Re: [PHP] Credit Card encryption

2010-05-31 Thread Waynn Lue
Billing Address (at least the street number) is used in conjunction
with the zip code for AVS checks.

On 5/31/10, tedd wrote:
 At 1:38 AM -0400 5/31/10, Paul M Foster wrote:
On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 10:50:05AM -0400, tedd wrote:

   Besides, most credit card processing agencies even require that you
  use the customer's data (cc number, expiry date and CCS) to make the
  sale and then immediately dispose of it afterwards, usually within 24
  hours under a signed agreement. Holding that information for more
  than 24 hours can be a criminal offense regardless of what type of
  hashing you use.

Not true. It depends on the type of merchant and the situation.


 Not true and It depends are conflicts in logic.

 Either what I said is true or it isn't -- and if what I said is
 true for some (as it is and I can prove it) then what I said is
 indeed true.

 I'm curious, why say it's not true and then follow with it
 depends? It appears to me that you have your mind made-up and don't
 care to listen to our experiences and recommendations.

 That's Okay, but I'm simply telling you what I KNOW to be true. You
 may either accept what I have to say, or reject it, but to reply that
 what I say is Not true is somewhat offensive and confrontational. I
 hope you didn't mean it that way. :-)

validation process allows for storage of all data except the 3-4 digit
validation number. What I'm asked for at transaction time is the CC
number, expiration date, digits for the billing address, and the billing
zip code. And I can get the address and zip digits completely wrong and
still have the transaction go through.

 Party true.

 What data are used in credit card transactions are the: name of the
 card holder, credit card number, expiration date, CCV number, and zip
 code. I have not dealt with any credit card processors that require
 the billing address -- they just use the zip code. Additionally, it
 is up to the client to determine the level of security they want.
 They *can* require that *all* information be correct before accepting
 a sale.

 The downside of not requiring *all* the data to be correct is that
 the rate the credit processor charges for the transaction rises.
 Simply and logically put, if you don't get all the information
 correct, then there is risk and that risk is passed on to the client
 via an elevated charge for processing -- look it up.

 The up-side of getting only the minimal data is getting a sale under
 a higher risk/rate -- that's the clients choice and they usually
 choose it.

We've been doing it this way for 14 years and using the type of service
you suggest would be expensive and impractical. Only in the last two
years has PCI become more stringent in their requirements. And
consequently, I'm having to re-evaluate how we store this particular
information. Otherwise, our physical and other security is more than
adequate. Yes, of course, if you have a machine gun or you're Kevin
Mitnick, or you have a network of 20,000 bots pounding on my router,
you're coming in anyway. Again, this is about *reasonable* security.

 You asked for opinions -- do what you want.  :-)




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Re: [PHP] Method documentation

2010-05-27 Thread Waynn Lue
I've seen @inheritDoc used in Java before, though I'm not sure about
the php support.


On 5/27/10, Adam Richardson wrote:

  I've thought about this very issue before (java developers sometimes
  this issue, too), and I error on the side of duplication if I'm using
  However, I'd say I rarely use inheritance for anything in my
  and I'm much more likely to use composition.
  When a project evolves that's built almost entirely using design
  focused on composition, I find that I very rarely have to duplicate any
  documentation, or rework documentation later on because a completely new
  component is being used.
  Outside of PHP (Scala, Objective C, F#, etc.), it seems like inheritance
  advocated much less frequently, due to the power and simplicity of
  composition (e.g., change behavior at runtime, requires less knowledge
  the parent classes.)
  Quoting the Head First book on design patterns:
  Favor composition over inheritance
  Now, there are situations where either inheritance is the most
  and/or the architecture is not directly under your control.  And, as I
  at the beginning, I tend to error on the side of duplication.  I just
  never put myself in that situation :)
  Nephtali:  PHP web framework that functions beautifully

 With the up-and-coming traits facility for PHP, it will be interesting
 on how this gets resolved for documentation readers.

 Indeed, I'm excited for the new capabilities, but they won't come easily in
 terms of the development ecosystem.

 Nephtali:  PHP web framework that functions beautifully

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Re: [PHP] Upgraded PHP now website doesn't work properly?

2010-01-10 Thread Waynn Lue
Emacs/xemacs does syntax highlighting too.

On 1/10/10, Kaya Saman wrote:

 Depending on the latency and bandwidth you could use X11 forwarding
 (granted the server supports it) so you could use a non-CLI editor. I
 think joe has some syntax highlighting, but I've never edited PHP
 files with it.
 If you are coming from a windows machine, you can use Cygwin or Xming
 to set up an X server on the box before SSHing to your data center
 w/X11 forwarding enabled.

 -Ken Sande
 Many thanks to everyone!

 I currently use a mixture of FreeBSD, Linux, and Solaris/OpenSolaris as
 operating systems so X11 forwarding is not a problem but maybe quite
 slow considering the distance between me and my data center right now,
 and also I have only 1Mbps upstream as the data center uses ADSL which
 is a restriction on my behalf.

 Am using SFTP to transfer non-html related stuff and using simple nano
 or copy-paste from the Gnome terminal.

 Yeah many options available I know and I guess that's what makes things
 fun :-)

 Anyway I'm sure I'll work something out, at worst case I could always
 VPN once I get a Cisco router out here and get an IPsec tunnel going and
 do things over NFS mount??



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Re: [PHP] User Account Management

2009-09-23 Thread Waynn Lue
Thanks so much for all the feedback!  Ben's comment was something that
prompted this discussion to begin with internally, in that we didn't want to
reinvent the wheel, nor make a mistake in the security implenetation of our
solution.  I've forwarded this thread back internally, and we'll take this
as a jumping off point for how to build our system.


[PHP] User Account Management

2009-09-11 Thread Waynn Lue
Hello all,

We're building out a system that allows for user account creation/password
management, and we're hoping to use existing open source software so we
don't have to reinvent the wheel.  I know of Drupal, and Zend Framework (and
maybe CodeIgniter?), but do people have specific preferences for either, and
recommendations for other products that I haven't heard of?  It should just
support basic account creation, being able to login/authenticate, change
your password, storing user information like names and email addresses, etc.

I tried searching for account management php but ended up getting a lot of
CMS suites.


Re: [PHP] Re: Buffered Logging?

2009-08-10 Thread Waynn Lue
Thanks for all the help!  I'm going to try just writing to a database table
first with INSERT DELAYED, and if there ends up being a performance hit,
I'll use a MEMORY table that gets archived off every 5 minutes or so.


[PHP] Buffered Logging?

2009-08-07 Thread Waynn Lue
Hey PHPers,

We've been doing sampled logging to the database in our application for
awhile, and now I'm hoping eventually to blow that out to a larger scale.
I'm worried about the performance implications of logging to our database on
every single page load, though, so I was wondering if anyone's found a
solution that does buffered logging.  Essentially it would log to memory
(memcached/apc/etc), and then periodically dump to a database in a
structured format, preferrably user-defined.  It's not essential that we get
every signle hit, so I'd be fine if there was some data loss on a restart.
I started writing my own solution, and then thought I'd ask the list to see
if anyone has any experience with other tools that do this.

My Google searches around buffered logging have mainly found error logging
packages, like PEAR's Log package, or log4php.  Those all seem to write to
only one particular stream at a time, with no real support for buffering it
in memory and then moving it to database.

Thanks for any help!


Re: [PHP] Re: Buffered Logging?

2009-08-07 Thread Waynn Lue

 Hey PHPers,

 We've been doing sampled logging to the database in our application for
 awhile, and now I'm hoping eventually to blow that out to a larger scale.
 I'm worried about the performance implications of logging to our database

 If you are using mysql and MyISAM tables, you can try using insert DELAYED

 This will bulk all your inserts for writes.

Thanks for the suggestions!  Those both look great for what I was going to
do.  One other thought I had after reading those suggestions, if we're doing
web server logging, we can also parse the logs using webalizer or awstats.
I know apache provides file size and the URL that's being hit, but what if I
want to do custom referral tracking?  We append ref=foo to our links to
track where people are coming from, should I look at building my own
solution for that, or do existing tools like awstats suffice for that as

[PHP] Editing PEAR packages

2009-07-05 Thread Waynn Lue
I wanted to makes some local edits to a PEAR package that I downloaded in
order to build some custom functionality into it.  What's the best way to
manage this process to ensure that I don't accidentally blow away any
changes if I update the package?  Should I just copy the entire package to
my own source repository, then use that directly instead of the PEAR
package?  And if I do it that way, is there an easy path to upgrade it?


[PHP] Re: Editing PEAR packages

2009-07-05 Thread Waynn Lue
Yeah, that's why I was hoping to maintain a separate install, since it
would be easier to diff the patches.

Shawn: Thanks for the suggestion to extend, I only wanted to make
small changes to an existing function though, so it's harder to do it
that way. My other thought was to refactor the underlying code base to
make it easier.


On 7/5/09, Greg Beaver wrote:
 Waynn Lue wrote:
 I wanted to makes some local edits to a PEAR package that I downloaded in
 order to build some custom functionality into it.  What's the best way to
 manage this process to ensure that I don't accidentally blow away any
 changes if I update the package?  Should I just copy the entire package to
 my own source repository, then use that directly instead of the PEAR
 package?  And if I do it that way, is there an easy path to upgrade it?

 Best would be to follow Shawn's suggestion.  If you do need to make
 changes, you should contribute them back to the package, PEAR is an open
 public repository, it may be incorporated and help others in your
 situation as well (this is the point of PEAR and of open source).


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Re: [PHP] cannot figure out permissions for fopen/fwrite

2009-07-02 Thread Waynn Lue
The tmp folder isn't accessible from the web though, right? Someone
would first have to get access to your server for that.

On 7/1/09, Mari Masuda wrote:

 On Jul 1, 2009, at 12:54, Shawn McKenzie wrote:

 Mari Masuda wrote:
 On Jul 1, 2009, at 12:20, Shawn McKenzie wrote:

 Shawn McKenzie wrote:
 Mari Masuda wrote:

 This is probably a dumb newbie question.  I am running PHP
 5.2.5 and
 Apache 2.2.8 on my Mac Book Pro OS X 10.4.11.  I compiled PHP and
 from source a while ago (as opposed to using the built-in web
 that is included w/ Mac OS X).  I have written the below PHP whose
 purpose is to read an existing comma separated (CSV) file and
 save the
 data into a text file that I can later copy and paste from into my
 website content management system.  The problem is that on my
 Mac, I
 cannot seem to figure out what permissions I need to set in
 order to
 make the input CSV and the initially non-existant output text file
 readable and writable by Apache/PHP.  I have Googled and come
 many pages about different ways to set permissions and different
 permissions to set but none of the ways suggested that I tried
 seemed to
 work for me.  As a temporary solution, I uploaded my PHP file to a
 Windows 2003 server running Apache and PHP and it worked
 makes me suspicious that there is some huge security hole with the
 Windows box since it was able to execute with no permissions
 modifications).  Any tips would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!


 --- start my code ---

 $in = fopen(/Applications/apache/htdocs/wp-php/wp.csv, r);
 $out =
 $counter = 0;

 fwrite($out, table\n);

 while(($data = fgetcsv($in)) !== FALSE) {
 $paperNumber = $data[0];
 $authors = $data[1];
 $title = $data[2];
 $filename = $paperNumber . .pdf;

 if(($counter % 2) == 0) {
 fwrite($out, tr\n);
 } else {
 fwrite($out, tr style=\background: #cc;\\n);

 fwrite($out, tda

 fwrite($out, td$authors/td\n);
 fwrite($out, td$title/td\n);
 fwrite($out, /tr\n);


 fwrite($out, /table\n);


 --- end my code ---

 What are the permissions on /Applications/apache/htdocs/wp-php/ ?

 Apache needs write permissions on that dir in order to create
 the file

 It's probably not a secure idea to give write permissions to
 that dir,
 so maybe create a subdir of tmp and change those permissions
 (one way):

 mkdir /Applications/apache/htdocs/wp-php/tmp
 chmod a+w /Applications/apache/htdocs/wp-php/tmp

 Also, turn on error reporting so that you can see the exact
 problem.  It
 may not be what you think.


 Thanks for the suggestions.  I added the following lines to the
 very top
 of my code:


 mkdir(/Applications/apache/htdocs/wp-php/tmp, 0777, true);
 chmod(/Applications/apache/htdocs/wp-php/tmp, a+w);

 and I also changed the line where it tries to open the file to
 write to
 to go to the new directory:

 $out =

 Below are the errors I got:
 --- start errors ---
 Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in
 /Applications/apache/htdocs/wp-php/generateTable.php on line 5

 Warning: chmod() [function.chmod]: No such file or directory in
 /Applications/apache/htdocs/wp-php/generateTable.php on line 6

 [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in
 /Applications/apache/htdocs/wp-php/generateTable.php on line 9

 Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream
 resource in
 /Applications/apache/htdocs/wp-php/generateTable.php on line 13

 Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream
 resource in
 /Applications/apache/htdocs/wp-php/generateTable.php on line 22

 Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream
 resource in
 /Applications/apache/htdocs/wp-php/generateTable.php on line 27

 Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream
 resource in
 /Applications/apache/htdocs/wp-php/generateTable.php on line 28

 Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream
 resource in
 /Applications/apache/htdocs/wp-php/generateTable.php on line 29

 Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream
 resource in
 /Applications/apache/htdocs/wp-php/generateTable.php on line 30

 Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream
 resource in
 /Applications/apache/htdocs/wp-php/generateTable.php on line 35

 Warning: fclose(): 

Re: [PHP] isset question

2009-06-18 Thread Waynn Lue
I notice that you're checking $_POST['mort'] but you're echoing $mort,
is that your actual code?

On 6/18/09, Gary wrote:
 I have a form that gives the submitter a choice or either one set of
 questions, or another. I am still getting the message even if the input was
 left blank.  So on the line below,

 $msg.=  isset($_POST['mort']) ? The mortgage amount is  $mort\n :  ;

 I get

 The mortgage amount is

 What am I missing here?



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Re: [PHP] Field type for american money

2009-06-11 Thread Waynn Lue
For mysql, it's better to use int and then store it in cents (or
micros) so you can use all integer operations instead of float ones.

On 6/11/09, Shawn McKenzie wrote:
 revDAVE wrote:
 Php - MySQL - newbie question

 - Field type for american money - int(11) seems to work fine

 - but also I tried decimal(10,2)

 Is one a better choice than another for american money usage?

 Thanks - RevDave
 Cool @ hosting4days . com
 [db-lists 09]

 If you are only interested in round dollar amounts then int should work
 fine ;-)  If you expect any fractions of a dollar (as I suspect you
 will), such as 19.95 then use decimal.


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Re: [PHP] Field type for american money

2009-06-11 Thread Waynn Lue

 Shawn McKenzie wrote:

 Waynn Lue wrote:

 For mysql, it's better to use int and then store it in cents (or
 micros) so you can use all integer operations instead of float ones.

 To each his own.  Speed or otherwise I don't see a difference between:

 $total = 19.95 + 3.99; //shipping


 $total = 1995 + 399; //shipping

 Except with the ints you have to format them for display.

 You have to format the floats too:


$total = 5.55 + 9.35;
echo $total.\n;


Oh, I didn't mean speed within PHP, I meant for mysql operations.  I'm not
sure how PHP handles int vs. float operations (though int is usually faster
than float for other languages, isn't it?).

[PHP] Nagios Monitoring

2009-04-13 Thread Waynn Lue
Hey guys,

I'm looking to write a nagios plugin that essentially monitors whether or
not a database query returns a value  0 at any given point.  I was hoping
to write this in PHP, but I haven't found too many examples of Nagios
plugins in PHP ( is the
best one I've found so far).  Just wondering if anyone has any experience
writing them?


Re: [PHP] Re: Fork and zombies

2009-03-18 Thread Waynn Lue

  Whoops, I spoke too soon, I think the sleep(3) causes the child not to
  exit before the parent.  If instead I don't pass WNOHANG to the
  waitpid command, it does error out.  So it looks like your theory is
  correct, and I still have that problem.  I guess the only solution is
  to rewrite the functions to use a new db connection every time?

 Each child should open its own database connection (if it needs one),
 and the parent should not keep the connection open at time of fork().

Yeah, that's what I ended up doing, and defining some global variables so
that I could re-use the previous functions I created, thanks for the help!

One other question I had, is pcntl_waitpid necessary in this case?  Passing
WNOHANG to it causes it to return immediately regardless of whether the
child has exited or not, and my previous test when I didn't use
pcntl_waitpid seemed to not leave any zombies as well.  Would it be fine
just to spawn off the child, and have the child exit at the end, and
continue on my merry way with the parent without checking the status of the

 As a more general question, I'm worried that if I just keep the script as
is, it's going to spawn off some crazy number of processes if I don't cap
it.  The first solution I came up with is to use a static variable in the
parent thread, and then sleep every 20 threads or so.  The most robust
solution would be to build logic into the calling function to actually check
for pids and only dispatch new threads when old ones had finished, but that
requires changing multiple places, while this can be localised to just the
dispatcher function.  Does the first solution I propose seem sane?


Re: [PHP] /home/{user}/directory

2009-03-18 Thread Waynn Lue
bash also has $HOME, which maps to /home/USERNAME, just in case you wanted
another way.  :)

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 6:47 AM, George Larson george.g.lar...@gmail.comwrote:


 On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Stuart wrote:

  2009/3/17 George Larson
  In my scripts, I usually define a boolean constant DEBUG.  True looks for
  local copies of includes and echoes queries as they're used.
  My question is:
  Is there any way for me to reflect the actual home folder of the person
  running the script?  So it will be /home/george/foo when I run it but,
  another user, it would be /home/their-username/foo?
  $dir = realpath('~/foo');

Re: [PHP] Re: Fork and zombies

2009-03-18 Thread Waynn Lue

 Yeah, that's what I ended up doing, and defining some global variables so
 that I could re-use the previous functions I created, thanks for the help!

 One other question I had, is pcntl_waitpid necessary in this case?  Passing
 WNOHANG to it causes it to return immediately regardless of whether the
 child has exited or not, and my previous test when I didn't use
 pcntl_waitpid seemed to not leave any zombies as well.  Would it be fine
 just to spawn off the child, and have the child exit at the end, and
 continue on my merry way with the parent without checking the status of the

  As a more general question, I'm worried that if I just keep the script as
 is, it's going to spawn off some crazy number of processes if I don't cap
 it.  The first solution I came up with is to use a static variable in the
 parent thread, and then sleep every 20 threads or so.  The most robust
 solution would be to build logic into the calling function to actually check
 for pids and only dispatch new threads when old ones had finished, but that
 requires changing multiple places, while this can be localised to just the
 dispatcher function.  Does the first solution I propose seem sane?


Actually, I just had another thought.  I could take away the WNOHANG from
pcntl_waitpid, and every 20 or so threads, wait for one to complete.  It
won't be precise, but it'll more or less queue them up in batches of 20 for

Re: [PHP] Fork and zombies

2009-03-17 Thread Waynn Lue

  Here's pseudo code for what I'm trying to do:
  foreach ($things as $thing) {
  info = getInfo($thing); // uses a db connection
  makeApiCall(info) {
$pid = pcntl_fork();
if ($pid == -1) {
  die(could not fork);
} else if ($pid) {
  // parent, return the child pid
  echo child pid $pid\n;
} else {
  // do some api calls
  But after I spawn off the process, getInfo($thing) errors out sometime
  later on with an invalid query error, because I think the db
  connection is gone.  I thought adding exit in the child process
  would be enough, but that doesn't seem to work, I still get the same
  error.  Why would the child process affect the query in the parent
  process, especially if I exit in the child process?

 First things first - I would add a pcntl_wait like this:

 foreach ($things as $thing) {
 info = getInfo($thing); // uses a db connection
   switch( $p=pcntl_wait( $stat, WNOHANG ) )
case -1:  echo some sort of error in pcntl_wait()\n; break;
case 0: break;
   echo child $p finished\n;

I actually tried this in the meantime:

  $pid = pcntl_fork();
  if ($pid == -1) {
die(could not fork);
  } else if ($pid) {
// parent, return the child pid
echo child pid $pid waiting\n;
pcntl_waitpid($pid, $status);
if (pcntl_wifexited($status)) {
  echo finished [$status] waiting\n;
} else {
  echo ERROR\n;

But it still has the same problem, and I'm also trying to avoid pcntl_wait
or pcntl_waitpid at all because I still want to do it asynchronously.  I
even tried rewriting it do return $pid in the parent thread, and then
aggregate them at the calling function level, and then loop through them all
with pcntl_waitpid, but that didn't work either.

 Second, it sounds like you're expecting to reuse your database
 connection from getInfo() in the child you're forking in makeAPIcall()?
 I don't think that really works - I think you need a new connection per

Oh, in this case, I don't do anything with the database at all in the child
thread.  I was worried there would be some errors there so I actually
commented out all db accesses in the child thread, but it still somehow
closes the parent's db connection (or at least causes the query not to work,

Re: [PHP] Fork and zombies

2009-03-17 Thread Waynn Lue

 I think your waitpid() is in the wrong place, and at least you need use
 WNOHANG - unless you specifically want to wait for each child to finish
 before starting another one.

  But it still has the same problem, and I'm also trying to avoid
  pcntl_wait or pcntl_waitpid at all because I still want to do it

 pcntl_wait(WNOHANG) will make everything work asynchronously.

Ah, I was changing it to waiting for each child to finish in order to see if
I could narrow down my db problem, because I figure this should be more or
less equivalent to running it synchronously.  Even like this, though, it
still causes the db problem.

[PHP] Re: Fork and zombies

2009-03-17 Thread Waynn Lue
(Apologies for topposting, I'm on my blackberry). Hm, so you think
exiting from the child thread causes the db resource to get reclaimed?

On 3/17/09, Per Jessen wrote:
 Waynn Lue wrote:

 Ah, I was changing it to waiting for each child to finish in order to
 see if I could narrow down my db problem, because I figure this should
 be more or
 less equivalent to running it synchronously.  Even like this, though,
 it still causes the db problem.

 I think the database problem is caused by your child inheriting the
 connection, and then closing it - whilst the parent is still using it.
 Your parent needs to open a new connection.


 Per Jessen, Zürich (8.8°C)

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Re: [PHP] Re: Fork and zombies

2009-03-17 Thread Waynn Lue

  Yeah, something like that. The connection is definitely closed when the
  child exits.

 I can confirm this. you definitely need to open a connection for each child
 if you require a db connection in the parent process, you should close
 it before forking (and then reopen it afterwards if you still need it).

I thought that too, but this code seems to work, which seems to imply that
the child doesn't kill the existing db connection.

$conn = mysql_connect($sharedAppsDbHost, $sharedAppsDbUser,
 $sharedAppsDbPass, true);

foreach ($things as $thing) {

function temp($thing) {
  global $conn;
  extract(getInfo($thing)); // this function call uses a shared db
  mysqlSelectDb($dbName, $conn); // dbName is a variable gotten from the
above call
  $result = mysql_query(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Users,
  $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH);
  echo $row[0]\n;
  $pid = pcntl_fork();
  if ($pid == -1) {
die(could not fork);
  } else if ($pid) {
// parent, return the child pid
echo child pid $pid waiting\n;
pcntl_waitpid($pid, $status, WNOHANG);
if (pcntl_wifexited($status)) {
  echo finished [$status] waiting\n;
  } else {
echo child sleeping\n;
echo child done\n;

My main problem here is that I have a set of helper functions (getInfo is
one of them) that uses a global db connection that exists in that helper
script.  Otherwise, I have to rewrite the function to create a new
connection every time, which I'd like not to.


Re: [PHP] Re: Fork and zombies

2009-03-17 Thread Waynn Lue

  Yeah, something like that. The connection is definitely closed when the
  child exits.

 I can confirm this. you definitely need to open a connection for each
 child process.
 if you require a db connection in the parent process, you should close
 it before forking (and then reopen it afterwards if you still need it).

 I thought that too, but this code seems to work, which seems to imply that
 the child doesn't kill the existing db connection.

 $conn = mysql_connect($sharedAppsDbHost, $sharedAppsDbUser,
  $sharedAppsDbPass, true);

 foreach ($things as $thing) {

 function temp($thing) {
   global $conn;
   extract(getInfo($thing)); // this function call uses a shared db
   mysqlSelectDb($dbName, $conn); // dbName is a variable gotten from the
 above call
   $result = mysql_query(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Users,
   $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH);
   echo $row[0]\n;
   $pid = pcntl_fork();
   if ($pid == -1) {
 die(could not fork);
   } else if ($pid) {
 // parent, return the child pid
 echo child pid $pid waiting\n;
 pcntl_waitpid($pid, $status, WNOHANG);
 if (pcntl_wifexited($status)) {
   echo finished [$status] waiting\n;
   } else {
 echo child sleeping\n;
 echo child done\n;

 My main problem here is that I have a set of helper functions (getInfo is
 one of them) that uses a global db connection that exists in that helper
 script.  Otherwise, I have to rewrite the function to create a new
 connection every time, which I'd like not to.


Whoops, I spoke too soon, I think the sleep(3) causes the child not to exit
before the parent.  If instead I don't pass WNOHANG to the waitpid command,
it does error out.  So it looks like your theory is correct, and I still
have that problem.  I guess the only solution is to rewrite the functions to
use a new db connection every time?  Or maybe I should just sleep the child
thread for long periods of time and hope the parent thread finishes in time
(which admittedly seems really hacky)?

[PHP] Fork and zombies

2009-03-16 Thread Waynn Lue
I periodically run a script that makes a call against a remote API, which
takes some time to return.  In an attempt to increase thoroughput, I decided
to investigate using pnctl_fork to spawn off multiple processes to make the
call, since the slowest part is the network part of it (and waiting for the
server response).  I ended up writing a script that did this:

$pid = pnctl_fork();
  if ($pid == -1) {
die('could not fork');
  } else if ($pid) {
echo parent $pid\n;
  } else {
// make API call

While this works, it unfortunately leaves behind a zombie process every
single time.  I could rewrite this to instead call fork multiple times, then
wait on all of them to return, but as my system is currently architected,
the easiest way would be to fire and forget for this script.  Does anyone
have any ideas on the best way to do it?  The other way I've done this is to
use exec(php foo.php) and redirecting stdout and stderr to /dev/null.


Re: [PHP] Fork and zombies

2009-03-16 Thread Waynn Lue

 Waynn Lue wrote:

  I periodically run a script that makes a call against a remote API,
  takes some time to return.  In an attempt to increase thoroughput, I
  decided to investigate using pnctl_fork to spawn off multiple
  processes to make the call, since the slowest part is the network part
  of it (and waiting for the
  server response).  I ended up writing a script that did this:
  $pid = pnctl_fork();
if ($pid == -1) {
  die('could not fork');
} else if ($pid) {
  echo parent $pid\n;
} else {
  // make API call
  While this works, it unfortunately leaves behind a zombie process
  every single time.

 You need to call pcntl_wait() or pcntl_waitpid().

Right, but if I do that, then the parent has to wait until the child
completes before it exits.  Is there any way to have the parent exit before
the child but prevent the zombie process for existing?

Re: [PHP] Fork and zombies

2009-03-16 Thread Waynn Lue

   While this works, it unfortunately leaves behind a zombie process
   every single time.
  You need to call pcntl_wait() or pcntl_waitpid().
  Right, but if I do that, then the parent has to wait until the child
  completes before it exits.

 No it doesn't - just call pcntl_wait() with WNOHANG to check the status
 of a child.

Hm, so now I'm not so sure what's happening.  Before trying your suggestion,
I ran my script again without pcntl_wait so that I'd have a baseline for how
many zombie processes are being created, and it turns out that I don't think
any are.  Previously, I was doing

ps aux | awk '{ print $8   $2 }' | grep -w Z

to find zombie processes, and it turns out that they existed from before, as
the count didn't change after I ran my script.  That leads to another
problem, though, in that the resource for the database doesn't seem to be
available for the parent after the child exits.  Here's pseudo code for what
I'm trying to do:

foreach ($things as $thing) {
info = getInfo($thing); // uses a db connection

makeApiCall(info) {
  $pid = pcntl_fork();
  if ($pid == -1) {
die(could not fork);
  } else if ($pid) {
// parent, return the child pid
echo child pid $pid\n;
  } else {
// do some api calls

But after I spawn off the process, getInfo($thing) errors out sometime later
on with an invalid query error, because I think the db connection is
gone.  I thought adding exit in the child process would be enough, but
that doesn't seem to work, I still get the same error.  Why would the child
process affect the query in the parent process, especially if I exit in the
child process?

Following your suggestion, I also tried pcntl_wait in the upperlevel
function, but still had the same problem.

Thanks for any insight,

[PHP] Re: [PHP-DB] How important is your Express or Web Edition database? Please weigh in--

2009-03-02 Thread Waynn Lue
Yeah, that's definitely true. I've just been bitten too many times by
a design that ended up being not flexible enough. :)


On 2/28/09, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
 On Sat, 2009-02-28 at 16:08 -0800, Waynn Lue wrote:
 Plus, last time I checked, adding an enum required a full rebuild of
 the table, while having an auxiliary table allows it to happen much
 more quickly.


 On 2/28/09, Andrew Ballard wrote:
  On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 5:13 AM, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
  On Sat, 2009-02-28 at 01:04 -0500, Andrew Ballard wrote:
  On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 7:32 PM, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
  I absolutely love enum datatypes; they allow you to use string values
  but internally stores them as numbers, and prevents the wrong data from
  being inserted. Much simpler than joining extra tables of values onto
  Oh, I know why programmers love them. I like them for a lot of the
  same reasons, but I'm enough of a DBA that I'm still not sure they are
  a very good idea in a SQL database. Granted, indexes on an ENUM column
  will be more useful than on SET columns, but what do you do when you
  need to add a value to the list? You have to have permission to modify
  the database, and you are limited to about 64 values. In some projects
  that's an acceptable constraint. I tend to like auxilliary tables
  better because I can easily add an admin interface to an app to allow
  users with sufficient permission to add their own values as needed
  without granting them access to muck around with the actual table
  structure, I'm NOT limited to 64 values, and indexes work even in 1:m
  (SET) cases in addition to 1:1 (ENUM) relationships.
  You can't add extra fields to an ENUM to track when a value was added
  to the list, whether it is no longer a valid value for new records
  (since it probably can't be deleted because of referential integrity),
  or any other information that might be relevant to the value. I know
  these aren't needed in every case, but I generally like to plan for
  extensibility if it doesn't require very much additional effort.
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 I'm not saying it is a replacement for auxiliary tables, but in a lot of
 cases, an enum works far better. Consider a column called display_status
 for a set of content pages. Having an enum type for 'live' and 'draft'
 is perfect, and likely not to change in the future. Using an external
 table is overkill, and reducing it to a number value that you then have
 to remember throughout your code doesn't make sense when the enum type
 makes it more logical. At the end of the day, it is down to personal
 taste, but I find a lot of good uses for enum, especially in CMS


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[PHP] Re: [PHP-DB] How important is your Express or Web Edition database? Please weigh in--

2009-02-28 Thread Waynn Lue
Plus, last time I checked, adding an enum required a full rebuild of
the table, while having an auxiliary table allows it to happen much
more quickly.


On 2/28/09, Andrew Ballard wrote:
 On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 5:13 AM, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
 On Sat, 2009-02-28 at 01:04 -0500, Andrew Ballard wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 7:32 PM, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
 I absolutely love enum datatypes; they allow you to use string values
 but internally stores them as numbers, and prevents the wrong data from
 being inserted. Much simpler than joining extra tables of values onto

 Oh, I know why programmers love them. I like them for a lot of the
 same reasons, but I'm enough of a DBA that I'm still not sure they are
 a very good idea in a SQL database. Granted, indexes on an ENUM column
 will be more useful than on SET columns, but what do you do when you
 need to add a value to the list? You have to have permission to modify
 the database, and you are limited to about 64 values. In some projects
 that's an acceptable constraint. I tend to like auxilliary tables
 better because I can easily add an admin interface to an app to allow
 users with sufficient permission to add their own values as needed
 without granting them access to muck around with the actual table
 structure, I'm NOT limited to 64 values, and indexes work even in 1:m
 (SET) cases in addition to 1:1 (ENUM) relationships.

 You can't add extra fields to an ENUM to track when a value was added
 to the list, whether it is no longer a valid value for new records
 (since it probably can't be deleted because of referential integrity),
 or any other information that might be relevant to the value. I know
 these aren't needed in every case, but I generally like to plan for
 extensibility if it doesn't require very much additional effort.


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Re: [PHP] Help with MySQL

2009-02-13 Thread Waynn Lue
You can type show create table tablename to see the datatypes.


On 2/13/09, James Colannino wrote:
 Hey everyone.  I've been reading the list for a long time, but have only
 really posted to the mailing list a few times.  I just had a quick
 question about MySQL.  I'm not sure if this is exactly relevant to PHP,
 but it is for a PHP application I'm writing, so hopefully that makes
 this question ok :)

 Basically, I was wondering if there are any queries in MySQL that I can
 use to determine the data types used to construct a pre-existing table.
 The reason I ask is that I went back to look at the data in a table I've
 been using for a while and realized that I forgot to document what the
 data types were (DOH!)  I'm sure there's something, but I wasn't quite
 sure what to google for, so I wasn't really able to turn up anything.



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[PHP] mysql_query and my.cnf?

2009-01-20 Thread Waynn Lue
Hey guys,

I've been noticing that large queries cause a connection lost to mysql
server problem, so I'm trying to figure out what settings I need to tweak in
my my.cnf file to get it to work.  I know people change the
max-allowed-packet variable, but I'm trying to figure out what the correct
section of the my.cnf is.  Is it just [mysql]?


Re: [PHP] Foreign Keys Question

2008-12-12 Thread Waynn Lue

 Waynn Lue wrote:

 As a side note, FKs do enforce other table specific properties like
 indexes on the fields being constrained, so they do add value there as
 well. But there's of course an extra cost on updates and inserts to
 see if the FK is violated.

 On the external table? No they don't.

 mysql create table t1(id int primary key, name varchar(255))
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

 mysql create table t2(t2id int, t1id int references t1(id)) engine=innodb;
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

 mysql show create table t2\G
 *** 1. row ***
   Table: t2
 Create Table: CREATE TABLE `t2` (
  `t2id` int(11) default NULL,
  `t1id` int(11) default NULL
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 No auto-index on t2(t1id) at all. You have to define that yourself - you
 might want it part of a multi-column index for example.

 You definitely should index it, but it won't happen automatically.

Hm, that's weird.  Which version of mysql are you using?  According to

InnoDB requires indexes on foreign keys and referenced keys so that foreign
key checks can be fast and not require a table scan. In the referencing
table, there must be an index where the foreign key columns are listed as
the *first* columns in the same order. Such an index is created on the
referencing table automatically if it does not exist. (This is in contrast
to some older versions, in which indexes had to be created explicitly or the
creation of foreign key constraints would fail.) *index_name*, if given, is
used as described previously.

Re: [PHP] Foreign Keys Question

2008-12-11 Thread Waynn Lue
As a side note, FKs do enforce other table specific properties like
indexes on the fields being constrained, so they do add value there as
well. But there's of course an extra cost on updates and inserts to
see if the FK is violated.


On 12/11/08, Colin Guthrie wrote:
 'Twas brillig, and Chris at 12/12/08 01:20 did gyre and gimble:
 Micah Gersten wrote:
 Colin Guthrie wrote:
 The ON DELETE CASCADE option is key here... DELETE FROM students
 where student_id=1 will remove all traces of that student from the
 db... all the course they've attended, all the instructors who have
 taught them etc. keeps things nice and tidy without having to put the
 structure in your code all over the place.


 Why would you want to delete the instructors when deleting the student?

 I think he meant the link between the student  instructor (in the
 student_instructor table), not the instructor itself.

 lol, indeed, that's what I meant... Sorry I thought it was implied in
 the context!

 Say you have the following layouts

 instructors: instructor_id, name
 students: student_id, name
 instructor_students: instructor_id, student_id

 This structure would hold a list of instructors and a list of studends
 and also a one to many mapping of instructors to students.

 If you delete a student the FK can cascade to the instructor_students
 table and thus delete the records that indicate a given instructor (or
 instructors) taught them.



 Colin Guthrie

 Day Job:
Tribalogic Limited []
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[PHP] Stack Trace Length for Exceptions

2008-12-09 Thread Waynn Lue
I've been adding in exceptions at various points in the code so that I can
more easily track where things are breaking and through which code path, but
I just ran into a problem where it seems that the full stack trace isn't
showing up in the error_logs.  When I check out the logs, it only shows the
last three frames, but I'd like it go all the way up the stack.  Is the only
solution to use something like debug_backtrace() instead, or is there some
setting to change what gets printed to the error log?



[PHP] Re: phpDesigner 2008?

2008-11-21 Thread Waynn Lue
All in one--is the other better?

On 11/18/08, Nathan Rixham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Waynn Lue wrote:
 I know the IDE wars spring up occasionally, but looking through the
 archives, I haven't seen any discussions pro or con for phpDesigner 2008 (  Anyone had a chance to use it
 and think it's good or not?

 I just installed PDT + Eclipse today, and I'm still getting used to the
 integration.  I'm used to Eclipse + Java, so it somewhat throws me for a
 loop in trying to figure out what works in what scope.  I do wish I could
 have it do some kind of analysis of my files plus dependencies so any
 problems could be discovered at compile time, rather than run time.


 php isn't pre-compiled though..

 did you go for ganymede with pdt 2 or the all in one?

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[PHP] phpDesigner 2008?

2008-11-18 Thread Waynn Lue
I know the IDE wars spring up occasionally, but looking through the
archives, I haven't seen any discussions pro or con for phpDesigner 2008 (  Anyone had a chance to use it
and think it's good or not?

I just installed PDT + Eclipse today, and I'm still getting used to the
integration.  I'm used to Eclipse + Java, so it somewhat throws me for a
loop in trying to figure out what works in what scope.  I do wish I could
have it do some kind of analysis of my files plus dependencies so any
problems could be discovered at compile time, rather than run time.


[PHP] General Mysql Connect

2008-10-29 Thread Waynn Lue
I sent an email to the mysql list, but it reminded me of a question I had
for people structuring their PHP code.  What's the general way that people
structure their connections?  Right now, I spawn off two mysql_connect calls
at the top of the file that includes my database calls, using true for the
fourth parameters, so as to create two new connections.  Then I use those
two connections for two different databases I have to query from.

Is it better just to use mysql_select_db within the query function every
time for the same connection?  Should I use mysql_connect every time without
using true, so as to re-use connections.  Should I be using pconnect

I spent some time looking for answers to these questions, but am getting
conflicting answers.  Some people think relying on the re-use of these
functions is good, some think that explicit management is better.  In
general, how have people on the list found them?  For example, is having
constant mysql_select_db calls a problem?


On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 2:47 AM, Waynn Lue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We've started seeing mysql errors in the logs, and when i look at the
 output of mysql_error() (in php), i get lost connection to mysql server
 during query. Here's an example stack trace:

 'Can't connect to name database [Lost connection to MySQL server during

 Similarly, we're seeing stack traces here as well:

 'Can't connect to name database []'

 I usually only see this mesasge when I don't use a connection for awhile
 and it timeouts, but in this case, the connection is only opened for the
 duration of a script, which can't be running for more than a second. The
 mysql error logs don't show anything, and wait_timeout is set to 28800.

 At first, I thought it was because I was calling mysql_select_db too much,
 so I ended up using two mysql connections per page load, but that didn't
 seem to change anything. How can we prevent this error from happening, what
 else can I do to diagnose this further?  Google brings up some more
 discussions about it, but nothing seems related to this, like packetsize.
 This is happening when we select two ids from a database.  And SHOW
 PROCESSLIST shows that the number of connections aren't even coming close to
 max connections.

 Thanks for any advice,

[PHP] Re: General Mysql Connect

2008-10-29 Thread Waynn Lue
Yeah, it's the same user, same everything (for now). But I wonder why
we're seeing these lost connection errors and I'm trying to fix
it--this was one of the things I was investigating.

On 10/29/08, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Waynn Lue wrote:
 I sent an email to the mysql list, but it reminded me of a question I had
 for people structuring their PHP code.  What's the general way that people
 structure their connections?  Right now, I spawn off two mysql_connect
 at the top of the file that includes my database calls, using true for
 fourth parameters, so as to create two new connections.  Then I use those
 two connections for two different databases I have to query from.

 Is it better just to use mysql_select_db within the query function every
 time for the same connection?  Should I use mysql_connect every time
 using true, so as to re-use connections.  Should I be using pconnect

 I spent some time looking for answers to these questions, but am getting
 conflicting answers.  Some people think relying on the re-use of these
 functions is good, some think that explicit management is better.  In
 general, how have people on the list found them?  For example, is having
 constant mysql_select_db calls a problem?

 Are they connecting as the same user and on the same server? Then you
 can replace with a mysql_select_db call.

 If they aren't both of those, you have no choice.

 No idea if it'll make much of a difference (performance wise etc) but
 I'd leave it as two connections.

 Postgresql  php tutorials

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[PHP] Re: General Mysql Connect

2008-10-29 Thread Waynn Lue
It's actually a deliberate design decision to have two dbs, because
one's a shared database, and one's application specific.


On 10/29/08, Ashley Sheridan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 2008-10-30 at 08:55 +1100, Chris wrote:
 Waynn Lue wrote:
  I sent an email to the mysql list, but it reminded me of a question I
  for people structuring their PHP code.  What's the general way that
  structure their connections?  Right now, I spawn off two mysql_connect
  at the top of the file that includes my database calls, using true for
  fourth parameters, so as to create two new connections.  Then I use
  two connections for two different databases I have to query from.
  Is it better just to use mysql_select_db within the query function every
  time for the same connection?  Should I use mysql_connect every time
  using true, so as to re-use connections.  Should I be using pconnect
  I spent some time looking for answers to these questions, but am getting
  conflicting answers.  Some people think relying on the re-use of these
  functions is good, some think that explicit management is better.  In
  general, how have people on the list found them?  For example, is having
  constant mysql_select_db calls a problem?

 Are they connecting as the same user and on the same server? Then you
 can replace with a mysql_select_db call.

 If they aren't both of those, you have no choice.

 No idea if it'll make much of a difference (performance wise etc) but
 I'd leave it as two connections.

 Postgresql  php tutorials

 How difficult would it be to converge the 2 databases into one? This
 would obviously use less memory (not sure exactly how big the footprint
 of each connection is though) and will slightly speed up page display
 time (as you only have to wait for one connection to be made rather than


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Re: [PHP] General Mysql Connect

2008-10-29 Thread Waynn Lue

 With MySQL, you can change the DB from query to query with
 mysql_select_db.  The alternative as I stated in my last post is to use
 the fully qualified table name (database.table) in your query.  MySQL
 doesn't care which DB you have open if you do that.  In both of these
 cases, the same connection is used.

That brings me back to the original point, is there a performance decrease
to continually calling mysql_select_db?  And shouldn't connections that are
being made during the processing of a php script (which runs for no more
than two seconds) be lasting at least until the end of the script, instead
of getting errors like Lost connection to server?

[PHP] Re: General Mysql Connect

2008-10-29 Thread Waynn Lue

 Waynn Lue wrote:

 Yeah, it's the same user, same everything (for now). But I wonder why
 we're seeing these lost connection errors and I'm trying to fix
 it--this was one of the things I was investigating.

 Random guess :)

 You're overwriting a result or connection variable?

 $query = select * from db1.table1;
 $result = mysql_query($query, $conn1);

 while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
  $result = mysql_query(select * from db2.table2, $conn2);

It's possible, but seems unlikely because the problem only comes up
periodically, not deterministically.

Re: [PHP] Flags package for PHP?

2008-10-27 Thread Waynn Lue
Thanks for the advice!  I had initially tried it and couldn't seem to get
getopt2 working (and getopt was supposedly deprecated), but eventually found
a good example here:

On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 10:31 AM, Jim Lucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Waynn Lue wrote:
  I'm running some command-line scripts that are taking more and more
  arguments, and I'm wondering whether anyone's used a good flags package
  PHP?  Support for string/int/boolean arguments would be nice, otherwise
  just hack together my own.
  Thanks for any advice,

 I would maybe look into using a standard ini file and then use the
 parse_ini_file [1] function to bring it all together again.

 1 -

 Jim Lucas

   Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
   and some have greatness thrust upon them.

 Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
by William Shakespeare

Re: [PHP] logic for grabbing what we need from user-input addresses for AVS?

2008-10-18 Thread Waynn Lue
AVS generally only exists for us and canada and parts of the uk, if I
remember correctly. Usually they're just looking for the beginning
part of the street address, not the concatenation or anything else
like that. No need for apartment numbers, for example if you're just
looking at avs.

If you're doing a full credit card auth, though, that's a different matter.


On 10/18/08, Govinda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all

 This is not exactly PHP, but an issue that we have to work out in code
 (whatever we use) -
 I am working on a shopping cart site which will have orders from any

 To cut down on fraudulent orders, our cc processor (whatever we call
 them), to enable Address Verification System (AVS),  accepts a var/
 value which is The numeric portion of the street address.  It is
 Required for AVS.  Now to get this from what the user input, I can:

 - just read the *numeric* characters off the front of the first (of 2)
 address text inputs, stopping grabbing them once I reach any non-
 numeric char., or I could
 - get *any* numeric  chars input in that text area and concatenate
 them all together (if there is more than one continuous run of them), or
 - get *any* numeric  chars input in *either* of the address text areas
 and concatenate that all together (if there is more than one
 continuous run of them), or
 - (what are the other possibilities?)

 I am asking you guys/gals using AVS:  what are they looking for?  The
 docs make this clear that they want: The numeric portion of the
 street address, but just because I can't think of addresses that
 don't match a pattern I am thinking of does not mean they don't exist
 or are not valid.  And how should the logic of my algorithm be written
 if it was just for USA addresses?  ... and more importantly - if I am
 writing it to handle addresses from any country?

 Thanks for any insight/logic based on experience,  ;-)


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[PHP] Flags package for PHP?

2008-10-15 Thread Waynn Lue
I'm running some command-line scripts that are taking more and more
arguments, and I'm wondering whether anyone's used a good flags package for
PHP?  Support for string/int/boolean arguments would be nice, otherwise I'll
just hack together my own.

Thanks for any advice,

[PHP] date_default_timezone_set and Time Zones

2008-10-03 Thread Waynn Lue
I'm using date_default_timezone_set(America/Los_Angeles) in my code, then
I output it like

date(m/d/y, H:i:s, O, some unix timestamp);

But even though it's daylight savings time in Los Angeles, I get output like

[01/31/08, 23:00:00, -0800]

Shouldn't it instead be -0700?  Am I misunderstanding how these timezones


Re: [PHP] date_default_timezone_set and Time Zones

2008-10-03 Thread Waynn Lue

 Is it daylight savings time in LA on 31 January?

Wow, yeah. That makes sense, for some reason I was thinking of it in terms
of today, but of course that can't be right.  Thanks for that clarification,
not sure what I was thinking.  :)

Re: [PHP] PHP + Cron jobs

2008-10-01 Thread Waynn Lue
On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 9:34 AM, Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  If you are running PHP as CGI, replacing the CGI with CLI could be
 problematic down the road...

 Right, and I am, so I stayed away from that solution.  My next attempt was
to specify /usr/local/bin/php in the cron job, but that led to a problem
because of the include paths.  Now that I specific the full path, evidently
the include path no longer is relative to the directory that's being
executed from, and so it fails to execute.  One solution is to also include
the executing directory in the php script itself, I assume, but is there any
better solution than that?

If not, I went ahead with Richard's suggestion to use -q.  Assuming a Google
search is correct (since man php and php -help don't mention -q), that just
suppresses the HTML headers from being sent?

Thanks again,

[PHP] Re: PHP + Cron jobs

2008-10-01 Thread Waynn Lue
Oh, I thought having one for cgi and one for cli was common. Do people
generally run only one, regardless of whether they're hitting it from
a webserver or running it from the commandline?


On 10/1/08, Per Jessen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Waynn Lue wrote:

 Right, and I am, so I stayed away from that solution.  My next
 attempt was to specify /usr/local/bin/php in the cron job, but that
 led to a problem because of the include paths.  Now that I specific
 the full path, evidently the include path no longer is relative to the
 directory that's being executed from, and so it fails to execute.  One
 solution is to also include the executing directory in the php script
 itself, I assume, but is there any better solution than that?

 I would take a look at your core problem - why do you have php
 executables in both /usr and /usr/local?

 /Per Jessen, Zürich

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Re: [PHP] How to submit form via PHP

2008-09-29 Thread Waynn Lue
Hm, it specifies base though. Does that mean the full query string
won't be guaranteed to be passed along?

On 9/29/08, Lupus Michaelis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ashley Sheridan a écrit :

From the link you gave, we stick on, so it references an
 IETF RFC that describes what is an

The fourth section describes how we have to determine the resolution
 of an URI. The point that are in our scope is the next I quote :

 a) If the embedded URL is entirely empty, it inherits the
entire base URL (i.e., is set equal to the base URL)
and we are done.

If you have any doubt, just enjoy reading the full document ;)

But for me, it is quite clear that an empty string is a valid URI
 *into* a document served by HTTP.

 Mickaël Wolff aka Lupus Michaelis

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Re: [PHP] PHP + Cron jobs

2008-09-28 Thread Waynn Lue
Yup, you're completely right.  I checked the cronjob and got this:

PHP 5.2.6 (cgi) (built: Aug 11 2008 13:39:32)
Copyright (c) 1997-2008 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Zend Technologies
   with Advanced PHP Debugger (APD) v0.9, , by George Schlossnagle

Turns out there's /usr/bin/php, which is the cgi version, and
/usr/local/bin/php, which is the cli version.  So I see three possiblities.
1. Change the shebang on the php script itself, 2. change the crontab to
reflect to path I care about, or 3. replace /usr/bin/php.  I'd prefer the
3rd, but does that cause problems for me in my actual web pages?


[PHP] PHP + Cron jobs

2008-09-27 Thread Waynn Lue
This is something that I've noticed for awhile, but last post to this
mailing list reminded me that someone probably already knows how to work
around this!  I have a cron job that looks something like

12 6 * * * php /home/foo/temp.php

But even if temp.php doesn't output anything, I still get emails from the
crontab that consist of

Content-type: text/html

I assume this is happening because it's interpreting as a web page or some
such.  Is there a better way to set the crontab so I don't get that output?


Re: [PHP] PHP + Cron jobs

2008-09-27 Thread Waynn Lue

  This is something that I've noticed for awhile, but last post to this
  mailing list reminded me that someone probably already knows how to
  around this!  I have a cron job that looks something like
  12 6 * * * php /home/foo/temp.php
  But even if temp.php doesn't output anything, I still get emails from
  the crontab that consist of
  Content-type: text/html
  I assume this is happening because it's interpreting as a web page or
  some such.

 Somehow your /home/foo/temp.php isn't running with the correct PHP

  Is there a better way to set the crontab so I don't get that

 You can always use MAILTO= to direct any output from a cronjob.

I actually am using MAILTO, and that's where the problem is.  A cronjob only
mails when there actually is output, which I'm fine with.  In fact, when I
run php temp.php from the command line, I don't get any output.  But when
it's part of the cronjob, there's that content-type output, which triggers
mail to me.

You mentioned a correct php interpreter above.  Should I instead be running
php through some other way or with a specific flag?


Re: [PHP] PHP + Cron jobs

2008-09-27 Thread Waynn Lue
Hm looks like it's CLI.

$ php -v
PHP 5.2.6 (cli) (built: Aug 11 2008 13:36:00)
Copyright (c) 1997-2008 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Zend Technologies
with Advanced PHP Debugger (APD) v0.9, , by George Schlossnagle

Re: [PHP] How to submit form via PHP

2008-09-27 Thread Waynn Lue
No it doesn't... without an action statement...

Sorry to drag up an old thread, but I just saw this. Is that true of
all browsers? I'm wondering because I just coded a site to use this
behavior, then I saw that the html specification says the action
attribute is required.


On 8/15/08, Robert Cummings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 2008-08-15 at 13:30 -0500, Jay Blanchard wrote:
 Hello. I'm pretty noob in PHP and would like to know how can I submit
 some HTML form got via file_get_contents(URL). For example:

 form name=someform method=post
 input type=submit

 so how can I submit 'someform' form.

 Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

 Click 'Submit'

 Your form tag needs an action statement

 No it doesn't... without an action statement it will submit to the same
 URL in which it was presented.

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[PHP] Passing Variables to an iframe

2008-09-26 Thread Waynn Lue
This may be more a general HTML question, so let me know if I should post
somewhere else.

I was hoping to do some logic in a script, and then pass the results of that
script to an iframe for more processing.  Is it secure to include those
variables as get parameters to the iframe, though?  In other words, if I
have something like this:

iframe src=;

where I use PHP to generate the src for the iframe.  Could someone just use
Firebug or something to set that variable?  Is there a better way of passing
it instead?


Re: [PHP] Passing Variables to an iframe

2008-09-26 Thread Waynn Lue
Ah, that makes sense.  Given all the input on this thread, I'll see if I can
get sessions do what I want.



Re: [PHP] FW: [SPAM] [PHP] FIFO files on PHP?

2008-08-25 Thread Waynn Lue
On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 1:22 AM, Chris Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: Waynn Lue [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 11:06 PM
  Subject: [SPAM] [PHP] FIFO files on PHP?
  Importance: Low
  I'm trying to build a queue out using FIFO files (someone on the MySQL
  list suggested checking them out instead of using the database), but
  I'm running into a problem because of the synchronous fwrite call.
  Here's the code:
$fifoFile = '/tmp/fifo';
if (!file_exists($fifoFile)) {
  posix_mkfifo($fifoFile, 0600);
$fp = fopen($fifoFile, w);
fwrite($fp, content);
  But this will block until something actually reads the pipe.  Is there
  any way to write to the pipe, then go away as opposed to waiting until
  something consumes it?  Otherwise, I may just go back to a database
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 Fifo nodes are equivalent to a pipe (|) and have no size on the file
 system and therefore the write won't finish until some process reads
 from the node. See the man page .

Wow, my mail client filtered these responses so I only just noticed them--I
thought there were no responses.  Thanks for letting me know, I ended up
using threads to accomplish something similar.

Re: [PHP] Version Control Software

2008-08-06 Thread Waynn Lue
Does subversion meet your needs?  You can check out a working copy
that's your dev copy, then check in changes and push to production
whenever you want.


On 8/6/08, Benjamin Darwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 After reading a topic on the list here about someone losing their website,
 and having a minor mistake on my own that cost me a week's work on a file
 (basically, tested the file, then uploaded to the live site and took the
 daily backup off the live site.. only to find the file was messed up.. and
 had to go to the weekly backup off cd to recover it, losing a week of

 I'm wondering if anybody knows of a version control software program that
 may fit my needs.

 Basically, I'm looking for something that runs locally, not on the live
 site, that I can edit the files on the dev computer, and store old versions
 on the dev computer, and then just publish off of the local onto the live
 site whenever I need to.

 Anybody have any suggestons/ideas on how this should be done, and what
 program is a good fit?

 Thanks for any help,

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Re: [PHP] PHP Memory Management

2008-08-04 Thread Waynn Lue

 Waynn Lue wrote:

 I've been running the script below:

  $appIds = getLotsOfAppIds();
  foreach ($appIds as $appId) {
echo $appId\n;
//echo memory_get_usage() . \n;
try {
  $getBundles = getBundles($appId);
  $numBundles = count($registeredBundles);
  echo $numBundles . \n;

 And I get PHP Fatal Error: Allowed Memory Size Exhausted after it runs for
 bit.  Looking at the memory usage, it's because $getBundles (an array) is
 huge, and keeps growing.  What I'm confused by is why setting it to
 something else in the next iteration of the foreach loop doesn't free the
 previously allocated array, since there shouldn't be any more references
 it.  I've worked around it by explicitly calling unset($getBundles), but
 just wanted to understand why it's working the way it does.

 Aside from on the 1st iteration, each time getBundles() is called, it
 creates an array within its own scope. Until PHP assigns the returned array
 to $getBundles, there are two in memory. Maybe that's the problem.

But that means that as soon as you move to the next iteration of the foreach
loop, both arrays should still go away, right?  Instead, it looks like the
memory is continuously increasing on each iteration.

 I don't know how you can stand naming structures or variables the same as
 functions, btw. That would drive me nuts. Where is this $registeredBundles
 coming from? Perhaps you meant:

 $registeredBundles = getBundles($appId);

Ah, my fault.  Yeah, I don't usually name variables the same as functions,
but was coming up with names on the fly as I tried to shrink my script down
to a reproducible test case.

It should have been

  $appIds = getLotsOfAppIds();
  foreach ($appIds as $appId) {
echo $appId\n;
//echo memory_get_usage() . \n;
try {
  $registeredBundles = getBundles($appId);
  $numBundles = count($registeredBundles);
  echo $numBundles . \n;
} catch (Exception $e) {
  echo exception caught\n;

and unset($registeredBundles).

[PHP] PHP Memory Management

2008-08-02 Thread Waynn Lue
I've been running the script below:

  $appIds = getLotsOfAppIds();
  foreach ($appIds as $appId) {
echo $appId\n;
//echo memory_get_usage() . \n;
try {
  $getBundles = getBundles($appId);
  $numBundles = count($registeredBundles);
  echo $numBundles . \n;

And I get PHP Fatal Error: Allowed Memory Size Exhausted after it runs for a
bit.  Looking at the memory usage, it's because $getBundles (an array) is
huge, and keeps growing.  What I'm confused by is why setting it to
something else in the next iteration of the foreach loop doesn't free the
previously allocated array, since there shouldn't be any more references to
it.  I've worked around it by explicitly calling unset($getBundles), but
just wanted to understand why it's working the way it does.


Re: [PHP] Math Weirdness - Can it be done with integers alone??

2008-07-15 Thread Waynn Lue
There's an algorithm known as banker's rounding that I thought all US
banks used. I'm on blackberry right now so I don't have a pointer, but
essentially you round to the nearest even cent. 1.5 goes to 2, as does


On 7/15/08, tedd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 4:15 PM -0400 7/14/08, Robert Cummings wrote:

Nope, banks can't round like that when calculating your daily
interest :)


 I do know that when it comes to interest you pay them, they round up.
 When it comes to interest they pay you, they round down -- and why
 not? A decision has to be made -- you can't pay someone less than a




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Re: [PHP] Asynchronous PHP Execution

2008-07-06 Thread Waynn Lue
On Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 12:28 PM, Daniel Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 6:01 AM, Waynn Lue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a system where a user clicks on a button which causes rows to
  be inserted in to the database.  I'd also like to run some lengthier
  post-processing on those rows, but don't want to put it in the
  critical path of the rows being inserted and returning to the user.
  What's the best way to either batch up these other actions, or pass
  them to a thread or other asynchronous process to do the second part
  of the action?

 Can you just run this via a cron or Scheduled Task?  Just have a
 boolean column that distinguishes new rows as unprocessed, and flip
 the flag when the cron script processes the row.

The problem with that is it requires another column to a table, which across
all our databases will take a really long time.  The other way is to create
another table, which means we're inserting across multiple tables.


Re: [PHP] Asynchronous PHP Execution

2008-07-06 Thread Waynn Lue

  and exec/shell (but that

 doesn't seem to be asynchronous), but neither seems optimal.

 It can be if you redirect the output streams and put an ampersand after it:

exec('sleep 5  /dev/null 2/dev/null ');
echo 'Script ended';

 This tiny sample should end immediately, and the sleep command should run
 on regardless.

 Thanks so much for the suggestion, that's what I ended up doing and it
worked, after some fiddling.  Just as a side note, does it execute from the
current directory of the file?  Previously, I tried calling exec('php
scripts/foo.php'), but it seemed like there was some weird interaction
between different required files.  E.g., this was the layout:


orig.php had the exec line, and foo.php had require_once(../incl.php).  But
it seemed like the exec call caused foo.php to execute from the scripts
directory while the require_once caused incl.php to also execute from the
scripts directory.

How does php determine what the working directory is?

[PHP] Asynchronous PHP Execution

2008-07-05 Thread Waynn Lue
I have a system where a user clicks on a button which causes rows to
be inserted in to the database.  I'd also like to run some lengthier
post-processing on those rows, but don't want to put it in the
critical path of the rows being inserted and returning to the user.
What's the best way to either batch up these other actions, or pass
them to a thread or other asynchronous process to do the second part
of the action?

I've thought about using a queue, either backed by a FIFO file (which
is proving somewhat difficult) or MySQL, and exec/shell (but that
doesn't seem to be asynchronous), but neither seems optimal.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


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[PHP] FIFO files on PHP?

2008-07-01 Thread Waynn Lue
I'm trying to build a queue out using FIFO files (someone on the MySQL
list suggested checking them out instead of using the database), but
I'm running into a problem because of the synchronous fwrite call.
Here's the code:

  $fifoFile = '/tmp/fifo';
  if (!file_exists($fifoFile)) {
posix_mkfifo($fifoFile, 0600);
  $fp = fopen($fifoFile, w);
  fwrite($fp, content);

But this will block until something actually reads the pipe.  Is there
any way to write to the pipe, then go away as opposed to waiting until
something consumes it?  Otherwise, I may just go back to a database


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Re: [PHP] Good XML Parser

2008-05-13 Thread Waynn Lue
Ok, thanks so much for the help.  I went with DOM-parsing to begin
with, I'll explore XPath + SimpleXML later.


On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 5:23 AM, David Otton
 2008/5/12 Waynn Lue [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 So if I'm looking to parse certain attributes out of an XML tree, if I
 use SAX, it seems that I would need to keep track of state internally.
  E.g., if I have a tree like


 and say I'm interested in all that's between b underneath any a,
 I'd need to have a state machine that looked for an a followed by a
 b.  If I'm doing that, though, it seems like I should just start
 using a DOM parser instead?

 Yeah, I think you've got it nailed, although your example is simple
 enough (you're only holding one state value - am I a child of a?)
 that I'd probably still reflexively reach for the lightweight
 solution). I use SAX for lightweight hacks, one step up from regexes -
 I know the information I want is between tag and /tag, and I don't
 care about the rest of the document. The more I need to navigate the
 document, the more likely I am to use DOM. I could build my own data
 structures on top of a SAX parser, but why bother reinventing the
 wheel? Of course, you have to factor document size into that - parsing
 a big XML document into a tree can be slow.

 You might also want to explore XPath
 ( XPath is to XML as
 Regexes are to text files. There's a good chance you'll be able to
 roll all your parsing up into a couple of XPath queries.

 I probably should have added that simple parsers come in two flavours
 - Push Parsers and Pull Parsers. I tend to think (lazily) of Push and
 Pull as variations on SAX, but strictly speaking they are different.

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[PHP] Good XML Parser

2008-05-12 Thread Waynn Lue
What's the best way to pull down XML from a URL?  fopen($URL), then
using xml_parse?  Or should I be using XML_Parser or SimpleXML?


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Re: [PHP] Good XML Parser

2008-05-12 Thread Waynn Lue
So if I'm looking to parse certain attributes out of an XML tree, if I
use SAX, it seems that I would need to keep track of state internally.
 E.g., if I have a tree like


and say I'm interested in all that's between b underneath any a,
I'd need to have a state machine that looked for an a followed by a
b.  If I'm doing that, though, it seems like I should just start
using a DOM parser instead?

Thanks for any insight,

On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 1:29 AM, David Otton
 2008/5/12 Waynn Lue [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  What's the best way to pull down XML from a URL?  fopen($URL), then
   using xml_parse?  Or should I be using XML_Parser or SimpleXML?

  XML parsers fall into two general camps - DOM and SAX. DOM parsers
  represent an entire XML document as a tree, in-memory, when they are
  first instantiated. They are generally more memory-hungry and take
  longer to instantiate, but they can answer queries like what is the
  path to this node or give me the siblings of this node.

  SAX parsers are stream- or event-based, and are much more lightweight
  - they parse the XML in a JIT fashion, and can't answer much more than
  give me the next node.

  If you just need the data, a SAX parser will probably do everything
  you need. If you need the tree structure implicit in an XML document,
  use a DOM parser. Expat, which XML Parser
  ( is based on, is a SAX
  parser. DOM XML ( is,
  obviously, a DOM parser. I don't know, off the top of my head, which
  camp SimpleXML falls into.

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Re: [PHP] Apache child pid segfault + APD

2008-05-05 Thread Waynn Lue
My main problem with using xdebug was that it seemed to require KDE to
interpret the traces that it took, which I don't have installed on my
server.  I only spent 15 minutes looking at it, though, so that could
be completely unjustified...

Would upgrading glibc help?

On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 12:48 AM, Mario Guenterberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, May 02, 2008 at 10:24:03PM -0700, Waynn Lue wrote:

   *** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x002a9956d000 ***

  Hi Waynn,

  try to use xdebug instead of APD to profile you app. There is a problem with 
 your glibc
  version and your APD version.

  In my environment php 5.2.6 with suhosin/apc, apache 2.2.8 and xdebug 2.0.2 
 it works fine.


  Version: 3.12
  GCS/CM d- s++: a+ C$ UBL*$ P++ L+++ E--- W+++ N+ o-- K- w O- M-
  V-- PS++ PE++ Y PGP+++ t--- 5 X R++ tv- b+++ DI D  G++ e* h
  r+++ y

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[PHP] Apache child pid segfault + APD

2008-05-02 Thread Waynn Lue
I recently installed APD to help profile some code that I've written,
and noticed that whenever I run it (with apd_set_pprof_trace() at the
top) I get these errors in my apache logs.  I spent awhile looking at
different sites, but even recompiling PHP + Apache didn't help.
Anyone seen this before?

[Fri May 02 21:20:56 2008] [notice] child pid 13818 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)
[Fri May 02 21:40:08 2008] [notice] child pid 14820 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)
[Fri May 02 21:40:08 2008] [notice] child pid 15027 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)
[Fri May 02 22:00:08 2008] [notice] child pid 16081 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)
*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x002a9956d000 ***
[Fri May 02 22:00:10 2008] [notice] child pid 15273 exit signal Aborted (6)

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Re: [PHP] mysql query and maximum characters in sql statement

2008-05-01 Thread Waynn Lue
Wouldn't using LOAD DATA INFILE be better than writing your own script?

On 5/1/08, Jim Lucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jim Lucas wrote:
  Sanjeev N wrote:
  I have written a program which imports the tab delimited file and
  insert all
  the line from file to the mysql line by line.
  I am succeding in the above case. but problem with the above method is
  taking to too much time while inserting into the database.
  The file's size will be more than 5000 lines.
  Then i tried to build a string of ; seperated queries. as follows
  for($i=1; $isizeof($array); $i++){
 $insert_string .= insert into tablename (v1, v2. v6)
  values('$array[$i][1]', '$array[$i][2]'. '$array[$i][6]');;
  mysql_query($insert_string, $conn) or die(query failed :
  Its throwing error saying check the manual for right syntax.
  After investigating in some sites i come to know that its problem of
  limitations in query size.
  I also tried with SET GLOBAL max_allowed_packet=3000;
  Then also its throwing the same error.
  Can anybody tell me how to fix this error and reduce the inserting
  time with
  a single statement instead of writing more insert statements
  You are probably looking for something like this.
  if ( count($array) ) {
$insert_string = INSERT INTO tablename (v1, v2. v6) VALUES ;
$data = array();
foreach ( $array AS $row ){
  $row_clean = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $row);
  $data[] = ('{$row_clean[1]}',
$insert_string = join(', ', $data);
mysql_query($insert_string, $conn) or die(query failed :
  } else {
echo Nothing to insert;

 That would work, but will probably result in a query string that is too

 I'll redo the above to fix that.


 # How often do you want to insert??
 $break_at = 100;

 # Initialize the counter
 $cnt = 0;

 # Initial insert string
 $insert_string = INSERT INTO tablename (v1, v2. v6) VALUES ;

 # if there is data, then process, otherwise skip it.
 if ( count($array) ) {

$data = array();

# Loop through data
foreach ( $array AS $row ) {


  # Clean the result data
  $row_clean = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $row);

  # Build data string and push it onto the data array.
  $data[] = ('{$row_clean[1]}',

  # Break and insert if we are at the break point
  if ( $cnt === $break_at ) {

# Reset Counter
$cnt = 0;

# Run insert
mysql_query($insert_string . join(', ', $data), $conn) or
  die(query failed : .mysql_error());

# Reset data array
$data = array();

  } //if

} //foreach

# This should take care of any extra that didn't get processed in the
if ( count($data) ) {

# Insert remaining data
mysql_query($insert_string . join(', ', $data), $conn) or
  die(query failed : .mysql_error());

} //if

 } else {

echo Nothing to insert;

 } //if


 Jim Lucas

 Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
 and some have greatness thrust upon them.

 Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
  by William Shakespeare

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[PHP] mysql_connect slowness

2008-04-27 Thread Waynn Lue
Our site has been slowing down dramatically in the last few days, so
I've been trying to figure out why.  I ran some profiling scripts on
our site and saw that we're spending between 3-9 seconds on
mysql_connect.  Then I connected to our db and saw that there were
over 100 connections at the time, most of them sleeping.  Is this
because we don't close mysql connections until the end of script

How do people generally structure their code to minimize the time they
keep mysql connections open?  Currently all db connections go through
one file, which gets included at the top of the file.  One other
question, is it better to open one connection, then re-use it later,
or just continually open and close per db call?


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Re: [PHP] PHP Serialization Performance

2008-04-21 Thread Waynn Lue
Thanks very much, I ended up using seralize in the database.

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 4:42 AM, Casey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 4:04 AM, Waynn Lue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm using PHP to cache files that are backed by the database.  In the
course of writing these functions, I end up with a set of variables
that are needed by my application, returned in an array.  I can either
directly generate the array in a .php file, then use require_once to
get that variable, or I can use PHP serialization, write that array
out to a file, then in my application read the array in, deserialize,
I spent awhile trying to look at the performance of php serialization,
but except for one unsubstantiated comment on the php serialize() doc
page, I haven't found much.  Does anyone have any knowledge of that,
and also of the two approaches in general?  The pro of the
serialization is that I think it's slightly easier to write, but the
con is that it's harder to read.
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  According to this
  serialize is faster than var_export.


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[PHP] Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ...

2008-04-21 Thread Waynn Lue
I fixed this last time by looking for white space both before and
after the opening and closing php tags, as a Google search had
revealed.  But this time, I've spent an hour running down various
files and not seeing what the heck is wrong.  Here's the essential


require_once 'shared_style.php';
require_once 'something.php'



a.friend_selector_tabs:hover {
background: #E4E4F8 none repeat scroll 0%;

.title_msg {
font-size: 14px;
color: #44;


The something.php has a setcookie call on the line number that PHP is
complaining about for headers.  What am I doing wrong that's causing
even mire headers to be generated?  I tried moving the require_once
'something.php' above, but no luck there either.

Thanks for any help,

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Re: [PHP] Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ...

2008-04-21 Thread Waynn Lue
This is for a facebook app, so it's just

  public function set_user($user, $session_key, $expires=null) {
if (!$this-in_fb_canvas()  (!isset($_COOKIE[$this-api_key . '_user'])
   || $_COOKIE[$this-api_key .
'_user'] != $user)) {
  $cookies = array();
  $cookies['user'] = $user;
  $cookies['session_key'] = $session_key;
  $sig = self::generate_sig($cookies, $this-secret);
  foreach ($cookies as $name = $val) {
setcookie($this-api_key . '_' . $name, $val, (int)$expires);
$_COOKIE[$this-api_key . '_' . $name] = $val;
  setcookie($this-api_key, $sig, (int)$expires);
  $_COOKIE[$this-api_key] = $sig;
$this-user = $user;
$this-api_client-session_key = $session_key;

But the problem is I can't tell where it's being called.  Is there any
way to generate a stack trace from the error logs so I know what the
calling function is?

On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 4:37 PM, Daniel Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 11:33 AM, Waynn Lue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I fixed this last time by looking for white space both before and
after the opening and closing php tags, as a Google search had
revealed.  But this time, I've spent an hour running down various
files and not seeing what the heck is wrong.  Here's the essential
require_once 'shared_style.php';
require_once 'something.php'

 If something.php is setting cookies and such, it has to be above
  shared_style.php.  If you've already tried that with no success, post
  the code of something.php for us to view.

  /Daniel P. Brown
  Dedicated Servers - Intel 2.4GHz w/2TB bandwidth/mo. starting at just
  $59.99/mo. with no contract!
  Dedicated servers, VPS, and hosting from $2.50/mo.

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Re: [PHP] Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ...

2008-04-21 Thread Waynn Lue
Actually, I think I fixed it by moving the style sheets below the
instantiation of the facebook client, where I *think* set_user was
being called.  I'm still curious if it's possible to get stack trace
information on errors, though.  :)


On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 5:39 PM, Waynn Lue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is for a facebook app, so it's just

   public function set_user($user, $session_key, $expires=null) {
 if (!$this-in_fb_canvas()  (!isset($_COOKIE[$this-api_key . '_user'])
|| $_COOKIE[$this-api_key .
  '_user'] != $user)) {
   $cookies = array();
   $cookies['user'] = $user;
   $cookies['session_key'] = $session_key;
   $sig = self::generate_sig($cookies, $this-secret);
   foreach ($cookies as $name = $val) {
 setcookie($this-api_key . '_' . $name, $val, (int)$expires);
 $_COOKIE[$this-api_key . '_' . $name] = $val;
   setcookie($this-api_key, $sig, (int)$expires);
   $_COOKIE[$this-api_key] = $sig;
 $this-user = $user;
 $this-api_client-session_key = $session_key;

  But the problem is I can't tell where it's being called.  Is there any
  way to generate a stack trace from the error logs so I know what the
  calling function is?

  On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 4:37 PM, Daniel Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 11:33 AM, Waynn Lue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I fixed this last time by looking for white space both before and
  after the opening and closing php tags, as a Google search had
  revealed.  But this time, I've spent an hour running down various
  files and not seeing what the heck is wrong.  Here's the essential


  require_once 'shared_style.php';
  require_once 'something.php'

   If something.php is setting cookies and such, it has to be above
shared_style.php.  If you've already tried that with no success, post
the code of something.php for us to view.
/Daniel P. Brown
Dedicated Servers - Intel 2.4GHz w/2TB bandwidth/mo. starting at just
$59.99/mo. with no contract!
Dedicated servers, VPS, and hosting from $2.50/mo.

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] PHP Serialization Performance

2008-04-16 Thread Waynn Lue
I'm using PHP to cache files that are backed by the database.  In the
course of writing these functions, I end up with a set of variables
that are needed by my application, returned in an array.  I can either
directly generate the array in a .php file, then use require_once to
get that variable, or I can use PHP serialization, write that array
out to a file, then in my application read the array in, deserialize,

I spent awhile trying to look at the performance of php serialization,
but except for one unsubstantiated comment on the php serialize() doc
page, I haven't found much.  Does anyone have any knowledge of that,
and also of the two approaches in general?  The pro of the
serialization is that I think it's slightly easier to write, but the
con is that it's harder to read.


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