Ahh, I understand, it was a comman question.

I always use a program from Pixomedia to rescue bitmap files from any 
SD/CF/MMC. If not longer obtainable, I can supply a ZIP for this program. Just 
ask. It works very well.

As for "native" QL HD (Atari, Qx0, Miracle) there is no way, as TT did not 
supply any program for this. DRVCHK and DRVLNK are just to try to rersolve 
problems...but to be honest, they didn't.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Norman Dunbar

  He said:

  Sorry for the OT , about keeping backups there is still an incredible amount 
of people who think that hard drives are indestructible ( beyond the fact that 
making an accidental delete does not take much ) . I have a friend who has 
totally melted the HD of his laptop ( a seagate ) , I did some testing and over 
to smell of singed is not even seen by the BIOS . Do you know any laboratory 
that is capable , I suppose using an electronic functioning , retrieve data ( 
in particular this would be pictures ) ?

  Thank you

  Italian translation courtesy of ....

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  Google Translate

  On 3 August 2016 16:14:18 BST, "Ralf Reköndt" <ralf.rekoe...@t-online.de> 
Ok, I can read every word, but do not understand anything ;-)----- Original 
Message ----- From: Davide Scusate l'OT, a proposito di tenere i backup ci sono 
ancora una  incredibile quantità di persone che pensano che gli hard disk siano 
 indistruttibili (al di là del fatto che fare un delete accidentale non  
richiede molto). ho un amico a cui si è totalmente fuso l'HD del suo  portatile 
(un seagate), ho fatto qualche prova ed oltre a puzzare di  strinato non viene 
neanche visto dal BIOS. Conoscete qualche laboratorio  che sia in grado, 
suppongo utilizzando un elettronica funzionante,  recuperare dati (in 
particolare si tratterebbe di foto)? Grazie 
 QL-Users Mailing List 
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  Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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