Hi all...  I've searched through the pylons discuss archives, and am
still a bit stuck.

I've read through the deployment guide for
pylons/apache/fcgi/mod_rewrite at pylonshq, as well as most of the
documents linked from it in reference.  I'm pretty used to deploying
applications in similar ways, so most of it was familiar...  But I've
run into a snag that I'm hoping you might be able to help me pin down.
 I saw a few references to what seems to be a similar issue on the
lists.  Since the pylonshq guide to deployment seems to be out of date
as of .8, it may just be something I'm missing?

I'm using flup, and the application works, other than some
unfortunately hard-coded absolute paths to images, behind
dispatch.fcgi.  However, when I put in the override for SCRIPT_NAME =
'' in config.environ, and make my .htaccess rewrite rules match those
on the write up (which are pretty close to the ones rails uses as
well), I sit in an infinite (up to 10, of course, at which point
apache kills it anyway) redirection loop, where dispatch.fcgi keeps
getting post-pended to the redirect url, making it look like
/dispatch.fcgi/dispatch.fcgi/ (etc) in the rewrite.log.

My current rewrite rules look like this:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule   ^$  /dispatch.fcgi/
RewriteRule   ^(\[-_a-zA-Z0-9/\.]+)$  /dispatch.fcgi/$1

I've tried a number of permutations of the modifications to
lib/base.py as described in the "Fixing Broken Routes" part of the
document (overriding SCRIPT_NAME in config.environ), but I can't seem
to make it play nicely with mod_rewrite.

I'm using Pylons 0.9.5, apache2.2, on ubuntu.  Any help would be great.  Thanks!


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