[Puppet Users] Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

2013-12-24 Thread Harshita Sinha
Hi All,

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous Happy New Year to your family and friends.


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[Puppet Users] rspec-puppet: mocking included params class in defines

2013-12-24 Thread vkanakala
Hi all,

I'm trying to test a defined type that looks like this:

define app_setup::app($app_name = $title) {
  include app_setup::params

  $app_host   = $app_setup::params::app_hosts[$app_name]['url']
  $app_port   = $app_setup::params::app_hosts[$app_name]['port']
  $deploy_user= $app_setup::params::deploy_user


And I'm trying to write a spec like this:

describe 'app_setup::app', :type = :define do
  let(:title) { 'some_app_name' }


My question is, how can I assign the values of 
$app_setup::params::app_hosts in the spec? I tried several combinations of 
'let' but didn't work.


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[Puppet Users] Re: puppet 3.4.0 upgrade, foreman 1.1-stable, problems that are not provisioning related

2013-12-24 Thread Luke Alford

For anyone else who encounters a problem like this and, like me, you are 
not a puppet administrator the first thing you should do is check the 
puppet master config (probably in /etc/puppet/puppet.conf) to see if it has 
reverted to a package supplied file rather than the customized file 
required to work with your ENC. Once you have determined this is the case, 
you should find where your administrator keeps the custom config file and 
replace it (tip: if it's stored as a template that will only be installed 
by running puppet to get a class list from the ENC this won't help and it 
needs to be done manually). Catalogs compile much happier when puppet 
actually uses the ENC.

Occam's razor in action, check the most likely cause of the problem first.

On Monday, December 23, 2013 3:50:23 PM UTC-5, Luke Alford wrote:

 I am having problems with our puppet/foreman infrastructure that seem to 
 coincide with an upgrade to 3.4.0-1, but that are persisting after a 
 downgrade back to 3.3.2-1. There are no obvious errors I can find and I 
 don't seem to be having any problems with puppet talking to foreman, so 
 overall things look completely normal other than I have puppet classes when 
 foreman responds with node information and an empty catalog after the 
 puppet master compiles. I am pretty stumped by this and would appreciate 
 any thoughts others may have on troubleshooting this problem.

 First, here's some more important information about our system. We had 
 been running puppet 3.3.2-1 and foreman 1.1-stable for quite some time 
 before things bumped up to 3.4.0 over the weekend.
 - centos 6.4 for puppet master and nodes
 - puppet and puppet-server 3.3.2-1 (I downgraded both puppet and 
 puppet-server back to this version since we'd been running successfully 
 with it for some time now)
 - puppetdb and puppetdb-terminus 1.5.0-1
 - foreman 1.1-stable (we've also been running this for some time, we don't 
 do any provisioning with it but we use it as an ENC for storing data and 
 classifying nodes into roles)
 - puppet and foreman running behind nginx/passenger

 If the upgrade to 3.4.0 was the sole source of my problem I would expect 
 things to have returned back to normal after the downgrade. Since the 
 catalog is still empty though, there's got to be something I'm missing. 

 Here are a few things I've tried while digging into this.

 1) puppet master --compile my node
 The node is found, but there are no classes identified. Therein lies the 
 version: 1387830624,
 classes: [
 environment: production

 2) Firing up irb, I manually checked what foreman returns for my node. I 
 won't post the whole output including parameters, but the important part is 
 that the keyset for the classes key in the yaml document matches what I 
 would expect for this particular monolithic test box.
 {play=nil, sudo=nil, mongo=nil, rsyslog=nil, 
 mysql::server=nil, jmx=nil, nginx::loadbalancer=nil, ssh=nil, 
 play::install=nil, mongo::seed=nil, users=nil, 
 mysql::server::master=nil, logstash=nil, common=nil, 
 puppet=nil, zabbix=nil, motd=nil, logrotate=nil, java=nil, 
 yum=nil, ntp=nil}

 3) I noticed that facter also updated to version 1.7.4 during this time, 
 but at least from what I've tried so far this doesn't seem to be a problem 
 of any kind.

 4) Yes, I did try turning it off and on again. :)

 So it seems that somewhere between talking to the ENC and actually 
 compiling the catalog that my puppet classes disappear into the ether that 
 I have not yet identified. I would appreciate any suggestions people have 
 on further troubleshooting, or why the upgrade might have gotten things 
 into an odd state that rolling back the package somehow doesn't fix.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet Pro, 2nd edition - status directly from APress

2013-12-24 Thread Stuart Cracraft
Soft-cover/paperback arrived yesterday at my place.

A cursory glance shows better coverage and more practical examples
than I see in the previous edition.

On Monday, December 23, 2013 1:15:44 AM UTC-8, Johan De Wit wrote:

 I don't know what they are doing, but it will be an adventure to get a 
 hard-copy of the book :) 

 Krum, Spencer Pro Puppet (Professional Apress) 
  Voraussichtliches Lieferdatum: 28. Juni 2014 - 30. Juni 2014 

 On 12/22/2013 02:59 AM, Stuart Cracraft wrote: 
  hey did some ruby and cured those blues away. 
  On Dec 21, 2013, at 5:55 PM, Felix Frank 
  Uhm, what is now? 
  On 12/20/2013 11:35 PM, Stuart Cracraft wrote: 
  It's all too money-centric and materialist. 
  What a shame. 
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 Johan De Wit 

 Open Source Consultant 

 Red Hat Certified Engineer (805008667232363) 
 Puppet Certified Professional 2013 (PCP006) 
 Open-Future Phone +32 (0)2/255 70 70 
 Zavelstraat 72  Fax   +32 (0)2/255 70 71 
 3071 KORTENBERG Mobile+32 (0)474/42 40 73 
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[Puppet Users] Re: Access denied for user 'dashboard'@'localhost' to database 'dashboard_production'

2013-12-24 Thread Stuart Cracraft
This is helpful.

On Friday, July 6, 2012 2:08:53 PM UTC-7, Hai wrote:

 followed the instruction for installing dashboard, and created user

 mysql -pmy_password -e CREATE DATABASE dashboard CHARACTER SET 
 utf8;CREATE USER 'dashboard'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'my_password'; GRANT 
 ALL PRIVILEGES ON dashboard.* TO 'dashboard'@'localhost';

 however, I keep getting access denied error:

 # rake RAILS_ENV=production db:migrate
 (in /usr/share/puppet-dashboard)
 rake aborted!
 Access denied for user 'dashboard'@'localhost' to database 

 (See full trace by running task with --trace)

 please help!

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[Puppet Users] Re: Debugging execution error with vcsrepo

2013-12-24 Thread Patrick Gibson
Does anyone have any advice on simulating the environment and conditions 
under which processes are run by Puppet? I'd really like to get the bottom 
of this, as other commands I'm running via other classes are working fine.



On Monday, 23 December 2013 12:12:40 UTC-8, Patrick Gibson wrote:

 If I manually clone the repo, I get a similarly puzzling error:

 Error: /Stage[main]/myuser/Vcsrepo[/home/myuser/myrepo]: Could not 
 evaluate: Execution of '/usr/bin/su myuser -c /usr/local/bin/git config 
 remote.origin.url' returned 127: -su: /usr/local/bin/git config 
 remote.origin.url: No such file or directory

 On Saturday, 21 December 2013 18:33:45 UTC-8, Patrick Gibson wrote:

 I'm using the vcsrepo module to clone a git repo as a particular user, 
 and I'm getting a puzzling error:

 Debug: Executing '/usr/bin/su myuser -c /usr/local/bin/git clone 
 g...@git.myhostname.com:repos/myrepo.git /home/myuser/myrepo'
 Error: Execution of '/usr/bin/su myuser -c /usr/local/bin/git clone 
 g...@git.myhostname.com:repos/myrepo.git /home/myuser/myrepo' returned 127: 
 su: /usr/local/bin/git clone g...@git.myhostname.com:repos/myrepo.git 
 /home/myuser/myrepo: No such file or directory

 When I copy and paste the exact command and run it, it works fine. I 
 can't figure out what would be complaining about No such file or 
 directory. Every executable and path mentioned in the command exists. 

 My relevant classes look like this:

 class sshd {
   file { /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
 source = puppet:///modules/sshd/sshd_config,
 notify = Service[sshd]

   file { /etc/ssh/ssh_config:
 source = puppet:///modules/sshd/ssh_config,
 notify = Service[sshd]

   service { sshd:
 ensure = running,

 class myuser {
   file { /home/myuser/.ssh:
 ensure = directory,
 mode   = 0700,
 owner  = myuser,
 group  = myuser,

   file { /home/myuser/.ssh/known_hosts:
 source = puppet:///modules/myuser/.ssh/known_hosts,
 owner  = myuser,
 group  = myuser,

   file { /home/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa:
 source = puppet:///modules/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa,
 mode   = 0600,
 owner  = myuser,
 group  = myuser,

   vcsrepo { /home/myuser/myrepo:
 require  = Class[sshd],
 ensure   = present,
 provider = git,
 source   = 'g...@git.myhostname.com:repos/myrepo.git',
 revision = 'master',
 user = 'myuser'

 Any pointers?

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet Pro, 2nd edition - status directly from APress

2013-12-24 Thread Spencer Krum

I am one of the Authors of Pro Puppet. I'm glad to hear that everyone is
trying to buy the book. I'm sorry that its taken so long to get it written,
then even longer to get the book to all of you.

I have a couple responses:

1) If the book is taking too long to get to you, or you are being told some
ridiculous ship date, please contact me off list and I will do what I can
to kick this down the road.

2) If you are unable to afford the book due to financial hardship, please
contact me off list and we can probably work something out.

For what its worth, I haven't received my copies yet either.

Thanks so much for giving us the opportunity to write this, we really
appreciate it. Any feedback you have would be welcome, positive or
negative. Though, we would rather see negative feedback sent privately.

Thanks again,

On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 9:40 AM, Stuart Cracraft smcracr...@gmail.comwrote:

 Soft-cover/paperback arrived yesterday at my place.

 A cursory glance shows better coverage and more practical examples
 than I see in the previous edition.

 On Monday, December 23, 2013 1:15:44 AM UTC-8, Johan De Wit wrote:

 I don't know what they are doing, but it will be an adventure to get a
 hard-copy of the book :)

 Krum, Spencer Pro Puppet (Professional Apress)
  Voraussichtliches Lieferdatum: 28. Juni 2014 - 30. Juni 2014

 On 12/22/2013 02:59 AM, Stuart Cracraft wrote:
  hey did some ruby and cured those blues away.
  On Dec 21, 2013, at 5:55 PM, Felix Frank felix...@alumni.tu-berlin.de
  Uhm, what is now?
  On 12/20/2013 11:35 PM, Stuart Cracraft wrote:
  It's all too money-centric and materialist.
  What a shame.
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 Google Groups Puppet Users group.
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  For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

 Johan De Wit

 Open Source Consultant

 Red Hat Certified Engineer (805008667232363)
 Puppet Certified Professional 2013 (PCP006)

 Open-Future Phone +32 (0)2/255 70 70
 Zavelstraat 72  Fax   +32 (0)2/255 70 71
 3071 KORTENBERG Mobile+32 (0)474/42 40 73
 BELGIUM http://www.open-future.be

 Next Events:
 Puppet Advanced Training | http://www.open-future.be/
 Puppet Fundamentals Training | http://www.open-future.be/
 Subscribe to our newsletter | http://eepurl.com/BUG8H

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Spencer Krum

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[Puppet Users] ruby visual debuggers/ide's for Linux

2013-12-24 Thread Stuart Cracraft

Is there a plain-text visual debugger ide for Linux for Ruby anyone can 


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[Puppet Users] Cant install modules

2013-12-24 Thread Grant Hardester

 root@foreman:/etc/puppet# puppet module search ntp


 Searching http://forge.puppetlabs.com


 22 found.


 DavidSchmitt/ntp (1.0.0)

 a2tar/ntp (0.1.2)

 aageyev/ntp (0.1.0)

 adenning/winntp (0.0.1)

 csail/ntp (0.0.3)

 dhoppe/ntp (0.0.10)

 erwbgy/ntp (0.7.3)

 erwbgy/system (0.7.4)

 evenup/time (1.1.0)

 example42/ntp (2.0.9)

 example42/openntpd (2.0.8)

 ghoneycutt/ntp (2.1.2)

 hunner/mcollective (0.2.3)

 kickstandproject/ntp (0.0.3)

 mmitchell/puppetlabs_ntp (0.1.0)

 mthibaut/ntp (0.2.0)

 oppegaard/ntpd (0.1.0)

 puppetlabs/ntp (3.0.1)

 saz/ntp (2.0.4)

 thias/ntp (1.1.2)

 warriornew/ntp (0.1.0)

 xucchini/ntp (0.1.0)

 root@foreman:/etc/puppet# puppet module install puppetlabs/ntp

 Could not find a release for this module (404 Not Found)

 root@foreman:/etc/puppet# puppet module install puppetlabs-ntp

 Could not find a release for this module (404 Not Found)

 root@foreman:/etc/puppet# puppet module install puppetlabs-ntp --version 

 Could not find a release for this module (404 Not Found)


I can't install any modules, I keep getting 404's.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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[Puppet Users] Re: Installing the package dependencies

2013-12-24 Thread zorruch

четверг, 19 декабря 2013 г., 17:30:30 UTC+4 пользователь zor...@gmail.com 

 I have here a site.pp file:
 root@puppet:/var/puppet/etc/manifests# cat /etc/puppet/puppet.conf


 #certname = puppet.office

 manifest = /tmp/1.pp

 root@puppet:/var/puppet/etc/manifests# cat /tmp/1.pp
 package { php5-apc: ensure = installed }
 package { php5-cli: ensure = installed }
 package { php5-common: ensure = installed }
 package { php5-curl: ensure = installed }
 package { php5-dev: ensure = installed }
 package { php5-fpm: ensure = installed }
 package { php5-gd: ensure = installed }
 package { php5-imap: ensure = installed }
 package { php5-mcrypt: ensure = installed }
 package { php5-memcache: ensure = installed }
 package { php5-mysqlnd: ensure = installed }
 package { php5-pinba: ensure = installed }
 package { php5-redis: ensure = installed } 

 Packages are installed via provider apt repository dotdeb.
 After installation, produced using pupped I find packages apache:

 root@web2-dev:~# puppet agent --environment dev --test
 Info: Retrieving plugin
 Info: Caching catalog for web2-dev.sapato
 Info: Applying configuration version '1387459329'
 Notice: /Stage[main]//Package[php5-gd]/ensure: created
 Notice: /Stage[main]//Package[php5-apc]/ensure: created
 Notice: /Stage[main]//Package[php5-common]/ensure: created
 Notice: /Stage[main]//Package[php5-mcrypt]/ensure: created
 Notice: /Stage[main]//Package[php5-memcache]/ensure: created
 Notice: /Stage[main]//Package[php5-pinba]/ensure: created
 Notice: /Stage[main]//Package[php5-fpm]/ensure: created
 Notice: /Stage[main]//Package[php5-curl]/ensure: created
 Notice: /Stage[main]//Package[php5-imap]/ensure: created
 Notice: /Stage[main]//Package[php5-mysqlnd]/ensure: created
 Notice: /Stage[main]//Package[php5-redis]/ensure: created
 Notice: /Stage[main]//Package[php5-cli]/ensure: created
 Notice: /Stage[main]//Package[php5-dev]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to 
 Notice: Finished catalog run in 30.67 seconds
 root@web2-dev:~# dpkg -l | grep apache
 ii apache2-mpm-prefork 2.2.16-6+squeeze11 Apache HTTP Server - traditional 
 non-threaded model
 ii apache2-utils 2.2.16-6+squeeze11 utility programs for webservers
 ii apache2.2-bin 2.2.16-6+squeeze11 Apache HTTP Server common binary files
 ii apache2.2-common 2.2.16-6+squeeze11 Apache HTTP Server common files
 ii libapache2-mod-php5filter 5.4.23-1~dotdeb.0 server-side, HTML-embedded 
 scripting language (apache 2 filter module)

 root@web2-dev:~# aptitude show apache2-utils
 Package: apache2-utils
 State: installed
 Automatically installed: yes
 Version: 2.2.16-6+squeeze11
 Priority: optional
 Section: httpd
 Maintainer: Debian Apache Maintainers 
 Uncompressed Size: 344 k
 Depends: libapr1 (= 1.2.7), libaprutil1 (= 1.2.7+dfsg), libc6 (= 2.4), 
 libssl0.9.8 (= 0.9.8m-1)
 Conflicts: apache-common (
 Replaces: apache-utils ( 1.3.33-4), apache2-common

 I am sure that these packages were installed pupped tonnes to his work 
 these packages were not.
 If you put the packages manually (via apt-get) install apache does not 
 How pupped installs apache?

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[Puppet Users] Re: puppet 3.4.0 upgrade, foreman 1.1-stable, problems that are not provisioning related

2013-12-24 Thread Jeffrey Schilperoord
Hello Luke,

This looks and feels like the same issue I had after upgrading to 3.4.0. 
 All my agents report a : Error 400 on SERVER: Could not find class  on 

A yum downgrade on my puppet master was a temporary fix for me. I am using 
Foreman btw.



Op maandag 23 december 2013 21:50:23 UTC+1 schreef Luke Alford:

 I am having problems with our puppet/foreman infrastructure that seem to 
 coincide with an upgrade to 3.4.0-1, but that are persisting after a 
 downgrade back to 3.3.2-1. There are no obvious errors I can find and I 
 don't seem to be having any problems with puppet talking to foreman, so 
 overall things look completely normal other than I have puppet classes when 
 foreman responds with node information and an empty catalog after the 
 puppet master compiles. I am pretty stumped by this and would appreciate 
 any thoughts others may have on troubleshooting this problem.

 First, here's some more important information about our system. We had 
 been running puppet 3.3.2-1 and foreman 1.1-stable for quite some time 
 before things bumped up to 3.4.0 over the weekend.
 - centos 6.4 for puppet master and nodes
 - puppet and puppet-server 3.3.2-1 (I downgraded both puppet and 
 puppet-server back to this version since we'd been running successfully 
 with it for some time now)
 - puppetdb and puppetdb-terminus 1.5.0-1
 - foreman 1.1-stable (we've also been running this for some time, we don't 
 do any provisioning with it but we use it as an ENC for storing data and 
 classifying nodes into roles)
 - puppet and foreman running behind nginx/passenger

 If the upgrade to 3.4.0 was the sole source of my problem I would expect 
 things to have returned back to normal after the downgrade. Since the 
 catalog is still empty though, there's got to be something I'm missing. 

 Here are a few things I've tried while digging into this.

 1) puppet master --compile my node
 The node is found, but there are no classes identified. Therein lies the 
 version: 1387830624,
 classes: [
 environment: production

 2) Firing up irb, I manually checked what foreman returns for my node. I 
 won't post the whole output including parameters, but the important part is 
 that the keyset for the classes key in the yaml document matches what I 
 would expect for this particular monolithic test box.
 {play=nil, sudo=nil, mongo=nil, rsyslog=nil, 
 mysql::server=nil, jmx=nil, nginx::loadbalancer=nil, ssh=nil, 
 play::install=nil, mongo::seed=nil, users=nil, 
 mysql::server::master=nil, logstash=nil, common=nil, 
 puppet=nil, zabbix=nil, motd=nil, logrotate=nil, java=nil, 
 yum=nil, ntp=nil}

 3) I noticed that facter also updated to version 1.7.4 during this time, 
 but at least from what I've tried so far this doesn't seem to be a problem 
 of any kind.

 4) Yes, I did try turning it off and on again. :)

 So it seems that somewhere between talking to the ENC and actually 
 compiling the catalog that my puppet classes disappear into the ether that 
 I have not yet identified. I would appreciate any suggestions people have 
 on further troubleshooting, or why the upgrade might have gotten things 
 into an odd state that rolling back the package somehow doesn't fix.

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[Puppet Users] Re: Problem using hiera-eyaml

2013-12-24 Thread Kit Plummer
Did you resolve this?

I'm having a similar problem.  But, I think it is because the eyaml backend 
isn't getting loaded :) :

Cannot load backend eyaml: cannot load such file -- 

I'm wondering if this is because the Ruby version/Gems that are used by PE.

On Friday, December 6, 2013 8:10:35 AM UTC-7, wernerbahlke wrote:

 I am trying to use hiera-eyaml and have followed the README instructions.

 eyaml seems to work, I can encrypt and decrypt files and passwords.

 I can also use hiera -c to get at an encrypted value like so:

 hiera -c /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml rootpwd 

 But when running this simple test module it fails with cannot find the 
 data item rootpwd defined in hieradata/defaults.eyaml.

 class test {
 $test = hiera('test')
 $rootpwd = hiera('rootpwd')
 notify { Test: ${test}: }
 If I just have the test variable defined in defaults.yaml it works fine. 
 So it cannot find the defaults.eyaml file.

 Here is my hiera.yaml:


- yaml
- eyaml 
- :hierarchy:
   - defaults
   - %{clientcert}
   - %{environment}
   - global 
   - :yaml: :datadir: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/hieradata 
   - :eyaml: :datadir: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/hieradata 

 And my defaults.eyaml file:

 Any hints will be greatly appreciated.

 I am running Puppet Enterprise 3.1.0 on Ubuntu 12.04.

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[Puppet Users] Puppet getting Cannot allocate memory - fork(2) error. Running without puppetmaster

2013-12-24 Thread Shay Lavi
I'm running puppet on Centos VM server without puppet agent (and no 
puppetmaster) just by using puppet apply.
Lately i'm getting error while try to run puppet: Cannot allocate memory - 
By looking at the server memory consumption I can see the the ruby is using 
a lot of memory until no more memory is available.
I tried to overcome this by:
1) Increasing memory
2) Reinstall puppet

These solutions didn't last long and the error returned.
Any idea how to fix this?

I'm using *puppet 3.3.2* and *ruby 1.9.2*


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