On Mon, 15 Feb 2021, Keith Lofstrom wrote:

On Sun, Feb 14, 2021 at 09:45:05PM -0800, Russell Senior wrote:
I can understand it making sense in the context of a server with
multiple interfaces. We used to have occasional problems with ethernet
enumeration when we were using recycled PCs as gateway routers. I just
don't see why that kind of corner case drove adoption for a problem
that didn't exist for 99% of users. Seems to me like "predictable"
names ought to be an opt-in rather than an opt-out.

Thanks to all for the useful and informative replies.
I'm grateful for Russell's helpful grub configuration

Still - it would cost almost nothing if one device had
TWO names in /dev/, BOTH eth0 AND enp12s0.  Perhaps a
deft application of the cluestick will encourage whoever
made the PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames decision to
rewrite the boot loader to create (and log) BOTH names,
allowing end users to choose the name they prefer.

I can remember the ancient days, when source-empowered
users made Linux do what they wanted, rather than Linux
making users conform to the changing whims of a powerful
and unaccountable elite.  I don't mind people pissing in
their soup until they like the flavor - as long as they
don't piss in MY soup.

If you really want to name your device 'Ethyl' then have at it:


Frankly, I've never dived too deeply into udev, but that looks like the place to go.

Paul Heinlein
45°38' N, 122°6' W
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