Re: Multithreaded C API Python questions

2006-11-17 Thread robert
Svein Seldal wrote:

 A real beauty about the PyGILState_Ensure() is the fact that if it's 
 called from a thread that is (yet) unknown to python, it will actually 
 create the thread state object for you (with PyThreadState_New) and 
 acquire the lock. Hence, I dont have to worry about the process of 
 swapping thread states with PyEval_xxxThread() functions. I ONLY need to 
 use PyGILState_Ensure() prior to any py-ops.

Interesting - the PyGILState_Ensure was new to py2.3. I didn't notice so far, 
that it will even auto-create a fresh tread state (from default 
InterpreterState only). From the docs its not that clear. 

The confusion in usage is that one has to do 


in order to start clean for further pure meta-high-level 

They obviously meant PyGILState_Ensure to make live easier, but the discussion 
shows, it adds additional worries probably forcing each user into investigating 
the Python C-code :-)

There should probably a extra init function for this meta-high-level usage like 

PyGILState_PyInitThreads()   //  which would not pre-acquire the lock! - as 
anyone expects to enter then with PyGILState_Ensure

. and these 3 Functions grouped together in the docs for an easy-to-use 
meta-high-level thread state API.

The current thread state API doc, as you read it from top to bottom now, is in 
fact totally confusing for anyone who didn't develop Python himself :-)


Re: Multithreaded C API Python questions

2006-11-16 Thread robert
Svein Seldal wrote:

You seem to use the functions in very rude manner - wanting to force the GIL 
around at lowest level. 
Better forget the word GIL and think about acquiring and releasing Threads. 
For each thread wanting to execute Python stuff there has to be a thread state 
(ts). And then you have to enter/leave for executing Python by using the thread 

PyEval_InitThreads  enters Python (incl. the GIL) first time.
To let Python free in main thread do 
ts=PyEval_SaveThread()// or more easy: Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS 

to reenter Python do simply: 

PyEval_RestoreThread(ts)  // or: Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS 

Forget all the low level PyGIL... functions.

when you really want another c thread to enter Python first time with no thread 
state existing through Python itsel (better make the thread in Python with 
thread.start_new ?), then you have to do once

ts_cthread = PyThreadState_New(interp)

then enter Python in this thread:

PyEval_AcquireThread( ts_cthread ) 

to leave again:

PyEval_ReleaseThread( ts_cthread ) 

If you just loop the call_py_function_send() mainly in this thread  you  
probably better create the thread at all in Python and make the loop there. You 
probably stick too much to C-level at any price :-)   Probably you just do a 
PyRun_ in main thread and then everything else in Python, and expose 
C-parts for the thread-loop to Python as function (in other_py_inits) - where 
in the c-function you probably have the usual 
consuming/system/reenter-endangered message stuff.


 I think I've found the bug, but I need to confirm this behavior.
 My findings is that if you use PyEval_InitThreads(), it is crucial to 
 release the GIL with PyEval_ReleaseThread() afterwards.
 The API docs states that you can release the GIL with 
 PyEval_ReleaseLock() or PyEval_ReleaseThread() AFAICS. under docs of void 
 However, if I do use PyEval_ReleaseLock() it will crash shortly after 
 with Fatal Python error: ceval: tstate mix-up in a multithreaded C 
 If I use PyEval_ReleaseThread() to release the GIL, my app seems stable. 
 I release the GIL like this:
 PyThreadState *pts = PyGILState_GetThisThreadState();
 Now, is this a feature or expected behavior in python (i.e. unclear API 
 documentation), or is this a bug in python itself?
 For reference I did something like this in pseudo-code:
 other_py_inits();   // Load py modules, etc.
 PyEval_ReleaseLock();// -- MAKES THE APP UNSTABLE
 PyGILState_STATE gstate;
 gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();
 call_py_function_main();  // Py main() wont return
 And the main of the C thread function looks like this:
 PyGILState_STATE gstate;
 gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();

Re: Multithreaded C API Python questions

2006-11-16 Thread Svein Seldal
robert wrote:

 Forget all the low level PyGIL... functions.'

Quite the contrary, I would say!

 From the Py C API doc, I interpret the PyGIL... functions to be higher 
leveled than eg. PyEval_SaveThread(). I've checked into the source of 
python to find out what's really going on, and I've learnt a couple of 
interesting facts. The PyGIL... are helper functions build over the 
PyEval... functions, not the other way around.

A real beauty about the PyGILState_Ensure() is the fact that if it's 
called from a thread that is (yet) unknown to python, it will actually 
create the thread state object for you (with PyThreadState_New) and 
acquire the lock. Hence, I dont have to worry about the process of 
swapping thread states with PyEval_xxxThread() functions. I ONLY need to 
use PyGILState_Ensure() prior to any py-ops.

 From my previous post, I asked about the difference between 
PyEval_ReleaseLock() and PyEval_ReleaseThread() and I've found one major 
difference. Both release the GIL as the docs states, but the 
PyEval_ReleaseThread() saves the current thread state as well. When I 
used PyEval_ReleaseLock() this didnt happen, preventing proper saving of 
the current thread, causing py crash when control were handed back to 
this thread.

By using:

PyThreadState *pts = PyGILState_GetThisThreadState();

And for each py-op later on (from arbitrary thread):

PyGILState_STATE gstate;
gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();

Then you're home free. Everything related to threading is handled by 
Py/API itself.

 Probably you just do a PyRun_ in main thread and then everything 
 else in Python, and expose C-parts for the thread-loop to Python as 
 function (in other_py_inits) - where in the c-function you probably have 
 the usual Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS/Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS  bracket during 
 time consuming/system/reenter-endangered message stuff.

The app i'm building is a plugin to a server system, and I cant control 
nor remove any threads that the server uses. I am given one main thread 
to run python forever, and messages that are to be delivered into python 
are called from another.

I could do it like you propose: The data coming from my server will 
arrive into a c-function called by a server thread. The c-part of the 
thread-loop would then be run as another thread (started from  python). 
Its fully feasible, yet the challenge is to make proper data sync-ing 
between these two threads.

Well, I think I've achieved what I wanted. Python seems apparently 
stable, and reading from the python sources, I cant see any immediate 
reasons why it shouldn't.

Thanks for letting me closer to a working solution!


Re: Multithreaded C API Python questions

2006-11-14 Thread Svein Seldal

I think I've found the bug, but I need to confirm this behavior.

My findings is that if you use PyEval_InitThreads(), it is crucial to 
release the GIL with PyEval_ReleaseThread() afterwards.

The API docs states that you can release the GIL with 
PyEval_ReleaseLock() or PyEval_ReleaseThread() AFAICS. under docs of void 

However, if I do use PyEval_ReleaseLock() it will crash shortly after 
with Fatal Python error: ceval: tstate mix-up in a multithreaded C 

If I use PyEval_ReleaseThread() to release the GIL, my app seems stable. 
I release the GIL like this:

 PyThreadState *pts = PyGILState_GetThisThreadState();

Now, is this a feature or expected behavior in python (i.e. unclear API 
documentation), or is this a bug in python itself?



For reference I did something like this in pseudo-code:


 other_py_inits();   // Load py modules, etc.

 PyEval_ReleaseLock();// -- MAKES THE APP UNSTABLE


 PyGILState_STATE gstate;
 gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();

 call_py_function_main();  // Py main() wont return


And the main of the C thread function looks like this:
 PyGILState_STATE gstate;
 gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();



Multithreaded C API Python questions

2006-11-09 Thread Svein Seldal

A couple of mulithreaded C API python questions:

I) The PyGILState_Ensure() simply ensures python api call ability, it 
doesnt actually lock the GIL, right?

PyGILState_STATE gstate;
gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();

II) Am I required to lock the GIL prior to running any python functions 
(in a threaded app)?

PyThreadState *pts = PyGILState_GetThisThreadState();

III) Shouldn't the GIL be released after 100 bytecodes or so to enable 
other waiting threads to get the GIL?

I'm unable to get access to python as long as another python call is 
executing. The PyEval_AcquireThread() call blocks until the first call 
returns. I was hoping that the python system itself would release the 
GIL after some execution, but it itsnt.

I am dependent upon the ability to have to threads executing in python 
land at the same time. How can this be done?

Svein Seldal

Re: Multithreaded C API Python questions

2006-11-09 Thread robert
Svein Seldal wrote:
 A couple of mulithreaded C API python questions:
 I) The PyGILState_Ensure() simply ensures python api call ability, it 
 doesnt actually lock the GIL, right?
  PyGILState_STATE gstate;
 gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();
 II) Am I required to lock the GIL prior to running any python functions 
 (in a threaded app)?
 PyThreadState *pts = PyGILState_GetThisThreadState();
 III) Shouldn't the GIL be released after 100 bytecodes or so to enable 
 other waiting threads to get the GIL?
 I'm unable to get access to python as long as another python call is 
 executing. The PyEval_AcquireThread() call blocks until the first call 
 returns. I was hoping that the python system itself would release the 
 GIL after some execution, but it itsnt.
 I am dependent upon the ability to have to threads executing in python 
 land at the same time. How can this be done?

PyGILState_Ensure/Release guarantees to establish the GIL - even if it was 
already held (useful if you deal with complex call ordering/dependencies)

PyObject_CallObject(...) calls Python code. Thus the interpreter will 
switch and do as usuall during that.

In your/C/system... code  you are responsible to release the GIL or not to 
enable other Python threads (and prevent from deadlocks) 
Usually you'd do this 
* if you do time consuming C/system stuff
* or if the code can possibly renter Python through the system (e.g. when you 
call a Windows function which itself can create Windows messages to be routed 
back into Python message handlers)


Re: Multithreaded C API Python questions

2006-11-09 Thread Svein Seldal
robert wrote:
 PyGILState_Ensure/Release guarantees to establish the GIL - even if it 
 was already held (useful if you deal with complex call 

I understand this to mean that I dont need to explicitly lock the GIL 
(with PyEval_AcquireLock() or PyEval_AcquireThread()).

Well I cant figure out the PyGILState_Ensure() because if I only use 
this function to establish the GIL, when calling python, python will 
shortly after crash with Fatal Python error: ceval: tstate mix-up. 
This happens consistently when the main app and the extra thread has 
called python and both are busy executing python code.

 PyObject_CallObject(...) calls Python code. Thus the interpreter 
 will switch and do as usuall during that.

BTW What do you mean by switch?

 In your/C/system... code  you are responsible to release the GIL or not 
 to enable other Python threads (and prevent from deadlocks) Usually 
 you'd do this * if you do time consuming C/system stuff
 * or if the code can possibly renter Python through the system (e.g. 
 when you call a Windows function which itself can create Windows 
 messages to be routed back into Python message handlers)

The main problem is that not done this way, it's the other way around. 
My main C app will call a python function which will be a lengthy time 
consuming process.

The main C app will call python and it will never return from 
PyObject_CallObject(...), while the extra thread should call a py 
function to deliver occational messages into C.


Re: Multithreaded C API Python questions

2006-11-09 Thread Farshid Lashkari
Svein Seldal wrote:
 I'm unable to get access to python as long as another python call is 
 executing. The PyEval_AcquireThread() call blocks until the first call 
 returns. I was hoping that the python system itself would release the 
 GIL after some execution, but it itsnt.
 I am dependent upon the ability to have to threads executing in python 
 land at the same time. How can this be done?

Are you creating your threads through python or through C code? If you 
are only creating it through C code, then make sure you initialize the 
GIL with the following call at the beginning of your application:


 From my experience, calling PyGILState_Ensure() was enough. I didn't 
need to call any extra threading functions. But make sure that every 
call to PyGILState_Ensure() is matched with a call to PyGILState_Release()


Re: Multithreaded C API Python questions

2006-11-09 Thread robert
Svein Seldal wrote:
 robert wrote:
 PyGILState_Ensure/Release guarantees to establish the GIL - even if it 
 was already held (useful if you deal with complex call 
 I understand this to mean that I dont need to explicitly lock the GIL 
 (with PyEval_AcquireLock() or PyEval_AcquireThread()).
 Well I cant figure out the PyGILState_Ensure() because if I only use 
 this function to establish the GIL, when calling python, python will 
 shortly after crash with Fatal Python error: ceval: tstate mix-up. 
 This happens consistently when the main app and the extra thread has 
 called python and both are busy executing python code.

Do did't tell enough to see what you want to do on the big picture.

usually you create a thread through Python.
If you boot Python at all from C you have to do 
or maybe more simple use the high level layer PyRun_...

If you boot a new Python thread manually or a separated interpreter (with 
separated module state) from outside 
the you have to also do:

(PyInterpreterState* PyInterpreterState_New() ) 
PyThreadState* PyThreadState_New( PyInterpreterState *interp) 
void PyEval_AcquireThread( PyThreadState *tstate) 

If you are already in a Python thread but don't for some reason not know the 
current thread state:
PyThreadState* PyThreadState_Get( ) 
but usually you release with PyThreadState* PyEval_SaveThread( ) / 

 PyObject_CallObject(...) calls Python code. Thus the interpreter 
 will switch and do as usuall during that.
 BTW What do you mean by switch?

the automatic scheduling every sys.getcheckinterval() etc.. you mentioned
You'd only have to take care for that, if your C-code does things (e.g. calling 
python basic funcs) for a long time and doesn't release the lock with 

 The main problem is that not done this way, it's the other way around. 
 My main C app will call a python function which will be a lengthy time 
 consuming process.
 The main C app will call python and it will never return from 
 PyObject_CallObject(...), while the extra thread should call a py 
 function to deliver occational messages into C.

Maybe simply boot Python in the main thread (Py_Initialize( )) and run off 
Python possibly as simple as PyRun_String 
and let Python do thread.start_new(...)
You'd not have to worry much about states.

( and later you'd probably even more simple do python  and expose 
your C app as extension module :-) )



Re: Multithreaded C API Python questions

2006-11-09 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
Svein Seldal svein at seldal dot comwrote:
 I am dependent upon the ability to have to threads executing in python
 land at the same time. How can this be done?

call time.sleep(0.001) in each, as well as the main thread, to politely give the
rest a chance

Fiddle with the sleep times in your setup to get the best performance - and
don't be misled into thinking that faster is better - its not always true -
there comes a point where the overhead of swapping  a thread consumes the total
resource of the process, and no work gets done.


- Hendrik
