Re: Further LC Followup from IE RE: Potential bugs identified in XHR LC Test Suite

2008-06-17 Thread Jonas Sicking

Ian Hickson wrote:

On Tue, 17 Jun 2008, Zhenbin Xu wrote:
I am not sure if I understand your question. responseXML.parseError 
has the error information
Oh, I assumed Sunava meant a conforming Document object was returned. 
A parseError-type object would be what I had in mind, yes. However, if 
we do this, then we should specify it. If we don't specify it, I'd 
rather have an exception.
The spec can simply state that a conforming document object is returned, 
which includes out-of-band error information. This is what IE does today 
and is a very reasonable approach that allows rich error information for 

I don't believe it is conforming for Document objects to have parseError 
attributes, but I could be mistaken -- is there a spec for parseError? 
Even if there isn't, though, I agree that it is a generally good solution 
to the problem, I'm just saying that we should specify it, so that UAs 
can be standards-compliant and support it interoperably.

I think we have two choices for how to handle parse errors here:

1. Mandate that a Document object containing a .parseError property
   is returned for .responseXML
2. Mandate that null is returned

I think some hodgepodge solution of the two is likely just going to be 
harder to code against for developers.

Are we comfortable adding the .parseError object to the XHR spec? Feels 
like spec creep to me unfortunately.

/ Jonas

Re: Further LC Followup from IE RE: Potential bugs identified in XHR LC Test Suite

2008-06-16 Thread Jonas Sicking

Zhenbin Xu wrote:

The issue of return null or an exception is simply a compromise
here. IE would throw an exception for state violations. Accessing
responseXML before open() is a state violation so it would trigger
exception. Other browsers may return null in such situation.  In order
to accommodate all browsers, the spec would have to be rewritten in
some way.

Please note that it is not a goal for the spec to be written in such a 
way that all existing browsers are conforming to the spec. It turned out 
that it was impossible to write a spec with that goal while still 
keeping the spec useful. So we no longer try to accomodate all 
browsers, but instead write a spec that leads to interoperability 
between browsers.

We would certainly love to have the spec change to MUST throw
INVALID_STATE_ERR exception, which is consistent with other
INVALID_STATE_ERR cases.  For instance, the spec says if send() is
called before OPENED, it should trigger  INVALID_STATE_ERR exception.
Another example is that user agent must raise INVALID_STATE_ERR if
status is not available. responseText and responseXML are the
outlier in the spec.

Personally I think it makes more sense to return 'null' from 
.responseXML. We at mozilla have not had any interoperability problems 
with this behavior. Exceptions are better left for exceptional 

However I can't say that I think the behavior is very important to me 
one way or another, as long as it's usefully defined.

Best Regards,
Jonas Sicking

Re: Seeking earlier feedback from MS [Was: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests]

2008-06-13 Thread Jonas Sicking

Sunava Dutta wrote:

Woo hooo, my first mail to the new webapps alias! -:)

Thanks for waiting for us to get feedback in from people across MSFT. As 
promised, here is the whitepaper on client side cross domain security 
articulating the security principles and challenges (high level and specifics ) 
of the current CS-XHR draft.
I've also addressed the questions members raised in the FAQ.

Thanks Sunava, I look forward to reading this once it is available in an 
acceptable license.

However, I would further hope that you are able to discuss the feedback 
that are sure to be raised? As with your initial feedback, much of the 
results of these discussions will also require research and so it is 
good if we can get as much done before the face to face as possible.

As Jonas and Art mention, in order to provide the opportunity for members to 
research and usefully discuss the contents and other issues, lets talk about 
our concerns among other items F2F in the first week of July.

Yes, though I do want to point out that there are many other issues too 
to discuss at the F2F other than microsofts feedback.

Speaking of which, do we have an agenda yet for the F2F meeting?

Look forward to hosting the members here in Redmond.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Best Regards,
Jonas Sicking

Re: Further LC Followup from IE RE: Potential bugs identified in XHR LC Test Suite

2008-06-12 Thread Jonas Sicking


The test is expecting us to return NULL in case open() has not been 
called.  We throw an exception in IE.   I’d pre fer if the spec says 
*“*MUST return null OR an exception*”* otherwise I fear sites today will 
be broken.

How would that help sites that expect an exception, since it would still 
be conforming for the UA to return null? If anything, your proposal 
seems to make it harder for sites to code against the spec.

/ Jonas

Re: DOML3: ACTION-266: TRAVIS - Test addEventListener vs onFoo attribute

2008-06-09 Thread Jonas Sicking

Travis Leithead wrote:

Interesting findings (mostly related to IE):

This test tries to define if the HTML event handlers (onFoo) are linked to the 
add/removeEventListener APIs in any way (or to define what the relationship is).

Browsers tested: Opera 9.25, Firefox 3 RC1, IE8 Beta1, Safari 3.1.1.

(on IE, I substituted attach/detachEvent for add/removeEventListener)

The findings appear to indicate that:

1.  All tested browsers follow a basic model in that an HTML event
handler is maintained separately (perhaps in a separate queue) from
event handlers attached via programmatic means (e.g.,
addEventListener/attachEvent). This can be verified by adding an HTML
event handler and then trying to delete the reference to its DOM
attribute via removeEventListener.

This is not true. You are assuming that the EventListener object used 
for onfoo attributes is the onfoo object itself. This is not the case in 
firefox, nor would I expect it to be the case anywhere else. Instead we 
create a separate EventListener object which wraps the onfoo object and 
deals with things like calling .preventDefault() if the onfoo object 
returns false. It also does lazy compilation when onfoo is set via 
setAttribute(onfoo, your code here);

In firefox i think onfoo listeners do go in the same list as other event 
listeners, however you can't get to the EventListener object itself, so 
you won't be able to remove it using removeEventListener.

A better way to test for this would be something like:

myElem.addEventListener(click, listener1, false);
myElem.onclick = listener2;
myElem.addEventListener(click, listener3, false);

And then check in which order the three listeners are called. If 
attribute listeners end up in the same list as normal listeners then 
the calling order should be: listener1, listener2, listener3.

In addition to this basic conclusion, there were a few discrepencies in event 
handling that should be noted:

* IE/Firefox/Opera all keep a reference alive to the HTML event handler via the 
element's 'onclick' DOM attribute even after the content attribute has been 

Hmm.. this sounds like a bug to me. I would have expected 
.removeAttribute(onclick) to remove the .onclick attribute.

/ Jonas

Re: Note for DOM L3 Core SE

2008-06-09 Thread Jonas Sicking

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

On Jun 6, 2008, at 2:20 PM, Travis Leithead wrote:

While implementing some improvements to getAttribute in IE8, we 
actually checked in code that is conformant to what the spec says 
about the return value:

Return Value
The Attr value as a string, or the empty string if that attribute does 
not have a specified or default value

Once this code was in, we immediately hit app and site compat problems 
because we always returned a string--an empty string--if the 
attribute [did] not have a specified or default value.

As it turns out in practice, all browsers actually implement this a 
slightly different way: they return the value as a string, or null if 
the attribute does not have a specified or default value. In other 
words, if there is no entry for the requested attribute in the 
NamedNodeMap, then null is returned.

IE8 is being fixed to be conformant with what everyone else has 
implemented, I just thought I would pass this along to whomever is 
doing the DOM L3 Core Second Edition so that it might be recorded in 
that spec, an errata, or so that we can discuss.

Anne and I suggested an errata for this a few years back, but the DOM 
folks were not receptive at the time, out of consideration for 
server-side Java DOM implementations:

See the thread for more discussion.

I also at the time raised another compatibility issue that I thought 
should be fixed in errata:

The short version is that DOM forbids inserting nodes into a different 
document than their ownerDocument, but browsers allow it (in at least 
some cases).

Yup, this is a bad situation indeed. Basically browsers are stuck with 
no good way out: Be compatible with the spec, or be compatible with the 
web. Of course any serious web browser is going to choose the latter.

/ Jonas

Re: Proposed errata for DOM2 Range regarding insertNode()

2008-06-08 Thread Jonas Sicking

Ian Hickson wrote:

Chaals, please see the end of this message.

On Wed, 28 May 2008, Jonas Sicking wrote:
It seems to me that everyone agrees that insertNode() was always 
intended to insert a node _into_ the range, and that the collapsed 
case was simply lost between the cracks when the DOM WG was writing 
the spec (much as was interaction with mutation events, for instance).
Everyone who? And based on what? I don't see anything in the spec that 
suggests that. And as Olli pointed out there is clearly language in the 
spec that indicates that the inserted node would be after the range in 
the collapsed case.

Well, everyone except you and Olli apparently. :-)

Who is everyone? I've only seen you stating that the spec can be 
interpreted different ways after Olli pointed out what the definition of 
context tree is.

Do you really think that it was intended for insertNode() to act 
differently when the range was collapsed than when the range wasn't 
collapsed, with respect to whether the inserted node ends up in the range 
or not?

Act differently is a matter of how you view it.

I guess I'm fine with making the change to the spec, but it would be a 
change and not an errata.

I'm not sure what the distinction is.

W3C has in the past been very reluctant to making changes to specs, even 
when specs have been incompatible with the web.

If we decide that it's ok to make functional changes to the spec we're 
opening the flood gates for many more changes than merely clarifications.

/ Jonas

Re: Dedicated Geolocation List and Channel

2008-06-03 Thread Jonas Sicking

For the record: Where the discussion takes place is of little importance 
to me and mozilla. It would make sense to me to do it here, but I'm just 
as happy to discuss it elsewhere too. So I don't prefer it one place 
or the other.

/ Jonas

Re: ElementTraversal progress?

2008-06-02 Thread Jonas Sicking

Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

On Sat, 31 May 2008 01:05:44 +0200, Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi WebAPI fans!



I wanted to implement the ElementTraversal spec for the next release 
of firefox (after FF3). However last I heard there was still an 
outstanding issue of if we wanted to have .childElementCount unsigned 
long or if we wanted a .childElements NodeList.

I guess Doug will pipe up soon, but as I understand things from him he 
thinks it makes sense to leave the spec as is. Opera, Ikivo and BitFlash 
are known to have implementations that are believed to be conformant to 
the current spec.

It would be great to have this resolved pretty soon. The development 
cycle for our next release is quite short so if we want to add 
ElementTraversal to the release we would ideally like to see it more 
stable pretty soon.

As before I'm still of the opinion that a .childElements NodeList 
would be a better solution. While I agree that it can be more complex 
to implement, I still think that the value vs. cost ratio still is 
quite good.

One of the issues involved in a new, more complicated solution is 
precisely the one of stabilising the spec relatively quickly. Personally 
I think it seems better to go with what we have right now, and look at 
adding more in a seperate piece of work, so as to stabilise and finish 
the spec...

I guess I would bow down to the majority vote here, though I really 
don't understand the more complicated argument as pretty much anything 
else we're talking about in this WG is more complicated than this feature.

In mozilla we would actually even implement the .childElementCount 
property by keeping a hidden childNodes list internally. But that might 
be specific to the mozilla implementation.

/ Jonas

Re: setRequestHeader / Accept

2008-05-31 Thread Jonas Sicking

Julian Reschke wrote:

Anne van Kesteren wrote:

We shouldn't let what webidl says dictate what we do one way or the 
other. It's just a spec for the idl language, not a recommendation 
for how interfaces should behave.

null/undefined are not really part of the setRequestHeader() method. 
We just need to deal with them somehow and doing what similar APIs do 
in such cases makes sense.


Such as xhr.send(null)?

Yes, xhr.send(null) will send an empty body rather than one containing 

/ Jonas

Re: setRequestHeader / Accept

2008-05-30 Thread Jonas Sicking

Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Sun, 25 May 2008 20:40:48 +0200, Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Agreed. We have in the past said that in the cases where it doesn't 
seem like the web is depending on a certain behavior one way or the 
other do what is most useful. I don't really think it matters much if 
null is treated as 'remove' or as 'do nothing', but appending 'null' 
seems pretty useless in pretty much all cases.

It's pretty common behavior for a lot of APIs though Firefox seems to do 
it differently from everyone else quite often if I remember correctly.

Yes, we never convert null to null since per spec null is a valid 
DOMString, so there should be no need to convert it at all.

We shouldn't let what webidl says dictate what we do one way or the 
other. It's just a spec for the idl language, not a recommendation for 
how interfaces should behave.

null/undefined are not really part of the setRequestHeader() method. We 
just need to deal with them somehow and doing what similar APIs do in 
such cases makes sense.

Agreed, but I think defining them to turn null into null is a weird 
given that we can just leave it as null. If we should turn it into 
anything it should be the empty string as that seems to me as what makes 

FWIW I think the webidl spec should be changed here, but i'll raise 
that in a thread for that spec.

I think it makes sense for Web IDL to specify the most common behavior 
as default.

Agreed, but I think we disagree on what most common behaviour is :)

/ Jonas

ElementTraversal progress?

2008-05-30 Thread Jonas Sicking

Hi WebAPI fans!

I wanted to implement the ElementTraversal spec for the next release of 
firefox (after FF3). However last I heard there was still an outstanding 
issue of if we wanted to have .childElementCount unsigned long or if we 
wanted a .childElements NodeList.

It would be great to have this resolved pretty soon. The development 
cycle for our next release is quite short so if we want to add 
ElementTraversal to the release we would ideally like to see it more 
stable pretty soon.

As before I'm still of the opinion that a .childElements NodeList would 
be a better solution. While I agree that it can be more complex to 
implement, I still think that the value vs. cost ratio still is quite good.

Best Regards,
Jonas Sicking

Re: [whatwg] The iframe element and sandboxing ideas

2008-05-28 Thread Jonas Sicking

On Mon, 23 Apr 2007, Jonas Sicking wrote:
There's a big difference to that and to what I'm proposing. With what's 
in bug 80713 you're still limited to a box that basically doesn't take 
part of the outer page at all. For example in the table example in my 
original post the headers of the table would not resize to fit the 
column sizes in the includeed table.

Woah. That's far more radical. I have no idea how to do that. How would 
you make the parser not generate the implied elements and switch straight 
to the in table mode? How would you make the CSS model work with this? 
How would you define conformance for the document fragments?

The parser questions here are interesting for sure, but I believe they 
could be solved.

One way to solve the don't make the parser switch into mode X when it 
hits the iframe would be to teach the parser about include (or 
iframe seamless, or iframe include, or whatever it'll be called). 
That is pretty ugly though.

One way to solve the fragment issue would be to say that the inner 
document always has to be a full document, and then use a fragment 
identifier to point to the contents of a table.

The CSS model is simpler. XBL deals with exactly the same problem of 
combining multiple DOMs into a single flattened tree on which CSS is 

I'm still intending to do some testing with this idea once I get more 
time. A lot of the implementation details have to be solved for XBL anyway.

/ Jonas

Re: Moving forward with XHR2 and AC

2008-05-27 Thread Jonas Sicking

Thomas Roessler wrote:

On 2008-05-27 11:00:44 -0700, Jonas Sicking wrote:

What I suggest is that we prohibit the Access-Control-Policy-Path
header from being used on URIs that include the string ..\, in
escaped or unescaped form. One worry with this is if there are
encodings which put the '.' or '\' characters to other codepoints
than 2E and 5C respectively. I.e.  would we need to forbid its
use on URIs other than ones containing

That sounds like perpetuating a bad hack in a spec.  I'd rather see
us say -- in a note somewhere in the spec -- that servers will want
to be careful, and will want to, e.g., configure their respective
web application firewall to prevent this attack from occuring.

That's very different from having specific client conformance
requirements around this kind of server behavior.

I really dislike it too, but just putting a be careful note in the 
spec isn't going to help anyone.

If we don't put this in the spec I suspect that in reality this is 
something that implementations are going to want to do anyway. I guess 
I'm fine with having this as a non-normative note to ensure that 
implementations that want to be on the safe side can.

But at that point we might as well enforce it in the spec too so that 
sites can rely on it.

/ Jonas

Re: [WebIDL] Passing null and undefined to DOMString things

2008-05-27 Thread Jonas Sicking

It sounds like a bad idea to me that the default behavior for DOMString 
should be that null is converted to null. I can't think of a single 
case where that is what you want to do.

Granted, this is partially due to a javascript spec bug, null really 
should have serialized to  rather than null.

Since DOM Level 1 DOMStrings have had null as a legal value, so when 
passing null to a string argument there is usually no need to do any 

When passing null to a [NotNull] string argument I think we should do 
the same thing as when passing null to any other [NotNull] argument, 
which IMHO should mean throwing.

Though looking at the spec it no longer looks possible to say that a 
function excepting an object doesn't want null. Was that removed or was 
it never there? I thought that was how this whole thing started, so that 
we could for example mark up that Node.appendChild does not accept null 
as a valid argument.

/ Jonas

Cameron McCormack wrote:

I’ve made DOMString an intrinsic type in the IDL now (to avoid the
“polite fiction”, as Maciej put it ☺).  I’ve also replaced [NoNull]
with [Null] and [Undefined], which can be used to specify how null and
undefined are treated when passed as an operation argument or assigned
to an attribute.;%20charset=utf-8#idl-DOMString;%20charset=utf-8#Null;%20charset=utf-8#Undefined

Cameron McCormack:

[treating null as ]

Maciej Stachowiak:
It needs to for many standard DOM methods. Most core DOM methods that  
take namespaces treat a null namespaceURI or prefix parameter the same  
as the empty string, not the same as the string null.

I still think that for namespace URIs, the null value is what represents
no namespace, while  can just be used as an alias for this.  This is
what DOM 3 Core says:

  Applications should use the value null as the namespaceURI  parameter
  for methods if they wish to have no namespace. In programming
  languages where empty strings can be differentiated from null, empty
  strings, when given as a namespace URI, are converted to null. This is
  true even though the DOM does no lexical checking of URIs.

Maciej Stachowiak:
I think DOM properties (and sometimes methods and function arguments) 
vary on this. Some use the raw ECMAScript ToString algorithm. Others 
additionally map the null value to the empty string instead of null. 
Still others map the undefined value to undefined. Some do both. I am 
pretty sure that for compatibility reasons you can't just do the same 
for each, so we may as well just define and test the legacy behavior for 
each one. Whatever is most common can be the default, and others can be 
marked up in the IDL appropriately.

Ian Hickson:
For both DOMString attributes and DOMString arguments, we have the 
following ways to handle null and undefined:

I think what we need is for WebIDL to have annotations for these cases, 
which can be prefixed in front of any occurance of DOMString in any IDL 
block, and then we can work down the APIs and check each DOMString 
occurance and work out which the UAs are doing. Say:

   [Null=Null, Undefined=Null]
   [Null=Null, Undefined=Empty]
   [Null=Empty, Undefined=Empty]
   [Null=Null, Undefined=String]
   [Null=Empty, Undefined=String]
   [Null=String, Undefined=String] that we can do, e.g.:

   Window open([Null=String, Undefined=String] in DOMString url,
   [Null=String, Undefined=Empty] in DOMString name,
   [Null=Empty, Undefined=Empty] in DOMString features);

...or whatever is appropriate.

I have replaced [NoNull] with [Null] and [Undefined].  The default
behaviour for both null and undefined is to stringify, since that seemed
to be most common in some (not completely extensive) tests that I did:

So now you can specify [Null=Null], [Null=Empty], [Undefined=Null],
[Undefined=Empty].  You cannot specify stringification though; that’s
just the behaviour if the extended attribute is omitted.

Although stringifying null to null is more common than passing it
through, I sort of feel like [Null=Null] should be the default, since I
still think of null being one of the values in the DOMString type.  But
at least as it is now, the two extended attributes are consistent (they
both take either Null or Empty).

Cameron McCormack:

Should the Bindings spec require that the constructor return an object
that implements that interface?

Anne van Kesteren:

That would make sense I think.

Re: Proposal to work on Geolocation

2008-05-27 Thread Jonas Sicking

On Tue, 27 May 2008 23:38:37 +0200, Maciej Stachowiak [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I could not find record of any such objection in the Advisory 
Committee mailing list archives, or any record of an official W3C 
decision on this point. As Team contact, could you please explain who 
made this decision and on what basis?

In which case I presume that someone used their ability to reply to 
the Team privately instead of being open about what they wanted. This 
disturbs me a little since it increases the resources and coordination 
required, IMHO, to do what is a pretty simple piece of work.

I think you may be overstating how simple this is, for what it's worth. 
 Exposing coordinates sounds simple, sure... but the security and 
privacy implications are stickier, as is the legal landscape (both in 
terms of privacy laws and of IPR).

I think this group is doing a lot of work which involves privacy issues, 
with more specs concerning them coming, so dealing with those would be 
no new task.

Dealing with IPR issues would be something we haven't done though. 
Though given todays patent law, it seems like something that we likely 
have to deal with sooner or later no matter what.

The big missing piece would be geolocation itself I would say :)

All in all I would be in favor of doing that spec in this WG.

/ Jonas

Re: XHR header blacklist rationale

2008-05-27 Thread Jonas Sicking

I also made it clear that the user agent is not to set any headers 
other than those on that list and those permitted to be set if the 
author has not set them (as explained under the send() algorithm).

So, why are the headers below on the list?

* Accept-Charset
* Accept-Encoding

I do see a reason why a UA wouldn't want content to set these.

Which charsets and encoding a UA supports is currently very UA 
dependent. Currently this is ok since it's a feature not exposed to web 
content, but rather just an interface between the server and the UA.

If web content can set these headers it is highly likely that pages will 
inadvertently create UA dependent pages that work if the UA supports 
some encodings, but break in UAs that don't. It would effectively force 
all UAs to support some standard set of encodings in order to work with 
the web.

* Expect

Don't know much about this header so i'll let others speak here.

* Referer
* User-Agent

These should absolutely not be under control of web content.

The Referer header is used by some web servers for security checks so 
allowing this to be settable would work around that. Servers can't 
currently rely on the header being there due to some firewalls/proxies 
filtering it, however they can rely on it being true when it is there.

The User-Agent is used a lot for logging and measuring various aspects 
(OS, UA, etc) of the user base for a site. Allowing this to be spoofed 
by a web page would severely reduce its usefulness. You cite in a 
different mail that you want to be able to set this to work around 
servers that send different content based to different UAs based on this 
header. However if we let this header be set by web content then servers 
would not be able to rely on the User-Agent header and would likely 
start using even worse mechanisms.

/ Jonas

Re: XHR header blacklist rationale

2008-05-27 Thread Jonas Sicking

Julian Reschke wrote:

Jonas Sicking wrote:

These should absolutely not be under control of web content.

The Referer header is used by some web servers for security checks so 
allowing this to be settable would work around that. Servers can't 
currently rely on the header being there due to some firewalls/proxies 
filtering it, however they can rely on it being true when it is there.

The User-Agent is used a lot for logging and measuring various aspects 
(OS, UA, etc) of the user base for a site. Allowing this to be 
spoofed by a web page would severely reduce its usefulness. You cite 
in a different mail that you want to be able to set this to work 
around servers that send different content based to different UAs 
based on this header. However if we let this header be set by web 
content then servers would not be able to rely on the User-Agent 
header and would likely start using even worse mechanisms.

Microsoft's ActiveX version of XMLHTTPRequest definitively lets clients 
set it. I know it, because it was needed to override the UA header, so 
that servers would do proper authentication instead of form-based login.

Not sure about what the native implementations do today, but I think we 
need to make sure that the XHR spec doesn't break use cases that work 

I assume that by it you mean the User-Agent header?

Looking at the code it does indeed look like we let you set that header, 
which greatly surprises me.

My gut feeling though is that we want sites to be able to rely on the UA 
header for logging. I'm fine with breaking use cases that work today 
if we do it to improve security. The User-Agent header isn't strictly 
security, but it's close to.

/ Jonas

Re: Moving forward with XHR2 and AC

2008-05-25 Thread Jonas Sicking

Anne van Kesteren wrote:

I changed my mind on several things below.

On Fri, 16 May 2008 13:37:54 +0200, Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

On Fri, 16 May 2008 02:07:57 +0200, Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Anne, can you summarise what needs doing to XHR2 and AC to move them
forwards to last call? Is there a list of outstanding comments anywhere?

XMLHttpRequest Level 2

* Depends on XMLHttpRequest Level 1 feedback:
* It needs an introduction at some point. (Though not per se for Last 
Call I suppose.)

This is both still true though I made some progress incorperating 
feedback. (Need to make sure everything relevant made XMLHttpRequest 2 
too though.

Access Control for Cross-Site Requests

* Need to deal with Access-Control-Policy-Path normalization


I think we do need to deal with this. Just leaving it be will I think 
will cause exploitable servers out there.

* Need to figure out if we want the server to whitelist 
headers/methods (we had methods before and then dropped it)

I changed my mind on this. Given the reply from Björn in particular I 
don't think there's anything that needs to be done here.

I strongly disagree here. Sorry about being slow to reply, will make 
sure that happens today.

* Need to figure out if we want the server to opt in to 

I rejected this proposal in another e-mail.

Same thing here.

/ Jonas

Re: setRequestHeader / Accept

2008-05-25 Thread Jonas Sicking

Julian Reschke wrote:

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
On Sat, 24 May 2008 18:27:47 +0200, Julian Reschke 

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
 Per the updated specification which uses Web IDL IE and Safari are 
conformant here. (null and undefined are simply stringified.)

Not terrible useful, I would say. Is that something we have to live 
with because of the IDL definition???

It matches two implementations and is the default behavior for 
null/undefined when passed to something that accepts a string.

Apparently existing content does not rely on it (FF gets away with 
implementing something that IMHO makes *much* more sense). So why 
standardize it at all, or, when doing so, select something that doesn't 
make sense in practice?

Or are you claiming that people who set a header to null *really* want 
the specified behaviour?

Agreed. We have in the past said that in the cases where it doesn't seem 
like the web is depending on a certain behavior one way or the other do 
what is most useful. I don't really think it matters much if null is 
treated as 'remove' or as 'do nothing', but appending 'null' seems 
pretty useless in pretty much all cases.

We shouldn't let what webidl says dictate what we do one way or the 
other. It's just a spec for the idl language, not a recommendation for 
how interfaces should behave.

FWIW I think the webidl spec should be changed here, but i'll raise that 
in a thread for that spec.

/ Jonas

Re: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests

2008-05-23 Thread Jonas Sicking

Chris Wilson wrote:

Indeed, there has been a lot of back and forth on the topics of XDR
and XHR2+AC over the last couple of weeks.

As others have pointed out, it hasn't so much been a back-and-forth as
much as the rest of the group asking Microsoft for detailed information
and waiting for answers.

This message is not
attempting to set forth in detail all the objections we have had;
Sunava will deliver that in a concise form. From the comments in
various responses in this topic, it is clear that expectations are
extremely high for the level of detail in those objections;

I don't think expectations are extremely high. We simply want
information that is detailed enough that it can be used as basis for
technical discussions and changes to the spec.

So far the input has mostly been We are worried about the security
implications of AC+XHR and think XDR is safer. That is not enough to
make any changes to the Access-Control spec to address those worries.
The rest of the group does not even know *what* the worries are.

that takes
much time to prepare, and involves a number of people here across
multiple teams.  Some of these concerns are direct and technical, and
might be fixed in the XHR2+AC draft; however, some of our most
important concerns pertain to the approach of enabling cross-domain.

Not really sure what this means, but I'm hoping that Sunava will explain
in his email what these concerns are.

Given that the whole Access-Control spec is about enabling cross-domain,
saying that that is the part you have concerns with doesn't really
narrow things down :)

However, we
feel the design of grafting cross-domain access on to the
already-existing XHR system is dangerous,

Why? The new-XDR-API vs. reuse-existing-XHR-API discussion does not seem
related to security. Though given the lack of specifics so far there
isn't much for me to go on here.

and the current design is
being arrived at by the method of discussing what developers want to
do, then trying to make it safe, rather than starting with what is
secure by principle and incrementally adding functionality.
Experience has taught us it is much easier to ship a system that is
secure by design and add functionality than try to secure a
implementation after it ships by rolling back features.

I don't know what you mean by secure by principal and secure by 
design here. Are you alluding to the fact that XDR can never send out 
requests that aren't possible already?

If so, that seems like it would only be secure by design as far as 
securing the server goes. Not as far as protecting the users data goes, 
which seems just as important.

I would argue that Access-Control is better at protecting the users data 
than XDR. Since XDR isn't built for transferring private data (since it 
doesn't send cookies) it forces web developers to develop their own 
mechanisms on top of XDR. Most likely many of these mechanisms are going 
to be less safe than Access-Control since they are unlikely to spend as 
much effort and expertise securing their mechanism compared to how much 
has been put into Access-Control.

Removing a tool to do safe cross-site private data transfer doesn't mean 
that sites will stop doing it. It just means that they will use other 

 For example,
today the current XHR draft proposes to block a list of headers that
are unsafe only in a cross-domain context; however, this is difficult
to deploy since XHR has already shipped, and challenging to imagine
that there are no other headers in use by servers anywhere around the
world that might not be good to access.

How would the fact that same-site XHR is already deployed affect how we
can deploy cross-site XHR? Is your concern that sites today attempt to
do cross-site XHR requests and rely on the fact that that throws?

Also, is this a security concern, or a concern that AC+XHR will break
existing pages?

In our opinion, one of the fundamental problems with the XHR2+AC
proposal is that it blithely reuses an already-existing API for
same-domain communication, and then attempts to patch the cracks that
appear when it is used to perform cross-domain transfers.

Again, why is this a problem? Even if we were to go with the security
model of XDR, I would strongly advocate that we would use XHR as the API
to access this security model.

The discussion about the security model and the discussion about the API
seems like two orthogonal discussions to me (with the security model
discussion being far more interesting), and I would prefer if we
discussed them separately.

We want to be extremely clear that XDR is most definitely NOT, in our
opinion, a “slightly different API that solves nearly the same
problem” – neither is it “different for no extra benefit.”   [3]  Nor
is it an “incompatible proposal,” [4]

Why? The fact that the two APIs are nearly identical seems to indicate
that they are.

But again, the API discussion seems separate from the security model one.

As for the 

Re: XHR LC comments

2008-05-19 Thread Jonas Sicking

Sunava Dutta wrote:


-Original Message-
From: Jonas Sicking [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 3:14 PM
To: Sunava Dutta
Cc: Anne van Kesteren; Julian Reschke; Maciej Stachowiak; Web API WG
(public); IE8 Core AJAX SWAT Team
Subject: Re: XHR LC comments

Sunava Dutta wrote:

setRequestHeader() currently simply is broken. We should deprecate it,
and add new methods with well-defined semantics:

- removeHeader(...) (or specify set with null to mean remove)
- addHeader...
- getHeader...

Deprecating a method does not help implementations converge. Besides,
for typical usage there's no issue in using this header at all.

[Sunava Dutta] I agree with Anne here. Deprecating an existing
implementations and re-engineering XHR is something we just cannot
accept. This spec should be designed to reflect reality and seek
interoperability for each and every single section/method/event with
at least one (I think the W3C mandates two?) existing implementations.
That does not mean the entire spec is aligned with FF or IE, but it
should be harmonious at any instance with one existing implementation.

There is absolutely no W3C mandate that a spec is compatible with any
existing implementations in order to reach the earlier milestones in the
standardization track. Not sure where you got that idea. It would be
very strange if there was a requirement to have implementations in order
to reach LC, when W3C is discouraging implementations at that stage.

Also, I personally don't care at all which UAs the various features of
spec is compatible with. Or if it's not compatible with any UA. What I
care about is that the spec is compatible with the web, and in the cases
where the web doesn't care, that it's as useful and simple as possible.

/ Jonas

[Sunava Dutta] Compatible with the web sounds very nice and is
something I think I share with you. I think you mean compatible with
browsers who enable the technologies when you mean compatible with the

No, I mean able to run the javascript that exists on pages on the web. 
So for example if there is an aspect to a feature that no, or very few, 
web pages use, then I don't think we need to pay attention to what UAs 
do today and instead make the best possible spec based on technical 

Figuring out what aspects webpages do or don't use is hard of course. 
But often there are indications as well as implementation experience.

Getting back to more specifics, if we're talking about compatibility I
absolutely believe the spec should be relevant to existing

What do you mean by relevant to existing implementations. And why do 
you think that?

I'm amenable to what Maciej said when he mentioned
that in the case (I'm assuming this is a rarity) where the
implementations are doing whacky things or doing nothing at all, it
makes sense to work together to identify a way/solution that will
allow for convergence.

It is in fact quite common when you start looking at the details of the 
various features that implementations behave very differently. So in 
those details we should in my opinion use the strategy I described above.

/ Jonas

Re: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests

2008-05-15 Thread Jonas Sicking

Sunava Dutta wrote:

 This message is not attempting to set forth in detail all the
objections we have had; Sunava will deliver that in a concise form.

Can you give us a ballpark ETA on this?

 [Sunava Dutta] Sure, I'm compiling this as we speak. I expect this to
 be ready and available to the Web API by mid June in the latest.

Wow, this is really bad news that we won't get this feedback until just 
two weeks before the face to face meeting. Especially given the numerous 
delays in getting this feedback in the past I am very worried that there 
will be further delays. Are you absolutely certain that won't happen again?

Even just having two weeks in order to discuss this feedback prior to 
the meeting seems like very short on time.

I would really encourage you to consider providing this feedback more 
promptly. I do not wish to attend a face to face meeting solely to 
discuss new feedback which we have not had the opportunity to research 
and cannot usefully discuss. I also hope to cover much more than 
microsofts feedback during the meeting.

 I don't think there should be any surprises here as we have
 communicated our concerns before.

I most certainly do expect there to be plenty of surprises here. I and 
many others have had a very difficult time understanding the concerns 
that microsoft has had so I hope that most of what you will be providing 
will be new information.

[Sunava Dutta] Wildcarding was a problem in Flash (one of many?). I'm not sure 
if AC is vulnerable to that but it certainly seems possible? The point here is 
that a number of developers won't ready the security notes on the docs and 
inadvertently expose their services. Solutions should be coded for the lowest 
common denominator. That's hard to understand given that most Web API 
participants are quite technical.

Please note that that article does not point out a single site that is 
in fact vulnerable. It does seem to say that 1 site out of fortune 500 
and 2 out of the alexa top 100 sites has a wildcarded crossdomain.xml 
policy. It does not say if any of those sites actually host sensitive 

However I do agree that crossdomain.xml is a very interesting case 
study. We should make sure to study that and learn from any mistakes 
made there.

[Sunava Dutta] If we can agree on the security principles (hopefully
the F2F) hopefully a safe way to do AC can be developed.

First off, i certainly hope that we will be discussing the security 
principles before the F2F. I am very glad to see that microsoft recently 
have become active on this mailing list and hope that that will not stop.

The more we can discuss the issues before the F2F the more productive we 
can be at the meeting.

These are
certainly scenarios that this feature is useful for that's why we're
proposed XDR alongside. Although we invented XHR here we've been
concerned about using it cross domain as mentioned before. I think the
uber point with CS-XHR is the behavior is different in the two modes
(same site and cross domain). That's confusing enough.

While this is certainly an interesting discussion to have, I'm not sure 
I see the security implications between using an old API with new 
restrictions vs. creating a new API.

This rather simply seems like a DOM API issue rather than a security 
model issue.

We desire this also. Specifics help illustrate points best.

[Sunava Dutta] Again, specifics will be provided however I reiterate, don't 
expect a stream of specifics to ensure that solution is ready to ship.

I'm not sure I follow what you are saying here. Is your email on June 
15th not going to include enough specifics to be able to discuss needed 
changes to the spec? That would seem very very unfortunate.

/ Jonas

Re: [July 1-3] [face to face] Agenda?

2008-05-13 Thread Jonas Sicking

Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

On Tue, 13 May 2008 02:54:58 +0200, Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
 On Sun, 11 May 2008 18:48:27 +0200, Jean-Yves Bitterlich 


I understood that prio 1 item on the july 1st-3rd agenda is going to 
be XHR2 (XDR... input). What other items are (known to be) on the 
agenda ? (probably 3 days are anyway just enough to finalize XHR)
 XHR and XHR2 (and friends and acquaintances) are the agenda as 
planned. I suspect that will eat 3 days :( If not, I would be looking 
for other small stuff we can do, or for stuff that people think is 
urgent for that meeting. (I would rather finish early, really, if 

Are we planning on discussing Access-Control as well?

Yeah, sorry. That goes with XHR2 in my mind.

Access-Control is developed by a wholly different WG though (at least 
until the two groups merge).

Has it been properly announced to the members, and other participants, 
of that WG that this meeting is taking place?

/ Jonas

Re: [selectors-api] Proposal to Drop NSResolver from Selectors API v1

2008-05-12 Thread Jonas Sicking

var ns = svg=;
.querySelector(p svg|svg, ns);

Let ns be an empty hash map, where the key is the prefix and the value 
is the namespace uri.

Tokenise the nsresolver string by splitting on whitespace.
For each token:
  If there is an '=' character in the string:
Split the string on the first '=' character
Let prefix be the string before the '=' character
Let uri be the string after the '=' character

  Otherwise, there is no '=' character:
Let prefix be  (the default namespace)
Let uri be value of this token

  If ns[prefix] does not already exist:
Let ns[prefix] = uri

The problem with this proposal is that it makes it very painful to write 
code that grabs expressions out of a DOM tree (such as in an attribute 
value) and then uses the namespace mappings available at that part of 
the tree to do namespace resolution.

With the NSResolver API that means that you can simply use 
node.lookupNamespaceURI() in your implementation. With a solution where 
a full dictionary is passed in (either through a string or a a dedicated 
namespacemapper hash) the implementation has to manually implement the 
full lookupNamespaceURI algorithm manually.

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
 The bottom line here is that we're trying to represent what should
 really be a simple dictionary with a function, and it creates all
 sorts of unnecessary complexity.

I'm curious to know what sorts of unnecessary complexity that you are 
referring to here.

Yes, implementing callbacks does require code. But I would imagine that 
every UA out there already has such code. If for no other reason in 
order to support DOM events.

Are there additional complexities you are worried about? Or are you 
worried it might not be possible to reuse the infrastructure developed 
for the other callback points in the DOM?

/ Jonas

Re: [July 1-3] [face to face] Agenda?

2008-05-12 Thread Jonas Sicking

Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

On Sun, 11 May 2008 18:48:27 +0200, Jean-Yves Bitterlich 


I understood that prio 1 item on the july 1st-3rd agenda is going to 
be XHR2 (XDR... input). What other items are (known to be) on the 
agenda ? (probably 3 days are anyway just enough to finalize XHR)

XHR and XHR2 (and friends and acquaintances) are the agenda as planned. 
I suspect that will eat 3 days :( If not, I would be looking for other 
small stuff we can do, or for stuff that people think is urgent for that 
meeting. (I would rather finish early, really, if possible).

Are we planning on discussing Access-Control as well?

/ Jonas

Re: [XHR] No way to tell a request originates from an XHR object

2008-05-12 Thread Jonas Sicking

Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

* Francois Daoust wrote:
In the context of content transformation that is a problem because such 
HTTP messages should be passed untouched by the content transformation 
proxies: an XHR call involves that some client code will be run on 
receipt of the response, so any transformation is likely to break the 
content delivered by the device.

We were wondering if that use case would not meet other similar use 
cases in other areas that would require an easy way to tell that a 
request originates from an XHR object. Possible solutions:

1. amending the User-Agent string to include an XHR-like string 
2. defining an additional header such as X-Ajax-Engine [2]
... and hopefully better solutions we haven't thought about.

It is usually better to indicate your requirements instead of what soft-
ware you are using; for example, instead of XHR you might be using the
WebClient in Microsoft's SilverLight, or you might be using no Ajax en-
gine at all. So here you would instead indicate that the response should
be as if it had Cache-Control: no-transform set.

I will also note that just because the request is initiated by a browser
that does not mean there is no script that breaks on transformed content
(whether you load some XHTML document with an iframe or XHR is not all
that relevant). You will ultimately have to rely on some cooperation on
part of the author, or transform content only very conservatively.

Yeah, I think this is better addressed in a spec for mobile UAs instead. 
Such a spec could recommend that UAs add a header, like the one Bjoern 
is proposing, in certain situations. Such as when XHR requests are made, 
or when XBL documents are fetched, or when document.load is used, etc.

But like others, I would expect a lot of sites to break if 
transformations were done to them without their cooperation. This is why 
we have greacemonkey scripts as extensions, and not built in by default :)

/ Jonas

Re: Security Re: File IO...

2008-05-07 Thread Jonas Sicking

Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

On Wed, 07 May 2008 16:47:06 +0100, Maciej Stachowiak [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

On May 7, 2008, at 6:39 AM, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

Hi folks,

Opera has a proposal for a specification that would revive (and 

the file upload API that has been lingering so long as a work item.

In a nutshell, it provides the ability for a web application to get a
filespace, by asking the user to identify such a space, and making it
available to that application something like a virtual file system.

I am concerned about the security implications of this proposal. File 
upload in HTML is based on the user explicitly selecting a particular 
file. This has relatively low security risk, since the user is 
choosing one specific file that he or she wishes to transmit, and all 
that can be done with that file is upload its bytes.

However, this API grants much more power than that.

Yep. That's the idea.

Here are some of the more obvious security issues:

[several obviously interesting things]
6) Despite clearly having major security considerations, the document 
has no Security Considerations section.

Indeed. (It also has no table of contents). There are obviously security 
issues any time you give access to something like the filesystem. That 
said, there are valuable use cases for access to the filesystem. The 
idea of standardising this currently rough proposal is that we identify 
and deal with those. An obvious approach would be to limit availability 
of this to trusted content for some definition of that (and different 
browsers currently have different definitions).

As a work item we can happily raise the security issues and provide 
guidance about what circumstances open what kinds of risk. Which is what 
we would like to do, as part of making the functionality available to 
application developers in some way.

For what it's worth Firefox has no concept of trusted content.

That is, other than the code that makes up firefox itself, but that 
obviously doesn't need to use any standardized APIs.

/ Jonas

Re: [SelectorsAPI] Thoughts on querySelectorAll

2008-04-30 Thread Jonas Sicking

John Resig wrote:

Hello Everyone -

I just wanted to quickly pull together some of my thoughts concerning 
querySelectorAll. I've been asked by a number of people to provide my feedback 
here. Please forgive me if I've missed some previous discussions on the subject 

There's three major points that I wanted to discuss:

* DOMElement.querySelectorAll returning incorrect elements

So am I understanding you right in that if we do provide the second 
issue (Combinator-rooted Queries) then that will resolve your concern 
about this issue?

I do understand your concern that in most cases you probably don't want 
the selector matching to leak out of the node on which 
.querySelectorAll was called. But I think spec-wise it's easier if the 
problem can be solved by using the :root trick or some such. That way 
the Webapi WG doesn't have to define a pile of new behavior for general 
selector matching.

The added bonus of the current matching is that it does allow for the 
selector to leak should you want that for whatever reason.

The libraries out there would only need to prepend :root  to whatever 
selector they were handed.

Though rather than using :root I think it would be more appropriate to 
use :scope as has been proposed in other mails on this list. It's 
entirely possible that mozilla could include an implementation of that 
along with the initial querySelectorAll implementation (though perhaps 
under the name :-moz-scope)

/ Jonas

Re: [SelectorsAPI] Thoughts on querySelectorAll

2008-04-30 Thread Jonas Sicking

The added bonus of the current matching is that it does allow for the
selector to leak should you want that for whatever reason.

This isn't really important since this result can already be achieved in another manner, 
using .compareDocumentPosition() or .contains() (in IE). However, leaving it broken 
by default because it would be hard to specify doesn't really seem to mesh well.

True, though this would be significantly slower since the implementation 
would match against all nodes in the whole document, only to have many 
of them filtered out.

/ Jonas

Re: [SelectorsAPI] Thoughts on querySelectorAll

2008-04-30 Thread Jonas Sicking

John Resig wrote:
But that would mean that .querySelectorAll(:root div) would never 
match anything since :root (or :scope) could only match the element 
itself, which of course isn't a descendant.

I was under the impression that within the context of a DOM element :root would 
be equivalent to the root element itself - not the document element.


Thus these two would be equivalent (returning the same sets of elements):

  document.getElementById(test).querySelectorAll(:root div)

If that's not the case then disregard all of the previous :root is a good 
solution talk, because that's what I was basing this on.

There are two contrary statements in your proposal.

:root matches the root element (i.e. the test element in your example)

All simple selectors has to match a descendant of the element on which 
.querySelectorAll was called.

Clearly the test node isn't a descendant of itself, so the :root 
part couldn't match anything.

/ Jonas

Re: [SelectorsAPI] Thoughts on querySelectorAll

2008-04-30 Thread Jonas Sicking

Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

* Jonas Sicking wrote:
The issue isn't what we define :scope to match in general. But rather 
that you are saying that only descendants of the context node are 
allowed to match the individual parts of the selector.

It seems the issue rather is using a pseudo-class here rather than some
other syntax. I would assume John would be just as happy if the syntax
was, say, $self  ... which would avoid the problem you discuss here.

It's not so much fact that it's a pseudo-class, but rather that it's a 
simple selector (sorry dbaron, don't know the correct term) which 
$self would be too. Unless we're redefining the CSS parsing rules which 
would mean that we have a lot of work remaining.

/ Jonas

Re: Modal dialogs in HTML5

2008-04-29 Thread Jonas Sicking

João Eiras wrote:

Unless the page raises another dialog of course

For that there are popup blockers.
The user must click something for another popup to open.

2008/4/29, Bjoern Hoehrmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

* João Eiras wrote:
 The user can easily and quickly close the dialog and then the main
 tab. Two clicks instead of one... don't be lasy :p.
 That's a non issue.

Unless the page raises another dialog of course, either maliciously or
 due to a coding problem. Preventing that from happening would probably
 not be easy without some surprises.

Popup blockers are there to try to mitigate an evilness that was added a 
long time ago in a more innocent (naive?) time.

Lets not add more such evilness. It only forces ourselves to struggle to 
find decent mitigation techniques, and forces developers to try to deal 
our mitigation techniques.

/ Jonas

Re: [selectors-api] Handling :link and :visited Pseudo Classes

2008-04-17 Thread Jonas Sicking

Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

As for the suggestion that all links must match one or the other, that
would disallow e.g. reporting accurate results for all visible links
but omitting any invisble link. I don't think that should be disallowed.

How so? All invisible links would match :link, all visible visited links 
would match :visited, all visible unvisited links would match :link.

This would seem to make all links either match :link or :visited. Or am 
I misunderstanding what you mean by visible, that would be quite 
possible as I don't understand the point of treating visible and 
invisible links differently.

/ Jonas

Re: [selectors-api] Handling :link and :visited Pseudo Classes

2008-04-16 Thread Jonas Sicking

Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Lachlan Hunt wrote:
I'm considering adjusting the spec to allow just two options, and 
making IE8's behaviour non-conforming.

1. Match unvisited and visted links normally with :link and :visited, 
2. Match all links with :link, and no links with :visted (i.e. treat 
all links as unvisited)

I think that you should just require that if the UA implements :link and 
:visited at all any link must match one or the other.  Which one is up 
to the UA.  That allows UAs to impose security policies as needed while 
still allowing authors to match all links with :link, :visited.

This sounds like an excellent idea to me.

/ Jonas

Re: [DOML3Events] ACTION-267 Proposal for event iterator

2008-04-14 Thread Jonas Sicking

Hallvord R. M. Steen wrote:

On Wed, 09 Apr 2008 23:50:59 +0200, Maciej Stachowiak [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I've been specifically requested to add such support into IE by 
various customers. Most of their use-cases involve script that is 
trying to 'clean-up' event handlers for which they did not set, and 
do not have a pre-existing handle to the function callback.

 Could you be more specific about the use cases?

One use case that hasn't come up but may be better supported by other 
means: debugging.
As far as I can see, there is no view in, say, Firebug that shows me an 
overview of event listeners added with addEventListener(). In many cases 
this would be very useful.

(By better supported by other means I meant that an alternative would 
be to enable something like the proposed functionality in debug mode 
or debug builds only. It seems more useful to me personally to simply 
have it available though.)

Like Boris points out, there is no need to expose debugging APIs to web 
pages. Browsers can expose those thorough internal APIs to their tools.

There is no API to enabling stepping through javascript or breaking on 
all exceptions either.

/ Jonas

Re: [selectors-api] NSResolver moving nodes between documents

2008-04-14 Thread Jonas Sicking

Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

* Hallvord R. M. Steen wrote:
What I've understood: it's proposed that if the custom lookupNamespaceURI  
function moves nodes between documents, the implementation trying to use  
the NSResolver (may|must) throw an error. I don't see why we can't specify  
that unless we specify when and how many times the resolver is invoked.

That could be done, but it would have little benefit at a high cost
(more specification text to read for everyone, more tests to write,
implementations cannot choose some better behavior, ... versus more
consistent implementation behavior in a rather hypothetical case of
incorrect code).

If the custom lookupNamespaceURI function moves nodes between documents,  
the implementation trying to use the NSResolver MUST throw an error.

If there should be a rule for mutations of the document from inside the
namespace resolver, it should cover all the mutations, not pick some un-
usual case. Further note that implementations would still differ, e.g.,
consider the selector

  a|b  c|d  :not(*|*)

Some implementations might resolve a,c, others c,a, and yet others none
of the prefixes because they immediately saw it does not match anything.
So I would find it preferable, if this needs to be addressed, that the
prefix resolution is made predictable, so that all mutations from inside
the resolver become predictable, or that the DOM is locked while the
query is evaluated, or that all mutations result in an error, not just
node movements between documents, but I don't think this needs to be de-
fined at all.

So I might be missing something, but I think we're making this issue a 
lot more complicated than it is. Why not simply specify that the 
querySelector implementation must execute in two steps:

1. Parse selector
2. Walk the DOM and create result using parsed selector.

Step 1 will call the NSResolver, but must not walk the DOM
Step 2 must not call the NSResolver.

This way it is ok if the NSResolver mutates the DOM in any fashion. The 
result returned from the function will simply be based on what the DOM 
looks like after step 1 is done executing.

Yes, we could in theory specify which order the prefixes must be 
resolved using the NSResolver, however I think it would be better to 
state that it's undefined and that resolvers shouldn't rely on this. 
This is effectively the state for XPath and I have never heard of that 
being a problem. I also have a hard time imagining that anyone would 
actually write code that depended on the call ordering.

This should be the easiest solution for spec writers and implementors 
alike. And I don't think users will care either way.

/ Jonas

Re: [DOML3Events] ACTION-267 Proposal for event iterator

2008-04-14 Thread Jonas Sicking

Doug Schepers wrote:

Hi, Jonas-

Jonas Sicking wrote (on 4/14/08 5:58 PM):

Like Boris points out, there is no need to expose debugging APIs to 
web pages. Browsers can expose those thorough internal APIs to their 

Actually, I've seen Web apps that allow creation and debugging of 
content, and I think that's a perfectly legitimate use case.  I would 
like to have this list of event listeners available.

So would the solution I provided in an earlier email provide enough of a 
solution to satisfy your use case?

If you want generic debugging APIs exposed to content that would have a 
*lot* of security concerns.

So my question is, how much value would such an API add, compared to the 
other solutions that are available, compared to the complexity of 
implementing this securely in a UA. Especially considered the total lack 
of any other debugging-specific APIs in UAs.

/ Jonas

Re: [selectors-api] NSResolver moving nodes between documents

2008-04-14 Thread Jonas Sicking

Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Jonas Sicking wrote:

1. Parse selector
2. Walk the DOM and create result using parsed selector.

That seems like the obvious approach.

This way it is ok if the NSResolver mutates the DOM in any fashion. 
The result returned from the function will simply be based on what the 
DOM looks like after step 1 is done executing.

There's one security consideration here, though:  Say at the end of the 
mutation the script that called querySelector is no longer same-origin 
with the node that the method was called on.  What should happen?  
Immediate exception?  Return the nodes but not allow the caller to 
actually access them?  Something else?

My gut feeling is that immediate exception is the right thing to be 

So this generally can't happen, except through implementation specific 
quirks, no? I.e. a page can't create an NSResolver mutates nodes to the 
point where it no longer has access to the page.

So since this would be implementation specific behavior, possibly due to 
security bugs, I think it's fine if the solution is also implementation 
specific and we wouldn't need to say anything in the spec.

/ Jonas

Re: [selectors-api] NSResolver moving nodes between documents

2008-04-14 Thread Jonas Sicking

Jonas Sicking wrote:

Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Jonas Sicking wrote:

1. Parse selector
2. Walk the DOM and create result using parsed selector.

That seems like the obvious approach.

This way it is ok if the NSResolver mutates the DOM in any fashion. 
The result returned from the function will simply be based on what 
the DOM looks like after step 1 is done executing.

There's one security consideration here, though:  Say at the end of 
the mutation the script that called querySelector is no longer 
same-origin with the node that the method was called on.  What should 
happen?  Immediate exception?  Return the nodes but not allow the 
caller to actually access them?  Something else?

My gut feeling is that immediate exception is the right thing to be 

So this generally can't happen, except through implementation specific 
quirks, no? I.e. a page can't create an NSResolver mutates nodes to the 
point where it no longer has access to the page.

Ugh, sorry, this should say:
So this generally can't happen, except through implementation specific 
quirks, no? I.e. a page can't create an NSResolver which mutates nodes 
to the point where the page no longer has access to the nodes.

So since this would be implementation specific behavior, possibly due to 
security bugs, I think it's fine if the solution is also implementation 
specific and we wouldn't need to say anything in the spec.

/ Jonas

Re: What is Microsoft's intent with XDR vis-à-vis W3C? [Was: Re: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site =?ISO-8859-1?Q? Requests]?=

2008-04-14 Thread Jonas Sicking

Jon Ferraiolo wrote:

Thomas Roessler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 04/14/2008 08:21:50 AM:

  On 2008-04-14 08:07:10 -0700, Jon Ferraiolo wrote:
   On the architecture side, Access Control is just plain wrong,
   with the PEP on the client instead of the server, which requires
   data to be sent along the pipe to the client, where the client is
   trusted to discard the data if the user isn't allowed to see the
   data; it is just plain architecturally wrong to transmit data
   that is not meant to be seen.
  This seems to confuse the attacker model a bit.  It's not about the
  user not being permitted to see the data, it's about a web
  application from a different origin not being allowed to manipulate
  the data, even though the user is allowed to see the data.

The comment in question wasn't about CSRF or other data-setting attacks 
on a server, but instead about how it is architecturally wrong to send 
data that ultimately will be thrown out when it reaches the client. If I 
was outside of the standards world and wrote some code that did this, I 
would be embarrassed to show such an implementation during a code 
walkthrough. The policy check should be done before the data is transmitted.

XDR seems to force much more data to be transmitted only to be thrown 
away. In the case of site A loading data from site B the whole resource 
is first transferred from site B to the client. Only then does the 
client make the decision to throw that data away if site B hasn't 
allowed cross-site access to the data.

This does not only force the whole resource to be transferred only to be 
thrown away, it also forces the PEP to be the client as the server is 
given absolutely no information about who site A is.

/ Jonas

Re: [selectors-api] NSResolver moving nodes between documents

2008-04-14 Thread Jonas Sicking

Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Jonas Sicking wrote:
So this generally can't happen, except through implementation specific 
quirks, no? I.e. a page can't create an NSResolver mutates nodes to 
the point where it no longer has access to the page.

Sure it can.  Setting document.domain will do the trick, easily.

Hmm.. good point. Though I still think that you basically have to 
intentionally shoot yourself in the foot for this to happen, and so it's 
a case that is unlikely to come up and cause interoperability issues.

Leaving it explicitly undefined sounds like a good idea though.

/ Jonas

Re: [DOML3Events] ACTION-267 Proposal for event iterator

2008-04-09 Thread Jonas Sicking

Travis Leithead wrote:

From your link, it appears the only reason this was dropped was because the 
folks in discussion at the time thought the only use case for this feature was 
Accessibility venders (ATs).

It wasn't just dropped because it wasn't needed (because AT doesn't need 
to use DOM APIs). It was also dropped since it would mean that internal 
code can not use the generic DOM APIs to add event listeners. This is 
something that we do a lot in Firefox code and that is done by a lot of 
Firefox extensions. See
and the followups.

I agree that this is something that we could work around if absolutely 
needed. I'm definitely an advocate for not designing Web APIs for 
internal consumers. However it is always a very nice bonus when public 
APIs are also useful internally.

So I too would be interested in hearing more about the use cases here. 
Could the following be used as a solution?

oldAddEL = EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener;
Node.prototype.addEventListener = function(type,
  listener, useCapture) {
  if (!this.getUserData(listeners)) {
this.setUserData(listeners, [], null);
  this.getUserData(listeners).push(listener);, type, listener, useCapture);

This should let the page access all listeners added to any node using 

/ Jonas

Re: [DOML3Events] ACTION-267 Proposal for event iterator

2008-04-09 Thread Jonas Sicking

Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Jonas Sicking wrote:

oldAddEL = EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener;
Node.prototype.addEventListener = function(type,

I should note that this wouldn't work in recent Geckos, by the way...

I think it might actually, since addEventListener isn't on the nodes 
prototype chain normally.

But in any case if the above didn't work it's a Gecko bug and not 
something we should design APIs around.

/ Jonas

Re: [XMLHttpRequest2] response headers for cross-site requests

2008-04-08 Thread Jonas Sicking

Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Currently XMLHttpRequest Level 2 has restrictions on getting response 
headers when doing a cross-site request. I have a feeling these may be 
an artifact of the slightly older model.

getAllResponseHeaders() returns the empty string currently.

getResponseHeader(header) returns null unless header is one of 
Cache-Control, Content-Language, Content-Type, Expires, Last-Modified, 

I think we should be able to change this. (Though we can't expose 
Set-Cookie and Set-Cookie2 obviously.)

Any thoughts?

(I bbc'ed the WAF WG list as there might be some people there interested 
in this. Please reply to the Web API WG list. I'll be happy when this 
work ends up in the same group soonish...)

I'd wonder what the purprose of this is? I.e. what's the usecase?

We don't want to allow access to cookie and authentication headers, 
right? Are you sure there are not anything else like it as well that 
authors won't unintentionally expose?

/ Jonas

Re: [Element Traversal LC] access to element by index

2008-04-08 Thread Jonas Sicking

Jean-Yves Bitterlich wrote:

A few alternatives were proposed here, referred below as
   (i) 'attribute NodeList childElements',
  (ii) 'Node item(index)' and
 (iii) xpath .querySelector.

I personally like (iii) because it is powerful (or is it just queries 
that are powerful?), however it definitely belongs to another spec.

Alternative (i) has its advantages and disadvantages that were also 
theoretically mentioned in this thread. However, from our experience in 
the mobile space and in particular given our implementations (optimized 
SVG and 280-DOM, both for Java-ME), it would cost extra memory and code 
execution: the implementation would need to create an object with very 
short life span (an instance of NodeList). It should hurt the 
performance on two fronts: extra garbage collection and extra code 
execution. On the other hand, if Elements would cache the NodeList 
object it will inevitably affect RAM footprint.

Do you have any data on how much extra this footprint would be? It seems 
to me that it usually should be very small compared to the other things 
stored in a DOM, such as attribute values and text nodes, not to mention 
all rendering objects needed to display a web page.

/ Jonas

Re: [Element Traversal LC] access to element by index

2008-04-03 Thread Jonas Sicking

Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

* Jonas Sicking wrote:
I'm not following this argument at all. Neither would content that uses 
.globalStorage, .forms, .querySelector or anything else that's not in 
the SVG Tiny spec.

We're trying to make a new API here, of course content that uses that 
API isn't going to work in implementations that don't support it.

Look at this from the perspective of the SVG Working Group. The idea was
simply that the element traversal feature defined in the SVG Tiny 1.2 CR
would be put in a separate specification maintained by a separate WG and
they would replace their definition with a reference to the new spec.

If we add features to the specification they don't want to require of
SVG Tiny 1.2 clients, they can no longer do that, they have to profile
the specification and highlight, probably in both specifications, that
the new feature is not necessarily available in SVG Tiny 1.2 clients,
leading to complaints about the profiling and confusion among authors,
who will use the feature in their supposedly Tiny 1.2 content because it
happens to work in the clients they tested it in (but not in others).

Both would be less so if the new feature is not added to this version of
the element traversal specification, so I would expect them to say they
are unhappy with the addition and, if the feature really has to be
added, ask that it be added to some other specification. It's simply a
problem you'll likely have to deal with when adopting the NodeList idea.

Ah, thanks, that does explain the issue.

Though I think that if we want the web to have a .childElements NodeList 
available then we have two options:
1. Add it to the ElementTraversal spec and have SVG Tiny say that they 
no longer require the full ElementTraversal spec.

2. Add it to a separate unrelated spec, such as HTML5.

Result 2 doesn't seem any better than 1. The end result for both is that 
SVG tiny only require a certain set of properties, and with 2 we'd have 
to wait some undefined amount of time before getting it into an Rec, 
possibly of a spec that will have a much slower adoption rate.

/ Jonas

Re: [Element Traversal LC] access to element by index

2008-04-02 Thread Jonas Sicking

If we're not 100% compatible with SVG, why would they oppose an 
improvement like the suggested one?

Content that uses childElements[...] would not function correctly
in SVG Tiny 1.2 implementations for no particularily good reason.

I'm not following this argument at all. Neither would content that uses 
.globalStorage, .forms, .querySelector or anything else that's not in 
the SVG Tiny spec.

We're trying to make a new API here, of course content that uses that 
API isn't going to work in implementations that don't support it.

/ Jonas

Re: [XHR2] onprogress Event issue

2008-04-02 Thread Jonas Sicking

Julien Chaffraix wrote:

Hi everyone,

We are in the process of implementing XHR onprogress attribute on
WebKit and arises a compatibility issue with the Firefox
Currently the XHR2 draft specifies that we use the ProgressEvent
interface for onprogress events whereas Firefox uses the DocumentLS
LSProgressEvent interface.
We are left wondering which way to go.
Does someone know what the prospects are: will Firefox change its
behavior in the future or should we ask for a modification of the

This is definitely a good question, one that I'd like to see addressed too.

I think that if the spec remains as is Firefox would likely fire events 
that implements both the ProgressEvent interface and the LSProgressEvent 
interface, but encourage people to use the ProgressEvent interface. 
Possibly even by putting a message in the error console when the old 
interface properties are accessed.

/ Jonas

Re: [Element Traversal LC] access to element by index

2008-04-02 Thread Jonas Sicking

Daniel Glazman wrote:

I'm actually not sure.  How often do authors want to get the third 
child without knowing anything more about it than that it's an 
element? Iterating through the kids (by means of ET or '.childNodes') 
gives you much more context information (what type of element it is, 
what it's bbox is, whether or not it has text/child content, etc.).  
Not trying to be a pain, but can you identify a concrete use case?

[admin: please Cc me, I am not following this mailing-list]

I probably has to use it in my daily code - find the n-th child element
of another given element - at least a dozen times in the last fifteen
days. Iterating through the kids is a for my point of view pure bloat
compared to myFooElement.childElements.item(3)...

I agree with Daniel, while I don't write a lot of javascript myself I've 
seen a number of cases like this in the javascript used to implement 

bar = foo.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes.item(3).firstChild;

Basically I wonder why we wouldn't give access to items by index? 
Complexity of implementation really can't be an argument here, the 
amount of code to implement this is trivial, especially compared to all 
other things required by a browser or DOM implementation. Like Boris 
pointed out it's likely that an implementation could reuse existing 
code, but even if that isn't the case I would imagine that the code to 
implement this property is laughable compared to the code needed to draw 
an antialiased spline or implementing DOM events (part of which I use as 
a hiring interview question due to its complexity).

I remember in the initial releases of gecko we got a lot of support 
questions from people wondering why their DOM-using code didn't work in 
Netscape when it worked in IE. The reason was that IE didn't create DOM 
nodes for whitespace-only nodes and so the DOM was significantly 
different and harder to figure out where your nodes lived. 
getElementById helped to some extent here, and I think that recent 
development of javascript libraries has helped a lot too. However if we 
are arguing that people should use those solutions there really is no 
need for the ElementTraversal spec at all.

So I honestly can't understand the complexity argument at all. I think 
ElementTraversal is something that users really want and would be 
trivial to implement with or without .childElements. So there really is 
no need to cut corners and good arguments not to.

/ Jonas

Re: [Element Traversal LC] access to element by index

2008-04-02 Thread Jonas Sicking

Henri Sivonen wrote:

On Apr 2, 2008, at 12:44, Jonas Sicking wrote:

And to what end? To use indexing instead of list-style iteration.

Exactly. Something that I would imagine is quite commonly done. Note 
that we're not just talking iterating over a full DOM tree, we're also 
talking about navigating around in a DOM tree from one known specific 
node to another.

It seems to me that allowing indexed access to children creates a 
similar kind of problem that allowing indexed access to strings by 
UTF-16 code unit has created. Allowing app code to index into platform 
structures that are most commonly forward-iterated seems like an 
anti-pattern in terms of what implementation constraints are placed if 
the impression that the app developer gets is that indexing has the 
performance properties of array access and that it is OK to write app 
code with that assumption.

What makes you think that most users of the DOM-tree does 
forward-iteration? This is not my experience with the code I've seen. 
Rather it has been trying to get to specific nodes within a tree.

The same argument can be made for .nextElementSibling, why give 
forward-iterating access into platform structures that are most commonly 

/ Jonas

Re: [XHR2] onprogress Event issue

2008-04-02 Thread Jonas Sicking

Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Wed, 02 Apr 2008 08:54:17 +0200, Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This is definitely a good question, one that I'd like to see addressed 

I think that if the spec remains as is Firefox would likely fire 
events that implements both the ProgressEvent interface and the 
LSProgressEvent interface, but encourage people to use the 
ProgressEvent interface. Possibly even by putting a message in the 
error console when the old interface properties are accessed.

If we want a different interface I think the progress events 
specification should be changed. XMLHttpRequest Level 2 simply uses 
whatever Progress Events 1.0 defines at this point and I'd like to keep 
it that way.

FWIW i'm fine with keeping things the way they are. Though there is 
definitely a risk that other vendors will have to implement the 
LSProgressEvent interface as well in order to support content out there 
that is written for firefox. But we're talking about two extra 
properties whose implementation will basically just be to forward to 
another property so I doubt that it's a big burden.

/ Jonas

Re: [Element Traversal LC] access to element by index

2008-04-02 Thread Jonas Sicking

Daniel Glazman wrote:

Jonas Sicking wrote:

Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

We could also standardize the popular .getChildrenByTagName() method,
that would give the similar


This seems like an excellent idea. To do in addition to the 
ElementTraversal spec.

I understand from Jonas's answer that he also never heard before
of that popular getChildrenByTagName()...

I hadn't, but I wouldn't expect to either since I'm not looking at 
toolkits that often.

But I was serious about thinking that adding the function seems like a 
good idea. It's currently much too painful to navigate around in the DOM 
so it's something we should try to fix.

/ Jonas

Re: [Element Traversal LC] access to element by index

2008-03-28 Thread Jonas Sicking

Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

* Daniel Glazman wrote:

1. congrats for this spec, I love it ; I can't count how many times in
   page or chrome script I am filtering out nodes that are not element

2. the ElementTraversal interface has a |childElementCount| attribute
   but misses access to an individual childElement based on its index.
   That would be really useful. Two solutions here :

   a. you remove the childElementCount attribute in favor of a

readonly attribute NodeListchildElements;

  and that NodeList has all we need

It was the SVG Working Group that originally came up with the interface
and they, as I understand it, decided against having any NodeList in the
SVG Tiny 1.2 DOM. They rather introduced the interface to allow imple-
mentations to discard some nodes like comments and text nodes with only
white space while keeping compatibility with implementations that keep
them. I would imagine they would be unhappy with such a change.

I agree with Daniel here. I'm not really following your argument. Are we 
trying to keep compatibility with the SVG spec here? Is the interface as 
designed now 100% compatible with SVG?

If we're not 100% compatible with SVG, why would they oppose an 
improvement like the suggested one?

I don't see how having the suggested interface would affect if you can 
discard other nodes entirely or not, that seems to be more affected by 
the *other* interfaces in the various DOM specs (such as DOM L1 Core).

If we don't provide a way to grab elements by index I don't really see a 
purpose of the childElementCount attribute.

/ Jonas

Re: What is Microsoft's intent with XDR vis-à-vis W3C? [Was: Re: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests]

2008-03-26 Thread Jonas Sicking

Sunava Dutta wrote:

IE would like to propose XDR as a new (Rec-track) spec for the Web API WG. We 
think there is a place for both implementations within the charter of the Web 
API. Here's a re-summary of why that I've extracted from our proposal and our 
responses. For more details please refer to our proposal and the mail 
conversations on the topic:

- XDR is provably secure and does not introduce new surface area of attack 
compared to HTML Forms.

Like Hixie raised, this has been shown to be untrue. The XDR proposal 
let you POST data with any content-type to intranet servers, something 
which is not possible today.

- It's really simple to program against.

I don't see that XDR is any simpler than access-control. To enable GET 
requests for XDR the server sends:

XDomainRequestAllowed: 1

With access-control:

Access-Control: allow *

Neither of these look significantly simpler than the other.

POST requests in XDR isn't safe (see above) so it's not really 
interesting to compare simplicity.

Also, with XDR users have to learn a new API. With access-control you 
simply use the same APIs as you always have.

- While the existing proposal can do what XDR does and more, it is complicated 
with XHR and also tricky to implement.

It took me about 2 days to implement the majority of access-control. 
This went up to maybe a week as more features were added. This is hardly 
significant time for any UA vendor.

As we mentioned before, authentication scenarios behave differently compared to 
XHR and so do headers.

This is also untrue.

When it comes to headers the difference between XHR and AC+XHR is much 
smaller than the difference between XHR and XDR.

Authentication in XDR is significantly different from how authentication 
is done today as any authentication tokens have to be sent as part of 
the request body, so again XDR is much more different from XHR than 
AC+XHR is.

Editing the policy also quickly gets tricky as the number of rules increase. 
For public data aggregation scenarios web developers would benefit from the 
simple and secure XDR object.

Again, to get equivalent level of functionality the only difference is
XDomainRequestAllowed: 1
Access-Control: allow *

so I don't see how XDR is simpler than XHR.

Yes, if you want to use a larger feature set than what is supplied by 
XDR things get more complicated. But that doesn't seem like a useful 

So all in all i'm opposed picking up XDR into W3C. It currently suffers 
from bad security issues which I suspect would make most UA vendors not 
want to implement it, and it's a less useful subset of a spec that is 
already in development.

Best Regards,
Jonas Sicking

Re: What is Microsoft's intent with XDR vis-à-vis W3C? [Was: Re: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests]

2008-03-26 Thread Jonas Sicking

Eric Lawrence wrote:


Thanks for sharing your opinions.  I'd like to take the opportunity to clarify 
a few points of confusion.

This is blatently untrue, a number of serious security problems with XDR
have already been raised (such as the fact that it encourages content-type

It's possible that you overlooked some mails on the thread?

Vis-à-vis content-type sniffing, it was plainly stated that Content-Type 
sniffing is neither recommended, nor necessary.

I think you are misunderstanding the issues Ian has raised.

Since XDR does not let you set the Content-Type header, the server is in 
fact required to sniff the content type. How else would the server 
figure out the content type of the request body?

Any service which requires a client-sent Content-Type must be aware of the threat that the Content-Type header so sent is misleading and represents an attempt to attack the server.  As XDR will not allow setting of the header (a change made based on feedback from this group), there is no possibility that a service developer will mistake the request header as authoritative. 

I think you are misunderstanding the issues Ian has raised. The issue 
isn't that the server treats the Content-Type as authoritative and then 
trips over while trying to parse it, but rather that servers will sniff 
the content, misunderstand what content type it really is, and then do 
the wrong thing with it.

Off the top of my head I don't really see any security issues with the 
sniffing (although sniffing is in general bad so I wouldn't be surprised 
if there are any), but rather it just doesn't seem like a very robust 
API and something that could loose out on functionality.

When this change is made, XDR will be unable to emit anything which could not 
have been sent by HTML forms.  In this way, we can demonstrate that XDR does 
not introduce new attack surface in the browser platform.

As well as adding much less value.

the fact that it encourages people to pass their credentials
to untrusted third parties).

XDR is a truly anonymous request and does not send credentials to ANY site (1st 
party, 3rd party), trustworthy or not.  In this way, we have high confidence 
that there is no possibility of executing a CSRF attack against an unsuspecting 
legacy server which uses cookies or HTTP authentication.

Again, this is not the concern. The concern is sites that do want to 
transport private data. They are going to try to do this weather the 
browser provides the API meant for this or not.

In fact, I would argue that XDR does encourage sending private data. 
Most use cases for POST that I can think of involves knowing who the 
data is coming from. Or have you had other use cases in mind?

The simplest way to authenticate fetching private data using XDR is to 
ask the user for his/her credentials and then include that as part of 
the uri in a GET request. This has two problems.

1. It means that the user will have to give his/her credentials to the 
requesting site. This fosters a culture where you hand out your password 
to 3rd party sites, something that is really unsafe.
2. Including the credentials in the uri will most likely mean that it 
will get logged in various places along the way. For example proxies as 
well as browser extensions often track uris of loaded resources.

Sure, you can say hey, we said you shouldn't fetch private data using 
XDR, it's your own fault for doing so. However that doesn't really help 

Additionally, it is not true that no authorization credentials is being 
sent. Intranet sites might authorize simply based on the fact that you 
can connect to the intranet server. I have still not seen anything in 
the XDR spec to prevent internet-interanet POSTs so this still seems to 
be the case.

This can be contrasted with the CS-XHR proposal, in which credentials ARE 
automatically passed to 3rd party servers.

But the credentials are kept away from the 3rd party site as well as 
kept out of server logs.

It fails to address the majority of use cases for cross-domain data
transfer on the Web.

I think this will prove to be a difficult statement to prove one way or 
another.  It is always challenging to enumerate the universe of current 
use-cases, let alone accurately predict those which will arise in the future.  
We absolutely agree that it is possible to define use cases that XDR does not 
accommodate.  We believe that XDR enables the most common cross-domain 
scenarios with negligible impact to the attack surface of existing servers and 
the browser.

We have been contributing to the Access Control spec for some time, and we 
recognize the work that has gone into the CS-XHR proposal.

I definitely appreciate all the work that Microsoft has put into the 
spec, but am saddened that there was no mention about XDR in any of the 
numerous posts from anyone at microsoft.

/ Jonas

Re: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests

2008-03-18 Thread Jonas Sicking

Laurens Holst wrote:

Laurens Holst schreef:
Or, if you really do not want to increase the attack surface, you 
should always send the content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded, 
and only allow request entities constructed through an API. Because 
servers only expect x-www-form-urlencoded and not text/plain, and 
servers might have parsing issues if the POST body is malformed, both 
leading to changes from what is currently possible with HTML and thus, 
security risks. 

Sorry, apparantly this is a misconception of mine, using 
encoding=text/plain you can apparantly already send arbitrary 
requests. So ignore this paragraph please :). The rest does still apply.

By the way, I do not see how requiring servers to ignore the request 
entity content type and forcing them to do content sniffing makes things 
more secure, instead of less.

Though to be honest I would really like to figure out a way to disable 
cross-site POSTs even from forms. CSRF is a big problem with tons of 
sites vulnerable today.

So I'd really like to not perpetuate the model of allowing cross-site 
POSTs. An interesting first step in that direction would be to disallow 
cross-site text/plain posts since they are so rare that it'd likely not 
affect many sites.

/ Jonas

Re: [selectors-api] Why have two identical differently named interfaces?

2008-03-18 Thread Jonas Sicking

Lachlan Hunt wrote:

Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 01:18:27 +0100, Maciej Stachowiak [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Maybe the best solution would be to add a :scope pseudo-element which 
is the target of the querySelectorAll call if not called on the 
document. That would allow old-school JS library semantics just by 
prepending :scope .

:scope would also be nice for HTML5 style scoped.

In the interest of getting this specification to CR sooner rather than 
later, I have decided not to include such a feature in this 
specification, but I think it is worth considering for a future extension.

Sounds fine to me. But I still haven't heard anything regarding the 
original subject of this thread :)

Is there a reason not to merge these two interfaces and also let 
DocumentFragments implement it?

/ Jonas

Re: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests

2008-03-14 Thread Jonas Sicking

Also, if you do have reliable definitions of the 
Intranet/Internet/Restricted zones, what is the purpose of the 
XDomainRequestAllowed header since presumably all servers in a zone 
could just read data directly from each other without regard for the 
XDomainRequestAllowed header.

/ Jonas

Jonas Sicking wrote:

How do you define the Intranet, Internet, Restricted etc zones? 
Without correct definitions for these zones it seems possible to attack 
intranet servers by sending unsafe (such as POST or DELETE) requests to 
intranet servers from internet pages.

I'd also recommend sending this to the web applications formats group 
since they have been working on a very similar security proposal.

/ Jonas

Sunava Dutta wrote:


XDR helps web developers to create secure mashups, replacing less 
secure or non-performant approaches, including SCRIPT SRC’ing content 
or IFRAME injection.


Microsoft would like to submit XDR to the W3C for standardization so 
that other browsers can benefit from this technology.



XDomainRequest (XDR)

Table of Contents

1.0   Summary

2.0   Background: /Overview of how XDR allows cross site requests/

3.0   API Documentation: /Lists the programming 

4.0   Security Model Flowchart: /Highlights the security checks that 
IE8 makes for an XDR Request./

5.0   Sample Site and Script: /For developers wishing to create an XDR 

6.0   Developer Benefits of using XDR: /Covers XDR’s strengths by 
demonstrating XDR’s goals of security and simplicity./

7.0   Developer Release Notes: /A short bulleted list of issues 
developers should we aware of when using the object and a summary of 
what XDR cannot do./

1.0 Summary

/With* Cross Domain Request* *(XDR)* developers can create cross site 
data aggregation scenarios. Similar to the XMLHttpRequest object  but 
with a simpler programming model, this request, called XDomainRequest, 
is an easy way to make anonymous requests to third party sites that 
support XDR and opt in to making their data available across domains. 
Three lines of code will have you making basic cross site requests. 
This will ensure data aggregation for public sites such as blogs etc 
will be simple, secure and fast. XDR is an approach designed from the 
grounds up with a focus on security. We understand the current cross 
domain XMLHTTPRequest proposal and recognize its ability to provide a 
broader set of services particularly around declarative auditing for 
access control based scenarios and authenticated connections. It does 
however come at the risk of more complexity and surface area of 
attack. While these are certainly compelling scenarios we realize that 
existing implementations have bugs (linked 1, 
2, some of 
which are resolved from the past like TOUCTOU and others like DNS 
Rebinding remain mostly unaddressed. In addition, maintaining 
configuration is challenging post deployment as Flash has encountered (wildcarding) in the 
past. The IE team is not comfortable implementing a feature with a 
high surface area of attack and open/incoming security issues and 
proposes XDR as a safer alternative.///


2.0 Background



Browsers enforce the same site origin policy, which blocks web pages 
from accessing data from another domain. Websites often work around 
this policy by having their server request content from another site’s 
server in the backend, thus circumventing the check within the browser.








Text Box: Figure 1 – IE7 and below need to make a request to the 
mashup server which then needs to be proxied to the web server.


In IE8 web pages can simply make a cross domain data request within 
the browser using the new /XDomainRequest/ object instead of a 
server-to-server requests.

Cross domain requests require mutual consent between the webpage and 
server. You can initiate a cross domain request in your webpage by 
creating a /xdomainrequest /object off the window object and opening a 
connection to a particular domain. The browser will request data from 
the domain’s server by sending a /XDomainRequest: 1 /header. It will 
only complete the connection if the server responds with a 
XDomainRequestAllowed header with the value “1” for true.


For example, a server’s asp page includes the following response header:





*Security note: *Cross domain requests are anonymous to protect user 
data, which means that servers cannot easily find out who is 
requesting data. As a result, you only want to request and respond 
with cross domain data that is not sensitive or personally identifiable.


3.0 API Documentation


* *


Once you create a xdomainrequest object, you can use the /open

Re: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests

2008-03-14 Thread Jonas Sicking

Can you describe what you mean by persistent allow design?

/ Jonas

Chris Wilson wrote:

Oops.  Obviously, this was not to go to the whole group.


I’ve been asked a lot, over the last week and a half, why we implemented 
XDR rather than the current cross-domain XHR proposals.  The short 
version is, as Sunava discusses in the summary of this mail, that 
x-domain XHR (and Flash’s approach, et al) is subject to specific 
x-domain injection attacks because of its persistent-allow design.


*From:* Chris Wilson
*Sent:* Friday, March 14, 2008 11:00 AM
*To:* Sunava Dutta; Web API WG (public)
*Cc:* Eric Lawrence; Zhenbin Xu; Gideon Cohn; Sharath Udupa; Doug 
Stamper; Marc Silbey

*Subject:* RE: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests


I’d move half the summary section up front to make it clear why we’re 
not wild about x-domain XHR.  You need to lead with that.


*From:* Sunava Dutta
*Sent:* Thursday, March 13, 2008 8:47 PM
*To:* Sunava Dutta; Web API WG (public)
*Cc:* Eric Lawrence; Chris Wilson; Zhenbin Xu; Gideon Cohn; Sharath 
Udupa; Doug Stamper; Marc Silbey

*Subject:* IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests



XDR helps web developers to create secure mashups, replacing less secure 
or non-performant approaches, including SCRIPT SRC’ing content or IFRAME 


Microsoft would like to submit XDR to the W3C for standardization so 
that other browsers can benefit from this technology.



XDomainRequest (XDR)

Table of Contents

1.0   Summary

2.0   Background: /Overview of how XDR allows cross site requests/

3.0   API Documentation: /Lists the programming 

4.0   Security Model Flowchart: /Highlights the security checks that IE8 
makes for an XDR Request./

5.0   Sample Site and Script: /For developers wishing to create an XDR 

6.0   Developer Benefits of using XDR: /Covers XDR’s strengths by 
demonstrating XDR’s goals of security and simplicity./

7.0   Developer Release Notes: /A short bulleted list of issues 
developers should we aware of when using the object and a summary of 
what XDR cannot do./

1.0 Summary

/With* Cross Domain Request* *(XDR)* developers can create cross site 
data aggregation scenarios. Similar to the XMLHttpRequest object  but 
with a simpler programming model, this request, called XDomainRequest, 
is an easy way to make anonymous requests to third party sites that 
support XDR and opt in to making their data available across domains. 
Three lines of code will have you making basic cross site requests. This 
will ensure data aggregation for public sites such as blogs etc will be 
simple, secure and fast. XDR is an approach designed from the grounds up 
with a focus on security. We understand the current cross domain 
XMLHTTPRequest proposal and recognize its ability to provide a broader 
set of services particularly around declarative auditing for access 
control based scenarios and authenticated connections. It does however 
come at the risk of more complexity and surface area of attack. While 
these are certainly compelling scenarios we realize that existing 
implementations have bugs (linked 1, 
2, some of which 
are resolved from the past like TOUCTOU and others like DNS Rebinding 
remain mostly unaddressed. In addition, maintaining configuration is 
challenging post deployment as Flash has encountered (wildcarding) in the 
past. The IE team is not comfortable implementing a feature with a high 
surface area of attack and open/incoming security issues and proposes 
XDR as a safer alternative.///


2.0 Background



Browsers enforce the same site origin policy, which blocks web pages 
from accessing data from another domain. Websites often work around this 
policy by having their server request content from another site’s server 
in the backend, thus circumventing the check within the browser.








	Text Box: Figure 1 – IE7 and below need to make a request to the mashup 
server which then needs to be proxied to the web server.


In IE8 web pages can simply make a cross domain data request within the 
browser using the new /XDomainRequest/ object instead of a 
server-to-server requests.

Cross domain requests require mutual consent between the webpage and 
server. You can initiate a cross domain request in your webpage by 
creating a /xdomainrequest /object off the window object and opening a 
connection to a particular domain. The browser will request data from 
the domain’s server by sending a /XDomainRequest: 1 /header. It will 
only complete the connection if the server responds with a 
XDomainRequestAllowed header with the value “1” for true.


For example, a server’s asp page includes the following response header:

Re: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests

2008-03-14 Thread Jonas Sicking

Also, the OPTIONS request is there to prevent requests that XDR simply 
always allows, i.e. cross site requests using unsafe methods. So I'm not 
sure I see how XDR is safer in that regard here.

I would be very interested to hear back on the two first emails I posted 
to this thread as they relate to this exact subject.

/ Jonas

Jonas Sicking wrote:

So the worry here is a scenario where an attacker tricks a user to go to which does an evil POST to And at the same time 
the attacker launches a DNS rebind attack on the user for the domain name such that the OPTIONS request goes to an 
attacker controlled server which approves the POST, but then lets the 
actual post go to the real server?

If so, couldn't the user simply trick the user to go to, 
and use a DNS rebind attack so that when is fetched it 
returns a HTML page that contains script that uses normal XHR to do a 
POST to When the POST happens the attacker lets that go to 
the real server.

I.e. I don't see how Cross-site XHR in combination with DNS rebind 
attacks lets you do something that DNS rebind attacks doesn't already 
let you do on it's own.

XXX = Cross-site Extensions to XHR. So basically XHR+AC spec.

/ Jonas

Chris Wilson wrote:
Yes, DNS rebinding is one of the major attack vectors I was talking 
about.  If the access controls are negotiated independently of the 
actual request/response, this is nearly always a concern.  (Yes, you 
could require follow-ups to go to the same IP address; that's both a 
pain to actually implement (because a high-level request needs 
low-level access; typically, I don't believe we need to know about the 
IP address at the XHR level) and somewhat confusing (because it will 
break if there's normal, permitted DNS round-robin going on, e.g.).

Maciej, does XXX = XHR L2 or XDR?

-Original Message-
From: Maciej Stachowiak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2008 1:25 PM
To: Jonas Sicking
Cc: Chris Wilson; Web API WG (public); Eric Lawrence; Zhenbin Xu; 
Gideon Cohn; Sharath Udupa; Doug Stamper; Marc Silbey

Subject: Re: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests

On Mar 14, 2008, at 11:24 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

Can you describe what you mean by persistent allow design?

Anne and I discussed this comment on IRC. One possible flaw is that
the OPTIONS request to guard against an unaware server receiving cross-
domain POST or other methods is subject to a DNS rebinding attack
(though this could be fixable by requiring the OPTIONS and the follow-
up request to go to the same IP or something along those lines). I'm
not sure if this is the vulnerability Chris had in mind. I don't think
XXX has the same vulnerabilities as Flash though, because the access-
control headers are not an out-of-band control file so the actual
access control check can't be bypassed via DNS rebinding, only the
method check.

  - Maciej

/ Jonas

Chris Wilson wrote:

Oops.  Obviously, this was not to go to the whole group.
I've been asked a lot, over the last week and a half, why we
implemented XDR rather than the current cross-domain XHR
proposals.  The short version is, as Sunava discusses in the
summary of this mail, that x-domain XHR (and Flash's approach, et
al) is subject to specific x-domain injection attacks because of
its persistent-allow design.
*From:* Chris Wilson
*Sent:* Friday, March 14, 2008 11:00 AM
*To:* Sunava Dutta; Web API WG (public)
*Cc:* Eric Lawrence; Zhenbin Xu; Gideon Cohn; Sharath Udupa; Doug
Stamper; Marc Silbey
*Subject:* RE: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests
I'd move half the summary section up front to make it clear why
we're not wild about x-domain XHR.  You need to lead with that.
*From:* Sunava Dutta
*Sent:* Thursday, March 13, 2008 8:47 PM
*To:* Sunava Dutta; Web API WG (public)
*Cc:* Eric Lawrence; Chris Wilson; Zhenbin Xu; Gideon Cohn; Sharath
Udupa; Doug Stamper; Marc Silbey
*Subject:* IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests
XDR helps web developers to create secure mashups, replacing less
secure or non-performant approaches, including SCRIPT SRC'ing
content or IFRAME injection.
Microsoft would like to submit XDR to the W3C for standardization
so that other browsers can benefit from this technology.
 XDomainRequest (XDR)
   Table of Contents
1.0   Summary
2.0   Background: /Overview of how XDR allows cross site requests/
3.0   API Documentation: /Lists the programming interface/methods/
4.0   Security Model Flowchart: /Highlights the security checks
that IE8 makes for an XDR Request./
5.0   Sample Site and Script: /For developers wishing to create an
XDR page./
6.0   Developer Benefits of using XDR: /Covers XDR's strengths by
demonstrating XDR's goals of security and simplicity./
7.0   Developer Release Notes: /A short bulleted list of issues
developers should we aware of when using the object and a summary
of what XDR cannot do

Re: Accessing Object Parameters from an Embedded SVG

2008-03-13 Thread Jonas Sicking

Jeff Schiller wrote:

I'm not well-versed on the history behind document.domain and how the
web depends on it being writable.  Can someone send me a pointer?

I can understand not letting the embedded object get at the elements
outside of the HTMLObjectElement, but this seems like a weird design
flaw - the object parameters should be accessible to the embedded
object, regardless of domain - that's their purpose.  It would have
been great if HTMLObjectElement had an accessible params NodeList
readonly attribute :(

That wouldn't really help. While you can get access to the object 
element using window.frameElement, you don't have access to do anything 
at all with it. Even if we added properties directly on 
HTMLObjectElement you would not be granted access to them.

The proper fix here is IMHO to add something to the window object. So 
that you don't have to reach out into documents that are from a 
different domain.

I would not rely on document.domain tricks. IMO document.domain is a 
hack and a much better solution to the problem it's trying to solve is 

/ Jonas

Re: Accessing Object Parameters from an Embedded SVG

2008-03-13 Thread Jonas Sicking

Boris Zbarsky wrote (on 3/13/08 3:11 PM):

It would have
been great if HTMLObjectElement had an accessible params NodeList
readonly attribute :(

Yes, indeed.  It's not too late to add that!

Boris, do you mean that it's not too late to add that to Fx3?  What 
about window.paramList?

It's definitely too late to add anything to FF3. But I don't see that 
that matters in any way as far as working on a standardized solution goes.

/ Jonas

Re: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests

2008-03-13 Thread Jonas Sicking

How do you define the Intranet, Internet, Restricted etc zones? 
Without correct definitions for these zones it seems possible to attack 
intranet servers by sending unsafe (such as POST or DELETE) requests to 
intranet servers from internet pages.

I'd also recommend sending this to the web applications formats group 
since they have been working on a very similar security proposal.

/ Jonas

Sunava Dutta wrote:


XDR helps web developers to create secure mashups, replacing less secure 
or non-performant approaches, including SCRIPT SRC’ing content or IFRAME 


Microsoft would like to submit XDR to the W3C for standardization so 
that other browsers can benefit from this technology.



XDomainRequest (XDR)

Table of Contents

1.0   Summary

2.0   Background: /Overview of how XDR allows cross site requests/

3.0   API Documentation: /Lists the programming 

4.0   Security Model Flowchart: /Highlights the security checks that IE8 
makes for an XDR Request./

5.0   Sample Site and Script: /For developers wishing to create an XDR 

6.0   Developer Benefits of using XDR: /Covers XDR’s strengths by 
demonstrating XDR’s goals of security and simplicity./

7.0   Developer Release Notes: /A short bulleted list of issues 
developers should we aware of when using the object and a summary of 
what XDR cannot do./

1.0 Summary

/With* Cross Domain Request* *(XDR)* developers can create cross site 
data aggregation scenarios. Similar to the XMLHttpRequest object  but 
with a simpler programming model, this request, called XDomainRequest, 
is an easy way to make anonymous requests to third party sites that 
support XDR and opt in to making their data available across domains. 
Three lines of code will have you making basic cross site requests. This 
will ensure data aggregation for public sites such as blogs etc will be 
simple, secure and fast. XDR is an approach designed from the grounds up 
with a focus on security. We understand the current cross domain 
XMLHTTPRequest proposal and recognize its ability to provide a broader 
set of services particularly around declarative auditing for access 
control based scenarios and authenticated connections. It does however 
come at the risk of more complexity and surface area of attack. While 
these are certainly compelling scenarios we realize that existing 
implementations have bugs (linked 1, 
2, some of which 
are resolved from the past like TOUCTOU and others like DNS Rebinding 
remain mostly unaddressed. In addition, maintaining configuration is 
challenging post deployment as Flash has encountered (wildcarding) in the 
past. The IE team is not comfortable implementing a feature with a high 
surface area of attack and open/incoming security issues and proposes 
XDR as a safer alternative.///


2.0 Background



Browsers enforce the same site origin policy, which blocks web pages 
from accessing data from another domain. Websites often work around this 
policy by having their server request content from another site’s server 
in the backend, thus circumventing the check within the browser.








	Text Box: Figure 1 – IE7 and below need to make a request to the mashup 
server which then needs to be proxied to the web server.


In IE8 web pages can simply make a cross domain data request within the 
browser using the new /XDomainRequest/ object instead of a 
server-to-server requests.

Cross domain requests require mutual consent between the webpage and 
server. You can initiate a cross domain request in your webpage by 
creating a /xdomainrequest /object off the window object and opening a 
connection to a particular domain. The browser will request data from 
the domain’s server by sending a /XDomainRequest: 1 /header. It will 
only complete the connection if the server responds with a 
XDomainRequestAllowed header with the value “1” for true.


For example, a server’s asp page includes the following response header:





*Security note: *Cross domain requests are anonymous to protect user 
data, which means that servers cannot easily find out who is requesting 
data. As a result, you only want to request and respond with cross 
domain data that is not sensitive or personally identifiable.


3.0 API Documentation


* *


Once you create a xdomainrequest object, you can use the /open()/ method 
to open a connection with a domain’s server. This method supports the 
GET and POST HTTP methods and takes the URL to connect to as a 
parameter. Once you’ve opened a connection, you can use the /send()/ 
method to send a data string to the server for processing if needed. For 


// 1. Create 

Re: [xmlhttprequest] getResponseHeader() for invalid header

2008-03-10 Thread Jonas Sicking

Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Sat, 08 Mar 2008 00:06:02 +0100, Maciej Stachowiak [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

On Mar 7, 2008, at 2:59 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
Currently getResponseHeader() returns the empty string for invalid 
header names.  Would people object if I changed that to returning 
null instead (basically making it equivalent to headers not part of 
the response)? Thanks.

What do current implementations do for these cases?

I think three out of four return null for a non-existent header (IE 
being the exception, iirc). Firefox and an internal version of Opera 
also return null for invalid headers. (Although for Firefox it seems to 
differ on based on whether the request has happened already or 

I think firefox throws if we haven't received the full response head 
yet. Which I sort of think makes sense since we don't know yet what the 
correct return value is.

/ Jonas

Re: XHR setRequestHeader(connection, close) is bogusly rejected

2008-03-10 Thread Jonas Sicking

Kris Zyp wrote:

However, there are web apps in existence (e.g., Gmail)
that set the connection: close header to inform the
user-agent that the HTTP transaction is going to take
a long time.  (This is also informative for the
server.)  This allows a user-agent to not count this
connection against the RFC 2616 recommended maximum of
2 persistent connections per host.
As far as I can tell, Firefox is the only browser that regards 
connection: close as an indication that the connection should not be 
counted against the connection limit

What gives you that idea? I'm not actually sure since I don't know the 
inner workings of the network code, but I have never heard of such behavior.

And in any case Firefox 3 does not even let you set the Connection 
header using XHR.

/ Jonas

Re: XHR setRequestHeader(connection, close) is bogusly rejected

2008-03-07 Thread Jonas Sicking

Morgan L wrote:

Hi, I'm writing about what appears to be an error in
the XHR TR.

In section 2 of,
it says that setRequestHeader should reject the
connection header.

However, there are web apps in existence (e.g., Gmail)
that set the connection: close header to inform the
user-agent that the HTTP transaction is going to take
a long time.  (This is also informative for the
server.)  This allows a user-agent to not count this
connection against the RFC 2616 recommended maximum of
2 persistent connections per host.

So, it seems to me that the arguments
setRequestHeader(connection, close) should be

More details in this WebKit bug:

It looks like recent versions of WebKit and Gecko
block the connection request header per this TR. 
However, Firefox 2 does not.

We do block, but not because of this TR. IIRC there are security issues 
with other values for connection, though I don't specifically remember 
what they are. However setting something like connection: keep-alive 
when the browser is not expecting that could have bad effects on other 
connections to that server.

/ Jonas

Re: Extra Connection Support Proposal

2008-02-27 Thread Jonas Sicking

Kris Zyp wrote:
you click on a link, does the link get followed?  That is the same 
sort of

scenario, isn't it?

At least firefox will abort any existing downloads for the current 
page when the user clicks a link. But if you're downloading these 
images in another tab you might have this problem yeah. Though if it's 
simply multiple images the new page will likely get squeezed in 
between two of the image downloads.
And there is an important distinction between images being downloaded 
that consume connections and a long-lived response that consume a 
connection. With normal responses, two connection usually provides a 
means for relatively continuous utilization of resources. Most of the 
time two connections provide enough requests that the usually the server 
is processing a request, or a response is downloading. Either way, 
something is being done, and it is quite reasonable for further requests 
to be queued, since the server/connection is working to finish the 
response as fast as possible within it's capability. On the otherhand, 
when a long-lived response is paused indefinitely until a the server has 
a message to be sent, there is nothing being done. Nothing is being 
downloaded, and the server isn't working on anything, and requests can 
be queued indefinitely even though nothing is happening.

Yup, it seems like people agree with this. It's just the proposal to put 
it as a feature on XHR that seems to be disliked by a few people, me 

Doing this on an HTTP level seems like the right solution to me. Though 
i'm not sure what working group would then be appropriate for 
standardizing it...

/ Jonas

Re: Security-sensitive headers

2008-02-25 Thread Jonas Sicking

Collin Jackson wrote:

On Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 1:10 AM, Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

specification we'd have to chose a header name that starts with

  Proxy-. There have been many other proposals for new
  security-related HTTP headers (e.g. content restrictions) so it would
  be nice to solve this issue in general.

 Comments like this do encourage me to introduce Sec- so we don't get a
 whole bunch of fake Proxy- headers. (Note that not all clients blaclist
 everything Proxy- yet.)

Please make sure to block setting the Access-Control-Origin header,
or rename it to have a restricted prefix.

If a page could use XMLHttpRequest to spoof this header for
same-origin requests, it could use DNS rebinding to spoof this header
in a request to an IP address of the attacker's choosing. If the
target server was validating the Access-Control-Origin header but not
the Host header, the server would think the request came from the
wrong origin.

Currently released browsers are always going to be able to send this 
header. If that is a big security problem I suggest you bring that up on 
the WAF mailing list and detail your concern.

/ Jonas

Re: Extra Connection Support Proposal

2008-02-22 Thread Jonas Sicking

Stewart Brodie wrote:

Kris Zyp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We are still faced with the fundamental problem that if a browser that
observes the two connection limit and two long-lived connections are
currently open and the user does something that triggers another request
(such as opening another tab), the browser is stuck and essentially hangs
waiting for a connection to become available. This is a serious usability
issue. Is there something that I need to do to improve my proposal, so can
effectively tackle this issue, and provide a means for authors to inform
the user agents when a response is long-lived?

The problem has always existed, though.  For example, if you're downloading
a page with very large images on it (or perhaps multipart/x-mixed-replace
feeds from a webcam) and whilst the browser is tied up downloading them all,
you click on a link, does the link get followed?  That is the same sort of
scenario, isn't it?

At least firefox will abort any existing downloads for the current page 
when the user clicks a link. But if you're downloading these images in 
another tab you might have this problem yeah. Though if it's simply 
multiple images the new page will likely get squeezed in between two of 
the image downloads.

/ Jonas

Re: [selectors-api]

2008-02-19 Thread Jonas Sicking

Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 10:43:14 +0100, Boris Zbarsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The only solution I'm seeing so far to a hanging NSResolver is 
terminating that script at some point.

Is that what you're doing for treewalker node filters?


I'm not sure why we should specifically define what to do with a hanging 
NSResolver case. I think it should be treated identically to a hanging 
script. (Ideally they run forever with the UI still being usable.)

Agreed. I think it's outside the scope of the spec to try to deal with 
this. I think the text about behaving in the face of a hostile 
NSResolver should be informative rather than normative (not sure if it 
already is), and possibly live in a security considerations section.

/ Jonas

Re: [selectors-api]

2008-02-19 Thread Jonas Sicking

Lachlan Hunt wrote:

Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
To ensure that naïve implementors don't overlook the potential 
issue here. An implementation of NSResolver can be provided by the 
script author as the specification explains and the script author 
can do all kinds of weird things that don't match a conforming 
implementation of NSResolver (such as mutating the DOM tree).

Is a conforming querySelector implementation allowed to throw an 
exception when this happens?

No. It is only allowed to throw an exception when the text says so.

In that case, can you please describe what is a conforming behavior 
for a querySelector (or querySelectorAll) implementation if:

1)  It needs to call the NSResolver on every match attempt
2)  The NSResolver mutates the DOM on every match attempt

That would seem to be a very inefficient implementation, though I 
suppose the spec should deal with the possibility in one way or another.

If you're going to require the implementation to deal with 
NSResolvers which do random stuff but put too many constraints on what 
it's allowed to do to deal with them (as you are), you make an 
implementation impossible.

Now maybe you're actually requiring that the number of calls to the 
NSResolver for any given selector and initial DOM tree is bounded in 
the face of all possible mutations by the NSResolver and that hence 
the DOM will at some point stabilize and it will be possible to return 
the things the spec requires be returned.  But if that's a constraint 
you want to place on implementations, you should probably spell it out 

Note that in Gecko I suspect the NSResolver would only be called 
during the parsing of the selector, so we could in fact return the 
things the spec requires... on the post-mutation DOM, not the 
pre-mutation one.  It's not clear to me from the spec whether this 
would be conformant.

It's not clear to me what the spec should say to resolve this issue.  Do 
you have any suggestions?

For what it's worth, the DOM-XPath spec more or less dictates that the 
NSResolver is only used during parsing of the expression. I think this 
is a very acceptable requirement given how much hassle arises if the 
implementation were to use the NSResolver were used while executing the 

The exact same applies to the selectors API IMHO.

I.e. I don't see a need to allow an implementation like the one 
described by Boris.

/ Jonas

Re: Pipelining Control Proposal

2008-02-19 Thread Jonas Sicking

An important difference is that most other features non-uniform across 
browser, not across users. A web developer can test the browsers they 
are interested in supporting. It's much harder for the developer to test 
the various user environments that are going to affect pipelining.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love pipelining as much as everyone else. I'm 
just not convinced that adding it through XMLHttpRequest is a solution 
that will help.

Another worry I have with the proposal is that I think XMLHttpRequest 
would be the wrong place to implement this. It's really a HTTP feature 
that should be implemented unrelated to XMLHttpRequest so that the rest 
of the browser can make use of it. Once we figure out a way to do it 
safely that is.

/ Jonas

Kris Zyp wrote:

Just about every feature available to web developers is non-uniformly 
available! Pipelining is vastly more broadly available than just about 
anything we have available to us. And arguments based on the 
unreliability of pipelining have still lacked any hard evidence. 
Dropping a proposal shouldn't be based on FUD.
The bottom line is even if some proxies don't handle pipelining, 
application authors should have the choice. Authors are aware of the 
risks and can make informed decisions when other browser features aren't 
uniformly available, and they should have the choice in this matter as 
well. We shouldn't just assume that all developers are stupid and just 
throw are hands up in despair that we can never have pipelining. That 
won't lead to progress. This is our best opportunity to have an inroad 
to pipelining, via consenting authors.

- Original Message - From: Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: Pipelining Control Proposal

I would be very worried about implementing this feature in a browser 
since it runs a very big risk of creating websites that only work for 
some users. I.e. for users with a direct connection to the server the 
website would work fine, but for users sitting behind a proxy or a 
firewall the site would break.

I doubt we can expect web authors to appropriately write fallback code 
when in their testing pipelineing will work fine.

/ Jonas

Kris Zyp wrote:

Pipelining Control

HTTP Pipelining is when more than one outstanding request is sent over a
single TCP connection, and it was introduced in HTTP 1.1. This
proposal defines that XHR objects should be able to control whether 
or not
they are pipelined. A pipeline property would be added to the XHR 
If pipeline property is set to true, when send is called, the XHR 
SHOULD be pipelined over one of the currently active connection, even 
if all
connections to the target server are currently waiting for a 
response. That is, the request should be pipelined if necessary to 
send it immediately. If
there is an available connection is alive, but no responses are 
waiting, the
request should be sent on this connection (just as a non-pipelined 
would be). If the pipeline property is set to false, the XHR request 
NOT be pipelined even if the user agent supports and would otherwise 

the request. The pipeline property may also be set to another XHR object
with an open connection, in which case the request should be 
pipelined on

that specific TCP connection. For example:

var xhr1 = new XMLHttpRequest();,/resource1,true);

var xhr2 = new XMLHttpRequest();,/resource2,true);
xhr2.pipeline = xhr1;

In this example, both requests should be sent over the same TCP 

The GET for resource1 should be sent and the GET for resource2 should be
pipelined behind the first request on the same connection.

If a connection has been marked as an extra connection with the 
property on the XHR object (see the extra connection proposal), that 
should not be used for pipelined requests unless another XHR request 
specifies that connection, in which case that XHR request SHOULD be 
on that connection. (This is because the extra connection request is 
generally to be used
for long-lived responses that are kept open for server-sent messages. 
Requests that
are sent behind such a request may never receive a response, which 
should not be
the default behavior, but may be explicitly chosen to achieve full 
duplex communication on a single TCP connection, a highly valuable 

channels with server-sent messages.)
 If a network error occurs while servicing a request, any pipelined 
requests that are
queued behind the first request SHOULD NOT automatically be retried 
by the user
agent. A network error in response to the first request should cause 
an error
condition for both the first XHR object and all subsequent pipelined 
XHR objects
per normal XHR behavior

Re: [selectors-api] Selectors API comments: section 2

2008-02-15 Thread Jonas Sicking

Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Fri, 15 Feb 2008 19:36:21 +0100, Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Lachlan Hunt wrote:

 I have added the following text to the spec:
   If the user agent also supports some level of CSS, the 

   must support the same set of selectors that are supported by the CSS

This doesn't really make it clear if that is 1 or 2 above. In both 
cases the same set of selectors are supported, but for 2 the 
selectors-api implementation is allowed to implement additional 

If one is a superset, how are they still the _same_ set?

The text above only says that the API impl has to support the same set 
as the CSS impl. It doesn't say that the CSS impl has to support the 
same set as the API impl. I.e. I see nothing that prohibits the API impl 
from supporting additional selectors.

/ Jonas

Re: IE Team's Feedback on the XHR Draft

2008-02-08 Thread Jonas Sicking

Hi Sunava,

Thanks for your feedback. I had a couple of additional comments on top 
of the ones Anne had.

On Thu, 07 Feb 2008 02:57:50 +0100, Sunava Dutta 
o   This spec is very different from existing HTML/CSS/DOM spec where 
the functionality/API specification is the focus.  This spec talks 
about interface specification as well as a lot of details that appear 
to be internal implementation issues that cannot be verified by Web 

I don't think that's true, actually. In fact, the specification leaves 
implementation details up to the implementation. It says so in the 
conformance criteria.

So one thing to note is that the implementation doesn't need to keep 
exactly the same flags, references, states etc as the ones talked about 
in the spec. As long as it to any user behaves as if it did.

So for example in the mozilla implementation we don't have the send() 
flag, instead we have one additional main state for the object. I.e. we 
have 6 states, including OPENED_BUT_NOT_SENT and OPENED_BUT_SENT.

To the outside world this is not noticeable since the getter for the 
readyState property returns 1 for both those states.

Maybe we need to point out at the top of the specification something to 
the effect of the implemenatation doesn't need to use the same 
algorithms or use the same states as the ones described in this 
specification. As long as it to any user of the interface yields the 
same results as if it had.

Having internal implementation recommendation for UA's is nice, 
however we can improve the readability by calling out implementation 
detail sections or having a separate section for this detail .  What 
we've love is to have the spec clearly state what is external API 
specification, and what is internal implementation details. This way a 
web developer can read this without reading the whole spec and take 
away the key points.

I think everything that is not important is not there. So I don't really 
see the issue.

I think the request here is to use language like if the opened method 
has been called, but the send method has not then do X rather than if 
we're in the OPENED state with the send() flag set to false then do X.

Is that correct?

The problem with that is that it's hard to get that unambigious and 
correct. For example the first wording above is wrong since open might 
have been called, but abort had later been called, and so we should 
behave as if open had not been called.

Or I might just be misunderstanding you :)

o   Is this included due to security concerns?

§  Scripts in the resulting document tree will not be executed, 
resources referenced will not be loaded and no associated XSLT will be 

It's included to get consistent behavior.

Right, I don't think any current implementation applies XSLT 
stylesheets. Additionally, loading resources, such as images and 
stylesheets, pointed to by the document would largely be a waste of 
network traffic as they won't be displayed anyway.

We've had cases where people load XSLT stylesheets using XHR and then 
use javascript to dynamically apply these stylesheets to documents. XSLT 
stylesheets can contain markup like:

xsl:for-each select=images/image
  html:img src=/static/images/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

In this case it would be clearly undesirable if the loading the XSLT 
stylesheet using XHR would attempt to load the resource 
/static/image/[EMAIL PROTECTED] from the server.

Hope that helps?

Actually, the spec should probably also say that stylesheets should not 
be applied. This is needed since the stylesheet might be inline and thus 
not stopped by the don't load resources rule.

Anne, should that be added to the draft?

/ Jonas

Re: IE Team's Feedback on the XHR Draft

2008-02-07 Thread Jonas Sicking

Doug Schepers wrote:

Moreover, this is, in fact, what this WG was chartered to do regarding XHR:
This deliverable should begin by documenting the existing 
XMLHttpRequest interface.

The question becomes, is IE's implementation to be considered canonical, 
or is it up to interpretation vis a vis later implementations (FF, 
Opera, Safari, et al)?

I remember that we started the XHR spec with this goal. However it 
pretty quickly became clear that we couldn't archive a useful subset of 
functionality that was compatible between all existing implementations.

I think in all cases we've tried to be as compatible with 
implementations as we could, but in cases where we couldn't we've had to 

Pursuant to that, is there a way to document the existing behavior such 
that it does not make existing implementation retroactively 
non-conforming?  Or that does not affect existing content?  I don't 
know whether or not the existing specification meets these criteria, but 
I think that would be the best path forward.

I don't think doing that would be very useful as a spec. It would 
basically just be a brief tutorial of the various functions and their 
arguments. Something that there are plenty of on the web already.

/ Jonas

Re: [Bindings] stringify

2008-01-02 Thread Jonas Sicking

Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Maybe the draft already says something about this, but I couldn't find 
it. I think it would be good if there was a way in the IDL to say what 
an object stringifies to. The Window object becomes [object Window] 
and Location stringifies to its href attribute value. The tricky part 
here is objects implementing multiple interfaces, such as Document and 
DocumentSelector, but in those cases the specification editors should 
probably ensure there are no strange things.

I don't think the IDL is the right place to put this. Instead it is 
information that should be associated with the objects implemented with 
the interface. One good reason is the one you bring up, that an object 
can implement multiple interfaces. Another is that a interface, such as 
EventTarget, might be implemented by multiple objects with different 

/ Jonas

Re: [XHR] send doesn’t explain what to do when method is GET

2007-12-17 Thread Jonas Sicking

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

On Dec 14, 2007, at 4:11 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

Julian Reschke wrote:

Jonas Sicking wrote:
Does any currently released browse include the body when doing an 
XHR GET request? If a big majority of them currently drop the body, 
then it seems like it would help interoperability if the spec 
explicitly stated that the body should be dropped.
Disagreed. Please do not try to standardize HTTP APIs that profile 
what HTTP allows.

XHR already disallows a lot of things that HTTP allows. Setting 
certain headers, cross site requests, etc. Why is this different?

Besides that, Björn already reported that both IE7 and FF happily 
pass the body, as they should (IMHO).

My reading of Björns email was that they did not drop it for HEAD, 
OPTIONS and EXAMPLE did not drop the entity body. In my testing IE, 
Firefox and Opera all dropped the entity body of GET requests.

Did you try Safari (or can you post the test case so I can try it?)

I did not try safari. You can try it here:

/ Jonas

Re: [XHR] send doesn’t explain what to do when method is GET

2007-12-14 Thread Jonas Sicking

Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Mon, 10 Dec 2007 15:47:37 +0100, Maciej Stachowiak [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
3) The spec as written doesn't state nothing, it appears to clearly 
require sending an entity body and does not allow ignoring the body or 
throwing an exception regardless of what is allowed per RFC. So some 
change is needed, one way or another.

Ok. How about we add a step 5 of the send() algorithm that states that 
additional requirements in RFC 2616 are also to be taken into account. 
That should effectively defer the issue to RFC 2616.

Does any currently released browse include the body when doing an XHR 
GET request? If a big majority of them currently drop the body, then it 
seems like it would help interoperability if the spec explicitly stated 
that the body should be dropped.

IMHO this wouldn't be going against RFC 2616 as it's the application, 
not the network layer, that drops the body.

/ Jonas

Re: [XHR] send doesn’t explain what to do when method is GET

2007-12-14 Thread Jonas Sicking

Stewart Brodie wrote:

Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
On Mon, 10 Dec 2007 15:47:37 +0100, Maciej Stachowiak [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
3) The spec as written doesn't state nothing, it appears to clearly 
require sending an entity body and does not allow ignoring the body or 
throwing an exception regardless of what is allowed per RFC. So some 
change is needed, one way or another.
Ok. How about we add a step 5 of the send() algorithm that states that 
additional requirements in RFC 2616 are also to be taken into account. 
That should effectively defer the issue to RFC 2616.
Does any currently released browse include the body when doing an XHR 
GET request? If a big majority of them currently drop the body, then it 
seems like it would help interoperability if the spec explicitly stated 
that the body should be dropped.

IMHO this wouldn't be going against RFC 2616 as it's the application, 
not the network layer, that drops the body.

Under no circumstances will my code permit an entity body to be sent as part
of a request for an object that is going to be requested via GET or HEAD.
It's just asking for trouble.  It also will not permit related headers to be
set (Content-Length, Transfer-Encoding et al will be dropped)

Actually, once we're supporting cross site GET requests, I think we 
there should definitely mention that the entity body of GET (and 
probably HEAD) requests are dropped. Otherwise there is some risk that 
there are servers out there that will do dangerous things when receiving 
GET requests with an entity body, such as treat it as a POST.

This seems like just one more argument for explicitly stating that the 
entity body for GET should be dropped at an XHR level.

/ Jonas

Re: [XHR] send doesn’t explain what to do when method is GET

2007-12-14 Thread Jonas Sicking

Mark Baker wrote:

On 12/14/07, Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Actually, once we're supporting cross site GET requests, I think we
there should definitely mention that the entity body of GET (and
probably HEAD) requests are dropped. Otherwise there is some risk that
there are servers out there that will do dangerous things when receiving
GET requests with an entity body, such as treat it as a POST.

Nah.  And if a server does that, whomever installed it only has
themselves to blame.

This seems like just one more argument for explicitly stating that the
entity body for GET should be dropped at an XHR level.

No.  Look, if you don't want to have to take on the extra work of
fully supporting HTTP (for what is, admittedly, currently a fringe
case), fine, don't.  Just please don't ask that we tell those who are
willing to do so, that they can't.

Given that none of the current browsers support this today, I'm not sure 
who we would help by saying that this is non-conformant behavior.

/ Jonas

Re: [Bindings] extended attribute for callback function interfaces?

2007-10-17 Thread Jonas Sicking

L. David Baron wrote:

There are a number of interfaces, used as callbacks, like
EventListener [1], NodeFilter [2], and UserDataHandler [3], and
XPathNSEventResolver [4] where an interface has a single method and
is intended to be implemented by the DOM user as a callback.  In
ECMAScript bindings, the implementation typically accepts a raw
function for such cases, in addition to (or rather than, in some
implementations, perhaps?) an object with a named property for the

Should there be an extended attribute to indicate such interfaces?
(I'd note that Mozilla's IDL has such an extended attribute,

Yes, I definitely think this is needed. Current specifications use 
English descriptions in the ECMAScript bindings to accomplish that 
behavior to be specified, it would be much more easily detected and 
precisely described if we could use an extended attribute for this.

/ Jonas

Re: Feedback from the IE Team: Web API XHR Draft

2007-09-27 Thread Jonas Sicking

Mike Wilson wrote:

But it turned out in the course of developing the spec that there
were enough individually small differences to make such an excercise

Considering that IE invented XHR (apart from the object 
naming), couldn't the first version of the spec just describe the 
existing IE behaviour in detail? That would match the previous wg 
intention and certainly make things easy for the IE team and their 
backwards compatibility. That would mean the first step in the following 

1) Describe original XHR implementation(s) in detail.
2) Iron out kinks and upgrade to new DOM/BOM types without adding 
3) Add functionality (currently some mentioned as future or Not in 
this Specification).

I would strongly argue that w3c is in the business of creating the best 
specification we can based on technical grounds, not to thank individual 
vendors for their great job of inventing new technologies.

What we should do is build the best spec we can to move the web forward. 
 I'd be very interested to hear arguments for changes to the spec to do 

/ Jonas

Re: XHR: definition of same-origin

2007-09-21 Thread Jonas Sicking

Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
I think HTML5 needs to define this as my understanding is that 
document.domain is also relevant in deciding whether or not a request 
is same-origin.

Actually, I don't think it is.  I know IE and Gecko ignore 
document.domain for the existing same-origin checks...  Gecko used to 
take it into account, but of course that broke sites given that IE 
ignores it.

Taking document.domain into account when doing same-origin network 
activity would infact be unsafe. Otherwise content at 
would be able to load data from which might not be safe.

In fact, in order for to talk to, *both* 
sites must explicitly have set document.domain to This is 
of course not something that can happen before a network request, as the 
requested site has no way of setting document.domain.

Not sure how things originally worked when document.domain was 
implemented many moons ago, but at this point all vendors have fixed 
this issue.

/ Jonas

Re: [xhr2] cross site non-GET requests and redirects

2007-08-07 Thread Jonas Sicking

Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Mon, 06 Aug 2007 23:39:28 +0200, Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Given domain A and B I wonder if it's a problem if when a request is 
done from A, B can feed information back to A (through the URL; without any sort of access check 
being done anywhere.

Yeah, I've been thinking about this scenario too. I think I agree with 
you actually, especially given that I don't see any good usecases for 
not doing the check in this scenario.

Agree? I was just wondering :-) In any case, I could easily solve this 
in the specification by having a has been non same-origin flag which 
is set to true the moment you make a non same-origin request or you 
are redirected to a non-same origin location. Based on the value of that 
flag you would then decide to do an access check. Sounds reasonable? 
(Besides of course the already in place algorithms for a non-GET request 
to a same-origin server which redirects to a non same-origin server.)

Yes, this sounds good.

/ Jonas

Re: [xhr2] cross site non-GET requests and redirects

2007-07-31 Thread Jonas Sicking

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
By the way, a request to a same-origin redirect that redirects to a 
non same-origin resource should also work I suppose? Or is there some 
reason you need to know in advance you're going to make a non 
same-origin request?

For GET requests I don't see a reason to not allow redirects from 
same-origin to another server.

For POST and other methods it is a bit more complicated since you at 
the point of the redirect have to switch to sending out a GET requests 
first to make sure that the POST is safe. At least in mozilla we can't 
stall the redirect while waiting for the GET to finish. It is probably 
possible though to cancel the initial request, fire the GET request, 
and then perform the redirect. Would be good to get other implementors 
input on this.

Also, what happens for same-origin which redirects to non same-origin 
which redirects to same-origin again. Do you perform an access check?

In the implementation I've written, the decision weather to check access 
control headers is done by comparing the final uri with the requesting 
uri. So if you're redirected back to the original server no 
access-control check is done.

I'd be all ears if someone think we should do checks as soon as a 
request has passed another domain at some point.

/ Jonas

Re: [XHR2] overrideMimeType

2007-07-30 Thread Jonas Sicking

Alexey Proskuryakov wrote:

On 7/30/07 12:21 AM, Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If XHR2 offers responseBody with a raw byte array of some kind, it will
be required for implementations to keep the raw bytes around anyway.

Yep. Though it still seems weird to me that responseText would change
when .overrideMimeType is changed. How do you guys deal with this situation?

  Currently, we only honor MIME type (not charset) change after the response
bytes start to arrive, and only if responseXML hasn't been accessed yet.

So setting overrideMimeType does different things before and after the 
load starts? That doesn't seem very ideal either.

/ Jonas

Re: [XHR2] overrideMimeType

2007-07-29 Thread Jonas Sicking

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

On Jul 27, 2007, at 12:09 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
I've been looking at overrideMimeType implementations in Gecko and 
WebKit and it seems like they differ a bit. In Gecko it has to be 
invoked before send(), but in WebKit it would work if you invoke it 
just before getting responseXML or responseText. Neither 
implementation seems to do any input checks.
If you have any opinion on how it should be specified I suppose now 
would be the time to air your thoughts.

Of course I prefer the mozilla way :)

It does seem fairly complicated to allow it to be set after the 
download is finished though. You do have the stream stored in 
.reponseBody, but at that point all encoding information has been 
lost. For HTML parsing (which I hope the spec will support in the 
future) there are a pile of rules used to guess the encoding, all of 
which would be useful to use, but can't be used if all you have access 
to is the unencoded responseBody.

Why would the encoding information be lost? The only sources of encoding 
info are the responseText itself and http headers, both of which the 
XMLHttpResponse needs to provide anyway.

ResponseText is not the raw byte stream gotten off the wire, it is 
already decoded into utf16 using whatever algorithm we define for 
determining the encoding. HTML decoding is a lot more complicated since 
you have to first guess an encoding, then start to parse the document, 
but if you find a

meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=?

Where charset is different from what you guessed, you have to restart 
from the beginning using the charset defined in the meta tag.

Yes, it would definitely be possible for the implementation to keep 
around the raw byte stream and either lazily decode responseText, or 
keep both the utf16 responseText and the raw byte stream around.

It is a bit quirky behavior though since setting overrideMimeType could 
then change the encoding and therefor both responseXML and responseText.

/ Joans

Re: [XHR2] text/html and responseXML

2007-07-29 Thread Jonas Sicking

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

On Jul 28, 2007, at 4:04 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Jonas already mentioned it in another e-mail and this feature was 
indeed planned (by me 8-)) for XMLHttpRequest level 2. responseText 
already follows text/html rules for encoding detection etc. but for 
parsing we probably need to state that it needs to run with support 
for scripting disabled which affects how noscript is parsed etc. I'm 
wondering if we should do it like that or have scripts not run and 
parse noscript as if scripting was enabled. (I'm not sure whether 
HTML 5 has an option for the latter, but that's for instance how 
html5lib currently works.)

Any opinions on this? Anything else I should pay attention too when 
adding this feature?

I would guess a popular use would be to grab HTML fragments and insert 
them into the current document, in which case it would be desirable to 
parse as if noscript was not disabled. I'm also not sure that 
scripting needs to be disabled, at least in the non-cross-domain case. I 
could imagine interesting uses for either.

The author always has the option of not including noscript elements in 
their response, so I think the usecase is still supported.

I'm a little bit worried that if we enable scripts for XHR (they are 
currently disabled in firefox) that sites would break. Though chances 
are probably pretty small. However if scripts are enabled we need to 
define exactly in which context they execute. Should they have their own 
'window'? If not 'window.document' would not refer to their own document.

/ Jonas

Re: [XHR2] overrideMimeType

2007-07-28 Thread Jonas Sicking

Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Fri, 27 Jul 2007 21:09:37 +0200, Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
It does seem fairly complicated to allow it to be set after the 
download is finished though. You do have the stream stored in 
.reponse[Text], but at that point all encoding information has been 
lost. For HTML parsing (which I hope the spec will support in the 
future) there are a pile of rules used to guess the encoding, all of 
which would be useful to use, but can't be used if all you have access 
to is the unencoded responseBody.

It would make sense for consistency with the other methods if the method 
throws if you try to invoke it after send() has been invoked. Can that 
still be changed in implementations? And maybe also throw a SYNTAX_ERR 
if it does not match the MIME type syntax (also for consistency).

For mozilla this would be an easy change since setting it after data 
starts coming in is a no-op. So we don't really risk breaking anyone who 
wasn't broken already.

Sounds like it would be a bigger change for apple.

/ Jonas

Re: [XHR2] text/html and responseXML

2007-07-28 Thread Jonas Sicking

Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Jonas already mentioned it in another e-mail and this feature was indeed 
planned (by me 8-)) for XMLHttpRequest level 2. responseText already 
follows text/html rules for encoding detection etc. but for parsing we 
probably need to state that it needs to run with support for scripting 
disabled which affects how noscript is parsed etc. I'm wondering if we 
should do it like that or have scripts not run and parse noscript as 
if scripting was enabled. (I'm not sure whether HTML 5 has an option for 
the latter, but that's for instance how html5lib currently works.)

Any opinions on this? Anything else I should pay attention too when 
adding this feature?

I can't say I feel very strongly about it. But it seems more logical to 
me to parse the contents of noscript as if scripts were disabled.

Other things that should be disabled is loading stylesheets (which can 
affect .getComputerStyle and XBL bindings), onclick-like attributes and 
loading of plugins.

This is in reality an issue even in XHR 1 due to XHTML.

/ Jonas

Re: [xhr2] cross site non-GET requests and redirects

2007-07-27 Thread Jonas Sicking

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
It seems nicer however to not restrict it to XMLHttpRequest and define 
the entire retrieval algorithm in the access-control specification 
including how it works for other methods and in face of redirects.

I agree. I don't really want to hold up the [ac] spec though. At the 
same time we're shipping experimental support in the next firefox alpha 
release so the sooner we can get this all defined the better.

By the way, a request to a same-origin redirect that redirects to a non 
same-origin resource should also work I suppose? Or is there some reason 
you need to know in advance you're going to make a non same-origin request?

For GET requests I don't see a reason to not allow redirects from 
same-origin to another server.

For POST and other methods it is a bit more complicated since you at the 
point of the redirect have to switch to sending out a GET requests first 
to make sure that the POST is safe. At least in mozilla we can't stall 
the redirect while waiting for the GET to finish. It is probably 
possible though to cancel the initial request, fire the GET request, and 
then perform the redirect. Would be good to get other implementors input 
on this.

/ Jonas

Re: [xhr] cross site proposal headers

2007-07-26 Thread Jonas Sicking

Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Mon, 23 Jul 2007 10:35:27 +0200, Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

A couple of questions regarding the cross-site XHR proposal:

As detailed in 
cross-site requests should alway have the headers set through 
setRequestHeader removed. This includes requests done after a redirect 
to a different server.

Why prevent a user from setting the Content-Access-Control header? 
That is generally a response header and I'd expect servers to ignore it.

If requests with arbitrary headers set can harm a server they are 
already vulnerable. Is it really wise to restrict this?

I'm arguing for allowing the header to be set, as no server has any 
reason to pay attention to it.

What is the purpose of the Referer-Root header? Why can't sites rely 
on the Referer header?

Isn't Referer disabled by some third-party software now and then? Such 
as antivirus software? Another reason is probably that Referer-Root 
contains the exact format needed for the access check. We could use that 
in the access-control document probably.

This seems like a loosing battle that I don't see a reason to fight. If 
the user (by installing software or through corporate policies) disables 
the Referer header, why should we try to circumvent them? That seems 
just likely to piss them off and then add Referer-Root to their blocking 

If the sites want to use the Referer header and it has been blocked the 
site can simply deny the request. Non-idea for the end-user, but by 
their own choice.

/ Jonas

Re: [xhr] proxy-connection header

2007-07-23 Thread Jonas Sicking

Julian Reschke wrote:

Jonas Sicking wrote:

The XHR spec currently allows users to set the Proxy-Connection 
header using setRequestHeader method. I couldn't find a spec for it 
other than some discussions here:


As far as I can tell, the spec doesn't even mention the header.

Are you saying the spec should disallow setting a header that isn't even 
registered (

Yes, if it's a security problem not to. IMHO that should be the 
determining factor.

Actually, I'm wondering if we should disallow any header starting with 
Proxy-. For example Proxy-Authorization header looks scary to me.

/ Jonas

[xhr] cross site proposal headers

2007-07-23 Thread Jonas Sicking

Hi All,

A couple of questions regarding the cross-site XHR proposal:

As detailed in 
cross-site requests should alway have the headers set through 
setRequestHeader removed. This includes requests done after a redirect 
to a different server.

Why prevent a user from setting the Content-Access-Control header? 
That is generally a response header and I'd expect servers to ignore it.

What is the purpose of the Referer-Root header? Why can't sites rely on 
the Referer header?

/ Jonas

Re: [xhr] cross site proposal headers

2007-07-23 Thread Jonas Sicking

Jonas Sicking wrote:

Hi All,

A couple of questions regarding the cross-site XHR proposal:

As detailed in 
cross-site requests should alway have the headers set through 
setRequestHeader removed. This includes requests done after a redirect 
to a different server.

Oh, I was going to add to this. I plan on allowing Accept and 
Accept-Language to be set even for cross-site requests. Are there 
other headers that people think would be useful and safe to allow?

/ Jonas

Re: [xhr] cross site proposal headers

2007-07-23 Thread Jonas Sicking

Julian Reschke wrote:

Jonas Sicking wrote:

Jonas Sicking wrote:

Hi All,

A couple of questions regarding the cross-site XHR proposal:

As detailed in 
cross-site requests should alway have the headers set through 
setRequestHeader removed. This includes requests done after a 
redirect to a different server.

Oh, I was going to add to this. I plan on allowing Accept and 
Accept-Language to be set even for cross-site requests. Are there 
other headers that people think would be useful and safe to allow?

Could you point me to the rational for forbidding setting headers in the 
first place? HTTP headers are an important extension point (see for 
example APP Slug), but disallowing then completely seems to be a very 
drastic measure.

The only thing documented is the page linked above. The 
rationale is simply that allowing any random header (except for the 
small black-list in the spec) to be set in a HTTP GET request to any 
server is a big expansion of what browsers currently allow. Remember 
that these servers could be servers behind a firewall or servers where 
the user is logged in or has cookies set.

Rather than questioning why we're forbidding it, we asked, how would we 
know it's safe to allow it? And since we didn't know we opted for the 
safer path.

/ Jonas

[xhr2] cross site non-GET requests and redirects

2007-07-23 Thread Jonas Sicking

Hi All,

I'm currently working on implementing cross-site XMLHttpRequest as 
detailed in this draft:

However I'm a little bit worried about two things regarding non-GET 

First of all I don't like that POST requests can be made unchecked to 
any url. I do realize that this seems possible already using plain/text 
encoded forms, but this is possibly something that browsers will need to 

Second, I'm a little bit worried about the algorithm used to for non-GET 
(non-POST in the current draft) in connection with redirects. From my 
understanding the following is a valid scenario:

1. Web page on server A makes a DELETE request to server B
2. XHR implementation sends a GET request to server B
3. Server B redirects to server C
4. Server C sends reply that approves the request using appropriate
   headers and an Allow: DELETE header
5. XHR implementation sends DELETE request to server B
6. Server B deletes file on requested uri.

What worries me is that in step 5 the DELETE request is sent to server B 
even though server B has never explicitly allowed that. Granted, since 
the redirect chain for the DELETE request is not the same for the 
initial GET request as for the DELETE request, the returned result will 
not be accessible to the web page, but that hardly matters as the damage 
is already done.

The only thing server B has done is to redirect to server C. This could 
be done without any knowledge of XHR or the cross-site spec.

I propose we instead specify that the DELETE request should be done to 
the final uri of the redirects in the GET request. And if the DELETE 
request produces any redirects then those must not be honored.

Do other people have an opinion? In general it feels to me like 
redirects and non-GET requests cross site is a rare edge-case and not 
something that is particularly important. So we might as well do the 
safe thing. I could even see disallowing redirects entirely, even for 
the initial GET request.

Best Regards,
Jonas Sicking

Re: Selectors API Method Names

2007-07-02 Thread Jonas Sicking

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

On Jul 2, 2007, at 3:50 PM, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

On Mon, 02 Jul 2007 20:17:40 +0200, Doug Schepers 


Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
 I don't have a strong objection either way, but I think the case 
against Lachy's original names (selectElement, etc) has been laid 
out more clearly than the case against cssQuery. I think 
selectorQuery (as suggested in follow-ups) would also be ok.

I think that the chief problem with cssQuery*() for me is that it is 
rather confusing.  Such a name would indicate functionality related 
to CSS (that is, something presentational or style-oriented), rather 
than the accident of a historical relationship.  It totally fails the 
criteria of being functionally descriptive, which selectElement() 
meets (other merits notwithstanding); this is a point on which I 
think we can build consensus and compromise (and hopefully a speedy 

Similarly, with selectorQuery() (which is better), you lose the verby 
action word of the existing naming convention (getAByB); 
selectorQuery sounds more like a property than a method.

Frankly, I'm not a fan of any of the present crop of names, but in 
the interest of keeping forward momentum, I least object to what we 
currently have, selectElement*().

Thank you Doug for so eloquently stating the details of my objection. 
As it happens, I agree with you that I would rather move forward with 
the consensus on selectElement*, if we establish that, than keep 
chasing round for new names.

I really think the confusability of this with 
selectNodes/selectSingleNode is a significant problem. matchSelector  or 
querySelector doesn't have this problem, and also doesn't have the 
problems of cssQuery (slightly inaccurate mention of css, doesn't sound 
like a verb phrase).

But I won't stand in the way of an editorial decision on this one.

Same feelings here. Except that IMHO matchSelector sounds like something 
that would return a bool indicating if an element matches the given 

So querySelector is the one I like the most so far (except for 
getElementsBySelector, but I'm not even going to suggest that one :) )

/ Jonas

Re: requirements for a network spec

2007-05-30 Thread Jonas Sicking


Hi folks,

we need to figure out what is really needed.

A big requirement is security. It must not be possible to connect to an 
arbitrary port on the server and send anything, unless the server has 
explicitly stated that it allows so using some sort of white-listing 

/ Jonas

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