Re: [libreoffice-projects] Re: Workflow between dev, UX and l10n teams

2015-01-31 Thread Rimas Kudelis
Hi Lionel,

2015.01.30 10:53, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 09:02:52PM +0200, Rimas Kudelis wrote:
 2015.01.28 11:20, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
 When talking about (developer-side) scripting, is it actually OK to
 commit modifications to the translations in the translations git
 sub-repo?  My understanding was that such modifications would be
 overwritten by the next import commit (as typically done by
 Andras, AFAIU from some Pootle database).
 The process as I see it would be somewhat like the following: when we
 have a big enough string change, which can be scripted coming up, it
 should be announced at least a few days in advance, that on day X time
 Y, this change will land. (...)
 On day X time Y, we close down the affected Pootle project, push its
 localizations into git, then somebody who's in charge checks them out of
 git and runs the script. When the script finishes its work, the
 resulting files are committed back to git, imported back to Pootle and
 the project is re-opened for translation. Once that is done, an
 announcement should be sent to the L10n list with huge thanks for
 everyone's patience and kudos to everybody involved in the process. And
 we all live happily ever after. :)
 While I understand the concerns that underlie your idea, that process
 is so heavy that we are just going to lose drive-by contributions
 like e.g. the commits I did in August 2014 (which possibly no one
 noticed and somebody else redid most of the work again

I'm not sure exactly how such drive-by commits are relevant to this
case. I don't think anyone is taking care to watch for such commits at
the moment and import them into Pootle. I imagine that right now, only
locale that gets imported into Pootle periodically is the source locale
(en-US). Any changes to other locales, like this change of yours, are
doomed to be overwritten on next export from Pootle, unless you do them
in Pootle itself instead.

 Is there a possibility that git and pootle are more-or-less constantly
 kept in sync? For example:

 1) a git hook (script run automatically each time a push is done) that
pushes the changes to pootle as soon as they are pushed to git
(just like we mirror our git repo(s) to freedesktop).

 2) the same from the pootle side, as soon as a translator makes a
change, it is exported to git.

 3) There is a theoretical race condition for conflicts (although the
window could be kept to a few seconds...). In case of merge
conflict, error out and mail a human for manual merge?

Considering the size of our project and the amount of files, I'm afraid
that both these things would be impractical at the moment, here's why:
1) Exporting files from Pootle takes a lot of time currently. Exporting
only the relevant file on string submit would likely be faster, but
still not fast enough, I'm afraid.
2) Furthermore, even assuming that speed would be acceptable, making a
separate git commit for each string change would blow the size of
repository considerably and litter the commit log with thousands of
commit messages. Also, I suspect tree deviations might be unavoidable,
and merges might be required.
3) Regarding importing changes from git into Pootle – it's also slow, it
would likely be faster if import would be done for just the affected files.

Then again – how often do such drive-by commits happen? My guess is not
very often. So I don't think that is the scenario we should tailor for.
I can't open the git commit log page at the moment (perhaps the
repository is already too huge for cgit?), but if among the developers
there are only a handful exceptions like you, who want to also
contribute to their locale, perhaps the best option for them currently
is to do it using Pootle itself, or by contacting the localizer in
charge? I know that it seems much easier to just fix the problem, but as
you saw yourself, that doesn't quite work in our case.

On the other hand, the massive changes that we are discussing here are a
whole different beast: they are massive and they affect all locales,
because they change many strings in the source locale.  And they are
often scriptable. And they drive localizers nuts, if not done properly. :)

By the way, I just glanced over your commits, and it seems you mostly
removed spaces in some help SGML tags. Were these spaces breaking anything?
Also, the last commit you linked to mentions BugZilla. I feel obligated
to say that Bugzilla is called Bugzilla and not BugZilla (just like
Firefox is not called FireFox, and Microsoft is not called MicroSoft,
and we are not called Libre Office with a white-space in the middle).
That misnaming

[libreoffice-projects] Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: Workflow between dev, UX and l10n teams

2015-01-27 Thread Rimas Kudelis
Hi Jan,

2015.01.26 16:43, Jan Holesovsky rašė:
 Mihovil Stanić píše v Po 26. 01. 2015 v 10:25 +0100:

 Cosmetic changes (~ to _ or Status to Status: or ... to … or those 
 different quote styles I don't even have on my keyboard) and anything 
 similliar - NOT OK if you don't script it for all languages
 Cosmetic changes (Big brown fox - Big Brown Fox) - NOT OK at all, 
 change just for en_us, don't change my strings and don't even notify me 
 you did it in en_us
 I see 2 problems here:

 1) There is no tool that would detect these trivial changes, and would
act accordingly.

 Regarding 1) - I thought that Pootle is detecting the trivial changes
 some way, and offering the original translation.  Is it not?  What can
 be done to improve that, so that for translators it is just a matter of
 checking; not a matter of translating?  [Or even what you suggest - that
 it would just update the source strings without touching the

Pootle does offer the original translation, but the localizer still has
to approve it.

Furthermore, Pootle does not apply any automatic changes. If you had
e.g. Some ~string, and you change it to Some _string, Pootle will
show the original translation as a hint, but the user will still have to
port this trivial change to the translation manually.

Needless to say, sometimes these minor differences avoid being noticed
by the localizers, which results in errors in the locale (I've seen
incorrect access key identifiers in the menus at least once).

However, while you are correct that there is no tool to detect these
changes, I don't think there has to be. The person who implements the
change knows better than anyone whether or not it can be automated,
perhaps they even automated it themselves. For example, I seriously
doubt that somebody went over all L10n files and changed triple dots to
ellipses manually, this was most likely a scripted change. Same, or very
similar, script would have probably worked with all other locales, but I
guess that person simply didn't think about it.

Similarly, changes in used quote characters most likely could have been
isolated and transplanted to locales.

Adding colons to certain strings only would probably have been slightly
more difficult, but still scriptable.

And none of that requires any tool to detect trivial changes... ;)

 2) The texts for translations are updated in big 'code' drops, without
possibility for translators to affect the process in any way - for
them it is too late.

 Regarding 2) - I'm glad that you say that the strings will be now
 getting to Pootle immediately after the code / string changes in master.
 I think it is important that the translators will be able to deal with
 the changes immediately, not several months later, so that they can
 cooperate, and not only react.

 In general, I don't think that setting extremely strict rules works,
 unless you have means how to enforce them - like via a commit hook or so
 (and it is extremely unpopular way to do things).

 It is always much better to communicate - if you see a developer who
 commits a change that causes you grief, please _do_ tell _him/her_
 immediately, and - if possible - in a friendly way.  I'm sure he/she
 will do much better the next time.

 Unfortunately I did not see any signs of notice that this or that change
 was problematic for localization on the development mailing list - were
 there such warnings there?  Like commit XY caused AB - please don't do
 such things, unless we agree how to do that effectively / without pain?
 Or was it impossible so far because the strings in Pootle were not
 synced with master?

I fully agree with you here, and yes, so far communicating these issues
was really difficult because these massive changes appeared in front of
the localizers' eyes way too late in the process.


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Re: [libreoffice-projects] Re: Workflow between dev, UX and l10n teams

2015-01-27 Thread Rimas Kudelis

2015.01.26 17:40, Jan Holesovsky rašė:
 Sophie píše v Po 26. 01. 2015 v 16:19 +0100:

 That's why we were thinking of a en_US version as a real language and
 different from the sources and
 But at some stage this will have to apply to the sources - and at that
 time, it will be even worse than now :-(  I'm afraid having en_US as a
 separate language will make the situation worse, not better.

  also about scripting changes when
 possible (like the substitution of ~ by _)
 Sure - so I think this was something that could have been automatized
 with a trivial script; when this was noticed for the first time, please?
 Pity that it was not brought to the ESC as a problem...

I just wanted to say that I'm fully with Jan on these two statements: I
believe that the right thing to do is automation of massive trivial
changes, not a separate pseudo-locale where strings with developer
mistakes and/or without enough clarity would be carved in stone. Having
that pseudo-locale would not help us solve half of cosmetic issues, such
as added colons or changed access keys, these would require scripting
anyway. The issues it would solve are either also scriptable
(typographical or letter case changes) or should be rare by their nature
(typo fixes or sentence improvements; now that some teams work on
master, these should occur in branches even less frequently). On the
other hand, having that source locale would introduce a yet another
level of complexity by forcing each developer to decide where each
string change should go, and if you are thinking about making a single
person or two accountable for these decisions, then why not ask them to
instead review strings that are about to be landed into en-US?

In general, I think it's kind of sloppy (sorry, can't think of a right
word right now) to leave miss-worded strings in the source as they are,
and fix them in a separate locale instead. I don't know how many fixes
like that (specifically excluding typography, colons and similar massive
replacements) end up in each release, but assuming there aren't many
(e.g. a dozen or two), I really don't think they deserve all this fuss.


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Re: [libreoffice-projects] Workflow between dev, UX and l10n teams

2015-01-27 Thread Rimas Kudelis
Hi again,

On 2015 m. sausio 28 d. 09:09:27 EET, Rimas Kudelis wrote:

On 2015 m. sausio 28 d. 08:10:38 EET, jonathon 

BTW, when you say style guide, which specific one do you mean?

The one you're looking for, assuming it exists. If not, or could be a
combination of Gnome HIG and any American English style guide we (the
LibO community) would deem acceptable and meeting our needs (e.g. The
Chicago Manual of Style).

In fact, I just thought that it doesn't even have to be a formal manual: if 
somebody would be willing to oversee style consistency in our strings, and that 
style would look acceptable by our en-US users, then why not? Especially if 
that person would be willing to formalize these rules into a written style 
manual along the way.


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Re: [libreoffice-projects] Workflow between dev, UX and l10n teams

2015-01-27 Thread Rimas Kudelis
Hi Jonathon,

2015.01.27 23:15, jonathon wrote:
 On 27/01/15 18:36, Rimas Kudelis wrote:

  If you need to review *all* help  UI, I think it maps to an
equivalent of a 500 or more page handbook.
  But you don't. L10n only are only asking for review of strings when
they are being changed.

 Review strings in context.

 Whoever volunteers for this task will need to go through _all_ of the
 existing help, UI, and other things, before reviewing strings when they
 are changed.

 The task requires:
 * Copy editing;
 * Line editing;
 * Proof reading;
 amongst other editing tasks.

 FWIW, this also means that the l10n, a11y, and i18n teams will be dumped
 with a slew of changes that might, but probably won't affect their
 existing translation, but will still need to be verified to ensure that
 their translations, etc. are not broken.

I really don't see a revision of all existing strings as a requirement
to start reviewing newly added ones. Of course, it would be beneficial,
but not at all a requirement. You don't need to read a 500-pages worth
of text to tell whether or not a certain string is clear, concise and
grammatically, syntactically and typographically correct. Especially if
you are a native English speaker and have a style guide at hand.


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[libreoffice-projects] Re: New DL-Page - request for updated Translations

2013-07-23 Thread Rimas Kudelis
Hi all,

I just made a pull request:
This updates the existing translations and adds some new ones.


2013.07.17 13:00, Christian Lohmaier rašė:
 Hi *,

 as discussed previously on the website mailing list, the
 Button-Download page will get a functionality facelift, and will be
 integrated better with the donate page.

 and follow-ups for a description of the changes.

 Some strings were changed/added, so if you could please provide
 updated translations..

 I received a couple via mail already. But far from the complete list :-)


 for the changed/added strings.
 and for context of the strings.


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[libreoffice-projects] New DL-Page - request for updated Translations

2013-07-17 Thread Rimas Kudelis
Hello, L10n,

to satisfy the request quoted below, I've just updated the website
project on Pootle to contain new strings. The update brings 71 new
words. Please update your translations by the end of this week, so that
I can make a pull request early next week.


2013.07.17 13:00, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
 Hi *,

 as discussed previously on the website mailing list, the
 Button-Download page will get a functionality facelift, and will be
 integrated better with the donate page.

 and follow-ups for a description of the changes.

 Some strings were changed/added, so if you could please provide
 updated translations..

 I received a couple via mail already. But far from the complete list :-)


 for the changed/added strings.
 and for context of the strings.


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