Elixir has its own SessionContext

2007-03-26 Thread __wyatt

On Mar 23, 7:37 pm, __wyatt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Note: I couldn't reply directly to the original message[1] in the
 group, so I'm creating a new post.


 On Dec 30 2006, 12:56 am, Ben Bangert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Dec 29, 2006, at 11:08 PM, Jose Galvez wrote:

   Any chance we could get a short example showing how to use the new

  Sure, the two methods of interest are in pylons.database 

  Since aSQLAlchemyengine is a pooled connection, only one of them
  needs to be created for your application. The create_engine stores
  the connection pool in your 'g' object.
 From my reading of the code, ``create_engine`` *doesn't* store the

 connection pool in ``g`` but ``make_session`` does. Also, from what I
 can tell from your example, you never use ``create_engine`` (the one
 from pylons.database), and it's not clear where you create your

 I think that's because when pylons.database is imported,
 ``pylons.database.session_context`` is automatically created and in
 the process calls ``make_session``, which in turn calls
 ``create_engine``. That engine is accessible by doing something like

 from pylons.database import session_context
 engine = session_context.current.bind_to

 I do that in my model so I can call metadata.connect(model.engine) in
 my ``BaseController`` (aside: Elixir's metadata currently requires
 doing this).

 It seems like (in a basic setup) all you have to do is import
 at some point during app initialization (probably in your model) and
 ``pylons.database.session_context.current`` on every request, using
 one of
 these methods:

 pylons.database.session_context.current = make_session()

 # This next one is suggested by pjenvey in this post:
 # It has the advantage of not having to import
 # ``pylons.database.make_session``
 del pylons.database.session_context.current

 # May be slower than the two above

 You can import ``session_context`` in your ``models.__init__`` to make
 things a little simpler. This is what my current setup looks like:

 # development.ini
 # other stuff
 sqlalchemy.dburi = mysql://wyatt:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/wyatt_dev
 sqlalchemy.echo = true

 # models/__init__.py
 from pylons.database import session_context
 from elixir import metadata
 engine = session_context.current.bind_to
 class SomeEntity(Entity):
 has_field('title', String)
 # etc.

 # lib/base.py
 def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
 del model.session_context.current
 return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)

 And that's everything I have related to setting up SQLAlchemy for use
 in my app. I struggled with this a bit, so I hope this helps somebody
 (and I hope it really works!). Any corrections appreciated.

Elixir has its own SessionContext that it uses with assign_mapper [1],
and what I wrote above doesn't seem to work very well with Elixir
(i.e., objects aren't refreshed). Here's what seems to be working now
(showing only the relevant parts):

 # old models/__init__.py
 from pylons.database import session_context
 from elixir import metadata
 engine = session_context.current.bind_to
 class SomeEntity(Entity):
 has_field('title', String)
 # etc.

# new  improved models/__init__.py
from elixir import metadata, objectstore
session_context = objectstore.context
class SomeEntity(Entity):
has_field('title', String)
# etc.

 # old lib/base.py
 def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
 del model.session_context.current
 return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)

# new  improved lib/base.py
from pylons.database import make_session
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
db_session = make_session()
session_context.current = db_session


[1] http://elixir.ematia.de/elixir/entity.py.html#165

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Re: New Pylons site launched

2007-03-26 Thread James Gardner

Congratulations Robert and thanks for sharing the setup with the rest of us!


Robert Leftwich wrote:
 Just thought I'd let everyone know that after much hard work we have finally 
 publicly launched our Pylons-based site - http://www.marketshares.com.au
 Apologies for the (semi-)spam, but I think it is a good advertisement for the 
 power of Pylons as it is a fairly large site with daily data on more than 600 
 companies. It is a heavy user of Myghty with more than 160 template/component 
 files. Each trading night it processes around 2GB of additional data into the 
 postgres db via SQLAlchemy and creates more than 55,000 individual graphs 
 are available over more than 3 years (totalling 250G). We are using nginx as 
 the web server/load balancer.
 I am indebted to the Pylons and SQLAlchemy people (and the many related 
 projects, such as Paste, FormBuild, Authkit, and more) as it would have been 
 lot more difficult to get to where we are without these excellent projects to 
 build on.

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Re: AuthKit using database for users, groups, roles?

2007-03-26 Thread James Gardner

Hi Chris,

Chris Shenton wrote:
 My implementation may not be the cleanest and I'm still uncertain
 about doing auth in my account.py controller versus doing something
 with valid() in app_globals.py.

Well, you only need to use valid() if you want the AuthKit middleware to 
handle the authentication. Since you are using the forward method your 
application has to handle authentication itself so your setup is correct!

 I've written a HOWTO on what I did at

This is really useful actually, thanks! I'm going to see if I can find a 
simple way to package it up so that it can form part of AuthKit itself, 
perhaps using Elixir and ToscaWidgets to make it look a bit simpler.



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Re: Proxy helper

2007-03-26 Thread Shannon -jj Behrens

On 3/25/07, ram [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've got a requirement to have our Pylons app act as an occasional
 proxy to a different web service. In one case, we're going to proxy to
 an instance of Microsoft report server to fetch the results of report
 runs. The service has a straightforward URL request mechanism that
 simply streams the bytes of the results (in our case, a PDF file) back
 to the caller.

 As you might imagine some of these results are rather large, and we'd
 rather not have the server get too involved in buffering the result,
 as it might consume all available memory, or having to write a disk
 version and then read that back to the originating client.

 Conceptually, I see this as two pipes that could simply be connected
 -- the client is an open socket that is reading, waiting for results.
 The proxied URL request is a socket that wants to pump out bytes. Is
 there any simple way to simply connect the two pipes and let the bytes
 flow without having to have the application do the work of moving
 bytes from one pipe to another?

There's proxying code in Paste to do this sort of stuff, but I tend to
rely on Apache for this.  That is, I have Apache in front of a bunch
of different apps, many of which are Pylons apps.  I'm sure other
Pasters will be online later to tell you more about using Paste's
proxying code if that's the route you wish to take.

Happy Hacking!


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Re: Proxy helper

2007-03-26 Thread askel


If I couldn't  use a regular proxy in front of such an application,
I'd rather go for paste.proxy instead of trying to implement it on
Pylons level.

On Mar 25, 5:31 pm, ram [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've got a requirement to have our Pylons app act as an occasional
 proxy to a different web service. In one case, we're going to proxy to
 an instance of Microsoft report server to fetch the results of report
 runs. The service has a straightforward URL request mechanism that
 simply streams the bytes of the results (in our case, a PDF file) back
 to the caller.

 As you might imagine some of these results are rather large, and we'd
 rather not have the server get too involved in buffering the result,
 as it might consume all available memory, or having to write a disk
 version and then read that back to the originating client.

 Conceptually, I see this as two pipes that could simply be connected
 -- the client is an open socket that is reading, waiting for results.
 The proxied URL request is a socket that wants to pump out bytes. Is
 there any simple way to simply connect the two pipes and let the bytes
 flow without having to have the application do the work of moving
 bytes from one pipe to another?


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Re: Extending an application into another

2007-03-26 Thread Ron Bickers

On Mar 26, 2007, at 4:10 PM, Bob Van Zant wrote:

 What you’ve described about a “generic gallery application” follows  
 what is called an application service provider model. One  
 application runs many sites. Another site I wrote in Aquarium,  
 remembering-you.org does this. One instance of the code powers a  
 few subdomains that are assigned to “customers.”

I've done this sort of thing in Zope.  I wrote the Photo/PhotoFolder  
product for Zope2 years ago, and I'm still using it in some capacity  
on various sites that I host.  I'm using a modified version on the  
photographer's site (with watermarking features added), but only for  
public galleries.  There are no features for customer shoot  
management or purchasing.

 I’m not too sure I want to hand this off as “open source” for  
 something where it seems clear you’ll be making money (the  
 photographer in me). I’d be happy to be here for you to bounce  
 ideas off of but without further negotiation I’m not too keen on  
 handing over the code.

I have no plans to make money on it (directly).  The photographer is  
my wife, and it's her business that will profit from this, so I guess  
I could profit from it indirectly.  If it happens to be something I  
can market to other photographers, that might be nice, but that's not  
my current plan.  I would, however, like to develop it in such a way  
that it could be adapted to various photographers' needs.  That might  
be more difficult than I know, but if my wife wants to change the way  
she does things, I'd like for that to be possible without a lot of  
rewriting.  Right now, she has a hodge-podge of what I wrote in Zope2  
and a commercial PHP application that handles online ordering.  While  
it's not a bad product, it lacks a number of features we would like  
to have and the code is a disaster, so I'm not interested in  
extending it.

 Note that the market for what you’re talking about is huge. You may  
 already know this. There are no –good- places for good  
 photographers to sell their images on their own like this. If this  
 is where you’re headed, and you’ve already chosen Python, I’m  

I've definitely already chosen Python, and from what I've seen and  
read (quite a bit), Pylons.  My wife is big on using the Internet and  
what she has in place has already helped considerably (despite its  
problems and limitations), so the project should be both useful and fun.

Having a fair amount of experience with Python and PIL, as well as  
database driven commerce sites in Python/Zope, I have a pretty good  
idea of what it will take.

My question about Pylons was more about organizing the parts to  
maximize code reuse.  Perhaps explaining my Zope Photo product would  
help.  It may be that I've been in Zope world so much that I'm  
overlooking something basic.

The Zope photo product is essentially two objects: a Photo object and  
a PhotoFolder object that contains Photo objects.  The Photo object  
provides for automatically creating and storing various customizable  
sizes that can be viewed by name (eg, small, medium, large).  The  
PhotoFolder object provides methods for managing contained photos.   
There is no default view for displaying a PhotoFolder.  The user of  
the product would create their own templates using the Photo API to  
retrieve the list of photos, desired display sizes and other metadata  
associated with the photo.

I would like to accomplish basically the same thing in Pylons, using  
SQLAlchemy for photo and gallery object data (minus the raw image  
data, which would be on the filesystem) and providing some sort of  
web-based management interface for adding/removing/editing galleries  
and photos.  However, when it comes to viewing the gallery, I'd  
prefer the site developer build their own templates and layout the  
thumbnails, navigation, desired metadata to display, etc. as they  
wish.  I don't want to dictate that part (except as a user  
integrating the product into my own sites).

What that would give me is the ability to use the photo product as  
the backend to a very basic personal photo gallery, a complex  
customer shoot management and ordering system, or anywhere in between.

Does this make more sense?  Is this something that can/should be done  
in Pylons?  Or perhaps a Python module that uses SQLAlchemy (or  
whatever) would be more reasonable, and then I would just use that  
module in my Pylons applications.  Since I don't yet fully understand  
the glue that is Pylons, I'm not sure if/how a Pylons application  
would make use of another Pylons application this way.


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XMLRPCController and None values

2007-03-26 Thread Jaroslaw Zabiello

Acording to Python manual (http://docs.python.org/lib/module-
xmlrpclib.html) it is possible to send None via XML-RPC protoco but it
does not work in Pylons. I found (http://docs.python.org/lib/
node658.html) that xmlrpclib.dumps() requires one more parameter
(allow_none=True) which can fix this problem.


old line 295
response = xmlrpclib.dumps(raw_response, methodresponse=True)

fixed line 295:
response = xmlrpclib.dumps(raw_response, methodresponse=True,

Jaroslaw Zabiello

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Re: AuthKit using database for users, groups, roles?

2007-03-26 Thread Cliff Wells

On Thu, 2007-03-22 at 18:48 -0400, Chris Shenton wrote:

 I've written a HOWTO on what I did at
 Feedback, sanity checks and corrections welcomed.  I'm sure it's far
 from optimal but hope it will help other folks get started with this
 common chore. 

Very minor nit.  You specify that the username is unique in the model,
but then explicitly test in valid() whether more than one user is
returned (which is theoretically impossible).


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Re: XMLRPCController and None values

2007-03-26 Thread Philip Jenvey

On Mar 26, 2007, at 4:18 PM, Jaroslaw Zabiello wrote:

 Acording to Python manual (http://docs.python.org/lib/module-
 xmlrpclib.html) it is possible to send None via XML-RPC protoco but it
 does not work in Pylons. I found (http://docs.python.org/lib/
 node658.html) that xmlrpclib.dumps() requires one more parameter
 (allow_none=True) which can fix this problem.


 old line 295
 response = xmlrpclib.dumps(raw_response, methodresponse=True)

 fixed line 295:
 response = xmlrpclib.dumps(raw_response, methodresponse=True,

I've just added this, but as an option:


It defaults to False like dumps. Thanks!

Philip Jenvey

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Questions About using Wiki Pylons Information for (Pyschool)

2007-03-26 Thread RobJ

I have a question for everyone. Would it be ok if I used some of the
information provided in the Wiki (Example: Concepts of Pylons http://
pylonshq.com/project/pylonshq/wiki/ConceptsOfPylons) as a part of my
web based Introduction to Pylons Workshop graduate school project
(PySchool)? Unfortunately I will not have enough time to finish the
complete workshop before I graduate. I will only be able to cover:

1. Introduction to Pylons
2. Pylons Installation
3. Pylons Project creations
4. Working with Models, Controllers, and Views.

I will finish the workshop once I have completed my graduate work. I
would have finished the website about a month ago but I have been
running into a lot of major life obstacles. I hope to help educate
more people about how great Pylons and Python are for web

Any information would be appreciated.


Rob J

In case anyone wants see what the final PySchool site will look like
take a look at the following URL:


The final site will not be at this URL. This is just where I have been
working on the site to show my professor.

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