problems rebuilding Ptolemy classic from scratch

2003-09-12 Thread rpintor

Hi again. Thanks all for your answers to my last question. i'm trying ti rebuild
from scratch Ptolemy classic 0.7.1. I am with linux debian 3.0 (woody).I use
bash, not cshell.

I got the sources to 0.7.1,, the tar-gz archives with the global src and
others. Then I untar the archives, in $PTOLEMY, and foollow the instructions
in the web page of Ptolemy project, doing make and make install. Then an error
happened, something related with Tycho. Perhaps I hasn't got Tcl/tk or something
about that.

Then, I do:

make everything

Now, I got an error related with xv. I suppose that I didn't finish my
installation or something doesn't work right, because when I try to start pigi
from $PTOLEMY/bin/pigi, it says that pigi.Rpc doesn't exists or is not prepared
to be executable.

I think I'm doing something wrong. Perphaps it would be easier if I get some
.deb files from ptolemy, but I don't know how to got them.

Can I receive some help? Thanks again and regards.

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Re: problems rebuilding Ptolemy classic from scratch

2003-09-12 Thread Christopher Hylands Brooks
I have some notes for compiling Ptolemy II 0.7.2 devel under Linux

I'll see about adding a more prominent link to that page from 
the 0.7.1 page.

xv not compiling is fairly common, you can run without it.
xv is also available elsewhere.

If pigiRpc is not present, then you probably have a compilation
make  make.out

and then look in make.out for lines that contain three ***


Hi again. Thanks all for your answers to my last question. i'm trying ti re
from scratch Ptolemy classic 0.7.1. I am with linux debian 3.0 (woody).I us
bash, not cshell.

I got the sources to 0.7.1,, the tar-gz archives with the global src and
others. Then I untar the archives, in $PTOLEMY, and foollow the instructi
in the web page of Ptolemy project, doing make and make install. Then an er
happened, something related with Tycho. Perhaps I hasn't got Tcl/tk or some
about that.

Then, I do:

make everything

Now, I got an error related with xv. I suppose that I didn't finish my
installation or something doesn't work right, because when I try to start p
from $PTOLEMY/bin/pigi, it says that pigi.Rpc doesn't exists or is not prep
to be executable.

I think I'm doing something wrong. Perphaps it would be easier if I get som
.deb files from ptolemy, but I don't know how to got them.

Can I receive some help? Thanks again and regards.

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Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
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Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]