Re: [XMLHttpRequest] Last Call

2008-04-16 Thread Kris Zyp

We still do not have anyway to advice user agents of long-lived responses in 
order to avoid the problem of indefinitely queued pipelined 
requests/responses. With both pipelining and long-lived responses becoming 
more common, this seems to be an envitable problem. It doesn't seem 
acceptable to simply ignore this issue. I am not asking for anything 
increasing the XHR implementation burden, simply a standard way of advising 
so that authors and user agents can communicate, so user agents have an 
approach for implementing proper delegation of pipelined requests when users 
start complaining of problems.

Thank you,

- Original Message - 
From: Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Web API WG (public)
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 12:40 PM
Subject: [XMLHttpRequest] Last Call


The Web API WG resolved yesterday to publish a Last Call Working Draft of 
The XMLHttpRequest Object specification. Thanks to the webmasters at the 
W3C it was published earlier today. Last Call comments can be made until 2 
June 2008. (Please don't comment about the befor typo there. My 

The draft is located here:

This is a rough list of the changes since the last published draft:

  * Removed dependency on DOM Level 3 Events
  * Removed dependency on Window Object 1.0
(we already depended on HTML 5 so we could use that instead)
  * Clearly marked which HTTP methods are to raise SECURITY_ERR
  * Mention HttpOnly in the security section
  * Accept-Language is set conditionally
  * Requests using a GET method will not have an entity body
  * responseText can no longer return null
  * responseText and responseXML no longer throw
  * Headers starting with Sec- will raise
  * getResponseHeader() will return null for invalid headers
  * getAllResponseHeaderS() returns empty string in case of failure

A more detailed log of these changes, including links to the actual text 
changes, is available from, here:

Happy times reviewing!

Kind regards,

Anne van Kesteren

Re: [XMLHttpRequest] Last Call

2008-04-16 Thread Kris Zyp

OK, that's fine, I just didn't want it to be ignored indefinitely.

- Original Message - 
From: Maciej Stachowiak [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cc: Web API WG (public); Anne van Kesteren 

Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: [XMLHttpRequest] Last Call

On Apr 16, 2008, at 7:50 PM, Kris Zyp wrote:

We still do not have anyway to advice user agents of long-lived 
responses in order to avoid the problem of indefinitely queued  pipelined 
requests/responses. With both pipelining and long-lived  responses 
becoming more common, this seems to be an envitable  problem. It doesn't 
seem acceptable to simply ignore this issue. I  am not asking for 
anything increasing the XHR implementation burden,  simply a standard way 
of advising so that authors and user agents  can communicate, so user 
agents have an approach for implementing  proper delegation of pipelined 
requests when users start complaining  of problems.

I think this would be more appropriate to deal with in XHR2, since we 
don't have a settled design for this feature and XHR1 is already way 
behind schedule.

 - Maciej

Thank you,

- Original Message - From: Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Web API WG (public)
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 12:40 PM
Subject: [XMLHttpRequest] Last Call


The Web API WG resolved yesterday to publish a Last Call Working  Draft 
of The XMLHttpRequest Object specification. Thanks to the  webmasters at 
the W3C it was published earlier today. Last Call  comments can be made 
until 2 June 2008. (Please don't comment about  the befor typo there. 
My mistake.)

The draft is located here:

This is a rough list of the changes since the last published draft:

 * Removed dependency on DOM Level 3 Events
 * Removed dependency on Window Object 1.0
   (we already depended on HTML 5 so we could use that instead)
 * Clearly marked which HTTP methods are to raise SECURITY_ERR
 * Mention HttpOnly in the security section
 * Accept-Language is set conditionally
 * Requests using a GET method will not have an entity body
 * responseText can no longer return null
 * responseText and responseXML no longer throw
 * Headers starting with Sec- will raise
 * getResponseHeader() will return null for invalid headers
 * getAllResponseHeaderS() returns empty string in case of failure

A more detailed log of these changes, including links to the actual 
text changes, is available from, here:

Happy times reviewing!

Kind regards,

Anne van Kesteren

Re: XDR *API* Security Impact

2008-04-14 Thread Kris Zyp

I don't know whether most modern devs are using JSON,

Yeah, I really don't have any data to back that up, I shouldn't make such 
claims :). But I think it is safe to say that many devs use it.

More generically, I don't think that new cross-origin APIs that
just return a string (but are clearly intended for structured
data) should be standardized (or shipped) given the experience
that's available.

So you would be in favor of a responseJSON property?


Re: What is Microsoft's intent with XDR vis-à-vis W3C? [Was: Re: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests]

2008-04-07 Thread Kris Zyp

From web developer's perspective, the idea of having a completely divergent 
API and technique for doing cross-site requests between browsers does not 
seem beneficial. As much as possible I would hope that MS and CS-XHR can 
converge. It seems like there are a number of differences that can be 
analyzed individually. Are there specific parts of the CS-XHR that IE finds 
objectionable, that is more specific than just broad sweeping statements 
about security? I appreciate Tyler's attempts at specifics, but they have 
been proven incorrect. Is it possible that IE could at least converge and 
get behind parts of CS-XHR?

1. Why do we need a new API (XDomainRequest) to do cross-site requests? Why 
can't I make cross-site requests with my existing code that uses 
XMLHttpRequest? This seems completely orthogonal to security, and as a 
developer I am certainly not eager to write a bunch of branch logic for a 
new API. The proposal mentioned not wanting to bolt on security which has 
zero value for web developers, maybe that is some internal IE team 

2. Why does XDomainRequest need to use a different header names than CS-XHR? 
Once again, the actual names of the headers seems completely orthogonal to 
security. Why can't XDR use Referer-Root and Access-Control headers? 
Even if IE refused to implement method check request and granular host 
names, there is no reason XDR can't at least use the same syntax and 
semantics. Servers that want to support cross-browser cross-site request 
will need to handle two different sets of headers.

3. Why are POST and DELETE not allowed in XDR? I haven't seen any evidence 
to suggest these represent security breaches. They certainly not harmful 
with CS-XHR since they must servers must opt-in and authorize them. In my 
opinion this is devastating omission. REST is critical part of the future of 
web applications.

4. Why are developers restricted from setting the Accept-* and Content-Type 
headers in XDR? Once again the restriction and the inevitable content 
sniffing will likely harm security more than help it.

5. Why can't I send a request synchronously? This is essentially tied to the 
API. XDomainRequest does not provide async/sync choice. With FF3 (and any 
browsers that follow suite) new continuation-style handling of synchronous 
requests, this could possibly become a more important request mechanism than 
async in the future. There certainly isn't any security reason to deny such 

6. Why does XDR not use the method check technique from CS-XHR? This has 
been demonstrated to be more secure than XDR. XDR is prone to sending POST 
requests that otherwise not possible with traditional form posts (like a 
POST with JSON data in it, which is impossible to do with a form).

6b. Why not allow cookies? IMO, the idea that a server can make a better 
decision about security by having less information is bizarre. With requests 
that have side effects, ultimately it is the server that has to make the 
final decision about whether to accept the request or not. The whole idea 
that servers can make better decisions if they know less (don't know the 
cookie information) seems very strange to me.

7. Why does XDR prevent secure connections (HTTPS)?
I am hoping this is just a bug, and somone didn't actually make such a 
design choice.

Are there any specific issues in the CS-XHR that MS finds objectionable? I 
certainly could commiserate with objecting to XML processing instructions. I 
would love to see that be omitted. Or does MS object to the complexity of 
CS-XHR? Even a partial compromise would be better than the wild divergence 
that it seems we are headed towards. I can't understand how that can be seen 
as beneficial for web developers.

That is the big problem with XDR’s restrictions. Well, aside from its
breaking of REST by disallowing PUT and DELETE and setting the
Content-Type and Accept-* headers, while favouring SOAP (which DOES have
the ability to delete() and authenticate) and encouraging content
sniffing. I hope you can see why I don’t share your enthusiasm for
Microsoft’s proposal :).

From a web developer perspective, I completely agree, these excessive 
restrictions mean that we have a lot of hacks, interoperability problems, 
and resulting insecurities ahead of us if we use XDR as it is.

In order to acquire the desired functionality (for which it needs the
user’s credentials), with XDR the resource host will most likely end up
passing the authentication information along in the GET query string
(bad), probably requiring the user to fill in his credentials on the
origin site (bad), and sending the user’s password plain over the wire

I agree, and want to add that being able to implement OAuth from the client 
side should be extremely important use case for a cross-site request 


Re: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests

2008-03-15 Thread Kris Zyp

How does this compare to the Cross-Site Extensions for XMLHttpRequest
that is being developed by Web API and Web App Formats (and
as implemented in Firefox betas)?

The major ones, IMO:
1. XDomainRequest uses a different constructor/API to make requests
(XDomainRequest instead of XMLHttpRequest).
2. XDomainRequest does not allow any headers. The W3C/AC for XSite requests
allows headers like Accept and Accept-Language which are crucial for the
fundamental HTTP capability of content and language negotiation.
3. Completely different server side response required to validate cross-site
requests are acceptable. XDomainRequest looks for a response header of
XDomainRequestAllowed: 1, while W3C/AC, looks for an Access-Control header
which has more fine-grained control.
4. Cookies and credentials are not sent with XDomainRequest. I believe this
is still being discussed with W3C/AC.
5. Standard HTTP REST methods (PUT and DELETE) are not supported with
XDomainRequest, but are supported with W3C/AC.

From Apple's point of view we would like to have a
unified standard in this area.
From web developer/framework developer's point of view, we would also

like a unified standard. Creating a new divergent API for cross-site
requests with XDR is certainly not the most beneficial approach for web
developers. Cross-site requests that work in all browsers (those that
implement W3C/AC and XDR) would look like:
if (window.XDomainRequest) {
   var xhr = new XDomainRequest(); // IE's cross-domain request technique
else {
   var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); // W3C and standards compliant browsers
cross-domain request technique

And on the server, the server needs to at least set headers
XDomainRequestAllowed: 1 and Access-Control: allow * for the responses
to be accessible in all browsers.
Does this seem like a clean API for devs? I think it would be much cleaner
and easier for developers if Microsoft adopted the W3C cross-site request
mechanism and worked to improve it, rather than creating a different API.

snipping from Chris's email:

The short version is, as Sunava discusses in the summary of this mail,
that x-domain XHR (and Flash’s approach, et al) is subject to specific
x-domain injection attacks because of its persistent-allow design.

I understand that MS has security concerns, but rewriting the API is not
necessary to address these concerns. If there are aspects of the W3C/AC
proposal that MS doesn't like, I am sure discussion and feedback would be
welcome. Even minor deviations from W3C/AC proposal to satisfy the Microsoft
security concerns (such as stripping cookies, and requiring the
Access-Control header on every response) would be vastly better than using a
completely different API. I think the web development community would
appreciate standards convergence much more than multiple APIs. Having
multiple APIs increases complexity which increases the vector of possible

Specifically, any request sent by XDR could also be emitted by a
properly coded HTML FORM object.  Hence, any “non-participating”
web server put at risk by XDR is also at risk from simple HTML.

This is not true. I could send a POST request with XDR with a body of any
string. This is not possible in a form. A form strictly encodes everything
in URL encoded format. A server that expects that a body with pure JSON
would only come from a safe client (since this is not possible with a form),
would be in for a surprise with XDR. W3C/AC protects against this
vulnerability. IMO, this is a vulnerability and XDR may actually be
less secure than W3C/AC (and certainly less funtional).


Re: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests

2008-03-15 Thread Kris Zyp

If XDR only supports GET and POST, it encourages sites to use POST to
implement delete functionality and abuse the HTTP protocol because that
is the only way they can get the functionality they desire to work.
Basically, you’re boycotting REST in favour of SOAP.
I completely agree, it shouldn't be the place of the browser to dictate that 
developers they must use SOAP style instead of REST, and cripple the 
features of HTTP. The full features of REST (PUT and DELETE) weren't 
available in traditional web apps, but with Ajax, I belive REST techniques 
are rapidly growing in popularity, and will be particularly useful in 
cross-site scenarios because authors can leverage HTTP semantics to indicate 
meaning with different consumers/providers. I believe the same potential is 
possible with Accept headers, especially in the cross-domain world. Accept 
headers are not heavily used right now because in the dominantly same-origin 
request world because developers usually know a priori what content type is 
needed. On the otherhand, with cross-site web services, different consumers 
may desire different formats, and the Accept parameters could have awesome 
potential for allowing developers to request data in a desired format in 
well-understood manner. How foolish it would be to disable these features in 
the arena where it would have the most opportunity for benefit.
I believe the full potential of HTTP has a great opportunity to be fully 
realized in the cross-site world where leveraging well-defined broadly 
understood HTTP features like REST semantics, content-negotiation, partial 
content transfer, etc. could vastly improve interoperability, by allowing 
consumers and providers to communicate with a rich set of well-defined 
capabilities. Crippling HTTP will force developers to use work-arounds which 
will only decrease interoperability and will ultimately cause increased use 
of hacks which will envitably subvert security rather than benefiting it. 
Trying to create a simpler more restrictive form of security does not mean 
things will be more secure. Developers use of cross-site scripts with 
callbacks to get cross-site data is great example of how an excessively 
simple security model has resulted in developers being forced to use 
dangerous methods to accomplish their goals.


Re: XHR setRequestHeader(connection, close) is bogusly rejected

2008-03-11 Thread Kris Zyp

for UAs is best approach, and that it should be a number-based  advice, 
not a boolean, so that it could be used more effectively and  flexibly in 
heuristic algorithms for making informed pipelining  decisions.

Can you be more specific in what you mean about number-based advice? 
(Apologies if you explained this in an earlier message, I tried  skimming 
them and did not find a description).

I couldn't find my previous message in the archives, so I included below 
again (sorry about posting it again). Basically I was suggesting that a 
property (called durability) could take a number (rather than a boolean), 
that would represent advice about how long the author expected the response 
to take. The user agent could utilize this advice in any way it sees fit. A 
number provides more information (a greater range of values) than a boolean, 
and it could effectively be used as weighting in user agent heuristics. The 
advice could be used by user agents to determine if the connection should be 
counted against the connection limit (if it is larger than a threshold), and 
it could used as advice for pipelining. The user agent is not required to 
respond in any certain way, but this is author provided advice, that the 
user agent may use in any way it desires.

The advantage of a number may be more clearly seen in a pipeline ordering 
example. Suppose I issue 4 requests, and I expect request A to take a few 
milliseconds, request B to take a half a second, request C to take a couple 
seconds, and request D could last indefinitely. I could set different 
durability values for each XHR request, and then the user agent could 
potentially use these values (possibly in combination with other 
information, like connection speed, proxy information, and so forth) to 
determine the order of pipelining:

xhrA.durability = 0.01;
xhrB.durability = 0.5;
xhrC.durability = 2;
xhrD.durability = 100;
In this situation, a browser may decide to send A and B on different 
connections, and send C as pipelined by request A. It may also choose to 
send D on completely separate connection and not count that against the 
connection limit. However, the advice does not require the user agent to 
take any specific action, the browser can weigh the advice in combination 
with other factors, depending on the situation. Anyway, here is the more 
detailed proposal I had sent out, I apologize if you have already received 
it/read it (it had a subject Re: Pipelining Control Proposal):

I wanted to propose another way to deal with the usability issues involved
with pipelining in combination with long-lived responses for the purposes of
server initiated messages. This is not an opposition to HTTP improvements
for declaring extra connection limits. I hope that happens for the broader
benefit that it provides and that HTTP improvements can solve the two-
connection limit probem, however as I articulate in the reasons at the
HTTP improvements are simply not sufficient for avoiding pipeling issues,
and a simple mechanism for providing connection advise is critical as well.
believe this is a very minimalistic approach only adds a trivial amount of
complexity to the XMLHttpRequest spec and has almost zero required
implementation burden. The addition property defined here can be used
by user agents to deal with the problem of responses becoming indefinitely
queued due to being pipelined on a connection where a previous response
is never finished or simply takes a long time.

I propose that we have define a property called durability to the
XMLHttpRequest object, that can be assigned a positive number (x = 0) by
authors that want to advise the user agent on how long they expect the given
request to last. A low value indicates that the request is expected to be
very quick and a high value indicates that the request is expected to take
longer. The durability property should default to 1, and so a value of 1
indicated a request with an average length of time. The durability property
can set and modified at any time before, during, or after a request. A user
agent is not required to behave in any particular way in response to the
durability property, it is simply a standard way for authors to provide
information about how long the response will probably take so that user
agents can utilize this information in making informed optimization
and provide a means for intelligently avoiding indefinitely queued

There are no requirements for how the user agent responds to this property,
but it is recommended that user agents use this information to help optimize
pipelining (and potentially connection limiting). The lower the durability
the faster the request is likely to receive a response, and therefore the
corresponding connection is a better candidate for pipelining if that is
enabled in the user agent. The higher the durability value, the slower the
request is likely to receive a response, and therefore a 

Re: XHR setRequestHeader(connection, close) is bogusly rejected

2008-03-11 Thread Kris Zyp

As a browser implementor, I don't think I would find this more useful 
than a boolean property indicating a connection is likely to be long- 
lived. I can't imagine doing anything more complicated than picking a 
threshold value to decide whether to count a request towards the 
connection limit and whether to consider pipelining requests on its 
connection. If all implementors did this, we'd likely end up with 
somewhat different threshold values, which would be unfortunate.

We could certainly agree upon and define the threshold values, that is 
trivial. However, would you want the threshold for connection limit counting 
and pipelining to be the same (as a boolean would effectively be)? I would 
think that are some responses that may take a long enough to avoid 
pipelining, but still count in against the connection limit. More 
importantly, pipelining is not simply a yes or no question, it is a question 
of which connection to pipeline on. A faster response is attained by 
pipelining on the connection that will be able handle the request soonest, 
and therefore pipelining becomes a comparison calculation. If browsers have 
numeric values for response time estimates, they can make appropriate 
comparisons and do optimal pipelining.

Perhaps the next iteration of browsers would only be based on thresholds, 
but numeric values allow great transfer of information, which could be used 
for more creative optimizations like pipelining comparisons and perhaps 
optimizations that we haven't even thought of yet. Just because we haven't 
foreseen all the possible optimizations, doesn't mean we shouldn't leave the 
door open for such optimizations. By allowing numeric values, authors can 
begin providing advice, and browsers can use it at their convenience.

Also, as I had mentioned in the proposal, there are situations where authors 
actually want to pipeline requests behind long-lived responses, so they are 
intentially not responded to. Once again, boolean values don't provide an 
adequate mechanism for communicated this desire.

Also, I'm skeptical that authors can estimate request latency with 
anything near that kind of precision. Thus, it is likely to be an 
unreliable source of information, meaning that the details of the  value 
couldn't be trusted anyway, and even a high-low threshold might  be 
unreliable. But most authors know if their XHR connection is  intended to 
be used persistently, so the one bit of info would be more  trustworthy.

Sure, it is impossible to create perfectly accurate estimates, and it is in 
fact an estimate and should be treated that way, but it seems very 
presumptious to assume that authors can't provide meaningful data. If 
authors don't know, that can simply not set this property or use a very high 
value to indicate a long-lived response. If they provide errant values, that 
is their problem, but I don't think we should understimate the potential of 
what authors can understand and do.


Re: XHR setRequestHeader(connection, close) is bogusly rejected

2008-03-10 Thread Kris Zyp

However, there are web apps in existence (e.g., Gmail)
that set the connection: close header to inform the
user-agent that the HTTP transaction is going to take
a long time.  (This is also informative for the
server.)  This allows a user-agent to not count this
connection against the RFC 2616 recommended maximum of
2 persistent connections per host.
As far as I can tell, Firefox is the only browser that regards connection: 
close as an indication that the connection should not be counted against 
the connection limit, and this behavior does _not_ follow the HTTP 
recommendation regarding connections. Section 8.1.4 states that:

 Clients that use persistent connections SHOULD limit the number of
  simultaneous connections that they maintain to a given server.
(All browsers use persistent connections, so all browsers are subject to the 
recommendation stated below)

  A single-user client SHOULD NOT maintain more than 2 connections with
  any server or proxy.
There is no mention of only maintaining two persistent connections, all 
connections (persistent or otherwise) are supposed to be counted against the 
connection limit. In addition, there is no reason why long-lived responses 
(those that shouldn't be counted against the connection limit) should have 
to have their TCP connection closed after the response is fully received. 
Therefore, I don't see Connection: close as an appropriate means for 
advising that connections should not be counted against connection limits.

Re: XHR setRequestHeader(connection, close) is bogusly rejected

2008-03-10 Thread Kris Zyp

If the problem we are trying to solve is preventing potentially long- 
lived requests from blowing out the connection limit I think it would  be 
better to either:

1) Add an explicit XHR property that indicates this request may be 
long-lived - this would not only bypass the connection limit but would 
also indicate to the UA that it should not pipeline other requests on  the 
same connection, if it supports pipelining.

2) Never count XHR-initiated http requests towards the per-server 
connection limit.
 not seem necessary for the goal of bypassing the connection limit on 
the UA side. And it seems that an explicit XHR property for this would  be 
more clear.
I agree, I think #1 is the way to go. I don't like #2, because connection 
limits really are valuable for minimizing server load, and even can help 
prevent DOS attacks. As I just mentioned in the other email, Connection: 
close is not an appropriate form of advice, IMO. I think that an explicit 
property that provides advice for UAs is best approach, and that it should 
be a number-based advice, not a boolean, so that it could be used more 
effectively and flexibly in heuristic algorithms for making informed 
pipelining decisions.

Re: XHR setRequestHeader(connection, close) is bogusly rejected

2008-03-10 Thread Kris Zyp

As far as I can tell, Firefox is the only browser that regards 
connection: close as an indication that the connection should not be 
counted against the connection limit

What gives you that idea? I'm not actually sure since I don't know the 
inner workings of the network code, but I have never heard of such 

I have never heard of such behavior either until this thread. I just tried 
it out against Safari 3, IE8, Opera 9, and FF2. Only FF2 seemed to be 
affected by Connection: close. FF2 seems to let me open an indefinite 
number of connections to a server if use Connection: close, but only two 
connections are allowed if don't use it. I was surprised as well. FF3 is not 
affected by Connection: close, only FF2.


Re: Extra Connection Support Proposal

2008-03-06 Thread Kris Zyp

Thanks for the heads up, Mark, I will be watching the activity there, that 
would be great if the problem can be dealt with in that group.
However, the issues of responses being indefinitely queued in pipelining 
situations and unbounded memory growth on continuous streaming responses are 
still present, and I don't think there is anything the HTTP WG can do about 

- Original Message - 
From: Mark Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 6:16 AM
Subject: Re: Extra Connection Support Proposal

FYI, you might be interested in this recent discussion in the HTTP WG,
which could make this proposal unnecessary;


Re: Extra Connection Support Proposal

2008-02-27 Thread Kris Zyp

Doing this on an HTTP level seems like the right solution to me. Though 
i'm not sure what working group would then be appropriate for 
standardizing it...
I don't mind trying this avenue, I just fear that this is even more likely 
to be a dead-end. HTTP is already very complicated (it would seem more so 
than XHR to me) and is much more solidified and it seems unlikely that there 
would a be solution down that path. And I don't see how it is any more 
right for this to be done in HTTP, The user agent needs to be informed by 
something, and I don't see a clear distinction in why it is superior to be 
informed by the HTTP response rather than API/author since this doesn't 
really affect the actual HTTP communication protocol, but when a user agent 
chooses to use an (additional) HTTP communication channel. I am concerned 
that if all parties continually come up with really good reasons to keep 
deferring this to someone else, the user with hanging requests still lose.
I am going to send out another proposal that will hopefully be more 


Re: Extra Connection Support Proposal

2008-02-24 Thread Kris Zyp

We are still faced with the fundamental problem that if a browser that 
observes the two connection limit and two long-lived connections are 
currently open and the user does something that triggers another request 
(such as opening another tab), the browser is stuck and essentially hangs 
waiting for a connection to become available. This is a serious usability 
issue. Is there something that I need to do to improve my proposal, so can 
effectively tackle this issue, and provide a means for authors to inform the 
user agents when a response is long-lived?


Re: Extra Connection Support Proposal

2008-02-22 Thread Kris Zyp

The problem has always existed, though.
The problem has always existed, but having long-lived responses for the 
purpose of the receiving messages from the server massively exacerbates the 
problem. Most responses are intended to be as short-lived as possible. Also, 
in the scenario you mentioned, if you click a link on a page with downloads 
happening, the browser can abort responses for images that are being 
downloaded, which immediately frees up connections. On the otherhand, if a 
couple connections are indefinitely open, and you open another tab that 
needs a connection, the browsers hangs... indefinitely.

Pipelining Control Proposal

2008-02-19 Thread Kris Zyp
Pipelining Control

HTTP Pipelining is when more than one outstanding request is sent over a 
single TCP connection, and it was introduced in HTTP 1.1. This 
proposal defines that XHR objects should be able to control whether or not 
they are pipelined. A pipeline property would be added to the XHR object. 
If pipeline property is set to true, when send is called, the XHR request 
SHOULD be pipelined over one of the currently active connection, even if all 
connections to the target server are currently waiting for a response. That is, 
the request should be pipelined if necessary to send it immediately. If 
there is an available connection is alive, but no responses are waiting, the 
request should be sent on this connection (just as a non-pipelined request 
would be). If the pipeline property is set to false, the XHR request SHOULD 
NOT be pipelined even if the user agent supports and would otherwise pipeline 
the request. The pipeline property may also be set to another XHR object 
with an open connection, in which case the request should be pipelined on 
that specific TCP connection. For example:

var xhr1 = new XMLHttpRequest();,/resource1,true);

var xhr2 = new XMLHttpRequest();,/resource2,true);
xhr2.pipeline = xhr1;

In this example, both requests should be sent over the same TCP connection. 
The GET for resource1 should be sent and the GET for resource2 should be 
pipelined behind the first request on the same connection.

If a connection has been marked as an extra connection with the 
property on the XHR object (see the extra connection proposal), that connection
should not be used for pipelined requests unless another XHR request explicitly 
specifies that connection, in which case that XHR request SHOULD be pipelined 
on that connection. (This is because the extra connection request is generally 
to be used
for long-lived responses that are kept open for server-sent messages. Requests 
are sent behind such a request may never receive a response, which should not 
the default behavior, but may be explicitly chosen to achieve full asynchronous 
duplex communication on a single TCP connection, a highly valuable capability 
channels with server-sent messages.)

If a network error occurs while servicing a request, any pipelined requests 
that are 
queued behind the first request SHOULD NOT automatically be retried by the user 
agent. A network error in response to the first request should cause an error 
condition for both the first XHR object and all subsequent pipelined XHR 
per normal XHR behavior. It is the responsible of the application author to 
the request if desired.

Note that RFC 2616 states that non-idempotent methods should not be 
pipelined. However, this SHOULD NOT be enforced by the user agent. Authors 
follow the recommendation of RFC 2616, but if they do not and choose to 
pipeline a non-idempotent request, the user agent should oblige. 

Extra Connection Support Proposal

2008-02-19 Thread Kris Zyp
Extra Connection Support

The XMLHttpRequest should define a property called extraConnection. When 
extraConnection is set to true, it indicates that this XHR object's 
connection SHOULD NOT be counted against the user agent's connection limit. 
That is if the user agent adheres to the two-connection limit as recommended 
by RFC 2616 section 8.1.4, it SHOULD allow two connections not counting this 
XHR object's connection. If the user agent has other or additional connection 
limits, this connection should not be counted in the accounting for these 
connection limits.

Only one XHR object should be allowed to gain extra connection status per 
document per server. Each document in the browser may be permitted one extra 
connection per server. Within a document if an XHR object has an extra 
connection status for, no other XHR objects may have extra 
connection status for that server until the first XHR object has terminated 
it's connection. However, another XHR object may have extra connection 
status to Each document in the browser should have it's own set 
of extra connections for XHR objects. This limitation is intended to prevent 
a vector of denial of service attacks.

To gain extra connection status, the extraConnection property on the XHR 
object can be set to true. When it is set to true, if the XHR object is 
allowed to gain extra connection status (no other XHR objects currently have 
extra connection status in this document for the specified target server), 
the XHR object will be given extra connection status and subsequent access 
to the property will return true. If the XHR object is not allowed to gain 
extra connection status, subsequent access to the property should return 
false. The following is an example of valid usage:

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();,/resource,true);
xhr.extraConnection = true;
var succesful = xhr.extraConnection;

Setting the extraConnection property should throw an exception if it is 
called before a URL is provided to the XHR object (through the open method 
or the constructor). The extra connection status remains in effect until the 
connection is closed (by network error on normal termination), at which point 
the property should return false.

Since the extraConnection property usually indicates that the response will be 
long-lived streaming response, user agents SHOULD NOT pipeline requests on this 
connection unless the author explicitly specifies such pipelines using 
control (see the Pipelining Control Proposal).

Multipart Support Proposal

2008-02-19 Thread Kris Zyp
Multipart Support

Multipart support specifies that when an XHR request is made with multipart 
enabled, the XHR response should be parsed as a multipart message, where 
each part triggers the XHR response sequence. Multipart handling is enabled 
by setting the multipart property on the XHR object to true. When the 
response begins to stream into the user agent, the XHR response sequence should 
be triggered for each part as it is received, and the user agent should not 
wait for the entire HTTP response to be received. When multipart is enabled, 
the user agent should perform multipart handling for responses with a MIME type 
of any multipart type. That is, when a response includes a Content-Type 
header with value of multipart/* where the subtype can be any value, then 
multipart handling should be performed.

When handling a multipart message, the XHR object should expose an 
additional property multipartState. The multipartState property should 
provide the status of the XHR request exactly as the readyState property 
would when multipart handling is not enabled. As each part is received is 
being received, the multipartState should be 3 and when the response is 
finished the multipartState should be 4.

The XHR object should also provide two additional methods, 
getPartHeader(headerName) and getAllPartHeaders(). These methods should 
provide access to the headers of each part. When a part is encountered, and 
the headers have been received (readyState of 2 or higher), the 
getPartHeader can be called to with a name of a header, and the method 
should return the value for that header within the currently processed part. 
The getAllPartHeaders can be called after the headers have been received and 
it should return the entirety of the header block text for that part.

When the leading boundary prior to each part is received, the 
onreadystatechange handler should be called with the readyState property set 
to 1, and responseText should be an empty string. When the headers have been 
received for the part (that is, two line breaks are encountered), the 
onreadystatechange handler should be called with the readyState property set 
to 2 and the getPartHeader and getAllPartHeaders should be able to return 
header information. When any of the content of the part is received, the 
onreadystatechange handler should be called with the readyState property set 
to 3 and the responseText property with the available content. This may be 
called multiple times as content is streamed in. When the ending boundary is 
encountered, the onreadystatechange handler should be called with the 
readyState property set to 4, and the responseText property with the content 
of the part and the onload handler should be called. Note that since the 
ending boundary is the starting boundary for the next part the beginning 
onreadystatechange handler should be called for the next part immediately 
following the last call for the previous part.

The following is an example of usage:
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;
xhr.multipart = true;,/resource, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange=function() {}

message/http Support
In addition to multpart/* handling, the message/http MIME
should also be handled. The message/http type consists of 1 or more
HTTP response messages. This format only differs from multipart/message
in that there are no boundaries. Boundaries are not necessary with HTTP
messages since each message defines it's own ending (via the 
Content-Length header or chunked encoding termination) so boundaries
are unnecessary overhead. Each HTTP message would be treated as a
part, with the responseText being set to the response entity and 
getPartHeader and getAllPartHeaders accessing the headers. In addition,
the XHR object's status and statusText properties would reflect the 
status values in each of the contained HTTP messages.

Differences from Mozilla Implementation

Multipart support has been implemented in Mozilla with some notable 
usability issues that are fixed in this proposal. First, there is no way to 
detect when a multipart response is finished since each part triggers a 
readyState of 4. Therefore this proposal adds a multipartState property 
provides overall response status. Second, Mozilla provides no access to the 
headers in each part. This is corrected by adding the getPartHeaders and 
getAllPartHeaders methods (which behave very similar to getResponseHeader 
and getAllResponseHeaders, except on the part instead of the whole 
response). Third, when multipart is enabled, Mozilla only handles responses 
with the MIME type of multipart/x-mixed-replace. This greatly limits the use 
of more meaningful and accurate MIME types such as multipart/mixed,
multipart/message, and message/http. This proposal removes this limitation 
and specifies that multipart handling can be used for any multipart response.

Re: Pipelining Control Proposal

2008-02-19 Thread Kris Zyp

Just about every feature available to web developers is non-uniformly 
available! Pipelining is vastly more broadly available than just about 
anything we have available to us. And arguments based on the unreliability 
of pipelining have still lacked any hard evidence. Dropping a proposal 
shouldn't be based on FUD.
The bottom line is even if some proxies don't handle pipelining, application 
authors should have the choice. Authors are aware of the risks and can make 
informed decisions when other browser features aren't uniformly available, 
and they should have the choice in this matter as well. We shouldn't just 
assume that all developers are stupid and just throw are hands up in despair 
that we can never have pipelining. That won't lead to progress. This is our 
best opportunity to have an inroad to pipelining, via consenting authors.

- Original Message - 
From: Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: Pipelining Control Proposal

I would be very worried about implementing this feature in a browser since 
it runs a very big risk of creating websites that only work for some users. 
I.e. for users with a direct connection to the server the website would 
work fine, but for users sitting behind a proxy or a firewall the site 
would break.

I doubt we can expect web authors to appropriately write fallback code 
when in their testing pipelineing will work fine.

/ Jonas

Kris Zyp wrote:

Pipelining Control

HTTP Pipelining is when more than one outstanding request is sent over a
single TCP connection, and it was introduced in HTTP 1.1. This
proposal defines that XHR objects should be able to control whether or 
they are pipelined. A pipeline property would be added to the XHR 

If pipeline property is set to true, when send is called, the XHR request
SHOULD be pipelined over one of the currently active connection, even if 
connections to the target server are currently waiting for a response. 
That is, the request should be pipelined if necessary to send it 
immediately. If
there is an available connection is alive, but no responses are waiting, 
request should be sent on this connection (just as a non-pipelined 
would be). If the pipeline property is set to false, the XHR request 
NOT be pipelined even if the user agent supports and would otherwise 

the request. The pipeline property may also be set to another XHR object
with an open connection, in which case the request should be pipelined on
that specific TCP connection. For example:

var xhr1 = new XMLHttpRequest();,/resource1,true);

var xhr2 = new XMLHttpRequest();,/resource2,true);
xhr2.pipeline = xhr1;

In this example, both requests should be sent over the same TCP 

The GET for resource1 should be sent and the GET for resource2 should be
pipelined behind the first request on the same connection.

If a connection has been marked as an extra connection with the 
property on the XHR object (see the extra connection proposal), that 
should not be used for pipelined requests unless another XHR request 
specifies that connection, in which case that XHR request SHOULD be 
on that connection. (This is because the extra connection request is 
generally to be used
for long-lived responses that are kept open for server-sent messages. 
Requests that
are sent behind such a request may never receive a response, which should 
not be
the default behavior, but may be explicitly chosen to achieve full 
duplex communication on a single TCP connection, a highly valuable 

channels with server-sent messages.)
 If a network error occurs while servicing a request, any pipelined 
requests that are
queued behind the first request SHOULD NOT automatically be retried by 
the user
agent. A network error in response to the first request should cause an 
condition for both the first XHR object and all subsequent pipelined XHR 
per normal XHR behavior. It is the responsible of the application author 
to retry

the request if desired.
Note that RFC 2616 states that non-idempotent methods should not be
pipelined. However, this SHOULD NOT be enforced by the user agent. 
Authors should

follow the recommendation of RFC 2616, but if they do not and choose to
pipeline a non-idempotent request, the user agent should oblige.

Re: Extra Connection Support Proposal

2008-02-19 Thread Kris Zyp

As with pipelining, I think this would be better handled at the HTTP 
level than the XHR API level. We could define response headers for a 
server to indicate that it allows more than two connections per  client, 
or alternately that a specific connection should not count  towards the 

I don't have a big problem with this being defined by headers, that seems 
reasonable. It is worth noting that doesn't achieve quite the same effect as 
doing it in XHR since there is time elapsed between the time the request is 
made and the response headers are received. If two connections are currently 
servicing responses, and third connection wishes to declare itself as an 
extra connection, from the client side this could be delivered immediately, 
but with header based permission, it would have to wait it's turn.
That being said, I don't think these are terrible issues, and a fixing it at 
the HTTP level is fine with me.

Re: multipart, server-sent events, and

2008-02-19 Thread Kris Zyp

state of these issues. I will do my best to find whatever information  I 
I appreciate that, I will try to research it as well. Five years is a long 
time in on the web, a lot could have changed.

Some evidence I have turned up with a little research:
Opera supports pipelining by default. Firefox allows users to enable 
pipelining and according to Robert, it will be enabled by default. This 
indicates that pipelining has been tested by browsers in the wild, it is not 
without some validity. They both use heuristics to determine if pipelining 
is appropriate. This most notable heuristic is disabling pipelining for IIS 
servers, which is another case where origin server knowledge properly 
facilitates informed consent.

where it will fail, it cannot detect the failure up front or even  after 
the fact. The result of proceeding in the face of failure will  not be a 
clear failure but rather data corruption.

While less than 1% of users may experience these kinds of problems, an
Once again, why not let authors make this decision? There are other browser 
quirks that lead to unpredicable results. If developers think %1 is worth 
risk, they should be able to do that. There may be clever ways to work 
around these issues that we haven't even thought of yet. And once again some 
developers are developing for intranets where the routes are controlled. Why 
penalize them due to uncertainties on the open internet?
XMLHttpRequest is much different than having some menu option to enable 
pipelining. Many web developers use frameworks that wrap XHR, but those that 
actually directly interact with XHR are usually doing so because they want 
precise control of their requests. Why not let them have it? They can read 
the literature on how dangerous it is and choose if it is worth it. The fact 
that Opera and now Firefox are doing so broadly certainly would suggest that 
it is a valid enough choice that devs could at least opt-in.

I would ask further why HTTP pipelining is especially more important  for 
XHR than for normal fetching of HTTP resources. Fundamentally, it  is 
nothing more than a performance optimization, and even the most  AJAXey of 
sites makes many more ordinary resource requests than XHR  requests.
I am not opposed to pipelining of all resources, but XHR provides an API for 
opt-in, so devs can explicitly choose to pipeline. Second, sometimes 
pipelining can actually be detrimental, if a slow resource ends up having 
several requests that become queued behind it. With explicit pipelining, 
developers can have control and ensure the correct delegation of pipeline 
requests for optimum efficiency. Finally, in particular with comet-style 
long-lived responses, being able to control pipelining is even more 
important. One can pipeline requests over the long-lived response connection 
to create a duplex communication over a single TCP connection. One can 
pipeline requests to another connection to ensure that responses are 
received properly. There is simply no way to do this efficiently otherwise, 
and comet-style communication requires two connections for duplex 
conversation even though it is fully with the means of HTTP do it over a 
single connection.

I think we need some research before making a decision either way. I  just 
wanted to make clear the nature of the risks, and in particular  that 
content author opt-in was not sufficient to fully mitigate them.
Freedom is not intended to be a risk mitigation. Opt-in is a choice to 
accept risk, not mitigate it.
appropriate for this purpose. So I would propose that we define an  HTTP 
response header field of Connection: pipeline to indicate that  the 
server supports pipelining and encourages its use for this  particular 
I don't think this is a bad idea. But for the reasons stated above, I still 
think it is important to have an XHR API to suggest pipelining.

Thanks for your feedback.

Re: multipart, server-sent events, and

2008-02-15 Thread Kris Zyp

Hmm, I wouldn't think so because that would be tunneling.

The difference between message separation with MIME multi-parts and HTTP 
messages is that multi-parts are separated by boundaries and HTTP messages 
are generally encapsulated by Content-Length (other ways too). The 
difference in efficiency is actually probably a wash. I just believe the 
semantics of HTTP messages are highly meaningful on the web. 
multipart/message is another another multipart format that indicates each 
part may have more headers than simply Content-Type (and transfer encoding), 
and therefore is more flexible than multipart/mixed, IMO...

Anyhow, it
doesn't really matter, as I wasn't necessarily trying to define
something new.  I was - in a round about way - trying to ask whether
it was worth living with the limitations of x-mixed-replace if there
was only one implementation of it around.  If other browsers support
it, then I'd guess it is worth it.  Alex says it almost works in
Safari - presumbly via Webkit functionality - so that's a bunch of
browsers there.

Even if it is based on a current implementation, the standard will be new, 
and it seems like we might as well as allow for other content types that are 
more reasonable than x-mixed-replace. It is not high-cost and it seems like 
good progress towards a more sane future.

 doing per-document connection accounting all the time would certainly 
not be

 opposed by us.

I wonder if this is really necessary, since due to the same-domain
constraint, publishers already have a large degree of control over how
many connections their servers see since they're authoring the pages
that create those connections.  I haven't given this as much thought
as you guys though, so perhaps I'm missing something.

Publishers don't have control over how many tabs the user opens for the same 
site though. Four tabs to the same site means that the each tag/page may 
want it's own persistent connection to the server, but it is still one 

 Another functionality that I believe would be extremely valuable to 
 for XHR would be HTTP pipelining control. Most browsers do not provide 
 pipelining because of compatibility concerns and performance 
implications of

 improperly order requests.

I thought it was just that most proxies don't support it on the
outbound connection.And I've never seen any ordering problems from
the support, or lack thereof, of pipelining.

Yes, this is true. But browsers (at least firefox) do use heuristics to 
determine whether or not to pipeline requests (even when it is enabled). 
Admittedly, I don't what those heuristics are, but I presumed they were 
guesses about the extent of support. Also pipelining can possibly slow 
things down if a certain request takes a long time and it has requests 
stacked behind (that otherwise would have been diverted to another 
connection). All of these things web devs could have knowledge and control 
over though, and so opt-in pipelining could avoid these issues.

FWIW, I suspect pipelining control could be targeted for XHR2.

Would you be able to write this up as a concrete proposal for
additions to one or both of the existing XHR spec or the (TBD) XHR2

Yes. Are you referring specifically to pipelining, or other matters 
discussed? Either I will do that.

Thank you,