Re: [Python-Dev] Request for comments: [issue22941] IPv4Interface arithmetic changes subnet mask

2015-03-12 Thread Scott Dial
On 2015-03-12 10:46 AM, Eric V. Smith wrote:
 On 3/12/2015 10:00 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
 Related issue:

 ipaddress.IPv4Interface('') + 1

 Should the result be IPv4Interface('')
 (i.e. wrap around)? Should OverflowError be raised?
 I think it should be an OverflowError. makes no sense, and is unlikely to be desirable.

No, you are both imbuing meaning to the dot-notation that is not there.
A.B.C.D is just an ugly way to represent a single 32-bit unsigned
integer. The only contentious part would be when your addition would
overlfow the host-portion of the address:

 ipaddress.IPv4Interface('') + 1

However, if you take the perspective that the address is just a 32-bit
unsigned integer, then it makes perfect sense. I would argue it's likely
to be a source of bugs, but I can't say either way because I never
adopted using this library due to issues that are cataloged in the
mailing list archives. (In the end, I wrote my own and have never found
the need to support such operands.)

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 488: elimination of PYO files

2015-03-07 Thread Scott Dial
On 2015-03-06 11:34 AM, Brett Cannon wrote:
 This PEP proposes eliminating the concept of PYO files from Python.
 To continue the support of the separation of bytecode files based on
 their optimization level, this PEP proposes extending the PYC file
 name to include the optimization level in bytecode repository
 directory (i.e., the ``__pycache__`` directory).

As a packager, this PEP is a bit silent on it's expectations about what
will happen with (for instance) Debian and Fedora packages for Python.
My familiarity is with Fedora, and on that platform, we ship .pyc and
.pyo files (using -O for the .pyo). Is it your expectation that such
platforms will still distribute -O only? Or also -OO? In my world, all
of the __pycache__ directories are owned by root.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Enable Hostname and Certificate Chain Validation

2014-01-22 Thread Scott Dial
On 2014-01-22 9:33 AM, Donald Stufft wrote:
 For everything but pip, you’d add it to your OS cert store. Pip doesn’t
 use that so you’d have to use the —cert config.

What if I don't want that self-signed cert to be trusted by all users on
the system? What if I don't have administrative rights? How do I do it
then? Is this common knowledge for average users? Are we trading one big
red box in the documentation for another?

Anecdotally, I already know of a system at work that is using HTTPS
purely for encryption, because the authentication is done in-band. So, a
self-signed cert was wholly sufficient. The management tools use a
RESTful interface over HTTPS for control, but you are telling me this
will be broken by default now. What do I tell our developers (who often
adopt the latest and greatest versions of things to play with)?

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 460: allowing %d and %f and mojibake

2014-01-12 Thread Scott Dial
On 2014-01-11 22:09, Nick Coghlan wrote:
 For Python 2 folks trying to grok where the bright line is in terms of
 the Python 3 text model: if your proposal includes *any* kind of
 implicit serialisation of non binary data to binary, it is going to be
 rejected as an addition to the core bytes type. If it avoids crossing
 that line (as the buffer-API-only version of PEP 460 does), then we can

To take such a hard-line stance, I would expect you to author a PEP to
strip the ASCII conveniences from the bytes and bytearray types.
Otherwise, I find it a bit schizophrenic to argue that methods like
lower, upper, title, and etc. don't implicitly assume encoding:

 a = scott.encode('utf-16')
 b = a.title()
 c = b.decode('utf-16')

So, clearly title() not only depends on the bytes characters encoded in
a superset of ASCII characters, it depends on the bytes being a sequence
of ASCII characters, which looks an awful lot like an operation on an
implicit encoded string.

  File stdin, line 1
SyntaxError: bytes can only contain ASCII literal characters.

There is an implicit serialization right there. My terminal is utf8 (or
even if my source encoding is utf8), so why would that not be:


I sympathize with Ethan that the bytes and bytearray types already seem
to concede that bytes is the type you want to use for 7-bit ASCII
manipulations. If that is not what we want, then we are not doing a good
job communicating that to developers with the API. At the onset, the
bytes literal itself seems to be an attractive nuisance as it gives a
nod to using bytes for ASCII character sequences (a.k.a ASCII strings).


Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] 2.x vs 3.x survey results

2014-01-04 Thread Scott Dial
On 2014-01-02 17:54, Dan Stromberg wrote:
 I put it at

It would've been nice to see some crosstabs. Pretty much any question
after Q3 is incomprehensible without splitting the respondents into
sub-groups first.

Of the 2.49% of people who said they've never written Python 2.x, how
many of those people also said they have never written Python 3.x too?
(There really is 4 categories of developers being surveyed here.) Of the
22.91% of people who said Python 3.x was a mistake, how many of them
also said they have never written any Python 3.x? Of the 40% of people
who said they have never written Python 3.x, how many of them also said
they had dependencies keeping them on Python 2.x? Etc.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] please back out changeset f903cf864191 before alpha-2

2013-08-26 Thread Scott Dial
On 8/26/2013 8:51 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
 Le Mon, 26 Aug 2013 08:24:58 -0400,
 Tres Seaver a écrit :
 On 08/26/2013 04:36 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
 event-driven processing using network libraries

 Maybe I missed something:  why should considerations from that topic
 influence the design of an API for XML processing?
 Because this API is mostly useful when the data is received (*) at a
 slow enough speed - which usually means from the network, not from a
 hard drive.
 The whole *point* of adding IncrementalParser was to parse incoming
 XML data in a way that is friendly with event-driven network
 programming, other use cases being *already* covered by existing
 APIs. This is why it's far from nonsensical to re-use an existing
 terminology from that world.

Since when is Tulip the OOWTDI? If this was Twisted, it would be write
and finish[1]. Tulip's Protocol ABC isn't even a good match for the
application. There is reason that Twisted has a separate
Consumer/Producer interface from the network I/O interface. I'm sure
there is other existing practice in this specific area too (e.g.,


Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] cpython (2.7): Fix comment blocks. Adjust blocksize to a power-of-two for better divmod

2013-06-23 Thread Scott Dial
On 6/23/2013 8:16 PM, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
 Yes, this is a micro-optimization.  In working on implementing
 deque slicing for 3.4, I restudied the block access patterns.   
 On an appendleft(), popleft() or extendleft() operation, the left link is
 accessed immediately before or after the leftmost entry in the data block. 
 The old struct arrangement can cause an unnecessary cache miss
 when jumping leftward.  This was something I overlooked when I
 originally wrote the code almost a decade ago.

A decade ago, cache lines were 64 bytes, pointers were 4 bytes, and
allocations were 16 byte aligned, so there could never be a cache miss.
Nowadays, cache lines are still 64 bytes but pointers are 8 bytes, and
we still allocating on 16 byte alignment, so you have a 25% chance of a
cache miss now.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] cpython (2.7): Fix comment blocks. Adjust blocksize to a power-of-two for better divmod

2013-06-22 Thread Scott Dial
On 6/22/2013 2:17 PM, Benjamin Peterson wrote:
 Many people have raised concerns about this change, so I've now backed it out.

I think that change also goes with this change:

changeset 84248:f1dc30a1be72 2.7
Arrange structure to match the common access patterns.

 1.1 --- a/Modules/_collectionsmodule.c
 1.2 +++ b/Modules/_collectionsmodule.c
 1.3 @@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
 1.5  typedef struct BLOCK {
 1.6  struct BLOCK *leftlink;
 1.7 +PyObject *data[BLOCKLEN];
 1.8  struct BLOCK *rightlink;
 1.9 -PyObject *data[BLOCKLEN];
1.10  } block;
1.12  #define MAXFREEBLOCKS 10

, which seems like a strange micro-optimization, at best.

Based on that structure, it would seem that neither BLOCKLEN being 62
(previous value) nor 64 (the new value) make much sense. It would seem
best that sizeof(block) == 64, so BLOCKLEN should be (64 -
2*sizeof(PyObject *)). Nevertheless, I am skeptical that any tuning of
this structure provides any meaningful performance improvement.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] RFC: PEP 445: Add new APIs to customize Python memory allocators

2013-06-18 Thread Scott Dial
On 6/18/2013 4:40 PM, Victor Stinner wrote:
 No context argument
 Simplify the signature of allocator functions, remove the context
 * ``void* malloc(size_t size)``
 * ``void* realloc(void *ptr, size_t new_size)``
 * ``void free(void *ptr)``
 It is likely for an allocator hook to be reused for
 ``PyMem_SetAllocator()`` and ``PyObject_SetAllocator()``, or even
 ``PyMem_SetRawAllocator()``, but the hook must call a different function
 depending on the allocator. The context is a convenient way to reuse the
 same custom allocator or hook for different Python allocators.

I think there is a lack of justification for the extra argument, and the
extra argument is not free. The typical use-case for doing this
continuation-passing style is when the set of contexts is either
unknown, arbitrarily large, or infinite. In other words, when it would
be either impossible or impractical to enumerate all of the contexts.
However, in this case, we have only 3.

Your proposal already puts forward having 3 pairs of Get/Set functions,
so there is no distinct advantage in having a single typedef instance
that you pass in to all 3 of them. And, having all 3 pairs use the same
typedef is a bit of an attractive nuisance, in that one could pass the
wrong allocators to the wrong setter. With that, I could argue that
there should be 3 typedefs to prevent coding errors.

Nevertheless, the ctx argument buys the implementer nothing if they have
to begin their alloc function with if(ctx == X). In other words, there
is nothing simpler about:

void *_alloc(void *ctx, size_t size) {
  if(ctx == PYALLOC_PYMEM)
return _alloc_pymem(size);
  else if(ctx == PYALLOC_PYMEM_RAW)
return _alloc_pymem_raw(size);
  else if(ctx == PYALLOC_PYOBJECT)
return _alloc_pyobject(size);

PyMemBlockAllocator pymem_allocator =
  {.ctx=PYALLOC_PYMEM, .alloc=_alloc, .free=_free};
PyMemBlockAllocator pymem_raw_allocator =
  {.ctx=PYALLOC_PYMEM_RAW, .alloc=_alloc, .free=_free};
PyMemBlockAllocator pyobject_allocator =
  {.ctx=PYALLOC_PYOBJECT, .alloc=_alloc, .free=_free};

In comparison to:

PyMemBlockAllocator pymem_allocator =
  {.alloc=_alloc_pymem, .free=_free_pymem};
PyMemBlockAllocator pymem_raw_allocator =
  {.alloc=_alloc_pymem_raw, .free=_free_pymem};
PyMemBlockAllocator pyobject_allocator =
  {.alloc=_alloc_pyobject, .free=_free_pyobject};

And in the latter case, there is no extra indirect branching in the
hot-path of the allocators.

Also, none of the external libraries cited introduce this CPS/ctx stuff.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] RFC: PEP 445: Add new APIs to customize Python memory allocators

2013-06-18 Thread Scott Dial
On 6/18/2013 11:32 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
 Agreed more of that rationale needs to be moved from the issue tracker
 into the PEP, though.

Thanks for the clarification. I hadn't read the issue tracker at all. On
it's face value, I didn't see what purpose it served, but having read
Kristján's comments on the issue tracker, he would like to store state
for the allocators in that ctx pointer.[1] Having read that (previously,
I thought the only utility was distinguishing which domain it was -- a
small, glorified enumeration), but his use-case makes sense and
definitely is informative to have in the PEP, because the utility of
that wasn't obvious to me.



One particular trick we have been using, which might be of interest, is
to be able to tag each allocation with a context id.  This is then set
according to a global sys.memcontext variable, which the program will
modify according to what it is doing.  This can then be used to track
memory usage by different parts of the program.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 435 -- Adding an Enum type to the Python standard library

2013-04-23 Thread Scott Dial
On 4/23/2013 10:53 AM, R. David Murray wrote:
 Ah.  I'd be looking for a bug every time I saw isinstance(value,
 myEnumClass).  A better class name for values and an API for
 getting that class from the EnumClass would be nice, though.
 (So that you could write isinstance(value, MyEnumClass.ValueClass),

Reading what you have wrote, it seems that the issue is whether you
consider an instance of Enum a thing or a class of things. If you
think of it as a thing, then C is a object that has attributes for
other things that are not like C. However, if you think of C as a
class of things, then C having attributes that are instances of it's
type is completely natural.

Fundamentally, the question is whether an instance of Enum is a new type
or an instance. And for me, it's a new type and I expect enum values to
be instance of that type.


Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 435 -- Adding an Enum type to the Python standard library

2013-04-23 Thread Scott Dial
On 4/23/2013 11:58 AM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
 You seem to be mixing up classes and metaclasses.

I was trying to explain it in more plain terms, but maybe I made it even
more confusing.. Anyways, I agree with you that isinstance(Color.RED,
Color) should be True.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 435 -- Adding an Enum type to the Python standard library

2013-04-13 Thread Scott Dial
On 4/12/2013 10:51 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 And two examples from asm-generic/errno.h:
 #define EWOULDBLOCK EAGAIN  /* Operation would block */

That's actually even better of an example than you may have realized
because historically EWOULDBLOCK != EAGAIN[1]. So, there very well may
need to exist such code as:

if some hairy platform:

class Errno(Enum):

I don't think it's all that uncommon that enum values that represent
states of a system get merged or renamed over time, and this one is a
great example of that.


Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] sys.implementation

2012-05-10 Thread Scott Dial
On 5/10/2012 1:40 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
 Unordered types can be a PITA for testing, for display and for generic
 serialisation, so I definitely want to see a PEP before we add a new
 one that basically has its sole reason for existence being you can
 iterate over and index the field values in a namedtuple.

I could use those same arguments (testing, display, and generic
serialization) as reasons /against/ using an ordered type (when it's not
the intent of the author that it be ordered). That is:

  - Testing: This is an attractive nuisance because adding fields later
can break the tests if the author of the type had no intent on the
ordering being guaranteed (or the number of fields).
  - Display: If the author of the type didn't intend on the ordering
being guaranteed, then the display could become nonsense when changing
versions (e.g., upgrading a 3rd-party library).
  - Generic Serialization: Again, if the author didn't plan for that,
then they could add additional fields or re-arrange them in a way that
makes naive serialization give incorrect instances.

The point is that the author of the type can't protect you from these
mistakes if a namedtuple is used. The only tool the author of the type
has at their disposal to warn you of your ways is documentation. If the
type doesn't support iteration or indexing, then you are forced to do it
right, because it's the only way that works.

Furthermore, what is wrong with a repr that yields a dict-like string
record(a=1, b=2, c=3) with regard to testing and display?

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] .{git,bzr}ignore in cpython HG repo

2012-04-02 Thread Scott Dial
On 4/2/2012 11:03 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 9:50 PM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
 That said, these files will always be outdated, so we might as well
 remove them so that at least git / bzr users don't get confused.
 Apologies for what may be a stupid suggestion, but is it possible to
 write a script that generates .gitignore and .bzrignore from
 .hgignore? That ought to solve the problem - take the former two out
 of the repository, and everyone who wants to use git or bzr can simply
 generate them on requirement.

In general, Hg's ignore files are more expressive (regex and globbing)
than Git's ignore files (globbing only). Our .hgignore file has regex
rules, but if someone was so inclined, they could expand those rules
based on their current HEAD.

I do not know if such a tool already exists in the wild.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] .{git,bzr}ignore in cpython HG repo

2012-04-01 Thread Scott Dial
On 3/30/2012 11:00 AM, Matěj Cepl wrote:
 It is even worse, that (understandingly) .{bzr,git}ignore are apparently
 poorly maintained, so in order to get an equivalent of .hgignore in
 .gitignore, one has to apply the attached patch.

Create an issue on the bug tracker. In the meantime, you can either
commit the change to your clone, or you can put your ignores into
.git/info/exclude. No reason to be so sore about it, since Git lets you
have your own ignore file without requiring it be a tracked file.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 418: Add monotonic clock

2012-03-28 Thread Scott Dial
On 3/27/2012 8:36 PM, Victor Stinner wrote:
 Scott wrote:
 Scott monotonic_clock = always goes forward but can be adjusted
 Scott steady_clock = always goes forward and cannot be adjusted
 I don't know if the monotonic clock should be called time.monotonic() or
 time.steady(). The clock speed can be adjusted by NTP, at least on Linux
 I don't know if other clocks used by my time.monotonic() proposition can
 be adjusted or not.
 If I understand correctly, time.steady() cannot be implemented using
 CLOCK_MONOTONIC on Linux because CLOCK_MONOTONIC can be adjusted?
 Does it really matter if a monotonic speed is adjusted?

You are right that CLOCK_MONOTONIC can be adjusted, so the Boost
implementation is wrong. I'm not sure that CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW is right
either due to suspend -- there doesn't appear to be a POSIX or Linux
clock that is defined that meets the steady definition.

I am not familiar enough with Windows or Mac to know for certain whether
the Boost implementation has the correct behaviors either.

With that in mind, it's certainly better that we just provide
time.monotonic() for now. If platform support becomes available, then we
can expose that as it becomes available in the future. In other words,
at this time, I don't think time.steady() can be implemented
faithfully for any platform so lets just not have it at all.

In that case, I don't think time.try_monotonic() is really needed
because we can emulate time.monotonic() in software if the platform is
deficient. I can't imagine a scenario where you would ask for a
monotonic clock and would rather have an error than have Python fill in
the gap with an emulation.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 418: Add monotonic clock

2012-03-28 Thread Scott Dial
On 3/28/2012 4:48 AM, Victor Stinner wrote:
 Scott monotonic_clock = always goes forward but can be adjusted
 Scott steady_clock = always goes forward and cannot be adjusted

 I don't know if the monotonic clock should be called time.monotonic() or
 time.steady(). The clock speed can be adjusted by NTP, at least on Linux
  2.6.28. (...)

 You are right that CLOCK_MONOTONIC can be adjusted, so the Boost
 implementation is wrong. I'm not sure that CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW is right
 either due to suspend -- there doesn't appear to be a POSIX or Linux
 clock that is defined that meets the steady definition.
 The term adjusted should be clarified. A clock can be adjusted by
 setting its counter (e.g. setting the system date and time) or by
 changing temporary its frequency (to go faster or slower). Linux only
 adjusts CLOCK_MONOTONIC frequency but the clock is monotonic because
 it always goes forward. The monotonic property can be described as:
 assert t2 = t1

I agree. The point I was making is that implication of steady is that
(t2-t1) is the same (given that t2 and t1 occur in time at the same
relative moments), which is a guarantee that I don't see any platform
providing currently. Any clock that can be adjusted in any manner is
not going to meet the steady criterion.

 In that case, I don't think time.try_monotonic() is really needed
 because we can emulate time.monotonic() in software if the platform is
 As I wrote, I don't think that Python should workaround OS bugs. If
 the OS monotonic clock is not monotonic, the OS should be fixed.

I sympathize with this, but if the idea is that the Python stdlib should
use time.monotonic() for scheduling, then it needs to always be
available. Otherwise, we are not going to use it ourselves, and what
sort of example is that to set?

 I can't imagine a scenario where you would ask for a
 monotonic clock and would rather have an error than have Python fill in
 the gap with an emulation.
 Sorry, I don't understand what you mean with fill in the gap with an
 emulation. You would like to implement a monotonic clock based on the
 system clock?

If time.monotonic() is only sometimes available, then I don't see the
added clock being anything more than an amusement. (In this case, I'd
rather just use clock_gettime() and friends directly, because I have to
be platform aware anyways.) What developers want is a timer that is
useful for scheduling things to happen after predictable interval in the
future, so we should give them that to the best of our ability.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 418: Add monotonic clock

2012-03-28 Thread Scott Dial
On 3/28/2012 10:29 AM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 7:17 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
 Completely unintuitive and unnecessary. With the GIL taking care of
 synchronisation issues, we can easily coerce time.time() into being a
 monotonic clock by the simple expedient of saving the last returned
 That's a pretty obvious trick. But why don't the kernels do this if
 monotonicity is so important? I'm sure there are also downsides, e.g.
 if the clock is accidentally set forward by an hour and then back
 again, you wouldn't have a useful clock for an hour. And the cache is
 not shared between processes so different processes wouldn't see the
 same clock value (I presume that most of these clocks have state in
 the kernel that isn't bound to any particular process -- AFAIK only
 clock() does that, and only on Unixy systems).

What makes you think that isn't already true? I don't know what
platforms that CPython compiles for that *won't* have one of the
aforementioned functions available that provide a *real* monotonic
clock. Surely, any platform that doesn't didn't recognize the need for
it, or they would just provide a monotonic clock. That is to say, if you
are a POSIX compliant system, then there is no reason to break
gettimeofday() and friends when you can just implement CLOCK_MONOTONIC
proper (even if it's just a trick like Nick's).

I think the PEP should enumerate what platforms that CPython supports
that will not benefit from a real monotonic clock. I think the number of
platforms will be such a minority that the emulation makes sense.
Practicality beats purity, and all.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Playing with a new theme for the docs, iteration 2

2012-03-26 Thread Scott Dial
On 3/26/2012 1:00 AM, Greg Ewing wrote:
 This seems to be another case of the designer over-specifying
 things. The page should just specify a sans-serif font and let
 the browser choose the best one available. Or not specify
 a font at all and leave it up to the user whether he wants
 serif or sans-serif for the body text -- some people have
 already said here that they prefer serif.

Why even bother formatting the page?

The authorship and editorship have authority to dictate the presentation
of the content. A large part of the effectiveness of a document and it's
ease of consumption is determined by how it appears in whatever medium
it's delivered on. While this particular medium invites the readership
to participate in design choices, fonts are not all created equal and
practical matters (size, tracking, and kerning) will dictate that some
fonts will present better than other fonts. Consistent presentation
across different systems is also a virtue, since people develop
familiarity with the presentation and find information more readily if
the presentation is consistent.

I have no problem having Georg dictating to me the best font with which
to present the documentation. However, I'd appreciate fallback choices
that are of a similar appearance along the way to the ultimate fallback
of sans-serif. Practically, the fonts available are unknown and unless
we adopt the use of a liberally licensed OpenType font and use
@font-face to embed a font, we need to provide fallbacks.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 418: Add monotonic clock

2012-03-26 Thread Scott Dial
On 3/26/2012 7:32 PM, Victor Stinner wrote:
 I started to write the PEP 418 to clarify the notions of monotonic and
 steady clocks.

This clock advances at a steady rate relative to real time. It may be

Please do not call this steady. If the clock can be adjusted, then it
is not steady by any acceptable definition. I cannot fathom the
utility of this function other than as a function that provides an
automatic fallback from time.monotonic(). More importantly: this
definition of steady is in conflict with the C++0x definition of
steady that is where you sourced this named from![1]

time.steady(strict=False) falls back to another clock if no monotonic
clock is not available or does not work, but it does never fail.

As I say above, that is so far away from what steady implies that this
is a misnomer. What you are describing is a best-effort clock, which
sounds a lot more like the C++0x high resolution clock.

time.steady(strict=True) raises OSError if monotonic clock fails or
NotImplementedError if the system does not provide a monotonic clock

What is the utility of strict=True? If I wanted that mode of
operation, then why would I not just try to use time.monotonic()
directly? At worst, it generates an AttributeError (although that is
not clear from your PEP). What is the use case for strict=True that is
not covered by your time.monotonic()?

If you want to define new clocks, then I wish you would use the same
definitions that C++0x is using. That is:

  system_clock = wall clock time
  monotonic_clock = always goes forward but can be adjusted
  steady_clock = always goes forward and cannot be adjusted
  high_resolution_clock = steady_clock || system_clock

Straying from that is only going to create confusion. Besides that, the
one use case for time.steady() that you give (benchmarking) is better
served by a clock that follows the C++0x definition. As well, certain
kinds of scheduling/timeouts would be better implemented with the C++0x
definition for steady rather than the monotonic one and vice-versa.

Rather, it seems you have a particular use-case in mind and have settled
on calling that a steady clock despite how it belies its name.


Objects of class steady_clock represent clocks for which values of
time_point advance at a steady rate relative to real time. That is, the
clock may not be adjusted.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 418: Add monotonic clock

2012-03-26 Thread Scott Dial
On 3/26/2012 10:59 PM, Matt Joiner wrote:
 So does anyone care to dig into the libstd++/boost/windoze
 implementation to see how they each did steady_clock?

The Boost implementation can be summarized as:


  mac = gettimeofday
  posix = clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME)
  win = GetSystemTimeAsFileTime


  mac = mach_absolute_time
  posix = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
  win = QueryPerformanceCounter


  * = { steady_clock, if available
system_clock, otherwise }

Whether or not these implementations meet the specification is an
exercise left to the reader..

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Playing with a new theme for the docs, iteration 2

2012-03-25 Thread Scott Dial
On 3/25/2012 8:37 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 E.g. change the font-family from
 font-family: 'Lucida Grande',Arial,sans-serif;
 font-family: 'Lucida Grande','Lucida Sans Unicode','Lucida
 or similar.

+1 To providing other fallbacks.

As Steven says, on my Win7 machine, I do not have 'Lucida Grande' and it
wasn't until he mentioned this that I compared the experience of the
site with my MacBook (which looks much better!). This machine has both
'Lucida Sans Unicode' and 'Lucida Sans' and it's a toss-up to me which
is better -- one is better than the other in certain contexts.
Presumably, the character coverage of the Unicode font makes it the
superior choice.

Personally, I would leave Tahoma out of the list -- the kerning of the
font is really aggressive and I find it much harder to read than Verdana.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python install layout and the PATH on win32

2012-03-14 Thread Scott Dial
On 3/13/2012 9:57 PM, VanL wrote:
 On Mar 13, 2012, at 8:37 PM, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 The installation will end up in


 which has the software name and version twice in the path.

 Do we *really* need this?
 We *already* have this. The only difference in this proposal is that we go 
 from py_version_nodot to py_version_short, i.e. from
 Given that we already repeat it, isn't it better to be consistent?

Is it?

I think you are confusing two different configuration sections in

stdlib = {base}/Lib
platstdlib = {base}/Lib
purelib = {base}/Lib/site-packages
platlib = {base}/Lib/site-packages
include = {base}/Include
platinclude = {base}/Include
scripts = {base}/Scripts
data = {base}

stdlib = {userbase}/Python{py_version_nodot}
platstdlib = {userbase}/Python{py_version_nodot}
purelib = {userbase}/Python{py_version_nodot}/site-packages
platlib = {userbase}/Python{py_version_nodot}/site-packages
include = {userbase}/Python{py_version_nodot}/Include
scripts = {userbase}/Scripts
data = {userbase}

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 408 -- Standard library __preview__ package

2012-01-30 Thread Scott Dial
On 1/29/2012 4:39 PM, Gregory P. Smith wrote:
 An example of this working: ipaddr is ready to go in. It got the
 eyeballs and API modifications while still a pypi library as a result
 of the discussion around the time it was originally suggested as being
 added.  I or any other committers have simply not added it yet.

This is wrong. PEP 3144 was not pronounced upon, so ipaddr is not just
waiting for someone to commit it; it's waiting on consensus and

PEP 3144 wasn't pronounced upon because there were significant
disagreements about the design of the API proposed in the PEP. As it
stands, I believe the authorship of ipaddr either decided that they were
not going to compromise their module or lost interest.

See Nick Coghlan's summary:

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 408 -- Standard library __preview__ package

2012-01-27 Thread Scott Dial
On 1/27/2012 8:48 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
 The thinking goes like this: if you would normally use an __preview__ module
 because you can't get approval to download some random package from PyPI, well
 then your distro probably could or should provide it, so get it from them.

That is my thought about the entire __preview__ concept. Anything that
would/should go into __preview__ would be better off being packaged for
a couple of key distros (e.g., Ubuntu/Fedora/Gentoo) where they would
get better visibility than just being on PyPI and would be more flexible
in terms of release schedule to allow API changes.

If the effort being put into making the __preview__ package was put into
packaging those modules for distros, then you would get the same
exposure with better flexibility and a better maintenance story.  The
whole idea of __preview__ seems to be a workaround for the difficult
packaging story for Python modules on common distros -- stuffing them
into __preview__ is a cheat to get the distro packagers to distribute
these interesting modules since we would be bundling them.

However, as you have pointed out, it would very desirable to them to not
do so. So in the end, these modules may not receive as wide of
visibility as the PEP suggests. I could very easily imagine the more
stable distributions refusing or patching anything that used __preview__
in order to eliminate difficulties.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 7 clarification request: braces

2012-01-01 Thread Scott Dial
On 1/1/2012 11:44 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
 I think it's a recipe for future maintenance hassles when someone adds
 a second statement to one of the clauses but doesn't add the braces.
 (The only time I consider it reasonable to leave out the braces is for
 one liner if statements, where there's no else clause at all)

Could you explain how these two cases differ with regard to maintenance?

In either case, there are superfluous edits required if the original
author had used braces *always*. Putting a brace on one-liners adds only
a single line to the code -- just like in the if/else case. So, your
argument seems conflicted. Surely, you would think this is a simpler
edit to make and diff to see in a patch file:

 if(cond) {
+  stmt2;


+if(cond) {
+  stmt2;

Also, the superfluous edits will wrongly attribute the blame for the
conditional to the wrong author.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] memcmp performance

2011-10-20 Thread Scott Dial
On 10/20/2011 5:08 PM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
 Have you reported gcc's outdated optimization issue to them? Or is it
 already solved in newer gcc versions?

I checked this on gcc 4.6, and it still optimizes memcmp/strcmp into a
repz cmpsb instruction on x86. This has been known to be a problem
since at least 2002[1][2]. There are also some alternative
implementations available on their mailing list. It seems the main
objection to removing the optimization was that gcc isn't always
compiling against an optimized libc, so they didn't want to drop the
optimization. Beyond that, I think nobody was willing to put in the
effort to change the optimization itself.


Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] check for PyUnicode_READY look backwards

2011-10-15 Thread Scott Dial
On 10/7/2011 7:13 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
 On 10/7/2011 10:06 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
 FWIW, I don't mind whether it's   0 or == -1, so long as there's a
 comparison there to kick my brain out of Python boolean logic mode.
 Is there any speed difference (on common x86/64 processors and
 compilers)?  I would expect that ' 0' should be optimized to just check
 the sign bit and 'if n  0' to 'load n; jump-non-negative'.

There are several different ways to express those operators depending on
the context. If n is worth moving into a register, then 0 will get
to use a test and it's fewer instruction bytes than a cmp, but
otherwise, it is no better. So, there is a very special case where 0
is better, but I think you'd be hard-pressed to measure it against the

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 393 Summer of Code Project

2011-08-24 Thread Scott Dial
On 8/24/2011 4:11 AM, Victor Stinner wrote:
 Le 24/08/2011 06:59, Scott Dial a écrit :
 On 8/23/2011 6:38 PM, Victor Stinner wrote:
 Le mardi 23 août 2011 00:14:40, Antoine Pitrou a écrit :
 - You could try to run stringbench, which can be found at (*)
and there's iobench (the text mode benchmarks) in the Tools/iobench

 Some raw numbers.

 147.07 203.07 72.4 TOTAL for the PEP 393
 146.81 140.39 104.6 TOTAL for default
 =  PEP is 45% slower

 I ran the same benchmark and couldn't make a distinction in performance
 between them:
 Hum, are you sure that you used the PEP 383? Make sure that you are
 using the pep-383 branch! I also started my benchmark on the wrong
 branch :-)

You are right. I used the Get Source link on bitbucket to save pulling
the whole clone, but the Get Source link seems to be whatever branch
has the lastest revision (maybe?) even if you switch branches on the
webpage. To correct my previous post:

183.26  177.97  103.0   TOTAL
181.27  195.58  92.7TOTAL
181.40  270.34  67.1TOTAL



Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 393 Summer of Code Project

2011-08-23 Thread Scott Dial
On 8/23/2011 6:38 PM, Victor Stinner wrote:
 Le mardi 23 août 2011 00:14:40, Antoine Pitrou a écrit :
 - You could try to run stringbench, which can be found at (*)
   and there's iobench (the text mode benchmarks) in the Tools/iobench
 Some raw numbers.
 147.07 203.07 72.4 TOTAL for the PEP 393
 146.81 140.39 104.6 TOTAL for default
 = PEP is 45% slower

I ran the same benchmark and couldn't make a distinction in performance
between them:

182.17  175.47  103.8   TOTAL
183.26  177.97  103.0   TOTAL

181.61  198.69  91.4TOTAL
181.27  195.58  92.7TOTAL

I ran it a couple times and have seen either default or pep-393 being up
to +/- 10 sec slower on the unicode tests. The results of the 8-bit
string tests seem to have less variance on my test machine.

 run test_unicode 50 times:
 0m19.487s for PEP
 0m17.187s for default
 = PEP is 13% slower

$ time ./python -m test `python -c 'print test_unicode  * 50'`


Nothing in it for me.. except your system is obviously faster, in general.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] cpython (3.2): #5301: add image/ (.ico) MIME type

2011-08-21 Thread Scott Dial
On 8/21/2011 3:12 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
 On 8/21/2011 5:09 AM, Sandro Tosi wrote:
 I can see your point: the reason I committed it also on the stable
 branches is that .ico are already out there (since a long time) and
 they were currently not recognized. I can call it a bug.
 But it is not (a behavior bug). Every feature request 'fixes' what its
 proposer considers to be a design bug or something.

What's the feature added? That's a semantic game.

 Anyhow, if it was not appropriate, just tell me and I'll revert on 2.7
 and 3.2 . Thanks for your input!
 It is a new feature for the same reason was. If that had not been added for
 3.2.0 (during the beta period, with Georg's permission), it would have
 waited for 3.3.s

ISTM, that Issue #10730 was more contentious because it is *not* an
IANA-assigned mime-type, whereas image/ is and has
been since 2003. Whereas image/svg+xml didn't get approved until earlier
this month, AFAICT.

 Our intent is that the initial CPython x.y.0 release 'freeze' the
 definition of Python x.y. Code that were to use the new feature in 3.2.3
 would not work in 3.2.0,.1,.2, making 3.2.3 define a slight variant.
 People who want the latest version of an stdlib module should upgrade to
 the latest release or even download from the repository. For mimetypes,
 the database can be explicitly augmented in the code and then the code
 would work in all 2.7 or 3.2 releases.

Doesn't that weaken your own argument that changing the list in
Lib/ doesn't violate the freeze? Considering that the
mime-types are automatically read from a variety of out-of-tree
locations? It's already the case that the list of mime-types recognized
by a given CPython x.y.z is inconsistent from platform-to-platform and
more importantly installation-to-installation (since /etc/mime.types
could be customized by a given distribution or modified by a local
administrator, and on Windows, the mime-types are scrapped from the

On any reasonable system that I can get access to at the moment (Gentoo,
OS X, Win7), '.ico' is already associated with 'image/x-icon' via either
scrapping the /etc/mime.types or the registry. I think this issue
probably originates with CPython 2.6 on Windows, where there was no help
from the registry or external mime.types file.

Nevertheless, I am +0 for adding entries from the IANA list into stable
versions because I don't see how they could ever harm anyone. Any robust
program would need to be responsible and populate the mimetypes itself,
if it depended on them, otherwise, all bets are off about what types_map
contains from run-to-run of a program (because /etc/mime.types might
have changed).

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] cpython (3.2): Skip test_getsetlocale_issue1813() on Fedora due to setlocale() bug.

2011-08-02 Thread Scott Dial
On 8/2/2011 4:48 AM, Stefan Krah wrote:
 R. David Murray wrote:
 If there are any helpful tests I can run on Gentoo, please let me know.
 Yes, you could run the small test program. If you get the same results
 as on Fedora, then I wonder why the Gentoo buildbots are green.
 Do they have tr_TR and tr_TR.iso88599 installed? 

Highly doubtful. It is a normal part of the Gentoo install process to
select the locales that you want for the system. Even the example list
of locales doesn't include any Turkish locales, so one would've had to
gone to specific effort to add that one.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Supporting Visual Studio 2010

2011-04-04 Thread Scott Dial
On 4/4/2011 6:43 PM, Michael Foord wrote:
 Won't that still be an issue despite the stable ABI? Extensions on
 Windows should be linked to the same version of MSVCRT used to compile
 Python - and every time we switch version of Visual Studio it is usually
 accompanied by a switch in MSVCRT version.

My understanding (but I haven't looked closely) was that the stable ABI
specifically excluded anything that would expose a problem due to a CRT
mismatch -- making this a moot point. I'm sure Martin will correct me if
I am wrong.


Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Impaired Usability of the Mercurial Source Viewer

2011-03-31 Thread Scott Dial
On 3/31/2011 8:30 PM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
 On Thu, 31 Mar 2011 16:15:48 -0700
 Raymond Hettinger wrote:
 The Hg source viewer needs to be tweaked to improve its usability.
 What we've got now is a step backwards from the previous svn viewer.

 Looking at for 
 there are two issues.   1) the code cannot be cut-and-pasted because the
 line numbers are commingled with the source text.  2) the code is hard
 to read because of the alternating white and gray bars.

 Contrast that to the more typical, beautiful presentations with a solid
 background and the ability to cut-and-paste without grabbing line
 This is something you need to discuss with the Mercurial project.
 See and

The hgweb interface is templated. You can already change it via style
in the hgweb.conf. There are several styles already available in the
templates folder of the install, and you could provide your own if you
like too.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Draft PEP and reference implementation of a Python launcher for Windows

2011-03-20 Thread Scott Dial
On 3/19/2011 7:23 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 Am 19.03.2011 23:51, schrieb Nick Coghlan:
 On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 4:49 AM, Martin v. Löwis 
 I, for example, will find issues with it if the implementation uses
 CreateProcess at some point - the launcher should IMO run Python
 directly, rather than creating a new process. This, in turn, will
 probably mean that you cannot actually implement the PEP in Python.

 runpy performs basically that dance to implement
 _run_module_as_main(), so it's definitely possible.

 Does it also support loading a different interpreter version than the
 one it is running?
 Ouch, no. I guess you're right, any Python based solution will need to
 create a child process.

Why would that be true? Shouldn't this launcher just be a basic wrapper
that cobbles together the arguments for an eventual os.exec*() call?
What is there to do other than to exec the correct interpreter with (a
subset of?) the command-line arguments?

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bugs in thread_nt.h

2011-03-10 Thread Scott Dial
On 3/10/2011 3:07 AM, Paul Du Bois wrote:
 volatile considered harmful

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] hg mq workflow is broken (issue11450)

2011-03-09 Thread Scott Dial
I wanted to draw attention to issue11450 [1]. In trying to using mq to
work on patches for CPython, I found that I could no longer get regrtest
to run. This issue comes down to the size of the output of
hg id -t . being much longer than expected.

$ hg qnew dummy-patch
$ echo /* dummy change */  Modules/getbuildinfo.c
$ ./python -c 'import sys; print(sys.version)'
3.3a0 (dummy-patch qbase qtip tip:191f047a07b4+, Mar  9 )
[GCC 4.4.5]

This is a showstopper for using mq and CPython, since you can no longer
run regrtest because the platform module cannot parse that truncated string.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] hg mq workflow is broken (issue11450)

2011-03-09 Thread Scott Dial
On 3/9/2011 3:15 AM, Scott Dial wrote:
 I wanted to draw attention to issue11450 [1]. In trying to using mq to
 work on patches for CPython, I found that I could no longer get regrtest
 to run.

Just to update this thread, thanks to the swift work of Nadeem Vawda and
Antoine for pushing it in, it's fixed!

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Integrate the faulthandler module into Python 3.3?

2011-03-04 Thread Scott Dial
On 3/4/2011 6:10 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 10:58 AM, Victor Stinner wrote:
 So, what do you think?
 Something we may want to consider is enabling it by default in
 interactive mode, and also when `-i` is specified on the command line.

I am still bothered by the fact that,

 import faulthandler
 import sys
 sys.stderr = open('logs/error.log', 'wb')

, does the wrong thing. In this incantation, it's easy to say that it's
programmer error, but I think this still precludes it from being on by
default (where the first two statement are implicitly executed by the
interpreter). It's probably uncommon enough to close stderr from an
interactive interpreter session that it doesn't bother me (although I am
not sure the utility of that), but I would hesitate to say that is true
for using '-i'.

Otherwise, the functionality seems generally useful and it's on my list
of things to integrate into my application, and having it in the stdlib
is one less external dependency for me to manage.


Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] devguide (hg_transition): Advertise hg import over patch.

2011-02-27 Thread Scott Dial
On 2/27/2011 10:18 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
 Well, chances are TortoiseHG comes with an UI to apply patches
 (TortoiseSVN had one), so the command-line instructions may be of
 little use to them.

I don't believe TortoiseHG has such a feature (or I can't find it),
although if you have TortoiseSVN, you can still use that as a patch tool.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Strange error importing a Pickle from 2.7 to 3.2

2011-02-24 Thread Scott Dial
On 2/24/2011 4:02 AM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
 I get 788,000 hits for 'latin1 -latin-1' on Google,
 'latin-1' gives 2,600,000 hits. Looks like it's still
 the preferred way to write that encoding name.

That's bogus. You can't search for latin-1 on Google, it isn't strict
enough. The third hit is a url containing latin1 and a title of Latin
1. And it picks up things like Latin 1: The Easy Way, which is a book
on Latin.

However, you *can* search much more strictly on Google Code Search,
which gives 4,014 (latin-1) to 13,597 (latin1).\%22latin1\%22|\%27latin1\%27%29sbtn=Search\%22latin-1\%22|\%27latin-1\%27%29sbtn=Search

So, no, I don't think the development world aligns with your pedantry.
That's not to say this is a popularity contest, but then let's not cite
google hit counts as proof.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Strange error importing a Pickle from 2.7 to 3.2

2011-02-23 Thread Scott Dial
On 2/23/2011 9:19 PM, Alexander Belopolsky wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 8:48 PM, Dj Gilcrease wrote:
 Google Code search limited to python

 latin1: 3,489
 latin-1: 5,604

latin1: 1,618\%22latin1\%22|\%27latin1\%27%29+lang%3Apythonsbtn=Search
latin-1: 2,241\%22latin-1\%22|\%27latin-1\%27%29+lang%3Apythonsbtn=Search

 utf8: 25,341
 utf-8: 179,806

utf8 9,676\%22utf8\%22|\%27utf8\%27%29+lang%3Apythonsbtn=Search
utf-8 44,795\%22utf-8\%22|\%27utf-8\%27%29+lang%3Apythonsbtn=Search

 Your search is invalid.  You hit things such as Latin1ClassModel which
 have no relevance to the issue at hand.

You get about the same ratio if you filter out only the quoted strings.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Issue #11051: system calls per import

2011-02-01 Thread Scott Dial
On 1/31/2011 1:38 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:
 I should mention that I have considered implementing a caching finder
 and loader for filesystems in importlib for people to optionally
 install to use for themselves. The real trick, though, is should it
 only cache hits, misses, or both? Regardless, though, it would be a
 very simple mixin or subclass to implement if there is demand for this
 sort of thing.

I have in the past implemented a PEP302 finder/loader zipfile-based
cache. On campus, I use a version of python installed to my home
directory that is on an NFS share. I found such a cache often gave
slower startup times for applications like bzr and hg.

My cache merely stores things it finds things in sys.path and loads from
the zipfile names that it knows and storing those that it doesn't. I
make no attempt to invalidate the cache contents once stored. So, I am
already talking about a best-case scenario for caching. I'm not sure how
you could invalidate the cache without paying the cost of all the normal
syscalls that we are trying to avoid.

My finder/loader is not bug-free, but I'd be glad to make it available
to someone if they want to play around with it.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Exception __name__ missing?

2011-01-17 Thread Scott Dial
On 1/17/2011 3:22 PM, Ron Adam wrote:
 Is this on purpose?

This reminds me of something I ran into a few years ago wrt. the
attribute on exceptions. Namely, that instances of built-in exceptions
do not have a __module__ attribute, but instance of user exceptions do
-- a change which appeared in Python 2.5:

I had a use case, using ZSI to provide a SOAP interface, where being
able to get the __module__ and __name__ was needed (to serialize into a
SOAP fault message).

I worked around the issue by referencing the __class__ (as the other
replier mentioned). But, I didn't receive any responses then, so I think
not a lot of attention was put into these type of attributes on exceptions.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Search-friendly shortcuts for Windows?

2010-12-20 Thread Scott Dial
On 12/20/2010 8:38 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
 would it be reasonable to consider including the major version number
 in the start menu shortcut names?

+1 First thing I did was add an x.y prefix to the Python shortcuts.

There are a lot of application shortcuts on my Win7 system that have
version numbers that have no naming conflicts, so even if a single
version of Python was installed, it would not look out of place at all.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Issue #8863 adds a new PYTHONNOFAULTHANDLER environment variable

2010-12-19 Thread Scott Dial
On 12/18/2010 8:50 AM, James Y Knight wrote:
 I think instead of calling abort() to kill the process, you should:
 - install the signal handler with SA_NODEFER|SA_RESETHAND (or if
 sigaction is not present, explicitly reset the action to SIG_DFL and
 unblock first thing upon entering the handler), and then,
 - at the end of the handler, kill(getpid(), orig_signal) in order to
 abort the process.

I concur with this being the correct way to right such a handler.

 This has two advantages: 1) the process's exit code will actually 
 show the correct signal,

It's more than an advantage: it's the only correct way to handle a
termination signal.

 2) it might let the OS fault handlers work properly
 as well -- I'm not sure. If it does, you may want to experiment with
 whether having or omitting SA_NODEFER gives a better backtrace (from the
 OS mechanism) in that case.

Even if that doesn't work, things like the grsecurity patches to linux
use these signals to detect exploits and log them and do throttling.
Calling abort() effectively converts all of these faults into SIGABRT
terminations that are considered (more?) innocent terminations.

Scott Dial

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] futures API

2010-12-11 Thread Scott Dial
On 12/11/2010 9:44 AM, Thomas Nagy wrote:
 The amount of work items processed by unit of time does not seem to be a 
 straight line: . Out 
 of curiosity, what is the _thread_references for?
 The source file for the example is in:
 The diagram was created by:

You're test code does 50,000,000 of list appends. I suspect your
benchmark is telling you more about the behavior of large lists than the
overhead of the futures module. You should retry that experiment with
the list pre-allocated. Beyond that, the curve in that line is not
exactly a large amount of variance from a straight line.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Snakebite, buildbot and low hanging fruit -- feedback wanted! (Was Re: SSH access against buildbot boxes)

2010-11-07 Thread Scott Dial
On 11/7/2010 7:09 PM, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 Luckily, the problems that we faced 2.5 years ago when I came up with
 the idea of Snakebite are still just as ever present today ;-)
 Is this bashing of existing infrastructure really necessary?
 People (like me) might start bashing about vaporware and how
 a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Cooperate, don't

+1 Respect your (software) elders.

The Snaketbite rhetoric has always been less than generous with regard
to Buildbot, but Buildbot has been providing an infinitely more useful
service to the community for much longer than Snakebite has for those
2.5 years.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Snakebite, buildbot and low hanging fruit -- feedback wanted! (Was Re: SSH access against buildbot boxes)

2010-11-07 Thread Scott Dial
On 11/7/2010 9:58 PM, C. Titus Brown wrote:
 Yes, yes, I agree that some graciousness is a good idea.
 Oh, wait... you're not helping.


I don't remember being invited to help. is a dead end.
snakebite-list hasn't had a post for over a year. Where is the list of
things that you need done so that I can get started on that? Oh wait..

Seriously, all I asked was for you to tone down your insults to a
technology that is already solving problems today. Why you feel the need
to attack me personally is beyond my understanding. Furthermore, I don't
see why I need to be helping -- somebody who doesn't want help -- to
be able to deduce that your message is being insulting to the authors of

On 11/7/2010 9:58 PM, C. Titus Brown wrote:
 And I'm not in a personal position to help, so I've basically tried
 to shut up about it :).

At least I am in good company. ;)

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] r85934 - in python/branches/py3k: Misc/NEWS Modules/socketmodule.c

2010-10-31 Thread Scott Dial
On 10/30/2010 4:08 PM, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 I think size should be in TCHARs, not in bytes. (MSDN says so)
 And GetComputerName's signature differs from MSDN. (Maybe should
 use GetComputerNameExW again?)
 You are right. So how about this patch?

Still not quite right. The call to GetComputerNameExW after
ERROR_MORE_DATA (which gives the number of *bytes* needed) still needs
to pass size/sizeof(wchar_t) back into GetComputerNameExW since it
wants the number TCHARs. I don't think the +1 is needed either (MSDN
says it already included the null-terminator in the byte count.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] r85838 - python/branches/py3k/.gitignore

2010-10-27 Thread Scott Dial
On 10/27/2010 3:25 AM, anatoly techtonik wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 3:51 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
 On Oct 26, 2010, at 09:19 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

 On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 5:31 PM, Georg Brandl wrote:
 This looks more like Add gitignore.  Do we really want to check in
 ignore files for every possible DVCS?

 No, but supporting the current big four open source ones (svn, hg,
 bzr, git) seems reasonable enough.

 +1.  A couple of extra dot files never hurt anyone. :)
 Why hg and bzr can't be tuned to understand .svnignore files?

Is there such a thing? I think you mean the svn:ignore metadata, which I
doubt you can get to through either mirror.

Even if you could, svn:ignore is pretty weak (only applies to the
directory it is set on and can only do glob patterns). .hgignore is
significantly more robust (and only has to be written to a single spot)
since matches entire paths and supports regex. Eventually, we'll need to
build an appropriate .hgignore file for the python tree anyways.

As with others, I don't see the harm in committers who use those tools
adding and maintaining these files. Seems akin to having
Misc/python-mode.el and Misc/Vim/python.vim. It's all in the spirit of
supporting the tools that people are actually using.

Scott Dial

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Patch making the current email package (mostly) support bytes

2010-10-04 Thread Scott Dial
On 10/2/2010 7:00 PM, R. David Murray wrote:
 The clever hack (thanks ultimately to Martin) is to accept 8bit data
 by encoding it using the ASCII codec and the surrogateescape error

I've seen this idea pop up in a number of threads. I worry that you are
all inventing a new kind of dual that is a direct parallel to Python 2.x
strings. That is to say,

3.x b = b'\xc2\xa1'
3.x s = b.decode('utf8')
3.x v = b.decode('ascii', 'surrogateescape')

, where s and v should be the same thing in 3.x but they are not due
to an encoding trick. I believe this trick generates more-or-less the
same issues as strings did in 2.x:

2.x b = '\xc2\xa1'
2.x s = b.decode('utf8')
2.x v = b

Any reasonable 2.x code has to guard on str/unicode and it would seem in
3.x, if this idiom spreads, reasonable code will have to guard on
surrogate escapes (which actually seems like a more expensive test). As in,

3.x print(v)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
UnicodeEncodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't encode character '\udcc2' in
position 0: surrogates not allowed

It seems like this hack is about making the 3.x unicode type more like
the 2.x string type, and I thought we decided that was a bad idea. How
will developers not have to ask themselves whether a given string is a
real string or a byte sequence masquerading as a string? Am I missing
something here?

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python wiki

2010-09-26 Thread Scott Dial
On 9/25/2010 5:37 PM, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 Unfortunately, most sites using OpenID seem have an awkward login
 process. Maybe it's just me (I don't use OpenID much) but I expect
 that without a lot more handholding of new users, OpenID actually
 turns more people away than any other registration/login process.
 So how do you like the OpenID login of PyPI, which has a Google,
 MyOpenID and Launchpad icon, which users need to click on to create
 in account or login?
 The ultra geeks demanded and got a separate page where they
 can enter long URLs.

Having just tried this out. A few comments:

  1) Registering via OpenID is a bit clumsy since there is a Register
link that does not mention OpenID.

  2) The URL registered with the OpenID provider is a bit of a wart:; vs.;

  3) The email I received asked me to Complete your Cheese Shop
registration which I think is just an oversight since the relabeling to

  4) It's a bit clumsy that Login pops up an HTTP Authentication
prompt, which is useless to someone who only has never set a password
and relies only on an OpenID credential. Furthermore, the 401 page does
not provide a quick way to get to use OpenID.

In general, I am pretty happy with pypi's support of OpenID considering
it allowed me to use my own provider, which often has not been the case
with other sites. My experience with trying to adopt OpenID as a way of
life has been poor mostly because many sites fail to support anything
but a few major OpenID providers (e.g., Google). I appreciate has a
fast-path for those providers and yet let's me still use my own.
Although, I think it would be nice if I didn't have to go to another
page to do that, but I may be biased by having such a short OpenID URI.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python wiki

2010-09-26 Thread Scott Dial
On 9/26/2010 3:12 AM, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
   2) The URL registered with the OpenID provider is a bit of a wart:; vs.;
 You mean, as this is what the provider then shows you for confirmation?

The provider also lists the trusted sites by these return URLs, and that
is where I saw it as being a bit of a wart. I use the OpenID plugin for
WordPress as my provider, so it may be that it doesn't do this
correctly. I noticed that Google shows just, but the
WordPress plugin shows that return URL instead. Nevertheless, I agree
that it's too late/not worth it to change that now.

 I think there is no way out wrt. to the basic auth prompt. I could
 label the Login link Password login if you think this would help.

The basic auth prompt doesn't bother me so much as the fact that the 401
doesn't have a Use OpenID [Google] [myOpenID] [Launchpad] set of
links; you have to use the brower's back button because the only links
offered are to register or reset your password.

 Preventing the browser from prompting the user on the chance they
 might want to enter an OpenID is not possible, and stopping to use
 basic authentication is not feasible.

In theory, you could catch usernames that started with http://;, but I
imagine that only ultra geeks know their URIs (I have no idea what the
URI for a Google account is). But, I don't see this as being worthwhile
either; I just think it would be nice if the 401 page gave a quick way
to correct one's mistake that didn't involve the back button.

 And again, enjoying a short OpenID URI
 probably does put you in the ultra geek category (which I
 seriously don't mean as an offense).

No offense taken. :)

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python wiki

2010-09-26 Thread Scott Dial
On 9/26/2010 11:45 PM, R. David Murray wrote:
 On Sun, 26 Sep 2010 21:56:20 -0400, Scott Dial wrote:
 On 9/26/2010 3:12 AM, Martin v. Loewis wrote:
 Preventing the browser from prompting the user on the chance they
 might want to enter an OpenID is not possible, and stopping to use
 basic authentication is not feasible.

 In theory, you could catch usernames that started with http://;, but I
 No, Martin really meant not possible: once basic auth is started,
 the browser prompts for username and password and you are in basic-auth
 land thereafter; the web server has *no way* to tell the browser to
 *stop* using basic auth.

I agree that once you reply with a 401 that you will prompt the user,
but my point was what username means in the Authorization header is
open to interpretation by the HTTP server and/or script handling the GET

 imagine that only ultra geeks know their URIs (I have no idea what the
 URI for a Google account is). But, I don't see this as being worthwhile
 Well, my OpenId is '', so even if you could get around
 the basic auth problem, looking for http://; wouldn't work.

That's actually not a valid OpenID[1], but the OpenID specification says
a relaying party MUST normalize identifiers[2] (in this case,
prepending the http://;). I believe does this by
checking for a username first(?), and failing any matches, it normalizes
it for OpenID discovery. Otherwise, I can always use the canonical form
of my ID; to login (assuming ':' and '/' are
illegal characters for usernames).

I say all this not with the intent of saying pypi *needs* this, but to
refute the notion that OpenID must be clumsy to use.


An Identifier is either a http or https URI, (commonly referred
to as a URL within this document), or an XRI (Reed, D. and D. McAlpin,
“Extensible Resource Identifier (XRI) Syntax V2.0,” .) [XRI_Syntax_2.0].


3.  Otherwise, the input SHOULD be treated as an http URL; if it does
not include a http or https scheme, the Identifier MUST be prefixed
with the string http://;. If the URL contains a fragment part, it MUST
be stripped off together with the fragment delimiter character #. See
Section 11.5.2 (HTTP and HTTPS URL Identifiers) for more information.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Return from generators in Python 3.2

2010-08-26 Thread Scott Dial
On 8/26/2010 11:00 AM, Yury Selivanov wrote:
 If we decide to postpone this feature till Python 3.3, than we'll push it all 
 The change is tiny, but it means really a lot.

AFAICT, this change was the most controversial part of PEP 380.

 PS I'm attaching a patch to the letter; it's far from ideal state, but 
 contains the
 GeneratorReturn exception, code to raise it and the corresponding unittests.

I believe overloading StopIteration for this purpose was considered more
acceptable than creating a new exception. BTW, attaching patches to
emails on this list is generally the best way to have few look at your
patch. :-p Also, this seems more appropriate for python-ideas.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] versioned .so files for Python 3.2

2010-07-01 Thread Scott Dial
On 6/30/2010 2:53 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
 It might be amazing, but it's still a significant overhead.  As I've
 described, multiply that by all the py files in all the distro packages
 containing Python source code, and then still try to fit it on a CDROM.

I decided to prove to myself that it was not a significant issue to have
parallel directory structures in a .tar.bz2, and I was surprised to find
it much worse at that then I had imagined. For example,

# cd /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages
# tar --exclude=*.pyc --exclude=*.pyo \
  -cjf mercurial.tar.bz2 mercurial
# du -h mercurial.tar.bz2

# cp -a mercurial mercurial2
# tar --exclude=*.pyc --exclude=*.pyo \
  -cjf mercurial2.tar.bz2 mercurial mercurial2
# du -h mercurial.tar.bz2

So, I was definitely wrong in saying that you do better than doubling.

 What happens to the distro packaging if a python package splits the
 codebase between 2.x and 3.x (meaning they have distinct .py files)?
 The Debian/Ubuntu approach to Python 2/3 support is to provide them in
 separate distro packages.  E.g. for Python package foo, you would have Debuntu
 package python-foo (for the Python 2.x version) and python3-foo.  We do not
 share source between Python 2 and 3 versions, at least not yet wink.

I had asked this question to point out that you will still need to
accommodate some form of version-specific packages (I am not a debuntu
expert by any means). And, I think your response is an acknowledgment of
that fact, however it's certainly true that there are few examples, as
you said.

I appreciate all your replies. I am not sure a PEP is really needed
here, but to having had all of this discussed and explained on the
mailing list is certainly useful. I trust that yourself and the debuntu
python group will end up chasing down and taking care of any quirks that
this change might cause, so I am not worried about it. :D

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] versioned .so files for Python 3.2

2010-06-26 Thread Scott Dial
On 6/26/2010 4:06 PM, Matthias Klose wrote:
 On 25.06.2010 22:12, James Y Knight wrote:
 On Jun 25, 2010, at 4:53 AM, Scott Dial wrote:
 Placing .so files together does not simplify that install process in any
 way. You will still have to handle such packages in a special way.

 This is a good point, but I think still falls short of a solution. For a
 package like lxml, indeed you are correct. Since debian needs to build
 it once per version, it could just put the entire package (.py files and
 .so files) into a different per-python-version directory.
 This is what is currently done.  This will increase the size of packages
 by duplicating the .py files, or you have to install the .py in a common
 location (irrelevant to sys.path), and provide (sym)links to the
 expected location.

This is what is currently done  and provide (sym)links to the
expected location are conflicting statements. If you are symlinking .py
files from a shared location, then that is not the same as just install
the package into a version-specific location. What motivation is there
for preferring symlinks?

Who cares if a ditro package install yields duplicate .py files? Nor am
I motivated by having to carry duplicate .py files in a distribution
package (I imagine the compression of duplicate .py files is amazing).

 A different per-python-version directory also has the disadvantage
 that file conflicts between (distribution) packages cannot be detected.

Why? That sounds like a broken tool, maybe I am naive, please explain.
If two packages install /usr/lib/python2.6/ that should be just as
detectable two installing /usr/lib/python-shared/

If you *must* compile .so files for every supported version of python at
packaging time, then you are already saying the set of python versions
is known. I fail to see the difference between a package that installs
.py and .so files into many directories than having many .so files in a
single directory; except that many directories *already* works. The only
gain I can see is that you save duplicate .py files in the package and
on the filesystem, and I don't feel that gain alone warrants this
fundamental change.

I would appreciate a proper explanation of why/how a single directory is
better for your distribution. Also, I haven't heard anyone that wasn't
using debian tools chime in with support for any of this, so I would
like to know how this can help RPMs and ebuilds and the like.

 I don't think that installation into different locations based on the
 presence of extension will work.  Should a location really change if an
 extension is added as an optimization?  Splitting a (python) package
 into different installation locations should be avoided.

I'm not sure why changing paths would matter; any package that writes
data in its install location would be considered broken by your distro
already, so what harm is there in having the packaging tool move it
later? Your tool will remove the old path and place it in a new path.

All of these shenanigans seem to manifest from your distro's
python-support/-central design, which seems to be entirely motivated by
reducing duplicate files and *not* simplifying the packaging. While this
plan works rather well with .py files, the devil is in the details. I
don't think Python should be getting involved in what I believe is a
flawed design.

What happens to the distro packaging if a python package splits the
codebase between 2.x and 3.x (meaning they have distinct .py files)? As
someone else mentioned, how is virtualenv going to interact with
packages that install like this?

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] versioned .so files for Python 3.2

2010-06-25 Thread Scott Dial
On 6/24/2010 8:23 PM, James Y Knight wrote:
 On Jun 24, 2010, at 5:53 PM, Scott Dial wrote:
 If the package has .so files that aren't compatible with other version
 of python, then what is the motivation for placing that in a shared
 location (since it can't actually be shared)
 Because python looks for .so files in the same place it looks for the
 .py files of the same package.

My suggestion was that a package that contains .so files should not be
shared (e.g., the entire lxml package should be placed in a
version-specific path). The motivation for this PEP was to simplify the
installation python packages for distros; it was not to reduce the
number of .py files on the disk.

Placing .so files together does not simplify that install process in any
way. You will still have to handle such packages in a special way. You
must still compile the package multiple times for each relevant version
of python (with special tagging that I imagine distutils can take care
of) and, worse yet, you have created a more trick install than merely
having multiple search paths (e.g., installing/uninstalling lxml for
*one* version of python is actually more difficult in this scheme).

Either the motivation for this PEP is inaccurate or I am failing to
understand how this is *simpler*. In the case of pure-python, this PEP
is clearly a win, but I have not seen an argument that it is a win for
.so files. Moreover, the PEP itself is titled PYC Repository
Directories (not shared site-packages) and makes no mention of .so
files at all.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] versioned .so files for Python 3.2

2010-06-25 Thread Scott Dial
On 6/24/2010 9:18 PM, Greg Ewing wrote:
 Scott Dial wrote:
 But the only motivation for doing this with .pyc files is that the .py
 files are able to be shared,
 In an application made up of a mixture of pure Python and
 extension modules, the .py files are able to be shared too.
 Seems to me that a similar motivation exists here as well.
 Not exactly the same, but closely related.

If I recall Barry's motivation correctly, the PEP was intended to
simplify the installation of packages for multiple versions of Python,
although the PEP states that in a less direct way. In the case of
pure-python packages, this is merely about avoiding .pyc collisions.
But, in the case of packages with .so files, I fail to see how this is
simpler (in face, I believe it to be more complicated). So, I am not
sure the PEP supports this feature being proposed (since it makes no
mention of .so files), and more importantly, I am not sure it actually
makes anything better for anyone (still requires multiple compilations
and un/install gymnastics).

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] versioned .so files for Python 3.2

2010-06-25 Thread Scott Dial
On 6/25/2010 2:58 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:
 I assume you are talking about PEP 3147. You're right that the PEP was
 for pyc files and that's it. No one is talking about rewriting the

Yes, I am making reference to PEP 3147. I make reference to that PEP
because this change is of the same order of magnitude as the .pyc
change, and we asked for a PEP for that, and if this .so stuff is an
extension of that thought process, then it should either be reflected by
that PEP or a new PEP.

 The motivation Barry is using is an overarching one of distros
 wanting to use a single directory install location for all installed
 Python versions. That led to PEP 3147 and now this work.

It's unclear to me that that is the correct motivation, which you are
divining. As I understand it, the motivation to be to *simplify
installation* for distros, which may or may not be achieved by using a
single directory. In the case of pure-python packages, a single
directory is an obvious win. In the case of mixed-python packages, I
remain to be persuaded there is any improvement achieved.

 This is meant to be used by distros in a programmatic fashion, so my
 response is so what? Their package management system is going to
 maintain the directory, not a person.

Then why is the status quo unacceptable? I have already explained how
this will still require programmatic steps of at least the same
difficulty as the status quo requires, so why should we change anything?

I am skeptical that this is a simple programmatic problem either: take
any random package on PyPI and tell me whether or not it has a .so file
that must be compiled. If such a .so file exists, then this package must
be special-cased and compiled for each version of Python on the system
(or will ever be on the system?). Such a package yields an arbitrary
number of .so files due to the number of version of Python on the
machine, and I can't imagine how it is simpler to manage all of those
files than it is to manage multiple site-packages.

 You're conflating what is being discussed with PEP 3147. That PEP is
 independent of this. PEP 3147 just empowered this work to be relevant.

Without a PEP (be it PEP 3147 or some other), what is the justification
for doing this? The burden should be on you to explain why this is a
good idea and not just a clever idea.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] versioned .so files for Python 3.2

2010-06-24 Thread Scott Dial
On 6/24/2010 5:09 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
 What use case does this address?
 Specifically, it's the use case where we (Debian/Ubuntu) plan on installing
 all Python 3.x packages into /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages.  As of PEP 3147,
 we can do that without collisions on the pyc files, but would still have to
 symlink for extension module .so files, because they are always named
 and Python 3.2's won't (modulo PEP 384) be compatible with Python 3.3's

If the package has .so files that aren't compatible with other version
of python, then what is the motivation for placing that in a shared
location (since it can't actually be shared)?

 So using the same trick as in PEP 3147, if we can name Python 3.2's foo
 extension differently than the incompatible Python 3.3's foo extension, we can
 have them live in the same directory without symlink tricks.

Why would a symlink trick even be necessary if there is a
version-unspecific directory and a version-specific directory on the
search path?

 PEP 3147 addresses the fact that the user may have different versions of
 Python installed and each wants to write a .pyc file when loading a module.
 .so files are not generated simply by running the Python interpreter, ergo
 .so files are not an issue for that use case.
 See above.  It doesn't matter whether the pyc or so is created at run time by
 the user or by the distro build system.  If the files for different Python
 versions end up in the same directory, they must be named differently too.

But the only motivation for doing this with .pyc files is that the .py
files are able to be shared, since the .pyc is an on-demand-generated,
version-specific artifact (and not the source). The .so file is created
offline by another toolchain, is version-specific, and presumably you
are not suggesting that Python generate it on-demand.

 If you want to make it so a system can install a package in just one
 location to be used by multiple Python installations, then the version
 number isn't enough.  You also need to distinguish debug builds, profiling
 builds, Unicode width (see issue8654), and probably several other
 ./configure options.
 This is a good point, but more easily addressed.  Let's say a distro makes
 three Python 3.2 variants available, one normal build, a debug build, and
 UCS2 and USC4 versions of the above.  All we need to do is choose a different
 .so ABI tag (see previous follow) for each of those builds.  My updated patch
 (coming soon) allows you to define that tag to configure.  So e.g.

Why is this use case not already addressed by having independent
directories? And why is there an incentive to co-mingle these
version-punned files with version-agnostic ones?

 Mix and match for any other build options you care about.  Because the distro
 controls how Python is configured, this should be fairly easy to achieve.

For packages that have .so files, won't the distro already have to build
multiple copies of that package for all version of Python? So, why can't
it place them in separate directories that are version-specific at that
time? This is not the same as placing .py files that are
version-agnostic into a version-agnostic location.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] variable name resolution in exec is incorrect

2010-05-27 Thread Scott Dial
On 5/27/2010 7:14 AM, Colin H wrote:
 def define_stuff(user_code):
   context = {...}
   stuff = {}
   exec(user_code, stuff)
   return_stuff = {}
   del return_stuff['__builtins__']
   for key in context:
 if key in return_stuff and return_stuff[key] == context[key]:
   del return_stuff[key]
   return return_stuff

I'm not sure your application, but I suspect you would benefit from
using an identity check instead of an __eq__ check. The equality check
may be expensive (e.g., a large dictionary), and I don't think it
actually is checking what you want -- if the user_code generates an
__eq__-similar dictionary, wouldn't you still want that? The only reason
I can see to use __eq__ is if you are trying to detect user_code
modifying an object passed in, which is something that wouldn't be
addressed by your original complaint about exec (as in, modifying a
global data structure).

Instead of:
 if key in return_stuff and return_stuff[key] == context[key]:

 if key in return_stuff and return_stuff[key] is context[key]:

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3148 ready for pronouncement

2010-05-27 Thread Scott Dial
On 5/27/2010 4:13 AM, Brian Quinlan wrote:
 On 27 May 2010, at 17:53, Floris Bruynooghe wrote:
 On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 01:46:07PM +1200, Greg Ewing wrote:
 On 27/05/10 00:31, Brian Quinlan wrote:
 You have two semantic choices here:
 1. let the interpreter exit with the future still running
 2. wait until the future finishes and then exit

 I'd go for (1). I don't think it's unreasonable to
 expect a program that wants all its tasks to finish
 to explicitly wait for that to happen.

 I'd got for (1) as well, it's no more then reasonable that if you want
 a result you wait for it.  And I dislike libraries doing magic you
 can't see, I'd prefer if I explicitly had to shut a pool down.

 I'm glad I'm not alone in preferring (1) tough.
 Keep in mind that this library magic is consistent with the library
 magic that the threading module does - unless the user sets
 Thread.daemon to True, the interpreter does *not* exit until the thread

Given your rationale, I don't understand from the PEP:

 Signal the executor that it should free any resources that it is
 using when the currently pending futures are done executing. Calls to
 Executor.submit and and made after shutdown will raise
 If wait is True then the executor will not return until all the
 pending futures are done executing and the resources associated with
 the executor have been freed.

Can you tell me what is the expected execution time of the following:

 executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)
 executor.submit(lambda: time.sleep(1000))

I believe it's 1000 seconds, which seems to defy my request of
shutdown(wait=False) because secretly the Python exit is going to wait
anyways. ISTM, it is much easier to get behavior #2 if you have behavior
#1, and it would also seem rather trivial to make ThreadPoolExecutor
take an optional argument specifying which behavior you want.

Your reference implementation does not actually implement the
specification given in the PEP, so it's quite impossible to check this
myself. There is no wait=True option for shutdown() in the reference
implementation, so I can only guess what that implementation might look

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3148 ready for pronouncement

2010-05-26 Thread Scott Dial
On 5/26/2010 8:03 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
 On 27/05/10 02:27, Terry Reedy wrote:
 I am suggesting that if we add a package, we do it right, from the
 This is a reasonable point of view, but I wouldn't want to hold up PEP
 3148 over it (call it a +0 for the idea in general, but a -1 for linking
 it to the acceptance of PEP 3148).

That sounds backward. How can you justify accepting PEP 3148 into a
concurrent namespace without also accepting the demand for such a
namespace? What is the contingency if this TBD migration PEP is not
accepted, what happens to PEP 3148? After all, there was some complaints
about just calling it futures, without putting it in a concurrent

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Enhanced tracker privileges for dangerjim to do triage.

2010-04-26 Thread Scott Dial
On 4/26/2010 7:24 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
 I think it is very much in the interest of Python to evolve our 
 processes in order to encourage more core-developers. Evolving means 
 experimenting *and* being willing to change. It is certainly less 
 *effort* to accept the status quo, but with several more committed and 
 enthusiastic (and good) core developers there is an awful lot (more) we 
 could achieve.
 I certainly agree we should try to attract more good-willed and
 competent contributors.
 I also agree with Stephen that, in a project with a non-trivial amount
 of complexity such as CPython, not having (tracker or commit) privileges
 is not the real barrier to entry. You have to learn how the software
 works, how its development works, who are the people working on it, etc.

I'd like to respond to Michael's comment about the possibly hundreds of
modules in the standard library without a maintainer. My own experience
(issue5949) has been positive despite the lack of a dedicated
maintainer. When I had my own itch to scratch, nobody stopped me from
scratching it.. some people told me when I could scratch it and how
they'd like it scratched.. but I wasn't ignored or rejected despite the
lack of a maintainer. Thanks to RDM for giving my issue attention.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python 2.7b1 and argparse's version action

2010-04-19 Thread Scott Dial
On 4/18/2010 9:44 PM, Steve Holden wrote:
 Tobias Herp wrote:
 Steven Bethard schrieb:
 On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 2:35 PM, Tobias Herp wrote:
 Steven Bethard schrieb:
 But I'd really like a consensus about the correct behavior, and so far
 I have not seen that.

 Do you take your own poll seriously?

 When was this ever a democracy?

Is consensus superficial?

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147: PYC Repository Directories

2010-01-31 Thread Scott Dial
On 1/31/2010 2:04 PM, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
 On Jan 30, 2010, at 4:00 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
 It does this by
 allowing many different byte compilation files (.pyc files) to be
 co-located with the Python source file (.py file).  
 It would be nice if all the compilation files could be tucked
 into one single zipfile per directory to reduce directory clutter.
 It has several benefits besides tidiness. It hides the implementation
 details of when magic numbers get shifted.  And it may allow faster
 start-up times when the zipfile is in the disk cache.

On a whim, I implemented a PEP302 loader that cached any important that
it could find in sys.path into a zip file.

I used running bzr as a startup benchmark, and I did my best to ensure
an empty cache by running sync; echo 3  /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches; time
bzr. On my particular machine, the real time was at minimum 3.5
seconds without using my ZipFileCacheLoader. With the loader, I found
the same was true. The average performance was all over the place (due
everything else in the operating system trying to fetch from the disk),
and I lack enough data points to reach statistical significance.

However, if the .pyr zip file is going to contain many versions of the
same module, then the performance impact could be more real, since you
would be forced to pull from disk *all* of the versions of a given module.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3146: Merge Unladen Swallow into CPython

2010-01-29 Thread Scott Dial
On 1/29/2010 8:43 AM, Cesare Di Mauro wrote:
 If you use Mercurial, you can grab a local copy this way:
 hg clone wpython2-wpython10
 Wpython is intended to run on any platform where CPython 2.6.4 runs.

Cesare, just FYI, your Hg repository has lost the execute bits on some
files (namely ./configure and ./Parser/, so it does not
quite build out-of-the-box.

I took the liberty of cloning your repo into my laptop's VirtualBox
instance of Ubuntu. I ran the default performance tests from the U-S
repo, with VirtualBox at highest priority. As a sanity check, I ran it
against the U-S trunk. I think the numbers speak for themselves.

$ ./ -r -b default \
  ../python-2.6.4/python \

Report on Linux narf-ubuntu 2.6.31-16-generic #53-Ubuntu SMP Tue Dec 8
04:01:29 UTC 2009 i686
Total CPU cores: 1

### 2to3 ###
Min: 21.629352 - 20.893306: 1.0352x faster
Avg: 22.245390 - 21.061316: 1.0562x faster
Significant (t=4.416683)
Stddev: 0.58810 - 0.11618: 5.0620x smaller

### django ###
Min: 1.105662 - 1.115090: 1.0085x slower
Avg: 1.117930 - 1.131781: 1.0124x slower
Significant (t=-11.024923)
Stddev: 0.00729 - 0.01023: 1.4027x larger

### nbody ###
Min: 0.535204 - 0.559320: 1.0451x slower
Avg: 0.558861 - 0.572902: 1.0251x slower
Significant (t=-7.484374)
Stddev: 0.01309 - 0.01344: 1.0272x larger

### slowpickle ###
Min: 0.788558 - 0.757067: 1.0416x faster
Avg: 0.799407 - 0.774368: 1.0323x faster
Significant (t=12.772246)
Stddev: 0.00686 - 0.01836: 2.6759x larger

### slowspitfire ###
Min: 1.200616 - 1.218915: 1.0152x slower
Avg: 1.229028 - 1.255978: 1.0219x slower
Significant (t=-8.165772)
Stddev: 0.02133 - 0.02519: 1.1808x larger

### slowunpickle ###
Min: 0.355483 - 0.347013: 1.0244x faster
Avg: 0.369828 - 0.359714: 1.0281x faster
Significant (t=6.817449)
Stddev: 0.01008 - 0.01089: 1.0804x larger

### spambayes ###
Min: 0.316724 - 0.314673: 1.0065x faster
Avg: 0.327262 - 0.332370: 1.0156x slower
Significant (t=-3.690136)
Stddev: 0.00598 - 0.01248: 2.0876x larger

$ ./ -r -b default \
  ../python-2.6.4/python \

### 2to3 ###
Min: 24.833552 - 24.433527: 1.0164x faster
Avg: 25.241577 - 24.878355: 1.0146x faster
Not significant
Stddev: 0.39099 - 0.28158: 1.3886x smaller

### django ###
Min: 1.153900 - 0.892072: 1.2935x faster
Avg: 1.198777 - 0.926776: 1.2935x faster
Significant (t=61.465586)
Stddev: 0.03914 - 0.02065: 1.8949x smaller

### nbody ###
Min: 0.541474 - 0.307949: 1.7583x faster
Avg: 0.564526 - 0.327311: 1.7247x faster
Significant (t=57.615664)
Stddev: 0.01784 - 0.03711: 2.0798x larger

### slowpickle ###
Min: 0.832452 - 0.607266: 1.3708x faster
Avg: 0.860438 - 0.651645: 1.3204x faster
Significant (t=20.779110)
Stddev: 0.01559 - 0.09926: 6.3665x larger

### slowspitfire ###
Min: 1.204681 - 1.038169: 1.1604x faster
Avg: 1.236843 - 1.085254: 1.1397x faster
Significant (t=20.203736)
Stddev: 0.02417 - 0.07103: 2.9391x larger

### slowunpickle ###
Min: 0.374148 - 0.279743: 1.3375x faster
Avg: 0.398137 - 0.315630: 1.2614x faster
Significant (t=16.069155)
Stddev: 0.01333 - 0.04958: 3.7203x larger

### spambayes ###
Min: 0.330391 - 0.302988: 1.0904x faster
Avg: 0.349153 - 0.394819: 1.1308x slower
Not significant
Stddev: 0.01158 - 0.35049: 30.2739x larger

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] patch to make list.pop(0) work in O(1) time

2010-01-28 Thread Scott Dial
On 1/28/2010 11:57 PM, Steve Howell wrote:
 --- On Thu, 1/28/10, Josiah Carlson wrote:
 [...] in the decade+ that I've been using
 Python and
 needed an ordered sequence; lists were the right solution
 99% of the
 time [...]
 What do you think of LISP, and car in particular (apart from the stupidly 
 cryptic name)?

A LISP list/pair has nothing to do with a Python list. The list of LISP
is a *singly-linked* list. You cannot O(1) index a LISP list. A Python
list is more equivalent to a LISP vector, which car does not work
with; in fact, there is not even a pop operator -- all size changes of
a vector O(n) unless the implementation is playing games (like the one
you are proposing for the start and the one Python already uses for the
end of a list).

(And with this, clearly uninformed reply by you, I am now ignoring your

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Proposed downstream change to in Fedora (sys.defaultencoding)

2010-01-22 Thread Scott Dial
On 1/22/2010 2:04 PM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
 Karen Tracey wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 7:38 AM, Michael Foord
 The encoding I'm talking about is the
 encoding that Python uses to decode a file (or encode a string) when you do
 the following in Python 3:

text = open(filename).read()
open(filename, 'w').write(some_string)

 It isn't the default encoding (always utf-8 by default in Python 3
 apparently), it isn't the file system encoding which is the system encoding
 used for file names. What is the correct terminology for this platform
 dependent encoding that Python uses here?

 The doc here: just
 calls it default encoding and clarifies that is whatever
 locale.getpreferredencoding() returns.
 ... which is a pretty poor guess, since the locale setting
 is usually set to what the user wants to see in user interfaces,
 not what the application want to use as file content.
 Applications should always provide a well-defined encoding
 for use with files - they know best what encoding to use and
 they also know best when to apply guessing and which set
 of encodings to use as basis for such guessing.

This all begs the question: why is there a default? and why is the
default a guess?

I have to admit that I was completely oblivious to this potential
pitfall, and mostly that's because in the most common case, I am working
with ASCII files. It's just serendipity that most systems specify (if
not require) the locale encoding be an ASCII superset.


Return the encoding used for text data, according to user
preferences. User preferences are expressed differently on different
systems, and might not be available programmatically on some systems, so
this function only returns a guess.

I already know that this suggestion will not get any following because,
for most people, it just works. However: In the face of ambiguity,
refuse the temptation to guess. Would it really be that unfortunate to
force everyone to reconsider what they are doing when they open() files?

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3146: Merge Unladen Swallow into CPython

2010-01-21 Thread Scott Dial
On 1/21/2010 1:09 PM, Hanno Schlichting wrote:
 - Who holds the copyright, is there a foundation or is there a risk of
 the project getting into trouble because of copyright issues?
 - What licence is the code and the tools under and what affect does
 that have on the code generated by the JIT compiler?

We intend to keep LLVM perpetually open source and to use a liberal open
source license. The current license is the University of llinois/NCSA
Open Source License[1], which boils down to this:

* You can freely distribute LLVM.
* You must retain the copyright notice if you redistribute LLVM.
* Binaries derived from LLVM must reproduce the copyright notice
(e.g. in an included readme file).
* You can't use our names to promote your LLVM derived products.
* There's no warranty on LLVM at all.

We believe this fosters the widest adoption of LLVM because it allows
commercial products to be derived from LLVM with few restrictions and
without a requirement for making any derived works also open source
(i.e. LLVM's license is not a copyleft license like the GPL). We
suggest that you read the License[1] if further clarification is needed.

We have no plans to change the license of LLVM. If you have questions or
comments about the license, please contact the LLVM Oversight Group[2].


Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fwd: Download Page - AMD64

2010-01-13 Thread Scott Dial
On 1/13/2010 9:04 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
 As Windows doesn't run on non-x86 architectures, their naming is
 generally just Windows Whatever (32 bit) and Windows Whatever (64 bit).

That is not correct. There are IA-64 versions of Window Server.

From [1]:
Backward compatibility is a key point differentiating Itanium from x86
and x64 architectures.

So to echo what Michael said, the Microsoft nomenclature is x64
regardless of yours and Martin's objections to that name. Nobody who
uses Windows would be confused by x64 since that is *the* Microsoft
naming scheme. And, anyone using IA64 will expect to see IA64 and not
x64, and furthermore anyone using IA64 is likely aware of what
processor they are using (being as there are only Windows Server
editions for IA64) and the difference between IA64 and x64.

I don't think an end-user facing page is a great place for pedantic and
wordy defenses of defying the Microsoft-blessed naming scheme.

 Linux, on the other hand, can run on multiple 64 bit architectures, so
 being more specific and using the official AMD64 nomenclature makes

This has no relevance to the conversation since there are no Linux
binaries being distributed. The conversation on the expectations of
Windows end-users, who are the target of the download links.


Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Proposing PEP 345 : Metadata for Python Software Packages 1.2

2009-12-28 Thread Scott Dial
On 12/28/2009 5:42 AM, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 So specifying 2.5 would be a short-hand for *what*?

 2.5 would be a shorthand for 2.5.x. So, equivalent to : =2.5.0,  2.6.0
 Ok, so it's not a shorthand for a single operator anymore, but for a
 more complex term. Fine with me.
 2.5.0 would be the notation required to describe this specific micro version.
 I think it would be a shorthand for =2.5.0, 2.5.1, right?

Actually, the logical extension is that 2.5.0 is shorthand for
=,, I believe.

PEP 386 versions can have an indefinite number of extradecimal versions.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [RELEASED] Python 2.7 alpha 1

2009-12-05 Thread Scott Dial
Benjamin Peterson wrote:
 On behalf of the Python development team, I'm pleased to announce the first
 alpha release of Python 2.7.

Was there a call for bugs that should be reviewed for this release?

I once again will prod for attention to this show-stopping bug for using
Title: IMAP4_SSL spin because of SSLSocket.suppress_ragged_eofs

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3003 - Python Language Moratorium

2009-11-08 Thread Scott Dial
Guido van Rossum wrote:
 On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 3:06 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 No new language features in odd-numbered point releases (3.3, 3.5, ...).
 Even-numbered point releases (3.4, 3.6, ...) may include new language
 features provided they meet the usual standards for new features.
 Oh no, not the eve/odd numbering scheme. Nobody will be able to
 remember which is which.

In this case, does it really matter? Usually the confusion is with
stable/unstable being even/odd or odd/even, but in this case the options
are stable/stable (it just happens that certain pairwise versions are

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] GIL behaviour under Windows

2009-10-21 Thread Scott Dial
Antoine Pitrou wrote:
 Could you try ccbench (*) under Windows? The only Windows system I have here 
 a qemu virtual machine and it wouldn't be very realistic to do concurrency
 measurements on it.

I don't really know how this test works, so I won't claim to understand
the results either. However, here you go:

OS Name:   Microsoft Windows XP Professional
OS Version:5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Build 2600

Python 2.6.2 (r262:71605, Apr 14 2009, 22:40:02) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32

C:\start /B /HIGH c:\Python26\python.exe c:\
--- Throughput ---

Pi calculation (Python)

threads=1: 377 iterations/s.
threads=2: 376 ( 99 %)
threads=3: 380 ( 100 %)
threads=4: 376 ( 99 %)

regular expression (C)

threads=1: 222 iterations/s.
threads=2: 213 ( 95 %)
threads=3: 223 ( 100 %)
threads=4: 218 ( 97 %)

bz2 compression (C)

threads=1: 324 iterations/s.
threads=2: 324 ( 99 %)
threads=3: 327 ( 100 %)
threads=4: 324 ( 100 %)

--- Latency ---

Background CPU task: Pi calculation (Python)

CPU threads=0: 0 ms. (std dev: 0 ms.)
CPU threads=1: 0 ms. (std dev: 0 ms.)
CPU threads=2: 0 ms. (std dev: 0 ms.)
CPU threads=3: 0 ms. (std dev: 0 ms.)
CPU threads=4: 0 ms. (std dev: 0 ms.)

Background CPU task: regular expression (C)

CPU threads=0: 0 ms. (std dev: 0 ms.)
CPU threads=1: 0 ms. (std dev: 0 ms.)
CPU threads=2: 0 ms. (std dev: 0 ms.)
CPU threads=3: 0 ms. (std dev: 0 ms.)
CPU threads=4: 0 ms. (std dev: 0 ms.)

Background CPU task: bz2 compression (C)

CPU threads=0: 0 ms. (std dev: 0 ms.)
CPU threads=1: 0 ms. (std dev: 0 ms.)
CPU threads=2: 0 ms. (std dev: 0 ms.)
CPU threads=3: 0 ms. (std dev: 0 ms.)
CPU threads=4: 0 ms. (std dev: 0 ms.)

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] GIL behaviour under Windows

2009-10-21 Thread Scott Dial
Antoine Pitrou wrote:
 Interesting results. I wonder what they would be like on a multi-core
 machine. The GIL seems to behave perfectly on your setup (no performance
 degradation due to concurrency, and zero latencies).

You are correct, my machine is a single-core system. I don't have any
multi-core systems around to test it on, I'm still in the stone age.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] time.clock() on windows

2009-10-21 Thread Scott Dial
Curt Hagenlocher wrote:
 But it makes more sense to
 understand why someone chose to implement time.clock() on Windows the
 way they did -- this seems very broken to me, and I think it should be

Some SVN detective work takes this to all the way back to r7713
(1997-04-02). The original implementation checked by Guido and
attributed to Mark Hammond. So, we should ask Mark why he did that.

Can anyone honestly use it, as it is, without already having normalize
it across platforms themselves?

I don't know how much of an impact it is, but the current implementation
of clock() does not require argument parsing, so the proposal to add a
absolute boolean-flag argument is perhaps bad. This is generally a
function used for performance timing and that proposal adds some amount
of latency to the query. The proposal to add a clockbase() function is
perhaps better because of this, you need only call it once, and you can
cache the result for the life of your process.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP about sys.implementation and implementation specific user site directory

2009-10-12 Thread Scott Dial
Christian Heimes wrote:
 id (required):
   lower case identifier, for example cpython, ironpython, jython,
 name (required):
   mixed case name of the implementation, for example CPython,
 IronPython, Jython, PyPy

Why both? Is it not true that the following is guaranteed? ==

Furthermore, why is a lower-case-only constant superior to a mixed-case
identifier? I wonder this especially given that
platform.python_implementation() already returns mixed-case constants.

Why not include the version of the language?

 platform (required):
   platform or language of the implementation, for example C, .NET,

What should someone like PyPy say here? Do you have a use-case in mind?
What is the relevance of this field?

 runtime (required):
   lower case runtime library of the implementation, for example libc,
 msvcrt90, java6, .net

Same questions as above. Is the java-runtime not dependent on libc?

$ ldd /opt/sun-jdk- | grep libc = /lib/ (0xb7d7)

 compiler (required):
   verbose name of the compiler, for example GCC 4.3.3, Java
 HotSpot(TM) Client VM (Apple Inc.), Mono JIT compiler version 2.0.1

I think other commenters have already asked what exactly is considered
the compiler? This is especially interesting if you consider PyPy, as
well. What is the item being compiled that you are interested in? What
is the use-case for this info? It could vary based on module: some
modules could've been built with a different compiled or even compiled
to bytecode by a different implementation or etc.

It seems like (platform, runtime, compiler) are guesses at what *might*
be useful. But, in the absence of use-cases they are not useful, perhaps
misguided, and create a maintenance burden for the future. A lot of this
info is available via the platform module. And the only reason given to
not use the platform module was to avoid adding dependencies for I don't see that as an open invitation to adding other fields
that are already available via the platform module. Until they are
critical to run-time performance, why not wait to add these extra things?

The only thing that has been indicated as needed is the identifier for
the python implementation. sys.vm or sys.implementation may very well
fully support the use cases given merely by being a string.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] a new setuptools release?

2009-10-07 Thread Scott Dial
P.J. Eby wrote:
 At 01:14 PM 10/6/2009 -0700, Guido van Rossum wrote:
 suggest nobody hold their breath waiting for setuptools 0.7.
 I've never suggested or implied otherwise.
 But, if you like Distribute so much, why not just add it directly to the
 stdlib?  ;-)
 There are many wins to be had from such a move, not the least of which
 is that it allows something to go into the stdlib that isn't
 (branding-wise) associated with me or setuptools, and lets it become
 owned/supported by an even wider community.

I think the biggest problem here is that the brand (setuptools) is so
ingrained in the world that someone releasing something
setuptools-but-not-setuptools (Distribute) is at a serious
disadvantage. Your insistence on retaining the name setuptools for
yourself and your vapor-ware only harms the community at-large.

Even experienced developers are unaware of Distribute's existence.. I
was entirely unaware until yourself and PJE got in a bickering exchange
on Python-Dev this past month. The extremely high visibility of your
stale package compared to their non-stale package is quite unfortunate.
You are free to say, that is their problem, but you are not free to
say, it is not my fault.

 AFAIK, the only reason they've had multiple releases of it is to
 address the issues with its hijacking of setuptools; in a stdlib
 version all that stuff could be dropped.  Otherwise, it'd already be

IOW, you acknowledge that your own position and requiring them to
tolerate the parallel existence (in the world) of setuptools harms
Distribute. I fail to see how this relates to being in the stdlib. As
long as it is not called setuptools and packages in the world say
import setuptools, then there are conflicts they will be forced to
managed. And moreover, as long as a stale, perhaps buggy version of
setuptools is the compatibility model they must emulate, they will have
a hard time coexisting.

 Less political bickering, and the some of the technical results I
 hoped for all along are achieved.  Yay, open source.

And yet, political bickering seems to be all you are good for in this case.


Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python 2.6.4rc1

2009-10-07 Thread Scott Dial
Barry Warsaw wrote:
 2.6.4 final is planned for 18-October.


I suspect this release is primarily to quench the problems with
distutils, but..

doesn't seem to have been addressed by you. And this seems like it would
be another unfortunate loss of an opportunity.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python 2.6.3

2009-10-01 Thread Scott Dial
Barry Warsaw wrote:
 If not, I'll try to
 spend some time over the next few days looking at outstanding bugs, and
 marking release blockers, etc.

I'd like to draw attention to:

Which is a regression of introduced in r57680.

Ever since I switched to python 2.6 on my box, I have had issues with
getmail[1] getting stuck in an infinite loop swallowing memory (note:
only applies to IMAP SSL connections). While this code is present in
older versions of python, it seems to have become a problem recently
(2009-05-06 is the earliest report on the issue) perhaps due to a
version bump of OpenSSL? I never noticed the problem in python2.5 even
though the code is unchanged. Nevertheless, the code is clearly wrong
and should be corrected.

I would appreciate this bug being resolved before the next release as it
effects me on a daily basis. I have submitted a patch, which reflects my
local solution.



Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python 2.6.3

2009-10-01 Thread Scott Dial
Scott Dial wrote:
 While this code is present in
 older versions of python, it seems to have become a problem recently
 (2009-05-06 is the earliest report on the issue) perhaps due to a
 version bump of OpenSSL? I never noticed the problem in python2.5 even
 though the code is unchanged.

To answer my own question, this was introduced in r64578 in by
the addition of the suppress_ragged_eofs feature (seems to originate
with issue1251). While it is a change in the behavior of the ssl module,
the change falls in line with other file-like objects and their handling
of EOF, so the bug still falls to imaplib.

In other words, this bug appeared in 2.6 and 3.0, and is present in all
subsequent versions.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python 2.6.3

2009-10-01 Thread Scott Dial
Nick Coghlan wrote:
 Scott Dial wrote:
 I would appreciate this bug being resolved before the next release as it
 effects me on a daily basis. I have submitted a patch, which reflects my
 local solution.
 Unfortunately, it's almost certainly too late to get this into 2.6.3. It
 really needed to be brought up back when Barry called for identification
 of significant 2.6 bugs and patches rather than after the RC had already
 been released.

I understand. I didn't figure out the bug until after rc1 landed. It was
only happening spuriously with my mail server, never when I manually
tried to invoke the problem. I was forced to let my cronjob run until
the kernel killed getmail for OOM, giving me the trace shown in the issue.

It is impossible to break anything with this patch, as no program could
proceed. The 3-line patch merely converts it back into the exception
that was originally raised prior to 2.6, so it's not a new behavior in
that respect either. I wouldn't have anticipated this much resistance to
removing an infinite loop from the standard library. I could also for
this patch from the angle that it allows a remote host the ability to
execute a denial-of-service attack (even by accident!) since the
infinite loop appends an empty string to a list on every loop, taking
CPU time and memory with it. Allow me to be naive for a moment and say,
is this not the point of rc1 but to catch bugs that should not be in the

Of course, it's Barry's call.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3144 review.

2009-09-28 Thread Scott Dial
Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 Martin v. Löwis martin at writes:
 Could you explain what benefit there is for allowing the user to create 
 network objects that don't represent networks? Is there a use-case 
 where these networks-that-aren't-networks are something other than a 
 typo? Under what circumstances would I want to specify a network as instead of

 So Python code has to make the computation, and it seems most natural
 that the IP library is the piece of code that is able to compute a
 network out of that input.
 The thing is, it doesn't create a network, it creates a hybrid network plus
 host which retains knowledge about the original host (that is,
 rather than simply, if you enter

 That's what the OP meant with networks-that-aren't-networks, and that's 
 people are objecting to.
 That's not the question that was asked, though - the question asked
 was Under what circumstances would I want to specify I hope
 most people agree that it is desirable to be able to specify a network
 not just by its network address.

I can't help but feel that you and many others jumping on Antoine et al.
have skipped reading or only skimmed this topic of discussion.

Antoine Pitrou wrote:
 We just need a factory function which returns a tuple after parsing:

  addr, net = parse_address_with_mask('')
  addr == IPv4Address('')
  net == IPv4Network('')

I still back this suggestion. I would also support a loose=True flag
for the IPNetwork constructor, which would allow host bits to be non-zero.

However, I will *never* support a proposal that includes retaining the
host address. I believe I am not alone in that. However, Peter has made
it quite clear that he will *never* change that about the IPNetwork classes.

I would be quite glad to not have ipaddr included in the stdlib. As I
can only imagine code that uses it being quite confusing to maintain
(e.g., wait is that actually a network or is that someone using
IPNetwork to be an IPAddressWithMask?).


Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3144 review.

2009-09-16 Thread Scott Dial
Peter Moody wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 8:21 PM, Andrew McNamara wrote:
 I think we're in a painful middle ground now - we should either go back
 to the idea of a single class (per protocol), or make the distinctions
 clear (networks are containers and addresses are singletons).

 Personally, I think I would be happy with a single class (but I suspect
 that's just my laziness speaking). However, I think the structure and
 discipline of three classes (per protocol) may actually make the concepts
 easier to understand for non-experts.
 I think this is where we disagree. I don't think the added complexity
 does make it any easier to understand.
 I argue that we're not actually adding any complexity: yes, we add
 a class (per protocol), but we then merely relocate functionality to
 clarify the intended use of the classes.
 And I argue the moving this functionality to new classes (and adding
 new restrictions to existing classes) doesn't buy anything in the way
 of overall functionality of the module or a developer's ability to
 comprehend intended uses.

Speaking as the originator of this thread of discourse, the lack of a
3rd class was exactly the source of my confusion and my inability to
communicate my confusion to everyone. I clearly did not understand the
intended uses of the IPNetwork type because it was capable of playing
two roles that are decidedly different conceptually. So, I must
respectfully disagree with you.

 You have an address + netmask. ergo, you have a Network object.
 In a common use case, however, this instance will not represent a
 network at all, but an address. It will have container-like behaviour,
 but it should not (this is a property of networks, not addresses). So
 the instance will be misnamed and have behaviours that are, at best,

This is exactly the confusion and duality that I struggled with.

 This isn't about shortcuts, but about correctness... having the Network
 object represent a network, and having Address objects represent
 end-points, and having errors discovered as early as possible.
 Then what I don't see is the purpose of your
 network-only-network-object. essentially identical functionality can
 be obtained with the module as is w/o the added complexity of new

The purpose is to avoid conflating IPNetwork with an IPAddress that has
a mask. If the IPNetwork didn't accept a non-zero host and instead
required a developer to use a helper to construct a IPNetwork with a
proper address, then there would be less confusion about what exactly a
IPNetwork is meant to represent. As it stands, it's purposes is muddled
by accepting host addresses too.

I am rather indifferent whether there needs to be a IPAddressWithMask
type. If that is needed, then it is rather easy to create a type that
does that. And, if it is a common pattern, then it could be added to the
module later in life.

Scott Dial

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3144 review.

2009-09-15 Thread Scott Dial
R. David Murray wrote:
 On Tue, 15 Sep 2009 at 14:28, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
 Andrew McNamara andrewm at writes:


 Er, does this mean that taking the `network` attribute from a network
 actually gives an address object (not a network)?
 It looks horribly misleading to me.
 That was my opinion, too.  I've always called that number the 'zero'
 of the network, but other people said that it is usually called the
 I also find it odd to see a 'network' with an IP address of
 That looks like a host-address-plus-netmask to me, not a network

It just happened that I needed a tool today to calculate the gateway IP
for an interface, and I took it as an opportunity to try out this ipaddr
module. I'll attempt to relate my experience below...

I have to concur with the opinions above. I was very confused by the
following error:

 addr = ipaddr.IPAddress(
ipaddr.IPAddressIPValidationError: '' is not
a valid address (hint, it's probably a network)

Because, it *is* a address of a host on a network. I gave in and said:

 net = ipaddr.IPNetwork(

But then, I was dumbfounded as to how I could get the gateway IP from
this IPNetwork object. It took me a while to figure out that you can
iterate over IPNetwork instances:

 gateway = net[1]

I was then confused, because:

class 'ipaddr.IPv4Address'

Which sorta blew my mind.. I fully expected to receive an IPNetwork back
from that operation. It is unclear to me why the network information
gets chucked by that operation. I foresee having to work around that in
real applications by doing something obnoxious like:

 actual_gateway = ipaddr.IPNetwork(%s/%s % (gateway, addr.netmask))

But since I only actually needed the IP address for the gateway, it
fulfilled my needs.

In the end, I found the names IPNetwork/IPAddress and their
instantiations confusing. ISTM that IPNetwork is overloaded and plays
two roles of being an IPNetwork and being an IPAddressWithNetwork. And
finally, it's unclear to me why iterating over a IPNetwork would not
produce a sequence of IPNetwork(/IPAddressWithNetwork) objects.

ISTM that if I started with an IPNetwork object, the API should always
return IPNetwork objects. If I want just an IPAddress object, then I can
always fetch the ip attribute to get that. Perhaps there is some
compelling conceptual argument as to why this is not correct, but it
seems like the API destroys information needlessly.

Just my opinion..

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3144 review.

2009-09-15 Thread Scott Dial
Peter Moody wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 10:16 AM, Scott Dial wrote:
 In the end, I found the names IPNetwork/IPAddress and their
 instantiations confusing. ISTM that IPNetwork is overloaded and plays
 two roles of being an IPNetwork and being an IPAddressWithNetwork. And
 finally, it's unclear to me why iterating over a IPNetwork would not
 produce a sequence of IPNetwork(/IPAddressWithNetwork) objects.
 What you're describing, at least for the networks, is basically what
 ipaddr was.  It seemed, after much heated discussion, that the
 community felt that
 was actually an individual address. ie, each of the addresses in are individual addresses, rather than networks with /32
 prefix lengths.

For clarity, I am going to call the current design A:

ipaddr.IPv4Network('')[0] == ipaddr.IPv4Address('')

And what itt sounds like what you are describing as the old behavior is
this (design B):

ipaddr.IPv4Network('')[0] == ipaddr.IPv4Network('')

Which is different than what I was trying to describe. I expected
(design C):

ipaddr.IPv4Network('')[0] == ipaddr.IPv4Network('')

My summarization of these designs would be that B is wrong. And that
A is better than B, certainly. At least A is not saying something
untrue. However, C would be truthful and retains a superset of
information that A provides (the ip attribute of IPNetwork).

In other words, I don't see why obtaining a host address would *not*
retain the hostmask from the network it was obtained from. I am not
disagreeing with it being an individual address. I am disagreeing that
IPNetwork itself already does represent individual addresses (hence my
aliasing it with IPAddressWithNetwork). And wrt, the logical return
would be another IPAddressWithNetwork retaining the same mask.

Scott Dial

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3144 review.

2009-09-15 Thread Scott Dial
Peter Moody wrote:
 but that's what's being suggested here for networks.

This example here solidifies my support of RDM's suggestion of there
being 3 types:

IPv4AddressWithNetwork (or as he called it: IPv4AddressWithMask)

The primary difference between IPv4Network and IPv4AddressWithNetwork
would be that IPv4AddressWithNetwork would not support
iteration/indexing. The example above makes no sense logically and my
original suggestion unknowingly opened that can of worms. If indexing a
IPv4Network returned IPv4AddressWithNetwork, then that would remove that

This would also solve the weirdness that Stephen brought up in another
branch of this discussion:

Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
 Scott Dial writes:
   ipaddr.IPv4Network('')[0] ==

 So foo returns True?

 def foo():
 a = ipaddr.IPv4Network('')
 return a[0] == a

 That seems ... weird.  Maybe you committed a typo?

The root of the weirdness is that my proposition would appear to make
IPv4Network play double-duty. However, it already does! That you can
instantiate a IPv4Network object with a non-zero host is a clue, and
that it is apparently the only way to input a host with a mask is the
second clue.

If I have an IP ( and I know the netmask (say,,
then how do I get the network that it is on? As it stands, the only way
I see to do this is to do:

 net = ipaddr.IPv4Network(

Which is strange, because I didn't input a *network*, I inputted an
*address* on a network. Moreover, it's strange because:

 net[0] == net.ip

If I needed that identity to hold true, then I have to do:

 net = ipaddr.IPv4Network(%s/%s % (net[0], net.netmask)

Although it is unclear why a network has an ip attribute. As far as
I am concerned, IPv4Network objects should *only* have a

Hopefully at this point, I have made the case that IPv4Network already
is playing double-duty as a IPv4Network and IPv4AddressWithNetwork. And
that the API would be well-served by splitting that role and that it
would be considerably less confusing.

Scott Dial

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3144 review.

2009-09-15 Thread Scott Dial
R. David Murray wrote:
 On Tue, 15 Sep 2009 at 21:58, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
 Le mardi 15 septembre 2009 à 15:48 -0400, R. David Murray a écrit :
 However, I do not think
 that the proposed API should accept, eg, IPv4Network('')
 as valid.  That's just too confusing and error prone.

 Indeed, it should throw some kind of ValueError instead.
 Peter, what do you think?

This change would have to be dependent on Antoine's suggestion of:

 addr, net = parse_address_with_mask('')
 addr == IPv4Address('')
 net == IPv4Network('')

Otherwise, I am ok with this change too. It resloves the weird duality
of IPv4Network. And as RDM says, anyone who wants the
IPv4AddressWithNetwork functionality can just role it themselves. At the
moment of iteration, you have access to what network it is and can build
your own IPv4AddressWithNetwork objects.

net = IPv4Network('')
netaddrs = []
for addr in net:
netaddrs.append(IPv4AddressWithNetwork(addr, net))

I guess I am ok with this. It seems sub-optimal (why not just return a
IPv4AddressWithNetwork to begin with?) but I suppose it is no less
efficient since the same objects would be constructed.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3144 review.

2009-09-15 Thread Scott Dial
Sebastian Rittau wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 01:16:06PM -0400, Scott Dial wrote:
 net = ipaddr.IPNetwork(
 But then, I was dumbfounded as to how I could get the gateway IP from
 this IPNetwork object.
 Well, you can't. There is no way to determine a gateway, without querying
 the network topology. This is clearly outside the scope of this module.
 The only two known host addresses of a network are the network address
 ( in the example you gave) and the broadcast address (

I was not writing a general utility for the world to use. On *my*
network it is always the [1]th address used for the gateway. But, I
agree in general that is not true.

 Which sorta blew my mind.. I fully expected to receive an IPNetwork back
 from that operation. It is unclear to me why the network information
 gets chucked by that operation.
 This makes perfect sense to me. An IP network consists of a list of IP
 addresses. Returning /32 networks seems kind of pointless to me.

As I clarified later, I expected it to still be a /24 network, not a
/32. /32 makes no sense.

 But a gateway is not an IP address plus hostmask. A gateway is just a single
 IP address. What is the use of adding a hostmask to the gateway IP address
 or some other IP address inside the network?

My argument was from a destruction of information standpoint. Why is the
network chucked away? Wouldn't it be handy to be able to inspected to see what network it was on? Perhaps because you are
building routing rules and need to actually know that. As it is, you
will just have to build your own IPAddressWithNetwork objects.

Hopefully I have covered all of you inquiries, but I feel like that a
lot of this is covered by many other replies in this thread.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] how to debug httplib slowness

2009-09-04 Thread Scott Dial
Chris Withers wrote:
 - Apache in this instance responds with HTTP 1.1, even though the wget
 request was 1.0, is that allowed?
 - Apache responds with a chunked response only to httplib. Why is that?

I find it very confusing that you say Apache since your really want to
say Coyote which is to say Tomcat.

if (entityBody  http11  keepAlive) {
contentDelimitation = true;
} else {

So, as Oleg said, it's because httplib talks HTTP/1.1 and wget talks
HTTP/1.0. All HTTP/1.1 client must support chunked transfer-encoding,
and apparently Tomcat/Coyote defaults to that unless it is either an
empty message, not a HTTP/1.1 client, or the request is not to be kept
alive (Connection: close or no more keep-alive slots on the server).

As Simon said, changing this to do ''.join(chunks) is really the best
first step to take.


Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] default of returning None hurts performance?

2009-09-01 Thread Scott Dial
Raymond Hettinger wrote:
 I was just wondering if a bytecode for a superinstruction of the common

 7 LOAD_CONST 0 (None)

 might be worth it.
 [Collin Winter]
 I doubt it. You'd save a bit of stack manipulation, but since this
 will only appear at the end of a function, I'd be skeptical that this
 would make any macrobenchmarks (statistically) significantly faster.
 I concur with Collin.  And since it appears only at the end of a function,
 the optimization doesn't help inner-loops in a function (where most of
 the time usually spent).

I fail to understand this crude logic. How often is the inner-loop
really going to solely call C code? Any call to Python in an inner-loop
is going to suffer this penalty on the order of the number of loop


Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] default of returning None hurts performance?

2009-09-01 Thread Scott Dial
Raymond Hettinger wrote:
 I was just wondering if a bytecode for a superinstruction of the common

 7 LOAD_CONST 0 (None)

 might be worth it.
 [Collin Winter]
 I doubt it. You'd save a bit of stack manipulation, but since this
 will only appear at the end of a function, I'd be skeptical that this
 would make any macrobenchmarks (statistically) significantly faster.
 I concur with Collin.  And since it appears only at the end of a function,
 the optimization doesn't help inner-loops in a function (where most of
 the time usually spent).

I fail to understand this crude logic. How often is the inner-loop
really going to solely call C code? Any call to Python in an inner-loop
is going to suffer this penalty on the order of the number of loop


Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] functools.compose to chain functions together

2009-08-17 Thread Scott Dial
Greg Ewing wrote:
 Jason R. Coombs wrote:
 I had a use case that was compelling enough that I thought there
 should be something in functools to do what I wanted.
 I think this is one of those things that a small minority of
 people would use frequently, but everyone else would use
 very rarely or never. The decision on whether to include
 something in the stdlib needs to be based on the wider
 In this case, it's trivial to write your own if you want
 it. As they say, not every one-line function needs to
 be in the stdlib.

I have never found these arguments compelling. They are obviously not
true (e.g., itertools.compress()[1] added in 2.7/3.1), and so what I
really hear is: I don't like it and I outrank you.

I can't help invoke part of PEP309's justification for

I agree that lambda is usually good enough, just not always. And I want
the possibility of useful introspection and subclassing.

The same reasoning would seem to apply here. In the OP's example, the
meta-decorator becomes opaque due to the use of a lambda. If one could
introspect a compose(), then introspection tools could actually know the
set of decorators being applied. As it is, the preferred method of
using a lambda actually makes it quite hard to know anything.

class compose():
def __init__(self, *funcs):
if not funcs:
raise ValueError(funcs)
self.funcs = funcs

def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
v = self.funcs[-1](*args, **kwargs)
for func in reversed(self.funcs[:-1]):
v = func(v)
return v

meta = functools.compose(decorator_a, decorator_b)
print meta.funcs

meta = lambda f: decorator_a(decorator_b(f))
# impossible, short of disassembling the lambda



def compress(data, selectors):
# compress('ABCDEF', [1,0,1,0,1,1]) -- A C E F
return (d for d, s in zip(data, selectors) if s)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 376

2009-07-03 Thread Scott Dial
Tarek Ziadé wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 5:44 AM, Stephen J. wrote:
 Another general principle: even in the draft PEP, say is, not will
 Ok I'll fix that. That's a French stuff : in french, will be isn't
 speculative at all.

I don't think will be is necessarily speculative in English either. I
think the issue is that after the PEP is implemented, the document lives
on. And when one reads, X will be done. If X is not done in the
current implementation, it is unclear whether that is an error or a
promise that at some point in the future the implementation will be
changed to do X. In other words, the PEP will live on long after you
have completed the implementation and it's at that point that
occurrences of will be in the PEP become speculative.

Someone feel free to correct me if I am incorrect about the desired tone
and use of the document..


Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Tuples and underorderable types

2009-04-24 Thread Scott Dial
Raymond Hettinger wrote:
 Would it make sense to provide a default ordering whenever the types are
 the same?
def object.__lt__(self, other):
if type(self) == type(other):
 return id(self)  id(other)
raise TypeError

No. This only makes it more difficult for someone wanting to behave
smartly with incomparable types. I can easily imagine someone wanting
incomparable objects to be treated as equal wrt. sorting. I am thinking
especially with respect to keeping the sort stable. I think many
developers would be surprised to find,

  a =
  tasks = [(10, lambda: 0), (20, lambda: 1), (10, lambda: 2)]
  assert tasks[0][1]() == 0

, is not guaranteed.

Moreover, I fail to see your point in general as a bug if you accept
that there is not all objects can be total ordered. We shouldn't be
patching the object base class because of legacy code that relied on
sorting tuples; this code should be updated to either use a key function.


Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 380 (yield from a subgenerator) comments

2009-03-27 Thread Scott Dial
P.J. Eby wrote:
 One remaining quirk or missing piece: ISTM there needs to be a way to
 extract the return value without using a yield-from statement.  I mean,
 you could write a utility function like:
def unyield(geniter):
while 1:
except GeneratorReturn as v:
return v.value

My first thought was to ask why it was not equivalent to say:

x = yield g
x = yield from g

This would seem like a more obvious lack of parallelism to pick on wrt.
return values.

This unyield() operation seems contrived. Never before have you been
able to write a generator that returns a value, why would these suddenly
become common practice? The only place a return value seems useful is
when refactoring a generator and you need to mend having loss of a
shared scope. What other use is there for a return value?

It would seem unfortunate for it to be considered a runtime error since
this would prevent sharing a generator amongst yield from and
non-yield from use cases. Although, it would be trivial to do:

class K:
def _f():
yield 1
return 2 # used internally
def f()
# squelch the runtime error
yield from self._f()

As Greg has said a number of times, we allow functions to return values
with them silently being ignored all the time.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

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