Re: Pylons integrated desktop apps?

2007-03-13 Thread Shannon -jj Behrens

On 3/10/07, iain duncan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi folks, I am just wetting my feet with pylons. I am curious whether
 anyone on here has experience integrating desktop apps with pylons
 projects, and if so, would they care to share opinions on feasability,
 when it is worth, how it went, how they did so?

 Despite what many would have me believe, IMHO there are still many cases
 where a custom desktop app built in wxPython, wxWidgets and/or Dabo has
 real advantages for an administrator would be doing work on their remote
 databases ( that are in turn web acessible in some other form ). I
 already do this kind of stuff for unrelated work where a web browser is
 totally not an option, so I'm curious about tying them together. And I
 think that as long as a business is making a comparison between .net,
 j2ee, and a python based solution, the python solution is going to have
 to be able to offer up something other web only interaction to be taken
 seriously. And who the heck wants to use hibernate instead of

 All input appreciated,

Dennis Reinhardt does tricks like this, although not with Pylons.  He
recently gave a talk at BayPiggies about it.



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Re: Pylons integrated desktop apps?

2007-03-13 Thread Shannon -jj Behrens

On 3/11/07, iain duncan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I haven't done it but it's a live issue in our office.  I have one
  site that's a web application (Quixote) and will also be a standalone
  web application for laptops without Internet access (e.g., for
  emergency responders on a truck or ship).  We debated doing a wxPython
  interface for the standalone but didn't want to maintain two totally
  different APIs.  wxPython has an HTML panel but I don't think it
  supports CSS or Javascript, plus how would you make a URL for an
  intra-application hyperlink?  So we decided on a local version of the
  web application, which has its own set of problems: the browser is an
  automomous process unless you embed it in a platform-specific way
  (both Windows and Macintosh), the server is either invisible or has
  its own little GUI to stop it - which all works differently than a
  normal application.  Some say local web applications will be a lot
  more common in the future but for now they just look weird to most
  I've seen Dabo twice at PyCon and am impressed by it, both for
  database CRUD and for general GUI applications.  It's much more
  pythonic than raw wxPython, although I'm not sure how it compares to

 So, having done it with a local web app and now having seen Dabo, would
 that change your choice if you were to do it again? I would love to hear
 more details on how that went if you have time. ( good, bad,
 interesting, etc )

 I am very attracted to the fine grained input control we get with a
 wxApp, as well as how much easier it would make security; it seems to me
 that catching admin input errors or sloppy practices can be made a lot
 more pleasant than the it usually is through a browser. And while I know
 we *can* do that with javascript, let's face it, it ain't pretty
 compared to even C++!  Personally I really don't think wxPython looks so
 bad, must be my C audio background. ;) But everyone seems pretty jazzed
 by Dabo so maybe a Dabo/Pylons combo would be a sweet option.

 I would also think that a wxPython or wxWidgets app that talked to the
 db through a socket layer could be made dead easy to install, but as I
 have not done that, maybe I'm way off base?

 Anyone know if you can use SQLAlchemy as your backend for Dabo? If not,
 I would think the smart way to do it would be to make a simple little
 api or socket server that allowed one to use the same model code for
 both versions. But it's all brainstorming right now fer me.

All of this reminds me very strongly of the book Dreaming in Code.
They faced the same sorts of decisions, in Python nonetheless.

WxPython may be the best cross-platform API we have, but it sure does
seem to negatively impact a lot of projects. :-/



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Re: Pylons integrated desktop apps?

2007-03-13 Thread Shannon -jj Behrens

On 3/11/07, iain duncan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  A while back I built a TurboGears app that utilized XRC (see templates that
  wxPython can render as GUI elements.  The main application (compiled
  as an .exe) was little more than a bootstrap loader that downloaded a
  zipfile of Python modules from the TG server and then rendered each
  page of the GUI via XRC.  Aside from the initial downloading of the
  Python modules, it worked more or less like a web application: whenever
  a new page was needed, it fetched the XRC description from the server
  and rendered it.  It worked great, giving all the advantages of a web
  app (centralized administration and ubiquitous access) and all the
  benefits of a GUI app (sophisticated UI controls and local system
  integration).  Further, because all the database access was done via
  normal HTTP (I used pycurl), the GUI app was well-insulated from the
  underlying implementation and much of the server-side code was reusable
  for an actual web application as well (the GUI served as the
  administrative interface for controlling a public-facing website).

 hmm, that sounds pretty handy. Any opinions on here about the
 appropriateness of pythoncard vs dabo vs ra wxPython for this sort of
 thing? Especially as concerns being able to leave the model code intact
 for both web and desktop access? ( I personally don't mind the C++'ish
 ness of raw wxPython if it works better in other areas )

Based on PyCon talks, Pythoncard takes a lot of the pain out of
wxPython.  Dabo seems to be aimed squarely at replacing Filemaker.  I
know the Dabo guys spent a lot of time fighting wxPython.

I must confess that I haven't used any of these.  I'm just
regurgitating talks I've gone to.



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Re: Pylons integrated desktop apps?

2007-03-13 Thread iain duncan

 Based on PyCon talks, Pythoncard takes a lot of the pain out of
 wxPython.  Dabo seems to be aimed squarely at replacing Filemaker.  I
 know the Dabo guys spent a lot of time fighting wxPython.

Hmm, having worked a long time as a user of filemaker, that doesn't seem
a selling point to me. I really really dislike filemaker UIs. They seem
very constrained to the way Filemaker thinks an app should work. Is this
likely to be the case with Dabo too? 

That said, I would love to hear more details on how wxPython is painful
and how pythoncard improves it. 

Based on my overview of wxPython, I just don't see where the pain is,
unless it's that people really don't like C++. But it seems to me that a
solid gui needs some rigid structure. But I could be way wrong ...

( And uh, sorry this has gotten rather OT! )

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Re: Pylons integrated desktop apps?

2007-03-13 Thread Mayowa

Mike did the problems with SQLite occur during concurrent(multi thread/
process) read/write access  to the db or was this a single instance
I ask because i'm in the process of evaluating which embeded (r)dbms i
should use in an app i'm working on and SQLite is my default fav
since i used it in my C++ days without any issues.

Thanks for any input on this,


On Mar 12, 9:18 pm, Mike Orr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 3/11/07, iain duncan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   So far we've done some initial tests with Py2exe (Windows) and Py2app
   (Mac) and put it on the back burner.  I've tried to stay away from
   that part because I'm more of a Linux guy.

   If I did it again I'd still go the web route because the differences
   between a web framework and a GUI application are so big I don't see
   how can avoid writing essentially two applications.

  I think for me it would depend on the nature of the needed web app side.
  In most of my ( limited ) work so far, the only complicated stuff as far
  as validation and persistancy goes has been on the admin side. Even with
  an ajax shopping cart, the public web side is not that much compared to
  the admin. So, I think if the admin side was way more complex than the
  web side, I would lean towards a gears and/or pylons web side
  ( depending on the needs in question ) and seriously entertain the
  notion of a wx app that updates the db for the admin. If both sides were
  already going to be web-complex, then I think you'd be right, it would
  be needless duplication of work.

 If the standalone is an admin interface, you're already talking about
 different functionality between it and the website.  In which case
 it's really two separate applications sharing the same model.  But
 your question brings up the point that different kinds of sites have
 very different requirements, so a GUI interface may make more sense
 for some than others.

 In my case the website ( and standalone (not
 yet implemented) are identical.  The database is read-only and a copy
 will be bundled with the standalone.  We needed the web app for the
 website anyway, so it really is a choice between zero work for HTML vs
 lots of work for a GUI.  Also, we're hoping the standalone will be
 obsolete in a few years when wireless Internet access becomes more
 ubiquidous, so we're not eager to put resources into a GUI with a
 short lifespan.  In the meantime we're distributing an existing
 FileMaker standalone with updated data, which is less searchable but
 it gets the job done.

 There is no admin interface because the data is imported offline.  If
 there were an admin interface we might be more favorable to a GUI.  My
 other public site ( -- which I'm currently converting
 to Pylons as part of its upgrade) is fed from a larger private site
 which handles any admin'ing it needs.

 By the way, the other work unique to the standalone is to:
 - choose a database backend. I went with Durus because it proved
 fastest and most reliable with our dataset, can be included in the
 py2exe executable, and can run equally well on the server and
 standalone.  MySQL has installation and licensing issues (GPL), and I
 couldn't get its embedded mode to work (it's poorly documented).
 SQLite hung regularly (due to threading issues in the C library).
   - design the Windows and Mac installers and launchers.
   - make sure the app doesn't write any local files (log or session)
 during runtime  -- making it more acceptable to local IT staff.
   - decide how to update the data.  Easiest is to make the user
 reinstall from scratch (10 MB, but originally 40 MB).  I considered
 some semi-automatic checking for updates and modifying the db in place
 via a web service, but rejected those as too complicated and
 error-prone, especially since the laptops are in the hands of naive
 users we can't support long-distance.


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Re: Pylons integrated desktop apps?

2007-03-12 Thread Mike Orr

On 3/11/07, iain duncan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  So far we've done some initial tests with Py2exe (Windows) and Py2app
  (Mac) and put it on the back burner.  I've tried to stay away from
  that part because I'm more of a Linux guy.
  If I did it again I'd still go the web route because the differences
  between a web framework and a GUI application are so big I don't see
  how can avoid writing essentially two applications.

 I think for me it would depend on the nature of the needed web app side.
 In most of my ( limited ) work so far, the only complicated stuff as far
 as validation and persistancy goes has been on the admin side. Even with
 an ajax shopping cart, the public web side is not that much compared to
 the admin. So, I think if the admin side was way more complex than the
 web side, I would lean towards a gears and/or pylons web side
 ( depending on the needs in question ) and seriously entertain the
 notion of a wx app that updates the db for the admin. If both sides were
 already going to be web-complex, then I think you'd be right, it would
 be needless duplication of work.

If the standalone is an admin interface, you're already talking about
different functionality between it and the website.  In which case
it's really two separate applications sharing the same model.  But
your question brings up the point that different kinds of sites have
very different requirements, so a GUI interface may make more sense
for some than others.

In my case the website ( and standalone (not
yet implemented) are identical.  The database is read-only and a copy
will be bundled with the standalone.  We needed the web app for the
website anyway, so it really is a choice between zero work for HTML vs
lots of work for a GUI.  Also, we're hoping the standalone will be
obsolete in a few years when wireless Internet access becomes more
ubiquidous, so we're not eager to put resources into a GUI with a
short lifespan.  In the meantime we're distributing an existing
FileMaker standalone with updated data, which is less searchable but
it gets the job done.

There is no admin interface because the data is imported offline.  If
there were an admin interface we might be more favorable to a GUI.  My
other public site ( -- which I'm currently converting
to Pylons as part of its upgrade) is fed from a larger private site
which handles any admin'ing it needs.

By the way, the other work unique to the standalone is to:
- choose a database backend. I went with Durus because it proved
fastest and most reliable with our dataset, can be included in the
py2exe executable, and can run equally well on the server and
standalone.  MySQL has installation and licensing issues (GPL), and I
couldn't get its embedded mode to work (it's poorly documented).
SQLite hung regularly (due to threading issues in the C library).
  - design the Windows and Mac installers and launchers.
  - make sure the app doesn't write any local files (log or session)
during runtime  -- making it more acceptable to local IT staff.
  - decide how to update the data.  Easiest is to make the user
reinstall from scratch (10 MB, but originally 40 MB).  I considered
some semi-automatic checking for updates and modifying the db in place
via a web service, but rejected those as too complicated and
error-prone, especially since the laptops are in the hands of naive
users we can't support long-distance.


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Re: Pylons integrated desktop apps?

2007-03-11 Thread iain duncan

 I haven't done it but it's a live issue in our office.  I have one
 site that's a web application (Quixote) and will also be a standalone
 web application for laptops without Internet access (e.g., for
 emergency responders on a truck or ship).  We debated doing a wxPython
 interface for the standalone but didn't want to maintain two totally
 different APIs.  wxPython has an HTML panel but I don't think it
 supports CSS or Javascript, plus how would you make a URL for an
 intra-application hyperlink?  So we decided on a local version of the
 web application, which has its own set of problems: the browser is an
 automomous process unless you embed it in a platform-specific way
 (both Windows and Macintosh), the server is either invisible or has
 its own little GUI to stop it - which all works differently than a
 normal application.  Some say local web applications will be a lot
 more common in the future but for now they just look weird to most
 I've seen Dabo twice at PyCon and am impressed by it, both for
 database CRUD and for general GUI applications.  It's much more
 pythonic than raw wxPython, although I'm not sure how it compares to

So, having done it with a local web app and now having seen Dabo, would
that change your choice if you were to do it again? I would love to hear
more details on how that went if you have time. ( good, bad,
interesting, etc )

I am very attracted to the fine grained input control we get with a
wxApp, as well as how much easier it would make security; it seems to me
that catching admin input errors or sloppy practices can be made a lot
more pleasant than the it usually is through a browser. And while I know
we *can* do that with javascript, let's face it, it ain't pretty
compared to even C++!  Personally I really don't think wxPython looks so
bad, must be my C audio background. ;) But everyone seems pretty jazzed
by Dabo so maybe a Dabo/Pylons combo would be a sweet option.

I would also think that a wxPython or wxWidgets app that talked to the
db through a socket layer could be made dead easy to install, but as I
have not done that, maybe I'm way off base? 

Anyone know if you can use SQLAlchemy as your backend for Dabo? If not,
I would think the smart way to do it would be to make a simple little
api or socket server that allowed one to use the same model code for
both versions. But it's all brainstorming right now fer me.


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Re: Pylons integrated desktop apps?

2007-03-11 Thread Mike Orr

On 3/11/07, iain duncan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I haven't done it but it's a live issue in our office.  I have one
  site that's a web application (Quixote) and will also be a standalone
  web application for laptops without Internet access (e.g., for
  emergency responders on a truck or ship).  We debated doing a wxPython
  interface for the standalone but didn't want to maintain two totally
  different APIs.  wxPython has an HTML panel but I don't think it
  supports CSS or Javascript, plus how would you make a URL for an
  intra-application hyperlink?  So we decided on a local version of the
  web application, which has its own set of problems: the browser is an
  automomous process unless you embed it in a platform-specific way
  (both Windows and Macintosh), the server is either invisible or has
  its own little GUI to stop it - which all works differently than a
  normal application.  Some say local web applications will be a lot
  more common in the future but for now they just look weird to most
  I've seen Dabo twice at PyCon and am impressed by it, both for
  database CRUD and for general GUI applications.  It's much more
  pythonic than raw wxPython, although I'm not sure how it compares to

 So, having done it with a local web app and now having seen Dabo, would
 that change your choice if you were to do it again? I would love to hear
 more details on how that went if you have time. ( good, bad,
 interesting, etc )

So far we've done some initial tests with Py2exe (Windows) and Py2app
(Mac) and put it on the back burner.  I've tried to stay away from
that part because I'm more of a Linux guy.

If I did it again I'd still go the web route because the differences
between a web framework and a GUI application are so big I don't see
how can avoid writing essentially two applications.

It would be worth some research to see how feasable it is to support a
GUI frontend with Pylons.  Would you make the GUI emulate a web server
so you could use your Pylons controllers?  Or what would you do?

 I would also think that a wxPython or wxWidgets app that talked to the
 db through a socket layer could be made dead easy to install, but as I
 have not done that, maybe I'm way off base?

 Anyone know if you can use SQLAlchemy as your backend for Dabo? If not,
 I would think the smart way to do it would be to make a simple little
 api or socket server that allowed one to use the same model code for
 both versions. But it's all brainstorming right now fer me.

That's what you'd do, make a UI-agnostic framework-agnostic model and
use it in both applications.  It doesn't have to be sockets;
high-level function calls into the model is easier.  Dabo uses its own
db-unifying code according to my quick glance at the site.  Of course
you can just use Dabo's UI portion with SQLAlchemy.


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Re: Pylons integrated desktop apps?

2007-03-11 Thread Cliff Wells

On Sat, 2007-03-10 at 13:38 -0800, iain duncan wrote:
 Hi folks, I am just wetting my feet with pylons. I am curious whether
 anyone on here has experience integrating desktop apps with pylons
 projects, and if so, would they care to share opinions on feasability,
 when it is worth, how it went, how they did so?

I discussed this on the TurboGears-dev list a while back (and Pylons
should be no different in this regard):

A while back I built a TurboGears app that utilized XRC (see templates that
wxPython can render as GUI elements.  The main application (compiled
as an .exe) was little more than a bootstrap loader that downloaded a
zipfile of Python modules from the TG server and then rendered each
page of the GUI via XRC.  Aside from the initial downloading of the
Python modules, it worked more or less like a web application: whenever
a new page was needed, it fetched the XRC description from the server
and rendered it.  It worked great, giving all the advantages of a web
app (centralized administration and ubiquitous access) and all the
benefits of a GUI app (sophisticated UI controls and local system
integration).  Further, because all the database access was done via
normal HTTP (I used pycurl), the GUI app was well-insulated from the
underlying implementation and much of the server-side code was reusable
for an actual web application as well (the GUI served as the
administrative interface for controlling a public-facing website). 

Were I to do it again (and I'm sure I will) I'd probably use

rather than plain XRC, however.


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Re: Pylons integrated desktop apps?

2007-03-11 Thread Jose Galvez

Cliff Wells wrote:
 On Sat, 2007-03-10 at 13:38 -0800, iain duncan wrote:
 Hi folks, I am just wetting my feet with pylons. I am curious whether
 anyone on here has experience integrating desktop apps with pylons
 projects, and if so, would they care to share opinions on feasability,
 when it is worth, how it went, how they did so?

 I discussed this on the TurboGears-dev list a while back (and Pylons
 should be no different in this regard):

 A while back I built a TurboGears app that utilized XRC (see templates that
 wxPython can render as GUI elements.  The main application (compiled
 as an .exe) was little more than a bootstrap loader that downloaded a
 zipfile of Python modules from the TG server and then rendered each
 page of the GUI via XRC.  Aside from the initial downloading of the
 Python modules, it worked more or less like a web application: whenever
 a new page was needed, it fetched the XRC description from the server
 and rendered it.  It worked great, giving all the advantages of a web
 app (centralized administration and ubiquitous access) and all the
 benefits of a GUI app (sophisticated UI controls and local system
 integration).  Further, because all the database access was done via
 normal HTTP (I used pycurl), the GUI app was well-insulated from the
 underlying implementation and much of the server-side code was reusable
 for an actual web application as well (the GUI served as the
 administrative interface for controlling a public-facing website). 

 Were I to do it again (and I'm sure I will) I'd probably use
I checked out the framework and nothing has been done with it in a while
and the list has been quite for over a year.  Do you know if the project
is active?

 rather than plain XRC, however.




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Re: Pylons integrated desktop apps?

2007-03-11 Thread iain duncan

 A while back I built a TurboGears app that utilized XRC (see templates that
 wxPython can render as GUI elements.  The main application (compiled
 as an .exe) was little more than a bootstrap loader that downloaded a
 zipfile of Python modules from the TG server and then rendered each
 page of the GUI via XRC.  Aside from the initial downloading of the
 Python modules, it worked more or less like a web application: whenever
 a new page was needed, it fetched the XRC description from the server
 and rendered it.  It worked great, giving all the advantages of a web
 app (centralized administration and ubiquitous access) and all the
 benefits of a GUI app (sophisticated UI controls and local system
 integration).  Further, because all the database access was done via
 normal HTTP (I used pycurl), the GUI app was well-insulated from the
 underlying implementation and much of the server-side code was reusable
 for an actual web application as well (the GUI served as the
 administrative interface for controlling a public-facing website). 

hmm, that sounds pretty handy. Any opinions on here about the
appropriateness of pythoncard vs dabo vs ra wxPython for this sort of
thing? Especially as concerns being able to leave the model code intact
for both web and desktop access? ( I personally don't mind the C++'ish
ness of raw wxPython if it works better in other areas )


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Pylons integrated desktop apps?

2007-03-10 Thread iain duncan

Hi folks, I am just wetting my feet with pylons. I am curious whether
anyone on here has experience integrating desktop apps with pylons
projects, and if so, would they care to share opinions on feasability,
when it is worth, how it went, how they did so?

Despite what many would have me believe, IMHO there are still many cases
where a custom desktop app built in wxPython, wxWidgets and/or Dabo has
real advantages for an administrator would be doing work on their remote
databases ( that are in turn web acessible in some other form ). I
already do this kind of stuff for unrelated work where a web browser is
totally not an option, so I'm curious about tying them together. And I
think that as long as a business is making a comparison between .net,
j2ee, and a python based solution, the python solution is going to have
to be able to offer up something other web only interaction to be taken
seriously. And who the heck wants to use hibernate instead of

All input appreciated,

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