Re: [Python-Dev] Why does base64 return bytes?

2016-06-15 Thread Anders J. Munch

Paul Moore:
> Finding out whether users/projects typically write such a helper
> function for themselves would be a better way of getting this
> information. Personally, I suspect they don't, but facts beat
> speculation.

Well, I did. It was necessary to get 2to3 conversion to work(*). I turned every 
occurence of

into helper function calls that for Python 3 did:
(Or something similar, I don't have the code in front of me.)

Leaving out .decode/.encode('ascii') would simply not have worked. That would 
just be asking for TypeError's.

regards, Anders

(*) Yes, I use 2to3, believe it or not.  Maintaining Python 2 code and doing an 
automated conversion to Python 3 as needed.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] == on object tests identity in 3.x

2014-07-08 Thread Anders J. Munch

Chris Angelico wrote:

This is off-topic for this thread, but still...

The trouble is that your arguably just as wrong is an
indistinguishable case. If you don't want two different calculations'
NaNs to *ever* compare equal, the only solution is to have all NaNs
compare unequal
For two NaNs computed differently to compare equal is no worse than 2+2 
comparing equal to 1+3.  You're comparing values, not their history.

You've prompted me to get a rant on the subject off my chest, I just posted an 
article on NaN comparisons to python-list.

regards, Anders

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Quick poll: should help() show bound arguments?

2014-01-25 Thread Anders J. Munch

Larry Hastings wrote:

inspect.signature gets this right:

 import inspect

Not always.

: Python 3.4.0b2+ (default:32f9e0ae23f7, Jan 18 2014, 13:56:31)
: [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 4.2 (clang-425.0.28)] on darwin
: Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
:  import inspect
:  class C1:
: ... def f(*args, **kwargs): pass
: ...
:  c = C1()
:  c.f()
:  str(inspect.signature(c.f))
: '(**kwargs)'

Not to mention:
class C2:
   def g(**kwargs): pass

It doesn't really make sense - calling C2().g is guaranteed to fail - but it's 
legal Python.

I'm not saying you can't special-case a few things and fix this, but still, 
-1/B.  I like explicit self.

regards, Anders

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 457: Syntax For Positional-Only Parameters

2013-10-09 Thread Anders J. Munch
Larry Hastings wrote:
 I look forward to an alternate suggestion.  This is the least-bad
 thing I could come up with.

How about a naming convention instead, where using a leading
underscore in a parameter name is a hint that it is positional-only.

For example, the docstring of sorted:
sorted(iterable, key=None, reverse=False) -- new sorted list
would become:
sorted(_iterable, key=None, reverse=False) -- new sorted list

It seems more intuitive than the slash, and requires no change to the

Although, it may collide slightly with code that uses a leading
underscore to indicate implementation detail for a parameter with a
default value, but a quick scan of the std. lib. suggests that that's
very rare.

regards, Anders

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] peps: Pre-alpha draft for PEP 435 (enum). The name is not important at the moment, as

2013-02-27 Thread Anders J. Munch
Hi, offering my DKK 0.50 on the subject.  I've used an in-house enum
type for the better part of a decade - put up at for inspiration.

I'm partial to an int subclass, or at least something very int-like,
because wrapping C libraries is such a major use case. Enums should
support all the operations that C enum's do: indexing, ordering,
bitwise math and unnamed values.

There's a whole bunch of these wrapped C enum's in the standard
library, e.g. in the os, stat and urllib modules.  Wouldn't it be good
to see them converted to enumeration values, to make them sort-of
self-documenting and sort-of typechecked?

- About unnamed values: Suppose for example you gather up some
stat constants in an enum like this: 
class S_I(Enum):
XOTH = 1
WOTH = 2
ROTH = 4
RWXO = 7
XGRP = 8
WGRP = 16
RGRP = 32
RWXG = 56
XUSR = 64
EXEC = 64
WRITE = 128
WUSR = 128
RUSR = 256
READ = 256
RWXU = 448
SVTX = 512
SGID = 1024
SUID = 2048
FIFO = 4096
FCHR = 8192
FDIR = 16384
FBLK = 24576
FREG = 32768
FLNK = 40960
FSOCK = 49152
Now what happens if you do

This should not raise an exception: 5 is the perfectly valid
combination of XOTH and ROTH.  Supporting unnamed values is also
useful when reading integer values from an external source - file,
network, serial port - where typically you'd first convert the
received value to the enum type before doing any processing.  If
converting to enum type may raise an exception, that would force you
to print raw integer values in diagnostics, where you'd rather have
printed the userfriendly symbolic names.

- The repr of an enum value should be short and sweet.  Because
sometimes you'll be looking at long lists of information with 2-3 of
these on every line, and then EnumValue: [int=3] is just
going to be annoyingly verbose.  This is how my library eventually
printed enums:


- A final thing, attempting to compare or convert values from
different enum classes should be a TypeError.  E.g. in wxPython, it's
easy to mistake wx.OK and wx.ID_OK, and a friendly TypeError message
is a good way of detecting this early.

regards, Anders

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Hash collision security issue (now public)

2012-01-02 Thread Anders J. Munch
 On 1/1/2012 12:28 PM, Christian Heimes wrote:
 I understood Alexander Klink and Julian Wälde,, as
 saying that they consider that using a random non-zero start value is
 sufficient to make the hash non-vulnerable.

Sufficient against their current attack.  But will it last?  For a
long-running server, there must be plenty of ways information can leak
that will help guessing that start value.

The alternative, to provide a dict-like datastructure for use with
untrusted input, deserves consideration.  Perhaps something simpler
than a balanced tree would do?  How about a dict-like class that is
built on a lazily sorted list?  Insertions basically just do
list.append and set a dirty-flag, and lookups use bisect - sorting
first if the dirty-flag is set.  It wouldn't be complete dict
replacement by any means, mixing insertions and lookups would have
terrible performance, but for something like POST parameters it should
be good enough.

I half expected to find something like that on activestate recipes
already, but couldn't find any.

regards, Anders
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] utf-8 encoding in checkins?

2011-03-29 Thread Anders J. Munch wrote:

I guess I have my work cut out for me.  It appears my preferred mail reader,
VM, is not supported out-of-the-box by GNU Emacs (they still use Rmail and
Babyl for some reason), and I'm not sure the investment trying to get XEmacs
built with MULE is worth the effort.

Use a 21.5 beta of XEmacs instead of 21.4, 21.5 deals with utf-8 quite well.

- Anders

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fwd: i18n

2010-08-26 Thread Anders J. Munch
Terry Reedy wrote:
 Localized messages should be in addition to rather than a replacement
 for the English version. I thought we had this discussion somewhere --
 here? ideas? maybe a tracker issue?

This could be done as a free-standing library, there's no reason to
involve core CPython.  Just do message translation at a later stage,
e.g. in a custom sys.excepthook. 

I did a quick demo:
|  Python 3.2a1 (r32a1:83346, Jul 31 2010, 18:36:39) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
(Intel)] on
|   win32
|  Type help, copyright, credits or license for more
|   import localise_exceptions
|   localise_exceptions.install_excepthook('DK')
|   None.no_such_attr
|  Traceback (most recent call last):
|File stdin, line 1, in module
|  AttributeError: 'NoneType' objektet har ingen attribut 'no_such_attr' is at

regards, Anders

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python-3.0, unicode, and os.environ

2008-12-09 Thread Anders J. Munch
On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 3:53 PM, Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  files = os.listdir(somedir, errors = strict)
 except OSError as e:
  log(verbose error message that includes somedir and e)
  files = os.listdir(somedir)

Instead of a codecs error handler name, how about a callback for
converting bytes to str?

os.listdir(somedir, decoder=bytes.decode)
os.listdir(somedir, decoder=lambda b: b.decode(preferredencoding, 
os.listdir(somedir, decoder=repr)

ISTM that would be simpler and more flexible than going over the
codecs registry.  One caveat though is that there's no obvious way of
telling listdir to skip a name.  But if the default behaviour for
decoder=None is to skip with a warning, then the need to explicitly
ask for files to be skipped would be small.

Terry's example would then be:

  files = os.listdir(somedir, decoder=bytes.decode)
 except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
  log(verbose error message that includes somedir and e)
  files = os.listdir(somedir)

- Anders
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python-3.0, unicode, and os.environ

2008-12-09 Thread Anders J. Munch
M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
 Well, this is not too far away from just putting the whole decoding
 logic into the application directly:
 files = [filename.decode(filesystemencoding, errors='warnreplace')
  for filename in os.listdir(dir)]
 (or os.listdirb() if that's where the discussion is heading)

I see what you mean, and yes, I think os.listdirb will do just as
well.  There is no need for any extra parameters to os.listdir.  The
typical application will just obliviously use os.listdir(dir) and get
the default elide-and-warn behaviour for un-decodable names.  That
rare special application that needs more control can use os.listdirb
and handle decoding itself.

Using a global registry of error handlers would just get in the way of
an application that needs more control.

- Anders
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] struct module docs vs reality

2008-01-24 Thread Anders J. Munch
Gregory P. Smith wrote:
 The documentation for the struct module says:
   short is 2 bytes; int and long are 4 bytes; long long ( __int64 on 
 Windows) is 8 bytes
 and lists 'l' and 'L' as the pack code for a C long.
 As its implemented today, the documentation is incorrect.  On an LP64
 host (pretty much any 64-bit linux, bsd or unixish thing) a long is 8

You overlooked the words Standard size and alignment are as follows
that start the quoted paragraph.  It's a little confusing because
standard size is not the default.  The default is platform-specific
sizes.  Only if you start the format string with , , ! or = do you
get standard sizes.

The reference documentation is correct as it stands, and, I suspect,
so is the LP64 implementation.  Doesn't struct.pack('l',42) produce a
4-byte string on LP64?

The tutorial at
has a bug though: the format string should use ''.

I believe correctly uses '' throughout.

regards, Anders
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Three-char file extensions

2007-07-16 Thread Anders J. Munch
Scott Dial wrote:
 In general, this is not true. FAT16 can address a 2GB device and I can 
 think of at least one embedded system I am working with that does not 
 support FAT32. If anything, at least .pyzip reduces to .pyz in 8dot3 
 (whereas .py.z reduces to .z *yikes!*). However, I think it is still 
 best practice to aim for 8dot3 naming.

The three-letter extension namespace is very small and heavily
overloaded.  There's no such thing as a previously unused three-letter
extension; it's bound to conflict with something, even if we don't
know what it is.  It's not best practice to restrict yourself to
short, cryptic, ambiguous names unless you have to.

For stuff hardwired into the interpreter, I agree it's safer to stick
with 8+3.  But this is just the default association created by the
installer.  If it's creating problems, you can always rename your
files to .pyz or whatever you like and create an association for that.

I'm a little surprised that people are suffering 8+3 names on their
usb drives in this day and age still.  I suppose if I had to deal with
that, I would just zip/tar up my long-file-named files in an 8+3-named
archive.  And since a .pyz-file is just such an archive, I concede the
point and withdraw my suggestion.

- Anders
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Add a -z interpreter flag to execute a zip file

2007-07-13 Thread Anders J. Munch
Andy C wrote:
 So does everyone agree that there should be a new extension called

How about .pyzip instead?  To make it more obvious, and not mistakable for 

- Anders
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Floor division

2007-01-23 Thread Anders J. Munch
Tim Peters wrote:
 Do note that this discussion is only about Python 3.  Under the view
 that it was a (minor, but real) design error to /try/ extending
 Python's integer mod definition to floats, if __mod__, and __divmod__
 and __floordiv__ go away for binary floats in P3K they should
 certainly go away for decimal floats in P3K too.  

What design error?  float.__mod__ works perfectly.

 -1 % 50
 -1.0 % 50.0

It's only Decimal.__mod__ that's inconsistent.  float.__mod__ has the
usual floating-point inaccuracies, but then with float that goes with
the territory.

I've had occasion to use it, and it was a pleasant surprise that it
just worked, so I didn't have to go to the math module and ponder
over the difference between modulo or remainder.  float modulo is
useful, consistent and intuitive; -1 on removing that.

- Anders
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Floor division

2007-01-23 Thread Anders J. Munch
Tim Peters wrote:
 Please read the whole thread.  Maybe you did, but you said nothing
 here that indicated you had.  The issues aren't about tiny integers
 that happen to be in float format, where the result is exactly
 representable as a float too.  Those don't create problems for any
 definition of mod.  But even non-tiny exact integers can.

I did read the whole thread, and I saw your -1%1e100 example.  Mixing
floating-point numbers of very different magnitude can get you in
trouble - e.g. -1+1e100==1e100.  I don't think -1%1e100 is all that

  It's only Decimal.__mod__ that's inconsistent.  float.__mod__ has the
  usual floating-point inaccuracies, but then with float that goes with
  the territory.
 No.  Decimal.__mod_  always returns the mathematically exact result.

I meant inconsistent with integers.  People are familiar with the
semantics of % on integers, because they use it all the time.  % on
float is a natural extension of that and hence unsurprising.  % on
Decimal is exact and correct, but surprising all the same.

regards, Anders
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Floor division

2007-01-23 Thread Anders J. Munch
[Tim Peters]
 [Anders J. Munch]
  I did read the whole thread, and I saw your -1%1e100 example.  Mixing
  floating-point numbers of very different magnitude can get you in
  trouble - e.g. -1+1e100==1e100.  I don't think -1%1e100 is all that
 Except that it's very easy to return an exactly correct result in that
 case:  -1.  

Except that the function that computes -1 is a different function.

Either it makes a difference which function is computed or it

If it makes a difference, because the first operand may be negative,
then the programmer absolutely has to choose the correct function, or
the program will have a bug.  If the correct function is one whose
result cannot be exactly represented, then there's nothing that can be
done about that.  Whether the function is called using a % infix
operator or using math.untrustworthy_intlike_fmod doesn't change the
fact that the result is going to be inexact.

If it doesn't make a difference, because the first operand is always
positive, then both functions provide exactly representable results.
So regardless, the current float.__mod__ doesn't create inexact
results where exact results are possible.

Suppose for example I'm normalising radians to the [0; 2*math.pi]
range using

   radians %= 2*math.pi

Changing that to

   radians = math.fmod(radians, 2*math.pi)

would simply be incorrect.  I could of course rewrite that to give the
correct result with a conditional and a bit more calculation, still
using math.fmod, but then the inexactness would reappear.

 It was natural to /want/ to extend it to floats.  That didn't work
 well, and to the contrary it's surprising precisely /because/ the
 behavior people enjoy with integers can fail when it's applied to

What makes you say it didn't work well?  What user experiences do you
base that on?

- Anders
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Proposed changes to PEP 343

2005-10-07 Thread Anders J. Munch
Nick Coghlan did a +1 job to write:
 1. Amend the statement specification such that:
with EXPR as VAR:
 is translated as:
abc = (EXPR).__with__()
exc = (None, None, None)
VAR = abc.__enter__()
exc = sys.exc_info()

Note that __with__ and __enter__ could be combined into one with no
loss of functionality:

abc,VAR = (EXPR).__with__()
exc = (None, None, None)
exc = sys.exc_info()
- Anders
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Adding the 'path' module (was Re: Some RFE forreview)

2005-06-28 Thread Anders J. Munch
Walter Dörwald wrote:
 We should have one uniform way of representing time in Python. IMHO  
 datetime objects are the natural choice.

Alas datetime objects do not unambiguously identify a point in time.
datetime objects are not timestamps: They represent the related but
different concept of _local time_, which can be good for presentation,
but shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a persistent store.

- Anders
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Adding the 'path' module (was Re: Some RFE forreview)

2005-06-28 Thread Anders J. Munch
 I wrote:
  Alas datetime objects do not unambiguously identify a point in time.
  datetime objects are not timestamps: They represent the related but
  different concept of _local time_, which can be good for 
  but shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a persistent store.
GvR replied:
 You misunderstand the datetime module! You can have a datetime object
 whose timezone is UTC; or you can have a convention in your API that
 datetime objects without timezone represent UTC.

I can do a lot of things in my own code, and I'm sure the datetime
module provides tools that I can build on to do so, but that doesn't
help in interfacing with other people's code -- such as the standard

Try saving a pickle of and reading it on a computer set
to a different time zone.  The repr will then show the local time on
the _originating_ computer, and figuring out the absolute time this
corresponds to requires knowledge of time zone and DST settings on the
originating computer.

How about datetime.utcnow(), then?  Just use UTC for datetime
timestamps?  But that goes against the grain of the datetime module:

Python 2.4 (#60, Nov 30 2004, 11:49:19) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import datetime, time
 datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()) -
 datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()) - datetime.datetime.utcnow()
datetime.timedelta(0, 7200)

It seems when I subtract the present time from the present time,
there's a two hour difference.

- Anders
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Adding the 'path' module (was Re: Some RFE forreview)

2005-06-28 Thread Anders J. Munch
 From: Guido van Rossum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time()) - 

I overlooked the utcfromtimestamp method, sorry.

 Your bug is similar to comparing centimeters to inches, or speed to
 acceleration, or any number of similar mistakes.

Quite so, and that is exactly the point.  time.time() unambiguously
identifies a point in time.  A datetime object does not.  At least not
unless a tzinfo object is included, and even then there is a corner
case at the end of DST that cannot possibly be handled.

If ctime/mtime/atime were to return datetime objects, that would
pretty much have to be UTC to not lose information in the DST
transition.  I doubt that's what Walter wanted though, as that would
leave users with the job of converting from UTC datetime to local
datetime; - unless perhaps I've overlooked a convenient UTC-local
conversion method?

- Anders
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 343 - Abstract Block Redux

2005-05-15 Thread Anders J. Munch
Shane Hathaway wrote:
 Guido van Rossum wrote:
  Consider an application where you have to acquire *two* locks regularly:
 You really have to write it like this:

Shane, you've already solved this one more elegantly:

def lockBoth():
return combining(lock1.locking(), lock2.locking())

using the combining function you wrote earlier, which I assume will
make it into the library.

- Anders

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 340: Else clause for block statements

2005-05-02 Thread Anders J. Munch
GvR wrote:
 [Nick Coghlan]
  Option 2: mimic if semantics
 An 'else' clause on a block statement behaves vaguely like the else
clause on
  an if statement - the clause is executed only if the first suite is
  entered, but no exception occurs (i.e. StopIteration is raised by the
first call
  to next).
 Strange because it's different from the behavior of a for loop, and
 the block-statement doesn't feel like an if-statement at all. But I
 could actually imagine a use case: when acquiring a lock with a
 time-out, the else-clause could be executed when the acquisition times
   block locking(myLock, timeout=30):
   ...code executed with lock held...
   ...code executed if lock not acquired...

A file-closing block function has the same need, as does any block
function that manages a resource, whose acquisition might fail.

A surrounding try/except doesn't quite cut it; the problem is that the
try-clause will then also cover the suite.


in opening('file1') as f1:
in opening('file2') as f2:
except IOError:
print file1 not available, I'll try again later

How do I tell try/except that I really only meant to trap
opening('file1'), but opening 'file2' is not supposed to fail so I
want any exception from that propagated?  Better if I could write:

in opening('file1') as f1:
in opening('file2') as f2:
print file1 not available, I'll try again later

or even

in opening('file1') as f1:
in opening('file2') as f2:
except IOError:
print file1 not available, I'll try again later

I rather like this version, because it is patently clear what should
happen if there is no except-clause: The exception propagates

- Anders
Python-Dev mailing list