Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] PCP and Music IP Mix Options

2022-02-05 Thread prabbit

I don't know that MusicIP can be run on pCP, but it can be run on rPi
using a different OS. I'd also like to know if it could run on pCP,
hence my comment here. 

I have LMS on pCP but maintain a headless MusicIP server on Windows, the
same system I use to analyze my music files. Like your system, mine also
serves a couple other functions. 

I don't know that it's relevant for you, but the MusicIP version
available for Windows is different than that for Linux. The release
notes explain the differences.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP, Spicefly Sugarcube and Tempo Changes

2022-01-27 Thread prabbit

Interesting. What you describe doesn't match my experience.

What are your settings in "SugarCube Mix Mode : Standard MusicIP"? Is it
possible it's too "wide" or "loose" and that swing is what gets you into
ballads? The idea of restricting moods to time of day is interesting,
but makes sense.

I like the mixes I get with Sugarcube. However, I do wish Sugarcube had
the ability to use moods and some of the other metadata being worked on
with the Essentia/Musly/Similarity projects (search forums for more
detail, if you're interested). Sugarcube already has the ability to
query TrackStat ratings from an external source. I suspect it would be
another query into a Similarity database to gather mood, especially
since there isn't a way to get mood out of MusicIP (that I've found that
isn't tedious and error-prone). Then combine the queries to produce a
playlist or select the next track.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-26 Thread prabbit

ldarieut wrote: 
> it's in the db:
> sqlite> select * from tracks where file like "%Round Midnight%";
> hires/Bill Evans/California Here I Come/13 - Round Midnight.flac|'Round
> Midnight|Bill Evans|California Here I Come|Bill
> Evans|Jazz|367||0.0309601910412|0.0785622671247|0.55350625515|0.956970751286|0.149642467499|0.0466651245952|0.988805413246|0.683286011219|0.923669755459|0.625463247299|0.0451345331967|90|D#m|
> MULLIGAN|JAZZ|509||0.0305914841592|0.0516271069646|0.540071487427|0.968276321888|0.17799846828|0.009237091057|0.991564512253|0.409064233303|0.20512932539|0.947108507156|1.3131912624E-07|123|D#M|
> as I wrote, it's prefixed by "hires" in the db, yet music-similarity
> will look it up without the "hires" path.
> luc

The system you used for analysis and runs the Similarity API server is
on a different box than LMS, right? If so, do you have the Similarity
API Server configured to adjust paths?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-25 Thread prabbit

cpd73 wrote: 
> Please try again - but use master branches. I have merged lms-material,
> music-similarity, and lms-musicsimilarity branches into their respective
> master branch. Installed onto my Pi4, and is working for me.

I must be daft. 

Stopped LMS.
Uninstalled MaterialSkin 2.8.4 and MusicSimilarity 0.0.3.
Started LMS.
Stopped LMS.
Added both plugins to /usr/local/slimserver/Plugins on my rPi4.
Started LMS.
MaterialSkin DEVELOPMENT and MusicSimilarity 0.0.3 (master) load,
Server log shows errors that strings cannot be found for MaterialSkin or

It appears that stringcache.aarch64-linux.bin is not being updated. I've
reverted to Material 2.8.4 and Similarity 0.0.3. It seems as if you're
close to releasing new versions anyway. I can wait.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-25 Thread prabbit

mruddo wrote: 
> I've had a go, but can't get the 2.9 branch of Material to run under
> Windows. I've downloaded the zip and installed the folder in the plugins
> directory, but trying to view the server with the Material skin just
> shows a white window. I can confirm from the legacy interface that the
> DEVELOPMENT plugin's installed, but it's not working for me I'm afraid.

Same thing happened to me yesterday. White window.

cpd73 wrote: 
> Yeah, Material was broken if no plugins that used its extension feature
> were loaded. Should be fixed now. You will also need a newer
> music-similarity and lms-musicsimilarity
> I changed the range sliders to yes/no/not-used options - seemed more
> user friendly. Also, I have removed 'loudness'. I thought this was a
> loud/quiet indicator - but its actually to do with dynamic range (a loud
> track and quiet track could have same dynamic range).

I can confirm that using 2.9 branch of Material for user interface (SHA
that Material loads properly.

What isn't loading properly is the Music Similarity plugin. It's as if
the string.txt file isn't being found. I am using:

- lms-musicsimilarity (SHA '389dfc5'
  seems to be working fine
- music-similarity (SHA '7ed03a6'

The Music Similarity plugin name is "missing" from the Plugins dropdown
list. Technically, it's an empty string. Selecting the blank line in the
Plugins list takes me to the Music Similarity settings page. Once there,
the setting names are the ALL CAPS STRINGS from musicsimilarity.html
localized/localised strings[1]. Reverting to v0.0.3 fixes the strings,
but doesn't have the newest functionality. Is there something obvious
that I might be forgetting to do or doing incorrectly?

- - - 
[1] Random aside: I used "localized" intentionally here rather
than "translation." Translation is when one language is, well,
translated into another language. An example of translation is
converting Japanese into French or English into Spanish.
Localization/localisation is when text is modified for a locale for
semantic or cultural reasons -but remains in the same language-.
Examples include 
- American English (en-US) vs British English (en-GB) vs South African
  English (en-ZA) or 
- Germany-German (de-DE) vs Swiss German (de-CH) vs Austrian German
  (de-AT) or 
- European Portuguese (pt-PT) vs. Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR) or
- France French (fr-FR) vs. Canada (fr-CA). Speakers and readers of each of 
those languages notice when something
doesn't match their expectations, such as spelling, word choice, or
measurements, and can tell when the product isn't written for their

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-21 Thread prabbit

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Have you tried Craig's MusicIP mixer plugin? It also works with "Don't
> Stop the Music".

I haven't. I don't see what advantage it would offer over Spicefly
Sugarcube that I've been using for years, given that it would pull from
the same MusicIP database but has fewer options than Sugarcube,
especially TrackStat-related. I could see it potentially being
interesting for anyone who doesn't have or doesn't want to purchase a
Sugarcube license.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-21 Thread prabbit

cpd73 wrote: 
> If your confidence in the Essentia scoring is so low, why use it? (I get
> the number is made up, but it does imply a very low confidence)

It's not fair to Essentia/Similarity for me to say my confidence is low.
That was perhaps awkwardly written. What I meant was that my sample size
(i.e., the number of mixes I have created) is not large enough for me to
be confident in my confidence of Similarity/Essentia, if that makes
sense. And since I don't have a musical ear, I couldn't tell you whether
a song was written in B# or E nor do I know exactly why sections
of each song Essentia analyzed to create its own values so I could
listen to that same section and score it myself (a task I, frankly, am
not interested in completing). Currently, I have no reason to doubt the
quality of the data in my database. I just don't have enough experience
with it; ergo, my low confidence. I expect my confidence will rise with
more experience, which will inform what values I choose to create mixes
that I consider interesting. I consider this normal, since I am a new
user and as a new user I just don't know how the system works or reacts
when I pull various levers. It's not a critique of the system or the
data; it's of me. When I run "Similar tracks" or "Create similarity mix"
and then compare any individual result with the seed track by looking in
the database, the high-level attributes are indeed similar, explaining
to me why the song was selected. And in some ways that's exactly -why- I
use Sugarcube or SmartMix and now Similarity. I want to hear songs near
each other that I wouldn't otherwise have thought of.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-21 Thread prabbit

cpd73 wrote: 
> Have you tested your analysis results, as stated on the music-similarity
> github homepage? Musly does have a known issue where it assigns the same
> similarity to all songs. If everything is OK with that, perhaps set all
> the filters to 0, so that just Musly is used.
Database looks clean to me. In fact, if you'd like a second,
similarly-sized database to your own collection to use when testing, I
can share mine with you. PM if interested.

cpd73 wrote: 
> Seeing as you have analysed your tracks with Essentia high-level, you
> could try setting 'Similarity weighting' to 100. This will cause only
> Essentia to be used. The similarity score is the calculated on how close
> each track is to the seed track's Essentia high-level attributes. Would
> be interesting to see if you see an improvement there. Or even try at
> 50, so that both are used, etc?

Actually, I have been using the Similarity weight at 100, just to focus
on the high-level attributes. I haven't played much with the Musly side
of things. Still on my To Do list. I don't feel I have enough experience
to write with any confidence about my experience, even the Heart example
could have been circumstantial. In Essentia scoring, I would put my
confidence around 0.08425123, give or take. (Aside for any
German-speaking readers, has anyone else noticed the loose connection
between Musly and Müsli, the breakfast cereal made of oats, grains,
fruits, and nuts? I couldn't find any link from the Musly creator, D.
Schnitzer, describing such a connection, but it does seem inevitable, or
a happy coincidence at the very least.)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-21 Thread prabbit

mruddo wrote: 
> I've been listening to MS DSTM mixes for a couple of weeks now, and I'm
> still enjoying the varied journey through some long since heard tracks
> in my library. No issues to report either. :)

Out of curiosity, what are values for your settings?

- - - -

While it's perhaps to be expected, I've found that using the same seed
song over and over plays the same group of songs (albeit in different
orders), including songs I have rated low and would prefer not to hear
too often, than occurs with Spicefly Sugarcube/MusicIP. This is true
even though the playlist runs for hours. Sugarcube has a setting to
exclude tracks below a certain rating, which "protects" me from hearing
these lowly-rated tracks. My experience with Sugarcube using the same
seed song repeatedly is different, in that it produces a wider range of
playlists. I'm still playing with Similarity's settings, which is the
genesis of my question.

Curiously, Heart thus far seems to be the (Six Degrees of) Kevin Bacon
in my collection. I used Stevie Wonder's -Superstition- as a seed track
and soon enough got to Heart. Used Iron Maiden's -Can I Play with
Madness?- and shortly thereafter heard Heart. And I played some other
seed song from the 2000s and landed on Heart within a dozen tracks. This
is anecdotally interesting because I don't have that many Heart songs in
my collection.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-19 Thread prabbit

Roland0 wrote: 
> You can basically do this with 'LMS Essentia'
> ( (using either extgui4lms or
> the LMS Playlist Editor as a frontend)
> if you are interested in some background info regarding
> musly/essentia/similarity, see 'this thread'
> (

I tried to install your plugins and was successful with some of them,
but others require either systems, knowledge, or skills that I don't
have at the moment. I remember using extgui4lms many years ago when it
was still very new. No doubt your contributions have been important and
valuable, because they helped Craig with his Similarity project. If I
could figure out how to take my existing high-level Essentia JSON
analysis files and have them re-processed by a Windows-based or
Ubuntu-on-Windows-built tool, then I'd probably be able to proceed.

cpd73 wrote: 
> Thinking about this some more. Would it make sense to allow creation of
> 'Smart Mixes' that will select a number of tracks, allow this to be
> added to the queue, and then DSTM takes over adding new tracks. DSTM,
> however, would not know about the SmartMix, just that these would be the
> initial songs to create mixes from. If so creating another API that
> returns X songs based upon some attributes should be doable. It then
> requires the plugin to implement a JSONRPC and the creation of a UI to
> create these mixes. Obviously for me the UI would be created in
> Material. I know SlimBrowse would allow some sort of UI creation for
> this, but that's beyond my knowledge level at the mo - and as I -only-
> use Material it's not of major importance to me.
> e.g. I would add a 'Smart Mixes' (or similar) entry to 'My Music' to
> list current mixes, allow editing, etc. The edit dialog would allow you
> to specify which attributes to use, number of tracks, and (perhaps)
> order of tracks (closest to attributes, random, etc.)

This makes sense to me: Mood Mixes. 

I also only use Material (in Chrome, Material app on Android, in SLX on

It seems straightforward enough to build the API and UI to expose all
low- and high-level attributes in the music-similarity.db file; that is,
if one knows how to do these sorts of things. 
Ask users to adjust sliders to produce a range for each attribute, along
with some onscreen hints that each attribute indicates the strength of
the -probability- the song matches that attribute type. 
Gather all responses, pass those to the database, return a result.
(Maybe 'maximum number of files to return' is also an attribute to pass
so you're not returning thousands of entries, or if you do it's because
the user specifically requested it.) 
The result could be a new playlist. I'd likely almost always choose
'random', but others may want them played in some order — of course,
what order is unknown because no attribute would be weighted more than
others, so there'd be no way to rank them. Unless, that too, was
something that was requested: rank by [ordered list of attributes]. 
For the UI, I'd convert the attribute values to 0 to 100 rather than 0
to 1, since most humans understand that easier than 0 to 1. If a user
doesn't want to filter on an attribute they should allow all values by
having the slider range extend from 0 to 100 — the default position.
Behind the scenes I would also only use the hundredths position (e.g.,
0.91) and no further (e.g., 0.9152377), although rounding to 0.92 would
be expected here. I wouldn't expect rounding to the hundredths position
would materially (no pun intended) affect the mix.

After the playlist runs out, it seems reasonable that DTSM would kick in
using whatever rules are set for DTSM.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-17 Thread prabbit

cpd73 wrote: 
> You can't 'Enable' Essentia from the plugin page, only select if you
> want things to be used if enabled. I want to have the plugin talk to the
> server to detect if Essentia is enabled, and if high-level analysis
> results are there, etc. Then the plugin can control what is shown. Just
> not sure how to do that at the mo...
Let me try a couple of things on my end (restarting things, various
config settings, etc) to eliminate any 'PEBKAC'
( issues. 

cpd73 wrote: 
> Never used SmartMix, before my time :) However, this mixer is meant to
> be driven by DSTM - therefore mixes are based upon current queue items,
> not a set of attributes.
> And this mixer does not support that, at the moment.

Understood, completely. It's your tool for your use case that you've
chosen to freely share. I was commenting on what I saw after I took a
peek behind the curtains and started to understand how things were
connected. I don't currently have the skills to fork what you've done
thus far to extend Similarity into SmartMix 2.0. But maybe someone else
does or maybe you do, if the idea of creating playlists or influencing
playlists based off of specific Musly/Essentia metadata is interesting
or exciting. And if not, no complaints here. This is
freeware/donation-ware, and I accept everything that comes with such a

cpd73 wrote: 
> The *only* thing this mixer does with the Essentia high-level attributes
> is to find the 4 highest (above 0.8) or lowest (below 0.2) and then
> filter tracks on that. i.e. Seed happy=0.95, candidate happy needs to be
> 0.7 or higher. Likewise if seed happy=0.19 (so, not happy) candidate
> needs to be 0.3 or lower.
> But I find that filters out a -lot- of tracks - so I'm not 100% sure
> about this. Please feel free to look at 'check_attribs' in
> 'lib/' and suggest improvements.

Thanks for this information. It will help me understand the code as I
look at it. I'll now preface any comments I might make in the future
with 1) I'm not a math(s) major and 2) I've only taken a basic Python
course and I'm not a programmer by training. My comments may be entirely
worthless. But like this tool, they're free and you're welcome to
disregard them. :)

I've also only had an intro to statistics course at university. If 1000
tracks are selected to build the model music style database and then the
4 highest or lowest are used to filter based on a comparison to the seed
track, I wonder if we're running into a sampling bias (or some other
statistical bias). The 1000 tracks get further split into genres/genre
groups based on relative percentage to the existing catalog and that
affects the model. I do understand Similarity is pulling from the entire
music collection when selecting a song to play and not just the 1000
model tracks. Like you, I only use local files; I do not use any
streaming services.

Right now Similarity is a bit of a black box to me and it's not clear
how much of an effect any one lever/setting has on a mix, so I've chosen
to disable most settings and start fairly wide open. Next, I may go to
the opposite extreme and use a very narrow range of setting values. As I
get a sense for what's happening, I'll know where to go to make

For instance, I right-clicked on 'Lucretia My Reflection' from Sisters
of Mercy and queried for a list of similar tracks. I was -shocked- by
some of the results, including a solo track by Fred Schneider (male
singer in B-52s) whose voice and music is distinctive and very
un-Sisters of Mercy-like, in my mind. So I went into the database and
pulled out the metadata values for the two tracks, and, yep, the values
for most categories were close-ish that I could understand why both were
in the list. 

cpd73 wrote: 
> You do know that these Essentia attributes are the probability that a
> song matches a model? i.e. happy=0.9 means that there is a 90% -chance-
> that it is happy, not that the song is 90% happy.

I do fully understand that and appreciate the distinction. The closer to
0 a value, the less likely it is that type; the closer to 1 the more
likely it is. The intro to statistics course taught me that much. I do
admit that I don't recall everything from the class though. :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-17 Thread prabbit

bakker_be wrote: 
> Just a quick question: is this to be expected, or is something wrong?

If you're referring to the lack of an HTML page response, that is to be
expected. The server is running on port 11000, but its job is to not
respond with an HTML page but with a list of tracks to feed DTSM, which
it does. Running in debug mode you'll see this. It's easier to review
the messages if you pipe into a log file, if you're interested in the

Based on what I see in the image, you should be able to get Similarity
mixes from DTSM (assuming you've configured the Music Similarity plugin

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-16 Thread prabbit

cpd73 wrote: 
> That config item is set to false by default for non-Linux, if it is not
> set in the config file. However, later you should have seen other lines
> 'Tracks have not been analysed with Essentia, attribute filtering
> disabled' or 'Will use Essentia attributes to filter tracks (highlevel)'
> -- do you see those? The code checks if Essentia is enabled then queries
> the DB to see if tracks have highlevel attributes. They would be in the
> section you have removed from your example output.
> Just noticed this check might not have been 100% so have made some
> slight changes.

There was nothing I snipped from the log that related to highlevel
attributes. I pulled your latest changes (9e0fda) and didn't see a
change in the startup logging. (Doesn't mean there wasn't any.)

cpd73 wrote: 
> Your example 'FILTERED' lines are all Essentia low-level - BPM, Key,
> loundness.
You're correct. After I added an "essentia" stanza to my config.json
file to force high-level recognition (it wasn't enough to do so from the
Music Similarity plugin settings' page), then I did see a difference in
both the startup and in the attributes returned with each song.

cpd73 wrote: 
> No. And, I'm not sure the current filtering of these makes that much
> sense.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by 'current filtering of these,' but
I have some ideas. Some of us on these forums fondly remember Michael
Herger's deprecated SmartMix plugin. It was a fantastic tool that
allowed us to create mixes based on a variety of attributes — just like
the ones in the music-similarity database. It had slider bars that
allowed us to set a range for various attributes and then build a
playlist from the tracks that met that criteria. 

Imagine I want to query the music-similarity database for all songs with
these values and produce a playlist—that was SmartMix and that's what I
think the purpose of those values would or could be. 

- happy: > 0.9
- aggressive: 0.4 - 0.6
- danceable: >0.75
- electronic: >0.8
- dark: >0.5

That criteria in my music collection finds 124 songs. I'd like to put
-that- on play.

With the voice attribute we have a way to create playlists based on
(perceived) male or female voices, too—something SmartMix couldn't do
(that I recall).

I actually see these low-level and high-level attributes being the
greatest power of what you've done with the Similarity project. You've
opened up nearly 20 different ways to slice and access our music
collections beyond DTSM. And if we could hook into ratings from
TrackStat or RatingsLight... (well, a boy can dream)

cpd73 wrote: 
> The similarity score is how similar a track is to the seed - a low value
> => high similarity. So, it would make no sense to have a similarity
> score to itself - it will always be 0.0, as its the same track.
> There is only one score.
Thank you for the clarification. Things are starting to make sense for

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-16 Thread prabbit

I'm looking to learn about the various settings and how each of them
influence the mixes I can create. I've been looking at the code in
**, especially the similar_api() function.

Taking a look at a snippet from my log, I have a some questions.


  PS G:\music-similarity> python .\ -l DEBUG
  2022-01-16 14:08:56 D musly.lib set to windows\mingw64\libmusly.dll
  2022-01-16 14:08:56 D essentia.highlevel set to False
  2022-01-16 14:08:56 D Init DB
  2022-01-16 14:08:56 D Start server
  2022-01-16 14:08:56 D Init Musly
  2022-01-16 14:08:56 D Musly init done
  2022-01-16 14:08:57 D Read jukebox: 
  2022-01-16 14:08:57 I Loaded 20568 tracks
  2022-01-16 14:08:57 D Ready to process requests
  2022-01-16 14:16:09 D Request: {"nogenrematchadj": "15", "genregroupadj": 
"7", "shuffle": 1, "maxbpmdiff": "20", "count": "2", "min": 0, "genregroups": 
null, "track": 
 "max": 0, "maxloudnessdiff": "1", "format": "text", "norepart": "25", 
"filtergenre": 0, "norepalb": "25", "filterattrib": "1", "filterxmas": "1", 
"attribweight": "100", "filterkey": "1", "mpath": "/mnt/PiSounds/flac_mp3"}
  2022-01-16 14:16:09 D Genre cfg: {}
  2022-01-16 14:16:09 D Essentia(attrib) cfg: {"enabled": true, "highlevel": 
false, "bpm": 20, "loudness": 0.1, "filterkey": true, "filterattrib": true, 
"weight": 0.0}
  2022-01-16 14:16:09 D USABLE ID:9650 Path:lossless/Grease/1978 - 1-19 - Louis 
St. Louis - Rock 'n' Roll Party Queen.flac Similarity:0.042277 
AdjSim:0.19227686300873756 Meta:{"title": "summer nights", "artist": "grease", 
"album": "grease", "albumartist": "grease", "duration": 131, "genres": 
["Soundtrack"], "ignore": false, "bpm": 144, "loudness": 0.898295998573, "key": 
  2022-01-16 14:16:09 D FILTERED(attribs(bpm - 148/93)) ID:15595 
Path:lossless/Nabiha/Mind The Gap/2013 - 1-9 - Halo & Handcuffs.flac 
Similarity:0.048016 Meta:{"title": "halo and handcuffs", "artist": "nabiha", 
"album": "mind the gap", "albumartist": "nabiha", "duration": 227, "genres": 
["Pop"], "ignore": false, "bpm": 93, "loudness": 0.937825024128, "key": "Cm"}
  2022-01-16 14:16:09 D FILTERED(attribs(loudness - 
0.835620343685/0.615452826023)) ID:19639 Path:lossless/Whitesnake/Slip Of The 
Tongue/1989 - 1-10 - Sailing Ships.flac Similarity:0.048795 Meta:{"title": 
"sailing ships", "artist": "whitesnake", "album": "slip of the tongue", 
"albumartist": "whitesnake", "duration": 363, "genres": ["Rock"], "ignore": 
false, "bpm": 161, "loudness": 0.615452826023, "key": "GM"}
  2022-01-16 14:16:09 D FILTERED(attribs(key - CM (8B) / Gm (6A))) ID:3105 
Path:lossy/Dire Straits/Money For Nothing/1988 - 1-11 - Money For Nothing.mp3 
Similarity:0.050161 Meta:{"title": "money for nothing", "artist": "sting;dire 
straits", "album": "money for nothing", "albumartist": "dire straits", 
"duration": 246, "genres": ["Rock:Classic"], "ignore": false, "bpm": 134, 
"loudness": 0.829533398151, "key": "Gm"}

1. My music-similarity.db does have high-level analysis data in it.
Because my API server is running on Windows, it appears as if high-level
analysis is turned off: "essentia.highlevel set to False". Because there
is high-level analysis in my database, is this entry accurate? Will it
affect what mixes my system will produce?
2. It appears that tracks are filtered based on high-level attributes.
Is that how I should read the "FILTERED" lines?

- bpm - 148/93. Seed song has BPM of 148, this track is 93. Max
  difference setting is 20. 93 is greater than 20 from 148, therefore
  filtered based on BPM rule.
- loudness - 0.835620343685/0.615452826023. Similar reasoning, except
  loudness setting difference was 0.1.
- key - CM (8B) / Gm (6A) - Similar reasoning. Rule was to find songs
  in the same key (CM). What I couldn't find is where the values 8B and
  6A were coming from or their purpose, if any.
3. Is there a way to adjust for other attributes like party, electronic,
aggressive, tonal, voice, etc.?
4. There is an instance of a USABLE track in the list. It has these
scores: Similarity:0.042277 AdjSim:0.19227686300873756. These are
relative scores calculated from values in the settings along with values
from music-similarity.db. We see the calculated score for the track
being compared. I couldn't find a similar score for the SEED track. Is
there one? If not, could there be one?
I'd like to be able to see the two scores relative to each other. It
would help me understand how Essentia/Musly/Music-Similarity are working
so that I can best manipulate it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2022-01-16 Thread prabbit

I've noticed some errors in my server.log that I can't trace to any
particular plug-in, but SLX -appears- to be the leading candidate. Greg,
have you seen these before?


  [22-01-14 21:52:54.9520] Slim::Control::Request::renderAsArray (2233) Error: 
request should set useIxHashes in Slim::Control::Request->new()
  [22-01-14 21:52:54.9524] Slim::Control::Request::renderAsArray (2233) 

Thread with others attempting to isolate the cause:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2022-01-16 Thread prabbit

Before trying to install it manually, have you added BoomX2's repo as an
"Additional Repository" way at the bottom of the Plugins page? It might
be possible to install from there without needing to install manually.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-15 Thread prabbit

cpd73 wrote: 
> I never actually tried analysing on Linux then running on Windows - or
> even the other way around. [...] However, if you delete the jukebox file
> it is recreated from the DB contents, and this then works.

Users do crazy and unexpected things all the time, don't they?

I never could identify why my analysis was taking so long relative to
what you reported, but I'm assuming it was something in my local

Deleting the jukebox file and allowing it to be recreated worked. Thank
you. Using the new More menu options, I can create a Similarity mix and
see similar tracks. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes up on the

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-14 Thread prabbit

After numerous retries I finally got through analyzing all of my files.
As a reminder, I analyzed my files using Ubuntu on Windows to get the
high-level analysis. I see that data in the library.db file. I also see
a jukebox file.

I am attempting to start the API server on my Windows system, the same
one where I have run MusicIP Mixer Server for years. I get this output.


  PS G:\music-similarity> python .\
  Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "G:\music-similarity\", line 37, in 
  app.start_app(args, cfg, jukebox_file)
  File "G:\music-similarity\lib\", line 714, in start_app
  similarity_app.init(args, config, jukebox_path)
  File "G:\music-similarity\lib\", line 50, in init
  ids = self.mus.get_jukebox_from_file(jukebox_path)
  File "G:\music-similarity\lib\", line 142, in get_jukebox_from_file
  localmj = self.read_jukebox(path)
  File "G:\music-similarity\lib\", line 130, in read_jukebox
  localmj = self.mus.musly_jukebox_fromfile(ctypes.c_char_p(bytes(path, 
  OSError: exception: access violation reading 0x

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2022-01-13 Thread prabbit

cpd73 wrote: 
> Looks like in this case you have bad tags, where you have a single disc
> but LMS still returns 'disccount' greater than 1.

This was the case for me. The way I had had mp3tag configured I wasn't
exposing 'disccount', nor was it a field I actively used. That doesn't
mean bad data didn't get saved into my files; it was--just without me
knowing. This feature in Material exposed the bad data in my files, and
I'm grateful for that.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-12 Thread prabbit

Analysis is proceeding. It runs and completes but with the following in
the debug log. The issues seem to be transient, in the sense that when I
rerun the analysis new files are added, reducing the number of
unanalyzed files. Still because of these issues, after each run I am
left with thousands of unanalyzed files and I start again. After running
it three times, I have about 7000 files to analyze (starting from

- Meta:NONE  There is Musicbrainz and other metadata present in the
- Thread exception? - name 'resp' is not defined My files are on a
  mounted network drive, but the only thing the computer is actively
  doing is analysis.
- gzip: /mnt/g/music-similarity/cache/Abba Gold - Greatest Hits/1997 -
  1-8 - The Winner Takes It All.flac.json.gz: Operation not permitted
  /mnt/g is a local drive that is read/write and the file does get
  written; it's present. 

Even with needing to re-run the analysis, it -is- working. I've
inspected the .db file to confirm and there are thousands of .json.gz
files in the cache directory. Just curious about the above items.

cpd73 wrote: 
> If you re-run then newly, or un-analysed, tracks will be analysed and
> added. Any tracks that are in the DB but not on disk will be removed
> from the DB. If you want to keep these non-existant tracks in the DB the
> pass "--keep-old"

This statement hints that after a track has been analyzed it is skipped
in future analysis runs but isn't explicit. Is that what actually

When I start the analysis, nothing actively happens for hours after the
Temp folder phase. I assume a process is querying my music folder for
files, but I wouldn't think that would take hours each and every time.
(Not a complaint, just an observation. I recognize that analysis is not
something that will need to be done frequently, and in my case is being
done with a system that isn't actively used for much else, making it a


  prabbit@system1:/mnt/g/music-similarity$ ./ --analyse 
/mnt/f/flac_mp3 -l DEBUG --keep-old
  2022-01-11 11:59:04 D musly.lib set to linux/x86-64/
  2022-01-11 11:59:04 D essentia.extractor set to 
  2022-01-11 11:59:04 D essentia.highlevel set to True
  2022-01-11 11:59:04 I Found: 
  2022-01-11 11:59:04 D Init DB
  2022-01-11 11:59:04 D Analyse /mnt/f/flac_mp3
  2022-01-11 11:59:04 D Init Musly
  2022-01-11 11:59:04 D Using: /mnt/g/music-similarity/linux/x86-64/ 
  2022-01-11 11:59:04 D Musly init done
  2022-01-11 11:59:04 D Temp folder: /tmp/tmpf6sixznn

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-11 Thread prabbit

cpd73 wrote: 
> You don't need to rebuild musly, the supplied library works on Fedora
> and Ubuntu (I tried in a VM). The only things you should need to do are;
> install python, python requirements, and ffmpeg - then update
> config.json

Like I said, user-specific issues. 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-11 Thread prabbit

cpd73 wrote: 
> What adjustments? I'll gladly update the docs...

When I'm back at my computer with my notes, I'll have more details, and
these may be user-specific (i.e., me) issues. It had to do with the
steps under the *Musly* heading with "x86-64 Linux build of libmulsy,
built on Fedora." 

I couldn't use yum (Fedora, not Ubuntu), so the "built on Fedora" note
was an important clue for me to use in searching (since my Linux
experience was 20 years ago with little in between). I wasn't sure if
after cloning I was supposed to cd into the cloned directory and then
create the build directory. There isn't a step to do that but it seemed
like it was necessary? And I stumbled/struggled with cmake and
ffmpeg-devel. I ended up downloading and installing ffmpeg (per your
hint) using apt. After I did that I tested the analysis on several
files. It worked. Now I'm processing my 20k library.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-11 Thread prabbit

cpd73 wrote: 
> This is al mentioned in the linux/ file.

After the gentle RTFM (with some minor adjustments for Fedora vs Ubuntu)
my files are being analyzed.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2022-01-10 Thread prabbit

TomS wrote: 
> yay- working again. thanks so much.

Also working again for me. Many thanks!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-10 Thread prabbit

I want the high-level analysis that is only available from the
Linux-based Essentia. Lacking a Linux system (beyond my music-playing
and serving Pis), I am using Windows 10 that has Windows Subsystem for
Linux (WSL) installed; WSL allows Windows users to run Linux -natively-
within Windows. Noticing that Craig uses Ubuntu, I chose Ubuntu 20.4
(from the Microsoft Store). So far so good.

Next, I configured Ubuntu to mount a network drive and then edited
config.json with the paths for music-similarity. 

I ran the analyse feature and here's the output. Things looks fine until
Failed to open Musly shared library. The file is present and executable
(shown below).


./ --analyse /mnt/f/flac_mp3/lossless/Abba -l DEBUG
  2022-01-10 12:14:09 D musly.lib set to linux/x86-64/
  2022-01-10 12:14:09 D essentia.extractor set to 
  2022-01-10 12:14:09 D essentia.highlevel set to True
  2022-01-10 12:14:09 I Found: 
  2022-01-10 12:14:09 D Init DB
  2022-01-10 12:14:09 D Analyse /mnt/f/flac_mp3/lossless/Abba
  2022-01-10 12:14:09 D Looking for old tracks to remove
  2022-01-10 12:14:10 D Num old tracks: 0
  2022-01-10 12:14:10 D Init Musly
  2022-01-10 12:14:10 E Failed to open Musly shared library 
  prabbit@system1:/mnt/g/music_cleaning/tools/music-similarity$ cd linux/x86-64/
  prabbit@system1:/mnt/g/music_cleaning/tools/music-similarity/linux/x86-64$ ls 
  total 18576
  -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  898 Jan  8 12:16
  -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root   88 Jan  8 12:16 config.json
  -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18736912 Jan  8 12:16 
  -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root   277616 Jan  8 12:16

Believing that the next step in the process is to have run,
I attempted to run directly, with sad results.


  Segmentation fault

Recognizing that this is working for others, anyone have any ideas?
(Google has very little helpful information to add.)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-07 Thread prabbit

I just had AcounticBrainz add mood and BPM metadata to my files in hopes
of using that information for mixes. It appears I should have looked at
the forums a bit closer before doing that. Apparently, Essentia/Musly is
the way to go (Roland0 has a similar project), even for this long-time
Spicefly Sugarcube user. My LMS server is pCP, but I'll be doing
Essentia analysis and running my API server on Windows. It'll be my
weekened/next week project. 

But first a couple of questions, asked out of ignorance but will set my

Settings wrote: 
> If you have analysed your tracks with Essentia, then this can be used to
> filter tracks based upon attributes (e.g. BPM, key, danceability,
> aggressiveness, etc.) and also for the similarity score.
> Filter on atttributes
> Only acccept tracks that have similar attributes.

1. Will 'mood' (or similar) be one of the attributes that can be used?

2. Are all attributes (BPM, key, danceability, aggressiveness, etc.)
combined by Essentia into a single score and is that what used for
matching? If so, is there a way to add weight individual attributes
(i.e., I want danceability to get +10 but aggressiveness to not change)?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TrackStat with LMS ver >8.0

2021-12-23 Thread prabbit

I have used TrackStat with 8.0, 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 without any issues.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2021-04-05 Thread prabbit

> 4. Allow adding dynamic playlists to favourites.

Where should one expect to see this change? 

I have Material 2.3.7 installed. When I go to Dynamic Playlists there is
no heart icon nor anything in the three-dots menu for a playlist to save
it as a favourite. Am I looking in the wrong place?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2021-04-03 Thread prabbit

Thanks, Craig. I wasn't expecting anything. What a nice surprise. 

I use SQL Playlists & Dynamic Playlists as the primary way of listening
to my collection. I have dozens of them. Like RobbH wrote, some of us
are going to cling to the tools we have used for as long as we can. My
playlists are usually a combination of a selected library (music
collection sliced in various ways), TrackStat rating, and last played
(30, 90, 180, 365 days) or never played. Other playlists might be based
on year or decade combined with a genre or multiple genres or a value in
a comment tag. I was happy to support Erland to get these "smart"
playlist functionality. If it ever stops working I'll be sad indeed. 

Your Material skin and APK has given me a consistent user experience
across my devices for the first time in the 15 years I've had my squeeze
systems. And it's a joy to use.

Thanks again for sharing it with us.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2021-04-02 Thread prabbit

RobbH wrote: 
> I assume you want to save a Favorite that will start a defined Dynamic
> Playlist, not a static copy of a playlist previously generated by the
> plugin. I think it can be done in Material, although several steps are
> required.
> First, go to Material Settings. Under Browse --> Home Screen Items, be
> sure "Extras" is checked.
> Now open Extras in the Browse menu and select SQL Playlist. You should
> find a list of all Dynamic Playlist definitions. Locate the one you want
> and click the pencil icon to edit it. At the bottom of the page is the
> name of the xml file, in this format: randomtracks1jcr.sql.values.xml.
> Make note of it, specifically the first part.
> Now go to the Favorites menu and click the heart+ icon to add a
> Favorite. In the dialog that pops up, give it a name and for the URL
> enter "dynamicplaylist://sqlplaylist_" plus the first part of the name
> of the xml file. So, using my example file name, the URL is
> "dynamicplaylist://sqlplaylist_randomtracks1jcr".
> That seems to work for me, and I hope it will for you. It's always
> possible that something's different on your system, so your mileage
> might vary.

Easy to do on a laptop. Less easy on a mobile device. But the
instructions are solid. Thank you. 

Obviously, another solution is the switch to the Default or Classic
skin, then choose Home > Dynamic Playlists and favorite it there.

Neither is obvious or intuitive, but that's not the Material UI's fault.
I looked at Squeeze Ctrl before posting my query. Craig is correct; it
also does not support marking dynamic playlists as favorites. Neither
does iPeng. It makes me wonder what is special about the Classic and
Default skins that make it work there but not elsewhere. I understand
Craig's reluctance to add plugin-specific code, especially for a plugin
he doesn't use personally. (I wonder how many coffees -- no, pints --
I'd have to buy him to convince him otherwise. :D )

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ARD Audiothek

2021-04-02 Thread prabbit

Fantastic work, Max. I'm looking forward to exploring what's available
in this library.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2021-04-01 Thread prabbit

I've searched Material looking for how I'm supposed to save a Dynamic
Playlist as a favorite. I believe it's not currently possible and I'm
looking for confirmation. 

The Default and Classic UIs provide the ability by clicking the heart
icon. It was mentioned 'a long time ago'
(well sorta). The Classic image shows the options. I was expecting to
find the heart and other options in the three dot menu in Material. Am I
missing something?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2021-03-27 Thread prabbit

Back in business. 

As always, your help is greatly appreciated! Thank you.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2021-03-27 Thread prabbit

Just upgraded from 7.9.3 to 8.1.1. I uninstalled the Erland's plugins I
use and chose to reinstall the unsupported versions from the Plugins

I use:
Multi Library
Dynamic Playlists
SQL Playlists
Custom Browse
Custom Clock Helper

Unlike many others things are not going smoothly for me.

At the moment I'm attempting to get SQL Playlists working. That means
Dynamic Playlists is also installed. I get this message in the log. 

> 21-03-27 22:14:30.6999] Plugins::
> DynamicPlayList::Plugin::addAlarmPlaylists (1028) Adding 0 playlists to
> alarm handler
> [21-03-27 22:14:30.7003] Plugins::
> DynamicPlayList::Plugin::getPlayListGroups (3072) Got sorted array:
> ARRAY(0x35861060)
> [21-03-27 22:14:38.1711] Plugins::
> DynamicPlayList::Plugin::initPlayLists (845) Searching for playlists
> [21-03-27 22:14:38.1719] Plugins::
> DynamicPlayList::Plugin::initPlayLists (854) Getting dynamic playlists
> for: Plugins:: DynamicPlayList::Plugin
> [21-03-27 22:14:38.1754] Plugins::
> DynamicPlayList::Plugin::getDynamicPlayLists (3995) Got: 0 number of
> playlists
> [21-03-27 22:14:38.1759] Plugins::
> DynamicPlayList::Plugin::initPlayLists (854) Getting dynamic playlists
> for: Plugins::SQLPlayList::Plugin
> [21-03-27 22:14:38.1762] Plugins::
> SQLPlayList::ConfigManager::Main::readItemConfiguration (242) Searching
> for item configuration in: /mnt/PiSounds/squeezebox/sql_playlists
> [21-03-27 22:14:38.1767] Plugins::
> SQLPlayList::ConfigManager::Main::readTemplateConfiguration (218)
> Checking for dir:
> /usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Plugin/SQLPlayList/Templates
> [21-03-27 22:14:38.1770] Plugins::
> SQLPlayList::ConfigManager::Main::readTemplateConfiguration (218)
> Checking for dir:
> /usr/local/slimserver/Cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SQLPlayList/Templates
> [21-03-27 22:14:38.1776] Plugins:: SQLPlayList::ConfigManager::
> DirectoryLoader::readFromDir (93) Loading configuration from:
> /usr/local/slimserver/Cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SQLPlayList/Templates
> [21-03-27 22:14:38.1847] Plugins::
> DynamicPlayList::Plugin::initPlayLists (856) Error getting playlists
> from Plugins::SQLPlayList::Plugin: Can't use string
> ("12345678|"...) as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use
> at
> /usr/local/slimserver/Cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SQLPlayList/ConfigManager/
> line 114.
> [21-03-27 22:14:38.1851] Plugins::
> DynamicPlayList::Plugin::addAlarmPlaylists (1028) Adding 0 playlists to
> alarm handler
> [21-03-27 22:18:49.1382] Plugins::
> SQLPlayList::ConfigManager::Main::readItemConfiguration (242) Searching
> for item configuration in: /mnt/PiSounds/squeezebox/sql_playlists
> [21-03-27 22:18:49.1394] Plugins::
> SQLPlayList::ConfigManager::Main::readTemplateConfiguration (218)
> Checking for dir:
> /usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Plugin/SQLPlayList/Templates
> [21-03-27 22:18:49.1401] Plugins::
> SQLPlayList::ConfigManager::Main::readTemplateConfiguration (218)
> Checking for dir:
> /usr/local/slimserver/Cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SQLPlayList/Templates
> [21-03-27 22:18:49.1409] Plugins:: SQLPlayList::ConfigManager::
> DirectoryLoader::readFromDir (93) Loading configuration from:
> /usr/local/slimserver/Cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SQLPlayList/Templates
> [21-03-27 22:18:49.1480] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (130)
> Error: Select task failed calling Slim::Web::HTTP:: processHTTP: Can't
> use string ("12345678|"...) as a HASH ref while "strict
> refs" in use at
> /usr/local/slimserver/Cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SQLPlayList/ConfigManager/
> line 114.
> ; fh=Slim::Web::HTTP::ClientConn=GLOB(0x3a8796c0)

Those squares surrounding the `12345678` string have a ? in them,
indicating to me it's a character my system doesn't have.

When I click Extras > SQL Playlist there's a lengthy delay with a
"Loading" screen before the screen "crashes." 

Any hints on how to troubleshoot or proceed?

System settings:
Version: 8.1.1 - 1610364019 @ Thu Jan 14 06:27:45 CET 2021
Operating system: piCore - EN - utf8 7.0.1
Platform Architecture: aarch64-linux
Perl Version: 5.32.0 - aarch64-linux-thread-multi
Audio::Scan: 1.02
IO::Socket::SSL: 2.068
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.58 (sqlite 3.22.0)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2021-03-18 Thread prabbit

bluetdi wrote: 
> A short question, if I missed something
> Does the SDT and CCH plugin also work now with the spectrummeter and the
> VU-meter on a Pi with piCore and a 7“ screen?
> I tried it about 2 years ago with the original plugins that need a
> licence (which I have as lifetime) and it did not work with the
> jive-version of pCP.

I use SDT and CCH on a RPi 4 running pCP 6.9 and a 7” screen. I’m not,
however, using either the spectrum meter or VU-meter, so I can’t comment
on those two specifically. I recall that many of the default screens
were first created for the smaller Touch interface. It took me some time
to get my layout designed with the elements placed where I wanted for
the larger 7” screen.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2020-12-11 Thread prabbit

PasTim wrote: 
> Custom Browse
> Custom Clock Helper
> Custom Scan
> Dynamic Playlists
> Multi-Library
> SQL Playlist
> Trackstat (I think - I  haven't checked many of the options)
> I'm not sure Hide Menus works.

That is extremely encouraging as I also use all of these plugins from
Erland. I don’t use any steaming services nor are there any other 8.0
features that I need. Regardless, I like my LMS version to stay
relatively current. But if these plugins didn’t work in 8.0+, especially
TrackStat, I would stay on 7.9.4 forever.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Success: MusicIP and Spicefly Sugarcube running on Raspberry Pi

2020-11-17 Thread prabbit

frankd wrote: 
> Here my experience also in line with CParker:
> 1) Do not reuse a database you have created with a newer windows version
> on your raspberry pi with an older version of the program on the pi (we
> have only 1.8 there).
> 2) Best is that you let your pi create its own database version (which
> you can edit later with the 1.8 windows version), do not copy your
> database to the pi
> 3) Make sure that your windows MusicIP really embeds the fingerprints
> into all MP3s, I had sometimes hiccups in the past. Easy to check with
> MP3Tag as Slartibartfast already proposed
> 4) Once you are sure that your pi has access to the files with embedded
> MusicIP tags, let your raspberry pi create a new database and scan all
> files again. As long as the files contain your MusicIP fingerprints this
> should be pretty fast. 
> 5) Once you have a Pi created database, you can edit it with the 1.8
> version of MusicIP on Windows, adding filters and more but make a
> backup before...
> Cheers,
> Frank

Thank you for this information.

I am considering getting a Pi primarily to serve as my MusicIP server.
Right now MusicIP 1.9 is my Windows laptop. But the laptop is not on
24/7, and when it's not reachable Sugarcube naturally starts using
random tracks. A small Pi would solve that problem.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-10-24 Thread prabbit

cpd73 wrote: 
> Feature release, main changes:
> >   >   > 
  > 18. If browser's locale time string ends with AM or PM then use
  > 12hour clock.
  > > > 

Fantastic update!

Where would i see #18 expressed in Material? I would like to confirm I'm
still getting 24-hour clock info.

I have my pCP server, laptop, and mobile devices configured to use a
24-hour clock even though I live in a location that generally uses the
12-hour clock. I have not expressly configured my -browser- though. I
assume the browser picks up any time setting from the device settings.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-10-10 Thread prabbit

Grumpy Bob wrote: 
> ...I have a number of albums by what appears to be a rotating group of
> musicians - usually 3 or 4 on the album (each track on the album has the
> same artists). ...I used multiple Album Artist tags by entering the
> individual artists in the Album Artist field in my tagging software,
> separated by semicolons. LMS recognises these...
> The neat thing is that clicking on one of those Album Artist fields
> takes me to that artist, which helps in navigation.

I don't think Material is at fault here. Rather it is how the Artist and
Album Artist tags are being used. In your scenario (which is the same as
mine), you should reverse how the fields are being used. There should be
three or four Artist entries, separated by a semicolon and only a single
Album Artist.


Album Artist:

I use a single Album Artist (even if it is a copy of the track artist)
for all albums. Where necessary, individual tracks have multiple
artists, each separated by a semicolon (although LMS does not require it
be a semicolon — this is a configurable option on the Behaviors page,
along with how one wants to treat the Album Artist field).

Here's my example. Morgan Page is the Album Artist. 


When I click the "In The Air" album I see the tracks. Each track lists
each track artist. (Notice Track 6 only lists Morgan Page, but others
list multiple artists.)


When I click "More..." I see the album artist and track artists. Each of
them is clickable and takes me to a page with their listings.


BTW: I made this exact same mistake with my own tags many years ago.
Fortunately, with mp3tag and other software it's relatively easy to move
the information around.

|Filename: track-more.png   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-09-12 Thread prabbit

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I didn't realise I had an issue [emoji3]. If my URL is 
> Server:9000/material
> and I refresh it I would expect to see the material skin whatever the
> interface setting is in server settings. 

Expectations aside...

What happens if you actually use a different browser? Use incognito or
private mode?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-09-12 Thread prabbit

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I mean default/material. I use a bookmark with material specified
> explicitly so refreshing the page still returns material skin even if I
> have changed to default in server settings/interface. I find the same
> but reversed when using default skin via a bookmark which specifies
> default skin. I only mentioned it as a previous post said that changing
> the interface didn't work for them and  thought that if the URL included
> "material" then that would explain it.

This sounds like a browser cache issue. What happens if you try using a
different browser or private/incognito mode?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-09-11 Thread prabbit

mherger wrote: 
> There's no need really to build it. It all runs from the source if you 
> want. But what are you trying to do?

TL;DR: I want to add ratings to tracks individually while browsing an

In the Default and Classic skins it is possible to rate tracks from the
album view. I find it very convenient when listening to an album to be
able to rate songs but not necessarily while they are playing. I don't
always get to it during the song. I asked in 'post 5227'
if Craig would be willing to add that functionality to Material Skin
since it's in the two other skins. He's not, but said that I'm willing
to do so and make a pull request. I'm attempting to do that...and learn
about LMS plugin development and JavaScript all at the same time. Yay!

I've forked the repository and inspected the HTML to see that the 
with the @class equal to v-list__tile__sub-title is the place where the
rating stars appear. 

My guess is that the current logic says something like: if rating
exists, show it; else show nothing. I would like to change it to: if
rating exists, show it; else show empty rating (that is
clickable/settable). That, to me, means it's not a simple CSS change but
a JavaScript change somewhere.

I've searched the repo and I can't find exactly where that code exists.
I think it's in browse-page.js, perhaps line 163, but I'm not certain.

I do see that some of the JavaScript files are minified. Based on my
extremely limited knowledge, if the file is minified in the distributed
version, there's likely an unminified version elsewhere that the
developer actually uses when making changes. I mention this because my
search has shown that v-list__tile__sub-title is in vuetify.min.js. Like
I said, I don't know enough to know whether a change in this file (or
the file that produces this file) is needed.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-09-10 Thread prabbit

prabbit wrote: 
> Truthfully, I don't know what would be involved. I've forked the repo.
> Looks like I need to find where v-list__tile__sub-title is called and
> make a modification there. And given that I know nothing about plugin
> development or JavaScript this should be interesting...

Is there any documentation about how to build and test Material Skin? I
didn't see anything on the github readme or wiki.

After fumbling around for the last day I figure it's best to just ask.
I'm happy to move this discussion to the Developers subforum...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-09-09 Thread prabbit

cpd73 wrote: 
> No, *only* Server settings, extra player settings, and advanced search
> are from Classic skin (Material embeds the pages and adds some styling
> so they are more material-like) - the rest is 100% new.

I learned a new thing. Thanks!

cpd73 wrote: 
> Sorry, but not at this moment - it'd have a performance effect on the
> list rendering, and add even more code that I'd never use. (Still, code
> is open-source, so you are free to have a stab at implementing and
> submit a pull request)

Thanks for considering. Truthfully, I don't know what would be involved.
I've forked the repo. Looks like I need to find where
v-list__tile__sub-title is called and make a modification there. And
given that I know nothing about plugin development or JavaScript this
should be interesting...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-09-08 Thread prabbit

Every time I'm thinking, "hey, wouldn't it be cool if Material did X," I
find that it is usually possible and I'm always very pleased; it just
may be a different workflow than what I'm used to in the Default skin.
Yes, I understand that Material is based on the Classic skin.

In both the Default and Classic skin it's possible to see and set
ratings for each track of an album without needing to select the three
vertical dots > Set rating > (choose a rating) > Apply. Would you be
willing to add empty rating stars to the Album UI so that ratings could
be set directly?


Classic skin

* Ratings are subjective and are for demonstration purposes only. :)

|Filename: trackstat_album_ratings_classic.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Spicefly Sugarcube Alphabetical Preferences

2020-09-07 Thread prabbit

My reply isn't going to be helpful for you, since I've never experienced
the issue you're describing. At least I don't think I have. I'm now
going to pay closer attention to my Sugarcube mixes more closely.

Also, if you do get a direct reply from the developer to your email,
which I suspect you will, please post it (or a summary) here so that
future readers can also benefit from it; that is if Charles doesn't post
here directly himself.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-08-31 Thread prabbit

cpd73 wrote: 
> Is anyone actually using this feature? Would anyone mind if I removed
> the code for the 1.9 release? Seems silly to leave a broken feature if
> no one is using it.

I won’t be sad this is removed.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TrackStat Bad Params

2020-08-30 Thread prabbit

Well wouldn't you know that it was something as simple as existing
playlists for my different players that had music from before the
databases were wiped and replaced! Clearing the playlists and adding new
music (even the same tracks) allows me to see and set ratings again.

Problem solved.

I'm not off to restore my ratings.

Thanks a bunch, Michael. As always, you're a fantastic resource to this
community. We're fortunate to have you!

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] TrackStat Bad Params

2020-08-30 Thread prabbit

I knew it was probably going to be a bad idea to click the "Delete
Unused Statistics" button. I can't say for certain that it was the
culprit, but I'm leaning towards it.

Problem: I can't rate any tracks. When I do I get "bad params" in the
server.log (with plugin.trackstat set to DEBUG).


  [20-08-30 16:57:27.7119] main::init (387) Starting Logitech Media Server 
(v7.9.3, 1597753178, Sun Aug 23 19:27:27 CEST 2020) perl 5.028002 - 
  [20-08-30 17:06:29.3560] Plugins::TrackStat::Storage::findTrack (533) 
findTrack(): URL: 
  [20-08-30 17:06:32.2934] Plugins::TrackStat::Plugin::getRatingMenu (3554) 
Entering getRatingMenu
  [20-08-30 17:06:32.2949] Plugins::TrackStat::Plugin::getRatingMenu (3617) 
Exiting getRatingMenu
  [20-08-30 17:06:35.0331] Plugins::TrackStat::Plugin::setCLIRating (4757) 
Entering setCLIRating
  [20-08-30 17:06:35.0415] Plugins::TrackStat::Plugin::setCLIRating (4819) 
Track -126428440 not found
  [20-08-30 17:06:35.0422] Plugins::TrackStat::Plugin::setCLIRating (4821) 
Exiting setCLIRating
  [20-08-30 17:06:35.0430] Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestMethod (455) Request 
failed with error: Bad params!

I've tried nearly everything I can think of to fix the issue, but I'm
clearly missing something or not doing things in the correct order. What
I have tried (or believe I have tried):

1. Uninstall TrackStat. Restart LMS. Reinstall Trackstat.
2. Stop LMS. Remove TrackStat prefs. Restart LMS. 
3. Stop LMS. Rename persist.db, library.db. Restart LMS. LMS
automatically rebuilds these files.
4. Stop LMS. Uninstall LMS. Reinstall LMS.
5. Install TrackStat. Restart LMS.

I gather that TrackStat is not finding Track 126428440 in some database.
It's not clear to me which database the track cannot be found in nor why
(other than "bad params").

A search of the forums (using Google so I could search for the exact
phrase 'bad params') turned up no one having this issue before -- no

I have backups of my ratings, so all options are on the table for me. 

Any hints?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-08-27 Thread prabbit

slartibartfast wrote: 
> This is probably how to do it.

Now that I've gotten some sleep my memory is refreshed. It was exactly

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-08-27 Thread prabbit

w3wilkes wrote: 
> I give... From within Material Skin how do I get to the page where I can
> add or remove Plugins or Plugin repositories? I can see the list of
> currently installed plugins, but not the equivalent of this screen snip.

Server Settings (Ctrl+E). In the drop down menu that says "Basic
Settings," choose (the second, non-bolded) Plugins. Took me some time to
figure that out myself.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-08-27 Thread prabbit

cpd73 wrote: 
>  You can use Material's custom actions JSON file to attempt to make
> these appear, but I cannot guarantee the functionlity. Search this
> thread and you will find the instructions for creating this custom
> actions file with spicefly actions.

This may not be necessary, depending on what is desired. I use Spicefly
SugarCube. It's available from the three-dot menu in the upper right
where I can see history, live view, and quick play. SugarCube is also
available from the track information menu with a long press on a mobile
device. I didn't add any custom actions to get these options. If I have
I've completely forgotten that I did.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2020-07-28 Thread prabbit

Lestrad wrote: 
> The rebuffering problem is back. I've edited my posts to reflect sad
> reality. I promise to thoroughly test the next solution I find.

In my experience rebuffering is a network issue. Either too congested or
the wifi/WLAN signal of the player is too weak or a combination thereof.
Adding a wifi extender may solve the rebuffering problem. (In my case it
has meant that some of my players cannot get an IP address through DHCP
from my router, since the extender doesn't assign them, and I've had to
manually assign IP addresses. Not a problem for me and may not occur for
others. I'm mentioning it as FYI.)

Back to SLX discussions...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-07-13 Thread prabbit

I have been thinking about this issue for a few days and I do not have a
good answer. I do want to add my voice to the conversation though. The
discussion about different use cases and what the words mean to
different people who use the product has been interesting for me to
watch. I see this often in my job. Product developers and engineers are
sometimes surprised when they encounter users who struggle with their
products, since it's obvious to them what things mean and do. They also
want to get on to the next new shiny thing and not fix something that
clearly is working for them or from a technical point of view.

The issue in front of us is about "move" versus "copy" and how to best
expose those for the user, how to maintain the code, and translations.

This is complex; it's not complicated. Human language is complex in ways
that programming languages are not. Programming is complicated, in that
it may take many technically-challenging moving parts to construct, but
when done (even incorrectly!), you'll always get the same result. Human
languages are different. Nuance and synonyms breed complexity, and
that's with just a single source language and says nothing about
cultural or translation issues.

The fact that "move" and "copy" technically complete the same action of
transferring the queue from one player to another (or group) but do so
differently is not a technical problem. It requires that we define the
terms "move" (as destructive) and "copy" (as non-destructive) and agree
on those definitions. That much appears to be done.

For obvious and good reasons, Craig (presumably) wants easy-to-maintain
code. Regardless of his own personal use case preferences, he (again,
presumably) also wants to produce a product that is pleasant to use. (It
is!) It's also a hobby rather than a paying job, except for those who
have donated. (And how many Material users have actually donated?! And
even if we all have, it's not like Craig has earned enough to retire
comfortably. So this is a labor of love...or labour of love.)

There are competing priorities here. Every developer wants clean,
easy-to-maintain code; however, that should be balanced against
easy-to-use user experiences (UX) and user interfaces (UI). Many
definitely feel that the Material interface is pleasant from both a UX
and UI perspective; I know I have basically stopped using my other apps
and use Material almost exclusively since installing it. 

If 'move' and 'copy' mean and do different things, then there should be
two different commands. That appears to be the case here, except that
Move becomes Copy or Copy becomes Move through the use of a setting.
That can be confusing to users, even if the UI is simplified as a
byproduct. By condensing the two options into a single, changeable menu
item, the UI and code remain simple. However, the complexity increased
for the UX for those people who expect a different result. Needing to go
into the settings to change Move to Copy or Copy to Move after we've
already most likely chosen the wrong action is not ideal UX. And that's
even if we remembered we needed to change the setting in the first

The translation burden also increased, since there isn't a way to have
two separate strings. The complexity further increases because the
tooltip text becomes the UI strings in the mobile interface. 

So, how does one manage the competing interests here? I don't know. I am
sympathetic to users, including translators, who struggle with the
language in the UI, just like I sympathize with Craig and his desire to
move on to the fun bits of coding and not get bogged down in discussing
the nuance between competing UI space and features.

My use case, like others, is to (almost) always copy. I usually copy
rather than move because I would never leave a player without a queue.
That's my workflow, one that I have used for 13 years. Others clearly
use their systems differently. And that is one of the many strengths of
the Squeezebox ecosystem.

Of course, if there's an easy way allow both Move and Copy to be
independent that is pleasing in the UI, I know many of us would
appreciate it, since sometimes we move, sometimes we copy, and sometimes
we translate. 

To be clear, I am not expecting any action or changes in the code. It's
not my project. Again, this discussion is interesting for me from a
professional perspective.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-06-29 Thread prabbit

mherger wrote: 
> > Do you need a bug report on github for this?
> I'm currently waiting for plugin updates in order to be able to 
> reproduce the issue... but it's on my todo list already.
> -- 
> Michael

If you need any additional input, I'm sure that dolodobendan and I would
be happy to assist. I have not restarted my server yet. The plugins are
updated, but the restart is still pending.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-06-25 Thread prabbit

My experience echos dolodobendan's. 

I have automatic updates turned on for plugins. 

In the footer of the Default skin I have a notification of restart
pending because two plugins were updated (Spicefly Sugarcube and

The entire contents of updateinfo.json is {}. 

In Material > Server settings > Plugins there is no notification about
which plugins were updated or that a restart is needed. The only "hint"
is that Material and Spicefly Sugarcube are missing from/not listed in
the Active plugins section. To be fair, they are also missing from the
Default skin > Plugins tab -- but there is a notification that updates
occurred and a restart is required; choose now or later.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2020-06-14 Thread prabbit

prabbit wrote: 
> Thanks for the follow up, BoomX2. I’ll give that a try. I’ll report any
> progress (positive or otherwise) here.

Using the tip from BoomX2 about moonphaseURL I was able to add the icon
of the moon. I also through luck found the variable %G which provides
the sdttext of the moon's current phase (e.g., full moon, new moon,
first quarter, waxing crescent, etc.).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-06-12 Thread prabbit

dolodobendan wrote: 
> Not sure if you saw 'this one here'
> (
> Material doesn't seem to always show if plugins are available.

I'm seeing the same thing in my 7.9.3 environment. 

cpd73 wrote: 
> Material gets this info from LMS. I use Material to update my plugins in
> my 7.9.2 and 8.0 install, and seems to work fine for me. I've just
> checked, and my LMS8 had 4 plugins for update. I clicked updated, after
> a few seconds Material stated they had been updated and to restart
> server - which I did. So, working for me.
> When you open the "Information" dialog, Material queries "http://
> SERVER:9000/updateinfo.json" to get list of updates. Periodically
> Material also calls one of its own APIs to get the status of updates
> (idle, downloading, needs_restart) to determine state of updates - so
> showing the "The following plugins have updates available", etc,
> messages. However, Material will does not frequently poll
> "updateinfo.json" - so if the dialog is already open and then updates
> are flagged, these would be missed

I'll keep an eye on this.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-06-11 Thread prabbit

cpd73 wrote: 
> Bug-fix release, main changes:
> Currently Material does not show the SugarCube entries under 'My Music'.
> SugarCube injects some HTML pages into the web UI, and this does not
> work with Material (or iPeng, SqueezeCtrl, etc). As a work-around, you
> can use Material's custom actions JSON file to allow access to these.
> Create a file named 'actions.json' and place it [b]within[b] a
> sub-folder named 'material-skin' within your LMS's 'prefs' folder - e.g.
> 'prefs/material-skin/actions.json' This file should have the following
> contents:
> > 

  >   > 
  > {
  > "system":[
  > {
  > "title":"SugarCube Live View",
  > "iframe":"material/plugins/SugarCube/settings/liveview.html?player=$ID",
  > "toolbar":{
  > "title":"SugarCube Live View \u2022 $NAME"
  > },
  > "svg":"spicefly-sugarcube"
  > },
  > {
  > "title":"SugarCube History",
  > "iframe":"material/plugins/SugarCube/settings/history.html?player=$ID",
  > "toolbar":{
  > "title":"SugarCube History \u2022 $NAME"
  > },
  > "svg":"spicefly-sugarcube"
  > },
  > {
  > "title":"SugarCube Quick Play",
  > "iframe":"material/plugins/SugarCube/settings/quickplay.html?player=$ID",
  > "toolbar":{
  > "title":"SugarCube Quick Play \u2022 $NAME"
  > },
  > "svg":"spicefly-sugarcube"
  > }
  > ]
  > }

> > 
> As mentioned previously, I'm currently analysing my music collection
> for use with MusicIP. When this is done I'll play with SugarCube, and
> determie if these entries should be added to Material in a better way.

I have this working in my LMS, including the Quick Play. Thank you!


Quick Play adds 10 songs (by default) to the playlist. This setting is
controlled in the SugarCube server (not player) settings "MusicIP
Request No. of Tracks."

|Filename: material-sugarcube.jpg   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2020-06-07 Thread prabbit

rgdawson wrote: 
> Anyway, I know of no way to get the path to the folder that the client
> could use.

Im not the OP nor do i have the use case, but could you do something
like Sugarcube’s dynamic path conversion?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP / SugarCube settings suggestions?

2020-06-03 Thread prabbit

mherger wrote: 
> > The Material skin seems to be hard coded from what I saw quickly in
> the
> > code.  It doesn't seem to respect the standard
> > Slim::Web::Pages->addPageLinks functions then all plugins that have
> line
> > items announce.  If so it would appear but then I don't know the
> impact
> > of that which might be like an explosion in a paint factory.
> When it comes to interfacing with LMS, Material is technically closer to
> SqueezePlay than the web UI. It doesn't use web pages, but the menu 
> system used on the devices etc. You'd have to base your plugin on 
> Slim::Plugin::OPMLBased and provide hooks for those menus.

Charles, I'd like to see your Sugarcube menus while using the Material
skin. I'm guessing if the change works for Material, then it would also
work for iPeng and Squeeze Ctrl, both of which I also use and don't
currently show your Sugarcube menus. Were you able to ascertain whether
the change is akin to an explosion in a paint factory?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-06-03 Thread prabbit

cpd73 wrote: 
> See
> (or rather, Michael's response)

Thanks for the link. I'll ask cparker, the Sugarcube developer.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-06-02 Thread prabbit

Using the Default skin under the *My Music* menu there are three
Spicefly Sugarcube items: Sugarcube Live View, Sugarcube History, and
Sugarcube Quick Play. These are not available under the Material skin.

Would it be possible to have those menus available in Material?

I know you don't have Sugarcube installed; you're just getting MusicIP
up and running. When I follow the debug information in your footer and
review the Console output I'm not seeing anything related to Sugarcube.
I do see that my libraries, favorites, and apps are requested. What
would you need from me to further isolate the issue?

30555  30556

|Filename: material-no-sugar.jpg|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2020-05-26 Thread prabbit

BoomX2 wrote: 
> Thanks @bluetdi.  You are correct the Moon Phase icon is available in
> CCH.
> @prabbit...  You can add the Moon Phase icon to your screensaver in CCH
> through the itemtype sdtweathericon.  Although Moon Phase icon is not
> available in the pull down list you can type moonphaseURL in the
> logotype field.  You may need to click Apply after adding the
> sdtweathericon item to see the logotype field.

Thanks for the follow up, BoomX2. I’ll give that a try. I’ll report any
progress (positive or otherwise) here.

Danke auch an bluetdi.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Spicefly Sugarcube on Raspberry Pi using Dynamic Path Conversion

2020-05-26 Thread prabbit

My configuration is similar to yours. I have MusicIP installed on my
Windows computer where I scan the files. The MusicIP service running.
LMS is running on RPi with a USB-attached harddrive where the music
files are located. I am successfully using dynamic path conversion with
Spicefly Sugarcube.

The trick is to know what MusicIP thinks the path is. Open
Mixer\default.m3lib in a text editor (e.g., Notepad++). A lot of the
file will appear as unreadable text; however, you should be able to see
some paths and file names in clear text. This is the path that MusicIP
(and therefore Spicefly Sugarcube) thinks your music is at and it is
what you should put in "DPC (MusicIP) - Set #1" (being certain to remove
any portions that are identical between the two systems).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Where is the Material Skin interface ?

2020-05-24 Thread prabbit

With pre-caching artwork it will depend on how many tracks are in your
system. It could take several minutes and could easily be the longest
part of the scanning process, but you should see some progress that
artwork is being added to the database indicating that -something- is

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-05-24 Thread prabbit

dolodobendan wrote: 
> Cool, I didn't know this! Then I think I'll go with "Player hier
> ablegen, um ihn aus der Gruppe zu entfernen." (Es sei denn, jemand hat
> einen anderen und sinnvollerweise auch besseren Vorschlag.)

Passt. Meinentwegen.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Where is the Material Skin interface ?

2020-05-24 Thread prabbit

Settings > Interface tab. Choose "Material Skin" from the Web Interface
dropdown. Click Apply.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-05-24 Thread prabbit

slimhase wrote: 
> Hm. Something seems inconsistent wrt "Gerätetyp" and "Typ":
> I just checked - 
> LMS classic view reports i.e. 
> SB3 Movielounge
> Player-Modell: Squeezebox Classic
> Gerätetyp: squeezebox2
> Firmware: 137
> Whereas material reports (see also screenshot above):
> SB3 Movielounge
> Modell: Squeezebox Classic
> Typ: squeezebox3
> Firmware: 137

I'm seeing the exact same thing. In my case I know that my Squeezebox
Classics are Squeezebox 3s. They're old, they have the Slim Devices logo
on front, but they're definitely SB3s.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2020-05-23 Thread prabbit

Goal: Add current moon phase to my custom clock screensaver. 

How do I do that?

When I look at Jivelite > Extras > SuperDateTime i see my current
location (as defined in SDT Preferences > Identifier). On
that Jivelite screen I see current conditions, pressure, 24-hour
precipitation, a weather map, and, lastly, the current moon phase
(current = waxing crescent).

I didn't see any SDT icon in the documentation for SDT moon
phases. It does look like there's something but it requires the Daylight
Clock plugin, which I do not have.

Since it appears SDT is already returning the moon phase, is there a way
I can add it to my screensaver?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] SuperDateTime Screensaver v5.11.0 - Date/Time/Weather/Sports/Stocks

2020-05-23 Thread prabbit

slimhase wrote: 
> Can someone provide an idiots guide on how to use that?
> I have SDT installed as well as CCH.
> How do I enable seing a Weather radar map?
> (I would like to see it full screen with current time on top on a
> Joggler screen (800x600) as a screen saver when the player is halted.)
> Do I need to import a new style / txt file, or?
> (If so: Would someone have an example with radar map enabled?)

Assumptions: You're using the Default skin and you already have a custom
clock you want to configure. If you don't already have a custom clock
you'll need to edit an existing one or create a new one. Also, I'm using
the English UI, I'm not certain whether any of these strings are
localized in the German UI (if you're using one).

1. Setings > Advanced > Custom Clock Helper
2. In the *Items* dropdown, choose *New item*.
3. In *itemtype* choose *sdtweathermapicon*. Click Apply.
4. Configure position of your map using *posx*, *posy* to get the
horizontal and vertical position of your map underneath your time.
5. Set the location for how narrow or wide of a map you want.
6. Click Apply.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2020-05-22 Thread prabbit

wt0 wrote: 
> The rating stars actually an image or more specifically 6 images, one
> for each possible state. There's just not enough demand for me to change
> it to support an arbitrary number of stars.

I'm also someone who uses the 1-10 rating scale and would appreciate
being able to use Squeeze Control to use the full range when rating

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2020-02-07 Thread prabbit

SqueezeLite 2.5.8 (January 18, 2020)
TrackStat 3.3.602

I've been using Squeezelite-X for about six weeks. I really like it. I
just noticed something this week that may cause me to stop using it
though. Songs played through Squeezelite-X are not recognized or seen as
playing or played by TrackStat. Songs played through my Booms, Classics,
and even Squeezelite (squeezelite-1.8.6-997) on the same computer as
Squeezelite-X are tracked by TrackStat.

I searched this thread and not once is TrackStat mentioned. I'm not
aware of any setting or configuration that might cause this. Does anyone
have any thoughts?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2019-03-14 Thread prabbit

Apesbrain wrote: 
> Unzip it and put the unzipped folder in your "Customer added plugins"
> folder, on Mac typically:
> /Users//Library/Application Support/Squeezebox/plugin/


In my case it was /Users//Library/Application

Several LMS restarts confirm all is working.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2019-03-14 Thread prabbit

Sadly, that didn't work either. When I entered the repo it appears to be
accepted, but the repo doesn't "stick." By that I mean that I paste the
repo and press Enter or click Apply. No error appears but the repo link

One other user has had the socket issue, but no resolution was given.
While I am using a nearly 10 year old Mac Mini, it is Intel not PPC.

And when I restart LMS the SDT plugin is removed from the Plugins
directory. The joy of having my weather back was premature. 

Still searching...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2019-03-14 Thread prabbit

BoomX2 wrote: 
> Try this alternate URL and see if it works for you.
> > 

  >   >

> > 

Same result.

Bad repository
- Connect timed out: Socket is not connected

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2019-03-13 Thread prabbit

Not copying the full URL might be an issue for someone else. It wasn't
in my case -- as is evident from the URL at the top of my Plugins page
and in the log file. Nevertheless, a good tip.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2019-03-13 Thread prabbit

bearshare wrote: 
> I have deinstalled the WU SDT Version in the PlugIn List. The Plugin is
> not visible now (not in inactive PlugIns an not in active PlugIns), but
> the SDT-weather-com with repository
> cannot be
> installed. When I put the path in the field and click at confirm, the
> entry is empty after that. Restart the SB server does not help. How can
> I add the repository to the SB? I use the SBT Server with a Synology
> NAS...
> Please help me to bring back the weather to me ;-)

I'm having a similar issue.

I've uninstalled tcutting's Weather Underground version. ( ::sniff:: )
When I add to the
Plugins page, I get this message at the top


  Bad repository - Connect timed 
out: Socket is not connected

And this message in the log.


  [19-03-13 15:36:15.1796] Slim::Networking::Repositories::__ANON__ (149) https 
lookup failed - trying plain text http instead:
  [19-03-13 15:36:26.7366] Slim::Networking::Repositories::__ANON__ (146) 
Failed to fetch 
Connect timed out: Socket is not connected

I have restarted LMS (7.9.2) several times. I have also restarted my
server (MacOS 10.6.8)

When I use my browser to go to I can
download and open the XML file. I can see that it has 5.9.49 referenced
and the URL.

I manually downloaded the .zip file and copied the contents into the
Plugins directory. Doing so made the SDT plugin appear in the "Installed
Plugins" list.

Not ideal, but at least I got my weather back.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2016-02-14 Thread prabbit

mherger wrote: 
> Local music should still be as fine as always.

Yes, it is working. I had to rescan my library using the "Clear library
and rescan everything" option. All better now. :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2016-02-14 Thread prabbit

mherger wrote: 
> What music service(s) are you using? After some investigation I came to
> the conclusion that the blender is no longer very useful to play mixes 
> unless you are a Spotify subscriber. I tried to reach out to them once 
> again. Hopefully they will be able to restore functionality for 
> Deezer/Napster etc.

This makes me very sad. Like some others, I only use local files and
don't use any streaming services, including Spotify. I went to make a
SmartMix today and found the new message dialog you've added "Please
note that due to new restrictions The Blender
does not reliably play your mixes unless you are using Spotify as your
streaming service. I'm sorry for the inconvenience."

This has made SmartMix nearly useless for me...and I loved it! I hope
there's a way that it can work with local songs. The Random Mix is not
nearly as intelligent, er Smart.

Perhaps the above message should be updated to mention that local files
also aren't supported?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2015-01-14 Thread prabbit

erland wrote: 
 I've just released a new version of TrackStat which should hopefully fix
 the issue with rating from iPeng, thanks for the reminder.

I just saw this update this evening. I can confirm that it is working in
iPeng 8. There is no visual indication that a rating has been set, but
viewing the song info on website or (re)launching the Song Info shows
that the rating has in fact been set. The stars at the top of iPeng
don't update until a second/subsequent playing of the newly rated song.
Neither of these (minor) display issues are your concern. Thanks much,
Erland. I'm very happy to have this feature back! (I'm sure Morbeas is,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2015-01-08 Thread prabbit

erland wrote: 
 I've discussed it with pippin and decided that I need to fix it in my
 plugins, so it's just a matter of getting the time to do the correction
 and verify the changes. 
 ... [I]t might take a couple of weeks until I can prioritise to look
 into this, but feel free to remind me if I haven't released a correction
 for this before the end of the year. 

I recently got a lot of new music and would love to be able to use iPeng
to rate the tracks. Now that it's the beginning of the new year, can you
prioritize a fix?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2015-01-06 Thread prabbit

FCLymond wrote: 
 One final plea -- any way you could put this up in a repository in the
 same way that Greg's version was?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Help with Multi-Library Plugin

2014-12-09 Thread prabbit

Statto wrote: 
 Custom/Mixed Tag module taking an eternity to run.
 I could be wrong but it seems that something fundamental has changed
 with the whole Custom Browse thing (multi library, custom scan, etc)

If you have a large library, Custom Scan can take a long time to run. My
~20,000 song library usually takes at least two hours to custom scan and
often quite longer. I wish there was a way to custom scan only the
directories that recently changed instead of it going over the entire

Nothing has changed with the plugins for a while. Erland hasn't been
doing much with them as he's been focusing on ickStream. Two questions
that I'm sure he'll ask you before he can offer any advice:

1. What version of LMS are you running? Did you recently change/upgrade
2. What version of Custom Scan are you using?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-08 Thread prabbit

phred wrote: 
 there are now -two- apps for SuperDateTime.  One is by tcutting, which
 only uses data from Weather Underground.  The other is from BoomX2 and
 he has restored SDT
 back to it's former self, and I believe has added a few enhancements. 
 Best thing to do is to go back about 200 posts or so and start reading.

I'd like to propose that tcutting and BoomX2 both start brand new
Announce threads. That may help clear up some (but not all) of the

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2014-12-06 Thread prabbit

tcutting wrote: 
 Updated plugin to fix EOL on the strings file.

I had troubles getting previous versions to work on my Mac, but this one
is working perfectly. Thank you for all of your effort!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2014-12-05 Thread prabbit

Sounds good, Erland. Thank you for the update. I appreciate it. If you
don't get to it before mid-month, you'll have a few more weeks as far as
I'm concerned. I'll be traveling and won't be using my Squeezeboxes
again until early January. With that said, Morbeas might want it.

As to the 24 hours-in-a-day limit, I completely understand.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2014-11-30 Thread prabbit


I reported this 'issue'
to Erland in October where he acknowledged it. If it's important to you,
and I suspect it is, then you may want to chime in on his 'thread'
I'm guessing that you and I are about the only people who use a 10 star
scale with any regularity.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2014-11-28 Thread prabbit

erland wrote: 
 Very helpful, I now know what the problem is, now I just have to see if
 I can find a way to fix it without breaking backward compatibility with
 older apps. 
 I suspect it's related to the iOS 8 update causing iPeng to behave a bit
 differently compared to before but I'll discuss it with pippin. I'll
 probably not get the time to fix and release this until next week since
 I'm a bit occupied with ickStream and TIDAL related stuff at the end of
 this week.

Hi Erland-- I know you've been busy with ickStream. Have you had a
chance to look into this issue yet?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2014-10-31 Thread prabbit

erland wrote: 
 I suspect it's related to the iOS 8 update causing iPeng to behave a bit
 differently compared to before but I'll discuss it with pippin. I'll
 probably not get the time to fix and release this until next week since
 I'm a bit occupied with ickStream and TIDAL related stuff at the end of
 this week.

Thanks for confirming that it's an issue. 

One slight correction. I'm still on iOS 7.1.2. I have not updated my iOS
(yet). I am, however, on iPeng 8, but I experienced the same problem
with iPeng 7.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2014-10-30 Thread prabbit

Log file containing the information you requested sent to your e-mail
account. I hope it's helpful.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2014-10-29 Thread prabbit

prabbit wrote: 
 I answered this above. I took the information to pippin, who was able to
 reproduce the issue, and his 'reply'
 was that iPeng is passing the rating and TrackStat is having the issue.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2014-10-26 Thread prabbit

pippin wrote: 
 Actually no. If you remind me tomorrow I'll have a look at the menu
 TrackStat creates.

Reminder, as requested.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2014-10-26 Thread prabbit

pippin wrote: 
 OK, the command gets sent but TrackStat then throws an error:

Yep, that's the error I see as well. I included that in my 'post'
in erland's plugins thread. I'll take it back to him. 

Thanks for your help, pippin!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2014-10-26 Thread prabbit

erland wrote: 
 Does it only affect iPeng or do you have similar issues if you try to
 rate through the context menu on a Squeezebox or one of the other smart
 phone apps ?

I answered this above. I took the information to pippin, who was able to
reproduce the issue, and his 'reply'
was that iPeng is passing the rating and TrackStat is having the issue.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2014-10-25 Thread prabbit

I've having some difficulties with iPeng and TrackStat. I raised the
(and 'further details'
with erland, but I'm thinking it might be an iPeng issue. What do you
think: iPeng or TrackStat ... or some configuration issue on my end?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2014-10-25 Thread prabbit

Out of curiosity, can you rate tracks through the context menu with
iPeng 8?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2014-10-23 Thread prabbit

erland wrote: 
 Are you using 7.8.0 as specified in your signature or are you using a
 7.9 beta ?
 Does it only affect iPeng or do you have similar issues if you try to
 rate through the context menu on a Squeezebox or one of the other smart
 phone apps ?

Yes, I am using 7.8.0.

I tried it with a SB3 controller (works), Logitech Android app (works),
website (works), iPeng 1.4.5 (fails), iPeng 2.0.17 (works), iPeng 7
(fails), iPeng 8 (fails). Perhaps this is a problem for pippin?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2014-10-22 Thread prabbit

Hi Erland--

I can no longer rate songs from iPeng. It doesn't matter which version
of iPeng I try (I have from iPeng 8 on a iPad Mini all the way back to
iPeng 1.4.5 on an original iPhone). Based on my log file it looks like
TrackStat is what is really having the issue. I should explain that I
can update the rating using a web browser. I can also update the rating
if I use the stars in iPeng. The problem occurs when I try to update a
rating through the Song Info menu (not to be confused with your Song
Info plugin), which I get to by press and holding a track for one
second. This used to work. I don't know when it stopped, but my guess is
that it was several months ago (late spring or early summer).

I made some changes to my system around that time. I uninstalled plugins
that I didn't use. Is there a particular plugin that is required in
addition to TrackStat to save ratings from the Song Info menu? What
about any setting within TrackStat itself?

LogFile wrote: 
 [14-10-22 21:17:14.6617] Slim::Control::Request::execute (1888) Error:
 While trying to run function coderef
 [Plugins::TrackStat::Plugin::setCLIRating]: [Carp::Clan::__ANON__(): DBI
 Exception: DBD::SQLite::db prepare failed: near :1: syntax error [for
 Statement UPDATE track_statistics set rating=useContextMenu:1 where url
 = ? or url = ?] at
 line 126
 [14-10-22 21:17:14.8502] Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception (122)
 Error: DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db prepare failed: near :1: syntax
 error [for Statement UPDATE track_statistics set
 rating=useContextMenu:1 where url = ? or url = ?]
 [14-10-22 21:17:14.8507] Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception (122)
 frame 0: Slim::Utils::Log::logBacktrace
 line 122)
 frame 1: Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception
 line 1006)
 frame 2: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::__ANON__
 line 707)
 frame 3: Plugins::TrackStat::Storage::saveRating
 line 4635)
 frame 4: Plugins::TrackStat::Plugin::rateSong
 line 4822)
 frame 5: Plugins::TrackStat::Plugin::setCLIRating
 line 1883)
 frame 6: (eval)
 line 1883)
 frame 7: Slim::Control::Request::execute
 line 871)
 frame 8: Slim::Web::Cometd::handleRequest
 line 534)
 frame 9: Slim::Web::Cometd::handler
 line 113)
 frame 10: Slim::Web::Cometd::webHandler
 line 486)
 frame 11: Slim::Web::HTTP::processHTTP
 line 139)
 frame 12: (eval)
 line 123)
 frame 13: Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__
 line 184)
 frame 14: (eval)
 line 184)
 frame 15: Slim::Networking::IO::Select::loop (./ line
 frame 16: main::idle (./ line 659)
 frame 17: main::main (./ line 1193)

Server details:
Logitech Media Server Version: 7.8.0 - 1391011014 @ Wed Jan 29 19:01:13
PST 2014
OS: Mac OS X 10.6.8 - EN - utf8
Perl Version: 5.10.0 - darwin-thread-multi-2level
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.34_01 (sqlite

TrackStat v3.2.3945

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2014-05-02 Thread prabbit

Hi Erland--

I'm wondering if there is a way using Multi Library I can create a
library that has albums that have only one or two tracks? If so, how? If
not Multi Library, then SQL Playlist? I've looked at both and couldn't
find a way that jumped out at me. My guess is that I'll need some custom

I recently moved a bunch of files around. I was able to keep most of my
ratings but I lost a couple thousand ratings. (I'd removed MusicBrainz
from my files awhile ago.) I figure one way to begin re-rating some
tracks is to look for albums where there is only one or two tracks.
Those are likely tracks I want to have rated.

A Multi Library solution would be ideal, but SQL Playlist would also
work. Any ideas? Does a solution already exist and I missed it.

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