(pls, include me in the reply, i am resending this from here since the one sent 
from achill(at)matrix(dot)gatewaynet(dot)com didn't make it for some reason)

Hello, we are using and still maintaining a heavily modified version of 
DBMirror in our infrastructure, 
involving one master and 80 (and growing) remote slaves, connected via UUCP 
over (unreliable) satelite comms.
We modified DBmirror to account for as we call it :
"Foreign Key dependency oriented, row grained, conditional, Asynchronous, Lazy 
Its simplicity and ease of extending were the major factors for adopting 
DBmirror early (circa 2004) instead of another replication 
Here is the description of the specific table i am trying to insert from inside 
the trigger function: (those who have worked with DBMirror should be familiar)
dynacom=# \d dbmirror_pendingdata
Table "public.dbmirror_pendingdata"
Column |       Type        | Modifiers 
seqid  | integer           | not null
iskey  | boolean           | not null
data   | character varying | 
"dbmirror_pendingdata_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (seqid, iskey)
Foreign-key constraints:
"$1" FOREIGN KEY (seqid) REFERENCES dbmirror_pending(seqid) ON UPDATE CASCADE 
Now the problem : up to 9.0 this code used to work :
Oid                     planArgTypes[1] = {NAMEOID};
char       *insQuery = "INSERT INTO dbmirror_pendingdata (SeqId,IsKey,Data) 
void       *pplan;
Datum           planData[1];
char       *cpKeyData;
int                     iRetValue;
pplan = SPI_prepare(insQuery, 1, planArgTypes);
if (pplan == NULL)
elog(NOTICE, "Could not prepare INSERT plan");
return -1;
cpKeyData = packageData(....);
// ^^ this is normal NULL terminated C char *, no varlena header
planData[0] = PointerGetDatum(cpKeyData);
iRetValue = SPI_execp(pplan, planData, NULL, 1);
if (cpKeyData != 0)
if (iRetValue != SPI_OK_INSERT)
elog(NOTICE, "Error inserting row in pendingDelete");
return -1;
return 0;
The above worked fine till 9.0 (9.0 included) (although i am sure we should 
have updated the code to match some post 8.3 changes, ok we are guilty of this).
Trying to update a row of a table (in this example named "items") participating 
in the DBMirror replication e.g. 
dynacom=# update items set comment = "1" where id=1637984;
is supposed to result into a row looking like the following :
dynacom=# select data from dbmirror_pendingdata where seqid = 28073232;
"id"='1637984' "vslwhid"='579' "serialno"= "rh"= "lastinspdate"= 
"classused"='0' "classaa"= "classsurvey"= "classsurveydate"= "classduedate"= 
"classpostponed"= "classcomment"= "defid"='325010' "machtypecount"='1' 
"totalrh"='0' "comment"= "attachments"= "lastrepdate"='2011-06-27' "pmsstate"= 
I am writing the above to give you an idea of how the DBmirror encoding looks 
like on this specific table (name "items").
Trying to run this In 9.2.1 the above code stores only varchars up to 64 bytes: 
dynacom=# select data from dbmirror_pendingdata where seqid in (select seqid 
FROM dbmirror_pending WHERE slaveid=533) AND NOT iskey;
"id"='1377285' "vslwhid"='533' "serialno"= "rh"= "lastinspdate"=`|\x01\x08
We see that is data content is truncated after the 64th byte.
NAMEOID indeed has 64-byte length, so i changed this to :
Oid                     planArgTypes[1] = {VARCHAROID};
The result was a substantial delay (6 secs) in performing the update, + a major 
corruption of the inserted row :
dynacom=# \timing 
Timing is on.
dynacom=# update items set comment = "1" where id=1377285;
Time: 6272,113 ms
dynacom=# \timing 
Timing is off.
dynacom=# select data from dbmirror_pendingdata where seqid in (select seqid 
FROM dbmirror_pending WHERE slaveid=533) AND NOT iskey;
ERROR:  compressed data is corrupt
That got me thinking that maybe this particular function storeData (which is 
the basic function writing out replication data) needed major overhaul.
I read a bit about the varlena functions and ended up into something like this :
Oid                     planArgTypes[1] = {VARCHAROID};
char       *insQuery = "INSERT INTO dbmirror_pendingdata (SeqId,IsKey,Data) 
SPIPlanPtr pplan;
Datum           planData[1];
char       *cpKeyData;
char       *cpKeyData_tmp;
int                     iRetValue;
pplan = SPI_prepare(insQuery, 1, planArgTypes);
if (pplan == NULL)
elog(NOTICE, "Could not prepare INSERT plan");
return -1;
cpKeyData = packageData(....);
// ^^ this is normal NULL terminated C char *, no varlena header
cpKeyData_tmp = palloc(VARHDRSZ+strlen(cpKeyData));
memcpy((cpKeyData_tmp+VARHDRSZ), cpKeyData, strlen(cpKeyData));
SET_VARSIZE(cpKeyData_tmp, VARHDRSZ+strlen(cpKeyData));
planData[0] = PointerGetDatum(cpKeyData_tmp);
iRetValue = SPI_execp(pplan, planData, NULL, 1);
if (cpKeyData != 0)
if (cpKeyData_tmp != 0)
if (iRetValue != SPI_OK_INSERT)
elog(NOTICE, "Error inserting row in storeData");
return -1;
return 0;
The above seems to work ok on PostgreSQL 9.2.1.
I just think that :
- the changes in the semantics of NAMEOID could be somewhere documented in the 
docs (postgresql-9.2.1/HISTORY) 
- i believe that the documentation on how to store C strings as varchar is 
almost absent, i just followed the comments
in postgres.h
Achilleas Mantzios

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