Re: Best practices for functional encapsulation

2011-01-13 Thread Joost Moesker
I'm also interested in the patterns used by other developers to
section their application into distinct packages. Recently i have been
working with drupal and magento, and I must say i really appreciate
how these project separate functionality into packages. For a large
project this really is a must have, not only for reuse but also
maintainability and developer sanity. Keep it small, keep it simple.

So how does pyramids help in this respect? I don't see how the object
dispatch mechanism really makes a difference here (been there done
that with cherrypy  turbogears). The primary issues is how one wire's
together the different api's. Eg. a mini-app requires a user model
which has a permissions attribute. How does this mini-app publish this
requirement? And how can I wire up an app that supplies this api up
with this mini-app?

Secondly, how can i hook up parts of one mini-app into an another app.
For example, an e-commerce site might have 'productpage' showing
product details. This would be part of the catalog app. Yet i would
also like to show a mini/cart in the template. This mini-cart is part
of the shoppingcart app. I don't want shoppingcart logic in my
productpage controller, so how do i integrate these apps. Django´s
signals seems an interesting solution yet also obscure. I got a gut
feeling the problem can be simply solved with plain polymorphism and
ducktyping. We don´t need to create a new dispatch mechanism, it´s
already build into the language.

Honestly, I have been fighting with these issues in various MVC
frameworks for years and haven't found a satisfactory pattern.
Currently i'm trying to grok how magento does this with the Zend
framework. At the moment it still seems overly complex to me, to much
configuration. But that might be naivety on my side. I´m really
looking forward how other developers are handling this.

On 10 jan, 08:37, Marius Gedminas wrote:
 I get the impression that the answer is want modular applications?
 Switch to Pyramid.

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Re: [pyramid] why zope.sqlalchemy?

2011-01-13 Thread Eric Lemoine
On Wednesday, January 12, 2011, Chris McDonough wrote:
 On Wed, 2011-01-12 at 22:30 +0100, Eric Lemoine wrote:

 In the SQLAlchemy + URL Dispatch Wiki tutorial zope.sqlalchemy and
 its ZopeTransactionExtension are used. The pyramid_routesalchemy Paste
 template also configures the application's Session with the
 ZopeTransactionExtension. Is this extension actually required? If not
 why do the tutorial and pyramid_routesalchemy make use of it?

 The intent is to provide a single point of commit responsibility, an
 automation of a commit for a successful request and a rollback for a
 request that causes an exception.  The actual technology used to do that
 is not really really that important; it happens to be repoze.tm2 and

 If you want the double whammy of inconvenience of not having your
 changes committed for you and you want to write code that commits before
 the request is finished (perhaps too early, when the request isn't
 actually known to be successful), you can disable it. ;-)

Ok thanks. I'm curious to know what the pyramid_sqla package uses.

Eric Lemoine

Camptocamp France SAS
Savoie Technolac, BP 352
73377 Le Bourget du Lac, Cedex

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Re: [pyramid] why zope.sqlalchemy?

2011-01-13 Thread Daniel Holth
It's pretty trivial to write a middleware that does:

your_app(environ, start_response)

but the ZopeTransactionExtension tries to avoid issuing a COMMIT statement 
if you did not alter any ORM objects during the transaction, while this TM 
might issue a commit when you use the database session for any reason 
(including looking up the groups for the logged in user).

If you let the transaction manager do all of the transaction management then 
the preponderance of your code doesn't have to care which middleware it is 


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Pylons routing newbie question

2011-01-13 Thread tibi3384
Hi, I recently started to work with Pylons and I'm a little confused
about the routing settings that Pylons use. As far as I read, in order
to serve a certain page as default(eg when accessing localhost:5000 ),
one must add a routing rule in appName/config/ The code
should look something like
map.connect('/', controller='hello', action='index'). However, the
application I need to work on does not have this rule and yet when
accessing localhost:5000 I'm directed to a login page automatically.
So is there another way to achieve this? I'm really confused on how
the pages are served in the browser, as I am used to the look for
index.php/asp/etc rule that usually apply for most languages. If
someone would explain this to me I'd really appreciate it. Thanks a

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Re: Pylons routing newbie question

2011-01-13 Thread Ryan Arana
The way it works is Pylons looks for a matching file using the
appName/public folder as the root using StaticURLParser middleware (ie:
'/css/styles.css' maps to appName/public/css/styles.css), if it finds a
matching file there, it serves that, if it doesn't, then it looks for a
matching rule in to find the appropriate controller/action to

So in the case of '/', StaticURLParser looks in 'appName/public' and finds
'index.html' there and serves it up, without ever looking at In
order for the map.connect line you provided to ever even be fired, you'd
have to first remove or rename the index.html file in the public folder.
This might be helpful to you for further details:

On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 5:26 AM, tibi3384 wrote:

 Hi, I recently started to work with Pylons and I'm a little confused
 about the routing settings that Pylons use. As far as I read, in order
 to serve a certain page as default(eg when accessing localhost:5000 ),
 one must add a routing rule in appName/config/ The code
 should look something like
 map.connect('/', controller='hello', action='index'). However, the
 application I need to work on does not have this rule and yet when
 accessing localhost:5000 I'm directed to a login page automatically.
 So is there another way to achieve this? I'm really confused on how
 the pages are served in the browser, as I am used to the look for
 index.php/asp/etc rule that usually apply for most languages. If
 someone would explain this to me I'd really appreciate it. Thanks a

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Integrating OpenID from scratch?

2011-01-13 Thread Timmy Chan
Is there an easy way to integrate OpenID from scratch without repoze or
AuthKit?  Thanks

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Re: Best practices for functional encapsulation

2011-01-13 Thread Mike Orr
On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 5:22 AM, Joost Moesker wrote:
 I'm also interested in the patterns used by other developers to
 section their application into distinct packages.

I have a Pylons application with several autonomous parts under a
common auth mechanism. I wanted to split them up into packages or
controller-routes-templates bundles but it was so difficult under
Pylons I gave up. You can mount a WSGI app as a pseudo-controller, or
have an action forward to one.  The problem is how the Pylons
environment is tightly integrated:

  - the magic globals
  - the 'full_stack' flag exists in but nobody has
mentioned using it, so I don't know how well a nested app + middleware
would work in practical terms
  - there's only one place for templates in the application template,
and no clear guidance on how to structure subapp templates, whether
they should have a separate TemplateLookup, etc.
  - unclarity on whether you can have controllers in subdirectories.
(You can but the 'controller' variable has to be slash delimited
rather than dot delimited, but again there was little user feedback on
how well this worked.)
  - what if you want to share 'app_globals' variables with the subapp,
or conversely you want to prevent them from leaking to the subapp?
This is a case where the much-maligned StackedObjectProxies are
necessary, and would they be reliable?
  - What to do about INI settings for sub apps?
  - We don't have a local PyPI mirror so we can't easy_install local
dependencies; we have to install them by hand from our Subversion
repository.  So a lot of separate packages is not necessarily a good
thing in this environment.

Some of these I have tentative answers to, but it was such an
undocumented and underchartered territory that I didn't want to risk
it in our most critical production app. So instead I put everything in
one application, making a template subdirectory for each part, a
separate controller (or three), and put all the routes together.

 So how does pyramids help in this respect?

One of Pylons 2's goals was to make it more friendly to nested apps;
e.g., provide an alternative to the magic globals via instance
variables in the controller.  The BFG architecture is much more
friendly to nested apps, which is one reason why it was chosen.
There's also a cultural difference with Pyramid: a willing to deviate
from application templates. There are fewer interdependencies between
parts of the application, and those that exist are well-known
containment patterns; i.e., attributes and keys. The component
architecture is magic to some of us, but ordinary app developers
don't have to see it, and we know it's running well in every other
Pyramid app because those aren't breaking. Required middleware doesn't
exist in Pyramid, and optional middleware is in the INI file rather
than in a *mypyramidapp/* is shorter and
more straightforward than *mypylonsapp/config/*. 'app_globals' doesn't
exist so all its complications disappear. All state data is under the
'request' object in straightforward attributes. Pyramid has documented
ways of doing authentication, traversal lookup, and component piecing
that Pylons never had. Etc.

So all of these things mean Pyramid should work better with nested
apps, but i don't know how well these ideas have been tested. The BFG
developers among us may have more experience with nested apps.

Mike Orr

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Re: Best practices for functional encapsulation

2011-01-13 Thread Mike Orr
On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 11:24 AM, Daniel Holth wrote:
 WSGI is not the right layer for composing applications.

Most WSGI framework developers have come to the conclusion that
middleware is not all it's cracked up to be. The WSGI protocol is
clunky and you have to do weird things to share data between layers.
Route middleware, session middleware, and database middleware were
good experiments but they showed this is not the best place for those.
With Pyramid's event system you can plug in code at the beginning and
end of every request and at other times, which can perform tasks
otherwise done by Pylons BaseController.__call__ or middleware.

The developers tried for three or four years to streamline the WSGI
protocol (WSGI 2) but could never get consensus, and now there's a
realization that just turning away from WSGI may be better. Not to
eliminate WSGI in its basic purpose (connecting to a Python
webserver), but to use other protocols for other stuff: WebOb, Pyramid
components, etc.

Mike Orr

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Re: Integrating OpenID from scratch?

2011-01-13 Thread Ben Bangert
On Jan 13, 2011, at 1:19 PM, Timmy Chan wrote:

 Is there an easy way to integrate OpenID from scratch without repoze or 
 AuthKit?  Thanks


That's for pyramid though. If you're using Pylons 1.0, you might want to look 
at velruse, which though it hasn't been 'released', is used by quite a few 
folks and does OpenID auth:


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Re: Best practices for functional encapsulation

2011-01-13 Thread Chris McDonough
On Thu, 2011-01-13 at 13:41 -0800, Mike Orr wrote:
 One of Pylons 2's goals was to make it more friendly to nested apps;
 e.g., provide an alternative to the magic globals via instance
 variables in the controller.  The BFG architecture is much more
 friendly to nested apps, which is one reason why it was chosen.
 There's also a cultural difference with Pyramid: a willing to deviate
 from application templates. There are fewer interdependencies between
 parts of the application, and those that exist are well-known
 containment patterns; i.e., attributes and keys. The component
 architecture is magic to some of us, but ordinary app developers
 don't have to see it, and we know it's running well in every other
 Pyramid app because those aren't breaking. Required middleware doesn't
 exist in Pyramid, and optional middleware is in the INI file rather
 than in a *mypyramidapp/* is shorter and
 more straightforward than *mypylonsapp/config/*. 'app_globals' doesn't
 exist so all its complications disappear. All state data is under the
 'request' object in straightforward attributes. Pyramid has documented
 ways of doing authentication, traversal lookup, and component piecing
 that Pylons never had. Etc.
 So all of these things mean Pyramid should work better with nested
 apps, but i don't know how well these ideas have been tested. The BFG
 developers among us may have more experience with nested apps.

It is Pyramidic to compose multiple external sources into the same
configuration using config.include as documented (poorly) here:

Any number of includes can be done to compose an application; includes
can even be done from within other includes.  Any directives can be used
in an include that can be used outside of one (such as add_view, scan,
add_handler, add_renderer, etc).

Pyramid has a conflict detection system that will throw an error if two
included externals try to add the same configuration in a conflicting
way (such as both externals trying to add a route using the same name,
or both externals trying to add a view with the same set of predicates).

It's awful tempting to call this set of features something that can be
used to compose a system out of pluggable applications.  But in
reality, there are a number of problems with claiming this:

- The terminology is strained. Pyramid really has no notion of a
  plurality of applications, just a way to compose configuration
  from multiple sources to create a single WSGI application.  That
  WSGI application may gain behavior by including or disincluding
  configuration, but once it's all composed together, Pyramid
  doesn't really provide any machinery which can be used to demarcate
  the boundaries of one application (in the sense of configuration
  from an external that adds routes, views, etc) from another.

- Pyramid doesn't provide enough rails to make it possible to
  integrate truly honest-to-god, download-an-app-from-a-random-place
  and-plug-it-in-to-create-a-system pluggable applications.
  Because Pyramid itself isn't opinionated (it doesn't mandate a
  particular kind of database, it offers multiple ways to map URLs
  to code, etc), it's unlikely that someone who creates something
  application-like will be able to casually redistribute it
  to J. Random Pyramid User and have it just work by asking him
  to config.include a function from the package.
  This is particularly true of very high level components such
  as blogs, wikis, twitter clones, commenting systems, etc.
  The integrator (the Pyramid developer who has downloaded a
  package advertised as a pluggable app) will almost certainly
  have made different choices about e.g. what type of persistence
  system he's using, and for the integrator to appease the
  requirements of the pluggable application, he may be required
  to set up a different database, make changes to his own code
  to prevent his application from shadowing the pluggable
  app (or vice versa), and any other number of arbitrary

For this reason, we claim that Pyramid has extensible applications,
not pluggable applications.  Any Pyramid application can be extended
without forking it as long as its configuration statements have been
composed into things that can be pulled in via config.include.

It's also perfectly reasonable for a single developer or team to create
a set of interoperating components which can be enabled or disabled by
using config.include.  That developer or team will be able to provide
the rails (by way of making high-level choices about the technology
used to create the project, so there won't be any issues with plugging
all of the components together.  The problem only rears its head when
the components need to be distributed to *arbitrary* users.

Note that Django has a similar problem with pluggable applications
that need to work for arbitrary 

Re: Pylons routing newbie question

2011-01-13 Thread tibi3384
Thanks for the clarification. Indeed that makes sense and I read about
the behavior in the Guide to Pylons book as well. However this seems
to complicate things even more for me, as the application does not
contain any public folder, nor an index file. Nowhere in the
application structure does any of these exist. And all the routings
rules are:


None of which would actually explain the redirect. At this point, I'm
guessing that some sort of authentication might be responsible for the
automatic redirect, since after the login, i'm forwarded to a 404
page. Each time afterward when accessing localhost:5000 I get a 404.
So by default I think Pylons doesn't find nor public/index.html nor a
routing rule that would serve a page so it shows the 404 but somehow
redirects to login if not authenticated.

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