Re: [SQL] [NOVICE] Understanding Encoding

2013-09-06 Thread Tom Lane
Beena Emerson writes:
 It still gives same result:

 $ LANG=ko_KR LC_ALL=ko_KR
 $ psql -d korean

 korean=# SHOW client_encoding;
 (1 row)

 korean=# INSERT INTO tbl VALUES ('그레스');
 ERROR:  invalid byte sequence for encoding EUC_KR: 0xa0 0x88

What you need to figure out is what encoding the text you are typing
is in.  You're telling psql it's EUC_KR but it evidently isn't.
If you're typing these characters manually then it's probably determined
by a setting of the terminal-emulator program you're using.  But if
you're copying-and-pasting then things get more complicated.

Also, what you did above is not what Amit suggested: he wanted you to put
the variable assignments on the same command line as the psql invocation,
so that they'd affect the environment passed to psql.  I'm suspicious of
his solution because I'd have thought the terminal program would set up
the right environment ... but you might as well try it.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] update column based on postgis query on anther table

2013-07-15 Thread Tom Lane
Stefan Sylla writes:
 Now I want to use a trigger function to automatically update the column 
 'id_test1_poly' in tabel 'test1_point':

 create or replace function test1_point_get_id_test1_poly() returns 
 trigger as $$
  return new;
 language plpgsql volatile;
 -- create trigger for function:
 create trigger test1_point_get_id_test1_poly
after insert or update on test1_point for each row execute procedure 

I think you need that to be a BEFORE insert or update trigger.  In
an AFTER trigger, it's too late to affect the stored row.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Unquoted column names fold to lower case

2013-07-03 Thread Tom Lane
Dev Kumkar writes:
 Any plans to fix this in next release or having a patch to fix this?


This has been discussed (many times) before.  There isn't any feasible
way to change this behavior without breaking an incredible amount of
code, much of which isn't even under our control.  The marginal increase
in standards compliance is not worth the pain --- especially when the
aspect of the standard in question isn't even one that most of us like.
(All-upper-case is hard to read.)

If this is a deal-breaker for you, then I'm sorry, but you need to find
another database.  Postgres settled on this behavior fifteen years ago,
and we're not changing it now.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Unquoted column names fold to lower case

2013-07-03 Thread Tom Lane
Alvaro Herrera writes:
 Dev Kumkar escribió:
 But what I am asking here is if an alias name is provided be it upper case,
 lower case, or a mix then shouldn't it be preserved as as it is given. All
 this talk is when alias names are unquoted, when quoted then its standard
 behavior as seen in other databases.

 Aliases are treated just like any other identifier.  The downcasing
 happens in the lexer (src/backend/parser/scan.l), which is totally
 unaware of the context in which this is happening; so there's no way to
 tweak the downcasing behavior for only aliases and not other

Quite aside from implementation difficulty, restricting the change to
just column aliases doesn't make it more palatable.  You'd entirely lose
the argument that the change increases spec compliance, because the spec
is perfectly clear that a column alias is an identifier just like any
other.  And you'd still be paying a large part of the application
breakage costs, because the identifiers coming back in query descriptors
are one of the main ways applications would notice such a change.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Index Usage and Running Times by FullTextSearch with prefix matching

2013-06-13 Thread Tom Lane
rawi writes:
 And querying: FTS with prefix matching:

 SELECT count(a)
 FROM t1
 WHERE a_tsvector @@ to_tsquery('aaa:*  b:*  c:*  d:*')

 (RESULT: count: 619)
 Total query runtime: 21266 ms.

FWIW, I get fairly decent performance for cases like this in HEAD
(at least with a GIN index; GIST seems much less able to do well with
short prefixes).  What PG version are you testing?

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] bug in 9.2.2 ? subquery accepts wrong column name : upd

2013-03-14 Thread Tom Lane
Achilleas Mantzios writes:
 dynacom=# SELECT DISTINCT ON (qry.setid) qry.setid, qry.arragg[1:2] FROM 
   (select distinct sst.setid,(array_agg( OVER (PARTITION BY 
 sst.setid ORDER BY character_length( as arragg 
   FROM sissets sst, vessels vsl WHERE ORDER BY 
 sst.setid) as qry 
  WHERE array_length(qry.arragg,1)1  AND qry.setid IN (SELECT setid from 
 sis_oper_cons) ORDER BY qry.setid,array_length(qry.arragg,1);
 [ works ]

 however, there is not column setid in sis_oper_cons,

If not, that's a perfectly legal outer reference to qry.setid.

Probably not one of SQL's better design features, since it confuses
people regularly; but it's required by spec to work like that.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] UPDATE query with variable number of OR conditions in WHERE

2013-03-14 Thread Tom Lane
Ben Morrow writes:
 I am building an UPDATE query at run-time and one of the fields I want to
 include in the WHERE condition may repeat several times, I do not know how
 UPDATE table1
 SET field1 = some value
 WHERE (field2 = value_1 OR field2 = value_2 OR .OR field2 = value_n)
 I build such a query using a programming language and, after that, I
 execute it. Is this a good approach to build such a query?

 You can use IN for this:

 UPDATE table1
 SET field1 = some value
 WHERE field2 IN (value_1, value_2, ...);

IN is definitely better style than a long chain of ORs.  Another
possibility is to use = ANY(ARRAY):

UPDATE table1
SET field1 = some value
WHERE field2 = ANY (ARRAY[value_1, value_2, ...]);

This is not better than IN as-is (in particular, IN is SQL-standard and
this is not), but it opens the door to treating the array of values as a
single parameter:

UPDATE table1
SET field1 = some value
WHERE field2 = ANY ($1::int[]);

(or text[], etc).  Now you can build the array client-side and not need
a new statement for each different number of comparison values.  If
you're not into prepared statements, this may not excite you, but some
people find it to be a big deal.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Need help revoking access WHERE state = 'deleted'

2013-02-28 Thread Tom Lane
Mark Stosberg writes:
 # Explicitly grant access to the view.
 db= grant select on entities_not_deleted to myuser;

 # Try again to use the view. Still fails
 db= SELECT 1 FROM entities_not_deleted WHERE some_col = 'y';
 ERROR:  permission denied for relation entities

What's failing is that the *owner of the view* needs, and hasn't got,
select access on the entities table.  This is a separate check from
whether the current user has permission to select from the view.
Without such a check, views would be a security hole.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Update HSTORE record and then delete if it is now empty - What is the correct sql?

2013-02-23 Thread Tom Lane
Ashwin Jayaprakash writes:
 Hi, here's what I'm trying to do:
- I have a table that has an HSTORE column
- I would like to delete some key-vals from it
- If after deleting key-vals, the HSTORE column is empty, I'd like to
 delete the entire row

 with update_qry as(
   update up_del as r
   set data = delete(data, 'c=678')
   where name = 'cc'
   returning r.*
 delete from up_del
 where name in (select name from update_qry)
 and array_length(akeys(data), 1) is null;

 *Q1: *That DELETE statement does not work

Nope, it won't, because a single query can only update any particular
table row once, and the DELETE plus its WITH clauses is still only a
single query.

If you want no empty hstore values to be an invariant of your data
structure, then expecting every update query to implement that correctly
seems like a pretty bad idea anyway.  Consider using a trigger to do
that, ie something like BEFORE UPDATE FOR EACH ROW DO if new hstore
value is null then delete the row and return null.

A problem with that approach is that the returned count of updated rows
won't be very meaningful, and RETURNING values likewise.  If that's a
problem for you, you could use an AFTER trigger instead, which will be a
little slower but it hides the deletes behind the scenes.  (Note: a
DELETE issued in a trigger is a separate query, which is why it doesn't
fall foul of the limitation your WITH query did.)

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Writeable CTE Not Working?

2013-01-29 Thread Tom Lane
Kong Man writes:
 Hi Victor,
 I see 2 problems with this query:
 1) CTE is just a named subquery, in your query I see no reference to
 the “upd_code” CTE.
 Therefore it is never gets called;

 So, in conclusion, my misconception about CTE in general was that all CTE get 
 called without being referenced.

I think this explanation is wrong --- if you run the query with EXPLAIN
ANALYZE, you can see from the rowcounts that the writable CTE *does* get
run to completion, as indeed is stated to be the behavior in the fine

However, for a case like this where the main query isn't reading from
the CTE, the CTE will get cycled to completion after the main query is
done.  I think what is happening is that the main query is updating all
the rows in the table, and then when the CTE comes along it thinks the
rows are already updated in the current command, so it doesn't replace
'em a second time.  This is a consequence of the fact that the same
command-counter ID is used throughout the query.  My recollection is
that that choice was intentional and that doing it differently would
break use-cases that are less outlandish than this one.  I don't recall
specific examples though.

Why are you trying to update the same table in two different parts of
this query, anyway?  The best you can really hope for with that is
unspecified behavior --- we will surely not promise that one of them
completes before the other starts, so in general there's no way to be
sure which one would process a particular row first.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] How to access multicolumn function results?

2013-01-23 Thread Tom Lane
Andreas writes:
 SELECT some_fct( some_id ) FROM some_other_table;
 How can I split this up to look like a normal table or view with the 
 column names that are defined in the RETURNS TABLE ( ... ) expression of 
 the function.

The easy way is

SELECT (some_fct(some_id)).* FROM some_other_table;

If you're not too concerned about efficiency, you're done.  However this
isn't very efficient, because the way the parser deals with expanding
the * is to make N copies of the function call, as you can see with
EXPLAIN VERBOSE --- you'll see something similar to

Output: (some_fct(some_id)).fld1, (some_fct(some_id)).fld2, ...

If the function is expensive enough that that's a problem, the basic
way to fix it is

SELECT (ss.x).* FROM
 (SELECT some_fct(some_id) AS x FROM some_other_table) ss;

With a RETURNS TABLE function, this should be good enough.  With simpler
functions you might have to insert OFFSET 0 into the sub-select to keep
the planner from flattening it into the upper query and producing the
same multiple-evaluation situation.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Curious problem of using BETWEEN with start and end being the same versus EQUALS '='

2013-01-15 Thread Tom Lane
Venky Kandaswamy writes:
On 9.1, I am running into a curious issue.

It's not very curious at all, or at least people on pgsql-performance
(the right list for this sort of question) would have figured it out
quickly.  You're getting a crummy plan because of a crummy row estimate.
When you do this:

  WHERE a.date_id = 20120228

you get this:

 -  Index Scan using alps_agg_date_id on bi2003.alps_agg 
 a  (cost=0.00..17870.00 rows=26292 width=1350) (actual time=0.047..142.383 
 rows=36132 loops=1)
   Output: a.date_id, a.page_group,, 
 a.int_alloc_type, a.componentset, a.adc_visit, upper((a.adc_visit)::text)
   Index Cond: (a.date_id = 20120228)
   Filter: (( = 'ddi_671'::text)

26K estimated rows versus 36K actual isn't the greatest estimate in the
world, but it's plenty good enough.  But when you do this:

  WHERE a.date_id BETWEEN 20120228 AND 20120228

you get this:

 -  Index Scan using alps_agg_date_id on bi2003.alps_agg a  
 (cost=0.00..10.12 rows=1 width=1350)
   Output: a.date_id, a.adc_visit, a.page_group,, 
 a.int_alloc_type, a.componentset, a.variation_tagset, a.page_instance
   Index Cond: ((a.date_id = 20120228) AND (a.date_id = 
   Filter: (( = 'ddi_671'::text)

so the bogus estimate of only one row causes the planner to pick an
entirely different plan, which would probably be a great choice if there
were indeed only one such row, but with 36000 of them it's horrid.

The reason the row estimate is so crummy is that a zero-width interval
is an edge case for range estimates.  We've seen this before, although
usually it's not quite this bad.

There's been some talk of making the estimate for x = a AND x = b
always be at least as much as the estimate for x = a, but this would
increase the cost of making the estimate by quite a bit, and make things
actually worse in some cases (in particular, if a  b then a nil
estimate is indeed the right thing).

You might look into whether queries formed like date_id = 20120228 AND
date_id  20120229 give you more robust estimates at the edge cases.

BTW, I notice in your EXPLAIN results that the same range restriction
has been propagated to b.date_id:

 -  Index Scan using event_agg_date_id on bi2003.event_agg b  
 (cost=0.00..10.27 rows=1 width=1694)
   Output: b.date_id, b.vcset, b.eventcountset, b.eventvalueset
   Index Cond: ((b.date_id = 20120228) AND (b.date_id = 

I'd expect that to happen automatically for a simple equality
constraint, but not for a range constraint.  Did you do that manually
and not tell us about it?

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Date Index

2012-11-05 Thread Tom Lane
Adam  Tauno Williams writes:
 OGo= create index job_date_only on job(extract(date from start_date at
 time zone 'utc'));
 ERROR:  timestamp units date not recognized

There's no field called date in a timestamp.  I think what you're
trying to achieve is date_trunc('day', start_date at time zone 'utc')

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Database object names and libpq in UTF-8 locale on Windows

2012-10-11 Thread Tom Lane
Sebastien FLAESCH writes:
 - I can use UTF-8 string constants in my queries.
 - I can pass UTF-8 data to the database with parameterized queries.
 - I can fetch UTF-8 data from the database.
 - I can create db object names with UTF-8 characters.

 But the db object names must be specified with double quotes:
 When I do not use quoted db object names, I get a strange problem.
 The table is created, I can use it in my program, I can even use it in the
 pgAdmin query tool, but in the pgAdmin db browser, there is no table name
 displayed in the treeview...

That sounds like a pgAdmin bug.  You should report it in the pgAdmin
mailing lists.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] underscore pattern in a query doens't work

2012-09-13 Thread Tom Lane
Sergio Calero. writes:
 I'd like to execute a query using the underscore as a pattern.
 select id,etiqueta from limites_municipales where etiqueta like 'Garaf_a';
 [ but this fails to match 'Garafía' ]

I suspect what you have here is an encoding problem.  That is, probably
the í is represented as a multi-byte character (most likely UTF8)
but the server thinks it's working with a single-byte encoding so that
any one character should be only one byte.

You didn't say what your encoding setup is, so it's hard to do more
than speculate.

 PostgreSQL 8.4.1 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.4.6 
 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-10), 64-bit

You do realize this is about 3 years out of date?  The 8.4 series is up
to release 8.4.13, and a lot of those updates contained fixes for
serious bugs.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] underscore pattern in a query doens't work

2012-09-13 Thread Tom Lane
Sergio C. writes:
 We started the cluster up with this command:
 ./initdb -D /usr/local/postgre/data -E UTF8 -U sir

That doesn't prove anything about the specific database where you're
having the problem ...

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] locks and select for update

2012-08-31 Thread Tom Lane
Wayne Cuddy writes:
 The documentation about concurrency states that all the different types
 of locks are table locks even if the word row appears in the lock name.

Section 13.3.1, Table-level Locks, states that all the lock types
discussed therein are table-level locks, even though some of them have
names containing the word ROW for historical reasons.  I don't see how
you'd read it to imply that there are no finer-grained locks anywhere in

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Tablesample Function on Postgres 9.1

2012-08-29 Thread Tom Lane
Mubarik, Aiysha writes:
 I am trying to run a simple query to test out the tablesample function, but 
 in postgres 9.1 it does not recognize the function. As from the wiki it seems 
 like tablesample is supported 

Sorry, that wiki page is just blue-sky speculation.  If the feature were
supported, you would find it in the main documentation.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Error: Template Id should be teh identifier of a template - help

2012-08-17 Thread Tom Lane
Alex writes:
 When I execute this:


 I get the following error from psql.  Could you tell me what is wrong  
 or how to fix it?

 REPLACE(PAGE_URL, '.dot', '.html') WHERE PAGE_URL LIKE '';  
 failed : ERROR: Template Id should be the identifier of a template

That is not any built-in Postgres error message.  Perhaps it is coming
from a trigger function or some such?  In any case, we can't help you.
You need to identify what layer of software it's coming from, and
complain to the appropriate people.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] fsync debug messages in pgsql logs

2012-08-08 Thread Tom Lane
Wayne Cuddy writes:
 I'm seeing this in my PGSQL logs, is this something to be concerned
 about? I know the file system it sits on is reliable and the DB appears
 to run with fine, additionally the log indicates it's a debug message. I
 did some google searches and didn't find much.
 When I examine the file system file by these names to not exist.

If it only complains once per file name, this is expected behavior when
somebody drops a table just before the checkpoint mechanism tries to
fsync it.  (If the failure were to repeat, then it might be something
more interesting.)  It does seem a bit odd that only fsm files are being
complained of, though.

What PG version is that exactly?

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] fsync debug messages in pgsql logs

2012-08-08 Thread Tom Lane
Wayne Cuddy writes:
 On Wed, Aug 08, 2012 at 12:23:22PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
 If it only complains once per file name, this is expected behavior when
 somebody drops a table just before the checkpoint mechanism tries to
 fsync it.  (If the failure were to repeat, then it might be something
 more interesting.)  It does seem a bit odd that only fsm files are being
 complained of, though.
 What PG version is that exactly?

 It's 9.0.4. I'm frequently truncating tables but not dropping them.

Under the hood, TRUNCATE creates a new empty table and then drops the
old one after commit.  So that sounds consistent.  It's still a bit odd
that all the messages are about FSM files, but maybe that has something
to do with sequence-of-operations in the DROP.  Anyway, nothing to see
here AFAICT.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] can this be done with a check expression?

2012-08-02 Thread Tom Lane
Wayne Cuddy writes:
 I have a table with 3 columns:
 name text
 start_id integer
 end_id integer

 start_id and end_id are ranges which must not overlap but can have gaps
 between them. Is it possible to formulate a table check constraint that
 can verify that either id does not fall within an existing range at
 insert time? IE prevent overlaps during insert?

You can't do it reliably with a check constraint, at least not short of
taking table-wide locks to serialize all modifications of the table.
(If you were willing to do that, a check constraint calling a function
that does an EXISTS probe would work; although personally I'd use a
trigger instead.  Either way, performance is likely to suck.)

A less bogus way of doing things is to use an EXCLUDE constraint,
although that will restrict you to be running PG 9.0 or newer.  You
also need some way of representing the ranges as indexable objects.
In 9.0 or 9.1, probably the best way is to use contrib/seg/ to
represent the ranges as line segments.  9.2 will have a cleaner
solution, ie range types.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] FW: view derived from view doesn't use indexes

2012-07-26 Thread Tom Lane
Russell Keane writes:
 Using PG 9.0 and given the following definitions:

 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION status_to_flag(status character)
 RETURNS integer AS
 LANGUAGE plpgsql

 SELECT status_to_flag(test_table.status) AS flag,
 FROM test_table;

 FROM test_view1
 WHERE test_view1.flag = 1;

I think the reason why the planner is afraid to flatten this is that the
function is (by default) marked VOLATILE.  Volatile functions in the
select list are an optimization fence.  That particular function looks
like it should be IMMUTABLE instead, since it depends on no database
state.  If it does look at database state, you can probably use STABLE.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] DELETE using an outer join

2012-07-20 Thread Tom Lane
Sergey Konoplev writes:
 On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 6:52 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
 Now I was wondering if a DELETE statement could be rewritten with the same 

 Not at the moment.  There have been discussions of allowing the same
 table name to be respecified in USING, but there are complications.

 However it works.

 DELETE FROM some_table USING some_table AS s
 some_table.col1 = s.col1 AND
 some_table.col2 = s.col2 AND;

No, that's a self-join, which isn't what the OP wanted.  You can make it
work if you self-join on the primary key and then left join to the other
table, but that's pretty klugy and inefficient.

What was being discussed is allowing people to write directly

DELETE FROM some_table USING some_table LEFT JOIN other_table ...

where the respecification of the table in USING would be understood
to mean the target table.  Right now this is an error case because
of duplicate table aliases.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] DELETE using an outer join

2012-07-19 Thread Tom Lane
Thomas Kellerer writes:
 Lately I had some queries of the form:

 select t.*
 from some_table t
 where not in (select some_id from some_other_table);

 I could improve the performance of them drastically by changing the NOT NULL 
 into an outer join:

 select t.*
 from some_table t
left join some_other_table ot on =
 where is null;

If you're using a reasonably recent version of PG, replacing the NOT IN
by a NOT EXISTS test should also help.

 Now I was wondering if a DELETE statement could be rewritten with the same 

Not at the moment.  There have been discussions of allowing the same
table name to be respecified in USING, but there are complications.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] How does Numeric division determine precision?

2012-07-12 Thread Tom Lane
Will Pugh writes:
 It seems that is 9.1, numerics that don't have a specified precision
 and scale are arbitrary scale/precision.
 For many operations this is straightforward.  However, when doing a
 division operation that does not terminate, I'm curious about how the
 number of digits is determined.

According to select_div_scale() in src/backend/utils/adt/numeric.c,

 * The result scale of a division isn't specified in any SQL standard. For
 * PostgreSQL we select a result scale that will give at least
 * NUMERIC_MIN_SIG_DIGITS significant digits, so that numeric gives a
 * result no less accurate than float8; but use a scale not less than
 * either input's display scale.

I wouldn't necessarily claim that that couldn't be improved on,
but that's what it does now.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] possible bug in psql

2012-05-28 Thread Tom Lane
chester c young writes:
 do not know if right mailing list
 in psql in Ubuntu, when beginning with a smaller terminal, eg, 80 col wide, 
 then moving to a larger terminal, eg, 132 col wide, the readline(?) editor in 
 psql still treats like 80 cols, making it impossible to edit longer text.

You'd need to tell the readline people about that one.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] SELECT 1st field

2012-05-15 Thread Tom Lane
Jan Bakuwel writes:
 What I need is the ability to name the column in the view, ie.

 create view v as select 1 as id from func(5);

I think what you're looking for is the ability to re-alias a column name,
for example

select id from func(5) as foo(id);

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] order by different on mac vs linux

2012-05-14 Thread Tom Lane
Wes James writes:
 Why is there a different order on the different platforms.

This is not exactly unusual.  You should first check to see if
lc_collate is set differently in the two installations --- but even if
it's the same, there are often platform-specific interpretations of
the sorting rules.  (Not to mention that OS X is flat out broken when
it comes to sorting UTF8 data ...)

If you want consistent cross-platform results, C locale will get
that for you, but it's pretty stupid about non-ASCII characters.

For more info read

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Finding Max Value in a Row

2012-05-13 Thread Tom Lane
Carlos Mennens writes:
 I'm not understanding why I'm not able to change this column type from
 char to integer?

 forza=# ALTER TABLE customers
 ALTER COLUMN cust_id TYPE integer;
 ERROR:  column cust_id cannot be cast to type integer

Try ALTER ... cust_id TYPE integer USING cust_id::integer.

If you don't specify a USING expression, the command requires an
implicit coercion from one type to the other, and there is none from
char(n) to int.  You can force it with an explicit coercion, though.

It strikes me that cannot be cast is a poor choice of words here,
since the types *can* be cast if you try.  Would it be better if the
message said cannot be cast implicitly to type foo?  We could also
consider a HINT mentioning use of USING.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Uniform UPDATE queries

2012-04-18 Thread Tom Lane
Dennis writes:
 When a query is written to update a table, the usual process is to list all 
 the columns that need 
 updating. This could imply the creation of many possible queries for many 
 columns. In an effort to 
 keep the UPDATE queries more uniform, less number of unique queries, a 
 keyword similar to DEFAULT, 
 let's say CURRENT, is required to indicate that the current value must not 

No it isn't.  Just write the name of the column, eg

update mytable set x = x, y = new value, z = z where ...

There's no reason to invent nonstandard syntax for this.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] sintax error

2012-04-11 Thread Tom Lane
kevalshah writes:
 At present whenever there is any error in syntax of fired query 
 i get error message in terms of charcter at char 53 
 I also would like to have line no: from psql terminal..

Umm ... any reasonably recent version of psql will show syntax errors
like this:

regression=# select 1/ from foo;
ERROR:  syntax error at or near from
LINE 1: select 1/ from foo;

If you're using something so old that it doesn't do that, the answer
is to update.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] COPY without quoting

2012-03-15 Thread Tom Lane
Lee Hachadoorian writes:
 COPY ... TO ... WITH CSV defaults to quoting string fields with embedded 
 delimiters, quotes, and newlines. In pgAdmin I can execute to file and 
 specify no quoting for the output, in which case I get (what I want) a 
 file with no quotes, even though there are embedded commas in the 

Uh ... why exactly would you want that?  It seems impossible to parse
such a file.

If what you want is an unparsable file, you could just strip out the
quotes with sed after the fact.  But COPY is not in the business of
producing non-machine-readable files, so the fact that it doesn't have
an option for this doesn't bother me.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Type Ahead Issue

2012-03-07 Thread Tom Lane
Carlos Mennens writes:
 Am I missing something here? When the command is on one line, auto
 complete works fine but when I break it up as show above in the 2nd
 example, it acts like 'COLUMN' isn't even a valid option but if I
 manually type the word 'COLUMN' and finish the command, it works.

Yeah, the autocompletion logic can only see the current line of input,
so in your second example it has no idea that this is an ALTER TABLE
command.  My recollection is that there's no very nice way around that
given the limitations of the readline callback interface, though maybe
if somebody got ambitious they could improve it.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Natural sort order

2012-02-29 Thread Tom Lane
Richard Klingler writes:
 Took some time until I could try out this...
 But as soon I want to create the fcuntion based index it tells me:
   Error : ERROR:  functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE

FWIW, this example works fine for me.  Maybe you have some weird
user-defined version of substr() or ~ that isn't immutable?

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] array_agg order by

2012-02-27 Thread Tom Lane
jdmorgan writes:
 I am using a array_agg to get a subset of data to use in a 
 query.However, I can't figure out how to get the data returned in the 
 array_agg function to sort with an order by function.Any help would be 
 appreciated.Here is my query as it is now.I am using postgresql 8:

Well, if you were using 9.0 or later, you could do this right:

select array_agg(foo order by bar), otherstuff from ..tables..;

You can kind of get there in older versions with a sub-select:

select array_agg(foo), otherstuff
  (select foo, otherstuff from ..tables.. order by whatever) ss;

However that's a bit shaky because you can't do very much in the outer
query, like say grouping, without risking messing up the sort ordering.
You have to keep a close eye on the EXPLAIN output for your query to
make sure nothing re-sorts the data before it gets to the Aggregate

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Function definitions - batch update

2012-02-21 Thread Tom Lane
Marcin Krawczyk writes:
 I've come across a situation when I need to add some constant code to all
 functions in my database. Does anyone know a way to batch update all
 definitions ? I've got like 500 functions so doing it one by one will be
 time consuming.

If you're feeling like a DBA cowboy, become superuser and issue a direct
UPDATE against the prosrc column of pg_proc, being careful not to update
rows that aren't the functions you want to hit.

Slightly saner would be to read pg_proc and construct CREATE OR REPLACE
FUNCTION commands that you then EXECUTE.  The latter, if not done as
superuser, would at least ensure you didn't accidentally break any
functions you don't own.

In either case, I'd practice against a test copy of the database before
doing this live ...

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] pg_dump not correctly saving schema with partitioned tables?

2012-01-31 Thread Tom Lane
chester c young writes:
 have database with many partitions.  each partition table has its own primary 
 key sequence.
Column  ||  Modifiers   
  uno_id|| not null default nextval('cmp0004.cmt_uno_id_seq'::regclass)

 when dumped and then resorted, the pk sequence is changed to an inherited- 
 from table:

 Column||  Modifiers   
  uno_id   || not null default nextval('uno_uno_id_seq'::regclass)

 (another error is that the pk sequence does not spec the schema!)

I see no reason to think there is a bug here; it's more likely that you
do not understand the display behavior of regclass constants.  They only
print a schema name if your current search_path is such that the
relation wouldn't be found by writing just the unqualified name.
So the most likely explanation for the discrepancy above is that you
executed the two \d commands under different search_path settings.

It's possible that you have actually found a pg_dump bug, but if so
you'll need to submit a complete test-case exhibiting the bug.

regards, tom lane

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Re: Fw: Re: [SQL] pg_dump not correctly saving schema with partitioned tables?

2012-01-31 Thread Tom Lane
chester c young writes:
 here is a test case:

[ slightly less messed-up test case for anyone who wants to duplicate this: ]

create schema s1;
create schema s2;
create table s1.t1(
c1  bigserial   primary key,
c2 text );
create table s2.t1(
c1  bigserial   primary key
) inherits( s1.t1 );

In the original database, s1.t1.c1 has a default referring to sequence
s1.t1_c1_seq, while s2.t1.c1 has a different default referring to
sequence s2.t1_c1_seq.  However, pg_dump examines the database roughly
like this:

1. Set search_path to s1.
2. Examine s1.t1's default expression; it looks like
3. Set search_path to s2.
4. Examine s2.t1's default expression; it looks like
5. Textually compare these defaults, find that they appear textually
   identical, conclude that s2.t1's default is inherited from s1.t1.
   Which it is not --- but after a dump and restore, it will be,
   because pg_dump set it up that way.

The only near-term fix I can see for that is for pg_dump to stop
trafficking in inherited defaults at all.  That is, always install
do that over again explicitly for each child table.  Since (AFAICT)
the system catalogs don't explicitly record inherited-ness of defaults,
this should produce the correct state even when the default really was
inherited, and it dodges this problem of search-path-sensitive
printouts, or indeed the whole idea of trying to compare text
representations of default expressions at all (which is surely a kluge
from the get-go).  The code in pg_dump is jumping through hoops to
use inherited creation of defaults whenever possible, but I'm not sure
I see much point in that.

In the longer term it might be nicer if the system catalogs did record
inherited-ness of defaults (and then pg_dump could rely on that info
instead of guessing); but that would be a far more invasive change.

regards, tom lane

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2012-01-05 Thread Tom Lane
Carlos Mennens writes:
 Does it matter when writing SQL code in PostgreSQL if I use DECIMAL or
 NUMERIC date types for a column named 'price' assuming it's to store
 the associated items actual dollar amount?

No, because they're the same type in Postgres, as you were already told
last week:

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block

2011-12-30 Thread Tom Lane
Jan Bakuwel writes:
 Why-o-why have the PostgreSQL developers decided to do it this way...?

Because starting and cleaning up a subtransaction is an expensive thing.
If we had auto-rollback at the statement level, you would be paying that
overhead for every statement in every transaction, whether you need it
or not (since obviously there's no way to forecast in advance whether a
statement will fail).  Making it depend on explicit savepoints allows
the user/application to control whether that overhead is expended or

If you want to pay that price all the time, there are client-side
frameworks that will do it for you, or you can roll your own easily
enough.  So we do not see it as a big deal that the database server
itself doesn't act that way.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Does anyone know of any issues around ARRAY UNNEST

2011-11-27 Thread Tom Lane
Belinda Cussen writes:
 The code works ok on my database too when I call the procedure only once
 sequentially. I hit the segmentation fault consistently when I try to call
 the proc concurrently.

What do you mean by concurrently?  There is no multithreading within
Postgres backends, and it's really hard to believe that unnest would be
affected by what's happening in other server processes.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Does anyone know of any issues around ARRAY UNNEST

2011-11-27 Thread Tom Lane
Belinda Cussen writes:
 I've managed to produce this fault consistently now.
 Below is the simplified code:

 CREATE TABLE foo_1 (id int primary key,media_uri TEXT);
 INSERT INTO foo_1(id) SELECT i FROM generate_series(1,100) g(i);

 v_activity_id_list INTEGER ARRAY;

  UPDATE foo_1
 SET media_uri = 'a'
  WHERE id IN (SELECT activity_id FROM UNNEST (v_activity_id_list)
 return 'success';

 $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

 I then open 2 command lines and run:
 select bb_crash_db_5();

Thanks, I was able to reproduce it with this test case.  It turns out
not to have anything directly to do with UNNEST, but with the code that
deals with concurrent row updates.

I've committed a fix, which will appear in next week's updates.
Thanks for the report and test case!

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] strange error message

2011-11-25 Thread Tom Lane
Uwe Bartels writes:
 I've got a strange error message in our java application.

 ERROR JDBCTransaction:124 - JDBC commit failed
 *org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: bogus varno: 65001*

This is a symptom of some kind of planner error.  If you are not
running the latest minor release of your Postgres branch, update
and see if it goes away.  If not, please file a bug report with
sufficient information to reproduce the problem by hand (ie, the
problem query plus schema+data sufficient to run it against).

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] the use of $$string$$

2011-11-04 Thread Tom Lane
John Fabiani writes:
 I just discovered that I can use $$string$$ to account for the problem of 
 single quotes in the string (or other strange char's).  However, I noticed 
 that the table field contained E'string'.  I actually tried to find info on 
 this but I did not find anything.  

 Could someone explain what it means or better provide a web link for me to 
 discover the info.

See Dollar-quoted String Constants, about halfway down the
page.  You might care to read the rest of 4.1.2 while at it.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] optimize self-join query

2011-10-27 Thread Tom Lane
Ty Busby writes:
 I have a table that stores a very large starting number called 
 epc_start_numeric and a quantity.  I've apparently built the most inefficient 
 query possible for doing the job I need: find out if any records overlap.  
 Imagine the epc_start_numeric + quantity representing a block of numbers.  I 
 need to find out if any of these blocks overlap.

Yeah, overlap is a hard problem.  Basically, Postgres doesn't have any
way to do your query short of comparing each row to each other row,
so the cost goes up as O(N^2).

If you know more than you've let on about the properties of the
intervals, you might be able to improve things.  For instance
if the intervals fall into nonoverlapping buckets then you could
add a constraint that the buckets of the two sides are equal.
Postgres is a lot better with equality join constraints than it
is with range constraints, so it would be able to match up rows
and only do the O(N^2) work within each bucket.

In the long run we might have better answers --- Jeff Davis has been
working on range types for years now, and one of the long-range goals
of that is to have smarter support for this type of problem.  But for
now, it's going to be painful.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] plpgsql function executed multiple times for each return value

2011-10-08 Thread Tom Lane
Steve Northamer writes:
 So my questions are:  1) How do we cause the paymentcalc function to be 
 executed only once?

In recent versions, I think marking it volatile would be sufficient.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] ambiguous local variable name in 9.0 proc

2011-09-21 Thread Tom Lane
David Johnston writes:
 On Behalf Of Samuel Gendler
 I'm happy to modify the proc definition, except that I am unsure how to do
 so other than to rename the variable, which is my least favourite way to do
 that.  I'd far rather qualify the name somehow, so that it knows that I am
 refering to a local variable, if at all possible.  Suggestions?
 Not tested but I think all local variables are implicitly scoped to the
 function name so you should be able to do the following:
 WHERE reporting_mgmt.aggregate_timescales_impl.tbl_schema = e.tbl_schema

More accurately: you can qualify a local variable's name with the label
attached to the block in which it's declared; or with the function's
name if the variable is a function parameter.  See the fine manual:

 I believe there is some way to define the function so that it does not throw
 that particular error; it would be up to you make sure that the ambiguity is
 being resolved correctly (which it should in this particular case).

Yes, see variable_conflict in

I wouldn't really recommend turning off the conflict detection, though.
We put it in because of the number of hours people had wasted on
unrecognized conflicts.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Use select and update together

2011-09-17 Thread Tom Lane
Guillaume Lelarge writes:
 On Sat, 2011-09-17 at 16:56 +0200, Andreas wrote:
 select * from (
 update tbl set val = 1 where key in ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ) returning *
 ) as x
 wouldn't work even in PG 9.1.
 So what data structure is coming out of an update ... returning * 
 It obviously doesn't work like a subquery.

 The only way to make something like this work in 9.1 would be:

 (update tbl set val = 1 where key in ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ) returning *)

The reason for that restriction is that WITH guarantees that the
contained query is evaluated once and only once, whereas an ordinary
subquery guarantees no such thing.  So the effects of the UPDATE would
be quite unpredictable if we allowed the former syntax.  (In the
specific example given it would likely work all right anyway, since
there is no reason for a plain SELECT FROM to do anything except scan
the subquery once.  But if you did a join, say, watch out!)

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] where col1 not ilike ('str1%', 'str2%'... 'strN%') support?

2011-08-30 Thread Tom Lane
Emi Lu writes:
 Does psql provide something like the following query command?

 select * from tablename
 where col1 not ilike ('str1%', 'str2%'... 'strN%')

If you remember the operator name equivalent to ILIKE (~~*)
you can do

select * from tablename
where not (col1 ~~* any(array['str1%', 'str2%'... 'strN%']));

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] where col1 not ilike ('str1%', 'str2%'... 'strN%') support?

2011-08-30 Thread Tom Lane
Emi Lu writes:
 On 08/30/2011 11:24 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
 select * from tablename
 where not (col1 ~~* any(array['str1%', 'str2%'... 'strN%']));

 If next version could have not ilike ('', '') added into window 
 functions, that's will be great!

Why?  And what's this got to do with window functions?

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Cursor names in a self-nested function

2011-08-18 Thread Tom Lane
Pavel Stehule writes:
 you can use a refcursor  type

It would suffice to explicitly set mycursor to null before doing the
OPEN, thus instructing the system to assign a unique cursor name.

  mycursor CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM int4_tbl WHERE f1  id;
  newid INTEGER;
  out  TEXT;
  out := id::text || ' ';
  mycursor := null;
  OPEN mycursor;
  raise notice 'mycursor = %', mycursor;  -- debug
FETCH mycursor INTO newid;
out := out || test (newid);
  RETURN out;

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] which is better: using OR clauses or UNION?

2011-08-16 Thread Tom Lane
adam_pgsql writes:
 I have a query hitting a table of 25 million rows. The table has a
 text field ('identifier') which i need to query for matching rows. The
 question is if i have multiple strings to match against this field I
 can use multiple OR sub-statements or multiple statements in a
 UNION. The UNION seems to run quicker is this to be expected?

Your test cases don't seem exactly comparable; in particular I think the
second one is benefiting from the first one having already read and
cached the relevant disk blocks.  Notice how you've got, eg,

   -  Bitmap Index Scan on in_dba_data_base_identifier  
 (cost=0.00..32.64 rows=964 width=0) (actual time=71.347..71.347 rows=318 
 Index Cond: (lower(identifier) ~=~ 'sptigr4-2210 
 (6f24)'::character varying)


   -  Bitmap Index Scan on 
 in_dba_data_base_identifier  (cost=0.00..32.64 rows=964 width=0) (actual 
 time=0.178..0.178 rows=318 loops=1)
 Index Cond: (lower(identifier) ~=~ 
 'sptigr4-2210 (6f24)'::character varying)

Those are the exact same subplan, so any honest comparison should be
finding them to take the same amount of time.  When the actual readings
are different by a factor of several hundred, there's something wrong
with your measurement process.

In the end this comes down to whether duplicates will be eliminated more
efficiently by a BitmapOr step or by sort/uniq on the resulting rows.
I'd have to bet on the BitmapOr myself, but it's likely that this is
down in the noise compared to the actual disk accesses in any
not-fully-cached scenario.  Also, if you don't expect the sub-statements
to yield any duplicates, or don't care about seeing the same row twice
in the output, you should consider UNION ALL instead of UNION.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Mysterious column name

2011-08-09 Thread Tom Lane
Nikolay writes:
 select from testtable; // returns strange result.


This will change in 9.1:

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] a strange order by behavior

2011-06-22 Thread Tom Lane
Samuel Gendler writes:
 Interesting.  The original thread to which I was referring has a subject of
 Sorting Issue and the original request showed a list of vehicle model
 names which were sorting as though there were no spaces. The user had
 collation set to en_US.UTF-8.  However, my database (on OS X) sorts both his
 example and the example that started this thread correctly, despite my
 lc_collate being set to the same value.

OS X's support for comparisons in UTF-8 locales is widely understood
to be broken.  In general, as you've found out, there's little
compatibility in sort order across platforms; but OS X is just
completely unlike other modern Unixoid platforms.  I would not take it
as the definition of correct.

AFAIK, if you're looking for strict character-by-character sorting
rather than those weird dictionary rules, C locale (a/k/a POSIX
locale) is your only choice, and you have to put up with the odd sort
order you will get for all non-ASCII characters.  In principle a locale
could be defined that does character-by-character but does something
reasonable with non-ASCII; but none of the major platforms seem to offer

Also, just to be perfectly clear: this is not Postgres' fault, it's
just sorting the way strcoll() says to.  You'll get the same sort
order from the command-line sort(1) program, if you feed it the same
data in the same locale environment.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] query expression body ::= joined table grammar rule not accepted by Postgres

2011-06-16 Thread Tom Lane
Clem Dickey writes:
 This expression is (I think) a well-formed query, but is rejected by
 Postgresql 8.4 (t is a table name).

   t t1 NATURAL JOIN t t2;

Hmm ... I think you are looking at SQL92 or SQL99.  The later versions
of the spec don't seem to permit joined table to be used that way.
In particular, in SQL:2003 and SQL:2007 I don't see any derivation path
from query expression to joined table.  So while we possibly could
support this, it's legacy syntax, and I doubt there's enough interest to

[ digs a bit more... ]  Ah, here we are: Annex E of SQL:2003 calls out
various incompatibilities from SQL:99, notably

6) In ISO/IEC 9075-2:1999, a query expression body, query
term, or query primary could consist of a joined
table. None of those three elements can consist of a joined
table in this edition of ISO/IEC 9075.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Subselects not allowed?

2011-06-11 Thread Tom Lane
Guillaume Lelarge writes:
 On Sat, 2011-06-11 at 17:01 +0200, Leif Biberg Kristensen wrote:
 Can anybody tell me why this doesn't work?
 pgslekt= CREATE SEQUENCE sources_source_id_seq START WITH (SELECT 
 MAX(source_id) FROM sources);
 ERROR:  syntax error at or near (

 Because it's not supported. The START clause expects a value, not a

More generally, there are no utility statements in PG that accept
non-constant expressions in their parameters.  (A utility statement is
anything other than SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE.)

There's been occasional speculation about changing that, but it would
take a significant amount of work I think.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Performance of NOT IN and with PG 9.0.4

2011-05-25 Thread Tom Lane
Robert Haas writes:
 On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 3:32 PM, Jasmin Dizdarevic wrote:
 enable_material = off

 Is there any chance you can reproduce this with a simpler test case
 that doesn't involve quite so many joins?

I didn't stop to count, but are there enough that join_collapse_limit
or from_collapse_limit could be in play?

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Sorting Issue

2011-05-10 Thread Tom Lane
Ozer, Pam writes:
 Isn't this the English standard for collation?  Or is this a non-c
 locale as mentioned below?  Is there anyway around this?  

LC_COLLATE = 'en_US.utf8'

en_US is probably using somebody's idea of dictionary order, which
I believe includes ignoring spaces in the first pass.  You might be
happier using C collation.  Unfortunately that requires re-initdb'ing
your database (as of existing PG releases).

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Sorting Issue

2011-05-09 Thread Tom Lane
Samuel Gendler writes:
 It's not at all clear why they are not coming out of the db in
 alphabetically sorted order when  the query includes order by
 VehicleTrimAbbreviated asc

Usually the thing to ask at this point is what's the database's
LC_COLLATE setting?  Non-C locales often have truly bizarre
sorting rules.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Specifying column level collations

2011-05-07 Thread Tom Lane
Thomas Kellerer writes:
 My database is initialized as follows:

 postgres=# select version();
   PostgreSQL 9.1beta1, compiled by Visual C++ build 1500, 32-bit
 (1 row)

I gather this is on Windows.

Windows has its own notion of locale names, which look like this:

   lc_collate  | German_Germany.1252

rather than the de_DE type of convention that's used by every other
platform on the planet.  There is not yet support in initdb for
pre-populating pg_collation with Windows-style entries, so you will
have to create your own entries.  Presumably this would work for you,
for instance:

CREATE COLLATION german (locale='German_Germany.1252');

I don't know how to find out exactly what locale names are recognized by
Windows, so can't help you much further than that.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] FATAL: invalid cache id: 19

2011-05-02 Thread Tom Lane
manuel antonio ochoa writes:
 How can I solve this problem :

  FATAL:  invalid cache id: 19

There was a bug with that symptom in 9.0.0 and 9.0.1 ... if you're
running one of those versions, update.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] getting PSQLException Can't infer the SQL type to use with Native Query call

2011-05-02 Thread Tom Lane
Steven Dahlin writes:
 In trying to call a postgresql 8.4 stored function I am passing a
 class as well as a List (I have to save a master record as well as the
 detail records). This is being done with a native query using
 EclipseLink 2.1. However, I am getting back a message for the first

 PSQLException: Can't infer the SQL type to use for an instance of
 com.hwcs.veri.shared.dto.MyClass. Use setObject() with an explicit
 Types value to specify the type to use.

That looks like a complaint from JDBC, so possibly you'd have better
luck asking on pgsql-jdbc.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Multiple recursive part possible?

2011-05-01 Thread Tom Lane
Svenne Krap writes:
 The two recursive parts seems to do the right thing each on its own, but
 together i get an error...

 with recursive downpath as (
   [ something ]
 with recursive uppath as (
   [ something ]
 select ...

Leave out the second with recursive.  WITH introduces a list of
name-AS-subselect clauses, not just one.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL]

2011-04-21 Thread Tom Lane
Humair Mohammed writes:
 I am running into a behavior with a postgresql function with a SETOF 
 refcursor's returning multiple columns. Not sure if there is a different way 
 to retrieve a SETOF refcursor's with variable columns? Alternatively can I 
 return a primitive value and a refcursor from the same function. I tried 
 specifying this as OUT parameters without any luck. In Oracle you can pass 
 this in functions:
 Platform:postgresql-x64-9.0 (PostgreSQL 9.0.1, compiled by Visual C++ build 
 1500, 64-bit)Java1.6JDBC4 Postgresql Driver, Version 9.0-801

 AS$BODY$DECLAREref1 refcursor;ref2 refcursor;BEGIN  OPEN ref1 FOR 
 SELECT 1; RETURN NEXT ref1;  OPEN ref2 FOR SELECT 2, 3;   

 Java Code:CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall({ call test() 
 });ResultSet rs = cs.executeQuery();
 while ( {   System.out.println(rs.getString(1));ResultSet rs2 = 
 (ResultSet)rs.getObject(1); while ( {
 ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs2.getMetaData(); int numberOfColumns = 
 rsmd.getColumnCount();System.out.println(numberOfColumns:  + 
 numberOfColumns);  System.out.println(rs2.getString(1));  
  System.out.println(rs2.getString(2));   }}
 Output:unnamed portal 1numberOfColumns: 
 11org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The column index is out of range: 2, 
 number of columns: 
 at PgBlob.test( PgBlob.main(
 It appears the second result-set takes in the number of columns from the 
 first irrespective of the number of columns from the second. If the change 
 the function to return 2 refcursor's with same number of columns then it 
 works as expected.
 AS$BODY$DECLAREref1 refcursor;ref2 refcursor;BEGIN  OPEN ref1 FOR 
 SELECT 1, null; RETURN NEXT ref1;  OPEN ref2 FOR SELECT 2, 3; 
 Output:unnamed portal 1numberOfColumns: 214unnamed portal 
 2numberOfColumns: 223 

The example function works okay for me in psql.  I think this is
actually a question about how to deal with such cases through the JDBC
driver, so I'd suggest asking on the pgsql-jdbc list.  (Perhaps in a
less messy format this time, and could we ask for a useful Subject:
line too?)

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] unnesting of array of different size explodes memory

2011-04-13 Thread Tom Lane
Andreas Gaab writes:
 As I now understand, the following query leads to 12 results, not just 4 (or 

 SELECT unnest(ARRAY[1,2,3]), unnest(ARRAY[4,5,6,7]);

 Why could postgres use as much memory till the kernel complained when 
 unnesting 1200 and 1300 elements resulting in 1.6e6 rows. Are there settings 
 to prevent this such as work_mem?

Multiple SRFs in a targetlist are a good thing to avoid.  The behavior
is ... um ... peculiar, and the fact that we can't reclaim memory
partway through is really the least of the problems with it.

Try doing it like this instead:

SELECT * from unnest(ARRAY[1,2,3]) a, unnest(ARRAY[4,5,6,7]) b;

This has saner behavior and is less likely to leak memory.  Not to
mention less likely to be deprecated or de-implemented altogether
in the far future.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] pass in array to function for use by where clause? how optimize?

2011-04-13 Thread Tom Lane
Anish Kejariwal writes:
 (select store_id, avg(sales) sales
 from store
 where group_id in(select $1[i] from generate_subscripts($1, 1) g(i))

Seems like a pretty brute-force way to deal with the array.  Try

where group_id = any($1)

Not sure if it'll be a great deal faster, but it's at least easier to

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] pass in array to function for use by where clause? how optimize?

2011-04-13 Thread Tom Lane
Rob Sargent writes:
 On 04/13/2011 09:09 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
 Anish  writes:
 (select store_id, avg(sales) sales
 from store
 where group_id in(select $1[i] from generate_subscripts($1, 1) g(i))

 Seems like a pretty brute-force way to deal with the array.  Try
 where group_id = any($1)
 Not sure if it'll be a great deal faster, but it's at least easier to

 Would adding a subservient function which actually uses the value of the 
 iteration (group_id) as a single parameter be of any use?

Well, it'd be unlikely to solve the OP's actual complaint, which was
performance.  Hiding the semantics from the planner via a function
(which generally looks like a black box to the planner) is even worse
than hiding the semantics in a sub-SELECT, which I think is probably
the root cause of the performance issue here.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] pg_attributte, data types

2011-03-23 Thread Tom Lane
=?UTF-8?Q?Viktor_Bojovi=C4=87?= writes:
 while listing data types i have noticed that some types have underscore
 prefix but i don't know why is that. so im asking if somene can tell me.
 These are type examples:


Those are array types.  The normal convention is that foo[] is named
_foo under the surface.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] replace_matches does not return {null}

2011-02-22 Thread Tom Lane
Andreas Gaab writes:
 I tried to order a text-column only by parts of the entries. Therefore I used 
 regexp_matches(), but unfortunately I am loosing rows.

 SELECT regexp_matches('abc','[0-9]+'),  regexp_matches('123','[0-9]+');

 Does not return {null}, {123} but no result at all.

Yes, because regexp_matches returns a rowset of zero or more results.
The fine manual suggests putting it in a sub-select if what you want
is a null or a single result:

  SELECT ... , (SELECT regexp_matches(...)) FROM ...

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Oracle Equivalent queries in Postgres

2011-02-16 Thread Tom Lane
Thomas Kellerer writes:
 Pavel Stehule, 16.02.2011 12:20:
 Unfortunately they are not the same: Oracle does not support

 sorry, I expected so all mature databases support it.

 Yes, this is really hard to understand.

 I would assume creating the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views based on the existing 
 Oracle views is just a matter of maybe 3-4 days of days work. So it is really 
 not understandable that Oracle does not support this.

 But then they probably don't care - after all it's Oracle.

No, from their point of view it would be actively damaging: providing
standardized views would reduce customer lock-in, by making applications
more portable to other DBMSes.  The pain the OP is feeling is a
marketing advantage, so far as Oracle is concerned.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Determine length of numeric field

2011-02-15 Thread Tom Lane
Tony Capobianco writes:
 I'm altering datatypes in several tables from numeric to integer.  In
 doing so, I get the following error:

 dw=# \d uniq_hits
 Table support.uniq_hits
Column   |  Type   | Modifiers 
  sourceid   | numeric | 
  hitdate| date| 
  total  | numeric | 
  hitdate_id | integer | 
 uniq_hits_hitdateid_idx btree (hitdate_id), tablespace
 Tablespace: support

 esave_dw=# alter table uniq_hits alter sourceid type int;
 ERROR:  integer out of range

 Sourceid should not be more than 5 digits long.  I'm able to perform
 this query on Oracle and would like something similar on postgres 8.4:

 delete from uniq_hits where sourceid in (select sourceid from uniq_hits
 where length(sourceid)  5);

That seems like a pretty bizarre operation to apply to a number.  Why
not where sourceid  9?  Or maybe where abs(sourceid)  9
would be better.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] DELETE FROM takes forever

2011-02-10 Thread Tom Lane
Josh writes:
 I'm trying to do a DELETE FROM on my large table (about 800 million
 rows) based on the contents of another, moderately large table (about
 110 million rows). The command I'm using is:

 DELETE FROM records WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM unique_records);

 This process ran for about two weeks before I decided to stop it -- it
 was dragging down the DB server. I can understand long-running
 processes, but two weeks seems a bit much even for a big table.

 Is this the best way to approach the problem? Is there a better way?

 Some background: The server is version 8.3, running nothing but Pg.
 The 'records' table has 'id' as its primary key, and one other index
 on another column. The table is referenced by just about every other
 table in my DB (about 15 other tables) via foreign key constraints,

Hmm ... do all of those referencing tables have indexes on the
referencing columns?  It seems plausible that the time is going into
seqscan searches for referencing rows.

You might try doing EXPLAIN ANALYZE of this same delete for a limited
number of rows (maybe 1000 or so) so that you could see what plan you're
getting and where the time really goes.  I think 8.3 had the ability to
break out time spent in triggers, so if the problem is the FK
propagation, EXPLAIN ANALYZE would show it.

Also, the NOT IN is probably going to suck performance-wise no matter
what, for such large numbers of rows.  Converting to NOT EXISTS might
help some, though I don't remember right now how smart 8.3 is about

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Transaction-specific global variable

2011-02-03 Thread Tom Lane
Florian Weimer writes:
 hstore greatly simplifies creating triggers for logging table changes,
 which is great.  However, when creating a log record, I would like to
 include information about the party who made this change.  We
 generally do not allow direct database access for application code, so
 the PostgreSQL user does not provide sufficient information on its
 own.  Instead, I'd like to create a transaction-specific variable
 which stores context information to be included in the log table.  I
 suppose I could create a stored procedures in C which provides this
 functionality, but I wonder if there is already something similar I
 could reuse.  For instance, I could reuse the application_name
 configuration variable, but this seems a bit gross.

You could abuse the custom-GUC-variable mechanism: just set
custom_variable_classes and then define some variable that doesn't
actually have any underlying loadable module.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] aggregation of setof

2011-01-31 Thread Tom Lane
Andreas Gaab writes:
 Could not the function regexp_matches(text, text) be defined to only return a 
 text[] not a setof text[]?

It'd be pretty hard to change at this point, because of
backwards-compatibility considerations, and because the two functions
share a single implementation.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Control reached end of trigger procedure without RETURN

2011-01-25 Thread Tom Lane
MoNiLlO writes:
 When I launch one insert returns error:
 I put the function and the returned error.

 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ventas_det_a_ventas_imp()
   RETURNS trigger AS

 ERROR:  control reached end of trigger procedure without RETURN
 CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function ventas_imp_a_ventas_cab

The function that's lacking a RETURN is not the one you're showing us.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] why does seq scan instead of index scan

2011-01-14 Thread Tom Lane
=?iso-2022-jp?B?GyRCQ2ZAbiEhQD81LhsoQg==?= writes:
 I'm trying to use like 'xx%' search on Text[] column.
 I thought it uses index scan. But actually it uses seq scan.


Those ANY expressions are not indexable.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Find NOT NULLs in a group of 20 columns

2011-01-10 Thread Tom Lane
gvim writes:
 I'm struggling to find anything other than a complex stored proc to do this:
 Out of a group of 20 columns return the rows in which:

 1. Only 1 of the 20 columns IS NOT NULL
 2. More than 1 of the 20 columns IS NOT NULL

 Any ideas?

Cast to int and add up?

 ((col1 is not null)::int +
  (col2 is not null)::int + ...
  (col20 is not null)::int) = 1 -- or  1

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] COPY with FORMAT in Postgresql 9.x

2010-12-03 Thread Tom Lane
Humair Mohammed writes:
 Postgres 9.x provies the COPY command with new syntax with a new option 
 called FORMAT
 However when I run the following command:
 COPY dQstn FROM 'c:/bcp/postgres/dQstn.csv' WITH FORMAT csv;
 I get the following error message:
 ERROR:  syntax error at or near FORMAT
 If I use the 8.x syntax without the FORMAT option it works fine.  

This is expected: you have to use the new syntax (with parens) for
any of the new options.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] subselect and left join not working?

2010-11-29 Thread Tom Lane
Jasen Betts writes:
 On 2010-11-29, Jorge Arenas wrote:
 select zona_id from zonas where zona_id not in (select zona_id from usuarios 
  ###  ######
 where per_id =2)

  select 'FRED' from from usuarios where per_id =2

 what'shappening is your not in subquery is being 'corrupted' by the
 surrounding query, the expression zona_id is being replaced with the 
 value from the main query. so the inner query return multiple copies
 of the value from the outer query and the not-in fails.

That explanation is nonsense, and so is the proposed fix.

What I suspect is really going on is that the subselect yields one or
more NULL values.  If there's a NULL then NOT IN can never return TRUE,
only FALSE (if the tested value is definitely present) or NULL (meaning
it might match one of the NULLs, because NULL means unknown in this
context).  Newbies get caught by that all the time :-( ... it's not one
of SQL's better features.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] atomic multi-threaded upsert

2010-11-24 Thread Tom Lane
Mikhail V. Puzanov writes:
-- increment and get the counter if exists
   UPDATE sequences SET counter = counter + 1
   WHERE section = 'testSection' AND name = 'testKey'
   RETURNING counter;

Seems that what you have here is a bad manual implementation of a
sequence.  Why don't you use a real sequence object and nextval()?

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] obtaining difference between minimum value and next in size

2010-11-17 Thread Tom Lane
John Lister writes:
 Is it possible to obtain the difference between just the minimum price and 
 the next one up per product,

If you're using = 8.4, try a window function.  LEAD or LAG ought to
do it.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] psql -f COPY from STDIN

2010-11-13 Thread Tom Lane
Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz writes:
 I changed event.sql (3 lines):
 (event_id, event_name)

 Now I am getting error messages:
 psql:event.sql:1: \copy:parse error at end of line

I don't believe you can split backslash commands across lines.

 When I remove the linefeeds I don't get errors but it does not import

You wanted pstdin, not stdin.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] psql -f COPY from STDIN

2010-11-12 Thread Tom Lane
Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz writes:
 The following command works fine when pasing it to psql via the -c

 cat event.csv | \
 psql -c COPY (event_id, event_name) FROM STDIN DELIMITER AS ',' NULL
 AS ''

 When executed from a file via -f, it does nothing (no error messages

 COPY (event_id, event_name) FROM STDIN DELIMITER AS ',' NULL AS ''

 cat event.csv | psql -f event.sql

I believe that psql's interpretation of stdin when reading from a file
is that the COPY data is to come from that same file (look at the script
produced by pg_dump for an example).  So it reads to the end of the
file, which is right away --- otherwise you'd get some incorrect-data
errors.  The data sourced from the cat command is never noticed at all.

I think you can get the effect you're after using \copy ... from pstdin.
See the psql man page.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] unexpected ORDER BY

2010-11-09 Thread Tom Lane
Andreas writes:
 I've got an PG 8.4 on a opensuse box running.
 The DB is unicode german.

 There is a text column I'd like to order by but as far as I see PG 
 ignores special chars and uses only characters and numbers.

This is driven by the locale you're using, specifically the LC_COLLATE
setting.  If you want plain ASCII sort order, you need to switch to
C locale.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] I'm stuck - I just can't get this small FUNCT to run!

2010-11-03 Thread Tom Lane
Ralph Smith writes:
 I'm also stuck on 7.4 for at least a few more months, but that's not 
 part of the problem.

... well, actually, it is; because newer versions give considerably more
helpful syntax error messages.  I tried plugging this function into
a current version, and got

syntax error at or near daRec
LINE 34: FOR daRec IN SELECT * FROM temp_salesimport WHERE offer_...

which was at least close enough to the problem (the missing semi on the
previous line) to be of some use, unlike the error pointing at line 92.
Similarly, after fixing the first missing semi I got

ERROR:  syntax error at or near select
LINE 38:   select into vBusOwnerID businessownerid from business ...

which is just after the other one.

If you aren't in a position to move your production DB yet, you might
at least consider using a newer version for development.  That has its
own hazards of course, like accidentally using features that don't exist
in 7.4, but it could save you a lot of time in cases like this.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] A more efficient way?

2010-10-31 Thread Tom Lane
James Cloos writes:
 I've a third-party app which is slower than it ought to be.
 It does one operation in particular by doing a query to get a list of
 rows, and then iterates though them to confirm whether it actually wants
 that row.  As you can imagine that is very slow.

 This query gets the correct data set in one go, but is also slow:

  select p from m where s = 7 and p not in (select p from m where s != 7);

See if you can recast it as a NOT EXISTS.  NOT IN is hard to optimize
because of its weird behavior with nulls.

If you're working with a less-than-current version of PG, you may
instead have to resort to a left-join-with-is-null locution, ie
select m.p from m left join
(select p from m where s != 7) m2
on (m.p=m2.p)
where m2.p is null and m.s = 7;
but it's hard to wrap your head around that sort of thing, so I'd
advise against using it if you can get decent performance with EXISTS.

regards, tom lane

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2010-10-16 Thread Tom Lane
Rommel the iCeMAn writes:
 I use the following code to detect alphanumeric strings:

 IF _my_variable SIMILAR TO '^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' THEN
         // do stuff here

 In pg8.4 this worked perfectly. I upgraded to pg9.0 and it no longer
 works. From the release notes it appears that the behavior of SIMILAR
 TO has changed in pg9.0. My question is, how do I modify my code so
 that it works in 9.0?

Drop the ^ and $; they are incorrect for SIMILAR TO.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Random sort with distinct

2010-10-02 Thread Tom Lane
Ozer, Pam writes:
 Select Distinct VehicleMake, VehicleModel
 From VehicleYearMakeModelTrim
 Order by random()
 Limit 10;

 I don't want to bring back the random number I just want the sort order
 to be random. How can I sort randomly?  This query breaks because
 random() is not in the select.

Well, yeah: the implication of the ORDER BY is that a new random value
is to be computed for each row of VehicleYearMakeModelTrim.  After you
combine rows with DISTINCT it's not clear which of those values should
be used to sort a grouped row.

You need to put the DISTINCT and the ORDER BY in separate query levels,
like this:

select * from
  (Select Distinct VehicleMake, VehicleModel
   From VehicleYearMakeModelTrim) ss
Order by random()
Limit 10;

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] pg_config -less

2010-09-23 Thread Tom Lane
Rob Sargent writes:
 A local installation of 9.0 does not seem to include pg_config. (not
 with pg_dump pg_ctl etc, no man page)

 This is a Suse box (openSUSE 11.2 (x86_64)).

Most likely, Suse's packager decided to put it in the postgresql-devel
subpackage (or maybe they spell it postgresql-dev or something else).
It should certainly be available somewhere from them --- if not,
file a packaging bug report.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Slow response in select

2010-09-21 Thread Tom Lane
Gary Stainburn writes:
 I've posted th explain analyze at

 I've marked a line with a sort in that appears to be the bit that's taking 
 time.  Am I right?

Well, it's not really that big a part of the whole cost: only 150ms
out of the total.  You could improve the speed of the sort by increasing
work_mem enough to let it be done in-memory; but I'm not sure it's worth
bothering with.  If you knocked 100ms off the runtime that way you'd be
doing well.

One thing to realize about this kind of query is that the planner gets
stupid when there are more than join_collapse_limit relations being
JOINed.  I'm not sure that it matters much in this example: it looks
like it's a star schema and pretty much any join order is as good as any
other.  But you might want to try raising join_collapse_limit just to
see whether the plan changes and whether it gets materially better.
There's a definite planning-time penalty to raising that value, though,
so I'd not recommend changing it in production unless you see big wins
on a lot of queries.  Better to reorder the JOINs manually if it turns
out that join order does matter.

Basically, if you're gonna join that many relations, it's gonna cost ya
:-(.  Star schemas are overrated IMO.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Table returning functions

2010-09-19 Thread Tom Lane
=?UTF-8?B?SmFubiBSw7ZkZXI=?= writes:
 Ok I now know that it really seems to do what I expected. But I still
 wonder what it does if I use two functions f() and g() that return a
 different number of rows.

You get the least common multiple of their periods.  It's ugly, and the
lack of any very sane way to define the behavior is the main argument
for deprecating SRFs in the targetlist.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] 9.0rc1 - query of view produces unexpected results

2010-09-14 Thread Tom Lane
Nathan Grange writes:
 Or if this is a bug with 9.0, what actions do I take to make the 
 PostgreSQL team awares?

I think you already did ;-)

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Question regarding indices

2010-09-11 Thread Tom Lane
Steve writes:
 I have a small question about the order of values in a query. Assume I have a 
 table with the following fields:
   uid INT,
   data BIGINT,
   hits INT

 And an unique index on (uid, data). I use libpq C API to query data from the 
 table. The query is something like this:
 SELECT uid,data,hits FROM mytable WHERE uid=2 AND data IN 

 Would the speed of the query be influenced if I would sort the data? I can 
 imagine that just querying a bunch of bigint would not make a big difference 
 but what about several thousand of values? Would sorting them and sending the 
 SQL query with ordered data influence the speed of the query?

It's unlikely to make enough difference to be worth the trouble.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Question regarding indices

2010-09-11 Thread Tom Lane
Steve writes:
 Von: Tom Lane
 It's unlikely to make enough difference to be worth the trouble.
 Making a quick sort is ultra easy in C. Anyway... is there a
 difference in the speed of the query with pre-sorted values or not?
 If there is one then I will go and sort the values.

I didn't opine on whether it was easy or not.  I said it was unlikely
to be worth the trouble.  You could very well spend more time sorting
the values than you buy in whatever you might save on the server side.

Each value in the IN list is going to require a separate index probe.
The sorting might buy something in locality of reference for successive
probes, but most likely not enough to notice.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Controlling join order with parenthesis

2010-09-09 Thread Tom Lane
Marc Mamin writes:
 According to the documentation, I thought it was possible to force given
 join orders with parenthesis.

You can do that if you dial down join_collapse_limit.  Bear in mind that
leaves you *solely* responsible for picking an intelligent join order.
I wouldn't recommend it as a production setting.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] Sequential scan evaluating function for each row, seemingly needlessly

2010-09-07 Thread Tom Lane
Bryce Nesbitt writes:
 On psql 8.3.9, I ran a limited query limited to 5 results.  There was a 
 moderately expensive function call
 which I expected to be called 5 times, but was apparently called for 
 each row of the sequential scan.  Why?

Given the plan:

   Limit  (cost=19654.53..19654.54 rows=5 width=12) (actual 
 time=10001.976..10001.990 rows=5 loops=1)
 -  Sort  (cost=19654.53..19826.16 rows=68651 width=12) (actual 
 time=10001.972..10001.976 rows=5 loops=1)
   Sort Key: add_date
   Sort Method:  top-N heapsort  Memory: 25kB
   -  Seq Scan on extractq  (cost=0.00..18514.26 rows=68651 
 width=12) (actual time=19.145..9770.689 rows=73550 loops=1)
   Total runtime: 10002.150 ms
 (6 rows)

any interesting work is going to be done at the seqscan level.  Sort
just sorts, and Limit just limits; neither do any user-defined
calculations.  So yeah, your functions got run for every row of the
table.  (This isn't totally a PG aberration, btw: if you read the SQL
spec closely you'll discover that ORDER BY is defined to happen after
any calculations specified in the SELECT list.)

You could try something like

select my_expensive_function(...), etc, etc from
(select * from some-tables order by foo limit n) ss;

where the inner select list just pulls the columns you'll need in
the outer calculations.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] naming arguments in aggregate function

2010-09-05 Thread Tom Lane
=?UTF-8?Q?Viktor_Bojovi=C4=87?= writes:
 I am trying to name arguments in aggregate function, but i don't know how,

You can't --- it's not implemented.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] polygon overlay

2010-09-01 Thread Tom Lane
Gary Fu writes:
 I don't see any overlap between the polygon and the box in the following 
 sql. Can anyone explain why it returns 't'?

   select polygon(path '((0,0),(10,10),(20,10),(10,0))')  polygon(box 
 (1 row)

Up to 8.4 the poly_overlap function did this:

 * Determine if polygon A overlaps polygon B by determining if
 * their bounding boxes overlap.
 * XXX ought to do a more correct check!

I see it's been improved for 9.0 ...

regards, tom lane

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Re: [SQL] a general ? on select performance

2010-08-28 Thread Tom Lane
John Fabiani writes:
 I have program that loops though several thousands of records.  The loop 
 contains a select statement that confirms that I don't have a dup and then 
 inserts a record into a different table.  IOW's the statement is checking 
 against a static table.  The size of the table I'm checking does not change 
 during the loop.  I'm sure many have done something similar.

Are you really, truly making *no* changes to the table you're reading?

What I'm suspecting is that you are making such changes, in fact lots
of them.  The number of live rows may not change, but the table is
bloating with lots of dead row versions, which can't be cleaned up yet
since the transaction that deleted them is still open.  This leads to
O(N^2) or worse slowdown.

There are usually ways around this type of problem, but we'd need more
details about what you're really doing.

regards, tom lane

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