[libreoffice-projects] Re: [libreoffice-website] Re: [libreoffice-l10n] New DL-Page - request for updated Translations

2013-07-18 Thread Florian Effenberger


Tom Davies wrote on 2013-07-18 12:41:

but the spaces get replaced by %20 so it's really

no, the URL is without the space - but the text it links to should be 
with. In HTML style:

a href=http://downloadarchive.documentfoundation.org;download archive/a


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[libreoffice-projects] minutes of ESC call ...

2013-07-18 Thread Michael Meeks
* Present:
Hangout:  Andras, Bjoern, Michael M, Thorsten, Tsahi,
  Miklos, Adam, Kohei
Phone:Lionel, Eike, David, Norbert, Cloph, Petr,
  Pierre-Eric, Kendy, Tibbylickle

Trying etherpad for the 1st time: cf. unusual formatting.
+ http://pad.documentfoundation.org/

* Completed Action Items
+ poke at AFM startup / fontcache issue (Caolan)
+ invite pepp for next week (Michael)
+ working on Date API fix for rc3 (Eike/Michael S)
[ made it into rc3 - many thanks to all concerned !
  Eike, Lionel, Michael S ]
+ sidebar option should default enabled it when enabled (Kendy)
+ sent vtune details to Pierre-Eric (Bjoern)
[ pending response from Intel ]
+ talk with Robinson Ask = fdo integration / flow (Joel)
[ doesn't particularly like moving all bugs - ask
  may overload the admins  change our workflow,
  instead move ahead with feedback ]
+ get windows build-bot setup (Thorsten)
[ one machine sent to Cloph, another doing
  it's first build, and nice howto from Kendy, which
is here: 
https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/Tinderbox/Setup ]

* Pending Action items:
+ get remaining GOSC guys introduced on the QA list (Cedric)
+ fdo#60858 needs input (Astron)
+ file a bug to split out the ruler-fix piece (Cedric)
+ file svg / help-about issue in master as 4.2 MAB (Astron)
+ improve configure to avoid versioning mistakes (Cloph)

* Release Engineering update (Cloph)
+ 3.6.7 rc2 update, prepared to be announced
+ 4.1.0 rc3 status ...
+ ready to be pushed to mirros after 3.6.7 has been done
+ pre-announce rc3 tomorrow
   + delays down to last minute iterator and indexing fix for 
+ editing master-pages = release notes, have fix in master

* Should we kill TDF .deb builds ? (Bjoern)
+ pkgs are lame, neither Rene nor Bjoern working on that
+ direct people to Rene's builds / PPAs instead ?
+ long run: fix up-stream pkging to be more distro-like
+ significant differences Debian - TDF (Lionel)
+ pwrt. internal libraries / embedded copies
+ nice to have a comparison to see where the bug is
+ TDF builds run anywhere; Debian/Ubuntu builds not as much
+ what is the real problem ? (Michael)
+ someone wants to install TDF packages, and uninstall them 
+ could we add a provide + a conflict (Michael)
+ people try to un-install the distro package - but remove
  the meta-package, de-install the meta-package
  (or forget pkgs like uno/ure which are not globbed by 
+ problems are inevitable for ISVs (Lionel)
+ just fixed 2x problems with Debian dependencies (Petr)
+ Stephan fixed one before vacation (Michael)
+ instead chance the pkging - to use a single name just
libreoffice+ver everywhere (Petr)
+ get rid of ugly core-01 etc. pkgs - many of them with 
no ideas
of what is inside them
AI: come up with proposal for what to do (Rene, Bjoern, Petr)

* QA update (Joel)
+ did the auto-feedback work for the next round of needinfo bugs
+ not closed yet, wait a month
+ counting almost done for the contest, so we should know 
winners soon.
+ feedback bits (thanks Joren for helping with this)
+ Robinson kindly committed to do the initial work
+ want it as simple as possible to start with, 
no twitter
+ happy + sad face etc. for sending general 
+ a 'get involved' button.
+ button on the 'ask' site for 'report a bug'
+ admin button to move an ask question to FDO 
+ ask admins are stretched already
+ let users pre-sort bug vs. ask etc.
+ Need_Advice bugs input appreciated (more of them now)
+ 10 bugs (+0) in that state (thanks)
+ http://tinyurl.com/ce6d8km
+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html
+113-95(+18 overall)
many thanks to the top five:
ign_christian   13
David Tardon13
Caolán McNamara  5
Michael Stahl5

* round-trip interop. work (Tsahi/Adam/Miklos)
+ round-trip interop. of OOXML documents very important to us 
+ focusing on preserving data, to remove any fear of data loss
+ plan is to add missing data elements to the internal model
+ initially hidden, 

[libreoffice-projects] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.1.0 RC3 available

2013-07-18 Thread Thorsten Behrens
Dear Community,

The Document Foundation is pleased to announce the third release
candidate of our new LibreOffice 4.1. The upcoming 4.1 will be our
sixth major release in two and a half years, and comes with a nice set
of new features. Please be aware that LibreOffice 4.1 RC3 is not ready
yet for production use, you should continue to use LibreOffice 4.0.4
for that.

Provided no showstoppers are found, no further release candidates are

You can find a (work-in-progress) list of new features for 4.1 on this
page - please feel free to extend with stuff we've missed, or amend
text-only descriptions with nice screenshots:


The release is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X from our QA
builds download page at


Should you find bugs, please report them to the FreeDesktop Bugzilla:


A good way to assess the release candidate quality is to run some
specific manual tests on it, our TCM wiki page has more details:


For other ways to get involved with this exciting project - you can
e.g. contribute code:


translate LibreOffice to your language:


or help with funding our operations:


A list of known issues and fixed bugs with 4.1.0 RC3 is available
from our wiki:


Let us close again with a BIG Thank You! to all of you having
contributed to the LibreOffice project - this release would not have
been possible without your help.


The Document Foundation Board of Directors

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Rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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