Re: [PyKDE] PyKDE-3.5-1

2003-04-06 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 06-Apr-03 Gordon Tyler wrote:
 On April 5, 2003 03:40 am, Jim Bublitz wrote:
 This version requires sip 3.5 and PyQt 3.5.
 This version builds against Python from 1.5.2 through 2.2.2
 (haven't tested the 2.3 beta), KDE 2.1.1 through 3.1.1, and Qt
 2.3.0 through 3.1.1. 
 I'm trying to compile it against sip-x11-gpl-snapshot-20030322
 and PyQt-x11-gpl-snapshot-20030321 on a Debian testing machine
 with Python 2.2.2, official KDE3.1.1 packages and Qt packages
 version 3.1.2-0woody1. I manually  applied the patches to PyQt
 required to compile it on Debian (the style stuff). PyQt works

Should be no problem (other than below) in compiling against that
 static QPtrListKMainWindow* memberList;
 But the mapped type in the sip file, MainWindowList, is using
 I'm changing various references to qlist.h to use qptrlist.h and
 retrying the  compile. I'll let you know which ones I had to
 change to make it compile.

My Qt sources (SuSE and I assume RH, since it compiled here) have
the following:

in qlist.h (has one):

#include qptrlist.h

in qptrlist.h:

QPtrList declarations

#define QList QPtrList

As can be seen from the above, there is no difference except name
between QList and QPtrList. Regardless, that should be changed in
the PyKDE sources for KDE = 3.0.0. Actually, I thought I had
caught all of those. I should have seen those flagged when
generating new code.

In each of these, you'll need to change QList - QPtrList and
qlist.h - qptrlist.h where they occur (that means inside the
%MappedType blocks too):


kmainwindow.sip would be the first you'd encounter when building.
The rest of the occurances appear to be properly versioned out, or
the sip files aren't included in the build for KDE 3 versions For
example, any QList/qlist.h preceded by:

   %If ( - KDE_3_0_0 )

won't be seen if you're building with KDE = 3.0.0 (it's
effectively the same as '#if KDE_VERSION  300' in C++). Also, if
you don't see KDE_3_1_1 at the top of the sip file in the comments,
that sip file won't be seen when you build for KDE 3.1.1.

I'll try to fixup the bug noted in an earlier post and this
one and put out a new release somewhere around the middle of the
week (taxes next couple of days).



[PyKDE] PyKDE-3.5-1

2003-04-05 Thread Jim Bublitz
PyKDE-3.5-1 (.tar.gz) is available at:

The download link is on the download page.

This version requires sip 3.5 and PyQt 3.5. It's a little more than
a development snapshot and a little less than what I wanted in a
final release. The major deficiencies are a little untested code
(for long long handling) and some missing features (demos, docs,
more testing, etc.). There is a set of documentation (html) in the
tarball, along with a couple new demo programs in the examples*/
directories. The various KSharedPtr based classes (KService,
KMimeType, etc) should now work.

This version builds against Python from 1.5.2 through 2.2.2
(haven't tested the 2.3 beta), KDE 2.1.1 through 3.1.1, and Qt 2.3.0
through 3.1.1. It's been tested (successfully too) against various
SuSE versions (7.1 - 8.1) and RH 8.0 (gcc 2.95 and 3.2). Keep in
mind that for PyQt or PyKDE programs to run on SuSE 8.1, it's
necessary to export the environment variable KDE_MALLOC = n. Also
remember that using the -c switch when running
dramatically reduces compile times, 

for KDE = 3.0.0:

   python -lqt-mt -c  

for KDE  3.0.0
   python -lqt -c

You still need to be root to run make and make install.

This version will *not* build with the latest sip snapshot - the
fix for that is fairly simple and was posted a few days ago. I'll
be taking a few days off to do my business taxes and some other
stuff, and then be back at this so that (hpopefully) everything is
complete for the Python 2.3 and sip 3.6 releases coming up.



Re: [PyKDE] PyKDE Change in Plans

2003-04-02 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 02-Apr-03 Gerard Vermeulen wrote:
 I was wondering if it is possible to introduce a feature
 %feature SIP_FOOLS_DAY
 where (or my distutils scripts) have to figure
 out if sip predates 2003-04-01 or not.

Sure - 

Take the output of sip -V and test it to determine if you need the
old style or new style naming, then pass a -D define to your code
when compiling or set a feature conditional (= 3.5 or 
 snapshot-20030401 for old style).

There is a #define Phil referenced (SIP_MAJOR_NR) that you can test
in C++ code (it's in the 3/15 snapshot), but I think you'll only be
able to distinguish 3 from 4, and the incompatibility will be in
later versions of 3 already. It's in siplib/sip.h.

I'm resistant to doing it for PyKDE because it adds some other
complications and it appears at the moment that PyKDE for 3.6 (when
3.6 is released) won't be backwards compatible with PyKDE for 3.5.
It's easy to add the #ifdefs if you need them (all the changes are
in C++ code in %VirtualCode blocks).

PyQt shouldn't have a problem as long as you match the PyQt and sip

I like the feature name though :)



Re: [PyKDE] PyKDE Change in Plans

2003-04-01 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 01-Apr-03 Kaleb Pederson wrote:
 On Tuesday 01 April 2003 13:23, Jim Bublitz wrote:
 Following up on Phil's Incompatible SIP Change message, I've
 decided to make a slight change in the PyKDE release schedule.

 Within the next couple of days, I'll release a snapshot of the
 next PyKDE release. This snapshot will be based on sip 3.5. If
 you're using sip 3.5 it will build as delivered.

 To use it with the incompatible sip snapshot you'll need to do
 the following before building:

 1. grep the sip files for sipName:

 grep sipName .../sip/*.sip
 three dots?

As in something else probably goes there depending on where you
put PyKDE and what the current working directory is and what the
top level PyKDE directory is.

 There are only 7 occurances

 2. Replace all occurances of sipName_module_something with
 sipName_something. For example



 Hmm if you have the appropriate commands installed:
 grep -l sipName ../sip/*.sip | xargs -n 1 -i sed -r -i 
 s/(sipName_)([a-zA-Z]+_)/\1/g {}
 Which will do it in one commandline (but with only seven
 occurences it might be overkill - however, I've used that to
 replace defines, code,etc. many  times).
 The basic command is:
 sed -r -i s/(sipName_)([a-zA-Z]+_)/\1/g filename
 which will take:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] kibab $ cat mytestfile
 sipName_kdeui_KatePart sipName_kdeui_Mytest
 and turn it into:
 sipName_KatePart sipName_Mytest
 This, of course, assumes that no underscore will be present in
 module names.

 Finally, if I'm wrong and this kills your system, well, oops ;)

I always keep the original tarball as a backup because I don't
these very well.



RE: [PyKDE] SIP questions

2003-04-01 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 02-Apr-03 Claus, Richard wrote:
 I have used SIP to provide Python access to a set of C++ classes
 I wrote.  These classes don't involve either PyQt or Qt.
 A few points:
 1) I have a placement operator new(size_t sz, void* p, bool swap)
 in one of the classes.  It is used internally to the C++ code and
 is not exposed to Python.  When the SIP-generated code is
 compiled by VS.NET, it complains about the lack of existance of th
 e standard new operator in the code generated for the class
 constructors, although it has no problem finding it for classes
 not having additional operator news defined.  I would have
 thought that it should be able to figure out which new to use
 from the sig nature.  I saw two solutions: 1) Provide a new
 operator in my class that has the behaviour of the standard one,
 or 2) use the scoping operator (i.e. ::new MyClass) in
 %MemberCode.  I had to handle the delete operator similarly. 
 What's the right thing to do?  Should SIP be using the scoping
 operator in the generated code?

I'm not at all sure on this one, but it sounds to me like either of
your solutions would be worth trying. I'm not familiar with VC, but
I seem to recall that some versions of C++ used to have a standard
new operator that globally overloaded the real new operator - if
new is defined in an h file, you could try including that h file.
 2) Some of my C++ classes have pure virtual functions.  The SIP
 generated code looks like:
 int sipMyDatagramIterator::process(MyDatagram * a0)
 about which VS.NET rightfully complains:
 c:\pkg\sippkgmydatagramiterator.cpp(61) : warning C4715:
 'sipMyDatagramIterator::process' : not all control paths return a

What sip requires for pure virtuals/abstract classes is that:

a. methods be declared in the sip file as pure virtual

   virtual void foo (int) = 0;

b. *all* pure virtuals for the class be declared in the sip file
(even if they're private). 

I haven't seen a problem, but PyKDE only has a handful of abstract

 I tried copying this and adding an else clause in %MemberCode,
 but it didn't work.  I don't remember why.

It probably didn't work because to add %MemberCode to a virtual
method you also need to add a %VirtualCode block - there should be
some examples in PyQt; if not, check the C++ code that sip
generates for a virtual method that works, for example for a
virtual method 'foo' there will be a sipSomeClass::foo method and a
sipSomeClass::sipVH_foo method - the latter is the %VirtualCode
block that sip generated (the VH method will only appear in the base
class that defines the virtual method, I believe).
 3) I'm concerned about speed.  I'd like certain class methods to
 provide access to Numeric or NumArray style arrays, but haven't
 figured out how to do that yet.  In the mean time, I am trying to
 avoid a copy by returning PyBuffer_* in %MemberCode instead of
 PyString_*.  However, this leads to wanting to pass PyBuffers
 into the C++ code and I haven't managed to figure out how to tell
 sipParseArgs to accept them.  Any suggestions?

Here's a fragment from a method that takes a Python list in place
of the C++ char** argument. The 'T' format specifier in
sipParseArgs (along with the PyList_Type and slist arguments)
handles the Python object. The first int argument isn't passed in
from Python, but is computed in the C++ code - a1 is the second
int arg. The '|' means the int arg is optional, 'm' is for the
the 'this' or 'self' pointer.

void insertStrList (const char**, int = -1, int = -1);
//takes list (a Python list of strings) index (int)

KEditListBox *ptr;
PyObject *slist;
int a1 = -1;
int n;

if (sipParseArgs(sipArgsParsed, sipArgs, mT|i,
sipThisObj,sipClass_KEditListBox, ptr,
PyList_Type, slist, a1))
if ((n = PyList_Size (slist)) == 0)
return NULL;

 Finally, I've fallen into trouble with Python's garbage
 collection in that  when I use my code in a multithreaded
 environment, Python sometimes exits with a complaint about
 finding an object on its GC list that has already been collected
 (currently not so easy to reproduce, so I don't have an exact
 copy of the error message).  Given that SIP handles reference
 counting, can anyone give me some suggestions for going after
 this?  The placement new on an existing Python string trick is
 little more than casting to give the string a personality. 
 Maybe this is confusing SIP somehow?

I have no idea on this one.



[PyKDE] PyKDE trivia

2003-03-30 Thread Jim Bublitz
I just finished one cycle of test compiling the next KDE release (I
have more testing/bug fixing to go yet), and thought the following
results might be interesting.

For these compiles, the sip files are all on Machine 3 (1, 2, and 4
access the same file set via NFS over a 100BT LAN), all C++ files
are local to each machine. Machines 1, 2, and 3 have identical HDs.

Machine 1: 850MHz PIII, 256MB, X not running
Machine 2: 800MHz PIII, 272MB, X not running
Machine 3: 850MHz PIII, 512MB, X running
Machine 4: Athlon 1900, 1GB DDR, X running

MachineKDE VersionDistribution make
 min:sec  hr:min:sec
------    --
   using tmake, -c switch
   3  2.1.1SuSE 7.12:56  12:40
   2  2.2.0SuSE 7.33:27  14:47
   2  2.2.1SuSE 7.33:42  14:36
   2  2.2.2SuSE 7.33:23  15:19

   using qmake, -c switch
   2  3.0.0SuSE 7.3   13:40  12:42
   4  3.0.0SuSE 8.07:15   6:17
   2  3.0.1SuSE 7.3   13:42  12:44
   1  3.0.3 RH 8.0 7:04  40:56
   1  3.0.3SuSE 8.1   12:58  42:36
   1  3.1.0SuSE 8.1   13:10  45:51
   1  3.1.1SuSE 8.1   13:15  46:21

   using tmake, no -c switch
   3  2.1.1SuSE 7.13:011:00:50

   using qmake, no -c switch
   4  3.0.0SuSE 8.08:47  48:10
   2  3.0.1SuSE 7.3   17:491:29:37
   1  3.1.1SuSE 8.1   16:502:10:06



RE: [PyKDE] SIP questions 2

2003-03-26 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 27-Mar-03 dwelch wrote:
 Thanks again to Phil and Jim for all their help. I have 1
 additional question at this stage. I am trying to wrap a C++
 class that has a  member function that takes a fd_set as a
 parameter. Something like:
 int DoSpecialSelectLikeOperation( fd_set f );
 On my RH8 Linux box, the fd_set is a struct that contains a
 bitfield.  Any suggestions on how to handle this?

I got into this once, but quite a while so I'm not sure. I *think*
sip handles bit field variables, so first I'd try:

int a;
int b;

for the corresponding bit-field variables. The actual variable
declarations from the h file might work too.

sip will take the above (sip doesn't look at h files, so it doesn't
know any better). It might cause compile or execution errors - you'd
want to test it. If it does work, you might have to be careful to
not overflow the variables from Python. 

The other way is to write a %MappedType for fd_set, which would
allow you to view it as a tuple in Python and struct in C++. You
could also write %MemberCode, but you then have the problem of
getting sip to recognize the fd_set type (%MappedType does that for
you). In either case you'd be handling the bit-field variables at
the C++ level, so it wouldn't be a problem. That would also let you
handle overflows from the Python side. (I used to handle all C++
structs as tuples via %MappedTypes, but I write them as classes
now). In that case, you wouldn't instantiate fd_set directly in
Python - you'd pass in an appropriately structured tuple (or get a
tuple back).

Writing a mapped type is basically writing one code fragment that
converts from C++ - Python and another going the other way. Both
use Python/C API functions (and sip generated methods for class
conversions) to do the actual conversions.

There also is a %VariableCode directive in sip, but there aren't
any useful examples in either PyQt and PyKDE (one trivial PyKDE
example that's no longer used), and I don't recall if it would help
here or not.



Re: [PyKDE] SIP questions

2003-03-25 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 25-Mar-03 Phil Thompson wrote:
 On Tuesday 25 March 2003 7:20 pm, WELCH,DONALD J
 (HP-Vancouver,ex1) wrote:

 I am attempting to wrap a shared library on Linux using SIP.
 This shared
 library's API defines several C++ classes that interelate (in
 both IS-A and
 HAS-A relationships). Currently, all the classes are declared in
 a single
 .h file.


 1. What is the difference between %Import and %Include?
 %Import is used when you are wrapping a library that sub-classes
 from another library that has also been wrapped. So PyKDE
 effectively %Imports PyQt.

 %Include is similar to the C pre-processor's #include.

Ignoring the fact that Phil wrote sip and I'm just a user, I think
%Import is closer to a C++ #include - %Import is like all of the
#includes you add *except* the one that has the same name as your
cpp file. It provides all of the external refs. %Include is more
like the list of source files in the Makefile - the %Includes are
the files that comprise the module and the ones code will be
generated for. 
 Whether you put each class into a separate .sip file is a
 readability issue and is up to you.

sip still generates one cpp/h file pair per class, but how you
distribute classes over sip files makes no difference to anything.
Every class needs a %HeaderCode block though, no matter how you
arrange things.
 SIP is run against the qtmod.sip file (not against each
 individual .sip file) and it brings in all the necessary stuff
 through %Includes.

In that sense sip is more like a linker than a compiler, in that it
reads in all of the sip files for a module before resolving
symbols. Ignoring scope, any symbol in any sip file is visible to
all other sip files, and in fact sip won't tolerate multiple
declarations (eg duplicate typedefs).
 6. Is it possible to add methods to classes in the .sip file
 that don't exist in (or exist differently) the wrapped .cpp
 code? For example, could I add a method that returns a Python
 list instead of having the Python client code call
 getFirst()/getNext() to enumerate a list of items?
 Yes - you can lie to SIP as much as you want.
 Depending on the nature of the class, alternatives would be to
 replace the class entirely with a Python list (using
 %MappedType), or implement appropriate Python operators (see

There are a lot of examples in PyKDE - grep the sip files for
%MemberCode, %MappedType, %C++Code, or %PrePythonCode.
qstringlist.sip is a neat example of handling a template based
class (by ignoring the base class) and adding Python __methods__
(same as KURL::List, for which I stole the code from QStringList).
KCmdLineArgs has an example of replacing an array of C++ structs
with a Python dict.
 7. Are there any tools to automate h2sip (at least the basic
 stuff that can be automated)?
 Over to you Jim.

I have an automated tool that does PyKDE automatically almost
perfectly (about a half dozen known errors in 400+ files) except for
handwritten code (it did some of that too, but not very well). It
also does versioning, writes the docs (minimally at the moment, but
I've been thinking of hacking the KDoc stuff too, similar to what
theKompany just announced for PyQt), and constructs the
file that generates the make files. I sent it to someone last week
and quickly realized it's pretty difficult for anyone else to make
sense of at the moment, and is also pretty PyKDE specific. That's
given me second thoughts about releasing it, but assuming I still
do release it, it won't be for 3-6 months. The core parser/sip
file generator is pretty good (a few bugs and a lousy
C preprocessor parser) but the input file specification is pretty
horrible and the build files generated won't work except for PyKDE
(but are hackable).

I will, however, send you a copy if you want to give it a try. Just
don't expect much. It's Python, so it only takes a few minutes to
decide if it's worth your effort or not. Let me know.
 However, be aware that you sometimes have to supply SIP with more
 information  (eg. /Transfer/ flags) which cannot be done

I do those automatically :) - also the SIP_RXOBJ_CON and
SIP_SLOT_CON stuff except for the args if needed - I generate them
all commented out and then add the args to SIP_SLOT_[CON,DIS]
manually. Depends on the consistency of the C++ code though - I
just assign every QWidget *parent in a ctor /TransferThis/ and
every other case a /Transfer/, and then go back a remove a few
manually. Those are almost the only necessary info that's not in the
h files (and stuff that needs %MemberCode or %MappedType, which I
flag automatically).



RE: [PyKDE] More SIP questions

2003-03-25 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 25-Mar-03 WELCH,DONALD J (HP-Vancouver,ex1) wrote:
 Thanks again for the quick response to my earlier queries. I have
 an additional point of contention:
 Each of these 5 variables and methods in the class are causing me

I'm guessing at some of these, but on the off chance Phil doesn't
respond, here's what I'd try:
 // channel.h
 class Channel 
 static const int MAX_LEN = 4096;

int MAX_LEN;

I don't think sip will handle the 'static'. The initialization
should take place in the C++ code (lib), so you shouldn't need to
specify it (and I don't believe sip will let you). 

 static const char DEF_NAME[] = UNKNOWN;

char *DEF_NAME;

Same - I don't believe sip handles [] (directly).

 Channel  operator=( const Channel  chan );

sip doesn't presently handle operators - might be able to do it in
Python somehow (and embed the code in the sip file); not sure. 
 virtual ~Channel();

Delete it (if it's public).  If it's private, leave it in but drop
the 'virtual'. If it's protected (guessing) make it private (and
still drop the 'virtual').

 static void delay( struct timeval value);

'struct timeval' needs a declaration somewhere in the module. I
believe sip handles 'struct' now, but I still convert everything to

   class timeval
   #include ??

   public:   // a C++ struct is a class whose default access is
 // public

   static void delay (timeval);

Note that for methods, 'static' is critical (it indicates that no
'this' pointer is passed in the method call). 'timeval' can be
nested within Channel if that's where the struct is in the h file -
in that case, drop the %HeaderCode block (only use it if the class
declaration occurs outside a class scope - in a namespace or
global). If it's declared inside a different class (or in any named
namespace, including the current namespace), it will have to be
scoped: OtherClass::timeval or SomeNameSpace::timeval.

Same thing exactly for:

typedef struct {...} timeval;

That's still a class declaration - it just looks funny.

Lastly, the 'const' in the first two lines might cause some
compiler problems if omitted - not sure, but I'd try it without



[PyKDE] KDE3.1.1

2003-03-20 Thread Jim Bublitz
KDE3.1.1 has been officially released (I'm downloading it now).

KDE3.1.1 will be included in the next PyKDE release (as well as
3.0.4, 3.0.5, and 3.1.0). I don't have a firm date for the release,
but it shouldn't be too far off. Adding KDE3.1.1 won't delay the
release by more than a day or two (I hope, after reviewing the
change log).



Re: [PyKDE] Problems with PyKDE 3.3.2 on KDE 3.1.1

2003-03-19 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 19-Mar-03 Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:
 I've tried to switch off the kio module, but then kfile cannot be

Because kfile depends on kio.
 BTW: The KDE 3.1.1 is what I have found on SuSEs 8.2 beta 3,
 their latest release for us beta testers.

As far as I know, there is no official KDE 3.1.1 or even a beta or
release candidate.



Re: [PyKDE] Problems with PyKDE 3.3.2 on KDE 3.1.1

2003-03-19 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 19-Mar-03 Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:
 On Wednesday 19 March 2003 16:03, Jim Bublitz wrote:
 On 19-Mar-03 Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:

 I've had some conversation with Dirk Mueller today about this
 problem. He holds me, that instancing KService::KService(const
 KService) will crash anyway, therefore it was made private in
 KDE 3.1.1 (which will appear soonish). He told me that we need
 to use KService::Ptr,  since KService can only share explicitly,
 thus it cannot be deep copied.

(From memory) That should be what the new code for
QPtrListKService::Ptr (which is what SvcList or KService::List is)
does I think. If not, I'll fix it. Maybe that was part of the
problem with the older code ?? Thanks for the input though - it'll
be helpful to know when I'm testing/debugging this.

 svctypes.sip is handwritten code and SvcList is a mapped type
 meaning neither is really part of KDE, but are created to handle
 template classes within PyKDE. I'm not sure why the copy ctor is
 being invoked there, so I'm not sure how to fix it. Also, I'm
 not sure if that section of code even works, and it's been
 recoded already for the new version.
 Would you mind throwing that code on me?

I'd rather not, as I don't know if it works, and I don't have it
versioned past KDE 3.0 yet. There were problems with the code in
this area in past releases, and it's very easy to write code that
compiles but doesn't function here - it's tricky (for me anyway)
getting the dereferencing correct. At the moment it's probably
better if you just comment out that stuff - should only be a few

There's a lot of stuff in PyKDE that nobody uses (although there
was a bug report on the list about the above) so for an interim
release like you're doing, I'd just comment stuff out 'til it
works. You probably won't lose too much that way.



RE: [PyKDE] Hello and PyKDE for KDE 3.1

2003-03-17 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 18-Mar-03 Roberto H. Alsina wrote:
 First: hello, and congrats on the amazing software :-)
 Second, Since I needed to use KHTML on a app I am writing, and
 also wanted it to work on KDE 3.1, I made a quick hack of
 PyKDE-3.3.2  to make it work
 under KDE 3.1.
 This is just intended as a stopgap thing until the real thing
 comes out, and to let any KDE 3.0 PyKDE apps work on KDE 3.1
 (since the API is exactly the same).
 If anyone wants it, it still seems to be stuck in

The next PyKDE release (covering 3.1) is at least a week or two off,
so for anyone wanting something sooner this would be a good idea.




RE: [PyKDE] PyQt QScintilla Status

2003-03-16 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 16-Mar-03 Phil Thompson wrote:
 Tonight's snapshots of SIP, PyQt and QScintilla should be treated
 as release candidates for SIP 3.6, PyQt 3.6 and QScintilla 1.0.

Hould there be a PyQt snapshot? I don't see one.



Re: [PyKDE] Any tools to generate sip files?

2003-03-14 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 14-Mar-03 Frederick Polgardy Jr wrote:
 Well, whereas SIP looks at SIP files (a stone's throw from the
 C++ header file) and generates C++ bindings, I could imagine it
 wouldn't be *extremely* painful to write a utility like SIP to
 generate Boost code from the headers, or a slightly modified
 version thereof, instead. Not saying  I'm going to write it
 myself :), but the point was only that the limitation 
 doesn't lie with Boost itself.

Not having looked at Boost lately I'm not sure how difficult it
would be, but it's probably doable. I guess my point was that sip
already does this and Boost doesn't.
 The bigger issue re: Qt/KDE is that I have no idea how you'd
 handle the signal/slot mechanism without having preknowledge
 about it, like SIP does.

Again I'm not familiar enough with Boost to be certain, but it
seems that Boost sits on top of the C++ code while sip calls into
the C++ code - so, for example, Boost can handle templates more
easily than sip can. Signal/slot handling might be easier too since
at the C++ level Qt already knows how to do it - it might be just
another method call to Boost.

It seems to me the biggest difference though is that sip by design
handles a comprehensive set of bindings over a number of versions
very well, while Boost is designed more to add a Python feature to
your C++ code. sip excels at PyQt and PyKDE, but for a lot of
applications sip is overkill and Boost is probably more suitable.



RE: [PyKDE] Any tools to generate sip files?

2003-03-13 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 13-Mar-03 Hubbard, Dwight wrote:
 I've been looking at trying to generate python bindings for the
 library which is part of the mythtv pvr project (
 I was wondering if there where any tools to automate the
 generation of the .sip files from the .h files instead of doing
 it manually?


I have a tool in development that does automatic h-sip conversion,
as well has generating the build scripts and writing some of the
docs. I'm using it to generate the next PyKDE version and it's
essentially complete enough to do that (ignoring the occasional bug
that still pops up now and then). I haven't tried it on anything
except PyKDE, so I'm sure there'll be problems with it, particularly
in generating the build stuff.

I took a quick look at the libmyth sources and only see one problem
- one of the h files has a using statement, which is one of the
few things I'm not planning on supporting. You'd have to add
explicit scoping manually to the variables covered by that
statement. I didn't see any place where you'd need to hand write
any C++ code for sip, but I only took a quick look. I also didn't
check to see what beyond the libmyth h files you'd need sip files
for. If libmyth references objects in other libs, you'd need to
bind those too or else hide the references somehow (Qt isn't a
problem however).

The other nice feature of this tool and sip is that they handle
versioning - you can build a new set of sip files from the previous
version's sip files and the new h files. It looks like this project
will be changing fairly rapidly at the moment.

If you have a strong urge to be a guinea pig for undocumented and
probably somewhat buggy incomplete software, I can send you a
tarball (it's all in Python). Basically all you should need to do is
create a project file (assuming it works). You'd also need Python
2.2.2, sip 3.5 and PyQt 3.5 (since libmyth is Qt based). This is
far from releaseable, but works pretty well. If it works, you'd
have sip files in about 20 seconds (all of PyKDE takes about 3 1/2
minutes). There's a strong chance this will be completely useless
to you.

Otherwise, I can take a look at it myself when I get some time.



RE: [PyKDE] Any tools to generate sip files?

2003-03-13 Thread Jim Bublitz
I took a second very quick look at the libmyth sources, and there's
good news and bad news: the good news is the using statement is
for 'std' (always make me think of sexually transmitted disease),
so you won't have to do any explicit scoping. The bad new is that
you'll have to hand write mapped type code for all instances of
templates from std (but only if they're public or protected - you
can ignore all of the private stuff). It's not that hard to do
though, and instead of vector you'll get a Python list in the



[PyKDE] PyKDE Status and Update

2003-03-13 Thread Jim Bublitz
PyKDE is (finally) starting to progress. I mentioned earlier that
I'm revising the entire process and have most of that done now (at
least well enough to start actually generating code). So far, I've
built 3 versions (2.1.1 - 2.2.0) and will be starting on 2.2.1 in
a few minutes. Starting over from 2.1.1 will give me a much cleaner
code base. I've also picked up quite a few unnoticed bugs and a few
missing classes/methods/etc by revising the entire process. This is
also the last release to support KDE2.x.x, so I'd like it to be
fairly clean.

In addition, I've started on adding some better demo stuff and
testing, and also started on including some templates and examples
for writing code with PyKDE. The doc format has been revised and
expanded a little (it's now a little more Python oriented than
before). There's still a lot to do in all of those areas that
probably won't make it into this release.

Lastly, I've set up a couple of multi-boot machines so I can test
every version (2.1.1-3.1.0) and also test building on RH 8.0 and
Mandrake 9.0 in addition to SuSE 7.3/8.0/8.1, with several Qt
versions and several Python versions as well.

There won't be a lot of apparent changes, but under the hood this
should be a much better piece of software.

As for a release date -- as always it's a few weeks away.



Re: [PyKDE] Any tools to generate sip files?

2003-03-13 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 14-Mar-03 Frederick Polgardy Jr wrote:
 Well that's essentially what SIP is, although it's more than just
 cpp-pyqt/kde, it's cpp-python in general.

I took him to mean he wanted to translate (line for line) C++ into
python, for example:

if (something)
   x = 1
   y = 2


if something:
x = 1
y = 2

which is not what sip does. Sip provides an interface to C++ libs
on the binary level - it has no idea what's in the cpp code, but
only knows what the call/return interface to the code is (hence sip
only needs to look at the h files, not the cpp files - mostly). The
bindings sip produces are in C++, not Python.
 Along the same lines, has anybody checked out Boost.Python by any
 chance?  It's pretty awesome.  The folks at Boost are insane.

I've looked at it (and argued with David Abrams on comp.lang.python
a little) but never tried it. Boost has some advantages over sip,
especially if you only want to bind a few functions, have a lot of
templates, or like writing C++. The drawbacks (in the context of
of a large project like PyKDE anyway) is that it requires a lot of
handwritten code, more knowledge of what the code actually does,
looks difficult to automate, and would be difficult to maintain over
a number of versions (right now PyQt supports everything from Qt1.42
onward, and PyKDE supports KDE 2.1.1 onward, each with a single
file set). Can't say as far as performance, but it seems like Boost
should be pretty fast and perhaps a little smaller in binary size.



Re: [PyKDE] Problem building PyQt, QScintilla, and eric

2003-03-12 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 12-Mar-03 Phil Thompson wrote:
 On Wednesday 12 March 2003 5:57 pm, Greg Fortune wrote:
 You'll want to build and install qscintilla before building sip.
 That won't make any difference.
 It's more likely that a later version of eric is required (ie. a
 General upgrade order:

 1) build/install qscintilla
 2) build/install sip
 3) build/install PyQt
 4) go to bed
 Or use the -c flag, then you only need to get a coffee.

I didn't know -c stood for coffee -- I always thought it was for
Cardenes :)

 5) wake up in the morning.  Congrats.  PyQt is done ;o)
 6) build/install eric


Re: [PyKDE] Problem building PyQt, QScintilla, and eric

2003-03-12 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 12-Mar-03 Gerard Vermeulen wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 10:27:51AM -0800, Greg Fortune wrote:

  Or use the -c flag, then you only need to get a coffee.
 he he, I'm on a PIII 550 so compiling anything takes a little
 while :)
 What does it do?  If there is no disadvantage to using -c, could
 you include that flag by default?

 It concatenates all sip generated C++ files into a single file.
 So in the end all header files get parsed once, instead of many
 Some compilers (gcc-2.96) are memory hungry and will start
 swapping if you use the -c switch (this is also more likely to
 happen if you have compile Qt with -O3 or more). If the compiler
 starts swapping to disk you can stay in bed the next day :-)

The qt module needs about 100MB of RAM with the -c switch, so on a
low memory machine (around 128MB or less) it would be best to not
use -c, or at least use it without running X. Otherwise, swapping
depends on what you have loaded.

On the plus side, it cuts compile times for PyQt and PyKDE by about
80% (on the same machine). 

On a 600MHz Celeron/64MB RAM/no -c I've had PyKDE take as long as
3-1/2 hours to compile. On an Athlon1900/1GB DDR/-c it takes under
6 minutes. I would think your 550MHz would do PyQt under 15 minutes
if you have enough RAM and use -c.



RE: [PyKDE] Printing (General)

2003-03-11 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 11-Mar-03 Ken Godee wrote:
 Nope, QPrinter allows you to set many functions of your
 device, including resolution, but won't do any layout stuff.
 Yes you can layout using Designer, then pyuic, then create
 an instance of that object in your app and grabwidget with 
 QPainter but the problem is it's only at screen resolution 
 ie. 81dpi. If you then set your QPrint device to 600dpi your
 image will print out aprx. 1/8 scale. If you try to scale up to
 600dpi, that won't work either, it will be bigger(full scale),
 but image will still be at 81dpi. Either way destroys even
 normal size fonts, QPainter grabwidget converts widget to a
 pixmap and hands off to QPrinter which paints to your device (or
 something like that).

 I would like to print directly to the printer and not to a PDF.
 I don't really care if it's easy or not, I just want it handle
 images/fonts/lines correctly and print out at a decent
 Here's some of the following I've looked at.
 Kuger (Qt based,shows promise, no images though)
 ReKall (Qt/python based, shows promise)
 DataVision (Java Based shows promise)
 and many more.
 When I started down this road I didn't think I'd have to 
 reinvent the wheel. I still can't believe I'm just not missing 
 something? So far if possible the best combo I can see is to
 try to extend python with Java (pyJava?) a couple of
 the programs out there come with complete Java Librarys
 for report generating/design with complete font scaling and
 image handling, headers, grouping, etc. But I really wanted
 to stay in the Qt camp.

As far as report generation/layout - I agree there isn't a good
general purpose solution that I'm aware of (good project
possibility for someone who's interested).

As far a QPrinter - I went back and looked at my code. I haven't
worked on this for about a year and the project wasn't completed.
Apparently I did the layout using ReportLab/platypus and somehow
(can't find the piece of code that did it) got the PDF output into
a widget (pixmap?) which I just passed into QPrinter (scaled by (.8,
.8) for some reason). I'm not sure how I did the PDF-widget stuff.
I was using the KDE PDF viewer (as a KPart) for previewing, but I
don't think that's how it was done. At any rate, I didn't have any
trouble getting good quality output from QPrinter. There were only
5 or 6 lines of actual QPrinter code - I'd forgotten that I even
used it. All of the PDF layout was in inches.

KDE (kdeprint in kdelibs) basically uses an extended QPrinter
(KPrinter) for printing - you might look at the kdeprint code or
the code for apps like KWrite or KWord and see how they do it.
There is a kdeprint module for PyKDE, but I haven't done much with
it - no examples yet.

I wish I could be more helpful, but I haven't looked at the subject
for quite a while and can't do the digging at the moment. I'm still
using a pretty kludgy system for forms printing myself.



Re: [PyKDE] Printing (General)

2003-03-11 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 11-Mar-03 Ricardo Javier Cardenes Medina wrote:
 If they end implementing a good table support, then I could
 change my mind, but not now.

If I had to pick the features most lacking in Linux widget sets or
Linux in general it would have to be report generation and a good
table widget (inplace editing, good navigation but with clean
redraws/flicker-free, support virtualizing a large number of rows
like Delphi tables do, etc). Qt (and GTK last time I looked) have
improved but still fall short in my opinion.

Either one would be a good project - unfortunately I can't keep up
with the projects I'm doing now.



RE: [PyKDE] getText() fix from 2002/05/15

2003-03-05 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 05-Mar-03 Eli Carter wrote:
 I'm running RH7.3 + updates.  One of the wonderful things about
 that distribution is PyQt-3.1-2 has a bug with
 QInputDialog.getText(). Namely, the 'parent' argument always
 complains of invalid type.
 I found:
 which has:
 2002/05/15 11:31:23  phil
 Fixed a bug in QInputDialog.getText() for Qt3.
 apparently between releases 3.2.2 and 3.2.4.
 I want that fix, but I can't seem to find the source for those
 older versions. :(  I can find the latestgreatest, and the
 various versions RH shipped, but not those.  Nor have I found
 the delta that corresponds to the changelog entry.
 freshmeat isn't helpful because all the different version links
 point to river-bank.
 Is there a site somewhere that I missed?  I really just want to
 make that change and rebuild... :/
 I guess I'll see if I can guess at changes in the mean time...

The current Qt version should build on RH7.3 with whatever Qt
version you have (=1.42). Since you'll have to rebuild all of PyQt
anyway, that isn't any more difficult (you'll need the
corresponding sip version in any case).  In fact the newer versions
will build about 80% faster.

The other alternative is to get the latest version an compare
qinputdialog.sip to the version you have and see what changed.



RE: [PyKDE] Install problem

2003-02-24 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 24-Feb-03 Tom Chance wrote:
 I've just downloaded PyKDE, and tried to run the build script,
 but it exited 
 with the following error trace:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] PyKDE-3.3.2 $ python
 Building PyKDE 3.3 for Python 2.2.2 on linux2.
 /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages is the PyKDE installation
 /usr/include/python2.2 contains Python.h.
 /usr/bin/sip will be used as the SIP code generator.
 /usr/include/python2.2 contains sipQt.h.
 /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages contains the SIP module.
 /usr/qt/3 is the Qt base directory.
 /usr/qt/3/include contains qglobal.h.
 Qt 3.1.0 is being used.
 /usr/kde/3.1 is the KDE base directory.
 /usr/kde/3.1/include contains kdeversion.h.

 KDE 3.1.0 is being used.

 /usr/qt/3/bin/qmake will be used to generate Makefiles.
 The qt-mt Qt library was found.
 Qt thread support is enabled.
 Qt and KDE use compatible libs (threading)
 An internal error occured.  Please report all the output from the
 including the following traceback, to
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 1413, in ?
   File, line 1337, in main
   File, line 809, in installChecks
   File, line 635, in checkKDELibrary
 ml = modList [str (kdeVersion) [0:2]]
 KeyError: 31
 I've got SIP and PyQT versions 3.5. Would that be the problem?

Nope - the problem is PyKDE support for KDE 3.1 hasn't been
released yet. PyKDE-3.3.2 will work with sip/PyQt 3.5 but won't
work with KDE  3.0.4. If I get lucky, 3.1 support will be
available in a couple weeks. At the moment it doesn't appear I'm
going to be lucky, so it'll probably be a little longer than that.

It would also be nice if instead of giving you the incomprehensible
error messages above, told you what the problem actually
was, so I'll add that to the todo list for the next release.



RE: [PyKDE] Some fundamentals

2003-02-24 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 25-Feb-03 Tom Chance wrote:
 I've only just started out with PyQt, so please bear with me as I
 ask some boring questions :)
 I've been reading through the book GUI Programming with Python:
 QT Edition by Boudewijn Rempt online (the paper copy is just
 too expensive for a poorly  student like me :-), and though it
 covers a lot of ground, it's written in a very confusing order,
 jumping around between ideas. I'm getting a bit lost trying to
 write a fairly simple application. When I'm confident enough,
 and  I've finished my PyGame tutorial, I'll try my hand at
 writing a PyQt tutorial :)
 Anyway, enough rambling. I'm using Qt Designer to create my GUI,
 and I'm then importing the class in my main program file. At
 the moment, the main program file contains one class that
 inherits the GUI class, and that contains all my functions. I'm
 sure this isn't the best way to do things - I'm used to creating
 multiple classes, each one for a different task, and it seems a 
 little messy having all my function code in one class. What's the
 best way of laying out the code?

Why, the way that works of course :)
 Also, I'm struggling with connecting signals and slots. I
 understand the principle, and I'm getting the hang of working
 wiht Qt Designer and my code to create empty functions in
 Designer, and then create the actual functions in my main code,
 but I don't really understand the signal parameter in a 

The basic connect function looks like (see QObject::connect in the
Qt docs)

in C++: connect (q1, sig, q2, slot);

q1   = some QObject descendant (sender)
sig  = some signal emitted by q1
q2   = some other QObject descendant (receiver)
slot = some member function that can receive sig 

'sig' and 'slot' also have to agree on the number and type of
parameters being passed. q1 and q2 are pointers, sig and
slot are strings (char *). 'connect' is attached to some
QObject subclass instance, eg: someObject-connect (...)

in Python/PyQt:

from qt import ..., SIGNAL, ... # DON'T FORGET THIS
someObject.connect (q1, SIGNAL (sig ()), self.slot)

(note only 3 args instead of the 4 in C++)

Just like in C++, the signal name (sig) needs to be a string, but
thanks to the magic of sip, you can simply specify the method that
receives the signal (the slot) as above. Usually it's in the
current class (hence the 'self') but doesn't have to be, and of
course it probably won't be named 'slot' either. And again,
'connect' is a method attached to some instance, eg:
someObject.connect (). 

 E.g. I can guess what pressed(QListViewItem*) means? But why
 the QListViewItem with an asterisk? And what really confuses me
 is the int, const Qstring stuff. What do they signify, and
 why are they in the signal for a rightButtonClicked(), whilst
 clicked() has no parameters, and pressed only has QListViewItem?

The 'clicked()' signal doesn't pass any parameters to it's
corresponding slot(s), but 'pressed (QListViewItem *)' does (there
are also overloaded versions of 'pressed' that pass additional
parameters, so the argument keeps track of which 'pressed' signal
you're specifying too).

In the example above the signal/slot pair involves no argument
passing, so there's nothing inside the () after sig. For

pressed (QListViewItem *)

the 'pressed' signal passes a QListViewItem pointer (hence the '*')
in C++. In Python it will pass a QListViewItem instance (no
pointers in Python of course). In either case, the slot (which
you'll probably write) has to be of the form:

C++: SomeClass::slotPressed (QListViewItem *listViewItem);
class SomeClass:
def slotPressed (self, listViewItem):

where 'listViewItem' expects a QListViewItem instance. In this case
it's the QListViewItem that was pressed, so you can identify what
the user clicked on; for a typical QPushButton press, you already
know that because the slot is connected to only one button. Some
of the other buttons (toolbar buttons for example) emit a 'clicked'
signal that passes an int which is the index of the button pressed,
so you can identify which button on the toolbar the user pressed.

In Python/PyQt you need the C++ notation in the 'connect' call
because Qt is written in C++, and that's where all of the actual
work gets done. You're communicating (through Python and sip) a
connection that's going to be implemented at the C++ level, and C++
cares whether it's a reference to a QListViewItem (no '*') or a
pointer to a QListViewItem (QListViewItem *). There's a little more
to it than that, but I'm far from an expert on the actual
machinery. If you don't know the difference between a reference and
a pointer: a reference is the actual object, a pointer is the
address of the actual object - C++ uses both, Python only uses
references (or instances).

So for any signal in the Qt docs, you just specify the signal's
declaration string, but drop any argument names or return type
(always 'void' anyway, I believe). For example, the Qt docs 

Re: [PyKDE] PyQt - getting unexpected async reply in threaded ap

2003-02-23 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 23-Feb-03 Nicholas John Murison wrote:
 As far as I can remember, somewhere in the PyQt it says there
 should be a global qApp variable.  However, my code can't seem
 to find it, so I've passed on the object through constructor
 parameters to the threads.
 This seems to be working, and I hope it is the right way to go
 about these kind of things.

You should be able to access qApp if you just do:

   from qt import qApp

or if you do (not the best form):

   from qt import *

See for example in the examples3/ subdirectory.

(Just as a side note: current versions of PyKDE don't implement the
equivalent kApp variable because it was causing a compilation
problem; PyKDE does implement the static


which can be called from any module and will return the program's
KApplication instance)



RE: [PyKDE] Problems building pyKDE 3.3.2 on RedHat 8.0

2003-02-19 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 20-Feb-03 Gary Cramblitt wrote:
 I am trying to build and install the following packages, but
 encountering problems.
 My system is RedHat 8.0, Qt: 3.0.5, KDE: 3.0.3-8.3 Red Hat,
 Python: 2.2.1.
 Here is what I did.  I unpacked each of the 3 packages above to
 /usr/local.  I noted in the README files that environment
 variable KDEDIR is supposed to be defined.  On my system, it is
 not. Hmmm, why not?  

That seems to be a trend with distributions - SuSE no longer
defines it either.

 Worse, the following directory structure is expected
 but apparently on my RH system, I have
 Notice how the directories are inverted from what is expected. 
 I note on the web that most systems have KDEDIR pointing to
 /opt/kde, but my /opt directory is empty, so I do the following
   mkdir /opt/kde
   ln -s /usr/lib /opt/kde/lib
   ln -s /usr/include/kde /opt/kde/include
   export KDEDIR=/opt/kde

Good solution. The KDEDIR export is only needed to build.
 I also note that README's say I should use -lqt-mt when building
 (because I have KDE 3).  What is this?  

There are two versions of the Qt lib - libqt is un-threaded and
libqt-mt is threaded. KDE 2.x.x (as normally compiled) will only
work with libqt, KDE 3.x.x will only work with libqt-mt. PyQt will
work with either lib, but PyKDE requires the the Qt lib that
matches the KDE version. If you use the wrong KDE/Qt combination,
everything will compile/link/install, but nothing will run.

 Anyway, I continue with the following commands (as su) with no
 apparent errors:
   cd /usr/local/PyQt-x11-gpl-3.5
   python -lqt-mt -c
   make install
   cd /usr/local/sip-x11-gpl-3.5
   python -lqt-mt
   make install
   cd /usr/local/PyKDE-3.3.2
   python -lqt-mt -c

You should build sip first, then PyQt, and then PyKDE. If the
sequence above is what you actually did, you built PyQt with
the version of sip that comes with RH 8.0 (not likely 3.5), and then
built PyKDE with sip 3.5 but probably against the PyQt sip files
that came with RH 8.0 (also probably not 3.5). I don't believe that
a normal PyQt install will put any files in /usr/share/sip/qt/ - I'd
expect to find them in /usr/local/PyQt-x11-gpl-3.5/sip from the
above. (locate won't see them until updatedb is run again)

Just like the qt/qt-mt situation above, this stuff will often
compile and link with completely wrong sets of files, but then
won't work when you try to run something.

Try the following:

1. run sip -V  -- you should see 3.5
2. In the Python interpreter, try 'import qt'; if that works, try
'import dcop' and 'import kdecore' (kdeui depends on all 3 of
those). I'm guessing none of those will work either.
3. Try some of the example programs from PyQt examples3/ directory.

If PyQt works (import qt and examples), there's some other problem
related to PyKDE. If PyQt doesn't work, you should be able to
rebuild PyQt (if the sip version reports correctly) and then
rebuild PyKDE with the correct path in the -v switch. 

If the sip version doesn't report correctly, you'll need to
uninstall sip (using rpm -e) and then rebuild sip, PyQt and finally
PyKDE. Alternatively, you can find the version of sip you built
above and make sure it's earlier in PATH than the RH version, and
then rebuild PyQt and PyKDE.
 The last command says can't find PyQt()/sip modules.  I look in
 the code and see that it is looking for qtmod.sip. 
 Locate command reports /usr/share/sip/qt/qtmod.sip, so I
 continue with the following commands (with no apparent errors):
   python -lqt-mt -c -v/usr/share/sip/qt/qtmod.sip
   make install
 When I try some of the examples, I get an error.  For example:
 Python 2.2.1 (#1, Aug 30 2002, 12:15:30)
 [GCC 3.2 20020822 (Red Hat Linux Rawhide 3.2-4)] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more
 import kdeui
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
   File /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/, line 73, in ?
 import libkdeuic
 ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/
 undefined symbol: sipName_qt_del
 What did I do wrong?  I am a newbie, so be gentle please.  TIA

You seem to be doing fine - you've solved most of the problems
already. This is all pretty confusing at first (or in my case often
still is).



Re: [PyKDE] PB to compile PyKDE-3.3.2

2003-02-12 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 12-Feb-03 Gerard Breiner wrote:
 Indeed, it is about kde 2.2.1.
 I replaced in sip/kstddirs.sip kde 2.2.1 by kde 2.2.2 and run
 again and make and  make install.

I'm not sure this will work unless you're also linking with KDE
2.2.2 libs - there's no way to resolve the reference to the method
that doesn't exist in 2.2.1. Commenting or versioning out the method
would be the better method.

You can verify if this is a problem by doing an import kdecore in
the interpreter.

 No more problems.
 test  in interpreter python :
 from kdecore import kapp   (ImportError: cannot import name kapp)

kapp is defined as follows in kapp.h:

   #define kapp KApplication::kApplication()

gcc 2.96 on RH has problems with the code sip generates for this,
so kapp has been dropped from PyKDE. You can do

from kdecore import KApplication

and then:

kapp = KApplication.kApplication ()

anywhere you need kapp in Python.

 from kdecore import DndURL (ImportError: cannot import name

I couldn't find a DndURL symbol in the KDE kdecore sources or
anywhere in the kdelibs sources for KDE 2.2.1

 from kdeui import KTreeList  (ImportError: cannot import
 name KTreeList )
 from kdeui import KTreeListItem  (ImportError: cannot import name
 KTreeListItem )
 from kdeui import KTabListBox (ImportError: cannot import name 

I couldn't find either KTreeList, KTreeListItem or KTabListbox
anywhere in kdeui or in the kdelibs sources for KDE 2.2.1.

 from kdeui import  KMsgBox (ImportError: cannot import name  

You probably want KMessageBox - I'm not aware of any KMsgBox class
in the KDE libs.
 an idea please ?

Are the above from KDE 1 by any chance? They look familiar.

The KDE class ref docs are at:

These will tell you what classes/methods are available in KDE for
each version. The docs that accompany PyKDE will tell you which
classes/methods are or are not implemented, and any changes in
arguments or return values from the comparable C++ method.

To test your installation, try to import each module you want to
use in the interpreter. For example:

 import kdecore
 import kdeui
 import kio

Also try running:


From the PyKDE-3.3.2/examples/ directory.

The above will catch any link problems or other problems. If these
work, then all of the classes and methods PyKDE provides bindings
for should be accessible.



Re: [PyKDE] PB to compile PyKDE-3.3.2

2003-02-11 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 11-Feb-03 Gerard Breiner wrote:
 First of all, thank indeed for your help.

Thanks for your patience and effort.
 First, what version of KDE are you running? It should be a 2.x.x
 it is exact

It would help to know the specific version you're running -
it looks like KDE 2.2.1 from the error below. You can find the
version by looking in kapp.h (the value for KDE_VERSION) and should
double-check by choosing Help | About KDE in any KDE app and
checking that the version there matches the version in kapp.h.


It appears Qt and PyKDE are now in sync, and you shouldn't have to
rebuild PyQt again.
 *sipDo_KStandardDirs_calcResourceHash (PyObject *, PyObject *)':
 sipkdecoreKStandardDirs.cpp:79: no matching function for call to
 `KStandardDirs::calcResourceHash (char *, QString , bool)'

In the kstddirs.sip file:

%If ( KDE_2_2_1 - )
Q_UINT32 calcResourceHash (const char*, const QString, bool)

The first line should be:

%If ( KDE_2_2_2 - )

as this method doesn't appear until KDE 2.2.2. It looks like you
have KDE 2.2.1 and are catching this error. Hopefully there aren't
any more errors like this. If you find more no matching function
errors, you check the corresponding KDE h file for the function and
if it's not there, use the same fix as above.

You can edit the sip file with any text editor, and then re-run Alternatively, you can comment out (//) the three lines
above from %If ... to %End.

If this isn't the problem, then you might be having some problems
with finding the correct KDE version, and we can
troubleshoot that instead.

The build test for this version of PyKDE was against KDE 2.2.2, so
the error above slipped by.

Sorry for all the difficulties you've had. I hope this is the last
one, but if not I'll be happy to keep helping.



RE: [PyKDE] PB to compile PyKDE-3.3.2

2003-02-10 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 10-Feb-03 Gerard Breiner wrote:
 First of all, my platform is Linux RedHat 7.2 with Python 2.2.2
 I installed : 
 I tried to install  PyKDE-3.3.2
 Here what i did :
 python ./ -t /usr/include/kde -s
 /usr/local/lib/python2.2/site-packages/ -v
 No problem.
 cd kdecore; /usr/bin/make
 make[1]: Entering directory `/home/admin/PyKDE-3.3.2/kdecore'
 -fno-exceptions -I-I -I../extraH -I.
 -I/usr/local/include/python2.2 -I/usr/include/kde
 -I/usr/lib/qt-2.3.1/include -o kdecorecmodule.o
 In file included from sip/kstyle.sip:42,
  from kdecorecmodule.cpp:129:
 /usr/include/kde/kstyle.h:38: parse error before `{'
 /usr/include/kde/kstyle.h:39: non-member function `className ()'
 Where is the problem ?
 Must i update KDE or PyKDE-3.3.2 has a bug ?

First, what version of KDE are you running? It should be a 2.x.x
version, as KStyle is in the kdefx module for KDE = 3.0.
PyKDE-3.3.2 supports KDE down to KDE 2.1.1, so that shouldn't be a

Second, some versions of Qt are compiled with some of the Q*Style
options missing. In this case, KStyle is a subclass of
QPlatinumStyle, so open the python interpreter and try:

from qt import QPlatinumStyle

My guess is that won't work - if it doesn't, it means you'll need
to recompile Qt with the correct feature set if you want to use
PyKDE as is. You'd also need to recompile PyQt in that case.

Otherwise you can try modifying PyKDE: in the subdirectory
PyKDE-3.3.2/sip/kde2* (kde21 or kde22 depending on your KDE
version), you can comment out the %Include kstyle.sip in
kdecore.sip ('//' comment). I'm not sure what else depends on
KStyle, so you may have to comment out other stuff as well, or it
might not be possible to do this at all. You'll need to re-run, and if it's going to fail it should fail there.

Anybody else here recall any RH 7.2 problems?



RE: [PyKDE] PyKDE for KDE 3.1?

2003-02-07 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 07-Feb-03 Bart Verwilst wrote:
 Do you have an ETA for a KDE 3.1 - compatible release for PyKDE?
 Can't wait for it ;o)

No - I really don't. I'm revising the tools I use to build PyKDE
and adding some additional testing. I'm pretty far along on both
but still expect it to be at least another couple of weeks and
maybe longer. I've been saying several weeks for a while now -
I haven't been able to get to it much in the last week, but am
hoping to a get a lot done later today and over the weekend.



RE: [PyKDE] NewBie: Any KWidget without KApplication possible

2003-02-04 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 04-Feb-03 Claus Schumacher wrote:
 I'm any absolue newbie in PyKDE. I already managed to program
 PyQt with  QtDesigner according to the examples.
 Is it possible to inherit KWidget like KDatePicker in
 QApplication(s) instead  of KApplication(s)

Since all KDE widgets are subclasses of QWidget, it *might* be
possible that *some* KDE widgets would work in a QApplication based
program. HOWEVER, in the case of KDatePicker (and probably most
other KDE widgets), the actual widget code depends on things like
KInstance, KLocale, or other KDE classes that are instantiated
through the contruction of KApplication.

In the KDatePicker case (I tried it anyway), the app segfaults, and
I'm guessing that's because dates depend on locale information (like
format or translation of month names) and KDE widgets expect a KDE
class or structure to exist that holds that information. KDE themes
capability would add another possible incompatibility.

I haven't looked at this extensively, but my guess is that to get
it to work you'd end up duplicating the KApplication functionality.
If you're familiar with C++, looking at the KDE source for
KDatePicker (it's in kdelibs/kdeui) might help you write your own
date picker class in Python/PyQt.



RE: [PyKDE] an example of simple python scripting of Kspread?

2003-02-02 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 01-Feb-03 blake wrote:
 I am running RH8.0 and KDE.  I would like to have a python
 program call up Kspread, open a spreadsheet (or two), calculate
 the results and then save the result.  This would seem like a
 simple task, but the several examples given for the PyKDE
 v3.3.2 package seem to emphasize writing a new application 
 rather than manipulating an existing one (like Kword, kspread
 etc).  Can anyone point me to any documentation that would have
 examples of doing such simple scipting?  

The PyKDE examples are KParts examples and probably not what you
want. There are two possible ways I can see to accomplish what
you're asking (there may be other ways too - be creative):

1. Use DCOP. PyKDE has support for DCOP, although I've never
personally used it or tested it (it's mostly there for symbol
resolution at the moment). I'm not sure that what's there is
sufficient (but I think it is). Additionally, you can dig through
the KDE docs and code (the KDE SDK I think) and look for examples
of interfacing to DCOP via Python *without* PyKDE. Sorry for being
vague, but I've never investigated this area much.

2. Write Python plugins for KSpread. I've actually done this (for
KSpread 1.1) and it's extremely cool. I've also just sent some old
crappy code off (this morning in fact) to a KSpread developer who
requested it, but I think he has something different in mind. This
requires coding some C++, but isn't too hard. The code I did
allowed a) scripting of KSpread via Python, which requires a
wrapper for KSpread classes and Python bindings for the wrapper,
and b) writing KSpread formulas in Python - eg put =someFormula
(x) in a cell, which doesn't require a wrapper or bindings - just
a fairly simple (after you spend a few weeks deciphering KSpread)
pair of plugins (one for the formula mechanism and one for the
Python interpreter). 

Note that you *can't* use PyKDE to write KDE plugins, because the
KDE plugin mechanism requires a libtool library (there may be ways
around that too however).

The code I did was only for KSpread 1.1 - won't work at all with
later versions because the KSpread internals changed significantly.
At the moment I'm working on PyKDE for KDE 3.1 full time, along
with a releated project. KSpread 1.3 (with yet more interface
changes, I'm told) will be out around April, and Python itself
looks like it will switch from a static (.a) lib to dynamic (.so)
some time soon, so I'll be digging back into this then I hope.

Otherwise, if you can't wait, understand C++ fairly well and want
to dig through some bad code, I'll be happy to send you what I have.
Just drop me an email directly. The tarball is about 600KB,
probably won't compile, and won't work if it does. Or look into
DCOP - unfortunately the KDE docs seem a little sparse though.

Just to be fair, I believe this is supposed to be possible already
with Gnumeric (although I've never tried that either). OpenOffice
also has some stuff about Python scripting, but last time I looked
it was also vaporware (similar to DCOP, too, I think). I think this
would be a significant, important addition to KDE and wish I had
time to get to it sooner. I'll get to it eventually if no one else



[PyKDE] KDE 3.1 and PyKDE

2003-01-28 Thread Jim Bublitz
I noticed KDE 3.1 was finally released yesterday/today. To
answer the inevitable question: PyKDE will have support for KDE
3.1, hopefully fairly soon.

As I mentioned a while ago, I'm re-working the tools that I use to
generate sip files for PyKDE. This has been going nicely - I've
reached the point where I can generate PyKDE for *a* version
of KDE almost perfectly. The next step is to be able to generate
PyKDE for *all* supported versions of KDE (2.1.1 - 3.1), and that
will take at least several weeks.

The new tools have pointed up a few bugs in previous KDE versions,
and in reviewing the code I've found some more bugs in the
handwritten stuff - most not show-stoppers, but serious enough to
make me want to do further testing and bug-fixing. I'm in the
process of doing that right now and should be done in a day or two,
at which time I'll move on to generating PyKDE for the rest of the
KDE versions.

The next release of PyKDE will require sip 3.5 and support KDE from
2.1.1 through 3.1. This will be the *last* release that supports
any KDE 2.x.x version - subsequent releases will support KDE 3.0
forward, similar to Phil's plans for PyQt and sip 4. The next
(KDE3.1) release of PyKDE will also be under the GPL license, as
opposed to the present MIT-style license - let me know if that's a
problem for anybody. It will include more comprehensive examples (at
least enough to put all of the various widgets on a screen, but
probably not all of the connections and functionality for all of
them), testing of handwritten code to the extent practical (some
stuff just requires too much additional code to test, and isn't
likely to be used by many people anyway), and at least some
templates for constructing applications (I have 4 or 5 done
already) and code snippets for some of the more unusual features
(I've only done one so far, but plan to accumulate more as time
goes by)



RE: [PyKDE] How to inherit from QWidget

2003-01-20 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 20-Jan-03 Paul F. Kunz wrote:
 I have a class, QtViewWidget which in C++ in herits from
 QWidget and class in my C++ library.   How do I tell SIP to use
 QWidget from PyQt instead of creating a local QWidget in my
 build directory?

Are you using sip to write bindings for your C++ lib? In that case
you need to:

1. %Import qtmod.sip before your list of %Includes for your own

2. When you run sip to generate code for the bindings, add a -I
switch with the path to qtmod.sip, for example:

sip ... -I /usr/local/PyQt/sip ...

3. For gcc, add a -l qtcmodule wherever you specify the libs to be
linked with your module (and -L ...python/site-packages or wherever is located if you don't already have that), and a
-I for the path to the Qt h files (not the same path as in (2))

That will also add a bunch of sipqt*.h files to the directory where
your sip-generated C++ code is located.



Re: [PyKDE] How to inherit from QWidget

2003-01-20 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 20-Jan-03 Paul F. Kunz wrote:
 On Mon, 20 Jan 2003 13:02:06 -0800 (PST), Jim Bublitz
 That will also add a bunch of sipqt*.h files to the directory
 your sip-generated C++ code is located.
It also generated sipsihippoProxysihippo.h (sihippo is the
 name of
 my module.  Do I need to moc that file and compile the generated

Yes, it should have a Q_OBJECT line in it. You can steal the code
to do it from PyQt/qt/Makefile. If you build the way PyQt and PyKDE
do, it all happens automatically and I'm not really sure if
tmake/qmake generate that or if it's in the build script. It hasn't
broken yet, so I haven't worried about it.

Older versions of PyQt/PyKDE (using autoconf) are set up to allow
sip to generate the Makefile (-m switch), and include code to
insert this in the Makefile. Using -m with qmake, the template for
the Makefile (see the end of qtmod.sip, for example) doesn't need
to worry about this any more.



Re: [PyKDE]

2003-01-16 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 16-Jan-03 Jonathan Gardner wrote:
 On Thursday 16 January 2003 07:27, Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:
 Jonathan and Jim are the project managers there.

 Jonathan, Jim, what do you think about a contribution package
 I think it is a great idea. I think it is necessary for
 wide-spread acceptance  of PyQt and PyKDE. Our goal is world
 domination, isn't it? ;-)

My goal is to just get the next release done (I don't know if that
deserves a :) or :( )

I thought this was great software back when it was  1.0, and a lot
of stuff (including Phil's v 4.0 and Detlev's 'eric') is going to
make it even better. I'd like to see sip, PyQt and PyKDE get wider
use and recognition.

I probably average privately an inquiry per month from people who
want to build on top of PyQt/PyKDE, but a lot of that is still
proprietary stuff. That's in addition to stuff like Gerard's
package and some other things on sf that occasionally get mentioned



Re: [PyKDE]

2003-01-16 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 16-Jan-03 Jonathan Gardner wrote:
 On Thursday 16 January 2003 07:26, Phil Thompson wrote:

 I can offer web space, but there is still the problem that a
 front end
 needs to be coded up. I have the skills, but not the time.

 Thanks for the offer.

Please note that it's Phil's offer -- I'm not that generous :)
(Actually I don't have any web space to offer)



RE: [PyKDE] sip

2003-01-10 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 10-Jan-03 Jason Lee wrote:
 I hope this is the right place.  The Riverbank Computing web page
 said it was, so...
 I'm new to sip.  I've been toying with swig, and haven't gotten
 boost to run.  I'm trying to get a Python wrapper for a C++
 library (duh :), but I'm having trouble setting up my .sip.  If
 I have an empty class, things work fine.

If the class is derived from base classes, remove
the access-specifiers:

class someClass : public baseClass

in the sip file:

class someClass : baseClass

 Once I  start adding lines from the header file, I start getting
 parse errors.  The  lines that seem to be causing problems are
 definitions of functions pointers  (

 static void(*clearScreen)(uchar w, uchar h);

sip won't handle these automatically - you need to provide
handwritten code and I'm not sure how to do that in this case. 
I've reposted this as a separate message, since it would be helpful
for me to learn how to do it also.

 or struct declarations.  The  odd thing about the struct,
 though, is that if it's empty, it's fine.  Once I 
 add anything to to (e.g., uchar R,G,B,Alpha;), I get a parse

The easiest way to handle structs is as a class:

   struct someStruct
   uchar R, G, B, alpha;

can be done as:

   class someStruct
   uchar R;
   uchar G;
   uchar B;
   uchar alpha;

You need to add public because the default access type for
structs is public, while the default for classes is private (and
that's about the only difference between the two). It may be that
newer versions of sip now handle struct correctly, and the
problem may be with the list in the declaration as opposed to
declaring each variable individually. The class method above
should work though.

 It also errors out if I put a const int declaration outside any
 struct or class scope. 

I'm not sure what you mean here - global variable? It should work
OK, although I'm not sure if you can set the value of a global
variable from Python.

 I'm sure I'm missing something fundamental, but the docs aren't
 helpful, and the  PyQT .sips are a little overwhelming for a
 newbie. :) 

You're actually being too kind here - the documentation situation
is pretty poor. Phil will be providing better docs with sip 4.0.
I've also volunteered to write a tutorial for sip, and there are
other things in the works to try to make sip easier to use.
Unfortunately all of this will occur sometime in the future, which
isn't a big help to you now.

 Does anyone have any  pointers as to what I'm doing wrong?  I'd
 appreciate the help.
 BTW, if this is the wrong list, I apologize.  It seems to be,
 based on the web page, but if it's not, I'll gladly take my
 question somewhere else.

You're in the right place - please feel free to post any questions
you need answers to. PyQt is probably the best place to look for
most answers - compare some .h file to a corresponding .sip file.
The %If ... %End stuff is just versioning/platform/feature stuff,
roughly equivalent to #ifdef in C/C++. Most of the things you're
asking about aren't used in PyQt however, so about the only way
to get answers for those right now is to ask here.



Re: [PyKDE] submenus in PyKDE

2003-01-04 Thread Jim Bublitz

On 04-Jan-03 Gordon Tyler wrote:
 On January 4, 2003 01:51 pm, Jรฉrรดme Martin wrote:
 Is some one have an example to create a submenu with PyKDE.
 My menu are currently created with KAction/KStdAction.
 fileMenu = QPopupMenu(self)
 submenu = QPopupMenu(self)
 fileMenu.insertItem(Submenu, submenu)

You can also look at the KDE docs for KAction and KActionMenu. The
latter lets you build a submenu of KActions. Also see KSelectAction.

The KDE 3.0 Class Reference is available at:



RE: [PyKDE] QListView(Item) subclass insertItem strange behaviou

2003-01-04 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 04-Jan-03 marvelan L wrote:

 The problem is that I need to access my own added methods in
 MyList when insertItem is called. But it seems that it is called
 with a object of the base class and not my specialisation class

Since it's printing, it would seem that the overloaded methods are
being called correctly. You can test which object (base or sub
class) is actually instantiated by calling a subclass-only method
using the object in question. If the object is of the base class
type, the call to a subclass method will fail.

I'm not sure how __class__ works with PyQt classes, but if it uses
QObject.className in some way, it's unlikely to report a
Python-created subclass correctly. From your post, it doesn't appear
that what __class__ returns is important, but just that the correct
object type is instantiated.



Re: [PyKDE] KMimeType.findByPath return value

2003-01-03 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 03-Jan-03 Daniel Naber wrote:
 On Thursday 02 January 2003 21:52, you wrote:
 Can you use KTrader instead?
 Not really, it seems the name() problem also appears with
 KMimeType.findByURL() and findByPath(), these also
 sometimes(?!) return random characters. Sometimes
 the first call to those functions works, but the second returns
 crap or crashes. This  only happens if I click on the same file
 a second time in my GUI, the result is then different. I cannot
 reproduce this with a test case where the function is simply 
 called twice - this works.
 If you can try an equivalent C++ version, that would be helpful.
 This seems to work:
   QString name =
   printf(name=%s\n, name.latin1());
   KService::Ptr ptr = KServiceTypeProfile::preferredService(name,
   QString name2 = ptr-name();
   printf(name2=%s\n, name2.latin1());
   if( ptr-isValid() ) {
   } else {
 printf(not isValid());
 The output is correct:
 For now I will avoid all the problems by disabling the feature
 that I'm trying to implememt (namely a security warning like
 Do you want to open the file with %s  %
 Nonetheless, it would be great to get this fixed, as it's
 important for the software's security. Thanks for all your
 support so far.

Thanks for the C++ test - that's a big help. It appears that the
problem is with PyKDE. I'll get to it as soon as I can - hopefully
within the next week.

I wasn't able to get any result back for name() - no crash at that
point in the program, but a crash on exit. There are several pieces
of handwritten code to handle the SharedPtr template stuff for
those classes and the error is probably somewhere in that code,
possibly an incorrect assignment or something getting freed in the
wrong place, Both Python and the SharedPtr stuff use reference



RE: [PyKDE] SIP Roadmap

2003-01-02 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 02-Jan-03 Phil Thompson wrote:
 For those interested I've added a SIP Roadmap to the website at which
 describes the main 
 objectives and features for SIP v4.
 Comments welcome.

I think it looks great - I especially like the Python 2.2 features
as I switched completely to 2.2 quite a while ago. I'm not opposed
to the Qt3.0 cutoff either - that will make it necessary to cutoff
PyKDE at 3.0 also.



Re: [PyKDE] KMimeType.findByPath return value

2003-01-02 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 02-Jan-03 Daniel Naber wrote:
 On Thursday 02 January 2003 01:56, you wrote:
 KServiceTypeProfile.preferredService takes a QString as its
 argument, so you should use mimetype instead of mimestr.
 Then the offer is None, even for things like text/html. If I ask
 for offers 
 for text/html (- as a python string), I get the problem
 described in 
 the mail before, i.e. the broken result of name(). I was using an older value of PyKDE which didn't
 use findByPath, so that may have been my problem.
 findByPath() and findByURL() doesn't make a difference for me
 regarding this problem.

I get the same problem - name() is an empty string, while isValid()
returns True. I also get None for library(), but type() returns
correctly. Also note that in PyKDE, exec() was not renamed (it
clashes with the Python keyword), so it's not accessible.

Can you use KTrader instead? There is a simple example in
examples/, and more complete docs in the KDE class
reference (kio - KTrader). At the moment I can't tell if the
problem is with KDE or PyKDE, and I'm going to be pretty backed up
for a while. I'll spare you the gory details, but I'm about ready
to scream.

If you can try an equivalent C++ version, that would be helpful.
Otherwise I'll try to sort it out as soon as I can get to it. The
only other thing I can think of is that the blank name has
something to do with KSycoca, but I have no idea what. Beyond that,
it's an error in code someplace but may take some time to find out

Sorry I can't be more helpful at the moment.



Re: [PyKDE] KMimeType.findByPath return value

2003-01-01 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 01-Jan-03 Daniel Naber wrote:
 On Tuesday 31 December 2002 07:12, Jim Bublitz wrote:
 name() returns a QString, so

print self.mimetype.latin1()

 should print the appication/x-shellscript and you should be
 to use the value of self.mimetype.latin1() as a Python string.
 Yes, that works but now there's another problem, see below. One
 of the problems was, I think, that findByPath() never returns
 None, even if you ask for a file that doesn't exist. It seems
 instead you get some undefined result. But this is a problem
 with the KDE API, which never returns 0 (that's what the KDE
 documentation says).
 Anyway, I think I've now built a small test case which crashes.
 I've attached it, see the comment marked with ***. Make sure
 that the filename in self.url really exists. I get KCrash:
 crashing but the crash dialog doesn't appear so I don't
 have a backtrace. Actually it  doesn't always crash, but at
 least the problem that the returned name().latin1() contains
 random characters appears each time.

KServiceTypeProfile.preferredService takes a QString as its first
argument, so you should use mimetype instead of mimestr. That
took care of the crash for me, but I got an odd value for I was using an older value of PyKDE which didn't use
findByPath, so that may have been my problem.

Let me know if that fixes your problem.



RE: [PyKDE] KMimeType.findByPath return value

2002-12-30 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 30-Dec-02 Daniel Naber wrote:
 the documentaton says that KMimeType.findByURL() returns an
 instance of a  KService, I assume the same is true for
 KMimeType.findByPath(). However,  how can I simply get the
 service's name? I can print it like this:

The PyKDE documentation is incorrect, although it doesn't make a
lot of difference in this case. findByURL/findByPath return a
KMimeType instance, which should still have a usable name() method
(inherited from KServiceType).

 self.mimetype = KMimeType.findByPath(url).name()
 print mimetype=%s % self.mimetype
 Output is something like mimetype=application/x-shellscript,
 but this is still of type 'instance' and thus cannot be used
 for  KServiceTypeProfile.preferredService(). How can I make the
 name a string?  str() around the right side of the
 self.mimetype=... leads to a crash where the KDE crash handler
 pops up (backtrace below).

name() returns a QString, so

   print self.mimetype.latin1()

should print the appication/x-shellscript and you should be able
to use the value of self.mimetype.latin1() as a Python string.

The type instance you get for self.mimetype should be a QString
instance, and since it may be Unicode you need the latin1
conversion. That may be why str() fails, although if % works I
don't see why str() would fail.
 I'm using the 20021122 snapshot RPMs for Suse 8.1

I haven't tested with either of those, but I don't expect it should
be a problem, especially if you can get something like
KApplication working. 

Try the latin1() conversion and if that doesn't work, repost and
I'll check into it further (can't get to it until late Wed or Thur



RE: [PyKDE] Opinions on pyuic Custom Widget Support

2002-12-14 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 14-Dec-02 Phil Thompson wrote:
 A more generic, think about it for 2 minutes, solution is to
 allow Python code  to be embedded in the Comment field of the
 Form Settings dialog. Any line beginning with Python: will be
 copied to the generated module. This is then  completely
 Before I go ahead and implement this, does anybody have any
 better suggestions? Or additional things that could be done for
 common cases (like support for PyKDE widgets).

I believe everything PyKDE needs can be done that way except the
change from QApplication to KApplication, which is a pretty simple
edit. It sounds like a good solution to me (having thought about it
for 2 minutes also).



Re: [PyKDE] Re: [C++-sig] Can boost.python and PyQt be used toge

2002-12-13 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 13-Dec-02 Paul F. Kunz wrote:
 On Wed, 11 Dec 2002 14:15:17 -0500, David Abrahams
 I don't think that's really the right conclusion... or at least,
 it masks something much deeper.  
 You might be right here.   Although I got my Qt Window to work
 with PyQt by using SIP under Linux, I'm still having trouble
 under Windows.   It is not Python crash however, it is something
 about QPainter being used on a device which already has a

Are you sure that you only have a single QApplication instance and
that both Boost.Python and PyQt are referencing the same
QApplication instance? That's QPainter related somewhat (if you try
to instantiate a QWidget with no QApplication instance, the error
will be from QPainter, for example).

QApplication also sets up the event loop (there should be only one
of those too).




2002-12-12 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 13-Dec-02 Julian Rockey wrote:
 Is PyKDE being maintained? I'd be interested if a KDE 3.1 version
 is under development, as I'd like to try to integrate PyKDE/QT
 into KDevelop 3.0  (Gideon).

You must be new here - people familiar with the list know better
than to ask that question, because it always leads to a long, boring
explanation (see below)
 In my (humble, obviously) opinion, Python as a scripting language
 could be as important to Unix/Linux as VB was to Windows (and I
 mean that as a good  thing...) Have there ever been discussions
 about whether to release PyKDE/QT with KDE's kdebindings

Long, Boring Explanation

(I actually answer your questions somewhere near the end)

PyKDE is indeed still being maintained. There won't be a new
release until after KDE3.1 final is released. Here's a status
update, a really long, boring explanation:

For some time the sip files which sip uses to generate PyKDE have
been generated automatically via a very poorly written program that
produced a lot of errors on output, but still saved a immense
number of hours. About a month ago, I started rewriting that
program, and it is now a nice modular, actually debuggable,
semi-documented tool. At the moment, it will automatically generate
(except for some handwritten code) a complete set of sip files
(which means a complete set of bindings more or less) from a set of
h files for a lib. It has a few bugs, but nothing major that I'm
aware of. However, to be useful for PyKDE, the program has to be
able to do versioning - ie take a set of sip files from the
previous release and mix in the h files from the current KDE
release to produce a set of sip files that supports the current and
all previous KDE releases (PyKDE for KDE 2.1.1-3.1 consists of a
single set of sip files, just like PyQt does for its set of Qt

For reasons that would take even longer to explain, it makes sense
to rebuild PyKDE from 2.1.1 forward. If the tool works, this isn't
as bad as it sounds - once I get the first version (2.1.1) working,
each additional version should really only take about half a day,
especially with compile times as fast as they are now, and having
built everything through 3.0.4 once already.

So the point I'm at now is I have a set of sip files generated for
KDE 2.1.1. I need to clean those up (mostly handwrite some code -
actually cut and paste handwritten code from PyKDE-3.3.2) to get a
buildable PyKDE for KDE 2.1.1 (about 2/3 done). Next I need to
finish up the versioning code of the generator program, so that I
can produce more or less automatically KDE 2.1.2 ... KDE 3.1. The
time frame to complete that is a few weeks. I was shooting for
before the holidays, but it now looks like perhaps just after the
holidays. One big help will be that Phil just released sip/PyQt
3.5, so for once the KDE release will be after the last sip/PyQt
update - in the past it has made sense to wait for the sip/PyQt
release before releasing a new PyKDE.

There is kind of a master plan to all this (subject to very much
drastic change) that fits very well with your question about
KDevelop and comparison to VB. I agree completely that Python +
bindings could be far superior to VB for KDE in particular and
Linux/BSD in general. My goals (in chronological order) are:

Step 1. Release PyKDE for KDE 3.0.5 and KDE 3.1 - as soon after the
3.1 final release as possible.

Step 2. Clean up my sip file generator program, document it,
document sip generally as much as possible (probably update
Wilken's docs if he doesn't mind and perhaps add a tutorial). Every
few weeks someone posts to c.l.p asking about generating bindings
for some lib or other (the last was a few days ago for OpenH323).
There is at the moment no easy way to generate bindings (unless
you're familiar with sip, which at present is largely undocumented,
although a dream to use once you become familiar with it). The
basic idea is that if you have a lib/set of h files to bind, you
can write a short, simple project description file and the sip file
generator will automatically produce a set of sip files which can
be submitted to sip to generate the actual bindings. The generator
will also produce all the ancilliary files:, Makefiles,
docs (in the current PyQt/PyKDE style) - everything except a small
amount of handwritten code (which should be covered exhaustively in
a tutorial or HOW-TO). If when this is working the people doing
packaging can see a way to add scripts to generate RPMs and deb
files, that would make it nearly perfect (except for all the bugs
I've probably coded in already). Target date is late Q1/early Q2
(lots of docs to write). Note that if this works, future PyKDE
releases should be achieveable in a few days after a KDE release.

(2) now means that any C/C++ libs can be bound for Python - in
theory it should be able to generate bindings for any KDE lib
(not just the basic libs as now - arts, games, whatever), or even

Re: [PyKDE] Interfacing to C++ standard library

2002-12-11 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 11-Dec-02 Torsten Marek wrote:
 Jim Bublitz schrieb:
 On 11-Dec-02 Paul F. Kunz wrote:
   To complete my SIP based Python extension module, I need to
convert from C++ to Python and vica versa an std::vectordouble
and std::vectorstd::string.   I found some hints in this
mailing list's archive dated 13 Apr 2002.   Is there a better
source of information on how to proceed?
 You'll might also need to use the same methods for std::string
 to convert to/from either a Python string or QString if it's
 outside the mapped type/member code for
 This is the mapping code for string:
 %MappedType string
#include string
  const char *s = sipCpp-c_str();
  return PyString_FromString(s);
  // Allow a Python string whenever a string is expected.
  if (sipIsErr == NULL)
  return PyString_Check(sipPy);
  if (sipPy == Py_None) {
  *sipCppPtr = NULL;
  return 0;
  if (PyString_Check(sipPy)) {
  *sipCppPtr = new string(PyString_AS_STRING(sipPy));
  return 0;
  *sipCppPtr = (string
  return 1;
 It should just need string being replaced by std::string and 
 sipForceConvertTo_string(...) renamed to 
 sipForceConvertTo_std_string(...), but I'm not really sure about
 the  naming scheme, so please try yourself, before I post
 incorrect code.

Looks OK to me, but I'm not familiar with the std lib semantics. The
only change I would make is

%MappedType std::string

if that's how it's referenced in the code.

The std::vector types would be similar in style, although obviously
different Py* conversion functions and a little more involved,
since it's necessary to iterate over the lists.



Re: [PyKDE] Seperate Qscintilla from PyQt

2002-12-11 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 12-Dec-02 Ricardo Javier Cardenes Medina wrote:
 I'm even planning to split python-qt3 (which is a huge package)
 on several other packages, as not everyone need, say, qtgl, or

I appreciate all of those doing packaging enough that I wouldn't
tell anyone what to do - this is just my opinion and nothing more.
I appreciate that PyQt is large and PyKDE is even larger, however
with the -c switch build times have become reasonable, and the
amount of HD space the full packages take is not that great.

My concern with splitting the packages is the possible creation of
dependency problems for third-party developers - eg those people
using PyQt of PyKDE to develop their packages. They should be able
to count on a basic integral PyQt or PyKDE when distributing
*their* packages. I'd prefer to avoid a situation similar to libc
(hypothetically) making the socket functions optional. An app like
eric may not have problems, but database apps (or even apps that
peripherally use databases) will certainly expect qtsql, and apps
that include 3D might expect qtgl. Similar dependencies might exist
with PyKDE.

I realize people can add the missing packages later if needed, but
it's just one more missing dependency to satisfy and might also
cause version problems, eg PyQt-3.3.2 installed without qtsql now
needs qtsql, but only PyQt-3.5 version is easily available.
Installing 3.5 might break user's PyQt-3.3.2 code for some obscure
reason. It may not be a realistic enough concern to worry about,
but it seems worth considering whether it's important or not.

Just my 2 cents.



RE: [PyKDE] menu icons

2002-12-04 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 04-Dec-02 Eli Carter wrote:
 Ok, this is probably a dumb question, but...
 In kde3, I've noticed that there are some 'standard' icons used
 in the menus for things like 'Quit'.
 Is there a pre-made QIconSet or QPixmap to grab, or do I need to
 find the file and load from it?

On a SuSE system, they're most likely under /opt/kde3/share/icons/.
I'd expect a fairly similar location (except rooted somewhere other
than /opt perhaps) for other distributions.



Re: [PyKDE] menu icons

2002-12-04 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 04-Dec-02 Richard Jones wrote:
 On Thu, 5 Dec 2002 9:28 am, Jim Bublitz wrote:
 On 04-Dec-02 Eli Carter wrote:
  Ok, this is probably a dumb question, but...

  In kde3, I've noticed that there are some 'standard' icons
  used in the menus for things like 'Quit'.
  Is there a pre-made QIconSet or QPixmap to grab, or do I need
  to find the file and load from it?

 On a SuSE system, they're most likely under
 I'd expect a fairly similar location (except rooted somewhere
 other than /opt perhaps) for other distributions.
 Don't the icons change according to the user's selected icon set?
 How do we hook into that?

I'm not really sure - KIconLoader or KIconTheme (or both)?
Also, I believe for the toolbar, KStdAction finds the icons
automatically if you use that to set up icons and menus. Obviously,
custom actions will require custom icons - I think the app's
directory under kde3/share is searched for those unless you specify
a different path.

I haven't looked at this stuff in a while and couldn't find
anything poking around quickly. I guess I'd start with the
KStdAction and KAction docs and whatever UI design docs are on the
KDE web site.

I wasn't sure if the original post was in regard to using KDE icons
with PyQt or PyKDE.



RE: [PyKDE] about DCOP, QDataStream, , and

2002-11-30 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 30-Nov-02 Me wrote:
 Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to use the DCOP interface. The
 KDE C++ 
 examples make use of  and , but how to do it with python? Is
 there a work 
 around for this?
 The example I'm working from has a part like so:
 void MainWindow::bookLocation()
 DCOPClient *client=kapp-dcopClient();
 QByteArray params;
 QDataStream stream(params, IO_WriteOnly);
 stream  location-text();
 if (!client-send(p6-*, bookmarkList, add(QString),
kdDebug()  Error with DCOP\n;
 How would I do that with python? Thanks for any help.

The short, quick, and unsatisfying answer is I don't know. I've
been aware that the DCOP interface in PyKDE *might* be incomplete,
but haven't looked much farther than that. I seem to recall that I
did see a way around this, but I'm not sure what it might be at the
moment. I'll look into it and try to have an answer in the next day
or two. Please post again if I don't get you an answer in that



RE: [PyKDE] about DCOP, QDataStream, , and

2002-11-30 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 30-Nov-02 Jim Bublitz wrote:
 On 30-Nov-02 Me wrote:
 Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to use the DCOP interface. The
 KDE C++ 
 examples make use of  and , but how to do it with python? Is
 there a work 
 around for this?
 The example I'm working from has a part like so:
 void MainWindow::bookLocation()
 DCOPClient *client=kapp-dcopClient();
 QByteArray params;
 QDataStream stream(params, IO_WriteOnly);
 stream  location-text();
 if (!client-send(p6-*, bookmarkList, add(QString),
kdDebug()  Error with DCOP\n;
 How would I do that with python? Thanks for any help.
 The short, quick, and unsatisfying answer is I don't know. I've
 been aware that the DCOP interface in PyKDE *might* be
 incomplete, but haven't looked much farther than that. I seem to
 recall that I did see a way around this, but I'm not sure what
 it might be at the moment. I'll look into it and try to have an
 answer in the next day or two. Please post again if I don't get
 you an answer in that timeframe.

It looks like you should be able to use QDataStream.writeBytes
or QDataStream.writeRawBytes to put data on the stream. These
are declared in qdatastream.sip as:

QDataStream writeBytes(const char * /Array/,uint /ArraySize/);
QDataStream writeRawBytes(const char * /Array/,uint /ArraySize/);

I'm assuming the /.../ stuff (Phil ??) means that from Python you
only need to supply the char string and sip will compute the length
and pass it to Qt for you, eg:

stream.writeBytes (location.text())

(assuming location.text() returns a Python string or char * and NOT
a QString - you'll have to do conversion otherwise).

If that doesn't seem to work, then try adding the uint length
argument as well - just len(location.text()).

The kdDebug stream doesn't exist in PyKDE - you'll have to provide
your own error handling. Obviously I haven't tried any of this, so
let me know what fails if it doesn't work.

The other missing parts in DCOP will relate to IceConn messaging
stuff - off the top of my head, there didn't seem to be a good way
to extend the bindings to cover that as it's tied into X-Windows,
but I can look at it again if there's a need.



Re: [PyKDE] Speed of derived objects

2002-11-25 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 25-Nov-02 Vincent Wagelaar wrote:
 On Monday 25 November 2002 22:44, Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:
 Hopefully this example is nice enough? I think this is problably
 one of the few cases where you need to make an C++ implementation
 because of speed. It would be nice if calling (overloaded)
 methods in the next version of Python would be speedier!! On my
 computer it's about ten times slower than directly calling
 QListViewItem in both populating the listview and sorting.

Phil might disagree, but I don't think there are major speed
improvements available for the bindings.

You're doing a lot of essentially invariant stuff in the paintCell
and key methods however. Try something like:

from qt import QListViewItem, QColorGroup, QColor

Green  = QColor (0, 155, 0)
Red= QColor (200, 0, 0)
Orange = QColor (255, 100, 0)

class ColorListItem(QListViewItem):
def __init__(self, *args):
QListViewItem.__init__(self, *args)

# this gives you a QColorGroup with everything
# set to black, so you probably need to expand
# this a little - could get tricky if you plan
# to allow user changes in colors. I didn't see
# any way to extract the color group info from
# QListViewItem, but I didn't look very hard
# either.
self.colorGroup = QColorGroup ()

# might not need to do these - I think
# they're correct, but might not be much
# faster
self.ptCell  = QListViewItem.paintCell
self.keyCall = QListViewItem.key

self.pstr = float (str (self.text (0)))
self.pstr = 0

self.keyVal = %015d % (self.pstr*100+10)
if self.pstr == 0:
color = Orange
elif self.pstr  0:
color = Green
color = Red

self.colorGroup.setColor (QColorGroup.Text, color)

def paintCell (self, painter, qg, column, width, align):
if column == 0:
self.ptCell (self, painter, self.colorGroup,\
column, width, align)
self.ptCell (self, painter, qg, column,\
 width, align)

def key (self, column, asc):
if column == 0:
return self.kevVal
return self.keyCall(self, column, asc)

I haven't tested this, but the basic idea should give you some
speed improvement - hard to say how much. If the values for the
QListViewItems can be changed, you'll need to break the stuff in
__init__ into a separate method and re-calculate when the value
changes (overload setText?). You also probably need a more involved
setup for self.colorGroup (different ctor?), but you should only do
that once. You could also do self.colorGroup as 3 different globals
- one for each condition - but that'll make it harder to customize



RE: [PyKDE] ANN: Eric 3.0.0-alpha2 released

2002-11-24 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 24-Nov-02 Detlev Offenbach wrote:
 Hi Trolls,
 Eric 3.0.0-alpha2 is available for download via

Could you also post this to comp.lang.python? Or I will if it's
inconvenient for you ...



RE: [PyKDE] ANN: Eric 3.0.0-alpha2 released

2002-11-24 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 24-Nov-02 Jim Bublitz wrote:
 On 24-Nov-02 Detlev Offenbach wrote:
 Hi Trolls,
 Eric 3.0.0-alpha2 is available for download via
 Could you also post this to comp.lang.python? Or I will if it's
 inconvenient for you ...

I guess I should have checked the newsgroup first :)




RE: [PyKDE] paint() and getting out of corners

2002-11-22 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 22-Nov-02 Rune Hansen wrote:
 As the title hints I've got serious problems trying to understand
 how to set color and font on a specific QListBoxItem. I would
 really appreciate a working example or at least better advice
 than RTFM ;-)

It looks like the easiest way would be to derive a class from
QListBoxText and overload QListBoxText.paint (QPainter). Modify the
properties of QPainter to get the fonts and colors you want.

class CustomListBoxText (QListBoxText):
def __init__ (self, args):
QListBoxText.__init__ (self, args)

def paint (p):
p.setFont (args)
p.setPen (color)  # or create new pen(s) as needed
QListBoxText.paint (self, p)

For QPainter you'll have to RTFM though :) QPainter has methods for
setting the font and colors, and shouldn't be too difficult to
figure out.

If you can read C++ source, sometimes downloading the Qt source
from TrollTech can be helpful (and sometimes not).



RE: [PyKDE] paint() and getting out of corners

2002-11-22 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 22-Nov-02 Rune Hansen wrote:
 No matter how I shuffle this my app always segfaults on calling
 paint() I'm using stock RedHat 8.0 pyQt-3.3.2. I will try to
 compile the latest  greatest pyQt tomorrow to see if it the
 segfault goes away.

Post the code here if you still have a problem. If you can, try to
reduce it to a small example that still exhibits the problem.



RE: [PyKDE] Re: Anybody home?

2002-11-21 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 21-Nov-02 Phil Thompson wrote:
 Strange. I haven't noticed anything from you other than your
 postings to the list - but I obviously noticed this one.

It wasn't anything that important - I've been helping someone build
some sip modules for a commercial widget derived from Qt, and a
question came up about library naming that I couldn't find the
answer to in the Python docs:

We do something like:

in  import libqtc

But apparently will also work and ends up with either
the same import statement or an as libqtc tacked on the end. I
was just wondering what the rules were here, if any, or if you had
a reference in the Py docs.
 I get several hundred emails a day which I read by scanning the
 subject line, so there is a danger of me ignoring something if
 it doesn't have an obvious reference to my stuff.

Same here, but most of them sort to my wife :)
 A tip to people mailing be directly - put PyQt at the start of
 the subject.

 People have to try really, really hard to offend me - although it
 is possible.

Guess I'll have to try harder :)



RE: [PyKDE] PyQT Programming Book [Thank you]....

2002-11-21 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 23-Nov-02 Jack Neal wrote:
 I don't know if anyone on this list uses Komodo

Do you have a URL you can post?

Thanks for the favorable comments - this is a great group IMHO.



[PyKDE] Anybody home?

2002-11-20 Thread Jim Bublitz
Phil -

Are we having a mail problem again? Did I offend you? I sent a
couple messages and haven't received a reply. I can post some
additonal addresses here if my normal address is bouncing mail, or
are you off some place again?



RE: [PyKDE] QTable, selections and moving column headers

2002-11-19 Thread Jim Bublitz

On 19-Nov-02 greg Landrum wrote:
 [PyQt-3.3.2, qt-3.0.5, RH8.0, Python-2.2.1]
 The attached file constructs a simple widget using a QTable.
 It also attempts to:
 1) limit selection to a single cell
 2) allow moving of columns and rows
 as near as I can tell, neither 1) nor 2) work.
 Is this a known Qt problem (I couldn't find any reports of it) or
 a PyQt thing?

setSelectionMode works, and you appear to it coded correctly.
I've never used setRow/ColumnMovingEnabled. Usually I load the
column and row labels into Python lists, set the number of rows and
columns once from the list lengths, and then set all of the labels
in a loop. I can't see why the extra calls would make a difference

What kind of symptoms are you getting (eg nothing works at all, get
full row selected instead of single cell, rows drag but don't drop,
etc)? The only other thing I can think of at the moment is to make
sure the QTable gets focus (look at focusPolicy, setFocus in the
Qt docs). 



RE: [PyKDE] crash: pure virtual function called

2002-11-12 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 12-Nov-02 marvelan L wrote:
 I have built an application with Qt 3.0.4 and PyQt 3.4.
From time to time I get a error message on stdout
 saying pure virtual function call and then abort is called
 and the program exits.
 I suspect that this is from the PyQt bindings. Have anyone
 seen this and know what to do about it?

Check the *Qt* docs and see if either:

1. One of the classes you're using is abstract
2. A method in a class you're using ends in  = 0, for example:

virtual int someMethod (QWidget *parent) = 0;

(2) is an example of a pure virtual function. When a method like
(2) exists in a class, the class is abstract. When the class is
abstract, you can't instantiate it. You have to subclass the
abstract class and overload *all* of the pure virtual functions,
so for example:

C++ (Qt):

class SomeAbstractClass
virtual int someMethod (QWidget *parent) = 0;
Python (your program):
class SomeClass (SomeAbstractClass):
def someMethod (self, parent):
do something here because the
pure virtual method probably 
doesn't do anything

and def EVERY pure virtual function in the abstract class (usually
there are only a few at most, possibly only one).

If neither 1 or 2 is true, then you'll need to provide more
information about what your program is doing.



RE: [PyKDE] Qt shutting down the process/Python interpreter - ne

2002-11-08 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 08-Nov-02 Michael Lauer wrote:
 Now, my question... is there something I can do at python level
 or is there something we can do at PyQt level to change this

If you call sys.exit() in Python it always raises a SystemExit
exception. Does that happen here? If so, you can trap it and cancel
it or whatever you need to do. Is there a way you can cause
SystemExit to be raised? (I'm not sure if this happens at program
termination without an explicit sys.exit() call).

That might also be a solution for the other people with
destructor-call problems. Then again, it might not.

Alternatively, can you have soemthing set a flag if QApplication
launches successfully? For example:

app = QApplication (...)


while True:
app.exec_loop ()
if flag:
do something to fix whatever
 caused app.exec_loop() to 
 exit early

You can subclass QApplication or install a temporary eventHandler if



RE: [PyKDE] ANN: Preview of Eric Version 3 available

2002-10-25 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 25-Oct-02 Detlev Offenbach wrote:
 It's a long time now that a new version of eric was released. To
 let you know whats happening to eric and to see what can be
 expected from the next release please see
 Be prepared for a surprise.


I was just looking at WingIDE a few minutes ago - I can (or can't)
wait until this is available.

Nice job.



Re: [PyKDE] Screenshots: PyQt/KDE Development-Portal

2002-10-24 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 24-Oct-02 Konrad Hinsen wrote:
 Jim Bublitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Now that you mention it, I can't remeber every hearing
 liebchen at home, but definitely Schatz or Schatzie.
 Liebchen is the stereotypical Hollywood word used in dialog
 with German
 Interesting. It's rather archaic, I can't imagine anyone using it
 today. Perhaps in the early 20th century.

Yeah, well my knowledge of German is pretty archaic too :)
(although not quite *early* 20th century).
 I never expected to discuss German on a Python list :-)

Nobody expects the German Inquisition ...



RE: [PyKDE] subclassing widgets contained in a QtDesigner form

2002-10-24 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 24-Oct-02 Michael Ferraro wrote:
 I would like to sub-class a widget (QLabel for example) that I
 have placed (sized, colored, etc.) in QtDesigner in order to
 overide the mouseDoubleClickedEvent() .  
 I  realize I could modify the class generated by pyuic and
 change the QLabel to a MyLabel for each occurance
 but did not want to modify the files generated by pyuic
 I was wondering if there is some idomatic way of copying all the
 properties of a instance into a new one.without explicitly
 assigning them.

An instance's __dict__ (for example label.__dict__) contains all of
the class variables and their values (label.text is accessible as
label.__dict__[text], or would be if it wasn't private in C++).
However with PyQt class instances you need to modify the values
stored in the underlying C++ object, so just replacing __dict__
won't do any good. The C++ values are the ones that appear on the
screen. In fact, since most Qt data members are private, they're not
directly accessible via Python under any circumstances (you'd need
to use label.setText ()/label.text () to write or read the value).

For the same reasons, playing around with something like copy
constructors probably won't work either.

There's a better solution at the end, however you could also try
(as a general method):

def myMouseDoubleClickEvent (s, e):   # s receives 'self',e is a
do stuff# QMouseEvent
QLabel.mouseDoubleClickEvent (s, e)
do more stuff

label1.mouseDoubleClickEvent = myMouseDoubleClickEvent
label2.mouseDoubleClickEvent = myMouseDoubleClickEvent

Here's a crude equivalent done in the Python interpreter:

 class a:
... def __init__ (self): pass
... def output (self, s): print s
 def d(self0, s): print Goodbye
 c = a()
 c.output (Hello)
 a.output = d
 c.output (Hello)

also (using the original definition for class a):

 class e(a): pass
 c = e()
 c.output (Hello)
 def f(self0, s): print Goodbye;a.output (self0, s)
 c.output (Hello)

In Python, you don't need to subclass to overload a method :)

Since it's an event that you're working with, look at the Qt docs
for QObject::installEventHandler instead - you don't really need to
subclass to use that, and that's probably the best solution in this



Re: [PyKDE] Screenshots: PyQt/KDE Development-Portal

2002-10-23 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 23-Oct-02 Marc Schmitt wrote:
 On Mittwoch, 23. Oktober 2002 16:51, Eli Carter wrote:
 Hmm... Py.Heaven does seem random...  So here is an idea:
 I've long thought that the name 'PyQt' was backwards... it
 should be 'QtPy', because it sounds like cutie-pie (a term of
 endearment, for those not from around these parts ;) ) 
 Anyway, it might be something
 Ehm, could you define cutie-pie in some other words please ?
 (my Longman DCE defines endearment as an action or word that
 expresses your love for someone, ... I just don't get it :)  
 The name Py.Heaven is really more or less random. I wanted the
 tokens Py, Qt and KDE to appear within the name, but I
 found nothing sensible. 

My German is virtually non-existent any more, but it would be
somewhat of a cross between liebchen and scho/ne Ma/dchen.
Scho/n ~= cute - cutie (sounds like 'Q t'), which is sort of a
diminutive, like adding -chen on the end of word auf Deutsch
(??) It's more like baby talk. Sorry, I can't do umlauts, and my
spelling is probably off too.  (Babelfish was no help either)

It's kind of like trying to translate one of my mother's favorite
jokes (she was born in the US but grew up in a German speaking
household): if you asked her Was ist los?, her reply was always
Alles was nicht angebundant ist. In English that becomes What's
wrong? - Everything that isn't tied down. It loses something in
the translation.



Re: [PyKDE] Where What ?

2002-10-23 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 23-Oct-02 Marc Schmitt wrote:
 On Dienstag, 22. Oktober 2002 21:16, Jim Bublitz wrote:
 Sounds like a user-generated FAQ -  I think I'll steal that idea
 too. I'd definitely be interested in seeing that info, as I
 haven't used anything but SuSE for quite awhile. It would be
 helpful to me for improving the install process and users
 wouldn't have to fix the same stuff with every new release.
 I think, out of a *user* point of view (user is everyone who
 wants to use Py*, not develop it) binary packages are far more
 important then source packages. While improving the source
 setup surly is something important, providing painless binary
 packages for all major distributions will have (imho) more 

I pretty much agree, but if something won't build on a particular
platform at all, it's kind of hard to do the binary.
 Ack. I haven't thought about it, when I last uploaded the binary
 packages to sf. But I guess we have to time it anyway, because
 the files within /incoming tend to get remove quite often.

It does make international collaboration more difficult.
 See, this is one of the largest problems I currently have
 (besides my fundamental lack of money) : Where to put files ?
 It's alway a pita publish something thats larger then 40k.

Same here.
 I don't have a problem mirroring the source tarballs on SF, but
 I still think there are a lot of good reasons to make riverbank
 the official site for the base source packages. Phil and I
 have discussed this in the past and decided against making SF
 the official home of the source code for various reasons. I
 think from our perspective (Phil will certainly disagree if
 the our doesn't apply) it makes a lot of sense to have a
 home for development, and a separate home for
 users/binaries/everything else. If nothing else, riverbank is
 much more convenient on this end and Phil has it highly
 Personally, I tend to one place to rule them all. Again, simply
 out of a users point of view. Out of political reasons, I surely
 understand that you want to host your files there, as it gives
 you some part of image (i hope you understand what i mean) and
 serves as advertisement. So there's nothing wrong with it, but
 I wouldn't duplicate the sources (at least not if riverbanks 
 host is stable enough). What about this solution :
 Keep the sources on rbc, everything else on (e.g.) sf. And
 provide transparent links on sf that link to the sources, with
 a comment maintained at riverbankcomputing.

That seems the perfect solution to me. The two concerns are really
access and control (along with co-ordination and convenience), and
linking is sufficiently transparent to solve the access part
without doing any harm to the control part. A lot of projects seem
to do something like this.
  In my mind, the best way to handle this is to keep your RPMs
  as close as possible to the distribution's RPMs. If RedHat
  and SuSE package PyQt differently, then our RedHat and
  SuSE RPMs would be different as well. We'll need a little
  document telling people what they need to get and how to
  install it, but they would need that anyway.
 Distributions won't be able to afford this way much longer - in
 longterm, It leads to fragmentation and weakens their position.
 And personally I find it insane, that if Phil or Jim relase a
 new version, d*v(*k) new packages had to be generated (d=number
 of distribution, v=number of version, k=number of kdes) - just
 for this package. Imaging what a waste of resources it is. So if 
 we here could at least minimize d, AS LONG AS we can provide a
 drop-in replacement, why shouldn't we do so ? If we can't, we
 have to find another solution, but I really prefer unification.

This is open source - we love to duplicate efforts (look at the
number of IRC clients on freshmeat, for example).
 Out of this reasons, I'd like to use a unified .spec, which
 builds on every  platform. I've seen good examples (the one
 Hans-Peter provided) about using flexible macros which can
 configure nearly anything. So at least we should give it a try.

I don't know enough about rpm to know if this is feasible, but I've
wondered if it's possible, and it certainly seems desireable. If
someone can make a start on a .spec file that does this and provide
me a little support, I'll be happy to try and maintain it for
PyKDE. We used to autmatically generate a .spec file (in the
Makefile I believe), but I never paid much attention to it.
 Debian will probably have to go their own way, but hey - Debian
 always does this ... :) (I've used it exclusivly for over a

 I agree - consistency is nice if you can achieve it, but
 I don't think it's ever a strong reason for choosing a course
 if action. I'd trust the package maintainers to use their best
 judgment and hopefully provide enough documentation to make
 their releases usable.
 Well, I do. Consistency == Userfriendly.

I think '==' is a little strong, but I'm certainly not opposed

Re: [PyKDE] Screenshots: PyQt/KDE Development-Portal

2002-10-23 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 23-Oct-02 Eli Carter wrote:

 That's a better explanation than I could give.  Thanks Jim. :)

My pleasure - I liked the QtPy name, too.



Re: [PyKDE] Screenshots: PyQt/KDE Development-Portal

2002-10-23 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 23-Oct-02 Marc Schmitt wrote:
 On Mittwoch, 23. Oktober 2002 18:54, Jim Bublitz wrote:
 My German is virtually non-existent any more, but it would be
 somewhat of a cross between liebchen and scho/ne Ma/dchen.
 Scho/n ~= cute - cutie (sounds like 'Q t'), which is sort of a
 diminutive, like adding -chen on the end of word auf Deutsch
 (??) It's more like baby talk. Sorry, I can't do umlauts, and my
 spelling is probably off too.  (Babelfish was no help either)
 Wow. Very good. :) Except liebchen is no german word I know,
 I'd rather use Schatz (which you call your loved one) or
 Scha/tzchen (which you *should not* call a (sexual
 attractive) woman) - I guess there's no direct translation.

Now that you mention it, I can't remeber every hearing liebchen
at home, but definitely Schatz or Schatzie. Liebchen is the
stereotypical Hollywood word used in dialog with German
characters - I'm pretty sure it occurs in a scene is Casablanca
for example - as in my little liebchen. Now I wonder what the
derivation of that word is ...


RE: [PyKDE] PyKDE and kde 3.0.4

2002-10-21 Thread Jim Bublitz
On 22-Oct-02 Jim Gifford wrote:
 Where can I find a patch for pykde and KDE 3.0.4 libs?

At the moment it would require time travel about a week or two into
the future.

The only problems with PyKDE on KDE 3.0.4 are:

1. There are a couple of bugs in a couple of khtml
sip files; see the thread 

   [PyKDE] Runtime issues on SuSE 8.1

on the archive for this list for fixes (these are
bugs that gcc 2.95 didn't catch but gcc 3.x does -
they aren't strictly required for 3.0.4)

2. Add 304 to the KDEVers list near the top of and KDE_3_0_4 to the %Timeline stmt in

Also, Marc Schmitt did PyKDE rpms for SuSE 8.1, but I don't know
where he's made them available. Marc?

It would seem to be trivial to get a new release out, but I have
some patches for the latest RH release to incorporate as well,
along with a few other minor changes. I just finished overhauling
the mail system for my business today (100+ spam/day to 1 spam in
the last two days, plus lots of other fixes badly needed - see the
spambayes project on sourceforge for a comparable spam filter; I
did something slightly different, but theirs is probably better).
I also have to file my state use tax returns for the last 3
quarters (I only owe about $50 but it's a PITA to get to). If I
don't, I'll be finding out if the county jail has broadband -
I'm not that interested in knowing. After that, PyKDE updates are
next on the list, and 3.1 should be released pretty soon too.

Once again, sorry for the delays.



Re: [PyKDE] Runtime issues on SuSE 8.1

2002-10-16 Thread Jim Bublitz

On 15-Oct-02 Marc Schmitt wrote:
 On Dienstag, 15. Oktober 2002 21:37, Jim Bublitz wrote:
 The string mJ0J0ii should be mJ0J0i.
 Nope. I changed that (and some randomly some other permutation of
 that occurance within khtml*.sip) but without success.

I'm not sure what you mean here - the 'ii' means it's looking for
two ints passed in, but only one is passed in PyKDE (the second from
the original declaration was a bool *, which PyKDE *returns* as a
value in a tuple). ii is only wrong if only one int is expected
in the arg list; it would be correct for two ints in the arglist,
which isn't the case here.
 I don't know what a 'non-POD type' is, so the error msg isn't
 very helpful at the moment. Generally, you couldn't have gone
 that far unless almost everything else was working - this is
 one of the last few modules in the build. It could also be due
 to a change in KDE 3.0.4 (I don't have the source to check
 yet), in which case commenting out the paint method should
 take care of it temporarily.
 Also did that, or at least tried to but the error remains. But
 with this point I'm not quite sure if it was in the right file,
 as I modified

 but it complains about khtml_part.sip.

Ooops! My mistake (in more ways than one). The exact same code is
in khtml_part.sip (cut and pasted, I'm sure), so you might try
another iteration of the same fixes but on khtml_part.sip instead.
It doesn't seem likely that the extra 'i' is the problem though -
I'm not sure what is. Anybody recognize the meaning of non-POD

I was looking in the concatenated file and grabbed the wrong paint
method, but both have the error.
 I'll give it another try tomorrow,
 but this night I have to wait in sorrow. 

I just recompiled on SuSE8.0/KDE3.0.3 for a Python update and had
no errors. I'll pick up KDE 3.0.4 tomorrow and see what's involved
in doing the update - probably not much. Then again, since I don't
know the real problem for certain, I may not get it fixed that way
either :(



Re: [PyKDE] Runtime issues on SuSE 8.1

2002-10-16 Thread Jim Bublitz

On 16-Oct-02 Marc Schmitt wrote:
 On Mittwoch, 16. Oktober 2002 02:48, Jim Bublitz wrote:
  Nope. I changed that (and some randomly some other permutation
  of that occurance within khtml*.sip) but without success.

 I'm not sure what you mean here - the 'ii' means it's looking
 for two ints passed in, but only one is passed in PyKDE (the
 second from the original declaration was a bool *, which PyKDE
 *returns* as a value in a tuple). ii is only wrong if only
 one int is expected in the arg list; it would be correct for
 two ints in the arglist, which isn't the case here.
 I first assumed replacing the (to me mysterious) string mJ0J0ii
 had helped and brought me further (which was a mistake, I just
 looked at the wrong lines) so I thought, Hey, if this helpes
 lets edit some others too :)

Yeah, I was afraid of that :) (I tend to think the same way)

 Ooops! My mistake (in more ways than one). The exact same code
 is in khtml_part.sip (cut and pasted, I'm sure), so you might
 try another iteration of the same fixes but on khtml_part.sip
 instead. It doesn't seem likely that the extra 'i' is the
 problem though - I'm not sure what is. Anybody recognize the
 meaning of non-POD type??
 I found this :

Thanks for the research and explanations.

 This leas me to the following conclusion : Its not KDE3.0.4 that
 changed, but GCC3.2 ! Before it has been just a warning, now
 it's an error ... So, what do  you think ?

Might be gcc version-related - I'm not sure, but there definitely
was an error in my code. I don't think it was an error the compiler
would have found though, so maybe something else is going on. Looks
like I better set up a box with gcc 3.2 :(
 That's exactly the reason why I stopped developing C(++) and
 started python.

One of *many* reasons.
 c-compiler-developer : Hey, compiling is just too easy. Lets do
 some education on our users and show them how -officially-
 standarized code must look like ...

The problems PyKDE had with gcc 2.95-2.96 were (mostly) genuine
errors in the code (like promoting private stuff to public
unintentionally) that gcc 2.95 let by. There was one problem with
'const' or 'void' (I forget which) that fit your description above
pretty well though.

 ps: I'm just compliling without the paint method. Let's see.

I noticed from your followup to this that it worked without the
paint method - shouldn't be a problem for most people. The actual
calls made to paint are handled on the C++ side (in the libs), so
the missing paint method is only a problem if you wanted to
subclass and override the method in Python. It wouldn't have worked
in earlier versions anyway, so your rpms are no more crippled than
previous versions.

Just as a plug for the recent build system changes - it would have
been a lot more difficult to do a workaround like this with the
older build system, and a lot slower too.

An 'official' PyKDE/KDE 3.0.4 release will probably wait now until I
get a copy of SuSE 8.1 and find a box to put it on (so I can test
gcc 3.2) - probably a week to 10 days. I'll probably also switch
to sip/PyQt 3.4, but that shouldn't cause any problems for 3.3.2
users as far as I can see. KDE 3.1 isn't too far away either.

Persistence in fixing bugs is always appreciated - thanks.



Re: [PyKDE] Runtime issues on SuSE 8.1

2002-10-16 Thread Jim Bublitz

On 16-Oct-02 Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:
 Hi Marc, hi Jim,
 I finally touched the khtml_part problem. Here is my mod:
 --- ../PyKDE-3.3.2.orig/sip/khtml_part.sip  2002-08-21
 20:08:45.0 +0200
 +++ ./sip/khtml_part.sip2002-10-16 13:02:32.0 +0200
 @@ -124,8 +124,8 @@
 QRect r;
 int i = 0;
 -   if
 _KHTMLPart,ptr, sipClass_QPainter, p,
 -   sipClass_QRect, r, i))
 +   if
 s_KHTMLPart,ptr, sipClass_QPainter, p,
 +   sipClass_QRect, r, i))
 bool b;
 At least, it compiles, but does this make sense also? 
 I moderately sure about the missing , which fixes the compiler
 complaint, but what about this sip argument format string?


Sloppy coding on my part - it definitely wants a pointer there.
This goes in the mistakes I made that gcc 2.95 didn't catch

The format string should be:

m - for the KHTMLPart 'this' pointer (equivalent to self in

J0 - for the QPainter arg
J0 - for the QRect arg
i  - for the int arg

or mJ0J0i

The bool* arg isn't passed in under Python; it's the return value
of the paint call instead (yes, sip will let you turn a void method
call into a call that returns a value under Python). In this case,
the contents of the location pointed to by the bool* is modified by
the call to paint, it isn't a parameter that paint uses itself to do
something. That's why the second 'i' in the format string was
incorrect. It's the same thing in both khtmlview.sip and

In the docs this should read TAKES a QPainter, QRect, int and
RETURNS an int (Python not having a bool type for the return value
prior to 2.2.1)

I probably would have spent a week looking for this silly error
(and it's one I've made before too). Thanks again (both Marc and



RE: [PyKDE] kdepyuic broken

2002-10-16 Thread Jim Bublitz

On 16-Oct-02 Marc Schmitt wrote:
 I just tried to use kdepyuic, but it's only chaos. There are
 missing '', commas where periods expected and lots of
 function-calls which simply are not there. On the other hand,
 pyuic does work very well and is able to include kde-widgets
 which were generated by qtdesigner, but it does not import 
 anything from the kdelibs. 

 Wouldn't it be best to simply include those import statements
 into pyuic and burn kdepyuic, as this could also reduce
 confusion about ui-generators ?

I'll check it out and either fix it or trash it for the next
release. At the moment, I don't recall why I wrote it (I was even
surprised to find out I did) - I imagine it came out of a request or
comment on the mailing list, as I don't use qtdesigner much myself.

It doesn't really do much - I'm surprised it causes that much
trouble. I'm not sure what's involved in getting pyuic to add the
kdecore/kdeui imports (or more importantly not add them for
non-PyKDE stuff).



Re: [PyKDE] ANN : PyKDE 3.3.2 SuSE 8.1 rpm

2002-10-16 Thread Jim Bublitz

On 16-Oct-02 Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:
 I hope, I've made the correct fixes to sip/khtml_part.sip:
 --- ../PyKDE-3.3.2.orig/sip/khtml_part.sip  2002-08-21
 20:08:45.0 +0200
 +++ ./sip/khtml_part.sip2002-10-16 21:11:18.0 +0200
 @@ -124,8 +124,8 @@
 QRect r;
 int i = 0;
 -   if
 _KHTMLPart,ptr, sipClass_QPainter, p,
 -   sipClass_QRect, r, i))
 +   if
 KHTMLPart,ptr, sipClass_QPainter, p,
 +   sipClass_QRect, r, i))

Looks correct to me, but I'm the one that screwed it up in the
first place :)




Re: [PyKDE] Runtime issues on SuSE 8.1

2002-10-15 Thread Jim Bublitz

On 15-Oct-02 Marc Schmitt wrote:

 Unfortunatly, I wasn't able to compile PyKDE for KDE3.0.4, the
 compilation broke while compiling about a missing extraH/kde304
 dir. Simply setting a link from the kde303 dir didn't work. 
 Jim, any hints ?

I registered the fact that KDE3.0.4 exists a few days ago, but for
some reason it never dawned on me that I might need to do something
about it ...

I'm in the middle of something I need to implement soon (rewriting
my mail handling top to bottom), so it will be a few days before I
can look at KDE3.0.4 - from the announcement it doesn't appear much
needs to be done. 

Setting a link seems like it *should* work - a quick and dirty
solution would simply be to create extraH/kde304 and copy all of the
files from extraH/kde303 into it. Those are (mostly) h files which
aren't normally found in kde*/include. The correct way would be to
copy the same set of files from a KDE3.0.4 kdelibs source
distribution to the new directory, EXCEPT for kicontheme.h, pct.h,
and pykdekshortcutlist.h, which you'd still want to copy from
extraH/kde303. pct.h is a hack to allow '%' type formatting in an
sprintf statement under sip, and the other two are (very slightly)
modified version of the corresponding kdelibs h files.

The other places you'd (probably) need to make changes are:

1. - add 304 to KDEVers list (global, near top of file)
2. PyKDE-3.3.2/sip/kde30/dcop.sip - add KDE_3_0_4 to %Timeline

From the last couple of KDE releases, I'm guessing not much else
really needs to be changed, but don't hold me to that. KDE 3.1 will
have lots of changes, so don't expect to be able to build PyKDE (as
it is now) against that.

Bill Soudan also sent some patches for for RH8.0
(thanks Bill!) which will be in the next release. I also have a hack
to allow building PyKDE as a user instead of requiring root
privileges (still need to be root to install of course), but I'm
not sure if that's worth releasing.



Re: [PyKDE] Runtime issues on SuSE 8.1

2002-10-15 Thread Jim Bublitz

On 15-Oct-02 Marc Schmitt wrote:
 On Dienstag, 15. Oktober 2002 18:57, Jim Bublitz wrote:
 Setting a link seems like it *should* work - a quick and dirty
 The other places you'd (probably) need to make changes are:

 1. - add 304 to KDEVers list (global, near top of file)
 2. PyKDE-3.3.2/sip/kde30/dcop.sip - add KDE_3_0_4 to %Timeline
 Ok, I modified the points and it passes the initial setup, but
 when it tries 
 to compile khtml, the following happens :
 make[1]: Entering directory
 g++ -c -pipe -w -O2 -march=i586 -mcpu=i686 -fmessage-length=0
 -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT -fno-exceptions -I-
 I -I../extraH -I. -I../../../../../include/python2.2
 -I/opt/kde3/include -I-I 
 -I/opt   /kde3/include/khtml -I-I 
 -I/opt/kde3/include/dom -I-I -I/opt/kde3/include/kparts -I-  
 I -I/opt/kde3/include/kio -I-I -I../kdecore -I-I -I../kio 
 -I/usr/lib/qt3/include -I/   
 usr/lib/qt3/mkspecs/default -o khtmlhuge.o khtmlhuge.cpp
 sip/khtml_part.sip: In function `PyObject*
 PyObject   *)':
 sip/khtml_part.sip:128: cannot pass objects of non-POD type
 `class QRect' 
 through `.   ..'
 make[1]: *** [khtmlhuge.o] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory
 make: *** [sub-khtml] Error 2
 Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.2774 (%build)
 Any hints ?

I don't know if this is causing the problem, but in khtmlview.sip,
line 87 is:

if (sipParseArgs(sipArgsParsed, sipArgs, mJ0J0ii,
   sipThisObj,sipClass_ KHTMLView,ptr, sipClass_QPainter, p,
   sipClass_QRect, r, i))

The string mJ0J0ii should be mJ0J0i.

I'm not sure why this error wasn't caught before. It should cause a
runtime error at the very least. If that doesn't fix it (and I
don't see why it would), you can try commenting out (//) the paint
method and everything between and including %MemberCode -- %End
after paint in the same file and see what happens.

I don't know what a 'non-POD type' is, so the error msg isn't very
helpful at the moment. Generally, you couldn't have gone that far
unless almost everything else was working - this is one of the last
few modules in the build. It could also be due to a change in KDE
3.0.4 (I don't have the source to check yet), in which case
commenting out the paint method should take care of it temporarily.

Sorry I can't be of more help. Don't spend a lot more time on it if
you can't work around it easily - I should have the update
available by the end of the week or early next week.



Re: [PyKDE] Problem with German characters

2002-10-15 Thread Jim Bublitz

On 15-Oct-02 jblazi wrote:
 On Tuesday 15 October 2002 20:57, david wrote:
  Then I get the next problem. Here is my code:

  tmp = unicode(self.widget.text.eingabe.text())+'\n'

  exec tmp in user_name_space
  txt = str(sys.exc_info()[1])

  Here I get the error message

   ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128)
 I'm using this :

 blah = textedit.text().latin1()

 It works fine.

 It doe not work for me; I get the same error message as above.
 (This seems to be no Python problem, as exec('a=รถ') works.

I'm not at all clear on what your code is trying to do, but if
.text() is Qt code, it almost invariably returns a QString,
therefore you should need latin1(), utf8() or something similar from
QString to return an actual character string before using it with
any Python functions.

Your Python example would work because you're not passing exec a
QString. Maybe try a print tmp before the exec call and see what
string is actually being passed in tmp, or print the result of
*.text() and see what it returns. I don't think you should need
unicode for o-umlaut, but I'm far from being knowledgeable about
this stuff.



RE: [PyKDE] Debian packages location

2002-10-04 Thread Jim Bublitz

On 04-Oct-02 Frederick Polgardy Jr wrote:
 Anybody know where the 3.4 family of .debs for SIP/PyQt/PyKDE can
 be found?  Per Ricardo's message on 9/11, I thought there would
 be a 3.4 deb of python2.2-qt3, but I'm still picking up the
 3.3.2 version.  And there doesn't seem to be one for KDE3 at

The 3.3.2 version of PyKDE should work with sip/PyQt 3.4, so
there is no 3.4 release of PyKDE. The next release will be
for KDE 3.1.



[PyKDE] RH 8.0 ?

2002-10-02 Thread Jim Bublitz

If anyone has built sip/PyQt/PyKDE on the new RH 8.0, I'd be
interested to hear the results. 

Also, what gcc version is RH8 using?



RE: [PyKDE] PyQt/sip directory?

2002-09-26 Thread Jim Bublitz

On 26-Sep-02 Bart Verwilst wrote:
 When i'm trying to install PyKDE, it complains it couldn't find
 the PyQt/sip 
 directory, so i have to use the sip dir from the pyQT sources..
 Can i copy that dir to some location on my system during the
 install? And if 
 yes, whereto should i copy it?

You should be able to use the -v switch on the 'build' command line
to specify the location of PyQt/sip should be checking for PyQt/sip over this list of paths:

candidates = [../, /usr/local/, /usr/local/src/,\
   /usr/src/, /usr/share/sip, /usr/local/share/sip]



RE: [PyKDE] PyKDE and libkdegames

2002-06-14 Thread Jim Bublitz

On 13-Jun-02 Michael Lauer wrote:
 Sounds very interesting - could you publish these tools, please?

I emailed the tarball to you, but got:

do_ypcall: clnt_call: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = Connection
refused 220 ESMTP.

My ISP is continuing to attempt delivery.

It appears to be about 90KB - if that's a problem, I can probably
post it on sourceforge for ftp.



RE: [PyKDE] PyKDE and libkdegames

2002-06-13 Thread Jim Bublitz

On 13-Jun-02 Michael Lauer wrote:
 Am Mon, 2002-06-10 um 18.53 schrieb Jim Bublitz:
 I have some semi-automated tools to do it,
 but they only generate about 80% - 90% clean code and require a
 lot of manual touch-up. 
 Sounds very interesting - could you publish these tools, please?

The short answer has always been I'd rather not - mostly out of
embarassment (it's a terrible hack). I'd considered at one time
setting this up as a separate project but it really requires other

The negatives of this software are:

- it requires PyKDE to run (it's in Python), and therefore Linux
- while it naturally reads and writes files, internally the
lexer/parser take their input and write their output to KEdit
widgets (makes it somewhat IDE-like, can edit files on the fly and
even search/search and replace)
- the parser is handwritten and very convoluted
- even worse is the code that merges a newly parsed h file with a
previous version of the same sip file (does versioning)
- it's buggy (doesn't handle enums in namespaces correctly, doesn't
version enums correctly, sometimes doesn't version anything
correctly, sometimes fails to match identical methods across
- doesn't create sip-in files correctly (might get close though)
- requires manual input (mostly point and click though)

As I haven't run it in a month or so, there are probably more
problems I'm forgetting, however it takes a lot less time to fix
the output from this program than to generate sip files manually.

That said, it does most of what's needed to create a basic sip
file. Most importantly, it strips variable names  and adjusts names
for objects in namespaces correctly which is extremely time
consuming for things like kparts and kjs, and it does versioning of
sip files, given an existing sip file and new h file. It isn't
(AFAIK) Qt or KDE specific as far as actually generating sip files.

What it needs:
- it would probably work better with an actual tokenizer and parser
(there are a number available in Python). It only needs a grammar
for h files (and sip files, which is more or less a subset), not all
of C++. Unfortunately I'm not knowledgeable in this area at all.
- it would be desireable to have it generate everything, including
configure and make files (some of that gets done, but not enough)
- bug fixes, of course
- documentation
- it could be extended to generate some basic %MemberCode from user
- it could be adapted to Windows (KEdit-QMultiLineEdit). I
probably used a lot of KDE widgets (KTabCtl, KLED, KListBox,
KDialog, etc), but that wouldn't be too hard to change. The logic
and GUI are mostly separate. I don't have a Windows based computer

In general, this is your basic I needed something simple so I
threw it together in a couple of days and then kept adding more
features hack. Originally I just wanted to strip variable names

After all that, if anyone still wants to play with it, let me know
and I'll write up some simple instructions and mail it off to you.
If after looking at it, some one wants to set up a project and go
with it, I'm all in favor of it. The entire thing (py/pyc and some
unnecessary files) is about 350K untarred, so a basic tarball
should be easily mailable. It'll take me a few days to write some
usage instructions and do a tarball. The license will be GPL unless
someone convinces me otherwise.

At the moment I simply don't have the time to work on this or
co-ordinate a project, but I'll be happy to answer any questions.

If anyone is interested, let me know.



RE: [PyKDE] PyKDE and libkdegames

2002-06-12 Thread Jim Bublitz

 On 10-Jun-02 Bjorn Pettersen wrote:
 From: Jim Bublitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Basically, there are only a few simple rules for generating sip
 description files (.sip) from C++ headers:

 0a. Delete all methods you don't want to expose to Python
 (although point 5 below still holds).

Very good point. In PyKDE the goal is to expose everything to
Python, but in cases where you just want Python access to parts of
an API, you can save a lot of work by hiding things. Another
example is that in writing an intermediate C++ wrapper and then
writing the bindings to that instead of the base package, you can
expose very little in the h files that are used in binding and
expose nearly everything (to gcc) in the .cpp files of your
wrapper or in h files that aren't visible in the bindings. In the
extreme you can make the bindings' h files and sip files almost

 0b. Delete all operator overloads (you'll have to write
 %MemberCode to access those).

Yep -- not done in PyKDE.

 1. Delete any forward declarations
 2. Change 'class someClass : public QWidget' to 
 'class someClass : QWidget'

 But only if you have given a definition for QWidget in one of your
 sip files, i.e. there is no need to expose the inheritance
 relationship if it doesn't buy you anything. 

 This can be useful if you're inheriting from a templatized class.

Another very good point - I hadn't tried that explicitly, but it
could prove very useful (in fact there's a couple of places in
PyKDE where that might work).

 A simple example is in kcharsets.sip

kcharsets.sip has %MemberCode examples with lists and static methods
as well as returning an int argument in a tuple - those cover the
majority of cases. intvaluelist.sip is probably a good example of
%MappedType usage (and then grep the PyKDE sip files to see how the
IntValueList type is used to replace a template type).

 7. Anything template based (eg QList QString) will require
 either handwritten code or a %MappedType.

 A simple example is in the PyQt distribution in qpair.sip. Note
 that specific instantiations of a templatized class work fine as
 long as SIP doesn't see the template, e.g:


 #include vector
 typedef std::vectorint IntVector;


 class IntVector {
 #include ivec.h
 void push_back(int);
 int size();

It's sometimes helpful to keep in mind that sip doesn't look in the
h files at all - it only reads .sip files. You can also augment the
h files with code in the %HeaderCode block in the sip file (there
was an example below but I already snipped it).

 8. Eliminate duplicate typedefs if any
 9. Namespaces need some special handling, mostly in naming
 objects in namespaces - see KParts stuff

 I.e. if subclassing from a class in the same namespace you need to
 prefix with the namespace, e.g:

  namespace foo {

  class A {...};
  class B : foo::A {...};


'A' and 'B' will need the namespace prefix nearly everywhere, even
within the namespace itself:


namespace foo
class B
B ();
B (B);

B*  self () { return this; }


namespace foo
class B
#include B.h

B ();
B (foo::B);

foo::B* self ();

I also forgot to mention that any inline code is stripped out too.

Lastly, you can insert SGML docs in the sip files and sip will
produce a concatenated .sgml documentation file with the proper
switches (see either PyQt or PyKDE - kde.sip or kde.sip-in drive
the documentation construction, but the doc text is distributed
over all of the sip files)



Re: [PyKDE] Trying to build PyKDE for KDE 3

2002-06-12 Thread Jim Bublitz

On 13-Jun-02 Alex Willmer wrote:
 Thankyou for the tip, I tried this out and the 'make install' run
 got a bit further, unfortunately another import error occurred.
 Judicious (although very possibly not correct) repetition of
 the above with the '%Include netwm.sip' line, got a little
 further, but after that the import error gets a bit close to
 the bone.

 I've had a look at the libtool line in question, it does contain
 the correct library ('-L/opt/kde3/lib'), however it is a relink
 command, which libtool warns of in the preceding line:
 libtool: install: warning: relinking `'

Yes - that's normal.
 I'm afraid libtool and type_info functions are currently beyond

As I posted earlier, I'm still not very enlightened regarding
type_info, but it doesn't appear to be the problem.
 Thanks for taking the time out to help me with this. 

We try to give everyone their money's worth, and unfortunately
sometimes that's what you get :)

 As an aside. Just some further background, in case of rpm
 screwiness, possibly due to a switch from some unofficial
 texstar kde 3.0.1ish/cvs rpms, to the official Mandrake ones
 while trying to build PyKDE previously (of course rerunning 
 configure afterwards) I nuked the build directory and started
 afresh from the 3.2.4 tarball today. It appears that the
 Mandrake RPMS currently available for 3.0.0 report as 3.0.1 in
 the headers with kdeverison.h  containing:

#define KDE_VERSION 301
#define KDE_VERSION_STRING 3.0.1 (CVS = 20020327)

Those are the Red Hat rpms, which is what I'd expect for Mandrake.
They definitely are the 3.0.0 version, just mislabeled.
 I've modified accordingly. To the best of my
 knowledge, these are definitely the 3.0.0 rpms, 'rpm -qf
 /opt/kde3/include/kdeversion.h' reports'kdelibs3-devel-3.0-10mdk',
 as found at:

 So either I've screwed up so well I can't even spot the error, or
 there is something else going on.

At this point I think there definitely is something else going on.
I've had the RH install (after the version fix) verified, and
another poster verified a Mandrake 8.2 install. The sequence of
errors you're getting doesn't point to any particular code problems
and looks more like a library version problem with something (but
not the 3.0.1 stuff). You'd get these kinds of problems if, for
example, you were linked to Qt1.4.2 instead of Qt3.0.4 (having done
it myself).

I looked at the log file (thanks for posting it!), and don't see a
problem. I'd suggest the following:

1. If you had sip/PyQt installed from Mandrake, get rid of them
(rpm -e). I'm not sure which version they are - if they're pre-3.1,
they have libsip in the wrong place (it should only exist in
python/site-packages now - remove any other versions in /usr/lib,
/usr/local/lib or where-ever). If that was the case, then download
sip and PyQt 3.2.4 from and
rebuild/re-install. It might also be a good idea to clean all of
the sip/PyQt/PyKDE stuff out of python/site-packages too - maybe
look at *first* (it's a text file) and see if there's
anything unusual in there (wrong path to libs, etc) sip, PyQt and
PyKDE all need to be 3.2.4 for KDE3.0.0.

2. If the first step doesn't appear to be the problem, you might
want to make sure you have a clean KDE install - check for KDE libs
(other than symlinks) in /usr/lib and other locations other than
/opt/kde3/lib. Also check for libqt and libqt-mt and look for
multiple versions of those (for example and
If you can, delete and re-install KDE (that's pretty messy on SuSE
because their installer 'yast' depends on KDE - don't know about
Mandrake). Will the PyQt examples run?

Again, the file in site-packages might provide a hint.
If a necessary lib (like libkdecore or libqt) turns up earlier in
the search path than /opt/kde3/lib or /usr/lib/qt3, it'll get used
instead - I've tried to order things to prevent that, but might not
have eliminated all of the possibilities.

3. Try a clean build of PyKDE - running './configure' again deletes
everything and rebuilds from the ground up. I know it's a long
compile - the next version will be faster, so you might want to wait
for that. I don't think anything will change in the next version
that will affect the problem you're having though. Restore all the
stuff you commented out too (starting with kmutlipledrag.sip) - it
should all work once the real problem is fixed.

I've run into these kinds of problems on my own systems and they
can be very frustrating. The fix is usually simple once you find
the cause. I always appreciate it when people stick with it this
far and am happy to provide any help I can. Personally I think it's
worth it - I've been writing stuff for my own use with PyKDE the
last few weeks and it's really been fun and productive too. 



RE: [PyKDE] Trying to build PyKDE for KDE 3

2002-06-10 Thread Jim Bublitz

On 10-Jun-02 Alex Willmer wrote:
 Hello All
 I'm trying to get pykde 3.2.4 working with kde 3.0.0, however
 make install fails with the error below. I'm not sure where to
 look to find the solution, make appeared to work without
 errors. The configure line I used was:
  ./configure --with-qt-dir=/usr/lib/qt3/ 
 --with-pyqt-sip-dir=../pyqt-3.2.4/sip/ --with-kde-dir=/opt/kde3/

configure should find all of those locations, except perhaps not
the lower case PyQt. Looks fine.

 The system is Mandrake 8.2 with the mandrake rpms of kde 3.0.0,
 sip  pyqt 3.2.4 were built from source. I've deleted the
 DocStruct class lines and  added the newlines to pct.h in

Sloppy work on my part - those should've been fixed already.
 Please if anyone can point me in the right direction, I would
 love to get this working. Last lines reported by make install
 are included below. I'll also post config.log to:

 import libkdecorec
 undefined symbol: __ti13KMultipleDrag

This indicates (in /opt/kde3/lib) has an undefined
symbol __ti13KMultipleDrag. If you do:

   nm /opt/kde3/lib/ | less

and then


to search for the symbol (you can grep instead of 'less' too), it
either shouldn't be there or will have a 'U' next to it. If it's
there and has an address, something else is wrong. According to the
same 'nm' line with a -C switch to unmangle the names, the
corresponding item on my system is defined as a 'type_info
function'. I don't know what that is for sure or how it gets there,
so I'm a little at a loss as to how to fix this. Do other Mandrake
8.2 users have this problem?

On SuSE (and I assume RH and Debian) this symbol is defined and the
install/link step works fine.

The only fix I can think of at the moment is to go to:


and comment out (//) the line 

   %Include kmultipledrag.sip

I don't believe anything else references this class. After that

   build -mkdecore

and recompile (make - only kdecore should recompile, saving you
about an hour). You shouldn't need to run configure again. These
kinds of install failures come about because of things missing in
the KDE libs - I have no idea how that happens, but there are a
number of things in the .h files that don't make it to the
libraries. You won't have the KMultipleDrag class with this fix.

My only concern in this case is that the 'type_info' functions
(whatever they are) are missing as a group, and there are a number
of them. I can't verify any of this because I don't have a Mandrake
system, and it works on my systems, so please let me know what

I'll look into this some more and see if I can figure out what a
'type_info function' is. You might also want to check the libtool
command line just before the install failure and make sure it has a
'-L/opt/kde3/lib' and not some other KDE location (like kde2 if
that's also on your system) - KMultipleDrag is new in 3.0.0. If
that does occur, you can try adding a


to ./configure (your log looked correct however, so I wouldn't try
that unless there's a clear indication that it's a problem;
re-running configure will require a complete re-compile).




2002-06-06 Thread Jim Bublitz

In KLineEditDlg in PyKDE the static method 'getText' does not
work correctly - it generates a runtime error under some
circumstances. I'm not sure of the exact problem, but it's in
handwritten code for this method (which should return a tuple of
QString and int). This applies to all PyKDE/KDE versions.

The workaround is to instantiate KLineEditDlg, run it with
exec_loop, retrieve the button pressed from exec_loop's return
value, and retrieve the text entered using the KLineEditDlg 'text'
method. The tuple 'getText' returns contains both values, and
'getText' does the exec automatically, with no need to instantiate
KLineEditDlg (or would if it worked).

This will be fixed in the next PyKDE release.



RE: [PyKDE] Deleting items from Canvas

2002-06-05 Thread Jim Bublitz

On 01-Jan-70 Moray Taylor wrote:
 I have a program that puts items onto a canvas, keeps a reference
 to it, and deletes the reference when I want to remove the item
 from the canvas. What I want to know is...
 A) Is this all I need to do?
 B) If not, what is the reccommended way of removing items from a

 The reason I ask, is that I run PyQT on SGI, Intel, and PowerPC,
 the results from the PowerPC version are very different to the
 Intel/SGI, I cannot get the items to remove themselves from the
 canvas on PPC, the code I use is *exactly* the same.

I'd assume in that case you don't have any stray references to the
Python object hanging around which can cause problems.
 I need to know if it's the PowerPC with the problem or otherwise.

When I've had problems using 'removeChild' on x86, I've used
something like:

  def removeWidget (self, w) #w is a QWidget/QObject descendant
  dummy = QWidget ()
  w.reparent (dummy, QPoint (0, 0))
  # when dummy goes out of scope, it gets garbage collected
  # along with all of it's children (and the corresponding
  # C++ objects get destroyed as well)

The way Qt handles the above is different than the way
'removeChild' followed by 'del w' would work.



Re: [PyKDE] PyKDE with KDE 3.0.1?

2002-06-03 Thread Jim Bublitz

On 03-Jun-02 John J. Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
 I tried building PyKDE 3.2.4 against KDE 3.0.1, and it refuses to

 I realise Jim hasn't updated it yet for this KDE version, but is
 this really necessary -- isn't it possible to just give a warning
 during configure, and go ahead and build anyway?  I presume
 3.0.1 isn't monumentally different from 3.0.0, so that most /
 all of it should build, even if the wrapper is missing some new

Actually I didn't think PyKDE would build with 3.0.1 after looking
at diffs of the h files (and in fact I'm not sure it does quite -
see below). It's impossible to predict what will change - usually
if only the last digit of the version increments, the changes are
small. However, the changes from 3.0beta2 to 3.0.0 were major.

You can always modify 'configure' and scripts - it's not hard to
find the version check. As a policy for a release, I don't think
it's a good idea - the check is done (among other reasons) to
prevent people from building a PyKDE that doesn't work.
 Niggle: The `build' script has /usr/bin/python in the #! line.
#!/usr/bin/env python
 is more standard, since as I'm sure you (Jim) know, it will find
 Python wherever it may be hiding.

This was intentional (it's called from configure using
'$PYTHONINTERP build options', and configure knows where Python is
located), but it's incorrect for 'build', since it needs to be able
to run stand-alone. I'll fix it for the next release. Thanks.

(Can't remember why I thought that was better at the moment - arg
On 03-Jun-02 Ricardo Javier Cardenes Medina [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Modify function 'checkOptions' to recognize KDE 3.0.1. Search
 elif (pair [0] == '--kde') or (pair [0] == '-k'):
 kdeVersion = unversion ('KDE', pair [1])
 if not kdeVersion in KDEVers:
 and then change it to:
 elif (pair [0] == '--kde') or (pair [0] == '-k'):
   if kdeVersion == 301:
   kdeVersion == 300
 kdeVersion = unversion ('KDE', pair [1])
 if not kdeVersion in KDEVers:
 That worked for me and I haven't had problems since then. Of
 course, YMMV.

From the h file diffs between versions I didn't think it would
build. The main reason I thought that is that some methods have
changed from 'void foo' to 'virtual void foo'. That's hardcoded
into the *.sip files, so rebuilding with 3.0.1 won't catch that
change. Apparently gcc and ld don't notice this change, but the
resulting code isn't strictly correct and may cause problems.

As with a lot of stuff in PyKDE, this may occur in methods hardly
anyone will use, so I wouldn't say Don't do this!. In fact I'm
very pleased with the fact that the new build procedure is as
hackable as it is. But it may not work in all cases.



Re: [PyKDE] PyKDE with KDE 3.0.1?

2002-06-03 Thread Jim Bublitz

On 03-Jun-02 Bret McMillan wrote:
 On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, Jim Bublitz wrote:
 More data:
 [bretm@zealot kde]$ hostname
 [bretm@zealot kde]$ pwd
 [bretm@zealot kde]$ grep -r KDE_VERSION .
 ./kdeversion.h:#ifndef _KDE_VERSION_H_
 ./kdeversion.h:#define _KDE_VERSION_H_
 ./kdeversion.h:#define KDE_VERSION 301
 ./kdeversion.h:#define KDE_VERSION_STRING 3.0.0-10
 ./kdeversion.h:#define KDE_VERSION_MAJOR 3
 ./kdeversion.h:#define KDE_VERSION_MINOR 0
 ./kdeversion.h:#define KDE_VERSION_RELEASE 1
 ./kdeversion.h:#endif // _KDE_VERSION_H_
 ./kprotocolmanager.h:QString(Mozilla/5.0 (Konqueror/%1;
 compatible MSIE 
 5.5; X11)).arg(KDE_VERSION_STRING)
 [bretm@zealot kde]$ 

Thanks! I'm assuming from KDE_VERSION_STRING and the RH7.3 release
date that it's still 3.0.0, despite the '301'.

Of course the other possible fix is to modify kdeversion.h (even
temporarily - just while running configure). Presently configure
only looks at the KDE_VERSION line - just change '301' to '300'.
 3. Enabling Python-based plugins and panel applets for KDE (not
 necessarily PyKDE related - separate project/still sip-based).
 Hmmm.  Got any info along these lines?  If this is done cleanly,
 I'd consider using PyKDE for my panel applet instead... :)

I'm not sure this applies perfectly to panel applets, but here's
how I did it for KSpread: You basically need two C++ libraries. The
first is a general library which wraps the Python interpreter and
provides some hooks for loading/running scripts and returning
results. That lib should support any kind of Python-based plugins,
applets or KParts. (Basically KDE-specific embedded Python)

The second lib is specific to the app you're plugging into, so each
app needs it's own wrapper (not full bindings though). That lib
knows the API of the parent app (for example, KSpread, noatun,
panel applets) and also knows how to load the first (interpreter)
lib and talk to it. You also need an app specific .rc file for the
plugin lib.

The KDE app finds the .rc file in it's
share/apps/appname/kpartsplugin subdirectory and uses that to
load the app-specific lib. The app-specific lib loads the the
interpreter lib. In the case of KSpread, the .rc file/lib also
includes some menu additions to allow you to load an arbitrary
Python script via the plugin. The script imports bindings for the
parent app's wrapper (say 'import pyKSpread') - the bindings are
just a simple wrapper:

In C++:

void Wrapper::setCell (char *cellAddr, char *value)

  someKSpreadClassInstance-setCell (row (cellAdrr), col (cellAddr),


In sip:

class Wrapper
  setCell (char *, char *);

In Python:

from pyKSpread import Wrapper

pi = str (3.1416)

w = Wrapper ()
w.setCell (A3, pi)

That's really what most of the wrapper consists of on the
C++/sip side. To get KSpread to run arbitrary Python scripts or load
Python-based built-in spreadsheet formulas adds about 1MB of
overhead - 800KB+ of which is the Python interpreter. With the
little testing I did, Python based formulas were within +/- 10% of
the compiled in formulas - close enough in speed that they might
have even been slightly faster (KSpread overall is horribly slow
compared to StarOffice). Like any plugin, this actually calls into
the KSpread C++ code to do it's work - the Python script just makes
those calls. It's all pretty high level.

In addition, the simple C++ wrapper allows you modify the exposed
API - for example, the KSpread API only takes (int row, int col)
for cell addresses, so I wrote a little extra code to handle cell
addresses like (A3) or (A1:H3), etc. as well as regrouping the
classes/methods in a more manageable fashion for scripting (an
architecture that makes sense for a standalone app isn't
necessarily the best way to script it). When done this should be
pretty newbie friendly, unlike PyKDE/PyQt.

So you basically have: C++ interpreter lib, C++ interface/wrapper
lib, XML rc file and wrapper/binding (another lib via sip).

The code to do all this took about 4-5 hours (really easy). It
probably took another 20 hours to figure out the KSpread API, and
about 40 hours or more (not kidding) to get the configure/make stuff
working. Of course it still needs a lot of cleanup, testing and
especially docs. The only other thing I plan to add is simplified
dialog construction, since the rest of the GUI is already in
KSpread. Don't need PyKDE at all for this (although it could be
imported, just like any other Python lib).

Anyway, I have all this stuff put together, but the makefiles are
pretty machine specific and nothing's too organized. I'm not sure
if it even works at the moment. If you want to take a stab at it, I
can send you stuff, but it's really a mess right now. It's also
still at KOffice 1.1, but that doesn't matter for panel applets. As
far as the wrapper and bindings - they're really easy and I can give
you a few general rules for creating the wrapper and the sip files
for the bindings

[PyKDE] KDE 3.0.1

2002-05-23 Thread Jim Bublitz

Just when I thought I was finished for a while, KDE 3.0.1 is
released. I haven't downloaded it yet, but from the ChangeLogs, it
looks like there's probably enough new stuff to warrant a PyKDE
update. 'cpp' file changes make no difference, h file changes are
what matter, and it looks like kio and some others have some new
methods. The coming weekend is a holiday in the US, and I'm in the
middle of some other stuff, so it will be at least several weeks
for an update.

The other stuff I'm in the middle of is business forms (invoices
and stuff). I've been using ReportLab (
and it's a great piece of software. It allows you to compose pdf
files in Python, which wasn't the first thing I had in mind but
turns out to be a great solution both for printing, previewing and
emailing this kind of stuff. I was able to write a single Form
class that will handle all of the various docs (more than half a
dozen) I need to generate in about a day and a half. Next I have to
do the UI in PyKDE - I hope that's as easy to use :)

The other piece of news is that Ricardo Cardenes is modifying the
PyKDE 'build' script to enable concatenating all of a module's cpp
files into a single huge file. He's doing it for Debian, but is
contributing the changes back to PyKDE, and this will be an option
in a future version. No news yet on how much compile time is



[PyKDE] Re: PyKDE-3.2.4-1 build problem on MDK 8.2

2002-05-22 Thread Jim Bublitz

On 22-May-02 Antti Markus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When I'm trying to build PyKDE-3.2.4-1 then   
 /configure --with-qt-dir=/usr/lib/qt3 --with-kde-dir=/opt/kde3   
 fails as follows:   
 checking options   
 Building  dcop kdecore kdesu kdefx kdeui kio kfile kparts khtml
kjs kspell kdeprint   
 sip: dcop   
 sip: sip/dcop.sip:44: parse error   
 sip -t Qt_3_0_4 -t KDE_3_0_0 -t WS_X11 -I sip -I
../PyQt-3.2.4/sip/ -c dcop -m
 dcop/Makefile.tmp sip/dcop.sip -- failed   

 I'm running Mandrake 8.2 with KDE 3.0.0 and Qt 3.0.4. PyQt-3.2.4
 compiled and  
 installed fine and is working OK. What might be the problem? I
 have also attached copy of config.log as conf.log.gz. 

The config log didn't make it to the list, but my guess is that
you're not running a current version of sip. Try 'sip -V' - it
should return at least 3.2, preferably 3.2.4. If that isn't the
problem, please let me know. 

If the sip version is 3.2, you can delete line 44 and the
preceding comments BUT, you need to do the edit on
PyKDE-3.2.4/sip/kde30/dcop.sip-in, which is the base file used to
create dcop.sip (otherwise your edit will get overwritten). Line 44
is a %Feature definition for sip which is no longer used and
doesn't need to be there. With that line deleted, PyKDE might even
build with an older version of sip, but it won't run correctly.
If you do need to upgrade your sip version, it would be best to
remove the older sip version (and PyQt, which would also need to be
rebuilt) first.

Please post again if the problem persists.



[PyKDE] PyKDE Bug Report

2002-05-20 Thread Jim Bublitz

In PyKDE-3.2.4/sip/kstdaction.sip, the 'print' method/function
needs to be modified in two places to look like the following:

static KAction* print (SIP_RXOBJ_CON, SIP_SLOT_CON(),
  QObject*/Transfer/ = 0, const char* = 0)/PyName=printAction/;

KAction* print(SIP_RXOBJ_CON, SIP_SLOT_CON(), KActionCollection*,
  const char* = 0)/PyName=printAction/;

(the lines are not wrapped in the actual file)

The change is the addition of /PyName=printAction/ to each
declaration. This directive changes the name used to call the
method/function in Python. 'print' cannot be used as the name of a
method or function, since it is a Python reserved word. 'print' is
not usable in the current release because of this name clash. The
new method/function name will be 'printAction' (actually 
'KStdAction.printAction(...) in both cases) for Python usage.

After editing kstdaction.sip, you can rebuild only the kdeui module
with (current directory == PyKDE-3.2.4):

   build -m kdeui

or you can run ./configure to rebuild all modules. Run make and 
make install to finish the upgrade.

The release file will be modified and posted in the next several
days. The new release file name will be PyKDE-3.2.4-1. The version
number will remain 3.2.4. The release file also contains modified
docs reflecting the name change.



[PyKDE] PyKDE Release

2002-05-18 Thread Jim Bublitz

The first bug in the new release turns out to be in the README
file. I believe I already posted this info to the list, but I'll
repeat it (and update the README) The release is now available on 

sip/PyQt currently link to qt-mt if you have it. KDE3 is usually
built with qt-mt, so there is no problem there. KDE2 however is
built with qt. If you have KDE2 and Qt = 2.3.1, you will have both
qt and qt-mt libs. In that case, PyKDE configure should fail if you
built sip/PyQt normally (PyKDE checks for a qt/qt-mt mismatch). The
workaround is to hide libqt-mt.* (rename them for instance) when
building sip/PyQt/PyKDE. You can restore libqt-mt.* after building.
I forgot to include this info in the README. That of course means
you can't use Qt threads and PyKDE (for KDE2.x only) at the same

Also, it appears that PyKDE now builds successfully with gcc2.96,
which affects RH and Mandrake 8.2 users. Let me know if that isn't

Thanks to Bill Soudan for RH testing and info.

Now I can return to deleting Korean spam and Klez-infested emails.
(Out of 185 emails this morning, all but 30 were spam or
virus-generated. Arghhh!).



[PyKDE] ANN: PyKDE-3.2.4

2002-05-16 Thread Jim Bublitz

The next PyKDE release is *almost* ready. I'm doing a last compile
overnight and will ship it off to Phil sometime tomorrow or Friday.
Given the difference in time zones and other unforeseeable stuff, I
expect it will be available sometime this weekend or shortly after.
I've asked Phil to post to the list when the download is available.
The release will be PyKDE-3.2.4. (no '2' and no 'beta')

While there aren't any major changes for KDE versions  3.0.0, I'd
still recommend upgrading for the changes/enhancements to sip since
sip 3.0. This version requires at least sip/PyQt 3.2 and has been
most thoroughly tested against 3.2.4pre1, with the final 3.2.4
expected shortly.

This version supports KDE 2.1.1 through KDE 3.0.0. Support for KDE
3.0beta2 has been dropped. The two other major changes in this
release are in the build process and the docs.

There is now only a single tarball (about 750K) that builds for any
supported Qt/KDE/Python combination. The file size has been reduced
from 3.5MB+ because you no longer get the C++ files in the tarball.
The tail end of ./configure will run the 'build' script which will
use sip to build the C++ files (and edit the Makefiles) for the
versions of Qt/KDE/PyQt that configure detects on your system. From
the users standpoint, the entire process is just the familiar
'./configure;make;make install'. The build process does not require
you to have automake/autoconf, and in fact you'd have some trouble
getting those to work with the new build system. I've been running
this system for several weeks (I do a lot of compiles on three
different systems) and it's run very smoothly for me. I expect some
problems so PLEASE post here with any problems you encounter (or
fixes you work out) and I'll try to get you running as quickly as
possible. One of the other advantages (hopefully) of the new system
is that small patches should be easy. Please read the README file
for more info and complete install instructions. There are also new
'--with' switches for configure that will hopefully solve most

The docs are pre-built and reside in the 'doc' directory in html
and sgml. There is now a table of contents and the html file names
are somewhat meaningful. There is only one set of docs for all
versions. I've gone over the docs fairly carefully, but it
requires reviewing a few hundred files. Please report any
bugs/errors/omissions in the docs, however small. The Makefiles
still include targets like 'install-doc', but it's unlikely that
they'll do anything useful.

This is pretty much the final form I expect PyKDE to have - I'm
sure bug fixes will be required and the Makefiles still need some
cleanup, but I'm not planning any new features or modules. The next
release (other than fixes) will occur either when sip changes
significantly or a major KDE release happens. I expect to maintain
PyKDE (for all supported KDE versions) for the forseeable future.
I'm always open to suggestions.



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