On 08/23/2011 11:03 PM, Marc Green wrote:
Hello everyone,

This is my last status update, as GSoC ended today (Monday, at the time
of writing). [I am not able to send this out now because I do not have
access to my email (well, to the Internet). I am going to send it out
tomorrow or the day after.]

I believe my project has been successful, and I am positive my mentors
would agree. That being said, I am *still* not done with neither
Pod::Html nor Pod::Checker. Well, I am done with all the coding --
they're both in their final stages in that regard, but they are yet to
be merged into core and tested (and complained about). I plan to see
them through though, and I plan on being the maintainer for both of them
if possible.

I was able to wrap up everything with Pod::Checker this week, so all I
need to do is to clean up its commit history (which will get done within
the next few days). Actually, that is a lie, I was not able to get
everything wrapped up. There is one thing in particular that I did not
get done: splitting Pod::Checker into Pod::Checker and
Pod::Checker::Internals, the latter being-a Pod::Simple and the former
having-a Pod::Checker::Internals. This split was conjured up in order to
remove Pod::Simple from Pod::Checker's interface. However, as I just
said, I was not able to do this. Instead, I added a warning in
Pod::Checker's documentation explaining that no user should EVER use any
aspect of Pod::Checker's interface that has to do with Pod::Simple
unless it is documented. Perhaps this is a task that can be tackled by
me or someone else in the future.

Oh, actually, my lie in the previous paragraph was a lie for another
reason too. My mentor, rjbs, offered to do some grunt work on
Pod::Checker for me so I could focus on the bigger stuff. These tasks
include removing the 5.14isms I used throughout and making Pod::Checker
its own dist (apart from Pod::Parser). These are not done yet, but him
and I are going to remain in contact so that the new Pod::Checker can
see the light of day.

Pod::Html shall also see the light of day. My second mentor, theory,
released a new version of Pod::Simple which contains some new code I
added to allow me to finish Pod::Html a while back. [At the time of
writing this it might not be released, but he assured me it would be in
the next few days, so I will take his word.] Now that it is released, I
can rebase its commit history to remove some hacks that let me use the
aforementioned new code. Pod::Html will then be merged into core and
hopefully be a success.

I feel this has been a wonderful experience for me; my foot is in the
Perl community door now, and I have gotten a taste of what it is like to
contribute to an open source project. It has also been a great
experience for the Perl community (I can imagine), as who doesn't like
seemingly free, beneficial code. (Seemingly beneficial, perhaps.)

Thank you everyone who helped me this summer, in particular rjbs,
theory, and rafl. I appreciate it!



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