Re: XHR tests

2008-02-27 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 15:56:25 +0100, Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

This is more like a demo than a test case, it doesn't return a  
pass/fail to the framework and it doesn't really test what TITLE  
claims. (What it *does* test is that readyState is 1 in the first event  
sent when you call send() on a synchronous request..). Anne, please fix  
this test and figure out what you meant to test with this script.

This is fixed now. responseText no longer throws and will always return a  

Tests getAllResponseHeaders() output if the request ends up in an  
endless redirect loop. Assumes that it should return null.

It now tests for the empty string. getAllResponseHeaders() will always  
return a DOMString.

getResponseHeader() will still return null for this case as it already has  
another case where it returns null. Returning null seems more natural  
therefore and I don't think it will cause any harm if implementations  
change that.

This one passes in Firefox 3 and IE7. Though the alert() statement  
should probably be removed.


Same as 010 except it tests for first argument being undefined and IE  
doesn't actually throw here.

Should we change the API so that undefined stringifies as IE does? Does  
IE stringify for the value too? And what does it do for null?

We can fix this when the Web IDL spec is done.

Anne van Kesteren

Re: Issue Request for DOM L3 Events

2008-02-27 Thread Travis Leithead
Following up... It was decided to include examples of this type of behavior as 
a non-normative appendix to the events 3 spec. This allows implementers and 
developers to be aware of this peculiarity without imposing unnecessary 
restrictions/limits on the behavior.

DOM3 Events Telcon Minutes, 27 Feb 2008

2008-02-27 Thread Doug Schepers

Hi, WebAPI fans-

The minutes for the 27 Feb 2008 DOM3 Events telcon can be found here:

Or as text, below:



   - DRAFT -

   Web API WG Teleconference
  27 Feb 2008



   See also: [3]IRC log



  Carmelo, Andrew_Emmons, Doug, Travis




 * [4]Topics
 1. [5]DoubleClick
 2. [6]Double Click
 3. [7]lets differ wheels to next week
 4. [8]dblclick Tests
 5. [9]'alt'-key
 6. [10]mousewheel overview
 * [11]Summary of Action Items

   trackbot Date: 27 February 2008

   scribe Scribe: Carmelo

   scribe ScribeNick:Carmelo

   TL Here I am.

   TL: Changes his name to Travis

   DS: We decided not to talk about Key events
   ... We need to decide how to handle keyboards and that sort of
   ... Lets start with Double Click


Double Click



   AS: Two issuus Regarding Doubing Click

   DS: Can u summarize?

   AS: Should the detail value be for Double Click?
   ... Consensus is should be teh same as click
   ... Described and explained teh link above

   TL: Can an example be provid?

   R: detail for double click will be the same a the click

   aemmons RESOLUTION: detail for double click will be the same a the

   aemmons RESOLUTION: We accept the current wording in the spec
   regarding what the current click count means

   shepazu ACTION: aemmons to add informative examples of different
   click counts for dblclick [recorded in

   trackbot Created ACTION-246 - Add informative examples of
   different click counts for dblclick [on Andrew Emmons - due

   DS: We are finish with double Click

lets differ wheels to next week

   DS: Let's review the DoubleClick Test



dblclick Tests

   shepazu test 1:


   DS; If red shown in the test it means failure

   DS: Green usually a pass
   ... Instruction For each test

   scribe ACTION: Doug to provied test template [recorded in

   trackbot Created ACTION-247 - Provied test template [on Doug
   Schepers - due 2008-03-05].

   DS: Test should work on every Browser
   ... Test should figure out if person Double Click
   ... How can we actually check for that?
   ... We should make a framework for the test

   scribe ACTION: TL to give us a script library that will add
   listener events. [recorded in

   trackbot Created ACTION-248 - Give us a script library that will
   add listener events. [on Travis Leithead - due 2008-03-05].

   shepazu ACTION: Travis to provide simple abstraction layer for
   addEventListener [recorded in

   trackbot Created ACTION-249 - Provide simple abstraction layer for
   addEventListener [on Travis Leithead - due 2008-03-05].

   DS: We will build a script layer for testing

   Carmelo: How critical is add eventListener?

   DS:  not sure?

   TL: addEventListener is one of the key pieces different from
   ... Another piece that is different Scope of the event object itself

   TL; Will be happy to provide a small library to buil on

   TL: Will be happy to provide a small library to buil on



   AE: Above link is an SVG version of the NIST test

   AS: Lets Move on

   DS: Ok


   shepazu [20]


   TL: ALT key events is sometimes loose.
   ... Explained the issue and the scenarios for ALT handling

   DL: propoesed two options


   sub /DL/TL/

   DS: Thsi behavious is somehow address in DOM 3 events
   ... maybe this should be on next week's agenda

   DS; None of this should be dependent on any OS

   DS: We cna 

Re: Issue Request for DOM L3 Events

2008-02-27 Thread Oliver Hunt
I think it's probably worth pointing out that the special handling of  
ALT is specific to Windows as ALT is used to activate menus, this does  
not effect MacOS, and may or may not effect the various linux browsers  
(i honestly have no idea what they do and don't have a linux system to  
test on).

That said my (brief) testing of Safari for Windows shows that Safari  
correctly pair ALT up/down in all of the scenarios below.  The  
testcase I used is at


On Feb 21, 2008, at 1:09 PM, Travis Leithead wrote:

I’d like to propose a discussion about the handling of the ALT + key  
combination that will hopefully end in a normative requirement.

In observing IE as well as other browsers, there is “good” x-browser  
consistency between the handling of ALT and pressing a modifier key.

While the browsers are mostly consistent, they do so in a way that  
is not very reliable for web developers because key down/key up  
pairs are often not respected (key events get dropped in some  

I’ve identified the following scenarios that we can discuss:

Scenarios for ALT handling where the key combination is not a  
‘browser-reserved’ key:
(Using ‘X’ which is a non-reserved accelerator key—at least in IE/ 

1.   Scenario 1: down ALT, down x, up ALT, up x
2.   Scenario 2: down ALT, down x, up x, up ALT
3.   Scenario 4: down ALT, up ALT, down ALT, down x, up ALT, up x
4.   Scenario 5: down ALT, up ALT, down ALT, down x, up x, up ALT

In each of these scenarios, an ALT key up or down event is lost,  
resulting in an inconsistent pairing of down/up events for the web  

When handing scenarios for “browser-reserved” accelerator keys, more  
key events are lost (including the simple ALT down/up pair repeated  
twice). It would be nice to specify (perhaps in an appendix) the  
behavior of browser-reserved accelerator key combinations and what  
should be expected.

To help push the discussion along, I would like to propose two  
potential ideas (one is more drastic than the other):

1.   Create a requirement that browsers emit proper ALT key  
sequences (up/down pairs) to the web page unless focus has shifted  
out of the web page itself—here we would need to try to define where  
to draw the line of when ALT is in focus and when it is not in focus  
related to browser-reserved accelerator actions.
2.   Remove the emission of modifier key (e.g., Shift/Alt/etc.)  
events from the key identifiers set. Thus, pressing ALT (for  
example) would not emit any keyboard events until a corresponding  
key was pressed. The KeyboardEvent interface will continue to  
support the Boolean modifier key flags so that distinctions between  
a key + a modifier can be made by the web developer, but this will  
cut back and the number of events raised and eliminate the out-of- 
order key event problems (ALT down  key down  ALT up  Key up  
versus ALT down  key down  key up  ALT up). Of course, a side  
effect is that this outcome will also effectively remove the  
detection of single modifier key presses for use in web applications.

Re: DOM3 Events Telcon Minutes, 27 Feb 2008

2008-02-27 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Wed, 27 Feb 2008 22:06:07 +0100, Doug Schepers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

shepazu Resolution: remove multimousewheel, put additional
dimensional delta values on mousewheel

The reason we needed a new event is that mousewheel is not dispatched for  
anything but vertical scrolling and that authors are expecting it to be  
dispatched for vertical scrolling only.

So then we figured we needed mousewheelx. But since you sometimes want to  
know about both directions a new event was thought of that was dispatched  
prior to those events, multimousewheel that would contain delta  
information for both directions.

So unless there's evidence that all this is not needed I disagree with  
reverting the decision on how to deal with mousewheel events.

Anne van Kesteren

Re: Extra Connection Support Proposal

2008-02-27 Thread Jonas Sicking

Kris Zyp wrote:
you click on a link, does the link get followed?  That is the same 
sort of

scenario, isn't it?

At least firefox will abort any existing downloads for the current 
page when the user clicks a link. But if you're downloading these 
images in another tab you might have this problem yeah. Though if it's 
simply multiple images the new page will likely get squeezed in 
between two of the image downloads.
And there is an important distinction between images being downloaded 
that consume connections and a long-lived response that consume a 
connection. With normal responses, two connection usually provides a 
means for relatively continuous utilization of resources. Most of the 
time two connections provide enough requests that the usually the server 
is processing a request, or a response is downloading. Either way, 
something is being done, and it is quite reasonable for further requests 
to be queued, since the server/connection is working to finish the 
response as fast as possible within it's capability. On the otherhand, 
when a long-lived response is paused indefinitely until a the server has 
a message to be sent, there is nothing being done. Nothing is being 
downloaded, and the server isn't working on anything, and requests can 
be queued indefinitely even though nothing is happening.

Yup, it seems like people agree with this. It's just the proposal to put 
it as a feature on XHR that seems to be disliked by a few people, me 

Doing this on an HTTP level seems like the right solution to me. Though 
i'm not sure what working group would then be appropriate for 
standardizing it...

/ Jonas

Regarding my ACTION-249 for DOM L3 Events

2008-02-27 Thread Travis Leithead
Attached is V1 beta of the abstraction library (TestLib), and a page that uses 

So far the library provides:

1.   Abstraction API for adding event listeners to objects x-browser 
(tested on FF2/IE7/Saf3/O9.2 all on Windows platform).

/* TestLib -- Simple Testing Library 
   Abstracts common browser inconsistencies where the purpose of the test case does not depent on testing the given functionality

// [global scope]
function TestLibrary() { }
// [TestLib scope] addEvent( [in] Object  /* HTMLElement / HTMLDocument / Window */,
//  [in] String /* event name */,
//  [in] FunctionPointer /* JS function pointer variable */,
//  [in] Bool /* useCapture (optional)*/ )
TestLibrary.prototype.addEvent = function (ob, name, func, capture) 
   if (!ob || (typeof ob != 'object'))
	  throw new Error(Call to TestLib.addEvent([ob], name, func, capture): Please provide the object (element, document, window) to which the event should be attached., Call to TestLib.addEvent: Please provide the object (element, document, window) to which the event should be attached.);
   if (!name || (typeof name != 'string'))
  throw new Error(Call to TestLib.addEvent(ob, [name], func, capture): Please provide the name of the event to attach (sans the 'on' prefix). For example: 'click' not 'onclick'., Call to TestLib.addEvent(ob, [name], func, capture): Please provide the name of the event to attach (sans the 'on' prefix). For example: 'click' not 'onclick'.);
   if (!func || (typeof func != 'function'))
  throw new Error(Call to TestLib.addEvent(ob, name, [func], capture): Please provide the function pointer to be called when the event is raised. For example: function () { ... }, Call to TestLib.addEvent(ob, name, [func], capture): Please provide the function pointer to be called when the event is raised. For example: function () { ... });

   // Param 4 is optional. if specified it will be used--however, some browsers (IE) do not support the capture phase.
   if (capture == undefined)
  capture = false;
   if (document.addEventListener)
  return ob.addEventListener(name, func, capture);
   else // IE special case
  return ob.attachEvent(on + name, func);

var TestLib = new TestLibrary();Title: DOM Events API Test Suite - doubleclick-001 


   Row 1, Cell 1Row 1, Cell 2 
   Row 2, Cell 1Row 2, Cell 2 
   Row 3, Cell 1Row 3, Cell 2
   Row 4, Cell 1Row 4, Cell 2
   Row 5, Cell 1This Value should change as you double click on this table.   

Re: Issue Request for DOM L3 Events

2008-02-27 Thread Oliver Hunt
Hmm, i stand corrected, somehow i wasn't triggering 3/4, the S3/Win  
behaviour for

ALT down, ALT up, ALT down, ALT up

KeyDown, KeyUp, KeyUp

Which appears to be due to ALT activating the menu *sigh*


On Feb 27, 2008, at 1:39 PM, Oliver Hunt wrote:

I think it's probably worth pointing out that the special handling  
of ALT is specific to Windows as ALT is used to activate menus, this  
does not effect MacOS, and may or may not effect the various linux  
browsers (i honestly have no idea what they do and don't have a  
linux system to test on).

That said my (brief) testing of Safari for Windows shows that Safari  
correctly pair ALT up/down in all of the scenarios below.  The  
testcase I used is at


On Feb 21, 2008, at 1:09 PM, Travis Leithead wrote:
I’d like to propose a discussion about the handling of the ALT +  
key combination that will hopefully end in a normative requirement.

In observing IE as well as other browsers, there is “good” x- 
browser consistency between the handling of ALT and pressing a  
modifier key.

While the browsers are mostly consistent, they do so in a way that  
is not very reliable for web developers because key down/key up  
pairs are often not respected (key events get dropped in some  

I’ve identified the following scenarios that we can discuss:

Scenarios for ALT handling where the key combination is not a  
‘browser-reserved’ key:
(Using ‘X’ which is a non-reserved accelerator key—at least in IE/ 

1.   Scenario 1: down ALT, down x, up ALT, up x
2.   Scenario 2: down ALT, down x, up x, up ALT
3.   Scenario 4: down ALT, up ALT, down ALT, down x, up ALT, up x
4.   Scenario 5: down ALT, up ALT, down ALT, down x, up x, up ALT

In each of these scenarios, an ALT key up or down event is lost,  
resulting in an inconsistent pairing of down/up events for the web  

When handing scenarios for “browser-reserved” accelerator keys,  
more key events are lost (including the simple ALT down/up pair  
repeated twice). It would be nice to specify (perhaps in an  
appendix) the behavior of browser-reserved accelerator key  
combinations and what should be expected.

To help push the discussion along, I would like to propose two  
potential ideas (one is more drastic than the other):

1.   Create a requirement that browsers emit proper ALT key  
sequences (up/down pairs) to the web page unless focus has shifted  
out of the web page itself—here we would need to try to define  
where to draw the line of when ALT is in focus and when it is not  
in focus related to browser-reserved accelerator actions.
2.   Remove the emission of modifier key (e.g., Shift/Alt/etc.)  
events from the key identifiers set. Thus, pressing ALT (for  
example) would not emit any keyboard events until a corresponding  
key was pressed. The KeyboardEvent interface will continue to  
support the Boolean modifier key flags so that distinctions between  
a key + a modifier can be made by the web developer, but this will  
cut back and the number of events raised and eliminate the out-of- 
order key event problems (ALT down  key down  ALT up  Key up  
versus ALT down  key down  key up  ALT up). Of course, a side  
effect is that this outcome will also effectively remove the  
detection of single modifier key presses for use in web applications.

Re: Extra Connection Support Proposal

2008-02-27 Thread Kris Zyp

Doing this on an HTTP level seems like the right solution to me. Though 
i'm not sure what working group would then be appropriate for 
standardizing it...
I don't mind trying this avenue, I just fear that this is even more likely 
to be a dead-end. HTTP is already very complicated (it would seem more so 
than XHR to me) and is much more solidified and it seems unlikely that there 
would a be solution down that path. And I don't see how it is any more 
right for this to be done in HTTP, The user agent needs to be informed by 
something, and I don't see a clear distinction in why it is superior to be 
informed by the HTTP response rather than API/author since this doesn't 
really affect the actual HTTP communication protocol, but when a user agent 
chooses to use an (additional) HTTP communication channel. I am concerned 
that if all parties continually come up with really good reasons to keep 
deferring this to someone else, the user with hanging requests still lose.
I am going to send out another proposal that will hopefully be more 


Re: Extra Connection Support Proposal

2008-02-27 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Wed, 27 Feb 2008 23:48:47 +0100, Kris Zyp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am going to send out another proposal that will hopefully be more  

I don't want this in XMLHttpRequest. It makes no sense that only  
XMLHttpRequest would benefit from this. That doesn't help video, lots of  
external style sheets, images, etc. We need something helps all those APIs.

Anne van Kesteren

[XHR2] Editorial:

2008-02-27 Thread Elliotte Harold

When the s teps for the send() method say to make upload progress 
notifications user agents must, if the request entity body is not empty 
and async is

s teps -- steps 

Also you might wish to change your mailto link so the [XHR2] at the 
start of the subject line is automatic.

Elliotte Rusty Harold  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Java I/O 2nd Edition Just Published!