#41322 [Asn-Fbk]: Recent change sends compile into neverending loop

2007-05-21 Thread edink
 ID:   41322
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  auroraeosrose at gmail dot com
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Compile Failure
 Operating System: winxpsp2
 PHP Version:  5CVS-2007-05-08 (CVS)
 Assigned To:  edink
 New Comment:

You probably meant As far as I can see .5 is only
copyright change.

But I cannot reproduce this problem. As you can see from
http://snaps.php.net/ our snaps builder is working just fine. It is
using VC6 atm and I have tested it on VC8 as well.

This patch was meant to fix the problem where some DLLs were built
twice and thus the VC8 manifest file was not embedded properly.

Our build line is:

cscript /nologo configure.js --enable-snapshot-build --with-gd=shared

This to avoid the glitch of gd always wanting to be a statically built
extension. Don't think it would affect your build but would you please
try that with the latest 5.2 sources?

Previous Comments:

[2007-05-08 04:11:57] auroraeosrose at gmail dot com


revision of win32/build/confutils.js makes
--enable-snapshot-build and nmake snap head into an endless loop of
compiling - never gets past the zend sources, reverting the change fixes
the problem (occurs with msvc6  8), not sure exactly what the problem
is since the snaps.php.net builds appear to be working (operating system

This is Microsoft Visual Studio 6 with service pack 6 on and VS 2005
with service pack 1 on windows xp

Reproduce code:
cscript /nologo configure.js --enable-snapshot-build
nmake snap

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=41322edit=1

#41459 [Opn-Asn]: [PATCH] PDO::pgsqlGetNotify()

2007-05-21 Thread edink
 ID:   41459
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Assigned
 Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4.9
 PHP Version:  5CVS-2007-05-21 (CVS)
-Assigned To:  
+Assigned To:  edink

Previous Comments:

[2007-05-21 14:46:06] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I read Wez was working on PDO::pgsqlGetNotify(), but since I couldn't 
find any implementation, I made a crude copypaste from ext/pgsql. The

following patch should do it: http://spheroid.fi/pgsqlGetNotify.diff

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=41459edit=1

#41282 [Asn-Csd]: PHP4.4.7 binary could not be installed

2007-05-04 Thread edink
 ID:   41282
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  dayseye at 21cn dot com
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: Apache2 related
 Operating System: Win32
 PHP Version:  4.4.7
 Assigned To:  edink
 New Comment:

The problem is fixed now. The updated binary will hit the mirrors
withing the next day.

For the impatient the updated bin is available for a limited time at:

Previous Comments:

[2007-05-04 12:59:52] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Edin can you upgrade the Apache libraries to at least 2.0.46

[2007-05-04 12:47:21] dayseye at 21cn dot com

Actually I am using Apache 2.0.59C but the problem still exist

[2007-05-04 12:30:56] dayseye at 21cn dot com

Actually I am using Apache 2.0.59

[2007-05-04 12:16:50] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You need to be using at least Apache 2.0.46, upgrading will fix this
problem for you.

[2007-05-04 12:02:18] dayseye at 21cn dot com


While I install PHP4.4.7 as a module in Apache2.0Cget alerted:
apache: module
c:\\php4build\\snap\\sapi\\apache2handler\\sapi_apache2.c is no
t compatible with this version of Apache (found 20020329, need
Please contact the vendor for the correct version.

The problem is not exist in PHP4.4.6

Reproduce code:
in cmd mode:
apache.exe -k install

Expected result:

A service will be installed.

Actual result:
apache: module
c:\\php4build\\snap\\sapi\\apache2handler\\sapi_apache2.c is no
t compatible with this version of Apache (found 20020329, need
Please contact the vendor for the correct version.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=41282edit=1

#41292 [Asn-Csd]: The php_xmlrpc.dll is missing from the 5.2.2 ZIP distribution

2007-05-04 Thread edink
 ID:   41292
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  jgbustos at gmail dot com
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: XMLRPC-EPI related
 Operating System: WinXP
 PHP Version:  5.2.2
 Assigned To:  edink
 New Comment:

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Previous Comments:

[2007-05-04 19:20:08] jgbustos at gmail dot com



I am testing the 5.2.2 Win32 ZIP distribution. I am using the PEAR
XML_RPC module, and it complains because the php_xmlrpc.dll cannot be
found in the PHP5\ext directory.

I have compared the list of files in contained in the ext directory for
the 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 Win32 ZIP distributions, and php_xmlrpc.dll was
shipped in 5.2.1 but not in 5.2.2

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=41292edit=1

#41262 [Opn-Bgs]: Get wrong dirname with pathinfo under Windows

2007-05-02 Thread edink
 ID:   41262
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  tim at gerundt dot de
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Filesystem function related
 Operating System: Windows
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

Thank you for taking the time to write to us, but this is not
a bug. Please double-check the documentation available at
http://www.php.net/manual/ and the instructions on how to report
a bug at http://bugs.php.net/how-to-report.php

Previous Comments:

[2007-05-02 19:34:58] tim at gerundt dot de


If I try to get the dirname from the pathinfo() function under
Windows with a path like /index.php, I get \ instead of / as
dirname value. Under Linux I get the desired value (/).

I tested it with PHP 5.2.1 (Apache 2.2.4, Windows XP) and PHP 4.4.6
(Apache 2.0.54, Windows 2000).

Tim Gerundt

Reproduce code:
  $pathinfo = pathinfo('/index.php');

Expected result:

[dirname] = /
[basename] = index.php
[extension] = php

Actual result:
[dirname] = \
[basename] = index.php
[extension] = php

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=41262edit=1

#41234 [Opn-Bgs]: Additional Notes

2007-04-30 Thread edink
 ID:   41234
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  cpriest at warpmail dot net
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: MySQLi related
 Operating System: Windows Vista Business
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

You probably have another libmysql.dll or you have mixed up several PHP
installs. The mysqli extension works fine.

Previous Comments:

[2007-04-30 05:02:00] cpriest at warpmail dot net

I have verified the following:
 - libmysql.dll is located in c:\php
 - c:\php is in the environment PATH variable (rebooted afterwards)
 - php_mysql.dll and php_mysqli.dll are both in .\ext and are being
loaded (mysqli load fails)

I have also tried the following:
 - Apache 2.2.x
 - Copying the libmysql.dll to c:\windows\system32
 - Copying the libmysql.dll from my MySQL 4.1.x installation into

All result in the same error Procedure could not be found while
loading php_mysqli.dll

I'm reasonably certain that this is related to my Windows Vista
Business install, I have successfully installed this environment many
times before on Windows XP and Linux installations with no problems.

[2007-04-30 04:56:16] cpriest at warpmail dot net


Unable to get php_mysqli.dll to load properly on Windows Vista Business
with Apache 2.0.59 or 2.2.x.

Reproduce code:
Install Apache 2.0.59 + PHP 5.2.1
Try loading the php_mysqli.dll

Expected result:

Able to load extension

Actual result:
Cannot load, get error Procedure could not be found.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=41234edit=1

#40844 [Asn]: SSH2.dll libssh update

2007-04-27 Thread edink
 ID:   40844
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  dj02 dot net at nbl dot fi
 Status:   Assigned
 Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: Windows Vista 6.0.6000
 PHP Version:  5.2.2-CVS
-Assigned To:  edink
+Assigned To:  pollita
 New Comment:

The library is bundled in the source. Sara, hope you get some time to
upgrade the lib.

Previous Comments:

[2007-04-27 08:30:58] dj02 dot net at nbl dot fi

Still not updated

[2007-03-24 08:03:07] dj02 dot net at nbl dot fi

Did you notice my request, edink?

[2007-03-17 18:41:17] dj02 dot net at nbl dot fi



Could you build php_ssh2.dll against latest libssh 2_0.14 libraries?

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40844edit=1

#40988 [Asn-Sus]: Can't use a sendmail_path with whitespace

2007-04-27 Thread edink
 ID:   40988
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  webmaster at wiedmann-online dot de
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Suspended
 Bug Type: Mail related
 Operating System: Windows_NT
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 Assigned To:  edink
 New Comment:

Problem is with php.ini parser that does not allow  in ini entry
values. Both windows and linux versions are affected. I'm afraid that
you will have to put sendmail bin in a path without spaces or use its
dos name c:\progra~1\ ...

Previous Comments:

[2007-04-05 12:17:28] webmaster at wiedmann-online dot de

 PHP on windows does not use sendmail for sending mails.

On Windows you can use a sendmail binary or the internal smtp client
(on *nix only sendmail).

(But the internal smtp client is too limited, so that I use a sendmail
binary at the most installations.)

 Is this cygwin build?

No. Standard Windows builds.

[2007-04-05 11:22:23] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PHP on windows does not use sendmail for sending mails. Is this cygwin

[2007-04-04 01:11:33] webmaster at wiedmann-online dot de


If I have the sendmail binary in a path with a whitespace, PHP can't
open/find this program, because the path is not quotet in the popen call

On *nix this is not a problem, because on *nix you escape a space with
a backslash (Program\ Files) and don't quote the hole path (Program
Files) like on Windows. And a backslash I can add myself in php.ini.

A 8.3 name (PROGRA~1) will still work on Windows, if it's not disabled
in the NTFS settings.

Reproduce code:
sendmail_path = C:\Pogram Files\sendmail\sendmail.exe -t

?php mail('[EMAIL PROTECTED]', 'Subject', 'Message'); ?

Expected result:

Mail is send without problems.

Actual result:
'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40988edit=1

#40844 [Asn-Bgs]: SSH2.dll libssh update

2007-04-27 Thread edink
 ID:   40844
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  dj02 dot net at nbl dot fi
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: Windows Vista 6.0.6000
 PHP Version:  5.2.2-CVS
 Assigned To:  pollita
 New Comment:

Actually this should be reported to PECL package maintainer.


Previous Comments:

[2007-04-27 12:58:29] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The library is bundled in the source. Sara, hope you get some time to
upgrade the lib.

[2007-04-27 08:30:58] dj02 dot net at nbl dot fi

Still not updated

[2007-03-24 08:03:07] dj02 dot net at nbl dot fi

Did you notice my request, edink?

[2007-03-17 18:41:17] dj02 dot net at nbl dot fi



Could you build php_ssh2.dll against latest libssh 2_0.14 libraries?

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40844edit=1

#41192 [Opn-Bgs]: Per Directory Values only work for one key

2007-04-25 Thread edink
 ID:   41192
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  martin at itmission dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: PHP options/info functions
 Operating System: Windows Server 2003
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

As documented in http://php.net/configuration.changes the registry keys
do not work with PHP_INI_PERDIR ini values.

You can see which ini value category it belongs to at:

Only those marked PHP_INI_USER or PHP_INI_ALL will work.

Previous Comments:

[2007-04-25 20:22:57] martin at itmission dot com


I am trying to configure multiple websites under IIS using ISAPI.  For
each site I would like to configure specific PHP directives.  My
directives only work on the first entry I make (lexicographically, not

Reproduce code:
Using Regedit
Add HKLM\Software\PHP\Per Directory
Values\c\inetpub\www1\auto_prepend_file c:\inetpub\www1\include1.php
Add HKLM\Software\PHP\Per Directory
Values\c\inetpub\www2\auto_prepend_file c:\inetpub\www2\include2.php

Create c:\inetpub\www1\include1.php containing ?php echo('1'); ?
Create c:\inetpub\www2\include2.php containing ?php echo('2'); ?
Create c:\inetpub\www1\index.php containing ?php echo('hello'); ?
Create c:\inetpub\www2\index.php containing ?php echo('hello'); ?

Make the two sites (www1 and www2) and configure PHP on them.

Web Browser
Visit http://www1/index.php
Visit http://www2/index.php

Expected result:



Actual result:


If I delete HKLM\Software\PHP\Per Directory Values\c\inetpub\www1, or
rename it to HKLM\Software\PHP\Per Directory Values\c\inetpub\www3
http://www2/index.php changes:

However at that point www1 no longer prepends the file.  This is the
case with all directives, not just auto_prepend_file.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=41192edit=1

#41156 [Opn-Csd]: url_fopen default value

2007-04-21 Thread edink
 ID:   41156
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  c dot heutger at psw dot net
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: PHP options/info functions
 Operating System: irrelevant
 PHP Version:  4.4.6
 New Comment:

This issue was addressed in the latest 5.2.x releases by disallowing
using remote files in include statements by default.

Previous Comments:

[2007-04-21 09:37:34] c dot heutger at psw dot net


Meanwhile you installed a big warning in PHP installation on
register_globals and default them to off, there is no warning at all and
it is per default on on url_fopen, although with using of includes, this
variable opens any hackers from outside a door inside your applications
(e.g. used by opensurveypilot). So we had in the last time many hackins
as this variable is on either by default installation or by templates
like distributed via SWsofts Virtuozzo or with Plesk. This value should
be warned the same and set to off by default like the register_globals.

Reproduce code:
Try to refer any http:// ressource in e.g. opensurveypilot files using
include and url_fopen is on

Expected result:

Hacked sites if it's like default

url_fopen off by default in future PHP versions

Actual result:
A big security whole for lame code and programmers still open.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=41156edit=1

#41106 [Fbk-Bgs]: Simple Expression But Doing Wrong Calculation

2007-04-16 Thread edink
 ID:   41106
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  neel dot basu dot z at gmail dot net
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Math related
 Operating System: Windows
 PHP Version:  5.1.6
 New Comment:

Floating point values have a limited precision. Hence a value might 
not have the same string representation after any processing. That also
includes writing a floating point value in your script and directly 
printing it without any mathematical operations.

If you would like to know more about floats and what IEEE
754 is read this:
Thank you for your interest in PHP.

Previous Comments:

[2007-04-16 18:07:28] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

[2007-04-16 18:05:29] neel dot basu dot z at gmail dot net

I am Using php 5.1.6

[2007-04-16 18:03:16] neel dot basu dot z at gmail dot net


Simple Expression but wrong output.

Reproduce code:
$res1 = (1.2-0.1)-1.1;// = 1.1-1.1 - Evaluates to Zero
$res2 = (2.2-0.1)-2.1;// = 2.1-2.1 - Also Evaluates to Zero
echo $res1.\t.gettype($res1);
echo \n;
echo $res2.\t.gettype($res2);

Expected result:

0   double
0   double

Actual result:
-2.22044604925E-016   double
0   double

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=41106edit=1

#40988 [Opn-Fbk]: Can't use a sendmail_path with whitespace

2007-04-05 Thread edink
 ID:   40988
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  webmaster at wiedmann-online dot de
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: *Mail Related
 Operating System: Windows_NT
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

PHP on windows does not use sendmail for sending mails. Is this cygwin

Previous Comments:

[2007-04-04 01:11:33] webmaster at wiedmann-online dot de


If I have the sendmail binary in a path with a whitespace, PHP can't
open/find this program, because the path is not quotet in the popen call

On *nix this is not a problem, because on *nix you escape a space with
a backslash (Program\ Files) and don't quote the hole path (Program
Files) like on Windows. And a backslash I can add myself in php.ini.

A 8.3 name (PROGRA~1) will still work on Windows, if it's not disabled
in the NTFS settings.

Reproduce code:
sendmail_path = C:\Pogram Files\sendmail\sendmail.exe -t

?php mail('[EMAIL PROTECTED]', 'Subject', 'Message'); ?

Expected result:

Mail is send without problems.

Actual result:
'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40988edit=1

#40818 [Opn-Fbk]: include ./config.php doesn�t work in some cases

2007-03-27 Thread edink
 ID:   40818
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  marik at marbes dot cz
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: IIS related
 Operating System: Win32
 PHP Version:  5CVS-2007-03-15 (snap)
 New Comment:

I cannot reproduce this. WIll you help me by describing the
circumstances when this fails.

Which php sapi do you use? CGI isapi, etc...
What Directory Security setting in IIS are you using and other
details of your setup.

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-15 11:32:46] marik at marbes dot cz

latest snap shot built On: Mar 15, 2007 07:30 GMT doesn't work

[2007-03-15 11:25:25] marik at marbes dot cz


I have virtual host HelpDesk on IIS 2003 Server with anonymous access
running under user IUSR. Everything works fine until somebody tries to
set NTLM access rights for IUSR on root directory of virtual host only.

IUSR has read acccess to virtual host root directory
C:\Inetpub\helpdesk and no access to parent directories (C:\Inetpub).
Then command

include ./config/cfg_global.php;

doesn´t work. If I give IUSR read access to C:\Inetpub, it works.

I've tested it with several version 

5.0.2 works fine
5.1.6 doesn't work
5.2.0 doesn't work
5.2.1 works fine
latest snap shot built On: Mar 14, 2007 15:30 GMT doesn't work again

?? There may can be similar problem as 

Thanx for answer.

Reproduce code:
include ./config/cfg_global.php;

Expected result:

included config file..

Actual result:
Warning: include(./config/cfg_global.php) [function.include]: failed to
open stream: No such file or directory in
C:\Inetpub\helpdesk\www\index.php on line 18

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening
'./config/cfg_global.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear')
in C:\Inetpub\helpdesk\www\index.php on line 18

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40818edit=1

#40813 [Asn]: upload filename

2007-03-16 Thread edink
 ID:   40813
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  gianluca dot gimigliano at interno dot it
 Status:   Assigned
 Bug Type: *Web Server problem
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 Assigned To:  iliaa
 New Comment:

I the meanwhile you can set


in your php.ini which will avoid this problem if your code does not
depend on the magic_quotes (which it shouldn't anyway),

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-17 00:42:11] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ilia, please take a look at this issue.
It's your patch causes this behaviour: 
The last #ifdef PHP_WIN32 doesn't look right, did it get there by

[2007-03-15 14:19:25] gianluca dot gimigliano at interno dot it

With this apache version:
Apache Version  Apache/2.2.4 (Win32) mod_ssl/2.2.4 OpenSSL/0.9.8d

The prolem is the same

[2007-03-15 13:02:30] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

[2007-03-15 09:47:54] gianluca dot gimigliano at interno dot it


When you try to upload a file with the character:' in the name, 
the uploaded file name is read from the ' position.

Reproduce code:
if ($_FILES['uploaded']) echo $_FILES['uploaded']['name'];

form method=post  enctype=multipart/form-data
input name=uploaded type=file
input name=send type=submit value=send

Expected result:

If the uploaded file name is: special'ized.doc 
The correct output is: special'ized.doc 

Actual result:
If the uploaded file name is: special'ized.doc 
The real output is: ized.doc 

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40813edit=1

#40830 [Opn-Bgs]: escapeshellarg() doesn't escape correctly

2007-03-15 Thread edink
 ID:   40830
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  xavier dot blanchet at free dot fr
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: CGI related
 Operating System: Windows XP SP2
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

Windows shell will not pass the trailing  to php. Try dumping $argv[1]
to see it yourself :)

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-15 20:33:38] xavier dot blanchet at free dot fr


escapeshellarg() doesn't escape correctly double quotes (enclosing with
simple quotes on Windows does not work anyway...)

Reproduce code:
// The goal is to pass geographic coordinates
echo escapeshellarg($argv[1]);

$ php conversion.php 45°53'36

Expected result:


Actual result:

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40830edit=1

#40701 [Opn-Fbk]: Memory allocation error

2007-03-14 Thread edink
 ID:   40701
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  michaeldaly at magma dot ca
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System: Win XP Pro
 PHP Version:  5.2.2
 New Comment:

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

A fix for memory manager was applied to CVS recently, it might solve
this issue.

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-13 04:55:55] michaeldaly at magma dot ca

With memory_limit = -1 there is no change.

[2007-03-12 03:40:34] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just out of the curiousity: what happens when you disable memory limit


[2007-03-07 16:04:57] michaeldaly at magma dot ca

 It _does_ report 8Mb - PHP Fatal error:  Out of memory (allocated
 8388608) (tried to allocate 393216 bytes).

It also reports from 786KB to 9.2MB, so it appears that if the problem
is a limit set externally, that limit is floating dynamically.

 Yes, please search for memory_limit in your scripts,.htacess
 and httpd.conf.

I searched for memory in the entire Apache directory tree and found
nothing that resembles a limit.  I looked through httpd.conf and
httpd_vhosts.conf visually and can find nothing else that looks like a
memory restriction.  The only limit I can find is in PHP.ini.

[2007-03-07 09:13:06] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PHP does _not_ report 8MB - it reports 512MB as per the php.ini
It _does_ report 8Mb - PHP Fatal error:  Out of memory (allocated
8388608) (tried to allocate 393216 bytes).

This is reported in phpinfo.php.
memory_limit can be changed per-virtualhost, per-directory and
Therefore phpinfo() might show you 512Mb, but the real script might use
different value.

Is there a way for me to capture some kind of debug information 
that can help you? 
Yes, please search for memory_limit in your scripts,.htacess and

[2007-03-06 20:54:33] michaeldaly at magma dot ca

Is there a way for me to capture some kind of debug information that
can help you?  I downloaded the debug files along with the latest snap
and they were just PDB files and I don't know what to do with them.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40701edit=1

#40781 [Opn-Bgs]: input name=PHPSESSID / invalid HTML

2007-03-12 Thread edink
 ID:   40781
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  php dot net at steltenpower dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Session related
 Operating System: Linux
 PHP Version:  4.4.5
 New Comment:

Browsers from Netscape 4 and up have no problem parsing tags like 
br / so this is not going to be changed in order to keep xhtml 

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-12 11:44:28] php dot net at steltenpower dot com

I'm using PHP's built-in session system through session_start() etc.

In the HTML output this results in lots of things of which
input type=hidden name=PHPSESSID value=8748someLongId865 /
is part.

in there should be removed to make it valid HTML

is needed for XHTML (which might also need
replaced with

So to be able to use the PHP built-in system for both valid HTML and
valid XHTML a switch, flag, ini setting, or something is needed

[2007-03-12 09:29:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not enough information was provided for us to be able
to handle this bug. Please re-read the instructions at

If you can provide more information, feel free to add it
to this bug and change the status back to Open.

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

[2007-03-12 00:19:34] php dot net at steltenpower dot com


input type=hidden name=PHPSESSID value=... /
is generated and the / makes it invalid HTML.

XHTML needs the /

So to be able to output both valid HTML and valid XHTML an ini variable
or something is needed

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40781edit=1

#40770 [Opn-Ver]: Apache child exits when PHP memory limit reached

2007-03-11 Thread edink
 ID:   40770
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  php at edwardk dot info
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Verified
 Bug Type: Reproducible crash
 Operating System: Windows 2003
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

I can reproduce the problem. When running this example in CLI PHP
aborts with:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to
allocate 133169153 bytes) in C:\php4build\PHP_5_2\Release_TS\t.php on
line 12
zend_mm_heap corrupted

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-11 21:35:14] php at edwardk dot info

I don't believe so. It should be the official PHP 5.2.1 windows binary

phpinfo() reports:

PHP Version 5.2.1
Build Date  Feb 7 2007 23:10:31
Configure Command   cscript /nologo configure.js
--enable-snapshot-build --with-gd=shared

[2007-03-11 14:52:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Are you running debug build of PHP by any chance?

[2007-03-10 03:24:58] php at edwardk dot info


Running Apache 1.3.37 with PHP 5.2.1 on Windows 2003 Standard 32bit

The following PHP code was called from a browser with the size=149 (to
simulate 149MB use) and the PHP memory limit is 160M.

Reproduce code:
if (isset($_GET['size'])  $_GET['size']  200) {
$mb = intval($_GET['size']);
else {
$var = '';
echo 'Memory limit: '.ini_get('memory_limit').'br';
for ($i=0; $i=$mb; $i++) {
$var.= str_repeat('a',1*1024*1024);
echo memory_get_usage().'br';
echo 'String length: '. strlen($var);

Expected result:

PHP should, if it did run out of memory, exit with something along the
lines of

Fatal error:  Allowed memory size of xxx bytes exhausted (tried to
allocate yyy bytes)

otherwise, the script should execute without crashing.

Actual result:
Apache child exits, browser waiting for the result of the page get a
TCP connection reset and no page loaded.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40770edit=1

#40770 [Ver-Asn]: Apache child exits when PHP memory limit reached

2007-03-11 Thread edink
 ID:   40770
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  php at edwardk dot info
-Status:   Verified
+Status:   Assigned
 Bug Type: Reproducible crash
 Operating System: Windows 2003
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
-Assigned To:  
+Assigned To:  dmitry
 New Comment:

Also happens in the latest 5.2 with both win32 and malloc

USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0 makes the problem disappear, but then no memory limit
is enforced.

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-12 03:27:43] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I can reproduce the problem. When running this example in CLI PHP
aborts with:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to
allocate 133169153 bytes) in C:\php4build\PHP_5_2\Release_TS\t.php on
line 12
zend_mm_heap corrupted

[2007-03-11 21:35:14] php at edwardk dot info

I don't believe so. It should be the official PHP 5.2.1 windows binary

phpinfo() reports:

PHP Version 5.2.1
Build Date  Feb 7 2007 23:10:31
Configure Command   cscript /nologo configure.js
--enable-snapshot-build --with-gd=shared

[2007-03-11 14:52:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Are you running debug build of PHP by any chance?

[2007-03-10 03:24:58] php at edwardk dot info


Running Apache 1.3.37 with PHP 5.2.1 on Windows 2003 Standard 32bit

The following PHP code was called from a browser with the size=149 (to
simulate 149MB use) and the PHP memory limit is 160M.

Reproduce code:
if (isset($_GET['size'])  $_GET['size']  200) {
$mb = intval($_GET['size']);
else {
$var = '';
echo 'Memory limit: '.ini_get('memory_limit').'br';
for ($i=0; $i=$mb; $i++) {
$var.= str_repeat('a',1*1024*1024);
echo memory_get_usage().'br';
echo 'String length: '. strlen($var);

Expected result:

PHP should, if it did run out of memory, exit with something along the
lines of

Fatal error:  Allowed memory size of xxx bytes exhausted (tried to
allocate yyy bytes)

otherwise, the script should execute without crashing.

Actual result:
Apache child exits, browser waiting for the result of the page get a
TCP connection reset and no page loaded.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40770edit=1

#40701 [Opn]: Memory allocation error

2007-03-11 Thread edink
 ID:   40701
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  michaeldaly at magma dot ca
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System: Win XP Pro
 PHP Version:  5.2.2
 New Comment:

Just out of the curiousity: what happens when you disable memory limit


Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 16:04:57] michaeldaly at magma dot ca

 It _does_ report 8Mb - PHP Fatal error:  Out of memory (allocated
 8388608) (tried to allocate 393216 bytes).

It also reports from 786KB to 9.2MB, so it appears that if the problem
is a limit set externally, that limit is floating dynamically.

 Yes, please search for memory_limit in your scripts,.htacess
 and httpd.conf.

I searched for memory in the entire Apache directory tree and found
nothing that resembles a limit.  I looked through httpd.conf and
httpd_vhosts.conf visually and can find nothing else that looks like a
memory restriction.  The only limit I can find is in PHP.ini.

[2007-03-07 09:13:06] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PHP does _not_ report 8MB - it reports 512MB as per the php.ini
It _does_ report 8Mb - PHP Fatal error:  Out of memory (allocated
8388608) (tried to allocate 393216 bytes).

This is reported in phpinfo.php.
memory_limit can be changed per-virtualhost, per-directory and
Therefore phpinfo() might show you 512Mb, but the real script might use
different value.

Is there a way for me to capture some kind of debug information 
that can help you? 
Yes, please search for memory_limit in your scripts,.htacess and

[2007-03-06 20:54:33] michaeldaly at magma dot ca

Is there a way for me to capture some kind of debug information that
can help you?  I downloaded the debug files along with the latest snap
and they were just PDB files and I don't know what to do with them.

[2007-03-06 18:10:37] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cannot reproduce anything like that.

[2007-03-06 18:02:56] michaeldaly at magma dot ca

I can find no other mechanism for setting a memory limit.

PHP does _not_ report 8MB - it reports 512MB as per the php.ini
setting.  This is reported in phpinfo.php.

This allocation error is occurring at many different allocation levels.
 For example, the following occurred yesterday.  The first column is the
allocated amount, the second is the amount attempted and the third is
the number of times it occurred.

Allocated   AddFreq
1048576  6144  1
1835008 98304  2
2359296 98304  2
2883584 24576  3
3407872 24576  2
3670016 24576  2
4456448  6144  1
5242880393216  1
5505024 98304  1
5767168   1572864  3
5767168 98304  1
6029312393216  1
6291456   1572864  2
6291456 98304  1
6553600   1572864  1
6553600 24576  1
6553600393216  8
6815744393216  4
7077888   1572864 11
7340032   1572864  5
7602176   1572864  1
7602176393216  1
 786432 24576  4
 786432  6144  3
9175040   1572864  2

All these values are well below the 512MB limit.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40701edit=1

#39644 [Opn-Csd]: Update MySQL MySQLI Libraries

2007-03-09 Thread edink
 ID:   39644
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  dj02 dot net at nbl dot fi
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: Windows XP 5.1.2600
 PHP Version:  5CVS-2007-03-09 (snap)
 Assigned To:  edink
 New Comment:


Previous Comments:

[2007-03-09 20:05:41] dj02 dot net at nbl dot fi

Updated bugreport PHP Version info.

[2007-03-09 20:01:58] dj02 dot net at nbl dot fi


[2007-03-09 20:01:25] dj02 dot net at nbl dot fi


Could you Update MySQL  MySQLi Libraries against MySQL Version

Because MySQL Team have updated sources and WIN32 BINARIES to v5.0.37.
v5.0.36 was only a source win32 release. Brevious win32 binary release
was v5.0.27 so it would be good to build MySQL  MySQLi Libraries
against MySQL Version 5.0.37.

[2007-03-05 13:11:00] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Updated to latest ver.

[2006-11-27 15:05:24] dj02 dot net at nbl dot fi



Could you Update MySQL  MySQLi Libraries against MySQL Version 5.0.27?

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=39644edit=1

#5748 [Asn-Csd]: use 'App Paths' registry key to specify path for supporting dlls

2007-03-05 Thread edink
 ID:   5748
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  steve at srtware dot com
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: Windows 98 SE
 PHP Version:  4.0.1pl2
 Assigned To:  edink
 New Comment:

Yes, its all well documented in the manual-

Previous Comments:

[2007-01-07 11:10:27] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You can already change the location of php.ini.
Regarding the registry.. edin?

[2002-04-28 18:14:04] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

updating summary

[2000-07-23 12:47:46] steve at srtware dot com

The installation was very easy for PWS, but when I got to the part
about copying DLL files, I wondered why PHP didn't use the App Paths
registry key, which I believe has officially replaced the PATH variable
for Windows apps?

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths

It would also be nice to pull the php.ini file from the folder where
PHP is located, instead of the Windows folder.  Then we users wouldn't
have to copy anything to other directories.  :)

(Thanks for a great package!)

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=5748edit=1

#6771 [Asn-Csd]: Import LIB files needed in Win32 distribution

2007-03-05 Thread edink
 ID:   6771
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  lillge at accesscom dot com
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: Win32
 PHP Version:  4.0.2
 Assigned To:  edink
 New Comment:

Done, long ago

Previous Comments:

[2000-09-15 07:54:00] lillge at accesscom dot com

In the php-4.0.x-Win32 distribution, please include
the import LIB files that correspond to the DLLs.

I simply want to build a new extension DLL.
Currently, I must build all of PHP just so that
I can get the import LIB files that I need to
link my extension DLL.

(FYI: Building on Win32 can be very difficult.
For example, right now bison is crashing and
I'm stuck.  I'm going through all this headache
just to get access to those missing LIB files.)

Actually, my request is more general: Please make
sure that everything is included so that it's
possible to build a new extension DLL on Win32
without having to rebuild PHP.  (I think the
import LIB files are all I need, but I'm not
completely sure.)

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=6771edit=1

#40677 [Asn-Sus]: PHP crash when calling Java

2007-03-05 Thread edink
 ID:   40677
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  poon dot fung at comcast dot net
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Suspended
 Bug Type: Java related
 Operating System: windows xp
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 Assigned To:  edink
 New Comment:

Short of deleting it from the CVS it is not possible atm.

Java extension is not maintained and probably does not work on any

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-05 09:49:56] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Edin, I'd prefer the former.

[2007-03-02 21:16:38] valid at email dot address

This crash happens when you add the following to your php.ini


The php_java.dll from http://pecl4win.php.net/ext.php/php_java.dll and
the php_java.dll which is part of the official pecl for windows
download crash the php executable.

Either remove the php_java.dll from the official pecl4win download or
or fix this bug.

[2007-03-01 08:15:37] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not enough information was provided for us to be able
to handle this bug. Please re-read the instructions at

If you can provide more information, feel free to add it
to this bug and change the status back to Open.

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

[2007-03-01 06:05:34] poon dot fung at comcast dot net


Running the sample code in Java integration page causes PHP crash.

Reproduce code:
// get instance of Java class java.lang.System in PHP
$system = new Java('java.lang.System');

// demonstrate property access
echo 'Java version=' . $system-getProperty('java.version') . 'br
echo 'Java vendor=' . $system-getProperty('java.vendor') . 'br /';
echo 'OS=' . $system-getProperty('os.name') . ' ' .
 $system-getProperty('os.version') . ' on ' .
 $system-getProperty('os.arch') . ' br /';

// java.util.Date example
$formatter = new Java('java.text.SimpleDateFormat',
 ,  dd,  'at' h:mm:ss a );

echo $formatter-format(new Java('java.util.Date'));

Expected result:

This result is produced by PHP v4.4.5.

can't open C:\j2sdk1.4.1_01\lib\tzmappings.
ZoneInfo: C:\j2sdk1.4.1_01\lib\zi\ZoneInfoMappings (The system cannot
find the path specified)
ZoneInfo: C:\j2sdk1.4.1_01\lib\zi\ZoneInfoMappings (The system cannot
find the path specified)
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.5
Content-type: text/html

Java version=1.4.1_01br /Java vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.br
/OS=Windows XP
5.1 on x86 br /Thursday, March 01, 2007 at 5:57:08 AM Greenwich Mean

Actual result:
CLI has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for the

AppName: php.exe AppVer: ModName: unknown
ModVer:  Offset: 011edf24

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40677edit=1

#40665 [Asn-Csd]: DOM/EXSLT not enabled in Windows binaries

2007-03-04 Thread edink
 ID:   40665
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  bat at flurf dot net
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: XSLT related
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:  4CVS-2007-02-28 (snap)
 Assigned To:  edink
 New Comment:

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Previous Comments:

[2007-02-28 12:35:56] bat at flurf dot net


In a Windows binary of PHP4, enable DOMXML and look at a phpinfo()
page.  DOM/XSLT is listed as enabled, but DOM/EXSLT, a feature built in
to libxslt, is not enabled.  There appears to be no way to enable it,
short of perhaps fixing the switch in the standard/snapshot Windows
build scripts that are disabling the feature.

Reproduce code:
Ensure that your PHP.ini contains the line:

Look at a phpinfo() page, in the domxml section, typically about
halfway down the page.

Mine contains these settings only:
DOM/XML enabled
DOM/XML API Version 20020815
libxml Version  20626
HTML Supportenabled
XPath Support   enabled
XPointer Supportenabled
libxslt Version 1.1.17
libxslt compiled against libxml Version 2.6.26

Expected result:

Should also contain:
DOM/EXSLT   enabled
libexslt Versionx.x.xx

Actual result:
Consequence: attempting to use the exslt:node-set() function to get
past an egregious limitation in XSLT 1.0 gives the warning messages as
follows on any Windows build of PHP4:

Warning: process() [function.process]: xmlXPathCompOpEval: function
node-set not found in ...
Warning: process() [function.process]: Unregistered function in ...

This indicates that libxslt is working, but access to its EXSLT
features has been prevented.  The phpinfo() result indicates that this
prevention has occurred at build time, not as a consequence of any PHP

On a standard Linux build, this function works perfectly well.  It is
therefore a bug in the way PHP is being built.  Note: this is not a bug
in libxslt!

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40665edit=1

#40689 [Asn-Csd]: Update PHP OpenSSL Files

2007-03-03 Thread edink
 ID:   40689
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  dj02 dot net at nbl dot fi
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: OpenSSL related
 Operating System: Windows XP 5.1.2600
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 Assigned To:  edink
 New Comment:

If you really want to use the latest OpenSSL, you can update the two
files as you have done. Sure the version will still say otherwise but
that's because different openssl headers were used for compilation.

Anyway, the libraries will be updated in the next release of PHP.

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-02 10:19:50] dj02 dot net at nbl dot fi



I am running PHP 5.2.1. Could you update OpenSSL Files: libeay32.dll,
ssleay32.dll and Extension: php_openssl.dll to OpenSSL Version:
Please. Files: libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll i updated from other
openssl official place but i couldn't find php_openssl.dll for OpenSSL
0.9.8e and so my phpinfo shows still version: 0.9.8d even libeay32.dll
and ssleay32.dll are 0.9.8e.

I have copied libeay32.dll (Version: 0.9.8e) and ssleay32.dll
0.9.8e) files in to: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ -location too.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40689edit=1

#37238 [Asn-Csd]: fastcgi-isapi dll runs dynamic servers as filters rather than responders

2007-03-03 Thread edink
 ID:   37238
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  barborak at basikgroup dot com
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: IIS related
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:  6CVS-2006-04-28 (CVS)
 Assigned To:  edink
 New Comment:

Not quite a year yet, but the patches have been applied :)

Precompiled file can be downloaded from:


Previous Comments:

[2006-05-01 15:39:54] barborak at basikgroup dot com

i've posted the patches here:



[2006-04-30 22:20:43] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Could you please post this patch online somewhere?

I'll check it out.

[2006-04-28 16:30:27] barborak at basikgroup dot com


(I apologize if I am reporting this in the wrong place. It seems that
Shane Caraveo's fastcgi-isapi module is now being maintained as part of
the PHP project. This is a great DLL for general FastCGI applications
and not just PHP. The problem I found relates to using it with Perl to
run dynamic servers. As such, it's not terribly relevant to your work
but I thought I'd report it along with patches.)

1. When using the fastcgi-isapi DLL to run dynamic servers, the dynamic
servers are running as FastCGI filters rather than responders. This is
due to a structure's member not being initialized.

2. When using perl as the server executable, it is sometimes necessary
to include arguments like -T and -w. The Args value in the registry is
being ignored for dynamic servers.

Here are the patches I applied to the code in CVS to fix these

--- FCGIProcMgr.cpp Thu Apr 27 14:46:38 2006
+++ FCGIProcMgr.cpp.new Thu Apr 27 14:45:54 2006
@@ -388,7 +388,10 @@
proc-incServers = parent-incServers;
proc-maxServers = parent-maxServers;
proc-timeout = parent-timeout;
-   if (path) strncpy(proc-args, path, sizeof(proc-args)-1);
+   proc-isFilter = parent-isFilter;
+   *( proc-args ) = 0;
+   if (parent-args) strncpy(proc-args, parent-args,
+   if (path) strncpy(proc-args + strlen (proc-args), path,
sizeof(proc-args)-1 - strlen (proc-args) );
strncpy(proc-bindPath, bindpath, sizeof(proc-bindPath)-1);
if (dwServerImpersonate) {

And I also needed this change to compile it on my machine:

--- fcgi_server.h   Thu Apr 27 14:46:38 2006
+++ fcgi_server.h.new   Thu Apr 27 14:43:46 2006
@@ -25,6 +25,10 @@
 #define FCGI_SERVER_VERSION 2.2.2 0.5.2 beta

 extern void InitiateServers(char *szExtension);
 extern void CheckServers(char *szExtension); 

Given these changes and registry settings like the following, I was
able to successfully run perl dynamic servers with the fastcgi-isapi


In this key, I added the following values:

AppPath REG_SZ c:\tools\perl\5.6.1\bin\MSWin32-x86\perl.exe
Args REG_SZ -T
BindPath REG_SZ

Note that the value of Args is -T  (with a space). BindPath is empty.
(Perhaps it's not necessary.)

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37238edit=1

#29036 [NoF-Csd]: imap with ssl not working on windows

2007-02-19 Thread edink
 ID:   29036
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  josef dot spangler at rz dot uni-regensburg dot de
-Status:   No Feedback
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: IMAP related
 Operating System: Windows
 PHP Version:  4.3.6
 New Comment:

Better late than never, fixed in 5.2.2 :)

Previous Comments:

[2005-08-25 17:29:52] dweingart at pobox dot com


 It won't help much since we don't build the c-client library 
 on windows with SSL support.

Does this mean that the imap_* functions on the Windows platforms won't
work over SSL at all? Even with the openssl extension enabled?

If so, that's probably a documentation bug, since the IMAP section of
the manual should probably mention that the SSL-enabled examples won't
work on Windows.

[2004-07-26 01:00:04] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net

No feedback was provided for this bug for over a week, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to Open.

[2004-07-08 11:33:00] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It won't help much since we don't build the c-client library on windows
with SSL support.. And the .dsp file should be edited too, did you to
that? (give a diff for that if you did :)

[2004-07-06 21:18:07] josef dot spangler at rz dot uni-regensburg dot


The php_imap extension is unable to connect over ssl to an imap server.
The reason is because the ssl engine is not initialized: 
In php_imap.c Line 435 the function 
  ssl_onceonlyinit ();
is not called on windows systems. 

The following fix will correct this:
*** php_imap.c.org  Thu Jan 15 01:36:08 2004
--- php_imap.c  Thu May 06 13:28:30 2004
*** 427,438 
  #ifndef PHP_WIN32
auth_link(auth_log);   /* link in the log authenticator */
auth_link(auth_md5);   /* link in the cram-md5 authenticator */

auth_link(auth_gss);   /* link in the gss authenticator */
  #ifdef HAVE_IMAP_SSL
ssl_onceonlyinit ();
- #endif

--- 427,438 
  #ifndef PHP_WIN32
auth_link(auth_log);   /* link in the log authenticator */
auth_link(auth_md5);   /* link in the cram-md5 authenticator */

auth_link(auth_gss);   /* link in the gss authenticator */
+ #endif
  #ifdef HAVE_IMAP_SSL
ssl_onceonlyinit ();

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=29036edit=1

#36496 [Asn-Csd]: SSL support in [EMAIL PROTECTED] not working

2007-02-19 Thread edink
 ID:   36496
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  krejci at ped dot muni dot cz
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: IMAP related
 Operating System: WinXP, Win2003
 PHP Version:  5.1.4
 Assigned To:  edink
 New Comment:

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Thanks to olivier dot monaco at free dot fr for giving a good hint :)

Previous Comments:

[2006-07-30 08:16:15] piotr dot rezmer at ens dot net dot pl

the problem relates to mail_open() function which is called within

[2006-07-30 07:33:13] piotr dot rezmer at ens dot net dot pl

The problem exists also in PHP 5.2 (snapshot
php5.2-win32-200607291830.zip) and PHP 6.0

[2006-07-14 15:11:22] olivier dot monaco at free dot fr

Patch from http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=29036 seems to never be
tested. Maybe the answer...

[2006-05-31 18:36:23] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just a sidenote: on can link extensions on Windows, if this is really
the problem.

[2006-05-28 19:14:01] krejci at ped dot muni dot cz

Hi, please don't forget me ;-)

No change upto latest 5.1.5-dev
(Build Date: May 7 2006 00:16:05)

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=36496edit=1

#40371 [Asn-Csd]: pg_set_client_encoding() and pg_client_encoding() are inconsistent

2007-02-19 Thread edink
 ID:   40371
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  jamaicafisk at gmail dot com
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: PostgreSQL related
 Operating System: Windows XP SP2
 PHP Version:  6CVS-2007-02-06 (snap)
 Assigned To:  edink
 New Comment:

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Previous Comments:

[2007-02-06 13:23:38] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This means PgSQL client has been built without multibyte support.
Edin, is this possible to change somehow?

[2007-02-06 13:15:42] jamaicafisk at gmail dot com


pg_set_client_encoding('UTF-8') returns 0 but a call to
pg_client_encoding() afterwards returns SQL_ASCII

The same code works on FreeBSD 6.2-RC1 and PHP 5.2.0 built against
Postgresql 8.2

Reproduce code:
pg_connect('host=localhost dbname=db user=myuser password=mypass');
echo pg_set_client_encoding:  . pg_set_client_encoding('UTF-8') .
$res = pg_query('SHOW client_encoding;');
echo client_encoding:  . pg_fetch_object($res)-client_encoding .
echo pg_client_encoding:  . pg_client_encoding();

Expected result:

pg_set_client_encoding: 0
client_encoding: UTF-8
pg_client_encoding: UTF-8

Actual result:
pg_set_client_encoding: 0
client_encoding: UTF-8
pg_client_encoding: SQL_ASCII

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40371edit=1

#40217 [Asn-Fbk]: Installation problem and file upload using html post not working

2007-02-19 Thread edink
 ID:   40217
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  ratneshmaurya at gmail dot com
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: IIS related
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:  5.2.0
 Assigned To:  jmertic

Previous Comments:

[2007-02-15 19:41:35] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try the latest build. If you are still having problems, email
the error.log file produced from the following to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From the command line in the directory where you downloaded the

msiexec /i php-5.2.1-win32-installer.msi /l*v error.log

[2007-02-07 16:51:14] dmaher at isppainting dot com

I have tried these steps and I am getting the same issue.

[2007-02-02 21:12:21] bill dot stout at greenborder dot com

I'm experiencing the same problem.  

I've attempted to install RC3 and it does not want to upgrade 5.2.0. 
Uninstalling 5.2.0 from Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs returns
an error:

PHP 5.2.0
The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this
package.  This may indicate a problem with this package.  The error
code is 2343.

[2007-01-29 13:17:53] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Could you run it in verbose logging mode and e-mail the log file to
in verbose logging mode issue the below command from the command
( from the same directory where the install exists ):

msiexec /i php-5.2.1RC3-win32-installer.msi /l*v error.log

[2007-01-24 13:17:13] ratneshmaurya at gmail dot com

I tried the link.

It gives error, I think similar to that Iwas getting earliear

Error 1722.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40217edit=1

#39984 [Asn-Sus]: Response header sent as 302 despite being set to 301

2007-02-19 Thread edink
 ID:   39984
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  marc dot bau at gmx dot net
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Suspended
 Bug Type: IIS related
 Operating System: WinXP
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 Assigned To:  edink
 New Comment:

Seems that there is no way a CGI script can convince IIS to output
something else than 302 response if you have location header.

Same IIS using Microsofts latest FCGI isapi has no problems with PHP
outputing correct status code.

I recommend that you switch to that instead of using raw cgi, the
perfomance icrease is dramatic as well.


Previous Comments:

[2007-02-18 12:05:02] marc dot bau at gmx dot net

Additional to this a header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found') produces a 404

[2007-01-11 10:02:47] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Edin, could you plz verify if this problem is still valid?

[2007-01-04 22:14:28] marc dot bau at gmx dot net


[2007-01-01 17:03:04] marc dot bau at gmx dot net

If Perl, ColdFusion and ASP Pages are correct and PHP not, what do you
think is wrong?

I think PHP! Maybe there is something wrong in the way how the status
is set or how the status is transfered to IIS... i don't know if there
is something special in IIS, but it looks like a PHP Bug, while all
other script languages are correct.

[2007-01-01 16:53:35] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From the PHP end of things the issue is resolved, if IIS does 
not properly handle the Status header in the event of 
redirects, that's hardly a PHP problem, no?

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=39984edit=1

#40421 [Fbk]: Install error 2343

2007-02-09 Thread edink
 ID:   40421
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  wade_link at hotmail dot com
 Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System: XP Pro
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

Please try:


Previous Comments:

[2007-02-09 23:24:34] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So 5.2.1 _probably_ works fine, but you can't test it because you
cannot uninstall the previous version.
Consult your OS support on how to force the uninstall?

[2007-02-09 23:20:06] wade_link at hotmail dot com

Well, not exactly.  I just downloaded php-5.2.1-win32-installer and
tried that, but it give me the message that there is a previous version
installed and it must be un-installed before the new version can be
installed.  Back to square one.

[2007-02-09 23:16:38] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yeah, there is a good chance 5.2.1 will work fine.

[2007-02-09 23:03:07] wade_link at hotmail dot com

php-5.2.0-win32-installer.  I guess it isn't 5.2.1 after all.

[2007-02-09 22:42:08] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What kind of package did you use? (There are 3 different 5.2.1 packages

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40421edit=1

#40337 [Opn-Bgs]: Data inserted by other application NOT ACCESSABLE

2007-02-05 Thread edink
 ID:   40337
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  R_de__R at hotmail dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: PostgreSQL related
 Operating System: Gentoo Linux
 PHP Version:  5.2.0
 New Comment:

Sorry, but your problem does not imply a bug in PHP itself.  For a
list of more appropriate places to ask for help using PHP, please
visit http://www.php.net/support.php as this bug system is not the
appropriate forum for asking support questions.  Due to the volume
of reports we can not explain in detail here why your report is not
a bug.  The support channels will be able to provide an explanation
for you.

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

Data inserted by other users cannot be read by an unprivileged user in
Postgres. Nothing to do with PHP in any case.

Previous Comments:

[2007-02-03 00:27:54] R_de__R at hotmail dot com



I created a postgresql user and database and 2 tables and inserted some
data into the tables (with psql commandline). Made the postgresql user
OWNER of the database with the ability to create more databases but
WITHOUT user creation capabilities.
In php I could connect to the database could create more tables and get
the data out of the PHP created tables. But access was denied to the
tables I created with the psql commandline application!! When I gave
the postgresql user, postgresql user CREATION capabilities this went
away and I could access all the data  Pretty WEIRD.

Hope you fix it soon for now I run with overpowered user,

Reproduce code:
$conn = pg_connect(host=localhost port=5432 user=some_user
dbname=some_database password=some_pass);

$sql = 'SELECT * from users';
$result = pg_query($conn,$sql);

echo table\n;
while ($line = pg_fetch_array($result, null, PGSQL_ASSOC)) {
   echo \ttr\n;
   foreach ($line as $col_value) {
   echo \t\ttd$col_value/td\n;
   echo \t/tr\n;
echo /table\n;

// Free resultset

// Closing connection

Expected result:

Full Access to the data in the database ... Eventhough they were
inserted by another aplication !

Actual result:
postgresql user WITHOUT postgresql user creation capabilities CAN'T
access data which was inserted by another application. But when the
postgresql user CAN make other postgresql users ALL data is accessable
(with no changes to php code or database settings...)

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40337edit=1

#40217 [Asn-Fbk]: Installation problem and file upload using html post not working

2007-01-24 Thread edink
 ID:   40217
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  ratneshmaurya at gmail dot com
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: IIS related
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:  5.2.0
 Assigned To:  jmertic

Previous Comments:

[2007-01-24 13:17:13] ratneshmaurya at gmail dot com

I tried the link.

It gives error, I think similar to that Iwas getting earliear

Error 1722.

[2007-01-24 12:33:23] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try


[2007-01-24 08:58:15] ratneshmaurya at gmail dot com


While installing (with the installer) in IIS4+CGI Mode (Windows XP,
IIS6.0), I get an error message at the end of the installation (There
is a
problem with this Windows Installer Package please contact...)

Every thing in my php scripts works fine except file upload using http
post method.

I also tried Bug #26185, solution and added through command

C:\WINDOWS\system32 iisext.vbs /AddFile C:\Program
Files\PHP\php-cgi.exe 1 PHP 1 PHP: Hypertext Processor

But it didnt solved the problem.

Reproduce code:
form action = upload.php...
input type = file /
input type = sumbit../

Expected result:

the file which i selected must get uploaded to the upload_temp_dir as
specified in the file php.ini

The same code works for me on a different machine where the php was
successfully installed.

Actual result:
no file got uploaded. i tried files with different sizes as low as 1kb.
and specified different upload directories for upload. Nothing worked on
that machine.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40217edit=1

#40217 [Fbk-Asn]: Installation problem and file upload using html post not working

2007-01-24 Thread edink
 ID:   40217
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  ratneshmaurya at gmail dot com
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Assigned
 Bug Type: IIS related
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:  5.2.0
 Assigned To:  jmertic

Previous Comments:

[2007-01-24 13:17:13] ratneshmaurya at gmail dot com

I tried the link.

It gives error, I think similar to that Iwas getting earliear

Error 1722.

[2007-01-24 12:33:23] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try


[2007-01-24 08:58:15] ratneshmaurya at gmail dot com


While installing (with the installer) in IIS4+CGI Mode (Windows XP,
IIS6.0), I get an error message at the end of the installation (There
is a
problem with this Windows Installer Package please contact...)

Every thing in my php scripts works fine except file upload using http
post method.

I also tried Bug #26185, solution and added through command

C:\WINDOWS\system32 iisext.vbs /AddFile C:\Program
Files\PHP\php-cgi.exe 1 PHP 1 PHP: Hypertext Processor

But it didnt solved the problem.

Reproduce code:
form action = upload.php...
input type = file /
input type = sumbit../

Expected result:

the file which i selected must get uploaded to the upload_temp_dir as
specified in the file php.ini

The same code works for me on a different machine where the php was
successfully installed.

Actual result:
no file got uploaded. i tried files with different sizes as low as 1kb.
and specified different upload directories for upload. Nothing worked on
that machine.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40217edit=1

#40201 [Asn-Fbk]: Fails to install, missing components of the install.Tried several site mirrors.

2007-01-23 Thread edink
 ID:   40201
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  cdgittler at interact dot ccsd dot net
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System: Windows
 PHP Version:  5.2.0
 Assigned To:  jmertic
 New Comment:

Please try


Previous Comments:

[2007-01-22 23:54:43] cdgittler at interact dot ccsd dot net


The exact message There is a problem with this Windows Installer
package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected.
Contact your support or package vendor.  

This is the 5th or 6th attempts after uninstalling and reinstalling and
attempting from different mirror sites.  Each time I get the same

I can successfully install 4.4.4 PHP, but 5.2.0 install will not

Similar Bugs are already reported, and a fix for Apache is reported,
but I need a windows fix. Help please.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40201edit=1

#40163 [Opn-Fbk]: UNC Path not working

2007-01-20 Thread edink
 ID:   40163
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  coyle at washpenn dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Directory function related
 Operating System: Windows 2003
 PHP Version:  5.2.0
 New Comment:

You do need to escape \ even under single quotes, so your first example
is fine:

$path = 'server\\share\\directory\\';

Are you running PHP under a web server? This sounds to me like
permissions issue? Could you try running php.exe from command line and
see if the result is any different.

Previous Comments:

[2007-01-19 14:33:54] coyle at washpenn dot com

$path = '\\server\share\directory'; 
Should be:
$path = 'server\share\directory';

I am running out of things to try here.  When I print $path, I get a
valid UNC path with no spaces anywhere but I still get the error above.

[2007-01-19 14:27:23] coyle at washpenn dot com

$path = server\\share\\directory;
$path = '\\server\share\directory';

Doesn't matter which I try ... I've tried many different combinations
to produce the path in both 5.2.0 or 5.2.1 RC4-dev and none of them
work.  Everything was fine in php = 5.1.6

[2007-01-19 14:09:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Double slashes are needed only with double quotes, because  \x means
an escape character.

[2007-01-19 13:05:37] coyle at washpenn dot com

Better Example:

$path = 'server\\share\\directory\\';

mkdir($path, 0770);

Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Invalid argument in file on line

[2007-01-19 08:08:04] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not enough information was provided for us to be able
to handle this bug. Please re-read the instructions at

If you can provide more information, feel free to add it
to this bug and change the status back to Open.

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40163edit=1

#40034 [Asn]: mssql_connect(): Unable to connect to server

2007-01-12 Thread edink
 ID:   40034
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  chris dot clos at lmcu dot org
 Status:   Assigned
 Bug Type: MSSQL related
 Operating System: Windows Server 2003
 PHP Version:  5.2.0
-Assigned To:  edink
+Assigned To:  fmk
 New Comment:

Sorry, I'm not the MSSQL intiated :)

Frank, could you take a look please?

Previous Comments:

[2007-01-05 15:23:46] chris dot clos at lmcu dot org


I have PHP 5.1.4 and upgraded to php 5.2.0.  Copied my php.ini file
over.  I use IIS in Server 2003 (Standard) SP1, connecting to SQL
Server 2005 (Standard).  

I can no longer do mssql_connects, instead I get an error.

Once I did this I get an error: 

PHP Warning:  mssql_connect(): Unable to connect to server:  x.x.x.x in
C:\db-test.php on line 3

This is the same thing that happens when using it via IIS (using
php5isapi) or the php command line.  This does work on a Windows XP SP2
machine just fine.  I can reproduce this other Windows Server 2003

I read from bug Id 39313, and I have tried loading the client tools,
however I do not see anywhere that there is a NETBIOS or a TCP/IP type
setting in SQL Server Management Studio.  

After looking long and deep, I found that its the version of
ntwdblib.dll that is provided with php package.  I found one that is
version 2000.80.194.0 that fixes it, but the one included is

Same problem appears to happen with 5.1.4 and this version of dll, I
think this file needs to be updated in the distribution.

Reproduce code:

$dbh = mssql_connect('x.x.x.x','user','password');

if($dbh) {
 echo true\r\n;
} else {
echo fubar\r\n;

Expected result:

I should get true printed out.

Actual result:
Using 5.2.0:
Warning: mssql_connect(): Unable to connect to server:  x.x.x.x in
C:\db-test.php on line 3

Using 5.1.4:

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40034edit=1

#40081 [Opn-Bgs]: oci8.dll not loading

2007-01-09 Thread edink
 ID:   40081
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  adlermedrado at gmail dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Dynamic loading
 Operating System: Windows
 PHP Version:  5.2.0
 New Comment:

Sorry, but your problem does not imply a bug in PHP itself.  For a
list of more appropriate places to ask for help using PHP, please
visit http://www.php.net/support.php as this bug system is not the
appropriate forum for asking support questions.  Due to the volume
of reports we can not explain in detail here why your report is not
a bug.  The support channels will be able to provide an explanation
for you.

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

You need to install oracle instant client.

Previous Comments:

[2007-01-09 19:04:45] adlermedrado at gmail dot com

please, sorry. when i put 'no show is displayed...' please consider 'no
errors are displayed'.

thanks and sorry.

[2007-01-09 19:00:16] adlermedrado at gmail dot com


The oci8.dll extension is not loading. 
No show is displayed and nothing about the oci8 extension is displayed
when the phpinfo() function is called.
I am using apache 2.0.x

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40081edit=1

#40044 [Opn-Csd]: Checksum error on install-pear-nozlib.phar

2007-01-06 Thread edink
 ID:   40044
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  oleg at palm-uae dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: Compile Failure
 Operating System: Redhat 9
 PHP Version:  5CVS-2007-01-06 (snap)
 New Comment:

Updated phars are comitted will be up on the site in a few hours.

Previous Comments:

[2007-01-06 22:14:20] oleg at palm-uae dot com

Have tried the last CVS

php5.2 (tar.gz) (8.1M) 
Built On: Jan 06, 2007 21:30 GMT

Got the same error!

[2007-01-06 16:42:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

[2007-01-06 15:20:43] oleg at palm-uae dot com


Trying to do `make install`.
After downloading install-pear-nozlib.phar file I got message that the
checksum is errorneous for this file

Reproduce code:
Just configured, `make` php5.2 last snap files.
After make install got the error.

Expected result:

PEAR environment to be downloaded and installed successfully

Actual result:
19:14:27 (308.48 KB/s) - `pear/install-pear-nozlib.phar' saved

Fatal error: Not valid internal .phar file (checksum error) in
5.2-200701061330/pear/install-pear-nozlib.phar on line 411
make[1]: *** [install-pear-installer] Error 255
make: *** [install-pear] Error 2

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40044edit=1

#40001 [Opn-Asn]: Installer doesn't work.

2007-01-03 Thread edink
 ID:   40001
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  riramosu at hotmail dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Assigned
 Bug Type: *General Issues
 Operating System: WINDOWS 2003
 PHP Version:  5.2.0
-Assigned To:  
+Assigned To:  jmertic

Previous Comments:

[2007-01-02 18:26:07] riramosu at hotmail dot com


The installer doesnt work on Windows 2003 Server, It said PHP 5.2.0
Setup There is a problem with this Windows Installer Package. A program
required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your
support personnel or package vendor

What is the bug with the installer? 

Installer for PHP 5.2.0 doesnt work
Installer for PHP 5.1.x works fine!
Installer for PHP 4.4.xworks fine!


Reproduce code:
The installer doesnt work on Windows 2003 Server, It said PHP 5.2.0
Setup There is a problem with this Windows Installer Package. A program
required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your
support personnel or package vendor

What is the bug with the installer? 

Installer for PHP 5.2.0 doesnt work
Installer for PHP 5.1.x works fine!
Installer for PHP 4.4.xworks fine!


Expected result:

Installation complete.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40001edit=1

#39998 [Asn-Bgs]: php.exe in downloadable .ZIP package compiled with different API than modules

2007-01-01 Thread edink
 ID:   39998
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  solomierdaybasura at yahoo dot es
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:  5.2.0
 Assigned To:  edink
 New Comment:

The distro files are fine. You have most likely a mix up of two (or
more) PHP installs.

Previous Comments:

[2007-01-01 20:09:29] solomierdaybasura at yahoo dot es


I've downloaded PHP 5.2.0 from .ZIP and from the installer for windows.
They do not contain the same php.exe file.

php.exe in the .ZIP file is compiled with an old API (20050922), as I
constantly got errors from module such as MySQL/MySQLi extensions not
working because they are compiled with API 20060613.

However, the files provided with the installer DO WORK, as php.exe is
compiled correctly and matches the modules' API.

Reproduce code:
- Download PHP 5.2.0 .zip package (windows binaries) from
- Uncompress and place php.ini under c:\windows, properly configure it
to activate mysql and mysqli extensions.
- Type 'php -m' on the command line

Expected result:

[PHP Modules]

[Zend Modules]

Actual result:
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: mysql: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHPcompiled with module API=20050922
These options need to match

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=39998edit=1

#39943 [Opn-Bgs]: Configure scripts not detecting mysqlclient properly on 64bit

2006-12-24 Thread edink
 ID:   39943
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  xachen at mac dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Compile Failure
 Operating System: CentOS 4.4 - x86_64
 PHP Version:  5.2.0
 New Comment:

Sorry, but your problem does not imply a bug in PHP itself.  For a
list of more appropriate places to ask for help using PHP, please
visit http://www.php.net/support.php as this bug system is not the
appropriate forum for asking support questions.  Due to the volume
of reports we can not explain in detail here why your report is not
a bug.  The support channels will be able to provide an explanation
for you.

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

Previous Comments:

[2006-12-24 20:49:36] judas dot iscariote at gmail dot com

Bogus ;)

Use the --with-libdir=lib64 configure flag.

[2006-12-24 20:17:15] xachen at mac dot com


When you go to ./configure your installation to work with MySQL and you
have the libraries installed under /usr/lib64, as well as the
appropriate ldconfig is provided and in place, PHP will still not
detect it.

This is fixable by going ln -s /usr/lib64/mysql /usr/lib

Reproduce code:
./configure --enable-fastcgi --with-mysql

Expected result:

For MySQL to compile properly.

Actual result:
checking for MySQL support... yes
checking for specified location of the MySQL UNIX socket... no
checking for MySQL UNIX socket location... /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
configure: error: Cannot find libmysqlclient under /usr.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=39943edit=1

#39930 [Opn-Fbk]: Error passing Word macro arguments

2006-12-24 Thread edink
 ID:   39930
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  poon dot fung at gmail dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: COM related
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:  5.2.0
 New Comment:

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

Previous Comments:

[2006-12-22 07:34:47] poon dot fung at gmail dot com


I can call a Word macro without any argument ok. But when I pass a
string arguement to a Word macro, I get the following exception.

Source: Unknown
Description: Unknown

I discovered the following problem:

1. It works when a macro does not have argument. The macro can be in
the default macro file Module/NewMacros or other module file such as

2. It works when a macro has one or more arguements when the macro is
in default macro file Module/NewMacros.

It does not work when the same macro is copied to a different module
file such as Module/MyMacros.

Reproduce code:

// C:\testme.doc is any Word document

$word = new COM('Word.Application') or die('Start Word automation

$arg1 = 'Some value';

// First test -- This works fine

// Second test -- This works fine
//$word-Application-Run('phptest2', $arg1);

// Third test -- This works fine
//$word-Application-Run('phptest3', $arg1, $arg1);

// Forth test -- This works fine

// Fifth test -- FAILED
$word-Application-Run('Normal.MyMacros.phptest2', $arg1);

// Sixth test -- FAILED
//$word-Application-Run('Normal.MyMacros.phptest3', $arg1, $arg1);

$word = null;

// Word macros

Sub phptest1()

End Sub

Sub phptest2(arg1 As String)

End Sub

Sub phptest3(arg1 As String, arg2 As String)

End Sub


Expected result:

To run the test:
1. Create a dummy Word document C:\testme.doc.
2. Copy the three dummy procedures (phptest1, phptest2 and phptest3) to
Word's macro file Normal/Module/NewMacros.
3. Create a new macro file Normal/Module/MyMacros and paste the same
three procedures in it.
4. Uncomment the line after each test case and keep lines for other
test cases commented.
5. Run each test case.

Case 1-4: No output. Just finish without error.
Case 5-6: Show the error below.

Actual result:
PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'com_exception' with message
'Source: Unknown
Description: Unknown' in C:\bug2.php:21
Stack trace:
#0 C:\bug2.php(21): variant-Run('Normal.MyMacros...', 'Some value')
#1 {main}
  thrown in C:\bug2.php on line 21

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=39930edit=1

#34657 [Opn]: If you get a communication problem when loading the WSDL, it fatal's

2006-12-21 Thread edink
 ID:   34657
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  gareth at wsys dot co dot uk
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: SOAP related
 Operating System: Windows, Linux
 PHP Version:  5.1.6
 Assigned To:  dmitry
 New Comment:

I get 3 warning + a SoapFault exception when running Lukas' test case
there. The output is:

Warning: SoapClient::SoapClient(): php_network_getaddresses:
getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in
/home/ek/projects/php_5_2/t on line 4

Warning: SoapClient::SoapClient(http://i_dont_exist.com/some.wsdl):
failed to open stream: No such file or directory in
/home/ek/projects/php_5_2/t on line 4

Warning: SoapClient::SoapClient(): I/O warning : failed to load
external entity http://i_dont_exist.com/some.wsdl; in
/home/ek/projects/php_5_2/t on line 4
string(9) SoapFault

I think getting 3 warning and an exception for failing to load WSDL
file is a bit excessive though :)

Previous Comments:

[2006-12-19 14:10:44] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I can reproduce this error with php 5.1.4 and 5.2.0 on windows. And it
seems Derick was also able to reproduce it on Linux. Using the
following we get 3 warnings and a fatal error:


try {
  $client = new SoapClient('http://i_dont_exist.com/some.wsdl');
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
} catch (Exception $e) {

It really should not do anything but throw an exception, as this is
what is defined to happen for fatal errors in constructors for all

[2006-09-12 09:56:52] gareth at wsys dot co dot uk

OK, the debug information shows that the Soap client class is now
throwing an uncaught SoapFault exception (which causes the fatal

with a try{ } catch(SoapFault $exception) I can continue the script.

I've closed the bug.

[2006-09-12 08:56:12] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I cannot reproduce the bug even with 5.1.4. Try php -d log_errors=0
test.php. May be you are seeing log message and don't see Error
Caught after it?

[2006-09-11 07:50:34] gareth at wsys dot co dot uk

I have tried to use set_error_handler(), but as you know it cannot
catch fatal errors.

Does anyone else have a workaround?

[2006-09-08 21:50:38] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

See also bug #38703.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=34657edit=1

#39877 [Opn-Bgs]: Unable to load dynamic library

2006-12-18 Thread edink
 ID:   39877
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  rob4you at vodafone dot it
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Dynamic loading
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:  5.2.0
 New Comment:

This is not a bug in php. Your php folder (C:\Programs\PHP) needs to be
included in PATH. After modifying path you need to restart your machine
for the changes to take effect for all services.

Previous Comments:

[2006-12-18 22:12:21] rob4you at vodafone dot it

Sorry, the last three libraries were not in the extension directory.
So the problem is resolved.

So the way to make working extensions which require other .dll is to
copy the last in the c:\windows\system32 (or setting up an environment
This solutions however is not so good when having multiple PHP version
installed on different webserver on the same machine.

[2006-12-18 21:58:42] rob4you at vodafone dot it

After try  errors i've observed that I need to copy some dll in the

But the problem still persists with just three library:


How can I make them working?

[2006-12-18 21:26:25] rob4you at vodafone dot it


PHP 5.2.0 installed as Apache module (apache version 2.2.3) on Windows
I've also tried with PHP 5.2.1RC2-dev, PHP 5.1.2. 
I've used also Apache 2.0.x as webserver.

The php.ini is correctly configured with the wanted extensions
(extension=php_name.dll) and the right extensions_dir.
The Apache server is correctly configured with the PHPIniDir and
LoadModule directive.

The problem is the following:
when the server starts, SOME extensions are not loaded, and the
following warning is produced (as an example):

PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'C:\\Programs\\PHP\\ext\\php_curl.dll' - Impossible to locate specified
module.\r\n in Unknown on line 0

The extension is instead correctly placed in the right directory.

It's quite strange that some extensions are loaded, some other are not
loaded, but they are all in the SAME directory! 

ps: i've not used environment variable because in the manual it says it
not necessary when using php as apache module. 
If I set instead the environment variable Path C:\Programs\PHP it

However the behaviour for the problem previously exposed is unexpected:
some extensions are correctly loaded, others no.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=39877edit=1

#39751 [Asn-Csd]: putenv causes string copy of freed memory region, causing crash

2006-12-09 Thread edink
 ID:   39751
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  KevinJohnHoffman at gmail dot com
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: Reproducible crash
 Operating System: Win32
 PHP Version:  5.2.0
 Assigned To:  edink
 New Comment:

Patch applied, thanks!

Previous Comments:

[2006-12-06 11:58:59] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Edin, could you please check this out?

[2006-12-06 05:25:00] KevinJohnHoffman at gmail dot com

Patch has now been submitted to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[2006-12-06 04:46:16] KevinJohnHoffman at gmail dot com


If putenv deletes an environment variable (putenv(VAR=))
after it was set previously (putenv(VAR=xxx)) then pe-previous_entry
(pe is the internal hash table entry for the environment variable) will
point to a freed memory region.

This bug is triggered on windows because pe-previous_entry is set to
point directly to the environment string (environ[...]) instead of a
*copy* of the string. The MSVCRT library will free that string when an
environment variable is deleted. Thus, pe-previous_entry can point to
a free memory region when used later.

The patch is extremely simple... pe-previous_entry should point to a
copy of the string from the environment.

putenv is used in the above pattern by the PEAR Date\TimeZone.php file
in the inDaylightTime function. 

However, this bug affects any code that follows the above pattern. It
can also be used as an attack vector to cause a denial of service
attack on Apache/PHP servers running on windows.

This is probably the same bug as #36819. A patch will be submitted

Reproduce code:
//The previous_value field of the hashtable entry (pe)
//for VAR now points to freed memory.
//Lot's of other code here that reuses this memory block
//(overwriting it with binary data) and then frees it
//will cause problems.

//Either the script exiting or doing putenv(VAR=something)
//will cause the deconstructor on the hash table entry
//to be called (php_putenv_destructor)

//The deconstructor will call putenv using pe-previous_value
//The MSVCRT putenv function will call strlen on the arg.
//If the freed memory at pe-previous_value now points to a
//data page that is no longer valid the program will crash.

Details will be submitted along with the patch. It's hard to write a
script that executes once that will cause it to crash. 

Expected result:

The code should run without crashing and without accessing freed

Actual result:
PHP or Apache crashes. This is usually a lot easier to reproduce if
running in Apache via the handler and the page is executed several

minidumps are available upon request.

01f3df1c 1023baad MSVCR70D!strlen+0x30
01f3df50 00c5fcd1 MSVCR70D!putenv+0x3d
01f3e028 00a6863a php5ts_debug!php_putenv_destructor(struct
putenv_entry * pe = 0x0311bf80)+0x51
[c:\dev\sdk\php5.2-dev\source\ext\standard\basic_functions.c @ 3835]
01f3e11c 00c60eef php5ts_debug!zend_hash_del_key_or_index(struct
_hashtable * ht = 0x01d01fb4, char * arKey = 0x031033c0 , unsigned
int nKeyLength = 3, unsigned long h = 0xb8823d3, int flag = 0)+0x19a
[c:\dev\sdk\php5.2-dev\source\zend\zend_hash.c @ 492]
01f3e27c 009d2198 php5ts_debug!zif_putenv(int ht = 1, struct
_zval_struct * return_value = 0x03103af0, struct _zval_struct **
return_value_ptr = 0x, struct _zval_struct * this_ptr =
0x, int return_value_used = 0, void *** tsrm_ls =
[c:\dev\sdk\php5.2-dev\source\ext\standard\basic_functions.c @ 4423]
01f3e40c 009dba2f php5ts_debug!zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC(struct
_zend_execute_data * execute_data = 0x01f3e5e0, void *** tsrm_ls =
0x01ca5890)+0x458 [c:\dev\sdk\php5.2-dev\source\zend\zend_vm_execute.h
@ 200]
01f3e500 009d1a6d php5ts_debug!ZEND_DO_FCALL_SPEC_CONST_HANDLER(struct
_zend_execute_data * execute_data = 0x01f3e5e0, void *** tsrm_ls =
0x01ca5890)+0xbf [c:\dev\sdk\php5.2-dev\source\zend\zend_vm_execute.h @
01f3f7bc 0099db9f php5ts_debug!execute(struct _zend_op_array * op_array
= 0x02cc4098, void *** tsrm_ls = 0x01ca5890)+0x2dd
[c:\dev\sdk\php5.2-dev\source\zend\zend_vm_execute.h @ 92]
01f3f9a8 00aaf3f7 php5ts_debug!zend_execute_scripts(int type = 8, void
*** tsrm_ls = 0x01ca5890, struct _zval_struct ** retval = 0x,
int file_count = 3, struct _zval_struct ** orig_retval_ptr_ptr =
0x)+0x19f [c:\dev\sdk\php5.2-dev\source\zend\zend.c @ 1098]
01f3fc9c 007b6c10 php5ts_debug!php_execute_script(struct
_zend_file_handle * primary_file = 0x01f3fddc, void *** tsrm_ls =
0x01ca5890)+0x367 [c:\dev\sdk\php5.2-dev\source\main\main.c @ 1781]
01f3fecc 6ff0263e php5apache2_2!php_handler(struct request_rec * r =

#39503 [Asn-Csd]: curl_multi doesn't work with socks5 proxy

2006-11-14 Thread edink
 ID:   39503
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  type-v at mail dot ru
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: cURL related
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:  5.2.0
 Assigned To:  edink
 New Comment:

Bundled libcurl has been updated. You can grab the next snapshot from
snaps.php.net for the updated php_curl.dll.

Previous Comments:

[2006-11-13 21:18:10] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Edin can you please see if we can easily upgrade libcurl for 
win32 to 7.16.0.

[2006-11-13 18:55:17] type-v at mail dot ru


curl_multi_exec() doesn't work with socks5 proxy.
 It was said that it would be fixed in version 7.16.0. But there is
only 7.14 available in latest cvs of php5 and php6.

When 7.16 will be available for download ?

Reproduce code:

Expected result:

All is ok.

Actual result:
Curl error on handle 0: Send failure: Socket is not connected Curl
error on handle 1: Send failure: Socket is not connected 
And so on.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=39503edit=1

#39411 [Opn-Bgs]: php (cgi) binary is not produced when compiling with apxs2 configured

2006-11-07 Thread edink
 ID:   39411
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  thp3 at sigproc dot de
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: *Compile Issues
 Operating System: Linux 2.6.8
 PHP Version:  5.2.0
 New Comment:

Please don't submit the same bug twice. You can only compile CLI + any
other sapi.

Previous Comments:

[2006-11-07 09:08:57] thp3 at sigproc dot de


Re-issueing of Bug #30682 (php (cgi) binary does not compile with apxs2

When having the --with-apxs option enabled, the CGI executable is not
generated during compilation, though this is implied by the naming of
the configure options and the current documentation in file INSTALL.

Rationale: though it might be trivial for the php developers to know
that the CGI executable is only one of the SAPI modules and that only
one SAPI module (+ cli) can be compiled at a time, for the average user
it is just puzzling not to find the CGI executable after use of a rather
unsuspicious configure command.

Please either 
a) adjust the naming of configure options (e.g. have an explicit option
for the target, i.e. --build-sapi={cgi|apache|...}), or
b) leave a small note in the documentation about the issue, preferably
in INSTALL or at the top of the configure --help text. (Something
like: Note that enabling --with-apxs and alike will cease the CGI
executable from being built.)

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=39411edit=1

#39410 [Opn-Asn]: Installation on CGI mode fails

2006-11-07 Thread edink
 ID:   39410
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  gschizas at gmail dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Assigned
 Bug Type: IIS related
 Operating System: Windows 2003
 PHP Version:  5.2.0
-Assigned To:  
+Assigned To:  jmertic

Previous Comments:

[2006-11-07 08:07:18] gschizas at gmail dot com


While installing (with the installer) in CGI Mode (Windows 2003 SP1,
IIS6), I get an error message at the end of the installation (There is
a problem with this Windows Installer Package)

Reproduce code:
Event Viewer shows this:

Product: PHP 5.2.0 -- Error 1721. There is a problem with this Windows
Installer package. A program required for this install to complete
could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.
Action: iisextVBS, location: C:\Program Files\PHP\, command:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\iisext.vbs /AddFile C:\Program

I found this again as Bug #26185, for PHP 4.2.1, but obviously it
reared its ugly head again (#26185 is closed, but the behavior

Expected result:

Installation not producing any error messages, and registering PHP in
Web Service Extensions

Actually this is probably a problem with the fact iisext.vbs requires
more parameters in Windows 2003. So instead of
C:\WINDOWS\system32\iisext.vbs /AddFile C:\Program
you should type
C:\WINDOWS\system32\iisext.vbs /AddFile C:\Program
Files\PHP\php-cgi.exe 1 PHP 1 PHP: Hypertext Processor

Use iisext.vbs /? to see the meaning of the parameters.

The installer needs to be fixed.

Actual result:
Installation produced the error message, PHP was not registered, but
all other things seemed to go well.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=39410edit=1

#39407 [Opn-Asn]: Swapped Upload and Session Directory

2006-11-07 Thread edink
 ID:   39407
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  eoghan at loggedin dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Assigned
 Bug Type: IIS related
 Operating System: XP SP2
 PHP Version:  5.2.0
-Assigned To:  
+Assigned To:  jmertic

Previous Comments:

[2006-11-06 21:40:45] eoghan at loggedin dot com


When you run the windows installer and choose IIS4+ CGI, it seems to
swap the values for the session directory and the uploads directory in
the php.ini file when it's created.

In php.ini it has


and I think they're probably meant to be swapped i.e.


Not a biggie, probably wouldn't really stop things functioning in most
cases, but just thought you might want to know.


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=39407edit=1

#39390 [Opn-Bgs]: I have the DLLS in the correct folder and all of them are there but it says its

2006-11-07 Thread edink
 ID:   39390
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  ryanbestofthewest at hotmail dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Dynamic loading
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:  5.2.0
 New Comment:

You have most likely mixed up two PHP installs. Try with a clean
install, PHP has no support in loading modules.

Previous Comments:

[2006-11-05 20:39:51] ryanbestofthewest at hotmail dot com


Hi, i have Apache/2.0.59 (Win32)  PHP/5.2.0. I keep getting dynamic
library errors i have the directory set right and i checked for the
dlls there all there. 

PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\Program
ext\php_exif.dll' - The specified module could not be found.
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\Program
ext\php_ifx.dll' - The specified module could not be found.
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\Program
ext\php_oci8.dll' - The specified module could not be found.
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\Program
ext\php_exif.dll' - The specified module could not be found.
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\Program
ext\php_ifx.dll' - The specified module could not be found.
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  Module 'mysql' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\Program
ext\php_oci8.dll' - The specified module could not be found.
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\Program
ext\php_pdo_oci.dll' - The specified module could not be found.
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\Program
ext\php_pdo_oci8.dll' - The specified module could not be found.
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\Program
ext\php_pspell.dll' - The specified module could not be found.
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\Program
ext\php_sybase_ct.dll' - The specified module could not be found.
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\Program
ext\php_ibm_db2.dll' - The specified module could not be found.
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\Program
ext\php_imagick.dll' - The specified module could not be found.
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\Program
ext\php_ingres.dll' - The specified module could not be found.
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\Program
ext\php_netools.dll' - The specified module could not be found.
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\Program
ext\php_oracle.dll' - The specified module could not be found.
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\Program
ext\php_svn.dll' - The specified module could not be found.
 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\Program
ext\php_yaz.dll' - The specified procedure could not be found.
 in Unknown on line 0
Cannot find module (IP-MIB): At line 0 in (none)
Cannot find module (IF-MIB): At line 0 in (none)
Cannot find module (TCP-MIB): At line 0 in (none)
Cannot find module (UDP-MIB): At line 0 in (none)
Cannot find module (SNMPv2-MIB): At line 0 in (none)
Cannot find module (SNMPv2-SMI): At line 0 in (none)
Cannot find module (UCD-SNMP-MIB): At line 0 in (none)
Cannot find module (UCD-DEMO-MIB): At line 0 in (none)
Cannot find module (SNMP-TARGET-MIB): At line 0 in (none)
Cannot find module (SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB): At line 0 in (none)
Cannot find module (SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB): At line 0 in (none)
Cannot find module (UCD-DLMOD-MIB): At line 0 in (none)
Cannot find module (SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB): At line 0 in (none)
Cannot find module (SNMP-MPD-MIB): At line 0 in (none)
Cannot find module (SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB): At line 0 in (none)
Cannot find module (SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB): At line 0 in (none)
Cannot find module (SNMPv2-TM): At line 0 in (none)
PHP Notice:  Constant XML_ELEMENT_NODE already defined in Unknown on
line 0
PHP Notice:  Constant XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE already defined in Unknown on
line 0
PHP Notice:  Constant XML_TEXT_NODE already defined in Unknown on line
PHP Notice:  Constant XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE already defined in Unknown
on line
PHP Notice:  Constant XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE already defined in Unknown on
line 0
PHP Notice:  Constant XML_ENTITY_NODE already 

#39344 [Opn-Asn]: Unnecessary calls to OnModify callback routine for an extension INI directive

2006-11-07 Thread edink
 ID:   39344
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  wharmby at uk dot ibm dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Assigned
 Bug Type: Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:  5CVS-2006-11-02 (snap)
-Assigned To:  
+Assigned To:  dmitry

Previous Comments:

[2006-11-03 09:03:38] wharmby at uk dot ibm dot com

Correcting version; behaviour was observed in V5 not V4

[2006-11-02 11:10:56] wharmby at uk dot ibm dot com


Unnecessary calls to OnModify callback routine for an
extension INI directives in ZTS enabled builds.

Please note the problem reported here only applies to ZTS 
enabled builds.

I have tried the supplied testcase on the latest snap-shot 
build for Windows (Nov 2, 2006 09:30 GMT)and the problem 
persists. phpinfo() shows PHP Version = 5.2.1-dev.

Problem also persists in latest checked in version of file 
in CVS.

If I define a OnMOdify callback routine for an extension INI
directive the routine is called multiple times during
startup even though the directive is not being continually
modified. I expected one call as a result of modification to
the directive in php.ini but instead I got 3 calls.

I spotted this behaviour reviewing the engine code whilst 
reading Sara Golemon's book Extending and Embedding PHP 
and include a slightly modified version of sample code
from her book to illustrate the unnecessary calls.

The first problem is that in a ZTS enabled build 
zend_ini_refresh_caches() is called twice for each new 
thread. The method zend_new_thread_end_handler() calls it 
directly as follows: 

static void zend_new_thread_end_handler(THREAD_T thread_id TSRMLS_DC)
zend_ini_refresh_caches(ZEND_INI_STAGE_STARTUP TSRMLS_CC);

However, zend_copy_ini_directives() itself also calls
zend_ini_refresh_caches() so we end up calling any OnModifty callback
routines twice for each new thread.

I believe that: 
   (1) the call in zend_copy_ini_directives() can safely be
   removed, and 
   (2) the call in zend_new_thread_end_handler() should
   really be conditional on the success of the copy 
   operation, otherwise we could attempt to iterate
   over a non-existent hash and die. 

This will reduce the number of calls to 2 on ZTS emabled builds but any
OnModifycallback routine will still be called twice on the startup
thread in ZTS enabled builds; once by zend_register_ini_entries()
during MINIT processing when an extension registers its INI directives
and again on ZTS
builds during zend_post_startup() processing, i.e 

 zend_post_startup() - zend_new_thread_end_handler()  - 

Whilst the call to the OnModify callback routine from
zend_register_ini_entries() is required for non-ZTS builds 
to work correctly I can see no need for a call from 
zend_ini_refresh_caches() during zend_post-startup 
processing. I believe this can easily be resolved by 
modifying zend_post_startup() to call 
instead of 

My patch for zend.c is here: http://pastebin.ca/234196
and for zend_ini.c here: http://pastebin.ca/234200 

Reproduce code:
Reproduce code is here: http://pastebin.ca/234201

I tested by adding the following to php.ini:

sample4.greeting=Hello Andy

or via command line as:

-dsample4.greeting=Hello Andy

Expected result:

When running using CLI on Windows, i.e a ZTS enabled build, I 
expected to see 1 call to my extensions OnModify callback 
routine for each thread attached; so in this simple case I expected to
see just the 1 call as follows:

 sample 4: thread 0xfbc minit
sample 4: thread 0xfbc greeting modified..new value is Hello Andy
 sample 4: thread 0xfbc minit
Hello Andy

Actual result:
The OnModify call back routine is in fact called 3 times; once
during MINIT processing and twice further. These last 2 are during the
call to zend_new_thread-end_handler().

 sample 4: thread 0x16f8 minit
sample 4: thread 0x16f8 greeting modified..new value is Hello Andy
 sample 4: thread 0x16f8 minit
sample 4: thread 0x16f8 greeting modified..new value is Hello Andy
sample 4: thread 0x16f8 greeting modified..new value is Hello Andy
Hello Andy

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=39344edit=1

#39380 [Opn-Asn]: php crashes in preg_match

2006-11-07 Thread edink
 ID:   39380
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  corinl at gmx dot de
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Assigned
 Bug Type: Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System: linux debian
 PHP Version:  5.2.0
-Assigned To:  
+Assigned To:  andrei

Previous Comments:

[2006-11-04 17:14:01] corinl at gmx dot de


running the reproduce code crashes php 5.1.6 and 5.2.0 with a
segmentation fault.

(gdb) set args php_crash.php
(gdb) run
Starting program: /usr/bin/php php_crash.php
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
[New Thread -1486911808 (LWP 25359)]
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread -1486911808 (LWP 25359)]
0x080b167d in match (
eptr=0xa73d1542 t; schwierigbr /\r\ngt;lt; seltsam gt;lt;
sensibel gt;lt; spontan gt;lt; stur gt;lt; tauml;towiert
gt;lt; treu gt;lt; unberechenbar br /\r\n\r\ngt;lt;
unentschlossen gt;lt;ungeduldig...,
ecode=0x880b9a8 ;, offset_top=2, md=0xaf9e2620, ims=4,
flags=2, rdepth=6454)
at /usr/local/src/php-5.2.0/ext/pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c:554
554 utf8 = md-utf8;   /* Local copy of the flag */

Reproduce code:

Expected result:


Actual result:
- crashes before echo('ok2')

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=39380edit=1

#39349 [Opn-Fbk]: Core dump on preg_replace

2006-11-07 Thread edink
 ID:   39349
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  nikolas dot hagelstein at gmail dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Reproducible crash
 Operating System: Netbsd 3.0.1
 PHP Version:  5.2.0
 New Comment:

You probably run out of stack.

You can try increasing your stack size and trying again on the command
line with:

uname -s 16384

for example. If that's what your problem is you can compile an external
PCRE that will not use stack but heap (and be slower in the process).
You can do that by compiling PCRE using --disable-stack-for-recursion

Previous Comments:

[2006-11-03 13:03:32] nikolas dot hagelstein at gmail dot com

I was able to narrow down the problem to the following it seems to be
size/overflow related:

This Coredumps but if i reduce the string by one char (ie the 'r') it
stops coredumping.

[2006-11-02 21:14:29] nikolas dot hagelstein at gmail dot com


Passing large text to the beyond mentioned regexp makes php core dump

Reproduce code:

Where $out is  content xml:space=preserve  of

Probably related to some libc issues.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=39349edit=1

#39289 [Opn-Bgs]: all right in CGI/FastCGI mode, but not right in ISAPI mode.

2006-10-28 Thread edink
 ID:   39289
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  bin at tbswe dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Dynamic loading
 Operating System: Windows 2003
 PHP Version:  5.1.6
 New Comment:

Sorry, but your problem does not imply a bug in PHP itself.  For a
list of more appropriate places to ask for help using PHP, please
visit http://www.php.net/support.php as this bug system is not the
appropriate forum for asking support questions.  Due to the volume
of reports we can not explain in detail here why your report is not
a bug.  The support channels will be able to provide an explanation
for you.

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

Previous Comments:

[2006-10-28 12:10:24] bin at tbswe dot com


I have a Win2003 server with IIS.
Today i upgrade to PHP5.1.6 from PHP4.4.4,
but a problem came out.
It can successful run in CGI mode,
but when i changed it to ISAPI mode, it cannot run.
Then I tried to call PHPINFO(),
It successfully processed, but MYSQL module could not be found in the
In the same PHP.ini, CGI mode could load MYSQL module. 

And there was extension=php_mysql.dll in PHP.INI already.

Reproduce code:

Expected result:

MySQL Support enabled 

Actual result:
MYSQL could not be found in the list.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=39289edit=1

#39163 [Opn-Fbk]: Invalid API call from php5isapi.dll causing IIS7 Application Pool failure.

2006-10-17 Thread edink
 ID:   39163
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  tony dot stone at gmail dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Win32API related
 Operating System: Windows Vista RC 1 Build 5600
 PHP Version:  5.1.6
 New Comment:

Does it work with 5.2.0 snapshots from http://snaps.php.net/ ?

Previous Comments:

[2006-10-17 00:43:25] tony dot stone at gmail dot com

PHP isn't crashing so there's no way to get a backtrace (that I know
of).  I did download the debug files and install them, but there's no
popup or window of any sort that would allow me to click Cancel or
enter a debug view.  PHP isn't technically crashing.  php5isapi.dll
is making an API call to the OS via the DefaultAppPool in IIS7 and the
DefaultAppPool is shutting down and generating an event log error,
which reads, Failed to find the RegisterModule entrypoint in the
module DLL C:\Inetpub\PHP\php5isapi.dll.  The data is the error.

Maybe I'm just not getting it, but I don't see any way to get the
backtrace info per the directions
(http://bugs.php.net/bugs-generating-backtrace-win32.php) based on this

[2006-10-16 07:30:10] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for this bug report. To properly diagnose the problem, we
need a backtrace to see what is happening behind the scenes. To
find out how to generate a backtrace, please read
http://bugs.php.net/bugs-generating-backtrace.php for *NIX and
http://bugs.php.net/bugs-generating-backtrace-win32.php for Win32

Once you have generated a backtrace, please submit it to this bug
report and change the status back to Open. Thank you for helping
us make PHP better.

[2006-10-16 02:45:27] tony dot stone at gmail dot com


I've seen a few other people post concerning random crashes, but my
issue can be reproduced every time I try to access any web page on my
server since configuring it to use php5isapi.dll

I am running Vista RC1 build 5600 with IIS 7 installed.  php5isapi.dll
appears to be making an API call not recognized by the OS.  Ever since
I installed PHP my DefaultAppPool stops when I access any web page on
my server and it creates an error (Event ID 2295; Data 7F00) in the
Application Log.

Details from App Log:
- System 

  - Provider 

   [ Name]  Microsoft-Windows-IIS-W3SVC-WP 
   [ Guid]  {670080D9-742A-4187-8D16-41143D1290BD} 
   [ EventSourceName]  W3SVC-WP 
  - EventID 2295 

   [ Qualifiers]  49152 
   Version 0 
   Level 2 
   Task 0 
   Opcode 0 
   Keywords 0x80 
  - TimeCreated 

   [ SystemTime]  2006-10-16T02:05:59.000Z 
   EventRecordID 1205 
  - Execution 

   [ ProcessID]  0 
   [ ThreadID]  0 
   Channel Application 
   Computer epsilon 
- EventData 

  ModuleDll C:\Inetpub\PHP\php5isapi.dll 

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=39163edit=1

#39130 [Asn]: Compile failure with the compiler of VC++ 2005

2006-10-12 Thread edink
 ID:   39130
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  ben dot yan at msn dot com
 Status:   Assigned
 Bug Type: Compile Failure
 Operating System: Windows
 PHP Version:  5.2.0RC5
-Assigned To:  edink
+Assigned To:  wez
 New Comment:

Wez, you added those lines for VC++ 2005 compability. Could you have a

Previous Comments:

[2006-10-11 18:29:43] ben dot yan at msn dot com


Compile with VS.NET 2005

c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\include\sys\stat.inl(44)
: error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\include\sys\stat.inl(49)
: error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\include\sys\utime.inl(39)
: error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\include\sys\utime.inl(44)
: error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\include\sys\utime.inl(49)
: error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\include\sys\utime.inl(78)
: error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0

Reproduce code:
look the zend.h :


#include stdio.h

 * general definitions

#ifdef ZEND_WIN32
# include zend_config.w32.h
#elif defined(XXX)

Expected result:

Look the line 151 at the ../main/config.w32.h:

/* vs.net 2005 has a 64-bit time_t.  This will likely break
 * 3rdParty libs that were built with older compilers; switch
 * back to 32-bit */
#define _USE_32BIT_TIME_T 1
#define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1

so the config.w32.h should be included first. But it isn't so in the

#include stdio.h

 * general definitions

#ifdef ZEND_WIN32
# include zend_config.w32.h
#elif defined(XXX)

This would induce the compile error. and if 

#include stdio.h


#ifdef ZEND_WIN32
# include zend_config.w32.h
#elif defined(XXX)

,it will be ok.

Actual result:
error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=39130edit=1

#39092 [Opn-Fbk]: crash

2006-10-09 Thread edink
 ID:   39092
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  aspen dot olmsted at alliance dot biz
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: IIS related
 Operating System: windows 2003 sp1
 PHP Version:  5.1.6
 New Comment:

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

Previous Comments:

[2006-10-09 12:58:31] aspen dot olmsted at alliance dot biz


I am running windows 2003 sp1 and the php5isapi.dll version 5.1.6 and
the iis application pool will crash 4 or 5 times a day writing the
following information to the applicaiton log:
Faulting application w3wp.exe, version 6.0.3790.1830, faulting module
unknown, version, fault address 0x01a85f80.

When I use the microsoft debug diagnostic tool it shows that php5ts.dll
is crashing.

Reproduce code:
I have set this on on two boxes with the same results

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=39092edit=1

#38985 [Ctl-Csd]: Can't cast COM objects to boolean

2006-10-06 Thread edink
 ID:   38985
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  larry dot menard at rogers dot com
-Status:   Critical
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: COM related
 Operating System: Windows XP, SP2
 PHP Version:  5.2.0RC4
 Assigned To:  ilia
 New Comment:

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Previous Comments:

[2006-10-06 12:05:39] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think this one liner will do the job, but haven't been able to verify

Index: com_handlers.c
RCS file: /repository/php-src/ext/com_dotnet/com_handlers.c,v
retrieving revision 1.37
diff -u -p -r1.37 com_handlers.c
--- com_handlers.c  29 Apr 2006 18:45:29 -  1.37
+++ com_handlers.c  6 Oct 2006 12:03:31 -
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ static int com_object_cast(zval *readobj
return SUCCESS;
-   return FAILURE;
+   return zend_std_cast_object_tostring(readobj, writeobj, type
 static int com_object_count(zval *object, long *count TSRMLS_DC)
cvs diff: Diffing tests

[2006-10-06 06:48:00] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No idea why it was assigned to me.
I've never had win32 build env.

[2006-10-06 01:17:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

batting back to you Tony; between moving offices this last week and a
dead laptop I don't have a win32 build environment and won't have one
in time to get this fixed for 5.2.

As per our email discussion, I think the fix for this issue is to not
return failure from the COM object cast handler in the case that we
can't convert to variant bool, but to use regular PHP boolean cast at
that point (after trying variant bool conversion) and returning

[2006-09-28 19:55:41] larry dot menard at rogers dot com


First of all, I'm usng RC5, not RC4 (RC5 is not in the list above).

Can't cast an object of type COM to boolean.

Reproduce code:
$dbc = new COM('WinNT://Domain'); var_dump((bool)$dbc);

Expected result:


Actual result:
Catchable fatal error:  Object of class com could not be converted to

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=38985edit=1

#39060 [Ctl]: mkdir(), chdir() and friends broken in ZTS

2006-10-06 Thread edink
 ID:   39060
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Critical
 Bug Type: *Directory/Filesystem functions
 Operating System: FreeBSD
 PHP Version:  5.2.0RC5
 New Comment:

Works on:

Does not work on:

FreeBSD 5.4 6.0 6.1
Mac OS X

Previous Comments:

[2006-10-06 12:48:22] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

$ cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/repository co -r 
PHP_5_2 -d php52 php5
$ cd php52/
$ ./buildconf --force
$ ./configure --without-pear --disable-all --disable-cgi --enable-debug
--enable-maintainer-zts --with-zend-vm=GOTO
$ make
$ sapi/cli/php -r 'chdir(/); chdir(mnt); 

Warning: chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2) in 
Command line code on line 1
string(1) /

$ uname -a
FreeBSD lindsay.jeshus.com 6.1-STABLE FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE 
#0: Fri Aug 18 18:58:02 CEST 2006 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/LINDSAY  i386

[2006-10-06 12:35:29] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


mkdir(), chdir() and pals always work form the orginal 

Reproduce code:
chdir(/); chdir(mnt);

Actual result:
PHP Warning:  chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2) 
in Command line code on line 1

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=39060edit=1

#39059 [Opn-Bgs]: str_replace: fourth parameter is always zero

2006-10-06 Thread edink
 ID:   39059
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  third-chance at gmx dot de
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Strings related
 Operating System: Windows XP SP2
 PHP Version:  5CVS-2006-10-06 (snap)
 New Comment:

Just tried php-5.2.0RC5 and it works as expected.

Previous Comments:

[2006-10-06 14:22:14] third-chance at gmx dot de

I do not have any old version of php5ts.dll anywhere. Just the current
on in the php-directory.

[2006-10-06 12:44:35] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please make sure you deleted php5ts.dll from 5.1.6 and put the one from
the snapshot instead.
I cannot reproduce it with the snapshot.

[2006-10-06 12:32:39] third-chance at gmx dot de

I have tried it with the version from your link.
The problem persists and is still the same.

[2006-10-06 11:04:38] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

[2006-10-06 10:46:38] third-chance at gmx dot de



first: i am using the latest Win32-binary currently available from
snaps.php.net (php5.2-win32-200610051830) with an Apache 2.2 (sapi).

When calling the function str_replace the fourth parameter - which
should be set to the number of replacements - is always set to zero.

With Php5.1.1 and an Apache 2.0.55 it works as expected.

Best regards,

Reproduce code:
$c = 23;
echo str_replace('i', 'o', 'string', $c);
echo ' '.$c;

Expected result:

strong 1

Actual result:
strong 0

Even one string replacement took place ('i' = 'o'), the referenced
value for counting is set to zero.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=39059edit=1

#38995 [Asn-Csd]: Update PHP OpenSSL Files

2006-10-04 Thread edink
 ID:   38995
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  dj02 dot net at nbl dot fi
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: OpenSSL related
 Operating System: Windows XP 5.1.2600
 PHP Version:  5.1.6
 Assigned To:  edink
 New Comment:

Updated, the builds containing the new libs will appear on snaps in a
few hours.

Previous Comments:

[2006-09-29 17:35:25] dj02 dot net at nbl dot fi

I have copied libeay32.dll (Version: 0.9.8d) and ssleay32.dll (Version:
0.9.8d) files in to: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ -location too.

[2006-09-29 17:28:14] dj02 dot net at nbl dot fi



I am running PHP 5.1.6. Could you update OpenSSL Files: libeay32.dll,
ssleay32.dll and Extension: php_openssl.dll to OpenSSL Version: 0.9.8d,
Please. Files: libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll i updated from other
openssl official place but i couldn't find php_openssl.dll for OpenSSL
0.9.8d and so my phpinfo shows still version: 0.9.8a even libeay32.dll
and ssleay32.dll are 0.9.8d.

OpenSSL 0.9.8c and earlier versions security holes:

This release fixes four security vulnerabilities, CVE-2006-2937,
CVE-2006-2940, CVE-2006-3738, CVE-2006-4343. See

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=38995edit=1

#38954 [Opn-Bgs]: PHP cannot connect with MySQL/MySQLi

2006-10-04 Thread edink
 ID:   38954
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  akaraethon at gmail dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: MySQL related
 Operating System: Windows Server 2003 32bit
 PHP Version:  5.1.6
 New Comment:

php.ini should be placed in d:\windows as you can see from that
phpinfo() page.

Previous Comments:

[2006-10-04 02:54:52] akaraethon at gmail dot com

Everyone I've talked to says this has to be a bug, or an error in the build, I'm not new to PHP/MySQL, I've been at it since PHP was
2 I know what I am doing, take a look at http://dragon-radio.selfip.net
for yourself, you will see on the page itself my phpinfo output as well
as my entire current PHP.ini file (no its not copy and pasted its
generated with the folowing code echo br/br/pre;
  $data = ob_get_contents();
echo/pre;) you can see for yourself that I have everything in there
right, but PHP is ignoring it.

[2006-10-03 19:20:26] akaraethon at gmail dot com

Well I have done some more testing and I have pinpointed the problem,
no matter what I do to the php.ini file, PHP ignores it. To test this I
went into the ini file and changed safemode to on, but after a restart,
phpinfo still has it listed as off, as well as a few other things i
have noticed, like the ext directory is set to c:\php5 but in the ini
file it is set to c:\php\ext. I dont understand why this is, but if I
had to guess I would think that PHP was using a built in ini file. so
now can you still tell me this is bogus? and if so what am I to do

[2006-09-26 18:38:16] akaraethon at gmail dot com

wow I NEVER knew that was ther, I mean its not like I EVER have used
PHP 5.0 and MySQL together, I mean like whoa who would have thought
they worked together?

again, as stated in my first post I ALREADY READ THAT!

[2006-09-26 18:20:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There is detailed description of what should be done in order to enable
MySQL support in PHP: http://php.net/mysql

[2006-09-26 18:08:29] akaraethon at gmail dot com

Fine, you are right its not a forum, for some ODD reason I couldnt find
even one forum out there devoted to PHP, and If I were a newbie, and not
someone who has worked with PHP since PHP2.0 I might agree that I just
made a config mistake, but I have, I didnt and I still think this may
be some sort of problem with PHP not liking something.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=38954edit=1

#39005 [Opn-Fbk]: Apache/PHP crashes

2006-10-04 Thread edink
 ID:   39005
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  php at edwardk dot info
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Apache related
 Operating System: Windows 2003
 PHP Version:  4CVS-2006-09-30 (snap)
 New Comment:

Unfortunatelly we are not able to generate debug pack for PHP4. You
would have to come up with reproducing script the old fashioned, trial
and error way :)

Previous Comments:

[2006-10-04 06:52:38] php at edwardk dot info

Can a PHP 4.4.4 Win32 debug pack be created? I'm having a very
difficult time isolating the script for this problem.

[2006-10-02 09:10:52] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for this bug report. To properly diagnose the problem, we
need a short but complete example script to be able to reproduce
this bug ourselves. 

A proper reproducing script starts with ?php and ends with ?,
is max. 10-20 lines long and does not require any external 
resources such as databases, etc. If the script requires a 
database to demonstrate the issue, please make sure it creates 
all necessary tables, stored procedures etc.

Please avoid embedding huge scripts into the report.

[2006-09-30 19:50:07] php at edwardk dot info


Opteron 246, Windows 2003 Std SP1
Apache 1.3.37
PHP 4.4.4

Also tried php4-win32-STABLE-200609301230, also crashing.

Apache crashes every 3-10 seconds upon first starting the Apache
drwatson seems to indicate it's a PHP fault, log is included.

Requests made while apache is up seem to work fine.
Apache's parent process survives and auto-restarts the child process.

Reproduce code:
Server runs too many scripts to tell specifically.

Expected result:

Apache/PHP shouldn't crash

Actual result:
Microsoft (R) DrWtsn32
Copyright (C) 1985-2002 Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.

Application exception occurred:
App: C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\Apache.exe
When: 9/30/2006 @ 14:33:08.797
Exception number: c005 (access violation)

* System Information *
Computer Name: LT2
User Name: SYSTEM
Terminal Session Id: 0
Number of Processors: 2
Processor Type: x86 Family 15 Model 37 Stepping 1
Windows Version: 5.2
Current Build: 3790
Service Pack: 1
Current Type: Multiprocessor Free
Registered Organization: Windows-2003
Registered Owner: Windows-2003

* Task List *
   0 System Process
   4 System
 716 smss.exe
 788 csrss.exe
 868 winlogon.exe
 924 services.exe
 936 lsass.exe
1096 svchost.exe
1200 svchost.exe
1256 svchost.exe
1280 svchost.exe
1332 svchost.exe
1548 spoolsv.exe
1576 msdtc.exe
1772 svchost.exe
2384 mysqld-max.exe
2404 mysqld-max.exe
2420 mysqld-max.exe
3644 PDAgent.exe
3860 svchost.exe
3876 PDEngine.exe
4088 alg.exe
2452 csrss.exe
3620 winlogon.exe
2208 csrss.exe
 884 winlogon.exe
5724 rdpclip.exe
5940 rdpclip.exe
6076 Explorer.EXE
2284 ctfmon.exe
 380 Explorer.EXE
2132 TSVNCache.exe
5588 wmiprvse.exe
3688 ADSM.exe
 476 jusched.exe
4324 G6FTPTray.exe
4684 mailserver.exe
4592 pg2.exe
4484 daemon.exe
4692 ADSM.exe
5128 ApacheMonitor.exe
4596 PowerMenu.exe
1500 flashfxp.exe
4240 TaskInfo.exe
4496 mmc.exe
3312 Explorer.EXE
5716 logon.scr
5264 Share.exe
5028 mirc.exe
4572 Apache.exe
3360 Apache.exe
2900 Apache.exe
3044 TextPad.exe
3676 wmiprvse.exe
3040 regedit.exe
2020 Apache.exe
4360 cmd.exe
3072 cmd.exe
5280 cmd.exe
4340 cmd.exe
4140 rotatelogs.exe
1624 cmd.exe
4224 cmd.exe
2948 rotatelogs.exe
3172 cmd.exe
3132 rotatelogs.exe
2968 cmd.exe
5468 rotatelogs.exe
3432 cmd.exe
 320 cmd.exe
4764 rotatelogs.exe
5344 cmd.exe
4680 cmd.exe
3444 cmd.exe
3120 cmd.exe
1440 rotatelogs.exe
5380 cmd.exe
 660 rotatelogs.exe
2260 cmd.exe
5200 cmd.exe
1748 rotatelogs.exe
 472 rotatelogs.exe
5984 rotatelogs.exe
4836 rotatelogs.exe
2176 rotatelogs.exe
4416 rotatelogs.exe
3700 rotatelogs.exe
5216 rotatelogs.exe
5304 rotatelogs.exe
2648 rotatelogs.exe
3652 drwtsn32.exe
2596 Error 0x8007012B

* Module List *
0040 - 00405000: C:\Program Files\Apache
00a0 - 00a17000: C:\WINDOWS\system32\odbcint.dll
00a6 - 00bd7000:
00be - 00c1: C:\php\extensions\php_curl.dll
00c1 - 00c41000: C:\WINDOWS\system32\SSLEAY32.dll
00c5 - 00d58000: C:\WINDOWS\system32\LIBEAY32.dll
00de - 00ded000: C:\php\extensions\php_exif.dll
00df - 00ec5000: C:\php\extensions\php_gd2.dll
1000 - 10161000: C:\php\php4ts.dll
1c0f - 1c0f5000: C:\Program 

#38989 [Opn-Ctl]: Absolute path with slash at beginning doesn't work

2006-10-04 Thread edink
 ID:   38989
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  info at xboot dot de
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Critical
 Bug Type: Filesystem function related
 Operating System: Windows 2003 SP1
 PHP Version:  5CVS-2006-09-29 (snap)

Previous Comments:

[2006-09-29 08:33:32] info at xboot dot de

PHP runs as ISAPI

[2006-09-29 07:45:59] info at xboot dot de


Win 2003 SP1
PHP 5.2.0RC5-dev (29.09.2006)

File operations with slash at the beginning (absolute path) don't work.
It doesn't matter which kind of function i use. include(), fopen(),
SPL-functions, ... don't work if i pass a filename with a slash at the
beginning. If i add the drive letter it works correct.

The same script works fine with PHP 5.1.2.

Reproduce code:

echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . 'br /';

$handle = fopen($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], r);

// this is the same file, but it works:
// $handle = fopen(D:\Intranet\path.php, r);

echo $handle;


Expected result:

Result with PHP 5.1.2:

Resource id #2

Actual result:
Result with PHP Version 5.2.0RC5-dev (29.09.2006):


Warning: fopen(/intranet/path.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open
stream: No such file or directory in D:\Intranet\path.php on line 5

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=38989edit=1

#38919 [Opn-Bgs]: php_mysql.dll unresolved import function _zval_copy_ctor_func

2006-09-22 Thread edink
 ID:   38919
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  boardman_malibu at yahoo dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: MySQL related
 Operating System: win98se
 PHP Version:  5.1.6
 New Comment:

You are most likely mixing dlls from different PHP versions,
php_mysql.dll works fine.

Previous Comments:

[2006-09-22 02:50:15] boardman_malibu at yahoo dot com


I have never been able to launch php_mysql.dll or php_mysqli.dll.  The
windows GUI reports that certain unnamed libraries were missing.  The
dependency walker that comes with visual studio 6 indicates that
php_mysql.dll is trying to import the function '_zval_copy_ctor_func'
from PHP5ts.dll, which is not there.  There is a function called
'_zval_copy_ctor' in php5ts.dll.  This problem is present in all
versions of php_mysql.dll I have tried, including the lastest from
mysql.org AND php.net

I am currently able to access Mysql 5 with php 4.4.4 with the compiled
in client.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=38919edit=1

#38899 [Opn-Bgs]: Backreference to optional item breaks preg_match

2006-09-22 Thread edink
 ID:   38899
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  mike at we11er dot co dot uk
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: *Regular Expressions
 Operating System: Windows
 PHP Version:  5.1.6
 New Comment:

Sorry, but your problem does not imply a bug in PHP itself.  For a
list of more appropriate places to ask for help using PHP, please
visit http://www.php.net/support.php as this bug system is not the
appropriate forum for asking support questions.  Due to the volume
of reports we can not explain in detail here why your report is not
a bug.  The support channels will be able to provide an explanation
for you.

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

Previous Comments:

[2006-09-20 14:23:14] mike at we11er dot co dot uk

OK, sorry for so many posts... but I'm still having problems. The
actual regex i'm using is much more complicated, so I'm simpifying

preg_match(/(((test))?)a\\3/, a) returns FALSE
preg_match(/(((test))?)a\\3/, testatest) returns TRUE

The part I need to reference is nested within an outer part that is
optional. Even adding extra parentheses doesn't solve the problem.

[2006-09-20 14:14:34] mike at we11er dot co dot uk

Ah! I got a solution, though I'm still not sure what the correct
behaviour of the original regex should be.

preg_match(/((test)?)a\\1/, a);

Wrapping another set of parentheses around the optional part works.

[2006-09-20 13:40:30] mike at we11er dot co dot uk

I just realised the example code might be slightly ambiguous since the
(.)? could match the 'a' itself.

echo preg_match(/(test)?a\\1/, a);

is a better example and returns false.

[2006-09-20 13:34:32] mike at we11er dot co dot uk

I should also add that this happens with preg_split.

[2006-09-20 13:24:12] mike at we11er dot co dot uk


echo preg_match(/(.)?a\\1/, a);

returns 0

But since the back reference is to an optional item, if that item does
not exist, then the back reference should just be blank and thus the
above should match a, i.e. nothing + 'a' + nothing

This is actually stopping quite an important feature from being
developed so I'd appreciate a speedy response. It might be something
I'm doing wrong, or maybe this isn't supported (but i think it should

Thanks in advance.

Reproduce code:
echo preg_match(/(.)?a\\1/, a);

Expected result:

Should return TRUE.

Actual result:
returns FALSE.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=38899edit=1

#38849 [Opn-Bgs]: ntwdblib.dll that comes with PHP5 does not work

2006-09-20 Thread edink
 ID:   38849
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  dan dot mashal at gmail dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: MSSQL related
 Operating System: Windows
 PHP Version:  5.1.6
 New Comment:

That is in no way a PHP bug.

Previous Comments:

[2006-09-19 22:28:37] dan dot mashal at gmail dot com

Like I said you cannot install client tools on Windows Server 2003 web

[2006-09-19 15:06:08] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Installing Client Tools will solve the problem, not a bug in PHP

[2006-09-18 22:24:41] dan dot mashal at gmail dot com

[2006-09-18 18:52:47] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I do not have access to the web edition, so I asked what kind of errors
you are getting when you try to install the client tools?

One of the features of the client tools is the ability to set the
default protocol used to communicate with SQL server. If the dll is
copied you rely on the default setting in the dll you are using and
that changes from version to version. The default used to be netbios
but was changed to tcp/ip at some point.

[2006-09-18 18:46:58] dan dot mashal at gmail dot com

You are using standard edition. Try web edition. :)

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=38849edit=1

#38874 [Asn-Fbk]: Will not load extension

2006-09-19 Thread edink
 ID:   38874
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  dabbaking at gmail dot com
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: MySQLi related
 Operating System: Win32
 PHP Version:  5.2.0RC4
 Assigned To:  georg
 New Comment:

Do you get any error messages? Does mysql extension load? Do you have
libmysql.dll from the php distribution in your PATH *before* mysql
database directory.

Previous Comments:

[2006-09-18 21:54:04] dabbaking at gmail dot com

I just want to note that the other extensions on the list loaded fine.
Including the normal mysql extension. I have MySQL 5.0 running.

[2006-09-18 21:51:37] dabbaking at gmail dot com


The mysqli extension won't load.

Reproduce code:

Expected result:

Suppose to load the extension

Actual result:
The extension did not load.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=38874edit=1

#38849 [Opn-Bgs]: ntwdblib.dll that comes with PHP5 does not work

2006-09-19 Thread edink
 ID:   38849
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  dan dot mashal at gmail dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: MSSQL related
 Operating System: Windows
 PHP Version:  5.1.6
 New Comment:

Installing Client Tools will solve the problem, not a bug in PHP

Previous Comments:

[2006-09-18 22:24:41] dan dot mashal at gmail dot com

[2006-09-18 18:52:47] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I do not have access to the web edition, so I asked what kind of errors
you are getting when you try to install the client tools?

One of the features of the client tools is the ability to set the
default protocol used to communicate with SQL server. If the dll is
copied you rely on the default setting in the dll you are using and
that changes from version to version. The default used to be netbios
but was changed to tcp/ip at some point.

[2006-09-18 18:46:58] dan dot mashal at gmail dot com

You are using standard edition. Try web edition. :)

[2006-09-18 18:30:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This sounds odd to me. the SQL Server Client tools is only a
conectivity pack and it installs fine on the full version of Windows
Server 2003 (I'm using that combination).

What kind of errors do you get when you try to install?

[2006-09-18 18:29:25] dan dot mashal at gmail dot com

To Tony:

You just get a generic mssql_connect failed error. 

This is a known bug. 

From http://www.php.net/mssql_connect

damartman (tradestudios.com)
23-Aug-2006 12:29 
I am running MS SQL Server 2005 Workgroup Edition on Windows 2003 with
PHP 5.  I could not connect to a MS SQL database using
mssql_pconnect(); until I read a post from ashraf (aat) ametry.com on
01-May-2006 01:25.  However, my fix was simply to:

1. Replace the ntwdblib.dll with the one from
http://webzila.com/dll/1/ntwdblib.zip in my c:\php5 folder.

2. Restart IIS

REASON: The ntwdblib.dll should be version 2000.80.194.0, and not
version 2000.2.8.0 that PHP 5 ships with.

Thank you ashraf for posting your note, however, changing the php.ini
file value mssql.secure_connection = On did not work.  I left it
mssql.secure_connection = Off and that worked (the default to connect
through NT/Windows Authentication) 

This zip is basically the same ntwdblib.dll that ships with the

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=38849edit=1

#38190 [NoF-Csd]: IIS worker process crash on recycle/shutdown (With cause)

2006-09-06 Thread edink
 ID:   38190
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  cosborne at gmail dot com
-Status:   No Feedback
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: DOM XML related
 Operating System: Windows Server 2K3
 PHP Version:  5.1.4
 Assigned To:  rrichards
 New Comment:

Fixed in the CVS. Will be included in upcoming 5.2.0 release and should
appear on snaps.php.net in a few hours.

Previous Comments:

[2006-09-03 10:34:52] taomyn at myway dot com

Yes, can someone point us at a binary we can download and test that
might fix this extremely annoying issue?

It's not like you haven't been told what the cause is and how to fix
it. Yes it needs testing but I suspect you have plenty of volunteers

It still doesn't work with 5.1.6 as I assume whatever fix (if it really
exists) is only being worked on for 5.2

[2006-08-29 13:23:15] charles dot nadolski at gmail dot com

Hello. I am using PHP 5.1.5 and I think I am having the same problem
for the same reason:

1) Windows 2003
2) PHP 5.1.5 in ISAPI mode
3) Everything on my PHP page appears to run normally
4) Random crashing of w3wp.exe... though because it doesn't occurr
during any of my testing of the website, I think my situation also
happens when threads are being recycled.  The crashes occurr anywhere
from once to four at a time. They also occurr during shutdown of the

Application popup: w3wp.exe - Application Error : The instruction at
0x01af5dd0 referenced memory at 0x01af5dd0. The memory could not be

Application popup: w3wp.exe - Application Error : The instruction at
0x01af5dc0 referenced memory at 0x01af5dc0. The memory could not be

Application popup: w3wp.exe - Application Error : The instruction at
0x01af5dd0 referenced memory at 0x01af5dd0. The memory could not be

Application popup: w3wp.exe - Application Error : The instruction at
0x01af5dd0 referenced memory at 0x01af5dd0. The memory could not be

Ad nauseam, usually from the same memory location even after a reboot.

Since I have visual studio installed I'll hit the debugger to check to
make sure it is the *exact* same problem.  If not, I'll post a new bug.

[2006-08-18 19:29:44] nkennedy at kggroup dot net

does anyone know if this is resolved in 5.1.5?

any info would be priceless.


[2006-08-07 18:04:31] JustinCouto at msn dot com

Is there a CVS version with the fixes for the IIS worker process
problem in Win2k3?  I need to get this ficed as soo as possible. 

[2006-08-07 01:00:01] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net

No feedback was provided for this bug for over a week, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to Open.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=38190edit=1

#38410 [Asn-Csd]: PHP Interpreter Crash with schemaValidate on XML with CDATA sections.

2006-09-06 Thread edink
 ID:   38410
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  adam at sccode dot com
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: Reproducible crash
 Operating System: Windows 2000/XP/2003
 PHP Version:  5.1.4
 Assigned To:  edink
 New Comment:

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Previous Comments:

[2006-08-10 18:13:55] adam at sccode dot com

I will attempt a build with libxml 2.6.26 and see what I come up with.

[2006-08-10 16:49:04] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I can reproduce it with libxml2-2.6.22, but not with libxml2-2.6.23. 
So, apparently this is libxml2 bug and win32 builds should use a newer
libxml2 version (2.6.26 is the latest one at the moment).

[2006-08-10 16:05:26] adam at sccode dot com

Using the latest Windows Snapshot (5.2.0RC2-dev - Build: Aug 10 2006
16:15:11) I receive the same error. Note that removing the whitespace
before the CDATA section does eliminate the problem and could be used
as a workaround:

Crashes interpreter:
?xml version=1.0?
test xmlns=http://www.php.net/bugtests;

?xml version=1.0?
test xmlns=http://www.php.net/bugtests;

As the XML specification allows for whitespace after tags, I don't
think the interpreter should crash upon encountering these.

[2006-08-10 13:51:01] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

Cannot reproduce.

[2006-08-10 11:14:28] adam at sccode dot com


Attempting to validate an XML document against a schema containing a
CDATA section with whitespace preceeding the opening tag causes the PHP
Interpreter to crash with an exception in Windows 2000/XP and 2003 on
both IIS and Apache.

?xml version=1.0?
test xmlns=http://www.php.net/bugtests;

Validating the schema using xmllint with libxml 2.6.22 DLL works as
expected and does not crash.

I found a similar, possibly the same bug
(http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=37435edit=2) which has been closed. As
I could not reproduce it with xmllint, I figure that it must be the PHP

Reproduce code:
$xml = new DOMDocument('1.0');

$xml-schemaValidate('crash-test.xsd'); // crash here

?xml version=1.0?
test xmlns=http://www.php.net/bugtests;

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 ?

xs:element name=test
xs:element maxOccurs=unbounded name=value 
type=xs:string /

Expected result:

validated schema

Actual result:
php interpreter crashes with exception

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=38410edit=1

#38714 [Opn-Csd]: local php.ini not recognized

2006-09-05 Thread edink
 ID:   38714
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  lehmann at cnm dot de
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: *Configuration Issues
 Operating System: Linux 2.6.9-34.ELsmp
 PHP Version:  5.1.6
 New Comment:

5.2.0 will fix this situation by reverting to pre 5.1.x behaviour, only
CLI will not look up in current working directory. Other sapis such as
CGI will look in the current dir when searching for php.ini.

Previous Comments:

[2006-09-05 14:23:08] axelseaa at modevia dot com

We have had similiar issues.  We run php cgi via suexec in a shared
hosting enviroment.  When we were using php 4, users could simply place
a php.ini folder in the same folder as the script being ran, and php
would parse that ini file and load the settings in it.

When we upgraded to php5, that functionality was no longer there and we
have not found any reason why it is gone.  I believe it is related to
the same issue being reported here.  If there is anythig you would like
me to try to attempt to sort out this issue.

[2006-09-05 11:16:43] lehmann at cnm dot de

Since when isn't this the expected behaviour? It worked for _all_
previous PHP releases and millions of ISPs are running PHP as CGI
version behind a CGIwrapper. Customers need to be able to change
options for their local scripts. And they cannot put ini_set() calls in
all of their scripts and sometimes they even cannot change the scripts
due to arising checksum-problems if they are using encoders/decoders
like the ZendOptimizer.
Through the local php.ini someone that needs register_globals=on can
set it like this, while it is off by default. Or someone might need his
own libraries that he wants to include as an extension so he needs to
change the extension_dir and so on. There definetely is a use for this
feature so why has someone removed it? And why isn't the removal
mentioned in the changelog if it has been done by intention?

[2006-09-05 11:01:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is expected behaviour, CGI doesn't look for php.ini in the current
directory, only CLI does that.

[2006-09-05 10:56:21] lehmann at cnm dot de

I never said that I'm using CLI. I said command line version, not
command line interface. However, while the problem may not exist in
the CLI version, it exists in the CGI version. So I hope someone can
fix it.

[2006-09-05 08:04:43] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You are using CGI instead of CLI.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=38714edit=1

#38683 [Opn]: Incorrect round()

2006-09-01 Thread edink
 ID:   38683
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  whitephoenix at mail dot ru
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System: WinXP. PHP 5.2.0 RC3
 PHP Version:  5CVS-2006-09-01 (CVS)
 New Comment:

You must be doing something wrong there:

C:\php4build\installer\Filesphp -v
PHP 5.2.0RC3 (cli) (built: Sep  1 2006 16:29:07)
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Zend Technologies

C:\php4build\installer\Filesphp -r var_dump(round(0.123));

Previous Comments:

[2006-09-01 20:23:21] whitephoenix at mail dot ru


see code :)

Reproduce code:
echo round(0.123);

Expected result:


Actual result:

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=38683edit=1

#38683 [Opn-Bgs]: Incorrect round()

2006-09-01 Thread edink
 ID:   38683
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  whitephoenix at mail dot ru
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System: WinXP. PHP 5.2.0 RC3
 PHP Version:  5CVS-2006-09-01 (CVS)
 New Comment:


Previous Comments:

[2006-09-01 21:12:28] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You must be doing something wrong there:

C:\php4build\installer\Filesphp -v
PHP 5.2.0RC3 (cli) (built: Sep  1 2006 16:29:07)
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Zend Technologies

C:\php4build\installer\Filesphp -r var_dump(round(0.123));

[2006-09-01 20:23:21] whitephoenix at mail dot ru


see code :)

Reproduce code:
echo round(0.123);

Expected result:


Actual result:

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=38683edit=1

#37602 [Asn-Csd]: crash in COM_DOTNET when releasing typelib in php_com_typelibrary_dtor

2006-08-25 Thread edink
 ID:   37602
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  olek at neurosoft dot pl
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: COM related
 Operating System: Windows
 PHP Version:  5.1.4
 Assigned To:  edink
 New Comment:

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-29 15:00:51] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Edin, the patch looks good, but I don't think I can test in on Linux.
Check it out, please.

[2006-05-29 14:25:02] olek at neurosoft dot pl

I suppose this bug belongs to COM related category rather than
Reproducible crash. Sorry for my mistake.

[2006-05-26 14:37:23] olek at neurosoft dot pl


Crash caused by bug in function: php_com_typelibrary_dtor in module:
Patch is following:

--- php-5.1.4/ext/com_dotnet/com_typeinfo.c 2006-01-01
12:50:00.0 +0100
+++ php_build/php-5.1.4/ext/com_dotnet/com_typeinfo.c   2006-05-26
15:57:02.0 +0200
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@
 /* Type-library stuff */
 void php_com_typelibrary_dtor(void *pDest)
-   ITypeLib *Lib = *(ITypeLib**)pDest;
+   ITypeLib *Lib = (ITypeLib*)pDest;

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37602edit=1

#38541 [Asn-Csd]: go-pear.php in PHP-4.4.4 not yet OK

2006-08-25 Thread edink
 ID:   38541
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  axel dot azerty at laposte dot net
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System: Windows XP SP2
 PHP Version:  4.4.4
 Assigned To:  edink
 New Comment:

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Previous Comments:

[2006-08-22 08:34:25] axel dot azerty at laposte dot net

Replacing the go-pear.php script by the one found at http://go-pear.org
solved this problem.

[2006-08-22 08:33:10] axel dot azerty at laposte dot net

Here's the installation log : 

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Mes
'go-peatr' n'est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne
ou externe, un programme exécutable ou un fichier de commandes.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Mes
Welcome to go-pear!

Go-pear will install the 'pear' command and all the files needed by
it.  This command is your tool for PEAR installation and maintenance.

Use 'php PEAR\go-pear.php local' to install a local copy of PEAR.

Go-pear also lets you download and install the PEAR packages bundled
with PHP: MDB2, Net_Socket, Net_SMTP, Mail, XML_Parser, PHPUnit.

If you wish to abort, press Control-C now, or press Enter to continue:

HTTP proxy (http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:port), or Enter for
'C:\Documents' n'est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne
ou externe, un programme exécutable ou un fichier de commandes.

We found php.exe under C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Mes
e, it uses an unknown SAPI. PEAR commandline
tool has not been tested with it, if you have a CLI (or CGI) php.exe
we strongly recommand to use it.

Below is a suggested file layout for your new PEAR installation.  To
change individual locations, type the number in front of the
directory.  Type 'all' to change all of them or simply press Enter to
accept these locations.

 1. Installation prefix   : C:\Documents and
Settings\Administrateur\Mes documents\php-4.4.4-Win32\php-4.4.4-Win
 2. Binaries directory: $prefix
 3. PHP code directory ($php_dir) : $prefix\pear
 4. Documentation base directory  : $php_dir\docs
 5. Data base directory   : $php_dir\data
 6. Tests base directory  : $php_dir\tests
 7. Temporary files directory : $prefix\temp
 8. php.exe path  : C:\Documents and
Settings\Administrateur\Mes documents\php-4.4.4-Win32\php-4.4.4-Win

1-8, 'all' or Enter to continue:

The following PEAR packages are bundled with PHP: MDB2, Net_Socket,
Net_SMTP, Mail, XML_Parser, PHPUnit.
Would you like to install these as well? [Y/n] :

Loading zlib: ok
Using local package: PEAR-stable..ok
Using local package: Archive_Tar-stableok
Using local package: Console_Getopt-stableok
Using local package: XML_RPC-stableok
Bootstrapping: PEAR...(remote) !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC
-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; xml:lang=en lang=en
!-- ViewVC :: http://www.viewvc.org/ --
titleViewVC Exception/title
h3An Exception Has Occurred/h3

h4Python Traceback/h4
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/local/viewvc-1.1-dev/lib/viewvc.py, line 3623, in main
  File /usr/local/viewvc-1.1-dev/lib/viewvc.py, line 388, in
  File /usr/local/viewvc-1.1-dev/lib/viewvc.py, line 2122, in
fp, revision = request.repos.openfile(path, rev)
  File /usr/local/viewvc-1.1-dev/lib/vclib/bincvs/__init__.py, line
134, in openfile
filename, revision = _parse_co_header(fp)
  File /usr/local/viewvc-1.1-dev/lib/vclib/bincvs/__init__.py, line
549, in _parse_co_header
raise COMalformedOutput, Unable to find revision in co output
COMalformedOutput: Unable to find revision in co output stream

Bootstrapping: Archive_Tar(local) ok
Bootstrapping: Console_Getopt.(remote) ok
Downloading package: MDB2.ok
Downloading package: Net_Socket...ok
Downloading package: Net_SMTP.ok
Downloading package: Mail.ok
Downloading package: XML_Parser...ok
Downloading package: PHPUnit..ok

Fatal error: Undefined class name 'pear' in C:\Documents and
Settings\Administrateur\Mes documents\php-4.4.4-Win32\php-4
.4.4-Win32\PEAR\go-pear.php on line 747
Appuyez sur une touche

#38597 [Opn-Fbk]: preg_match with long match returns blanc page

2006-08-25 Thread edink
 ID:   38597
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  koen dot devreeze at gmail dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: PCRE related
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:  5.1.5
 New Comment:

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

Previous Comments:

[2006-08-25 19:59:49] koen dot devreeze at gmail dot com


When processing this code. The parsing ends on the preg_match
$t has 475 characters in it. Remove one char and the script works

PS.: This was also tested with php 5.1.4 on gentoo linux without any

Reproduce code:
$t =
$text = 

pSome text doesn't matter how long/p

//echo strlen($t);
$pattern = '/p([a-z =]*)?((.)*?)(\/)?p/';
preg_match($pattern, $text, $paragraphs) or die(died);

echo $paragraphs[0];

Expected result:

$t should be displayed no matter how many chars it has (though
considering limitation of PCRE).

Actual result:
Script ends on preg_match after a few seconds of 100% CPU load. No
errors no crashes.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=38597edit=1

#38205 [Opn-Fbk]: Not start as module Apache 2.0.58

2006-07-25 Thread edink
 ID:   38205
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  akorolyov at gmail dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: *General Issues
 Operating System: WinXP 5.1.2600 SP1 build  2600
 PHP Version:  6CVS-2006-07-25 (snap)
 New Comment:

I belive its still called php5_module.

Previous Comments:

[2006-07-25 09:27:06] akorolyov at gmail dot com


C:\Documents and Settings\userapache -v
Server version: Apache/2.0.58
Server built:   Apr 29 2006 17:47:10


LoadModule php6_module d:/web/php6/php6apache2.dll
PHPIniDir d:/web/php6
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddType application/x-httpd-phps .phps

Have error

Syntax error on line 175 of D:/web/Apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Can't locate API module structure `php6_module' in file
D:/web/php6/php6apache2.dll: No error
Note the errors or messages above, and press the ESC key to exit. 

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=38205edit=1

#38053 [Opn-Csd]: PHP not work with apache 2.2.2

2006-07-10 Thread edink
 ID:   38053
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  onur dot yerlikaya at linux dot org dot tr
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: Apache2 related
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:  5.1.4
 New Comment:

Will work from php 5.2.0. You can download development version from

Previous Comments:

[2006-07-10 06:47:22] unur dot yerlikaya at linux dot org dot tr

yea, just an update - it still does NOT work.

[2006-07-10 06:28:51] onur dot yerlikaya at linux dot org dot tr

sorry it does NOT work.

[2006-07-10 06:17:20] onur dot yerlikaya at linux dot org dot tr


PHP not work with apache 2.2.2

Expected result:

When i install Apache 2.2.2 with PHP like a module. it did not work.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=38053edit=1

#37853 [Opn]: DOM-schemaValidate causes an access violation

2006-06-20 Thread edink
 ID:   37853
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  jona at oismail dot com
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Reproducible crash
 Operating System: Windows 2000
 PHP Version:  5.1.4
 New Comment:

Crashes within libxml2 in xmlSchemaValidateDoc() called from
ext/dom/document.c _dom_document_schema_validate()

At the first glance, doesn't look like PHP problem.

PHP5TS! xmlSchemaCheckFacet + 1827 bytes
PHP5TS! xmlSchemaCheckFacet + 1551 bytes
PHP5TS! xmlSchemaValidateDoc + 57 bytes
_dom_document_schema_validate(int 270323429, _zval_struct * 0x0001,
_zval_struct * * 0x0116fa78, _zval_struct * 0x, int 18282784,
void * * * 0x, int 2244912) line 1893
zif_dom_document_schema_validate_xml(int 1, _zval_struct * 0x0116fa78,
_zval_struct * * 0x, _zval_struct * 0x0116f920, int 0, void * *
* 0x00224130) line 1912 + 37 bytes
zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC(_zend_execute_data * 0x10019575, void
* * * 0x00c0fba8) line 200 + 49 bytes
ZEND_DO_FCALL_BY_NAME_SPEC_HANDLER(_zend_execute_data * 0x00c0fba8,
void * * * 0x00224130) line 322 + 17 bytes
execute(_zend_op_array * 0x7c9106eb, void * * * 0x1000948d) line 92 +
12 bytes

Previous Comments:

[2006-06-20 14:11:24] jona at oismail dot com

I don't have MSVC available I'm afraid, nor am I likely to get a hand
on one anytime soon.

Is there anything else I can do to assist?

[2006-06-20 12:15:20] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for this bug report. To properly diagnose the problem, we
need a backtrace to see what is happening behind the scenes. To
find out how to generate a backtrace, please read
http://bugs.php.net/bugs-generating-backtrace.php for *NIX and
http://bugs.php.net/bugs-generating-backtrace-win32.php for Win32

Once you have generated a backtrace, please submit it to this bug
report and change the status back to Open. Thank you for helping
us make PHP better.

[2006-06-20 12:13:31] jona at oismail dot com

How do I do I get that?

If I call either debug_backtrace() or debug_print_stacktrace() prior to
calling DOM-schemaValidate(), I get no useful output.
If I call either of the backtrace functions after
DOM-schemaValidate(), they're never executed due to the PHP Access

Please advice?

[2006-06-20 11:48:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We still need the backtrace, though.

[2006-06-19 21:48:33] jona at oismail dot com

The issue is likely specific to Windows / IIS / sapi / isapi then?

Can't seem to make the CGI version work on IIS or I'd test if it was
sapi specific.
Sorry :-(

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37853edit=1

#37679 [Opn-Bgs]: Fork bomb with system() and exec()

2006-06-04 Thread edink
 ID:   37679
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  mdon at names dot co dot uk
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: CGI related
 Operating System: CentOS 4.2
 PHP Version:  4.4.2
 New Comment:

This is expected behaviour of the cgi sapi. You are supposed to used
cli version of PHP to execute command line scripts. Avoiding problems
like this was one of the reasons cli version of PHP was made in the
first place.

Previous Comments:

[2006-06-02 13:59:45] mdon at names dot co dot uk


Forking a process to run a second PHP script using 
system() or exec() creates a fork bomb in CGI version of 
PHP 4.4.2. This appears to be due to the 
$PATH_TRANSLATED environment variable not being cleared 
correctly and is reproducible from the command line.

Reproduce code:
?php system(php -q test2.php)?

?php echo hello, i'm test2.php\n?

Expected result:

When test1.php is run via a web server or from the 
command line, I would expect to just see the output of 

Actual result:
Running test1.php via a web server (Zeus 4.3r2 in our 
case) creates a fork bomb, which looks like this in ps:

17522 2:49  \_ zeus.cgi
1 0:00  |   \_ php
16668 0:00  |   |   \_ php -q test2.php
16670 0:00  |   |   \_ php -q test2.php
16672 0:00  |   |   \_ php -q test2.php
16674 0:00  |   |   \_ php -q test2.php
16676 0:00  |   |   \_ php -q test2.php


With some help from the Zeus developers, we have 
determined that this appears to be due to the 
$PATH_TRANSLATED environment variable not being cleared 
correctly. This can be replicated from the command line 
as follows:

export PATH_TRANSLATED=test1.php; php test1.php

PHP was configured with the following options:

./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-bcmath --with-
freetype-dir --enable-ftp --with-mysql=/usr --with-
mssql=/usr/local --with-mcrypt=/usr/local/lib/libmcrypt 
--with-zlib-dir=/usr/local --with-pspell --with-curl --
with-imap=/usr/local/imap-2002e --with-gd --with-jpeg-
dir --with-png-dir --with-libdir=/usr/lib --with-ttf --
with-xml --enable-xslt --with-xslt-sablot --with-sablot-
js --enable-mbstring --with-config-file-path=/usr/local/
bin --with-pear --with-openssl

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37679edit=1

#37637 [Fbk]: Too long input string crashes PHP

2006-05-30 Thread edink
 ID:  37637
 Updated by:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Summary: Can't access file via file://
 Reported By: dave at dgx dot cz
 Status:  Feedback
 Bug Type:PCRE related
 PHP Version: 5.1.4
 New Comment:

Also please let us know what OS are you using.

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-30 08:03:31] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for this bug report. To properly diagnose the problem, we
need a backtrace to see what is happening behind the scenes. To
find out how to generate a backtrace, please read
http://bugs.php.net/bugs-generating-backtrace.php for *NIX and
http://bugs.php.net/bugs-generating-backtrace-win32.php for Win32

Once you have generated a backtrace, please submit it to this bug
report and change the status back to Open. Thank you for helping
us make PHP better.

Can't reproduce nor with 5000 of *'s, neither with 5 000 000.

[2006-05-30 06:33:54] dave at dgx dot cz

summary: Too long input string crashes PHP:

[2006-05-30 06:21:23] dave at dgx dot cz


Too long input string crashes PHP:

Reproduce code:
// in some situation 400 chars is enought to reproduce error

$s = str_repeat('*', 5000); 

preg_match_all('#(\*)+#', $s, $matches);

Actual result:
4.3.10 crash
4.3.11 crash
4.3.3 crash
4.3.4 crash
4.3.5 crash
4.3.6 crash
4.3.7 crash
4.3.8 crash
4.3.9 crash
4.4.0 crash
4.4.1 crash
4.4.2 crash
5.0.0 OK
5.0.1 OK
5.0.2 OK
5.0.3 OK
5.0.4 OK
5.0.5 OK
5.1.1 OK
5.1.2 OK
5.1.3 crash
5.1.4 crash

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37637edit=1

#37428 [Opn-Fbk]: php.exe crashing if unable to load any of configured extension dll

2006-05-24 Thread edink
 ID:   37428
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  velkran-2 at yahoo dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: *General Issues
 Operating System: Windows XP SP2
 PHP Version:  5.1.4
 New Comment:

What do you mean by do not use event log?

I don't get a crash I get:

PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'.\php_xxx.dll' - The specified module could not be found.

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-22 09:30:44] velkran-2 at yahoo dot com

The workaround for this issue - is not use event log (on Windows)

[2006-05-22 09:29:38] velkran-2 at yahoo dot com

I was able to reproduce this problem on latest 5.2 snapshot

[2006-05-16 19:07:31] velkran-2 at yahoo dot com

Just to be sure, i did these steps:
1. Download php5.2-win32-200605161430.zip
2. Download php5.2-dbgpack-win32-latest.zip
3. unpack these 2 files to e:\php5.2
4. copy php.ini-recommended to php.ini
5. edit php.ini, uncomment line ;error_log = syslog
6. edit php.ini (to emulate PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic
library error)
7. change current directory to e:\php5.2
8. start php.exe
9. got usual windows GPF message, click Debug to create backtrace
Please find a Backtrace at the end of this comment.

As far as i can see there is some problem with windows event log
reporting, basically it failes at this line:
/* default event source */
---if (!PW32G(log_source))
openlog(php, LOG_PID, LOG_SYSLOG);
I'm pretty that openlog was not called yet, i put a breakpoint on it.
So failing somewhere inside mystical PW32G thing.
Hope this will be help.

A Backtrace (hope you will see it well-formatted):
   php5ts.dll!syslog(int priority=6, const char * 
...)  Line 91   C
php5ts.dll!php_log_err(char * log_message=0x009b1080, void * * *
tsrm_ls=0x00324200)  Line 349 + 0x14C
php5ts.dll!php_error_cb(int type=32, const char *
error_filename=0x102967d0, const unsigned int error_lineno=0, const
char * format=0x009b1080, char * args=0x0001)  Line 763 C
php5ts.dll!zend_error(int type=32, const char * format=0x10296780,
...)  Line 948 + 0x17   C
php5ts.dll!php_verror(const char * docref=0x, const char *
params=0x10296690, int type=32, const char * format=0x000b, char *
args=0x006d, void * * * tsrm_ls=0x)  Line 573   C
php5ts.dll!php_error_docref0(const char * docref=0x, void * *
* tsrm_ls=0x00324200, int type=32, const char * format=0x10307754, ...) 
Line 588 + 0x23 C
php5ts.dll!php_dl(_zval_struct * file=0x009f5610, int type=1,
_zval_struct * return_value=0x0012fbe4, int start_now=0, void * * *
tsrm_ls=0x00324200)  Line 142 + 0x26C
php5ts.dll!php_load_function_extension_cb(void * arg=0x009f5610, void
* * * tsrm_ls=0x00324200)  Line 236 C
php5ts.dll!zend_llist_apply(_zend_llist * l=0x104366d4, void (void *,
void * * *)* func=0x100bcb50, void * * * tsrm_ls=0x00324200)  Line 191 +
0x7 C
php5ts.dll!php_ini_register_extensions(void * * * tsrm_ls=0x00324200)
 Line 555   C
php5ts.dll!php_module_startup(_sapi_module_struct * sf=0x00405020,
_zend_module_entry * additional_modules=0x, unsigned int
num_additional_modules=0)  Line 1563C
php.exe!main(int argc=64, char * * argv=0x7ffde000)  Line 681 +
php.exe!_mainCRTStartup()  + 0xe3   

[2006-05-14 12:31:05] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not enough information was provided for us to be able
to handle this bug. Please re-read the instructions at

If you can provide more information, feel free to add it
to this bug and change the status back to Open.

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

[2006-05-13 10:43:27] velkran-2 at yahoo dot com


php.exe will crash if any of configured extension dll cannot be found.
It can either incorrect extension_dir or just missing dll file.
From my point of view it is better to proper report this situation, not

#37428 [Fbk-Csd]: php.exe crashing if unable to load any of configured extension dll

2006-05-24 Thread edink
 ID:   37428
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  velkran-2 at yahoo dot com
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: *General Issues
 Operating System: Windows XP SP2
 PHP Version:  5.1.4
 New Comment:

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-24 21:06:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What do you mean by do not use event log?

I don't get a crash I get:

PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'.\php_xxx.dll' - The specified module could not be found.

[2006-05-22 09:30:44] velkran-2 at yahoo dot com

The workaround for this issue - is not use event log (on Windows)

[2006-05-22 09:29:38] velkran-2 at yahoo dot com

I was able to reproduce this problem on latest 5.2 snapshot

[2006-05-16 19:07:31] velkran-2 at yahoo dot com

Just to be sure, i did these steps:
1. Download php5.2-win32-200605161430.zip
2. Download php5.2-dbgpack-win32-latest.zip
3. unpack these 2 files to e:\php5.2
4. copy php.ini-recommended to php.ini
5. edit php.ini, uncomment line ;error_log = syslog
6. edit php.ini (to emulate PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic
library error)
7. change current directory to e:\php5.2
8. start php.exe
9. got usual windows GPF message, click Debug to create backtrace
Please find a Backtrace at the end of this comment.

As far as i can see there is some problem with windows event log
reporting, basically it failes at this line:
/* default event source */
---if (!PW32G(log_source))
openlog(php, LOG_PID, LOG_SYSLOG);
I'm pretty that openlog was not called yet, i put a breakpoint on it.
So failing somewhere inside mystical PW32G thing.
Hope this will be help.

A Backtrace (hope you will see it well-formatted):
   php5ts.dll!syslog(int priority=6, const char * 
...)  Line 91   C
php5ts.dll!php_log_err(char * log_message=0x009b1080, void * * *
tsrm_ls=0x00324200)  Line 349 + 0x14C
php5ts.dll!php_error_cb(int type=32, const char *
error_filename=0x102967d0, const unsigned int error_lineno=0, const
char * format=0x009b1080, char * args=0x0001)  Line 763 C
php5ts.dll!zend_error(int type=32, const char * format=0x10296780,
...)  Line 948 + 0x17   C
php5ts.dll!php_verror(const char * docref=0x, const char *
params=0x10296690, int type=32, const char * format=0x000b, char *
args=0x006d, void * * * tsrm_ls=0x)  Line 573   C
php5ts.dll!php_error_docref0(const char * docref=0x, void * *
* tsrm_ls=0x00324200, int type=32, const char * format=0x10307754, ...) 
Line 588 + 0x23 C
php5ts.dll!php_dl(_zval_struct * file=0x009f5610, int type=1,
_zval_struct * return_value=0x0012fbe4, int start_now=0, void * * *
tsrm_ls=0x00324200)  Line 142 + 0x26C
php5ts.dll!php_load_function_extension_cb(void * arg=0x009f5610, void
* * * tsrm_ls=0x00324200)  Line 236 C
php5ts.dll!zend_llist_apply(_zend_llist * l=0x104366d4, void (void *,
void * * *)* func=0x100bcb50, void * * * tsrm_ls=0x00324200)  Line 191 +
0x7 C
php5ts.dll!php_ini_register_extensions(void * * * tsrm_ls=0x00324200)
 Line 555   C
php5ts.dll!php_module_startup(_sapi_module_struct * sf=0x00405020,
_zend_module_entry * additional_modules=0x, unsigned int
num_additional_modules=0)  Line 1563C
php.exe!main(int argc=64, char * * argv=0x7ffde000)  Line 681 +
php.exe!_mainCRTStartup()  + 0xe3   

[2006-05-14 12:31:05] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not enough information was provided for us to be able
to handle this bug. Please re-read the instructions at

If you can provide more information, feel free to add it
to this bug and change the status back to Open.

Thank you for your interest in 

#37464 [Opn-Bgs]: php_mysql.dll

2006-05-16 Thread edink
 ID:   37464
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  softwebmaster at gmail dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Reproducible crash
 Operating System: windows xp
 PHP Version:  php 5.2
 New Comment:

You are supposed to use php_mysql.dll which is included in PHP
distribution and not the one downloaded from elsewhere.

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-16 18:57:47] softwebmaster at gmail dot com

After installing apache 2.2.2,phpmyadmin,mysql 5, php5.2, and enable
php_mysql extension in php.ini.  Apache
2.2.2 will crash if I use php_mysql.dll(version 5.021) which can be
download at http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/php/

What do i mean when I said apache 2.2.2 will crash.? If you type
localhost in IE's address bar and I don't use php_mysql.dll from
MYSQL.com, everything works perfectly.

if I use your *php_mysql.dll* which is included in php 5.2 distribution
folder, i don't have
this problem.

I didn't have this kind of problem when I used apache 2.058
mysql, and php 5.14 with php_mysql.dll(version 5.021 from mysql.com)

If you are looking for a specific *information*, please let me know
which one so that i can prodvide.

*not enough information* does not help anybody either. Thanks

[2006-05-16 18:53:34] softwebmaster at gmail dot com

After installing apache 2.2.2,phpmyadmin,mysql 5, php5.2, and enable
php_mysql extension in php.ini.  Apache
2.2.2 will crash if I use php_mysql.dll(version 5.021) which can be
download at http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/php/ 

if I use your *php_mysql.dll* which is included in php 5.2, i don't
have this problem.

I didn't have this kind of problem when I used apache 2.058
,phpmyadmin, mysql, and php 5.14 with php_mysql.dll(version 5.021 from

If you are looking for a specific *information*, please let me know
which one so that i can prodvide.

*not enough information* does not help anybody either. Thanks

[2006-05-16 18:41:46] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not enough information was provided for us to be able
to handle this bug. Please re-read the instructions at

If you can provide more information, feel free to add it
to this bug and change the status back to Open.

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

[2006-05-16 18:36:09] softwebmaster at gmail dot com


After installing apache 2.2.2,phpmyadmin,mysql 5, and php5.2. apache
2.2.2 will crash if I copy php_mysql.dll(version 5.021) from mysql.com
in php extension folder.Nothing will run at all.

I didn't have this kind of problem when I used apache 2.058 and
phpmyadmin, and mysql, and php 5.14 with php_mysql.dll(version 5.021)
from mysql.com

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37464edit=1

#37422 [Opn-Fbk]: FastCGI: comm with server .. aborted: idle timeout

2006-05-15 Thread edink
 ID:   37422
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  phpbugs at thequod dot de
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: CGI related
 Operating System: Ubuntu Linux
 PHP Version:  5.1.5CVS
 Assigned To:  dmitry
 New Comment:

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-15 19:15:38] phpbugs at thequod dot de

I've tried debugging the problem a bit more (with gdb):

The main process (which was started at first) has this 
#0  0xb7890968 in wait () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
#1  0x083203bb in main (argc=1, argv=0xbfdf8be4) 
at /home/XXX/cvs/php/php51dev/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:1285

(ps aux says:
XXX21201  0.0  0.7  15372  3976 ?Ss   May14   
0:00 /bin/php5-fcgi)

Line 1285 is the while loop here:
if (parent) {
fprintf(stderr, Wait for kids, pid %d\n, 
while (wait(status)  0) {

And here are backtraces, of two php5-fcgi childs (4 
(gdb) bt
#0  0xb78c4678 in poll () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
#1  0x0827b266 in php_sockop_read (stream=0x866546c, 
buf=0xfffc Address 0xfffc out of bounds, 
at php_network.h:164
#2  0x08099b5e in php_openssl_sockop_read 
(stream=0x866546c, buf=0x866557c etting
at /home/XXX/cvs/php/php51dev/ext/openssl/xp_ssl.c:229
#3  0x08271d20 in php_stream_fill_read_buffer 
(stream=0x866546c, size=1) 
at /home/XXX/cvs/php/php51dev/main/streams/streams.c:541
#4  0x08271dd2 in _php_stream_read (stream=0x866546c, 
buf=0xbfdf2187 \b#65533;!#2047;#65533;\204
\blTf\b#65533;#65533;#65533;#65533;kqI\b, size=1)

at /home/XXX/cvs/php/php51dev/main/streams/streams.c:584
#5  0x08271fa3 in _php_stream_getc (stream=0xfffc) 
at /home/XXX/cvs/php/php51dev/main/streams/streams.c:649
#6  0x082084c5 in zif_fgetc (ht=1, return_value=0x869180c, 
return_value_ptr=0x0, this_ptr=0x0, return_value_used=1)
at /home/XXX/cvs/php/php51dev/ext/standard/file.c:1076
#7  0x082b503b in zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC 
(execute_data=0xbfdf4410) at zend_vm_execute.h:200
#8  0x082b472b in execute (op_array=0x8681814) at 
#9  0x0829c694 in zend_execute_scripts (type=8, 
retval=Variable retval is not available.
) at /home/XXX/cvs/php/php51dev/Zend/zend.c:1109
#10 0x08263044 in php_execute_script 
at /home/XXX/cvs/php/php51dev/main/main.c:1732
#11 0x08320831 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbfdf8be4) 
at /home/XXX/cvs/php/php51dev/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:1608

#0  0xb78c4678 in poll () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
#1  0x0827b266 in php_sockop_read (stream=0x8668804, 
buf=0xfffc Address 0xfffc out of bounds, 
at php_network.h:164
#2  0x08099b5e in php_openssl_sockop_read 
(stream=0x8668804, buf=0x865e50c , count=8192)
at /home/XXX/cvs/php/php51dev/ext/openssl/xp_ssl.c:229
#3  0x08271d20 in php_stream_fill_read_buffer 
(stream=0x8668804, size=8192)

at /home/XXX/cvs/php/php51dev/main/streams/streams.c:541
#4  0x08272183 in _php_stream_get_line (stream=0x8668804, 
buf=0x0, maxlen=0, returned_len=0xbfdf21b0)

at /home/XXX/cvs/php/php51dev/main/streams/streams.c:820
#5  0x0820b4ad in zif_fgets (ht=1, return_value=0x8696bf4, 
return_value_ptr=0x0, this_ptr=0x0, return_value_used=1)
at /home/XXX/cvs/php/php51dev/ext/standard/file.c:1021
#6  0x082b503b in zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC 
(execute_data=0xbfdf4410) at zend_vm_execute.h:200
#7  0x082b472b in execute (op_array=0x865228c) at 
#8  0x0829c694 in zend_execute_scripts (type=8, 
retval=Variable retval is not available.
) at /home/XXX/cvs/php/php51dev/Zend/zend.c:1109
#9  0x08263044 in php_execute_script 
at /home/XXX/cvs/php/php51dev/main/main.c:1732
#10 0x08320831 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbfdf8be4) 
at /home/XXX/cvs/php/php51dev/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:1608


[2006-05-15 11:03:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

the behavior of PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN was changed about year ago. If it is
not set then main PHP process doesn't fork worker processes but serve
FastCGI requests by itself.

I cannot reproduce the problem with PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN is set, but it
well reproducable without PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN.

BTW I can reproduce the same problem with mod_fastcgi and PHP-5.0, and
cannot reproduce with PHP-5.1.4 and zend_enabler. So I assume this is
mod_fastcgi bug, that cannot restart PHP properly.

[2006-05-12 19:37:53] phpbugs at thequod dot de

The test script is just ?php echo 

#37300 [Opn-WFx]: memory_limit disabled on windows

2006-05-12 Thread edink
 ID:   37300
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  astinky at lycos dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Wont fix
 Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: Windows Server 2003
 PHP Version:  5.1.3
 New Comment:

Ok. The issue was not memory limit, and we will keep it disabled for
windows because of performance reasons. For now :)

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-12 15:28:11] astinky at lycos dot com

Well I tried a number of combinations of those changes and none of them
resulted in complete output from my script so I reverted them all to my
riginal settings.

However, on a lark I tried viewing the page in IE6 instead of Firefox and voila! The script output was complete and intact!

Conclusion: Browser issue. looks appropriately embarrased

The webserver is no longer faulting and I'm somewhat mystified as to
why, but hey, I'll take it.

So I guess I'll try a clean Firefox install and see if the
issue persists and if so report it to Mozilla.

Again, a thousand thanks for your patience and understanding, I've been
a big fan of php for ages, so keep up the good work!

[2006-05-11 22:20:31] astinky at lycos dot com

Hmmm, with this in mind I just re-read the ThreadStackSize Directive
available in Apache since 2.1


Might give that a try first.

[2006-05-11 21:56:31] astinky at lycos dot com

Thanks for the tip, I'll give that a try.

I already run the apache winnt mpm like so:
ThreadsPerChild 64
MaxRequestsPerChild   1
(stabilises it considerably)

I'll try dropping ThreadsPerChild to 50 as well.

[2006-05-11 21:35:51] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thing that has changed between 5.0 and 5.1 is that 5.1 seems to be more
memory hungry, especially when it comes to stack.

The way to increase stack space availabe to PHP you can run:

EDITBIN /STACK:4194304  httpd.exe
in your Apache2.2\bin directory (editbin comes with vc++)

You should also decrease ThreadsPerChild to 50 from 250 in your
httpd.conf to be able to handle 4MB stack.

[2006-05-11 20:44:40] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Memory limit is not enabled in 5.2.0 (PHP runs somewhat slower when it
is enabled), but I suspect that this has nothing to do with your

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37300edit=1

#37300 [Asn-Opn]: memory_limit disabled on windows

2006-05-11 Thread edink
 ID:   37300
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Summary:  memory_limit broken
 Reported By:  astinky at lycos dot com
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Open
-Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
+Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: Windows Server 2003
 PHP Version:  5.1.3
 Assigned To:  edink
 New Comment:

Windows builds ship without memory limit feature.
This was done on purpose. I have changed the category to change request
since we might consider changing it.

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-11 10:10:40] astinky at lycos dot com

Additional info/correction:

Actually the weserver would fault on shutdown with Apache 2.2.0 - php
5.1.2 (and 5.1.3) if the hardcoded memory limit was exceeded.

With Apache 2.2.2 - php 5.1.3 (and 5.1.4) the webserver will fault at
the time the memory limit is exceeded.

The IIS system mentioned above is running php as an ISAPI.

I usually set the memory limit in the php.ini anyway, not in the
script. Still it has no effect.

If only the fgetcsv function was not so hard on resources I would not
be having this issue. I could solve my problem by converting the tab
delimited text file I am reading into a MySQL table, but I'd really
like to just be able to read the text file in the script so it is more

The problem persists in php 5.1.4.

I compared the zend_alloc.c of php 5.0.5 to php 5.1.4 and found some
suspicious differences, but nothing I could say for sure is

Just let me know if there is any other info I can provide that may

[2006-05-04 02:48:42] astinky at lycos dot com


Re: http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=36568

It seems this is not quite fixed.

This test script below fails, with no error output and does not echo
the memory limit at all.

This is on Apache 2.2.2 php 5.1.3 eAcclerator 0.9.5-b2.
(tested with eAcclerator disabled - same result)

The apache2handler I'm using is self compiled, but I suspect it is not
the problem as another server (Windows Server 2003, II6 php 5.1.2 or
php 5.1.3 shows similar symptoms)

I am using the posted windows binaries for php 5.1.3 and apche 2.2.2

Both servers show an error for the webserver exe in the event log on
shutdown with the faulting module varying (php5ts.dll, php_mysql.dll,
ntdll.dll, msvcrt.dll...) on previous searches of the bugs here this is
always attributed to server misconfiguration. I have been running
apache/php for years and am intimately fmiliar with its configuration
and have been frustrated by this error appearing in recent php

I'm going to take a look at the related php code tomorrow and will
reprt any findings I might come up with.

I notice previous comments about no support for a memory limit in
windows, but I'm sure it worked in php 5.0.5... (tried stting it to -1
which also fails) 

Thanks for any assistance you can offer.

Reproduce code:
echo 'memory_limit: ';
ini_set(memory_limit, 32M);
echo ini_get(memory_limit);

Expected result:

I expect to be able to set the memory limit. (particularly for a script
of mine that loads huge arrays from a 2.9 MB tab delimited text file -
which worked fine in earler php5 versions but its output is truncated
in php 5.1.2 and 5.1.3). I do not expect the webserver to fault on

Actual result:
Unable to set memory limit, webserver faults on shutdown.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37300edit=1

#37300 [Opn-Fbk]: memory_limit disabled on windows

2006-05-11 Thread edink
 ID:   37300
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  astinky at lycos dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: Windows Server 2003
 PHP Version:  5.1.3
 New Comment:

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

Default php does not have any memory limit.

Please use php5handler2_2.dll if you're using apache 2.2

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-11 13:49:25] astinky at lycos dot com

Ah, thanks.

The thing is, this memory intensive script of mine worked fine on php
5.0.5, but its output is truncated on php 5.1.2 and up. It generates no
other errors. 

As well, our upload scripts used to allow a 40 MB file upload on php
5.0.5 and previous versions. I have not tested whether it still does,
but I assume it is affected by the changes in memory limit behaviour on

Something else has changed with respect to memory use on windows.
Perhaps the harcoded memory limit of php has been reduced?

If I build 5.1.4 for Win32 from source myself can I enable the memory
limit or change the hardcoded limit? (I suspect from your comment I

Thanks again for your attention to this matter, it is much appreciated.

[2006-05-11 10:51:23] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Windows builds ship without memory limit feature.
This was done on purpose. I have changed the category to change request
since we might consider changing it.

[2006-05-11 10:10:40] astinky at lycos dot com

Additional info/correction:

Actually the weserver would fault on shutdown with Apache 2.2.0 - php
5.1.2 (and 5.1.3) if the hardcoded memory limit was exceeded.

With Apache 2.2.2 - php 5.1.3 (and 5.1.4) the webserver will fault at
the time the memory limit is exceeded.

The IIS system mentioned above is running php as an ISAPI.

I usually set the memory limit in the php.ini anyway, not in the
script. Still it has no effect.

If only the fgetcsv function was not so hard on resources I would not
be having this issue. I could solve my problem by converting the tab
delimited text file I am reading into a MySQL table, but I'd really
like to just be able to read the text file in the script so it is more

The problem persists in php 5.1.4.

I compared the zend_alloc.c of php 5.0.5 to php 5.1.4 and found some
suspicious differences, but nothing I could say for sure is

Just let me know if there is any other info I can provide that may

[2006-05-04 02:48:42] astinky at lycos dot com


Re: http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=36568

It seems this is not quite fixed.

This test script below fails, with no error output and does not echo
the memory limit at all.

This is on Apache 2.2.2 php 5.1.3 eAcclerator 0.9.5-b2.
(tested with eAcclerator disabled - same result)

The apache2handler I'm using is self compiled, but I suspect it is not
the problem as another server (Windows Server 2003, II6 php 5.1.2 or
php 5.1.3 shows similar symptoms)

I am using the posted windows binaries for php 5.1.3 and apche 2.2.2

Both servers show an error for the webserver exe in the event log on
shutdown with the faulting module varying (php5ts.dll, php_mysql.dll,
ntdll.dll, msvcrt.dll...) on previous searches of the bugs here this is
always attributed to server misconfiguration. I have been running
apache/php for years and am intimately fmiliar with its configuration
and have been frustrated by this error appearing in recent php

I'm going to take a look at the related php code tomorrow and will
reprt any findings I might come up with.

I notice previous comments about no support for a memory limit in
windows, but I'm sure it worked in php 5.0.5... (tried stting it to -1
which also fails) 

Thanks for any assistance you can offer.

Reproduce code:
echo 'memory_limit: ';
ini_set(memory_limit, 32M);
echo ini_get(memory_limit);

Expected result:

I expect to be able to set the memory limit. (particularly for a script
of mine that loads huge arrays from a 2.9 MB tab delimited text file -
which worked fine in earler php5 versions but its output is truncated
in php 5.1.2 and 5.1.3). I do not expect the webserver to fault on

Actual result:
Unable to set memory limit, webserver faults on shutdown.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37300edit=1

#37300 [Opn-Fbk]: memory_limit disabled on windows

2006-05-11 Thread edink
 ID:   37300
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  astinky at lycos dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: Windows Server 2003
 PHP Version:  5.1.3
 New Comment:

And please tell me what PHP extensions do you have enabled. Try with a
minimal config to see if the problem disappears. I rather suspect crash
has nothing to do with memory limit.

Also if possible please provide reproducing script.

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-11 14:04:36] astinky at lycos dot com

Sorry, I missed your last comment before my last post.

I will indeed give that snapshot a try and report back as soon as I get
it tested!

[2006-05-11 14:02:00] astinky at lycos dot com

Perhaps whatever Dmitry did here:


Changed memory use on windows, without actually enabling the memry

I assume that the intention is that there should be no memory limit at
all on windows?

If that is the case, then there is one now, I just can't change it. I
know my script is not using the entire 1GB of system ram on this server
(12 MB maybe...).

When my script stopped working corresponds to the time of the change in
bug ID 36568.

I'd rather not rollback to php 5.0.5 or have to compile 5.1.4 myself
but ultimately I'll have to if the old behaviour is not restrored or
the memory limit fully enabled.

I'm not meaning to nag here, just filling in more info that I hope will
be helpful. I'll find a solution one way or another but it is my hope
that the old behaviour of memory use on windows will be restored or the
memory limit will be fully enabled, whatever you guys think is

[2006-05-11 13:55:32] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

Default php does not have any memory limit.

Please use php5handler2_2.dll if you're using apache 2.2

[2006-05-11 13:49:25] astinky at lycos dot com

Ah, thanks.

The thing is, this memory intensive script of mine worked fine on php
5.0.5, but its output is truncated on php 5.1.2 and up. It generates no
other errors. 

As well, our upload scripts used to allow a 40 MB file upload on php
5.0.5 and previous versions. I have not tested whether it still does,
but I assume it is affected by the changes in memory limit behaviour on

Something else has changed with respect to memory use on windows.
Perhaps the harcoded memory limit of php has been reduced?

If I build 5.1.4 for Win32 from source myself can I enable the memory
limit or change the hardcoded limit? (I suspect from your comment I

Thanks again for your attention to this matter, it is much appreciated.

[2006-05-11 10:51:23] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Windows builds ship without memory limit feature.
This was done on purpose. I have changed the category to change request
since we might consider changing it.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37300edit=1

#37408 [Opn-Asn]: max_execution_time seems to be in affect for interactive CLI sessions

2006-05-11 Thread edink
 ID:   37408
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  Jared dot Williams1 at ntlworld dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Assigned
 Bug Type: Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System: Win2000
 PHP Version:  5.1.4
-Assigned To:  
+Assigned To:  helly

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-11 15:28:25] Jared dot Williams1 at ntlworld dot com


max_execution_time seems to be in affect for interactive CLI sessions

5.1.4  5.2 both exhibit the problem.

Reproduce code:
E:\php-5.1.4-Win32php -a
Interactive mode enabled


Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in
E:\php-5.1.4-Win32\- on line 3

Expected result:

max_execution_time to be disabled/infinite.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37408edit=1

#37397 [Opn-Bgs]: Win32 PHP crash

2006-05-11 Thread edink
 ID:   37397
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  alex at onix-systems dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: PCRE related
 Operating System: WinCP
 PHP Version:  5.1.4
 New Comment:

Using nested quantifiers will use up all available stack, there is
nothing we can do about this.

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-10 13:04:34] alex at onix-systems dot com

It crashes as well.

[2006-05-10 12:42:24] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

[2006-05-10 12:25:42] alex at onix-systems dot com


Can be reproduced on Win32. Works fine under Linux.
Appieared in PHP-5.1.3 ans still exists in PHP-5.1.4

The following code results stack overflow and PHP crash.
Code works fine if $a  1560

Reproduce code:
$value = ;
for( $a=0; $a  1561; $a++ ) {
$value .= t;
$res = preg_split(
'/(?:(?:(?:(?!)(?:[](?:[]{2})*))+[\$])|[^\$])*/', $value

Expected result:

nothing in this example

Actual result:
PHP crash

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37397edit=1

#37300 [Opn-Fbk]: memory_limit disabled on windows

2006-05-11 Thread edink
 ID:   37300
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  astinky at lycos dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: Windows Server 2003
 PHP Version:  5.1.3
 New Comment:

Memory limit is not enabled in 5.2.0 (PHP runs somewhat slower when it
is enabled), but I suspect that this has nothing to do with your

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-11 19:55:12] astinky at lycos dot com

That snapshot still does not allow setting the memory_limit in either
the script or the php.ini. I ran the snapshot as-is at home on WinXP
SP2 with no extensions loaded at all. (aside: the apache 2.2 handler
still reports itself as Apache 2.0 Handler)

echo 'memory_limit: ';
echo ini_get(memory_limit);

echo 'memory_limit: ';
ini_set(memory_limit, 32M);
echo ini_get(memory_limit);

Both output only memory_limit:  with no error generated.

My fgetcsv test script does not crash on this version either.

I'm kinda baffled at this point. If we get a working memory_limit for
php on windows, great, I'll test it on
my live shipyards script to see if it is the issue causing it to stop
short of completion, if not, I'll have to track down other changes
since 5.0.5 that may be causing this issue for me.

[2006-05-11 18:17:03] astinky at lycos dot com

It seems


changes faster than I can download it. (~1hr) I got a corrupted zip
file. I got the source OK though.

I'l try:

[2006-05-11 15:50:30] astinky at lycos dot com

Well, using this code to test:

$shipdatarow = array();
$shipcount = 0;
$filename = shiplist.txt;
while (($shipdata = fgetcsv($fp, 1569, chr(9))) !== FALSE) {
if ($shipdata[0] == Mirak) {
$shipdatarow[$shipcount] = $shipdata;

echo $shipdatarow[0][2];
echo 'brbr';
echo $shipdatarow[$shipcount-1][2];

I cannot reproduce the crash on either our server or my home PC.

However the output of the full script is still truncated on our

I am using identical configurations on the two machines, the only
difference being that our server is running Windows Server 2003 and
Symantec Corporate AV (not my choice, I hate Norton with a passion) and
I'm running WinXP SP2 at home with no virus scanner.

This is still php 5.1.4.

I'll now test that snapshot at home and on the server to see the effect
on my script and whether or not I can set the memory limit.

Its starting to look like I've sent you on a wild goose chase.

[2006-05-11 14:46:39] astinky at lycos dot com

Will do... just gimme a bit to download it, I'm on dial-up here.

Extensions in use:

extension=php_mysql.dll (compiled against libMySQL 5.0.21)

I get the same result without my build of eAcclerator 0.9.5-b2 (php
5.1.4) loaded, so that is not the cause.

Here is the memory intensive portion of the script in question:

$shipdatarow = array();
$shipcount = 0;
$filename = shiplist.txt;
while (($shipdata = fgetcsv($fp, 1569, chr(9))) !== FALSE) {
if ($shipdata[0] == $shiprace[$WONlogonsubRace]) {
$shipdatarow[$shipcount] = $shipdata;

The file shiplist.txt is ~2.9MB in size.

I optimised it on an apache-php build on QNX I produced myself a few
years ago, as it was originally developed on a windows server when
there was no memory limit in php on windows and it needed on
optimisation to run in a reasonable memory space under my apache-php
build for QNX.

Here is the application in place:
however you will not be able to see the shipyards page without a forums
login on our site and a character account on the game server.

I will zip up the works for you to look at (db passwords and some
hostnames and paths removed) Much of the code is from when I first
started with php (3.x) so don't laugh too hard...
here it is:

I must emphasise that I did not have this problem with exactly the same
config on php 5.0.5 so I know it is not the script or the extensions I
am using.

Nevertheless, I will test a stripped down version at home that just
opens the text file and loads a portion 

#37300 [Fbk]: memory_limit disabled on windows

2006-05-11 Thread edink
 ID:   37300
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  astinky at lycos dot com
 Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: Windows Server 2003
 PHP Version:  5.1.3
 New Comment:

Thing that has changed between 5.0 and 5.1 is that 5.1 seems to be more
memory hungry, especially when it comes to stack.

The way to increase stack space availabe to PHP you can run:

EDITBIN /STACK:4194304  httpd.exe
in your Apache2.2\bin directory (editbin comes with vc++)

You should also decrease ThreadsPerChild to 50 from 250 in your
httpd.conf to be able to handle 4MB stack.

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-11 20:44:40] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Memory limit is not enabled in 5.2.0 (PHP runs somewhat slower when it
is enabled), but I suspect that this has nothing to do with your

[2006-05-11 19:55:12] astinky at lycos dot com

That snapshot still does not allow setting the memory_limit in either
the script or the php.ini. I ran the snapshot as-is at home on WinXP
SP2 with no extensions loaded at all. (aside: the apache 2.2 handler
still reports itself as Apache 2.0 Handler)

echo 'memory_limit: ';
echo ini_get(memory_limit);

echo 'memory_limit: ';
ini_set(memory_limit, 32M);
echo ini_get(memory_limit);

Both output only memory_limit:  with no error generated.

My fgetcsv test script does not crash on this version either.

I'm kinda baffled at this point. If we get a working memory_limit for
php on windows, great, I'll test it on
my live shipyards script to see if it is the issue causing it to stop
short of completion, if not, I'll have to track down other changes
since 5.0.5 that may be causing this issue for me.

[2006-05-11 18:17:03] astinky at lycos dot com

It seems


changes faster than I can download it. (~1hr) I got a corrupted zip
file. I got the source OK though.

I'l try:

[2006-05-11 15:50:30] astinky at lycos dot com

Well, using this code to test:

$shipdatarow = array();
$shipcount = 0;
$filename = shiplist.txt;
while (($shipdata = fgetcsv($fp, 1569, chr(9))) !== FALSE) {
if ($shipdata[0] == Mirak) {
$shipdatarow[$shipcount] = $shipdata;

echo $shipdatarow[0][2];
echo 'brbr';
echo $shipdatarow[$shipcount-1][2];

I cannot reproduce the crash on either our server or my home PC.

However the output of the full script is still truncated on our

I am using identical configurations on the two machines, the only
difference being that our server is running Windows Server 2003 and
Symantec Corporate AV (not my choice, I hate Norton with a passion) and
I'm running WinXP SP2 at home with no virus scanner.

This is still php 5.1.4.

I'll now test that snapshot at home and on the server to see the effect
on my script and whether or not I can set the memory limit.

Its starting to look like I've sent you on a wild goose chase.

[2006-05-11 14:46:39] astinky at lycos dot com

Will do... just gimme a bit to download it, I'm on dial-up here.

Extensions in use:

extension=php_mysql.dll (compiled against libMySQL 5.0.21)

I get the same result without my build of eAcclerator 0.9.5-b2 (php
5.1.4) loaded, so that is not the cause.

Here is the memory intensive portion of the script in question:

$shipdatarow = array();
$shipcount = 0;
$filename = shiplist.txt;
while (($shipdata = fgetcsv($fp, 1569, chr(9))) !== FALSE) {
if ($shipdata[0] == $shiprace[$WONlogonsubRace]) {
$shipdatarow[$shipcount] = $shipdata;

The file shiplist.txt is ~2.9MB in size.

I optimised it on an apache-php build on QNX I produced myself a few
years ago, as it was originally developed on a windows server when
there was no memory limit in php on windows and it needed on
optimisation to run in a reasonable memory space under my apache-php
build for QNX.

Here is the application in place:
however you will not be able to see the shipyards page without a forums
login on our site and a character account on the game server.

I will zip up the works for you to 

#37370 [Opn-Fbk]: can't load module php5apache2.dll on Apache 2.2

2006-05-10 Thread edink
 ID:   37370
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  softwebmaster at gmail dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Apache2 related
 Operating System: windows XP professional
 PHP Version:  5.1.4
 New Comment:

You're supposed to use php5apache2_2.dll with Apache 2.2.

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-10 17:09:53] softwebmaster at gmail dot com

I tried a version from  
http://snaps.php.net/win32/php5.2-win32-latest.zip on apache 2.2.2 BUT
I still have the same 
error message can't load module php5apache2.dll

[2006-05-08 19:25:29] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

[2006-05-08 19:05:51] softwebmaster at gmail dot com

i received an error message can't load module php5apache2.dll when i
re-start apache 2.2 server. I didn't have this problem if i run apache

hopefully, a new version of php5apache2.dll will solve this problem.
thank you.

[2006-05-08 19:03:48] softwebmaster at gmail dot com


I installed apache 2.2 and php 5.14. I received error message can't
load module php5apache2.dll. I didn't have this kind of problem in
apache 2.058.

hopefully, a new php5apache2.dll will solve this problem. thanks

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37370edit=1

#37352 [Opn-Bgs]: cli do not parse any arguments the first line

2006-05-07 Thread edink
 ID:   37352
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  eddi at ai000 dot de
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: CGI related
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:  *
 New Comment:

Parsing of the shebang line is a kernel task. Linux supports one
argument, FreeBSD parses them the way you would like. This is not a bug
in PHP.

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-07 19:17:59] eddi at ai000 dot de

Please have look in the php_cli.c. The function cli_seek_file_begin
reads already the first line. Why it seems to you PHP could not support
arguments form the first line like Perl?

[2006-05-07 19:07:36] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for taking the time to write to us, but this is not
a bug. Please double-check the documentation available at
http://www.php.net/manual/ and the instructions on how to report
a bug at http://bugs.php.net/how-to-report.php

RTFM of your shell systemonly one argument is supported in hash
bang lines

[2006-05-07 19:00:56] eddi at ai000 dot de


1.) It is not really a bug because it is not provided in php_cli.c. It
is a feature request. PHP should suppord arguments in the first line of
a script.

#!/opt/php/php -c /other/config.ini -z /zend/modul.so


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=37352edit=1

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