Re: Separate access for internal and external users?

2007-02-06 Thread Cezary Statkiewicz

On Tuesday 06 February 2007 02:06, Chris Shenton wrote:
 Shannon -jj Behrens [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I think you're on the right path.  It sounds like you're having a 
  time figuring out what you should do than figuring out how to do it.
  If I had to implement different access controls based on different
  URLs, I'd probably just do it in :-/  My biggest question is
  how do you know if someone is internal?
 I tried a bit but couldn't get sub paths working and ended up using
 AuthKit's form-based auth, and putting auth checks in my private
 controllers __init__ method.  So internal users (well, our folks) get
 a login screen and a menu wrapping the content via autohandler, and
 outside folks see no auth screen and no menu. Seems to work but some
 of my colleagues are worried about how secure AuthKit really is.

 It will be safe if you'll check client's IP. First of:

 client's IP is reachable thru environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] key, so you can 
add function condition to routes and access to controller clients from 

m.connect('private', '/private/:controller/:action/:id', conditions = 

def check_ip_int(environ, match_dict):
if environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '':
return True # allow only local ip
return False # everyone else will be rejected

 Other way: add BaseController.__before__ method , where you check ip. 
Environment is available via environ keyword in params. Then you can 
add some property to inherited controller or it's method for 
distinction between 'public'/'internal' part of your app, and check it 
in __before__

class BaseController(WSGIController):
def __before__(self, action, **kwds):
remote_addr = kwds['environ']['REMOTE_ADDR']
if self.private:
if remote_addr == '':
#very local client - allow him execute action
return redirect_to('/somewhere/else')


class SomeController(BaseController):
def __init__(self):
self.private = True 

You can mix both ways.

 Best regards,

 Cezary Statkiewicz

Cezary Statkiewicz - 
   rlu#280280   gg#5223219

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Re: Paste deprecation

2007-02-06 Thread Ben Bangert

On Feb 6, 2007, at 8:21 AM, Mike Orr wrote:

 I don't mind the warnings, though I may switch them off (er, where, in
 the base controller?)  I just wanted to make sure they don't get
 forgotten.  My prototype is due in mid March; the final around April
 or May.  Will Pylons have another release by then?  What's the
 plan/schedule for 0.9.5 and 1.0?

We're hoping to have 0.9.5 ready for PyCon, its main focus at this  
point ticket-wise is i18n, unicode, and some documentation. I believe  
there's a wiki page up with the 1.0 plans, not entirely sure on the  
schedule yet though. :)


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Re: popup window feedback to main window

2007-02-06 Thread Sean Davis
On 2/5/07, Shannon -jj Behrens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 2/3/07, Sean Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a single page for creating/editing an object with foreign keys to
  several other smaller tables.  When the user is working on the main
 page, I
  would like to let him/her have the option of creating a new one of the
  smaller objects.  One way to do that is in-line, supplying the fields
  a new referenced object.  However, the way that I have seen that I like
  to allow a popup window that allows creation of the new object that,
  saving, updates a select box or option box on the original page.  Any
  suggestions on links that show how to do this?  Or, tell me that there
  another way that is better.

 I noticed that you're using GMail, and GMail does something like this.
 Click on More actions...  New label...

Thanks, jj.  I ended up finding exactly what I was looking for on a
javascript forum.  It was the opener object.


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Re: How to build/use an egg with lots of lib/* command utils?

2007-02-06 Thread Mike Orr

On 2/5/07, David Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Chris,

 You said that your command line programs are using the same
 SQLAlchemy tables etc as your web-app, I'd like to know how
 you're handling configuration.

 I ask because Ian Bicking and I are still formulating the ideas
 for how to handle scripts bundled with web-apps (for the same
 purpose, things to run from cron and whatnot) and manually
 parsing the pastedeploy config file with your own configparser
 is less than ideal, as is putting all of your configuration in
 the [app:main] section and copy-pasting boilerplate
 paste.deploy related source-code to get it to read that section
 the standard way.

 From an application developer's perspective, I'd ideally like
 to be able to write a config file that looks something like

 sqlalchemy.dburi = whatever
 log_settings = whatever

 use = egg:whatever
 .. web-app related settings ..

 use = app:main
 ... do_something script related settings ..

 then in my do_something script, import paste deploy and let it
 figure out my configuration which would get passed to my
 class's main or __init__ as app_conf, global_conf, which paste
 would know to override with whatever was given on the
 command-line. The command-line argument to config-file argument
 mapping scheme could be something simple like convert all
 underbars to hyphens so that log_file becomes --log-file.
 And finally, a function to kickstart the script could be
 written separately or whatever and listed in the as a
 standard setuptools console_scripts entry point.

 What do you think?

I was about to ask the same thing.  I normally have a bin/ directory
in my applications for command-line administrative tasks.  I do NOT
want these merged into the global bin/ directory; I want them to stay
with the application.  Either because they've been copied from another
application and slightly modified but still have the same name, or
because they're ad hoc or temporary.  And also so I don't have to
remember, What's this 'foo' and which application does it belong to?
I haven't figured out how to do that with eggs; just register them as
extra files?  I do have a .pth in the global site-packages pointing
to the app's lib directory.  Sometimes a site-wide program requires
access to every application's libraries and config (e.g., to do a
backup or logging reports).

Not sure what setuptools console_scripts entry point is.  Is that a command?  I could use commands for my utilities, but
there are likely to be a lot of them and some will be ad hoc, not
something you'd want to link to if you don't have to.  Plus,
if you really install the egg properly (which I'm only half convinced
is worthwhile), there will be no on the server.


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Re: HelloDatabase example?

2007-02-06 Thread Mike Orr

On 2/6/07, Steve Bergman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi guys,

 I'm brand new to Pylons, coming from TurboGears.

 In TG it is drop dead simple to get the model defined, the database
 tables auto-generated, and to the point that I'm ready to start
 writing controllers and templates.

 You just:

 1. $ tg-admin quickstart hellodatabase

 2. Define the model in

 3. tg-admin sql create

 and you're ready to start coding.

 I've done the QuickWiki tutorial.  And based upon that it seems that
 in Pylons there is more involved in getting to that point.  Config
 files to edit, etc.  Even defining the database URI in two separate

 That's not the end of the world, of course.  But I would be interested
 to know just what is the simplest way to get a quick and dirty project

I'm just figuring this out now.  The absolute minimum, assuming you
have an existing MySQL database like I do, is:

# development.ini
sqlalchemy.dburi = mysql://USER:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/DB?use_unicode=1
sqlalchemy.echo = true

# A controller method
def simple_query(self):
from pylons.database import create_engine
engine = create_engine()
sql = SELECT name FROM Incident ORDER BY activity_date DESC LIMIT 1
data = list(engine.execute(sql))
if data:
name = data[0][0]
return Response('Newest incident is strong%s/strong.' % name)
return Response(No incidents found.)

Going beyond this, you'd have to set up a model and put
database-creation commands in My_APP/  The best info for
setting this up seems to be this mail message:

which is linked in the Using SQLAlchemy with Pylons wiki page:

Note that the wiki page is out of date.  I've never seen dsn or
echo_queries config vars, so they must come from an earlier version
of Pylons.

The most useful functions in pylons.database are documented here:

engine = create_engine()
gets you an engine connection based on the config file.

db_session = make_session()
creates a SQLAlchemy session to access the ORM features.

QuickWiki puts the DB session in a 'self' attribute in the base
controller, if I remember right.

What do you mean about putting the database URI in two separate
places?Where's the other place?


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Re: HelloDatabase example?

2007-02-06 Thread Mike Orr

By the way, I found what appears to be a contradiction in the
SQLAlchemy docs.  I had to use use_unicode=1charset=utf8 in my
query string to get SQLAlchemy to accept it, which agrees with the
MySQL notes on the SQLAlchemy wiki:

But the SQLAlchemy manual lists different options (convert_unicode
and encoding):

I'm not sure of the difference between the two or how you'd specify
the second set of options in the config file.

Another thing to watch out for is MySQL has one encoding for the
database (or table or column), and another for the client connection.
If the two differ MySQL converts values between them.  I assume that
means you can set the encoding to anything in Pylons, and it will set
both the MySQL client encoding and the Unicode decode encoding.

I make it easy on myself and just use utf-8 everywhere, both for the
database and for HTML output.  The only time I use a different
encoding is when parsing an external file, which may come in macroman
or windows-1252.


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Re: Request: tutorial for ToscaWidgets :)

2007-02-06 Thread Alberto Valverde

On Feb 5, 2007, at 6:32 PM, Damjan wrote:

 I've created this Genshi markup for a project of mine ... now I
 have this tagging widget there that works with Mochikit. It shows the
 tags associated with a page, and allows for AJAX adding and removing
 of the tags (with all the bells and whistles).

 So the input to the widget is, the initial taglist, addtag and
 removetag URL's and a url for the activity indicator.

It would be nice if those parameters could be passed to a constructor  
in a single js call, that would make wraping it in a TW quite easy  
and it would allow having multiple taggers in the same page.

 Now I thinks it would be great if this was a ToscaWidget, that I could
 reuse in other pages.. but I don't know anything about ToscaWidgets
 (yet) ... so maybe if someone can create a ToscaWidget of this example
 it would be an interesting and helpfull tutorial?

Indeed :) I'm having the same problem as David mentioned, quite a few  
widgets made for projects but none simple, yet interesting enough  
ones to use as examples (well, apart from all the crappy late-hour  
rushes which I'm too embarrased to share ;). I'm pretty short of time  
lately but if you could rearrange the js to be initialized with a  
single call I'll try to provide a widget with commented code soon.


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Routes doesn't protect '/' in generate() arguments, breaks matching later

2007-02-06 Thread Chris Shenton

I've got a route defined in like:

  m.connect('kb/:fac/:sev/:expires/:checksum/*text', controller='kb', 

In a command line tool, I import routes and routing to get the map
then use generate to construct a URL:

  kb_url = conf.URL_BASE + m.generate('kb','search',
  fac=facility, sev=severity, 
  checksum=checksum, text=message)

This matches, most of the time, and most special characters are URL
encoded.  But if one of the generate() parameters contains slashes,
the slashes aren't encoded; below, facility=FastEnet-10/100/e0a and

The slashes in the URL cause the route match to fail.

Is this a bug in the URL encoding that routes is doing?

If not, how should I encode them so that subsequent routes encoding
doesn't break decoding by apache and pylons-routes?


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Re: Routes doesn't protect '/' in generate() arguments, breaks matching later

2007-02-06 Thread Ian Bicking

Chris Shenton wrote:
 I've got a route defined in like:
   m.connect('kb/:fac/:sev/:expires/:checksum/*text', controller='kb', 
 In a command line tool, I import routes and routing to get the map
 then use generate to construct a URL:
   kb_url = conf.URL_BASE + m.generate('kb','search',
   fac=facility, sev=severity, 
   checksum=checksum, text=message)
 This matches, most of the time, and most special characters are URL
 encoded.  But if one of the generate() parameters contains slashes,
 the slashes aren't encoded; below, facility=FastEnet-10/100/e0a and
 The slashes in the URL cause the route match to fail.
 Is this a bug in the URL encoding that routes is doing?
 If not, how should I encode them so that subsequent routes encoding
 doesn't break decoding by apache and pylons-routes?

FWIW, there will be no way for Routes to distinguish an incoming request 
for FastEnet-10/100 from FastEnet-10%2f100 -- WSGI/CGI dictates that the 
path is decoded before it is sent to Routes, so the two end up the same.

Generally it seems like Routes should just reject such a substitution.

Ian Bicking | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

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