Re: [ql-users] Using WMAN and EasyPTR

2003-01-17 Thread Marcel Kilgus

 There will be some more stuff, but that is still on the drawing board.
 Anyway, I will try to answer any questions anyone might have.
 Send it over please Marcel...

Can do, but mind you this is is still subject to change.

 BTW - have you had any more thoughts on a runtime QPC2??

No, sorry. In fact I completely forgot about it. Too much other stuff
going on right now, but I'll add it to my to-do queue.


Re: [ql-users] Using WMAN and EasyPTR

2003-01-14 Thread RWAPSoftware
In a message dated 15/01/03 00:13:03 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Well, apart from the sprite thing I posted yesterday there's currently
only the new colour definition and the system palette, for both I have
written some documentation you can use.

There will be some more stuff, but that is still on the drawing board.
Anyway, I will try to answer any questions anyone might have.

Send it over please Marcel...

BTW - have you had any more thoughts on a runtime QPC2??
Rich Mellor 
RWAP Software
35 Chantry Croft, Kinsley, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, WF9 5JH
TEL: 01977 610509

Re: [ql-users] Using WMAN and EasyPTR

2003-01-13 Thread RWAPSoftware
OK, I have tried to create a null pointer. However, can anyone please explain why the following code shows 2 pointers on screen:

7830 OUTL #1
7832 REMPT #1:REMark remove pointer
7840 REMPT #0
7860 REMark Set up Null pointer
7870 RESTORE 7940
7880 BlankPtrAdd = ALCHP(100)
7890 FOR i=0 TO 11:READ byte:POKE BlankPtrAdd+i,byte
7900 POKE_L BlankPtrAdd+12,BlankPtrAdd+24:REMark Colour Pattern Pointer
7910 POKE_L BlankPtrAdd+16,BlankPtrAdd+24:REMark Colour Pattern Mask Pointer
7920 POKE_L BlankPtrAdd+20,BlankPtrAdd+24:REMark Pointer to next definition
7930 SPRS #1,BlankPtrAdd
7940 Data 0, 0, 0, 0: REMark Form
7950 Data 0, 0, 0, 0: REMark Size(x And y)
7960 Data 0, 0, 0, 0: REMark origin
8330 op% = 16 + 8 + 1
8340 REPeat loop
8350 IF old_x1%x1% OR old_y1%y1%
8360 REMark Draw pointer, removing pointer from last position
8370 PIC_RESTORE pointer_PSA,#1,old_x1%,old_y1%
8380 pointer_PSA=PIC_STORE(#1,Pointer_Xsize,Pointer_Ysize,x1%,y1%)
8390 SCRSHOW_TRANSPARENCY Pointer_base,#1,x1%,y1%,Pointer_Xsize,Pointer_Ysize,Pointer_Background:old_x1%=x1%:old_y1%=y1%
8400 End If
8410 RDPT #1,op%,x1%,y1%,1
8420 Dim result%(15)
8430 PVAL #1,result%
8450 key_press = result%(5)
8460 SELect ON key_press
8470 =1
8480 REMark Left mouse click
8490 IF WindowButtons$(0)=""
8500 REMark We just want to return on a keypress
8510 KEY_UP
8520 RETurn -1
8530 Else
8540 REMark Check each button in turn
8550 For button = 0 To NumberOfButtons
8560 IF Button_Location(button,0)=1
8570 IF x1%=Button_Location(button,3) AND x1%=Button_Location(button,3)+Button_Location(button,1) AND y1%=Button_Location(button,4) AND y1%=Button_Location(button,4)+Button_Location(button,2):KEY_UP:RETurn button
8580 End If
8590 END FOR button
8600 End If
8610 End Select
8620 END REPeat loop
9000 Pointer_file$=Graphic_dir$'Pointer'dispmode%'_scr'
9010 Pointer_len=FLEN(\Pointer_file$)
9020 Pointer_base = ALCHP(Pointer_len)
9030 LBYTES Pointer_file$, Pointer_base
9040 Pointer_Background = PEEK_W(Pointer_base)
9050 END DEFine

(the LOAD_POINTER procedure loads a simple screen dump of a new pointer definition). I cannot simply replace the existing pointer definition as this will cock things up on the Aurora..

Your thoughts/ideas would be much appreciated...
Rich Mellor 
RWAP Software
35 Chantry Croft, Kinsley, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, WF9 5JH
TEL: 01977 610509

Re: [ql-users] Using WMAN and EasyPTR

2003-01-13 Thread Wolfgang Lenerz

On 13 Jan 2003, at 7:41, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK, I have tried to create a null pointer.  However, can anyone please 
 explain why the following code shows 2 pointers on screen:

As I don'thave easyptr, I can't really comment.

However, the sprite defintion seems  wrong to me

1 - the form should be
data 1,0,0,0
2 - , line 7920 should be:
7920 POKE_L BlankPtrAdd+20,0:REMark Pointer to next definition
(there is none)

3 - Im' not sure whether the size should be 0

try ti set it to 0,2,0,2

Here is a null sprite definition (in asm) I *Know* works:

sp4_vide; this is just an empty sprite
DC.L$,$   ; just a transparent sprite

I hope this helps


Re: [ql-users] Using WMAN and EasyPTR

2003-01-13 Thread Marcel Kilgus

 Yup, that works just fine - thankyou for pointing out the problems - I am not
 so sure what the form values mean and how these should be altered for GD2 

Well, in this case, not at all.

 can anyone enlighten me??

First byte:
  1 = QL mode, 2 = GD2
Second byte:
  QL: 0 = mode 4, 1 = mode 8
  GD2: mode number (32, 33, 64 etc)


Re: [ql-users] Using WMAN and EasyPTR

2003-01-13 Thread P Witte

Rich Mellor writes:

 OK, I have tried to create a null pointer.  However, can anyone please
 explain why the following code shows 2 pointers on screen:

 Your thoughts/ideas would be much appreciated...

Two pointers?! I couldnt properly run the code, so I cant really say.
However perhaps this null sprite definition may work better:

rem Set up Null pointer
BlankPtrAdd = alchp(32)
for i = 0 TO 30 step 2: read word: poke_w BlankPtrAdd + i, word
data $0100, $ :rem .w form, time/adaption
data $0001, $0001 :rem .w x size, y size
data $, $ :rem .w x origin, y origin
data 0, $000C:rem .l pointer to colour pattern
data 0, $0008:rem .l pointer to pattern mask
data 0, $:rem .l pointer to next definition
data $, $ :rem .w colour pattern
data $, $ :rem .w pattern mask

You shouldnt need to use REMPT before using this sprite. In an SBasic with
the standard windows try:

outl#0: cls
rem Set up Null pointer here, as above

sprs#1; BlankPtrAdd
x% = -1: y% = -1: tv% = 13
rdpt#1; tv%, x%, y%
print#0; tv%, x%, y%


[ql-users] Using WMAN and EasyPTR

2003-01-12 Thread RWAPSoftware
What is the best way of setting the mouse pointer to a blank pointer, so nothing appears on screen when the mouse is moved about.

I have tried REMPT from EasyPTR, but this does not appear to work that well - when you use RDPT to read the mouse position, you get flickering of the standard WMAN mouse pointer...

Rich Mellor 
RWAP Software
35 Chantry Croft, Kinsley, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, WF9 5JH
TEL: 01977 610509

Re: [ql-users] Using WMAN and EasyPTR

2003-01-12 Thread Bill Waugh

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2003 9:48 PM
Subject: [ql-users] Using WMAN and EasyPTR

 What is the best way of setting the mouse pointer to a blank pointer,
 nothing appears on screen when the mouse is moved about.

hows about some very dark glasses Rick (:-)

All the best - Bill

Re: [ql-users] Using WMAN and EasyPTR

2003-01-12 Thread P Witte

Rich Mellor  writes:

 What is the best way of setting the mouse pointer to a blank pointer, so
 nothing appears on screen when the mouse is moved about.

 I have tried REMPT from EasyPTR, but this does not appear to work that
well -
 when you use RDPT to read the mouse position, you get flickering of the
 standard WMAN mouse pointer...

Depending on the effect you wish to achieve, you could try fiddling with the
termination vector. Try

tv% = %10110100

as in

100 OUTL#0
110 tv% = %10110100
120 x% = 0: y% = 0: sw% =-1
130 REPeat
140 RPTR#0; x%, y%, tv%, sw%, xr%, yr%, t$
145 PRINT#0; x%, y%, tv%, sw%, xr%, yr%, t$
160 END REPeat

(Tested with Smsq/e 2.93 and 2f99)

When bit #7 is set in the termination vector a window request is
initiated - same as when you do a Move - so the sprite is active across all
windows. Terminate the operation with a HIT or a DO. If you just wanted
something local, you could try designing a null sprite instead, but I
havent tried this.
