


[GENERAL] Locking concurrency - best practices

2008-01-14 Thread Adam Rich

I have a parent_tbl and dozens of data tables, with foreign keys
referencing the PK of parent_tbl (one-to-many).  There are 100+ 
users accessing the application, usually (but not always) each user 
is working on a different record in parent_tbl.  (this would seem like a pretty 
standard scenario for a lot of apps)

Each user performs multiple queries in a transaction, reading and
modifying the data in parent_tbl and multipe data tables before
commiting.  I need the data to be consistent during and after the
transaction.  (I basically need a way to lock a row in parent_tbl,
and all rows in the data tables referencing that row, and prevent
new rows from being inserted that reference that row).  

To guard against this, I added FOR UPDATE to queries against the
parent_tbl and LOCK TABLE IN EXCLUSIVE MODE before queries against
all of the data tables.  This works, except it slows down the entire 
application because all transactions are serialized.  Even users who
are working on seperate records in parent_tbl are not allowed to 
proceed simultaneously.  This is not ideal, the vast majority of 
access to this database is users working on separate records.

Should I drop the LOCK TABLE statements completely?  As long as 
*every* part of the application that modifies data obtains a
FOR UPDATE lock on the parent table's record first, there shouldn't
be any concurrency issues.  But, I realize I'm really only implementing
advisory locking, and there's nothing preventing data corruption from
any application that forgets or leaves out the FOR UPDATE.

Is this the best practice for dealing with this situation?  Should I 
be using real advisory locks instead of FOR UPDATE ?  What are the
pros  cons of each?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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