Re: Inclusion of additional (non dereferencable) data?

2010-06-11 Thread Story Henry

On 10 Jun 2010, at 17:24, Nathan wrote:

 Here's a common example of what I'm referring to, suppose we have a (foaf) 
 document which includes the following triples:
  :me foaf:knows . a foaf:Person ;
foaf:name Joe Bloggs@en .

This is ok by me. Adding more information is useful, as
mentioned as it helps reduce connections. If you had a 1000 
in your foaf file without any information, your client would
need to make 1000 calls to get the info.

Pragmatically there is no need to make a big fuss about this.
People add what they want. If what they do goes out of date, then
people will notice this.

Your task as a UI designer is to allow people to 

 1. see where the information came from
 2. remove information from graphs they don't trust

Like But if you don't crawl the whole web, you will get
a much better effect.

  Resources that make claims about other people that keeps changing,
will be a nussance and avoided. So there will be social pressure to
get that right.


Re: Please stop massive crawling against

2010-06-08 Thread Story Henry
One could put the data behind foaf+ssl, and so identify agents :-)


On 8 Jun 2010, at 10:03, Martin Hepp (UniBW) wrote:

 Dear all:
 The volunteer who is hosting, a huge set of 
 GoodRelations product model data, is experiencing a problematic amount of 
 traffic from unidentified crawlers located in Ireland (DERI?), the 
 Netherlands (VUA?), and the USA.
 The crawling has been so intense that he had to temporarily block all traffic 
 to this dataset.
 In case you are operating any kind of Semantic Web crawlers that tried to 
 access this dataset, please
 1. check your crawler for bugs that create excessive traffic (e.g. by 
 redundant requests),
 2. identify your crawler agent properly in the HTTP header, indicating a 
 contact person, and
 3. implement some bandwidth throttling technique that limits the bandwidth 
 consumption on a single host to a moderate amount.
 Note that the full dataset is always up to date in the LOD SPARQL endpoint at
 Thus, there is rarely a need to crawl the complete dataset.
 Thanks for your consideration.
 Best wishes
 Martin Hepp
 martin hepp
 e-business  web science research group
 universitaet der bundeswehr muenchen
 phone:   +49-(0)89-6004-4217
 fax: +49-(0)89-6004-4620
 www: (group) (personal)
 skype:   mfhepp
 twitter: mfhepp
 Check out GoodRelations for E-Commerce on the Web of Linked Data!
 Project page:
 Resources for developers:
 Overview -
 How-to   -
 Recipe for Yahoo SearchMonkey:
 Talk at the Semantic Technology Conference 2009:
 Semantic Web-based E-Commerce: The GoodRelations Ontology
 Overview article on Semantic Universe:
 Tutorial materials:
 ISWC 2009 Tutorial: The Web of Data for E-Commerce in Brief: A Hands-on 
 Introduction to the GoodRelations Ontology, RDFa, and Yahoo! SearchMonkey

Re: An idea I need help with, or told to stop wasting time on!

2010-06-06 Thread Story Henry

On 6 Jun 2010, at 19:54, Reto Bachmann-Gmuer wrote:

 your way of specifying the type of the literal reminds me the recent
 discussion started by Henry Story:
 following this we could also say:
 :me foaf:name [
xsd:string 'nathan' ;
 ] .

Yes, it would be possible to extend xsd:string so that this works, as explained 
in this email

But also see the follow up

And as we don't control the xsd: namespace, we can't tell if they will use this
interpretation or the inverse.

  In the case of the cert ontology we can define a datatype to also be such a
relation. See:


Re: An idea I need help with, or told to stop wasting time on!

2010-06-06 Thread Story Henry

On 6 Jun 2010, at 22:22, Nathan wrote:

 Anything stopping me creating an ex:value which does have a strong meaning 
 and definition where in usage both of the following express the same:
 :me foaf:name 'nathan'^^xsd:string .
 :me foaf:name [ ex:value 'nathan'^^xsd:string ] .

seems to me you want owl:sameAs .


Re: [foaf-protocols] semantic pingback improvement request for foaf

2010-05-29 Thread Story Henry
Sebastian added the pingback relation to the ontology, and it is working now. 

I added a Pingback page to the esw wiki

I mention a couple of issues we should look into perhaps.


Social Web Architect

On 15 Apr 2010, at 22:36, Story Henry wrote:

   I often get asked how one solve the friend request problem on open social 
 networks that use foaf in the hyperdata way. 
 On the closed social networks when you want to make a friend, you send them a 
 request which they can accept or refuse. It is easy to set up, because all 
 the information is located in the same database, owned by the same company. 
 In a distributed social foaf network anyone can link to you, from anywhere, 
 and your acceptance can be expressed most clearly by linking back. The 
 problem is: you need to find out when someone is linking to you.
So then the problem is how does one notify people that one is linking to 
 them. Here are the solutions in order of simplicity.
   0. Search engine solution
   Wait for a search engine to index the web, then ask the search engine which 
 people are linking to you. 
   - This will tend to be a bit slow, as a search engine optimised to search 
 the whole web will need to be notified first, even if this is only of minor 
 interest to them
   - It makes the search engine a core part of the communication between two 
 individuals, taking on the role of the central database in closed social 
   - It will not work when people deploy foaf+ssl profiles, where they access 
 control who can see their friends. Search engines will not have access to 
 that information, and so will not be able to index it.
   1. HTTP Referer Header
   The absolute simplest solution would be just to use the mis-spelled HTTP 
 Referer Header, that was designed to do this job. In a normal HTTP request 
 the location from which the requested URL was found can be placed in the 
 header of the request.
   The server receiving the request and serving your foaf profile, can then 
 find the answer to the referrer in the web server logs.
 Perhaps that is all that is needed! When you make a friend request, do the 
   1. add the friend to your foaf profile foaf:knows .
   2. Then just do a GET on their Web ID with the Referrer header set to your 
 Web Id. They will then find in their apache logs, something like this: - - [31/Dec/2008:02:36:54 -0600] GET /dataspace/person/kidehen 
 HTTP/1.1 200 19924; Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows 
 NT 5.1; ru; rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5
  This can then be analysed using incredibly simple scripts such (as described 
 in [1] for example)
   3. The server could then just verify that information by 
  a. doing a GET on the Referer URL to find out if indeed it is linking to the 
 users WebId 
  b. do some basic trust analysis (is this WebId known by any of my friends?), 
 in order to rank it before presenting it to the user
   The nice thing about the above method is that it will work even when the 
 initial linker's server does not have a Ping service for WebIDs. If the pages 
 linking are in html with RDFa most browsers will send the referrer field.
  There is indeed a Wikipedia entry for this: it is called Refback.
  Exactly why Refback is more prone to spam than the ping back or linkback 
 solution is still a bit of a mystery to me.
  2. Referer with foaf+ssl
  In any case the SPAM problem can be reduced by using foaf+ssl [2]. If the 
 WebId is an https WebId - which it really should be! - then the requestor 
 will authentify himself, at least on the protected portion of the foaf 
 profile. So there are the following types of people who could be making the 
 request on your WebId.
  P1. the person making the friend request
   Here their WebId and the referer field will match.
   (this can be useful, as this should be the first request you will receive - 
 a person making a friend request, should at least test the link!) 
  P2. A friend of the person making the friend request
   Perhaps a friend of P1 goes to his page, comes across your WebId, clicks on 
 it to find out more, and authentifies himself on your page. If P2 is a friend 
 of yours too, then your service would have something somewhat similar to a 
 LinkedIn introduction!
  P3. Just someone on the web, a crawler...
Then you know that he is making his friendship claim public. :-)
   The above seems to be just some of the interesting information one could 
 from the analysing the Referer field logs.
  3. Pingback
  For some reason though the Referer Header

Re: Java Framework for Content Negotiation

2010-05-20 Thread Story Henry
There is the RESTlet framework


On 20 May 2010, at 10:49, Angelo Veltens wrote:

 I am just looking for a framework to do content negotiation in java. 
 Currently I am checking the HttpServletRequest myself quickdirty. Perhaps 
 someone can recommend a framework/library that has solved this already.
 Thanks in advance,

Re: Java Framework for Content Negotiation

2010-05-20 Thread Story Henry
On 20 May 2010, at 11:18, Michael Hausenblas wrote:
 There's also Jersey [1]  ...
 +1 to Jersey - had overall very good experience with it. If you want to have
 a quick look (not saying it's beautiful/exciting, but might helps to
 kick-start things) see [1] for my hacking with it.

Since this is an RDF list, I wrote a blog post on how one could use Jersey to 
linked data using annotations on objects

Something that could be looked into in more detail I have not had time to
pursue it since then, but others are welcome to continue from there


 Dr. Michael Hausenblas
 LiDRC - Linked Data Research Centre
 DERI - Digital Enterprise Research Institute
 NUIG - National University of Ireland, Galway
 Ireland, Europe
 Tel. +353 91 495730
 From: Dave Reynolds
 Date: Thu, 20 May 2010 11:08:03 +0100
 To: Angelo Veltens
 Cc: Linked Data community
 Subject: Re: Java Framework for Content Negotiation
 Resent-From: Linked Data community
 Resent-Date: Thu, 20 May 2010 10:08:45 +
 On 20/05/2010 11:03, Story Henry wrote:
 There is the RESTlet framework
 There's also Jersey [1] and, for a minimalist solution to just the
 content matching piece see Mimeparse [2].
 On 20 May 2010, at 10:49, Angelo Veltens wrote:
 I am just looking for a framework to do content negotiation in java.
 Currently I am checking the HttpServletRequest myself quickdirty. Perhaps
 someone can recommend a framework/library that has solved this already.
 Thanks in advance,

Re: GoodRelations vs. Google RDFa vs. Open Graph vs. hProduct/hListing: Using GoodRelations in 10 Triples

2010-05-03 Thread Story Henry

On 3 May 2010, at 09:38, Martin Hepp (UniBW) wrote:

 Dear all:
 Some people think that the GoodRelations ontology for e-commerce 
 ( is powerful, but complex.

 @prefix foo: .
 @prefix gr: .
 @prefix xsd: .
 @prefix rdfs: .
 foo:company a gr:BusinessEntity;
gr:legalName Hepp Space Ventures Inc.;
gr:offers foo:offering.
 foo:offering a gr:Offering;
rdfs:label Volkswagen Station Wagon, 4WD, 400 $@en;
rdfs:description I sell my old Volkswagen Station Wagon, 4WD, for 400 
[ a gr:UnitPriceSpecification;
gr:hasCurrencyValue 400^^xsd:string;
gr:hasCurrency USD^^xsd:string. ].

Hi Martin, it does not seem to complex to me.
I wonder if the following could make it even simpler though:
First I think, why not make the currency a literal?

foo:offering a gr:Offering;
   rdfs:label Volkswagen Station Wagon, 4WD, 400 $@en;
   rdfs:description I sell my old Volkswagen Station Wagon, 4WD, for 400 $@en;
   [ a gr:UnitPriceSpecification;
   gr:value 400^^gr:USD;
   ] .

When you have a relation from a string to a value, you have a literal. monetary 
values are good
examples it seems to me of this. It would remove at least three of your URL 
usages, as you had
to specify the xsd:string twice, and also the type of the currency.  

Also in your example you could put the company in a different file, and refer 
to it by 
reference. Then your example would just be

foo:offering a gr:Offering;
   is gr:offers of foo:company;
   rdfs:label Volkswagen Station Wagon, 4WD, 400 $@en;
   rdfs:description I sell my old Volkswagen Station Wagon, 4WD, for 400 $@en;
   [ a gr:UnitPriceSpecification;
   gr:value 400^^gr:USD;
   ] .

now we are down to 7 relations.

replacing email with atom and foaf+ssl

2010-05-03 Thread Story Henry
In the early days of Atom, people were speaking of using it to replace e-mail.  
This is in fact easy to do, we just need to try it out.

1. The problem.

Before explaining the solution, it is important to understand the problem.
Currently Atom works like a public mailing list: everyone can read everybody's
published email/post/entry. The advantage over mailing lists, is that emails 
automatically  have global identifiers, and that the content does not need to 
shoved around global networks, as spam has to be currently. People GET the entry
when they want to.

What we want is to be able to narrow this down, so that one can publish (email) 
to only a select number of people: to one's friends for example, or 
just to one person. Ie we want to do the same with Atom as we do with email.

This requires two things:
  - A way of notifying someone or a group of a new post for them
  - A way of allowing software to access a atom entry in one simple click

2. The Solution

2.1 RESTful Identity and Authentication 

foaf+ssl gives us WebIds, global identifiers tied to a public key, which allows
one click authentication. This works in all browsers. 
There is more here:
You can try some early demos out by going to for 
example or
any of the list of Identity Providers

Without foaf+ssl this is not really possible. Getting a username/password for 
each of one's friends web servers would be impossibly complex, tedious and 
insecure. OpenId is close, but still too complex, though it can also be made to 
nicely with foaf+ssl.

2.2 A ping mechanism

It just requires one new relation to be added to a foaf file.  A link to a 
form, which could be a atompub:Collection / sioc:Container [1]. I went into 
this in
great detail in a recent post where I cover what I know of the pinging 
history, and show how this can be simplified further.

Writing such a pinging mechansim is really really easy. Adding a relation to a 
foaf is also
easy, as we can see from the recent adoption by Facebook, which is rdfa 
enabling all
its web pages.

2.3 Usage

 When you want to publish an atom entry to someone, you would just need one of 
WebIds, and give access to only that WeBId for that entry. (A good GUI would 
speak of 
this in a human way of course)

  How would you get that WebId? Well if you have a blog for them, you have 
their atom ID
which can be used to find a webid. Or they could just give it to you at a party 
on a card.
Or it could be linked to from one of your friends foaf file

  When your reader access it, he just connects to your server with https, the 
server asks
the client for the X509 certificate, which can be sent. On authentication the 
Entry is returned.
That's all there is to it.

3. Result

As a result we would have a system that would be pure p2p, RESTful email 
If A sends B a message, only A and B (and routers along the way) need to know 
that communication. Nobody else. With email they are routed all over the place, 
all kinds of people to observe.

Furthermore one would have built in SSL security in as a default. 

Finally it is really easy to add client cert support to any application, as 
is completely standard based.

Any thoughts?



Social Web Architect

Re: [foaf-protocols] replacing email with atom and foaf+ssl

2010-05-03 Thread Story Henry

On 3 May 2010, at 21:22, Nathan wrote:

 Story Henry wrote:
 2. The Solution
 2.1 RESTful Identity and Authentication 
 foaf+ssl gives us WebIds, global identifiers tied to a public key, which 
 one click authentication. This works in all browsers. 
 There is more here:
 You can try some early demos out by going to for 
 example or
 any of the list of Identity Providers
 Without foaf+ssl this is not really possible. Getting a username/password 
 each of one's friends web servers would be impossibly complex, tedious and 
 insecure. OpenId is close, but still too complex, though it can also be made 
 to work
 nicely with foaf+ssl.
 2.2 A ping mechanism
 It just requires one new relation to be added to a foaf file.  A link to a 
 form, which could be a atompub:Collection / sioc:Container [1]. I went into 
 this in
 great detail in a recent post where I cover what I know of the pinging 
 history, and show how this can be simplified further.
 Writing such a pinging mechansim is really really easy. Adding a relation to 
 a foaf is also
 easy, as we can see from the recent adoption by Facebook, which is rdfa 
 enabling all
 its web pages.
 Good call, I've been thinking about this a lot recently and there is
 certainly a huge amount of scope.
 Things I'm certain of:
 - FOAF+SSL is needed
 - HTTP should be the interface
 - all communications should be handled RESTfully
 - Resources should be Web Access Controlled (via ACL+WebID)
 - The receive flow should be: notification of new message, GET message
 Thing(s) I'm unsure of:
 - Atom(/Pub) vs LinkedData

I am not sure the 'vs' is justfied. Atom is a format, which can be GRDDLed
into RDF. See the Atom/OWL work for example:

Full application of REST leads one inevitably to linked data. RDF provides
the semantics for that. (important note, that is still worth repeating:
RDF is not a format! proof: the RDFa html markup in the latest Facebook 
for example )

 Linked Data can represent anything we want, surely to use linked data
 rather than Atom would allow the scope of this to be so much more,
 allowing any kind of message to be sent.

See above.

But atom is widely used, widely understood. There is no reason atom 
cannot join foaf+ssl, so why not work together? Together we can
go much further.

 Sioc:Container and Items together with the additional sioc type
 extensions would appear to cover 99% of scenarios.

Yes, with Atom/Owl they just provide a semantics for Atom xml. The 
thing is that a lot of blogging clients understand Atom publication protocol.
It would be very easy for them to add foaf+ssl support - that would just
require at the minimum adding ssl support! 

 Considerations of SPARUL, SPARQL and SPARQL+Pubsubhubbub for custom
 notification streams.

Those are nice. But why use them when they are not needed? They will
be useful at some point. Let us use them, where and when they are needed.
The time will certainly come for them. But this application does 
not require them, and it could be really big.

But I see you agree with me below... :-)

 However, Atom(/Pub) is already here, defined, widely accepted and would
 allow a quick implementation without too much work, and you could ensure
 that each message could be handled due to having set parameters in Atom
 (whereas in linked data it could be any ontology with no guaranteed
 presence of rdfs:label or suchlike)
 Further, Atom(/Pub) would add in much scope for current work on the
 likes of to be incorporated / made interoperable etc.
 (and possibly OData/GData..?)

Yes. Possibly. I have not followed those that closely, so I can't comment
on them.

The great thing is that it ties atom very lightly into a global 
social network, which means that it will be all the more powerful as 
a result.

 By defining a standardized HTTP RESTful messaging system with FOAF+SSL
 and Web Access Control you remove all implementation specific details
 and make something forwards and backwards compatible, so vendors could
 easily adopt this whilst remaining in control of backwards compatibility
 points (routing messages to email, xmpp, sms etc - preferences for
 notifications of messages from certain sources - prioritization of
 message deliver messages based on rules).

yes. It would be very nicely backward compatible. A very minor tweak, 
with a huge upside.

 At the same time it would simplify many types of communication from
 service to service and encourage adoption of webid's, foaf+ssl.

And of Atom itself. :-) 

 All in all:
 Sounds feasible and pretty much fully spec'd

Re: [foaf-protocols] replacing email with atom and foaf+ssl

2010-05-03 Thread Story Henry

On 3 May 2010, at 22:02, Nathan wrote:

 All in all:
 Sounds feasible and pretty much fully spec'd if going down the atompub
 route, perhaps linked data + sparql/sparul/pubsubhubbub is the long term
 route but I'm quite sure it would take a bit more work to both implement
 and encourage adoption. Brining the REST and Linked Data communities
 together is critical though, and can only be a good thing for the future
 of the web.
 Thanks for bringing this to the table Henry,
 Thanks for the feedback, and helping me clarify.
 My primary question - in order to get on and start prototyping - is what
 to use as the property to link a webid to the atompub container(s).

Not sure you need this to start prototyping, though it would certainly be
a useful relation.

All you need is a link in the foaf to a ping endpoint. And I think we are just
waiting for Sebastian Dietzold to publish that.

What the publisher needs to do is ping the agents he is sending the 
'mail'/entry to. He knows their WebId. All he needs to do is look there to find
the ping endpoint, and send a ping. We may need something a little more advanced
than ping, but not much.

Does that help?

 on second thoughts, I'd like to negate the container(s) above with
 preference going to a single notification stream per webid / persona
 which they can subscribe to from a variety of clients and devices.
 fully agree though, this is something that can be adopted very quickly
 and will have huge benefits. the costs of adopting are negligible
 compared to the benefits.
 any other details needing covered?

Re: [foaf-protocols] owl:Restrictions in ACL - was Re: ACL Ontology and Discussion

2010-04-22 Thread Story Henry
Sorry for being a bit harsh yesterday evening. 

It is a bit difficult to work out what tools you have access to
and what you don't, and as you can imagine that is going to vary from
one person to the other. This might be the problem we are facing here.

It is also true come to think of it, that though Working Ontologist will
give you a very good background in RDF, RDFS and OWL but last
I looked, I don't think it really covers graphs, and belief states.

Our answers are in terms of OWL and SPARQL because this allows us to
express relatively clearly and concisely what is needed. None of this 
should require those tools. They are great shorthands for a lot of background 
coding though, and so are useful in a mailing list discussion.

As I understand it now you don't have access to a either a good owl 
reasoner or a  very advanced SPARQL query, the thing to do is to just 
simulate some of this, and to simplify the problem. But the answers 
given with SPARQL and OWL should help you 

  a. understand how to simplify without going wrong
  b. understand what is dependent on inference 
  c. what is dependent on graph selection

On 21 Apr 2010, at 23:05, Nathan wrote:

 Story Henry wrote:
 This is why we were writing the authorization out not as you have above, but
 [] a acl:Authorization ;
  acl:accessTo ;
  acl:agentClass [ owl:equivalentClass [ a owl:Restriction;
  owl:hasValue ;
  owl:onProperty [ owl:inverseOf sioc:has_member ]
  acl:mode acl:Read .
 But you if you want to do things procedurally, you can just define that set
 by getting the results from the query 
 or by writing out the procedural equivalent of it, as mentioned in a 
 previous email. 
 but that's what I have, and have implemented already over on - and have done since the first time i mentioned this!


 you can't access because i don't foaf:knows you, whereas melvin,
 kingsley, michael can; similarly I'm the only one who can actually read
 the acl because i have acl:Control over it. the acl is exposed via the
 Link header using a rel of the acl ontology.

This is partly what I was thinking. Your setup is going to be initially
very much under your own control. This is good, because it should help
you simplify things quite a lot.

But it can also lead you  - if you are not careful - to your making 
big reasoning mistakes, that you may not notice initially at all.

So for example your comments about using the sioc:member_of relation to
do one thing, and the sioc:has_member relation to do something else are 
the types of errors that stem from that. Those are inverse relations so 
they imply one another. You should not work as if you could have

  G sioc:has_member p .

without having

  p sioc:member_of G .

Of course if you don't have reasoning set up, then you won't notice it.
But when later you do start switching it on, the parts of your reasoning that
were relying on those non existent distinctions won't work.

 @prefix rdf: .
 @prefix acl: .
 @prefix foaf: .
 @prefix owl: .
 [] a acl:Authorization ;
   acl:accessTo ;
   acl:agent ;
   acl:mode acl:Control, acl:Read, acl:Write .

That looks good.

 [] a acl:Authorization ;
   acl:accessTo ;
   acl:agentClass _:myfriends ;
   acl:mode acl:Read .

That looks good. (I have not tried this stuff, so I can only
speak theoretically here. I should go and implement this too frankly.
I was looking for a reason to do so.)

 _:myfriends owl:equivalentClass [
   a owl:Restriction ;
   owl:hasValue ;
   owl:onProperty [ owl:inverseOf foaf:knows ]
   ] .

Good so this is what I think we were proposing earlier.
Clearly if you don't have a good owl reasoner, which few of us have, 
then you would just use the above to calculate the set of members of the
class by using it to write out a query such as 

  ?p a _:myfriends .
} WHERE { foaf:knows ?p .

You would add the results to the graph that the access control
engine then uses to make its decision. If you can you should try to
cache that graph, so that you don't need to calculate these things 
all the time.

 exactly the same code works for the above sioc:Usergroups acl,

The concern I was having in some of your previous remarks is that
you were treating a sioc:Usergroup as a class. I am not really sure
why it is not, and clearly it would make things easier with these
owl reasoning tools. But then the foaf:knows case shows more precisely
why one will need these intermediate mappers.

 if you
 want any proof then simply fire through a usergroup you

Re: [foaf-protocols] owl:Restrictions in ACL - was Re: ACL Ontology and Discussion

2010-04-22 Thread Story Henry
On 22 Apr 2010, at 09:55, Nathan wrote:

 Story Henry wrote:
 Sorry for being a bit harsh yesterday evening. 
 Likewise :)
 It is a bit difficult to work out what tools you have access to
 and what you don't, and as you can imagine that is going to vary from
 one person to the other. This might be the problem we are facing here.
 It is also true come to think of it, that though Working Ontologist will
 give you a very good background in RDF, RDFS and OWL but last
 I looked, I don't think it really covers graphs, and belief states.
 that's exactly the right term! belief states. The issue is how to
 express in which graph/resource to trust, or at least how to delegate
 that trust in some way (possibly via isDefinedby) with owl is what I
 need to be able to do. (remembering that the acl is by nature trusted).

It may be ok, not to express that directly in any way. You could easily
leave that up to your reasoner. That is the way I would go to start
off with. The reason being that since your service is the one making the
decision, and since very few people will be able to read the more advanced
rule set (not just you), publishing it won't be that much use to start off 
with anyway. 

If people start using and understanding the acls that will be
a huge improvement already, and will help us test the ontology.

Longer term using N3 rules as Tim Berners Lee has done for a long time
in the cwm directory, and for which I published pointers in my answer to

would be ideal in my opinion. Why so few RDF libraries have integrated N3 rules
I don't know. They are very powerful, concise, form a nice superset with 
and could allow one to build in very few lines of code some awesome reasoners.

1. Simple example

Take the simple rule on

[] acl:accessTo card.rdf; 
   acl:mode acl:Read, acl:Write;  
   acl:agent .

This is easy because when you know the WebId of the user, and having placed all 
the ACLs in
a graph you trust (by just crawling your web server and merging all the files 
into a graph you 
could name myTrustedACLs)  you can simply query that graph

GRAPH myTrustedACLs 
[] accessTo card.rdf;
   acl:mode acl:Read;
   acl:agent .

If the answer is yes, the person gets READ access.

2. with a remote reference

[] a acl:Authorization ;
   acl:accessTo ;
   acl:agentClass ;
   acl:mode acl:Read .

Let us say for simplicity that log:semantics {
  #group1 is rdf:type of, george, 

( the log:semantics is a way of saying that if you dereference the URL you get 
the  graph. The simplicity comes from our not needing to do any inferencing on 
class to find its members )

Then you could just merge the information into myTrustedACLs and ask the 

GRAPH myTrustedACLs 
[] accessTo card.rdf;
   acl:mode acl:Read;
   acl:agentClass ?c . a ?c . ] .

that would not be a good idea. Because it would be too easy for your whole 
to be subverted with log:semantics {
  #group1 is rdf:type of, george, 

  [] a acl:Authorization ;
 acl:agentClass #group1 ;
 acl:mode acl:Read, acl:Write, acl:Control .

  Here as you can see, I am adding a twist in that the remotely referenced
file is adding its own acl. We can imagine that it  does this by mistake, and
not necessarily out of evil intentions (perhaps it is the consequence of
something else in there, which the author of the file did not forsee)

  If you just merge that information into your myTrustedACLs in order 
to query it with the ASK query shown previously, then the remote resource 
could override your ACL, and could change the meaning of all your other ACLs 
too. So that is clearly not a good idea.

  So what is needed is for you to extract the minimum needed from the remote

Perhaps the easiest way here would be to proceed in two query steps.

1. You  ASK 
GRAPH { rdf:type #group1 .

2. If that is positive you 

ASK GRAPH myTrustedACLs 
[] accessTo card.rdf;
   acl:mode acl:Read;
   acl:agentClass .

That is good, you get just what you want out of the remote graph, and nothing 
more, and then proceed with your reasoning. 

Ok so the above seems to require a step 0, where you find out that you need to 
ask something of myTrustedACLs to find out that you know the agent class
but not the agents that belong to it. 

It would be nice to find a more generic way of boiling

Re: [foaf-protocols] owl:Restrictions in ACL - was Re: ACL Ontology and Discussion

2010-04-21 Thread Story Henry
Hi Nathan,

it seems to me you need to invest in an introductory book on the semantic web.
I suggest Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist by Dean Allemang
which I reviewed here

It is very nice, it goes over RDF, RDFS, OWL without mentioning rdf/xml, in an 
but precise way.

On 21 Apr 2010, at 03:44, Nathan wrote:

 Nathan wrote:
 Nathan wrote:
 Request for a bit of help / clarification - started implementing.. see
 in-line from here..
 Story Henry wrote:
 On 20 Apr 2010, at 21:13, Nathan wrote:
 Story Henry wrote:
 On 20 Apr 2010, at 15:52, Nathan wrote:
 I'd like to propose a few new additions to the ACL Ontology, I won't be
 specific on names but will describe each one and the associated need.
 The addition of groups - personally I see no need to define a set
 ontology for what constitutes a group when dealing with ACL, however it
 would be fantastic to be able to point to the URI of a Group of WebIDs
 and the relation, or predicate, that should be used. For example:
 [] a acl:Authorization ;
 acl:accessTo /pictures-of-me ;
 acl:mode acl:Read ;
 acl:agentGroupSource ;
 acl:agentGroupLink foaf:knows .
 I think you can get what you want by using owl reasoning
 @prefix owl: .
 @prefix acl: .
 [] a acl:Authorization ;
 acl:accessTo /pictures-of-me ;
 acl:mode acl:Read ;
 acl:agentClass :myfriends .
 :myfriends owl:equivalentClass [ 
 a owl:Restriction;
 owl:onProperty [ owl:inverseOf foaf:knows ];
 ] .
 managed to get the above implemented and working, basically this equates
 to find the triple:

What the above is saying is that :myfriends is a class that has exactly the 
same members
as the class that can be found by asking the following query

WHERE { foaf:knows ?mem .

and adding all ?mem to the set. foaf:knows users-webid .
 if it's there then grant access, else not.
 is that correct?? or should it equate to looking for:
 users-webid foaf:knows .
 in this scenario the agentGroupSource is a foaf:Person (me) and the
 relation to be used as members who have acl:Read access is everybody i
 [] a acl:Authorization ;
 acl:accessTo /working-group ;
 acl:mode acl:Read , acl:Write ;
 acl:agentGroupSource /groups#working-group-members ;
 you probably want a 
  acl:agentGroupSource /groups/#userGroup1 ;
 acl:agentGroupLink sioc:has_member .
 [] a acl:Authorization ;
 acl:accessTo /working-group ;
 acl:mode acl:Read , acl:Write ;
 acl:agentClass :wkgrp.
 :wkgrp owl:equivalentClass [
   a owl:restriction;
   owl:onProperty sioc:member_of;
   owl:hasValue /groups/#userGroup1 .
 managed to get this one in too.. equates to needing:
 users-webid sioc:member_of /groups/#userGroup1 .

SELECT ?mem 
   ?mem sioc:member_of /groups/#userGroup1 .

 but what I needed in the first place was the opposite, to find the
 following triple: sioc:has_member users-webid .

sioc:has_member is the owl:inverseOf sioc:member_of . So that is indeed what 
you got.

 my first thought was..
 [] a acl:Authorization ;
 acl:accessTo ;
 acl:agentClass _:group ;
 acl:mode acl:Read .
 _:group owl:equivalentClass [
 a owl:Restriction ;
 owl:hasValue ;
 owl:onProperty [ owl:inverseOf sioc:member_of ]
 ] .
 is that correct?

That is semantically the same as the above.

 if so then the foaf:knows implementation above is a bit of a special
 case isn't it.. because the inverse of { a foaf:knows b } is { b
 foaf:knows a } but the inverse of { c sioc:member_of d } is { d
 sioc:has_member c } - different predicates.

Not a problem. Sometimes the inverses, don't have the same names. :-)

 I could be (and probably am) wildly wrong here, any clarification?
 figured a bit out i think..
 :myfriends owl:equivalentClass [
  a owl:Restriction;
  owl:onProperty [ owl:inverseOf foaf:knows ];
 ] .
 would equal:
 users-webid foaf:isKnownBy .
 if such a thing existed, but it doesn't so to check if users-webid is
 known by :me then we have to foaf:knows users-webid .
 but I think I've just inferred that last bit of knowledge myself, and
 that it'd be impossible for a machine to figure that bit out.. because
 surely in the case of:
 _:group owl:equivalentClass [
  a owl:Restriction ;
  owl:hasValue ;
  owl:onProperty [ owl:inverseOf sioc:member_of ]
  ] .
 I'd have to dereference sioc, see if there was an inverse property of it
 and then look

Re: [foaf-protocols] owl:Restrictions in ACL - was Re: ACL Ontology and Discussion

2010-04-21 Thread Story Henry
On 21 Apr 2010, at 09:17, Nathan wrote:

 Story Henry wrote:
 On 21 Apr 2010, at 03:44, Nathan wrote:
 [ ✄ ] figured it - finally.. (?)
 _:group owl:equivalentClass [
 a owl:Restriction ;
 owl:hasValue ;
 owl:onProperty [ owl:inverseOf sioc:has_member ]
 ] .
 which leaves you looking for the following :
 users-webid _:y .
 _:y owl:inverseOf sioc:has_member .
 which afaict does not entail:
 users-webid sioc:member_of .
 It does because
 sioc:member_of owl:equivalentProperty [ owl:inverseOf sioc:has_member ] .
 because that would be specified by:
 _:group owl:equivalentClass [
 a owl:Restriction ;
 owl:hasValue ;
 owl:onProperty sioc:member_of
 ] .
 must be different surely - I know what you are saying about
 equivalentProperty; but the above should =
 SELECT ?mem
?mem sioc:member_of .

_:group is indeed a class equivalent to any class that contains all the
bindings to ?mem in your query above. Note that as you add more information
you may also get more results.

 What I forgot to mention is that at runtime when we are processing the
 ACL we have two (or more) graphs to pull information from; the users
 foaf file and an unknown graph.

yes, that is the whole point of the semantic web. 
But it is not because you can merge information from every graph that you 
should, just
like it is not because you can believe what everyone tells you that you should.

So once you have tied the WebId to the user at the end of the ssl connection, 
know what he is telling you about himself. Your access control information is 
something you will not want to merge with what he says, unless you completely 
trust him.

 I'm suggesting that the above equates to:
 SELECT ?mem
 FROM users-foaf
?mem sioc:member_of .
FILTER( ?mem = users-webid )
 whilst an acl w/ the following:
 _:group owl:equivalentClass [
   a owl:Restriction ;
   owl:hasValue ;
   owl:onProperty [ owl:inverseOf sioc:has_member ]
 ] .
 would equate to:
 SELECT ?mem
 WHERE { sioc:has_member ?mem .
FILTER( ?mem = users-webid )

You seem to think that the relations are fixed in how they can
be used, in that only one document type can publish one of the relation. 
But that is not the case, both your ACL or the users' document could publish 
either sioc:has_member or sioc:member_of.

In any case, whenever you have one relation the other one is true too.
That is just like when if I say Joe is the father of Harry, it is 
true to say that Harry's father is Joe, or that Harry is the child of Joe. 
The same facts make all those true: the are logically equivalent.

 The two queries are obviously v different because they are asking
 different graphs the question, and we need a way to be able to infer
 which graph to ask based on the limited information available in the
 equivalentClass, Restriction pairing.

You may indeed want to ask both graphs a question. We first have to work out
what you are trying to do.

 Does it make more sense now why I'm saying that it doesn't entail..?

I think I am starting to see where your conceptual problem is coming from.
You are looking in the wrong place for a solution to a problem that I think you
have not yet got. (you should come across it later).

To summarize you have are the following graphs

G1. Access control rules you trust
G2. User Information (which you get from the WebId)
G3. Information about what user you are dealing with (you have a WebID handle
on the user at the end of the connection)

( btw. This is laid out in detail in FOAF+SSL: RESTful authentication 
for the social web )

So you now are at the authorisation stage. We imagine you have the resource 
the user wants access to is protected by the following or equivalent acl

@prefix owl: .
@prefix acl: .

[] a acl:Authorization ;
   acl:accessTo /pictures-of-me ;
   acl:mode acl:Read ;
   acl:agentClass :myfriends .

:myfriends owl:equivalentClass [ 
 a owl:Restriction;
 owl:onProperty [ owl:inverseOf foaf:knows ];
] .

So your acl uses the WebId to identify you. 
it trusts the document to correctly declare the 
foaf:knows relationships. So it
can probably just create a list (set) of WebIds from there and check if the 
users' WebId is part of that
list. Notice that you merge the information from the acl G1 and what declares

Re: [foaf-protocols] owl:Restrictions in ACL - was Re: ACL Ontology and Discussion

2010-04-21 Thread Story Henry

On 21 Apr 2010, at 16:58, Joe Presbrey wrote:

 Sadly, I'm going to have to implement the above in the short term though
 as can't for the life of me see any other way of expressing:
 if graph Gx holds the triple group has_member webid .
  where Gx is found by dereferencing group
  where group and has_member are defined in the ACL
  where webid is only known at runtime after checking foaf+ssl.
 I'm not sure about the Gx dereference at this point.  I guess this is
 analogous to multiple groups being defined in the same graph and
 distinguished by fragment.  Are you planning to do this like:
 defrag(group)?  Along these lines I think Apache people like
 AuthGroupFile in .htaccess which explicitly declares what graphs are
 trusted for authorization.  Maybe you aren't counting this as another
 way of expressing, but in SPARQL I would say:
 ASK {
  GRAPH acl {
?acl acl:accessTo uri; acl:mode acl:Read; acl:accessClass group .
  GRAPH group {
group has_member webid .

yes, a SPARQL query such as the above, if the engine knows to go and 
dereference the Graph ids, 
is close to the N3 rules I was thinking of.

The OWL inferencing is then done inside the graphs such as group.


Re: [foaf-protocols] owl:Restrictions in ACL - was Re: ACL Ontology and Discussion

2010-04-21 Thread Story Henry
I think it would be nice if you went off to study Semantic Web for 
the Working Ontologist before asking any more questions on this group.
Currently it would be like a php person coming to a php group, who
never really even looked at a php grammar, syntax, or got a simple php
program to run. And then kept asking questions which were due mostly to
the person's trying to guess how php was meant to work from his experience
in Visual Basic.

That book should help you get going. I learnt a lot from it.

Nevertheless I will answer you question one last time below.

On 21 Apr 2010, at 20:35, Nathan wrote:

 Joe Presbrey wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 2:26 PM, Nathan wrote:
 I'm not sure about the Gx dereference at this point.  I guess this is
 analogous to multiple groups being defined in the same graph and
 distinguished by fragment.  Are you planning to do this like:
 more GET uri, parse rdf and then check resulting triples.
 Say my group is groups#users.
 When I go HTTP GET groups#users, don't I actually get groups?
 If my rule had been simply:
 group says who is in group
  GRAPH groups#users {
groups#users has_member webid .
 it would fail. It should have been:
 groups file says who is in users
  GRAPH groups {
groups#users has_member webid .
 Of course had my source been TriG or SPARQL endpoint, the former may
 have been just fine depending on my schema.
 Is your plan to determine authorized named graphs automagically from
 the ACL or require them declared explicitly?
 determine automagically, and sparql-less implementation - should be as
 simple as:

why sparql-less? 

 parse in to triples
 foreach( triples as triple ) {
  if( triple-s == ) {
if( triple-p == has_member ) {
  if( triple-o == webid ) {
 return TRUE;

With SPARQL it clearly would be easier to ask

  GRAPH { sioc:has_member webid .

But if you don't have SPARQL then well, you can do graph traversal, which also
will work. It's just more work programmatically.

 but how to express that in acl+owl.. here's the full abridged run down
 of the problem, rewritten to be as unambiguous as possible.

OWL reasoning helps you to find inferences. So you can ask queries on graphs 
would contain equivalent information written in other ways, and map it.

OWL gives you more power. Of course you need tools to get the extra power.
If you don't have the tools, then simplify the problem so that the tools 
are not necessary. There are many different ways to do that. It requires 
asking users to be more consistent in how they express the data. This is 
probably ok, to start off with as you will be the first to try this out. 
Start simple with a few things, then move to more complciated versions.

But start with something. For the moment we don't see any of your code, or 
any service you have put online.

 The problem is (should be) a very simple one.. I'm implementing ACL
 using the acl ontology, all I want to do is handle a very simple group
 based system where the uri of the group and the predicate are specified
 in the acl file / graph.

If the representation returned by the contains the 
triples sioc:has_member :joe, :henry, jack, jim, george 

Then you are done.  IE the ASK query mentioned above will return TRUE if the 
webid is a member
of the group which has the restiction you have used.

  GRAPH { sioc:has_member webid .

in fact if you ask your query directly to the graph
then you can just ask 

ASK { sioc:has_member webid .

You can use the above query to determine membership of the class defined in your the rule
specified in your follow up e-mail.

[] a acl:Authorization ;
acl:accessTo ;
acl:agentClass ;
acl:mode acl:Read .

Well! Careful!
The above is not correct, because if you look at the definition of
acl:agentClass the object has to be a owl:Class, not a sioc:Usergroup.

So what is required is one more step to map the members of a sioc:Usergroup 
into a 
owl:Class (which you can think of as a set)

This is why we were writing the authorization out not as you have above, but

[] a acl:Authorization ;
acl:accessTo ;
acl:agentClass [ owl:equivalentClass [ a owl:Restriction;
owl:hasValue ;
owl:onProperty [ owl:inverseOf sioc:has_member ]
acl:mode acl:Read .

But you if you want to do things procedurally, you can just define that set
by getting the results from the query 

 SELECT ?mem

Re: [foaf-protocols] ACL

2010-04-20 Thread Story Henry

On 20 Apr 2010, at 08:47, Michael Hausenblas wrote:

 That sort of reminds me of something [1] ;)
 So, I asked a round a bit [2] and the answer essentially was: go register
 one ... fancy doing it together?

The latest document draft-nottingham is here btw

One could just register it by adding the relation in the acl ontology such as

acl:rules a rdf:Property;
   rdf:domain foaf:Document;
   rdf:range foaf:Document;

As you can see in the 5.5 examples, you can have a rel value as a URL. ( So in 
this it is similar to
atom). The only disadvantage then is that you don't get the nice shorthand, for 
inclusion in Atom XML, 
and other documents.

So I suppose the best would be to add the relation first to the ontology, work 
out a good wording
for it, test it out, then ask for the IETF shorthand, the put an owl:sameAs 
link to the ietf one, which
hopefully we can then convince them to serve up as linked data.

I'd be happy to support a document for the link. It seems to me the Atom folks 
could find that very
useful. Not sure yet how cold they are towards rdf still.


 Dr. Michael Hausenblas
 LiDRC - Linked Data Research Centre
 DERI - Digital Enterprise Research Institute
 NUIG - National University of Ireland, Galway
 Ireland, Europe
 Tel. +353 91 495730
 From: Nathan
 Organization: webr3
 Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 22:37:41 +0100
 To: Linked Data community, foaf-protocols
 Subject: [foaf-protocols] ACL
 Hi All,
 I'm just trying to get an implementation of web access control [1] off
 the ground and have hit upon a small issue.
 I'm planning on exposing links to acl files via the Link header as
 directed, however I've realised there is no rel= for it, hence i was
 opting for a custom temporary type. On a first look a relation of
 acl:acl looks to be the one, but after checking the actual ontology the
 acl:acl link simply isn't there, thus in the meantime I've opted for:
 Link: /.wac/everyone.n3; rel=;;
 title=Access Control File
 Any improvements, or refinements welcome, as the above is just a
 temporary measure.
 foaf-protocols mailing list

Re: ACL Ontology and Discussion

2010-04-20 Thread Story Henry
On 20 Apr 2010, at 15:52, Nathan wrote:

 Hi All,
 I'd like to propose a few new additions to the ACL Ontology, I won't be
 specific on names but will describe each one and the associated need.
 The addition of groups - personally I see no need to define a set
 ontology for what constitutes a group when dealing with ACL, however it
 would be fantastic to be able to point to the URI of a Group of WebIDs
 and the relation, or predicate, that should be used. For example:
 [] a acl:Authorization ;
  acl:accessTo /pictures-of-me ;
  acl:mode acl:Read ;
  acl:agentGroupSource ;
  acl:agentGroupLink foaf:knows .

I think you can get what you want by using owl reasoning

@prefix owl: .
@prefix acl: .

[] a acl:Authorization ;
 acl:accessTo /pictures-of-me ;
 acl:mode acl:Read ;
 acl:agentClass :myfriends .

:myfriends owl:equivalentClass [ 
  a owl:Restriction;
  owl:onProperty [ owl:inverseOf foaf:knows ];
] .

 in this scenario the agentGroupSource is a foaf:Person (me) and the
 relation to be used as members who have acl:Read access is everybody i
 [] a acl:Authorization ;
  acl:accessTo /working-group ;
  acl:mode acl:Read , acl:Write ;
  acl:agentGroupSource /groups#working-group-members ;

you probably want a 

   acl:agentGroupSource /groups/#userGroup1 ;

  acl:agentGroupLink sioc:has_member .

[] a acl:Authorization ;
 acl:accessTo /working-group ;
 acl:mode acl:Read , acl:Write ;
 acl:agentClass :wkgrp.

:wkgrp owl:equivalentClass [
a owl:restriction;
owl:onProperty sioc:member_of;
owl:hasValue /groups/#userGroup1 .   

 in this scenario the agentGroupSource is a sioc:Usergroup and the
 relation to be used as members who can Read,Write is sioc:has_member.
 I'm very aware that there are inverse relations here (sioc:member_of),
 but strongly feel that we can't be trusting anything in somebodies foaf
 profile document for ACL, so thus have negated entirely :)

That is not a question of the direction of the realtion, but a question 
of which information you take as reliable. If you don't trust the information
from the user's profile, don't merge it into the graph you use to decide 
who get access to some resource.

 I've also given the above pretty poor names of agentGroup* in the
 examples, purposefully to get some input on better names!

 Next up is acl:agentClass, I'm actually going to suggest deprecation or
 reserving it for future use, because afaict everything which is
 requesting access to a resource must be an agent of some kind,

Not sure why you think so. The point of agentClass is to link to the set
of agents that have access. Seems pretty reasonable to me.

 and if we were to distinguish between Classes of Agent then the only place
 we can find out what Class an Agent has, is in their foaf profile - which they

The agent class is not a way of defining the type of the agent, it is a way to
define the type of people who will be given access. 

agentClass   a rdf:Property;
rdfs:label agent;
rdfs:comment A class of persons or social entities to being given the 
rdfs:domain Authorization;
rdfs:range  rdfs:Class.  # Must be subclass of foaf:Agent. 

 So for example you can say that access can only be granted to
 ex:Admin and I can say I am a foaf:Person, ex:Admin and gain access.

That is why one would not use information from your foaf file to decide
what class you are in. Presumably the class could be one defined either directly
by a URL, which could list all its members, and presumably would be access 
controlled by someone reliable, or as above indirectly as your friends.

 In addition access control is a pretty critical issue, and adding in
 things which bring up many design issues about inference etc when they
 aren't strictly needed (as in groups and lists of WebIds suit the
 purpose and always have - imo) may not be the best course of action.
 (You've no idea how humbly I say that, but figure it best to bring it up).
 This does however bring up the issue of how to say read access for
 anybody with a webid - is there any wild card syntax that could be used
 for acl:agent or suchlike?

If you want that you would do as the note in the acl ontology points out, you
would use the class of foaf:Agent 

 And finally, some form of doesn't have access - in many cases and on
 many systems I've implemented there has been very strong, non-optional,
 requirements to effectively ban or restrict access to certain people.

You can use set operators defined here

to define sets of people who are not allowed access.

 Often access is granted to everybody who is logged in but not to
 person-x and person-y. It seems that some for of acl:Unauthorisation is
 needed - but I'll leave it there for those 

Re: ACL Ontology and Discussion

2010-04-20 Thread Story Henry
On 20 Apr 2010, at 21:13, Nathan wrote:

 Story Henry wrote:
 On 20 Apr 2010, at 15:52, Nathan wrote:
 I'd like to propose a few new additions to the ACL Ontology, I won't be
 specific on names but will describe each one and the associated need.
 The addition of groups - personally I see no need to define a set
 ontology for what constitutes a group when dealing with ACL, however it
 would be fantastic to be able to point to the URI of a Group of WebIDs
 and the relation, or predicate, that should be used. For example:
 [] a acl:Authorization ;
 acl:accessTo /pictures-of-me ;
 acl:mode acl:Read ;
 acl:agentGroupSource ;
 acl:agentGroupLink foaf:knows .
 I think you can get what you want by using owl reasoning
 @prefix owl: .
 @prefix acl: .
 [] a acl:Authorization ;
 acl:accessTo /pictures-of-me ;
 acl:mode acl:Read ;
 acl:agentClass :myfriends .
 :myfriends owl:equivalentClass [ 
  a owl:Restriction;
  owl:onProperty [ owl:inverseOf foaf:knows ];
 ] .
 in this scenario the agentGroupSource is a foaf:Person (me) and the
 relation to be used as members who have acl:Read access is everybody i
 [] a acl:Authorization ;
 acl:accessTo /working-group ;
 acl:mode acl:Read , acl:Write ;
 acl:agentGroupSource /groups#working-group-members ;
 you probably want a 
   acl:agentGroupSource /groups/#userGroup1 ;
 acl:agentGroupLink sioc:has_member .
 [] a acl:Authorization ;
 acl:accessTo /working-group ;
 acl:mode acl:Read , acl:Write ;
 acl:agentClass :wkgrp.
 :wkgrp owl:equivalentClass [
a owl:restriction;
owl:onProperty sioc:member_of;
owl:hasValue /groups/#userGroup1 .   
 I'd really like to invest some time in to making better use of owl
 restrictions, ranges etc however a couple of things are stopping me (at
 the minute).
 1: how do I implement this? I've not seen any tools yet that can handle
 this level of owl, inferencing and reasoning at runtime easily (to be
 realistic any implementation would need to have done it's work in a few
 milliseconds at most to be usable). If there are tools that can do this
 (even slowly) at runtime at the minute then I'm all ears! :)

You probably don't need to do the reasoning every time. You just need to do it 
every so 
often, when you one of the resources you are relying on has changed. Then you 
fill out the
class with all the members and you are done.

It all depends how you use it. 

 2: how does this play with agentClass # Must be subclass of foaf:Agent?

foaf:Agent is the set of all agents, if you want.
then any class you place as the object of the acl:agentClass relation must be a 
set of
agents, ie a subset of foaf:Agent. That fits in well.

In any case what was proposed there is not that different from your proposal.
It's just already documented and ready to roll.

 Also, even though this is a possibility surely some way of handling
 groups with simple to calculate methods would be a useful addition to
 the ontology? - I know that what I've suggested could be implemented
 with a simple forloop and if-match and that it would cover a huge range
 of functionality (most use cases I can think of / need at the least).

You could implement something basic with a for loop perhaps. It's a good 
Are you trying to read any restriction that could be found anywhere on the 
Or are you going to be in charge of the acls? If you are somewhat in charge of 
the acls,
then you can make sure not to create too complex restrictions.

You can probably get some of the Java reasoning tools to help you. They do some 
reasoning, and
you can probably get quite far by using owl class descriptions to get you a 
listing of all the
members of your class. That is at its most basic what these owl reasoners do 

 in this scenario the agentGroupSource is a sioc:Usergroup and the
 relation to be used as members who can Read,Write is sioc:has_member.
 I'm very aware that there are inverse relations here (sioc:member_of),
 but strongly feel that we can't be trusting anything in somebodies foaf
 profile document for ACL, so thus have negated entirely :)
 That is not a question of the direction of the relation, but a question 
 of which information you take as reliable. If you don't trust the information
 from the user's profile, don't merge it into the graph you use to decide 
 who get access to some resource.
 I've also given the above pretty poor names of agentGroup* in the
 examples, purposefully to get some input on better names!
 Next up is acl:agentClass, I'm actually going to suggest deprecation or
 reserving it for future use, because afaict everything which is
 requesting access to a resource must be an agent of some kind,
 Not sure why you think so. The point of agentClass is to link to the set
 of agents that have access. Seems pretty reasonable to me

Re: backronym proposal: Universal Resource Linker

2010-04-18 Thread Story Henry

On 18 Apr 2010, at 11:18, Dan Brickley wrote:

 So - I'm serious. The term 'URI' has never really worked as something
 most Web users encounter and understand.
 For RDF, SemWeb and linked data efforts, this is a problem as our data
 model is built around URIs.
 If 'URL' can be brought back from limbo as a credible technical term,
 and rebranded around the concept of 'linkage', I think it'll go a long
 way towards explaining what we're up to with RDF.

For the linked data movement, that seems like a good idea, definitively.
The fact that RDF is defined around IRIs is great, because it means that we can
be compatible with any future improvements. But we don't have to talk at that 
of abstraction every day.


 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Dan Brickley
 Date: Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 11:52 AM
 Subject: backronym proposal: Universal Resource Linker
 Cc: Tim Berners-Lee
 I'll keep this short. The official term for Web identifiers, URI,
 isn't widely known or understood. The I18N-friendly variant IRI
 confuses many (are we all supposed to migrate to use it; or just in
 our specs?), while the most widely used, understood and (for many)
 easiest to pronounce, 'URL' (for Uniform Resource Locator) has been
 relegated to 'archaic form' status. At the slightest provocation this
 community dissapears down the rathole of URI-versus-URN, and until
 this all settles down we are left with an uncomfortable disconnect
 between how those in-the-know talk about Web identifiers, and those
 many others who merely use it.
 As of yesterday, I've been asked but what is a URI? one too many
 times. I propose a simple-minded fix: restore 'URL' as the most
 general term for Web identifiers, and re-interpret 'URL' as Universal
 Resource Linker. Most people won't care, but if they investigate,
 they'll find out about the re-naming. This approach avoids URN vs URI
 kinds of distinction, scores 2 out of 3 for use of intelligible words,
 and is equally appropriate to classic browser/HTML, SemWeb and other
 technical uses. What's not to like? The Web is all about links, and
 urls are how we make them...

Re: [foaf-protocols] semantic pingback improvement request for foaf

2010-04-17 Thread Story Henry

On 17 Apr 2010, at 11:34, Melvin Carvalho wrote:

  0. Search engine solution
  Wait for a search engine to index the web, then ask the search engine
 which people are linking to you.
  - This will tend to be a bit slow, as a search engine optimised to search
 the whole web will need to be notified first, even if this is only of minor
 interest to them
  - It makes the search engine a core part of the communication between two
 individuals, taking on the role of the central database in closed social
  - It will not work when people deploy foaf+ssl profiles, where they
 access control who can see their friends. Search engines will not have
 access to that information, and so will not be able to index it.
 A great summary, Henry
 What about using W3C recommended standard of SPARQL (Update)?  I refer to
 the architecture sketch for web 3.0:
 It strikes me a (hyper) data file *should* be, first and foremost, updated
 (write) using SPARUL or WebDAV and HTTP should be used for read operations.

SPARUL seems to me to be asking a lot of technology for something that is 
really simple, and that is much easier done using much more widely deployed
technology. This does not stop it from being deployed later. But we will have a 
more chance integrating foaf into web 2.0 applications if we don't require 
especially if it is clear that one can do without it.

It is important to have this work in browsers too, so that people can create
a friend request and have a web page, they can see the request at. This would
allow them to then also DELETE that ping request, or edit it.

This can all easily be done using POST, GET and DELETE.  And mostly even just 

Furthermore as we saw doing updates on graphs is still very new, and can easily 
to all kinds of problems.

Finally a ping is arguably not a request to update a graph. It is an action
to notify someone of something. That is all. As I mentioned in another thread, 
what the
person notified does with this notification is up to them: it could be
 - to add the person to their foaf as a friend
 - to add them as an aquaintance
 -a spammer
 -a follower
 - ignore them
 - to warn their friends
 - to call the police

I really don't see that I want to give other people any decision in updating my 
I can give them a space to make a comment, but updating my graph will be 
something I
am going to be very careful about allowing.

 So I add you as a friend to my FOAF.  And also send you a message with the
 triples I'd like you to add to your FOAF (use discovery if necessary to find
 your sparql server, but as tabulator does, you could just send it to the web
 3.0 enabled file).

As stated above, if that is what you want to do, then you don't need SPARUL. 
You could post a request which contains the triples that you want.

Perhaps we can design the ping in such a way, that a change request can be 
for occasions when you noticed an error in my foaf file

  You can peform some sanitization/validation/reputation
 check before adding the friend to your FOAF.  It's a simple workflow to get
 you started, but you can build layers on top (push/pull, realtime,
 notifications, approvals etc.).  Also compatible with FOAF+SSL Auth.

I'd be for that, as long as we can start with a very simple ping mechanism that 
is easy to implement. And that would favor a POST, using an html form.

Also it would be nice if this could be done in an intutive way so that we can 
deployments with human readable html, that reminds people of SN friend requests.


Re: [foaf-protocols] semantic pingback improvement request for foaf

2010-04-17 Thread Story Henry

On 17 Apr 2010, at 18:57, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

 In a sense, we should be able to crystallize the following via our 
 Profile Pages:
 1. Facebook Wall -- part of  Facebook Profile Pages
 2. Poke (not the greatest term when you factor in cultural diversity, 
 but we do grok the nudge action) .

yes. Great ideas.

 We would like to simplify the act of establishing and breaking 
 friendship via a simple pinger mechanism where our HTML based Profile 
 Docs should contain something like:
 link rel={pingback | poke | friend | something-else} 
 href={pingHandlerEndpoint} ... / .

Though it may even be better to have just one ping:request relation,
that can be flexible and extensible. Mind you both are possible. We should
decide to get the basic use cases done quickly and working, without attempting
to overly generalise.

 Profile owner can then do whatever with these LINKs e.g., use SPARUL or 
 some other mechanism to create specific assertions (via triples) in an 
 EAV (e.g. RDF) data space (Document, Quad Store, whatever)

Well, this is what has to be specified. The reader of these links needs to 
have some idea of what to do.  

As I pointed out using SPARUL here is going to make it much more difficult to 
integrate with a number of web 2.0 apps. And those are the apps with the best
user interface designers working on them. So we need to start off with very few
requirements (parsing RDF/xml, rdfa) HTTP GET and POST I think are the best.

Web Apps that do have SPARUL access can of course be leverage that in the 
of their own apps to gain development efficiency.

 If we can get friending and unfriending right, we will have 
 something as viral as twitter for breaking down social network data 
 silos while decentralizing identity via WebIDs.

Absolutely. I can't believe we did not think of doing this before. 
We need {perl, python, scala,...} cgis, so that every one of us foafers can 
quickly add this functionality. I only get about 10 foaf friending requests a 
This would allow us to start making use of foaf.

As soon as we have those simple proof of concepts we can then add this to tools
such as Elgg, and give the web 2.0 community a reason to enter into the 2010 
decade :-)

 We are close to a real tipping point here, just got to keep the user 
 aspect as simple as possible.

yes. Also keeping the developer aspect is important. HTML forms marked up with
RDF, simple things like that is something devs can understand quickly. 

 Twitter and Facebook are more important than Wordpress re. Social 
 Networking IMHO.

We need to get back to the philosophy of blogging that Wordpress and co got so 
right though: distributed networks. So helping workdpress make use of their 
foaf like
this could also be a great use case.


 -- some nice market research

Re: semantic pingback improvement request for foaf

2010-04-16 Thread Story Henry
On 16 Apr 2010, at 11:48, Sebastian Tramp wrote:

 quote Story Henry (15.4.2010):
 I often get asked how one solve the friend request problem on open social 
 networks that use foaf in the hyperdata way.
 Hi Henry,
 thank you for your introduction to these different solutions.
 As one of the members of AKSW who is responsible for the Semantic Pingback 
 approach it is nice for me to see that our solution is discussed in a broader 
 Of course, the development of Semantic Pingback was driven with foaf+ssl in 
 mind, but we also wanted to preserve backward compatibility for existing 
 pingback clients (where possible).

Oh. I had not thought of it as being related to foaf+ssl initially in 

 One of the main advantages of pingback (and thus Semantic Pingback) is the 
 low entrance barrier for clients which want to trigger a pingback-request. 
 This is done via a X-Pingback field in HTTP header of a pingback enabled 
 resource. The auto discovery via header field is both simple and powerful. 
 simple because a pingback clients does not need to use an XML parser (or an 
 rdf parser)

In the initial part described above this is true, and only if the HEAD contains
the X-Pingback link header.  (Otherwise you do need to parse the content)

But later in the xml-rpc part it does absolutely require an XML parser, and 
furthermore it re-invents all the HTTP error/success headers in the XML, and 
one cannot say that what it did was an improvement.

 and powerful because also JPGs, PDFs and any other resource can be pingback 
 enabled and the client only needs to request for the HEAD of a resource which 
 is another advantage of pingback (thus the client is not forced to load a 
 potential huge resource)

yes, that makes a lot of sense.

The out of date piece is more on sending a ping, and parsing the response, 
which is overly complicated, in large part not RESTful - eg it could return a 
URL to refer to the ping request object - but more below

 The reason for introducing the ping:service property in Semantic Pingback is 
 more a integration issue (e.g. to query for such information via sparql).

yes, that relation is very useful.

 The suggested no.1 auto suggestion method for a resource is still the header 
 field (this policy preserves backward compatibility, allowing wordpress users 
 to ping a linked data resource).

yes, the backward compatibility is also very useful, and should be kept. 

 According to your Improved Semantic PingBack approach (5). I understand 
 your motivation to wipe-out the XMLRPC part of such a spec and maybe a POST 
 request could be an alternative for such an RPC call

I don't think that one should wipe out the XMLPRC piece in fact. I should make 
that clearer in the proposed definition of the ping:service relation. I was 
thinking one could extend it. Toby Inkster just made the point very well in 
another thread on the foaf-protocols mailing list

When you POST a content, you are in fact doing something like reverse conneg. 
One error of the ping back service is to be entirely defined in terms of a 
representation. But that can be fixed. There is no reason not to extend it to 
representations. HTML forms as specified here

send content in either of two mime types 

 - application/x-www-form-urlencoded 
 - multipart/form-data

The other error of xmlrpc is to re-invent HTTP content negotiation at the
XML layer. So that it encapsulates error conditions in the XML-response.
It is therefore not quite true, that XML-RPC does not require an XML parser.

 (however, this buries the compatibility to the blogosphere).

It need not. We could have it so that ping back servers that are only referred 
via the service:pingback relation in rdf, can offer only the new ping method.

The other thing would be to have a new relation. In the case of friending 
services in foaf, it is unlikely that people will have their foaf served with 
X-Pingback headers.

 But in order to be as lightweight as the original spec is, we should then 
 introduce a new header-field as well to allow easy auto-discovery of such a 
 Post-Pingback endpoint as well.
 Since the XMLRPC related header is named X-Pingback, I suggest to use 
 X-Pingback-Post for this thus lifting post-pingbacks as an alternative 
 request to xmlrpcs.

XML-RPC sends the information to the server also via a POST, so I am not sure 
this would be the right way to distinguish them.  

I would be more in favour of calling the new relation Pingback without the X, 
proposing it as an RFC. Given that we could establish this purely semantically, 
we should be able to get a lot more support.  But that could take a bit more 
time, and perhaps only something to do at a later point.

So I believe that Pingback needs to be fixed. The xml/rpc piece is just wrong. 
The easiest way may be to start

semantic pingback improvement request for foaf

2010-04-15 Thread Story Henry

   I often get asked how one solve the friend request problem on open social 
networks that use foaf in the hyperdata way. 

On the closed social networks when you want to make a friend, you send them a 
request which they can accept or refuse. It is easy to set up, because all the 
information is located in the same database, owned by the same company. In a 
distributed social foaf network anyone can link to you, from anywhere, and your 
acceptance can be expressed most clearly by linking back. The problem is: you 
need to find out when someone is linking to you.

So then the problem is how does one notify people that one is linking to 
them. Here are the solutions in order of simplicity.

   0. Search engine solution

   Wait for a search engine to index the web, then ask the search engine which 
people are linking to you. 


   - This will tend to be a bit slow, as a search engine optimised to search 
the whole web will need to be notified first, even if this is only of minor 
interest to them
   - It makes the search engine a core part of the communication between two 
individuals, taking on the role of the central database in closed social 
   - It will not work when people deploy foaf+ssl profiles, where they access 
control who can see their friends. Search engines will not have access to that 
information, and so will not be able to index it.

   1. HTTP Referer Header

   The absolute simplest solution would be just to use the mis-spelled HTTP 
Referer Header, that was designed to do this job. In a normal HTTP request the 
location from which the requested URL was found can be placed in the header of 
the request.

   The server receiving the request and serving your foaf profile, can then 
find the answer to the referrer in the web server logs.

Perhaps that is all that is needed! When you make a friend request, do the 
   1. add the friend to your foaf profile foaf:knows .

   2. Then just do a GET on their Web ID with the Referrer header set to your 
Web Id. They will then find in their apache logs, something like this: - - [31/Dec/2008:02:36:54 -0600] GET /dataspace/person/kidehen 
HTTP/1.1 200 19924; Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 
5.1; ru; rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5

  This can then be analysed using incredibly simple scripts such (as described 
in [1] for example)

   3. The server could then just verify that information by 
  a. doing a GET on the Referer URL to find out if indeed it is linking to the 
users WebId 
  b. do some basic trust analysis (is this WebId known by any of my friends?), 
in order to rank it before presenting it to the user

   The nice thing about the above method is that it will work even when the 
initial linker's server does not have a Ping service for WebIDs. If the pages 
linking are in html with RDFa most browsers will send the referrer field.

  There is indeed a Wikipedia entry for this: it is called Refback.

  Exactly why Refback is more prone to spam than the ping back or linkback 
solution is still a bit of a mystery to me.

  2. Referer with foaf+ssl

  In any case the SPAM problem can be reduced by using foaf+ssl [2]. If the 
WebId is an https WebId - which it really should be! - then the requestor will 
authentify himself, at least on the protected portion of the foaf profile. So 
there are the following types of people who could be making the request on your 
  P1. the person making the friend request

   Here their WebId and the referer field will match.
   (this can be useful, as this should be the first request you will receive - 
a person making a friend request, should at least test the link!) 

  P2. A friend of the person making the friend request

   Perhaps a friend of P1 goes to his page, comes across your WebId, clicks on 
it to find out more, and authentifies himself on your page. If P2 is a friend 
of yours too, then your service would have something somewhat similar to a 
LinkedIn introduction!

  P3. Just someone on the web, a crawler...

Then you know that he is making his friendship claim public. :-)

   The above seems to be just some of the interesting information one could get 
from the analysing the Referer field logs.

  3. Pingback

  For some reason though the Referer Header solution was not enough, and so the 
pingback protocol was invented.

I am still not quite clear what this solution brings in addition to the refback 
one, other than that 

 - it declares the method of the pingback declaratively. If there is a ping 
back header, then it is clear that it can be used. The referer header is 

Re: [Patterns] Materialize Inferences (was Re: Triple materialization at publisher level)

2010-04-10 Thread Story Henry

On 7 Apr 2010, at 09:55, Leigh Dodds wrote:

 Linked Data can be consumed by a wide variety of different client
 applications and libraries. Not all of these will have ready access to
 an RDFS or OWL reasoner, e.g. Javascript libraries running within a
 browser or mobile devices with limited processing power. How can a
 publisher provide access to data which can be inferred from the
 triples they are publishing?

It's not that difficult really to add basic reasoning to your data. Using SPARQL
you can easily write out the most common rules.

My guess is that small devices will have more problems parsing and downloading 
large files than reasoning.

I think more important is to get applications to use data. Then it will 
soon become clear as these applications grow, what data is useful to
place at a location. Just as the web browser helped simpify choices of what 
to be published, so something like interacting foaf+ssl endpoints will end up
making clear what it is best to publish, and what is best left for inferencing.

So I'd say write apps that are viral and that consume the data. Then it
will be clear what to publish, and also what reasoning is useful.


Re: mailing-lists in semantic-land

2010-04-09 Thread Story Henry
I am not sure exactly how the thread by Carmen got going, or where it appeared 
from, but
it seems pretty interesting.

Note that on the w3c mail archives there are X-Archived-At headers with URLs 
for each mail.
I don't understand why not every mailing list does that, as it is so clearly an 
excellent idea.


On 6 Apr 2010, at 23:40, carmenr wrote:

 So basically no-one in the Semantic Web community has a clue about
 mailing lists. That is quite cool in itself.
 $ mkdir mail/foaf-protocols 
 $ cd mail/foaf-protocols
 $ wget{January,February,March}.txt.gz
   gunzip *gz
 $ cd ../.. 
 (you could stay in this directory if you want a sep index)
 $ e.console
 irb(main):002:0 E('/mail/foaf-protocols/*txt') :indexMbox
 = [/mail/foaf-protocols/2010-February.txt, 
 /mail/foaf-protocols/2010-January.txt, /mail/foaf-protocols/2010-March.txt]
 mail is of course identified by message-ID:
   (E E::SIOC+'from').rangePO '',1
 = [/mail/foaf-protocols/2010-March/97]
 m=((E E::SIOC+'from').rangePO '',1)[0].resource :mail
 irb(main):019:0 puts m.keys
 (not sure all predicates exist, but theyre trivially changed)
 message identifier, it can be plugged into gmane :
 or local DB (filesystem really)
 irb(main):022:0 (E m.uri).r
 = From: henry.story at (Story Henry)\nDate: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 
 20:27:05 +0100\nSubject: [foaf-protocols] [xwiki-devs]\nIn-Reply-To:\nReferences:\nMessage-ID:\n\n\nOn 9 Mar 2010, at 
 20:40, Story Henry wrote:\n\n A very basic implementation of foaf+ssl is up 
 here:\n \n\n\nWhile fixing Chrome [0], we found 
 a bug with my previous implementation of web..
 and HTTP
 (a prettily formatted and link-clickable version) 
 [r...@x200 element]# curl -I 
 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Content-Type: text/html
 Content-Length: 4701
 (raw message)
 [r...@x200 element]# curl -I 
 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Content-Type: message/rfc822
 Content-Length: 2034
 (content-type turtle)
 curl http://m/-/ -H Accept: 
 @base / .
 @prefix rdf: .
fs:ftype file ;
fs:mtime 2010-04-06 21:21:45 + ;
fs:size 2034 . 2010-03-11T19:27:05+00:00 ; snip
 wrote some domain-specific views for mails (suggestions welcome)
 a 'long tail' approach might be good, so you dont miss the important threads 
 if ignoring a list for a week/month/forever:  zoomed-out
 theres a generic (Exhibit - inspired) facet-top which just counts the most 
 occurences of p/o:
 a custom domain-specific aggregation
 39[foaf-protocols] FOAF+SSL and root certificates
 35[foaf-protocols] FOAF+ssl, access control.
 29[foaf-protocols] rsa / cert Ontology questions.
 24[foaf-protocols] foaf+ssl working on Internet Explorer
 22[foaf-protocols] Lack of browser support
 suporting these kind of ad-hoc URI-specified workflows and making them fast 
 drove the refactoring of 
 and thats proably why it uses JSON almost everywhere, and the innate ruby 
 Hash implementation rather than a RDF library - URIs are identifiers + conneg 
 works anyways
 a thread-reconstructor finds entire thread given a message
 Fn 'data/thread', E(''),nil,model
 model.keys =

foaf+ssl FAQ - was: call to arms

2010-04-04 Thread Story Henry

 On 30 March 2010 15:00, wrote:
 On 30 Mar 2010, at 06:16, Peter Ansell wrote:
 Not sure if the answers to these questions are widely known but I
 haven't been able to answer conclusively them looking through the few
 documents that relate to this very new technology.
 I think we should add this email to the FAQ list. :-) I get asked exactly
 those questions every time I talk. Which is making me think that Plato was
 right: the world of ideas is real, as real as the physical world, and to
 get from A to B in a particular geography one has to follow a certain path.
 Everybody follows the path you have just followed

I enhanced the foaf+ssl FAQ page with the questions that came up on this list
and added a few diagrams which I hope will make it clearer how it works.

Hopefully as the demos keep improving the need for readable explanation will 
disappear from view to most users.


Re: A URI(Web ID) for the semantic web community as a foaf:Group

2010-03-26 Thread Story Henry
On 26 Mar 2010, at 15:22, KangHao Lu (Kenny) wrote:

 Hi all  hi Tom,
 Does the Semantic Web Interest Group (or the Linked Data community), as a 
 foaf:Group or something equivalent, has a WebID(URI)? Sorry but I didn't 
 check whether this has been brought up.
 If it doesn't, I would certainly hope that it does have one. I think the best 
 choice might be something like

It would also enable us to use foaf+ssl to enable all members of that group 
access to a wiki, or to some project, or to get special prices on events :-) 
That would make for a very good demo.


Re: Contd: A URI(Web ID) for the semantic web community as a foaf:Group

2010-03-26 Thread Story Henry

On 26 Mar 2010, at 18:59, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

 This is how it works:
 1. New Users open accounts
 2. Edit profile
 3. Click a button that makes an X.509 certificate, exports to browser, and
 writes to FOAF space
 4. Member visits any FOAF+SSL or OpenID space on the Web and never has to
 present uid/pwd
 For existing members, they simply perform steps 3-4.

You know this, but let me just add that what is needed is for people to
be able to make their WebId Profile on any other platform, and also be 
able to log in. :-)  


Re: Storing PKCS#12 inside FOAF profile for FOAF+SSL

2010-02-22 Thread Story Henry

On 22 Feb 2010, at 14:50, Nathan wrote:

 Melvin Carvalho wrote:
 CC: foaf-protocols
 On 22 February 2010 14:40, Nathan wrote:
 Hi All,
 As per the subject, I'm very tempted to store a base64 encoded versions
 of my PKCS#12 certificate store file inside my FOAF profile; this way at
 any point I can simply download it; decode it and pop it in whatever
 client browser I want; knowing that it can only be unlocked with the
 password only I know.
 Thoughts, Opinions?
 talked myself out of it; I'd leave my identity open to a brute force
 attack to crack the password; anybody could simply download my FOAF;
 base64_decode the pkcs#12 and then brute force it open.

Yes, check out the foaf+ssl  protocol. It's very easy to create public key 
pairs, one for each browser, and it really makes sense to publish the public 
key there, using the cert and rsa ontologies



Re: Storing PKCS#12 inside FOAF profile for FOAF+SSL

2010-02-22 Thread Story Henry

On 22 Feb 2010, at 15:07, Nathan wrote:
 So I can just chain up multiple public key pairs in my FOAF profile ya?
 yes, you just need to tie them to your WebId.
 See my foaf, where I have two:
 perfect - thanks :)
 next quick question; expired certificates - need to be removed from FOAF
 profile yeah?

very good question. As we are just looking at improving the cert ontology ( ) it would be worth looking at that 

So currently you are publishing a relation from your public key to the person 
who knows the public key:

:pk a rsa:RSAPublicKey;
cert:identity :me ;
rsa:public_exponent 65537^cert:decimal ;
rsa:modulus ba111346f7555ac5ad4378c73ce 0f921fc4f4dd69dcea003
  30821123259f^cert:hex .

the cert:identity is really a relation between a public key and an agent that 
knows the private key for it. It is not a relation between a _certificate_ and 
the agent that knows its public key for its private key. You could have a 
number of certs each using the same public key that would expire at different 
dates. The SSL layer communicating with your browser would have to reject those 
certificates that had expired.

So it has been suggested that we have a better named relation between the agent 
and the public key. Perhaps cert:public_key, cert:controlsPublicKey, 
cert:knowsPrivateKeyOfthisPublicKey, cert:canOpen, cert:canUnlock ?

We could then write this

:me xxx:canUnlock :pk .

So what happens if your private key is stolen? Well now 

thief xxx:canUnlock :pk .

and both are true.

This brings me to the point that cert:identity is not quite the inverse of 
xxx:canUnlock. cert:identity is functional. It is saying that there is only one 
person who can unlock the key. This is important because otherwise one could 
not deduce from someone knowing the key, whom it identified. If you claim that 
a public key is your cert:identity, you are obliged to take precautions with 
your key and make sure that the statement remains true (or you are either 
irresponsible or a liar).

But as Bruno, just pointed out, you may still want to make a claim about there 
being a time at which you were cert:identified by the key, so that you can make 
claims about statements being made before a certain date. To do this we will 
need a notion of an identity on a time slice of a person. So we don't want to 
make cert:identity such a relation because it's nice an direct, and it covers 
most cases.

We would need something like this

:pk cert:timeIdentified [ a TimeSlice;
  of :me;
  from 2009-10-10...^^xsd:dateTime;
  to 2010-01-01...^^xsd:dateTime .
 ] .

It does not make sense to have time slices on a key, as that is a mathematical 
entity, very similar to a literal.

Now if someone has some good suggestions of time slice ontologies to use, I 
think we could document how to do that. For the moment we have not had the need 
for it.


. It makes the claim that the object of the relation is the only agent that can 
unlock the key. So when someone steals your private key then

:pk cert:identity :thief, :me .

Re: What is the class of a Named Graph?

2010-02-21 Thread Story Henry

On 21 Feb 2010, at 01:38, Nathan wrote:

 Hi All,
 As the subject line goes - what is the (recommended) rdfs:Class of a
 Named Graph? Thus far I can only see:

I could dereference this and find it's meaning.


I could not dereference this.

So a: is the one to use.


 Where [a] is used as the domain of swp:Warrant,Authority etc.
 Any further input before I start using rdfg-1:Graph when describing graphs?
 Many Regards,

Re: The status of Semantic Web community- perspective from Scopus and Web Of Science (WOS)

2010-02-14 Thread Story Henry

 Dan Brickley wrote:
 However it did not leave any footprint in the academic literature. We
 might ask why. Like much of the work around W3C and tech industry
 standards, the artifacts it left behind don't often show up in the
 citation databases. A white paper here, a Web-based specification
 there, ... it's influence cannot easily be measured through academic
 citation patterns, despite the fact that without it, the vast majority
 of papers mentioned in
 would never have existed.

Btw, last summer at the ESWC SPOT2009 workshop Matthew Rowe and Jonathan 
Butters presented a paper that took into account online documents (blogs, 
standards, ), as well as the academic pdf based publishing to glean a global 
social network. Assessing Trust: Contextual Accountability is available here:

As far as trying to relate both spaces, this is a good piece of work. It is 
clear that one needs to look at the global information systems to get a 
coherent view.

I do agree with Danbri that standard based documents go through a lot more 
review than academic papers. Having these online and linkable also means they 
can be a lot more influential. Even more so if the ideas are implemented in 
real useable software. 

Just to give a minor example: The Atom XML IETF standard I participated in 
developing was the culmination of years of development on RSS work. The group 
spent 2 years working out the details of the wording of that document. This 
then was incorporated into software used by millions of people. 

And for some reason a lot of Academic papers fail to cite web based standards, 
blogs or other places where ideas may have emerged.


Re: [foaf-protocols] foaf classes for primary Topic

2010-02-01 Thread Story Henry

On 31 Jan 2010, at 17:25, Peter Williams wrote:

 Let's build that linq2rdfa driver! It’s the killer app for the semweb, in
 Microsoft land.

I agreee. From the Java perspective this is very much what I found too.

When I first learned RDF I was really intrigued about how it related to Object 
Oriented Programming, which I was familiar with. So I tried to write a mapper 
for it to Java, which to my astonishment was really a lot easier than I 
thought. This really helped me understand how OO programming and the semantic 
web mesh together. Having these tools for run of the mill programmers is really 
important as Peter points out to get them to overcome the fear of the new: by 
bringing the semweb back to something they know. This thought is what led me to 
develop the Sommer library:

Doin this made it clear that really the major difference is that we name things 
and fields with URIs. 

The next difference is that of Graphs, which is a little more difficult to 
merge correctly into OO languages (or for that matter most traditional 
programming languages).

Still before tools such as Hibernate and such for Java came out, people worked 
with SQL directly. So people went on a long time with this pain point... To 
start off we need really good examples of the usage of RDF. And I think 
foaf+ssl is that key driver, because it has the ability to give people access 
to things they would not otherwise have had access to: eg: going to a party.


Re: Enterprise level RDF Scripting ( was: [foaf-protocols] foaf classes for primary Topic )

2010-02-01 Thread Story Henry

On 1 Feb 2010, at 15:08, Aldo Bucchi wrote:

 On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 9:11 AM, Story Henry wrote:
 On 31 Jan 2010, at 17:25, Peter Williams wrote:
 Let's build that linq2rdfa driver! It’s the killer app for the semweb, in
 Microsoft land.
 This topic is coming up again ;)
 I agreee. From the Java perspective this is very much what I found too.
 When I first learned RDF I was really intrigued about how it related to 
 Object Oriented Programming, which I was familiar with. So I tried to write 
 a mapper for it to Java, which to my astonishment was really a lot easier 
 than I thought. This really helped me understand how OO programming and the 
 semantic web mesh together. Having these tools for run of the mill 
 programmers is really important as Peter points out to get them to overcome 
 the fear of the new: by bringing the semweb back to something they know. 
 This thought is what led me to develop the Sommer library:
 Doin this made it clear that really the major difference is that we name 
 things and fields with URIs.
 The next difference is that of Graphs, which is a little more difficult to 
 merge correctly into OO languages (or for that matter most traditional 
 programming languages).
 Still before tools such as Hibernate and such for Java came out, people 
 worked with SQL directly. So people went on a long time with this pain 
 point... To start off we need really good examples of the usage of RDF. And 
 I think foaf+ssl is that key driver, because it has the ability to give 
 people access to things they would not otherwise have had access to: eg: 
 going to a party.
 Here's an idea. Instead of trying to bake this cake by ourselves, can
 you tap into Martin Odersky's team and propose some use cases? I could
 help with that if you get his attention.
 He's the guy behind Scala and they are on a rampage these days.

Yes, I have played a little with Scala. It should be easy to fit in. I think 
some initial work may even have been done by the Elmo folks. .

 Now. Even w/o tweaking the compiler or the grammar to support URIs,
 the DSL capabilities of Scala make it possible to do beautiful things:

yes, that is interesting... Thanks for the pointer.

 That project is a good start but there are still some issues to address.
 I have my own experimental framework but, just as you describe, N1
 issue is native type integration and we should explore this at a lower
 level. If we could just get native URIs / XSD datatypes things would
 be awesome.

yes, and one should not get stuck with xsd data types. I think in fact that is 
a problem with many frameworks is that they are stuck into not allowing 
datatpes as subjects for example. 

123^^xsd:int .

is very similar to 

[ xsd:int 123 ].

which in N3 can be written.

123^xsd:int .

 Then, Number 2 is graph traversal which can be solved by having some
 sort of path language baked in, ( which is compiled to a single query
 underneath instead of being evaluated step by step via API, which is
 the case in scardf ) .

sounds interesting.

 Number 3 is datasource management. Tying up a datasource as an
 implicit value or bound to a thread. Nothing new under the Sun here (
 pun intended ) ;)
 This is where things get interesting as the datasource could actually
 be a full blown Linked Data client such as Virtuoso with Spongers
 turned on.

you mean something like tying to a graph or a virtual graph?

 Finally. My initial look at the Scala grammar suggests that we should
 be able to fit in URIs. There is support for XML literals and URIs are
 easily recognizable as they have a strict syntax. Qnames could also

Language support would be great. I want to use Scala more myself. Though I have 
been in the last year moving towards email as my every day tool. Need to get 
back to programming a little bit... 

I'd be happy to support an effort such as this. I'll see how much time I have 
though... It depends how much time I end up spending programming again.


 Aldo Bucchi

Nov 2, Social Web Camp, Santa Clara

2009-10-20 Thread Story Henry
There will be a Social Web Camp in Sun Offices in Santa Clara on  
Monday November 2. It's is being hosted by SUN Microsystems and  
organized by Henry Story and Daniel Appelquist of Vodafone, co-chair  
of the W3C Social Web XG.

Imagine a world where everybody could participate easily in a  
distributed yet secure social web. In such a world people could place  
their photos, music, or other content on their web site and give  
access to some of it to their friends, some to their family, the rest  
to their colleagues, and some even to the friends of their friends...  
How can one do this without requiring every participant to create one  
login for each of their friends site? How does one do this in a  
distributed and flexible manner compatible with web architecture? What  
issues would need to be solved to make this possible?

All topics related to the Social Web will be covered, in a bar-camp  
style. It will be broad and open to all types of participants. See the  

up for discussuion on the wiki/registration page:

When: Monday, 2nd of November starting 9:00 am ( up to 5pm )

The Auditorium at Sun's Campus,
4030 George Sellon Circle
Santa Clara,
95054 California

Please forward to interested parties, tweet, blog!

Henry Story

Social Web Architect
Sun Microsystems

Re: ANN:

2009-06-04 Thread Story Henry

On 4 Jun 2009, at 12:18, Toby Inkster wrote:

On Thu, 2009-06-04 at 00:54 +0100, Richard Cyganiak wrote:

The general RDF graph has the shape
A:  U1 owl:sameAs U1, U2, U3, U4 .

Oh yes, another thing: saying the above, with OWL reasoning in place  

equivalent to saying:

 B:  U1 owl:sameAs U1, U1, U1, U1 .

Naming the two above statements A and B it is true that when A is true  
so is B. But clearly there is a difference in sense, as Frege was  
forced to admit over 100 years ago, if I remember my logic correctly.  
This is the case since the information content of B is close to 0,  
whereas A could come as a surprise, and certainly can teach one  
something new. It can produce a cognitive change in the believer.

The way to think of it is that when you write one of the above  
sentences you are writing these statements down using precise URIs,  
thought of as Strings here. The sentences themselves cannot be  
understood without those syntactic tokens. Each of these URIs refers  
to an object in reality, but each one does so in a different way. In  
the case of http URIs this is quite evident: dereferencing each one  
gets one to a different representation, which can be thought of as  
defining or contributing to the sense of the URI in what could be  
called a canonical way.

So in short there is no need to use URI strings to make statements  
about owl sameas


Social Web Architect
Sun Microsystems

Re: units and durations

2008-12-10 Thread Story Henry

On 10 Dec 2008, at 15:43, Toby A Inkster wrote:

Georgi Kobilarov wrote:

1. lengths:
metre, kilometre, centimetre, km^2, etc.


Very thorough work but it makes the mistakes described here

So for example his example

:Spain :area [ muo:numericalValue 504782^^xsd:double ;
   muo:measuredIn :Sq_Km ] .

will when merged with the following which represents the same area

:Spain :area [ muo:numericalValue 50478200^^xsd:double ;
   muo:measuredIn :Sq_m ] .
give the useless
:Spain :area [ muo:numericalValue 504782^^xsd:double ;
   muo:numericalValue 50478200^^xsd:double ;
   muo:measuredIn :Sq_m;
   muo:measuredIn :Sq_Km ] .

if the :area relation is considered to be functional, which it should  
very well be considered to be.

A better solution is found here:

Use cwm to read it

2. runtimes
seconds, minutes, hours, days...

3. durations

In terms of ISO 8601, durations are defined as abstract floating  
lengths of time, such as three and a half minutes. When you fix  
the duration to a particular time, such as three and a half  
minutes, starting now, then it is classed as an interval.

For durations, there is there is xsd:duration. e.g.

PT2M38S^^xsd:duration .

For intervals, XSD doesn't offer a datatype, but ISO 8601 at least  
offers a machine readable standard syntax for them - intervals are  
written, slash-separated, as a start-time/end-time pair, a start- 
time/duration pair, or a duration/end-time pair. Personally, I tend  
to represent this in RDF as:

1618/1648^^urn:iso:std:iso:8601#timeInterval .

There are temporal ontologies that would work better here. Think of  
time slices.

Toby A Inkster

Re: Berlin SPARQL Benchmark V2 - Results for Sesame, Virtuoso, Jena TDB, D2R Server, and MySQL

2008-09-24 Thread Story Henry

As a matter of interest, would it be possible to develop RDF stores  
that optimize the layout of the data by analyzing the queries to the  
database? A bit like a Java Just In Time compiler analyses the usage  
of the classes in order to decide how to optimize the compilation.


On 24 Sep 2008, at 20:30, Paul Gearon wrote:

A related point is that processing RDF to create an object means you
have to move around a lot in the graph. This could mean a lot of
seeking on disk, while an RDBMS will usually find the entire object in
one place on the disk. And seeks kill performance.

This leads to the operations used to build objects from an RDF store.
A single object often requires the traversal of several statements,
where the object of one statement becomes the subject of the next.
Since the tables are typically represented as
Subject/Predicate/Object, this means that the main table will be
joined against itself. Even RDBMSs are notorious for not doing this

Re: W3C RIF BLD Last Call (10 days left in comment period)

2008-09-09 Thread Story Henry

Just on first reading I find the syntax to be quite problematic. It  
clashes with other well known syntaxes namely Turtle, SPARQL and N3.

The two problems I see is that in those languages square brackets are  
used for blank nodes, and { } to delimit graphs.

As an example take the following

Forall ?x ?y ?z (?x[ex:uncleOf - ?z] :-
   And(?x[ex:brotherOf - ?y] ?y[ex:parentOf - ?z]))

If I were to write the above in SPARQL I think you meant to say


CONSTRUCT { ?x ex:uncleOf ?z }
 ?x ex:brotherOf ?y .
 ?y ex:parehtOf ?z .

In N3 similarly

{ ?x ex:brotherOf ?y .
  ?y ex:parehtOf ?z . } = { ?x ex:uncleOf ?z . }

SPARQL is already widely deployed, and there are a lot of N3 rules out  
there, that are very useful guides for people working their way around  
the web. There is even more Turtle around, and it is a blessing that  
it is now being used, as RDF/XML though very nice in many ways, leads  
to a huge amount of confusion.

My feeling is that the current human readable syntax, not being  
aligned with SPARQL is going to create confusion unecessarily. It  
seems to be that an attempt should be made to get something that fits  
better with SPARQL and N3 intuitions, so as to make the learning curve  
as light as possible for people who are new to this world.


On 9 Sep 2008, at 16:51, Sandro Hawke wrote:

The W3C specifications for logic rules and for using rules with RDF  

OWL are in their Last Call public comment period.  This is the time
for people to read them and tell us about anything that doesn't seem
right.  After this, if you don't like something in the spec, it will  

increasingly hard to get it changed.  We would like comments by
September 19 in order to consider them for our next set of revisions.

For more details, see this e-mail I sent August 1st:


-- Sandro