Re: [PHP] File concurrent file access

2011-07-22 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 10:44 AM, Florian Lemaitre wrote:
 Hi !

 I'm developing my new website and I'm worried about concurrent file access.
 In fact, I want to suppress a maximum database interactions so I keep
 information in files with faster I/O than databases.
 But I'm worried by the fact that an error can occur when someone try to
 access a file being edited by a cron task.

 Does PHP do all the stuff itself or is there something to do about it ?

 PS: I only use file_get_contents, file_put_contentsand unlink on files.

 Best regards.

With file_put_contents you send a flag to lock the file and avoid
concurrency problems, eg:

file_put_contents('/some/file', 'data', FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);



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Re: [PHP] Common session for all subdomains?

2010-12-20 Thread Jonathan Tapicer

You should use the function session_set_cookie_params to set the
session cookie domain to like this comment explains:


On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 7:18 PM, Andre Polykanine wrote:
 Hello php-general,
 I've got a question: I have a site Then we started
 developing some applications at
 How can I manage it in the way so the session valid at would be also valid at
 With best regards from Ukraine,
 Skype: Francophile

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Re: [PHP] Open Source PHP/ mySQL Project Management

2010-11-11 Thread Jonathan Tapicer

I don't know if it meets all of the features you enumerated but Mantis
( is very good, and it is PHP+MySQL (or
Postgres, or MSSQL).


On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 7:23 PM, Don Wieland wrote:
 Hi gang,

 I am looking into Project Management apps for my projects. Any suggestions:

 I am interested in tracking Projects, Milestones, Tickets, Files,
 Discussions, Documents, Time Tracking, etc... Also, would like to have the
 system have robust email integration Reminders, Email Ticket echos (where a
 user can reply it will post back into the PM system and echo back email to
 assigned users - with file attachments)

 Suggestions? Thanks!


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Re: [PHP] Including files on NFS mount slow with APC enabled

2010-08-16 Thread Jonathan Tapicer

APC checks by default if every included file was modified doing a stat
call. You can disable it, setting apc.stat to 0
( Try
if that improves the performance. Of course, you should manually
delete the APC opcode cache every time you modify a PHP file, since
APC won't detect that it was modified.



On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 10:21 AM, Mark Hunting wrote:
 I am struggling with the performance of some websites that use a lot of
 includes (using include_once). The files are on a NFS mount (NFSv4), and
 I use APC to speed things up. APC has enough memory, and I see all
 included files are in the APC cache. apc.include_once_override is
 enabled. This is on a Ubuntu Linux 10.04 server.

 What surprises me is that using strace I see apache open()ing all
 included files. I would think this is not necessary as APC has these
 files in its cache. Opening a file takes 1-3 ms, the websites include
 100-200 files, so this costs about half a second for each request. I
 tried a lot to prevent this but my options are exhausted. Is it normal
 that all these files are open()ed each time, and if so how can I speed
 up these includes?

 Part of the trace is below, look especially at the first line where 2ms
 are lost while this file is in the APC cache:

 open(/[removed]/library/Zend/Application.php, O_RDONLY) = 1440 0.002035
 fstat(1440, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=11365, ...}) = 0 0.000137
 fstat(1440, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=11365, ...}) = 0 0.000124
 fstat(1440, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=11365, ...}) = 0 0.000133
 mmap(NULL, 11365, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, 1440, 0) = 0x7faf3f068000
 stat(/[removed]/library/Zend/Application.php, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755,
 st_size=11365, ...}) = 0 0.000219
 munmap(0x7faf3f068000, 11365)           = 0 0.000151
 close(1440)                             = 0 0.000845


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Re: [PHP] Storing time in mysql prior to 1970

2010-01-27 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 7:58 PM, Haig Davis wrote:
 Hi Everyone,

 I'm sure I'm missing something simple. I'm trying to store dates of birth
 prior to 1970 in mysql. I've tried mysql's date_format but am hitting a
 wall. I'm chasing my tail and was hoping for the best practice.

 Many Thanks


Use the types date or datetime instead of timestamp, read more about
it here:

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Re: [PHP] http vs https

2010-01-23 Thread Jonathan Tapicer

isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) should do it.



On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 2:11 PM, Ben Miller wrote:
 Is there a PHP function that will return whether the request was http or
 https?  I have functions that need to cURL other servers - sometimes over
 SSL, sometimes not, depending whether the function is called from or

 Hope the question is clear.  Thanks,


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Re: [PHP] array_count_values Problem

2010-01-12 Thread Jonathan Tapicer

The function array_count_values returns an array
( So you are using it the wrong
way, you should assign the return value to a variable and then access
some index.



On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 11:09 AM, Alice Wei wrote:


  I have a code in the following, after investigating more closely on how to 
 use array_count_values():

  //Calculate the number of elements in array
 $total_num = count($friend_from);
 $total_num2 = count(array_unique($friend_from));
 for ($i=0;$i=$total_num2;$i++) echo $friend_from[$i] .   . 
 array_count_values($friend_from[$i]) . \n;

  Neither of these two numbers, $total_num and $total_num2 are 0, but I only 
 get something like this:

 Monroe, IN
 Cherokee, OK
 Cherokee, OK
 Cleveland, OK
 Greer, OK
  How come that I cannot get it to print out the individual 
 array_count_values? Have I missed something here?
  Thanks for your help.

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Re: [PHP] Count the Number of Certain Elements in An Array

2010-01-11 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 6:21 PM, Alice Wei wrote:


  This seems like a pretty simple problem, but I can't seem to be able to 
 figure it out. I have a lot of elements in an array, and some of them are 
 duplicates, but I don't want to delete them because I have other purposes for 
 it. Is it possible for me to find out the number of certain elements in an 

  For example,

   // Create a simple array.
   $array = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3,3,4,2);
   $total = count($array);
   echo $total;

  If I run the code, the value of $total would be 9. However, what I really 
 want to do is to get the values of the different instances of each, like:

   1 = 1
   2 = 2
   3 = 3
   4=  2
   5=  1

 Is there a simple code that I use to find this out?

 Thanks for your help.


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Try the function array_count_values.



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Re: [PHP] cannot access SimpleXML object property

2010-01-07 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 6:56 PM, Mari Masuda wrote:

 I am working with an XML document and have a SimpleXML object whose var_dump 
 looks like this:

 object(SimpleXMLElement)#2 (10) {
  array(1) {
    string(7) 3854857
  string(7) Article
  string(25) 2006-09-06T16:42:20-07:00
  string(25) 2007-07-16T09:15:53-07:00
  string(19) Michael Gottfredson
  string(5) ready
  ...snip a bunch of stuff...

 Assuming the above object is referenced by $current_object, I can access the 
 values of most stuff with $current_object-creator or whatever.  However, I 
 cannot figure out how to access the value of id.  I tried the following, none 
 of which worked for me:

 1.  $current_object-@attributes-id (gives Parse error: syntax error, 
 unexpected '@', expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or '{' or '$' in 
 /Applications/apache/htdocs/test.php on line 33)

 2.  $current_object-'@attributes'-id (gives Parse error: syntax error, 
 '{' or '$' in/Applications/apache/htdocs/test.php on line 33)

 3.  $current_object-{...@attributes}-id (no error but is null)

 4.  $current_object-{'@attributes'}-id (no error but is also null)

 Does anyone know how I can reference the value of id?  Thanks!

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$id = (string)$current_object['id'];

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Re: [PHP] Re: SQL Queries

2009-12-20 Thread Jonathan Tapicer

That kind of queries usually run faster using a LEFT JOIN, like this:

from users u
 left join notes n on = n.user_id
where is null;

That query will give you the ids of the users without notes. Make sure
to have an index on notes.user_id to let the LEFT JOIN use it and run

Hope that helps, regards,


On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 6:41 PM, דניאל דנון wrote:
 Sorry for the double-post, forgot to add up the way I thought about using:

 Simple sql query:

 SELECT * FROM `users` as u  WHERE (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM notes WHERE user_id
 = LIMIT 0,1) = 0

 Problem is I have about 450,000 users and about 90% don't have notes,
 and it takes LOADS of times even with I limit it:

 SELECT * FROM `users` as u  WHERE (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM notes WHERE user_id
 = LIMIT 0,1) = 0 LIMIT 0,10

 Takes about 10 seconds which is too much time... Any way to optimize it?

 On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 11:30 PM, דניאל דנון wrote:

 Hey, Lets assume I got a table named users.
 It contains id  name.

 I have another table called notes - which contains id, user_id, contents

 I want to delete all users from table users that don't have notes (SELECT
 ... FROM notes WHERE user_id=ID) returns empty result.

 What is the fastest way to do it?

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Re: [PHP] Logic of conditionals and the ( ) operators

2009-12-18 Thread Jonathan Tapicer

Yes, what Ashley said is correct. Also, if you want to avoid writing
$perm several times in the if, or if you have a lot of permissions you
can do:

if (in_array($perm, array(11, 22)))

And you can put in that array all the permissions you need to.



On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 3:47 PM, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
 On Fri, 2009-12-18 at 10:21 -0800, Allen McCabe wrote:

 In a nutshell:

 Will this work?

 if ($perm == (11 || 12))


 I am laying the groundwork for a photo viewing system with a private and
 public mode, and additionally if an admin is logged in, there is an
 additional level of permission. I came up with a number system to make it
 easier (and is calcualted by a class) so now, instead of checking against
 the $mode variable, if the user is logged in, and then what their user level
 is if they are logged in, I just check against some numbers (the class
 evaluates all those conditions and assigns the appropriate number a single
 permission variable, $perm.

 That equates to if($perm == true) as 11 in this case translates to true
 (being a positive integer) The code never needs to figure out the ||
 part, as the first part is true.

 I think what you'd want to do is possibly:

 if($perm == 11 || $perm == 12)


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Re: [PHP] Problem with XPath query

2009-12-14 Thread Jonathan Tapicer

You are missing a quote after widgetType:

[...@alias=widgetType and @value=system]

should be

[...@alias=widgetType and @value=system]



On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Christoph Boget wrote:
 Given the following XML:

    DisplayRef alias=Widget
      parameter alias=widgetType type=variable value=system/

 I'm using the following query:

 $oXPath-query( '//DisplayRef/paramet...@alias=widgetType and
 @value=system]' );

 and I'm getting the following error:

 Warning: DOMXPath::query() [function.DOMXPath-query]: Invalid predicate

 If I remove this part of the query

 [...@alias=widgetType and @value=system]

 the error goes away.

 As far as I can tell from googling around, the query is valid.  If
 that's the case, I don't understand what's causing the error.
 Could someone explain to me what I'm doing wrong?


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2009-11-27 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
You are probably missing something like this in the apache httpd.conf:

LoadModule php5_module c:/PHP/php5apache2_2.dll
PHPIniDir c:/PHP/php.ini
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.html.var



On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 6:24 AM, Julian Muscat Doublesin wrote:
 Hello Everyone,

 I have installed PHP, Apache and MySQL on a Windows 7 machine :(. I
 would prefer linux or unix :)

 These have been setup and working correctly. However when I access a php
 page. I get the save as dialog. Has anyone ever experinced such a situation.
 Can anyone please advise.

 Thank you very much in advance.


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Re: [PHP] Lightweight web server for Windows?

2009-11-15 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
Try nginx (, very light, has a Windows binary
distribution and can be configured easily for PHP.

You can also find some version of Lighttpd compiled for Windows and
skip the compilation troubles, and you can use this: to control the webserver.

Both of them are lighter than Apache.

Good luck,


On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 6:00 PM, O. Lavell wrote:
 What do people on this list use as an ultra-lightweight web server (with
 PHP capability of course) on Windows? I have an old but still well
 functioning laptop that I have just given a second life by installing
 Windows Fundamentals (a stripped down version of XP). This works
 surprisingly well. So now I am looking for the necessary software, so I
 can do some local programming.

 Some requirements I can think of:

 - Extremely small memory footprint and fast efficient code. This laptop
  still works well but it can certainly use some help!
 - Both free as in beer and free as in speech would be my preference.
 - Be able to run as a service in XP.
 - Be able to run PHP (obviously) and perhaps a few other nice server
  features, like SSI and name based virtual hosts.

 Any suggestions? I have not seriously used Windows for years now, so my
 knowledge of that platform is not exactly up to date anymore. I am used
 to dealing with Debian/Ubuntu Linux and Apache but not much else,
 frankly. Apache does seem to heavy for this. My initial thought was to
 install Lighttpd under Cygwin, but perhaps I would be missing out on some
 great little server program that I have not yet heard about.

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Re: [PHP] Spam opinions please

2009-10-20 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
That will work just for one IP, but they could spam you from another
IP. I suggest you add a good captcha to the form and that way you can
avoid spam forever.



On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 3:31 PM, Gary wrote:
 I have several sites that are getting hit with form spam.  I have the script
 set up to capture the IP address so I know from where they come.  I found a
 short script that is supposed to stop these IP addresses from accessing the
 form page, it redirects the spammer to another page (I was going to redirect
 to a page that has lots of pop-ups, scantily clad men and offers of joy
 beyond imagination), but someone suggested I redirect to the Federal Trade
 Commission or perhpas the FBI.

 Any thoughts on the script and its effectivness?

 $deny = array(111.111.111, 222.222.222, 333.333.333);
 if (in_array ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $deny)) {
 } ?Gary

 __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature 
 database 4526 (20091020) __

 The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

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Re: [PHP] Spam opinions please

2009-10-20 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 3:39 PM, Ashley Sheridan wrote:

 On Tue, 2009-10-20 at 15:36 -0300, Jonathan Tapicer wrote:

 That will work just for one IP, but they could spam you from another
 IP. I suggest you add a good captcha to the form and that way you can
 avoid spam forever.



 Firstly, in_array() is used in his example, so it will look for all the IP 
 addresses in the array, not just one.

 Secondly, even the best captchas can be got around. Just look at what 
 happened to Google a while back. And then what if you make the captcha too 
 hard to discern? You'd essentially be breaking the law by impeding hard of 
 seeing or blind users...


Even if he puts a list or range of IPs he could always be attacked
from an IP not in that list/range.

About the blind users, he can use recaptcha (recently aquired by
Google),, which has an audio version captcha.

I'm not saying that the filter by IP won't work, but it won't be 100%
effective, and a captcha will.



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Re: [PHP] exec() confused by a specially crafted string

2009-10-12 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
Confirmed, it also happens to me on Linux, PHP version:

PHP 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.7 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: Aug 21
2009 19:52:39)
Copyright (c) 1997-2007 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Zend Technologies

And adding a single character to the echoed string makes it work fine,
seems like a bug to me.



On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 1:10 PM, Soner Tari wrote:
 When shell command returns a specially crafted string, I get an empty
 array as $output of exec(), instead of the string. I can very easily
 reproduce this issue as follows:

 Put the following lines in bug.php:

 exec('php echostr.php', $output);
 echo \n;

 Then put the following in echostr.php (the string is just one line
 actually, new lines may be inserted by this mail agent, I provide a link

 echo 'a:25:{i:0;a:4:{s:4:Date;s:6:Aug
  turned over;}i:1;a:4:{s:4:Date;s:6:Aug 
  2.1_rc18 x86_64-unknown-openbsd4.5 [SSL] [LZO1] built on Jun 26 
  OpenVPN 2.1 requires \'--script-security 2\' or higher to call user-defined 
 scripts or executables;}i:3;a:4:{s:4:Date;s:6:Aug 
  compression initialized;}i:4;a:4:{s:4:Date;s:6:Aug 
  Channel MTU parms [ L:1542 D:138 EF:38 EB:0 ET:0 EL:0 
  Channel MTU parms [ L:1542 D:1450 EF:42 EB:135 ET:0 EL:0 AF:3/1 
  Options hash (VER=V4): \'41690919\';}i:7;a:4:{s:4:Date;s:6:Aug 
  Remote Options hash (VER=V4): \'530fdded\';}i:8;a:4:{s:4:Date;s:6:Aug 
  Buffers: R=[41600-65536] S=[9216-65536];}i:9;a:4:{s:4:Date;s:6:Aug 
  link local: [undef];}i:10;a:4:{s:4:Date;s:6:Aug 
  link remote:;}i:11;a:4:{s:4:Date;s:6:Aug 
  Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds (check your 
 network connectivity);}i:12;a:4:{s:4:Date;s:6:Aug 
  Error: TLS handshake failed;}i:13;a:4:{s:4:Date;s:6:Aug 
  Closing socket;}i:14;a:4:{s:4:Date;s:6:Aug 
  received, process restarting;}i:15;a:4:{s:4:Date;s:6:Aug 
  pause, 2 second(s);}i:16;a:4:{s:4:Date;s:6:Aug 
  OpenVPN 2.1 requires \'--script-security 2\' or higher to call user-defined 
 scripts or executables;}i:17;a:4:{s:4:Date;s:6:Aug 
  SSL/TLS context;}i:18;a:4:{s:4:Date;s:6:Aug 
  compression initialized;}i:19;a:4:{s:4:Date;s:6:Aug 
  Channel MTU parms [ L:1542 D:138 EF:38 EB:0 ET:0 EL:0 
  Channel MTU parms [ L:1542 D:1450 EF:42 EB:135 ET:0 EL:0 AF:3/1 
  Options hash (VER=V4): \'41690919\';}i:22;a:4:{s:4:Date;s:6:Aug 
  Remote Options hash (VER=V4): \'530fdded\';}i:23;a:4:{s:4:Date;s:6:Aug 
  Buffers: R=[41600-65536] S=[9216-65536];}i:24;a:4:{s:4:Date;s:6:Aug 
  link local: [undef];}}';

 When you execute bug.php, you will get an empty array printed out:


 But actually, $output should have contained the string above as element
 0 of the array.

 If you delete or add a character in the string, exec() runs
 correctly and you get the intended result. So the issue 

Re: [PHP] Fatal error on functions valid for PHP 4, 5

2009-10-09 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
What platform? If you compiled PHP yourself you need to compile with


On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 10:01 AM, wrote:

 Would someone be kind enough to test whether these following functions work?

 I'm getting: PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function easter_date() . . .
 easter_days on both local and production sites.


        echo easter_days(2009);
        print brbr;
        echo date(M-d-Y, easter_date(2009));
        print brbr;
        echo date(D d M Y, easter_date(2009));


 I'm using 5.2.10 production; PHP 5.2.4 local.


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Re: [PHP] XML RSS - Unexpected End of File error

2009-10-08 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
Can you show the generated XML?


On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 3:45 PM, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
 Hi guys,

 I've knocked up a quick RSS feed on my site. It works fine in Fx 2  3,
 in Opera it throws an error unexpected end of file but allows the feed
 to be added anyway, and Chrome just says there's an XML error, and gives
 the second from last line as the one containing the error.

 I tried adding a newline to the end of the file, but that just makes the
 error message report the next line. Any ideas where I'm going wrong? The
 file is using utf-8 character encoding.


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Re: [PHP] Newb question about getting keys/values from a single array element

2009-10-08 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
One possible solution:

$a = array(8575 = 'peach');
list($id, $name) = array_merge(array_keys($a), array_values($a));
echo The ID is $id and the name is $name;

Prints: The ID is 8575 and the name is peach.



On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 10:08 PM, Daevid Vincent wrote:
 I feel like a total newb asking this, but I'm just having a brain fart or

 I'm writing a page where I can either get back a list of items:

        Array {
          [1233] = apple,
          [6342] = apricot,
          [2345] = banana,

 where the user then refines it by choosing one single item and a single
 element array is returned like this:

        Array {
          [8575] = peach,

 How can I get this $item so I can print it like so:

        echo The ID is $id and the name is $name;

 Normally with an array of items, I do a:

        foreach ($item as $id = $name) echo...

 But that seems overkill for this scenario.

 The rub is that I don't know the id, so I can't use $item[0], and I also
 don't have something like $item['name'] to use either.

 There's got to be an easy way to extract those.

        list($id, $name) = $operator;

 Felt like it would work for a minute (wishful thinking).

 (I'm too embarrased to even sign my name on this one)

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Re: [PHP] Converting print_r() output to an array

2009-09-30 Thread Jonathan Tapicer

May be you want to take a look at serialize and unserialize functions,
serialize generates a string from a variable and then unserialize can
give you the value of the variable back from the string.



On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 12:07 AM, James Colannino wrote:
 Hey everyone, I was pretty sure there was an easy built-in solution for
 what I want to do, but I've been googling around with no luck.
 Basically, I just want to take a string containing the output of
 print_r() and convert it back into an array again.

 That is possible, right?  If so, how do I go about it?  If not, what's a
 quick and easy way to parse a string and turn it into an array (I don't
 necessarily need the string to be in the format print_r returns).



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Re: [PHP] html email showing br instead of line breaks

2009-09-24 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
\r\n should be between double quotes: \r\n

On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 3:52 PM, Adam Williams wrote:
 I have users enter support tickets into a a textarea form and then it
 emails it to me, I'm trying to get the emails to display when they hit enter
 correctly, so i'm changing the \r\n to br, but in the email i'm getting,
 its displaying the br instead of a line break:  here is the code:

 $message = htmlheadtitlenew support request
 Hello, .$_SESSION[full_name]. has created a  new support request.
  Please log in at a href=\http://intra/helpdesk\;MDAH Helpdesk/a. The
 problem request is \;
 $message .= htmlspecialchars(str_replace('\r\n', 'br',
 $message .= \ and the best time to contact is
 \.htmlspecialchars($_POST[contact_time]).\ /p/body/html;
               $headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . \r\n;
               $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' .
               $headers .= From:
 .\r\n .
               X-Mailer: PHP/ . phpversion();
              mail('', $subject, $message, $headers);

 but the email I get is:

 Hello, Karen Redhead has created a new support request. Please log in at
 MDAH Helpdesk http://intra/helpdesk. The problem request is Elaine is out
 today but her computer no longer has Past Perfect from what I can tell. Also
 how does she access her email. The Sea Monkey email icon does not take you
 anywhere.brThanks so much,brKaren and the best time to contact is 1:30

 How come the email is being displayed with br instead of line breaks?

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Re: [PHP] html email showing br instead of line breaks

2009-09-24 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
Double quotes accept special characters and string interpolation, see
the manual:

On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 4:00 PM, Adam Williams wrote:
 Thanks, i'll try that.  what is the difference in using '' and ?  I
 thought they were interchangeable.

 Jonathan Tapicer wrote:

 \r\n should be between double quotes: \r\n

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Re: [PHP] Stricter Error Checking?

2009-09-23 Thread Jonathan Tapicer

There is, see here (or it can also be set through php.ini):

You are looking for E_STRICT.



On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 3:11 PM, Tim Legg wrote:

 I just spent way, way to much time trying to debug code due to a misnamed 
 element.  Here is a simplified example of the problem I dealt with.

        $test = SELECT * FROM `Materials` WHERE `Part_Number` = '125664';
        $result = mysql_query($test,$handle);
                die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        echo $row['Number'];

 After retyping the code 3 or 4 times over the course of the morning, I 
 finally found where the problem was.  The problem is that the database field 
 is called 'Part_Number', not 'Number'.  The field 'Number' does not exist in 
 the database.  I am very surprised that I didn't even get a warning that 
 there might be a problem with the statement.  All I saw is that nothing was 
 being returned via the echo command.

 There really must be a stricter error checking that is turned on somewhere, 
 isn't there?

 Thanks for your help.


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Re: [PHP] Stricter Error Checking?

2009-09-23 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
I think he meant that he is using 'Number' instead of 'Part_Number'
when accessing the array and not in the SQL, his SQL was correct, this
was wrong:

 echo $row['Number'];

E_STRICT catches that kind of error.


On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 3:28 PM, Tommy Pham wrote:

 - Original Message 
 From: Tim Legg
 Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 11:11:46 AM
 Subject: [PHP] Stricter Error Checking?


 I just spent way, way to much time trying to debug code due to a misnamed
 element.  Here is a simplified example of the problem I dealt with.

     $test = SELECT * FROM `Materials` WHERE `Part_Number` = '125664';
     $result = mysql_query($test,$handle);
         die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
     $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
     echo $row['Number'];

 After retyping the code 3 or 4 times over the course of the morning, I 
 found where the problem was.  The problem is that the database field is 
 'Part_Number', not 'Number'.  The field 'Number' does not exist in the
 database.  I am very surprised that I didn't even get a warning that there 
 be a problem with the statement.  All I saw is that nothing was being 
 via the echo command.

        die('Error: ' . mysql_error());

 This didn't work when you used 'Number' instead of 'Part_Number'? Strange...

 There really must be a stricter error checking that is turned on somewhere,
 isn't there?

 Thanks for your help.


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Re: [PHP] Problem with date

2009-09-15 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
Adding the number of seconds in a day could fall in the same day due
to daylight saving time, a more reliable way of adding one day (or a
given number of days) is this:

$tomorrow  = mktime(0, 0, 0, date(m)  , date(d)+1, date(Y));

Then use date() with $tomorrow to format it.

(Taken from example #3 here:, see the Note below the
example in that page).

Hope that helps.


2009/9/15 Korgan

  I have a problem with date function.

 $gen_pos = mktime(0,0,1,10,25,2009);
 $d1 = date(Y-m-d, $gen_pos);                // 2009-10-25
 $d2 = date(Y-m-d, $gen_pos + (1*24*60*60)); // 2009-10-25
 $d3 = date(Y-m-d, $gen_pos + (2*24*60*60)); // 2009-10-26
 $d4 = date(Y-m-d, $gen_pos + (3*24*60*60)); // 2009-10-27
 $d5 = date(Y-m-d, $gen_pos + (4*24*60*60));
 $d6 = date(Y-m-d, $gen_pos + (5*24*60*60));
 $d7 = date(Y-m-d, $gen_pos + (6*24*60*60));
 $d8 = date(Y-m-d, $gen_pos + (7*24*60*60));

 line 2 and line 3 return same date,its wrong ... it should be 2009-10-25 ,
 2009-10-26 ? :)

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Re: [PHP] File download question

2009-09-06 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
I think that your problem in this line:

  header(Content-Disposition: filename=$file . %20);

I don't know what that %20 is for and you should quote the filename,
that line should be something like this:

header(Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\$file\);

Considering that $filename already has the 7z extension.


On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 3:19 PM, Chris wrote:
 Hi Everyone,

 I've setup a filedownload which works but i'm having an issue, i've
 left out but when it downloads it, while it has the correct file it
 doesn't have a file extension associated with it, I need the .7z
 extension associated with the filename, can anyone see why that would
 do this below?

 I'm sure it's something obvious but i'm new to doing file downloads.

 Thank you everyone


 $file = SOMEFILE.7Z;
 $speed = 60; // i.e. 60 kb/s download rate
 if(file_exists($file)  is_file($file)) {
   header(Cache-control: private);
   header(Content-Type: application/octet-stream);
   header(Content-Length: .filesize($file));
   header(Content-Disposition: filename=$file . %20);
   $fd = fopen($file, r);
   while(!feof($fd)) {
      echo fread($fd, round($speed*1024)); // $speed kb at a time
   fclose ($fd);

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Re: [PHP] Who kown this memcache_get_stats function ?

2009-09-05 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
I think that the documentation for memcache_get_stats should be
exactly the same as the one given for the method Memcache::getStats
except that memcache_get_stats should receive as the first parameter a
reference to the Memcache connection.

Hope that helps.


On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 1:16 AM, hack988 wrote:
 Nobody Kown this?This is my second question in this mail-list :(.I
 don't kown why it's no reply by anybody.

 2009/9/5 hack988 hack988
 I found memcache_get_stats for memcached in some php code.
 I'm search it at's function list,but it no matched result :(.
 I had found explain for Memcache::getStats()  at this link
 In this link,tell me that
 Also you can use memcache_get_stats() function.
 But I can't find memcache_get_stats function's explain in online manual.
 Anybody can help me for using this function?Or give an more detail
 link for this function?

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Re: [PHP] preg_replace anything that isn't WORD

2009-08-24 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
For the record Shawn: I received your previous post from Aug 22 and I
think that it is the best solution.


On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 12:41 AM, Shawn wrote:
 hack988 hack988 wrote:
  Use preg_replace_callback instead!
 preg_replace_callback is better performance than preg_replace with /e.

 $str=cats i  saw a cat and a dog;
 echo $str.BR/;
 echo $str1;
 function call_replace($match){
   return $match[0];
   return ;

 2009/8/24 tedd
 On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 12:32 PM, “•ÈýÏÝ“•ÂÔ
  Lets assume I have the string cats i  saw a cat and a dog
  i want to strip everything except cat and dog so the result will be
  using preg_replace.

  I've tried something like /[^(dog|cat)]+/ but no success

   What should I do?
 Lot's of ways to skin this cat/dog.

 What's wrong with exploding the string using spaces and then walking the
 array looking for cat and dog while assembling the resultant string?




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 Certain posts of mine seem to get sucked into a black hole and I never
 see theme.  Maybe because I use this list as a newsgroup?  Anyway, what
 I posted before:

 Match everything but only replace the backreference for the words:

 $s = cats i  saw a cat and a dog;
 $r = preg_replace('#.*?(cat|dog).*?#', '\1', $s);


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Re: [PHP] Displaying 2 digit minutes/seconds

2009-08-20 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
You can use sprintf or str_pad to fill in with zeros, with sprintf you
can do this:

echo sprintf('%02d', 5);

That will print the string 05.


On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 6:27 PM, wrote:
 Hi all,

        I'm using this code to display the current time for our location on
 our website:

        $theTimeIs = getdate(time());
            $theHour = $theTimeIs['hours'];
            $theMinute = $theTimeIs['minutes'];  // make minutes under 10
 show two digits
            $theSecond = $theTimeIs['seconds'];
        if($theHour  12){
            $theHour = $theHour - 12;
            $dn = PM;
        } else {
            $dn = AM;

 echo $theHour:$theMinute:$theSecond $dn;

        It works great except for one small detail.  If the time is 3:04:02,
 it is displayed as 3:4:2 which, of course, is very odd looking.  So I
 corrected it as follows:

        $theTimeIs = getdate(time());
            $theHour = $theTimeIs['hours'];
            if (strlen ($theTimeIs['minutes'])  2) {
                                $theMinute = 0 . $theTimeIs['minutes'];
                                } else {
                                $theMinute = $theTimeIs['minutes'];
            if (strlen ($theTimeIs['seconds'])  2) {
                                $theSecond = 0 . $theTimeIs['seconds'];
                                } else {
                                $theSecond = $theTimeIs['seconds'];
        if($theHour  12){
            $theHour = $theHour - 12;
            $dn = PM;
        } else {
            $dn = AM;

 echo $theHour:$theMinute:$theSecond $dn;

        It works, but is there a better way to do it?


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Re: [PHP] Array

2009-08-10 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 9:28 AM, Ron wrote:
 How do I change this ELSEIF into an array?

 } elseif ( ( $page   ) AND ( $page  home_page ) AND ( $page  
 verse_of_the_day_activate ) AND ( $page  member_services ) AND ( $page 
  member_services_login ) AND ( $page  member_services_logoff ) AND ( 
 $page  resource_center ) AND ( $page  network ) ) {

Something like:

} elseif (!in_array($page, array(, home_page,
verse_of_the_day_activate, ...))) {

should work.



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Re: [PHP] Embedding foreach loops

2009-08-10 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 6:44 PM, Allen wrote:
 Gmail automatically sent my last email, apologies.

 I am creating an order form for tickets for a list of performances at a
 performing arts center.

 Currently, the form is on paper, and is set up as follows:
 -Title     - date  - time - price - soldout - quantity - total($)
 -Nutcracker - Tues 10/13 -  9am - $4.00 - yes/no  -  - __
 -Nutcracker - Tues 10/13 - 11am - $4.00 - yes/no  -  - __
 -Mayhem P.. - Thur 01/21 -  9am - $4.00 - yes/no  -  - __
 -Mayhem P.. - Thur 01/21 - 11am - $4.00 - yes/no  -  - __
 -Max and... - Tues 04/21 -  9am - $4.00 - yes/no  -  - __

 A given show may have between 1 and 4 performances, and I figured the best
 way to approach this was to consider each show time for each show as an
 entity. There are 19 unique titles, but given different showtimes, it
 becomes 38 'shows'.

 I have the shows in an array ($shows), and the details for each show in its
 own array (eg. $show_01) embedded into the show array.

 I need to generate a row for each show (so 38 rows), and assign quantity and
 total input fields a unique name and id.

 I can't seem to get my foreach loops to work, will PHP parse embedded loops?

 Here is an example of my embedded arrays:


 $shows = array();

  $shows['show_01'] = $show_01;
  $show_01 = array();
  $show_01['title'] = 'Van Cliburn Gold Medal Winner';
  $show_01['date'] = 'Tues. 10/13/2009';
  $show_01['time'] = '11am';
  $show_01['price'] = 4.00;
  $show_01['soldout'] = 0; //IF THE SHOW SELLS OUT, CHANGE 0 to 1
 (without quotations).

  $shows['show_02'] = $show_02;
  $show_02 = array();
  $show_02['title'] = 'Jack and the Beanstalk';
  $show_02['date'] = 'Fri. 10/23/2009';
  $show_02['time'] = '11am';
  $show_02['price'] = 4.00;
  $show_02['soldout'] = 0; //IF THE SHOW SELLS OUT, CHANGE 0 to 1
 (without quotations).


 And here are the foreach loops I'm trying to build the rows with:


 foreach ($shows as $key = $value) {
  foreach ($value as $key2 = $value2) {
      print '      td bgcolor=#DD'. $value2 .'/td';
  print 'trtd';
  print '      td colspan=3 bgcolor=#DDinput
 name='.$value.'_qty  type=text id='.$value.'_qty size=5  //td';
  print '      th bgcolor=#DDspan class=style6$/span';
  print '        input name='.$value.'_total  type=text
 id='.$value.'_total size=15 maxlength=6  //th';
  print '      th bgcolor=#DD class=instructyes/no/th';
  print '/tr';


 In case you were wondering why I embedded the foreach statement, I need each
 array (eg. $show_22) to display in a row, and I need PHP to build as many
 rows are there are shows.

 Is this something I need to have in a database to work?


Embedded loops are OK, actually I don't know a language where you can't do it :)

I think that your problem is the $shows array creation, you do this:

 $shows = array();

  $shows['show_01'] = $show_01;
  $show_01 = array();

Note that you are assigning $show_01 to a key in $shows before
creating $show_01, you should first create and fill $show_01 and then
assign it to a key in $shows.

Hope that helps.


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Re: [PHP] Notification system

2009-08-07 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
Also, take a look at Comet Server:

I think that Facebook uses that and also Gmail, it tends to consume
less resources than periodical ajax calls, the hidden iframe method is
simple and works fine. To implement it in PHP you will need to use the
flush function to send data a continue processing/polling.



2009/8/7 Phpster

 On Aug 2, 2009, at 7:59 AM, Dušan Novaković wrote:


 Does anyone has any idea how to create notification system with
 combination of php, mysql and javascript. It should be something
 similar to facebook notification system (when someone make some action
 it should be automatically reported to other people on system through
 pop-up menu or something like that). I just need some basic idea how
 to start or if someone has some example it would be perfect.


 -- made by Dusan

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 I think you could have some kind if Ajax polling of a php function. To keep
 the traffic down you could set it to poll once a minute or every 30 seconds
 or so. Send a simple XML stream that could feed a defined JavaScript
 function or a bit of xslt for display.


 Sent from my iPod
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Re: [PHP] Trying to create a comment function

2009-08-06 Thread Jonathan Tapicer


 comment(test of $newComment);


 This rendered a comment that said test of .

 So I added a \ before the $ to make it display properly, but I was wondering
 if there was a way that the function could work so that it will display
 anything you type within the quotes in comment( ).

If you want the string to be rendered as it is without variable
replacements you can use single quotes, like this:

comment('test of $newComment');

That will render exactly this:

test of $newComment

Hope that helps you.


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Re: [PHP] how to pass variable argument list in a childconstructor to parent constructor, ideas wanted

2009-08-02 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
I don't understand completely your problem, but think that something
like this may help you:

class A
function __construct()

class B extends A
function __construct()
$args = func_get_args();
call_user_func_array(array(parent, '__construct'), $args);

$a = new B(1, 2, 3);

This will output:

array(3) {

As expected.

The key is using call_user_func_array in combination with
func_get_args to call the parent constructor without knowing the
number of parameters.

Let me know if that helps.


On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 10:40 PM, Ralph wrote:

 __ construct( $something ... variable argument list ){
    parent::__construct( ??? );

 I tried with func_get_args, but the problem is that it gives an indexed
 array back.

 lets say the argument list is mixed like this:
 ( string, string, array)

 func_get_args will give this
 [0] = string
 [1] = string
 [2] = array

 the parent constructor works also with the func:_get_args function in ordfer
 to handle variable argument lists

 if u pass the array from func_get_args the parent constructor will reveive
 after his func_get_args the following

 array( [0] = array( [0] = string [1] =string [2] = array( )

 ok no problem so far. I thought just strip the key column of the array with
 a function like this

 function stripFirstColumn( $_fromThisArray ){
    $b = ;
    $_b = array();
    foreach( $_fromThisArray as $value){
      if( !is_array($value) ){
  if( empty( $b )){
   $b = $value;
   //   $_b[$b]=;
  } else {
   $b = ;
      } else {
  array_push($_b, $value);  or $_b[] = $value;
    return $_b;

 BUT this results in an arry like this

 array( string, string, [0] = array( ...))

 HOWEVER u can create a propper array for this purpose by writing this :

 $_a = array( string, string, Array( string = string,

 but there is no way to create the same construction by code unless I use the
 eval() function what limits me to string objects only.

 im really a senior coder (since 1982) but this gives me a headace. what do u

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Re: [PHP] This isn't infinitely recursive is it?

2009-07-30 Thread Jonathan Tapicer

Well, you will have an infinite recursion there if the mapping has
cycles, something like A-B, B-C, C-A would generate an invite

Checking if the mapping has cycles is pretty simple: you have to
create a directed graph and then go through the graph in DFS marking
each visited node, if you have to mark a node already marked then you
have a cycle. Tarjan's algorithm does that and a little more, see

Hope that helps.


On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 8:38 PM, Matt wrote:
 I'm cleaning up some inherited code in our data import module. For a
 variety of reasons we have to support old standards of the import
 format. Since some of those old versions were created we have since
 renamed some fields in our data structure. So right now I've a hard
 map for some field names...

 function GetMappedField($Field)
   $FieldMap[A] = B;
   $FieldMap[C] = D;

   return isset($FieldMap[$Field])?$FieldMap[$Field]:$Field);

 But I've just spent a while tracking down a bug where someone mapped A
 to B and then someone else mapped B to C.

 I'm thinking of changing the return to...

   return isset($FieldMap[$Field])?GetMappedField($FieldMap[$Field]):$Field);

 ...but I'm worried about the recursion. (Which isn't a strength of mine)

 I don't THINK I need to worry about circular mappings... but I'm not
 sure how to check for it if I did...

 Any suggestions? Thanks!


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Re: [PHP] Getting rid of extra lines

2009-07-29 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 4:20 PM, Miller, wrote:

 On 7/29/09 1:45 PM, Ashley Sheridan wrote:


 Have you thought of just using a regular str_replace() on your code? You
 can ask it to replace newlines and carriage returns with nothing and see
 if that fixes you problem?


 Yep I have tried str_replace to get rid of \n and it didn't work
 Boss mentioned to explode the var that is full of so many blank lines then 
 put it back together..seems like there has to be an easier way...

 This is what I tried:

     $tags = array('\n', 'br');    $sNotes = str_replace($tags,, $notes);

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That didn't work because \n needs to be between   instead of ' '.


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Re: [PHP] Expand Variables in String

2009-07-29 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
Use eval, like this:

eval('$str_expanded = ' . str_replace('', '\\', $str) . ';');

The str_replace is used because you could have a  inside $str and it
would break the string, if you are sure the $str has no  inside you
can omit it.


On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 5:43 PM, Daniel wrote:

 Is it possible to force a string to expand variable names after the
 string has been set and before the variable's been defined without
 having to do a string replace or preg_replace?

 for example,
 $str = some string and some \$var plus other stuff;
 echo $ /;
 $var = Variable Contents;
 echo $ /;
 $str_expanded = $str;//would like this to expand $var into $str_expanded
 echo $ /;


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Re: [PHP] Expand Variables in String

2009-07-29 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 6:47 PM, Daniel wrote:
 Jonathan Tapicer wrote:
 Use eval, like this:

 eval('$str_expanded = ' . str_replace('', '\\', $str) . ';');

 The str_replace is used because you could have a  inside $str and it
 would break the string, if you are sure the $str has no  inside you
 can omit it.


 On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 5:43 PM, Daniel wrote:

 Is it possible to force a string to expand variable names after the
 string has been set and before the variable's been defined without
 having to do a string replace or preg_replace?

 for example,
 $str = some string and some \$var plus other stuff;
 echo $ /;
 $var = Variable Contents;
 echo $ /;
 $str_expanded = $str;//would like this to expand $var into $str_expanded
 echo $ /;


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 This would allow me to have $str loaded with all kinds of variables and
 not have to do a str_replace with each (assuming the quote business is cool)

 Why did you have the double \\?
 eval('$str_expanded = ' . str_replace('', '\\', $str) . ';');
 Isn't the following equivalent?
 eval('$str_expanded = ' . str_replace('', '\', $str) . ';');


Yes, it's the same, you can use only one \ in that case, sometimes you
have to escape if it is followed by a character that needs to be
escaped, for example you can't do echo '\'; you should do echo '\\';


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Re: [PHP] Re: Question on code profiling

2009-07-23 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
Just an idea: try using the (microtime(true) - $start) approach in
portions of code to try isolate the portion that is taking more time.
Sometimes that helps me to find the function that is slowing
everything down.


On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 6:18 PM, Andrew wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 5:10 PM, Ben wrote:
 significant (around 46%), it says they only account for 193ms. What
 could account for that much difference between what xdebug calculates
 versus the total elapsed time?

 Are you counting total elapsed time from the perspective of the web 
 If so, YSlow might be helpful:

 Twitter: @bdunlap

 I'm using YSlow too.

 Here's the last run I did:
 YSlow: 4.494 seconds
 Elapsed (microtime(true) - $start): 3.990795135498 seconds
 xdebug(WinCacheGrind): 402ms (0.402 seconds)


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Re: [PHP] newbie - Is there a calendar module for date entry?

2009-07-21 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 10:06 PM, wrote:
 newbie ...

 - is there a calendar module for date fields?

 - so that a small calendar pops up - then you can click on a date,  to add
 to a field - like google or yahoo calendars has...?

 BTW: I saw this - but it doesn't seem to be the right thing ( more meant for
 Converter issues) for what I'm looking for...

 Thanks - RevDave
 Cool @ hosting4days . com
 [db-lists 09]

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That is javascript thing, not PHP.

The Yahoo UI has a nice one, here you have an example:,
and here the module reference:


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Re: [PHP] PHP not running properly

2009-07-13 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
2. Try ?php phpinfo(); ?

On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 3:47 PM, Togrul wrote:
 We are running, Windows Server 2003.

 1. Changed that
 2. ?phpinfo();?

 Togrul Mamedbekov
 Marketing  Publishing Assistant
 (Tel: +1-(713)-292-1945 / Fax: +1-(713)-292-1946


 From: Zareef Ahmed []
 Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 19:38
 To: Bastien Koert
 Cc: Daniel Brown; Togrul Mamedbekov;
 Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP not running properly

 A quick checklist/todo list :

 1. set display_errors=yes in php.ini
 2. Make sure you are using full ?php tag to write your script.

 For a good solutions you should also mentions about your OS/Web Server

 Zareef Ahmed

 On Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 1:53 AM, Bastien Koert wrote:

 On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 4:17 PM, Daniel wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 15:44, Togrul wrote:
 Hello Sir or Madam,

 We just updated our PHP 5.2 software. And when I try to run the php info
 script! I get a blank screen!

    What do you see when you view the source of the page with phpinfo() ?

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 Your error handling is logging the errors, not displaying them to the
 screen. Check the php ini file settings for that.



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Re: [PHP] Apache module PHP 5.3 on Windows

2009-07-01 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
What version, VC6 or VC9, TS or NTS? I use VC6 TS and the dll is there...

On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 7:31 PM, Pablo wrote:

 I just downloaded the new stable version of PHP 5.3 and I couldnt find the
 php5apache2_2.dll file.

 Is the apache module on windows no longer supported?

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Re: [PHP] why is this shell_exec() failing to execute my shell to create a symlink?

2009-06-27 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
Make sure that:

- The user executing the script (apache I presume) has execute
permissions on ls and ln binaries.
- The user executing the script has write persmissions on the
directory you are trying to write, and read permissions where you do
- This will probably help: put the full binary path for ls and ln, it
depends on your OS, but probably they are: /bin/ls and /bin/ln

If that doesn't help, can you show us the output?


On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 5:46 PM, wrote:
 this code:


        $testOutput = shell_exec(ls);

        $firstCMD=cd $where2cd2;
         $firstOutput = shell_exec($firstCMD);
        // $firstOutput = shell_exec('cd testDir/');
        $testOutput2 = shell_exec(ls);

        $secondCMD='ln -s amex_cid.gif myccGOV.gif';
        $secondOutput = shell_exec($secondCMD);

        echo testOutput:brpre$testOutput/pre;


 is not producing the symlink that I think it should.  (?!?)  (neither in the
 dir/ where this script lives, nor in the testDir/ where I am actually trying
 to create it, on the fly.
 Server is not in safe mode.


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Re: [PHP] CSV file

2009-06-25 Thread Jonathan Tapicer

I don't say that reading the whole file into memory is the best
option, I just say that your approach goes to the disk twice, if you
have a 100MB file, you are reading 200MB from disk (unless there are
some pages cached in physical memory, but you never can know, in the
best case all the pages will be cached and you will only read 100MB
from disk); and mine, if you have 100MB or more physical memory
(available for the script) will only go once. Of course, if you have
low physical memory, in the worst case you will end up reading 200MB
from disk, because all the pages will go to the pagefile.

So, both approaches have a worst case of reading approximately two
times the file size from disk and a best case of reading it
approximately only once from disk, and since you never know the actual
conditions of the memory, you can't say which approach is better
without additional information.

In the general case, I think that your approach is better for large
files and mine for small files, with the size barrier depending on the
memory set up and current conditions at the time the script runs.

This discussion went in a different direction considering the initial
question of Alain, but this could always be useful for someone.


On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 5:37 AM, Richard wrote:

 Well, you are reading the whole file there (and throwing the data you
 read not assigning the fgets result to anything), and then to store it
 in the database you need to read it again, so you read the file twice.
 It will probably better to store the data you read the first time in
 an array and then store it in the database, that way you read it only

 No, it's not. If the file is large then you could end up reading megs
 into memory. If physical memory is low then the pagefile will come
 into play and you'll get a lot of disk accesses. Reading 1 line at a
 time is far more efficient and with larger files will be faster.

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Re: [PHP] CSV file

2009-06-24 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
You can read the whole file (file_get_contents) and count the number
of \n in it, or read it line by line with fgets and store the lines
in an array, and then the number of lines is the count() of the array,
and you can use that array to store it in the database.


On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Alain wrote:

 i would like to import the content of a CSV file into my database.
 but in order to show a progress bar to user  (to let him know that process
 is still working on) i would like to determine before to start, how many
 records / lines are in the CSV file.
 is there a way to do that ?
 thanks a lot.

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Re: [PHP] CSV file

2009-06-24 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
If you want to know how many lines there are *before* inserting to the
database, you can't count as you go, you have to either read the
file twice or read it once, store it memory in a variable and then
insert in the database.

On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 11:12 AM, Richard wrote:

 You can read the whole file (file_get_contents) and count the number
 of \n in it, or read it line by line with fgets and store the lines
 in an array, and then the number of lines is the count() of the array,
 and you can use that array to store it in the database.

 If you have a billion line CSV then speed may suffer somewhat though.
 Best to still use fgets()  or fgetcsv() and count as you go.

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Re: [PHP] CSV file

2009-06-24 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
To do the line count first, you have to read the whole file, how would
you do it?

On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 3:00 PM, Richard wrote:

 If you want to know how many lines there are *before* inserting to the
 database, you can't count as you go, you have to either read the
 file twice or read it once, store it memory in a variable and then
 insert in the database.

 Sure you can, simply do the line count first, then the insert. If it's
 a big file it will still be quicker than reading the whole thing into

 Richard Heyes
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Re: [PHP] CSV file

2009-06-24 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
Well, you are reading the whole file there (and throwing the data you
read not assigning the fgets result to anything), and then to store it
in the database you need to read it again, so you read the file twice.
It will probably better to store the data you read the first time in
an array and then store it in the database, that way you read it only

Anyway, doing it by file size is better.

On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 6:19 PM, Richard wrote:

 To do the line count first, you have to read the whole file, how would
 you do it?

 Something like this:

 $fp = fopen('/tmp/foo', 'r');
 $count = 0;

 while (!feof($fp)) {

 Richard Heyes
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Re: [PHP] Pointers for NuSOAP

2009-06-22 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
I've used this one, split in 4 parts:

Introduction to NuSOAP:
Programming with NuSOAP:
Programming with NuSOAP Part 2:
Programming with NuSOAP Using WSDL:

It's nice, and it has lots of working examples.


On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 11:02 AM, Anton wrote:
 Does anyone have any good links to basic and more advanced (and some
 examples) of NuSOAP and using this ?

 Would be appreciated to see some recommendations that might of helped
 others etc.

 Thank you in advance.

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Re: [PHP] Problems with APC, possible cache-corruption?

2009-06-21 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
Can you do a phpinfo(); and tell us the value of the setting
apc.filters (or every apc.* if you can)? Just curious, but I've seen
apps set that setting to avoid APC opcode caching.


On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 8:56 PM, James wrote:
 (Resend from around 1 week ago, because of no responses)

 Hi All,

 Over the weekend I setup a test of APC intending to benchmark a Moodle
 installation with various APC settings to see how well I could get it
 to perform. I successfully installed Moodle 1.9 and 2.0 under Apache
 2.2.3 (installed via apt on Ubuntu 9.04), and with PHP 5.2.9 compiled
 from source. I should note, that Ubuntu had an older version of PHP
 installed from apt with Suhosin hardened PHP built in. Moodle 2.0
 required at least PHP 5.2.8, so I uninstalled the original PHP module
 before compiling and installing the 5.2.9.

 No issues there; PHP worked well and performance was (mostly) acceptable.

 Progressed onto installing APC, firstly by downloading the APC 3.1.2
 source from PECL and following the usual 'phpize, configure, make,
 make install' process which worked as expected, stop and start Apache
 and APC was present in my phpinfo();. I started with the reccomended
 PHP config exept with error_display turned on and E_ALL | E_STRICT
 enabled, and also the reccomended APC config also.

 I copied the 'apc.php' from the source tree to my webroot and changed
 the password as suggested.

 The issue arose when I attempted to benchmark my Moodle install with
 'ab' (I realise it only downloads the single page, but it's good
 enough for what I need for now though) and the result was no different
 to before I had installed APC. View the apc.php page, and the only
 page cached is apc.php itself.. Certainly not what I've witnessed in
 the past. Then what would happen was if I viewed my seperate info.php
 page containing simply the opening PHP tag and a single line with
 phpinfo(); in the file - the cache would appear to reset, and it would
 firstly not load the info.php into the cache, it would reset the
 counter on the apc.php file back to 0.

 Through all of this, there was no errors displayed on the screen and
 no errors listed in the Apache error log either. Increased the Apache
 log level up to Debug, and no related information was displayed.
 Moodle itself worked as expected with no errors, and on a seperate
 RHEL installation I have Moodle working with APC and it is caching all
 it's files as expected.

 At this point, I thought it may be an issue with the module I compiled
 myself. I backed up the module, and allowed PECL to install the
 module, it installed 3.0.19. Restarted Apache and verified the version
 was as PECL had built and installed.

 This had no effect, and yeilded the same behaviour.

 I'm stumped as to what the issue could be, however I did see this
 issue of APC not caching files on an installation of Red Hat
 Enterprise Linux in the past - however at the time we assumed it was
 an issue with the framework we were using and due to time constraints
 simply ran without APC and didn't investigate further.

 Has anyone seen this issue in the past and perhaps even rectified it?

 Any information would be appreciated.



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[PHP] Re: Issue with filter_var and FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL

2009-06-19 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
Did you execute the code I sent? Does it give you a false?


On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 12:17 PM, Bastien wrote:
 Correct, I send the @


 On Friday, June 19, 2009, Jonathan Tapicer wrote:
 Works for me:

 FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) !== false); //replace (a) with @



 You are sending an @ instead of  at , right?


 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:49 AM, Bastien wrote:
 Hey guys,

 Running the new version of PHPMailer and my hotmail address fails the

 Email address is bastien_k at hotmail dot com

 Any ideas?



 Cat, the other other white meat

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 Cat, the other other white meat

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Re: [PHP] Issue with filter_var and FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL

2009-06-19 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
Works for me:

FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) !== false); //replace (a) with @



You are sending an @ instead of  at , right?


On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:49 AM, Bastien wrote:
 Hey guys,

 Running the new version of PHPMailer and my hotmail address fails the

 Email address is bastien_k at hotmail dot com

 Any ideas?



 Cat, the other other white meat

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Re: [PHP] Re: Issue with filter_var and FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL

2009-06-19 Thread Jonathan Tapicer
Can you check if the code is using true or false branch of the first if?

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 12:56 PM, Bastien wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:46 AM, Shawn wrote:
 Bastien Koert wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:20 AM, Jonathan wrote:
 Did you execute the code I sent? Does it give you a false?


 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 12:17 PM, Bastien wrote:
 Correct, I send the @


 On Friday, June 19, 2009, Jonathan Tapicer wrote:
 Works for me:

 FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) !== false); //replace (a) with @



 You are sending an @ instead of  at , right?


 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:49 AM, Bastien wrote:
 Hey guys,

 Running the new version of PHPMailer and my hotmail address fails the

 Email address is bastien_k at hotmail dot com

 Any ideas?



 Cat, the other other white meat

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 Cat, the other other white meat

 this is the relevant function from phpmailer
   public static function ValidateAddress($address) {
     if (function_exists('filter_var')) { //Introduced in PHP 5.2
       if(filter_var($address, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === FALSE) {
         return false;
       } else {
        return true;
     } else {


 Is your PHP version = 5.2?  If not then the regex will return 1, so in
 your code don't check for === true.  Try == true if that's what you're


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 its 5.2.4


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Re: [PHP] Problems with apc extension on wamp server.

2009-06-16 Thread Jonathan Tapicer

Does the extension appear on a phpinfo()?

Seems like the extension isn't loaded.


On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Valentinas wrote:

 I am trying to track file upload progress using APC extension.
 However, when trying to use, it gives

 Fatal error: Call to undefined function apc_fetch() in
 C:\wamp\www\old\getprogress.php on line 3

 I am using WAMP 2.0, with php 5.2.8
 APC extension appear on extensions list and is enabled.

 Any ideas what i am doing wrong?

 here is the code of getprogress.php:

 $upload = apc_fetch('upload_1');
   if ($upload) {
        if ($upload['done'])
            $percent = 100;
        else if ($upload['total'] == 0)
            $percent = 0;
            $percent = $upload['current'] / $upload['total'] * 100;

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