PyGotham, 6/9, need volunteer to give Pyramid Tutorial

2012-06-04 Thread cd34
URGENT: need a volunteer to give a Pyramid tutorial in NYC 
for#*pygotham*!/search/%23pygotham - 
chris can't make it and they're going to do django instead ARGH

If anyone is available, get in touch with Mike Bayer.

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Re: a question for anyone using formencode and pylons/pyramid ...

2012-02-22 Thread cd34
Two possible alternatives

# if you had another reason for a list comprehension
def unicode_wrap(listed):
     return [ unicode(i) for i in listed ]

def unicode_wrap(listed):
     return map(unicode, listed)

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Re: questions about integrating deform into production environment

2012-02-06 Thread cd34
On Feb 3, 1:16 pm, Jonathan Vanasco wrote:
 1- copy deform's /static files to app/static/deform
 2- symlink deform/static to app/static/deform ( or an option of your
 choice )

In apache, I've always done something like:

Alias /deform/static /var/www/pyr27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/

For nginx:

location ^~ /deform/static {
alias /var/www/pyr27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/deform-0.9.3-

In order to prevent Apache or Nginx from seeing the requests, the
webserver itself needs to handle those before handing it to the wsgi

If you are using mod_wsgi, merely having the files in the right place
only works if you are using a mod_rewrite that tests -f and then
passes to mod_wsgi. If you're running with WSGIScriptAlias, you need
to make sure your alias is set before the ScriptAlias line since
Apache parses config files in order.

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Re: questions about integrating deform into production environment

2012-02-06 Thread cd34
On Feb 3, 1:16 pm, Jonathan Vanasco wrote:
 1- copy deform's /static files to app/static/deform
 2- symlink deform/static to app/static/deform ( or an option of your
 choice )

In apache, I've always done something like:

Alias /deform/static /var/www/pyr27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/

For nginx:

location ^~ /deform/static {
alias /var/www/pyr27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/deform-0.9.3-

In order to prevent Apache or Nginx from seeing the requests, the
webserver itself needs to handle those before handing it to the wsgi

If you are using mod_wsgi, merely having the files in the right place
only works if you are using a mod_rewrite that tests -f and then
passes to mod_wsgi. If you're running with WSGIScriptAlias, you need
to make sure your alias is set before the ScriptAlias line since
Apache parses config files in order.

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Re: questions about integrating deform into production environment

2012-02-06 Thread cd34
On Feb 6, 12:29 pm, Jonathan Vanasco wrote:
 ( which would be nginx or varnish ).

If you are using Varnish, designing your VCL well enough would fix the
requests from hitting the backend too frequently and would be almost
hands-off as you wouldn't have any external config file for apache/
nginx to change if you upgraded deform.

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Re: questions about integrating deform into production environment

2012-02-06 Thread cd34
If you wanted to automate, put it in the git hooks, puppet or
capistrano or whatever deployment engine configs.

I can see a use case for having the Pyramid app do it, but, your
deployment scripts are a better place to make those decisions, though,
it is a little more than just dropping a Pyramid app into place.

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Re: loading before all modules and defer to middleware

2012-02-06 Thread cd34
Matthew Housden documented this on his blog:


import newrelic.agent
newrelic.agent.initialize('path/to/newrelic.ini', 'development')

application = config.make_wsgi_app()
return newrelic.agent.wsgi_application()(application)

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Re: deform: is it possible to invalidate a form / field manually ?

2012-02-03 Thread cd34
You can set either a field validation:

Validation function:

database_username_re = re.compile('^[a-z0-9_]{2,16}$', re.IGNORECASE)
def validate_database_param(param):
if database_username_re.match(param):
return True
return unicode('Value must be between 2 and 16 characters and
can only contain uppercase and lowercase alphanumeric characters or an

Schema definition:

databasename = colander.SchemaNode(
title = 'Database Name',

Or, in your actual Schema call:

def validate_userpass_existing(form, value):

checking to make sure we have a user/pass OR an existing user

exc = None
if value['databasename']:
db = DBSession.query(cp_database). \
filter(cp_database.device_id==value['device_id']). \
if db:
exc = colander.Invalid(form, 'Database name already in
exc['databasename'] = 'Cannot create a duplicate database'
if exc:
raise exc

schema = DBAddSchema(validator=validate_userpass_existing). \
 bind(user_list=grants, device_list=devices, \

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Re: deform: is it possible to invalidate a form / field manually ?

2012-02-03 Thread cd34
Forgot to add:

Validation on the field takes place on form submission. Validation on
the Schema takes place after all field validations are validated. So,
an error on a field where it has some constraint will not fire off
your check on the Schema. So, if someone put a short password in, and
you are checking to see if the user exists on the Schema validation,
it actually will not check the username until the password validation

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Re: chameleon: How to check whether user is logged in or not

2012-02-01 Thread cd34
On Jan 31, 2:22 am, Kesav Kumar Kolla wrote:
 I want to conditionally include some links in my chameleon template.  How
 to write condition in chameleon to check whether user is logged in?

Making A “User Object” Available as a Request Attribute (first

allows you to make the User object part of the request object, at
which point you can access the user object in your templates as
request.user.username (if username is a valid field in your user

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Re: Turbogears to Pyramid

2012-02-01 Thread cd34
On Feb 1, 2:36 pm, sajuptpm wrote:
 I have a project developed in turbogears, i want to move it to
 Pyramid,  is it possible ???

 I am using following feature of TG2

The closest thing to the controller structure from TG2 are handlers.

while I documented a Pylons 1.0 - Pyramid the first week Pyramid
became generally available, the app in question was originally a
TurboGears 2.0 app: You might
also look at the Ahket scaffolds which set up a Pyramid project to
look a lot like a Pylons project.


I believe this is just a wrapper for virtualenv, and is the suggested
method for installing Pyramid.

Both development.ini and production.ini files are supplied.

 Not using any template system, since UI developed using EXTJS
You can use Response objects to emit raw html created from your

 Reason to this change is, Pylons stopped further support for TG2.
TG2 was based on Pylons, but, Pylons is still available, but, not very
active anymore.

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Re: pyramid_rpc

2012-02-01 Thread cd34
On Jan 31, 1:03 am, binadam wrote:
 Does pyramid_rpc.jsonrpc only accept 2.0 requests? when i use android-
 json-rpc client to make rpc call i get JsonRpcRequestInvalid
 exception, so I'm guessing android client is sending v1.0 requests
 (must admit I don't know difference between versions 1.0 and 2.0)

There is which does handle
2.0, but, I suspect the library you're using is probably not sending
the rpc_version, rather than it being 1.0.

json-rpc 1.0 doesn't support named parameters and only supported
positional parameters, so, you would pass something like:

params: [asdf, qwer, , , , username]

json-rpc 2.0 would look like:

params: {name:asdf, company:qwer, login:username}

As you might imagine, that alone is going to be quite a showstopper.
If commenting out that check worked, you're probably using json-rpc
2.0 and should be pretty safe and I suspect that is the main reason
pyramid_rpc forces json-rpc 2.0.

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Re: pyramid_rpc

2012-02-01 Thread cd34

On Feb 1, 6:18 pm, binadam wrote:
 Looks like android-json-rpc is doing v1.0 as seen below:


 json-rpc 2.0 supports both named  positional parameters which is why
 I'm guessing it worked after bypassing the version check.

I knew 2.0 supported positional parameters, but, I wasn't sure whether
pyramid_rpc was declining 1.0 because pyramid_rpc didn't handle
positional parameters.

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Re: any advantages of using fast cgi over reverce proxy with nginx?

2012-01-30 Thread cd34
You could use uwsgi ( which I think is
a lot better than using fastcgi. However, if fastcgi/reverse proxy are
your only choices, I think I would choose paster with a reverse proxy.

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Re: Maintenance Debugging after deployment

2012-01-06 Thread cd34
On Jan 6, 6:02 am, Ahmed wrote:
 git push web for deploying .. really cool), but was wondering if I
 will ever have to do a debug on the production machine itself in a
 case of a bug?? Can I do another wsgi script but using the

Take a look at pyramid_exclog. It will mail any exception generated to
you so that you can have production.ini using that, and
development.ini set to use weberror or whatever debugging system you

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Re: SQLAHelper 1.0 released, and a proposal

2011-12-26 Thread cd34
For reference:


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Re: wsgi servers...

2011-12-26 Thread cd34
On Dec 24, 7:13 pm, Iain Duncan wrote:
 Are you going to give us one for xmas? ;-)

Evidently... :)

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Re: wsgi servers...

2011-12-24 Thread cd34
pure python: aspen, cherry py, magnum-py, tornado, gevent, rocket,

Twisted might fall outside pure python - also probably a very large

aspen doesn't support python 3 that I know of. Magnum-py doesn't
support python 3. Tornado does support python3.2, but, I believe there
were some 3.2 bugs last time I looked. I recall seeing someone
mentioning gevent/libevent-http with python 3 compatibility, but, not
officially supported. I did see someone had ported pieces of Twisted
to 3.2, but, I don't believe there is anything official.

To my knowledge, even though Tornado supports python3.2, I don't
believe it supports PEP  100% due to some string handling issues
and there were bugs filed for it when I last looked in October.

I've not used rocket, but, I believe it wraps wsgiref.

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Re: Odd error from WebOb if you set a cookie value to be an Int and not a String

2011-12-08 Thread cd34
opening 1 might have gotten stdout which is the only thing I can think
would give that sort of an error.

Why it would open a file for a cookie value I don't know, but, that
would be my first guess without digging into the code.

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Re: deform / colander req. for maintainer

2011-12-07 Thread cd34
On Dec 7, 12:25 pm, John Anderson wrote:
 still do code reviews if I ping you when I finish the pull requests?   I
 have the time and willing to help out with both projects since I'm

Your code is about the cleanest I've seen in quite some time. I don't
think you'll get too much rejection from above. :)

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Re: how can i access config settings in my pyramid app handlers/templates ?

2011-12-06 Thread cd34
If you're using pyramid_handlers as a pylons convertee, remember that
it would be self.request.registry.settings

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Re: Strange paster serve behavior

2011-12-02 Thread cd34
:!strace paster serve development.ini

This will print a lot of debug info, but, if it hangs, you should be
able to see where it pauses. Maybe even prepend with script or append
2/logfile until you get a trace that breaks. (I can't recall if
strace writes to stdout or stderr, if stderr, the 2 redirect would
work, if not, you would need to run typescript)

If it doesn't happen frequently, it might be difficult. What I've
found strange at times is that paster appears to actually scan the
filesystem which requires Time Machine's drive to spin up as it is a
local resource). Once in a while while opening a tab when Chrome does
autocompletion that matches something where I've done a //file/
asdfsadf, it'll do the same.

Alternatively, Command-T, cd /into/your/virtualenv, source bin/
activate  paster serve --reload development.ini  :)

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Re: Usability is the most biggest problem of Pylons Pyramid.

2011-12-02 Thread cd34 has a number of case studies as does and are pretty good references.

As for a consolidated FAQ, there are so many variables, there is never
a best for every solution. In every case, you have to know what your
stumbling blocks are in order to fix them. And you can't just look at
the benchmark of the day because many are not run properly or aren't
anywhere near testing real world situations.

For one project I'm working on, I thought my use case was rather
specific. After evaluating nine potential solutions and implementing
two test projects in two separate long polling/ajax push scenarios, I
realized that my initial design wouldn't work and that none of the
solutions were optimal for what I needed. So, I had to pull the
decision making back a layer and then I could implement almost any
long polling solution - each worked as long as I had the ability to
access named pipes.

The battles with noSQL versus SQL are almost as religious as which
noSQL solution is best. Do you need streaming map/reduce? do you care
about immediate or eventual consistency?

Every decision brings a dozen solutions and each solution needs to be
evaluated. There are people that will pick their favorites and become
experts in those and in 90% of the cases, you can usually shoehorn an
idea into the tools in your skillset. The fundamental differences
between riak, mongodb, couchdb, cassandra, etc. are there, but, it
would be hard to say that any of them couldn't be engineered to handle
most of the nosql use cases.

While it would be nice to say, a + b + c + d = fastest, you need to
qualify that as 'fastest in this situation'.

Welcome to the world of scaling. :)

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Re: How to pass variables to HTTPFound?

2011-11-29 Thread cd34

covers the various options for HTTPFound and route_url

route_url('submit', self.request, _query=values)

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Python UTF-8 defaults, Paster and Pyramid/mod_wsgi

2011-11-07 Thread cd34
When pushing an app to production today, I was hit with:

TypeError: expected byte string object for header value, value of type
unicode found

Of course, the reason was that I was adding headers to the HTTPFound

headers = []
headers.append( (str('P3P'), str('CP=IDC DSP COR ADM DEVi TAIi

but, hadn't wrapped them with str().

Now that Python defaults to unicode for strings, WSGI is going to
break unless a string is explicitly set to a string rather than the
default unicode.

a simple mapper in Pyramid would fix this, but, I'm reluctant to
commit that as it is a hack which still hides the problem, and, could
break things later on.

Thoughts? or document and let everyone figure it out on their own?

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Deform, CheckboxChoiceWidget, default values set in appstruct

2011-11-06 Thread cd34

def deferred_labels_widget(node, kw):
list = kw.get('list', [])
return deform.widget.CheckboxChoiceWidget(values=list)

class LabelSchema(colander.Schema):
link_id = colander.SchemaNode(
title='Select items to print',
widget = deferred_labels_widget,

def labels(request):
defaults = {}
uid = authenticated_userid(request)
links = DBSession.query(Link).filter(Link.user_id==uid).all()
list = [(unicode(, for link in links]

defaults['link_id'] = ((u'1','checked'),(u'13','checked'))
#defaults['link_id'] = ((u'1','checked'))

defaults['num_to_print'] = '2'
defaults['label'] = '5163'

return {'form':form.render(appstruct=defaults)}

If I use

defaults['link_id'] = ((u'1','checked'))

The first entry is indeed prechecked

If I use:

defaults['link_id'] = ((u'1','checked'),(u'13','checked'))

neither is checked.

I'm a little confused at what chameleon should be checking here:

input tal:attributes=checked value in cstruct;

but, value and cstruct appear to be valid (value - cstruct is printed

1 - ((u'1', 'checked'), (u'13', 'checked'))

If I try in the python shell what I believe chameleon is doing, it
does appear to work.

 a=((u'1', 'checked'), (u'13', 'checked'))
 ('1','checked') in a
 ('13','checked') in a
 ('14','checked') in a

Changing the order of the arguments to (('checked',u'1')) does work,
but, adding the second entry makes both fail as well.

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Re: MySQL has gone away errors - any tips?

2011-11-04 Thread cd34
On Nov 2, 3:40 pm, Stefano Fontanelli wrote:
 Il 02/11/11 18.54, Benjamin Sims ha scritto:

  My ini file contains:

  sqlalchemy.pool_recycle = 30

 Hi Benjamin,
 did you try to increase pool_recycle?

 In our applications we use 'sqlalchemy.pool_recycle = 3600'

When you get that error, it means that pool_recycle is  mysql's idle
timeout - increasing the timeout will increase the possibility that
this will happen.

The first question to address this is, are you connecting via socket
or tcp? because you MIGHT be hitting a TCP timeout rather than a mysql
idle timeout. If so, you need to fix that from the TCP side. Most
operating systems will default to 600 seconds, however, your
pool_recycle time of 30 seconds should be well under that.

One possibility is to reduce pool_recycle to 10, or, turn echo_pool on
in your debugs to see what is happening. With pools, it is possible
that you have an idle pool that is being hit that has timed out.

If it persists, you could import NullPool and set poolclass=NullPool,
however, that might introduce threading/concurrency issues on a busy

I've run pool_recycle at 10 to eliminate that problem, but, I connect
via sockets rather than tcp on most machines.

Also, you might check wait_timeout= to see if that value is set too
low. I don't recall if sqlalchemy uses CLIENT_INTERACTIVE or not - I
don't believe it does, which means interactive_timeout= isn't the
variable to set. I don't see that it sends CLIENT_INTERACTIVE to
MySQLdb, so, you might check wait_timeout to see if it is set too low.

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Re: Translation

2011-11-04 Thread cd34
On Nov 4, 8:03 pm, Bruce Wade wrote:
 We are trying to use translation when generating a PDF file from a request.
 However for some reason the locale for the string is extracted from the
 file however when generating the PDF it never translates.

 Any suggestions on how to translate for reportlab using pyramid?

when using canvas.textLines(_('translated text')), you're saying
reportlab is ignoring it?

I just tested v2.5 and a quick test worked for me.

There are some characters that may not render based on the font you've

Can you supply some sample code that doesn't work?

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Re: Intermittent encoding error after moving to Apache

2011-10-28 Thread cd34
On Oct 28, 6:27 am, Benjamin Sims wrote:
 sqlalchemy.pool_recycle = 3600

Your pool_recycle needs to be less than


That typically fixes that. I actually run with pool_recycle=60 and
I've not seen that error since.

As for your UTF error:

[Fri Oct 28 02:03:28 2011] [error] [client]
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0x92 in position
unexpected code byte, referer:

$ python   (should occur across 2.[456] as well)
Python 2.7.2+ (default, Aug 16 2011, 07:03:08)
[GCC 4.6.1] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/encodings/, line 16, in decode
return codecs.utf_8_decode(input, errors, True)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0x92 in position 0:
invalid start byte

Are you sending binary data that shouldn't be processed? Do you have
an event or subscriber processing output? is it trying to use a

You might need return Response rather than running that through your
template engine if that is the case.

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Re: Intermittent encoding error after moving to Apache

2011-10-28 Thread cd34
On Oct 28, 8:32 am, Benjamin Sims wrote:
 - I'm not sending any binary data that I'm aware of; page content is text
 from the MySQL database. Sometimes this error even occurs on my login page,
 which does very little other than display a welcome and a form

 - There are no events of subscribers

 As I mentioned, this did not occur with paster and is intermittent (which
 made me wonder if it is related to the MySQL thing). I'm at the point where
 I'm considering giving Nginx a go just to see if it is more stable, or
 perhaps going through the rather tricky process to get interactive debugging
 going on Apache 

Paster sometimes handles things that violate standards silently, while
Apache will complain.

If it happens on a login page, I am wondering if it is a header that
is being set. Any custom headers or cookies being set? Do you have
i18n set up?

I don't use Chameleon, but, is your template properly formed, i.e. has
the right encoding, proper namespace declaration, etc? Chameleon tries
to detect the encoding based on the body and is very strict about the
page being properly formed.

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Re: Intermittent encoding error after moving to Apache

2011-10-28 Thread cd34
On Oct 28, 10:00 am, Benjamin Sims wrote:
 It does sometimes occur on the login page, but also on other pages. It will
 fail a few times, then start working for a bit and continue that way.

I'm wondering if you ran the app under paster, ran a bunch of wget -S
on a small page, typescript so that you capture the output, then, ran
the same under apache/mod_wsgi.

Another thing to do, modify the code in chameleon right before the
return to print the body and encoding. Possibly it is getting a value
that it isn't expecting? Write to a file so that you know the last
file contains precisely what is failing, or, wrap it with a try/except
to write the body when it does fail.

Since it happens on the login page, unless you're touching the
database here, I suspect it is either an odd translation (which would
not really happen intermittently) or some odd session variable that
isn't being encoded. Position 467 seems far enough that it might not
be in the header, but, that would depend on any cookies that are being
set. Perhaps a user defined meta tag or some other replacement
occurring in your template?

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Re: Pylons, Apache reverse proxy/virtual hosting domain names

2011-10-23 Thread cd34
Some providers will set up wildcard hostnames, i.e.

*IN A will be resolved to the name.

What it looks like based on the check is that the ONLY thing set up
currently is At a minimum, you would need to define A
records (or CNAME records to point to for each hostname,
or, if they support wildcard DNS, set that up.

Usually when a domain is created, and are
set up, but, that doesn't appear to be the case with what you've
presented. So, your DNS provider is the one that can fix this. If you
have it hosted at almost any registrar that offers DNS, you can
usually set this up through the Domain Registrar's control panel.

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Re: Pylons, Apache reverse proxy/virtual hosting domain names

2011-10-22 Thread cd34
Host not found usually means that you have a DNS issue, so,
is not being resolved to anything.

Your apache config looks fine, getting the hostname to resolve to the
IP should fix your problem.

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Re: Handling Sign In Error and Creating Log in Pyramid

2011-10-22 Thread cd34
Within Pyramid, this doesn't exist. Auth is set up by the author, but,
the permissions and ACLs are built into Pyramid.

You would have to write your own routines to do this.

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Re: how to exclude some views from csrf checking

2011-10-17 Thread cd34

apex.no_csrf =
OPTIONAL, a colon separated list of route names that should NOT be
subject to CSRF tests.

After a bit of back and forth with Pyramid and the way the event fires
off, a decorator with the current CSRF check won't work. I've got to
dig deeper into Pyramid to find an alternate, more correct solution.

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Re: how to exclude some views from csrf checking

2011-09-29 Thread cd34
On Sep 26, 1:58 pm, Michael Merickel wrote:
 Likely you will need to add some code to the csrf_validation function to
 exclude the RPC URL. For example:

 def csrf_validation(event):
      CSRF token exposed to templates
     request = event.request
     if != 'MYRPCROUTENAME' and request.method ==

What version of pyramid supports matched_route?

I've tested a few versions, even 1.2.1, but, it always returns None
(if specified with .name, I get AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has
no attribute 'name').

Is this in a development version, if so, when will that be released?

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Re: how to exclude some views from csrf checking

2011-09-28 Thread cd34
On Sep 24, 7:29 am, Viktor Nagy wrote:
 I'm building a site that uses apex for site-wide auth functionalities, and
 would like to use pyramid_rpc for amf gatewaying. But apex adds csrf
 checking for every POST request.

I've entered this on the issues and will have a suitable fix in the
next day or two for this.

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Re: SQLalchemy issue when extending Pyramid application

2011-09-12 Thread cd34

On Sep 11, 4:27 am, AwaisMuzaffar wrote:
 On Sep 11, 12:18 am, cd34 wrote:
  On Sep 10, 4:55 pm, AwaisMuzaffar wrote:
   I have a Main Application, and in this application I have the
   following in the file:

   def main(global_config, **settings):
       # various config settings

   def site_configs(config):
           config.add_route('portfolio', '/portfolio',
   view='mainapp.views.portfolio', view_renderer='/site/portfolio.mako')

  Load order and SQLAlchemy (actually, almost anything based on
  settings) has some unique issues.

  in your includeme:

  initialize_sql(engine_from_config(settings, 'sqlalchemy.'), settings)

  Then, in your model file:

  def initialize_sql(engine, settings):

  By passing settings, you can use the config object that is already

 Thanks cd34 for your reply, would I do this in the main application.

 def includeme(config):
     initialize_sql(engine_from_config(settings, 'sqlalchemy.'),

 Also why does: 'from mainapp.models import initialize_sql  in the new
 applications file resolve the issue. (I am importing
 initialize_sql from the main application) and would that be the right
 way of doing things.

It depends on where you want to manage the load order issue. If you
are developing a Pyramid extension, you need to pass settings inside
your def includeme.

If you are just writing an application and aren't intending on
distributing it, you can import from the main application and
accomplish the same thing.

Either is probably correct, but, if you are using includeme and intend
to write your application to be 'pluggable', then you may want to pass
settings so that you can more easily reuse your included app.

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Re: SQLalchemy issue when extending Pyramid application

2011-09-10 Thread cd34
On Sep 10, 4:55 pm, AwaisMuzaffar wrote:

 I have a Main Application, and in this application I have the
 following in the file:

 def main(global_config, **settings):
     # various config settings

 def site_configs(config):
         config.add_route('portfolio', '/portfolio',
 view='mainapp.views.portfolio', view_renderer='/site/portfolio.mako')

Load order and SQLAlchemy (actually, almost anything based on
settings) has some unique issues.

in your includeme:

initialize_sql(engine_from_config(settings, 'sqlalchemy.'), settings)

Then, in your model file:

def initialize_sql(engine, settings):

By passing settings, you can use the config object that is already

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Re: Webhelpers html tag examples

2011-09-08 Thread cd34
On Sep 8, 7:44 am, Ben Sizer wrote:
 So, again (not directed to you, Chris): are there any examples of
 people using the webhelpers.html.tag stuff with Pyramid? :)

This enables webhelpers in a very minimal project.

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Re: Have to log out twice?

2011-09-03 Thread cd34
Haven't seen that behavior, however, IE and Safari seem to have
intermittent issues:

headers.append( ('P3P', 'CP=IDC DSP COR ADM DEVi TAIi PSA PSD IVAi

resolves most of them.

Can you run LiveHeaders in firefox and see if it is actually resetting
the cookie when you log out the first time?

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Re: Composite application configuration

2011-09-01 Thread cd34
paster uses pipelines to do that

use = egg:app1

use = egg:app2

use = egg:Paste#urlmap
/ = app1
/app2 = app2

If you need to use exceptions, you can do something like:

pipeline = exc tm app2

and in your composite:main

/app2 = pipeapp2

composite is the section you need to read in the docs to understand it
more fully.

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Re: Composite application configuration

2011-09-01 Thread cd34
can you use [DEFAULT]?

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Re: Pyramid addons that are not part of the pyramid project

2011-08-31 Thread cd34
As far as Trove classifiers go, they do not affect google, github,
bitbucket, sourceforge or searches. What does affect
github is quite interesting and they put weight in areas I wouldn't
have expected. However, if someone is looking for extensions or addons
to pyramid after page two or three, the results become wildly
inaccurate and do skip over projects that you would only find if you
knew it existed. As for using pypi for search, I would bet that a
large percentage of the new adopters looking for code to support
Pyramid probably aren't using pypi as their search resource. And there
are a few projects that use pyramid that don't have the proper trove
classifiers, so, you still miss packages.

Because of the way the repositories do word stemming, pyramidext would
have the same problem you have right now.

But, point taken.

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Re: Pyramid addons that are not part of the pyramid project

2011-08-31 Thread cd34
As far as Trove classifiers go, they do not affect google, github,
bitbucket, sourceforge or searches. What does affect
github is quite interesting and they put weight in areas I wouldn't
have expected. However, if someone is looking for extensions or addons
to pyramid after page two or three, the results become wildly
inaccurate and do skip over projects that you would only find if you
knew it existed. As for using pypi for search, I would bet that a
large percentage of the new adopters looking for code to support
Pyramid probably aren't using pypi as their search resource. And there
are a few projects that use pyramid that don't have the proper trove
classifiers, so, you still miss packages.

Because of the way the repositories do word stemming, pyramidext would
have the same problem you have right now.

But, point taken.

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Re: Pyramid addons that are not part of the pyramid project

2011-08-31 Thread cd34
As far as Trove classifiers go, they do not affect google, github,
bitbucket, sourceforge or searches. What does affect
github is quite interesting and they put weight in areas I wouldn't
have expected. However, if someone is looking for extensions or addons
to pyramid after page two or three, the results become wildly
inaccurate and do skip over projects that you would only find if you
knew it existed. As for using pypi for search, I would bet that a
large percentage of the new adopters looking for code to support
Pyramid probably aren't using pypi as their search resource. And there
are a few projects that use pyramid that don't have the proper trove
classifiers, so, you still miss packages.

Because of the way the repositories do word stemming, pyramidext would
have the same problem you have right now.

But, point taken.

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Re: Webhelpers html tag examples

2011-08-31 Thread cd34
virtualenv --no-site-packages newenv
source bin/activate
paster create -t pyramid_routesalchemy webhelp
cd webhelp/webhelp

edit webhelp/development.ini and put near the top:

mako.directories = webhelp:templates

edit webhelp/webhelp/ and put:

config.add_route('webhelper', '/webhelper')


return config.make_wsgi_app()

edit webhelp/webhelp/, add:

from pyramid.view import view_config

@view_config(route_name='webhelper', renderer='webhelper.mako')
def webhelper(request):
return {'data':'data', 'email1_count':1, 'email2_count':2}

create webhelp/webhelp/

from pyramid.threadlocal import get_current_request
from pyramid.exceptions import ConfigurationError
from pyramid.url import route_url
from webhelp import helpers

def add_renderer_globals(event):
request = event.get('request')
if request is None:
request = get_current_request()
globs = {

create webhelp/webhelp/

from webhelpers.text import plural
from webhelpers.html.tags import form

create webhelp/webhelp/templates/webhelper.mako:

here's my ${data}
You have ${h.plural(email1_count,'message','messages')}.br/
You have ${h.plural(email2_count,'message','messages')}.br/

Briefly, any import in helpers will be exposed to your template as
h.whatever. If you just want to use normal webhelper rather than a
form library you can. Also, I use deform with both Mako and Jinja2,
and unless you need to change the widgets, it doesn't really matter
much that the templates use chameleon. I've written several projects
and except for one minor case, haven't modified the templates.

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Re: Webhelpers html tag examples

2011-08-30 Thread cd34
Mike Bayer (of Mako and SQLAlchemy) posted this:

While it discusses Pylons, it does address one possible method without
using a form library (or, using Mako as a form library). The method
isn't limited to Mako, you could do it with Jinja2 or any other
reasonably powerful templating language.

I like deform - it has some very sophisticated widgets that make
developing some rather complex forms easy. The only issue I have
(coming from an SQLAlchemy background and not a zodb background) is
that it requires some magic to bring appstruct over to an object that
SQLAlchemy can use.

WTForms is very Djangolike and works pretty well. We used it as the
form library for Apex. Formalchemy's documentation is in a state of
flux. They swapped maintainers moved the site, some of the links 404.
If you are looking for a form library that is very well tied to your
SQLAlchemy model schemas and has a RESTful interface, it works pretty

If you're just looking to use webhelpers in your existing forms, you
would add it to your subscribers:

something like:


from pyramid.threadlocal import get_current_request
from project.lib import helpers

def add_renderer_globals(event):
request = event.get('request')
if request is None:
request = get_current_request()
globs = {


from webhelpers.text import plural
from import distance_of_time_in_words
from import time_ago_in_words



In your template (Jinja example, Mako would use ${ } rather than
{{ }}:

br /span id=p-{{}}{{h.plural(data.points,
'point', 'points')}}/span by a href=/user/
{{h.distance_of_time_in_words(data.posted_date, granularity='hour')}}
ago | a href=/news/{{}}/
{{data.slug}}{{h.plural(data.comment_count, 'Comment', 'Comments')}}

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Pyramid addons that are not part of the pyramid project

2011-08-30 Thread cd34
While developing applications that run on top of Pyramid, having other
people find those projects becomes difficult without having pyramid
somewhere in the project name. If someone searches github or any of
the other repositories, the search function is somewhat inadequate in
finding projects without Pyramid in the proper name. Projects have no
way to easily signify that they are an addon, yet, are not part of the

What I would suggest is a naming convention for pypi packages that are
related to pyramid, but, not endorsed. Perhaps something like
pyramid_ext_ or pyramid_app_. Django applications use the django.
prefix and there is little confusion as it is the expected naming
convention. I feel that the name Pyramid needs to be in the name
somewhere so people looking for apps and extensions that work with
pyramid are easily found.

It is a two way street - it makes it easier for projects using Pyramid
to be found, and, having projects with the Pyramid name in it will
validate the framework as having activity and an external development
community supporting it.

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Re: Webhelpers html tag examples

2011-08-30 Thread cd34
On Aug 30, 12:22 pm, Ben Sizer wrote:
 On Aug 30, 5:08 pm, cd34 wrote:

  If you're just looking to use webhelpers in your existing forms, you
  would add it to your subscribers:

  something like:


You would create that file in the lib directory (if you desired) and
reference it in your Where the file is actually located
is a matter of personal preference. You could create in
your project directory and adjust the config.add_subscribers line you
added to your as needed.

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Re: Webhelpers html tag examples

2011-08-30 Thread cd34
On Aug 30, 12:36 pm, Ben Sizer wrote:
 On Aug 30, 2:42 pm, Benjamin Sims wrote:
  The demo site provides nice examples of its capabilities:

 Having explored this a little more, I must admit I find it daunting.
 Sure, for simple stuff it's easier than building HTML by hand, but
 for anything non-trivial, it's hard to work out what to do, because
 everything's hidden from me.

 I have an object which is a few string fields and then a list of
 references to Tag objects. The input for the rest of the object is
 fine but I can't see any way to handle the tags, because the way the
 schema seems to work is that it assumes the object is composed of
 everything within it, as opposed to associating with things outside of
 it. So I can add new tags to the object, but that is not the behaviour
 I want, because the user needs to be limited to existing tags.

What you want is to use the deferred decorator and then pass your
values along using .bind()

Something like this using

def deferred_csrf_token(node, kw):
csrf_token = kw.get('csrf_token')
return csrf_token

class UserSchema(colander.Schema):
csrf_token = colander.SchemaNode(
widget = deform.widget.HiddenWidget(),
default = deferred_csrf_token,
name = colander.SchemaNode(
widget = deform.widget.TextInputWidget(size=80),
phone = colander.SchemaNode(
widget = deform.widget.TextInputWidget(size=80),

def index(request):
schema =
form = deform.Form(schema, buttons=('Update Profile',))
return {'form':form.render()}

something closer to what you might want:

def deferred_users_widget(node, kw):
users = kw.get('user_list', [])
return deform.widget.SelectWidget(values=users)

class FormSchema(colander.Schema):
label = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(), title='or',
widget = LabelWidget(),
user_id = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(), title='Username',
widget = deferred_users_widget,

In your view:

schema =
form = deform.Form(schema, buttons=('Update',))

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Re: Pyramid addons that are not part of the pyramid project

2011-08-30 Thread cd34
pyramid_registration does pretty much what Apex does - or appears that
it will. Apex is just auth + registration on top of pyramid. CSRF and
Flash messages were added into it because CSRF should be included in
any front-facing webapp and Flash messages just made it easier to
communicate events with a user when they signed in, registered or
their password was invalid. Supporting i18n should be done for any app
developed in the 21st century.

Same with Pyramid_openid - which is just authentication with Pyramid
using OAuth2 as a provider.

At what point does a toolkit become an application? You can't do
anything with Apex except auth and registration. You can't deploy Apex
as an application - the app would do nothing but allow someone to
register and sign in. This is similar to Akhet which is a layer on
Pyramid to give developers a more pylons-like environment. Kotti does
have CMS features and by definition appears to be an application or
framework that uses Pyramid as a base which would be ineligible.

I imagine someone new to Pyramid may not find Kotti, or, may not make
the association that it has quite a few CMS components available and
ready for a Pyramid app. While you may not want to endorse external
apps or show preferences, I think it benefits the communities on
either side.

I'm not really that concerned about it for Apex, but, having an easy
to find set of extensions and apps should raise awareness for pyramid
- if that is a goal.

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Re: Applying changes to the database schema – SQLAlchemy

2011-08-29 Thread cd34
You might want to take a look at
which does a pretty good job handling schema transitions like that.

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Re: Pyramid 1.2a1 released

2011-08-25 Thread cd34
Word of note:


If scan is executed prior to include, and your include modifies the
root factory or authnauth, auth won't actually work.

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testing with DummyRequest() when view requires access to cookies

2011-08-22 Thread cd34
When testing with DummyRequest, HTTP_HOST and SERVER_NAME aren't set.
As a result, one of two things needs to happen:

pyramid/ (line 377)
cur_domain = environ.get('HTTP_HOST', environ.get('SERVER_NAME'))

If cur_domain doesn't find either HTTP_HOST or SERVER_NAME, cur_domain
is set to None which causes a TypeError:

/pyramid/, line 388, in _get_cookies
if ':' in cur_domain:
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable

One possible workaround in the test code is to set the environment

environ = {

request = testing.DummyRequest(environ=environ)

However, should testing.setUp set certain variables to a sane default,
perhaps 'localhost' unless overridden? pyramid.paster.bootstrap seems
to properly handle this, but, the pyramid.testing doesn't.

Perhaps a more forgiving default could be used to avoid the exception?
The TypeError as it is could point out incorrectly configured
deployments whereas a default of localhost might cause additional
trouble debugging deployment issues. Or, should the test setUp set a
bare minimum environment and more closely replicate bootstrap's

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Re: Removing *.fcgi from URL on redirect's

2011-08-21 Thread cd34
In wsgi, that url is built from the environment parameter SCRIPT_NAME.
I haven't used flup, but, I would guess it might be the same. I don't
believe pyramid uses SCRIPT_NAME, but, paster.resolve prepends it when
talking with Pyramid.

You might try something like:


in your wrapper, or in your constructor:

os.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '';

This is probably not a great thing to do, but, Apache's the rewritten
url to generate SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO to build the REQUEST_URI,
and the behavior you want is to remove SCRIPT_NAME when REQUEST_URI is
passed to the backend.

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Re: Looking for python/pyramid developers for a project

2011-08-19 Thread cd34
On Aug 19, 3:08 pm, Dirk Makowski
 I am Dirk, and am interested in your offer. Unfortunately your email address
 is not fully disclosed (

If you view the post on google groups:
you can click on the ... in the email address, enter a captcha, and
get the email address. I don't recall if you have to be a member of
the group for that to work or not.

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Re: is it possible to use virtual environment with pylons without activation?

2011-08-14 Thread cd34
you can do:


in your startup script which will cause the script to load from that
environment. Cron jobs are often run this way.

At that point, you might also choose to update your environment:

import os, sys, site

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Re: using the authentication framework and pyramid_apex

2011-08-07 Thread cd34

should fix that.

The way the root factory is currently set up in the Pyramid docs, a
short method is used. I debated whether to mimic pyramid's current
config, or whether to set permissions using more verbose names as you

class RootFactory(object):
__acl__ = [ (Allow, Authenticated, 'authenticated'),
(Allow, 'group:user', 'user'),
(Allow, 'group:admin', 'admin') ]

This is the default ACL - the permission equivalency check takes place
on the last field in each tuple. I'll include a better example in the
docs. Thanks for trying it out.

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Re: Pyramid: what is the proper way to present a login form when user is not logged in using handlers?

2011-08-07 Thread cd34
You can also do something like:

config.add_view(forbidden, context=Forbidden)

def forbidden(request):
flash(_('Not logged in, please log in'), 'error')
return HTTPFound(location='%s?came_from=%s' %
(route_url('login', request),

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Re: Deform autocomplete tag sequence widgets?

2011-07-29 Thread cd34
About the best resource to check there would be:

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Re: openid with pyramid

2011-07-26 Thread cd34
On Jul 23, 1:13 pm, Viktor Nagy wrote:
 The test server is called from /login, and it tries to get back to my
 page, but it gets redirected again and again to itself as
 incoming_openid_url is set when the verify_openid method gets

The redirect is due to the fact that openid=url is passed through and
not stripped:

 Are there other packages providing openid consumer functionality? Or
 could someone point me to a nice tutorial for pyramid_openid, please?

If you need integration for something more than just openid:

shows you the basics for integrating pyramid with Velruse which
handles a number of providers. is a package Matthew Housden and
I are putting together for our needs which includes a bit more than
just auth.

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Re: pyramid - how to debug on production server?

2011-06-13 Thread cd34
How are you calling your .wsgi script?

ScriptAlias / /path/to/script.wsgi

or using mod_rewrite?

What does the apache error log say that corresponds to the 404?
mod_wsgi is pretty helpful with debugging messages.

with mod_wsgi, you can touch the .wsgi file to get it to reload, or
restart apache. Most daemon methods do that since they cache the code
to avoid the startup penalty, which, makes it a bit more difficult to
develop your application the way it'll be deployed.

If you're doing development, I prefer using paster serve --reload
development.ini which reloads each time it recognizes a file has been

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Re: issue to deploy pylons application under mod_wsgi

2011-06-12 Thread cd34
application = ErrorMiddleware(application, debug=True)

That line is sure to cause problems. Debugging Middleware usually
causes issues with mod_wsgi because unless you run a very specific
configuration to eliminate multi-threaded requests, though, the error
you're getting is that application isn't properly being passed to your

I think you also need to remove the stanza in development.ini that
refers to WebError. Check your apache error log, it might tell you
what mod_wsgi is encountering as well.

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Re: Pyramid #twitter #tag

2011-05-31 Thread cd34
The convention that I've noticed is #pylons or #pylons #pyramid.
However, right now with the debate over the power pylons in the UK,
that hashtag has been quite inundated. Once in a while you will see a
starcraft pylons reference. It would be helpful to use a standardized
one like #pyramid1 that would cut down on the clutter, but, since it
is a Pylons project, #pylons isn't overly busy.

It does beat following #varnish and learning all sorts of manicure and
nailcare tips.

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Re: IE7 displays Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage on simple pylons application

2011-05-05 Thread cd34
Will see if I can test this later, but, first thing that stands out
(might be a cut and paste thing)

input type=hidden id=foo7 name=fooname7

input type=hidden id=foo8 name=fooname8

input type=hidden id=foo9 name=fooname9

your first fields are missing the closing , which can cause versions
of IE to not render a form properly - are you even seeing the POST on
the server side when the button is hit? If not, I would suspect that
broken html.  If the html is indeed correct and it was a cut and paste
error, offhand I'm not sure.

Are you running the same versions of software between the two? can you
post easy_install.pth from your site-packages directory from both

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Re: IE7 displays Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage on simple pylons application

2011-05-05 Thread cd34
I can't duplicate it, though, only have IE8 here.

If you remove half of your hidden fields does it work? Is it related
to the number of hidden fields? or just the fact that there are 100. I
remember an issue with IE where id=name name=name used to be an
issue, but, you're not doing that. This is being served from paster?
or through apache/nginx/something else? The other thing that IE used
to do, if you do a post to www., but were served the content from - but, based on your code, you're using a relative link. If
you were behind apache, perhaps mod_rewrite is rewriting based on
hostname, and tossing the request?

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Re: simple example using repoze.who for authorization in pylons-app

2011-05-04 Thread cd34

wrote this a while back

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Re: simple example using repoze.who for authorization in pylons-app

2011-05-04 Thread cd34
On May 4, 12:18 pm, Rob Miller wrote:
 On 05/04/2011 07:30 AM, cd34 wrote:

 Speaking of which, I gave you mad props for your various Pylons to Pyramid
 blog posts in the talk on migrating to Pyramid that I gave at the SF MiniCon
 last week.  Thanks for those!

Thanks! always good to hear that it was useful to someone.

 Also, I've written up some thoughts on the MiniCon and posted my slides 
 who's interested.

Looks like quite a conference. I've followed quite a few of the other
participants as they posted their slides. I'm on the wrong coast.  haha

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Re: session, beaker cookie expiration and remember me

2011-04-07 Thread cd34
In Pyramid,

you can specify the expiration length in your handler.

In Pylons, it depends on the auth system you're using.  Both authkit
and repoze.who/what have hooks that can be modified similarly.

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Re: Use AuthKit without wsgi?

2011-04-03 Thread cd34
Authkit hasn't been maintained for quite a while.  Repoze.who/what is
a little more maintainable, but, what is it about Tornado's auth that
doesn't work for you?

I didn't find too many issues with their auth short of it needing some
extra functionality for one project, but, overall, it worked pretty

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Re: Insight for configuring Pylons with repoze.who

2011-03-29 Thread cd34
What I ended up doing for that project was actually leaving the
repoze.who/what tables alone and created a parallel table with my
data.  That way, my schema changes wouldn't affect auth.  On another
project I let the AuthUser model alone, but, defined my own definition
and set:

__table_args__ = {'useexisting':True}

allowing one table for auth and metadata without having to modify the
default models.  Personally, I feel that both approaches are probably
incorrect and with Pyramid, I have overloaded AuthUser with my own
model so that I only need to do one fetch each time there is an auth
request and all extended data is present in the session (with a little

While each are probably valid approaches, the indirection of the first
two probably would confuse an external developer making modifications
or troubleshooting more difficult.

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Re: Subdomains in Pyramid / Paste

2011-03-27 Thread cd34
You could do this with custom view predicates if you wanted a single
'application' where your pyramid app decided how to handle the

But, I've generally divided subdomains by purpose and run separate
instances where possible.  In your case, I think the custom view
predicates probably does what you need.

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Re: Insight for configuring Pylons with repoze.who

2011-03-26 Thread cd34

This is what I did - you're using Pylons, not Pyramid right?

If you're using Pyramid,
uses the repoze.who/repoze.who schema that I used for another project.

I've actually rewritten almost all of that to use Deform and modified
it quite a bit, but, haven't had a chance to document that.

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Re: Form handling in Pyramid

2011-01-17 Thread cd34
FormEncode allows me to build forms right from the schema.  At this
point, if you need something like a GridTable layout, FormEncode is
the only solution I've found.

I moved from Formish to Deform and I find Deform to be quite powerful
and quite good, though I hate the li form aspect and much prefer a
tableform layout like ToscaWidgets had.  However, Deform works much
better for what I'm working on.  I would prefer something a little
more tied to the schema, but, writing two quick hooks.  I never liked
the separate action handlers required for ToscaWidgets and much prefer
the single action for create/edit and validate.

To use SQLAlchemy, I wrote two quick functions, though, there are some
minor issues dealing with datetime objects that I haven't handled.

And if you need Formencode validation with Deform, it isn't difficult:

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Re: Many to many, the declarative way...

2010-12-11 Thread cd34
First thing I see is that you have backrefs to groups but your
classname is Group

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Re: Pyramid Genshi Template Renderer Configuration

2010-12-05 Thread cd34
You might take a look at how pyramid_jinja does it.

from pyramid_jinja2 import renderer_factory
config.add_renderer('.jinja2', renderer_factory)

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Re: how to use a model (persistence layer) with deform

2010-11-23 Thread cd34
That code:

fn = os.path.join(, attachment['uid'])

references here to get the path of the current installation.
DemoController subclasses BaseController which subclasses
WSGIController, none of which appear to return here as a valid object.

from pylons import config

fn = os.path.join(config['here'], attachment['uid'])

I don't know if older versions of pylons populated the, but,
that is probably the issue.

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Re: how to use a model (persistence layer) with deform

2010-11-22 Thread cd34
deform is a form library that is not tied to your backend storage
similar to a few other form libraries.  Unlike FormAlchemy that is
based almost exclusively on your models, the glue to attach deform to
an SQL backend has to be written by you.

There are likely some bugs in the url that follows as it was a proof
of concept, but, I am using it during development of a production
app.  While I'm using mysql, sqlite should work fine with some minor
schema changes.  The one thing I don't recall on sqlite is whether
types are sent through properly.  If Deform is taking an integer
field, your appstruct needs to have the type of the value to also be
an integer.

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Re: strange errors on first hit after restart

2010-11-22 Thread cd34
Two possibilities.

sqlalchemy.echo = false
sqlalchemy.echo_pool = false
sqlalchemy.pool_recycle = 10

With pyramid, based on a chat in IRC with Ben Bangert, I modified
those to:

sqlalchemy.echo = false
sqlalchemy.echo_pool = false
sqlalchemy.pool_recycle = 30
sqlalchemy.pool_size = 20
sqlalchemy.max_overflow = 10
sqlalchemy.pool_timeout = 5


However, the thing that is puzzling is the Gone Away/out of sync on
startup.  I think what you might find there is that you have altered
Session somewhere during your startup or not instantiated it
properly.  Might want to check your models to make sure that the DB
session isn't overwritten somewhere which is coincidentally mentioned
in a very recent thread:

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Re: strange errors on first hit after restart

2010-11-22 Thread cd34
remember that the docs were wrong in a few places and Mike Bayer/Ben
Bangert/Mike Orr(?) fixed the docs/examples/templates a while back.

You're running the same stack I run on about 70% of our Pylons apps
(and currently 100% of our Pyramid apps) with -p 8 through -p 16 and
I've never seen it on startup, and since modifying Pyramid, haven't
seen it there with the settings as mentioned above.  I only saw the
error when a thread was idle for more than the cli timeout.

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Re: strange errors on first hit after restart

2010-11-22 Thread cd34
is imported somewhere prior to

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Re: Multiple request in the same controller causing problems with SQLAlchemy Session object

2010-11-10 Thread cd34
You might try the sqlalchemy list

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Re: pyramids and pylons

2010-11-06 Thread cd34
On Nov 6, 1:46 pm, Jeff Tchang wrote:
 As a long time user of Pylons the thing that scares me is migration.
 How much work is it going to take to get my Pylons 9.7/1.0 project to
 Pyramid. Also since I have projects currently being worked on in
 Pylons how much of this is going to be dead end work?

I had an undeployed Pylons 1.0 project that we had started working on
about three weeks ago.  We used repoze.who/repoze.what (I do not have
Pyramid's auth working with an SQL backend yet) and FormAlchemy along
with a number of webhelpers for pagination and constants.  It took
about 16 hours to convert 35 actions in three controllers to Pyramid.
Of that 16 hours, I'd guess that 12 hours was learning Pyramids,
reading the documentation, learning how Pyramid did things - I had
looked at repoze.bfg in the not too distant past, and getting pointers
on IRC to documentation and methodologies behind Pyramid.

With that said.  Pylons 1.0 isn't going away for a long time.  It
probably won't see many feature upgrades but will receive bugfixes for
stability/security.  I don't think I would worry about a project
currently using 0.9.7/1.0 being orphaned and unsupported.

While Pyramid is tagged as an Alpha release, it is a very mature
Alpha.  I do believe that we'll be using Pyramid for new development
and as we work out some of the pitfalls we run into, I'll post the
solutions we find.

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Re: Routing question versus real world situation

2010-10-31 Thread cd34
On Oct 31, 2:14 am, Alexandre Conrad
 I would make sure a site and a subsite is a resource in Routes.
 RESTful really means that you are using the verbs available in HTTP,
 that is, GET, POST, UPDATE, DELETE without wasting name spaces like
 addsite, delsite, etc., in your URL. RESTful doesn't necessarily mean
 that you must *not* use a query in the URL (like ?site_id=1).

 So, for your sites, I would have the following CRUD:
 Create: /admin/site/ (POST)
 Read: /admin/site/id (GET)
 Update: /admin/site/id (PUT)
 Delete: /admin/site/id (DELETE)

 Meaning that for your subsites, you could have the following CRUD:

 Create: /admin/subsite (POST) (where parent ID and any other info
 would be in the POST body)
 Read: /admin/subsite/id (GET)
 Update: /admin/subsite/id (PUT)
 Delete: /admin/subsite/id (DELETE)

I looked at this and the same real issue persists with CRUD/Restful.
My terminology was wrong - this is for a client facing application
where I wanted clean URLs.

How does one signify a subsite is being added to a site?  The only way
I can see it being done is adding another route.

With the default routes,
would indicate that you are editing subsite 1, not adding subsite to
site 1

It seems no matter what I come up with, I'm having to alter routes to
handle things and it just seemed like I was overlooking something.
I've got workarounds, but, I was just curious how other people have
handled similar situations.

Having clean urls just seems nicer, but, I think in this case I am
relegated to using ?site_id=1. If I find a better way, I can always
rewrite that portion.

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Re: Routing question versus real world situation

2010-10-31 Thread cd34
On Oct 31, 1:44 pm, Alexandre Conrad
 When you create something, like a subsite, you really should want the
 client (browser, script, ...) to send a POST request. If you intend to
 create a new subsite with a GET with /admin/subsite?site_id=1 as the
 path, how would you handle a user hitting multiple times the reload
 button? You'd create as many subsites as the number of times the
 reload button was hit and that's probably not what you want.

The situation here is that there is a list of 25 sites (paginated).
In order to use POST, each 'add site' button would be a form.  Adding
a site presents a 'new subsite' function that allows them to enter
some data before saving, so, a user reloading a page repeatedly isn't
going to create multiple sites.

 By the way, I realize that you said in your original mail that the
 controller is admin (AdminController). I think that's what might be
 your problem. You should have a controller per entity, such as site
 (SiteController) and subsite (SubsiteController). Each having all
 the necessary CRUD methods (Pylons actions) like paster
 restcontroller subsite subsites would create for you. You would then
 just need to add map.resource(site, sites, path_prefix=/admin/)
 and map.resource(subsite, subsites, path_prefix=/admin/) in (I have never played with path_prefix kwarg, so you might
 want to double check how it behaves). This way you wouldn't need an
 AdminController at all if all you want to have is the prepending
 /admin/ path in your URL to make it pretty.

I'm leaning towards that.  Right now I've got 3 controllers, admin,
client and manager.  The theory was to keep each of the backend areas
in a controller but, I'm finding that layout to be problematic.

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Re: Routing question versus real world situation

2010-10-31 Thread cd34
On Oct 31, 12:53 pm, Marius Gedminas wrote:
 On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 09:28:10AM -0700, cd34 wrote:
  It seems no matter what I come up with, I'm having to alter routes to
  handle things and it just seemed like I was overlooking something.
  I've got workarounds, but, I was just curious how other people have
  handled similar situations.

 Why not use routes like


I think this is probably the direction I'm going to head.  I was
actually curious if I was just not understanding how applications were
intended to be written around the default routes, or, if adding in
routes was the sign of me not understanding the zen of Pylons.

Switching from ToscaWidgets to FormAlchemy has also been instrumental
in cleaning up urls.

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Re: Routing question versus real world situation

2010-10-31 Thread cd34
On Oct 31, 12:53 pm, Marius Gedminas wrote:
 Why not use routes like


Ended up with:


Modifying routes just made me think I was doing something wrong.

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Re: paging a sqlalchemy query object give a typeError

2010-10-30 Thread cd34
First, Pylons 1.0 is current, debian is a little bit behind.  0.10 is
essentially Pylons 1.0 with deprecation warnings to ease transition
from 0.9.x.  I use paginate in a number of projects the way you
describe using:

Pylons 1.0
WebHelpers 1.2
SQLAlchemy 0.6.5

exactly how you describe.  Paginate was broken a while back during the
transition to Pylons 1.0.  Your environment has webhelpers in the
wrong place and is loading the wrong version.  Debian doesn't install
its packages into /usr/local/lib so I'm reasonably sure that is the
issue.  The question is, how did it get there.  If you did an easy-
install as root, it might have placed it there, but, cleaning that is
probably the first step to diagnosing it.

I believe you can edit easy-install.pth in the /usr/local/lib/
python2.6/dist-packages directory and possibly remote the
WebHelpers-0.6.4 directory which would remove that library.  Make a
backup of that directory first just in case.

Second, I really would suggest you use a virtual environment for doing
pylons development.  This way, when you're developing code or multiple
projects, you don't have a ton of dependencies installed on your main
machine.  Projects that you've written that haven't changed can stay
on the same version without fear that the API will change when you do
an apt-get upgrade.  contains
some basic instructions.


python --no-site-packages pylons
cd pylons
source bin/activate
easy_install mysql-python
paster create -t pylons project
cd project

(edit development.ini to alter the IP address, port, sqlalchemy url,

paster serve --reload development.ini

This creates a subdirectory named pylons whereever you are.  Perhaps
you want to use /var/www/pylons or /home/username/pylons as the
location.  When you go back to doing development, you cd /var/www/
pylons, source bin/activate   and your environment is modified to run
in a sandbox.  Whatever you do in that virtual environment doesn't
affect the main system.  apt-get upgrades don't affect your sandbox
either.  So, if debian upgrades to a version of software that would
break your project, your virtual environment insulates you from the
system change.

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Routing question versus real world situation

2010-10-30 Thread cd34
I have an app I'm putting together that has a common UI issue, but, I
wasn't sure what the typical pylons method was to handle it.
Basically I have:

Add Site

site   Edit | Delete | Add subsite
site   Edit | Delete | Add subsite
site   Edit | Delete | Add subsite
site   Edit | Delete | Add subsite

The controller is /admin/ and I have urls of /admin/site to create a
new site, /admin/site/id to edit the site and /admin/delsite/id to
delete a site.  However, I am faced with the situation of adding a
subsite to an existing site without some hideous hack.

I can't really do   /admin/addsubsite/id  where id = the parent site
id because that would invalidate the ability to later edit that
subsite.  I'd prefer a restful uri or something without get
parameters, but, temporarily I've resorted to ?site_id=1.

Any suggestions?

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Re: Reusing standalone SQLAlchemy objects in Pylons

2010-09-13 Thread cd34
On Sep 13, 11:03 am, Kirk Strauser wrote:

 from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
 Base = declarative_base()

 Pylons, though, wants those models to inherit from its own base class,

 from myapp.model.meta import Base

If you look at the model, /myapp/model/, you'll find:

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
Base = declarative_base()

which is the same declaration you're using.  You should be able to use
one or the other and utilize the same models for your standalone and
Pylons app.  I do the same with a few projects, though, in reverse.
Pylons models that I use directly in Python with the appropriate from

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Re: Pylons setup problems

2010-09-07 Thread cd34

python projectdir
cd projectdir
source bin/activate
paster create -t pylons projectname

What version of python are you using? Which step from the above is
failing?  Can you paste the logs from your terminal session?  Are you
using a DNS resolver that might be blocking some queries?

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Re: Formencode 1.2.2 UnicodeEncodeError

2010-09-02 Thread cd34
On Sep 2, 1:34 pm, Mike Orr wrote:
 maybe the console is set to ascii, and it found a non-ASCII character
 in the input. '\x39' is 'é' in Latin-1, which doesn't make sense in an
 email address. Of course, we don't know the character set, it could be

Remember that domains can now have extended characters.

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Re: Declarative models, many to many

2010-09-02 Thread cd34

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Re: Pylons for Facebook apps

2010-08-30 Thread cd34
Parts of the REST API are still required and preloading FQL is another
issue that needs to be addressed.

While decorated actions make sense, I find that I almost have an all
or nothing situation with a controller.  The one loophole that used to
be present with facebook was closed in June eliminating the need for a
controller that never asked for privileges.  With 2.6, one could just
decorate the controller.  I think overloading BaseController would
provide the simplest integration path.  That is the path I took with
python-sdk and my latest app.

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Re: Pylons for Facebook apps

2010-08-29 Thread cd34
One thing I seriously debated was whether a single Pylons instance
would be used per app, or, whether a single Pylons instance would have
multiple controllers, each handling a separate Facebook application.

Currently, I have one Nginx with uWsgi (4 threads on a quadcore) that
talks to a single Pylons instance.  I have three different Facebook
applications that utilize the Pylons virtualenv and three separate
controllers.  While the applications are somewhat interconnected and
share the same database, tables are separated with prefixes for the
non-interconnected pieces.  I do have two other apps, one that uses
Apache2/mod_wsgi/Django and one that uses Apache2/mod_wsgi/Pylons.
I'm working on another using Nginx/uwsgi and Tornado for a portion.

In my case, I felt creating separate virtualenvs outweighed some of
the other issues I would run into.  Whether my requirements justify a
more generic approach, I don't know.

As for whether it should be middleware, or a new controller, I think I
would like to avoid it being middleware, though, I can see advantages
for both.

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Re: Pylons for Facebook apps

2010-08-27 Thread cd34
On Aug 27, 4:00 am, eleith wrote:

From their web site:

This client library is designed to support the Facebook Graph API and
the official Facebook JavaScript SDK, which is the canonical way to
implement Facebook authentication. You can read more about the Graph
API at

Their library requires you to use the Javascript SDK to get the
tokens.  Their example for the App Engine requires it as well.  While
the methods do work and it is the library I have used for several
projects, it doesn't handle everything within Python.  With an IFrame
canvas, I don't think there is any way to avoid using the Javascript

If you can show an example controller that doesn't use Javascript that
uses Python-SDK, I'd be interested in seeing that.

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Re: Pylons for Facebook apps

2010-08-26 Thread cd34
But the session data isn't the hard part.  If you're using pyfacebook,
they are already suggesting that you use the Javascript SDK to handle
auth and just read the session information from there which really
eliminates the need for anything but Javascript/Python.  Your
controller just needs to make sure that it gets/keeps that session
data from page to page, whether internally or through their canvas
methods.  Unless you're still doing FBML, there is very little that
your controller needs to handle beyond making sure there is a valid,
current auth token and one is passed on each FB Canvas pageload,
though, not your IFrame Canvas pageloads.  If you're doing IFrame
Canvas apps, you've already got to use Javascript to handle quite a
few authorization features or write your own popup handlers with the
Facebook look and feel.

Once you have the auth tokens, the wrappers around the Graph API are
fairly developed.

I think what I would like to see is a FacebookController method that
allowed me to pass in my app id, secret, key, desired permissions etc.
and would handle that transparently.  My actions would then know the
fb_uid for each request, and perhaps could have a method defined that
would pass a variable to each action that contained my local session
info.  At that point, I can concentrate on the app without worrying
about other methods.  When the graph API fails due to permissions, a
handler in the Controller could optionally prompt the user to add
additional permissions and carry the action through.  Passing
information through the Invites/Friend Tagging so that referrals could
be tracked would also be nice.  Having the controller or attached
methods generate properly formed urls and messages to handle those
tasks would be nice.

As for FBConnect, I believe Velruse handles many different OpenID/
similar authentication systems, but, still needs a backend hook
through repoze or something similar.  I could be wrong.

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Re: a very veard message pops up with pylons 1.0 with firefox

2010-08-23 Thread cd34
Can you run something like livehttpheaders to see what the url is
being generated?  Can you post the code from the form that is giving
you the error?  Are you using Toscawidgets?

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Re: using the secure_form helper

2010-08-22 Thread cd34
The import should be in lib/ rather than your controller so
that it is exposed in your templates.

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