On Donnerstag 18 Juni 2009, Marcel Krause wrote:
> Hello Andreas, hello list,
>  > Nope--CUDA_ROOT's not a list. :)
> thanks, that did it. In my first try, I got
>  > /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -llibboost_python-gcc43-mt-1_39
> Then I removed the prefix "lib" from BOOST_PYTHON_LIBNAME and
> BOOST_THREAD_LIBNAME and tried again. Now there run many lines,
> and then:
>  > "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pycuda-0.93rc4-py2.5-linux-
>  > i686.egg/pycuda/tools.py.BACKUP.23020.py", line 317
>  >    <<<<<<< HEAD:pycuda/tools.py
>  >     ^
>  > SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> which seems like an error, but it finishes with

Those are leftovers from a (failed?) git merge, it appears. While I think it 
did get copied to your install directory, it's entirely harmless.

> which sounds a bit like success.

It is. :)

> Also, since the second try, I am unable to reproduce the first
> message about /usr/bin/ld.

The one that you fixed by removing "lib"? Or which other message are you 
referring to?

> Also, the setup script could warn me about the "lib" prefix on
> platforms where it is unusual to use it. (Maybe it is unusual
> on all platforms - I don't know.)

Don't know of one where it is usual. (Anybody?) Would you mind writing a patch 
to setup.py to do so?


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