Re: FYI: review of draft-abarth-mime-sniff-03

2010-01-21 Thread Julian Reschke

Adam Barth wrote:

Thanks Larry.  I'm not subscribed to apps-discuss, so I might not see
discussion that takes place there.  I'm not sure what the best venue
for discussing the draft might be.  I suspect that public-html,
whatwg, or ietf-http-wg might have the most knowledgeable folks.

apps-discuss is the mailing list for the IETF Apps Area, which HTTPbis 
is part of. Thus I'd really recommend to subscribe (it has a low traffic 
volume currently).

That being said: that confusion can be avoided by noting in the Internet 
Draft where discussion should happen (optimally, on a mailing list that 
operates under the IETF IPR rules).

Best regards, Julian

Re: [WARP] Extending access to local network resources

2010-01-21 Thread Stephen Jolly
On 21 Jan 2010, at 07:18, Arve Bersvendsen wrote:
 On Thu, 14 Jan 2010 19:04:18 +0100, Stephen Jolly wrote:
 Anyway, the specific proposal I would like to make is for another special 
 value of the origin attribute of the access element in the widget 
 configuration document called link-local or similar, an associated special 
 value in the access-request list and an associated processing rule that says 
 that when the link-local value is specified, the user agent should grant 
 access to network resources on the same subnet(s) as the user agent.
 Just so we are on the same page here, by link-local, you mean exactly what 
 (for IPv4) is defined in RFC 3927, which roughly translates to «Two devices 
 connected directly, without involvment of DHCP» - a.k.a.

RFC 3927 defines a set of IPv4 addesses that are guaranteed to be either 
unreachable or assigned to other hosts on the local link.  Such hosts may have 
other addresses though, so I'm defining link-local to *any* address on the 
local subnet(s).  I believe that a user agent can determine this 
straightforwardly (by resolving the hostname in the requested resource's URL 
and comparing the routing prefix of the resulting IP address to the routing 
prefixes of the IP addresses of the host on which the user agent is running, be 
they IPv4 or IPv6 addresses).

Clearly the fact that a host can be connected to multiple networks, 
consecutively or simultaneously, needs to be taken into account when the policy 
and user interface for granting network access are implemented, as does the 
fact that some local networks can contain a large number of untrusted third 
parties: public WiFi hotspots or mobile data networks, for example.

 4. Clearly the local network and the local link are not necessarily the 
 same thing.  I'm proposing a solution targeting the latter because (a) it 
 actually has a useful definition and (b) I believe it to be sufficient for 
 the use cases I care about.
 Provided my understanding of link-local is in line with yours, I would prefer 
 a mechanism for accessing the local network.
 I look forward to your comments and criticisms - in particular I would like 
 to understand the holes that Arve says are opened by making a distinction 
 between local and remote IP addresses.
 To moderate my statement a bit - it's more a concern than a risk, when you at 
 all allow access to local network, and you have relaxed cross-domain 
 security, a maliciously crafted widget can potentially attack local 
 networking equipment such as routers. (This risk also exists on the web, but 
 is generally less practical, given that an attacker would be shooting blind 
 due to the same-origin-policy)

I agree that link-local security would not protect local network resources 
from maliciously crafted widgets, but I think that's unavoidable.  In this 
particular respect defining a link-local set of origins offers no additional 
security over simply using access origin=*/, I agree.  However, there are 
other respects in which additional security is provided (eg the user gains some 
control over the origins with which potentially private information can be 
shared), and there are other advantages (eg the user can be moderately 
confident that a video streaming application is only going to stream from the 
local network, rather than an expensive connection between the local network 
and the Internet).

 The other problem is one of the definition of local network not being 
 entirely clear - the archetypal definition is the IPv4 one with four reserved 
 IP ranges.  That definition breaks for IPv6, and it breaks for networks not 
 using NAT.  In order to have a useful definition, the network would have to 
 provide information about the locality of any given host a widget tries to 

I believe that the Unique Local Addresses defined by RFC 4193 are the IPv6 
equivalent to the reserved private network ranges in IPv4.  It might 
therefore be possible to define a set of non-globally-routable addresses for 
IPv4 and IPv6 similar to your definition of IPv4 private networks for Opera 
 but I think that a link-local restriction is a better match to my use cases.


Re: [WARP] Extending access to local network resources

2010-01-21 Thread Arve Bersvendsen
On Thu, 21 Jan 2010 12:45:46 +0100, Stephen Jolly wrote:

but I think that a link-local restriction is a better match to my use  

I'm wondering if you are able to share a few example use cases, to aid  
understanding of what you want to achieve.

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

[widgets] Draft Minutes for 21 January 2010 voice conference

2010-01-21 Thread Arthur Barstow
The draft minutes from the 21 January Widgets voice conference are  
available at the following and copied below:

WG Members - if you have any comments, corrections, etc., please send  
them to the public-webapps mail list before 4 February (the next  
Widgets voice conference); otherwise these minutes will be considered  

There will be no call on 28 January.

-Regards, Art Barstow



   - DRAFT -

   Widgets Voice Conference

21 Jan 2010



   See also: [3]IRC log



  Art_Barstow, Marcin_Hanclik, Steve_Jolly, Josh_Soref, Arve,

  Frederick_Hirsch, Marcos_Caceres, Robin_Berjon




 * [4]Topics
 1. [5]Review and tweak agenda
 2. [6]Announcements
 3. [7]WARP spec: LC comments
 4. [8]WARP spec: extending access to local network resources
 5. [9]URI Scheme spec: LC comments
 6. [10]View Modes Media Features spec
 7. [11]AOB
 * [12]Summary of Action Items

   scribe ScribeNick: ArtB

   scribe Scribe: Art

   Date: 21 January 2010

   marcin ups :)

   timeless_mbp Zakim: who is on?

Review and tweak agenda

   AB: the agenda was submitted on January 20 (
   17.html ). Any change requests?
   ... without Robin here, we will need to make some modifications



   AB: does anyone have any short announcements? The only one I have is
   that we will not have a call on January 27.

WARP spec: LC comments

   AB: the WARP LC (
   [14] ) comment
   period ended 13 January (
   ccess-20091208/ ). I believe we only received 2 comments, from
   Marcos and Dom.
   ... Marcos (Dec 21,
   72.html ) and Dom (Dec 10,
   [17] ).
   ... we can't proceed to CR until we have done the necessary
   round-tripping with the Commentors



   scribe ACTION: Robin process the LC comments for the WARP LC
   [recorded in

   trackbot Created ACTION-478 - Process the LC comments for the WARP
   LC [on Robin Berjon - due 2010-01-28].

   AB: everyone else in the WG is also encouraged to respond to the LC
   ... anything else on WARP LC?

   Steven-cwi Apologies for lateness

   scribe ACTION: barstow make sure all WG members know about the
   PAG's mail list [recorded in

   trackbot Created ACTION-479 - Make sure all WG members know about
   the PAG's mail list [on Arthur Barstow - due 2010-01-28].

WARP spec: extending access to local network resources

   AB: on January 14 StephenJ (SJ) started a thread (
   73.html ) re extending the access element to support local network
   ... Arve and Stephen continued that thread today. What's the status
   (I haven't yet caught up on today's e-mails)?


   SJ: I sent my proposal
   ... it is a starting point
   ... want to consider the local net
   ... want developers to be able to specify them as accessible
   ... Arve asked some questions
   ... I think it makes sense to create some UCs and I'll do that
   ... if people have other comments, that's good too

   Arve: for our impl at Opera, developers have been not understood
   very well the diff between local and non-local
   ... and have just given permission to everything because of the
   ... so that is something to consider

   SJ: needs to be at least one good UX to accept or reject local
   ... could be a number of networks available, especially in a mobile
   network (wifi, operator net, etc.)
   ... there is lots of more data that may be available

   Arve: I'm not sure how much we need to standardize

   SJ: how much info is needed for these UCs?


Re: [selectors-api] comments on Selectors API Level 2

2010-01-21 Thread Bert Bos
On Wednesday 20 January 2010, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
 Daniel Glazman wrote:
 I would recommend dropping the pseudo-class :scope and make a
  simpler model where a fictional :scope pseudo-class and a
  descendant combinator are prepended to all selectors passed as the
  argument of the corresponding APIs.

 There are cases where you will need to match only immediate children
 using such queryScopedSelector() function.

 Possible solutions:

 element.$( .child);
 element.$(:root  .child);

 :root here is the element itself - root of the lookup.

 BTW: the name of the function queryScopedSelectorAll() has at least
 one technical and one grammatical error. Can we rename it somehow?

If I read the WD correctly, not only ':scope' is redundant, but 
queryScopedSelector() and queryScopedSelectorAll() are, too.

So I'd suggest:

1) Drop the keyword ':scope'.

  - It's redundant. The spec says that everywhere you are allowed to use
it, you can also omit it and it will be implied. So why not omit it?
  - It's confusing. You are not allowed to use it everywhere, so it is
an opportunity to make mistakes.
  - It makes the syntax that querySelector() accepts almost the same but
not quite as the selectors syntax that CSS allows. Better to either
have a completely different syntax or one that is exactly the same,
otherwise you just invite errors.

2) Drop queryScopedSelector() and queryScopedSelectorAll(). It is 
trivially easy to replace a call to queryScopedSelector() by a call to 
querySelector(). All you have to do is replace


where e is an Element. And for documents d the functions are even 
exactly the same: d.queryScopedSelector(x) == d.querySelector(x) for 
all documents d and selectors x.

  - Smaller API means less to implement,
  - less to test,
  - less to learn for users.
  - less variation in programs,
  - thus easier to understand other people's code.

Somebody somewhere else was wondering about the selector ':root + *'. I 
would say it's a valid selector that just happens to never match 
anything, because a tree by definition has only one root. The same 
holds for selectors like '#foo #foo' (valid, but guaranteed to return 
nothing, because IDs are by definition unique), '*:first-child:even' 
(the first child is obviously odd, not even), and ':root:first-child' 
(the root is not a child of anything).

Here are some examples of relations that always hold. (Assume e is an 
element != NULL.)

e.querySelector(*) == e.querySelector(:root)
e.querySelector(*) == e
e.querySelector(:root + *) == NULL
e.querySelector(:root:first-child) == NULL
e.querySelector(* *) == e.querySelector(:root  :first-child)
e.querySelector(:odd) == e.querySelector(:root  :first-child)

  Bert Bos( W 3 C )   W3C/ERCIM 2004 Rt des Lucioles / BP 93
  +33 (0)4 92 38 76 9206902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France

Re: [selectors-api] comments on Selectors API Level 2

2010-01-21 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/21/10 11:11 AM, Bert Bos wrote:

Here are some examples of relations that always hold. (Assume e is an
element != NULL.)

 e.querySelector(*) == e.querySelector(:root)

Not unless we've recently redefined :root.  Can you point me to the 
place where that happened?

 e.querySelector(*) == e

Nope.  querySelector on an element can only return descendants of the 
element.  In fact, e.querySelector(*) will return the element's first 
element child, if any.

 e.querySelector(:root + *) == NULL
 e.querySelector(:root:first-child) == NULL

Agreed, because as currently defined :root will not match anything in 
the subtree rooted at |e|, ever.

 e.querySelector(* *) == e.querySelector(:root  :first-child)
 e.querySelector(:odd) == e.querySelector(:root  :first-child)

Again, not as :root is currently defined.


Re: [selectors-api] comments on Selectors API Level 2

2010-01-21 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 10:11 AM, Bert Bos wrote:
 2) Drop queryScopedSelector() and queryScopedSelectorAll(). It is
 trivially easy to replace a call to queryScopedSelector() by a call to
 querySelector(). All you have to do is replace


That's completely incorrect.  A querySelector call on the document
will return all elements that match the selector.  A
queryScopedSelector call on an element will only return elements that
match the selector in the target element's subtree.

 where e is an Element. And for documents d the functions are even
 exactly the same: d.queryScopedSelector(x) == d.querySelector(x) for
 all documents d and selectors x.

That doesn't solve the problem, it just says We don't need to solve
this problem..  A scoped call on the document root is indeed the same
as a non-scoped selector, but that doesn't tell us anything about the
actual scoped behavior.  It's a degenerate case.

 Somebody somewhere else was wondering about the selector ':root + *'. I
 would say it's a valid selector that just happens to never match
 anything, because a tree by definition has only one root. The same
 holds for selectors like '#foo #foo' (valid, but guaranteed to return
 nothing, because IDs are by definition unique), '*:first-child:even'
 (the first child is obviously odd, not even), and ':root:first-child'
 (the root is not a child of anything).

In a scoped selector, :scope + * *should* return something, if the
scoping element has a sibling.  It's the behavior of jQuery's find()
method (try elem.find(+ *)), and it's what authors are used to.  The
entire *point* of scoped selectors was to fix the disconnect between
querySelector and jQuery, basically.  Adding yet another selector
function that doesn't act like what current widely-adopted libraries
need or what authors expect doesn't help anyone.

I don't like the requirement of :scope either, but Lachy took Anne's
dislike of starting the string with a bare combinator to be the WG's
position as a whole.  I think matching jQuery here is *very* important
both for author expectations and for practical benefit, and so having
e.queryScopedSelectorAll(+ *) do the exact same thing as
$(e).find(+ *) is essential.


Re: FYI: review of draft-abarth-mime-sniff-03

2010-01-21 Thread Adam Barth
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 12:52 AM, Julian Reschke wrote:
 That being said: that confusion can be avoided by noting in the Internet
 Draft where discussion should happen (optimally, on a mailing list that
 operates under the IETF IPR rules).

Larry suggested that as well.  I'll add that when I next update the draft.


Re: [selectors-api] comments on Selectors API Level 2

2010-01-21 Thread Bert Bos
On Thursday 21 January 2010, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
 On 1/21/10 11:11 AM, Bert Bos wrote:
  Here are some examples of relations that always hold. (Assume e is
  an element != NULL.)
   e.querySelector(*) == e.querySelector(:root)

 Not unless we've recently redefined :root.  Can you point me to the
 place where that happened?

   e.querySelector(*) == e

 Nope.  querySelector on an element can only return descendants of the
 element.  In fact, e.querySelector(*) will return the element's
 first element child, if any.

That's surprising... What is the reason to not apply the selector to the 
whole tree?

So you're saying that


gives the first child of e (if any), because in that case e counts as a 
parent; but

e.querySelector(*  :first-child)

does not, because in this case e *doesn't* count as the parent? And yet 
in CSS these two selectors mean the same thing.

It seems rather confusing and unnecessary. It means, e.g., that 
D.querySelectorAll(*) doesn't actually return all elements of 
document D. (It omits the root.) And that the ':root' selector is 
useless in these functions, because any selector with ':root' in it 
always returns NULL.

And it is unnecessary, because if you want to exclude e itself from a 
query, it's as simple as adding *  in front of the selector.

I assumed that, given a document D and a selector S, S in a CSS style 
sheet matches exactly the same elements as would be returned by 

E.g., I would think that the following is a nice and short way to check 
if a given element e is of type P and has a class abc:

if (e.querySelector( == e) {...}

or, equivalently:

if (e.querySelector( != NULL) {...}

And the one-liner to get all grandchildren of e would be this:

e.querySelectorAll(:root  *  *)

   e.querySelector(:root + *) == NULL
   e.querySelector(:root:first-child) == NULL

 Agreed, because as currently defined :root will not match anything in
 the subtree rooted at |e|, ever.

   e.querySelector(* *) == e.querySelector(:root 
   e.querySelector(:odd) == e.querySelector(:root  

 Again, not as :root is currently defined.

  Bert Bos( W 3 C )   W3C/ERCIM 2004 Rt des Lucioles / BP 93
  +33 (0)4 92 38 76 9206902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France

Re: [selectors-api] comments on Selectors API Level 2

2010-01-21 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/21/10 1:01 PM, Bert Bos wrote:

  e.querySelector(*) == e

Nope.  querySelector on an element can only return descendants of the
element.  In fact, e.querySelector(*) will return the element's
first element child, if any.

That's surprising... What is the reason to not apply the selector to the
whole tree?

I didn't say that the selector is not applied to the whole tree.  I said 
that only nodes that are descendants of e and match the selector can 
be returned by the API.

So you're saying that


gives the first child of e (if any)


 e.querySelector(*  :first-child)

Does the same thing as e.querySelector(:first-child).

It seems rather confusing and unnecessary. It means, e.g., that
D.querySelectorAll(*) doesn't actually return all elements of
document D. (It omits the root.)

Uh... no.  It does in fact return the root.

Again, given a DOM node N the call N.querySelector(someSelector) returns 
all elements that:

  1)  Are descendants of N
  2)  Match the selector someSelector

Both conditions must be satisfied.  If N is a Document, then the root 
element of course satisfies condition 1.

And it is unnecessary, because if you want to exclude e itself from a
query, it's as simple as adding *  in front of the selector.

As it happens, no.  It's not.  Unless I'm completely misunderstanding 
what you mean here, of course.

I assumed that, given a document D and a selector S, S in a CSS style
sheet matches exactly the same elements as would be returned by

That's correct.

E.g., I would think that the following is a nice and short way to check
if a given element e is of type P and has a class abc:

 if (e.querySelector( == e) {...}

You've suddenly switched from calling querySelector on a document to 
calling it on an element  So not sure how this is an e.g..

But in any case, the above code will always test false.  On the other 
hand there is a proposal for a matchesSelector() function on elements 
which will return a boolean which does exactly what you want here. 
Gecko and Webkit have experimental implementations.

And the one-liner to get all grandchildren of e would be this:

 e.querySelectorAll(:root  *  *)

Again, this requires a change in the CSS Selectors definition of :root.


Re: File API: Blob and underlying file changes.

2010-01-21 Thread Jian Li
Treating blobs as snapshots sounds like a reasonable approach and it will
make the life of the chunked upload and other scenarios easier. Now the
problem is: how do we get the blob (snapshot) out of the file?

1) We can still keep the current relationship between File and Blob. When we
slice a file by calling File.slice, a new blob that captures the current
file size and modification time is returned. The following Blob operations,
like slice, will simply inherit the cached size and modification time. When
we access the underlying file data in XHR.send() or FileReader, the
modification time will be verified and an exception could be thrown.

2) We can remove the inheritance of Blob from File and introduce
File.getAsBlob() as dimich suggested. This seems to be more elegant.
However, it requires changing the File API spec a lot.

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 3:44 PM, Eric Uhrhane wrote:

 On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Dmitry Titov wrote:
  On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Eric Uhrhane wrote:
  I think it could.  Here's a third option:
  Make all blobs, file-based or not, just as async as the blobs in
  option 2.  They never do sync IO, but could potentially fail future
  read operations if their metadata is out of date [e.g. reading beyond
  EOF].  However, expose the modification time on File via an async
  method and allow the user to pass it in to a read call to enforce
  fail if changed since this time.  This keeps all file accesses
  async, but still allows for chunked uploads without mixing files
  accidentally.  If we allow users to refresh the modification time
  asynchronously, it also allows for adding a file to a form, changing
  the file on disk, and then uploading the new file.  The user would
  look up the mod time when starting the upload, rather than when the
  file's selected.
  It would be great to avoid sync file I/O on calls like Blob.size. They
  simply return cached value. Actual mismatch would be detected during
  read operation.
  However then I'm not sure how to keep File derived from Blob, since:
  1) Currently, in FF and WebKit File.fileSize is a sync I/O that returns
  current file size. The current spec says File is derived from Blob and
  has Blob.size property that is likely going to co-exist with
  for a while, for compat reasons. It's weird for file.size and
  to return different things.

 True, but we'd probably want to deprecate file.fileSize anyway and
 then get rid of it, since it's synchronous.

  2) Currently, xhr.send(file) does not fail and sends the version of the
  that exists somewhere around xhr.send(file) call was issued. Since File
  also a Blob, xhr.send(blob) would behave the same which means if we want
  preserve this behavior the Blob can not fail async read operation if file
  has changed.
  There is a contradiction here. One way to resolve it would be to break
  is Blob and to be able to capture the File as Blob by having
  file.getAsBlob(). The latter would make a snapshot of the state of the
  to be able to fail subsequent async read operations if the file has been
  I've asked a few people around in a non-scientific poll and it seems
  developers expect Blob to be a 'snapshot', reflecting the state of the
  (or Canvas if we get Canvas.getBlob(...)) at the moment of Blob creation.
  Since it's obviously bad to actually copy data, it seems acceptable to
  capture enough information (like mod time) so the read operations later
  fail if underlying storage has been changed. It feels really strange if
  reading the Blob can yield some data from one version of a file (or
  mixed with some data from newer version, without any indication that this
  All that means there is an option 3:
  3. Treat all Blobs as 'snapshots' that refer to the range of underlying
  at the moment of creation of the Blob. Blobs produced further by
  Blob.slice() operation inherit the captured state w/o actually verifying
  against 'live' underlying objects like files. All Blobs can be 'read' (or
  'sent') via operations that can fail if the underlying content has
  Optionally, expose snapshotTime property and perhaps read if not changed
  since parameter to read operations. Do not derive File from Blob, rather
  have File.getAsBlob() that produces a Blob which is a snapshot of the
  at the moment of call. The advantage here is that it removes need for
  operations from Blob and provides mechanism to ensure the changing
  underlying storage is detectable. The disadvantage is a bit more
  and bigger change to File spec.

 That sounds good to me.  If we're treating blobs as snapshots, I
 retract my suggestion of the read-if-not-changed-since parameter.  All
 reads after the data has changed should fail.  If you want to do a
 chunked upload, don't snapshot your 

Re: File API: Blob and underlying file changes.

2010-01-21 Thread Jonas Sicking
One thing to remember here is that if we require snapshotting, that
will mean paying potentially very high costs every time the
snapshotting operation is used. Potetially copying hundreds of
megabytes of data (think video).

But if we don't require snapshotting, things will only break if the
user takes the action to modify a file after giving the page access to

Also, in general snapshotting is something that UAs can experiment
with without requiring changes to the spec. Even though File.slice is
a synchronous function, the UA can implement snapshotting without
using synchronous IO. The UA could simply do a asynchronous file copy
in the background. If any read operations are performed on the slice
those could simply be stalled until the copy is finished since reads
are always asynchronous.

/ Jonas

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 11:22 AM, Eric Uhrhane wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Jian Li wrote:
 Treating blobs as snapshots sounds like a reasonable approach and it will
 make the life of the chunked upload and other scenarios easier. Now the
 problem is: how do we get the blob (snapshot) out of the file?
 1) We can still keep the current relationship between File and Blob. When we
 slice a file by calling File.slice, a new blob that captures the current
 file size and modification time is returned. The following Blob operations,
 like slice, will simply inherit the cached size and modification time. When
 we access the underlying file data in XHR.send() or FileReader, the
 modification time will be verified and an exception could be thrown.

 This would require File.slice to do synchronous file IO, whereas
 Blob.slice doesn't do that.

 2) We can remove the inheritance of Blob from File and introduce
 File.getAsBlob() as dimich suggested. This seems to be more elegant.
 However, it requires changing the File API spec a lot.

 On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 3:44 PM, Eric Uhrhane wrote:

 On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Dmitry Titov wrote:
  On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Eric Uhrhane wrote:
  I think it could.  Here's a third option:
  Make all blobs, file-based or not, just as async as the blobs in
  option 2.  They never do sync IO, but could potentially fail future
  read operations if their metadata is out of date [e.g. reading beyond
  EOF].  However, expose the modification time on File via an async
  method and allow the user to pass it in to a read call to enforce
  fail if changed since this time.  This keeps all file accesses
  async, but still allows for chunked uploads without mixing files
  accidentally.  If we allow users to refresh the modification time
  asynchronously, it also allows for adding a file to a form, changing
  the file on disk, and then uploading the new file.  The user would
  look up the mod time when starting the upload, rather than when the
  file's selected.
  It would be great to avoid sync file I/O on calls like Blob.size. They
  simply return cached value. Actual mismatch would be detected during
  read operation.
  However then I'm not sure how to keep File derived from Blob, since:
  1) Currently, in FF and WebKit File.fileSize is a sync I/O that returns
  current file size. The current spec says File is derived from Blob and
  has Blob.size property that is likely going to co-exist with
  for a while, for compat reasons. It's weird for file.size and
  to return different things.

 True, but we'd probably want to deprecate file.fileSize anyway and
 then get rid of it, since it's synchronous.

  2) Currently, xhr.send(file) does not fail and sends the version of the
  that exists somewhere around xhr.send(file) call was issued. Since File
  also a Blob, xhr.send(blob) would behave the same which means if we want
  preserve this behavior the Blob can not fail async read operation if
  has changed.
  There is a contradiction here. One way to resolve it would be to break
  is Blob and to be able to capture the File as Blob by having
  file.getAsBlob(). The latter would make a snapshot of the state of the
  to be able to fail subsequent async read operations if the file has been
  I've asked a few people around in a non-scientific poll and it seems
  developers expect Blob to be a 'snapshot', reflecting the state of the
  (or Canvas if we get Canvas.getBlob(...)) at the moment of Blob
  Since it's obviously bad to actually copy data, it seems acceptable to
  capture enough information (like mod time) so the read operations later
  fail if underlying storage has been changed. It feels really strange if
  reading the Blob can yield some data from one version of a file (or
  mixed with some data from newer version, without any indication that
  this is
  All that means there is an option 3:
  3. Treat all Blobs as 'snapshots' 

Re: File API: Blob and underlying file changes.

2010-01-21 Thread Michael Nordman
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 12:49 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 One thing to remember here is that if we require snapshotting, that
 will mean paying potentially very high costs every time the
 snapshotting operation is used. Potetially copying hundreds of
 megabytes of data (think video).

I was thinking of different semantics. If the underlying bits change
sometime after a 'snapshot' is taken, the 'snapshot' becomes invalid and you
cannot access the underying bits. If an application wants guaranteed access
to the 'snapshot', it would have to explicitly save a copy somewhere
(sandboxed file system / coin a new transient 'Blob' via a new blob.copy()
method) and refer to the copy.

So no costly copies are made w/o explicit direction to do so from the app.

But if we don't require snapshotting, things will only break if the
 user takes the action to modify a file after giving the page access to

 Also, in general snapshotting is something that UAs can experiment
 with without requiring changes to the spec. Even though File.slice is
 a synchronous function, the UA can implement snapshotting without
 using synchronous IO. The UA could simply do a asynchronous file copy
 in the background. If any read operations are performed on the slice
 those could simply be stalled until the copy is finished since reads
 are always asynchronous.

 / Jonas

 On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 11:22 AM, Eric Uhrhane wrote:
  On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Jian Li wrote:
  Treating blobs as snapshots sounds like a reasonable approach and it
  make the life of the chunked upload and other scenarios easier. Now the
  problem is: how do we get the blob (snapshot) out of the file?
  1) We can still keep the current relationship between File and Blob.
 When we
  slice a file by calling File.slice, a new blob that captures the current
  file size and modification time is returned. The following Blob
  like slice, will simply inherit the cached size and modification time.
  we access the underlying file data in XHR.send() or FileReader, the
  modification time will be verified and an exception could be thrown.
  This would require File.slice to do synchronous file IO, whereas
  Blob.slice doesn't do that.
  2) We can remove the inheritance of Blob from File and introduce
  File.getAsBlob() as dimich suggested. This seems to be more elegant.
  However, it requires changing the File API spec a lot.
  On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 3:44 PM, Eric Uhrhane wrote:
  On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Dmitry Titov
   On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Eric Uhrhane
   I think it could.  Here's a third option:
   Make all blobs, file-based or not, just as async as the blobs in
   option 2.  They never do sync IO, but could potentially fail future
   read operations if their metadata is out of date [e.g. reading
   EOF].  However, expose the modification time on File via an async
   method and allow the user to pass it in to a read call to enforce
   fail if changed since this time.  This keeps all file accesses
   async, but still allows for chunked uploads without mixing files
   accidentally.  If we allow users to refresh the modification time
   asynchronously, it also allows for adding a file to a form, changing
   the file on disk, and then uploading the new file.  The user would
   look up the mod time when starting the upload, rather than when the
   file's selected.
   It would be great to avoid sync file I/O on calls like Blob.size.
   simply return cached value. Actual mismatch would be detected during
   read operation.
   However then I'm not sure how to keep File derived from Blob, since:
   1) Currently, in FF and WebKit File.fileSize is a sync I/O that
   current file size. The current spec says File is derived from Blob
   has Blob.size property that is likely going to co-exist with
   for a while, for compat reasons. It's weird for file.size and
   to return different things.
  True, but we'd probably want to deprecate file.fileSize anyway and
  then get rid of it, since it's synchronous.
   2) Currently, xhr.send(file) does not fail and sends the version of
   that exists somewhere around xhr.send(file) call was issued. Since
   also a Blob, xhr.send(blob) would behave the same which means if we
   preserve this behavior the Blob can not fail async read operation if
   has changed.
   There is a contradiction here. One way to resolve it would be to
   is Blob and to be able to capture the File as Blob by having
   file.getAsBlob(). The latter would make a snapshot of the state of
   to be able to fail subsequent async read operations if the file has
   I've asked a few people around in a non-scientific 

Re: File API: Blob and underlying file changes.

2010-01-21 Thread Dmitry Titov
I think the 'snapshotting' discussed above does not imply the actual copy of
data, sync or async. The proposal seems to be to 'snapshot' enough
information (in case of file on a disk - the modification time is enogh) so
that later read operations can fail reliably if the Blob is out of sync with
underlying storage. Making copies of large video files will probably never
be a feasible option, for size/time issues and for potentially quite
complicated lifetime of such copies... We might provide a separate API for
file manipulation that can be used to make temporary copies of files in
cases where it is a good idea, and that could be used in conjunction with
Blob API perhaps, but it seems to be a separate functionality. It is also
interesting to think of Blobs backed by some other objects, Canvas for

Perhaps 'snapshotting' is not an ideal name, but I think discussion above
means it as capture the state of the underlying object so the data can be
read in the future but w/o a guarantee that the read operation will
actually succeed - since there can not be a guarantee that underlying object
is still there.

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 12:49 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 One thing to remember here is that if we require snapshotting, that
 will mean paying potentially very high costs every time the
 snapshotting operation is used. Potetially copying hundreds of
 megabytes of data (think video).

 But if we don't require snapshotting, things will only break if the
 user takes the action to modify a file after giving the page access to

 Also, in general snapshotting is something that UAs can experiment
 with without requiring changes to the spec. Even though File.slice is
 a synchronous function, the UA can implement snapshotting without
 using synchronous IO. The UA could simply do a asynchronous file copy
 in the background. If any read operations are performed on the slice
 those could simply be stalled until the copy is finished since reads
 are always asynchronous.

 / Jonas

 On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 11:22 AM, Eric Uhrhane wrote:
  On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Jian Li wrote:
  Treating blobs as snapshots sounds like a reasonable approach and it
  make the life of the chunked upload and other scenarios easier. Now the
  problem is: how do we get the blob (snapshot) out of the file?
  1) We can still keep the current relationship between File and Blob.
 When we
  slice a file by calling File.slice, a new blob that captures the current
  file size and modification time is returned. The following Blob
  like slice, will simply inherit the cached size and modification time.
  we access the underlying file data in XHR.send() or FileReader, the
  modification time will be verified and an exception could be thrown.
  This would require File.slice to do synchronous file IO, whereas
  Blob.slice doesn't do that.
  2) We can remove the inheritance of Blob from File and introduce
  File.getAsBlob() as dimich suggested. This seems to be more elegant.
  However, it requires changing the File API spec a lot.
  On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 3:44 PM, Eric Uhrhane wrote:
  On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Dmitry Titov
   On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Eric Uhrhane
   I think it could.  Here's a third option:
   Make all blobs, file-based or not, just as async as the blobs in
   option 2.  They never do sync IO, but could potentially fail future
   read operations if their metadata is out of date [e.g. reading
   EOF].  However, expose the modification time on File via an async
   method and allow the user to pass it in to a read call to enforce
   fail if changed since this time.  This keeps all file accesses
   async, but still allows for chunked uploads without mixing files
   accidentally.  If we allow users to refresh the modification time
   asynchronously, it also allows for adding a file to a form, changing
   the file on disk, and then uploading the new file.  The user would
   look up the mod time when starting the upload, rather than when the
   file's selected.
   It would be great to avoid sync file I/O on calls like Blob.size.
   simply return cached value. Actual mismatch would be detected during
   read operation.
   However then I'm not sure how to keep File derived from Blob, since:
   1) Currently, in FF and WebKit File.fileSize is a sync I/O that
   current file size. The current spec says File is derived from Blob
   has Blob.size property that is likely going to co-exist with
   for a while, for compat reasons. It's weird for file.size and
   to return different things.
  True, but we'd probably want to deprecate file.fileSize anyway and
  then get rid of it, since it's synchronous.
   2) Currently, xhr.send(file) does not fail and sends the 

Re: File API: Blob and underlying file changes.

2010-01-21 Thread Jian Li
What we mean for snapshotting here is not to copy all the underlying data.
Instead, we only intend to capture the least information needed in order to
verify if the underlying data have been changed.

I agreed with Eric that the first option could cause inconsistent semantics
between File.slice and Bloc.slice. But how are we going to address the
synchronous call to get the file size for Blob.size if the blob is a file?

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 12:49 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 One thing to remember here is that if we require snapshotting, that
 will mean paying potentially very high costs every time the
 snapshotting operation is used. Potetially copying hundreds of
 megabytes of data (think video).

 But if we don't require snapshotting, things will only break if the
 user takes the action to modify a file after giving the page access to

 Also, in general snapshotting is something that UAs can experiment
 with without requiring changes to the spec. Even though File.slice is
 a synchronous function, the UA can implement snapshotting without
 using synchronous IO. The UA could simply do a asynchronous file copy
 in the background. If any read operations are performed on the slice
 those could simply be stalled until the copy is finished since reads
 are always asynchronous.

 / Jonas

 On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 11:22 AM, Eric Uhrhane wrote:
  On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Jian Li wrote:
  Treating blobs as snapshots sounds like a reasonable approach and it
  make the life of the chunked upload and other scenarios easier. Now the
  problem is: how do we get the blob (snapshot) out of the file?
  1) We can still keep the current relationship between File and Blob.
 When we
  slice a file by calling File.slice, a new blob that captures the current
  file size and modification time is returned. The following Blob
  like slice, will simply inherit the cached size and modification time.
  we access the underlying file data in XHR.send() or FileReader, the
  modification time will be verified and an exception could be thrown.
  This would require File.slice to do synchronous file IO, whereas
  Blob.slice doesn't do that.
  2) We can remove the inheritance of Blob from File and introduce
  File.getAsBlob() as dimich suggested. This seems to be more elegant.
  However, it requires changing the File API spec a lot.
  On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 3:44 PM, Eric Uhrhane wrote:
  On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Dmitry Titov
   On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Eric Uhrhane
   I think it could.  Here's a third option:
   Make all blobs, file-based or not, just as async as the blobs in
   option 2.  They never do sync IO, but could potentially fail future
   read operations if their metadata is out of date [e.g. reading
   EOF].  However, expose the modification time on File via an async
   method and allow the user to pass it in to a read call to enforce
   fail if changed since this time.  This keeps all file accesses
   async, but still allows for chunked uploads without mixing files
   accidentally.  If we allow users to refresh the modification time
   asynchronously, it also allows for adding a file to a form, changing
   the file on disk, and then uploading the new file.  The user would
   look up the mod time when starting the upload, rather than when the
   file's selected.
   It would be great to avoid sync file I/O on calls like Blob.size.
   simply return cached value. Actual mismatch would be detected during
   read operation.
   However then I'm not sure how to keep File derived from Blob, since:
   1) Currently, in FF and WebKit File.fileSize is a sync I/O that
   current file size. The current spec says File is derived from Blob
   has Blob.size property that is likely going to co-exist with
   for a while, for compat reasons. It's weird for file.size and
   to return different things.
  True, but we'd probably want to deprecate file.fileSize anyway and
  then get rid of it, since it's synchronous.
   2) Currently, xhr.send(file) does not fail and sends the version of
   that exists somewhere around xhr.send(file) call was issued. Since
   also a Blob, xhr.send(blob) would behave the same which means if we
   preserve this behavior the Blob can not fail async read operation if
   has changed.
   There is a contradiction here. One way to resolve it would be to
   is Blob and to be able to capture the File as Blob by having
   file.getAsBlob(). The latter would make a snapshot of the state of
   to be able to fail subsequent async read operations if the file has
   I've asked a few people around in a non-scientific poll and it seems
   developers expect Blob to be 

Re: A Method for Writing Testable Conformance Clauses and its Applications (Was Re: Write up of test assertion extraction methodology)

2010-01-21 Thread Marcos Caceres

Hi Scott,

On Jan 20, 2010, at 9:51 PM, Scott Wilson 

Hi Marcos,

I think this is a really good piece of work - I'll be pointing a few  
people from other spec orgs at the draft as its addressing a common  

Excellent, thanks.

(As an implementer I found the approach - especially the  
implementation reports - really useful and easy to follow in  

I'm happy to hear that you found them useful! In the future, I want to  
make the table sortable (e.g. group by verdict or only show fails,  
etc.), and allow the ability to remove implementations from table, so  
it's easier to compare (e.g., A vs B). if you have any further  
suggestions to make imp reports more usable, please let me know.


On 19 Jan 2010, at 15:49, Marcos Caceres wrote:

Hi all,
A draft of A Method for Writing Testable Conformance Clauses and  
its Applications in now available for review online [1]. For those  
that have not seen it, it basically just documents how we are  
standardizing the Widget specs and some basic QA processes:

Please consider this a working draft, as it likely contains typos,  
and a couple of half-baked ideas, etc. Comments are, of course,  
welcomed. It is expected that this document will be published as a  
working group note at some point in the future.

Kind regards,

Marcos Caceres wrote:

Dominique Hazael-Massieux wrote:

Hi Marcos,

Le mardi 05 janvier 2010 à 17:45 +0100, Dominique Hazael-Massi 
eux a

écrit :

Le mardi 05 janvier 2010 à 17:44 +0100, Marcos Caceres a écrit :
I was literally doing an editorial pass right now. I would  

another day or two to finish (and for you and the WG to have a
chance to
review the changes). If I check-in a draft by Thursday, could  
we aim to

publish next week?

Sure, sounds good to me. Thanks for your help on this!

Any news on your editing pass :) ?

Sorry, I'm still working on it... it's taking a little longer than I
first anticipated :( I've rewritten most of it to describe a bit  

clearly how the method was applied.

Re: A Method for Writing Testable Conformance Clauses and its Applications (Was Re: Write up of test assertion extraction methodology)

2010-01-21 Thread Marcos Caceres

On Jan 20, 2010, at 6:03 AM, Doug Schepers wrote:

Hi, Marcos-

Marcos Caceres wrote (on 1/19/10 10:49 AM):

Hi all,
A draft of A Method for Writing Testable Conformance Clauses and its
Applications in now available for review online [1]. For those that
have not seen it, it basically just documents how we are  

the Widget specs and some basic QA processes:

Please consider this a working draft, as it likely contains typos,  
and a
couple of half-baked ideas, etc. Comments are, of course, welcomed.  
is expected that this document will be published as a working group  

at some point in the future.

This is an interesting doc and case study, with useful best- 
practices that mirror some of my own experience in creating specs  
and test suites.  I plan on integrating this into specs I edit,  
where possible.

I think you could emphasize algorithms a bit more, which is  
traditionally a weak point in W3C specs.

Can you elaborate a bit here. I'm really interested because I've  
recieved both positive and negative feedback about algoriths. E.g.  
Some say it's great to have them as step by step; others says it's  
overly prescriptive and takes the freedom/fun/art out of implementing.

It may or may not be appropriate for this document to discuss  
document readability more; W3C specs traditionally serve multiple  
audiences, such as implementers, tutorial/book writers, and content  
creators (authors), and while there is a move to make specs more  
implementer-focused and separate out these concerns, this decreases  
the value of the specs as community artifacts, makes tutorials more  
likely to be available only much later and to be error-prone, since  
they are not written by the same group of people who wrote the prose  
of the spec.

Agree completely; you've exposed my political agenda:)  I strongly  
believe specs should be legible and usable by all its community of  
users. I don't believe implementers should be priveledged and that  
they have same magical ability to read specs that we mere mortals  
lack. I believe specs should be written as accesible as possible in  
their language and structure.

I really like the goal and execution of this practice.  Some of it  
reminds me of my experimental Speki [1] project, which was an  
exploration of a wiki toolbar to mark up specs for easier spec  
production.   One aspect of this was to create special stylesheets  
for making the conformance criteria more obvious (follow the link,  
and select the implementers presentation on the sidebar for a  
demonstration).  I applied some of this markup to DOM3 Events, but  
not consistently enough.  This was part of my Project Tinker [2]  
architecture proposal (which I've neglected for a year or two).

I'll be sure to take a look.

Overall, I am very supportive of this kind of detailed analysis, and  
I appreciate the time and care you took to develop and write it up.


This kind of document stands to make the production and quality of  
specs much better.  My chief suggestion is that, having developed  
your workflow and tools, you should make them available to other  

I've been talking to Robin about adding what is relevant to ReSpec. We  
have not yet reached any agreement, however.

I am interested in reusing your tools for DOM3 Events and SVG,  
specifically the markup and implementation report tools, and with  
some modification, the test suite markup and tools.


 SVG has its own tools and processes for some parts of this, but I  
strongly believe that the benefit increases the more specs use the  
same toolchain.


Here are some specific comments, mostly typo corrections or  
clarification suggestions:

I think Dom has now integrated your suggestions/fixes.

1. Common mistakes

* For each of the commons mistakes, include corrections for the  
faulty prose.

2. The method

* stable identifier may be a little vague and abstract; if you  
mean to add an @id, say, give them a stable identifier, (such as)  
an 'id' attribute value that is consistent between drafts.  If you  
mean something else, describe it.

* Typo: (see )

* Typo: learnt - learned

2.1 Relationship to the standardization process

* tangible objects: it might be better to use the term  
deliverables, since that is the wording of the Process Document  
and charters; at the least, associate the 2 terms... tangible  
objects (also called the deliverables of the group) ..

* Include issue tracking software in the list of tools provided by  
the W3C, which can be used as part of the test/spec feedback loop.

3. Structural components of a conformance clause

* Product might be better stated as a Conformance Category,  
which includes authoring tools and authors.  While tests against  
authored content are not in the scope for this document, editors  
need to be aware