Re: Pylons in production

2008-01-08 Thread Localhost


  I would like to reply to this post from my situation.

On Jan 2, 12:50 pm, Ian Bicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Matt Haggard wrote:
  I'm (in the process of) using pylons in a production environment and
  still have a few questions:

  1) Do I really have to restart the server every time I make a change
  (controller/model)?  I can foresee making many changes and some which
  require immediate attention, but restarting the server in the middle
  of the day would not be an option.  So, do I have to make changes at
  night?  Is there no way for the server to adopt the changes without
  killing all connections?

 When restarting any connections in-progress will be completed, and new
 connections will be rejected.  If you are using a frontend like Apache
 that has something to retry connections, no actual requests will fail
 during a restart.

  In my situation, Apache is not an option I am able to utilize with
Pylons as the current infrastructure caters more to being a Microsoft
shop (of which I am fortunate using Python is even an option!).  I
believe I'm left with either one of two options:
1) A Python wrapper around paster that could perform the 'retry
connections' (as I see this as a possible concern point for
application users); or
2) Use IIS, which as I've found from prior posts, seems far more
problematic with numerous issues that still need to be worked out
(i.e. no reload option, must function as a Virtual Directory and for
some reason does not correctly work with AuthKit -- another show-

  What I find very troubling about Pylons on Windows -- though I'm not
sure if its Windows in particular or paster as well is even when the
the source code does not change and simply some changes are done on a
web form, after clicking the submit button for the form sometimes
returns a 'Page Cannot Be Displayed' message when it should actually
be showing the requested page as it does exist -- though the update
seems to have occurred from the form.  As far as I can see, this seems
to be part of the same issue with the 'retry connections'.  Thanks.

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Re: Pylons in production

2008-01-03 Thread Matt Haggard

Thank you Graham, I'll look into mod_wsgi -- that looks very

I have another follow-up question about multiple-app design -- and
I'll give the whole story so it makes sense where I'm coming from:

Currently, we have one big database with many tables, then a mess of
pages that do various functions (I think this is pretty typical of
many websites).  We're moving to a MVC approach because it seems to
make more sense (routes/orm/etc).  Now I'm having trouble deciding
what to split into separate apps, what to split into controllers, how
to share models/templates/static files between the apps.

I've just gotten to the point that I have (working) common directories
for templates, template filters, models and static files.  But upon
reaching that point, I step back and wonder, Does it make more sense
to combine these apps into a single app with several controllers? Am I
completely misusing the Pylons model?

For instance...
1) Every app will require authentication - which is based on the users
table in the (common) database... and I import (from the
common model dir) for that purpose.

2) Every app will use the same db.  That means that I can't run (or
can I?) an app by itself, because it requires a db that resides up a

I guess my question boils down to (at least in part): Should an app be
a standalone app?


Matt Haggard

On Jan 2, 8:47 pm, Graham Dumpleton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Jan 3, 5:14 am, Matt Haggard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm (in the process of) using pylons in a production environment and
  still have a few questions:

  1) Do I really have to restart the server every time I make a change
  (controller/model)?  I can foresee making many changes and some which
  require immediate attention, but restarting the server in the middle
  of the day would not be an option.  So, do I have to make changes at
  night?  Is there no way for the server to adopt the changes without
  killing all connections?

  2) The system will be composed of multiple apps... (perhaps as many as
  20 or more) so would it be better (if I need to restart after every
  change) to have all the apps served by their own servers?  I mean, is
  it better to have 20 instances of the paster server if uptime is such
  a priority?

  3) In serving several apps (thanks to Ian Bicking for the help to get
  that going!) like this:
  use = egg:Paste#urlmap
  / = config:home_app/development.ini
  /app2 = config:app2/development.ini

  how do I make app2 aware that all of his urls are based off of /app2?
  well... actually, it is already aware of that.  I'm really asking: Is
  there a way for app2 to know that the home directory is just
  plain / ?  This comes up because I use a shared repository for images
  and when I reference images from app2 with src=images/something.jpg
  it looks for the image at the 
  instead ofhttp://  Also, I'd like
  for app2 to be able to link back to / without explicitly hard-coding
  that url (I can see in the future bumping everything up a directory...
  making / into /section and /app2 into /section/app2)

  Am I just going about this the wrong way?

 Many Pylons folks have an aversion to mod_wsgi and will refuse to use
 it on religious grounds without even trying it, but the problems you
 are trying to solve are exactly the sort of the things that mod_wsgi
 is really good for. This is because mod_wsgi handles both the restart
 case as well as the problem of splitting up a monolithic application
 to run across multiple distinct processes. The steps required to do
 this are relative easy and don't require having to setup lots of
 distinct server instances each with a supervisor system as Apache/
 mod_wsgi will handle that all for you automatically.

 Starting with separation of applications into distinct processes to
 allow them to be individually restart, one would take your composite
 application and create separate .ini files for each application. One
 would just then mount them as separate WSGI applications. For example:

   WSGIScriptAlias /app2 /some/path/app2.wsgi
   WSGIScriptAlias / /some/path/home_app.wsgi

 Leave it like that and all you have done is separated the applications
 so that they run within distinct sub interpreters in the same
 processes. Add daemon processes to the mix though and you can delegate
 each to run in a separate process and/or processes.

   WSGIDaemonProcess app2 threads=25
   WSGIScriptAlias /app2 /some/path/app2.wsgi
   Location /app2
   WSGIProcessGroup app2
   WSGIReloadMechanism Process

   WSGIDaemonProcess home_app threads=25
   WSGIScriptAlias / /some/path/home_app.wsgi
   Location /
   WSGIProcessGroup home_app
   WSGIReloadMechanism Process

 Each application now runs in a separate process with 25 threads.
 Having enabled process reload mechanism available with mod_wsgi 2.0

Re: Pylons in production

2008-01-03 Thread Graham Dumpleton

On Jan 4, 6:14 am, Matt Haggard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank you Graham, I'll look into mod_wsgi -- that looks very

 I have another follow-up question about multiple-app design -- and
 I'll give the whole story so it makes sense where I'm coming from:

 Currently, we have one big database with many tables, then a mess of
 pages that do various functions (I think this is pretty typical of
 many websites).  We're moving to a MVC approach because it seems to
 make more sense (routes/orm/etc).  Now I'm having trouble deciding
 what to split into separate apps, what to split into controllers, how
 to share models/templates/static files between the apps.

 I've just gotten to the point that I have (working) common directories
 for templates, template filters, models and static files.  But upon
 reaching that point, I step back and wonder, Does it make more sense
 to combine these apps into a single app with several controllers? Am I
 completely misusing the Pylons model?

 For instance...
 1) Every app will require authentication - which is based on the users
 table in the (common) database... and I import (from the
 common model dir) for that purpose.

 2) Every app will use the same db.  That means that I can't run (or
 can I?) an app by itself, because it requires a db that resides up a

 I guess my question boils down to (at least in part): Should an app be
 a standalone app?

If you want process separation for parts of your application but don't
quite know if they should be split into actual separate applications,
mod_wsgi still allows you to delegate just parts of an application to
distinct daemon processes without breaking apart the code for the
application. For example, you might have:

  WSGIScriptAlias / /some/path/

which maps to single .ini file for Pylons which may or may not use
composition to binding multiple applications together.

Using WSGIDaemonProcess/WSGIProcessGroup/Location directives as shown
previously, you can arbitrarily delegate certain URL or subsets of
URLs to different processes.

For example, irrespective of application lines, imagine that you had
certain URLs which did a lot of PDF file generation on the fly using
reportlab and because of what was being done it would take up lots of
memory whereas other parts of the application don't. You could
delegate just those URLs to be handled in their own daemon process and
then set a low number of maximum requests for that process so that it
is recycled on a regular basis to reclaim memory. You could also set
an inactivity timeout so that it is recycled if no requests received
for a period. Thus:

  # Run main Pylons application in Apache child process for best
  # The default configuration results in that happening so nothing to
do except
  # mount the application on root.

  WSGIScriptAlias / /some/path/

  # Create a daemon process for memory hungry PDF generation code.

  WSGIDaemonProcess memory-hungry-pdfs threads=5 maximum-requests=50

  # Delegate the memory hungry PDF URLs to the daemon process.

  Location /memory/hungry/urls/root
  WSGIProcessGroup memory-hungry-pdfs

Thus, rather than all processes being used for your main application
being bloated out by the memory hungry parts of an application, you
can isolate that stuff an keep overall memory down.

The only issue in respect of your original goals about code reloading
is that because there aren't separate application script files you
can't just touch a script file for a specific application and have it
be restarted. In the example above I put the main part of the
application in the Apache child processes anyway, which ould required
a full Apache restart to reload main part of application. To force
reloading of memory hungry URL process, then you need to work out the
pid and send it a SIGINT. The pid would be identified from Apache
error log messages provided that LogLevel set to info.

Reason pid is found in that way is that it still shows as 'httpd'
process and so if all running as Apache user you can tell it is the
daemon process from 'ps'. One feature of daemon processes is that one
can make process run as distinct user. This would allow it to be
easily identified in ps output, but more importantly you could run
different parts of your application code as different users as well if
they have special access requirements.

Anyway, few more ideas for you there. :-)


 On Jan 2, 8:47 pm, Graham Dumpleton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  On Jan 3, 5:14 am, Matt Haggard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I'm (in the process of) using pylons in a production environment and
   still have a few questions:

   1) Do I really have to restart the server every time I make a change
   (controller/model)?  I can foresee making many changes and some which
   require immediate attention, but restarting the server in the middle
   of the day would not be an option

Re: Pylons in production

2008-01-02 Thread Matt Haggard

huh... it seems like it is finding the image after all (Question 3)...

On Jan 2, 11:14 am, Matt Haggard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm (in the process of) using pylons in a production environment and
 still have a few questions:

 1) Do I really have to restart the server every time I make a change
 (controller/model)?  I can foresee making many changes and some which
 require immediate attention, but restarting the server in the middle
 of the day would not be an option.  So, do I have to make changes at
 night?  Is there no way for the server to adopt the changes without
 killing all connections?

 2) The system will be composed of multiple apps... (perhaps as many as
 20 or more) so would it be better (if I need to restart after every
 change) to have all the apps served by their own servers?  I mean, is
 it better to have 20 instances of the paster server if uptime is such
 a priority?

 3) In serving several apps (thanks to Ian Bicking for the help to get
 that going!) like this:
 use = egg:Paste#urlmap
 / = config:home_app/development.ini
 /app2 = config:app2/development.ini

 how do I make app2 aware that all of his urls are based off of /app2?
 well... actually, it is already aware of that.  I'm really asking: Is
 there a way for app2 to know that the home directory is just
 plain / ?  This comes up because I use a shared repository for images
 and when I reference images from app2 with src=images/something.jpg
 it looks for the image at the 
 instead ofhttp://  Also, I'd like
 for app2 to be able to link back to / without explicitly hard-coding
 that url (I can see in the future bumping everything up a directory...
 making / into /section and /app2 into /section/app2)

 Am I just going about this the wrong way?

 I appreciate any help you could give me...

 Matt Haggard

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Re: Pylons in production

2008-01-02 Thread Ian Bicking

Matt Haggard wrote:
 I'm (in the process of) using pylons in a production environment and
 still have a few questions:
 1) Do I really have to restart the server every time I make a change
 (controller/model)?  I can foresee making many changes and some which
 require immediate attention, but restarting the server in the middle
 of the day would not be an option.  So, do I have to make changes at
 night?  Is there no way for the server to adopt the changes without
 killing all connections?

When restarting any connections in-progress will be completed, and new 
connections will be rejected.  If you are using a frontend like Apache 
that has something to retry connections, no actual requests will fail 
during a restart.

 2) The system will be composed of multiple apps... (perhaps as many as
 20 or more) so would it be better (if I need to restart after every
 change) to have all the apps served by their own servers?  I mean, is
 it better to have 20 instances of the paster server if uptime is such
 a priority?

You might want those apps separate to make them more maintainable (e.g., 
avoid breaking app A when you upgrade app B).  I'd try to get a setup 
where restarts don't lose any connections, then for uptime it's not an 

If you want to test how it's working, probably you could fire up 
something like ab (the apache benchmark app) and see if everything works 
right when you restart your app during the run.

Ian Bicking : [EMAIL PROTECTED] :

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Re: Pylons in production

2008-01-02 Thread Matt Haggard


I have a follow-up on question 3:  Is there a way for the separate
apps to be aware of the urls of the other apps?  Or for the server to
provide a list of the apps/urls to each app through the config?

On Jan 2, 11:50 am, Ian Bicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Matt Haggard wrote:
  I'm (in the process of) using pylons in a production environment and
  still have a few questions:

  1) Do I really have to restart the server every time I make a change
  (controller/model)?  I can foresee making many changes and some which
  require immediate attention, but restarting the server in the middle
  of the day would not be an option.  So, do I have to make changes at
  night?  Is there no way for the server to adopt the changes without
  killing all connections?

 When restarting any connections in-progress will be completed, and new
 connections will be rejected.  If you are using a frontend like Apache
 that has something to retry connections, no actual requests will fail
 during a restart.

  2) The system will be composed of multiple apps... (perhaps as many as
  20 or more) so would it be better (if I need to restart after every
  change) to have all the apps served by their own servers?  I mean, is
  it better to have 20 instances of the paster server if uptime is such
  a priority?

 You might want those apps separate to make them more maintainable (e.g.,
 avoid breaking app A when you upgrade app B).  I'd try to get a setup
 where restarts don't lose any connections, then for uptime it's not an

 If you want to test how it's working, probably you could fire up
 something like ab (the apache benchmark app) and see if everything works
 right when you restart your app during the run.

 Ian Bicking : [EMAIL PROTECTED] :

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Re: Pylons in production

2008-01-02 Thread Ian Bicking

Matt Haggard wrote:
 I have a follow-up on question 3:  Is there a way for the separate
 apps to be aware of the urls of the other apps?  Or for the server to
 provide a list of the apps/urls to each app through the config?

No, you'll just have to tell each app about where the other app is.

Ian Bicking : [EMAIL PROTECTED] :

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Re: Pylons in production

2008-01-02 Thread Graham Dumpleton

On Jan 3, 5:14 am, Matt Haggard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm (in the process of) using pylons in a production environment and
 still have a few questions:

 1) Do I really have to restart the server every time I make a change
 (controller/model)?  I can foresee making many changes and some which
 require immediate attention, but restarting the server in the middle
 of the day would not be an option.  So, do I have to make changes at
 night?  Is there no way for the server to adopt the changes without
 killing all connections?

 2) The system will be composed of multiple apps... (perhaps as many as
 20 or more) so would it be better (if I need to restart after every
 change) to have all the apps served by their own servers?  I mean, is
 it better to have 20 instances of the paster server if uptime is such
 a priority?

 3) In serving several apps (thanks to Ian Bicking for the help to get
 that going!) like this:
 use = egg:Paste#urlmap
 / = config:home_app/development.ini
 /app2 = config:app2/development.ini

 how do I make app2 aware that all of his urls are based off of /app2?
 well... actually, it is already aware of that.  I'm really asking: Is
 there a way for app2 to know that the home directory is just
 plain / ?  This comes up because I use a shared repository for images
 and when I reference images from app2 with src=images/something.jpg
 it looks for the image at the 
 instead ofhttp://  Also, I'd like
 for app2 to be able to link back to / without explicitly hard-coding
 that url (I can see in the future bumping everything up a directory...
 making / into /section and /app2 into /section/app2)

 Am I just going about this the wrong way?

Many Pylons folks have an aversion to mod_wsgi and will refuse to use
it on religious grounds without even trying it, but the problems you
are trying to solve are exactly the sort of the things that mod_wsgi
is really good for. This is because mod_wsgi handles both the restart
case as well as the problem of splitting up a monolithic application
to run across multiple distinct processes. The steps required to do
this are relative easy and don't require having to setup lots of
distinct server instances each with a supervisor system as Apache/
mod_wsgi will handle that all for you automatically.

Starting with separation of applications into distinct processes to
allow them to be individually restart, one would take your composite
application and create separate .ini files for each application. One
would just then mount them as separate WSGI applications. For example:

  WSGIScriptAlias /app2 /some/path/app2.wsgi
  WSGIScriptAlias / /some/path/home_app.wsgi

Leave it like that and all you have done is separated the applications
so that they run within distinct sub interpreters in the same
processes. Add daemon processes to the mix though and you can delegate
each to run in a separate process and/or processes.

  WSGIDaemonProcess app2 threads=25
  WSGIScriptAlias /app2 /some/path/app2.wsgi
  Location /app2
  WSGIProcessGroup app2
  WSGIReloadMechanism Process

  WSGIDaemonProcess home_app threads=25
  WSGIScriptAlias / /some/path/home_app.wsgi
  Location /
  WSGIProcessGroup home_app
  WSGIReloadMechanism Process

Each application now runs in a separate process with 25 threads.
Having enabled process reload mechanism available with mod_wsgi 2.0,
to restart an application all you need to do is touch (ie., change
modification time) of the WSGI script file for that application and it
wll be automatically restarted prior to next request it receives. The
restart of that application doesn't affect other applications not
require Apache as a whole to be restarted.

The contents of those WSGI script files is pretty trivial and just
setup the WSGI application entry point.

  import os, sys

  from paste.deploy import loadapp

  application = loadapp('config:/usr/local/pylons/home_app/

Although relatively easy to setup, it should do pretty well what you

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