Re: [PHP] Apache

2013-09-25 Thread Robert Stone

 De: Ashley Sheridan
Para:; Domain 
Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 25 de Setembro de 2013 2:22
Assunto: Re: [PHP] Apache

Domain wrote:
Ashley Sheridan am Montag, 23. September 2013 - 21:35:

 No, no, no! That is not a good stand-in for fundamental security
 This is a better method for ensuring an image is really an image:
     list($width, $height) = getimagesize($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']);
     if($width  $height)
         $source = imagecreatefromjpeg($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']);
         $dest = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
         imagecopyresampled($dest, $source,
         0, 0, 0, 0,
         $width, $height, $width, $height);
         imagejpeg($dest, basename($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']));
         echo {$_FILES['file']['name']} is not a jpeg;
 form enctype=multipart/form-data method=post
     input type=file name=file/
     input type=submit name=submit value=submit/
 Obviously it's only rough, and checks only for jpeg images, but
 easy to alter. I've just tested this with a regular jpeg, the same
 with PHP code concatenated onto the end (which still appears to be a
 valid image to viewing/editing software) and a pure PHP file with a
 extension. In the case of the first 2, a new jpeg is generated with
 same image and without the code. The third example just echoes out an

Dear Ashley, nice, but useless for this problem!

The problem was to do with an image upload, so no, not useless. 

First, because users may upload other things than images! PDF's, audio
files, videos etc!

In an earlier email I detailed some methods for validating other types, such as 
DomDocument for HTML, XML, svg, etc, or fpdf for PDF. 

And on behalf images: GD you are using handles only
jpeg, gif and png. There are about hunderd other image types on the

At the moment those are the 3 raster formats you can use on the web, so those 
are the ones that pose an issue. If you're using anything else, it's not for 
web and doesn't need to be in a publicly accessible location. 

users can upload! How to detect them, if the extension is missleading?

The extension comes from the user. Never trust the user, ever.

And even if we succeed: As your script demonstrates very well,
code does not affect the rendering of the image. 

My script does effectively strip out malicious code though, even if it can't 
easily be seen.

The hacker says: Hi,
this is a nice picture, play it, and then, please do this--follows his
code, that can be a desaster for the whole system.

Social engineering is a whole different issue.

Yes, your script seems to purge the image file, simply because GD does
not copy the malware code. But why are you sure about that? You cannot
see that code, OK, but may be it was executed in the plain GD

GD isn't a PHP parser, and PHP doesn't execute the image before GD touches it. 
Infact, Apache isn't even involved between GD and the image at that point, so 
it won't suffer from this bad config.

What you are doing is dangerous, because you force the
execution of things that should be never executed!

Erm, no, the image isn't being executed.

no no no forget it. After all we cannot exclude that users come in
with malware. 

If you think it's fine that a user be able to upload malware, then you're going 
to have a very bad time.

But we MUST exclude, it is executed on the web server.

This is important too, but in this profession belt and braces is best I 

That is the Apache chainsaw massacre as Steward whould say. And
it can be avoided by purging the filenames (not the files!). 

Nevertheless, the standard configuration of the Apache servers is
basically unacceptable. It must execute user requests and never ever
user files! Period.

Have nice days,

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Sorry for this late post but I'm amazed nobody consulted the doco.

The site has a whole section titled Handling File Uploads.
Also check out finfo_open and finfo_file.
If your are a windoze user you need a dll.
If you want Apache to handle PUT requests you MUST tell it to run a script as 
it cannot write to web root.



Re: [PHP] Creating an Advanced Form

2012-11-02 Thread Robert Stone
Hi Jonathan,

Haven't used MySql for ages. More used to Oracle and PostgreSql.
Your table nmc_cd contains foreign keys pointing to nmc_category and 
nmc_publisher. Create a view containing all the data from those three tables 
using implicit joins as the data in table nmc_cd should NOT contain any 
dangling foreign keys. (You can always write a test routine to verify the 
cleaniless of your data). 

Thus you have a single query SELECT * FROM my_nmc_view WHERE ($x IS NOT NULL 
AND $x = some colum name in the view) AND ($y IS NOT NULL . . . etc.
You can append an ORDER BY clause at the end reflecting the desired display 
If all of your search criteria is null, then the select should return every row 
in the view.

I don't understand code such as    if($searchCDID=1){  . Comparing for 
equality requires == or ===. How does this work if the user enters 345 
for example?

Apropos other comments, this select statement ought to be in the controller (or 
action controller) depending on how your application is structured. 

Hope this helps.

[PHP] Free LAPP stack

2012-10-21 Thread Robert Stone

There are several sites offering free LAMP stacks but does anybody know of a 
site that has free LAPP stacks available?

Please don't flame me for preferring PostgreSql.

It's to set-up a thin client application. Disk space required approx. 1.5Mb. I 
need it to facilitate testing. Any suggestions welcome.



Re: [PHP] Bug?

2011-09-18 Thread Robert Stone

De: Igor Escobar
Enviadas: Sexta-feira, 16 de Setembro de 2011 7:07
Assunto: [PHP] Bug?

Anyone can explain this?

Part of the code are in portuguese so...
iguais = equal
diferentes = different

Igor Escobar
*Software Engineer
+ @igorescobar

The person who posted this (andersonfraga) has set up four string comparison 

It was commented by augustohp who said:-

Existe uma configuração no php.ini da precisão de números de ponto flutuante. 
Acima desse número, todos são arredondados.

There is a configuration setting in php.ini that determines the precision of 
floating point numbers. A number greater than that setting causes rounding.

Com a bcmath você não está comparando tipos especializados 
de dados, mas sim dados binários. É mais demorado, mas é extremamente 
preciso, sempre.

With bcmath you are doing a binary comparison. It is slower but precise, always.

Quando você usa == você não compara os tipos, e não força o 
interpretador a respeitar o tipo de dado fornecido. O que acontece 
então!? O PHP converte o tipo para o tipo de dado mais apropriado em uma 
condição: boolean, inteiro, etc ...
Se você converter para inteiro, vai ver que os números são iguais.

When you use the == operator you don't compare data types and don't force the 
interpreter to respect the data type supplied. What happens then? PHP converts 
the type to the most appropriate data type and returns a boolean. (I assume he 
means casting. I always thought that you had to cast the variables implicitly 
in order to use ==.)
I think he is saying in the next sentence that if you cast them to integers, 
you'll see that the numbers are equal. Doesn't make any sense to me, but 
then, I'm no expert.

Aqui sim você compara strings, garante que elas não sofram cast para outro tipo 
de dado. Você pode atingir isso usando === também, sem essa função de 
comparação de strings.

Here you compare strings, and guarantee that they don't suffer casting to 
another data type. You can achieve the same thing by using the === operator 
also, without (using) this string comparison function.

Hope this helps.


Re: [PHP] Last Name extraction in query

2011-04-04 Thread Robert Stone
Hi Jim,

I think that you'll find that ' ' is treated as a NULL and as such will always 
return zero.
You are no catering for multiple spaces in the column race_winner.
If you were using Oracle, their INSTR function has an optional argument that 
allows you to search backwards from the end of a string, but you're not, so my 
guess is that you'll have to extract the results into an array, manipulate the 
race_winner column, sort the array, then do whatever is coming next.
I'm not a MySql expert, just putting in my two bob's worth.
Don't forget to LTRIM(RTRIM(race_winner)).


--- Em seg, 4/4/11, Jim Giner escreveu:

De: Jim Giner
Assunto: [PHP] Last Name extraction in query
Data: Segunda-feira, 4 de Abril de 2011, 12:50

having a problem posting this message - forgive any duplication please.

I'm trying to use sql to extract the last name from a person's name field in
my table.  Here's my Select:

$q = SELECT race_winner,count(race_date) as wins,
substr(race_winner,FIELD(' ',race_winner)) as last_name


My result keeps coming up with a 0 for the FIELD portion I assume
since my output shows a blank last_name.  From the docs I believe it should 
be giving me the right-most portion of the 'race_winner' field beginning 
where the first space char is found.

Am I not using this correctly?  Is there a better way to do this?  I'm
trying to have my results sorted by last name and since the table was not
built with separate first/last name fields, I'm stuck with figuring
somethign out.

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Re: [PHP] Re: Looking for Tool to read JSON format

2011-04-02 Thread Robert Stone
Have you looked at

Might help. Package php-services-json is at version 1.0.2-1 on my Debian 

Bon soir,

--- Em sáb, 2/4/11, Michelle Konzack escreveu:

De: Michelle Konzack
Assunto: [PHP] Re: Looking for Tool to read JSON format
Data: Sábado, 2 de Abril de 2011, 15:25

Hello Me,

Am 2011-04-01 17:34:39, hacktest Du folgendes herunter:

Was using Debian/Lenny and have not found any JSON/PHP stuff  but  under
Squeeze the package php-services-json and what I dslike is, that there
is NO documentation with the Package, exspecialy if  I  install  Squeeze
from DVD and have from time to time no Intenet connection  and  wehre  I
live, I can not get ADSL only GSM and if the whether is good, UMTS/HSPA.

So, software without documentation is only worse...

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack

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