On 1/3/2011 11:46 AM, Martin Burnicki wrote:
>> It's not quite clear what Arul was trying to achieve, but it looks like
>> he was trying to define a local refclock using both IPv4 and IPv6
>> terminology. It's easy to see how he may have come up with the ::1
>> address, since NTP is using what look like loopback addresses. All IPv4
>> addresses map to IPv6 ::1.
>> I don't know if :: (or ::7f7f:100) would work (I suppose it
>> should, if NTP has full IPv6 support).
> Those "special" 127.127.x.y addresses are somewhat sorted out when parsing
> the configuration options and treated in a special way. I'm not sure it
> would work, and I'm not even sure if it would be expected to work. Dave
> Mills, Dave Hart, and Danny, what's your opinion on using IPv6-style
> addresses to specify refclocks?

I know that this is a really late response, but my intention is to
replace the server line for refclocks with a refclock line with a number
or a name (like NMEA) as the first argument. Then we can get rid of
these IPv4-like addresses. They are not really addresses but it does
seem to confuse a lot of people.

Having a refclock line could also then be used to specify additional
things like fudge. etc. on the same line and make it clear what it's
referring to.

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