Hello All,

for several days I'm now trying to implement a Hw Shader Node using
the Python API.

Starting with the most basic node possible, I took RobTheBloke's
BasicHwShader and removed everything leaving just the color attribute
( see his c++ example here:

The problem occurs in the glGeometry method.
The call
        glFT.glDrawElements( prim, indexCount,
OpenMayaRender.MGL_UNSIGNED_INT, indexArray )
just crashes Maya.

You can view my python code here:

Does anyone have a clue how this could work? Any help is greatly
appreciated, thank you!

All the best, jan

PS: the glGeometry method also takes a pointer-to-pointer argument for
the normalArrays, i was also wondering if it's possible to acces that
with the MScriptUtil in some way??? getFloat4ArrayItem and
getFloatArrayItem doesn't work...

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