Re: some questions relating pilog

2022-02-11 Thread Alexander Burger
Hi pd,

> > The environments are nested association lists, with numbers for the levels
> > and
> > then the symbols for the values at these levels.
> and levels are related to backtracking somehow?

Yes. When looking up values for symbols, the symbols at individual levels are
unified with constants or other symbols at these levels.

> >(be + (@A @B @C)
> >   (^ @C (+ @A @B))
> >   T )
> >
> >(be + (@A @B @C)
> >   (^ @B (- @C @A))
> >   T )
> >
> >(be + (@A @B @C)
> >   (^ @A (- @C @B))
> >   T )
> >
> >(be + (@A 0 @A))
> >
> >(be + (@A @B @C)
> >   (^ @Z (dec @C))
> >   (+ @A @Y @Z)
> >   (^ @B (inc @Y)) )
> > ...
> I suppose pilog search for rules in order, so the goal  (? (+ 3 @X 7))
> always matches first three rules with the cut,

It tries the first one but does not succeed. The second one matches, so the
others are not tried because of the cut.

> but shouldn't the last goal
> match also one of the first three line thus avoiding backtracking?

A query like (+ @X @Y 7) will not be satisfied by the first four rules, so
finally the fifth fires (and finally terminates recursion with the fourth).

> Also, when a goal return a non terminating list, what happend if we try the
> function solve with it? is there any way to get an exception or a stream?

'solve' is not very useful here. You could terminate with a 'throw', but then
you don't have the result. 'pilog' is more general:

   : (make
  (let N 5
 (catch NIL
(pilog '((+ @X @Y 7))
   (and (lt0 (dec 'N)) (throw))
   (link (cons @X @Y)) ) ) ) )
   -> ((7 . 0) (6 . 1) (5 . 2) (4 . 3) (3 . 4))

but still clumsy.

Except for very simple cases I also don't use 'pilog' (e.g. in a database query
'collect' is better), but code it directly:

   : (for ((I . Q) (goal '((+ @X @Y 7))) (prove Q))
  (bind @ (println (cons @X @Y)))
  (T (= I 5)) )
   (7 . 0)
   (6 . 1)
   (5 . 2)
   (4 . 3)
   (3 . 4)
   -> NIL

   : (make
  (for ((I . Q) (goal '((+ @X @Y 7))) (prove Q))
 (bind @ (link (cons @X @Y)))
 (T (= I 5)) ) )
   -> ((7 . 0) (6 . 1) (5 . 2) (4 . 3) (3 . 4))

☺/ A!ex


error making pil21

2022-02-11 Thread pd

I'm trying to build pil21 in a amd64 debian linux, I've tried pil21-12 and
pil21.tgz, both fails when making (cd src; make) with the error message
"error: expected relocatable expression .quad (SymTab+8)"  in
different lines, for example:

picolisp.s:152966:8 error: expected relocatable expression
.quad   (SymTab+8)&4294967295

Anybody got the same error message?



*~ La mejor manera de librarse de la tentación es caer en ella**. ~ Oscar
Wilde* ~

Re: some questions relating pilog

2022-02-11 Thread pd
On Thu, Feb 10, 2022 at 6:27 PM Alexander Burger 

> Could not resist. I elaborated a little :)
> If we define '+' as
>(be + (@A @B @C)
>   (^ @C (+ @A @B))  T )
>(be + (@A @B @C)
>   (^ @B (- @C @A))  T )
>(be + (@A @B @C)
>   (^ @A (- @C @B))  T )
>(be + (@A 0 @A))
>(be + (@A @B @C)
>   (^ @Z (dec @C))
>   (+ @A @Y @Z)
>   (^ @B (inc @Y)) )
> then we can use it as
>: (? (+ 3 4 @X))
> @X=7
>: (? (+ 3 @X 7))
> @X=4
>: (? (+ @X 4 7))
> @X=3
>: (? (+ @X @Y 7))
> @X=7 @Y=0
> @X=6 @Y=1
> ...
I suppose pilog search for rules in order, so the goal  (? (+ 3 @X 7))
always matches first three rules with the cut, but shouldn't the last goal
match also one of the first three line thus avoiding backtracking?   I
think I don't fully understand how it works.

Also, when a goal return a non terminating list, what happend if we try the
function solve with it? is there any way to get an exception or a stream?


Re: some questions relating pilog

2022-02-11 Thread pd
Hi Alex,

On Wed, Feb 9, 2022 at 9:53 PM Alexander Burger  wrote:

> > > > : (? (factorial @X 120))
> > > > -> NIL
> > >
> > How should be declared factorial primitive to be compatible with reverse
> > lookup?
> I have not tried. How is it in real Prolog?

In modern prolog you use this form:

fac(N,X) :- N #> 0, A #= N - 1, X #= N * X1, fac(A,X1).

but it depends on CLP(FD) which is not implemented in pilog I'm afraid.

A workaround is using an accumulator for both then number and the
factorial, assuming factorial is defined for numbers > 0:

factorial(X, XFact) :- f(X, 1, 1, XFact).
f(N, N, F, F) :- !.
f(N, N0, F0, F) :- succ(N0, N1), F1 is F0 * N1, f(N, N1, F1, F).

But it seems pilog doesn't manage properly this either:

(be fa (0 1))
(be fa (@X @XF) (f @X 1 1 @XF))
(be f (@N @N @F @F) T)
(be f (@N @N0 @F0 @F) (^ @N1 (inc (-> @N0))) (^ @F1 (* (-> @F0) (-> @N1)))
(f @N @N1 @F1 @F))

Now asking for factorial of 6 I get:

: (? (fa 6 @X))
-> NIL

the other way works perfectly:

: (? (fa @X 6))
-> NIL

: (? (fa @X 1))
-> NIL

but it haves problems when asking for factorial of 0:

: (? (fa 0 @X))

2454 No memory

Similar behaviour when asking for factorial of 1,  this time pilogs appears
to hang out without doing nothing but if you press ctrl-C you get a clue
about where it stopped:

: (? (fa 1 @X))

(inc (-> @N0))
! (inc (-> @N0))
! (inc (-> @N0))
!  (-> @N1)
! (inc (-> @N0))
! (inc (-> @N0))
! (inc (-> @N0))
.. (several ctrl-C hits)

Maybe introducing a predicate asserting N should be greater than 0 but I
didn't find the way.

A similar problem appears when defining list_length predicate, in prolog
you get:

ll([H|T],N) :- ll(T,N1), N is N1 + 1.

?- ll(X,5).
X = [_606, _612, _618, _624, _630] .

?- ll(X,Y).
X = [],
Y = 0 ;
X = [_860],
Y = 1 ;
X = [_860, _866],
Y = 2 ;
X = [_860, _866, _872],
Y = 3 ;
X = [_860, _866, _872, _878],
Y = 4 ;
X = [_860, _866, _872, _878, _884],
Y = 5 ;
X = [_860, _866, _872, _878, _884, _890],
Y = 6 .

when trying to translate it to pilog I get:

(be ll (NIL 0))
(be ll ((@ . @T) @N) (ll @T @N0) (^ @N (inc (-> @N0

(? (ll NIL @X))
-> NIL

(? (ll (1) @X))
-> NIL

(? (ll (b a) @X))  #->  this is b(a) ? this is the syntax used
in "be" then it should be X=1
-> NIL

(? (ll (b (a)) @X))#->  same here, semantics is not clear for me
-> NIL

(? (ll @L 2))  # this apparently hangs
@L=(@ @)

(? (ll @L @M))
@L=NIL @M=0
@L=(@) @M=1
@L=(@ @) @M=2
@L=(@ @ @) @M=3
@L=(@ @ @ @) @M=4

which is ok

> To take an example a bit simpler than the factorial function, you could
> start
> with addition as:
That's a nice implementation of logic + specially your next post which
solves +(X,Y,4) for example. Still there's something I don't fully
understand, I will comment it in your next post.

> But where will that end? Should we also handle two or three variables,
> generating all combinations of natural numbers? This could surely be done
> (similar to what 'append/3' does for lists), but I never saw a need for
> that.
> Not really a pragmatical use or need, but it could be useful in some
situations. I really was testing how similar is pilog to real prolog.

> The second one. But I think it does not matter, you can pass any pattern
> to a
> predicate, it is matched in any case.
> but the way it matches it's important because you have to match compound
terms not treating them as lists

> > what is supposed to mean (be p (r (b))) if anything?
> Yeah, there is no "meaning". It is just a pattern.
>: (? (p @A @B))
> @A=r @B=(b)
but that matching corresponds to a prolog list or a prolog term?  I mean,
that matches with prolog [r b] or with prolog r(b) ?

> > May you explain the estructure of a pilog environment (and the use of
> unify
> > function)
> The environments are nested association lists, with numbers for the levels
> and
> then the symbols for the values at these levels.
> and levels are related to backtracking somehow?
