[libreoffice-projects] [michael.me...@suse.com: minutes of ESC call ...]

2012-10-24 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
- Forwarded message from Michael Meeks michael.me...@suse.com -

Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 12:14:18 +0100
From: Michael Meeks michael.me...@suse.com
To: libreoffice-dev libreoff...@lists.freedesktop.org, Libreoffice-qa 
Subject: minutes of ESC call ...
X-Mailer: Evolution 3.2.3

* Completed Action Items
+ ping Tollef wrt. sysadmin work (Bjoern)
+ openID analysis suggests you still need to register [!?]
+ enable automatic help build / sync. on a cron-job (Kendy)
+ now a chron job

* Pending Action Items
+ create a new AmbitiousHacks wiki page, based on GSOC page (Michael M)
+ issues to look into if we can
+ fdo#34548 - review Michael's patch (Thorsten)
+ getting to the bottom takes weeks.
+ fdo#55290 - master doesn't install on windows (dtardon)
+ potential fix in the bug.
+ fdo#55360 - mac specific text issue (Thorsten)
+ fdo#51023 - impress DD crasher - (Radek)
+ set updater to get 3.5.0/1 - 3.6.2 (Kendy)

* Submodules (Norbert)
+ ready to pull the trigger on submodules
+ Norbert here to vent any anger
+ concerns wrt. tinderboxen  needing latest tinbuild2
+ still only pulls the modules you need
+ use the latest './g' to go back in time
+ no need for ./g if not using translation/help etc.
+ git / new workdir - unsure if it works
+ git 1.7.9 preferred, worked with git 1.7.4
+ 1.7.9 stores submodules' .git inside top-level .git
+ read http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/Submodules
+ really helps tinderboxes / gerrit pre-build magic / bisect etc.
+ only applies to master.
+ for non-core modules big rename to bring one dir-level up.
+ so git-am for bin-filter needs a manual sed first.
+ pushing submodules happened before minutes went live.

* Meeting organisation / minuting
+ weekly calls ok ?
+ better than async mail.
+ do we really need the name roll-call (Caolan)
+ companion IRC channel as an idea ?
+ interleaves it with people coming in (Kendy)
+ action items - machine parseable (Bjoern)
+ status updates generated from the logs ?
+ http://status.ubuntu.com/
AI: + create script to parse Meeks minutes (Bjoern)

* Release Engineering update (Fridrich)
+ vacation / quality report (deferred)
+ 3.5.7 status
+ rc2 should release during the conference
+ just a blog + announce
+ 3.6.3 rc1 status
+ released = staging on friday, mirrors @ weekend
+ Thorsten announced ? but people busy @ conf.
+ RelEng is a generally helpful section in the call.
+ gives useful up-coming deadline notice.

* UI / design update (Astron)
+ icons for new conditional formats in cells
+ something to play with; more icon sets ?
+ (thanks to Astron)
+ consensus on fonts achieved
+ 3.3Mb uncompressed - 1.5Mb download
+ stripped un-necessary weights from opensans, sourcesans, etc.
AI: + font bundling and gerrit fun with Astron (Andras)
AI: + audit set of new / built-in fonts (Caolan)
+ still awaiting funky font downloading functionality
+ saxon removal to keep size static.
+ some funky toolbar hacking on the train (Kendy)

* Uses for new hardware (Cedric)
+ some kind French sponsor will provide new machines
+ how can we best use them ?
+ creating VMs of LibreOffice / master for remote testing
+ several platforms, for wider  less disruptive QA
+ log-in and have a play ...
+ getting a -big- bibisect setup here would be beautiful 
+ share-able across multiple VM's ?
+ does it come with some admin ? (Kendy)
+ off-load the wiki / help.libreoffice.org build there.
+ what Hardware with what OS on it (Norbert)
+ unclear - bare metal etc. ?
AI: + get more details  connect (Norbert / Sophie)

* QA update (Bjoern)
+ HardHack list moved to wiki - 
+ no changes for this week
+ couple of hard-hacks fixed (thanks to Caolan)
+ bibisect interest increasing
+ how is morale around closing issues (Caolan)
+ bfoman doing a great job providing Win32 / stack-traces
+ lots of bug stuck in early stages, without good
  reproduction / descriptions
+ growing certainty wrt. the old / unconfirmed bug dung-out,

[libreoffice-projects] [michael.me...@suse.com: minutes of ESC call ...]

2012-07-19 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
- Forwarded message from Michael Meeks michael.me...@suse.com -

Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2012 16:50:28 +0100
From: Michael Meeks michael.me...@suse.com
To: libreoffice-dev libreoff...@lists.freedesktop.org, Libreoffice-qa 
Subject: minutes of ESC call ...
X-Mailer: Evolution 3.2.3

* Present:
Norbert, Stephan, Eike, David T, Lionel, Markus, Kendy, Bjoern,
Caolan, Andras, Michael M, Fridrich, Michael S, Rainer, Astron,

* Completed Action Items
+ fix CC-By-SA licensing requirements (Andras)
+ Mango icons - in gerrit pending review (Astron)
AI: + reviewing action needed for 3-6-0 etc. (Michael, Caolan)

* Pending Action Items
+ notify all committers when we have a nice simple, minimal
  statement of what is required for gerrit written (Bjoern)
AI: + get list of freedesktop mails to Bjoern (Norbert)
+ check new templates are using auto-fitting functionality (Thorsten)
+ crediting: can we separate tempates in the credits page (Spaetz?)
+ quest for kind volunteer to update the website (Michael)

* Release Engineering update (Fridrich)
+ 3.5.5 released, DVDs up-loaded yesterday etc.
+ 3.6.0 RC2
+ build issues on windows but finally up-loaded this morning
+ synching to mirrors, announce expected tomorrow
+ branch created for libreoffice-3-6-0
+ commits must be cherry-picked from 3-6
+ after an additional two reviews (+1 for -3-6)
+ 3.5.6 RC1 - July 30th ish

* 3.6.0 blocker bug check (Petr/Michael)
+ Java runtime fix / cherry-pick
+ concerned that the fix is right ? we can't ship
  endless MSVC++ runtimes.
+ 3.5+ Mac a11y issue - Stephan  Norbert hunting
+ working with 3.6 and it works well (Rainer)
+ most concern around base performance issues
+ integrated cache regression speedup before branch (Fridrich)
+ not a crash issue (Lionel)
+ we can release-note  fix for 3.6.1
AI: + review updated license / dos (Caolan, Bjoern)
+ concern wrt. count of testers (Bjeorn)
+ universal / release snapshot unique IP numbers
+ B1 1200, B2 1200, B3 700, RC1 500
+ B3: 55 Linux, 54 Mac, 584 Windows
+ plus Linux distro downloads in parallel
AI: + check updater to push people through to upgrade RCs (Kendy)

* GSOC update (Fridrich)
+ nine of ten students passed the midterm evaluation
+ lots of great work going on, and applied dedication

* UI / design update (Astron)
+ icons already discussed
AI: + another review for splash-screens (Michael)
+ about box background image pending
+ 'official' conference logo is pending needs decision

* cppunit / build issues (Stephan/Moggi/Michael)
+ --disable-cve-tests - useful on windows wrt. anti-virus
+ slam-dunk / good idea, merge the patch.
+ indifferent about --disable-xmlsec
+ only intended for iOS / Android currently, should
  not be used on Linux.
+ configure should check  fail if this option is
  set for non iOS / Android
+ --disable-cppunit is controversial
+ programmers are lazy, we want widespread unit
  test running  coverage (Markus)
+ once needed to disable unit tests working on
  coretext (Norbert)
+ 'make build' already exists (Markus)
+ not widely publicised
+ disables all unit tests in the build
+ problem is it doesn't build an install-set
+ can run make cmd cmd=bin/ooinstall after that
+ Ubuntu disables tests during the build already, so
  make check runs them in a separate phase (Bjoern)
+ disabling unit tests generally seems a bad idea, each time
  unit tests break - turned out to be a regression (Fridrich)
+ potential unit test performance problems
+ potential slowdown for linux tinderbox build tests
  investigating it (Norbert)
+ seen some runaway unit tests / slowchecks, chasing it (Bjoern)
+ will continue to dedicate some small % of build-time
  running unit tests

* MSI cross-compilation from Linux (Tibby)
+ been merged to master
+ java enabled / compilation issues
+ help with build process / location of uuidgen
  using undocumented parameters etc.
AI: + help get tinderboxes building up-loading msis (Andras)

* re-basing 

[libreoffice-projects] [michael.me...@suse.com: minutes of ESC call ...]

2012-03-30 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
- Forwarded message from Michael Meeks michael.me...@suse.com -

Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 17:46:55 +0100
From: Michael Meeks michael.me...@suse.com
To: libreoffice-dev libreoff...@lists.freedesktop.org, Libreoffice-qa 
Subject: minutes of ESC call ...
X-Mailer: Evolution 3.2.1

+ Norbert, Andras, Markus, Michael, Will, Rainer, Bjoern,
  Stephan, Petr, Caolan, Fridrich, Cedric

* Completed Action Items
+ Hamburg Hackfest
+ Hamburg Hack-fest mail the developers list (Bjoern)
+ Hamburg Hack-fest in topic of IRC channel (Bjoern)
+ annotate RTF bugs with 'rtf_filter' to break-down regressions (Cedric)
+ Official TDF blog item announcing GSOC required (Fridrich)

* Pending Action Items
+ [well underway] review and re-close 3.4.x MAB fixed in 3.5.x (Rainer)
+ [ever-pending] extract 64bit build hardware from firewall (Kendy / 
+ rename VCL API to make it GetBeamerFoo  fix (Michael)
+ cost and usefulness of exceptions proposal (Michael)
+ Hamburg Hackfest
+ blog some artwork for 'going to the LibreOffice hack-fest' 
+ TDF blog entry publicising the Hamburg hack-fest (Fridrich)
+ poke RedHat security chappy wrt. keys (Caolan)

* Action Items review

* Release Engineering update (Petr)
+ 3.5.2 status ...
+ Windows build for rc2 re-spinning  currently up-loading
+ Win32 downloads disabled until that's done
+ possibly delayed by mirror synching issues
+ following 2 weeks no release.
+ 3.4.6 retrospective ...
+ lots of fixes here from 3.5 re-using the reviews
+ no issues reported / little interest (?)
+ 3.6 - release plan ...
+ feature-freeze is two months away: June 4th
+ hack like crazies before then !

* GSOC update (Cedric)
+ 2-3 applications filed so far
+ some students getting stuck into easy hacks
+ perhaps a perception problem:
+ do people get scared of the scale ?
AA: + add a bold heading: LibreOffice is easy  fun to hack (Cedric)
+ how can we make LibreOffice seem less scary now it's less sick ?
+ answers on a postcard

* Collaboration Hack-fest update (Will Thompson)
+ various videos on-line eg.
+ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBsa212X2OE
+ over enthusiasm in media wrt. ship-ability etc.
+ telepathy improvements being fed-back to the core code
+ how far to completion ? (Norbert)
+ not that much work on the comms side (Will)
+ chunk of UI work needed (GSOC)
+ lots of model/view/controller splitting heavy
  lifting needed in calc (Michael)
+ hopefully much more incremental work
+ experimental feature for a while ...
+ how do we avoid getting out of sync generally ?
+ how much needs to be done before the number of
  things that de-sync becomes reasonably small ?
+ how much of a model/view separation is needed (Fridrich)
+ not needed as yet - as long as we can intercept
  model changes (Michael)
+ calc an easy start for referencing (Michael)
+ layout nodes have id's to nodes, could re-use
  those for writer / SwPaM ? (Cedric)
+ using undo/redo for calc is not ideal (Markus)
+ great chunks of data are stored, it's not conservative
+ same for writer (Cedric)
+ hopefully can use this logging to replace autosave too
+ save on a given log-size ...
+ undo/redo is abstracted behind the ScDocFunc interface
+ can expand undo/redo more.
+ can we look at / interoperate with other work in this area (Will?)
+ interesting ideas, real DOM vs. ODF

* exception size stats (Caolan)
+ likes exceptions, but they are big
+ trade-off - bigger tables for smaller code ?
+ new constructors in 3.6 - work on string literals
+ shouldn't have to throw - small strings
+ not strings controlled by malicious input (Stephan)
+ we abort anyway in these cases
AA: + drop exception specs from new string constructors (Lubos)
+ drop from Any / small object allocations as interested

* memory / heap usage prodding (Caolan)
+ every static object construction
- don't go adding thousands of these, not necessary
  and slows startup
- also chews memory to clean them up.
+ much of heap is in configmgr
+ lots of maps