On Sep 19, 2013, at 4:50 AM, Dave Mitchell <da...@iabyn.com> wrote:

> I don't really understand whether:
> 1) search50.t has unreasonable expectations;
> 2) Pod::Simple::Search::survey() should be returning 'Pod::perldoc' as the
>    name rather than 'perldoc';
> 3) perldoc.pod should be installed as lib/perldoc.pod rather than
>    lib/Pod/perldoc.pod;
> 4) something in the content of perldoc.pod is wrong, and that is confusing
>    Pod::Simple::Search.

Neither do I. The search stuff is a bit of a black box to me. That test has 
failed a bunch of times on case-insensitive file systems, too, which drove me 
nuts until I figured it out and fixed it.


It also used to get confused by .pod files, which I fixed here:


Are these the correct fixes? I have no idea. I don’t use the search stuff 
myself, and have no idea how it’s supposed to work.

Maybe we can ask Sean?

> Independently of that, perhaps that test file should check all pod files
> rather than just one at random, to make errors easier to spot?

That sounds like a good idea. How does this work for you?




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