Re: [XHR] referencing HTML5

2008-05-19 Thread Stewart Brodie

Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, 16 May 2008, Julian Reschke wrote:
  If yes, then XHR can't be published earlier. If no, let's rephrase stuff

  so that HTML5 isn't required.
 No, this isn't accurate. We can publish XHR whenever we like. The only 
 thing that would stop us is blind obediance to process.

Conversely, completely ignoring the process is not an option either.  I
don't think that's what you're suggesting, though.

 In practice [having XHR depend on HTML5] is unlikely to be an issue since
 the goal is to get interoperable implementations, not a slavish drive to
 REC, and thus waiting for years at CR stage is not a problem.

I agree with that.  CSS2.1 has been at CR stage, gone back to WD for a few
years, and back to CR again.

I suspect that it will be a very long time before HTML5 is complete.

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Re: XHR LC comment: Accept header went from MUST NOT to SHOULD

2008-05-19 Thread Stewart Brodie

Julian Reschke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jonas Sicking wrote:
  If */* is semantically the same as not sending the header at all, and 
  the former works with more servers, I would prefer that we use the
 I would prefer not to silently change what the client requested.

It's semantically equivalent - it does not change the request, in the same
way that adding the Connection header does not change the request.  It's not
like we're requiring that the UA add something that changes the meaning
(even though that's what some of the desktop browser vendors seem to be
doing anyway!)

 If a server can't cope with it (evidence, please!), fix it.

Some older versions of Microsoft IIS are the servers that I've come across
that fail to cope with it.  It is unrealistic to expect these to be
undeployed any time soon.  The comment in my code does not specify version
numbers - it simply indicates that a lack of an Accept header causes some
versions of IIS to return a None Match error.  On that basis, and because
sending Accept: */* fixes the problem, I am assuming that the fault lies
in the content negotation code.

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Re: XHR LC comment: Accept header went from MUST NOT to SHOULD

2008-05-19 Thread Stewart Brodie

Julian Reschke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Stewart Brodie wrote:
  If a server can't cope with it (evidence, please!), fix it.
  Some older versions of Microsoft IIS are the servers that I've come
  across that fail to cope with it.  It is unrealistic to expect these to
  be undeployed any time soon.  The comment in my code does not specify
  version numbers - it simply indicates that a lack of an Accept header
  causes some versions of IIS to return a None Match error.  On that
  basis, and because sending Accept: */* fixes the problem, I am
  assuming that the fault lies in the content negotation code.
 Well, the client alway can set Accept to */* if it needs to
 communicate with that server.

That was my original point: the XHR LC explicitly prohibited the UA from
adding an Accept header.  That's why I requested that it be changed from a
MUST NOT requirement.  As far as I'm concerned, the UA has to be free to
implement such workarounds, especially any that are semantically

 Please do not burden the spec with workarounds when it is clearly *not*

I don't think it is being specified.  My original suggestion was to add
something saying that if the client chose to add the header then it SHOULD
use */* as the value.  Anne already rejected this on the grounds that
existing desktop browsers send arbitrary values for the header.  I don't
like that situation (I think those browsers are simply broken), but given
that the desktop browsers aren't going to change to comply, accepted that it
could be left unspecified.

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Re: [XMLHttpRequest] LC-20080415 comment

2008-05-12 Thread Stewart Brodie

Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, 16 Apr 2008 13:08:37 +0200, Stewart Brodie  
  In the last paragraph on send(data) (i.e. just above the start of the
  about the abort() method), there is a statement (which is missing the  
  word header at the end, but that's not the point I wish to raise)  :
it MUST NOT automatically set the Accept.
  I think that this is a bad idea, because some servers fail to deliver
  resources in the absence of the Accept header where the resource has
  multiple variants available.  Some older versions of IIS are known to  
  fail in this manner.  There may be others that I'm not aware of too,  
 I see. What you're stating seems also in line with browser behavior so I  
 have changed this to make Accept handling identical to that of  
 Accept-Language. Unless it is specified through setRequestHeader() the  
 user agent should provide it.


 I have not followed your request of requiring a particular value as that
 does not seem in line with implementations and seems needlessly
 restrictive. I hope that's ok.

I'm guessing that you mean that they add their own default Accept header? If
so, then I think those implementations are buggy.  However, given that
implementations vary in this respect already, then it'll have to be OK.

The only reason I suggested forcing implementations to use */* as the
value for an automatically added header is that it preserves the semantics
of the request, since this is the default to be assumed by HTTP servers in
the absence of the header (RFC2396, section 14.1).

Should clients be warned that failing to set an Accept header explicitly
will lead to inconsistent behaviour between different UAs?  By using values
other than */*, the UA is overriding the script's type preference, as it
restricts the types that the server may return - behaviour which I would
class as a bug.  The UA isn't going to be processing the returned entity
body - the script is.  I realise that the whole problem is caused by the new
SHOULD requirement in the first place, but, unfortunately, it is needed for
web compatibility.

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Re: ISSUE-123: Should DOM Level 3 Events support namespaced events?

2008-04-24 Thread Stewart Brodie

Web APIs Issue Tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ISSUE-123: Should DOM Level 3 Events support namespaced events?
 Raised by: Anne van Kesteren
 On product: DOM 3 Events
 There are several reasons for dropping namespaced events as we discussed
 during today's telcon:
 * Browser vendors have not implemented them

Large desktop browser vendors have not implemented them.  I implemented them
in our browser - it was a trivial job.

 * There has been very little to no demand from Web developers for these

Out of interest, how has demand, or lack of it, been established? Is it from
postings to this mailing list or via some other mechanism?

 * Implementing this feature increases QA cost

That is true for any change, whether it be a feature or bug fix, though.

 * Implementing this feature increases the complexity of the Web platform

In other standards, the need to namespace has been ignored initially and had
to be hacked on later. XML has done it like this, CSS has done it like this
(well, it is trying to, but it is struggling to maintain backward-compatible

I do not believe that namespaced events introduce much complexity to the web
platform at all, provided that they are added now.  It is vital that if the
APIs under consideration for enumerating event listeners ever come to pass
(and I think that's a bad idea for several reasons), that namespaces are put
in Events first, because trying to retrofit namespaces after that will
definitely add a great deal of complexity and QA cost.

Introducing vast amounts of complexity has not stopped the development of
other features (HTML5, for example), so given the minimal impact that this
feature has, I don't see adding to the complexity of the web platform as
an issue here.

 The main argument in favor seems to be libraries being able to distinguish
 event types from each other. Given that they currently use a simple string
 for this purpose (, etc.) and that seems to work fine having
 namespaces does not seem necessary here.

You probably ought to insist on a full domain name - in which case, you
might as well use namespaces anyway, as that's what they're for.

If you choose to drop this feature, then you must also add a statement to
the effect that any new events that appear in W3C standards will have
org.w3c. on the front of the name to avoid collisions with other content.

 There's also not infinite libraries and you won't use infinite libraries
 on a Web page so the advantage seems really slim.

Infinite libraries is not the real issue.  It's two libraries trying to use
events with the same name collision that's the problem, especially when
unknown third party content is injected into other content (e.g. advertising
content is often under the control of a third party).  It is not acceptable
to then demand that one (or both) of the parties alter their content - they
will say that it works for them and they don't want to incur a huge QA cost

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Re: [XMLHttpRequest] LC-20080415 comment

2008-04-17 Thread Stewart Brodie

Subbu Allamaraju [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Apr 16, 2008, at 4:08 AM, Stewart Brodie wrote:
  I think that this is a bad idea, because some servers fail to deliver
  resources in the absence of the Accept header where the resource has
  multiple variants available.  Some older versions of IIS are known  
  to fail
  in this manner.  There may be others that I'm not aware of too,  
 Since sending Accept is not a MUST in 2616, isn't this kind of  
 software already broken?

Absolutely.  However, the reality of the situation is that browsers have to
be able to access resources stored on these somewhat widely-deployed

I cannot ship a browser that cannot talk to IIS.  The XHR spec prohibits me
from adjusting the request such that it can.

My suggested change is semantically transparent, as the server is supposed
to assume Accept: */* in the absence of the header anyway.

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Re: [selectors-api] Handling :link and :visited Pseudo Classes

2008-04-16 Thread Stewart Brodie

Lachlan Hunt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The current Selectors API draft states:
... user agents may treat all links as unvisited links, or implement
 other measures to preserve the user’s privacy.

 I'm considering adjusting the spec to allow just two options, and making 
 IE8's behaviour non-conforming.
 1. Match unvisited and visted links normally with :link and :visited, 
 2. Match all links with :link, and no links with :visted (i.e. treat all 
 links as unvisited)
 Feedback from implementers on this issue, particularly from Microsoft, 
 would be appreciated.

Option 2 is what I do - primarily because there is usually no global history
available with which to evaluate the visitedness of links anyway (the
history is a configurable option that I don't believe any of our users ever

 Another option would be to effectively treat :link and :visited as
 synonymous and match all links with both, but I'm not so comfortable with

I don't think that you can do that safely, as it changes the specification -
specifically, it removes the guarantee that something can never match both
the :visited and :link psuedos at the same, which could break existing
content in subtle ways.

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Re: What is Microsoft's intent with XDR vis-à-vis W3C? [Was: Re: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests]

2008-03-27 Thread Stewart Brodie

Sunava Dutta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 IE would like to propose XDR as a new (Rec-track) spec for the Web API WG.

Whatever you decide to do, please could you choose a different acronym, as
XDR is already used for encoding in RPC.

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Re: Extra Connection Support Proposal

2008-02-19 Thread Stewart Brodie

Kris Zyp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  As with pipelining, I think this would be better handled at the HTTP 
  level than the XHR API level. We could define response headers for a 
  server to indicate that it allows more than two connections per  client,

  or alternately that a specific connection should not count  towards the 
 I don't have a big problem with this being defined by headers, that seems
 reasonable. It is worth noting that doesn't achieve quite the same effect
 as doing it in XHR since there is time elapsed between the time the
 request is made and the response headers are received. If two connections
 are currently servicing responses, and third connection wishes to declare
 itself as an extra connection, from the client side this could be
 delivered immediately, but with header based permission, it would have to
 wait it's turn. That being said, I don't think these are terrible issues,
 and a fixing it at the HTTP level is fine with me. Kris

XHR is an application-level protocol.  I am not in favour of permitting XHR
clients control over connection-level properties.  The HTTP code should be
responsible for pipelining and connection management - it is absolutely no
concern of the application layer how it achieves its objective, which is
simply the transmission of an HTTP request message and reception of an HTTP
response message.

If the application layer wishes to provide hints that particular features
should be avoided, then that would be fine - provided that the HTTP
implementation is permitted to ignore the hint.  The same goes for cacheing
- it needs to be hints from the application, not control.

My HTTP code contains adaptive behaviour to deliver the optimum results
based on prior history with the servers and proxies with which it is
communicating.  I'm sure other HTTP clients do similar things.  A major part
of this is working around known bugs in servers (like the aforementioned
failures to support pipelining correctly) and a much lesser part (because
the capabilities of conditionally using features are built into HTTP
already) taking advantage of features, where possible.

My code will tend to assume the worst, until it gets evidence that a given
feature works.  I do not want to permit the application layer to override my
decision not to use pipelining, persistent connections, HTTP/1.1 etc. and
cause a breakage by doing so.

IMHO, allowing application layers control over low-level communications
leads to inoperability, surprising behavioural differences in different
environments, and makes proper testing of the application as a whole pretty

Stewart Brodie

Re: Minutes, DOM3 Events telcon for 6 Feb 2008

2008-02-07 Thread Stewart Brodie

Doug Schepers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi, WebAPI fans-
 Here are the minutes for the DOM3 Events telcon for 6 Feb 2008. Sorry 
 for the funky formatting.

 [2:47pm] aemmons: CM: I could not find a DOM Level 2 events test
 [2:47pm] aemmons: DS: I do not think one exists
 [2:47pm] aemmons: CM: How wass this tested in the past?
 [2:47pm] aemmons: DS: Not sure
 [2:47pm] aemmons: CM: How did it become a Recommendation
 [2:48pm] aemmons: Av: The requirements were more loose at that time
 [2:48pm] aemmons: CM: Should we have tests for DOM Level 2 Events?
 [2:48pm] aemmons: DS: May be useful, where there is overlap

There is an existing test suite for DOM Level 2 events and DOM Level 3
events.  It's in the CVS server on in the 2001/DOM-Test-Suite
component.  That's what I use to test our implementation.

It doesn't test some of what I would consider the more obscure aspects of
DOM Level 3 events - no doubt because none of the large desktop vendors
support it yet.

 [2:53pm] aemmons: Av: The biggest problem is that it requires
 namespaces on events
 [2:53pm] aemmons: Av: I do not think people are implementing the
 [2:54pm] aemmons: DS: I understand that there are people who dislike
 [2:55pm] aemmons: DS: I am not sure it is a blocker for the spec
 [2:55pm] aemmons: Av: It is the think we do not see people
 [2:55pm] aemmons: Av: It does not make sense for us to ship it if
 others do not as well

I have implemented everything in DOM Level 3 events except for event groups.
Namespaces are incredibly simple to support.

** NOTE: I've taken this next quote out of context from the transcript: **
 [2:54pm] aemmons: DS: I am sure Microsoft will be involved in this

I'd really like it if IE implemented DOM events (level 2, let alone level 3)
None of the tests I've ever tried on it have done anything, leading me to
believe it doesn't support DOM events at all.  Does it?

 [2:56pm] aemmons: DS: Another thing is - do authors want this?
 [2:56pm] aemmons: Av: Poeple hardly use namespaced elements, which
 have been around a long time
 [2:57pm] aemmons: AE: We've found them useful for content that uses

It is very useful when you are building content that is going to be a
component of a larger framework and may need to interwork with other third
party content.

Our TV UI content can happily use whatever event names it likes, because it
will have used a separate namespace to avoid any potential clashes with
other systems.

 [2:58pm] aemmons: DS: We need to make sure the spec is consistent
 and in publishable form
 [2:58pm] aemmons: DS: Good test suite
 [2:58pm] aemmons: DS: And that Key Events are acceptable for all the

TBH, I think that the whole area of Key events is a total mess.  I don't
understand the reluctance to at least document the keypress event, which
is what the vast majority of content on the web seems to rely on, rather
than just keyup and keydown.  None of the HTML authors I've spoken to have
ever heard of textInput.

 [3:05pm] aemmons: DS: Because most people doing web content, our
 focus should be ECAMScript for testing

The aforementioned test suites already run within the JSUnit framework, just
like the Core and HTML tests.

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Re: [XHR] send doesn’t explain what to do w hen method is GET

2007-12-14 Thread Stewart Brodie

Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anne van Kesteren wrote:
  On Mon, 10 Dec 2007 15:47:37 +0100, Maciej Stachowiak [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  3) The spec as written doesn't state nothing, it appears to clearly 
  require sending an entity body and does not allow ignoring the body or 
  throwing an exception regardless of what is allowed per RFC. So some 
  change is needed, one way or another.
  Ok. How about we add a step 5 of the send() algorithm that states that 
  additional requirements in RFC 2616 are also to be taken into account. 
  That should effectively defer the issue to RFC 2616.
 Does any currently released browse include the body when doing an XHR 
 GET request? If a big majority of them currently drop the body, then it 
 seems like it would help interoperability if the spec explicitly stated 
 that the body should be dropped.
 IMHO this wouldn't be going against RFC 2616 as it's the application, 
 not the network layer, that drops the body.

Under no circumstances will my code permit an entity body to be sent as part
of a request for an object that is going to be requested via GET or HEAD.
It's just asking for trouble.  It also will not permit related headers to be
set (Content-Length, Transfer-Encoding et al will be dropped)

I never understood what I should do when an XMLHttpRequest object is
presented with data to send and the method was GET or HEAD.  Currently, I
convert the data to a UTF-8 string and store it as the query field of the
URI, as that seemed the most useful thing to do (particularly the the data
attribute was a string or something that was easily stringified).

I did briefly also consider automatically converting the method to POST, but
decided that that was simply dangerous.

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Re: [XHR] i18n comment 8: content negotiation handling

2007-11-29 Thread Stewart Brodie

Alexey Proskuryakov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 on 29.11.2007 20:16, Anne van Kesteren at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I think it actually makes sense to require user agents to not set the
  Accept-Language as appropriate so that content authors can do that.
 The author does not have access to browser or OS defaults, so I think that
 the UA should set Accept-Language, but not override one specified by the

I concur - it's not at all like Accept in this regard.

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Re: [XHR] i18n comment 8: content negotiation handling

2007-11-29 Thread Stewart Brodie

Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 18:47:02 +0100, Alexey Proskuryakov [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  on 29.11.2007 20:16, Anne van Kesteren at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I think it actually makes sense to require user agents to not set the
  Accept-Language as appropriate so that content authors can do that.
  The author does not have access to browser or OS defaults, so I think  
  that the UA should set Accept-Language, but not override one specified  
  by the
 Isn't that what navigator.language is for?

Do you think that content authors are going to bother setting the
Accept-Language request header on every XHR request that they make?

No, they are going to assume that the browser sets it automatically

I think it is a decent compromise to permit authors to set the header and
have that suppress the user agent's own header.

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Re: Window pointer

2007-11-19 Thread Stewart Brodie

Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, 17 Nov 2007 00:31:24 +0100, Subbu Allamaraju  
  But this can be done without requiring that a persistent pointer to the
  associated Window object must be stored on the newly created object. An
  implementation can store whatever it needs to resolve the URI argument.
  Isn't the requirement on the resolution and not on storing the pointer?
 I'm not sure what you mean. The URI is resolved the moment open() is  
 invoked. If between creating the XMLHttpRequest and invoking the open()  
 object the base URI of the document of the Window you have a pointer  
 towards changes that has to be taken into account. If that Window is  
 removed from the document (by removing the iframe that contains it) you 

 still need to have a pointer towards it to ensure that the URI is properly
 resolved. This is how Internet Explorer handles these cases based on these

In such a case of a window having been deleted, and consequently the
document within that window, what is the base URI?  Is it the base URI of
the last document that inhabited the window?

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Re: Window pointer

2007-11-19 Thread Stewart Brodie

Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 19 Nov 2007 12:00:35 +0100, Stewart Brodie  
  In such a case of a window having been deleted, and consequently the
  document within that window, what is the base URI?  Is it the base URI
  of the last document that inhabited the window?
 The Window is not deleted.

Does that go for the document too?

Does this mean that any Window whose document uses XMLHttpRequest will
continue to exist and consume resources until the entire browser process

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Re: Implementing HTMLDocument on all Documents (detailed review of the DOM)

2007-08-21 Thread Stewart Brodie

Simon Pieters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 21 Aug 2007 17:23:47 +0200, João Eiras [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  Does this make sense on Element? I mean, the class attribute and it's
  semantics are HTML/XHTML specific.
  The same goes for innerHTML. I agree there could be a generic property
  to access the markup directly, but innerHTML's name is out of context.
 innerHTML is actually not specific to HTML, despite its unfortunate name.
 In an XML context, innerHTML, on getting, returns a serialized string of
 the node's children, in XML syntax. On setting it parses the assigned
 string as XML and replaces the node's children with the parsed XML.

I assumed that what the document means is that if you have an XML document
and you have elements that are in the HTML namespace in that document, then
they should implement the HTMLElement interface, and thus have an innerHTML
property?   And nodes that are not in the HTML namespace do not have such a

If the suggestion is really that XML documents with XML elements in them
have an innerHTML properties on all the elements, then that's just awful
abuse of the name.  It'd be better to add an innerContent property to
Element that does the right thing, before people start using it.

I'd be in favour of moving most of those other properties from HTMLDocument
to Document that were listed earlier in the thread, though - at least it
would fix the rather anomalous 'domain' property (which ends up being
read-only on HTMLDocument and write-only on Document - or was it vice versa?
It's certainly confusing)

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Re: [XHR] can't get this.readyState to work

2007-08-14 Thread Stewart Brodie

Boris Zbarsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In Gecko 1.9 ['this'] will be bound to the XMLHttpRequest object.
 Similarly, will be the XMLHttpRequest object in 1.9.

Out of curiousity, why has not always been the XMLHttpRequest
object (in Gecko)?  Was it simply an oversight?

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Re: [XHR2] letting authors handle more response codes

2007-08-06 Thread Stewart Brodie

Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 06 Aug 2007 16:07:16 +0200, Stewart Brodie  
  I don't think that introducing a new event for each (currently known!)
  response code is a good idea.  Use the readystatechange event instead.
 It's not about currently known. It's about response codes for which the  
 XMLHttpRequest object has special behavior. That's a limited range of  
 response codes (listed in my opening post).

Are you seriously considering special casing each individual response code
as and when a case is made for it being useful for the client?

I think that to do that is just asking for ongoing trouble.  Just make it
generic: create a new event if you don't want to re-use the already
overburdened, overloaded and Byzantine readystatechange event. It'll be
easier to implement and forward compatible, so the problem'll be solved for
all time.

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Re: [XMLHttpRequest] Change to SENT state

2007-06-26 Thread Stewart Brodie

Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 25 Jun 2007 14:25:36 +0200, Stewart Brodie  
  So now you get *three* events dispatched immediately one after the other
  when doing a HEAD request.  Still, since the spec is just documenting  
  IE's behaviour, you don't have a choice, I suppose.
 With XMLHttpRequest 2 you can just listen to the load event. I agree that 

 the situation with readystatechange is far from optimal.
  Are you going to change all the methods like getRequestHeader so that  
  they are now valid in state HEADERS_RECEIVED - it would be just bizarre 

  to issue an event saying that we've got the complete HTTP header and  
  then prohibit
  the reading of the HTTP status and headers until the entity body has  
  started arriving.
 All methods? I changed getResponseHeader and getAllResponseHeaders. The  
 specification does not define getRequestHeader.

I'm sorry - my brain wasn't in gear properly yesterday.  I didn't mean
getRequestHeader.  I meant getResponseHeader(), getAllResponseHeaders(),
status and statusText.

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Re: [XMLHttpRequest] Change to SENT state

2007-06-25 Thread Stewart Brodie

Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Feedback from Microsoft pointed out that the SENT state is in fact the  
 state that indicates that all HTTP headers have been received and that  
 LOADING indicates that the first few bytes of the response entity body are
 in. As a result, I renamed SENT to HEADERS_RECEIVED in the editor's draft 

 and slightly changed the send() algorithm:;%20charset=utf-8
 Kind regards,

So now you get *three* events dispatched immediately one after the other
when doing a HEAD request.  Still, since the spec is just documenting IE's
behaviour, you don't have a choice, I suppose.

Are you going to change all the methods like getRequestHeader so that they
are now valid in state HEADERS_RECEIVED - it would be just bizarre to issue
an event saying that we've got the complete HTTP header and then prohibit
the reading of the HTTP status and headers until the entity body has started

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Re: Recent spec change to XMLHttpRequest default Content-Type

2007-06-15 Thread Stewart Brodie

Carsten Orthbandt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's obviously no big deal to re-add [Content-Type headers]. The point is
 that all available material said that stripping Content-Type would be fine
 and in fact it was. Now it's not and I suspect that we are not the only
 ones to get bitten by it. A webapp that spews hundreds of red errors in
 Firefox is simply not an option.

My company's firewall blocks all incoming HTTP responses that do not contain
a valid Content-Type.  I suspect that we are not alone in doing this.

If you are selling such an application, would your customers find it
acceptable that people couldn't access it?

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Re: [XMLHttpRequest] SENT state (readState = 2)

2007-05-29 Thread Stewart Brodie

Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I made which  
 shows that Opera switches to readyState = 2 when transmitting something  
 large over the wire where Internet Explorer and Firefox (haven't tested  
 Safari) stay in readyState = 1 until the whole transaction is over. This  
 seems to indicate that readyState = 2 is pretty much useless and just  
 becomes a required state to visit before going to state 3. I will update  
 the specification soonish to reflect this unless implementors (or someone 

 who can convince implementors) want to do it differently.

What happens if you write a CGI script at the server that deliberately waits
a bit between receiving the request and sending the response?  Do IE  FF
switch to state 2 at *that* point?  (i.e. indicating that it's finished
sending the request but it hasn't received the response headers back yet)

I prefer Opera's behaviour, FWIW.  I don't like the idea that if you have
scripting that is checking up on the state of the XHR object, then it will
find that the readyState is still OPEN when actually you've already invoked
the send() method.

The problem is that an additional state is probably needed (SENDING) that
covers the period of time during which the client is transmitting the
request between OPEN and SENT.  You already know that I strongly disagree
with the spurious readystatechange events when the ready state hasn't
changed.  I wonder if this is what those spurious events are actually for -
to cover up the lack of a separate state between OPEN and SENT?

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Re: Method overloading in IDL

2007-05-21 Thread Stewart Brodie

Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 21 May 2007 03:33:39 +0200, Cameron McCormack [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  Implementors that use the IDL to generate code for the implementations:
  which would you prefer?
 Do implementors use the IDL directly or do they modify it before using it?
 In the latter case making the specification easier to write and read makes
 sense to me... Implementors that have ECMAScript support can also benefit 

 as they can probably auto-generate more code if ECMAScript properties  
 becomes part of the new IDL syntax.

We don't auto-generate anything directly from the IDL, not least because of
the sort of problems outlined earlier in this thread.  Instead, we have our
own internal XML format that serves the same purpose that we use to generate
our DOM bindings headers, to drive automatic type coercions, and to build
documentation of exactly which methods, constants, interfaces and properties
are implemented.

There is just too much DOM0 stuff that we need to support that isn't in the
IDL in the later DOM specifications anyway.  Trying to reverse engineer that
into IDL format doesn't sound like a lot of fun.

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Re: The XMLHttpRequest Object comments

2007-05-08 Thread Stewart Brodie

Chris Lilley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tuesday, May 8, 2007, 12:11:38 AM, Innovimax wrote:
 IS I agree that it seems strange to have an XMLHttpRequest that
 IS does not support XML at all !!
 I agree that an XHR with no XML support does not make sense. Which
 means XML must be supported. On the other hand, that does not mean
 that XML is the only content that can be transported with it.

I do not agree that it does not make sense - this is a generic mechanism for
accessing URIs.  Requiring simple textual data to be transmitted and
received as XML would be a huge burden on embedded clients, for example.

I don't see why HTTP is mandatory either, to be honest, although I accept
that that's what most scripts will use it for.

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Re: [XMLHttpRequest] Request for Last Call 2

2007-05-08 Thread Stewart Brodie

Re: the 8th May draft at;%20charset=utf-8

I like the reworking of the method descriptions to specify things
algorithmically.  However, I do not understand what is going on in the
send() method.

The send() event seems to have changed considerably since the previous
drafts that I saw.  I think that you need more explanation for the bizarre
readystatechange event during step 5 of the send() algorithm since, as the
note points out, the state hasn't changed.

I do not understand why the transition to state SENT is so complex.  In my
current implementation, calling send() (in such a way that no errors occur)
results in the state being set to SENT immediately and a single
readystatechange event being raised.

I think the above point may be answerable by providing a definition for has
been successfully acknowledged in step 7.

Is the purpose of the send() flag simply to cover the period of time
between the invocation of the send() method and the transition to state
SENT?  Why is there a period of time during which this can occur?

My implementation cannot work synchronously - and such operation is highly
undesirable in embedded devices anyway.  Currently, this is dealt with by
raising NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR in the open() call when the async parameter is
passed as false.  I can see that the converse may be true for other agents.
I think that implementations should be given this option.

I don't think you can leave open()'s step 10 dangling without a definition
of what the same-origin policy is, particularly since the document does now
link with the Window object document via which the base URI will be obtained
for the purposes of comparing the two URIs.  This is likely to cause
compatibility isues if different implementations use different rules.
However, I'd also like a get-out that permits user agents to suspend the
application of same-origin policy rules - or override the policy decision -
in circumstances that the UA defines.  I want the trusted content in my
(closed) system to be able to access anything it likes.

In the events section, what would it mean for an event on an XHR object to
bubble anyway?  Bubble to where?  What about the Capture phase - what other
objects will see the event?  I suppose this is more of an issue for the DOM
Events specification that here, though.

Finally, there's a typo in step 8 (receieved)

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Re: [XMLHttpRequest] Request for Last Call 2

2007-05-08 Thread Stewart Brodie

Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 08 May 2007 13:20:21 +0200, Stewart Brodie  
  The send() event seems to have changed considerably since the previous
  drafts that I saw. I think that you need more explanation for the  
  bizarre readystatechange event during step 5 of the send() algorithm  
  since, as the note points out, the state hasn't changed.
 This is matches what implementations do.

Which implementations?  It doesn't match what my implementation does.

  I do not understand why the transition to state SENT is so complex.  In 

  my current implementation, calling send() (in such a way that no errors 

  occur) results in the state being set to SENT immediately and a single
  readystatechange event being raised.
 That would be in error.

This is major change from the draft of February 27th which clearly stated
that readystatechange events are ONLY raised when the readyState changes

The new specification now prohibits the obvious behaviour.

Plus, it is extremely inconvenient to have to issue multiple events in
succession, as it introduces a whole raft of re-entrancy issues which
weren't present before, since assuming I send this new extra
readystatechange event in state OPEN, the event handler may well call

Furthermore, the steps for send() permit that event handler to call send()
again!  This must be a bug in the algorithm, surely?  I think you have to
move the setting of the If async is true, the user agent MUST set the
send() flag into a new step between steps 4 and 5, and update step 6 to If
the send() flag is true or the state is not OPEN, return from the send()
method call.  Even that is probably insufficient, come to think of it.  The
event handler may do abort(), and then open() before returning, which would
leave it in a valid state, but a completely different request.

All these problems go away if you remove the spurious event (in the async
case, at least)

Alternatively, you could introduce a new flag that is set whilst that event
is being dispatched, and then check that flag all over the place, and
introduce another flag that is set to indicate that the send method should
just silently stop executing when the event dispatch is completed.

  I think the above point may be answerable by providing a definition for 

  has been successfully acknowledged in step 7.
  Is the purpose of the send() flag simply to cover the period of time
  between the invocation of the send() method and the transition to state
  SENT?  Why is there a period of time during which this can occur?
 Because of current implementations, basically. (This hasn't changed much  
  from last Last Call, fwiw.)

I was referring to my printout of the draft of 27th February, which is
marked as the latest revision of the document (on

 However, it's not really clear what SENT exactly represents.

It is not clear what has been successfully acknowledged means either. Does
it mean that the URI accessing mechanism of the user agent has accepted
the request for processing?

Looking at it from a slightly different angle, what triggers the send()
algorithm to continue executing after step 6 in the async==true case?

 Someone suggested renaming it to REQUESTING or something, but it seems
 some (maybe more than some?) implementations just make sure they don't
 skip the state and basically go straight from OPEN to LOADING making sure
 they do SENT just before LOADING...

Yes, that's fine - I'm pleased that that is spelt out.

 The Microsoft documentation on MSDN seems to suggest that invoking send() 

 does indeed set the state of the object to SENT (2), but I've pointed out 

 to them that this is not what actually happens. They haven't informed me  
 what does, though.

Sounds to me like the person writing the documentation assumed the obvious
behaviour, but the implementation team broke it, then?

  My implementation cannot work synchronously - and such operation is
  highly undesirable in embedded devices anyway.  Currently, this is dealt
  with by raising NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR in the open() call when the async
  parameter is passed as false. I can see that the converse may be true
  for other agents. I think that implementations should be given this
 So you're proposing a Conforming non-synchronous user agent class or  
 something that throws an exception on .open() when async is false? I  
 rather not add such a thing.

I don't see why you have to go that far.  You already have several checks in
the open() algorithm for badly-formed methods and URIs, methods the UA
doesn't want to support etc.

Having just checked, the default value for async has been flipped in this
version of the specification too - it used to default to true, but this
one now says false (step 11 of the open() algorithm).

  I don't think you can leave open()'s step 10 dangling without a  
  definition of what the same-origin policy is, particularly since

Re: [XHR] send() stringification mechanisms of the host language

2007-04-02 Thread Stewart Brodie

Maciej Stachowiak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mar 30, 2007, at 2:31 PM, Simon Pieters wrote:
  In the send(data) algorithm, step 3, says:
 data is not a DOMString or Document
The stringification mechanisms of the host language must be  
  used on
data and the result must be treated as if data is a DOMString.
  I'm not sure what that means. For instance, if data is an Element,  
  would it be serialized with .outerHTML or similar? Could it be  
  clarified, or could an example be added, or, if the spec is fine  
  and it's just me being slow, be explained to me? :-)
 JavaScript has a toString conversion operation defined on all types.  
 For an HTML div element it would say [object HTMLDivElement] or  
 something similar.

OT: When it comes to Node and its subclasses, the resulting string depends
on the browser/JS engine - you cannot rely on it taking any specific form.

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

[XHR] Typos and comments

2007-03-01 Thread Stewart Brodie

These comments refer to the Feburary 27th Last Call version of the document.

Section 1.2: typo: conforming script: A script MUST satisfy the
**constrains** ...

Section 2.1: typo: In addition, when the state is not uninitialized, all
members of the object with the exception of **onreadystate** MUST be set to
... This should be onreadystatechange, presumably.

Section 2.1 send(): typo: Note: This means that in case of a HEAD request
the state is set to loaded immediately after having **being** set to
receiving.  Should be 'been', presumably missed after 'having' was added.

Section 2.1 send(): same note on HEAD: clarification:  I would like to see
an additional sentence prepending that one in the note that rams home the
point that you cannot skip states just because progress has been made
quicker than expected.  Something like: The object MUST pass through each
of those states and not omit any states due to reaching the next state
quickly.  Then the sentence about HEAD that follows is an example.  This
clarification would be useful for non-HTTP transports where results are
available instantly, for instance when file URIs are accessed.

Section 2.1 right at the end: HTTP requests from multiple different
XMLHttpRequest objects in succession SHOULD use a shared HTTP connection.

I think this statement fits better in the description of send() - it seems
rather lost in its current position, particularly since the main method that
it affects is send().

I also think that it should be a non-normative note and SHOULD should be
MAY, because this is a high-level specification that should not be
interfering with the user agent's low-level transport.

Section 2.1: the list of ignored headers: I really do not like the lack of
Connection in this list at all.  I don't see what value it affords the
application that the user agent's HTTP engine cannot already derive.

Section 2.1: the list of ignored headers: why is this not a MUST
requirement?  My HTTP implementation code will most certainly not permit
some of those headers to be set, specifically

Acknowledgements: typo: also to the WHATWG for **drafing** a first version

An administrative section typo that I assume is irrelevant because those
sections will change in the final document anyway:

Status of this document: This is the 27 February 2007 Last Call Working
Draft of The XMLHttpRequest Object **specifcation**.

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited