Re: Fwd: [GENERAL] Streaming replication bandwith per table

2017-07-05 Thread Maeldron T.
Thank you.

Maybe it would help, but recently I had another issue with the tables
having large arrays. I likely will redesign that part of the application,
and I’ll see if it helps as a side effect.

On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 5:55 AM, Peter Eisentraut <> wrote:

> On 6/21/17 22:04, Maeldron T. wrote:
> > * Logical replication is in 10.0 Beta 1. I might be oldschool but I
> > would install 10.1 or maybe 10.0.2 into production
> There are also other logical replication options such as pglogical and
> londiste.
> --
> Peter Eisentraut
> PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

Fwd: [GENERAL] Streaming replication bandwith per table

2017-06-21 Thread Maeldron T.
On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 3:06 AM, Peter Eisentraut <> wrote:

> Not easily.  You could play around with pg_xlogdump to see what's going
> on in the WAL.  But even if you figure it out, there is not much you can
> do about it.

I could do a lot. For example, if I could confirm what I expect, that the
upgrades on the table with arrays generates much traffic, then I could
redesign the table.

> Try perhaps logical replication.  That would save you the bandwidth for
> updating all the indexes at least.  It might work for you.


* I can’t really "try" things on production. The was the starting point of
my email

* Logical replication is in 10.0 Beta 1. I might be oldschool but I would
install 10.1 or maybe 10.0.2 into production

* If I am right about the arrays, logical replication would no help. The
full arrays would still be  sent on each update, because it’s a single
column, and the indices on the array tables are much smaller

Yes, there would be some benefit from not transferring the indices and the
vacuum, but I’m not into random attempts on a live system.

What I could do is:

1. Dump production and restore it on a test machine

2. Log the queries on production (as plain text) after the dump was
started, maybe for a day

3. "grep" out the queries for the suspicious tables one by one

4. Replay the queries on the restored dump (on a test machine)

5. See how much WAL is written for each table (executing only the related
updates from table to table)

This, by the way, would be easier to do with logical replication. I could
use single table subscriptions, but then we are back to an earlier problem:
it’s in beta.

It will be painful, but at least now I know I have to do it as I can’t
easily read the WAL.

Thank you.


[GENERAL] Streaming replication bandwith per table

2017-06-19 Thread Maeldron T.


Streaming replication generates too much traffic to set it up between
different regions for financial reasons. The streaming replication would
cost more than every other hosting expense altogether (including every the
traffic, even though it’s web and huge amount of emails).

Is there a way to see in the log how much bandwidth is used per table?


My only idea is to improve the design.

I believe the source of the issue is tables involved in many to many
relations with frequent updates.

The structure varies. Sometimes it’s:

table_a_id_1 | table_a_id_2

other times:

table_b_id_1 | table_b_id_2 | float value


integer value | table_c_id

It’s simple, but the performance is a key factor.

Depending on the relation (whether it had an additional value or not), the
expected usage, and my mood, I implemented them using either classical
pairs or arrays with gin indices:

table_a_id_1 | [table_a_id_2, table_a_id_7, table_a_id_9,...]


integer value | [table_a_id_1, table_a_id_5, table_a_id_6, ...]

There are millions of records in the tables with arrays. The "normal" pairs
have tens of million and above. One table could have about 40 billion
values in theory (it doesn’t but it’s growing).

I can guess which tables are problematic and what to change, but:

* It’s difficult to simulate real-life usage
* The usage patterns are different from table to table
* If I’m wrong, I waste time and resources (and downtime) to make it even

I know the updates on the arrays cost much more (it’s also a performance
issue) but the table takes magnitudes less space this way. I even
considered jsonb when there are also float values for each pair.

What to change in the design depends on the real-life use. How can I
measure the bandwidth usage per table in streaming replication? I don’t see
a way to emulate it with realistic results.


PS: except the updates on the arrays, the performance itself is satisfying
for each table. It’s only the bandwidth usage that would hurt

Re: [GENERAL] FreeBSD 10 => 11: Dump and reload your PostgreSQL database unless you like it broken

2016-12-07 Thread Maeldron T.
Hello Thomas,

> > (Maybe database clusters should have a header that wouldn’t allow
> > incompatible server versions to process the existing data. I wonder if it
> > would take more than 8 bytes per server. But I guess it was not know to
> be
> > incompatible. Even my two CIs didn’t show it.)
> I had some thoughts along those lines too[3].  I thought about
> checksumming libc and all relevant collation files (ie OS specific
> files) so you could notice when anything that could bite you changes
> (that is just some sketched out ideas, not production code).  Some
> have suggested that PostgreSQL should stop using OS collations and
> adopt ICU[4] and then use its versioning metadata.  Of course some
> people already use ICU on FreeBSD because the old strcoll
> implementation didn't play well with Unicode, but those users are
> still presumably exposed to silent corruption when ICU changes because
> AFAIK that didn't keep track of ICU versions.
I have been using PostgreSQL for 12 years. *Every* issue that I personally
ever had was locale-related.

I define "issue" as not totally my fault and it took more than a hour to
fix. That’s why I was a bit sarcastic with my comments about the year 2016.
In the 80’s I have grown up on sci-fi movies about spaceships make
wormholes to travel to the unknown parts of the Universe, even capable of
shifting dimensions, but today, one of the biggest issue in IT is when one
wants to use UTF-8.

I think I spent more time on fixing locale related issues than on fixing
all the rest together.

(Not counting the bugs in my own code.)

Once I tried DragonflyBSD. It could not compile ICU so I deleted it.

I used to run PostgreSQL with ICU on FreeBSD, but I switched from ports to
binary packages. Mixing them isn’t fun. (Well, currently I have it mixed.)
Anyway, ICU is turned on for PostgreSQL 9.6 even in the pkg version. Hurray.


[GENERAL] Re: FreeBSD 10 => 11: Dump and reload your PostgreSQL database unless you like it broken

2016-12-02 Thread Maeldron T.
I forgot to add that when I turned off index scan, select lower() still
didn’t find some existing rows.

On Sat, Dec 3, 2016 at 2:52 AM, Maeldron T. <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I’ll be as short as I can as I have broken my arm and I’m not supposed to
> type. This isn’t a joke.
> However, I learned the following the hard way and I want to save you from
> the same.
> Upgrading FreeBSD from 10 to 11 might break your database. It probably
> won’t be corrupted but it will be useless until you dump-import it, and you
> might need to do manual fixing.
> My app has more than 1000 automated tests, and the upgrade itself was
> explicitly tested. The affected columns are tested many times. It was
> tested on two different machines (including the 10 => 11) before done in
> production. But the issue happens only at random on large scale. I could
> not reproduce it with inserting a few rows. I could reproduce it with real
> data.
> I didn’t debug much as I did not sleep for two days until I fixed it (live
> systems, with left hand).
> I removed noise from queries, the real tables have dozens of not null
> columns. The edited queries may have syntax errors, but they were copied
> from real world output. So were the errors. I use 'xxx' and '123' to hide
> private info but the strings are real in general. This matters as the issue
> might be locale related.
> I started seeing these in the logs:
> PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint
> "index_users_unique_on_lower_email"
> DETAIL: Key (lower(email::text))=(
> <>) already exists.
> : UPDATE "users" SET "online_at" = '2016-12-01 00:23:33.245594',
> "visible_online_at" = '2016-12-01 00:23:33.245633' WHERE "users"."id" = $1
> PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint
> "index_users_unique_on_lower_username"
> DETAIL: Key (lower(username::text))=(joyce1234) already exists.
> : UPDATE "users" SET "online_at" = '2016-11-30 22:11:37.167589',
> "visible_online_at" = '2016-11-30 22:11:37.167647' WHERE "users"."id" = $1
> The table:
> # \d users
>  Column  |   Type   |
> Modifiers
> -+--+---
> -
>  id  | integer  | not null default
> nextval('users_id_seq'::regclass)
>  username| character varying| not null
>  password| character varying| not null
>  email   | character varying| not null
> Indexes:
> "users_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
> "index_users_unique_on_lower_email" UNIQUE, btree (lower(email::text))
> "index_users_unique_on_lower_username" UNIQUE, btree
> (lower(username::text))
> Testing:
> test2=# insert into users (password, email, username) values ('a',
> 'aa', 'Ági');
> INSERT 0 1
> test2=# select id, username from users where lower(username) = 'ági';
>id   | username
> +--
>  123 | Ági
> (1 row)
> test2=# select id, username from users where username = 'Ági';
>id   | username
> +--
>   123 | Ági
>  456 | Ági
> (2 rows)
> test2=# select id, username from users where username = 'Mustafa';
>   id   | username
> ---+--
>  123 | Mustafa
> (1 row)
> test2=# insert into users (password, email, username) values ('a',
> 'aab',  'Mustafa');
> INSERT 0 1
> test2=# select id, username from users where username = 'Mustafa';
>id   | username
> +--
>   123 | Mustafa
>  456 | Mustafa
> (2 rows)
> test2=# select id, username from users where username = 'bunny';
>   id  | username
> --+--
>  123 | bunny
> (1 row)
> test2=# insert into users (password, email, username) values ('a',
> 'aac', 'bunny');
> INSERT 0 1test2=# select id, username from users where username = 'bunny';
>id   | username
> +--
>123 | bunny
>  456 | bunny
> (2 rows)
> test2=# select id, username from users where username = 'edwin';
>   id   | username
> ---+--
>  123 | edwin
> (1 row)
> test2=# insert into users (password, email, username) values ('a',
> 'aad', 'edwin');
> INSERT 0 1
> test2=# select id, username from users where username = 'edwin';
>id   | username
> +

[GENERAL] FreeBSD 10 => 11: Dump and reload your PostgreSQL database unless you like it broken

2016-12-02 Thread Maeldron T.

I’ll be as short as I can as I have broken my arm and I’m not supposed to
type. This isn’t a joke.

However, I learned the following the hard way and I want to save you from
the same.

Upgrading FreeBSD from 10 to 11 might break your database. It probably
won’t be corrupted but it will be useless until you dump-import it, and you
might need to do manual fixing.

My app has more than 1000 automated tests, and the upgrade itself was
explicitly tested. The affected columns are tested many times. It was
tested on two different machines (including the 10 => 11) before done in
production. But the issue happens only at random on large scale. I could
not reproduce it with inserting a few rows. I could reproduce it with real

I didn’t debug much as I did not sleep for two days until I fixed it (live
systems, with left hand).

I removed noise from queries, the real tables have dozens of not null
columns. The edited queries may have syntax errors, but they were copied
from real world output. So were the errors. I use 'xxx' and '123' to hide
private info but the strings are real in general. This matters as the issue
might be locale related.

I started seeing these in the logs:

PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint
DETAIL: Key (lower(email::text))=(
) already exists.
: UPDATE "users" SET "online_at" = '2016-12-01 00:23:33.245594',
"visible_online_at" = '2016-12-01 00:23:33.245633' WHERE "users"."id" = $1

PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint
DETAIL: Key (lower(username::text))=(joyce1234) already exists.
: UPDATE "users" SET "online_at" = '2016-11-30 22:11:37.167589',
"visible_online_at" = '2016-11-30 22:11:37.167647' WHERE "users"."id" = $1

The table:

# \d users
 Column  |   Type   |
 id  | integer  | not null default
 username| character varying| not null
 password| character varying| not null
 email   | character varying| not null
"users_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"index_users_unique_on_lower_email" UNIQUE, btree (lower(email::text))
"index_users_unique_on_lower_username" UNIQUE, btree


test2=# insert into users (password, email, username) values ('a',
'aa', 'Ági');

test2=# select id, username from users where lower(username) = 'ági';
   id   | username
 123 | Ági
(1 row)

test2=# select id, username from users where username = 'Ági';
   id   | username
  123 | Ági
 456 | Ági
(2 rows)

test2=# select id, username from users where username = 'Mustafa';

  id   | username
 123 | Mustafa
(1 row)

test2=# insert into users (password, email, username) values ('a',
'aab',  'Mustafa');

test2=# select id, username from users where username = 'Mustafa';

   id   | username

  123 | Mustafa
 456 | Mustafa
(2 rows)

test2=# select id, username from users where username = 'bunny';
  id  | username
 123 | bunny
(1 row)

test2=# insert into users (password, email, username) values ('a',
'aac', 'bunny');
INSERT 0 1test2=# select id, username from users where username = 'bunny';
   id   | username
   123 | bunny
 456 | bunny
(2 rows)

test2=# select id, username from users where username = 'edwin';
  id   | username
 123 | edwin
(1 row)

test2=# insert into users (password, email, username) values ('a',
'aad', 'edwin');

test2=# select id, username from users where username = 'edwin';
   id   | username
  123 | edwin
 456 | edwin
(2 rows)

test2=# insert into users (password, email, username) values ('a',
'aae', 'edwin');
ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint
DETAIL:  Key (lower(username::text))=(edwin) already exists.

test2=# insert into users (password, email, username) values ('a',
'aae', 'bunny');
ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint
DETAIL:  Key (lower(username::text))=(bunny) already exists.

The issue didn’t happen only with strings that have characters like 'é',
'ő'. English names were also affected.

The application does have validation on the strings but I didn’t see the
existing versions for the same reason the insert didn’t see.


Also, the colliding (not colliding) strings usually had the same case of
characters. (Not 'edwin' vs 'Edwin' but two 'edwin's)

Sometimes only the latter triggered the violation:

[GENERAL] Google Cloud Compute

2016-11-02 Thread Maeldron T.


I’m considering moving my servers to Google. The main reason is the 
transparent encryption they offer. This means I should either move all 
or none. The former would include PostreSQL, specifially: FreeBSD + ZFS 
+ PostgreSQL.

Do you have any pros or cons based on experience? (Would fsync work as 
it is supposed to work?)

Yesterday I run a few "benchmarks", in case loading dumps and running 
vacuum qualifies, and there was little difference between the peristent 
SSD and the local SSD storage. Both were set up as RAID 1 (ZFS mirror).

Later I managed to read the documentation to learn the persistent SSD is 
already redundant hence I can’t justify the price and the limitations of 
the local SSD storage for my current needs. However, the persistent 
storage is network-based.

May I use it and sleep well? (If the night is silent otherwise.)

Are the so-called migration events ever happen?


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Re: [GENERAL] Uber migrated from Postgres to MySQL

2016-07-29 Thread Maeldron T.

On 26/07/16 19:39, Guyren Howe wrote:

Honestly, I've never heard of anyone doing that. But it sounds like they had 
good reasons.


1. Open the page

2. Press Cmd-F on Mac, Ctrl-F on Linux/Windows. (Find on page)

3. Type "transaction" in the search field, without the quotes

4. Scroll through the article and look for the highlights

There are 17 highlights. I count 2 in the MySQL part. Chances are good 
that the rest 15 are in the PostgreSQL part.

It tells a lot.

When I am told that MySQL supports transactions I face the fact that the 
word "transaction" must have at least two meanings and no matter what I 
do I know only one of them.

Every time I had to work with MySQL I felt overwhelming sloppiness. I 
can’t (or don’t want to) deal with accepting 0 as NULL but only once, 
auto typecasting pianos to cats (take it as a metaphor), committing a 
"transaction" (in MySQL terms), without sending commit, on client 
disconnect. (Older version).

One can say it can’t be that bad as Facebook and now Uber are using it. 
The same logic tells that junk food is the best for humans.

In the last few years I tried out more or less every hyped schemaless 
databases. Not for their main feature as my data like like the rest of 
the data in the Universe can be put in a schema. I did it because faced 
some of the issues mentioned in the article and other issues that aren’t 
mentioned, even on smaller scale, that’s why. (Smaller scale means 
smaller company, less resources, less people. At the end it hurts the 
same way.)

I still don’t see how I could live without transactions, and not only 
because a simple and intentional rollback saved me from much coding and 
complexity with one the most important features of my application. But 
having a single update statement modified about the 70% of the records 
before Cassandra crashed is not for me. It tried to repair about 1000 
records, using 3 nodes, for 1 or 2 hours before I deleted the test cluster.

Maybe I did it wrong. Or probably. It can’t be that bad. People at Uber 
probably know more about the internals than I ever will. I also know 
that a few big companies had about 1 day long downtimes thanx to MongoDB 
and CouchDB.

Since I know that people who are way more professional than me decide to 
use a database engine in production that doesn’t tell you whether it 
could store your data or not, I don’t care who is doing what and what is 
on his business card.

And yes, I hate upgrading PostgreSQL especially on FreeBSD where 
pg_upgrade isn’t really an option.

Sometimes the answer is manual or full vacuum, no matter what the manual 
says. (And yes, the downtime does hurt.)

On the other hand, if there was a stable and officially integrated 
logical replication that supports multi-master setups, many of the 
issues would just be gone. Upgrades wouldn’t be painful anymore, 
timeline and pg_rewind bugs wouldn’t matter, and the DBA could remove 
the bloat form the masters one by one by doing that thing in the night 
when no one sees it. (Until the full-vacuum-police would find him and come.)


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Re: [GENERAL] upsert with trigger (or rule)

2016-07-20 Thread Maeldron T.

On 19/07/16 23:45, Adrian Klaver wrote:

To be more complete it would nice to see the schema definition for the 
table messages.

Also maybe some idea of what you the code is supposed to do. If I 
understand it correctly:

1) Check if a message is a draft.

2) Check if there is a uniqueness conflict with an existing 
(sender_id, recipient_id) combination

3) If 1) and 2) are true then UPDATE the fields body and updated_at of 
the existing record with the NEW.body and NEW.updated_at data.

The table and the triggers altogether are huge.

Anyway, you got it right, the point is that the recipient_id and 
sender_id must be unique only if the message is a draft (autosave feature).

But I’m looking for a general solution as there are other tables and 
other cases when "converting" the insert to upsert would be awesome.

Let’s say that a part of the system will be accessed by another ORM to 
increase the performance. (Hello Rust). Only a DB-level solution 
requires no code duplication.

Accessing the DB with multiple ORMs isn’t uncommon on large scale so 
this might be not only my issue.

This alone doesn’t prove that it’s not possible.

The value returned by "returning id" might be set or read from the
existing or inserted record in some way.

By returning NULL you said the original INSERT never happened and 
nothing is returned, so no id is returned. The embedded INSERT happens 
outside the scope of the trigger.
I see your point and you probably are right. In theory though, it’s 
possible that there is a solution to manually store the returning id. I 
mean maybe a system table or so. Postgresql knows what the client asked 
to return. This must be somewhere. It sounds hackish though.

It hasn’t be a trigger at all. I’m 99% sure I could make it work by 
using a rule and a view or parent or a child table (to avoid the endless 
recursion). However, these together aren’t less complicated than doing 
it through the ORM. The rule isn’t dynamic (regarding the changes in the 
columns) which makes the solution problematic.

The trigger is simple. It allows adding new columns to the table without 
rewriting the trigger. And it works, except that the ORM has no idea 
about the new record’s id. It’s possible to find the record by the 
unique colums, however, the whole point is not modifying the ORM at all.


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Re: [GENERAL] upsert with trigger (or rule)

2016-07-19 Thread Maeldron T.

Hello Adrian,

On 19/07/16 21:27, Adrian Klaver wrote:

On 07/19/2016 11:56 AM, Maeldron T. wrote:

By returning NULL in your function you are skipping the original INSERT.

I know that, I wrote it.

I am sure exactly what you are trying to achieve,

In general, there are the following conditions:

The application uses ORM. The ORM generates inserts. In this case it’s 
Ruby on Rails / ActiveRecord, but it could be anything else.

The business logic requires uniqueness in certain cases.

Upsert is finally there in PostgreSQL.

It’s possible to tell the application to send 'upsert' (on conflict do), 
however, it works by turning off the ORM and build the query. To keep 
the advantages of the ORM, one has to build a library to generate the 
queries. Actually I did it, and it works fine, but there are cases when 
overwriting the insert into upsert in the database is simpler, more 
elegant, more efficient and more stable.

but it would seem the thing to is check for the uniqueness of 
(sender_id, recipient_id) in your function and then modify the 
original INSERT row as needed and then RETURN it as NEW.

I don’t see how that would help. Except if you mean deleting the old 
record, which is neither efficient nor safe in race conditions.

This works fine. As far as I see adding new columns to messages table
won’t require updating the procedure. Which is great.

There is one issue though. The orm sends 'insert into messages 
returning id'. As the original insert is skipped, the id, which is a
serial, is not returned, so the orm can’t see the new/updated 
record's id.

Is there a way to make the 'returning id' part work?

Not that I know of:

"A trigger function must return either NULL or a record/row value 
having exactly the structure of the table the trigger was fired for."

This alone doesn’t prove that it’s not possible.

The value returned by "returning id" might be set or read from the 
existing or inserted record in some way.

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[GENERAL] upsert with trigger (or rule)

2016-07-19 Thread Maeldron T.


I’m trying to rewrite inserts to upserts on a table when a certain 
column has a certain value. Reason: the inserts are coming from an ORM. 
It’s possible to send upsert from the ORM, however, in this case I find 
it more elegant and future-proof to deal with it at the DB level.

First attempt:

create rule messages_insert_draft as on insert to messages where 
new.is_draft do instead insert into messages values (new.*) on conflict 
(sender_id, recipient_id) where is_draft do update set body = 
excluded.body, updated_at = excluded.updated_at;

This has two disadvantages:

1. It doesnt work because of the endless recursion. Is there a way to 
deal with the recursion without adding another column to the table?

2. Every time the table’s sctructure changes the rule has to be updated too.

With trigger:

create function trigger_messages_insert_draft() returns trigger as $$


  insert into messages values (new.*) on conflict (sender_id, 
recipient_id) where is_draft do update set body = excluded.body, 
updated_at = excluded.updated_at;

  return null;


$$ language plpgsql;

create trigger messages_before_insert_draft before insert on messages 
for each row when ( new.is_draft and pg_trigger_depth() = 0 ) execute 
procedure trigger_messages_insert_draft();

This works fine. As far as I see adding new columns to messages table 
won’t require updating the procedure. Which is great.

There is one issue though. The orm sends 'insert into messages  
returning id'. As the original insert is skipped, the id, which is a 
serial, is not returned, so the orm can’t see the new/updated record's id.

Is there a way to make the 'returning id' part work?


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[GENERAL] BSD initdb without ICU support and switch later

2016-01-29 Thread Maeldron T.

the ICU patch isn’t ready for PostgreSQL on FreeBSD.

Is there any risk (more than 0) in executing the initdb without ICU
support and recompiling PostgreSQL later when the ICU patch is ready? I
mean any risk without making a dump and import before the switch.

If this is okay for sure, what should I do later when the ICU is
available? Do I have to reindex everything with the ICU patched database?

Thank you.


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[GENERAL] Failback to old master

2014-08-28 Thread Maeldron T.

I swear I have read a couple of old threads. Yet I am not sure if it safe
to failback to the old master in case of async replication without base

I have the latest 9.3 server
A: master
B: slave
B is actively connected to A

I shut down A manually with -m fast (it's the default FreeBSD init script
I remove the recovery.conf from B
I restart B
I create a recovery.conf on A
I start A
I see nothing wrong in the logs
I go for a lunch
I shut down B
I remove the recovery.conf on A
I restart A
I restore the recovery.conf on B
I start B
I see nothing wrong in the logs and I see that replication is working

Can I say that my data is safe in this case?

If the answer is yes, is it safe to do this if there was a power outage on
A instead of manual shutdown? Considering that the log says nothing wrong.
(Of course if it complains I'd do base backup from B).

Thank you,
