Plucker Mailing List search engine

2001-08-25 Thread David A. Desrosiers

It's baaack...

The mailing list search engine archives are up and indexed on the
website now. Not the most elegant output for them, but I'm still working on
it. Ideally, these should be jammed into a database, but some of the
back-end tools I'm using to do the indexing and search (including Hypermail)
don't quite gel with mysql... yet.

I've broken the archives into separated parts by quarter, so 1Q2001
is the first quarter of 2001, and current is the quarter of the year we're
in right now and so on.

Give them a go, and let me know if something doesn't seem to work
right. One thing I'm working on is a way to pull the messages themselves
back into the website tabling view itself, like the cvs and the search form,
but for now, it will pop open a new browser window, so you don't lose your
focus or your search query. It will improve, but this gets the job done
right now. Attachments are working too, for messages that have included

Things to add:

- break the search out into the plucker-dev, plucker-list, and
  plucker-bugs, and then break down by month/quarter

- Highlight the words searched for in each message

- Convert to... (txt, Plucker, DOC) for each message

There's a lot more to come. I just converted the whole backend of
the site into a much more manageable template-based system, so the look and
feel should remain consistant, and it should respond faster now (using the
processors to do the crunching and not the client browser). I'm adding
things here and there, to improve it a bit more.

Email me if you find issues, bugs, or have a wish-list of things you
want to see put up there on the site or the server for download/whatever.

.  pgp://7075AE4A,-.   pilot-link   plucker
David A. Desrosiers  \,-'   \  sourcefubar  cvs, Inc. `--' hacker at `-

Re: Plucker Mailing List search engine

2001-08-25 Thread Andrew Markebo

Grreeeaat so now we can pluck the mailinglist to our beloved palms??


/ David A. Desrosiers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|   It's baaack...