#21615 [Com]: PCRE segfault with (very) large string.

2003-01-13 Thread olivier . gondouin
 ID:   21615
 Comment by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Reproducible crash
 Operating System: GNU/linux
 PHP Version:  4.3.0
 New Comment:

I'm really sorry:


Previous Comments:

[2003-01-13 09:53:25] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cannot download the test script due to what appears to be a parse
error. Could you please make the file avaliable as text (.txt).

[2003-01-13 07:51:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PCRE segfault on a big regular expression on a really big string
(17490 chars)

special parameters in php.ini file:
memory_limit = 64M

test script:
this script test a substring of the crashing string.
a loop do the test with this substring, and increase the size of the
string at each step and print out the size.

I put 17490 as starting size as that crash at 17491. The parameters at
at the end of the script (after the string itself).

compilation options:

./configure  --prefix=/opt/php-4.3.0 --with-apache=../apache_1.3.27
--with-config-file-path=/opt/php-4.3.0/lib --enable-calendar
--enable-track-vars --enable-ftp --with-readline
--with-imap=/opt/c-client --with-openssl=/opt/openssl --with
-gdbm=/usr --with-mysql=/opt/mysql --with-pgsql=/opt/postgresql
--enable-trans-sid -with-regex=php --enable-sysvsem --enable-sysvshm
--enable-memory-limit --enable-debug=no --with-ttf=/opt/freetype
--with-t1lib=/opt/t1lib --with-xml --enable-sockets
--with-jpeg-dir=/opt/jpeg --with-tiff-dir=/opt/tiff
--with-png-dir=/opt/libpng --with-zlib-dir=/opt/zlib --with-gd
--enable-gd-native-ttf --enable-exif --with-pdflib=/opt/pdflib
--enable-bcmath --with-ming=/opt/ming --with-bz2=/opt/bzip2 --with-zlib
--with-dom=/opt/libxml2 --with-dom-xslt=/opt/libxslt
--with-dom-exslt=/opt/libxslt --enable-xslt
--with-xslt-sablot=/opt/sablotron --with-expat-dir=/opt/expat
--with-ldap=/opt/openldap --with-mcal=/opt/libmcal
--with-curl=/opt/curl-7.10.2 --with-iconv=/opt/libiconv
--enable-mbstring --with-zip=/opt/zziplib


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=21615edit=1

#21615 [Com]: PCRE segfault with (very) large string.

2003-01-13 Thread olivier . gondouin
 ID:   21615
 Comment by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Reproducible crash
 Operating System: GNU/linux
 PHP Version:  4.3.0
 New Comment:


Previous Comments:

[2003-01-13 10:55:35] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm really sorry:


[2003-01-13 09:53:25] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cannot download the test script due to what appears to be a parse
error. Could you please make the file avaliable as text (.txt).

[2003-01-13 07:51:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PCRE segfault on a big regular expression on a really big string
(17490 chars)

special parameters in php.ini file:
memory_limit = 64M

test script:
this script test a substring of the crashing string.
a loop do the test with this substring, and increase the size of the
string at each step and print out the size.

I put 17490 as starting size as that crash at 17491. The parameters at
at the end of the script (after the string itself).

compilation options:

./configure  --prefix=/opt/php-4.3.0 --with-apache=../apache_1.3.27
--with-config-file-path=/opt/php-4.3.0/lib --enable-calendar
--enable-track-vars --enable-ftp --with-readline
--with-imap=/opt/c-client --with-openssl=/opt/openssl --with
-gdbm=/usr --with-mysql=/opt/mysql --with-pgsql=/opt/postgresql
--enable-trans-sid -with-regex=php --enable-sysvsem --enable-sysvshm
--enable-memory-limit --enable-debug=no --with-ttf=/opt/freetype
--with-t1lib=/opt/t1lib --with-xml --enable-sockets
--with-jpeg-dir=/opt/jpeg --with-tiff-dir=/opt/tiff
--with-png-dir=/opt/libpng --with-zlib-dir=/opt/zlib --with-gd
--enable-gd-native-ttf --enable-exif --with-pdflib=/opt/pdflib
--enable-bcmath --with-ming=/opt/ming --with-bz2=/opt/bzip2 --with-zlib
--with-dom=/opt/libxml2 --with-dom-xslt=/opt/libxslt
--with-dom-exslt=/opt/libxslt --enable-xslt
--with-xslt-sablot=/opt/sablotron --with-expat-dir=/opt/expat
--with-ldap=/opt/openldap --with-mcal=/opt/libmcal
--with-curl=/opt/curl-7.10.2 --with-iconv=/opt/libiconv
--enable-mbstring --with-zip=/opt/zziplib


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=21615edit=1