[Puppet Users] Terraform provisioner?

2016-10-10 Thread James Turnbull
Is anyone working on a Terraform provisioner? Or have one internal that
they'd like to open source (If so, am volunteering to make it all nice
for the outside world and write you documentation, etc).



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[Puppet Users] Announce: Strings 0.99.0 Released!

2016-10-10 Thread Will Hopper

Hello, all! Today, we're pleased to announce the release of puppet-strings 
0.99.0! Strings is a YARD-based documentation tool for Puppet extensions 
written in Puppet and Ruby. Given some simple in-code comments containing 
YARD tags, it will generate consistent HTML or JSON documentation for all 
of your Puppet 3x/4x API functions, Puppet language functions, Ruby 
classes, Ruby methods, types, and providers.

This release includes a near-complete rewrite of the project, fixing many 
bugs from previous versions and generally improving the user experience. 
Note that this release is intended to be the last stop before the strings 
major version 1.0.0 is released, and nearly all of the functionality of the 
major release is included.

Note also: backwards-incompatible changes have been made to the original 
JSON schema.


   - Both HTML and JSON documentation has been split into sections based on 
   type: Puppet 3x API functions, Puppet 4x API functions, Ruby 
   classes/methods, Puppet language functions, types, and providers.
   - New --emit-json and --emit-json-stdout command line options for 
   generating JSON documentation.
   - A brand new JSON schema organized around the new separation of types.
   - Support for custom functions written in the puppet language.
   - Support for function overloads via the create_function 4x API.
   - YARD has been bumped to the latest version, greatly enhancing the look 
   and usability of the HTML output.

*Other important notes*:

   - Markdown is now the default format for parsing in-code docstrings.
   - The runtime dependency of puppet has been removed in favor of a gem 
   'requirement' which appears on rubygems.org. This prevents conflicts 
   when installing strings in older versions of Puppet Enterprise. We 
   recommend you install the puppet-strings gem using puppet, as suggested in 
   the README.

Never used Strings? Check out the README linked below and give it a try!

The CHANGELOG can be found here: 

The ruby gem can be found here: https://rubygems.org/gems/puppet-strings

Installation and usage instructions can be found here: 

To track issues related to this release or report issues, see the PDOC JIRA 

   - JIRA Project: https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PDOC

   - Fixes for 0.99.0: https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/issues/?filter=22705
   - Introduced in 0.99.0: 

William Hopper
Software Engineer

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[Puppet Users] Re: Declare ressources from another stage

2016-10-10 Thread jcbollinger

On Thursday, October 6, 2016 at 9:03:26 AM UTC-5, Prunk Dump wrote:
> Can you help me on a more simpler and concrete example ?  
> 1) My apt::client class have a defined type :

Your apt::client class does not *have* such a defined type.  Even if the 
type's definition appears lexically within the class's (which it ought not 
to do), that does not imply any meaningful ownership or scope.


> define apt::client::source
> that allow to add sources to /etc/apt/sources.list.d. As an "apt-get 
> update" is needed after adding sources, all the resources defined in my 
> apt::client::source type :
> => require Class['apt::client::audit'] (that check if there are not 
> pending install)
> => notify Class['apt::client::update'] (that run apt-get update)
> There as no more dependencies. And the two class (  apt::client::audit and 
> apt::client::update ) are contained in the apt::client class.
> 2) Now I want to build a "wine" class that install wine from "backports".
> => the wine class require that apt is ready to install packages so 
> naturally wine class need to be run after the apt::client class.
> => But wine also need that the backports sources are added to 
> sources.list. So in the the wine::install class manifest I declare a 
> apt::client::source(...backports sources...) that is required by the 
> Package['wine'] resource.
> 3) Finally I got a dependency cycle :
> apt::client::update => wine::install  (because apt need to be ready)
> wine::install => apt::client::source(...backports sources...)  (because 
> the resource is declared inside the wine class and required by 
> Package['wine'])
> apt::client::source(...backports sources...) => apt::client::update (as 
> the source need to be added before apt-get update)
> You can say to me that I can create a specific 
> apt::client::backports_source class and include it instead of declaring it. 
> But I have many other modules that need many other specific sources.
> You can say that I can put the apt::client::source(...backports 
> sources...) in the apt module. But I don't want that this sources be added 
> on node that don't have wine.
> I there a way to achieve what I want with puppet ? Maybe with class 
> parameters ?

The cycle you describe occurs because your relationships are too 
coarse-grained.  It's not *all* of class wine::install that must be applied 
after apt::client::update, nor all of it that must be applied before 
apt::client::update.  You have one part that must be applied after, one 
part that must be applied before, and maybe a part that can be applied 
either before or after.  To resolve that situation you need to split the 
class into at least two classes, and apply the relationships with each one 
that are appropriate for it.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Issue with module from forge - Duplicate declaration Class[Rsyslog]

2016-10-10 Thread jcbollinger

On Friday, October 7, 2016 at 10:39:58 AM UTC-5, re-g...@wiu.edu wrote:
> Well... The node I have been testing the duplicate declaration on uses a 
> puppet secondary-master server, as it is on a remote network segment. It 
> does not connect directly to the puppet primary-master in which The Forman 
> is running on.
> So I did some work to get this particular "server1" node to use the puppet 
> primary-master that The Foreman is running on. When I run a puppet update, 
> it completes without error. When I switch back to the puppet 
> secondary-master, I get the duplicate class error.
> They are both running puppet 3.8.7-1 on CentOS 6.
> The YAML produced by both is exactly 100% the same. So I can assume the 
> YAML structure is not the issue.
> Would this suggest that the puppet secondary-master server is the issue, 
> or the client connecting to it is perhaps not always getting what it wants 
> from the slave?
> Remember that the puppet updates will complete correctly for many hours, 
> then magically change to this error. And vice-versa, be in error for many 
> hours, and then magically change to completing correctly. Also that 
> sometime changing configuration in The Forman can trigger the Error to 
> occur AND other times trigger to Error to stop occurring.
> Also note, I only have this problem with the saz-rsyslog module - NEVER 
> with any other puppet module.
> When I remove the saz-rsyslog module, all issues disappear.

I am not prepared to believe that identical implementations of Puppet's 
catalog builder running on substantially identical platforms with identical 
inputs behave differently.  Since you do see variations in behavior, 
therefore, I conclude that those differences can be attributed to 
differences in implementation, platform, or (most likely) inputs.


> I have made sure the puppet modules are 100% in sync between primary and 
> secondary master server.
> And I have restarted the puppet processes on the secondary-master server, 
> but the error will continue on the nodes.

Those are good steps.  To really troubleshoot this thoroughly, however, I 
think you'll need to be systematic: capture the ENC output for each catalog 
request for a given node (or for all nodes), with timestamps and associated 
success / failure of catalog compilation.  Compare the ENC output for 
successful catalog builds with that for failed builds and look for 

Either at the same time or separately, you should look into whether 
Puppet's environment cache has an impact here.  Some of the behaviors you 
describe make me rather suspicious of this.  Supposing that you are using 
directory environments, you should experiment both with disabling caching 
altogether (set the environment_timeout configuration option to 0 (its 
default)) and with caching indefinitely (set environment_timeout to 
"unlimited").  Note that Puppet recommends against using any other setting 
for that option.  You could also try turning on the ignorecache option at 
the master.


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[Puppet Users] Re: Issue with module from forge - Duplicate declaration Class[Rsyslog]

2016-10-10 Thread jcbollinger

On Thursday, October 6, 2016 at 9:04:14 AM UTC-5, re-g...@wiu.edu wrote:
I understand the duplicate declaration issue - I have been reading about it 
> for months trying to figure out this issue that keeps popping up. I am 
> trying to figure out how it is possible I am getting a duplicate class 
> declaration on a widely-used and approved module I have no control over 
> (that no one else has reported any similar issue as mine), when using the 
> forman to simply provide the values of parameters.

I don't know how widely-tested that module is, but it absolutely does 
exhibit what I would consider to be some violations of best practices.  As 
a result, it is more susceptible than most to duplicate declaration 
issues.  Nevertheless, it appears that simple uses of that module (e.g., of 
its classes, only ::rsyslog is declared directly) and all uses relying 
exclusively on automated data binding for parameter values should be ok.


> Maybe The Foreman is the cause of the ::rsyslog class to be declared more 
> than once? Might you suggest this possibility?

I *did* suggest that possibility, inasmuch as I suggested that it might be 
emitting the ENC analog of resource-like class declarations for it.  That 
in itself would not be enough to produce the problem, but it is a likely 
contributor.  I don't see any reason to think that it would emit multiple 
declarations itself, but it does not need to do, because there are several 
other classes in the module that explicitly or implicitly declare class 
::rsyslog.  If any of those is also declared then there is a potential 


> But then I think, how would it? And why do I have this issue for hours on 
> a server, and then at some magic moment the issue just disappears? Why with 
> two of my servers sitting 1 IP away from each other, one will have this 
> issue, and the other will not?

I cannot answer that in any detail, but obviously something differs over 
time and / or between servers.  There is an enormous variety of 
possibilities, both inside Puppet and / or The Foreman and outside.


> I consider that The Foreman is causing the problem, but then I should have 
> the error on all hosts at the same time.

I am by no means certain that the problem is directly related to The 
Foreman, and in no way am I suggesting that The Foreman is misbehaving.  I 
am, however, suggesting that in some cases The Foreman's ENC output is 
interacting poorly with the module.  That it is possible for that to be the 
case is a consequence of details of the module implementation.


> The only different in the YAML between hosts is the IP addresses... every 
> other puppet module parameter value is exactly the same.

That The Foreman is emitting a class declaration with parameters at all is 
very likely a contributing factor to the problem.  Note, however, that it 
may not be just the parameter values that make a difference.  It surely 
also matters which other classes are declared, and the *order* of the class 
declarations could also have an impact.  Again, however, I see no reason to 
attribute any of this to a flaw in The Foreman.


> The Foreman has parameterized class support. It allows us to manage the 
> values of the puppet module parameters.

Yes, and when you use that support, and it works exactly as intended, you 
open yourself up to duplicate class declaration issues.  Whether any such 
issues will actually manifest depends on many factors.


> Old Screen Shots with explaination
> http://projects.theforeman.org/projects/foreman/wiki/Parameterized_class_support
> When using the foreman, I am not writing any files, or declaring any 
> classes. Instead, I manage the values of the puppet module parameters in 
> the The Foreman WebUI, which is simply logic like 'if this host fact meets 
> this criteria, then this puppet module parameter is set to this value'.

Even supposing that everything works exactly as designed, you don't need to 
write any of your own classes to end up with duplicate declaration issues.  
You do need to feed class parameters to Puppet in some way (any way) other 
than automated data binding, and you need additional declarations of the 
same classes, whether implicit or explicit, in other classes you declare.  
You certainly have the former, and the module you're using provides easy 
opportunities for the latter.


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[Puppet Users] Re: subscribe vs notify

2016-10-10 Thread Peter Faller
Hi Andrew

'subscribe' is not a type - it's a metaparameter, and it still exists. See:


On Monday, 10 October 2016 04:57:42 UTC+2, Andrew wrote:

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